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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō


    Village : N/A
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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Diana Thu Aug 19, 2021 1:07 am

    Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Vanrhux2-720

    Culture/Lore: Nue & Gozu Tennō

    Description: Nue (鵺, Nue) is a yōkai that was created by a secret society, designed to be the ultimate weapon that could take on even a Six-Paths Sage jinchuriki. Having been made with harvested Senju cells and able to feed on negative emotions & chakra, the beast has many abilities it can use against it's foes. While not originally of this world, with the recreation of the Gozu Tennō seal it has become summonable for those with the seal to use. It is unknown if the Nue & it's Seal holds more power lying dormant, and only time will tell if it evolves into a more stronger form.

    Normally, the Nue appears as a shapeless dark purple mass. However, Nue will take a tangible form that is reminiscent of a chimera while someone is in possession of the Gozu Tennō: it is large and has a monkey's head with large fangs and a white mane, a tanuki's body, a tiger's legs, a white snake for a tail and glowing yellow eyes. It can also appear as a chibi version of itself roughly the size of a house pet, the size of a large jungle cat, and the size of a lion.

    While seemingly a rampaging beast drawn to people of negative emotions, Nue is in fact extremely loyal to its original summoner. Despite the dark nature of its creation, it is filled with love towards said summoner, having come to view her as its parent after spending years being nurtured by them. Due to this loyalty new summoners must earn the Yokai's trust before they can draw upon the Yokai's full power.

    Unique Abilities:
    The Nue has a host of abilities that both it and it's master have access to. The user is able to use Dark release, Wood release, and gains the ability to sense negative emotions (user sensor range base, 500m control, 750m bond; base & control sensor exclusive). However both advanced elements are diluted, with dark release not being able to redeploy techniques the user doesn't have the element for, and wood release being 1 tier weaker in power, having lost it's passive advantage over bijuu as well.

    Chakra Access:
    The first thing Nue's Master will attempt when trying to gain better control over Nue is accessing its chakra. Being able to access Nue's chakra can be very beneficial to it's Master, as it only counts against Nue when used. The user is initially able to access Nue's Stamina (S) for one post out of a topic. With more usage, Nue begins to trust its Master's ability to effectively use its chakra and may allow increased opportunity to wield it, should the user display some level of aptitude. By spending 100 Experience posts, the user can increase this limit by 1 post to a maximum of 5 posts. With Control, this increases to 10 and no maximum when a Bond is formed.

    Chakra Recovery:
    If you somehow manage to actually use up all or most of Nue's Stamina, it will enter into a focused meditation devoted to regaining its reserves. This is a time when most of the yokai's power will be cut off from the host, preventing the use of many of Nue's abilities. Recovery occurs at a rate of 10% per post. During this time, any chakra absorbed is immediately absorbed into Nue's chakra pool to speed up it's recovery, including non-Nue techniques or UAs.

    Nue, being derived from Senju cells, has a natural healing factor that they can briefly impart onto their Master to keep them alive. This can be taxing on Nue as healing others was not what it was created for, but it can potentially heal all wounds, even those that no other technique might be able to. By dumping 25% of its reserves into the host, Nue can cause all non-lethal wounds to progressively recover over the course of a single post. By increasing that amount to 60%, all wounds will progressively recover over the course of a single post. Even holes in the body and destroyed organs will be regenerated in moments. Once Control is gained, Nue's Master will no longer need to wait for Nue to determine the threat of the situation, and can activate this ability at will.

    Nue Pseudo-Kata
    This is a state reminiscent of a Sage's Kata, as while it is not part of a Sage Mode nor senjutsu based, Nue's Senju connection to nature mixed with it's negative chakra creates a similar state. Nue can manifest a part of itself around the user, giving them snake-like arms that they can use to either enhance their own body, absorb a target's chakra through touch, or to act independently. Created of pure negative chakra the tendrils are visible to the naked eye, perceivable through any means of chakra detection (any rank), and dojutsu that are able to see chakra. The user starts with no Kata arms, paying 200 XP to permanently gain an additional arm for future use, up to 10 arms in total.

    Without using any techniques, these arms act like the Snake Sage's Kata; able to lash out at the user's will with an effective range of up to three meters each, unable to block attacks, move with a speed equal to the user's base Coordination andstrike with a strength equal to the user's base Strength. Unlike the Snake Kata, these tendrils have a constitution stat equal to their base Strength stat. Also, when the tendrils make contact with a target they can absorb 4 CP from the target into Nue (up to 40 CP per post in total, 4 CP per tendril per post), and once control is reached can be used to block or hold items, their constitution & strength now equal to the user's base stamina if it it higher then their base strength. If a tendril is destroyed when blocking, the user must wait 3 rounds before it reforms. Harmful energies absorbed, such as Tailed Beast chakra; Senjutsu; and Negative Chakra are turned into regular chakra for the recipient while the Pseudo-Kata is active as Nue's body filters it for safe use. This does not give Nue or the user immunity to being damaged by attacks using these harmful energies, it only protects them from techniques they absorb or chakra they drain.

    Nue may make use of this ability when summoned even is the user has not mastered it, and does not degrade the seal when summoned Nue uses it. When Nue is using the Pseudo-Kata as a summon though, the maximum Strength & Constitution of the arms can be based on either Nue's Strength or Stamina without needing to reach control, however once chosen it cannot be change for the remainder of the thread. If both Nue & it's master use this ability at the same time, they will each count as using a post, going through the post limit faster then normal. This Pseudo-Kata can be mastered at the cost of 500 Experience Points, which allows it to be activated at-will for the user; allows the user to make customs based on this ability; and allows the user to sense nature energy with the Sensing Technique while the Psuedo-Kata are active (this does not grant the sage mode restricted nor non-use sage). Pseudo-Kata has a post limit that extends like Chakra Access: 100 Experience per post, up to a 5 maximum, 10 with Control, and no maximum with a Bond. When control is gained the user may make use of the Pseudo-Kata's Chakra Drain using their own physical touch, even when Nue is recovering Chakra, and may choose to drain CP into their own pool as long as Nue is not recovering chakra.

    Nue Summoning:
    The user gains the ability to summon an aspect of the Nue in addition to their normal summoning abilities. Nue summons are split into 2 categories, Core & Custom. Core summons automatically come with this restricted with preset stats & techniques, and do not need the user to have the Kuchiyose skill to summon, but each rank must be unlocked with XP in order to summon them in the future. Custom summons require both the Kuchiyose skill and the relevant Core Nue summon rank unlocked if they wish to create & summon custom Nue. Any Nue summon, core or custom, does not count towards the summoning limit (excluding it's X-rank core summon, which limits the user to Nue being the only summon while active), acting as it's own independent being. No more then 1 Nue (core or custom) can be summoned at a time, and is exclusive the the Gozo Tennō owner.

    All Nue summons share the same Base S Stamina stat that does not count towards the summoning stat limit, but the summoned Nue shares it's CP pool with Chakra Access. The other 6 stats can be set as desired like any other summon. Nue has access to Dark Release, Wood Release, and a passive Negative Emotion Sensing (500m) as it's summonable skills, however, while the Core summons may access all three, any Custom Nue summons the user makes may only use one of the three abilities per individual summon registration due to an imperfection within the Gozu Tennō when it comes to altering Nue's form outside of it's preferred forms. Abilities and Jutsu used by Nue do not cause damage to the seal's durability, only the act of summoning it.

    Each Core Summon Rank costs 500 XP to unlock (250 XP if the user has Kuchiyose), and must be unlocked in ascending order of rank, from E to X. Once control is gained, for 1,000 XP Nue gains a B-rank version of Senju Regeneration as a passive for both it's summon & Tailed Beast Mode, with all of it's advantages & drawbacks (2 CP unavoidable payment). In addition, Nue is able to pay for it's own summoning cost to sustain itself once summoned, or pay to change it's shape to a different registered Nue Summon. At base, Nue can only sustain & change it's form for E-rank summons, up to C-rank with control, and up to A-rank with Bond. Finally, the Gozu Tennō's status as a summoning medium also lets the user slowly replace their own stamina with the Nue's Stamina the more they invest into Chakra access for the purposes of summoning. Starting at E stamina, for every 10 posts of chakra access they invest, they may pay a separate 400 XP (200 XP if the user has Kuchiyose) to raise the stat up a level, to a max of S stamina at 50 chakra access posts.

    Nue's Dimension:
    By using the Gozu Tennō: Gate technique, the user may access the Dimension Nue lives in. This place is similar to an underground cave system with seemingly no end. There are several swamps with trees similar to mangroves. These are connected to each other through a network of lianas and ropes' The water is drinkable and the plants can provide sustenance, and pockets of light from an unknown source above the trees keep the place lit. Nue's den is inside a large, hollow trunk bound with a shimenawa at the center of the dimension. In order to enter and exit the dimension, the user must create a gate with the Gozu Tennō. When entering the dimension the portal will open within 50m of Nue's den, chosen by the user. When the user is exiting the Dimension, the user can only create an exit point from the spot where they entered outside the dimension.

    While the user may enter before they reach control, doing so will initiate the control fight. Once control is reached Nue will ignore those who enter unless attacked, and at Bond will actively attack unwanted intruders. If Nue is not summoned, it will reside within the dimension at it's full X-class control fight potential.

    Tailed Beast Mode:
    While not a true tailed beast, the user and yokai can preform a similar enough technique to be given the same title. The user summons the essence of the yokai and combines with Nue, allowing the user to draw upon it's full power in tandem with the beast.

    Initial (0 Exp): Initial is almost identical to a combination summon, where the user special summons it's X-rank version and combines with Nue inside of it's body. -3 Tiers to all Nue's stats. Using this level requires the user to have Mastered Peudo-Kata and reached S-rank Nue Summoning. Control is not required to learn this level. For each post that this is used, 15 CP per post is deducted from Nue's chakra. If the user attempts to use this without mastering the previous forms, the transformation will fail completely. Nue's Pseudo-Kata may not be used in this form until Partial is unlocked.

    Partial (250 Exp): Now a considerable amount of Nue is beginning to project onto the transformation as the user becomes more accustomed to properly siphoning it's power. Only 2 Tiers are deducted from all of Nue's stats. Using the Partial costs 15 CP per post, however, and the user must have activated the Initial Mode at least ten different times over ten topics.

    Advanced (250 Exp): Only when the user has reached the Partial level and gained Control over Nue's chakra may the near full might of the creature be transmitted through this transformation. Just 1 Tier is reduced to all of Nue's stats. Advanced is set at 20 CP per post.

    Complete (250 Exp): After using the Advanced form a daunting twenty times over twenty different topics, the user will finally be able to use the full might of Nue, negating all reductions to the Yokai's stats when using Tailed Beast Mode. The costs are 25 CP per post. There isn't much to say about this level other than the user will now be a force of nature and something to be feared.

    Master (250 Exp): When the user has formed a Bond with Nue and has acquired the Complete form, the Master level is unlocked. This does not provide any increases to the power of Tailed Beast Mode, but it does allow for partial transformations that vary in size from the user's body to the Yokai's body. Any portion can be transformed and summoned at-will and, should the user have raised Peudo-Kata's Max Post count to 50, the altered part can also be comprised solely of negative chakra & the user may use Nue Summoning in this form. This drains 30 CP per post.

