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    Generic Hospital Topic


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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Zurui Mon Nov 05, 2018 7:17 pm

    The little caravan rolled up to the hospital and dropped Zurui off with one of the nurses before heading off. The guards used that opportunity to slip away and give their mission report so that they could return to their homes and hopefully relax for the rest of the day. The caravan left for the merchant's store, one of many in Kirigakure. As Zurui watched the little band disperse, he wondered how his own shops were faring. There were four of them that he'd bought over the last two years, but because he chose to a secret partner in them, he avoided showing his face there in favor of secretive distant communication with the partners that actually operated the stores. They always did well, so he had no reason to hey involved, but it didn't stay his curiosity too see exactly what it was that his money had bought.

    The nurse rolled Zurui into the hospital. They'd received word from Konohagakure a few days ago, so they were expecting his arrival and were, therefore, well prepared for it. Because of this, the nurse was able to wheelchair him right to the recovery wing where there read a room waiting for him. Seeing that she wasn't stopping to ask anyone if there were rooms available, Zurui reasoned that there was one already picked out for him, which meant he would have no chance at being transferred to the coma wing. Given his findings in Konoha, he very much wanted to be in that wing.

    "I'm sorry, but if it's not too much trouble, could I spend my time in the coma wing?" He asked the nurse. She stopped the wheelchair and pursed her lips. It wasn't exactly protocol, but there wasn't anything against it.

    Seeing that she needed more convincing, Zurui chimed in again. "I'm not fond of being around people, so if I must be, I'd rather them be asleep the entire time." The nurse nodded her approval. The room picked out for him was unoccupied at the moment, but given that they were expecting to have him for two or more weeks, or was very likely that he'd get a roommate at some point. If he'd be happier with a sleeper, then she would definitely love to oblige.

    "Okay, we do have an open room there. If anyone gets admitted, away least they won't be able to disturb you." She replied with a kind smile. Zurui returned the expression and sat silently whilst she rolled him to the coma wing. It sounded like he wouldn't have anyone in his room to start off with, so he'd have to sneak around to see if any other of his kind were here. He probably should've done the same in Konoha's hospital, but the pain in his torso was way too uncomfortable for him to go sneaking around. He still should have. Comfort can go to hell when it comes to his destiny. At least he felt a bit better now, so it would be easier.

    The two arrived at the empty room and Zurui was helped onto the bed before the nurse went to the reception desk so as to make official the Jounin's current living arrangement. Seeing no need to rush things, Zurui remained in bed and rested for many hours, until the sun had fallen and the night shift was well under way. There were less staff around at that time, which would give him a lot more breathing room to go on about his personal mission.

    The Jounin activated the sensing technique to locate everyone in the building. He paid special attention to those in his wing, as well as any that might coincidentally catch sight of anything in the coma wing. He needed to take no chances, for while he could do it, it would be awkward explaining what he was doing in a coma patient's room if he were caught. Best to avoid that situation altogether.

    When he felt confident in the predictability of the hospital staff's patrolling paths, he waited for a moment when nobody would be looking for a while and made his move. With the positions and directions of everyone within the building at the forefront of his mind, Zurui began to enter the other rooms, making the sound of his movements with Silent Killing while making his appearance by staying only in the areas where nobody was looking. This made for a lot of stop and go, but he maneuvered through the area brilliantly due to his strategic mind.

    After making it through the whole ward, Zurui let out a muffled, exacerbated sigh. He'd seen not a single person with white hair. It was entirely possible that there was an Otsutsuki here with a different hair color, though. After all, Zurui himself, though born with hair white as snow, often masks his appearance, which almost always involves changing the color from white. He still had faith, in the back of his mind, that he might find one of his own in this place, but what he'd have to do to find this individual would be troublesome. He needed to make absolutely sure, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that nobody saw him. For the only wayi to know for sure without spending two days trying the Six Paths ritual on all of these people, was to activate his own Rinnegan. After going through so much work to keep his Kekkei Genkai secret throughout his life, he absolutely did not want it to go to waste now, for this.

    Zurui closed his eyes. When they next opened, they were changed. They were violent and bore now two rings, a sign of the power he'd taken back in Konoha. Focusing on both his vision and his sensory ability, Zurui moved quickly through the halls, peeking in every room and entering a few to ensure that he caught sight of everyone in this wing. He was nearing the end, preparing himself for the possibility that his target was not here, when he saw it. An aura of violet, a color akin only to his Doujutsu, emanating from the body of a young...person? He couldn't tell the gender, but it mattered not to him. The Jounin slipped into the room and hid in the corner, waiting for a nurse to pass by before he proceeded.

    Much like the last time, several days ago, Zurui placed his hand on Eden's forehead. His eyes looked at theirs and, after much effort and some time, Zurui managed to draw out their Path. It was somewhat fortunate, he thought, that neither of those two had activated their abilities, Aryn and Eden. While they never got a taste of that awesome power, they also wouldn't know the loss that befell them, even now. A few moments later and Eden's eyes snapped open. Their Rinnegan was active and Zurui watched as the ring in their eye faded away not long before the color drained from them. Their eyes returned to their usual red color and then closed once more. They never woke, never felt a thing, as the Jounin stole from them the power granted them at birth. He looked at their helpless body with his newly three-ringed Rinnegan, giving thought to something he'd dismissed in Konoha.

    Would it not be a gift to offer eternal use to a corporeal body destined for naught but death and rot? It was a mercy, to put down someone trapped in prolonged suffering. The gift, then, was to allow a person to continue existing in this world when they can no longer do so themselves. Eden may die now, or in a few weeks, and most will have never heard of them. If, however, Zurui bestows upon this body the Rinnegan's unique receivers and allows them to remain in this world as a Path, a puppet corpse under his control, then many will know of Eden. Many will fear and admire them. How kind a gift was that?

    It probably wasn't kind, but he wanted to look at it like that. Zurui removed the sheet and blanket from Eden's body and then slipped a hand under their clothing. Black metal penetrated their flesh from his, and eventually their torso and upper arms and legs were sparsely covered in black receivers arranged like many piercings. He gave the same piercings to their ears, like studs lining the outer cartilage, and left the room when the next opportunity came so that none would see him return to his own assigned bed.

    For the next few hours, Zurui kept his sensing active, waiting for the next nurse to visit Eden's room. When the nurse entered, Eden suddenly opened their eyes. The nurse shouted for help and hospital staff swarmed the room. It was a miracle of medicine, they thought, such that only some questioned the change in eye color from red to ringed violet, and even they dismissed. Nobody even noticed the piercings in their ears and none ever saw the piercings lining Eden's body. The nurses simply ran the requisite tests, which were difficult for Zurui to take. Eden was dead, now, and it was only because of their recent passing that the Jounin was able to use his chakra to fake all of the signs of not just life, but healthy life.

    Nevertheless, Eden passed and, skillfully hiding the blood on their sheets left from when Zurui inserted his receivers, changed from the hospital gown and into the clothes they were admitted in. Eden then went on to venture out of the hospital, sharing vision with Zurui, who himself was stuck in the hospital until his wounds fully recovered. Eden never went too far away and would sometimes stop by the hospital, so as to always be within range should anything unexpected happen.

    Nearly a week and a half later, Zurui checked out of the hospital, confident that he'd recovered enough to function near full capacity again. During this time, Zurui paid similar visits to others in the coma ward, injecting them with receivers in such a way that they were killed and the receivers themselves were unnoticeable through clothing. One by one, five others suddenly woke from their coma, passed the tests, and were released from the hospital. Time passed between them in such a way as to not draw too much attention, though someone was bound to notice six people walking when for years it was commonplace that all coma patients died. Zurui just hoped nobody in a position to cause him trouble would notice.

    Like Eden, the others lingered around the general area of the hospital and wore coverings over their eyes, like sunglasses, to mask the reflection of Zurui's Rinnegan. When finally the Jounin walked out of the hospital, he had Eden Syn, Amaya Taira, Nami Hozuki, Kaido Kazama, Kazumi Yuki, and Magnus Kaguya. It would be a new squad in Kiri, to everyone else's eyes, led by Zurui. In reality, that wasn't quite true.


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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Takeo Wed Nov 07, 2018 7:10 pm

    (Interrupting exit within the 48 hour period.)

    The man wanders throughout the vicinity of the hospital, having decided that he would visit one of his family members that had been rendered comatose as a result of medical reasons. This was one of the few times that he had actually gotten the ample opportunity to get free time to himself, so he decided to spend this specific occasion on checking on the condition of numerous of his shinobi. Of course, with them comatose, he'd specified that only himself, those permitted, and medical personnel would be allowed access to their rooms.

