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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever


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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kyoji Mon Sep 30, 2019 10:25 pm

    Almost everyone was out. The air inside the village of the Hidden Mist, was abuzz with a new fever. There were people all about, taking pictures, and rejoicing. The Mizukage was among them, standing in the middle of his city. Enjoying what everyone seemed to be enjoying. But at the same time he was paranoid.

    Above them in the sky was a great flying rock. A meteor of gigantic proportions, possibly large enough to end all life on this small planet. There was more to this then what meets the eyes. A group of young teenagers were running past, but stopped to great the Mizukage. Kyoji waved at them with a smile. Perhaps he should enjoy this moment, before the teleporting man ruined it yet again. He was going to have to do something about his intrusion at a later date.

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    Kitsuki Kurahasa
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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Thu Oct 03, 2019 9:51 am

    Kitsuki moved through the crowd with gingerness and ease. Most of the people had to be gently pushed aside as they were so busy looking up into the sky. Kitsuki was looking for a good spot to sit down and watch the comet when she noticed the Mizukage standing in the middle of the crowd. The man was lost in thought it seemed as many were. Kitsuki looked up and saw the bright pulsating object. The chakra it radiated seemed to call out to her in a strange way and she wondered if he was experiencing the same. Kitsuki was a pretty shy girl so it took a while for her to work up the nerve and approach the Mizukage. The young girl was wearing her typical uniform wear but her bowl tie had a broach on it in the style of a comet. She walked up to the silver haired man and resisted the urge to tug on his sleeve. Instead, she cleared her throat loudly to get his attention and then politely bowed once he turned to her.

    "Good evening Mizukage-sama...I'm Kitsuki Kurahasa...I just wanted to say...." Kitsuki stopped in her tracks and realized it was hard to speak with the Kage was looking directly at you. She wasn't normally tongue tied just quiet but for the first time in a long while her words had escaped her. "....Uh...."

    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Thu Oct 03, 2019 6:31 pm

    Katsumi was less than shy when in comparison with her sister, Kitsuki... but then again, she was less than shy with almost everyone.  She was, however, dressed nicely compared to how she normally was, wearing a form-fitting black top with a pair of jeans that had rips that showed off her muscled legs, the outfit her version of dressing up.  She had been tailing her younger sister as she had woven through the crowd, although while she moved through them without really disturbing them in any way, most people made room for the elder Kurahasa daughter.  It wasn't just because of her height or muscles either; for a Genin, she was quite strong and had a reputation amongst the village.

    She moved behind her sister as she began to address the Mizukage, and then words seemed to fail her.  Katsumi, inversely, wasn't intimidated in the slightest.  If this wasn't an even where she needed to hold back her fighting spirit, she probably would have challenged him to a spar, even if it was just to get beaten into the dirt, in order to glean what strength she needed to truly reach the heights she was aspiring for.  Seeing her younger sister struggling, she smiled and stepped up.

    "My younger sister is pleased to meet you, Mizukage.  I am Katsumi, and feel the same.  Tonight looks like it might be some fun!"  To Katsumi, she didn't care about titles and all that, because Kyoji was just another human being like herself.  Would Katsumi be able to be that strong?  She was certainly going to try, but for the moment, she was just going to focus on the event and try to make it enjoyable for her younger sister.


    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Katsumi-Sig

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kyoji Thu Oct 03, 2019 11:03 pm

    As the group of teenagers ran about to enjoy their day. Kyoji was greeted by another group. However they were newer ordained Genin. The first one greeted him and told him her name, but she seemed to be tongue tied and ended up trailing in words. The Mizukage smiled. The other one was not so shy, she stepped forward and exclaimed that she this was a night to enjoy. "Greetings Kitsuki and Katsumi. I know who you both are. The Kurahasa sisters. The springs of our youth. I do hope you enjoy this rare sight. Its not everyday a meteor comes across our skies."

    The Rokudaime continued on pointing to the rock. "They say if you make a wish at a shooting star, it will come true. However this one seems different. Can you see it? The chakra radiating from the rock. Maybe it is true." Looking at Kitsuki, Kyoji said, "Make your wishes, you don't have to say them out loud. I'm thinking of few things myself."