    Nue's Control/Bond:
    Whenever the user feels that they’ve reached a point in their journey that full manipulation of Nue's power is needed, they may challenge Nue in combat. This battle will take place in Nue's Dimension. During this battle, the user will have access to none of Nue's power and will be fighting the Yokai at full strength. Other players may join the battle, being able to assist for a maximum of 7 posts before they forcefully kicked out of the dimension. However, the true meaning of this battle is the drawing out of Nue's chakra and containing it within the host, a task that is left entirely to the user. The control fight for Nue follows the same rules as a Bijuu control fight, with Nue giving a -6 modifier due to it's denser chakra and home field advantage.

    Once all of Nue's chakra has been extracted, it's Master is now able to use the chakra freely. Nue's abilities will now deteriorate the seal at a slower rate, allowing more usage of yokai's chakra before the seal is broken.

    Like Bijuu, the maximum amount of experience the user can invest into Nue without having gained control is 3000 experience points. After that, they are required to fight the Nue and achieve control before they can be able to invest any further points and gain more abilities.

    In order to reach Bond, the use must have invested 3,500 XP into Nue. Once bond is reached, several more abilities open up in addition to the Gozu Tennō no longer degrading.

    The Gozu Tennō Seal

    The Gozu Tennō is similar to a bijuu seal, but instead of sealing the Nue inside the user, the seal instead acts as a gateway to connect the Nue & it's dimension to the user's soul. Unlike a Bijuu seal, the seal initially cannot be removed with normal techniques due to it's deeper connection, reforming on the user a few seconds after removal. As a cost to this deeper connection, the seal is also harmful to the user's lifespan, normally cutting it in half. In order to prevent an early death and to maintain the safety of the user, a secondary bijuu seal must be placed upon the user to stabilize the Gozu Tennō. The secondary seal follows the same rules as a Bijuu's seal, including it's durability, that they must be placed on the user IC, & the Auto E-rank seal if claimed through the Restricted Progression System.

    If the secondary (Bijuu) seal's life points are brought to 0 and the user did not reach 0 points from control fight mechanics (including escaping/being removed from the fight), hope is not lost and the Gozu Tennō becomes the primary seal, with 25 non-reinforceable points. Eight Trigrams Sealing Style's restoration does not take effect if used as the secondary seal as the user is not a jinchuriki. When the Gozu Tennō is in this state, the seal on the user's back is now vulnerable, losing it's ability to reform itself after permanent removal/destruction.

    Unique Ability: 1
    Chakra Access: 5
    Minor Healing: 10
    Major Healing: 20
    Peudo-Kata: 10
    Summoning: 2 per rank upon summoning/self-sustain payment
    Gozu Tennō Gate: 20
    Tailed Beast Mode: 30

    Gaining Control over Nue's chakra will allow the user to utilize it in a more secure manner, though because Nue does not fully trust the user, it's greater abilities are still harmful to the seal. Once Control is gained, the above point reduction values are all reduced by 5. Once a Bond is formed, Nue fully trusts the user and the seal no longer degrades from using it's abilities. As the user is (usually) reinforcing the secondary seal and not the Gozu Tennō, their Int must equal or surpass the Rank of the secondary Seal.

    Boosts, Stacking, & Other Information
    The Nue does not grant any unique boosts, making it unique compared to it's canon entities. This allows the user more flexibility for boosting as many of it's skills do not interfere with the user's chakra. When using Nue's Unique Abilities, Chakra Access, Healing, and/or Summoning, the user can use any booster desired. When using Pseudo-Kata, no boosters can be stacked initially, but once mastered they may use physical boosters (tai/buki/ken/kyu), and once they gain control they may use any booster. Nue's Tailed beast mode boosting works the same as a bijuu's, which does not allow any boosters that are not specifically designed to be used while in Tailed Beast Mode. The exception is at Master level, where the user may boost with non-Tailed Beast Mode boosts.

    If the Gozu Tennō & it's secondary Bijuu seal both reach 0 points, the user instantly dies, regardless of CON due to the seal's deep connection to the user's soul. Nue is NOT released unless a tech used on the user/seal specifically states that it releases the Nue. If Nue is killed when in it's Dimension, it immediately enters Chakra Recovery Mode as if it reached 0 CP. If it is killed as a summon no detrimental effects occur to the Nue.

    Like Bijuu, Nue can break the user out of a genjutsu, but also like a Bijuu it will only actively do so once Bond is reached. Unlike a Bijuu, Nue is not normally affected by genjutsu cast through the eyes that target the user (like the sharingan), as it resides in a separate dimension instead of being sealed inside the user's body. Nue is not immune to genjutsu though, and can be caught like any other creature. Nue can be caught in a genjutsu when summoned, if the user is using Gozu Tennō: Sight to look around, and both Nue & the user can be caught when Tailed Beast Mode is active as they share the same body during that time. If Nue is caught within a genjutsu, the user may not summon them until the genjutsu ends.

    Nue's Control fight deteriorates the Gozu Tennō seal at the same rate as a Bijuu control fight as well as it's drawbacks for prematurely ending the fight (1/round; 50 interrupt/escape & 4 week/months irl no access to the entity.)

    The user may not boost to X stats when using Nue's abilities.

    Nue's Stats:
    Strength: A
    Constitution: A+ (Tertiary)
    Stamina: S* (Primary)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B+
    Perception: S (Secondary)

    *Nue can absorb extra chakra as if it had an S++ Stamina pool, but will always start a thread/recover chakra up to S stamina. The Nue also has access to B-Rank Senju healing when in it's unsummoned form. The user or Nue cannot absorb chakra/harmful energies from themselves or each other, such as sage mode/curse seal/nature clan senjutsu. Also, while Nue is not a Bijuu, as it is an entity it can preform sealless jutsu.

    Name: Gozu Tennō
    Rank: S
    Power: X
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Contact
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Fuuininjutsu
    Classification: Restricted
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The sealing technique used to connet the Nue with the user. The seal acts as a way to bind & summon the Nue, as well as a way to act as a Gate to Nue's Dimension. The seal comes in two parts, one big permanent seal on the user's back, and another seal in the shape of an eye that temporarily forms when Nue's Dark Release is used. Attempting to destroy or forcibly undo the seal won't completely remove it, as the seal is bound to the user, instead recreating itself over and over again until either the seal degrades or the user is killed.
    Weaknesses: Like all seals it is vulnerable to eventual wear and tear. The seal may be reinforced over the course of the lifespan of the seal.

    Name: Gozu Tennō: Gate
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: 50m
    Speed: D; See Below
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Fuuininjutsu
    Classification: Restricted Derived
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Gozu Tennō
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user creates a spherical 'gate' in space-time that connects to Nue's Dimension, allowing them and any willing person they permit to enter and exit the dimension by going through the gate. The gate is black & purple in color, and is flat like Yomotsu Hirasaka. In addition to connecting to Nue's Dimension with Kishin, The gate has a secondary function similar to Yomotsu Hirasaka & the Kāma Rift, where the user can choose 2 'Wild Card' locations the gate's exit can open up to, except these locations must be a location the user has been to in person. 1 location is unlocked at control for 500 XP, and the second at Bond with a separate 1k XP investment.
    Weakness: This technique cannot warp external techniques into the portal. The techniques will fail to enter the dimensional portal altogether. Only items on the users person may enter, something they must be physically touching, or else the item will be rejected. The portal can be appear at maximum size, ten meters in radius, or it can be as small as a foot; big enough for a hand to enter. While the portal will move the air around it like a vortex, the portal has no notable force of attraction unless someone forces their way in, in which it will suck in items at B-strength. Moving through the portal takes about 5 seconds where they travel between the dimensions, and evading the portal is quite easy as it is stationary and slow to form. Those with Time-space jutsu such as Kamui, Yomotsu Hirasaka, and the Jōgan may pay 30 CP to use their jutsu to force their way into Nue's dimension if the gate is open and they are within 25m of the gate. Activating the technique takes time, taking 3 posts to charge up, however this charge time may be waved with consent of every player in the same way one trains jutsu in a thread.

    Name: Gozu Tennō: Sight
    Rank: E
    Power: E
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Contact
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Fuuininjutsu
    Classification: Restricted Derived
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Gozu Tennō
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A small but simple effect where the Gozu Tennō makes an eye seal on the user's body, allowing the Nue to see through it, then transfers the knowledge of what it sees to it's master. Good for for peeking around corners or to decide if Nue should summon itself.
    Weaknesses: The Nue can possible be caught in a dojutsu while active. Cannot be used while Nue is summoned.

    Name: Dark Reach
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: 0m-30m
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Meiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Restricted Derived
    Requirements: Psuedo-Kata Mastery
    Parent Technique: Gozu Tennō
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user extends the range of Nue's Psuedo-Kata arms, allowing them to grab onto far-away items, such as ledges the user cannot jump to or allies to pull them away from danger.
    Weakness: -

    Last edited by Diana on Tue Dec 14, 2021 6:33 pm; edited 59 times in total

    Diana, Crystalline Princess:

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 870
    Join date : 2020-06-21

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: A lot
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    Ryo: Enough

    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Diana Thu Aug 19, 2021 1:07 am

    Contract Name: Nue, the Demon Beast of the Gozu Tennō
    Type: Mythical Animal
    Specimen: Yokai
    Culture/Lore: {Insert Link to Nue Entity Here}
    Elements: Mokuton, Meiton
    Designated Skill: Negative Emotions Sensory (500m)
    Summoning Method: Nue may be summoned using the standard summoning method, or by creating a gate from Nue's Dimension directly to the user's location.
    Requirements: Gozu Tennō Seal
    Diluted Origin
    ➤Mokuton is -1 tier in power & has no advantage against Bijuu, Meiton cannot redeploy elements Nue does not have access to.
    Imperfect Summoning
    ➤Each Custom Nue summon may only have 1 of the three Elements/Skills listed above when registered; Core Nue summons may access all 3 Elements/Skills. (Chibi, Housepet, Jauguar, Panther, Lion, Chimera, Bijuu)
    ➤Only 1 Nue summon may be out at a time, and only 1 contract holder at a time. However, the Nue does not take up a summoning slot nor a contract slot for the user.
    Mythical Biology
    ➤Nue does not need to preform handseals for jutsu.
    Shared Chakra
    ➤All Nue summons have base S stamina before stat points are allocated, however Nue's CP pool is shared with Entity Nue's Chakra Access, including it's ability to hold up to an S++ amount of Chakra. Nue may also pay it's own summon upkeep depending on Rank & Entity Progress.
    Senju Regeneration (Diluted)
    ➤Nue has a passive B-rank Senju Regeneration for 2 CP per post. (Requires Control & 1,000 XP; CP payment is unavoidable like Senju)
    Catalyst Summoning
    ➤The contract holder does not require the Kuchiyose skill to summon the Core Nue summons.