    So he finds it especially odd that none other than one of his very Jounin is loitering in one of those very rooms he specified not to allow personnel into without his explicit position. With his curiousity piqued, the brunette heads along within the rather staff-lacking, night time of the large medical complex, still sensing the man, with certainty that such a thing went both ways.

    Of course, if the man still had the audacity to proceed with his actions, Takeo would enter the room accordingly, quite blatantly pushing the door to the other Otsutsuki's room open and calling to the man.

    "Who gave you permission to be here? Because it certaintly wasn't me, and I'm the only one able to. Explain yourself, Zurui."


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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Zurui Wed Nov 07, 2018 7:57 pm

    [And you didn't specify your time of entry in relation to the process. Therefore, I am able to call the hit uninterrupted and place your entry at the very end of my business with Eden.]

    Right as Zurui placed the final receiver in Eden's now lifeless body, he detected Takeo's signature enter his range. It was odd, Zurui thought, for it was not one of the people he'd sensed going in and out of the hospital hallways. It could be a threat, and he treated it immediately as such. He had already taken the Human Path and made one corpse path. He still needed five more, but now he had to worry about this guy coming at him. Twenty-Five meters did Takeo still have to go, and many corners to go around before he was within eyesight of Eden's door. That gave more than enough time.

    Due to the nature of Takeo's path, Zurui reasoned that sensory must be involved. Why else would he be targeting this area? He could be wrong, but if he was, nothing would change. Zurui activated one of the many seals drawn about his person. When he did, it would appear to Takeo that Zurui's chakra signature was coming from everywhere at once. He wouldn't be able to place where Zurui was, but Zurui knew he'd be coming to this room as the last point of sensing clarity. Twenty-three meters to go.

    Eden went to drawing seals with her own blood while Zurui slipped out of the room and closed the door. When she was finished, she knocked out the light to make it dark. Zurui slipped into another room and proceeded to line them with black receivers as well. Takeo now moved within eyesight. He'd see the coma ward as it normally was, the attending nurse in a room across from Eden's and completely oblivious. Zurui was no longer in eyesight, hidden within the door to the room two doors down from Eden's.

    When Takeo burst into the room to confront Zurui, he'd find himself standing face to face with Eden. She stared at him, which would, no doubt, confuse him, at least a little. It didn't need to, though, for just as he'd seen her, the light in the main room suddenly went out. If he turned to look back, Eden would pierce his heart with a black receiver generated from her right hand; by the time he looked back at her, he'd be dead.

    If he didn't look back, he'd find himself bound. A second path moved within two meters of him, hands extended to release the Demonic Chains of the Outer Path if he took any action or if the path got within two meters of him. These chains were strong enough to hold him in place no matter what he did. At that point, Eden would stab him with a black receiver.

    Regardless of what Takeo did, he'd find it difficult to move. Beneath his feet, as soon as he opened the door, would be encumbered by quicksand. Beneath the quicksand, hidden from sight by both the lack of decent lighting and the quicksand, was an expansive seal writ in dark crimson blood that would seal off all of his tenketsu, preventing him from using any jutsu in response to Zurui's quick, rapid succession attacks. If he was at all distracted by the quicksand, Eden would stab him. If he tried to attack Eden, she'd ignore the pain as any dead person would and stab him with a receiver.

    The chains were ten in number, covering all escapes and moving swiftly. If he attempted to run anywhere outside of the room, he'd be running into a chain and would be bound by it. If he tried to run inside the room, Eden would, well, stab him. Eden is very stabby.

    Meanwhile, Zurui remained in the room two doors down and waited while the third path he'd made went throughout the rest of the rooms, first killing the nurse and then making two more paths, totaling five. They'd be walking in right as the chains or stabbing happened, throwing shuriken and ready to aid the fight in whatever manner they may. However, given Takeo's predicament, it wasn't terrible likely to be needed. Zurui hadn't been entirely sure who it was entering his range and perhaps if he'd had greater ability to sense further, he might have had time to come up with a better solution, perhaps one much less violent. Given the present situation, though, Zurui doubted it go terrible bad. He could be wrong, and this whole thing was in fact a gamble, but if he was right, well, that was one less enemy to worry about. An enemy that never needed to be an enemy in the first place.

    Eden had drawn more seals than just the one, though. She'd actually covered her skin in bloody seals of Zurui's own design that she'd activate the moment she needed them. If ever Takeo moved faster than her, she'd enhance her speed, same with her coordination, her perception, and anything she happened to need at the moment to augment her body to be at least equal to Takeo himself. Given his predicament in this situation, even just that would probably be more than enough to overwhelm him. The only unfortunate thing for the Wayward Mizukage was that he wouldn't be able to blatantly overwhelm any of Zurui's new corpses. They all bore those seals, they all knew his techniques and they were, all of them, deadly.

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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Takeo Thu Nov 08, 2018 6:54 am

    (Fair enough.)

    Takeo was no fool. He'd detected that there one of many receivers within the comatose Syn's body, who no longer was giving off chakra at that point in time. And what's more, those receivers were giving off Zurui's chakra -- with him directly in the room prior to the sensory overload. He'd become just more suspecting of something going on that wasn't right, and thus he quickens his pace at that point in time, all the while forming numerous handseals. He comes to a halt about ten meters away from the room.

    Upon completing the final handseal, chakra kneads into the Katon nature and erupts in the form of a focal point at the base of his forehead. Sure, Eden was now a corpse, but she still emitted with chakra of the Jounin's own, and the Mizukage had literally watched the corpse give rise from the bed, and proceed to wait. "Zurui." He calls out, gazing down the hallway with now orange eyes. Flames proceed to wrap around his figure in its entirety in a faint aura of orange glow. "You can hide all you like."

    The man contorts several handseals, although this time they're performed with a single hand. Three handseals are contorted into being before he extends his arm out before him and closes his fist, allowing chakra to knead itself into flames and start to rapidly coil about his palm in its entirety. There was something abnormal about this manifestation of flames. The technique initially seemed about C-Rank as far as the cost to Takeo's reserves went, but then it suddenly began to skyrocket. If the Otsutsuki was still making an effort to sense, the amount of chakra invested into the technique doubled. Then it tripled.

    "But I have no need to worry about it." The Yuki states, allowing the massive amount of chakra he suddenly sent flaring into his palm to be released. From the very moment he opens his hand, Takeo lets loose a roaring, wide-spanning wave of flames threatening to absolutely incinerate all that stood in their way. It's one spontaneous, burst of orange flames emanating with heat and firing out 30 meters from where he stood. They expand to that in height and width as well, engulfing the entirety of his line of sight in pure orange while flinging the man himself back, and out of the comatose ward.

    The comatose ward was in a section of the hospital of its own, but still one-floor. He'd incinerate all that threatened to be turned into a weapon against him -- even the Otsutsuki himself. And of course, he'd ultimately left the Jounin in a predicament where he'd have to stop utilizing the corpses to run at his best measure, or a miracle could save him. Either way, the Flame Emperor was going to destroy something either way, whether it was the sudden, new threat to his home or the corpses that had been resurrected by said threat. And he wouldn't be the only one to know with how aware he made the rest of his metropolis.

    136.5/160 chakra points remaining

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C -> B (Overhaul)
    Stamina: B
    Speed: C -> B (Recoil from Burner)
    Coordination: B+ -> C+ (during Burner handseals)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B

    UA(s) used:

    Technique(s) used:


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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Zurui Thu Nov 08, 2018 8:31 am

    [I get that you wanted to use the flames to interrupt all the actions in my post, but it's best to be safe in case interrupting actions turn out to be insufficient. In this case, your stopping well short of the room does prevent the actions from the Eden corpse from taking place -the stabbing and the quicksand. However, the paths using chains and shuriken were left unaddressed. Calling those hits.]

    Zurui largely ignored Takeo's words. There was no need to respond. His chakra was all over and Takeo clearly identified the signature as his. Were he to lose this battle, he'd be dead or missing. Were he to win, he'd be the murderer of the Mizukage. He had only the second choice to go on, though, else he'd lose a precious resource in this village.

    The second of Zurui's paths approached and, as soon as Takeo formed a hand seal, the chains were unleashed all around. They were fast, but they were just shy of the flame's speed. Being that they had started first, though, they did wrap around the Mizukage before the heat even reached the Path from which they originated. When they did, Eden's corpse was there with palm extended. In this palm was another seal, writ in blood. She held it up to the flames in front of the other path, before any of the fire had burned any of Zurui's new creations. "Banshou Fuuin." She said, and all of the fire was absorbed into the seal.

