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2 posters

    Yuki, Sayuri


    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    Yuki, Sayuri Empty Yuki, Sayuri

    Post by Sayuri Sun Jul 05, 2020 11:47 pm

    Name: Yuki, Sayuri
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: D-Class Genin

    Clan: Yuki Clan
    Bloodline: Ice Release
    Element(s): Fuuton, Suiton, Hyoton (Spending 1000 exp to unlock, 500 from one skill trade)
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu


    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: D
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: C

    Unique Abilities:

    Head Start: Sayuri has 700 extra exp put towards his stats that will be paid back before she can advance her exp.

    One-handed Seals: Sayuri may weave hand seals with only one hand. This results in a one tier loss of Coordination for that hand regarding hand seals.

    Yuki, Sayuri ZA9y3hP

    Sayuri has the typical appearance of a member of the Yuki Clan. Snow white hair and pale skin making her bright blue eyes the only pop of colour on an otherwise frosty canvas. Sayuri is slight and short standing only five foot three inches and weighing just over 100 pounds giving off the appearance of an otherworldly ice sprite. Her gaze is intense and were she not so classically pretty and small she may be viewed as intimidating. She deeply admires the cold and ice and pays homage to it in her clothing. Blue and white and as many crystals as she deems reasonable make up the decoration of her gowns and dresses. The fabrics that make up her clothing are light and airy, and were it not for her lowered body temperature due to her lineage she would likely freeze, however being from the Yuki clan means the cold doesn’t bother her anyway.


    Sayuri Yuki had the good fortune of being born into the Yuki Clan and as a result she was equally privileged. She grew up without fear or want, leading what most would refer to as a charmed life. Her parents were kind and patient and wanted nothing but the best for their only daughter. They taught her all they knew of their clan’s history, and instilled a deep sense of loyalty not only for her clan but for her village as well. Much of her childhood was spent with her cousin Mitsuo, following him around and relying on him for the social strength she did not possess. Sayuri was painfully shy and if it were not for the interactions with her cousin her parents might have thought she didn’t know how to speak at all. She spent her time observing the world around her, watching and listening and soaking up knowledge. The only times this wasn’t true was when she sang, which she did frequently usually when she thought no one was listening.

    She joined the academy as any dutiful daughter would, though was often pulled aside by her instructors. She was a capable student, smart and skillful though her unwillingness to speak to others did occasionally cause problems. It was a cruel circle for Sayuri, she was shy and didn’t wish to speak up but the less she spoke the more attention was drawn to her. Which of course made her feel less like speaking and so the cycle continued. It was made easier by being around Mitsuo, his friendly manner in some ways made up for her silence. She did eventually graduate, with only a few notes from her instructors about how she needed to overcome her shyness in order to truly excel. Now 18 years old she spends any spare time she has practicing her jutsu, relishing in the freedom that the calmness of ice release flowing through her brings. Wanting nothing more than to make her parents proud she continually tries to overcome her timidity and live up to the stories told about her clan.


    Sayuri is quiet and reserved, enjoying the company of those she trusts deeply to anything else. Around those rare few she trusts she is full of smiles and laughter. She has deep running emotions, however her shyness keeps her from expressing herself very often. She has a profound sense of devotion to those she loves, namely her parents and her cousin Mitsuo. While most often she is silent and calm, when her loved ones are threatened in any way she is an explosion of fury that rivals the most violent winter storms. She suffers from a lack of confidence, her timid nature due to the misconception that she is somehow less than those she spends time with.

    More than anything she wants to prove that she is worthy of her family, her clan and her village. Her greatest fear being that she might never get the chance to prove that, and that she will die unremembered never having accomplished anything to help those she cares for. That fear drives all her actions, she is willing to put herself in danger or make any sacrifice necessary to be of aid.

    Roleplay Sample:

    Character previously approved here.
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 2176
    Join date : 2017-09-29

    Yuki, Sayuri Empty Re: Yuki, Sayuri

    Post by Ryuko Mon Jul 06, 2020 12:03 pm

    Sayu wrote:Name: Yuki, Sayuri
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: D-Class Genin

    Clan: Yuki Clan
    Bloodline: Ice Release
    Element(s): Fuuton, Suiton, Hyoton (Spending 1000 exp to unlock, 500 from one skill trade)
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu


    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: D
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: C

    Unique Abilities:

    Head Start: Sayuri has 700 extra exp put towards his stats that will be paid back before she can advance her exp.

    One-handed Seals: Sayuri may weave hand seals with only one hand. This results in a one tier loss of Coordination for that hand regarding hand seals.

    Yuki, Sayuri ZA9y3hP

    Sayuri has the typical appearance of a member of the Yuki Clan. Snow white hair and pale skin making her bright blue eyes the only pop of colour on an otherwise frosty canvas. Sayuri is slight and short standing only five foot three inches and weighing just over 100 pounds giving off the appearance of an otherworldly ice sprite. Her gaze is intense and were she not so classically pretty and small she may be viewed as intimidating. She deeply admires the cold and ice and pays homage to it in her clothing. Blue and white and as many crystals as she deems reasonable make up the decoration of her gowns and dresses. The fabrics that make up her clothing are light and airy, and were it not for her lowered body temperature due to her lineage she would likely freeze, however being from the Yuki clan means the cold doesn’t bother her anyway.


    Sayuri Yuki had the good fortune of being born into the Yuki Clan and as a result she was equally privileged. She grew up without fear or want, leading what most would refer to as a charmed life. Her parents were kind and patient and wanted nothing but the best for their only daughter. They taught her all they knew of their clan’s history, and instilled a deep sense of loyalty not only for her clan but for her village as well. Much of her childhood was spent with her cousin Mitsuo, following him around and relying on him for the social strength she did not possess. Sayuri was painfully shy and if it were not for the interactions with her cousin her parents might have thought she didn’t know how to speak at all. She spent her time observing the world around her, watching and listening and soaking up knowledge. The only times this wasn’t true was when she sang, which she did frequently usually when she thought no one was listening.

    She joined the academy as any dutiful daughter would, though was often pulled aside by her instructors. She was a capable student, smart and skillful though her unwillingness to speak to others did occasionally cause problems. It was a cruel circle for Sayuri, she was shy and didn’t wish to speak up but the less she spoke the more attention was drawn to her. Which of course made her feel less like speaking and so the cycle continued. It was made easier by being around Mitsuo, his friendly manner in some ways made up for her silence. She did eventually graduate, with only a few notes from her instructors about how she needed to overcome her shyness in order to truly excel. Now 18 years old she spends any spare time she has practicing her jutsu, relishing in the freedom that the calmness of ice release flowing through her brings. Wanting nothing more than to make her parents proud she continually tries to overcome her timidity and live up to the stories told about her clan.


    Sayuri is quiet and reserved, enjoying the company of those she trusts deeply to anything else. Around those rare few she trusts she is full of smiles and laughter. She has deep running emotions, however her shyness keeps her from expressing herself very often. She has a profound sense of devotion to those she loves, namely her parents and her cousin Mitsuo. While most often she is silent and calm, when her loved ones are threatened in any way she is an explosion of fury that rivals the most violent winter storms. She suffers from a lack of confidence, her timid nature due to the misconception that she is somehow less than those she spends time with.

    More than anything she wants to prove that she is worthy of her family, her clan and her village. Her greatest fear being that she might never get the chance to prove that, and that she will die unremembered never having accomplished anything to help those she cares for. That fear drives all her actions, she is willing to put herself in danger or make any sacrifice necessary to be of aid.

    Roleplay Sample:

    Character previously approved here.


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 9:44 pm