    It was true. There were many things he wished to accomplish. One of which...was to complete his immortality. Making him the most dangerous ninja to ever live. Able to live through all time, through all wars. As a force of unnatural proportions. But he could never reveal such wish.

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    Kitsuki Kurahasa
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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Sat Oct 05, 2019 10:36 pm

    Sensing her nervousness, Katsumi introduced her younger sister to the Mizukage. Kitsuki was grateful, but the moment did sting her soul. She had worked hard back at the Academy to assert herself and she vowed that when she left, she'd try to stop retreating into her shell. Kitsuki often lost herself in music and dance when she felt isolated. She could handle herself well enough it was just that social interactions with particularly inspiring people were still difficult for her and she was frustrated at her ability to overcome it despite all that she had been through. She tried not to sulk or show disappointment but it was pretty clear she wasn't too happy with herself. She stopped herself from folding her arms as that would be rude. Instead, she clasped her hands behind her back and looked away from her sister and the Kage. She passively listened as he remarked that he knew who they were. This caused Kit to blush. Their last name was noteworthy given their family's immense wealth, but given their alma mater he probably also knew that they weren't like most genin who went to the local Academy in order to study the basics of the shinobi world. Kitsuki was so distracted and flattered by the fact that he knew her name, that she almost missed what he had to say about the comet.

    She caught the words and reflected on them. The dark skinned girl looked up at the radiating comet slowly streaking across the sky. Its movement was oddly slow for a comet. It was as if it was waiting for someone or something. Kitsuki stayed up to date on affairs in the ninja world. She had read articles about the comet and the debate that it provoked. She wasn't sure if the Rokudaime genuinely believed that wishes could come true because of the comet. He could just be saying that to lift her spirits given the times they were in. Then again, many leaders tended to be superstitious about phenomena connected to the Sage of Six Paths.  She wasn't sure if a wish was worth it. Honestly she never really bought into the boogeyman/savior dichotomy that was rife within ninja culture and much to her surprise the smartest teachers at the WASP didn't either. They did however note that such stories tended to inspire and encourage. That alone made their propagation useful and to that extent there was power behind the faith. Master Sukimori even admitted that the cosmos was wide and wild, superstitions might just be our way of explaining mechanics we do not yet fully understand. Kitsuki was willing to believe that and so she nodded and replied:

    "I think its true Mizukage-sama, or at least...I hope it is." she was so busy staring at the comet she forgot who she was talking to. "The people of this village deserve to have their dreams heard. I hope Hagoromo is listening because sometimes it feels like no one else is."

    Kitsuki was so mesmerized by the comet she didn't even realize what she had said could be considered rude. The Kage of the village was supposed to listen to his people and it wasn't so much that she was trying to say he had failed in that regard, but rather he was just one person admist a sea of chaos and evil. She respected him but she wasn't naive. She knew about the attack on the hospital and the various insurgencies at the gates. There was so much to fight back against and so few with the power and willingness to do it.

    Kitsuki closed her eyes and she could have sworn she felt the warmth of the comet stroking her skin. She thought about what she wanted to wish for. She didn't want to be selfish, but she didn't want to surrender herself to the good of the world just yet. She struck a compromise: one wasn't enough. She'd need three.

    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Sun Oct 06, 2019 8:28 pm

    Hearing that the Mizukage knew her name caused Katsumi to grin like the content predator she was. The fact that he knew her name meant that she was making waves, and for the eldest Kurahasa, that was a win no matter which way you spun it because she herself knew that she hadn't done anything to get on the radar in a bad way... lately. Her time in the WASP had done a good number to not so much tone down her rebellious and volatile nature but to direct it safely and efficiently in the right direction. She was able to focus that energy into the proper channels, which was part of the reason she loved sparring so much; it could be a brand new Genin or the Mizukage himself, she would fight anyone, anywhere, and win or lose, love every second of it.

    Maybe that was why she had gotten on his radar... if so, she couldn't be happier.

