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Hana Kaguya
Shimiko Chinoike
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    Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
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    Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread Empty Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Fri Nov 01, 2019 3:53 pm

    Community Pageant Voting

    Okay everyone, your submissions have been received and the nominations are in! We will now proceed with the voting stage of the community pageant. For those of you who participated you are eligible to receive rewards based on your level of involvement. Information regarding rewards can be found here.

    The voting period shall remain open for 1 week.

    Voter Template:

    The Subjects

    You CAN vote for yourself. You may only vote once per subject.

    General Subjects

    Best Quote Candidates:

    Riskiest Topic Candidates:

    Most Clever Topic Title Candidates:

    Wittiest Verbal Comeback Candidates:

    Most Intense Fight Candidates:

    Character Subjects

    Most Interesting Character Candidates:

    • Kasuo Hideaki
    • Shimiko Chinoike
    • Nozomi Himitsu
    • Forcoy Uchiha
    • Rin Uchiha

    Most Attractive Character Candidates:

    • Hiroji Senju
    • Shimiko Chinoike
    • Nozomi Himitsu
    • Natsuru Senou
    • Akeno Tatsuda
    • Rin Uchiha
    • Tsuki Tatsuda
    • Higure Tatsuda

    Friendliest Character Candidates:

    • Shimiko Chinoike
    • Ryuko
    • "Sakata" Simon Kageyana
    • Lei Inazuma
    • Yui/Yua "Chinoike"
    • Tattsu/Neko-sama
    • Kitsuki

    Meanest Character Candidates:

    • Masuyo Kaede
    • Nozomi Himitsu
    • Tsubaki Kaguya
    • Nikuyo Yuki
    • Hana Kaguya
    • Zurui Otsutsuki
    • Natsuru Senou
    • Kanna Tohsaka

    Best Couple Candidates:

    • Rin Uchiha & Yui Kotoshura
    • Nozomi Himitsu & Honiko Yoshidara
    • Shimiko Chinoike & Sakata Kageyama
    • Akihiro Uchiha & Kimiko Uchiha
    • Hana Kaguya & Daisuke Kaguya
    • Nee-san Tetsudashi & Marx Duo

    Village Subjects

    Most Generous Kage:

    • Nariko Mizushima
    • Tattsu/Neko-sama
    • Kazuya Uchiha

    Most Ruthless Kage:

    • Masuyo Kaede
    • Kotsubo Hoshigaki
    • Takeo Yuki
    • Nikuyo Yuki
    • Toonami  Konami Kereko

    Up-and-Coming Potential Kage:

    • Kureji Toukei
    • Akihiro Uchiha
    • Daisuke Kaguya
    • Ann Yuki
    • Rin Uchiha
    • Hana Kaguya
    • Shimiko Chinoike
    • Kyoji Hoshigaki

    Discord Subjects

    Best Discord Gladius Meme:

    Best Comet Thread Voting

    The Hagoromo's Comet Event is drawing to a close! I'd like to thank you all for participating in this historic event. We will now be holding a vote to determine the best comet thread. All characters present in the winning thread will have a chance to receive an Enhanced State Restricted!

    Here are the following Comet Threads for your consideration:

    The voting period shall remain open for one week.

    Comet Threads

    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

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    Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread Empty Re: Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread

    Post by Hana Kaguya Fri Nov 01, 2019 7:48 pm

    Candidate's Name: Shimiko
    Detail: Best Quote: "Simon...I dare you to kiss the girl that you think is the prettiest~" - Shimiko Chinoike
    Reason: As I mentioned before, this was a very meaningful moment for the Thundercats which created a massive rift between the girls. The actions that followed this quote caused such a disaster. If this quote wasn't spoken I feel the TCs would still be a thing today.

    Candidate's Name: Lei
    Detail: Riskiest Topic: Eastern Gates
    Reason: This man took on all of Kirigakure with only half of his chakra reserves. It was an impressive suicide attempt.

