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    Irritations and Vexations

    Makahshi Kereko
    Makahshi Kereko

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    Irritations and Vexations Empty Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Makahshi Kereko Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:39 pm

    Makahshi didn't want to take on a student. He felt that they cramped his style but his grandfather had given him no choice. Kirigakure was strapped for teachers and the Kiri Education Board was cracking down on clans to begin taking students. The Kereko Clan was the first one they came to. It lacked the clout that the Kaguya and Hozuki held which meant that when it came to conscripting them for work they often had no choice to comply. Makahshi's grandfather Zatahshi claimed that he'd yank away the older man's privileges if he did not take at least one student and so Makahshi found himself signing up for sensei duty. The man's charge was a genin by the name of Nozomi. She sounded soft but Makahshi resolved to correct that as quickly as possible. If Makahshi was to have a student, that student would be the strongest genin in all of Kirigakure. A badass Jounin required a badass genin. He had never taught before but granted his excellent physical shape and heavy background in Taijutsu, Makahshi was not at all worried about forming a curriculum on the fly. Who better to train a genin in martial arts than a martial arts master? Makahshi arrived at the training grounds at the crack of dawn. He had sent a letter to the girl informing her to meet him there at that time mainly as a test to ascertain her seriousness. The sun was just rising when Makahshi arrived and if she did not show up before it fully rose then she'd be in deep shit.

    Makahshi was a tall black man with an afro, beard, and a pair of gold rimmed desert eagle shades. He wore a yellow and black training outfit not unlike the one worn by the Bride in the illustrious Kill Bill series. He had his headband tied around his forehead. He crossed his arms and waited for Nozomi to arrive counting the seconds until the sun would fully bask the area in its glow.

    "Makahshi Kereko. But to you my name is Pit, and you're not talking your way out of me"

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    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Nozomi Thu Oct 12, 2017 9:44 pm

    Nozomi was fairly used to getting up early in the morning for her rather strict training regimen, but ever since graduating the academy and gaining a bit more freedom with her personal training, she had grown more lax about her training. She was still early to rise, more so than most, but the letter she had received from her new Jounin mentor had her getting up earlier than she wanted to, as she had to account for travel time to the training grounds.

    She had only recently graduated fron the academy, a top student in terms of physical prowess, as she had been trained for combat readiness by her father for years before even entering the academy. She had probably entered a lot later than most, but she hadn't spent much time there either. And upon graduation, she hadn't immediately been matched with a sensei.

    However, that had changed. She didn't really mind having someone teach her that wasn't a family member. What she did mind was that he scheduled the training so early that she had to get up even earlier than normal to even make it there. Having put on her headband and a light and white training kimono, wearing open toed sandals and tight shorts under the kimono that only went down to her knees, Nozomi left when it was still dark.

    Officially, she was probably a couple minutes late by the time she was arriving, considering that the sun had already started to rise. The crack of dawn was a loose term at best, but she had still arrived in view of the training grounds before the sun had completely eclipsed the horizon. Nobody else was at the grounds esides a person she could only assume was her sensei. After all, she was told to meet him there and it was still early enough that nobody else had come out just yet.

    Walking up to the man in a yellow jumpsuit, Nozomi bowed properly and introduced herself. "Sorry if I am later than you wanted, but I'm here now. I'm Nozomi Himitsu, it's a pleasure to meet you." She said quietly.

    Makahshi Kereko
    Makahshi Kereko

    Posts : 44
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    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Makahshi Kereko Fri Oct 13, 2017 8:22 pm

    Makahshi turned his head and spat in the dirt. That was his reaction to her tardiness and her introduction. Nozomi would quickly learn that this was a hard man and that she ought adjust herself accordingly. "Enough excuses! That shit corny as hell! Get down and give me twenty pushups! I wanna hear you count each one and don't go down until you give me a goddamn good reason for why you want to be a shinobi. If you can't think of twenty reasons why you want this life then you need to go home, burn your gear, and start looking for a rich husband!" Makahshi was a very hard sensei but he knew that in order to make Nozomi into the strongest genin possible he had to break her down and build her back up. When he was through with her she would be the envy of every student-sensei pairing not only in Kiri but across the world. He had read that she was good at Taijutsu and his command to have her do push ups and talk would get the juices flowingl. A proper Taijutsu user should be able to think strategically while stressing their body and that's what he was training Nozomi to do. Makahshi crossed his arms and stared down Nozomi through his shades to ensure she used proper push up form.

