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Kaori Murai
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Mon May 06, 2024 10:18 pm

    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  GSxXaeF
    Name: Sukimori Hyuuga
    Title: Headmaster of the Sukimori School for War, Art, Science & Philosophy
    Occupation: Grand-Archon of the International Fraternal Order of Oddfellows

    Headmaster Sukimori Hyuuga waited on the dais of the Opening Ceremony Pavilion. The area had been specifically chosen for its idyllic setting. The beach was just a few meters away and palm trees swayed in the distance. The pavilion itself was a large wooden structure capable of housing well over a hundred people. It was tall and spacious without being intimidating. Sukimori had crafted it so as to create a calming and alluring environment. The genin of Kishin had been through much in these past few months and he knew that many of them would be stressed about the Exams. And rightfully so... He reflected. The Chuunin Exams were one part test, one part competition and one part geo-politics. The shinobi would be tested on a plethora of different dimensions thereby assessing their suitability for promotion. Many of these assessments would require direct engagement with their peers which would in turn create winners and losers. The villages which sponsored these genin tallied their winners and losers and used the event as a proxy to demonstrate their superiority. It was all fairly stressful and though the Hyuuga understood that it could not be avoided, he figured that it would be best to ease the children into intensity. He'd start with a warm welcome and slowly turn up the temperature from there. Those who were ready to become Chuunin would allow themselves to be calmed by the serenading waves and the warmth of the sun without losing their edge. Those who were not ready would fail regardless, but at least they'd have a few moments of peace before their trials began.

    Headmaster Sukimori would soon be joined by his fellow proctor. Airi Ohara, a fellow member of the Hyuuga Clan and Kyuudaime Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato. Ryuko Shizu von Rose, Yondaime Raikage and Queen of the Kingdom of Thunder, would also be assisting him, but her services were to be required much later. Therefore he did not mandate that she be there to greet the entrants.

    The Carmine Hyuuga and the Lightning Empress. The pair represented everything the S.S. WASP stood for par excellence.  He could think of no better partners with whom to collaborate. Except of course, his own former pupil and protege. But alas, the Princess had other items to attend to and there was no sense in diverting her attention just for the joy of working alongside her. The brown bearded Hyuuga was wearing a traditional black obi, a faint white outline ran along the border of the seam and a small discrete IFOF pin was fixed to its breast. He kept his long hair tightened back into a conservative bun and his right hand was affixed with several expensive looking rings. The clear eyes of his clan scanned across the horizon as he waited for the entrants to arrive. He expected somewhere close to one hundred, but even more might arrive given the open nature of this year's Exams. The applicants would stand directly in front of him and listen as he spoke from the elevated platform.  He slipped his hands into the sleeves of his robe and bowed respectfully once Airi arrived. If permitted, he'd take her hand and kiss it as a proper gentleman ought.

    "Kyuudaime Hokage. Its a pleasure to meet you in person. You're even more beautiful than the press describes."

    ((OOC: The Opening Ceremony of the Chuunin Exams has officially begun! I will allow 48 Hours from the time of this post for everyone to gather in before formally beginning proceedings. While attendance is not mandatory, it is a good opportunity to meet your fellow competitors and learn what will be expected of you.)

    Natsuki Uchiha
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Tue May 07, 2024 8:51 pm

    Alright... So this is it...

    Natsuki's clenched fists grew clammy within the pockets of his Haori. While he came blessed with many gifts, tips, and tricks- as well as the budding confidence given to him by some of his fellow genin and his sensei- the young Uchiha was still a nervous wreck. He could, perhaps, prove to his mother that he isn't the screw-up she always thought he was or, perhaps, he could prove her right for all the shinobi world to see.

    Worst of all, he didn't know what to expect. Until such a time as the actual events were outlined and began, Natsuki was just along for the ride, a ride he didn't exactly relish being on in the first place. Still, there was no use dwelling on that; if he couldn't work up the courage to opt out of the exams to Airi alone, what chance did he have now that he was standing here on this pavilion?

    He took a deep, albeit shaky, breath. So much for don't stick your neck out.

    Leaf Genin
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Sera Tue May 07, 2024 9:14 pm

    The ocean's waves and gentle breeze brought a bright smile to Sera's face as she stood in the fancy pavilion. It was easy to see the beautiful beach from where she was standing and hoped that there would be time to play with everyone in the sand after the exams were over. Wow, its gorgeous. Sera wasn't exactly sure what to expect with the chuunin exams and was prepared for them to start at any second. Her larger than life bow rest on her back and was ready to go in case they needed to fight at a moment's notice. Everyone was incredibly tight-lipped about the event and even with her incredible hearing, she hadn't been able to gather any clues on the way here.

    There wasn't much to do as far as preparations go besides just enjoy the salty air and the company. Sera smiled at anyone who looked her way and would wave to her friends as they entered the pavilion. She was greatly looking forward to seeing how all her friends and teammates had grown in their training during the exams, but she was also excited to meet new people! Besides serious missions, Sera had never traveled outside of Konohagakure before and was curious what the other shinobi would be like. Would they be friendly or stand-offish? She thought back to the argument that broke out in the hokage's office recently and chuckled to herself. Probably a bit of both.

    As far as becoming a chuunin was concerned, Sera was confident that her skills were around the level that the title represented. The exams themselves were different every year so she wasn't even sure if there would be a singular "winner" or not. The hokage had ordered the konoha genin to do their best and make their village proud and that's exactly what Sera planned on doing. Bring it on!

    Nao Hyūga
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Nao Hyūga Wed May 08, 2024 1:51 am

    The Genin of the hidden leaf had traveled together, arriving early most of them split off from each other shortly after arriving. They had time to get rooms and explore a little bit of the village before the festivities kicked off. Each of the Genin doing their own thing, Nao however would stay with Hibiki. It wasn't just because Airi had asked him to keep an eye on her while they were gone, he would have done so without being asked. He couldn't think of a better way to spend his day then to be spending time with her. Even in this foreign country where there were they had things that Konoha didn't, like a beach, Nao didn't care too much for the sight seeing he was happy enough to be in Hibiki's company. He couldn't help but steal glances at her, admiring the way the sunlight danced in her hair and the sparkle in her eyes as they explored the new surroundings.

    His trusty companion Amarok, who had been his mount while traveling was even off on his own. Nao having given the dire wolf permission to explore the wilds of the island, so long as he didn't cause any trouble. When it was finally time for the opening ceremony of the Chuunin Exams to start, Nao would make his way there with Hibiki. If it was any other setting, most would consider them going together to be a date. Though even if they were supposed to be there, in the back of his mind Nao considered it a date. He had asked her if she wanted to go with him and she said yes, so to him it was a date even if it was unofficial.

    Dressed in his all black gi with purple obi, a tanto within a sheath strapped to his back so that just the hilt of the blade could be seen over his right shoulder. Small hip pouches to hold his gear and a thigh holster on is right thigh that held a small amount of kunai. His short white hair combed and slicked back to look more upkept, Nao did his best to look decent, not just because he thought he was on a date either. He was not only representing the village but also the Hyūga Clan in the exams, he would never hear the end of it if he did something that would bring shame to the clan. Hibiki would look as lovely as ever, and it was her presence that would steady him as he saw the man standing on the raised platform of the pavilion.