    But hearing her youngest sister pipe up about her own beliefs while staring at the comet that had now captivated their eyes affected her, Katsumi blinked at it a couple of times, thinking. Seeing that neither of them had voiced their wishes out loud, she decided she would be the trendsetter, unabashed at anyone who was listening. "I'm gonna be a bit greedy and wish for three! I wanna be a Jounin, I wanna have people know my name even in other villages, either in envy, fear or awe, and I wanna fight one of the tailed beasts and make it mine! But I don't wanna have that comet do the work for me... I know it's up to me to make it happen, but hell, a little wishful thinkin' on a massive hunk of space rock can't hurt, right?"

    Katsumi put her hands on her hips, smiling up at the comet as she continued to take in the marvelous sight and considered what that could mean, even if a tiny part of her was looking for some sort of reaction to the boldness of her claims from the comet, even if the logical side of her mind told her she was being irrational and completely silly. She didn't care... but then again, she had never really cared what other people actually thought of her and her little whims. Might be Right. It was that simple in her eyes.


    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Katsumi-Sig

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kyoji Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:23 am

    Hagaromo. The name was something of a myth and a legend. But his legacy seemed to live on indefinitely. Kyoji listened to Kitsukis take on the meteoric rock. She believed it to be true, that these thing usually had some truth to it. Katsumi happened to be suspicious of it, but ultimately had her own wishes anyways. Even so bold as to claim three. Kyoji held a hand to his chin, there were other wishes he wanted as well.

    "Well if it is true Kitsuki. Then Katsumi will have some favor in her hand. But I believe you both to fulfill your wishes. Katsumi has the right idea. Why stop at one wish? Lets make three wishes of our own. And through our own resolve, we will see them come to fruition. If Hagaromo helps us, then a little divine help isn't so bad."
    Kyoji said with a smile looking up at the comet. Besides completing the Chimera ritual, there were a few things he needed to complete afterwards. The most powerful being on the face of the planet would live forever. What else could he want.

    The next wish he would make to the comet, enemies like Menza were still around and strong as ever. They needed to be destroyed, namely the Society. He hope to attain enough power to control or destroy them for his own efforts. So they no longer used their power to destroy. But would be under his wing to solve the problems of earth with insurmountable force. His reign as the Immortal One would be undeniable. First, was defeating the one they called Menza. At the moment he was sure he could not boast a fight against the man. He radiated a power unknown to him, but he too was powerful. He would need train extremely hard to do so.

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    Kitsuki Kurahasa
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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:14 am

    The others appeared to have the same idea. Katsumi made multiple wishes out loud, each one bigger than the last. Becoming a Jounin? Fighting a Tailed Beast? Kitsuki had been reluctant to make such big and dramatic wishes, but as was often the case the elder's boldness often encouraged the younger. That was how it was with most siblings and that's the way it was with the Kurahasa sisters. Kitsuki opened her eyes and smiled as she looked at Katsumi.

    "I love the way you dream big sis"

    Kit looked back at the Comet and nodded at what her Mizukage had said. "Three wishes it is Lord Mizukage"

    Kitsuki shut her eyes again and thought of three wishes. She didn't want to say them out loud. It wasn't because she was afraid they'd mock her or think any less of her because them, it was just that someone had once told her wishing out loud was bad luck. The Kurahasa wasn't exactly a superstitious girl but if she was pining her wish on a giant space rock sent by a millennia dead superhero then she might as well keep her wishes to herself.

    "I...wish to be strong....stronger than any other ninja alive. Stronger than Katsumi even...."

    That wish wasn't so hard, or at least not as hard as she though it'd be. Kitsuki didn't like the idea of competing with Kat partially because she felt they were too close to let competition come between them, and partially out of fear. Kat was so much stronger, faster, and even smarter than her she felt as though hoping to beat her would just end in disappointment. It was better to just help and support her in any way she could. However, after spending a few years at the WASP she couldn't help but envy the way people looked at Kat. Awe, respect, wonder. She enjoyed being a lowkey student, but at the end of the day she knew that power was what truly ruled the world. And as selfish as it was, she wanted a piece of it to call her own. Not to lord and hurt others but to make a difference in the few instances where she could. Strength was an under-valued and under-utilized trait and she knew that if she had more of it she could probably do her fair share of good in the world.