    "Makahshi Kereko. But to you my name is Pit, and you're not talking your way out of me"

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    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Nozomi Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:56 pm

    Nozomi blinked, slightly due to surprise, and slightly in a release of irritation. She often did the same thing with her father, so he wouldn't know she was mad for any reason. Still, she did as she was told and dropped down to start her push ups. 20 wasn't really an issue, she could easily do that, and it was a standard warm up. She didn't say that, of course, as he might tack on more.

    What she did say, however, was in slight irritation to the end of what he said. "No man could pay me enough to marry him. I dont care how rich they might be." She wasn't interested in men after all, but that was neither here nor there.

    As she did her push ups, keeping perfect form as she had been taught for her entire life, she responded further. "I really don't think there are 20 reasons. I wasn't even the one who wanted me to be a shinobi in the first place. But since I am one, I want the freedom that comes with it. The thrill for potential battles." She paused briefly in her talking to focus on her breathing, as proper breathing was key to maintaining physical stress longer.

    "I just like to fight, and I don't mind being told what to do. Being a shinobi allows me to get that. Sure, there are other things involved with it, like subterfuge and infiltration, but ultimately, I'm going to be a force of will that can't be stopped. Just aim and I'll do what needs to be done." In truth, she didnt have much reasons for it, and she was upfront about that.

    But seriously, a rich husband? Nozomi was still caught up on that. She finished the pushups without any issue, but she was still thinking about that when she finished. She couldn't be too upset though, most people assumed everyone was default straight.

    Makahshi Kereko
    Makahshi Kereko

    Posts : 44
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    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Makahshi Kereko Sun Oct 15, 2017 1:38 pm

    Makahshi noticed Nozomi's irritation and pounced on it with his own vexation as she did her push ups. He didn't know she was a lesbian but it didn't matter to him for the purpose of his insults. The fact that he struck a nerve was good. For it was as all Kereko children learned, anger was the greatest motivator. She went on to complain that she could not think of twenty reasons but that she didn't want to be a shinobi but now that she was one she wanted the thrill of potential battles. She said she wanted to be a force that couldn't be stopped, a weapon that could get the job done. It was a good answer but not nearly sufficient considering he asked for TWENTY reasons. The girl's push ups used good form and she completed them without much work. After she was done, Makahshi yelled in her face in a manner typical of a drill instructor.


    Makahshi's neck was buldged with veins as he screamed at the little girl. He needed to get it in her head that being a ninja was hard work and that there were many born with special talents and powers. Some had the backing of clans that were older than the legend of the Sage. A complex support system of families bestowed with kekkei genkai more powerful than anything any human could imagine. Nozomi had to be ready to face these threats without fear and hesitation. She wouldn't be able to compete unless he drilled the importance of hard work and merciless execution of any order she was given. Once she was done running, Makahshi would evaluate her physical fitness. If she wasn't the least bit tired from the exercise they would launch right into Taijutsu training.

    "Makahshi Kereko. But to you my name is Pit, and you're not talking your way out of me"

    Strength: C
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    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Nozomi Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:38 pm

    Nozomi's face went completely blank as Makahshi got in her face and started to yell like a drill instructor. This was quite the same as her father's sense of training, and she was used to it, so she went blank, focusing instead on his instructions. The methods they used were, at least in her mind, completely unnecessary. She would do as she was told, whether or not she was yelled at, and it wouldn't make much of a difference in the way she responded. It just guaranteed that she wasn't going to like him very much. She'd listen as he was her superior, but that was about it.

    Ten laps was just fine. She'd be able to do it with only a little bit of strain. She took off the instant he said so, only minor hesitation as her brain caught up with his words, and her brain made her body move. Her mind focused only on the running as she did her laps, blocking out her thoughts and anything else that would get in the way. Her single minded focus to the 10 laps as she kept herself going at a sustainable rate so she didn't tire herself out too fast by going all out. Pushing your body to the extremes within the first few minutes of training was only bad for progress, something she'd learned herself a while ago.