    Core Nue Summons:

    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō U38ufu1262371

    Summon Name: Nue (Chibi)
    Rank: E
    Appearance: See above
    Element: Mokuton, Meiton
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Negative Emotions Sensory (500m)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: S
    Speed: E
    Coordination: D
    Intelligence: E
    Perception: E
    Techniques Known:
    ➤Arhat Fist

    Summon Name: Nue (Housepet)
    Rank: D
    Appearance: See above
    Element: Mokuton, Meiton
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Negative Emotions Sensory (500m)
    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: S
    Speed: D
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D
    Techniques Known:
    ➤Arhat Fist

    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Tumblr_inline_pojt8igOEo1rkbbeo_640

    Summon Name: Nue (Jaguar)
    Rank: C
    Appearance: See above
    Element: Mokuton, Meiton
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Negative Emotions Sensory (500m)
    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: S
    Speed: D
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: C
    Techniques Known:
    ➤Arhat Fist
    ➤Shatter Palm

    Summon Name: Nue (Panther)
    Rank: B
    Appearance: See above
    Element: Mokuton, Meiton
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Negative Emotions Sensory (500m)
    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: S
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: C
    Perception: B
    Techniques Known:
    ➤Arhat Fist
    ➤Shatter Palm
    ➤Wood Release: Smothering Binding Technique (Uses tail instead of arm)

    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Boruto__naruto_next_generation_the_nue_by_iennidesign_dbefmi5-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTUyIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNzY2MTIxMDYtOGFiYS00MDk3LTk2MTktYmFlZTQ0Y2MzYjVmXC9kYmVmbWk1LTgyMGFlMGQ1LWM0NjAtNDJmMy04OTUxLTIxOWM2MDhmMzczMi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19

    Summon Name: Nue (Lion)
    Rank: A
    Appearance: See above
    Element: Mokuton, Meiton
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Negative Emotions Sensory (500m)
    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: S
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B
    Techniques Known:
    ➤Arhat Fist
    ➤Shatter Palm
    ➤Wood Release: Smothering Binding Technique (Uses tail instead of arm)
    ➤Wood Release: Cutting Technique
    ➤Inhaling Maw

    Summon Name: Nue (Chimera)
    Rank: S
    Appearance: See above
    Element: Mokuton, Meiton
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Negative Emotions Sensory (500m)
    Strength: A
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: S
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: A
    Techniques Known:
    ➤Arhat Fist
    ➤Shatter Palm
    ➤Wood Release: Smothering Binding Technique (Uses tail instead of arm)
    ➤Wood Release: Cutting Technique
    ➤Inhaling Maw
    ➤Crushing Palm
    ➤Chakra Drain

    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Vanrhux2-720

    Summon Name: Nue (Bijuu)
    Rank: X
    Appearance: See above
    Element: Mokuton, Meiton
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Negative Emotions Sensory (500m)
    Strength: A
    Constitution: A+
    Stamina: S
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B+
    Perception: S
    Techniques Known:
    ➤Arhat Fist
    ➤Shatter Palm
    ➤Wood Release: Smothering Binding Technique (Uses tail instead of arm)
    ➤Wood Release: Cutting Technique
    ➤Inhaling Maw
    ➤Crushing Palm
    ➤Chakra Drain

    Last edited by Diana on Wed Nov 17, 2021 11:06 pm; edited 11 times in total

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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Diana Tue Sep 07, 2021 10:18 pm

    A quick and dirty summary of how the Nue/Gozu Tennō restricted works & synergizes with itself for easier reference for discussion. Will be deleted before approval

    Unique ability - Dark & Wood release, neg. emotion sense. Dark cannot deploy elements unless the user has them, Wood does not get a bonus against bijuu and is -1 tier in power. DOES NOT GRANT SENJU REGEN TO USER.

    Chakra access - temp. gian nue chakra, 100 xp cost to raise post count. 5 at base, 10 at control, no limit at bond. every 10 posts allows for the user to buy a summon post extender with XP in the Nue summoning ability

    Chakra recovery - Mostly same as bijuu with a few exceptions. User can use chakra drain ability of Pseudo-Kata, ANY drained chakra goes to nue while active, and Nue also enters Chakra recovery if killed in Nue dimension.

    Healing - Same a bijuu with higher costs; 25% chakra normal heal, 60% chakra fatal heal

    Nue Pseudo-Kata - gives snake sage kata with some differences. People can see kata like v1 bijuu. User must buy chakra snakes arms with 200 xp per arm, start 0 up to 10. arms can absorb 4 cp from a target per arm per post to nue CP pool (40 CP max per post). control lets arms block/hold stuff, str & Con now based on user stamina. if arm is broken, 3 rounds to reform. any energy absorbed while kata is on is safe for user now. Nue may use psuedo-kata without mastery or seal damage, base sta for str/con for nue is limited by rank. If user and Nue are both using psuedo-kata, take 2 posts off of countdown instead of 1. Mastery is 500 CP for custom techs & at-will activiation. 100 xp for post increase, 5 at base, 10 at control, no limit at bond. at control user may drain cp into their own cp pool instead unless nue is in CP recovery

    Nue Summon - User can summon nue. Nue does not take up 1 of the 6 summon slots or contract slot, only 1 nue summon at a time, summon exclusive to Gozu Tennō. Summon nue shares same CP pool as chakra access. All Nue summons have base S stamina, other stats have summon stat place limit. User does not need Kuchiyose to summon the 7 example Nue summons, Kuchiyose needed for custom Nue summons. Nue summon has Nin, Tai, Gen, Dark, Wood, neg. emotion sense as skills, can use Psuedo-kata. Can unlock weak senju B regen/2 CP for summon & Tailed beast mode at control for 1k xp. Each rank costs 500/250kuch xp to unlock, unlock allows for base & custom summons. Nue can pay cp for it's own upkeep depending on summon rank; E at base, C at control, A at bond. Nue can pay CP to change itself to a different summoned version of itself, no rank limit. Custom Nue summons limited to Dark, Wood, or Neg emotion sense instead of all 3. Gozu Tennō can replace user's base stamina stat for Nue's stat gradually every 10 chakra post increases for 400/200kuch xp, up to S at 50 posts. Nue stamina replacement only affects summon post length, does not grant stamina extra summon slot.

    Nue Dimension - Separate dimension where Nue lives. Those who enter will always appear within 50m of nue den, exit point in dimension can be activated anywhere. Exit portal appears on earth within 50m of where entrance portal was made. At base entering activates the control fight. Control has Nue be passive unless attacked, bond Nue will attack any unwanted intruders. If Nue is killed here he enters Chakra recovery, then respawn once recovered. Nue is not in dimension is summoned.

    Tailed Beast Mode: Mostly same as bijuu, but Psuedo-kata can be used once Partial is unlocked. TBM gets a passive senju B regen once unlocked through summon. Master's chakra form is gained with 50 kata posts unlocked instead of chakra mode mastery. TBM & Nue summon can be used at the same time once Master's Chakra form is reached.

    Control/bond Control fight started when entering Nue Dimension. Allies that last for 7 posts. Control Fight Works like normal Bijuu fight, with Nue giving a -3. Bond needs 3,500 XP to unlock. Bond works the same as Bijuu.

    The Gozu Tennō Seal - X-rank seal, needs Bijuu seal for stability (basically follow bijuu seal rules). Cannot be removed with normal techs, but bijuu seal can. If bijuu seal breaks Gozu becomes the seal with 25 points. Damage values in full desc.

    Boosts, Stacking, & Other Information - A lot of stuff, the main one is good enough. Stats were moved here.

    the techs
    Gozu Tennō - the seal itself. used to replace mikiri kama for dark release.
    Gozu Tennō: Gate - how to get into Nue Dimension, comes with wildcard locations the user has been to at control and bond. think of weaker version of the Yomotsu Hirasaka. Targets must be given permission to enter & be willing. takes 3 posts to charge, can be shortened with permission from other players in thread.
    Gozu Tennō: Sight - basically a fuin eye for Nue when not summoned.
    Dark Reach - Extends Psuedo-kata arms. based off that one scene from episode 56 of boruto

    Last edited by Diana on Fri Oct 15, 2021 2:31 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Mon Sep 27, 2021 1:11 pm

    Conceptually speaking, Nue itself holds all the power and the only ability it grants the user directly is some kind of V1 Dark Release Cloak. Therefore, the implication that it grants the user Wood Release/Dark Release etc needs to be taken out.

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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Wed Sep 29, 2021 5:22 am

    "Normally, the Nue appears as a shapeless dark purple mass." < - Can't be shapeless. It has to be in its regular form permanently.

    "These advanced element drawbacks can be overcome after bond is reached by finding the Mikiri/Senju clan leader and having them teach the user the intricacies of their elemental nature. (2,000 words & 1,000 XP each to finish unlocking the rest of the element after being taught, these costs cannot be reduced by perks or UAs)" <- Also Wood Release is automatically -1 Tier in Power. No opportunities to remove these drawbacks since you want both advanced KKG. The 2K words and 1K EXP and clan leader teaching session are required to learn any techs above B-Rank.

    "absorb chakra through touch" -> Can't absorb live techniques. Can absorb chakra through touch a la that one Sound dude from Chuunin Exams.

    "perceivable through any means of chakra detection (any rank)," -> No. Perceivable to the naked eye and any means of chakra detection.

    "Harmful energies absorbed, such as Tailed Beast chakra; Senjutsu; and Negative Chakra are filtered into regular chakra for the recipient while the Pseudo-Kata is active, as while Nue is immune to the harmful side effects of absorbing them, the user is (generally) not." <- No immunity to Senjutsu energies or "Negative Chakra"

    "Techniques using these arms may boost using Taijutsu's Primary/Secondary boosts, even if the jutsu the skill used would normally would not be able to within reason. These technique boosts are treated as regular boosts, not unique boosts." < - Denied.

    Nue has access to Dark Release, Wood Release, and a passive Negative Emotion Sensing (500m) as it's summonable skills. Abilities and Jutsu used by Nue do not cause damage to the seal's durability, only the act of summoning it. <- For the summons, I'd only feel comfortable if ONE Nue Summon was capable of using any of these three abilities at a given time.

    "Nue Dimension" <- Denied. You can have it as a flavor thing for a Control fight but note that it will make interrupting the fight in the event of a loss impossible.

    Tailed Beast Mode -> Will come back to you on this. Given the unique nature of this Restricted, I'll need to give this some thought once we hammer everything else out.

    "The user MAY boost to X when using Nue's abilities (except for Tailed Beast Mode, stats for that ability are capped at S++) once bond is reached." <- Nope.

    That might be enough for now. I imagine some of these comments may change how you wish to formulate things so I'll leave it at that and we can pick up from your responses/edits.

    "Abilities and Jutsu used by Nue do not cause damage to the seal's durability, only the act of summoning it." <- Don't think this is fair as I'm pretty sure jinchuu have to pay for their unique abilities but I'm persuadable on this point.


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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Diana Wed Sep 29, 2021 10:53 am

    "Normally, the Nue appears as a shapeless dark purple mass." < - Can't be shapeless. It has to be in its regular form permanently.
    I will make a note saying that for the purposes of the restricted it will stay shaped except when using a specific ability that morphs Nue's form. That is a part is more lore flavor text as that's what it's canonical true form is.

    "These advanced element drawbacks can be overcome after bond is reached by finding the Mikiri/Senju clan leader and having them teach the user the intricacies of their elemental nature. (2,000 words & 1,000 XP each to finish unlocking the rest of the element after being taught, these costs cannot be reduced by perks or UAs)" <- Also Wood Release is automatically -1 Tier in Power. No opportunities to remove these drawbacks since you want both advanced KKG. The 2K words and 1K EXP and clan leader teaching session are required to learn any techs above B-Rank.
    Why the power reduction & B-rank limit? is it just for the user? the Nue? I am fine not being able to remove the drawbacks but those 2 extra drawbacks do not make sense to me.