    A Hyūga, of all people they had to have a Hyūga as the proctor of the exams. Nao wouldn't have minded as much if it was just Airi, unlike most of the clan she didn't look down on him for his purple eyes. He was the only one in the clan that had a purple Byakugan, he knew now that it was because of his father's clan, that still did not make facing a Hyūga elder any easier. His imagination ran amok with thoughts that he would be eliminated from the tournament because the Hyūga found his presence to be insulting, or even because they discovered he was not a pure blood Hyūga after all. If it hadn't been for Hibiki standing next to him, he might've started hyperventilating. Remaining calm, or at least as calm as he could, Nao would look out at the other contestants, noticing Sera and Natsuki he would give them each a small wave. "This is it, the moment we've been training for." Nao said with a smile to Hibiki, still trying his best not to let his thoughts show.

    Nao Hyūga
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Hibiki Wed May 08, 2024 3:29 am

    Hibiki felt like she was walking on cloud nine as she strolled around this new and unfamiliar environment with her good friend Nao.   The land of stone was rugged and mountainous while the land of fire  was a mixture of lush forests of open plains.   This island was different from both of them, filled with sun, sand and waves lapping at the beach.  It was something she had never experienced before…. But was that the reason her heart was racing or was it something else…

    More like someone else even if she hadn’t quite realized it yet.  She was thrilled to be spending so much time together with him even if it meant implementing the surprise that Airi had suggested to her via that secret note a bit more difficult.  Her only regret was that the exams had made it harder to dress up nicer for him.   Especially when he was cutting such a nice figure with his traditional black gi and purple obi.  

    What she wouldn’t give to be wearing a sundress and straw hat right about now.  If she did that would Nao compliment her and tell her she was pretty?     The main reason she had elected to stick to her new combat suit was simple.  While an opening ceremony suggested they should wear formal attire she was worried about the not so slim possibility they might get thrown straight into the deep end and have the first even sprung on them with no prior warning.

    Well at least her white jacket with black and gold accents made for a good contrast while standing alongside her friend.  His outfit was mostly black and traditional while hers was mostly white and futuristic.   It was almost as if they were a living embodiment of that whole balance thing.

    Honestly it was a good thing Nao was here with her. His presence was making her more centered as a good chunk of her attention was directed towards him most of the time whereas normally she would have  been more distracted by all this new stuff.  His face was so handsome she could keep staring at it and never get bored. 

    That said he wasn’t commanding the entirety of her attention, entering the room she quickly spotted some of her other friends and began waving enthusiastically at them.  Natsuki, she was used to seeing around on a semi-regular basis as they were part of the Doton buddies, a small training group that had formed around people who all possessed the earth element.    But this was her first time running into Sera since they had first met back in the forest when Hibiki had accidentally left town.

    “Hey guys, good to see you.”  She said running ahead of Nao for a brief moment. “I”m sorry we didn’t get to spend more time together before the exams Sera.”  She apologized.  Oddly enough the two of them were actually distantly related to each other, not that either of them knew about that yet. 

    Hibiki had only just awakened her hidden Subetemiru blood shortly before leaving for the exams.  Even if you asked her she wouldn’t have any idea of what her new ability was called, and she wasn’t aware of Sera’s last name either.  The only thing that might clue  either of them in was if one of them were to activate the Yogen no me around the other giving them a chance to notice the geometric patterns in their eyes were pretty much the same. 

    It was because she had been paying Nao so much attention that she realized something was wrong.  It was very subtle,  but he had stiffened up just a little at the mention of his clan.  Quietly she moved to stand beside him, sliding her left hand into his right as if it was the most natural gesture in the world.

    “Remember what I told you.  You’re awesome.”  She whispered in a low tone so that hopefully only he would hear her.  “I’ve seen all the hard work you’ve been putting in Nao. You’re going to shine so bright in these exams that even your family will have to see how special you are.”  If even that wasn’t enough for those stubborn goats then she would just have to peel back their eyelids herself. 

    “We’ve got this, l’ll be here to support you every step of the way.”  she told him with a reassuring smile, her voice brimming with unwavering confidence and sincerity.  She gently squeezed his hand as promising to stand by his side through whatever challenges lay ahead.

    Airi Ohara
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Airi Ohara Wed May 08, 2024 3:56 am

    Unlike the shinobi participating, she was able to get seats for distinguished guests such as village kage and the Jonin Commanders, a special place off to the side with plush seating. This gave the distinguished guests visibility with the participants and allowed the distinguished guests to be able to see their participants as well as the master of ceremonies, one of her 'cousins'. He appeared to be considerably older than herself, only being a ripe age of 22 whereas he appeared to be in his forties or fifties. Taking a seat, she removed the Hokage hat off of her head and placed it upon her knee after taking a seat. She was here to oversee her genin. Hopefully other contestants appear so they could get a good look at who is there. She, apparently, was the first to appear out of the distinguished guests. And yes, her cleavage was very much on display, poking out of her new purple kimono. Well, the kimono looked the same but it was very much a different piece of armor.

    The smell of the ocean breeze called to her. As soon as these formalities are done, she would switch her apparel to that of her tiny bikini and roll around on the beach. As she sat there, she began to fan herself with her Hokage hat, not used to this humid island weather. It was a beautiful day to be on the beach. The sound of waves crashing were hypnotic in it's own way. She received a signal and blinked, nodding to her distant cousin and stood up from her seat and walked towards him and stopped just outside of arm's reach directly next to the man, blushing slightly as he took her hand and kissed her upon the hand. A compliment was given to her as she turned her eyes to look towards her 'cousin' and a bright blush appeared upon her cheeks. "Oh, thank you. I do put a lot of time into my appearance and I did grow these myself," she said in a bit of dirty humor about the size of her chest. Of course, all of this was stated outside of ear-shot of the contenders of the Chuunin exams. "You also look quite distinguished for your age, Lord Sukimori," she said, giving him a little curtsy before retaking her hand from him.  She nodded to the man and turned to look back towards the gathering genin, placing both of her hands back behind her, gripping her Hokage hat.

    She stood at a diminutive height of 5 feet flat (152 cm) and she stood there, both hands behind her back holding her Hokage hat. She puffed out her chest with the red symbol of her Equipment seal clearly visible just above her ample cleavage. Yes, the main prominent features of this girl were her bright red hair, her height, and the size of her breasts. Though, her blue eyes were also to die for, if she didn't have the Byakkugan active so often. Becoming Hokage made her quite paranoid, leading her to have the Byakkugan active more often than not. As she stood there, she quickly activated her Byakkugan, her eyes turning a pale white color -- seeing all of the chakra signatures within the area.

    She noticed the chakra of Natsuki, focusing on him for a brief moment. He was nervous, as he should be. This was a huge event and Airi, even, wasn't able to participate in Chuunin exams when she was growing up. They seemed to be less frequent due to the amount of work put into them. She then noticed Sera there in the crowd. She seemed confident which brought a smile to her face. She simply nodded in Sera's direction. Then she noticed the future power-couple standing shoulder to shoulder with one another and she gave them a little nod of her head. She was happy to see them in attendance. She expected to see other members of Konoha. They'll probably be a bit late -- hopefully they won't be nearly as late as the competition.

