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Kotoshura Yui
Uchiha Akihiro
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    The Chuunin Exams

    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

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    The Chuunin Exams  Empty The Chuunin Exams

    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Tue Nov 20, 2018 4:51 pm


    The Chuunin Exams  Anime-scenic-classroom-sunshine-building-anime-7450

    Akihiro raised his glance from the sheet of paper he held in his hand to the many students in front of him. For many of them, this would certainly be a nostalgic return to a type of classroom they hadn't seen since their time at the academy. But the ninja life wasn't one of action only, and knowledge was important- none knew that better than Akihiro. He had memorized the list of participants and attributed a face to each name according to the sign-up forms he had received. For privacy reasons, the sign up forms he had been given contained little information other than the name, picture and height and weight of the participants. Akihiro didn't mind this- it was only natural for villages to not want to disclosure their Genin's abilities and he did not need to know this sort of information either way. Not for this test. Akihiro stood behind the teacher's desk waiting for the Genin to arrive. Many were already here, but a few had yet to arrive. Akihiro glanced at the clock on the wall. Five minutes left.

    When the 5 minutes passed, the 14 years old Konoha Jonin smiled at the Genin in front of him. "Good morning and welcome to the first phase of the Chuunin Exams hosted by Kumogakure no Sato this year. My name is Akihiro and I shall be guiding you through this first phase. I am sure you're all eager to start, so let me explain how this first test will occur."

    The Uchiha placed the sheet with their names on the teacher's desk, behind which he was located. After doing so, he clapped his hands and suddenly a door revealed itself on the wall behind Akihiro. The other door leading to the corridor was closed by a Jonin ninja who stood guard outside. A strange red glow seemed to be coming out of the revealed black door, but Akihiro seemed to pay no mind to it. There were other Chuunin Exams staff members spread throughout the classroom, close to the walls and exits. Next to the black door stood a team of two medic nins.

    "The first test is individual. The task is simple and straightforward. I will call each one of you by name. When you hear your name, you must stand up and choose one of two options. Option one, you give up on taking this test and becoming a Chuunin. Option two, you go through this door and face whatever is on the other side. Let me be clear on something, tho. I do not know what you will see on the other side. It is different for every person and we cannot guarantee your safety should you choose to go through. So steel your resolves, and make your choices quickly. If you do not give me an immediate answer upon hearing your name, you will be disqualified. We start now."

    Having said that, Akihiro pulled a hat from under the desk. It was turned upside down, and inside there were many pieces of paper. Each one contained a Genin's name.

    "Ayana Hiroe." He said, loud and clear. A girl sitting on the back row immediately stood up. "A-already?! Y-yes, I'll go!" Akihiro looked at her, and motioned her to approach. The first participant going into the door wasn't surprising. The Genin must be confident in their skills to join the exam.

    "Go in, please. And good luck." He said. The girl nodded. The door opened, the red light glowing stronger as it did, making it impossible to see the inside for anyone not entering. The door closed behind the girl, and that was it.

    Akihiro sat on the desk facing the Genin. "You're free to talk with each other and discuss whatever you'd like while other contestants are inside but please remain in your seats. Do note, however, that if anyone succeeds they won't be returning through here and will go somewhere else instead. Once they do, I will call out another name. Failing to respond immediately means you're out, so pay attention to me while discussing with your fellow Genin, for I will not wait for you to be quiet nor will I speak any louder than this."

    Having said this, Akihiro pulled a book from under the desk and began reading. Now it was only a matter of waiting.

    5 minutes passed. Nothing could be heard from the other side of the door.

    Akihiro signaled the medic nins. They opened the door, rushed inside and brought the girl out. She had passed out completely, although she didn't show any wounds or ragged clothes on the outside. It was obvious she had been sweating a lot, and she was foaming at her mouth. For those who were on the far side of the classroom it would be hard to tell whether she was dead or alive, while the ones closer to the body being carried would have doubts. Fact was, she was alive. The first Genin was carried away from the classroom through the door that led to the corridor. As soon as the first two medic nins left, another team of medic nins entered and stood by the door.

    Akihiro reached for the hat and pulled another name, despite the looks of shock on most of the classroom's faces. "Ginzo Hiromoto." Akihiro's eyes glanced towards the Genin whose face he'd memorized. He was still in shock, looking at the door through which the girl was carried. By the time he realized the whole classroom and the Jonin were looking at him, it was already too late.

    "Disqualified. Hisaji Choki." Akihiro would say, taking another name from the hat.

    "W-wait I-" the disqualified Genin was about to get up and protest when a swift hit from a Kumogakure Jonin knocked him out. Afterwards, he was immediately carried out. This process needed to be quick as there were many Genin and Akihiro refused to give them too much time to think. The rules were simple and absolute. There was no working around them. Choices had to be made. Attention needed to paid.