    "absorb chakra through touch" -> Can't absorb live techniques. Can absorb chakra through touch a la that one Sound dude from Chuunin Exams.
    That was the intent, will be clarified in the next iteration. I had to look up the sound guy and his name was Jirōbō Yoroi

    "perceivable through any means of chakra detection (any rank)," -> No. Perceivable to the naked eye and any means of chakra detection.
     I am fine with changing it as you said it 'is some kind of V1 Dark Release Cloak', though i had tried to make it a fair mix of snake kata's unseeable-ness with V1 by making it perceivable at A perception

    "Harmful energies absorbed, such as Tailed Beast chakra; Senjutsu; and Negative Chakra are filtered into regular chakra for the recipient while the Pseudo-Kata is active, as while Nue is immune to the harmful side effects of absorbing them, the user is (generally) not." <- No immunity to Senjutsu energies or "Negative Chakra"
    Nue was made to take on Naruto with chakra absorption, who at the time was using both sage & bijuu powers. The only immunity comes from absorbing the energy, if nue is punched in the face with a frog or snake kata, nue is still hurt by the kata. The user never gains proper immunity to any harmful energies as they are neither (in a vacuum) a sage nor jinchuu.

    "Techniques using these arms may boost using Taijutsu's Primary/Secondary boosts, even if the jutsu the skill used would normally would not be able to within reason. These technique boosts are treated as regular boosts, not unique boosts." < - Denied.
    Clarification Please as to the decision. While I still want this, I am on the fence.

    Nue has access to Dark Release, Wood Release, and a passive Negative Emotion Sensing (500m) as it's summonable skills. Abilities and Jutsu used by Nue do not cause damage to the seal's durability, only the act of summoning it. <- For the summons, I'd only feel comfortable if ONE Nue Summon was capable of using any of these three abilities at a given time.
    I am fine with that if the custom summons are limited it that way, but not the starting ones; especially the X summon

    "Nue Dimension" <- Denied. You can have it as a flavor thing for a Control fight but note that it will make interrupting the fight in the event of a loss impossible.
    Not budging on this one overall. I am fine with changing parts of it, but this is one of the 2 reasons why I chose Nue, the other being it's twin elements. Also flavor causing a noticeable mechanical effect no longer makes it flavor. (though I am fine adding that restriction)

    Tailed Beast Mode -> Will come back to you on this. Given the unique nature of this Restricted, I'll need to give this some thought once we hammer everything else out.

    "The user MAY boost to X when using Nue's abilities (except for Tailed Beast Mode, stats for that ability are capped at S++) once bond is reached." <- Nope.
    Fine with limiting, but I'd like to know why as I could not find a rule stating entities couldn't boost to X while using their abilities, only Jinchurikki.

    "Abilities and Jutsu used by Nue do not cause damage to the seal's durability, only the act of summoning it." <- Don't think this is fair as I'm pretty sure jinchuu have to pay for their unique abilities but I'm persuadable on this point.
    User is paying for the summoning, and user is not a jinchuu

    Diana, Crystalline Princess:
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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Fri Oct 01, 2021 2:43 pm

    Diana wrote:
    "Normally, the Nue appears as a shapeless dark purple mass." < - Can't be shapeless. It has to be in its regular form permanently.
    I will make a note saying that for the purposes of the restricted it will stay shaped except when using a specific ability that morphs Nue's form. That is a part is more lore flavor text as that's what it's canonical true form is.

    "These advanced element drawbacks can be overcome after bond is reached by finding the Mikiri/Senju clan leader and having them teach the user the intricacies of their elemental nature. (2,000 words & 1,000 XP each to finish unlocking the rest of the element after being taught, these costs cannot be reduced by perks or UAs)" <- Also Wood Release is automatically -1 Tier in Power. No opportunities to remove these drawbacks since you want both advanced KKG. The 2K words and 1K EXP and clan leader teaching session are required to learn any techs above B-Rank.
    Why the power reduction & B-rank limit? is it just for the user? the Nue? I am fine not being able to remove the drawbacks but those 2 extra drawbacks do not make sense to me.

    Having two Advanced Elements (two rather strong ones at that). Will necessitate some drawbacks. Most Bijuu (which this is being balanced of off of) only grant one.

    That was the intent, will be clarified in the next iteration. I had to look up the sound guy and his name was Jirōbō Yoroi

    Wonderful. Write that in the text.

    I am fine with changing it as you said it 'is some kind of V1 Dark Release Cloak', though i had tried to make it a fair mix of snake kata's unseeable-ness with V1 by making it perceivable at A perception

    That Perception level is too high then.

    Nue was made to take on Naruto with chakra absorption, who at the time was using both sage & bijuu powers. The only immunity comes from absorbing the energy, if nue is punched in the face with a frog or snake kata, nue is still hurt by the kata. The user never gains proper immunity to any harmful energies as they are neither (in a vacuum) a sage nor jinchuu.

    Fair enough, edit that in and make that clear.

    Clarification Please as to the decision. While I still want this, I am on the fence.

    Tentacles aren't a part of your body per se so I'm not comfortable with them being boosted in that way. I suppose I might allow boosters specifically tailored for this technique but certainly not just any Taijutsu booster you happen to have active.

    I am fine with that if the custom summons are limited it that way, but not the starting ones; especially the X summon

    Okay, I'm willing to be flexible on this point. Put that in and let's see how that looks.

    Not budging on this one overall. I am fine with changing parts of it, but this is one of the 2 reasons why I chose Nue, the other being it's twin elements. Also flavor causing a noticeable mechanical effect no longer makes it flavor. (though I am fine adding that restriction)

    Okay, I'm willing to relent on this point as well but just so you and anybody else understands. I'm wary of allowing too many teleportation techniques into the game. I generally was going to allow a single custom teleportation restricted technique but that would be too hard to track so I will allow this ability to exist with Nue. But I'm not keen on future teleportation abilities. We might allow Sasuke Eye-Switcheroo but other than that I doubt there will be any others.

    If you are going to allow it. I'd like to see the following for starters:

    1. Needs a charge time of three posts.
    2. The people you take with you need to be willing.

    Fine with limiting, but I'd like to know why as I could not find a rule stating entities couldn't boost to X while using their abilities, only Jinchurikki.

    Its balanced off of Bijuu since its an Entity Restricted. Most entity restricteds have the same restriction and are balanced/evaluated/adjudicated in light of how Bijuu are designed according to the clarification we made in July

    "Abilities and Jutsu used by Nue do not cause damage to the seal's durability, only the act of summoning it." <- Don't think this is fair as I'm pretty sure jinchuu have to pay for their unique abilities but I'm persuadable on this point.
    User is paying for the summoning, and user is not a jinchuu

    See above.

    So this has none of the drawbacks associated with Bijuu? Does it have any drawbacks except for the experience costs?

    "The user may change Wild Card locations in their updates for either 1,000 XP" <- Wild Card Slots for this teleportation jutsu are  permanent.

    then transfer said knowledge to it's master. <- The knowledge of what they're seeing?

    Summons look fine. So these are all the techniques Nue can use? Was your intention that his scope of jutsu would be limited like a summon whereas Diana would be able to use those elements freely?


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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Diana Mon Oct 04, 2021 2:14 pm

    Updated the Nue/Gozu Tennō entity. Changes have been made, important notes

    Nue description more clear about how it's forced into solid shape by the seal

    Wood release now has the -1 power modifier. I believe the B-rank learning limitation is too severe.

    Psuedo-kata target touch chakra absorb has been clarified

    Removed perception requirement after rewatching boruto episodes, others can clearly see the snakes even if they don't have sensory/dojutsu.

    Clarified Psuedo-kata immunity to dangerous energy as limited to only absorbing said energy.

    Removed Psuedo-Kata techs being able to use tai boosting as, to poorly quote Kimiko: "You somehow wrote it in a way that was interpreted as the opposite of what you intended." I'd like to look into the specifically tailored tech boosting later as that was the intent, but for now that can be on the backburner

    Added custom summon reg element/skill limitation as requested. (more in direct responses)

    Added Gate post & willing target limitation (noted in the Gate tech)

    Made it so user cannot boost to X when using Nue abilities.

    Summoned Nue abilities still do not affect seal durability. (more in direct responses)

    Removed ability to change gate wild cards & added gate charge time/willing target limitation. Gate tech can be shortened with other player's in thread permission in the same way one needs permission to learn jutsu in a thread with others.

    Clarified Sight tech

    Added a tech based off of This Image. It's gonna need some work still but that's very low priority.

    Made the Nue summons post look more like a summon registration (more in direct responses)

    Okay, now the direct responses

    So this has none of the drawbacks associated with Bijuu? Does it have any drawbacks except for the experience costs?
    Honestly? Some yes, some no, the rest i have no idea.
    What I do know: The Gozu Tennō has been shown in the show to be destroyed and yet somehow remain. If that means it needs to work more like the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style, I'm not against it, but I'm that of what I've seen in canon best I can. A drawback I can for sure point to is that even with base S Con, you will instantly die from the seal breaking, unlike a Bijuu where if they have just base B con they could theoretically survive. As for Nue not being released upon seal death, that's because they aren't in the user, the seal is a medium to channel their power/summon them as Nue themselves are in another dimension.
    What I do not know: Can a bijuu seal be unsealed by the Five Elements Unseal? If not what can unseal it? Does unsealing count as breaking the seal? Can a fuin tech be made to damage an entity seal instead of instantly destroy it? Should I add it where unseal temporarily removes entity use for 5 posts & does 20 seal damage for balance if the reviving seal stays? What do you consider drawbacks?

    There's also the whole Bijuu fight & seal discussion that makes this a bit trickier to go over as if the suggestion goes through this will need reworking due to the Seal being intrinsically linked to Nue.

    Summons look fine. So these are all the techniques Nue can use? Was your intention that his scope of jutsu would be limited like a summon whereas Diana would be able to use those elements freely?
    The (more later) section is here, and it has a good chunk of stuff.
    Nue the entity can use Nin/Tai/Gen(?)/Wood/Dark/Nsense just like a player would (including the unique ability limitations), but Nue the summon is limited by their techs per summon limit. A custom Nue summon reg could, as an example, use Nativity of a World of Trees; Disturbance; and Body elimination if Diana knew those techs (not wood golem tho cuz restricted & senju clan head limited), but as those 7 summons listed can be used, even by someone w/out the summon skill, I limited them to what I could find in the show as best as i could. (this is why I agreed with limiting the custom summons to 1 of the 3 related skills but not the 'canon' ones) That is also why Nue does not cause seal duravility, the Nue summon ability is just that. Summoning Nue. It is not like Chakra Mode Mastery where you pay a separate upkeep to create a chakra bijuu, it's a summon that stays out for several posts, then poof. Also regarding Bijuu, do they have to make hand seals, or can they naturally do sealless jutsu? Cuz I'm not sure how to have Nue do seal jutsu.

    tl;dr I fully expect a Nue control fight to be blasting the user with the Kanzeon Lotus King

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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Fri Oct 15, 2021 6:22 am

    . Also regarding Bijuu, do they have to make hand seals, or can they naturally do sealless jutsu? Cuz I'm not sure how to have Nue do seal jutsu.