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    Village: Konohagakure
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Ghost Wed May 08, 2024 1:17 pm

    It was show time as today was the day and he was on edge if anything. At the moment he was a representation of Iwa and the head of the Kotoshura Clan. However he was at a Hugh disadvantage still. Ghost would be keeping to himself and not really trying to socialize if anything. He had to keep his head on his shoulders and focus on getting thought this thing in one piece. As he opened up his book he would start to read it as the page he was on clearly made it seem as if he finished the book. It was a book on the many blood lines the world have to offer and from what ares that they are from. True it didn't give him a big boost in fights but it did give him time to form counter attacks if need be. As he looked around he would take a deep breath.

    Thinking to himself,"OK better late then never I'm simply here to pass the Exams and be on my way. I just hope more Genin from Iwa show up. But I doubt that given the fact as what is going on back home. Either way I still have to hold my on. So I guess I will see how day one goes." He would say with a worry yet calm voice of reason.


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    Post by Kaori Murai Wed May 08, 2024 6:56 pm

    Kaori was pretty familiar with the Konoha crew at this point, having spent some time observing them on or before the trip. She was trying to keep a low enough profile for the time being, so she observed everyone quietly. She eyed up Ghost, not knowing who he was, but noting that he was representing Iwagakure.

    She was intrigued, having been unsure if they'd even enter, considering that Iwa had been taken over by Konoha again. While she was from Iwagakure's lands herself, she found herself a Konoha Shinobi for the time being under the orders of her boss. A little deep cover stuff.

    Would Ghost put up a good showing for the village? She could only hope so. She wasn't able to represent her nation the way she wanted to, but Kaori understood the reasoning behind her assignment. She wasn't going to question it.

    "Hi." she said, walking up to Hibiki and standing next to her. Kaori found that she was more comfortable around Hibiki for multiple reasons than anyone else. She looked around at everyone, antsy and ready for this thing to begin. There was a bit of nervous energy coming off of her, but mostly because she was hyping up her impatience. In reality, she didn't mind waiting, and was just excited to see who all would be participating.

    She decided to let her sensory range extend out for the time being, and see who all had the most chakra, who had what natures, and felt like what. She was almost instantly disappointed in Ghost, everyone else seemed to be stronger chakra wise.
    Using Chakra Sensory
    Post 1

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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Hisha Wed May 08, 2024 7:51 pm

    Entering from the ship ride, Hisha looked... mildly sick actually, a shade or two paler than normal. He still put off a fairly casual, street-ware kind of vibe with short but baggy olive green shorts, a long square-cut white T, and a cyan hoodie with a kind of wire-frame emoji of what might be a lake. He had on incredibly crips and clean white sneakers and a pair of headphones extended from the front pouch of his sweatshirt to his ears, one bud in and one dangling feely. He did not feel particularly well, a combination of nerves surrounding the exams and nerves surrounding whatever the fuck was going on in Kiri. His bank account had been affected negatively and it made him quite uneasy. And then all this bijuu nonsense.

    He also did not know anyone currently here, recognizing basically only Airi and her only because of her immense... fame. Yes fame, that was the reason. Snapping out of his stare, he scanned quickly around, somewhat off on his own. if he really focused he could probably put a name to a face here or there, but no one else stood out. The... head proctor? The gentleman on the dais looked like a complete psycho, almost like he eats people. Super weird. Spotting a cluster of other ninja, he first went for a kind of half-wave to them before immediately aborting the motion. He didn't know if he was supposed to be friends or enemies or nice or mean or... what. He saw neither Sero nor Blitz. And no Okane either, though he only noticed after the fact he seemed to be holding out to see if the man would show.

    His seemingly permanent headache still raged, but had lulled somewhat to a light, infrequent throb. At this point he'd gotten used to it. Nothing here seemed to particularly set it off though from what he could tell. Resigning himself to his little area in wait, he fiddled with the spare thread of his sealing gloves and his headphones, shuffling through music choices as he tried not to overtly gawk at the hokage or any of the the three beautiful women from Konoha. Adzuki was off somewhere hunting or something, and Sesa had curled gently into his sweatshirt. While he shifted nervously from side to side, anyone who knew him might note he did so without quite as much energy as was otherwise typical of him.

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    Post by Lily Wed May 08, 2024 8:26 pm

    To say that the past month or so for Lily was wild would have been an understatement. Learning how to use the funny ninja magic 'chakra' and using it for 'Ninjutsu' and 'Genjutsu' alongside improving her reflexes to the point where she wasn't exactly sure if she could push them any farther. Then there was the big bad Ox-topus and how it pushed her body's limits (her arms still felt the phantom pains from fighting it, but they had healed at least)

    Having arrived thanks to her summons pulling out all the stops with summons, reverse summons, a few boat rides, and a brisk walk from the salty water over to where all the other competitors were, Lily would note that she was likely the youngest looking out of all of them. The penguins had noted that while she still hadn't seemed to age much since she had woken up from her slumber her body was still changing, so she was probably fine. It was a good thing she had visited them as well since they gave her some New Clothes to wear to the exam. To be fair it wasn't much different from her old clothes, but the fact they had given it to her showed they cared. They even added a little pouch in the back to let her store things! She would keep the facemask down for now though, she wanted to be friendly after all!

    As she continued to look around at those in the crowd, she'd slip around and maneuver to see if any Kirigakure Ninja had come. Supposedly the penguins had signed her up already, but given it had been a while since she had been active in Kiri no one might even know she was active still. Instead of finding a Kiri ninja however, Lily's hunt would be stopped by the sight of a blonde girl with purple eyes . Intrigued by the fact this person had pretty purple eyes, Lily would go up to them with a smile and reach into her little fanny pack behind her.

    "Hi there pretty eyed lady, want to share some food with me while we wait?" Lily would pull out a yummy-looking Taiyaki from her bag and split it in half, revealing it was filled with chocolate as she offered the front half to the blonde person that she did know know was the Konoha Ninja named Sera.

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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Nakaba Wed May 08, 2024 8:39 pm

    Nakaba would be waiting outside of the pavilion. He sat, leaned against a thicker palm tree, placing it and some shrubs between himself and the building. He was struggling to gather the motivation to join everyone else. Recovering from some awful mental assault, the ninja wanted the peace of loneliness right now as he tried to hide from the view of his competition. He was dressed for the beach, and not really for the Chunin Exams as he had a pair of swimming trunks on and a button up shirt. The orange and yellow floral shirt hung down loosely revealing a toned, chiseled body that was slightly glistening from either an earlier swim or the gentle heat of the Sun. A leather belt held a sheathed katana at his side. Pendants hung from his ears, each imbued with a malicious chakra, and simple silver rings on eight of his fingers were infused with jutsu. Not that that was apparent to anyone else, as his chakra was suppressed. He had shown enough tricks to his fellow Konoha-nin.

    A soft smile would spread across his face as he heard friends and allies begin to speak. Dimly he stared off into the waves of the beach. He was tempted to skip the opening ceremony as it seemed like a great place for chaos to be started, if the genin meeting in his village was any indication. He was just here to listen, and planned to leave at the first sign of trouble. The Sun-licked waves sure were beautiful. What a great spot. Though he was hopefully hidden from Hisha and Lily, he would spot the kiri-nin enter from his hidey hole in these bushes if they came from the sea side. He wasn't particularly concealed from their angle though he was relatively still.

