Kimiko wrote:Update Type: Exp, Renown Claim
Information: Killed Tamwyn and Kagura.
Kagura was S class: 600 Exp gain.
Tamwyn was X class: 10% of 8605= 860 Exp Gain
Total earned: 1460
New Spendable/Total: 4,270/9,570
Spending 2000 for Mangekyou level of "Curse of Hatred". Unlocks 4 Tiers and ++ passive.
Assigning 2 Tiers to Speed, 1 Tier to Perception, 1 Tier to Coordination, and ++ to Constitution.
New Spendable/Total: 2,270/9,570
January Mod Work: 150 Exp gain.
New Spendable/Total: 2,420/9,720
Kagura had 4000 renown. 50% is 2000 gained.
Tamwyn had 16500 renown. 50% is 8250 gained.
Total Gained: 10250.
New Total: 13250
Haven't claimed renown since I started on Kimiko, so adding in now.
Killing Jounin - 1,000 (Kagura was a Jounin at her highest)
Killing Jounin - 1,000 (Tamwyn was a Jounin at his highest)
Abandoning your Village - 500
Defeating a C Rank Unique NPC - 250 (Ina, Kagura's NPC)
Acquire Village Exclusive with Permission - 250 per Exclusive, 1250 total. (1.MSC, 2. Rasengan, 3. Fire Release: Heavenly Prison, 4. Fire Release: Great Fire Heavenly Prison, 5. Heavenly Prison Fire Sword)
Obtaining a Restricted Technique - 500 (FTG)
Obtaining an Enhanced State - 1,000 (Curse of Hatred)
New Total renown: 18,750
Obtaining Gear from Tamwyn and Kagura:
Took control of the C rank NPC of Kagura's using Genjutsu: Sharingan.
Took all of Tamwyn's gear, particularly his money, his weapons, and his armor:
12,143,300 ryo, X Rank Weapon: Aerondite, X rank Armor: Defender's Regalia
New Ryo: 14,074,050
Used 3 more uses of Amaterasu, 4/4 Level 1, Level 2 unlocked. Blind counter (--) off the Sharingan.