    *^ Naturally do sealless jutsu.

    Now that Control Fight Rules have been formally changed, please revise and I will check again.


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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Diana Fri Oct 15, 2021 2:47 pm

    Changes made, control fight reflects new rules. Things of note:

    Removed 3 ally limitation as that would only give a +9 max

    Nue gives a -3 penalty to the fight.

    Made the Gozu Tennō act as a failsafe (like Eight trigrams Sealing Style but 25 instead of 500) where the user now needs a Bijuu seal, but if bijuu seal is broken in some way the Gozu Tennō kicks in as backup seal. This also brings up a question regarding seals that may be very important, in more detail below.

    Moved stats to other info

    Added that the user having Sage Mode/Curse Seal/Nature Clan or similar 'harmful energy' generator will not let you generate theoretically more infinite chakra in a thread then what a bijuu normally gives you by absorbing your own senjutsu energy. While a fun idea, no.

    Made it clear Nue doesn't need to make handseals for jutsu.

    Okay the big question:
    When going through Eight Trigrams Sealing Style I saw in the weakness this sentence:
    After the one time replenishment that restores it back to 500, the Eight Trigrams Seal will not be able to be reinforced and must be reapplied entirely should the Jinchuuriki require it.
    Does this mean that a person can replace a seal on a person instead of reinforcing it? Could I be cheeky and place an E-rank seal on an S-rank seal, replacing it? or would i have to place the E, remove the S and watch as the grief sets in as their 500 goes down to 25? is the reverse allowed where an E seal can be replaced by an S seal? Does this prevent jinchuu death if the user has their bijuu resealed inside them before they die from CON death? I bring this up as if this feels like an accidental rules oversight that could allow for an 'infinite' seal life, but also it would affect how I go forward with the Nue's Gozu Tennō/secondary Bijuu Seal rules, mainly in that if a seal CAN be reapplied, I plan to make a debuff where if the secondary fails the user is limited to only C summons until they reapply a new seal.

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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Mon Oct 18, 2021 1:50 pm

    However both advanced elements are diluted, with dark release not being able to redeploy techniques the user doesn't have the element for, and wood release not being 1 tier weaker in power, having lost it's passive advantage over bijuu as well

    Is this a typo?

    move with a speed equal to the user's base Coordination and strike with a strength equal to the user's base Strength.

    I assume Con is equal to user's base Strength? If so, please put that in.

    In addition, Nue is able to use it's own CP to sustain & modify it's summoning without taking posts away from chakra access depending on how close the use is to Bond. Nue can self-sustain E-rank at base, up to C-rank with control, and up to A-rank with Bond. The Gozu Tennō's status as a summoning medium also lets the user slowly replace their own stamina with the Nue's Stamina the more they invest into Chakra access for the purposes of summoning. Starting at E stamina, for every 10 posts of chakra access they invest, they may pay a separate 400 XP (200 XP if the user has Kuchiyose) to raise the stat up a level, to a max of S stamina at 50 chakra access posts.

    I'm sorry but I don't understand this at all.

    When the user is exiting the Dimension, the user can only create an exit point from within 50m of where they entered outside the dimension.

    Has to be the exit spot from where they left.

    Control - I'd rather a -6 modifier for this Entity.

    Like Bijuu, Nue can break the user out of a genjutsu, but is not affected by Dojutsu Genjutsu that the user sees as it resides in a separate dimension instead of being sealed inside the user's body. It can however be caught if it is using Gozu Tennō: Sight to look around. If Nue is caught within a genjutsu the user may not summon them until the genjutsu ends.

    This should be identical to Bijuu rules where they only release your from Genjutsu if you have achieved Bond.

    Also just so I understand this conceptually it sounds like there are three tiers of summoning for this Entity:

    1. The Base Summons: Which you have listed out

    2. Custom Summons: Which you have yet to create but I assume are spawns of the base summons?

    3. Tailed Beast Mode: Basically the traditional Bijuu concept where the user transforms into their Beasts Kaijuu version.

    I think I asked this before but I assume all three tiers have a finite amount of jutsu they can use as per the standard summoning rules.

    I think it basically grants two seals in one. I'm not sure I agree with the re-application portion of the weakness because as I understand it, once you burn through your seal (or in the case of Eight Tragrams: "seals") then you're done. You don't get to re-apply another seal or that would kinda defeat the purpose of the drawback. So I think we may have to edit that sentence to clarify that.


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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Diana Mon Oct 18, 2021 2:48 pm

    However both advanced elements are diluted, with dark release not being able to redeploy techniques the user doesn't have the element for, and wood release not being 1 tier weaker in power, having lost it's passive advantage over bijuu as well

    Is this a typo?
    It was. fixed

    move with a speed equal to the user's base Coordination and strike with a strength equal to the user's base Strength.

    I assume Con is equal to user's base Strength? If so, please put that in.
    Equal to user's base Con or stamina once control is reached. before that it doesn't have a con stat as it follows the snake Kata rules in regards to it's CON before control is reached, which as far as I can tell do not have a Con stat. if snake kata does have a CON stat I will make sure to add that in.

    In addition, Nue is able to use it's own CP to sustain & modify it's summoning without taking posts away from chakra access depending on how close the use is to Bond. Nue can self-sustain E-rank at base, up to C-rank with control, and up to A-rank with Bond. The Gozu Tennō's status as a summoning medium also lets the user slowly replace their own stamina with the Nue's Stamina the more they invest into Chakra access  for the purposes of summoning. Starting at E stamina, for every 10 posts of chakra access they invest, they may pay a separate 400 XP (200 XP if the user has Kuchiyose) to raise the stat up a level, to a max of S stamina at 50 chakra access posts.

    I'm sorry but I don't understand this at all.
    Okay, so that's 3 different thing, though I've modified it to try and make more sense. The 1st is that Nue can pay for it's own summoning ONCE ALREADY SUMMONED when the post timer runs out to keep it out depending on both the Nue summon's rank & the user's base/control/bond level. the second is Nue being able to pay CP to change itself to a different Nue summon registration without needing to unsummon/resummon, now linked to the same limits as the summon self-sustain. the third is being able to (eventually) use Nue's stamina instead of your own for summon duration and ONLY summon duration, and you gotta work up to it. If you want to have the extra summons for S/X rank stamina, you have to get that through the normal way.

    When the user is exiting the Dimension, the user can only create an exit point from within 50m of where they entered outside the dimension.

    Has to be the exit spot from where they left.

    Fixed. is there a precedent if something is blocking the exit point for space-time techniques, like a landslide covering the exit point before the point opens? does the tech relocate them? do they teleport into the ground and insta-die?

    Control - I'd rather a -6 modifier for this Entity.
    Fine with me; added

    Like Bijuu, Nue can break the user out of a genjutsu, but is not affected by Dojutsu Genjutsu that the user sees as it resides in a separate dimension instead of being sealed inside the user's body. It can however be caught if it is using Gozu Tennō: Sight to look around. If Nue is caught within a genjutsu the user may not summon them until the genjutsu ends.

    This should be identical to Bijuu rules where they only release your from Genjutsu if you have achieved Bond.
    Clarified to be identical to bijuu.

    Also just so I understand this conceptually it sounds like there are three tiers of summoning for this Entity:

    1. The Base Summons: Which you have listed out

    2. Custom Summons: Which you have yet to create but I assume are spawns of the base summons?

    3. Tailed Beast Mode: Basically the traditional Bijuu concept where the user transforms into their Beasts Kaijuu version.

    I think I asked this before but I assume all three tiers have a finite amount of jutsu they can use as per the standard summoning rules.
    Almost. The base can access Dark, Wood, & Neg sensory but are limited to those 7 as they are the closest 'canon' summons I make. Custom are registered by the summoner like any other (including the need for the summoning skill to register/summon B-rank & above), but can have only one of the 3 unique abilities to offset their ability to have any dark/wood/other tech on them. Tailed Beast Mode's techniques are not finite and can use any of the three skills & their techniques in the same way a normal TBM works. The only reason TBM is listed as a special summon and not a recreation/transformation is because of how it was shown in canon.

    I think it basically grants two seals in one. I'm not sure I agree with the re-application portion of the weakness because as I understand it, once you burn through your seal (or in the case of Eight Tragrams: "seals") then you're done. You don't get to re-apply another seal or that would kinda defeat the purpose of the drawback. So I think we may have to edit that sentence to clarify that.
    I'll leave that you you guys, we can discuss the Nue seal more once that's figured out as that'll change how I reword the Nue seal.

    Diana, Crystalline Princess:
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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Chen Kimyōnakama Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:58 pm

    Equal to user's base Con or stamina once control is reached. before that it doesn't have a con stat as it follows the snake Kata rules in regards to it's CON before control is reached, which as far as I can tell do not have a Con stat. if snake kata does have a CON stat I will make sure to add that in.

    This can't have the same abilities of Snake Kata so please write in that its Con is equal to the user's base Strength.

    The 1st is that Nue can pay for it's own summoning ONCE ALREADY SUMMONED when the post timer runs out to keep it out depending on both the Nue summon's rank & the user's base/control/bond level.

    the third is being able to (eventually) use Nue's stamina instead of your own for summon duration and ONLY summon duration, and you gotta work up to it. If you want to have the extra summons for S/X rank stamina, you have to get that through the normal way.

    These two things seem to be the exact same so I'm not sure I understand the significance.

    Fixed. is there a precedent if something is blocking the exit point for space-time techniques, like a landslide covering the exit point before the point opens? does the tech relocate them? do they teleport into the ground and insta-die?

    I think this entirely depends on the Space-Time jutsu in question. For example, if you had a FTG tag and someone encased it in a block of ice I think if you teleported to that tag you'd be incased as well and depending on your Constitution you might very well die as a result. Because this is opening up a portal I might be inclined to view it differently though. I still think you are obligated to go back to the same spot, now if something is spatially blocking your return then you can devise a clause to handle that scenario so long as its more reasonable than just 50 meters from the spot where you were previously.

    Everything else looks good for now, I'll adjust Eight Trigrams and then you can alter your seal. Once you do that, I'll review again.

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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Diana Wed Oct 20, 2021 11:24 am

    Equal to user's base Con or stamina once control is reached. before that it doesn't have a con stat as it follows the snake Kata rules in regards to it's CON before control is reached, which as far as I can tell do not have a Con stat. if snake kata does have a CON stat I will make sure to add that in.

    This can't have the same abilities of Snake Kata so please write in that its Con is equal to the user's base Strength.
    Psuedo-kata now has a CON at base.

    The 1st is that Nue can pay for it's own summoning ONCE ALREADY SUMMONED when the post timer runs out to keep it out depending on both the Nue summon's rank & the user's base/control/bond level.

    the third is being able to (eventually) use Nue's stamina instead of your own for summon duration and ONLY summon duration, and you gotta work up to it. If you want to have the extra summons for S/X rank stamina, you have to get that through the normal way.

    These two things seem to be the exact same so I'm not sure I understand the significance.

    The 1st is Nue being able to pay for it's own summon upkeep with it's CP (which is shared with chakra access) instead of the user paying for the upkeep with their CP. (Speaking of the 1st one, do summons poof when the summoner is KO'd, or do they stay out until their timer runs out?)