    Using Chakra Suppression.

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    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Wed May 08, 2024 8:57 pm

    It was that time of year, the sun was high the breeze was cool and the water sparkled like a brilliant jewl. It was also the time for the chunin exams and he could see a lot of people entering the place to watch the opening ceremonies. He was gonna participate in these exams but he decided that his time and energy was best kept at trying to rebuild his home and village. As he entered the area he was quickly approached by some of the people who escorted other people.

    " Welcome to the chunin exams lord Tsuchikage. Please follow us as we lead you to where the other kage are seated and those of high statue."

    Yamato did not reply he just smiled as he followed behind them. A few moments later he was brought to a area where a red headed woman was sitting and from the hat he saw sitting on her knee it was the Hokage of the leaf. Yamato made his self comfortable as he sat down and looked around at all the people around.

    " Good day Lady hokage, it's a pleasure to finally get to met you. My name is Yamato Kazahana. I am the new tsuchikage of stone. "

    Yamato would also greet any one else that was around them as he really did not know any one there but since he had a ninja from iwa participating it was duty bound of him to show up. He was 5:11 and had blood red hair that was short and slicked back as he had two bangs falling down over each eye. He had dark rings around his eyes as well as cloth bandages wrapped around the bridge of his nose going down around his mouth and around his neck. He had on a long sleeved black shirt with a reddish brown hooded vest on. He wear a pair of black pants with open toed boots and he had Bandags wrapped around his hands and arms. On top of his head he wear the tsuchikage hat that was white and brown. Yamato would take the tsuchikage hat off which allowed the sun to show off his beautiful blue eyes.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
    [*]Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6897-yamato-kazahana
    [*]Link to Known Techniques: in character updates
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Tōri Wed May 08, 2024 9:27 pm

    Making it quite close Tōri arrived with a gaggle of genin in tow, glad to see that some had the initiative to arrive early. Joining Airi in the special seated section he would remain standing, quietly listening to a young man who claimed to be the Tsuchikage. This piqued the jōnin’s interest but he made sure to give his attention to the genin who were about to be introduced to the trials they were to shortly face.

    It was an exciting time, bringing back memories of his own experiences with the exams, having taken himself two attempts to pass. It was a make it or break it moment for many, he wished dearly that the genin he’d gotten to know and had yet to persevere. It was especially difficult to experience a teammate's loss of resolve, a pain he was all too familiar with.

    Innocence Uchiha
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Innocence Uchiha Thu May 09, 2024 10:10 pm

    Innocence had been uncharacteristically quiet during the journey to O'uzu Island. Most of the time she was struggling against her insomnia, a frustrating product of her decisions of late. Using her knowledge of chemistry, she managed to make a basic tonic that allowed her to get some rest. It wasn't the dreamless slumber she longed for but it kept the worst of the night terrors away while allowing her to recuperate before the Exams. By the time they arrived, Innocence was in much better shape but her attitude hadn't improved much. The kunoichi had kept to herself in the hours that they waited for the ceremony to start. Aside from the occasional greeting to Natsuki, she said nothing to no one. Her thoughts were preoccupied with a single driving focus: I have to make this worth it...I have to!

    Innocence was one of the last genin to file into the pavilion. As she walked past, she noticed the Matryoshka puppeteer leaning against a palm tree. Alone. The fact that he had chosen to stay out of the crowded pavillion was not odd in of itself, but the way he was standing and gazing at the sunset. Innocence took a moment to regard him but immediately turned away once she realized her eyes were lingering. He was dressed like he was spending a day at the beach. As if this wasn't the most important competition of their lives. Show off! Innocence huffed as she entered the wooden structure. Despite the beautiful atmosphere and the serenade of the waves crashing against the shore, the kunoichi had a look of fixed annoyance on her face. A familiar expression for anyone who knew her but one that was accentuated by eyeliner, green eyes and the recent addition of two dark bags under her eyes. She wore her typical surgical uniform consisting of a white single breasted lab coat, plaid dark skirt, leggings, black latex gloves and an expensive pair of black sneakers on her feet. Innocence's outfit was neatly pressed and her hair immaculately combed courtesy of the combined efforts of one Yui and Porsche Uchiha. The excess hair spilled out behind her in a large pony tail that was kept in place by two large white bows. She had her katana strapped to her back and personal effects secured in a backpack, hip pouch and in the inner pockets of her surgeon's coat. As she walked through the crowd, she cut her eyes at Nao, offered a scoff to Hibiki and paused in front of Kaori only to briefly serve a mix of a sneer and a fake smile. She kept walking until she found her kin at which point she stopped and stood next to Natsuki who was plainly nervous.

    "Thtop thhaking. You're an Uthiha. Act like it."

    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  7uImUHM
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Thu May 09, 2024 10:32 pm

    Headmaster Sukimori smiled at Airi's joke and bowed slightly at her compliment. "You are too kind my Lady. My girls do their level best to add gray and wrinkles where they can." He had always taken great pride in his appearance and had encouraged his students to do the same. Appearances weren't everything, but they often played an outsized role in public perception, diplomacy and shockingly, even combat. Airi must have understood that to some degree although her vocalization of it was a bit libertine for his tastes. The woman represented so many of the qualities he wished to instill within this generation, but her sense of humor was not one of them. Fortunately, Lord Sukimori was something of a socialite so he was perfectly capable of tolerating bawdy humor even at a time such as this. The Headmaster returned his gaze to the growing crowd. More and more genin were arriving, some in pairs and others by themselves. As the crowd grew, the volume of chatter began to increase. Once upon a time, he himself had been a shinobi and he could still attune his senses to pick up key words among the throng of Chuunin hopefuls. He heard words of support and encouragement, angst and anxiety, rivalry and bitterness. Many of the ninja present had trained hard and yet, they remained uncertain of where they stood in this increasingly chaotic world. The mild peace that had followed the World War was quickly coming to an end and this generation would likely soon see their own struggle.

    Sukimori turned to witness the arrival of the Tsuchikage. Speaking of struggle.... the Hyuuga gave the man the same warm smile that he had offered Airi and he even allowed for a slight bow, but the level of deference was incomparable. He regarded the genin-turned-world leader with respect and warmth, but there was a bit of restraint in his posture. He didn't know how Airi would receive this self-proclaimed "Tsuchikage" and while he could not dismiss the man, he did not wish to provoke an international incident by treating him the same as the leader of an established global power. In this regard, he would take his cue from Airi and the other world leaders. If they chose not to acknowledge Yamato, then he'd refrain from addressing him on such terms. If they chose to recognize his title and rank, then Sukimori would do so in kind. All the while, he'd maintain an aura of professionalism and mutual respect. Regardless of his rank, Yamato was still a human being and he was to be treated with dignity even if his claim bordered on insolent. Kitsuki will have her hands full....I'm not sure whether Konoha intends to allow him to enforce his claim and if they don't it might provoke an uprising. Radicals may flock to Chen's cause if this situation is not handled delicately The geo-political complexities of Yamato's arrival were endless but he did not have time to dwell on them. He'd leave matters of state to the heads of state.

    Sukimori allowed a few more minutes to pass before stepping forward. He walked to the edge of the dais and raised a hand. The Hyuuga's stern look and his commanding presence instantly drew silence as the crowded hall fell to a hush. The last of the arrivals had trickled in. He scanned the crowd and could see that most of the entrants had decided to attend. Good. Though he would not penalize absentees, he wanted news of this speech to travel.

