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Yamato Kazehana
Kaori Murai
Airi Ohara
Nao Hyūga
Natsuki Uchiha
Kitsuki Kurahasa
16 posters

    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Airi Ohara Fri May 17, 2024 3:32 am

    There was awkward stares, weird gawking, and people conversing with one another prior to the Head-Proctor's explanation and speech about the exams. Oh, she noticed, she definitely noticed a few stares at her chest. She didn't mind at all, that's why she dressed the way she did. She could easily close up her kimono to be a bit more modest -- but why? She grew these on her own and it would be a shame to not give people a brief glance at them. The warm, humid island heat caused sweat to form upon her chest, slowly dripping down into her cleavage.

    She had noticed Yamato greet her but she didn't know if she wanted to recognize someone like him as the new Tsuchikage. Well, beggars can't be choosers, at least it wasn't Diana. It would be interesting to see how he would run his village. Maybe she could find a way to manipulate him. Oh, all of that is something she could figure out at another time. She can't have her mind bouncing around from thought to thought. She simply turned her eyes towards Yamato for a brief moment and smiled at him. Her attention was returned back to the crowd.

    More people continued to pour in; a lot of familiar faces. Tori and her genin amongst them. It was then that the chatter died off with the commencement speech from Sukimori. She stood and looked around, watching before her face visibly contorts at the mention of Chen. Upon being prompted to, she lowered her head in respect for the lives and property lost in Chen's brutal attack. After the moment of silence, she returned to her thoughts. The thought of that psychopath and his blistering blubbering brought her blood to a boil. Her face turned red in anger and annoyance, even if her face betrayed her true feelings. She had plenty of words to say about the terrorist, but she bit her tongue and let Sukimori continue with the commencement. She shifted from side to side, moving her hand onto the deep dipping collar of her kimono and used it to fan herself a bit. She was starting to sweat profusely. Nothing about the direct sunlight but it was the damn humidity she had troubles dealing with. She placed both of her hands behind her back and started to shift her legs around a bit, not wanting to lock out her legs and fall unconscious because she was stupid enough to cut bloodflow. She wasn't an idiot like that.

    She agreed that wanton murder during the exams wasn't a good idea, this would also be something she approved. Accidents would happen, but she already addressed to her shinobi that she wasn't going to let an 'accident' fly -- especially if the accident came from a foreigner that didn't know how to control their power and pull punches to not kill another shinobi in a sanctioned event. Her eyes turned towards the mysterious shinobi once the commencement finished. She kept an eye on him for a brief moment before hearing Sukimori's whisper. "Yes, and a touch bit crazy. Let's just hope they have enough discipline to not accidentally kill nor maim one another. I'm medically trained so I can assist with that. And thank you, Lord Sukimori -- you did a fine job, yourself with the commencement ceremony," she said smiling and nodding to him, reflecting his same whispered and hushed tones. "I'll be there shortly," she said matching her previous whispered tone.

    Once the genin heard it, she noticed they started to flock back together again. She took a deep breath, nervous for her Genin and hoped nothing but the best for them. It was then that a beautiful woman with a blue streak in her hair appeared. She smiled to him before turning to look towards the new Tsuchikage. "He's the new Tsuchikage. The 'Liberator of Iwagakure'. I suppose you could call him. The hero that freed his home from the 'tyrannical clutches' of Konohagakure," she commented with a bit of sarcasm in her voice. She would recognize him as the leader, even if she didn't like it. Again, it was still a better alternative to what the village used to have -- a filthy thief.

    "Better than the filthy thief they had as the previous Tsuchikage. Coming to Konohagakure to steal information on the Uchiha and Aburame Clans. And then ran off like a coward when Lady Kimiko was going to meet her. Tch," she said. She wasn't going to mention the death of the previous Tsuchikage as that would be too disrespectful for the current company. She turned her attention back to Ryuko and smiled to her, returning the nod. Oh, she knew who this woman was. The descriptions about her -- the only thing missing was her divine shield. Was hard to recognize who she was at first glance without it.