    Takeo, bound in arms, legs, and torso by the chains, suddenly felt the sting of shuriken embedding into his chest and neck. Bound by chains too powerful to break and stuck in one vital area with piercing metal, he was dead in seconds. Any technique he used would be mitigated by the demonic statue chains. Additionally, with the flames being so quickly absorbed, it would only appear as a brief flash of light through a few of the windows -hardly the expected bursting explosion. Others would not know of his plight, and he'd be left to die there among the dead.

    Demonic Statue Chains (Called)
    Six Paths of Pain
    Banshou Fuuin

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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Takeo Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:14 am

    It all occurred within a flash of light. Takeo had seemingly been laced in a myriad of chains, but it wasn't without his Katon technique being fired off. It thrust through the entirety of the ward like a locomotive series of grenades, blowing apart the foundation of the walls and the structural integrity of part of the hospital as a whole. Coupled with glass shards and the two shuriken he was unable to move away from courtesy of the chains binding him, he thought it was over.

    The man simply sighs, figuring that at this point at least the rest of Kirigakure would know. About the man who was responsible. They wouldn't find an unsolved homicide. The Otsutsuki wouldn't go unknown, even if he escaped, between the sensory barrier most likely tracking this whole thing and the sheer size of Kirigakure itself. Feeling somewhat satisfied with himself even at how brash his action was to go and kill numerous people that were comatose -- just to halt the man attempting to misuse them, Takeo felt as though he could rest.

    As the blow back of the explosion engulfs his line of sight, instead of feeling the needle-like, sharp protrusions of glass and shuriken pincushion him, the man suddenly feels his bindings loosen. And as his vision clears up, he's standing at the edge of what's otherwise a gaping hole in the structure, with some of the remaining foliage down below. He'd no doubt caused a massive explosion to go off, and while that was good, the village would need repairs. Glass and shuriken alike merely lay etched into the remainder of the floorboards, possibly having been knocked off trajectory?

    The brunette Yuki allows the flames engulfing his forehead to fizzle out for now, staying silent and relying on his normal senses and his chakra sensory to detect the male, just in case he was still alive -- or if his reserves were still overloading his chakra sensory. Perhaps he was still alive? But that went for the two of them -- in fact one could call it a miracle. A miracle given to the Mizukage solely to stop a man of his own allegiance. 'I didn't want to kill you before but.. people like you have no right to exist. Not here. Not anywhere under Kirigakure's rule. Don't show your face again, Otsutsuki.' The Yuki muses, clenching his hands into fists.

    136/160 chakra remaining
    Used one limit break point: Destiny

    Technique(s) used:


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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Zurui Fri Nov 09, 2018 7:47 am

    [Destiny Points only negate damage, not chains.]

    Red and orange light filled the halls. The dark was, just for a moment, replaced by a brilliant light that forebore a burning attack which rocked the very foundation of the hospital. Zurui, being the strategist he was, knew what it meant and he was prepared for it. The flames reached all around him but they did not harm him, as though the hand of god had reached down from heaven to protect him. The Otsutsuki walked from the room, through the flames.

    When the fire died out, there was smoke and cinder in its place. Had Zurui not surveyed the hospital beforehand, he might not know where it was that he was going, but he moved with a purpose, he moved quick, and he did so unseen.

    Still on his person was the distortion seal active. Takeo would still be unable to detect where Zurui was, for it appeared that his signature emanated from nearly every point in the Mizukage's range. He'd be unable to tell, through the smoke, where Zurui was moving, if he was on the brink of death, or even whether any of his paths had managed to survive. Well, he'd know about one.

    The chains binding with purple flames kept a hold of the Mizukage. Though he managed to survive the attack unharmed through a miracle, he was not able to extricate himself from those chains. The path which held them,  melting and focused solely on holding fast the bind, was being attended to by Zurui. Had the Jounin not applied medical ninjutsu immediately, his path might have lost hold on the chains, and Zurui knew that would be troublesome.


    The path, still unmoving and steadily recovering from the burns, began to retract the chains into its hands. This, in effect, began to draw the still bound Takeo in. Due to the binding power of the Demonic Statue Chains, Takeo would be unable to break them and with his hands and legs bound, he'd find difficulty in performing any techniques that could save him. In a few moments, the path would pull the Mizukage over the charred floorboards and onto the seal Eden had drawn earlier.

    The seal itself was now burned into the floor; the blood had boiled to the point that its pattern was now permanently charred into the floor but, more importantly, it was still active by Zurui's will. The Jounin kneeled in silence behind his path, still applying the mystical palm technique to maintain the corpse's ability to function. However,  once Takeo was over the seal, he'd activate a technique which would drop the entire wing of the hospital deep underground and cover up the hole. It was time for a more personal conversation.


    60/160 CP
    Destiny Point
    Distortion Seal
    Demonic Statue Chains
    Mystical Palm Technique
    Elemental Mastery
    Moving Earth Core
    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Hana Kaguya Fri Nov 09, 2018 9:46 am

    The magnitude of a building practically being brought down by demolition was a disturbance to be heard from all parts of the city regardless of what part or what someone was doing. Without a doubt it caught the attention of Tsubaki, and with the disposal of palace guards with her, they were leaving the district at an accelerated pace. It was quite obvious the motive of this attack was malicious, whether it be terrorism, a hit, or the result of a heated battle taking place. The destruction of the building alone caused casualties by itself which made it a sensitive issue. The ill and infirm were always given sympathy for those who loved and cared for them. Despite the Kaguya's view on the old and ill even Tsubaki could not deny she was guilty of giving Yanagi and Yui attention during their incapacitated state. The result of this attack would leave many who have lost a close one angry or depressed. And because of these strong emotions at play, it was the perfect time for the Kaguya to strike. Their victory will bring praise and acknowledgement to the clan.

    Striding across the rooftops, Tsubaki with the company of three elite guards traveled with her at their top speed. The Hospital was only a stone toss away given the Kaguya Clan District's relative distance to it in the city. Time was of importance. Whether the perpetrator could be seen fleeing from the scene or the fight still raging was to be discovered when they got within an observable distance. The smoke from the explosion panned out in the available airspace around it. Pluming upwards and spreading out to the sides the smoke, powered by the collapse of the ward, the debris worked to thin itself out gradually with time. Tsubaki and her squad entered the beginning of the smoke, which was thin, yet gradually grew more dense as they neared the epicenter of the boom. Although dirt and debris were in the air it was far from incapacitating to her sight or any of her guardsmen, as they were trained to hone their perception; blind fighting was a lethal skill to have and could be applied in most cases of battle.

    Alas their 'highway' ended as the contingent of Kaguya dropped from the last single-story building and onto the ground standing tall appraising the rubble and ominous red glow from the smoldering building parts. And the remaining fire which burned the more flammable material of the hospital provided a substantial light source to make the scene quite easy to identify. The Kaguya approached the flank of a mysterious man realizing he had Mizukage ensnared with a set of what could only be seen as ethereal chains. Tsubaki nodded with a look of confirmation as the three Kaguya leaped into the air preparing technique of their own while keeping five meters of space between them and Zurui at all times during their trajectory. Tsubaki reached her right hand over to the top of her left shoulder, the sprouting of her bone creating a sufficient handle allowing her to pull a short, hilt-less sword from her exposed shoulder top.

    Leaping from Tsubaki's former position the three guards prepared their maneuver. Two of them grew massive, drill-like structures from their forearms while the other focused on softening the target. The guardsman's fingertips were centered on Zurui. During his jump with the other two he would unleash the barrage of bullets once directly over Zurui to prevent hurting Takeo in any crossfire. This would be done at the start of Zurui's healing process after his hand signs were performed, as getting the drop on him was their ultimate goal. Their presence would be unknown except for the most attuned senses. The bullets would hail down over his body, his shoulders and head a clear target as the bullets had the potential to drive through the skull, bone, and flesh of his body and pop out the opposite end. But eventually, the squad would fall down on the space between Takeo and Zurui. The two wielding the drill arms would make contact first, and their motive clear at this point as they drove their drill-like arms into the chains connecting Takeo to his enemy. The design of the drill was to maximize impact on a single single point amplifying damage to the highest degree. Backed with the inhumane strength of the attackers, it proved to be a more than sufficient means to sever the binding which ensnared Takeo.

    The drills, whether they cut the chain or not, would create an impressive display regardless as they impacted the earth creating a magnitude powerful enough to fissure the ground beneath all present members in a shockwave. Tsubaki was more or less prepared for the impact as she balanced on the cracking, protruding earth which made its way up. She stood ten meters behind Zurui attempting to not make her presence known to him. She kept her eyes on his at all times, ready to move at a moment's notice.