    "Good morning and welcome to the Third Administration of the Chuunin Exams!"

    The Headmaster's voice boomed across the pavillion. Despite his soft spoken nature, Sukimori was a natural orator when needed. He had further honed his public speaking skills as Headmaster by learning to control crowds of unruly and delinquent young women. He also paired his assertive and deep voice, with a gentle fatherly affectation. The goal was to draw the genin's attention and speak to their very souls rather than just their minds.

    "Before we begin, I ask that you all bow your heads for a moment of silence as we remember those who have fallen due to the recent Bijuu attacks and to Chen Kimyōnakama's barbaric destruction of Sunagakure." The sudden and simultaneous release of the Bijuu had caused countless deaths. Some of whom were shinobi of outstanding reputation and skill. Chen's annihilation of the Sand village had similarly wiped out generations of innocent people. Sukimori thus felt it appropriate that those shinobi and civilians be remembered. He lowered his own head and allowed ten seconds of silence to pass before continuing.

    "I understand what many of you might be going through during these trying times. Evil both natural and supernatural has reared its ugly ahead just as we believed that an era of unprecedented peace was upon us. I can see the bitterness and anxiety on many of your faces....the horrors you've had to witness.......the sacrifices that you've had to make.....no shinobi should have to endure such trauma at such a young age. And yet, we of the older generation make ceaseless demands that you bear the weight of our failures. That you step up to take our place when our feet grow weary. That you expend precious time and wit fixing our mistakes. These are unfair demands. But these are demands that must be met. Not for the sake of the Old Generation but for the sake of those yet to be born."

    Sukimori spoke with resolute conviction. He knew that many of the genin here might resent the incompetence of the Kage and spiritual gurus that had led the world to more conflict. They were justified in their resentment and a refusal to acknowledge it would not make it go away. If anything, it would only leave space for the likes of Chen or Raijin to slither in and corrupt their minds by channeling their anger. Sukimori would need to validate their frustration and channel it towards a productive purpose: creating a future that would know less or even nil of the terror that they presently faced.

    "These Chuunin Exams are designed to test whether or not you have skill, knowledge and drive to rise to the challenges ahead. My name is Sukimori Hyuuga and I shall serve as Head Proctor of this administration of the Exams. My colleague...." Sukimori gestured to the 9th Hokage. ".....Airi Ohara, Kyuudaime Hokage, will be assisting me in the Exams along with several others whom you shall all soon meet. These Exams will be a formal assessment of your fitness for the rank of Chuunin. It will test your intelligence, values, survival capabilities, capacity for teamwork and of course....combat skill. You will be watched and scrutinized at all times so it is your responsibility to ensure that your strongest qualities are highlighted and that your weaknesses are appropriately mitigated. I will not be taking questions. You may ask your testing proctor but more often than not you will need to rely on your own judgment to navigate this Exam. However, there are guidelines that will be enforced. The rules of engagement are as follows: Cold-blooded murder is forbidden. While you will not be prosecuted for an accidental death in the heat of combat, you are to abstain from purposeful lethality. Torture and mutilation are likewise banned. Once you report to the first testing site, you will not have the opportunity to add personal items to your inventory nor will you be permitted to receive assistance from non-Examinees. Leaving a testing site will result in disqualification. Any possessions you take from an entrant should be returned upon the conclusion of the Exams. Tamed beasts will be permitted at the relevant testing sites but within reason and only at the proctor's discretion."

    Sukimori took a deep breath and surveyed the crowd one last time.

    "My final directive is that you remain calm, remember your training and protect yourself at all times. You've been preparing for this moment your whole life. Embrace it. Own it. With that, I now turn you over to Saiko who will escort you to the first testing site. Good luck and may the Sage be with you all."

    The Headmaster would gesture towards the back of the pavilion. A mysterious shinobi would wave his hand to direct the attention of the large crowd. From there, Saiko would lead the genin, who were now trickling out of the pavilion, to the first testing site. All entrants would be expected to follow him out of the pavilion and towards their destiny. As the young shinobi filed out, Sukimori would return to Airi's side and whisper in a low voice.

    "This year's crop appears remarkably well-trained. I dare say this might be the most competitive administration of the Exams we've ever had. You and your fellow Kage have done well my Lady."

    ((OOC: The Opening Ceremony of the Chuunin Exams has concluded. The first event  will soon begin!)

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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Fri May 10, 2024 1:06 am

    Sera's presence was always a comforting one and, while he still held on to his anxiety, he was put somewhat at ease to be beside her. He returned Nao's slight wave, though a slight smirk crossed his face as he waved more emphatically to the ever excitable Hibiki. He also spotted Kaori, eyeing the someone he did not recognize, before offering her a nod as in acknowledgement of both her and the circumstances in which they now found themselves. So many unfamiliar faces... Of what they were capable, Natsuki could only speculate, but most of his thoughts ended in pain and misery- for himself, to be clear.

    "Thtop thhaking. You're an Uthiha. Act like it." He immediately froze, though only at the mortifying thought that he was so obviously nervous. At least the proctor began speaking. Little of what was said made it through the boy's ears, so preoccupied was he on the nature of these Bijuu attacks. So there were more?

    "My final directive is that you remain calm, remember your training and protect yourself at all times. You've been preparing for this moment your whole life. Embrace it. Own it." The boy gulped, he didn't feel prepared, he had spent the last few years since graduation just coasting on odd jobs and being bitten by puppies; was he to embrace that?! Just then, another sudden, yet fleeting, searing pain washed over his eyes as he snapped them shut with a "Tss-ah!"

    "With that, I now turn you over to Saiko..."

    This was it, the first step in becoming something more for the sake of his slice of life, and the people within it... but was he ready? No, of course I'm not... I was laying in the dewy grass not too long ago! Even with the limited attendance, the boy began to feel out for her chakra signature. He opened his eyes and looked around while he did so. She wasn't there, of course. What if she's right? What if I am the Screw Up of the Uchiha? .Natsuki turned to face the mysterious shinobi at the other end of the pavilion. This is it, this is where I fail... As he took his first step, however, the voices of everyone along the way began to drown out his self doubt.

    "There is no need to be nervous, you are an Uchiha. You are destined for greatness." "Woah, that's freakin' nifty! Got any other neat tricks up your sleeve?" “Oh my goodness, you're a total genius! Like, super-duper awesome!" "Whoever told you that you were worthlethth ith a dumbathth and ith probably jealouth of your talent." “I think we did a bang up job, wouldn’t you say?” Over all of them, Sera's voice rang out loudest: “There’s nowhere to go, but forward right?”

    "There's nowhere to go but forward, right?" Natsuki repeated those words to his fellow contenders. He still had no idea what to expect, but the least he could do was try to emulate the confidence that others seemed to have in him. With a very heavy sigh, he walked forward.



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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Sera Fri May 10, 2024 10:54 am

    The rest of the genin slowly filled in the room as time passed, a couple of people returned Sera’s friendly smile. A girl who looked at first glance to be a bit younger than Sera approached her and complimented her eyes, following it up with an offer of food. Sera’s smile grew even wider at the excitement of meeting someone new who was so friendly! “Hello! My name is Sera, what’s your name? And I love your outfit! Very cute.” Sera would accept the front half of the taiyaki and take a bite. It was always possible that it was poisoned, and as a shinobi she probably shouldn’t be accepting food from strangers, but the girl was adorable and Sera tried to see the good in everyone. How could she say no? “I would love a piece, thank you!”