    "I want to set up my own world-class recording studio and I want to make good music. Really good music. The best music."

    Kitsuki took her music quite seriously. She had played around with it before the WASP, but the instructors at the school had turned a hobby into a ruthless passion. They had trained her so hard that she couldn't be satisfied with mediocrity. She needed to have the absolute best production value, work with the best artists, and produce stuff that would make one's toes curl. She had mastered several classical musical instruments and the ideas she had for electronic production would take the industry by storm. In truth, the ninja thing became almost secondary to her. She did it out of a sense of obligation but ultimately her true love was music. To get to where she needed to be, she'd need a studio that rivaled the geniuses of yesterday and today. She could no longer rely on the private school's seemingly endless supply of material. It was now up to her to create her own masterpieces.

    The last one was a hard one. It was the biggest of them all. She wasn't sure she had the strength to even ask for it let alone commit to making it a reality. Kitsuki opened her eyes and looked at the comet, she was almost done but she decided to wait a bit before making her final wish. There was no point in rushing this. It was truly meaningful, not that the others weren't, but this wish would have the potential to change not just her life but the world's.

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:32 am

    Katsumi relaxed now; there was one major benefit to making her silly little wishes first, it was that now she didn't have to worry about them anymore. And to be fair, they had been things she had been thinking about for a long time. She had other goals, naturally, but those were the big three that came to her mind in the heat of the moment. She then turned and observed the other two; the Mizukage seemed to be serious, staring at the comet and making whatever his wishes would turn out to be, and then inversely, her younger sister seemed to be focusing with all of her might on her wishes.

    One of them was about music, she would bet her entire paycheck on it.

    Speaking of paychecks, the eldest sister wanted to take on higher-ranked missions without the need of a Jounin, and who better to get permission from than the Mizukage? But would that be reaching a bit too much? Maybe... and normally, that wouldn't stop her. While Katsumi was guilty of making her younger sister a little bolder, helping her branch out, the younger sister made Kat herself stop and think about her decisions before she made them. Instead of randomly blurting it out, which could easily ruin the mood and atmosphere that was set before them, she held back for once, deciding that this might not have been the best time and place to make such a foolish request. Besides, she hadn't even met her Jounin teacher, so perhaps it was best to wait anyway.

    For the moment, it was probably the best option to simply talk about the comet, their wishes, and things of that nature, but there was one thing that would make everything better. Food. And not just any food, but the worst kind of food. Katsumi let the pair focus on their wishing and dashed off in a brilliant display of speed, but also showing off the control she possessed as the amount of disturbance to the air around her was minimal at best. Even someone who typically made an entrance like a wrecking ball was capable of behaving like a true ninja and not disturbing the environment around them.

    She came back just as they were finishing up with a large basket in her hands, and moved to a spot between the pair and sat down. Inside the basket was the deep-fried cheese curds that she only treated herself to once a month, and they smelled absolutely divine, the scent wafting over the other two. "Figured a snack for us all while we chit chat... Mizukage, what do you think the comet means? I mean, I hear tons of theories but I'd like to hear it from you what you think." It wasn't an invasive question like asking about what he wished for, but instead something more simple and probably something they could discuss openly considering it was all here say.


    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Katsumi-Sig

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kyoji Wed Oct 09, 2019 12:30 pm

    Katsumi dipped away and returned with cheese curds. Though he looked human.  He still had shark physiology, but he reached and grabbed one to please Katsumi. "These look great." She asked him if he knew the meaning of the comets appearance.

    He had been pondering. "Honestly, I feel it will bring about a great change to the world. It holds great power that I can sense,  and even Samehada."

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    Kitsuki Kurahasa
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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Wed Oct 09, 2019 7:23 pm

    Kit had just finished making her two wishes and deciding to hold off on a third when her sister dashed off. She opened her eyes and saw that Katsumi was completely gone. She was a bit surprised at how quickly she had taken off. She guessed that Katsumi was probably going to bring them back something to eat. Although while she was doing that she had left Kit alone with the Mizukage. It would have been awkward had she not returned again so quickly.