    Candidate's Name: Shinosky
    Detail: Best Topic Title:  That Zurui Killing Jive
    Reason: It was really just a great meme. The fact that Shinosky didn't even know Zurui IRL made it rich.

    Candidate's Name: Akihiro
    Detail: Wittiest Verbal Comeback:  "A black ops officer isn't good when he or she knows not to trust anybody. I mean, your average bird does that- Distrust everybody, run from everyone, keep everyone at bay. And if anyone tries to approach, they run or divert their trajectory. That's easy.

    But the finest intelligence officers... the ones who excel at their jobs. They do so not because they don't trust anyone...but because they know exactly who they can trust."
    Reason: Akihiro always spits bars when breaking something down logically. This was Akihiro's way of telling Shimiko to step tf off with the cagey bs comparing Shimiko's reaction to that of a wild animal'

    Candidate's Name: Alkaid Kaguya
    Detail: Most Intense Fight: Meeting of Future In Laws
    Reason: Another incident of real ninjuh shit. This was the site's first assassination attempt and success. Despite the conflict that followed, in the end a Chuunin from Kirigakure assassinated the Hokage at the time which still breeds conflict to this day between the two villages.

    Candidate's Name: Forcoy Uchiha
    Detail: Most Interesting Character : Forcoy Uchiha
    Reason: As I mentioned he seemed to have had big plans for Konoha, the first one being to replace Tats from power. He was hard-willed and did not hesitate in his actions.

    Candidate's Name: Natsuru Senou
    Detail: Most Attractive Character: Natsuru Senou
    Reason: This was a really tough decision to make, but overall I had to vote for Natsuru. The entire personality and appearance of her just made sense. It was perhaps the realest female of Gladius I knew of.

    Candidate's Name: Sakata
    Detail: Friendliest Character: Sakata
    Reason: Despite the OOC impression, Sakata/Simon was very friendly and generous ICly. He was present to help Kumo's youth through the pre-TS, sociable, and a rational thinker.

    Candidate's Name: Natsuru Senou
    Detail: Meanest Character: Natsuru Senou
    Reason: I designed her to be incredibly rude and hard to get to know. It's no doubt she behaved as such. She frequently fought with her friends and had a short temper.

    Candidate's Name: Sakata, Shimiko
    Detail: Best Couple: Sakata, Shimiko
    Reason: One of the realest couples on the site. They frequently went on dates and spent  time with each other as they should. It was not just something for a title.

    Candidate's Name: Tatsu
    Detail: Most Generous Kage: Tatsu
    Reason: Certainly very lax. She treats exclusives like candy and artifacts like candy wrappers.

    Candidate's Name: Toonami and Konami
    Detail: Most Ruthless Kage: Toonami and Konami
    Reason: This was an actual case of a Kage framing its own Genin to promote their own agenda. A Genin with no ties to their plot was cast out of the village and made into an enemy. That was heartless.

    Candidate's Name: Akihiro
    Detail: Potential Kage: Akihiro Uchiha
    Reason: He is the only qualified body in Konoha to step up and fill the role. Konoha is long overdue for an active leader and he fits the bill.

    Candidate's Name: Xurious
    Detail: Best Meme: The Gumbo Meme
    Reason: This is probably the most flexible meme on Gladius which has countless applications. It is timeless to me, giving me a solid LOL each time I see it.