    Shortly after she greeted her new friend, the man who would soon reveal himself to be the head proctor began to speak. They spoke of the bijuu attacks that occurred recently, which was frankly news to her. She had learned after the fact, that the monster that attacked konohagakure recently was a tailed beast, but she hadn’t been aware there were more! The blonde shinobi furrowed her brow in frustration as she thought about the destruction that seemed to be spreading across the continent. Once she was a chuunin she could hopefully go out on more missions to help stop these incidents from happening.

    The head proctor continued to speak; outlining the need for the younger generation to step up and help take the place of the old. Sera resonated with the speech and felt a surge of pride when thinking of protecting the next generation. Her parents had spent their lives raising and protecting her, and the idea that she could do the same to others in her village gave her inspiration. Just as she was thinking about the leaf, Airi was introduced as the other proctor of the exams. She had told them already that this would be the case, but seeing it in front of her made it all feel more real. Sukimori iterated what the Hokage had told them earlier, which was to avoid killing people during the exams. Sera had never killed anyone before and she would avoid doing so at all costs. The hunter had grown quite strong in the last few months of training and she was eager to test her newfound abilities, but she also had to make sure she could control her own strength,

    Sukimori gestured to the new shinobi who had appeared in the back of the room and instructed the genin to follow them. Butterflies began to fly around in Sera’s stomach as the first event appeared to be right around the corner. The blonde archer would nod and agree with Natsuki's statement and would turn to the people directly next to her; Natsuki and Lily and beam enthusiastically. “It’s happening. This is so exciting!” Sera would pump her fist and continue; “Let’s all do our best!” She would then follow Saiko out of the pavilion and towards the first exam site.


    Nao Hyūga
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Nao Hyūga Fri May 10, 2024 10:50 pm

    Nao's heart skip a beat as he felt Hibiki's hand grip his, his worry just melting away as he heard her voice. Hibiki's hand felt warm and steady in Nao's, her touch a comforting anchor amidst the sea of nerves. Her grip, firm yet gentle, sent a wave of calm washing over him, soothing his frayed nerves.  Her confidence in him and her willingness to support him pushing his thoughts and self doubt away. Even though they were likely going to be competing against each other at some point, knowing that she was there for him gave him confidence in himself. "Thank you Hibiki, and know I will be here for you as well." Nao would reply returning the gentle hand squeeze as his hand wrapped around hers holding it lightly.

    The pavilion where they gathered crackled with anticipation, tension hanging thick in the air like a heavy fog. As the other competitors filed in, Nao noticed the woman that almost got into a fist fight with the rude lispy woman during the meeting in the Hokage office. He didn't really know much about her other than the fact that she looked to be a physical fighter like Hibiki, and that she seemed to dislike lispy as much as he did, though he was pretty sure it was for different reasons. She said hi to Hibiki before standing on her other side, exuding an air of quiet confidence, her stance solid and determined. "Hello," Nao replied to her with a small wave of his free hand, the fact that she didn't actually greet him completely lost on him in that moment. She seemed focused, her demeanor hinting at a fierce determination to succeed in the upcoming competition.

    Looking around at the rest of the competition, Nao couldn't help but notice that most of the ones gathered were from Konoha. He saw Iwa headbands and Kiri headbands, but the they didn't look like much. It seemed to Nao that the hidden leaf village would have a leg up on the competition when it came down to the winner, though that was based solely on what he saw of the competitors and not knowing their capabilities. His eyes would fall on lispy, hoping against hope that he would be able to face her in a fight. The thought of having to go against Hibiki though would cause a pit in his stomach, he knew that it was bound to happen at some point but he hoped that it wouldn't be until much much later, like maybe the finals. Where it was just him and her left to fight for the championship, that would be ok with him.

    The man on the stage would be speaking, but his voice was drowned out by Nao's own thoughts as he looked out at his competition. He would catch the man's last remark of turning them over, looking to where he gestures to see a masked man waiting for them. With a deep breath, Nao would look to Hibiki. "And so it begins," he stated as he moved to follow the other man, his hand still holding Hibiki's unless she removed it.

    Nao Hyūga
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Lily Sat May 11, 2024 3:34 pm

    Lily beamed with happiness as the purple eyed woman named Sara took the offered half of the perfectly fine Taiyaki on top of the compliment to her outfit. "Thank you, my name's Lily!" With the offering of food and compliments over, Lily would begin to feast on her half off the food while the fancy man on the wood platform running this event would speak.

    She'd casually munch on her fish pastry, a stopping just for a few seconds for the moment of silence; though she didn't bow her head. Sure it was sad people died, but that was normal when fighting people who were bigger, stronger, and faster then you. Heck the only reason she stopped her munching was because she knew better then to interrupt people's mourning; people tended to get very mad at her when she did so. She would have to remember Chen Kimikobaka's name or whatever it was; if he was strong like the oxtopus beast, he could be fun to fight or even train under. Something to do after she was done here.

    The old man then went on about something or other; the words registered in Lily's mind, but they didn't exactly seem to apply to Lily. Peace, while nice, was boring without a contrast of strife. The Pits were an almost perfect example of that as they let you rest and prepare for the next big event: Always a goal in mind. Always another step forward to take. Thankfully he moved on to the more relevant info of who he and the redhead were. Lily somewhat remembered what a 'Hokage' was, and if she was anything like Kit-Kit that meant Airi was a strong person. Another person to add to the possible sparring or learning list.

    The man called Sukimori continued, and Lily's excitement started to take a turn downhill the more he explained it all. No murder, no mutilation, no torture. Sure she wasn't planning on doing any of those, but this is an exam to see who is the best ninja, was it not? To ban such acts was a stupid thing to do as it meant the weak wouldn't get a valuable learning experience and the strong would get the wrong impression. Then there was the whole 'non-Examinees' bit. Did that include her penguins? They weren't testing to become Chunin, so did that mean he JUST gave some shinobi a second handicap? What kind of bullshit was this test? She was pretty sure she had this in the bag just from her skill alone, but if anyone pulled out that fancy Ninja magic like the big Ox or flying dude that just made big balls of obliteration...well no shit she'd need backup! Tapping the knife with dried Gyuki blood on it, she'd try to keep her grumbling to a minimum, looking more like a pout.

    The Child of Vandal could hear several people upset at the mention of this handicap; some grumbling, other's complaining with one notable one mad since the old fart had said no questions. It was good to know that they thought the ruling was just as bullshit as she did, since it was a stupid rule and Lily had no plans on following it alongside plenty of the other rules if they got in her way. Sure she'd try to stay within the rules, but if no one could prove she did it, she never broke any rules in the first place.

    With the old man finishing his speech and directing them to the one called Saiko, Lily would finish up her food and turn to Sera, who'd bright attitude helped bring Lily out of her slump. "Mhm! Let's do our best indeed!" Steeling her resolve and mind, Lily would pull up her facemask and follow Saiko and the crowd of shinobi out.