    She fanned herself using the collar of her kimono once again. She couldn't wait to get out of this outfit and into her tiny bikini. She turned her eyes towards Ryuko and simply smiled at her. She was very well known and had quite the lovely countenance. Her mind was in turmoil and started to wander to places it shouldn't -- but she retained her composure. She bowed her head for a moment upon the greeting. "Lady Ryuko," she simply stated. She started mentioning gods that she knew nothing about. Gods she didn't care for nor gods that meant anything to her. Airi, herself, worshipped her ancestors and spirits of nature rather than specifically named deities.

    "If you wish. I won't stop a templar from offering prayer."

    Airi's EXP Gained thus far
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    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
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    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Sun May 19, 2024 7:20 pm

    The head proctor of the exams spoke of war and loss, how the older generation fucked things up and hoped that the younger generation could fix it. As he spoke of Chen the man who killed the elders of suna his original land of birth Yamato got mad and his blood boiled. Yamato did not show a lot of emotion but in a instant as Chen name was spoken you could see the anger flicker in the tsuchikage eyes before he calmed him self back down. Yamato like many others bowed his head in respect to those that had died at his hands. as he sat and introduced him self to the hokage she looked at him and smiled before turning and began talking to the head proctor.

    As he was looking out in to the field he was approached by a young lady with black hair that had a blue streak running though a large strand of her hair. She thought he stood out amongst the nobles and high ranking figure heads that had attended the exams.

    " My name is Yamato Kazahana I'm the new tsuchikage. And who might you be madam."

    Just then the hokage known as Airi spoke up and told the lady he was the new tsuchikage. she said that he was the Liberator of iwa, the hero that freed iwa from the tyrannical clutches of Konohagakure. He could see that she seemed a little bitter about it but Yamato did not care. She was not living in a village that had no leader and there village be destroyed.

    " A hero not likely, I just did what any one would have done of in the same situation. My home needed a leader to help them rebuild so I stepped up when no one else did. Tho I find it hard to free a people that was never inslaved to begin with lady hokage."

    Yamato said in a calm tone of voice, he showed no emotion as he spoke. The tsuchikage could hear the sarcasm in her voice as she spoke. She spoke again and this time she spoke on how at least Yamato was better then the last tsuchikage who was nothing but a thief who came to Konohagakure and stole information on the uchiha and Aburame clans.

    " I'm sorry to hear you and my predecessor had bad blood between you. But that has nothing to do with me or Iwagakure, but since the former tsuchikage is now dead I appose we let the past be the past and try to move forward towards a brighter light."

    He did not appreciate the way the hokage belittled the former tsuchikage but it was not as if he could do anything about it. So instead the better path would just to try and build a better bridge between iwa and Konohagakure.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
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    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Nao Hyūga Fri May 24, 2024 2:24 am

    Nao stood beside Hibiki, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness as they waited with others at the gathering for the exams to begin. He couldn't help but smile at Hibiki's introduction, grateful for her warm gesture. Her introducing him to Kaori as a dear friend felt like another step in their journey, solidifying their connections beyond their own little circle. When Hibiki handed him the small black box, Nao's curiosity piqued. He examined the sleek device with interest, noting its compact design and subtle sophistication. It was clearly something special, and he couldn't help but feel honored to receive such a thoughtful gift from Hibiki.

    He listened intently as she explained its purpose, impressed by her foresight and thoughtfulness. It was a tangible reminder of the trust they shared, a bond he cherished deeply. For now he would simply slide it into his pocket, but he would be sure to use it when the opportunity raised later. The fact that Hibiki had thought to include him in her trusted circle spoke volumes about the strength of their friendship. As the old man began his speech, Nao's attention wavered slightly, his thoughts drifting to the challenges ahead.

    He understood Hibiki's determination to become a chunin, it was one that he shared, to make a difference in the world despite the hardships they had faced. Though he also shared Hibiki's concern about the potential dangers of the exams, and he vowed silently to himself to watch over her, to support her every step of the way. Nao couldn't help but laugh as Hibiki's confusion over the sudden gift of a sword became apparent. "Looks like someone has a surprise in store for the exams," he teased gently, his voice filled with affection. "I would hate to be the one at the other end of that thing," he added with a chuckle.