    Finishing the laps, she was slightly out of breath, but otherwise fine, turning her attention to Makahshi. "I don't need many strong reasons for living the shinobi life. I'll learn through the experiences or I'll die. That's all there is to it. If I lose and survive, I'll be stronger for the experience. The will to not die is enough for me. So what's next then?" There wasn't anything that couldn't be overcome by pure will and drive to surpass. The next goal was all she needed to get herself better. After that, it would be another goal. And another, until eventually, she was at the top.

    Makahshi Kereko
    Makahshi Kereko

    Posts : 44
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    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Makahshi Kereko Mon Oct 16, 2017 4:03 pm

    Makahshi looked down at Nozomi and had to greatly restrain from back handing her. He would give her a pass this once but the next time she opened her mouth with such sass, she end up flat on her ass. "When you talk to me until you have a flak jacket and some useless shits to train you address me as sensei or sir" Makahshi was lethally serious and would not suffer any disrespect from his students. If Nozomi forgot to use proper honorifics when speaking to him then the consequences would be her own to bear. The Kereko stared down at her in a manner similar to his avatar expressing his annoyance at the fact that she was relatively calm. He assessed her physical fitness to be somewhat decent considering that she was not totally exhausted.  "Your lack of a strong reason to live as a shinobi is pathetic. A will not to die will not get you far blondie! Also, don't ever speak in my presence unless I ask you a direct question or unless your very life is at stake blondie!" Makahshi would dispense swift Kereko Clan discipline if Nozomi spoke out of turn unless she literally was about to be murdered by enemy ninja. Kirigakure shinobi were renown for their silence and skill in battle if she could not manage that then it would be the end of her career. Makahshi took a few steps back from the girl and snapped into a Taijutsu stance.

    "Alright, come and fight me. Let's see what your Taijutsu is made of and if you hold back, I'll split your fucking wig!"

    "Makahshi Kereko. But to you my name is Pit, and you're not talking your way out of me"

    Strength: C
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    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Nozomi Tue Oct 17, 2017 10:21 am

    Nozomi's only response to Makahshi's words was to nod in silence. She'd already made up her mind, this man was going to die, and she was going to be the one to do it. It wouldn't be now, but she would certainly kill him. But as far as a response went, she hadn't been told to talk, or asked a question by him, so she went by what he said. She wasn't going to break her silence unless asked to specifically. If he wanted to make things difficult, she'd abide by it, and would make things difficult in her own way. Until then, she'd use his training to make her a better shinobi, and when she could stand on her own, he would pay.

    That being said, their training was about to commence, and it was in her own comfort zone. She was a Taijutsu user that surpassed the skills of most normal genin. That was the skill that had been developed the most for her, as her clan's specialty was Taijutsu. A slight smile crossed her face as he took his stance, and she took her own. Right now, the best form she knew was the Arhat fist, which focused mainly on strong attacks, and only those who utilized Taijutsu as more than a basic form could use it to its highest level, without incurring speed drawbacks.

    Her focus sharpened in on Makahshi, as she didn't need to think too much when it comes to Taijutsu. Her own coordination was enhanced when she only focused on the fight. The combination of her single minded focus and the Arhat fist allowed her to fight with greater strength and placement, in addition to utilizing the Body Flicker Technique to increase her speed beyond what she was normally able to do. It was much more linear, but it did allow her to dodge an close gaps that she otherwise wouldn't be able to do on her own.

    Her fingers moved into a Half Tiger seal, the Body Flicker carrying her towards her sensei, and her knee was brought up, aiming for his stomach. From there, hitting or not, Nozomi's shoulder would also blast forward, seeking to bull rush him. She doubted that he expected she was able to fight quite as well as she could, as she was only a genin. However, her Taijutsu abilities placed her on par with even some Chuunin. If he wanted someone to train in Taijutsu, she would be a great student.

