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    Community Pageant & Best Comet Thread Results

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin

    Posts : 1126
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Community Pageant & Best Comet Thread Results Empty Community Pageant & Best Comet Thread Results

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:27 pm

    Community Pageant Results

    Thank you everyone for participating in the first Gladius Community Pageant! Here are the winners for each of the categories!

    Remember that if you won any of these categories (meaning you won an individual category or you had a character involved in one of the winning thread categories) you may claim 25 Experience points. So that's 25 Exp for each category that you won! Enjoy!

    Best Quote Winner: Nozomi

    Riskiest Topic Winners: Generic Hospital Topic

    [*]Generic Hospital Thread

    Most Clever Topic Title Winner Generic Hospital Topic

    [*]Generic Hospital Thread

    Wittiest Verbal Comeback Winners TIE: Akihiro, Ryuko, Nikuyo

    Most Intense Fight Winner: Kurama Awakens

    Most Interesting Character Winner: TIE: Shimiko, Nozomi, Rin

    Most Attractive Character Winner: Shimiko

    Friendliest Character Winners: TIE: Lei Inazuma & Tatsu/Neko-sama

    Meanest Character Winner: TIE: Masuyo, Tsubaki, Natsuru

    Best Couple Winner: Rin & Yui

    Most Generous Kage Winner: Tatsu

    Most Ruthless Kage Winner TIE: Masuyo and Toonami/Konami

    Up-and-Coming Potential Kage Winner: Akihiro Uchiha

    Best Discord Gladius Meme Winner: Dread

    • Is Stamina Getting A Buff/Bust A Cap Meme

    Best Comet Thread Results

    We also have a winner for the Best Comet Thread! Hope you all enjoyed the Hagoromo's Comet Event and have considered how far your characters have come and where they may go next!

    Best Comet Thread Winner: Kitsuki, Katsumi, Kyoji


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