- Code:
[b]Character Name:[/b] (As would be written on a Village Roster or equivalent.)
[b]Village:[/b] (The Village your character is from. For Wanderers/Missing-nin place the Village/Nation/etc. that you reside in most frequently; this is your Home Base.)
[b]Village Rank:[/b] (IC Rank, not Class. Wanderers/Missing-nin will put N/A.)
[b]Character Class:[/b] (The power level of your character.)
[b]Last Topic:[/b] (Provide a link to the most recent topic this character was/is in. In order for this to count towards the AC, this must have been posted in by this character within 2 weeks of the beginning of the AC.)
[b]Restricted Ownership:[/b] (Provide names and links to the approvals for owning any Restricted or Limited Techs/Entities/Clan Slots/Artifacts/Minor Nations - if none put N/A)
[b]Restricted Approval:[/b] (Provide a link to the staff approved update of the obtained Restricted. If there is more than one, provide a link to each individual approval post.)
Copy the code above and post it filled out as a reply in this thread. If you have multiple characters please write them all in a single post, with one template per character. This makes it easier on staff when updating rosters and lists.
This check will last for two weeks, meaning it will end February 15th at 11:59 PM EST. Posts that are considered a pass must have been made between January 18th 2021 and February 15th 2022. Conditions are below:
- Crafting threads and solo posting do not count towards the Activity Checks.
- If you fail the activity check but you're active otherwise, you just lose any available alt slots and can't register any characters above D-Class or that take a Restricted or Limited Slot until the next Activity Check.
- If you fail and are inactive, you remain in a comatose state and lose any Restricted or Limited slots. These can only be regained if the slot is still open AND staff gives permission for it.
- If you're inactive but post in the activity check, the above rules apply. If that inactivity extends one week past the activity check (or whatever time remains on the inactivity counter if it's more than one week), then you will lose whatever limited slots you possess as discussed above.
- Wanderer slots are only available to players that have successfully passed one [1] Activity Check. Failing an Activity with a Wanderer will place the player of that character under an Alt Ban.
- Using the Character Storage system correctly will exempt players from failing an Activity Check for the stored character.
- All characters, including Wanderers and Missing Nin, must write down a location - this cannot simply say ‘wanderer’ etc.
- No character may list a ‘safe zone’ as their location (e.g. a Theater of War etc.).
- If proof is not given of ownership of any Restricted or Limiteds those slots will be declared OPEN at the end of the Activity Check, thereby freeing them up for others to claim. In the case of items, they will not be considered in the inventory of the character in question. Exceptions are granted at staff discretion for those that may be on absences. Exceptions cannot be granted without notice however. As always, any perceived abuse of this clause will be subject to staff review and may result in privileges being taken away, including but not limited to; an Alt Ban, Removal of Restricteds or Limiteds, other penalties as deemed appropriate.