    Stamina: 32/40

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    Makahshi Kereko
    Makahshi Kereko

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    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Makahshi Kereko Wed Oct 18, 2017 9:10 pm

    The girl was smart in not replying to his comment. He sensed a rising anger and passive aggression in her although she spoke not a single word. Makahshi was surrounded by hatred and violence as a Kereko, it was the clan's source of power and he had learned to read it from since he was a child. He smirked as she snapped into the Arhat Style, indicating that she was indeed not nearly as useless as most genin were. She zipped forward using the Body Flicker Technique and aimed to knee his stomach, in turn his reply would be swift and brutal. The Jounin side stepped with significant ease. A full and complete dodge such that the shoulder charge nor the rising knee would even touch him. The man's superior speed and coordination would make the match child's play for him but he did note that her form was excellent for a genin. Makahshi would take the opportunity to pivot around so that he was fully behind her while her momentum still carried her forward. The man's eyes flashed with anger from his shades as he performed a counter attack. He grabbed at her neck from behind hoping to get a fair grip, if this was successful he'd yank her body backwards using his superior strength to toss her 5 feet away from her and into the ground. The impact would not be forceful enough to hurt but it would perhaps piss her off. There was nothing Makahshi hated more when it came to sparring with his grandfather. Having your opponent toss you around like a sack of potatoes demonstrated their physical might over you, if Nozomi was to become a Taijutsu expert she would need to learn how to mentally deal with such tactics.

    "Is that all you got? Man I've fought academy students with more skill!" he'd complain loudly.



    "Makahshi Kereko. But to you my name is Pit, and you're not talking your way out of me"

    Strength: C
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    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Nozomi Wed Oct 18, 2017 9:56 pm

    He was far faster than she was, that much was certain. It wasn't something she had doubted, to be sure, as he was a Jounin after all, and they didn't just hand that rank out to anyone, but she really couldn't even make out his form very well. He was simply a blur of movement, dodging her initial charge with ease that conveyed a superiority. She felt his grip tighten around her neck, and then she was yanked backwards, bowling through the air. As her body started to connect with the ground, Nozomi tucked into a combat roll, recovering from any damage that would have occurred from simply hitting the ground and ending up on her feet. Anybody skilled in Taijutsu knew that they wouldn't be able to dodge everything, and recovering from a mistake was something that was vital in a fight. It helped to mitigate any damage done, and thus allowed a fighter to continue on longer.

    Still, it was obvious this was going to be an extremely one sided match between the two of them, and Nozomi wasn't going to be able to best him. Not yet anyhow. Her eyes narrowed as he complained about her form, saying that academy students were better than she was. The claim was such that she didn't even process it, as it was far too outlandish to be true, unless those academy students were simple prodigies to begin with. "Recovering from a throw is child's play, sir. Anyone who can't do that wouldn't last long, sir. I've got way more than that, sir." she said, responding to his question. She added sir every sentence in almost a mocking fashion, although her tone was completely normal. She was having fun with it. This was a fight.

    Now that she knew he was capable of tossing her around though, she figured he'd try to do it again, so she'd have to prepare to defend against that. It was easier to catch him with a counter attack if he attacked like that, because then she wouldn't have to compete against his speed nearly as much. Dashing forward once again, Nozomi went for an open palmed straight jab towards his gut with her right arm, keeping her eyes out for any movement he made. He was faster than she was, his movements little more than a blur, but she could throw a counter strike at his general area easily enough, unless he decided to attack her with a finishing blow.

    Stamina: 31/40

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    Makahshi Kereko
    Makahshi Kereko

    Posts : 44
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    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Makahshi Kereko Thu Oct 19, 2017 8:07 pm

    Makahshi noted the recovery tumble but was not impressed. Not falling on your ass was the first lesson that was taught in the academy. The girl responded to his question in a matter-of-factly tone. She used the word too many times in a row but he accepted it for the time being. Makahshi yawned out of boredom at her explanation and motioned her to try again. He did not want to waste breath even responding but he was eager to see what she would try next. The girl moved forward again in the style of the Arhat Fist. She attempted a simple jab to which he blocked and responded with a powerful punch to her gut aiming to wind her. If this was successful, he'd simply launch her another ten feet back with a powerful roundhouse kick. The idea being to send her sprawling away from him with a bit of daze in her eyes. The damage would not be permanent but the pain would probably be sufficient to throw her off her game if it connected. Buishido Black made almost no sound when he attacked and counter-attacked aside from a simple: "Hmph"

