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    Zenaku day of being a genin

    Zenaku Uchiha
    Zenaku Uchiha
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 537
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31

    Zenaku day of being a genin Empty Zenaku day of being a genin

    Post by Zenaku Uchiha Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:01 pm

    Zenaku woke up from his sleep as he could tell the sun was high sense it was shining in his face, and just as a woke he could hear the sound of him mom yelling at him from downstairs. " Zen get your ass out of bed already and get ready for the day. Your dad and i do not have all day to look after a gown man, we have a mission to get ready for." ' oh i almost forgot mom and dad had a mission to do for the hokage today.' zenaku thought as he got out of bed and put on his clothes while he stood in the mirror.

    Zanaku stands 5:10 and weighs in at 195 pounds. His face has a pale complexion which with his black hair and black eye's makes him look very handsome to the lady's. Zenaku black hair is a bit bushy; although it’s a little neater in the front, the sides are messy and overall there’s little locks going every which way. There’s a large chunk of hair in the middle with two sides framing his face and messy locks off the side.

    Zenaku wear's small round beads around his neck, they come to the size of large marbles and are pitch black. For his top Zenaku wears a long sleeve jacket that has a silver line that is the zipper, on the left side of the jack on his chest he has the simble of his uchiha clan marked there. The jacket has a hood attached to it, his forams have black protector guards.He keeps the sleeves of the jacket pulled up to his elbow as he has a pair of finger-less gloves that reaches all the way to his elbow.

    On his right arm he has white bandages wrapped around his peck part of his arm. Under the jacket he wears his steel mail shirt that is light weight and over that he has his light chest plate. He wears a pair of pitch black pants and a pair of high top black boots that come up to knee, he keeps his pant legs tucked into the boots.Around his weist he has a white cloth that holds a thick blue rope which hangs out dangles by his side.

    He reached up and straightened his blue and silver ninja head band with a smile, he was 21 but he was still a Genin a ninja of the lowest standing in his Village. Honestly he did not care what rank he was as long as he could be a ninja and be helpful to both his Uchiha clan and his village. He got downstairs to see his mom setting the table with her wonderful meals and honestly he was surprised that his parents still let him live with them at his age but he was grateful that they did.

    once he had finished his meal he gave his mother a kiss on the cheek then placed on his shoes before leaving his house, he had some things that needed taking care of that day and he wanted to finish them quickly before he had to go to his mission later on.

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 

    Zenaku Uchiha
    Zenaku Uchiha
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 537
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31

    Zenaku day of being a genin Empty Re: Zenaku day of being a genin

    Post by Zenaku Uchiha Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:02 pm

    The day was still long and the sun was high in the sky, it was the perfect weather to try and learn a new jutsu in. Zenaku headed towards his secret spot on the uchiha compound that he normally goes to when he trains, it's not like he can not train with others but he likes the solitude from being in the woods. Making sure no one was following him zenaku sneaked behind a crack in the uchiha grounds wall that lead to some woods which he has always gone to wither he was sad or angry or he just wished to be by his self.

    Once he was where he wanted to be it was time to get down to business, reaching into his jacket zenaku Uchiha pulled out a scroll that had the info he needed to learn the new jutsu so flicking his finger across the seal he broke the paper then unfolded it as he looked over the contents before him. Now that he finished looking it over he understood the basics so now it was time to began. He gathered up the chakra he needed before peforming the handseals for dog then tiger. " Haze clone jutsu" Zenaku said and when he did there was a puff of smoke as three extra clones appeared, this how ever was no where what he needed so deactivating the jutsu he got ready to do it again.