    Tsubaki Things:

    NPC Things:

    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Hibiki Sat Nov 10, 2018 1:43 am

    Alkaid had been hanging out with her cousin as they often did when the explosion happened.  Giving Tsubaki a silent nod of agreement that they should investigate together she slipped her face mask on before pulling a katana from out of her left shoulder and racing after the squad of guards just a few steps behind them.

    She wasn’t quite as fast as her older cousin or her handpicked guard unit and they weren’t going to wait on her account.   That was fine though since it was usually her job was to pull up the rear and mop up anything that her squad mates had missed.   Besides she was pretty much that clans’ ace in the hole.  It wasn’t smart to play your strongest card first and to be honest out of all the many rolls she played being the cavalry arriving just in the nick of time had to be one of her favorites.

    As she approached the hospital she was aghast at what she saw.   An entire ward of the hospital reduced to rubble and a sea of flame.  The attack against Zurai was already underway leaving her with more questions then answers as she jumped into the fray as stealtly as possible using her special ability in an attempt to avoid being noticed by Zurai until  was already too late for him to do anything about it.  Wasn’t he like one of their own Jounin? Why the heck would the Mizukage be fighting him?  Answers would have to wait until after the fight was resolved.

    If she was being entirely honest if it’d still been the old man, she probably would had been joined in this apparent act of rebellion.  Dude was too blood thirsty for his own good and she was always afraid to be around him, afraid of the moment when he’d try to chop her head off for some arbitrary reason or another.

    If it was the twins she’d just let things play their course without interfering. Because fuck them, especially when they where the primary suspect behind the murder of her clan’s elders even if she couldn’t prove it.  And if it was Kotsubo she’d have stepped in to help him more out of obligation then anything.  He had been her sensai after all before he’d up and vanished off the face of the earth so she figured she at least owed him that much.

    But Takeo?  She actually LIKED Him.  He was a bit taciturn at times sure but overall he had treated the village well.  He was probably the best Mizukage they’d ever had if simply by the virtue of him not being a bloodthirsty maniac.

    If someone took him out who would become the next Mizukage? Yomi? That idea was enough to make Alkaid shudder.   That woman was a bit of an acquired taste.  As sensai went she couldn’t ask for a better teacher, but her temperament was ill suited for looking after an entire country.    

    Leaving the attacking and the chain severing to the guards that Tsubaki had brought with her, Alkaid landed between Takeo and his enemy so that she was standing just in front of the Mizukage with her back to him, she sword held at the ready to defend him.  

    “Don’t worry Sir,  I’ll protect you.” She said feeling absolute confidence in her ability to do so.  She might only be a Chunnin but when it came to toughness she was probably the single sturdiest ninja in the entire village.  Even as she spoke she raised her free left hand toward Eden ejecting five bone bullets from her fingertips towards the half carried woman.

    Moving at high speed if they connected they would hit at considerable force, enough to tear straight through metal armor which would be more then enough to rip half burnt figure to shreds.  She didn’t know how someone that had their flesh literally sloughing off them was still moving but she wasn’t taking any chances.  

    Alkaid usually didn’t usually go for blood unless she had to but this was one of those cases where she didn’t have much choice.  Anybody daring to raise a hand against their leader would be dealt with using extreme prejudice.  At this point that was probably the most merciful option available to her given the extreme agony that the man had to be under with those injuries.  She’d put the woman out of her misery then move onto getting Takeo to safety at the first available opportunity.  

    Alkaid stuff:


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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Takeo Sat Nov 10, 2018 6:27 am

    Takeo was beginning to take hold of the principals of how this chain-based technique was used. He'd noticed the heat and the overall firepower behind his Burner had been reduced from the very moment they made contact, and even now his flow of chakra was being halted by this technique's sheer existence and its hold around his frame. With that in mind, from the looks of it those were Zurui's only leverage. The man lacks any intention to give him the opportunity to manifest anything else that could give him in edge in this battle.

    At least, that seemed to be the case until numerous Kaguya make their presences known. Alkaid lands fairly close to him, promising to protect him, while her cousin perches herself in the general vicinity. Numerous of the guards the aforementioned Tsubaki brought with her make their intentions known when one of them targets the chains between Takeo and the path that created them, while another guard fires off towards where he could only assume Zurui is. The Mizukage dismisses the flow of chakra applied to his senses, and instead he prioritizes something else -- and that's making sure he repositions himself somewhere safe.

    That's sort of a difficult thing to do considering he'd never really expanded his arsenal for Taijutsu. It was in fact something he intended to do soon -- but then this happened. "Don't worry about me unless he gets too close." The man answers the silver-haired Chuunin, mostly just focusing on instincts right now. It's safe to say he probably wouldn't be acting out until there were actual signs of the chains being released. "And don't touch the chains. They limit chakra flow." Takeo informs, thinking of what to do at this point. Maybe just let them handle it? It'd be a good test to see what they were capable of -- though right now he has to prioritize the Otsutsuki's actions.

    'Let's see if your efforts aren't in vain.'


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    Yuki Kaida
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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Yuki Kaida Sat Nov 10, 2018 7:21 am

    Ken was relaxing at one of his favorite places to drink Sake, his battle he had with Yomi made him see his weaknesses and he would certainly need to work on those. One thing he was certain of is needing a sword not made by his bloodline, this was simply due to the fact it cost him chakra to create and his bloodline was far too costly to keep active for long. He had a massive time limit when using his bloodline and had to end fights fast, so he would begin to think of ways to not rely on it as much and simply use it as a trump card from now on.

    Suddenly a massive explosion would fill the air as Ken quickly jumped throwing down some Ryo and rushing off. He had no clue what was going on but he could see the large bellowing from the hospital, this was bad how many people had just died and what sort of madman would level part of a hospital. He would quickly make his way toward the location as he knew this was no time to be stingy with his chakra he had to make a move, as suddenly his body would be covered by his signature black armor.

    He had a plan whoever it was would have a very hard time responding to the speed of the attack, plus he was going to use a new trick Yomi had taught him. By focusing his chakra he would be able to make his tendrils attack much more powerful. With the increased power it would be no joke and could easily rip a man apart, or woman. As he neared the hospital he would see Tsubaki as well as Alkaid rushing to the aid of the kage Takeo. He was unsure who he was fighting but one thing was clear he would destroy this person. He would begin to use a series of handseals Dragon -> Tiger -> Rat -> Dog followed by Snake seal at the end. He would aim them on all side of the man leaving only one path he could even try to move forward to and that was going to be into his blade. He would also release them at varying times to make it almost impossible to time and avoid all of them using 19 of the twenty before the strike and having one more he would fire off after his sword strike. If he did somehow manage to avoid the tendrils his blade would do the rest of the work as he would do another hand seal this one being a half tiger as he would also form his sword appearing behind the man and using one more jutsu this one being a straight dash forward as he would aim to cleave straight through the man and appear to his right. If he managed to live through this attack he would have to give the man credit as powerful as this set of attacks was even Yomi would have had a very difficult time avoiding the insanity and power behind his attack.

    Strength: A->S++
    Constitution: B[Armor is S]
    Stamina: B
    Speed: B->S
    Coordination: C->S
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C

    Popping LB point to increase Coordination to S


    Jutsu Used:


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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Zurui Sat Nov 10, 2018 8:12 am

    It seemed that the whole village had been only moments away from the hospital. While a response was not unexpected, it was unfavorable, and Zurui realized that he'd have to finish this fight quickly. If he didn't, Takeo would kill him as easily as he did those dozens of comatose patients. A cold man like that was a fitting leader for Kirigakure and not someone Zurui would have any problem following. Given the circumstances, though, he showed himself to be far too controlling for Zurui to stand under. He was beyond that point anyway, now, for if he lost this fight, he'd be put to death and that would put a damper on his plans. And well, pretty much everything. Dying kinda sucked.

    First, the Kaguya entourage appeared. Zurui, being an intelligent man, predicted this with superhuman acuity and immediately brought his sensory up to full capacity. The chains binding Takeo suddenly became less in number as six faded away. Still, the Mizukage was bound by four and would be just as helpless. As soon as the three Kaguya were airborne, chains reached out from the melting corpse's body and ensnared them, one chain per person. The chains caught their hands, binding them to their body before they ever had a chance to use their techniques. Then, they were slammed into the ground right on their heads. The speed, force and especially the trajectory were all used to full efficiency by the anatomically knowledgable Jounin to snap all of their necks with just the one blow to floor. They were all of them lifeless.