    "Makahshi Kereko. But to you my name is Pit, and you're not talking your way out of me"

    Strength: C
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    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Nozomi Thu Oct 19, 2017 9:27 pm

    So either he hadn't noticed that she was mocking him a little bit, or he had decided yelling at her wasn't worth the hassle, but Nozomi was confident that she had won that little battle of words. She wasn't the smartest, but she counted her witty remarks as wins, because the people with power always treated her like garbage, and she'd had to learn to use their rules to her advantage.

    The same thing could not be said about their spar. She was not going to get anywhere with her straight attacks, but she had nothing with which to distract him from her. There would be no getting around him or flanking or taking a lapse in judgement to hit him, so she had to figure something out her own way. He blocked her attack rather easily, although, with her Arhat Fist, she was surprised it seemed that she was on part with at least his base line strength, he wasn't able to just completely block. His endurance was enough that it didn't matter, as she'd end up feeling her attacks before he did, but still, it was something to note.

    The return jab came and caught her in the gut, but that was the moment she had been waiting for. Bracing herself, although winded from the jab, Nozomi’s other arm instinctively wrapped around his arm to hold it in and stop him from retracting it.

    The roundhouse kick wouldn't be able to deliver with her holding him, and hopefully the distraction of her grabbing his arm would give her the time she needed to try her first combination again. Her knee came up in a  Rising Knee, and she followed through immediately with a Shoulder Charge from her free arm. She didn't really have time to waste, so her attacks came immediately after grabbing him. Still winded, and whether or not it failed or succeeded, his counter attack would probably come from his free arm, and she could do nothing to stop that. She was only aiming to get this blow in successfully.

    Stamina: 28/40

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    Makahshi Kereko
    Makahshi Kereko

    Posts : 44
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Makahshi Kereko Fri Oct 20, 2017 7:46 am

    Hm?! Makahshi was intrigued when she grabbed onto his arm after the gut punch. The girl had gumption he would give her that but not much else. It appeared she thought herself strong enough to hold if but for a second to land a blow. The attack was painfully obvious to a Taijutsu expert like him and his response would be brutal and swift. The Kereko immediately activated Rage Mode. If Nozomi was not to enraptured in the heat of the moment she'd notice the veins in the Jounin's neck would grow more pronounced as he mustered up all the hatred and anger that came with being a shinobi in such cruel times. Before the rising knee or shoulder attack could connect, he'd fire off punch to her face with his free hand. The speed and force of the blow would be more than enough to send her careening to the side ten meters like he had originally planned with his kick. The blow would be much stronger than what she was like to have anticipated given his relative cavalier attitude during the fight but it would serve as a reminder that nothing in battle was a given. Once hopefully free of Nozomi's clutch, he'd flex his arms and settle into a low stance. If she did not recover from the blow in a sufficient time, he'd go on the offense. Makahshi spat in disgust and growled menacingly. If Nozomi was perceptive enough after the strike then she'd notice that his patience was wearing thin and that his lack of yelling did not necessarily bode well for her. The girl's speed and strength when using Taijutsu was mildly impressive but it was time to see how she took a hit.

    Unique Abilities:


    "Makahshi Kereko. But to you my name is Pit, and you're not talking your way out of me"

    Strength: C
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    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Nozomi Fri Oct 20, 2017 9:48 am

    She had thought she had finally caught him off guard, but that wasn't to be the case. Her attacks moved in, but then she was suddenly flying through the air, smacked to the side like a rag doll. He had either been holding back before, or he had just amped up his power, but that didn't really matter too much, he had already been superior to her.

    Landing as she had before, with a roll that was only instinctual, Nozomi ended up on her feet, although the blow to her head left her stumbling, regaining her orientation. Shaking the dizziness out of her head, Nozomi’s vision focused back in in Makahshi, and her eyes narrowed.