    Again he did the hand seals for dog then tiger as he gathered up more chakra then he did before, with another wave of smoke this time he managed to create six haze clones. Unfortunately this was still no where near the ten that was supposed to pop up when preforming the jutsu. Zenaku sat down as he leaned back against a tree and when he did he pulled out his snack tray which had two rice balls and a small bag of chili lime chips, they was supposed to be the new type so he thought he would try it. once he finished his snack he got up and brushed the dirt off his cloths. " Ok this time for sure, i shall get this jutsu down or how can i call my self a Uchiha." Zenaku said as he was ready to try again, once more zenaku charged up the amount of chakra that he thought would work this time as he made the hand seals for dog then tiger. " Haze clone jutsu" This time when the puff of smoke cleared he had managed to create ten perfect haze clones which meant he had masted the jutsu, he was so happy that he jumped up into the air. After he headed towards town cause there was some stuff that he needed to get for his mission.

    466/100 learned haze clone jutsu

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 

    Zenaku Uchiha
    Zenaku Uchiha
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 537
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31

    Zenaku day of being a genin Empty Re: Zenaku day of being a genin

    Post by Zenaku Uchiha Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:44 pm

    Zenaku was now done with his training so he headed over to his clans general store where they seal weapons and other useful ninja tools that can aid one in battle. It was not as if he was going into battle but he always liked to be safer then sorry cause in these days and times you never know what is suddenly gonna happen. Crawling back out from behind the rock wall that lead to his training area zenaku walked over to the store and walked in, as he did he could not believe his eyes as every where he looked was nothing but ninja tool after ninja tool. " Hey zenaku hows it going, how may i help you today." Looking up he noticed his friend Lilly who was also a Uchiha and a fellow academy student. She was also a ninja but on the side she helps her dad run the family shop, it had been a while sense he saw her last so he was happy to see she was doing fine.

    " Hey lilly im doing good, just came to stock up on supplys for later missions you know how it is, besides its never bad to have to many ninja tools." The two laughed at his comment so walking up to the counter zenaku handed Lilly a piece of paper with the items that he would need. She looked it over as she whistled then placed her hand on her hip. " You sure your gonna need all this zen, i mean this shall cost you a arm and a leg worth of ryo." She said as she began to bag the surplys that he asked for, so reaching into his wallet zenaku pulled out the money he would need as he placed it onto the counter. " I hope this shall cover it Lilly i been saving up after every mission so i would have enough to stock up on stuff."

    After she got every thing for him she placed the bags onto the counter as she then took the money and counted it. " Yeah your good zen this should cover every thing, including that small amount you forgot last time.' Lilly said as she giggled and that was wen he remembered that he forgot to give the full amount last time so he blushed red in the face as he walked out waving a hand behind him which was his way of saying good bye.

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 


    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2019-08-18

    Zenaku day of being a genin Empty Re: Zenaku day of being a genin

    Post by Forcoy Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:25 pm

    Forcoy had been too busy lately. Working at the hospital as a medical-nin takes it's toll and it doesn't feel like he's getting anywhere with it. Now he's gotten some precious free time again to try and build himself up. Walking along his home clan's district he's up after a brief respite at his house. Mixed feelings plague Forcoy's pale face regarding his clan as he looks around. After he became a jounin there was a bit of a shift in attitude toward him but he can't say he was ever deeply wronged. Goofy manner still drips off Forcoy's 6 foot figure as he tends to walk around in a white hospital gown. No one approaches Forcoy and most Uchiha mind their own business on the streets. Shifting his gaze to an Uchiha walking outside of a weapon shop Forcoy sighs. It's difficult for Forcoy to be invested in the clan with an embarrassing tomoe 1 Sharingan at his rank and by nature of his occupation real trauma is more out of reach.

    "Hey! I suggest you return that stuff. I know a place where if you save up a bit you can get jounin-level stuff." Forcoy butt into Zenaku's business loudly. He couldn't help it. Looking at the genin reminded him of when he was trying to scrape by and help his clan anyway he could. The Uchiha holds seals in his gown's pocket with product, and could show off his jounin rank but it might not be believable to Zenaku with Forcoy even younger than him. Looking like he has a screw loose doesn't help either.