    Takeo was likewise still being dragged to the seal when Alkaid appeared between he and the corpse. Another thing Zurui had seen coming and made preparations for. As soon as the girl landed, placing herself right next to the chains, one of the four wrapped enclosed around her. She may be sturdy, but she wasn't particularly fast, and with Zurui having the chain already prepared before she'd even landed there, she'd find great difficulty in escaping what was essentially a closing mouse trap. The chain would bind her hands to her body and wrap around her person like a spaced cocoon, leaving more openings that one might take advantage of but holding fast her hands and feet such that she'd not be able to form even one-handed seals and be quite incapable of running.

    Tsubaki was another issue. Zurui knew of her presence, could sense her, and was forced to cancel his medical technique to properly deal with everything else that was suddenly forced upon him. The corpse would remain immobile with flesh still dripping from its body, but he didn't require mobility at this particular moment. All he needed was a center with which to use his chains. Vines grew from the ground all around Tsubaki and she'd find herself unable to escape their grasp, for they were unbelievably fast. With her body held snugly in place, hands and feet bound, she'd be helpless as Zurui flung a kunai for all each of the three necks in the area and then suddenly appeared in a bean pod before her. He'd pull out another kunai and attempt to slash at her. With her bound by the vines, she wouldn't be able to react, unless she found a way to undo the illusion. Even still, the chain would keep her snug whatever her course of action once it reached her.

    Then, as things were wrapping up, Takeo would be on the seal and the whole place started to descend into the earth, the darndest thing happened. A crazed psycho killer appeared outta nowhere and charged Zurui with intent to kill before he'd even observed the situation. It was an odd circumstance, to be sure, but one Zurui had expected. As the ground around them became as walls and the light grew darker with their position falling into the earth, Zurui caused similar vines to grow around Ken as they had around Tsubaki. Because he knew exactly when Ken (heh, rhyme) would look upon him, the vines would stop him fast before he had time to initiate any assault pattern. He didn't even have time to form the hand seals before the vines wrested his arms and despite his absurd strength, he'd be unable to fight them. Zurui made some hand seals. Let me repeat, Zurui made some hand seals. Chains attempted to ensnare Ken. Did I mention that Zurui made hand seals. All the hand seals for this technique. Every last one. He made sure that the hand seals were made. If they weren't made, then he'd be ruled dead somehow. He wasn't sure how that would happen, only that it would. So he made the hand seals and fired a great dragon fire technique at Ken and then he disappeared from sight. Before he disappeared though, he did make those hand seals. Yes, I'm still talking about the same hand seals. Do you now have a grasp on him using the hand seals? Hand seals were made. I just want everyone to be aware that he made hand seals. Hand seals. Hand seals. Hand. Seals.

    So the drill bones were stopped in their tracks. So were the bone finger bullets. Takeo was dragged to the seal because he decided to rely on silly Kaguya NPC to save him. Ken wasn't able to launch the tendrils or charge Zurui. It was apparent that Zurui had everything handled, but these were clever and sneaky ninja. How did he know about them being there, then, and how they were gonna attack? He used precog saves from his immense Intelligence.

    Once they were safely below the ground, because nobody felt a need to stop that from happening. Wait. WAIT. Zurui did still put his palms on the ground for this technique. Oh yes, this again. His hands were so securely on the ground when this technique activated. He'd already decided on the depth and all that was left was getting there. Once they were safely in the ground, after Zurui had done the hand seals for this technique, the light was gone. Earlier, Zurui did the hand seals for this technique, and now the opening closed up, because again, Zurui made the hand seals and nobody thought to interrupt that action. A while ago, Zurui made the hand seal for moving earth core and now everything was dark. Nobody could see the guy who had made the hand seal. So the hand seal maker threw shuriken at everybody. For the necks did the hand seal maker aim, in the dark where none could see but he. He had made the hand seal and so the technique worked. Hand seal. Hand seal. Hand. Seal. Then he went under-underground.

    Intel Precog Saves
    Auto-hit NPC UA
    Sensory Technique
    Distortion Seal
    String Bean Binding Illusionx2
    Demonic Statue Chains
    Hiding Like a Mole Technique
    Didn't use Mystical Palm

    Stamina: 33.5/160
    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Hana Kaguya Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:46 am

    [Chains not specified where they grabbed Tsubaki. I am going to assume what they grab this post.]

    It was in the moment when the elite Kaguya guards were snared by the man's technique did she realize he was powerful enough to be considered equal with all of the Shinobi considered. Tsubaki could not recall who the man was or what technique he was using. At the very least she could appraise he was powerful. This would be further reinforced by Tsubaki being assaulted with tentacle-like vines sprouting from the ground. There was no tell for any of this. The ground did not make the slightest sound, except for when the vines sprouted through the earth. They were fast, quickly making the honed Kaguya victim to them. It was as if she had enough time to register them, but not enough dexterity to avoid them. The vines snared her ankles first as they began to coil up her leg, then shooting out to grab her wrists and work their way up her arm in a similar fashion. She was captured, yet not totally helpless.

    As a reaction to her bound situation she prepared her own ultimate defense. She was expecting a follow up, as that was common practice to do once a victim was in a helpless position. She imagined her foe was smart enough to comprehend that. A sudden surge of chakra put her body in maximum overdrive causing the bones all around her body to instantaneously create a plate-like layer of bone beneath her skin. This was a total encasement, robbing Tsubaki of her already lost mobility. But in return it gave her an outstanding mode of protection. Zurui threw his kunai at what could be assumed as the three Kaguya guards after this bone creation, Tsubaki witnessing their utter murder. This would pay off with Tsubaki caught in her momentary paralysis as what would appear as Zurui forming before her...in a bean pod? Despite the odd theme of the technique there was a clear and obvious threat before her. The masked man, her enemy, was inches from her wielding a kunai. Without much to it, the illusion of Zurui would strike at Tsubaki's throat.

    There was an odd realization had at that moment. Despite her effective bone armor the man effortlessly cleaved her throat open in the illusion. It was a massive shock at first to the young Kaguya, as in her illusion she gasped and gargled for air despite appearing motionless in reality. It was an illusion that tricked her into being tied down by vines and the same illusion that put the imagery of her throat being cut open despite her preventive armor. And this caught her in a mental phenomenon where, despite the condition she found herself in was seemingly nightmare-quality, she was aware of herself outside of the illusion. The two consciousnesses collided with each other, Tsubaki unable to break the illusion, still being in the confines of the faux reality.

    She devised a quick solution to this all. From her paralyzed body bones sprouted from all direction creating a type of porcupine defense, the magical chain finding itself snaring a single bone rather than Tsubaki herself. With this creation she began to grow one bone which took on a slight curve from her waist. This bone grew and grew until it made contact with her thigh. At first it merely scratched the surface of her skin. It was a slight, almost numbed, sting she felt that was quickly flushed out of her dream world. Despite it hitting the bone plated defense it continued to try and grow building tremendous pressure as it fought to breach the armor. And sure enough, after enough pressure was built up, the bone plate broke through as the ivory spike she was growing ran into the meat of her top thigh surging three inches into her tissue and muscle. The sudden shock of real injury forced her awake, the pain severe enough to pull her mind back into reality.

    She was conscious as the vines disappeared along with the presumed looming presence of bean-pod-Zurui. Her body was still immobilized, and the throbbing pain in her thigh was real as her blood trickled down her leg. A chain, remarkable to the one that bound Takeo and the Kaguya elite guards, found itself snared around a single lock of hair from Tsubaki's hair just towards the bottom. The bone armor dissolved immediately once she was safely out of the illusion. A deft swing of her sword separated the piece of hair from the chain. In a flash of speed she retreated back far enough away from Zurui's attempt of using Moving Earth Core. She was back on top of one of the local buildings thirty meters from her original location, taking a knee while remaining aware of that around her. The throbbing pain in her thigh was bothersome, yet not enough to incapacitate her. She wanted to ensure it was at least covered first to help prevent the dangers of playing with an open wound. Ripping some spare cloth from her clothing she would work to bandage her thigh up and taking the moment to recollect her thoughts.

    Tsubaki Stuff:

    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Hibiki Thu Nov 15, 2018 12:52 am

    As Alkaid made way to her intended position she watched in abject horror as the half burnt figure of a woman made quick work of three of her clansman in one swift move.   She didn’t understand how somebody that looked like they should have one foot in the grave was still able to attack like that but she didn’t really care either.    It just made her all that much determined to finish the job and send them packing to hell where they belonged.

    As she made her landing she was startled as the one of the chains that had been wrapped around the Mizukage detached itself from him then came at her.  When the heck had the woman noticed her? How the heck had she seen through her stealth especially with her face figuratively melting.   Abandoning all pretenses at stealth Alkaid effortlessly shifted into her clan’s trademark fighting style dance of the blossom and from their launching straight into the dance of the camilla.