    Taking a closer look at the weapon in Hibiki's other hand, Nao noted its craftsmanship, the way it gleamed in the sunlight. It seemed to be finely balanced, designed with precision and care. He couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for whoever had crafted it. Squeezing Hibiki's hand gently, Nao smiled at her before nodding. "We got this, and nothing will stand in our way. The exams won't know what hit it." Confident that nothing could stop them as long as they were together, slowly moving with the rest of the crowd as they filed out behind the masked man that would be leading them to the first part of the exams and one step closer to becoming Chuunin.

    Exit Thread

    Nao Hyūga
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Hibiki Fri May 24, 2024 2:41 pm

    Standing beside Nao, Hibiki felt a mix of determination and excitement bubbling up inside her. Nao’s warm smile as she introduced him to Kaori made her heart swell with pride. Introducing him as a dear friend felt right, like another step in their journey together, forging bonds that extended beyond their tight-knit circle.

    When Hibiki handed Nao the small black box, she watched his curiosity spark. She had chosen it carefully, knowing it would be something special, something that represented the trust and bond they shared. Seeing him appreciate it, even sliding it into his pocket with a promise to use it later, filled her with a sense of accomplishment. They were in this together, and little tokens like this were reminders of their shared goals and dreams.

    Nao’s laughter brought her back to the moment, making her smile. “Looks like someone has a surprise in store for the exams,” he teased, and she laughed too, holding up the sword. “I would hate to be the one at the other end of that thing,” he added, and she couldn’t help but agree. The weapon was beautiful, its craftsmanship exquisite, and she could already feel a connection to it. Whoever had made it had put their heart and soul into it.

    Feeling Nao squeeze her hand gently, Hibiki looked at him and smiled. “We got this, and nothing will stand in our way. The exams won’t know what hit them. His confidence was infectious, and she knew, as they moved with the rest of the crowd behind the masked man leading them to the first part of the exams, that they were ready. Together, they were unstoppable, and no challenge would deter them from becoming chunin. They were on the brink of something great, and she couldn’t wait to face it with Nao by her side.


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    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Ryuko Sat May 25, 2024 2:42 am

    Ryuko took in the scene, her eyes narrowing slightly as she absorbed the tension between the Hokage and the new Tsuchikage. The air was thick with unspoken histories and unhealed wounds. As the Tsuchikage introduced himself, Ryuko maintained her stoic demeanour, a practised calm masking the intensity of her emotions.

    When she first heard Airi mention Yamato Kazahana as the new Tsuchikage, Ryuko's initial thought was one of disbelief. Is this some kind of jest? she wondered. Having finished Analyzing Yamato, he did not strike her as a particularly strong leader. Heck her maid Sophie would likely work him over if they got into a fight. But as the realization set in that they were serious, she quickly adjusted her perspective, hiding her surprise behind a mask of composure.

    She noticed Yamato's lack of recognition, which amused her. Does he not know who I am? she thought with a hint of amusement. After all, she was a living legend, known far and wide for her feats and strength.

    "Allow me to introduce myself," she began, her voice commanding attention. "I am Queen Ryuko Shizu Von Rose, the former Yondaime Raikage of the Village Hidden in the Clouds." She paused, letting the weight of her full title settle in the air. "I have seen the damage caused by tyrants and thieves alike. Tis easy to fall into the cycle of resentment and revenge, but we all know that leads nowhere."

    She glanced at Airi, acknowledging the bitterness in her words without judgment. "Lady Hokage, your concerns are valid, but dwelling on past grievances will only hinder our progress."

    She then turned her full attention to Yamato Kazahana. "Tsuchikage Kazahana, I respect your desire to lead your village towards a brighter future. However, dismissing the past entirely might cause us to repeat it. Balance is key." Ryuko’s eyes softened, revealing a glimmer of hope beneath her resolute exterior. "I believe in moving forward, but not without learning from where we've been."

    Taking a moment to compose her thoughts, Ryuko continued, "Unity is not built overnight, nor is it achieved through mere words. Actions, consistent and honorable, will pave the way for true understanding between our villages." She could feel the weight of her own experiences pushing her to speak candidly. "I've fought many battles, and I've learned that strength lies not just in power, but in the integrity of our actions and the honesty of our intentions."