    "Cheese curds!" Kitsuki exclaimed but in a quiet voice. It was improper for a lady to yell about food so she had learned to stifle such exclamations. It was barely louder than a whisper but it was clear from her facial expression that she was genuinely pleased about this latest development. She reached into the basket and grabbed one, then another, then another. She stopped herself before things got out of hand. She had learned proper social etiquette but when it came to cheese curds it was easy to forget what she had learned. The girl politely chewed and swallowed before asking the Kage.

    "Samehada? What's Samehada?"

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Fri Oct 11, 2019 5:09 pm

    Katsumi enjoyed a few of the cheese curds, thankful that her metabolism was such that she could eat much of anything and not worry about getting fat. She ate well anyway because the better fuel you put into the tank, the better the engine would run, but it wasn't exclusively required. Sharing some with the pair of them, Katsumi relaxed, letting the scenery in the sky be the source of entertainment. Hearing that they could feel the chakra coming from the comet, including a 'Samehada', was interesting though.

    Hearing that Kit didn't know what it was made her even more curious. "Sounded like less of a 'what' and more of a 'who'. That's a name, right?" Katsumi was prone to occasionally recognize something that people more intelligent misunderstood simply because she thought about things with a little less focus. Sometimes those with less actual brainpower were capable of understanding more because they didn't overthink them, and while that might not have been the case in this instance, she thought it was worth taking a stab at.

    While waiting for an answer, she tossed three curds into the air, adjusting her head and catching each one in her mouth as they came back down to earth. She then tossed one at her sister once she recognized what Katsumi was doing, trying to make her do the same thing with the now projectile. It was something that they had done often with cereal when they were younger.


    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Katsumi-Sig

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kyoji Sat Oct 12, 2019 8:44 pm

    "Ah it is one of the Legendary Swords of the Mist. Samehada is one of the seven swords of the Mist. A sentient blade able to sense powerful chakra." It was a dream of his to become a Swordsman. Which was why he took on the difficult art of Kenjutsu. One of the best swordsman in the village. With his new powers as a Kaguya, his bones were just as deadly as any weapon in the world. His conquest would soon be taking them to best swordsman around. The Land of Iron. It was cold and unforgiving. A land that has much to offer but offers nothing.

    They had in their possession, a powerful blade to rival the blades in Kiri. There was much to discover in the world around them. Arisu was the key a different world as well. She was clearly different from everyone else like he was. Though he was not an alien, but a different species altogether. However that was as much as he knew about her. If he could have another wish, it would get a chance to know more about them.

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    Kitsuki Kurahasa
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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Sun Oct 13, 2019 8:56 am

    Ah! Katsumi was asking the right questions. She had assumed it was an object but on closer reflection it probably was a person. Maybe the Mizukage's right hand man....or woman. Katsumi was tossing cheese curds into the air and catching them in her mouth. She tossed a few to Kitsuki who caught them with practiced ease. Normally, she'd object to such a casual game in front of the Kage but it was a celebration and he did seem to be the easy going sort.

    Kyoji went on to explain that Samehada belong to a special class of weapons known as "The Legendary Swords of the Most" It was a bit on the nose but Kitsuki could roll with it. She wasn't a swordsman herself but she was curious as to what went into making such a powerful blade. She didn't think a blade could be sentient but she also knew that the ninja world was a strange place and was getting stranger everyday.

    "Who made them? Do you own all of them?" Kitsuki asked.

    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Sun Oct 13, 2019 10:12 am

    Katsumi rolled backwards and chuckled a little bit. "Ha! So we were both right, sis! Sentient means it's a who, but it's also a sword!" The revelation made this quite amusing to her, but mostly because they weren't able to do the typical thing they would do when they had different opinions about something. The sisters got along great, and that was mostly because they always argued about things the same way; they would discuss it, rationalize it, talk about it logically, and come to a conclusion about who was right and who was doing push-ups.

    In this case, they had both been right, so it was particularly amusing.