    The 3rd is being able to extend the summon duration between CP upkeep payments from whatever the user's stamina is to Nue stamina, however reaching that will take 6,000-7,000 XP.

    Fixed. is there a precedent if something is blocking the exit point for space-time techniques, like a landslide covering the exit point before the point opens? does the tech relocate them? do they teleport into the ground and insta-die?

    I think this entirely depends on the Space-Time jutsu in question. For example, if you had a FTG tag and someone encased it in a block of ice I think if you teleported to that tag you'd be incased as well and depending on your Constitution you might very well die as a result. Because this is opening up a portal I might be inclined to view it differently though. I still think you are obligated to go back to the same spot, now if something is spatially blocking your return then you can devise a clause to handle that scenario so long as its more reasonable than just 50 meters from the spot where you were previously.

    I'll make a clause for that later as it'll likely affect Yomitsu & (if it gets added) Kama Rift, but for now that can wait.

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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Diana Sun Nov 07, 2021 8:19 pm

    Gozu Tennō seal is now updated as requested. The stuff on the Gozu Tennō acting like a weak ETSS upon bijuu seal death, final protective measure is now more clear. I also moved some stuff that was in the other information area to the Gozu Tennō area as they fit better there. As for why the Gozu Tennō at Bond can be suppressed to protect it, it's the closest I can get to canon where the main seal's removed upon Sumire's 'control fight' (I use that very loosely) but she still can access Nue & it's powers by using the mini Eye seal on her hand while still trying to keep with site balance. Also cleaned up some of the wording in a few areas.

    Still unsure how to implement the spatial block avoidance clause, low on the priority list.

    Diana, Crystalline Princess:
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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Sun Nov 14, 2021 2:24 pm

    " When Nue is using the Pseudo-Kata as a summon though, the maximum Strength & Constitution of the arms can be based on either Nue's Strength or Stamina without needing to reach control. However, when using Nue's base Stamina instead of Nue's base Strength, their maximum Strength & Constitution are limited to the rank of the summon."

    *^ This is too convoluted. Just make it either Nue's base Strength or base Stamina. I'll allow you to choose which in the thread but it can't be changed once designated.

    "This Pseudo-Kata can be mastered at the cost of 500 Experience Points, which allows it to be activated at will for the user and make customs based on this ability, including senjutsu/bijuu chakra/negative emotion sensory customs. "

    *^ No to creating the customs as that would violate the re-deploying restriction mentioned above in the Unique Ability section.

    As mentioned over Discord, please differentiate between Core and Custom Summons in your writing. Be clear. Each time you are talking about the Core Summons and what they can do, use the term "Core Summons" and each time you are talking about the Custom Summons and what they can do use the term "Custom Summons."

    If the user has reached Bond and they are in this precarious state, the Seal on the user's back may be temporarily suppressed when Nue's abilities are not in use to protect it from seal removal attacks, but it will always resurface whenever an ability is in use. A new secondary Bijuu seal can be placed to keep the user's lifespan from being cut in half, but that is the only thing the new bijuu seal will do. If a new secondary Bijuu seal is applied after the first is removed, it will no longer protect the Gozu Tennō from entity/sealing mechanics.

    *^ Remove this clause.

    When using Pseudo-Kata, no boosters can be stacked initially, but once mastered they may use physical boosters (tai/buki/ken/kyu), and once they gain control they may use any booster. <- Do you mean boosting for the purpose if affecting the Speed/Str/Con of the tendrils?

    Are all Nue Summons immune to Dojutsu Genjutsu?


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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Diana Sun Nov 14, 2021 3:45 pm

    Nyguyen Uchiha wrote:" When Nue is using the Pseudo-Kata as a summon though, the maximum Strength & Constitution of the arms can be based on either Nue's Strength or Stamina without needing to reach control. However, when using Nue's base Stamina instead of Nue's base Strength, their maximum Strength & Constitution are limited to the rank of the summon."

    *^ This is too convoluted. Just make it either Nue's base Strength or base Stamina. I'll allow you to choose which in the thread but it can't be changed once designated.
    Modified as requested

    "This Pseudo-Kata can be mastered at the cost of 500 Experience Points, which allows it to be activated at will for the user and make customs based on this ability, including senjutsu/bijuu chakra/negative emotion sensory customs. "

    *^ No to creating the customs as that would violate the re-deploying restriction mentioned above in the Unique Ability section.
    Clarification as to how you believe this violates Dark's Release's elemental technique redeployment restriction please.

    As mentioned over Discord, please differentiate between Core and Custom Summons in your writing. Be clear. Each time you are talking about the Core Summons and what they can do, use the term "Core Summons" and each time you are talking about the Custom Summons and what they can do use the term "Custom Summons."
    Clarified more in both posts as requested

    If the user has reached Bond and they are in this precarious state, the Seal on the user's back may be temporarily suppressed when Nue's abilities are not in use to protect it from seal removal attacks, but it will always resurface whenever an ability is in use. A new secondary Bijuu seal can be placed to keep the user's lifespan from being cut in half, but that is the only thing the new bijuu seal will do. If a new secondary Bijuu seal is applied after the first is removed, it will no longer protect the Gozu Tennō from entity/sealing mechanics.

    *^ Remove this clause.
    I assume the clause you are referring to is the ability to suppress the seal as a form of protection, and I would like to find a way to keep it in in some form. Would it be more reasonable for the user to be able to hide the seal just visually in the same way Naruto's Eight Trigrams seal hides itself unless in-use once bond is reached?

    When using Pseudo-Kata, no boosters can be stacked initially, but once mastered they may use physical boosters (tai/buki/ken/kyu), and once they gain control they may use any booster. <- Do you mean boosting for the purpose if affecting the Speed/Str/Con of the tendrils?
    No, those boosting rules affect boost in a similar way Bijuu Initial, V1, & V2 cannot boost until certain thresholds are met. That would also include the Psuedo-Kata Tendrils not being able to boost until Mastery or Control.

    Are all Nue Summons immune to Dojutsu Genjutsu?
    No, Nue is not immune to Dojutsu genjutsu. It is immune to the Jinchuu-bijuu dojutsu genjutsu effect, but that is because Nue is not sealed inside the user, so the user's eyes do not connect back to Nue. (The exception to this being Tailed Beast Mode, but that is because the two are combined into 1 being at that time. An exception could be made for TBM Mastery's chakra form as it allows summoning once reached, but that's an iffy exception) If a Nue summon is out, a sharingan/other dojutsu can still catch the summon like any other summon.

    Diana, Crystalline Princess:
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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Sun Dec 05, 2021 8:17 pm

    Clarification as to how you believe this violates Dark's Release's elemental technique redeployment restriction please.

    It implies you will be absorbing Senjutsu/Demon chakra and then creating custom techniques to use based on this, thereby functioning as a "redployment" of that chakra.

    I assume the clause you are referring to is the ability to suppress the seal as a form of protection, and I would like to find a way to keep it in in some form. Would it be more reasonable for the user to be able to hide the seal just visually in the same way Naruto's Eight Trigrams seal hides itself unless in-use once bond is reached?

    No, I honestly think its overly complicated and totally unnecessary.

    No, Nue is not immune to Dojutsu genjutsu. It is immune to the Jinchuu-bijuu dojutsu genjutsu effect, but that is because Nue is not sealed inside the user, so the user's eyes do not connect back to Nue. (The exception to this being Tailed Beast Mode, but that is because the two are combined into 1 being at that time. An exception could be made for TBM Mastery's chakra form as it allows summoning once reached, but that's an iffy exception) If a Nue summon is out, a sharingan/other dojutsu can still catch the summon like any other summon.

    Okay please add this in a clear and concise manner.


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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Diana Mon Dec 06, 2021 7:59 pm

    Clarification as to how you believe this violates Dark's Release's elemental technique redeployment restriction please.

    It implies you will be absorbing Senjutsu/Demon chakra and then creating custom techniques to use based on this, thereby functioning as a "redployment" of that chakra.
    After some rants & revelations we won't go on about, I just changed what it grants (sensing tech can now sense nature energy when Kata is active, does not give sage mode nor non-use sage) as I still have no idea how you interpreted it as redeployment. It did bring something to my attention though. If a Sage art/nature enhance attack were absorbed, would the redeployed technique just lose it's senjutsu tag & rank up in power? I'd prefer to keep it just at that to keep it simple, but I'd understand if something else would occur since the Psuedo-Kata converts harmful energies into regular chakra.

    I assume the clause you are referring to is the ability to suppress the seal as a form of protection, and I would like to find a way to keep it in in some form. Would it be more reasonable for the user to be able to hide the seal just visually in the same way Naruto's Eight Trigrams seal hides itself unless in-use once bond is reached?

    No, I honestly think its overly complicated and totally unnecessary.

    I don't understand why you see it that way at all for both mechanical; roleplay; & flavor reasons, but I just want this Entity done. It's removed.

    No, Nue is not immune to Dojutsu genjutsu. It is immune to the Jinchuu-bijuu dojutsu genjutsu effect, but that is because Nue is not sealed inside the user, so the user's eyes do not connect back to Nue. (The exception to this being Tailed Beast Mode, but that is because the two are combined into 1 being at that time. An exception could be made for TBM Mastery's chakra form as it allows summoning once reached, but that's an iffy exception) If a Nue summon is out, a sharingan/other dojutsu can still catch the summon like any other summon.

    Okay please add this in a clear and concise manner.
    Clarified, and decided that TMB's mastery would still catch both in an eye genjutsu.

    Diana, Crystalline Princess:
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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Tue Dec 14, 2021 6:04 pm

    Does Psuedo-Kata absorb live techniques? Like a fireball?

    "The Nue also has access to B-Rank Senju healing when in it's unsummoned form." <- What's B-Rank Senju healing?

    "Moving through the portal takes about 5 seconds" <- What does this mean? It will take 5 seconds for your hand to appear on the other side?

    Cut Dark Reach's range down in half.

    "The user gains the ability to summon an aspect of the Nue in addition to their normal summoning abilities. Nue does not count towards the summoning limit (excluding it's X-rank summon, which limit the user to Nue being the only summon while active), acting as it's own independent being. No more then 1 Nue can be summoned at a time, and is exclusive the the Gozo Tennō owner. All Nue summons share the same Base S Stamina stat that does not count towards the summoning stat limit, but the summoned Nue shares it's CP pool with Chakra Access."
    *^ This is still a bit unclear as to what types of Nue summons you are talking about. Also, while I know the distinction between Core Summons and Custom Summons because we discussed it, someone who is reading this Restricted but isn't privy to our conversation may not know them. So please give a concise definition of each at the top of this section.

    Culture/Lore: {Insert Link to Nue Entity Here} <- You should do this.


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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Diana Tue Dec 14, 2021 6:33 pm

    Does Psuedo-Kata absorb live techniques? Like a fireball?
    It cannot as previously discussed back here

    "The Nue also has access to B-Rank Senju healing when in it's unsummoned form." <- What's B-Rank Senju healing?
    It was my understanding that Senju healing (2CP/post) is about 1 A-rank damage per turn.