    Using the Body Flicker technique again to get close to him, she would use a false lower leg sweep, crouching low to force him to jump her attack, but if he did so, she'd push off the ground with her arms, already in position for a kick to his gut, while he was in the air and couldn't dodge. She would probably still try the combination either way, dodge ir not, as feints could sometimes be useful.

    Even though she was giving her utmost, Nozomi had already realized this was a pointless fight for her. One on one, there wasn't really anything she could do but hope to get lucky. She was strong, and she was fast, but she wasn't strong enough, and she wasn't fast enough. Maybe she would get in a lucky strike, but that wasn't likely. Whole squads of genin couldn't usually do much to a Jounin, and even though she wasn't the average Genin, she wasn't Jounin level in any regards.

    Makahshi Kereko
    Makahshi Kereko

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    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Makahshi Kereko Fri Oct 20, 2017 12:49 pm

    The girl was not in the least bit deterred mentally although he could only assume that she was still physically smarting from the blow. Nozomi tucked into another roll and came right back at him for more causing him to smirk. "Come on blondie!" he'd shout again as he could still feel his blood rising. When she flickered forwards his own response would be to use his superior speed to run around her in a flash-like movement. The effect being accomplished via raw speed as opposed to any technique. Nozomi would have to physically and mentally grip with an opponent that was far more skilled than she was in doing so Makahshi aimed to push her to her absolute limit. After moving in on her rear, Bushido Black would follow up with a series of powerful body shots before ending a powerful front kick to her back. The goal was to inflict an non-insignificant amount of damage and pain. He wanted to see how long she could fight for when taking serious punishment. It would establish a base line level of pain tolerance that he could work with and in time help her break through. She showed enough promise in Taijutsu to be worth showing a few tricks but those tricks and abilities would not be given freely. Nozomi would have to earn them. If his combination succeeded, then he'd set upon her with far more fury than he had before. Driven by rage he'd perform a powerful axe kick while she was down aiming to knock her into the dirt. This finishing blow would have enough strength behind it to perhaps end the spar or at the very least give Nozomi an opportunity to impress Makahshi by standing on her feet after being beaten up.

    "Makahshi Kereko. But to you my name is Pit, and you're not talking your way out of me"

    Strength: C
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    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Nozomi Fri Oct 20, 2017 2:32 pm

    It was over for her the moment he got serious. The blows connected with the young girl and she was all but barreled over by his attacks. The body shots were painful, but not enough to keep her down for the count, although they would be enough to get her to that level soon.

    The front kick knocked her to her knees, and the finishing kick sent her flying a few meters back. For a moment, she lay still, adjusting to the pain she was in and letting it subside a little bit. She had a staunch refusal to make any noises of pain though, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

    She wasn't able to fight anymore, she knew that any movement of strain might be a little more painful than she'd be able to handle, which meant she couldn't really use the Body Flicker, or push herself to her fastest speeds, or even utilize the Arhat Fist style effectively. Her chakra was approaching half way depleted as well.

    That said, Nozomi had been in this situation with her father very often. She'd learned in time to access a deep well of strength within herself, that temporarily allowed her access to greater levels of chakra and stamina, restoring her a bit. Unfortunately it also made her body weaker, unable to deal with shots, but she used the temporary boost to allow herself to get up and move around for a bit.

    Now she needed to access these hidden reserves, and get up. Her body felt a rush as the chakra surged through her, seemingly by only force of will, and she felt quite a deal better, as she if she was only slightly winded from a run. Pushing herself off the ground, ignoring the pain from her sore body, Nozomi stood up, albeit a little more wobbly than before.

    Ooc: I'm on my phone at the moment, I'll add stats and uniques later if need be.