    Candidate's Name: The Best Halloween Party
    Detail: Best Comet Thread
    Reason: It only makes sense that the best comet thread is The Best Halloween Party

    Last edited by Hana Kaguya on Thu Nov 07, 2019 10:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread Empty Re: Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread

    Post by Nozomi Sat Nov 02, 2019 7:51 pm

    Best Quote:

    Riskiest Topic:

    Most Clever Topic Title:

    Wittiest Verbal Comeback:

    Most Intense Fight:

    Most Interesting Character:

    Most Attractive Character:

    Friendliest Character:

    Meanest Character:

    Best Couple:

    Most Generous Kage:

    Most Ruthless Kage:

    Up and Coming Potential Kage:

    Best Meme:

    Comet Thread:

    Last edited by Nozomi on Sun Nov 03, 2019 10:31 am; edited 1 time in total


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    Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread Empty Re: Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread

    Post by Taiga Sat Nov 02, 2019 8:00 pm

    Candidate's Name: Kanna
    Detail: "It's a shame you became the very garbage we were appointed to take care of. But it isn't a shame that I'll be able to discipline you for it. Mouth off all you want, I know based off of the results of that tournament that that's all you're good for" - Kanna
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: The Emberdome
    Detail: Riskiest Topic
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: That Killing Zurui Jive
    Detail: Most Clever Topic Title
    Reason: This actually made me laugh lol

    Candidate's Name: "My friendship isn't something to be bartered or bought like candy. I consider my true friends family and my true family are my friends. Anything you tell me at this meeting isn't enough to earn my trust"  "If you want my friendship, the first step is to not take it so lightly" - Shimiko
    Detail: Wittiest Verbal Comeback
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: Nozomi vs Shimiko
    Detail: Most Intense Fight
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: Shimiko Chinoike
    Detail: Most Interesting Character
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: Rin Uchiha
    Detail: Most Attractive Character
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: Shimiko Chinoike
    Detail: Friendliest Character
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: Zurui Otsutsuki
    Detail: Meanest Character Candidate
    Reason: It seems like everyone wanted to kill him at some point after seeing the Generic Hospital topic and That Killing Zurui Jive topic x.x

    Candidate's Name: Shimiko Chinoike & Sakata Kageyama
    Detail: Best Couple Candidate
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: Nariko Mizushima
    Detail: Most Generous Kage
    Reason: She's the only Kage I see who is still alive or active, so I guess that counts for something.

    Candidate's Name: Nikuyo Yuki
    Detail: Most Ruthless Kage
    Reason: He seems pretty brutal from what I've seen above.

    Candidate's Name: Kureji Toukei
    Detail: Up-and-Coming Potential Kage
    Reason: Kureji seems very self-motivated and I think he would make a greater Kage :3

    Candidate's Name: Shoo meme
    Detail: Best Discord Gladius Meme
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: View of the Comet
    Detail: Best Comet Thread
    Reason: This was my first real thread I had and I think it was fairly impacting on Taiga

    Last edited by Taiga on Fri Nov 08, 2019 2:59 am; edited 1 time in total
    Leaf Chuunin
    Leaf Chuunin

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    Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread Empty Re: Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread

    Post by Suguru Sun Nov 03, 2019 3:09 am

    Candidate's Name: Suguru
    Detail: Best Quote
    Reason: Well if I don't vote for myself, who will?

    Candidate's Name: Generic Hospital Topic
    Detail: Riskiest Topic
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: Generic Hospital Topic
    Detail: Most Clever Topic Title
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: "No you won't." - Nozomi
    Detail: Wittiest Verbal Comeback
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: Kurama Awakens
    Detail: Most Intense Fight
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: Rin Uchiha
    Detail: Most Interesting Character
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: Rin Uchiha
    Detail: Most Attractive Character
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: Lei Inazuma
    Detail: Friendliest Character
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: Tsubaki Kaguya
    Detail: Meanest Character Candidate
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: Rin Uchiha & Yui Kotoshura
    Detail: Best Couple Candidate
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: Neko-Sama
    Detail: Most Generous Kage
    Reason: Only Kage I know.

    Candidate's Name: Takeo Yuki
    Detail: Most Ruthless Kage
    Reason: ---

    Candidate's Name: Rin Uchiha
    Detail: Up-and-Coming Potential Kage
    Reason: Highest ranked PC I know.