    "Moving through the portal takes about 5 seconds" <- What does this mean? It will take 5 seconds for your hand to appear on the other side?
    Yes. There's an interim period where they have to travel between the two locations. (Video starts where Boruto is traveling from Kishin to Nue dimension.) Added in the description that they 'travel between the dimensions'

    Cut Dark Reach's range down in half.

    "The user gains the ability to summon an aspect of the Nue in addition to their normal summoning abilities. Nue does not count towards the summoning limit (excluding it's X-rank summon, which limit the user to Nue being the only summon while active), acting as it's own independent being. No more then 1 Nue can be summoned at a time, and is exclusive the the Gozo Tennō owner. All Nue summons share the same Base S Stamina stat that does not count towards the summoning stat limit, but the summoned Nue shares it's CP pool with Chakra Access."
    *^ This is still a bit unclear as to what types of Nue summons you are talking about. Also, while I know the distinction between Core Summons and Custom Summons because we discussed it, someone who is reading this Restricted but isn't privy to our conversation may not know them. So please give a concise definition of each at the top of this section.
    Re-arranged & edited to try and make the distinction more clear to people not used to it. I'll see if I can get someone unfamiliar with the restricted's wording to read it.

    Culture/Lore: {Insert Link to Nue Entity Here} <- You should do this.

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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:22 pm

    "It was my understanding that Senju healing (2CP/post) is about 1 A-rank damage per turn."

    *^ So you are saying it can only heal 1 B-Rank damage per turn?


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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Diana Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:55 pm

    Kitsuki Kurahasa wrote:"It was my understanding that Senju healing (2CP/post) is about 1 A-rank damage per turn."

    *^ So you are saying it can only heal 1 B-Rank damage per turn?
    Unless my understanding is wrong on how Senju healing works, yes. Is my understanding that Senju auto-healing is limited to 1 A-rank heal per post wrong?

    Diana, Crystalline Princess:
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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sat Jan 01, 2022 4:52 pm

    Diana wrote:
    Kitsuki Kurahasa wrote:"It was my understanding that Senju healing (2CP/post) is about 1 A-rank damage per turn."

    *^ So you are saying it can only heal 1 B-Rank damage per turn?
    Unless my understanding is wrong on how Senju healing works, yes. Is my understanding that Senju auto-healing is limited to 1 A-rank heal per post wrong?

    I don't think A-Rank damage is what's used in the description of the Senju Clan. It uses descriptive language but I suppose A-Rank would be close enough. This is fine.

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    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Empty Re: The Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sat Jan 01, 2022 4:52 pm

    Diana wrote:
    Nue & the Gozu Tennō

    The Nue & the Gozu Tennō Vanrhux2-720

    Culture/Lore: Nue & Gozu Tennō

    Description: Nue (鵺, Nue) is a yōkai that was created by a secret society, designed to be the ultimate weapon that could take on even a Six-Paths Sage jinchuriki. Having been made with harvested Senju cells and able to feed on negative emotions & chakra, the beast has many abilities it can use against it's foes. While not originally of this world, with the recreation of the Gozu Tennō seal it has become summonable for those with the seal to use. It is unknown if the Nue & it's Seal holds more power lying dormant, and only time will tell if it evolves into a more stronger form.

    Normally, the Nue appears as a shapeless dark purple mass. However, Nue will take a tangible form that is reminiscent of a chimera while someone is in possession of the Gozu Tennō: it is large and has a monkey's head with large fangs and a white mane, a tanuki's body, a tiger's legs, a white snake for a tail and glowing yellow eyes. It can also appear as a chibi version of itself roughly the size of a house pet, the size of a large jungle cat, and the size of a lion.

    While seemingly a rampaging beast drawn to people of negative emotions, Nue is in fact extremely loyal to its original summoner. Despite the dark nature of its creation, it is filled with love towards said summoner, having come to view her as its parent after spending years being nurtured by them. Due to this loyalty new summoners must earn the Yokai's trust before they can draw upon the Yokai's full power.

    Unique Abilities:
    The Nue has a host of abilities that both it and it's master have access to. The user is able to use Dark release, Wood release, and gains the ability to sense negative emotions (user sensor range base, 500m control, 750m bond; base & control sensor exclusive). However both advanced elements are diluted, with dark release not being able to redeploy techniques the user doesn't have the element for, and wood release being 1 tier weaker in power, having lost it's passive advantage over bijuu as well.

    Chakra Access:
    The first thing Nue's Master will attempt when trying to gain better control over Nue is accessing its chakra. Being able to access Nue's chakra can be very beneficial to it's Master, as it only counts against Nue when used. The user is initially able to access Nue's Stamina (S) for one post out of a topic. With more usage, Nue begins to trust its Master's ability to effectively use its chakra and may allow increased opportunity to wield it, should the user display some level of aptitude. By spending 100 Experience posts, the user can increase this limit by 1 post to a maximum of 5 posts. With Control, this increases to 10 and no maximum when a Bond is formed.

    Chakra Recovery:
    If you somehow manage to actually use up all or most of Nue's Stamina, it will enter into a focused meditation devoted to regaining its reserves. This is a time when most of the yokai's power will be cut off from the host, preventing the use of many of Nue's abilities. Recovery occurs at a rate of 10% per post. During this time, any chakra absorbed is immediately absorbed into Nue's chakra pool to speed up it's recovery, including non-Nue techniques or UAs.

    Nue, being derived from Senju cells, has a natural healing factor that they can briefly impart onto their Master to keep them alive. This can be taxing on Nue as healing others was not what it was created for, but it can potentially heal all wounds, even those that no other technique might be able to. By dumping 25% of its reserves into the host, Nue can cause all non-lethal wounds to progressively recover over the course of a single post. By increasing that amount to 60%, all wounds will progressively recover over the course of a single post. Even holes in the body and destroyed organs will be regenerated in moments. Once Control is gained, Nue's Master will no longer need to wait for Nue to determine the threat of the situation, and can activate this ability at will.

    Nue Pseudo-Kata
    This is a state reminiscent of a Sage's Kata, as while it is not part of a Sage Mode nor senjutsu based, Nue's Senju connection to nature mixed with it's negative chakra creates a similar state. Nue can manifest a part of itself around the user, giving them snake-like arms that they can use to either enhance their own body, absorb a target's chakra through touch, or to act independently. Created of pure negative chakra the tendrils are visible to the naked eye, perceivable through any means of chakra detection (any rank), and dojutsu that are able to see chakra. The user starts with no Kata arms, paying 200 XP to permanently gain an additional arm for future use, up to 10 arms in total.

    Without using any techniques, these arms act like the Snake Sage's Kata; able to lash out at the user's will with an effective range of up to three meters each, unable to block attacks, move with a speed equal to the user's base Coordination andstrike with a strength equal to the user's base Strength. Unlike the Snake Kata, these tendrils have a constitution stat equal to their base Strength stat. Also, when the tendrils make contact with a target they can absorb 4 CP from the target into Nue (up to 40 CP per post in total, 4 CP per tendril per post), and once control is reached can be used to block or hold items, their constitution & strength now equal to the user's base stamina if it it higher then their base strength. If a tendril is destroyed when blocking, the user must wait 3 rounds before it reforms. Harmful energies absorbed, such as Tailed Beast chakra; Senjutsu; and Negative Chakra are turned into regular chakra for the recipient while the Pseudo-Kata is active as Nue's body filters it for safe use. This does not give Nue or the user immunity to being damaged by attacks using these harmful energies, it only protects them from techniques they absorb or chakra they drain.

    Nue may make use of this ability when summoned even is the user has not mastered it, and does not degrade the seal when summoned Nue uses it. When Nue is using the Pseudo-Kata as a summon though, the maximum Strength & Constitution of the arms can be based on either Nue's Strength or Stamina without needing to reach control, however once chosen it cannot be change for the remainder of the thread. If both Nue & it's master use this ability at the same time, they will each count as using a post, going through the post limit faster then normal. This Pseudo-Kata can be mastered at the cost of 500 Experience Points, which allows it to be activated at-will for the user; allows the user to make customs based on this ability; and allows the user to sense nature energy with the Sensing Technique while the Psuedo-Kata are active (this does not grant the sage mode restricted nor non-use sage). Pseudo-Kata has a post limit that extends like Chakra Access: 100 Experience per post, up to a 5 maximum, 10 with Control, and no maximum with a Bond. When control is gained the user may make use of the Pseudo-Kata's Chakra Drain using their own physical touch, even when Nue is recovering Chakra, and may choose to drain CP into their own pool as long as Nue is not recovering chakra.

    Nue Summoning:
    The user gains the ability to summon an aspect of the Nue in addition to their normal summoning abilities. Nue summons are split into 2 categories, Core & Custom. Core summons automatically come with this restricted with preset stats & techniques, and do not need the user to have the Kuchiyose skill to summon, but each rank must be unlocked with XP in order to summon them in the future. Custom summons require both the Kuchiyose skill and the relevant Core Nue summon rank unlocked if they wish to create & summon custom Nue. Any Nue summon, core or custom, does not count towards the summoning limit (excluding it's X-rank core summon, which limits the user to Nue being the only summon while active), acting as it's own independent being. No more then 1 Nue (core or custom) can be summoned at a time, and is exclusive the the Gozo Tennō owner.

    All Nue summons share the same Base S Stamina stat that does not count towards the summoning stat limit, but the summoned Nue shares it's CP pool with Chakra Access. The other 6 stats can be set as desired like any other summon.  Nue has access to Dark Release, Wood Release, and a passive Negative Emotion Sensing (500m) as it's summonable skills, however, while the Core summons may access all three, any Custom Nue summons the user makes may only use one of the three abilities per individual summon registration due to an imperfection within the Gozu Tennō when it comes to altering Nue's form outside of it's preferred forms. Abilities and Jutsu used by Nue do not cause damage to the seal's durability, only the act of summoning it.

    Each Core Summon Rank costs 500 XP to unlock (250 XP if the user has Kuchiyose), and must be unlocked in ascending order of rank, from E to X. Once control is gained, for 1,000 XP Nue gains a B-rank version of Senju Regeneration as a passive for both it's summon & Tailed Beast Mode, with all of it's advantages & drawbacks (2 CP unavoidable payment). In addition, Nue is able to pay for it's own summoning cost to sustain itself once summoned, or pay to change it's shape to a different registered Nue Summon. At base, Nue can only sustain & change it's form for E-rank summons, up to C-rank with control, and up to A-rank with Bond. Finally, the Gozu Tennō's status as a summoning medium also lets the user slowly replace their own stamina with the Nue's Stamina the more they invest into Chakra access for the purposes of summoning. Starting at E stamina, for every 10 posts of chakra access they invest, they may pay a separate 400 XP (200 XP if the user has Kuchiyose) to raise the stat up a level, to a max of S stamina at 50 chakra access posts.

    Nue's Dimension:
    By using the Gozu Tennō: Gate technique, the user may access the Dimension Nue lives in. This place is similar to an underground cave system with seemingly no end. There are several swamps with trees similar to mangroves. These are connected to each other through a network of lianas and ropes' The water is drinkable and the plants can provide sustenance, and pockets of light from an unknown source above the trees keep the place lit. Nue's den is inside a large, hollow trunk bound with a shimenawa at the center of the dimension. In order to enter and exit the dimension, the user must create a gate with the Gozu Tennō. When entering the dimension the portal will open within 50m of Nue's den, chosen by the user. When the user is exiting the Dimension, the user can only create an exit point from the spot where they entered outside the dimension.