    Hisaji answered as the other Genin was knocked out, and proceeded through the door just like the first girl.

    And so the first phase of the Chuunin Exams proceeded, and as the candidates were called one by one some didn't come back while others were carried away in a sorry state. One was even violently expelled out through the black door back into the classroom. What was on the other side?

    Important OOC information:
    You can use this thread to role-play the discussion part of the exam while you're all still in the classroom. This is a good opportunity to role-play with each other, get to know each other, and gain some last minute exp.
    You can feel free to "be called" whenever you want and end your participation in this common thread.

    As for each character's individual test, I will be making threads for each one of you in this subforum. Keep in mind that this test is supposed to be short and fast.
    You are expected to role-play according to your character's personality. We went through quite a bit of effort to make this part interesting for each and every one of you individually, and we hope you will appreciate what we prepared for you ^_^
    Do not worry too much about passing or failing this test. The only important factor is that you stay true to your character.
    Individual threads will be coming up soon!
    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    The Chuunin Exams  Empty Re: The Chuunin Exams

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Tue Nov 20, 2018 5:04 pm

    Yui was extremely excited she had waited so long and finally was at the exams, her sureness in herself gave her an aura of arrogance but it was for a good reason. She knew few genin stood a chance against her, she was not only strong for a genin she was incredibly powerful for a shinobi in general. As she entered the room she would wave and smile at everyone, her aura was one that was friendly despite being so strong.

    "Nice to meetcha all, I ask anyone that will face me in the future be wise and just surrender I would rather not cause serious damage to any of you. I will give a warning shot do not worry but after that, if you refuse to surrender I cannot be held responsible for what damage you will take."

    She was clearly confident none of them stood much of a chance, some may but she was not one that lacked any sort of confidence, no if anything she had a level of confidence and arrogance a Jounin or higher would hold. She was strong she knew she was strong and was not remotely scared to flaunt her power, she wanted them to understand very early on she was the one to beat.


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    Age : 31

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    Class: S
    Ryo: You fuckin gold digger

    The Chuunin Exams  Empty Re: The Chuunin Exams

    Post by Peragus Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:55 am

    Well, it would appear it was time for the Chunin Exams. Calin had traveled with Tsubaki and Alkaid, although he'd been quiet as he traveled. He had his usual outfit with him, although he probably wouldn't even bother wearing most of it in any combat that might be had. It was rather pointless to ruin his clothing after all. The pale haired, sapphire eyed genin had trained hard for the past two years, working through pain, blood, sweat, and tears to get to where he was. He'd enter the room, a neutral, but polite expression on his face. He'd find a seat toward the back of the room, not wanting to draw any real attention to himself. However a few minutes later, a loud blonde girl would come through the door. The exuberant applicant was practically a ball of confident, no, cocky, energy. She even went so far as to tell anyone who faced her to surrender so she didn't cause too much damage.

    'Clearly she needs a reality check. I hope I don't have to be the one to give it to her.' He would think as he took in her appearance. She certainly looked confident, but otherwise she just seemed like a bit of a blonde ditz. People were however, never as they seemed in their line of work. So he'd hold his tongue, it was rude to speak ill of a lady after all. He'd merely sit at his desk, arms on the top and leaning forward a bit to be comfortable and yawned softly.

    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
    Spendable Experience: 1,310
    Total Experience: 6,000

    Renown: 20,625
    Ryo: 5,913,000
    • Strength: C
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    Note: My signature stats include my passive buffs. My update page stats are the base values.

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    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 325
    Join date : 2018-08-02

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    The Chuunin Exams  Empty Re: The Chuunin Exams

    Post by Seid Wed Nov 21, 2018 12:59 pm

    Thankfully the exams would be taking place within his own village. He didn't need to leave to some far off location quite just yet. Though he wouldn't of minded going out of the village. He had just been reprimanded for leaving the village not long ago. He was becoming stir crazy. However the announcement that the Chuunin exams would be starting soon so this revitalized him greatly to come out and play. Though he was still weak, he had nothing to set him apart from other Genin except his own prowess.

    He was one of the first in the classroom directed to him to be in. After a while more Genin from different villages began to pour in. There was the village Hidden in the Leaf and also the Mist. One of the Leaf Kunoichi stood up and made a brazen claim. There was someone who was confident in their skills. To each their own it seemed. He stood up and only said, "You sure are confident in your powers. Great. We all are. We'll see who comes out on top." Some rivalry was of course in the picture now. The villages were now competing not only for themselves, but for their ninja to become recognized.

    Strength: C
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    The Chuunin Exams  Empty Re: The Chuunin Exams

    Post by Rini Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:03 pm

    Sachiko sat with her hands folded in front of her on the desk. She was very much so prim and proper right now, simply waiting her turn to be called up. She casually watched some of the other people here, who would be her allies and enemies for the purposes of the exams.