    Candidate's Name: Is Stamina Getting A Buff Meme/Bust a Cap Meme - Dread
    Detail: Best Discord Gladius Meme
    Reason: Is Stamina getting a buff though?
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

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    Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread Empty Re: Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Mon Nov 04, 2019 9:48 am

    Candidate's Name: Kanna
    Detail: "It's a shame you became the very garbage we were appointed to take care of. But it isn't a shame that I'll be able to discipline you for it. Mouth off all you want, I know based off of the results of that tournament that that's all you're good for" - Kanna
    Reason: Burn the sick third-degree burns.

    Candidate's Name: Rin and Yui
    Detail: Kurama Awakens
    Reason: Failure would have likely caused the destruction of their village, they also fought the strongest tailed beast there is and managed to pull off a win.

    Candidate's Name: Ryoko Ohhohohoho
    Detail: Wittiest Verbal Comeback
    Reason: Perfect timing

    Candidate's Name: Kurama Awakens
    Detail: Most Intense Fight
    Reason: So many explosions it would cause Michel Bay to blush.

    Candidate's Name: That Zurui Killing Jive
    Detail: Most Clever Topic Title Candidates
    Reason: It was really fitting in the end

    Candidate's Name: Shimiko
    Detail: Most Interesting Character
    Reason: She single handedly is changing a nation through religion.

    Candidate's Name: Shimiko
    Detail: Most Attractive Character
    Reason: For reasons

    Candidate's Name: Yui/Yua "Chinoike"
    Detail: Friendliest Character
    Reason: They are the sweetest and kindest character you will ever meet.

    Candidate's Name: Masuyo
    Detail: Meanest Character
    Reason: Cruel to everyone including her students.

    Candidate's Name: Rin and Yui
    Detail: Best Couple
    Reason: The slow burn of all the relationships been burning slowly for years ic unlike some of the other quick hookups.

    Candidate's Name: Tatts
    Detail: Most Generous Kage
    Reason: Free resticted for all.

    Candidate's Name: Masuyo
    Detail:Most Ruthless Kage
    Reason: Denied promotion and even clan areas because she didnt want to spend a cent of money on anyone but herself.

    Candidate's Name: Daisuke Kaguya
    Detail: Up-and-Coming Potential Kage
    Reason: He already has a harem everyone knows harem protagonists are the strongest in all of anime.

    Candidate's Name: Is Stamina Getting A Buff Meme/Bust a Cap Meme - Dread
    Detail: Best Discord Gladius Meme
    Reason: Still alive at end of 2019

    Candidate's Name: A Fleeting Moment, Final Sendoff
    Detail: Comet Threads
    Reason: The final chapter in a long overarching arc, it finished a story and felt satisfying to read the end.

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread Empty Re: Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Mon Nov 04, 2019 6:51 pm

    Best Quote:

    Riskiest Topic:

    Most Clever Topic Title:

    Wittiest Verbal Comeback :

    Most Intense Fight:

    Most Interesting Character:

    Most Attractive Character:

    Friendliest Character:

    Meanest Character :

    Best Couple:

    Most Generous Kage:

    Most Ruthless Kage:

    Up-and-Coming Potential Kage:

    Best Discord Gladius Meme:

    Best Comet Thread:

    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread Empty Re: Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Mon Nov 04, 2019 9:27 pm

    Candidate's Name: Suguru (BEST QUOTE)
    Detail: "What the fuck am I tripping on?"
    Reason: The fact that you don't know made me laugh out loud... and I was at work.

    Candidate's Name: Blast Yui (RISKIEST TOPIC)
    Detail: "What the fuck am I tripping on?" - Suguru
    Reason: Taking on 9 tails is no joke, yo.

    Candidate's Name: N/A (MOST CLEVER TOPIC TITLE)
    Detail: That Zurui Killing Jive
    Reason: I'm not entirely certain, but it made me think, and that isn't common with titles.