    But now it was time to learn more information, and Ktisuki was already starting, seeming to be interested if for nothing else but the knowledge. "I have difficulty with Kunai and Shuriken, much less a dag-gone legendary blade. I prefer a good punch or a kick, but that's probably because I sorta fumble with everything else. So I just focus on what I'm good at while fiddlin' with the other stuff to figure out what else I might be able to learn." Admitting that she was weak with weapons didn't even seem to bother her.


    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Katsumi-Sig

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kyoji Sun Oct 13, 2019 9:00 pm

    "The blades were made by an legendary craftsman. However how they were created remains shrouded in mystery. As one of the blades, Samehada, is actually a living sentient being. Such a thing seems impossible, but I have it in my possession at the moment." Kyoji said answering Kitsuki. They were indeed a mystery, and getting to bottom of their origins was nigh impossible. "Gaining the right to wield one will grant you dangerous abilities. However the blade doesn't make the person, the person makes the blade famous."

    "Which your path is also a good one Katsumi. These blades, though powerful. Are only tools for a ninja. Our particular swordsman just so happen to have the most powerful of tools at their disposal." Kyoji was one of the swordsman as well. He was the most prestigious of all ninja in the world which brought great renown to the swordsman of the Mist..

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Tue Oct 15, 2019 10:45 am

    Katsumi cheered vocally as she often did. They were both right in a sense. Samehada was a sentient weapon making it both a "Who" and "What". Kitsuki smiled and stifled a giggle. Katsumi tended to get really excited about being right, she wasn't exactly humble in that sense. She admitted to not being skilled with weapons which was understandable. She was so good in hand-to-hand combat she probably would get along perfectly fine without needing to use weapons. Kyoji confirmed this line of reasoning when he said that the legendary swords were mere tools. Useless in the hands of an incompetent ninja, but devastating in the hands of a skill shinobi. Kit nodded silently as she listened.

    A legendary craftsman? Hmm....

    She was interested in having a weapon of that magnitude. It wasn't THAT strong of a desire though. She wouldn't waste a wish on it. But she did like the idea of owning a legendary weapon. Kitsuki was a muscian not a fighter but she did want to protect those she cared about and make a positive difference in the world. A stylish but effective weapon could go a long ways to making that happen. She assumed the original creator of Samehada was long dead. However, if Kyoji wieleded Samehada he might know of another legendary craftsman that could make her something cool. Unfortunately, Kit didn't have the courage to ask for a weapon like that. Instead, she allowed herself to be in awe of her Mizukage. A man with enough skill to tame a living blade.

    "So...Samehada can sense chakra and changes....wow...he's here now? Can he talk?" She had a feeling there was more to the blade than sensing and possibly talking but she was more interested in the possibility of communicating with the object.

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Tue Oct 15, 2019 1:40 pm

    Katsumi listened to them both while they spoke about the blade, interested in the information itself, but not the results of it all. She was staring up at the comet, eating a cheese curd now and again, and simply enjoying the moment. If Kitsuki was able to talk to a living blade, cool beans. She would pay attention and see how that interaction went, but that was about it. As far as involving herself further, she didn't feel the need; she couldn't use a blade like that, and likely never would, so what point was there in investigating it for her? Besides, with Kitsuki here, it wasn't like she would be getting the information anyway, so no big loss. So the eldest sister simply filled her vision with the sight of the massive hunk of rock that was visible to the naked eye, and apparently could be felt by those adept with it.

    Sensory would be amazing to learn, but she felt like Ninjutsu would probably need to be higher on the priority list. After all, almost all of the good techniques fell under that category, to include the one that made her almost salivate; Shadow Clone. Still, she felt like learning the regular techniques that were required by the academy would come before that, but she had tried and failed in that endeavor many times thus far, with little to no improvement. It was like there was some sort of mental block in her mind keeping her from being able to understand the concept, but she couldn't rationalized what it was that was doing it. Now she felt like she was acting like Kitsuke, who was usually the one who liked to overthink things, so like most things, Katsumi let it slide off her shoulders and stored it away for later pondering.