    There were a couple of people she recognized from Konoha, but nobody she had ever interacted with. Yui was being quite the show boater. She had seen the girl around Kanna before, but didn't really know much about her other than that. Yui was probably pretty strong though, so she would be a decent challenge to fight if she managed to make it to her.

    "Konoha will probably win." Sachiko said, shrugging as Seid spoke. He was right, confidence in one's own abilities was probably the most important thing someone could display, but she knew that against her, not many genin could stand up.

    She couldn't utilize ninjutsu or genjutsu, but there was not a single genin who matched her in terms of pure Taijutsu. And she knew how to use it as well. Before, she'd been like a wild animal, but over the past couple of years she had developed her mind to understand at least basic combat strategy. She wasn't a genius by anyone's standards, but with her raw physical skills alone, she could take out most anyone in a fight before they could react.

    Yōko Oni
    Yōko Oni

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    The Chuunin Exams  Empty Re: The Chuunin Exams

    Post by Yōko Oni Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:52 pm

    Among those participating, the strangest may have been Yoko - well... if you went by appearances! Most of those around far beat her in the looks department, at least that's how Yoko felt. She was an Oni so while her outward appearance may look humanoid she still had two demon horns on her head and painted symbols on her forehead and over her hands. This was just her smaller frame, yes but that didn't make her any less conscientious.

    "I don't know if Konoha will win but ahahaha! I'll do my best y'know? That's all I ask from you guys. If you go up against me, don't push yourself too hard. I won't be mad if I lose, I'll be happy if I win sure but I'll just work to improve for next time!" The blonde snickers to herself and then stands up from her seat.

    "I'll be up front though, I'm determined to get as far as I can. I'll use these claws of mine to tear my way as close to the end goal as I can get. I expect the same determination from you all - even if I don't win I expect a wonderful challenge from all of you promising rivals~!"

    Yoko taps her bottom lip with her index finger, trying to recall if she's forgetting anything before remembering--

    "Ah! Oh yeah, I'm Yoko Oni from Kumogakure... pleasure's all mine."

    The Chuunin Exams  HERHPAc

    Village : Kumogakure
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    The Chuunin Exams  Empty Re: The Chuunin Exams

    Post by Seid Wed Nov 28, 2018 6:16 pm

    There was definitely a showing of Kumo ninja among them now. Especially the exams being hosted within their village as well. They had to come out strong and show the rest of the villages that their Genin were strong too. But Seid was not exactly high on confidence. He knew the limits to his strength, however these Genin from other villages looked really strong and didn't have a problem showing it. Seid sat back down and looked towards Yoko. Another Genin he had trained with before, perhaps he would have to face her down the line as well. No telling what they had cooked up for the Chuunin exams.

    Looking towards the mysterious door throwing Genin out of it in all types of manners was especially nerve-wracking. But here was a golden opportunity for Seid to at least show he had the brains for it. This did not seem like a battle they were going to be engaging in. More like it was a test of the mind, seeing as they were in an exam classroom. He was expecting death defying obstacles. But even this you could still fail, so it was to be taken seriously.

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    Post by Rini Sat Dec 15, 2018 3:14 pm

    Sachiko looked at the responding girl, a real interesting figure. The demon horns seemed real enough to her, and that set her on edge. She knew her pack wouldn't feel comfortable around such an abomination of nature, and neither did she. It was an instinctual distaste, and she couldn't hold back a small growl. Her face contorted in a bit of a snarl as she did so, the hairs on her arms and back of her neck raising slightly as she did so.

    She was still incredibly wolfish in her mannerisms, despite having acclimated to life as a shinobi, and gaining literacy of course. She spoke much more full sentences, but that didn't mean she didn't have her old influences from growing up still there. It was a wonder that she had managed to fully integrate as it was.

    "Demon girl." was her only response. It wasn't really addressing her, more stating her nature as fact. If she ended up in a match against that one, she'd be very on edge for sure, but would probably fight like an animal backed into a corner.


    Village : Kumogakure
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    The Chuunin Exams  Empty Re: The Chuunin Exams

    Post by Seid Sun Dec 16, 2018 12:08 pm

    One of the other Konoha Genin who had claimed that Konoha would win became chimed in on the Yoko. The Kumogakure Genin was a rare sight to behold as not many had her ability to shape shift in such a manner. He had had first hand experience with another Yoko before. She went by the name of Yui, he was becoming used to their appearance changes and welcomed it. Seid began to smile as he noticed the unease in which she said, "Demon girl."

    "She's not the only one you should be weary of. Kumo has spawned many powerful Genin, our combined might is something to be recognized. Held in our village, Kumo will of course win this." Seid said confidently. Though he wasn't as proficient as he'd like to be in his craft of Ninjutsu. He was certain that they would as a village pull ahead, just by numbers alone.

    Strength: C
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