    She was going to do her very best alright, even better then best. After all, who else here could say they fought a living natural disaster up-close and survived; nay drew blood AND survived? No one, that's what.


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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Nakaba Sat May 11, 2024 9:36 pm

    As the order was given to bow, Nakaba's demeanor would shift entirely. He would move to a kneeling position bowing deeply, hands on his thighs, and eyes closed. As Sukimori continued Nakaba would take the moment of silence and reflect. processing what he was hearing, but remembering the empty house he returned home to. Broken windows and furniture scattered across the stained sand. Empty cans scattered across counter tops. Well manicured plants petrified along the ceiling and walls in the dry heat. Something that was foreign to him would bubble up in his chest. He knew the emotion, he was unfamiliar with its persistence. He'd take a deep breath. "That all seems reasonable enough." With one final push he'd dispel it for now as he opened his eyes and went back to his spot watching the waves.

    A deep breath to fan the embers. Nothing. A deep breath to bestow life unto them. Damn it. What's the point? All of this for a store. If I had n- No! Nakaba clenched his fists striking on his thigh as hard as he could while taking a longer, deeper inhale. He pulled the heat from the sun into his skin easing his heart into ignition. You're not so tepid and lukewarm as to displace and project your problems. Wake the hell up. whatever he was trying to ignite inside of himself, would catch. The embers grew into a gentle wisp.

    Nakaba would look up at his peers from Konoha. His eyes would wander over to Natsuki then to Sera. His eyes would stumble finding Innocence in the crowd, and then they would dart away. Mouthing to himself, "Awaken my trembling heart. Time to get fired up." Nakaba would stand, picking up a sword from the ground and yelling to Hibiki. "Hibiki! It's ready. Catch!" Nakaba would wait for Hibiki to catch the sword, then he would quietly start walking towards everyone else, following the ninja addressed as Saiko, and melding into the crowd at least temporarily recovered. Should someone else keep the blade from her, he likely would change his course.

    Maintaining Chakra Suppression.
    Giving possession of Shinobi's Paradox to Hibiki.
    [Attempted Exit]

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    Post by Hibiki Sun May 12, 2024 6:28 pm

    It was funny, all this time they had been dancing around each other.  Going on dates without ever officially acknowledging them as such.  Slowly Hibiki had come to realize that she liked Nao as more than just a friend, but a small part of her had been afraid he didn’t feel the same way towards her.  Those fears had been blown away by this one tender and heartfelt moment, though the simple yet profound gesture of holding hands which served as a source of comfort and strength for the both of them.

    It was heartwarming, how they reassured and uplifted each other, setting aside any potential competition to prioritize their bond and mutual support, a partnership that went beyond any challenges they might face.   Nao's gratitude and reassurance to Hibiki underscore the depth of their relationship which was evolving beyond mere friendship.  While they may not have explicitly declared romantic feelings for each other yet, it was only a simple matter of time. .

    "Kaori, great to see you, this is Nao," Hibiki make the introduction with a warm smile, gesturing towards her companion. "He's a dear friend of mine, and I thought it was about time you two met!"  technically speaking they had met already at the Gennin meeting but that had been a mere formality.  With the commotion that had broken out nobody had really gotten a chance to truly know each other. 

    “This is a good chance, here each of you take one of these.”  Reaching a free hand into her back pocket Hibiki took out a couple of small cigarette pack sized black boxes, then offered one to Kaori and Nao.  

    “It’s a wireless communication thingy I got from Kiyosh’s store.   I bought some to give to the people I trust most. The secure channel is already keyed to my headphones. It’ll allow us to talk to each other from pretty much anywhere on the island.”   she explained with a hushed whisper. 

    After Nao, Kaori was probably Hibiki’s closest friend.  She was close to Natsuki and Toru as well but they were closer to mentor figures which made it just a little bit harder to hang out as casually in the same way as she did with Kaori.  Especially since there was stuff that she could only do together with Kaori on account of being the same gender. 

    Soon after this exchange the old man on the stage began his speech and for once what somebody had to say wasn’t anything that Hibiki didn’t already know.   She could understand why they were having a moment of silence for victims of the bijuu attacks since those had just happened but Chen destroying  Sunagakure was ancient news, a topic that had been hot in the hospital during her rehabilitation. 

    The nerve of this man going on about horrors and sacrifices, as if he had the first clue about the kinds of things people like Hibiki had been exposed to.  That only made her even more determined to become a chunnin so that she could take another step towards her goal. Not only of being more useful to Airi but to help other children like herself that the adults of his generation had failed.

    As he reiterated the rules Hibiki sighed.  With her strength which she was still not fully in control of she was going to have to be very careful going forward.  She had heard Zebas joking about her back at her apartment complex  that she was the most likely candidate for accidentally killing someone during the exams and she really really didn’t want to make his prediction come true.

    All she could do was prey. Pray that she and as many of her friends could reach the third stage of the exams and pass together.  She wasn’t going to be greedy and hoped to win the championship.  She’d be more than happy leaving that to someone with more grander ambitions than herself. Though that wasn’t to say she was just going to lay down and not put up a fight at all if she managed to reach that far. 

    Hearing a voice calling out to her that something was ready, catch Hibiki moved on instinct even as her head was filled with confusion. What was ready? She had no idea as she reached out with her free hand and grabbed the sword that had been flung at her. 

    “”Um…. Thank you?” she said, her voice reflecting her befuddlement. She could be slightly bad at remembering stuff at times but her memory wasn’t so bad that she’d typically forget an entire conversation with a friend about arranging a weapon for her.  

    She vaguely recalled speaking to him once about getting new equipment, and that she was afraid she was going to punch somebody and accidentally break them.  But how that related to being given a sword she didn’t even know how to swing properly was a mystery. 


    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Post by Ryuko Sun May 12, 2024 9:12 pm

    Ryuko Shizu von Rose, her regal demeanor and powerful aura would command attention the moment she entered the room just after Sukimori had finished addressing the crowd. Her presence alone would mark the event as something of great significance. She was a living legend among shinobi, a figure to be both admired and feared. With her formidable reputation preceding her, her arrival would send a ripple of excitement and respect through the gathered crowd.

    She had meant to get here in time to hear the opening address but well better late than never.   She was a busy woman, with lots of business to attend to.  Her main method of travel these days, the Heavenly Transmission, was not the most cost effective, nor the quickest means of teleportation. 

    She was, adorned in a resplendent gown of rich blush silk, cut a striking figure as she moved through the crowd of dignitaries at the opening stage of the Chunin Exams. Her usual armor, a symbol of her strength and prowess on the battlefield, was replaced by the elegance of her attire, a testament to her grace and sophistication.

    Ryuko's keen eyes scanned the crowd of dignitaries gathered at the opening stage of the Chunin Exams, her regal presence exuding an aura of authority and command. As her gaze swept over the sea of familiar faces, she noticed a boy who stood out amongst the distinguished guests.

    He didn't possess the refined demeanor of a nobleman or the air of a seasoned diplomat. Instead, there was an air of uncertainty about him, a hint of nervousness that betrayed his unfamiliarity with such formal proceedings. Yet, despite his apparent unease, there was something in his gaze that caught her attention – a spark of determination, a glimmer of potential waiting to be unleashed.

    Intrigued, Ryuko made her way through the crowd towards the boy, her royal robes swaying with each graceful step. As she approached, she offered him a warm smile, her eyes assessing him with a mixture of curiosity and respect.