    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Katsumi-Sig

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kyoji Tue Oct 15, 2019 2:35 pm

    "It cannot speak. Though it can communicate in its own way. As maybe an animal would. The blade feeds on chakra. It has a never-ending hunger for it. I have the blade in my office. It is a little bigger than you, which makes it somewhat uncomfortable to carry around." Samehada was also a burden. It took from the user as well to wield. It was a double-edged sword, but it wasn't quite a sword. But they considered it one of the Seven. It was a strange thing.

    Kyoji thought about it for a minute. If he could have a blade that no armor or weapon could stop, that would make him the deadliest swordsman of all time. He had ambitious goals, but being Mizukage he had plenty of time to think. However there was no blade like that in creation. The closest he had heard of the Kusanagi Blade. Its sharpness was even sharper than the Kiba blades though that was without the chakra.

    "When you both become stronger and elevate yourself through the ranks. You will learn more about these things."

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Tue Oct 15, 2019 3:22 pm

    So its like a.....animalistic chakra vampire sword...that's as big as me....

    Kitsuki was intrigued by the weapon. It was a shame she couldn't have a conversation with it, but from the way he described Samehada it was more likely to eat her than converse with her. Kyoji opined that when they both became stronger they would learn more about these sorts of things. Stronger... Kitsuki looked up at the comet overhead just like her sister was doing. The Comet appeared to be moving so slowly and with each second it radiated chakra and that chakra emboldened her. She felt it stir her spirit. It was as though an tsunami of courage beared down on her and in that moment she felt as uproarious as Katsumi. It appeared for a moment the sisters had switched attitudes. Katsumi became more reflective and thoughtful, meanwhile Kitsuki felt a boldness growing in her spirit. She looked back at her Mizukage, cleared her throat, and let her ambition soar:

    "Thank you Mizukage...but with all due respect, I want to learn more today. I challenge you to a spar. Me and my sister verses you. If we win, you have to grant a request from each of us."

    Kitsuki balled her hands into fists and looked the Kage right in the eye as she said it. It was defiant, bold, and downright rude. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she'd have the courage to make such a challenge but somehow the Comet had stoked a fire inside of her.

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Tue Oct 15, 2019 4:33 pm

    Katsumi listened idly about the information about the sword, making note that she didn't want to deal with the idea of giving the thing a hug from the wrong end.  A living blade that ate chakra... absolutely insane.  Not something she wanted to tangle with, so hearing that he had left it home was reassuring.  And then she felt a stir and looked towards her sister, who seemed to be thinking real hard about something or another.  But what came out of her mouth, for a moment, Katsumi had to make sure that she herself hadn't said those words herself, and then look towards Kitsuki for a moment more in awe before tilting her head back and laughing uproariously.  Kit had been the one to caution Katsumi not to walk around picking fights with people on a special day, and here she was, casually chucking that logic out of the window.

    Katsumi was so proud.

    A whirl of her legs to gain some momentum and Katsumi was on her feet, turning towards the Mizukage as her eyes flashed with brilliant light for a moment, and the tattoo on her back that was normally hidden began to glow as she unlocked her own hidden potential.  She didn't have any actual techniques to use with the chakra, so this was purely for intimidation as her chakra jumped a large amount very suddenly.  He was able to sense the chakra from the comet, so it would stand to reason that he could sense hers.  If this worked out properly, he would accept the challenge and a dream of hers would be realized; Katsumi was going to fight the Mizukage.

    He was at a disadvantage, not only with it being two against one but also because he was unarmed, making his techniques with a blade all but nill.  Still, it was a pair of Genin fighting the big shot, so it reasoned to believe that it was only leveling the playing field a little.  Even in her fancy outfit she picked out for the evening, Katsumi was ready for a fight, anytime and anywhere. "This is the most exciting thing all day, even including the comet!" she chittered excitedly.

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Katsumi-Sig

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kyoji Fri Oct 18, 2019 9:48 pm

    "Challenge the Mizukage a to a spar." Kyoji was taken aback by the request. Perhaps it was the young zealous attitude of their generation. As they were closer in age than most of his colleagues that he commanded. At a young age of 19 he had made it into the coveted position of Kage. And that came with a lot of responsibilities. Kyoji put a hand to his chin pretending to ponder the question.