    Zenaku Uchiha
    Zenaku Uchiha
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 537
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31

    Zenaku day of being a genin Empty Re: Zenaku day of being a genin

    Post by Zenaku Uchiha Thu Aug 22, 2019 3:22 pm

    Zenaku was walking out of the item shop with his new items in hand as his bag dangled by his side, Just then a heard a voice yell out towards him saying that he should give back that stuff cause if he saved up then he would be able to gain some nice Jonin level items. It was nice of him to try and help but he liked the items he had and besides he was not a Jonin yet so why would he wish to own jonin level things, it made no sense to him at the moment. " Thanks for the advice fellow uchiha but i like the stuff i got. I think i have seen you around before, what was your name again."

    Zenaku asked cause at his age he has seen a lot of people and some times it was very hard to remember every one he has seen. " Oh and i am Zenaku by the way." He said just in case this ninja did not know who he was, he had a strange feeling that he has seen this man before but he could not place his finger on it, he knew that this ninja was a Jonin a ninja of high skill tho it was his name alone that passed him up.

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 


    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2019-08-18

    Zenaku day of being a genin Empty Re: Zenaku day of being a genin

    Post by Forcoy Thu Aug 22, 2019 3:49 pm

    "My name's Forcoy. Suit yourself. As in literally you should suit yourself. I'm a jounin and wasting ryo is like wasting the clan's ryo." Shaking his head Forcoy had a gruff tone. He had no place deciding how the village or clan distributes funds. But Zenaku's already offended Forcoy not taking his kind advice. Many clan members don't need to go shopping on their own and have family members with a storage of weapons. Sympathizing with the poor fellow Uchiha prompted Forcoy to help. Folding his arms, Forcoy walked up to a foot away from Zenaku and beamed at the boy.

    "How old are you? I'm 18 and already a jounin. If placed in my team you're a subordinate. The clan has gotten support from the village as an expectation not a right!" Fanaticism leaked off Forcoy's face as he babbled on with righteousness that reached the ears of any passerby and even the people in the shop. Calmness and stillness mixed on Forcoy outwardly but he really was just tired from his selfless hospital work at his age. In the end the village is a military and Forcoy isn't above flaunting himself.

    Zenaku Uchiha
    Zenaku Uchiha
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 537
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31

    Zenaku day of being a genin Empty Re: Zenaku day of being a genin

    Post by Zenaku Uchiha Thu Aug 22, 2019 8:31 pm

    " Forcoy, oh yeah i remember now, your one of the few uchiha members who decided to join as a medical ninja, i must say that was very brave of you, being a medical ninja at times can be harder then being a front liner. Tho you say im wasting ryo but i say your wrong on that, its not wasting when its to help a friend out." zenaku said as he had his hands stuffed inside his long sleeves so it looked as if he had his arms crossed.

    " My age you ask, im 21 and a genin, unfortunately i had failed the exam a few times which is why im still a genin." Zenaku said with a sigh as he closed his eye's, when he opened them back up he noticed that forcoy was but a few feet away from him, he could tell that forcoy was trying to flaunt his rank as a jonin but zenaku was not falling for it.  He might be of higher rank but zenaku still had him beat in age as his superior.

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 


    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2019-08-18

    Zenaku day of being a genin Empty Re: Zenaku day of being a genin

    Post by Forcoy Thu Aug 22, 2019 9:22 pm

    Shaking his head up and down Forcoy slowly lost his vigor. Getting buttered up deflated Forcoy real quick even though it touched on his work life. Some people misunderstood why Forcoy is a medical ninja but sharing all of his life story's too juvenile. There's a sense of satisfaction with each person he heals. All Forcoy wanted as a doctor was to be able to heal himself first before satisfaction. Opening up his mouth a tad and then closing it Forcoy was shocked at Zenaku's real selflessness. Lying was a possibility but genuinely not considering the prospect of sharing was the young jounin's mistake.