    "Forgive me for intruding, young man," she began, her voice carrying the weight of her royal authority. "But you seem out of place among the dignitaries gathered here today. May I ask what brings you to this auspicious occasion?"

    Her words were gentle yet probing, her curiosity piqued by the presence of this seemingly ordinary boy amidst the esteemed guests. For her, every encounter was an opportunity to uncover the hidden talents and potential within the land of Kishin, and she sensed that there was more to this boy than met the eye.

    Looking beyond the boy her eyes alighted upon a figure of regal bearing and unmistakable presence standing across from him. There, amidst the dignitaries, stood the current Hokage, Airi the Carmine Hyuga. Her distinguished demeanor and the emblem of her office marked her as a formidable leader, commanding respect and admiration from all who beheld her.

    Ryuko's expression softened with a respectful nod as she approached the Hokage, her royal aura blending seamlessly with Airi's own authority. As she went to exchange greetings, there was an unspoken understanding between them – a recognition of the burdens of leadership and the shared commitment to the welfare of their respective realms.

    In Airi, Ryuko saw a kindred spirit, a fellow ruler who bore the weight of her responsibilities with grace and fortitude. Their meeting was a testament to the bonds of friendship and cooperation that united their lands, it represented a chance to strengthen the alliance between their kingdoms for the greater good of all.

    "Glad greetings to you Lady Airi," Ryuko greeted with a respectful nod, her voice carrying a tone of reverence and sincerity. "We are most pleased that Hakkin's divine guidance has brought our paths to cross for this occasion."

    "May I pray for a blessing in appreciation of this auspicious meeting?" she inquired extending an invitation for a moment of prayer.


    Analzing Airi and Yamato post 1/2

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Innocence Uchiha
    Innocence Uchiha
    Leaf Genin
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    Posts : 173
    Join date : 2020-06-10

    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Innocence Uchiha Mon May 13, 2024 4:59 pm

    Aside from the moment of silence, Innocence stared straight ahead as the Hyuuga Head Proctor talked. She had caught bits and pieces of his words but she wasn't tuned into the particularities of his speech. She was too busy channeling her exhaustion, frustration and escalating insanity into her singular goal: Victory at the Exams. The lass's green eyes were piercing and the intensity behind them haunting as she continued to run through various battle scenarios and opening strategies. While she planned, Innocence's keen intellect was able to pick out the most important parts of his speech.

    No killing. Nothing I haven't heard before. Limitations on looting...acceptable. No torture or mutilation? Pity.

    The mention of tamed beasts elicited a quiet chuckle from under her breath. The irony of the statement as it pertained to her would probably be lost on everyone present. Once the group was dismissed, Innocence turned to leave. It looked like every genin was locked-in and eager to show the Head Proctor why they'd be the ones to take home the glory of this year's championship. As Innocence exited the pavilion and followed Saiko, she reminded herself why she was different from all of them. None of them had to carry the legacy she did.

    "Thith ith for you Dad" she said to herself quietly.


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    Mist Genin
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    Ryo: Broke

    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Hisha Mon May 13, 2024 7:43 pm

    He did not feel any better, particularly, but had at least gathered some relevant information. Swords flying and all that, and a bunch of people talking to one another audibly. A little prick in his head washed over himself, a sudden intrusive thought to do something... unkind. But it passed quickly, a single rat tattoo running around his left hand in a few circles before scurrying back up his sleeve. Another soft kind of ping pricked as people sensed him. So midly but so incredibly annoying. At the request for a moment of silence, he stood still, staring forward. He'd not made much noise prior and did not attempt to make any now, but he also did not bow or show any special respect. This proctor was right about at least one thing: his generation had basically ruined everything and then begged the children to fix it for them.

    He wondered idly if the 8 tails had been stopped before mentally shrugging it off. Not his island.

    Eventually the pavilion started to empty and he went to take his leave. Many of these people seemed not only to know each other, but be friends. And sometimes a little something more. A few of them, apparently, harbored some dislike of each other to varying degrees. Interesting, but not immediately relevant. For now, he'd follow as the group was ushered to... whatever was to come next.


    Strength: D
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: B+
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A
    Kaori Murai
    Kaori Murai
    Leaf Genin
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Kaori Murai Tue May 14, 2024 10:51 pm

    Accepting the headset and radio from Hibiki, Kaori found herself endeared even more. This was an Iwa girl who looked after her own. She nodded at Nao, remembering him from her few meetings here or there with him. "Yo." she offered as an introduction, before turning back to Hibiki and flashing her a grin. "I appreciate the gift, hopefully we will get to use them as allies. Sorry I didn't get you anything, but I'll figure out some way to help you in kind."

    She didn't get much time to mingle though, as Sukimori began to talk.

    Kaori was fine with the moment of silence for the Bijuu attacks, but the mention of Chen's destruction of Suna as barbaric almost had her rolling her eyes. Hypocrites, the lot of them. Konoha was the one who decided to continue oppressing Iwagakure, and yet they still pretended to be high and mighty about everything at all times. Chen's warning to Suna and to the world concerning Suna had been ignored. What was he supposed to do, let things go unresolved? That's not what a strong leader did. A strong leader showed that they weren't lying when they offered a warning. A merciful leader knew that only one warning would be enough, and after that, action was required.

    At least Chen wasn't a high standing hypocrite, pretending to be morally superior. But Kaori dutifully said nothing. Maintain deep cover and all that. Gain positions, gain trust, yada yada.

    She could barely hold back the laugh as Sukimori said 'era of unprecedented peace'. She looked around at the others in the crowd, to see if anyone else found that one amusing, because she sure as hell did. Her entire life up until now had been plagued with conflicts, strife, and war. A year or so of silence counted as 'an era of unprecedented peace'? This is precisely why she believed in Chen. History had shown that it took great displays of power and authority to get anything done. Peace wasn't a word that this world knew.

    As evidenced by the fact that they were hyping up this event! A group of new up and coming war potentials. A new group of trainees, getting advanced further in a series of exams and tests that would make them better war assets for their nation. In a time of 'unprecedented peace', you would think that this group would be pathetic, but even Kaori could tell that this was a powerful group being assembled here. The genin weren't any slouches. Hell, the Hokage had offered everyone monstrous power just so that Konoha would win.

    The absolute dissonance. Sukimori was a fucking joke.

    Whatever her thoughts though, the ground rules were laid out. No killing intentionally, hold back enough to not kill, but if accidents happened, they happened. That meant to Kaori that killing wasn't a bad thing, she'd just need to make it look like an accident if she was doing so. Or perhaps she just put in more effort into a fight than the opponent could reasonably deal with. And with how strong some of them surely were, the more reasonable an accident could occur, since she'd have to go all out of course.

    But she didn't want to draw too much attention to herself. Killing willy-nilly would put eyes on her. Pick and choose. Innocence would be off limits to kill, she'd already marked herself against the girl in front of the Hokage. That wouldn't do.


    Given a "Radio Transmitter" by Hibiki

    Character Name: Kaori Murai
    Spendable Experience: 160
    Total Experience: 2360
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 290,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: B+
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t7376-kaori-s-updates#58265
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t7353-kaori-murai?nid=1#58247
    Link to Known Techniques:

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