    "I appreciate the young gun attitude. But now is not the time to test your skills. Another date, it will be against someone your strength. If you can win against them. Then you can have your request and something." Kyoji replied. Menza would eventually return with the prize he sought. The illusive bijuu that Kirigakure had failed to capture time and time again. They would have to vet their Genin to see who was worthy enough to have such a prize.

    Strength: B > S (EGF)
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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Sun Oct 20, 2019 1:53 am

    Kitsuki looked down at her shoes as Kyoji shot down her request. Katsumi was game, she always was. Kit had no doubt in her mind that her sister was absolutely rearing to go, especially since the challenge had been thrown down by the meeker of the two. Unfortunately the Mizukage was wholly unimpressed by her astonishing will and bravery. He politely declined the challenge and instead offered them another opportunity to prove themselves. Kitsuki was pissed at the man. She knew she had no right to be, but she was. It took all of her courage and willpower to challenge the Kage of her village and he had brushed it off like it was nothing. Meaningless. Sure he said it in a nice way, but his easy-going demeanor only made it worse. She felt as though she wasn't someone to be taken seriously and quite frankly, she wasn't.

    "M-M-my apologies Mizukage-sama...I don't know what came over it me....it was a stupid idea" Kitsuki apologetically bowed. The defiance of earlier had been whipped away. She wasn't necessarily on the verge of tears but the hurt was discernible in her voice. The black girl immediately turned away from him. She didn't want him to see how embarrassed she was.

    So stupid! Why would he ever want to fight with a genin? Ugh....I made Kat look like a fool too...

    The Comet still blazed high above them, but the fire in Kit's spirit had been extinguished in an instant.

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:48 am

    Katsumi was more than a little disappointed that he turned them down but wasn't wholly surprised either. He was the Mizukage, hosting a massive event that was observing the Comet as it passed. Having a spar in the middle of the event wouldn't go over so well, at least, that was the reasoning that Kat used to explain it to herself so she wasn't quite as angry about the situation. But listening to her sister, who had mustered the courage to say it, stammer out an apology and turn away, well that wasn't something she could ignore. So, Katsumi did something that was a little bit out of character for her and changed from her fighting stance to something more formal and giving the Mizukage a gentle bow.

    "We relish the opportunity, but one day, the two of us will be strong enough to truly spar you and learn from your example. On that day, I hope you will accept the challenge proposed today, regardless of rewards." Normally, Katsumi was always seen as a bit of a dullard, a fight-hungry muscle-bound woman who acted before anything really passed through her mind, but in this moment she proved otherwise with her tact and wording. She was defending her sister's pride, after all, and nothing really came close to making Katsumi want to go all out than in the protection of her little sister. Even if it was just her honor and bravery that she wanted to bring to light.

    Katsumi had seen the fire in her little sister come to life, and she wanted to nurture it, make it grow and strengthen it. That timid personality really was the only reason anyone wasn't able to see her as the truly strong Genin that she was, and if she could overcome that, she really would grow in leaps and bounds.


    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Katsumi-Sig

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    [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever Empty Re: [Hagoromo's Comet] Path of Forever

    Post by Kyoji Mon Oct 21, 2019 11:44 am

    "I have no doubt in my mind that you both will become much stronger. The coming days will be a test to everyone's strength. You will be called to protect this village, against insurmountable odds. But until then, enjoy days like these. Intense training will be coming soon enough."

    The Mist village attracted dangerous situations. Kyoji wasn't sure if the village itself was cursed for these things or not. But his path would take him away from the village as all great ninja do. He hoped the village would be great enough to survive the impact of such things. The Mizukage would make sure they would have a fighting chance. Beasts and monsters like Menza will roam the world. The bijuu in question would help them tackle the future problems. He looked towards the comet again. A little help would be great. Not for my sake, but for the village. Though his path would get darker, his home was always important to him. He decided not make a selfish wish, but to protect the Mist village when it needed protecting.

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