    Candidate's Name: - Nikuyo (WITTIEST VERBAL COMEBACK)
    "If you don’t mind sire, bef-"
    "Be quiet before I cut out your tongue,"
    Reason: I mean, that's one way to tell someone to shut up!

    Candidate's Name: Blast Yui (MOST INTENSE FIGHT)
    Detail: Kurama Awakens
    Reason: It's the freaking 9-tails man... come on.

    Candidate's Name: - Kitsuki, Katsumi, Kyoji (BEST COMET THREAD)
    Detail: Path of Forever
    Reason: Two Genin walk into a festival, and run into the most powerful individual the village has to offer, the freakings Mizukage.  And what do they do?  Challenge him to a fight, and this time it isn't even Katsumi who is picking the fight, but her little sister!  A huge, brave step for her and Katsumi is glad her influence on the youngest sister is growing stronger.

    I did not vote on the others as I didn't have an opinion.

    Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread Katsumi-Sig

    Village : Kumogakure
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    Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread Empty Re: Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread

    Post by Seid Tue Nov 05, 2019 11:47 am

    candidate's Name: Nozomi Himitsu
    Detail: "I didn't need you for the Prison. My strength is my own. Your strength is mine too. This world is about strength, and I've got plenty of it without you. I earned my power. I'll take yours too"
    Reason: Pretty balsy.

    Candidate's Name: Nozomi
    Detail: God Among Us
    Reason: Going against a bijuu by yourself could mean certain death. Actually prevailed in style.

    Candidate's Name: Ryuko
    Detail: Wittiest Verbal Comeback
    Reason: I felt this.

    Candidate's Name: Kurama Awakens
    Detail: Most Intense Fight
    Reason: This was a fight with a surprising twist. Incredibly hard.

    Candidate's Name: The Generic Hospital Topic
    Detail: Most Clever Topic Title Candidates
    Reason: It was really funny.

    Candidate's Name: Shimiko
    Detail: Most Interesting Character
    Reason: She has a lot of depth into a religion that does not exist.

    Candidate's Name: Nozomi
    Detail: Most Attractive Character
    Reason: She thicc

    Candidate's Name: Tats
    Detail: Friendliest Character
    Reason: Giving out artifacts and exclusives like hotcakes.

    Candidate's Name: Tsubaki
    Detail: Meanest Character
    Reason: Racist

    Candidate's Name: Rin and Yui
    Detail: Best Couple
    Reason: The other choices were more hookups.

    Candidate's Name: Tatts
    Detail: Most Generous Kage
    Reason: For all those exclusives and artifacts she gives

    Candidate's Name: Masuyo
    Detail:Most Ruthless Kage
    Reason: Murdered Akeno

    Candidate's Name: Kyoji
    Detail: Up-and-Coming Potential Kage
    Reason: Kage already

    Candidate's Name: Is Stamina Getting A Buff Meme/Bust a Cap Meme - Dread
    Detail: Best Discord Gladius Meme
    Reason: Pretty funny

    Candidate's Name: Kyoji, Kit, Kat
    Detail: Comet Threads
    Reason: The Mizukage granting an audience and a chance to impress the village.

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: S++ (Otsu, Metropolis)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: C
    Perception: B
    Daisuke Kaguya
    Daisuke Kaguya

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    Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread Empty Re: Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread

    Post by Daisuke Kaguya Fri Nov 08, 2019 3:45 am

    Best Quote:

    Riskiest Topic:

    Most Clever Topic Title:

    Wittiest Verbal Comeback:

    Most Intense Fight:

    Most Interesting Character:

    Most Attractive Character:

    Friendliest Character:

    Meanest Character:

    Best Couple:

    Most Generous Kage:

    Most Ruthless Kage:

    Up-and-Coming Kage:

    Best Discord Gladius Meme:

    Best Comet Thread:


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    Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread Empty Re: Gladius Community Pageant & Best Comet Voting Thread

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