    Makahshi Kereko
    Makahshi Kereko

    Posts : 44
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Makahshi Kereko Fri Oct 20, 2017 10:06 pm

    Makahshi inhaled with wrathful satisfaction as Nozomi's body was tossed about like a ragdoll. The girl was dead set on not screaming however which only served to irritate the Jounin even more. He watched as she slowly rose to her feet despite the pain. It was as if she found a reservoir of strength and stamina he had not accounted for. The middle aged Kereko raised an eyebrow but kept his form sharp as he watched her defiantly rise to her feet. Despite the punishment he had doled out the girl was still ready for more. "Damn blondie, you straight out of a comic book!" he yelled out in a mocking tone. He was amused and mildly impressed. The kunoichi's tenacity matched that of his grand-aunt affectionately known as The Grippenasty. Nozomi was probably nearing her limit which means further strikes in Rage Mode might very well knock her unconscious which in of itself might be a blessing at this stage of the spar. Makahshi held out his right arm and turned the palm upwards before flexing his fingers forwards. It was the universal Taijutsu sign language.

    "Come get some" he mouthed urging her to push past the pain and come at him with even more fury than before.

    "Makahshi Kereko. But to you my name is Pit, and you're not talking your way out of me"

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B

    Posts : 1542
    Join date : 2017-10-09
    Age : 29

    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Nozomi Fri Oct 20, 2017 10:35 pm

    She wasn't quite sure what to do, in particular. Honestly, another strike would be the end of this match. Her ability to take any blows was diminished by restoring her stamina, so that was already used up. It was obvious that a head on assault wasn't going to work, nor was she able to catch him off guard with a tricky combination.

    Her best bet to hit him would be to use some other sort of jutsu, but she wasn't sure it would count, as this was a taijutsu match. She wanted to use her mist servant technique, but a genjutsu might be out of the bounds of their spar. The body flicker helped her move, so it was fine enough to use, but genjutsu clones or otherwise that didn't have actual form wouldn't count, at least in her head. She wasn't going to ask, as that would give away her plan if they were allowed, nor would she assume it was okay to do so.

    That really only left two options. She would either quit the match right now, or go in for a last hit. Either way, the match was over. Heck, he might just hit her anyways if she refused. Then again, this was a spar, and at any time she could give up and the consent to fight would be revoked.

    Shaking her head, Nozomi spoke up. "I can't, sir. Any further hits will put me down, and I still need to be able to make it home by myself later and do the work there. I can't fight anymore right now, my apologies sir." She knew her limits, and she'd already pushed past them. She could push even farther if she needed to, but that would result in injury that might be more detrimental than good.

    Makahshi Kereko
    Makahshi Kereko

    Posts : 44
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Makahshi Kereko Mon Oct 23, 2017 12:51 pm

    Makahshi shook his head and exited his fighting stance. She was on the verge of mildly impressing him but he wasn't shocked that he was handed a quitter. There was wisdom in knowing when to cease fighting but Nozomi should know that in a spar like this it was sometimes preferable to push past one's limits if only to achieve greater estimation in the eyes of their superiors. Nevertheless he understood the decision and opted not to knock her out cold like he had considered earlier.

    "Whatever blondie. Excuses won't hold up next time. Go home. We'll train again two days from now at my dojo, I'll send you the address"

    Makahshi wouldn't say anything else but would let his rage quietly subside. Nozomi had promise and all the right ingredients of a great shinobi but ultimately he found her conviction lacking. Only time would tell if she would find more concrete reasons to advance in the profession.


    "Makahshi Kereko. But to you my name is Pit, and you're not talking your way out of me"

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B

    Posts : 1542
    Join date : 2017-10-09
    Age : 29

    Irritations and Vexations Empty Re: Irritations and Vexations

    Post by Nozomi Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:15 pm

    Ultimatley, Nozomi was able to breathe a sigh of relief, inwardly. She didn't want to fight any longer and had concerns that he would just attack her anyhow. Bowing to her sensei, she took her leave, doing her best to move without letting any of her injuries show all that much. She was fairly prideful, and even against a jounin didn't want to show weakness.

    Still, things weren't too bad. The 20 push ups were very simple, and didn't really amount to anything, but that wasn't too much of an issue considering the rest of her training session. 10 laps was almost 3 miles, so she had done all that and sparred rather well all things considered. For a genin, she was in excellent shape.

    Hopefully she would see some improvements from the session today, and get some rest and heal up the next day so she was fine for their next training session



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