    She might not be able to move from point a to b as fast as some other ninja but she didn’t need to when her ability to attack and defend was so high.  Using the Katana in her right hand which she’d already had at the ready her she launched a series of of tactically placed strikes. Her sword blurred thought the air surpassing the speed of the chains and allow her to strike them before they could wrap around her.

    She was an absolute master of her bloodline, and could produce bones that where that where even sharper and more durable then the average Kaguya.  It would be no idle boast to say her sword was easily a match for any of the seven legendary blades that Kiri was known for.   Best of all they where physical objects not constructs made of chakra so the chains would be unable to limit them in the slightest.

    Needless to say it cut thought the chains that had been coming at her like a hot knife thought butter.  Alkaid wasn’t done yet as she continued to slash chopping towards the chains binding the Mizukage in an effort to free him where the guards had failed and prevent him from being dragged into the seal.

    But that was only what she did with her right hand. Her left was unimpeded as she continued her original plan of action, only raising it into position even faster then she would have otherwise before firing her bullets at Eden.  Moving as fast as they did the woman had virtually no chance of avoiding them, even using her annyoing chains wouldn’t be enough to save her as the bullets would blow thought those as easily as Alkaid’s sword had just as they would rip Eden into chunks if they connected.

    She had been so busy dealing with Eden that she could do nothing to stop the ground from begging to sink taking her into the pit causing her to sigh.  It was going to be so annoying to have to climb out of once this was all over.  The remaining rebel had to be pretty stupid putting himself into an enclosed space with her.   If he had run he might have had a chance to outpace her but here she had the advantage.  

    With her acute perception she didn’t need to see to take aim at him.  In fact not being able to see was to her advantage since her foe would no longer be able to use the same genjutsu on her that he had to tie up Tsubaki.  She heard the faint rush of wind of a shuriken coming towards her and took aim in the direction the sound had been coming from.

    Quickly raising both hands she unleash her full barrel at him, firing all ten bullets at once before Zurai would have the chance to dive into the ground.  She did this without dropping her sword, using chakra like one would with tree climbing practice to kept the hilt firmly to her open palm.  She ignored the Shuirken that had been thrown at her. Letting it harmlessly bounce off her rock solid skin unable to leave so much as a scratch.  

    Alkaid stuff:


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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Takeo Thu Nov 15, 2018 7:56 am

    As six of the chains free themselves from his person, he feels his body loosening up. This was the very opportunity he was looking for at this point, but for the time being he'd observe the situation, seeing how Zurui would deal with his subordinates. The chains were instead used to dispatch the various guards that had come along with Tsubaki, killing them in one fell swoop. Soon after Alkaid's landing, another one of the remaining chains lashed out with the intentions of ensnaring her.

    He'd already done plenty of analysis on Zurui over the course of the time he spent being bound, between what he'd do next, why he was doing those individual movements, and even the goal he had in mind for all this -- escape. Simply frowning a bit, Takeo parts his maw. "... Genjutsu, ninja tools, Earth Release to bring us and the ward underground -- followed by more ninja tools. Don't let him make contact with the floor using his hands -- and most of all, don't let him escape."

    Following his rough analyasis of Zurui's line of actions, Ken had arrived as well -- someone who he sensed, but his consciousness seemed to slip from his actions in the same way Tsubaki had, before another chain latched out with the intentions of harnessing him. Alkaid's own actions came in handy though, as they ultimately free him from the bind of the chains, allowing him to act freely. As Zurui prepared to attack Tsubaki, Takeo noticed something off about both her and Ken. He'd detected the awkward change in both the Tetsudashi's and the Kaguya's flows of chakra, and it was with that distortion that he could only reasonably assume that the illusion he mentioned was now in play. Following that mindset, Takeo brings both hands together and forms several handseals in one fell swoop, deciding to dispatch the Otsutsuki right then and there.

    The male darts off to his side to avoid any ninja tools that may be approaching him as well, before initiating his attack. Having already formed handseals prior, chakra kneads itself into water in his gut and circulates into his throat as he parts his lips partially, letting loose a thin stream of the high-speed liquid, timed so that it would deflect the singular kunai flung at Tsubaki. This was just step one to cancelling out the man's big plan on getting away from them. But it wasn't all that Takeo intended to do with his predictive expectations of Zurui.

    Had his timing been correct, the stream of water would thrust out in order to impale Zurui midway through the movement of his arm preceding the kunai throw. It's intended to not only hit him while he's distracted, but also pierce not just the wielding arm, but his chest as well when they're lined up. That wasn't all that was done though -- as the Yuki is quick to channel his clan's advanced element. With his hands still clapped together from the last handseal for Water Severing Wave, Takeo strings together several more handseals, the embrace of snow collectively forms along the base of his forehead in pure white elegance, indicating the activation of Overhaul, this time while using the Ice element. He forms four more handseals, and in one fell swoop, both water particles in the surrounding area begin to freeze, as does the stream recently fired.

    It's at that point that the water solidifies along the stream, becoming a thin pillar of ice remaining firmly in place at the base of Zurui's physique where it pierced, if it does pierce for that matter. If he had succeeded, it'd be safe to say that they wouldn't be moved underground. Takeo was quick with his actions -- and had even used both hands to avoid the delay of using a singular hand for them. If the man had managed to pull off his actions and keep Takeo trapped in the chains, with the Earth Moving Core though, then Takeo would be anticipating them accordingly, courtesy of using his intellect to analyze the man's next intentions. He'd still end up activating Overhaul just for protection's sake, even if he had to do it with one hand through one-handed seals and forego its ninjutsu-enchantment purely for its defensive capabilities in the face of any other dangers that may come to him and the group, such as incoming shuriken in nothing but darkness.

    100.5/160 chakra remaining
    2/3 precognitive saves left, using one to anticipate all of his actions in his post after he's killed the three guards.

    Strength: C -> D (Defense Over Offense)
    Constitution: C -> B (Defense Over Offense) -> A (Overhaul)
    Stamina: B
    Speed: C
    Coordination: B+ -> A+ (It's Far From Over)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B -> C (It's Far From Over)

    Technique(s) used:
    UA(s) used:


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    Yuki Kaida
    Yuki Kaida
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    Mist Special Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 198
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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Yuki Kaida Fri Nov 16, 2018 8:14 am

    OOC: Due to ruling Ken never used the tendrils or used the LB point he also never saw anyone to attack thus regaining 28 of his Stamina and no attacks being thrown at anyone.

    Ken ran into something he did not expect he was moving at an insane speed but there was one problem while moving so fast he had no ability to see what he was doing as suddenly a wall appeared in front of him with him just slamming straight through the wall, as he charged through wall after wall without slowing down one bit. He would see some smoke and what appeared to be blurry figured but never had a chance to think about an attack as he continued straight on through until he exploded through the other side of the hospital. In the room where everyone was, they would have seen a blur of a figure appearing metallic blasting through the walls, no attacks thrown simply large man-sized outlines left in the walls. As Ken finally came to a stop he laughed a bit, well he was sure a battle was going on in there, but with the walls around it was damn near impossible for him to attack the person easily. Another weakness had been discovered he was moving to fast for his perception to keep up, so while in open fields he had been great he never really fought in small hallways or congested buildings.

    "Well, I guess moving that fast while good is too much to track, I guess I need to work on some fuuinjutsu skills to compensate if I plan to move that fast at all. I only hope they are okay in there, I will just wait here and see if anyone escapes and ready an attack just in case."

    He would wait near the exit of the hospital, if he was right the exit he stood the closest to would be the one someone would likely escape from. The explosion still worried him but another factor that worried him was damaging the rest of the hospital he had already ran straight through some walls, the last thing he wanted was to injure someone in another part of the hospital.

    Strength: A->S++
    Constitution: B[Armor is S]
    Stamina: B
    Speed: B->B+
    Coordination: C->C+
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C




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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Zurui Sat Nov 17, 2018 12:59 pm

    Unfortunate. This entire series of events had turned out much, much worse than Zurui had anticipated. Three people now faced him and many were dead. Eight of those departed souls were by Zurui's hand and nearly a dozen by the Mizukage. Had it gone as planned, the Jounin would have simply killed five people and been on his way with nobody the wiser. Now this place was turning into a graveyard and the longer they kept at this, the more that would die. Enough lives had already been extinguished and this was quickly becoming a catastrophe. He could fight and there was a chance he would win, but doing so would kill three to four others, on top of whoever else joined in. He couldn't account for that and at this rate, he'd be the sole survivor of a dead village. This may have been little problem for him in the long run, but his superiors would be quite displeased with him. This series of events had evolved to a point of counter productivity with regard to Shoku and they wouldn't stand for much more. It was time to leave.