    While the user may enter before they reach control, doing so will initiate the control fight. Once control is reached Nue will ignore those who enter unless attacked, and at Bond will actively attack unwanted intruders. If Nue is not summoned, it will reside within the dimension at it's full X-class control fight potential.

    Tailed Beast Mode:
    While not a true tailed beast, the user and yokai can preform a similar enough technique to be given the same title. The user summons the essence of the yokai and combines with Nue, allowing the user to draw upon it's full power in tandem with the beast.

    Initial (0 Exp): Initial is almost identical to a combination summon, where the user special summons it's X-rank version and combines with Nue inside of it's body. -3 Tiers to all Nue's stats. Using this level requires the user to have Mastered Peudo-Kata and reached S-rank Nue Summoning. Control is not required to learn this level. For each post that this is used, 15 CP per post is deducted from Nue's chakra. If the user attempts to use this without mastering the previous forms, the transformation will fail completely. Nue's Pseudo-Kata may not be used in this form until Partial is unlocked.

    Partial (250 Exp): Now a considerable amount of Nue is beginning to project onto the transformation as the user becomes more accustomed to properly siphoning it's power. Only 2 Tiers are deducted from all of Nue's stats. Using the Partial costs 15 CP per post, however, and the user must have activated the Initial Mode at least ten different times over ten topics.

    Advanced (250 Exp): Only when the user has reached the Partial level and gained Control over Nue's chakra may the near full might of the creature be transmitted through this transformation. Just 1 Tier is reduced to all of Nue's stats. Advanced is set at 20 CP per post.

    Complete (250 Exp): After using the Advanced form a daunting twenty times over twenty different topics, the user will finally be able to use the full might of Nue, negating all reductions to the Yokai's stats when using Tailed Beast Mode. The costs are 25 CP per post. There isn't much to say about this level other than the user will now be a force of nature and something to be feared.

    Master (250 Exp): When the user has formed a Bond with Nue and has acquired the Complete form, the Master level is unlocked. This does not provide any increases to the power of Tailed Beast Mode, but it does allow for partial transformations that vary in size from the user's body to the Yokai's body. Any portion can be transformed and summoned at-will and, should the user have raised Peudo-Kata's Max Post count to 50, the altered part can also be comprised solely of negative chakra & the user may use Nue Summoning in this form. This drains 30 CP per post.

    Nue's Control/Bond:
    Whenever the user feels that they’ve reached a point in their journey that full manipulation of Nue's power is needed, they may challenge Nue in combat. This battle will take place in Nue's Dimension. During this battle, the user will have access to none of Nue's power and will be fighting the Yokai at full strength. Other players may join the battle, being able to assist for a maximum of 7 posts before they forcefully kicked out of the dimension. However, the true meaning of this battle is the drawing out of Nue's chakra and containing it within the host, a task that is left entirely to the user. The control fight for Nue follows the same rules as a Bijuu control fight, with Nue giving a -6 modifier due to it's denser chakra and home field advantage.

    Once all of Nue's chakra has been extracted, it's Master is now able to use the chakra freely. Nue's abilities will now deteriorate the seal at a slower rate, allowing more usage of yokai's chakra before the seal is broken.

    Like Bijuu, the maximum amount of experience the user can invest into Nue without having gained control is 3000 experience points. After that, they are required to fight the Nue and achieve control before they can be able to invest any further points and gain more abilities.

    In order to reach Bond, the use must have invested 3,500 XP into Nue. Once bond is reached, several more abilities open up in addition to the Gozu Tennō no longer degrading.

    The Gozu Tennō Seal

    The Gozu Tennō is similar to a bijuu seal, but instead of sealing the Nue inside the user, the seal instead acts as a gateway to connect the Nue & it's dimension to the user's soul. Unlike a Bijuu seal, the seal initially cannot be removed with normal techniques due to it's deeper connection, reforming on the user a few seconds after removal. As a cost to this deeper connection, the seal is also harmful to the user's lifespan, normally cutting it in half. In order to prevent an early death and to maintain the safety of the user, a secondary bijuu seal must be placed upon the user to stabilize the Gozu Tennō. The secondary seal follows the same rules as a Bijuu's seal, including it's durability, that they must be placed on the user IC, & the Auto E-rank seal if claimed through the Restricted Progression System.

    If the secondary (Bijuu) seal's life points are brought to 0 and the user did not reach 0 points from control fight mechanics (including escaping/being removed from the fight), hope is not lost and the Gozu Tennō becomes the primary seal, with 25 non-reinforceable points. Eight Trigrams Sealing Style's restoration does not take effect if used as the secondary seal as the user is not a jinchuriki. When the Gozu Tennō is in this state, the seal on the user's back is now vulnerable, losing it's ability to reform itself after permanent removal/destruction.

    Unique Ability: 1
    Chakra Access: 5
    Minor Healing: 10
    Major Healing: 20
    Peudo-Kata: 10
    Summoning: 2 per rank upon summoning/self-sustain payment
    Gozu Tennō Gate: 20
    Tailed Beast Mode: 30

    Gaining Control over Nue's chakra will allow the user to utilize it in a more secure manner, though because Nue does not fully trust the user, it's greater abilities are still harmful to the seal. Once Control is gained, the above point reduction values are all reduced by 5. Once a Bond is formed, Nue fully trusts the user and the seal no longer degrades from using it's abilities. As the user is (usually) reinforcing the secondary seal and not the Gozu Tennō, their Int must equal or surpass the Rank of the secondary Seal.

    Boosts, Stacking, & Other Information
    The Nue does not grant any unique boosts, making it unique compared to it's canon entities. This allows the user more flexibility for boosting as many of it's skills do not interfere with the user's chakra. When using Nue's Unique Abilities, Chakra Access, Healing, and/or Summoning, the user can use any booster desired. When using Pseudo-Kata, no boosters can be stacked initially, but once mastered they may use physical boosters (tai/buki/ken/kyu), and once they gain control they may use any booster. Nue's Tailed beast mode boosting works the same as a bijuu's, which does not allow any boosters that are not specifically designed to be used while in Tailed Beast Mode. The exception is at Master level, where the user may boost with non-Tailed Beast Mode boosts.

    If the Gozu Tennō & it's secondary Bijuu seal both reach 0 points, the user instantly dies, regardless of CON due to the seal's deep connection to the user's soul. Nue is NOT released unless a tech used on the user/seal specifically states that it releases the Nue. If Nue is killed when in it's Dimension, it immediately enters Chakra Recovery Mode as if it reached 0 CP. If it is killed as a summon no detrimental effects occur to the Nue.

    Like Bijuu, Nue can break the user out of a genjutsu, but also like a Bijuu it will only actively do so once Bond is reached. Unlike a Bijuu, Nue is not normally affected by genjutsu cast through the eyes that target the user (like the sharingan), as it resides in a separate dimension instead of being sealed inside the user's body. Nue is not immune to genjutsu though, and can be caught like any other creature. Nue can be caught in a genjutsu when summoned, if the user is using Gozu Tennō: Sight to look around, and both Nue & the user can be caught when Tailed Beast Mode is active as they share the same body during that time. If Nue is caught within a genjutsu, the user may not summon them until the genjutsu ends.

    Nue's Control fight deteriorates the Gozu Tennō seal at the same rate as a Bijuu control fight as well as it's drawbacks for prematurely ending the fight (1/round; 50 interrupt/escape & 4 week/months irl no access to the entity.)

    The user may not boost to X stats when using Nue's abilities.

    Nue's Stats:
    Strength: A
    Constitution: A+ (Tertiary)
    Stamina: S* (Primary)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B+
    Perception: S (Secondary)

    *Nue can absorb extra chakra as if it had an S++ Stamina pool, but will always start a thread/recover chakra up to S stamina. The Nue also has access to B-Rank Senju healing when in it's unsummoned form. The user or Nue cannot absorb chakra/harmful energies from themselves or each other, such as sage mode/curse seal/nature clan senjutsu. Also, while Nue is not a Bijuu, as it is an entity it can preform sealless jutsu.

    Name: Gozu Tennō
    Rank: S
    Power: X
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Contact
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Fuuininjutsu
    Classification: Restricted
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The sealing technique used to connet the Nue with the user. The seal acts as a way to bind & summon the Nue, as well as a way to act as a Gate to Nue's Dimension. The seal comes in two parts, one big permanent seal on the user's back, and another seal in the shape of an eye that temporarily forms when Nue's Dark Release is used. Attempting to destroy or forcibly undo the seal won't completely remove it, as the seal is bound to the user, instead recreating itself over and over again until either the seal degrades or the user is killed.
    Weaknesses: Like all seals it is vulnerable to eventual wear and tear. The seal may be reinforced over the course of the lifespan of the seal.

    Name: Gozu Tennō: Gate
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: 50m
    Speed: D; See Below
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Fuuininjutsu
    Classification: Restricted Derived
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Gozu Tennō
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user creates a spherical 'gate' in space-time that connects to Nue's Dimension, allowing them and any willing person they permit to enter and exit the dimension by going through the gate. The gate is black & purple in color, and is flat like Yomotsu Hirasaka. In addition to connecting to Nue's Dimension with Kishin, The gate has a secondary function similar to Yomotsu Hirasaka & the Kāma Rift, where the user can choose 2 'Wild Card' locations the gate's exit can open up to, except these locations must be a location the user has been to in person. 1 location is unlocked at control for 500 XP, and the second at Bond with a separate 1k XP investment.
    Weakness: This technique cannot warp external techniques into the portal. The techniques will fail to enter the dimensional portal altogether. Only items on the users person may enter, something they must be physically touching, or else the item will be rejected. The portal can be appear at maximum size, ten meters in radius, or it can be as small as a foot; big enough for a hand to enter. While the portal will move the air around it like a vortex, the portal has no notable force of attraction unless someone forces their way in, in which it will suck in items at B-strength. Moving through the portal takes about 5 seconds where they travel between the dimensions, and evading the portal is quite easy as it is stationary and slow to form. Those with Time-space jutsu such as Kamui, Yomotsu Hirasaka, and the Jōgan may pay 30 CP to use their jutsu to force their way into Nue's dimension if the gate is open and they are within 25m of the gate. Activating the technique takes time, taking 3 posts to charge up, however this charge time may be waved with consent of every player in the same way one trains jutsu in a thread.

    Name: Gozu Tennō: Sight
    Rank: E
    Power: E
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Contact
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Fuuininjutsu
    Classification: Restricted Derived
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Gozu Tennō
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A small but simple effect where the Gozu Tennō makes an eye seal on the user's body, allowing the Nue to see through it, then transfers the knowledge of what it sees to it's master. Good for for peeking around corners or to decide if Nue should summon itself.
    Weaknesses: The Nue can possible be caught in a dojutsu while active. Cannot be used while Nue is summoned.

    Name: Dark Reach
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: 0m-30m
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Meiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Restricted Derived
    Requirements: Psuedo-Kata Mastery
    Parent Technique: Gozu Tennō
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user extends the range of Nue's Psuedo-Kata arms, allowing them to grab onto far-away items, such as ledges the user cannot jump to or allies to pull them away from danger.
    Weakness: -



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