    "Okay sorry. That's another righteous path. I don't know if we'll be in a team. I do know I can help you out if you don't mind the age gap. Have you unlocked your Sharingan?"
    Throwing out more charity Forcoy had a sly look on his face. There's no way he'd show his Sharingan and no one can confirm whether it's the truth he only has a tomoe 1. Even a tomoe 1 is better than nothing so Forcoy's gently reminding the genin of his place. It's a natural expectation for a jounin to have Sharingan unlocked unless they purposely ruin their reputation in the clan. Helping Zenaku was starting to creep on Forcoy's mind since the boy was a bit peculiar. External tools aren't exactly prohibited at exams but Forcoy was blindly thinking Zenaku had an endless reservoir of moral justice for his character.

    Zenaku Uchiha
    Zenaku Uchiha
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 537
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31

    Zenaku day of being a genin Empty Re: Zenaku day of being a genin

    Post by Zenaku Uchiha Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:12 pm

    it seemed that what ever zenaku said seemed to have changed the young ninja, that was when he asked zenaku if he had been able to unlock his sharingan. That in its self made zenaku mad not at forcoy but at his self, he was now 21 and has yet to unlock something that most in his clan was unlocking at the young age of 10. zenaku clinched his fist in side his long short sleeve hoping that the young man did not see it. " Unfortunately i have not unlocked the sharingan, it dumbfounds me that even tho i have trained for years it has yet to unlock its self. it could be that i have not trained enough or maybe there is something im missing, what ever it is i shall obtain it some day."

    Zenaku began to look the young ninja down trying to figure something out, why ask him if he had unlocked the sharingan, as there was only two reasons he would. The first was that he did not possess it and was needing help to get his, or two he already unlocked his so he was either wanting to help zenaku with unlocking his or he was trying to act cocky. He could not fault him on that tho it was just how the uchiha clan was. " I take it you already have your's unlocked ha, congrats on that that is a big thing to unlock the sharingan."

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 


    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2019-08-18

    Zenaku day of being a genin Empty Re: Zenaku day of being a genin

    Post by Forcoy Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:47 pm

    Forcoy isn't surprised Zenaku hasn't unlocked his Sharingan based on the boy's age at his rank. The primary purpose in asking the question was to probe. Blinking his eyes absentminded the jounin took in the sunlight and the clean clan air. Most people underestimate Forcoy based off what he does. All he does is try to grow relentlessly but to others he's just a weird, pale, headstrong teen. Taking himself out of the socializing sphere Forcoy finished his true purpose. It's because he hasn't relied on his Sharingan that Forcoy is deceiveingly perceptive in his age and has worked hard to hone himself.

    "Leave the clan then. The clan as a limb is only so useful. But the clan is always responsible. I've got some spare time and can teach you. Use this chance wisely. The Sharingan is a symbol but people should adapt to help the clan and themselves. If you want to help your friends help them at the training ground." Purposely speaking softly Forcoy dragged his words for Zenaku to show interest of his own volition. Then, Forcoy blurred completely in a casual skip toward a training ground utilizing a perceptual gap of Zenaku's. At least to Zenaku's current view it should look like that. As a jounin there's at least moderate confidence in his speed. Some self-respect needs to be had for Forcoy isn't going to go on a lovely slow stroll with a male genin.

    Topic left if not stopped.

    Zenaku Uchiha
    Zenaku Uchiha
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 537
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31

    Zenaku day of being a genin Empty Re: Zenaku day of being a genin

    Post by Zenaku Uchiha Thu Aug 22, 2019 11:22 pm

    In one hand forcoy made since about how the clan could only help him so far, but he did not wish to abandon his clan and people on the words of one person. He liked that this man was willing to help him train and so he would train with him, it seemed that if he was trained by a jonin then his skills would grow in leaps and bounds. he still had his values tho and he would not turn his back to his clan like so many in past times have. " I shall take your offer on the training but i do not wish to turn my back on my clan and family like so many of our uchiha kind has in the days past."

    He watched as forcoy stepped lightly then vanished , but luckily zenaku knew where the ninja was heading, so like the jonin zenaku vanished after stepping quickly and tried to catch up.

    left thread

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 


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