    Zurui watched and waited for just the right moment and then he made his move. Tsubaki was fighting with her bindings and she would soon free herself. Alkaid had just drawn the blade to deal with his chains. Takeo would be free soon after. The wrecking ball of Ken was outside. This was his moment. His body burst with inhuman speed as the Jounin took off through a sizable hole in the roof and ceiling. His feet actually bounded from the air itself to propel him through the sky much faster than anyone could even see, even himself.

    He ran through the clouds with his opening knowing the general direction of his destination and ensuring that his absurd speed didn't change directions so much that he'd be set off course. To be realistic, he was going to get off course and there was nothing to be done about it, but at least he'd be very far away and out of this particular mess, come what may.

    With Zurui gone, the corpse fell limp and the chains vanished. There would be nothing left of his presence but the corpses he'd made and pierced with receivers that the Mizukage then scorched. They weren't likely to forget about him anytime soon. That was unfortunate.

    Limit Break Point: Physical
    Speed: S
    Int Precog Save

    Exit: To a Faraway Land.

    Kiri -> Land of Water -> Land of Swamps -> Land of Demons
    Hana Kaguya
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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Hana Kaguya Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:40 am

    Since her escape from the Genjutsu she retreated to a safe distance to apply first aid over a simple flesh wound she garnered. The pain was mild and throbbing, but nothing she could not ignore for the time being. Her body was trained to tolerate such abuse to where even a puncture wouldn't be the end of all injuries. Still, being comfortable was important in giving her a stable mindset. That should do... Tsubaki stood back on both feet, the pressure on her wound being remedies with the tight bandage wrapped around it. Stepping towards the edge of the building she was on she scoured the ruins of the ward that was destroyed...

    Strength: B
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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Hibiki Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:57 pm


    A split second, that was all the time it took for Alkaid to deal with the chains and turn what was left of Eden to bits of jibble.   But it was also all the time Zurui needed to attempt to make a jump for it.  Using power beyond his natural limits he moved from the ground to the air in an instant but no so fast that Alkaid couldn’t see a blurry streak trying to escape.

    He wasn’t so much running as he was hopping in quick but short bursts, he low strength leaving him unable to go far in any one particular jump such that it took a couple to achieve his goal of clearing the hole in the ceiling.

    His unnatural speed wouldn’t last long certainly not enough for him to actually reach up as high as the clouds let alone attempt to exit the village thought the sky but the couple of seconds it would last was enough that she’d have a hard time catching up to him on her own.

    Switching to the brute fist and she used quick step to hop after him as quick as she could landing on the roof. By the time she reached that Zurui was at already further above her then she could jump and she could forget throwing anything at him.  But fate was a fickle thing indeed Zurui had pushed his limit break the the absolute limit, it was only meant to be a brief burst, not something that you could use for very long and what went up also had to come down.

    “-shit-” she muttered to herself annoyed.  If, no when he found some way to save himself from the fall they might not be able to locate him before he slipped away.  Their had to be some way to catch him in mid air before he plummeted but she wasn’t anywhere near clever enough to figure that out on her own.   Just when all hope of catching up to him seemed lost Ken appeared before her joining her on the rooftop as if he had anticipate that she was in need of assistance.

    She didn’t know the Jounin personality but she knew him by reputation which was as iron solid as the man’s skin.  When he gestured for her to hop onto his outstretched palm she didn’t hesitate to quick step onto it. The next thing she knew Ken tossed her into the air, using his prestigious strength to launch her at speeds that exceeded even what anybody had displayed on the field that day so far.

    Laughing maniacally like a mad woman from the sheer rush of moving far quicker then she usually could Alkaid attempted to plow straight into Zurui in order to collided with him in mid air.  Such an impact if it connected would be enough to knock him flat out not to mention probable break more then a few bones of his bones but at least he’d still be alive for interrogation.  After that? Well they could lock him up in prison and toss away the key for all she cared.

    Their was still the small matter of landing but that was a trivial issue for someone like her.  Since she couldn’t run in mid air anyway she simply used the dead bone pulse to make herself even tougher so that when she landed she wouldn’t be left with so much as a scratch, allowing herself to absorb the bulk of the impact and keeping Zurui from splattering.

    Alkaid stuff:


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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Takeo Tue Nov 20, 2018 4:08 pm

    [Interrupting as well. Refunding my chakra and use of Overhaul since that's all stopped by changes in action.]

    Anticipating the man's attempt to flee at that moment, Takeo prepares chakra for the time being, waiting for the bind to be removed and preparing a handseal in the meantime. As Zurui fires off through the roof with enough force to inadvertently break some of his own bones, the Yuki is quick to follow as soon as he's free from being bound. The male exhales the bundle of Fuuton chakra from within him, sending the spiralling sphere of compressed wind blades thrusting up after the blurring frame of the fleeing Otsutsuki, using the Pressure Damage Technique.

    Of course, with him making an effort to change his direction the sphere is sure to just continue soaring on by; this is a setup. Gauging the man's trajectory as he aims to escape further away in the air, Takeo draws out more chakra from his reservoir and kneads it into Fuuton chakra once more, breathing it into his palm this time around. With a good idea of when to fling the forming sphere of wind chakra, the man extends his arm out, letting loose yet another sphere of wind chakra that's launched directly along Zurui's path this time around, though it's several meters off from where he's headed to take his speed compared to it into consideration. Thus it's solely intended to slam into him at just the right timing while factoring their difference in speed.

    One last attack is prepared regardless though as Takeo forms three handseals this time around, and lastly, the Snake handseal, before firing off a sphere of tightly-knit flames that soar up into the air, tailing the first and foremost technique that Takeo used at a speed quicker than it could move. From the very moment they come in contact, the wind that bursts to life in a tornado-like formation is quick to enhance the range of the flames, sweeping them up and providing them with the necessary oxygen to expand into an enormous tempest of deadly heat, intended to eviscerate Zurui, as he had been unfortunate enough to be in their tremendous range.

    Luckily for the metropolis below, the sheer range that Takeo's respective attacks had traveled to an extent where Kirigakure was out of the blast radius, leaving it safe from anything more than just a heat wave. On the off chance that Zurui wasn't going to go shooting hundreds of meters into the air for some reason, Takeo simply sticks to the second wind technique he'd fired from his palm, the Spiraling Wind Ball technique.

    97.5 chakra remaining
    1/3 precogs left, used to anticipate fleeing via. speed.

    Strength: C -> D (Defense Over Offense)
    Constitution: C -> B (Defense Over Offense) -> A (Overhaul)
    Stamina: B
    Speed: C
    Coordination: B+ -> A+ (It's Far From Over)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B -> C (It's Far From Over)

    Technique(s) used:
    UA(s) used:


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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Yuki Kaida Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:41 pm

    Ken was shocked as he waited on the other side he had a strong feeling whatever was happening someone would be trying to escape. Clearly, a fight was happening and whoever tried to rush off likely was the target, as he would jump straight to the roof he would see someone come blasting out, the speed was surprising to him but not unexpected, in fact, he had predicted someone trying to move this fast to escape. As he saw him jump another step he saw one of the Kaguya appear, it was Alkaid, he would motion for her to come over as she would simply nod and jump with her feet landing on his hand that was stretching back as far as possible. He would step forward into the throw using all of his strength with his left leg sliding around before vaulting her off like a rocket, he may not have the speed to catch him but the man would be in for a crazy surprise. His strength with such a light object even if it was a person meant she was flying at a ridiculous speed, it was his one chance to make an impact in the fight.

    "Fly fast and straight my friend, and take this scum down for destroying this part of the hospital."

    He had no idea the kage actually damaged it he just assumed with all the village shinobi attacking this man he was responsible but he finally got a look at him. He knew this man why would he betray the village like this, why would he cause such damage, he was unsure but one thing was certain if he lived and was captured he had questions for him.

    Strength: A->S++
    Constitution: B[Armor is S]
    Stamina: B
    Speed: B->B+
    Coordination: C->C+
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C


    Precog used to predict his speed and jump toward the sky

    Action: tossing Alkaid at Zurai.


    Last edited by Tetsudashi Ken on Tue Nov 20, 2018 7:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Hana Kaguya Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:28 am

    From the rooftop of the building she waited on she watched as the battle came to an end. The masked man attempted to flee the area just shortly after Tsubaki finished mending her wound. Alkaid was propelled towards Zurui at incredible speeds, and the Mizukage preparing a series of technique. Alkaid was first to hit impacting the man with incredible force. Yet, despite Alkaid being within close vicinity to the enemy, the Mizukage still intended to unleash his technique. Tsubaki sprung from the building and in a full sprint intended to intercept him. Passing a glance at Zurui she saw the wind ball make direct contact like a cannon ball. The result would be an audible air blast as the man was eviscerated, his blood raining down over the streets after contact. The sheer amount of blood and shock sustained would let her know the man was dead. Despite this, Alkaid was still in harms way as Takeo prepared his neck technique. "Stop!" Tsubaki would exclaim as she stood in the path of Takeo preventing him from releasing his final technique at the risk of harming himself and the others.

    Zurui's body would descend from the skies and tumble onto the streets as a bloody, lifeless heap. "He's dead now." The Pressure Damage may have hit Alkaid, but it was something she could easily shrug off given how stout she was built. What Takeo planned to use as his follow up may prove troublesome and may harm her cousin. Tsubaki would look over her shoulder at the remains of Zurui before heading over to them to inspect. Using her foot she'd kick him over. As she did it would appear as his entrails were spilled on the ground. His body certainly did not respond well to the attack. With her short sword in hand she drove it between his ribs and into his heart. Pulling the blade out she let the blood run off the ivory sword and into the ground besides her. "Burn in Hell, for the damage you have caused our clan." The death of the three guards she had with her would be given a proper burial. Whatever the man's motive was, he certainly caused more damage than what it was worth.

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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Hibiki Thu Nov 29, 2018 3:29 pm

    Alkaid was going so fast that she couldn’t really see where she was going. One second she was going nearly 200 mph and the next she clipped something with a loud thud loosing a lot of speed in the process.

    It was a small miracle that she had managed to hit Zurui considering she hadn’t been able to see to aim. Well maybe not so much hit as collide as her arm had smacked into his chest hard no doubt breaking something in the process. It all happened so fast that even with her enhanced reaction time she didn’t have a chance to grab him before she shot past him. The idea had been to catch him mid air to prevent him from falling to his death so that they could interrogate him and she’d failed to do that.

    Well at least she’d done enough damage that he’d have a hard time running away if he managed to make it safely to the ground. Now that she wasn’t quite flying like a human rocket she twirling around to see if she could maybe use her sword to pin him to a wall or something though his coat when the wind preesure attack that the Mizukage had unleashed blew her further away from her target.

    But not far enough away for her to escape the firestorm that would follow if Takeo didn’t listen to Tsubaki and pressed the attack. Had her lord being trying to get her out of the line of literally fire and failed or did he simply not care that she was in the way? Was she nothing more then acceptable collateral damage? Of all the way’s she could die she had always figured it would be from being stabbed not from being incinerated.

    Unexpectedly as the heat of the fire licked against her skin it instead of burning her she simply felt like she was gently being warmed up. Almost like being wrapped in a really warm and comfortable blanket. Blinking Alkaid wondered what was going on, not understanding that she was so tough with the dead bone pulse activated that a flame at that level wasn’t enough to harm her, thought the same couldn’t be said of her clothes which where burnt to a crisp leaving her naked as the day she was born.

    With a loud bang she crashed into the ground. Her weight and speed enough to create a small crater. Taking advantage of the dust to conceal her Alkaid desolved the bone armor then jumped out of the hole in the ground so that she could get a better look at where she was. As it turned out she had landed in someone’s backyard.

    Borrowing a change of outfits from a nearby clothesline she quickly threw on a white t-shirt and pair of blue jeans before making her way back towards the battlefield. She needed to report in that she was alright and make sure that everything was ok and this incident was truly over.

    Yuki Kaida
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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Yuki Kaida Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:02 pm

    The battle appeared over watching the attacks that landed the man was very dead, unsure why it happened it did not matter to him he was only glad it was over. Below he could see the bodies of the dead, a great anger came over him, how could this have happened under his eyes. This man caused the deaths of so many. He hoped Alkaid was okay, after all, he had tossed her into such a vicious attack that was fired. He was sure she was fine however her clan was quite the tough ones much like himself.

    Ken would make his way toward his kage to make sure he was okay, jumping down through the hole in the roof he would land next to Takeo and smile. He was not sure if he saw any of his actions but he had been there well the holes in the walls certainly showed he had been here.

    "I would like a report on what happened here, doing a battle in a crowded hospital was quite unwise but I doubt you wanted to fight here. We cannot be killing our own people even if we feel desperate, so I simply want a report because now we are forced to tell families their loved ones were murdered inside a hospital."

    He truly hoped Takeo would be upfront with him, having seen the last attack that had hit the man that was now dead he suspected Takeo was responsible for the explosion. He would certainly let him have it and voice a strong opinion about causing the death of so many people, what had triggered this series of events they had not only lost innocent lives but the life of a Jounin from the village weakening their overall power.

    He would move over toward Tsubaki and see the wound on her leg, he was aware that most medical techniques did not work well on them but he could do basic first aid. He would motion for her to take a seat on some nearby rubble so he could get a better look at the injury pulling out a medkit with bandages and other things to treat injuries.

    "I know my medical techniques won't work on you well, but I can patch you up, I know this will come as a shock but I have actually become quite efficient in medical training, who knew it would become useful so fast."

    He would wait to see if she accepted if she did he would begin to treat her wounds, his hands were not smooth like most medics they were rough and callused do to using a sword for so long, they were extremely strong and firm, but he had a gentle touch and would place the bandage properly on her leg and treat the wound properly.


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    Generic Hospital Topic Empty Re: Generic Hospital Topic

    Post by Takeo Wed Dec 05, 2018 11:22 pm

    Once he notices that the intercepting Spiralling Wind Ball has essentially confirmed the Otsutsuki's demise, Takeo lowers both hands to his sides, allowing his chakra to relax. The meager amount of chakra going towards his sensory comes to a standstill once he's confirmed that the flow of chakra in Zurui's body has halted as well, confirming his suspicions. Letting out a sharp inhale, the man shifts a half-lidded, almost repulsed brown gaze around the hospital, or what was left of the ward they were located in anyways.

    What he was disgusted at however was how this had went down. It seemed things had been a flash, and before he knew it, it was all over. None the less, the man shifts his gaze on towards the Kaguya that was previously flung on towards Zurui, proceeding to extend his arm out. A collection of wind and chakra intermixed proceed to compress themselves down, forming into a large, demonic-like claw that extends itself out from the base of his left palm. Instead of letting the female free fall, he makes an effort to catch her with the technique employed, reeling it back on in and dropping Alkaid on beside Tsubaki's initial position near him.

    It's then that he fixates his attention upon Zurui's corpse, his deadpan expression turning sour. Was there a mix of sorrow in there, or was it pity? Regardless though, the man utilizes the same wind-composed claw to clasp around the skull of the Otsutsuki, and elevate his limp body. Allowing his facial expression to go flat and unsuspecting like before, Takeo peers toward Ken. "I caught him desecrating one of the people that was comatose here -- Eden Syn in specific. And based on my sensory, it had something to do with those similar eyes of theirs. Lavender... with a singular circle.. or two as he had after seemingly coming in contact with her." The man remarks, clenching her teeth a bit.

    He didn't know a thing about this doujutsu, truth be told. All he knew was that it seemed to be the root of this. "After that, he reanimated her through the use of rods that transmitted his chakra, as you guys had seen. I suspect he planned on doing the same with the rest of the corpses..." The Mizukage states honestly, shutting his eyes in shame for a moment. "But, whatever these eyes are.... or were.." The wind claw's grip upon the corpse's head seems to stiffen, numerous popping and cracking noises resonating as the skull submits to the pressure of the grasp.

    "They have no place in Kirigakure, and neither do those that possess them and intend to use them maliciously against their comrades." Takeo declares, intensifying the grip of the wind claw to its fullest. The skull and the eyes alike of Zurui Otsutsuki are submitted to the technique's death grip, crushed and slashed to paste and remnant by the wind blades amidst the sound of vicious cracking and splatter of the remaining blood. The entirety of the corpse drops back to the ground, now headless, while what remains of the man's head falls to the ground amidst the pool of blood.

    Takeo closes his hand into a fist and opens his eyes, lowering his arm as he peers at the Tetsudashi once more, showing that he was resolute in this decision of his. "Tell them this was the result of a man's thirst of power, who has since then been apprehended. As for this?" He frowns once more, unable to mask his sentiment. There was a little bit of guilt apparent upon his features, but there was also lots of indignation, even in spite of the target of most of it lying dead on the ground.

    "Something like this can't -- rather, won't happen again. That is all, you are all dismissed unless you have further inquiries. Also... you have my informal gratitude for your arrivals." He remarks, looking to each of them and gazing at them for a moment or two each, showing that he's being legitimate with that statement. It's also to see if they have anything else to address before he leaves -- or intends to, anyways.


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