    Ryuko took a moment to reflect, her gaze drifting momentarily as memories of past struggles surfaced. "There was a time," she began, her voice carrying the weight of her recollections, "after the war, when I found myself questioning the very foundation of our village system. The chaos, the bloodshed... it shook my faith in our ability to govern ourselves."

    She paused, her expression distant as she recalled the doubts that had plagued her. "Honiko of the society has argued that the system we lived in was flawed, that it couldn't withstand the pressures of conflict. At times, I found myself agreeing with her. The disjunction between villages, the power struggles... it all seemed too much to bear."

    But then her gaze sharpened, a newfound determination shining in her eyes. "It was Tengoku and your leadership in the Leaf Lady Airi as well as Princess Arisu and Princess Kitsuki's in Mist, that renewed my hope," she continued, her voice steady with conviction. "I saw firsthand the strength of their leadership, the unity they fostered, and the prosperity they brought to their people."  

    What strength it must have taken to have control of her country and then let it be free again, the same way Konoha had the chance to monopolize the land of stone once more but had let a new Tsuchikage rise instead.  The two villages united could have easily taken over all Kishin but had refrained which showed their great integrity. 

    A small, rueful smile touched her lips. "I realized then that while our system may have its flaws, tis not irredeemable. With the right leaders, with individuals who truly care for their villages and their people, we can overcome any obstacle."

    She turned her gaze back to the assembled leaders, her tone resolute. "I stand here today not just as a former Raikage, but as a believer in the potential of our village system. And I am committed to doing everything in my power to ensure that our villages thrive, united in purpose and vision."

    Her gaze swept over the gathered genin, their young faces full of potential and uncertainty. "These exams are a testament to the future we're building. Let us ensure that the next generation inherits a world where they can thrive, not one where they have to constantly fight the battles of their predecessors."

    Ryuko then turned back to Airi, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. "Lady Airi, the tales speak of your beauty, but they pale in comparison to the real thing," she said, her tone lightening as she offered a playful smile. "Tis seems your reputation for charm is well-earned."

    She nodded respectfully to both leaders. "I have stood up for Iwagakure before and will do so again. Tsuchikage Kazahana, I offer my assistance in helping you train and guide your village. Together, we can ensure that both our homes grow stronger and more united."

    She paused, a shadow of disappointment crossing her features. "I am saddened by the actions and demise of the previous Tsuchikage, Diana. I had hoped to secure her aid in my project to reach the moon, believing her strength and knowledge could contribute greatly. Her loss is a setback, but we must move forward with renewed determination."

    Ryuko took a deep breath, lifting her head as she began to speak a prayer to Hakkin. "Oh great Dragon God of Wisdom, I beseech you to bless our villages with prosperity and peace. Grant our leaders, the Hokage and the Tsuchikage, the wisdom and strength to reign long and justly. May their guidance lead us to a future of harmony and cooperation."

    She then stepped back, her piece said, ready to support whichever path would lead to true peace and prosperity.


    Analyzing Airi and Yamato post 2/2

    Ryuko's Ninja Card

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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Tōri Sat May 25, 2024 10:42 am

    As the opening ceremony came to an end the fledgling Tsuchikage seemed to be just that, though he had to give it to the young man that he took it all in stride. As everyone began to leave he too would join the crowds in anticipation for the approaching trials the leaf’s genin would soon be wrapped up in.

    Trying to push the memories from his less successful first attempt at the exams he hoped they would all fare better than he and his team did, wishing dearly for those he knew personally to make it through without loss of life. While it wasn’t terribly common, deaths were known to happen at the exams. He would surely work his hardest to stop any such results in the public matches, such was his duty to the next generation.

    OOC: Attempting exit

    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Airi Ohara Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:24 am

    She raised an eyebrow about Yamato saying that Diana's past behaviors had nothing to do with Iwagakure. There was a brief look of disgust on her face as she looked him up and down. She certainly didn't like that answer. Before she was able to speak, Ryuko spoke, cutting her off.  

    Ryuko caught her attention, turning back to look towards her. She internally groaned when she introduced herself as 'Queen'. She was surrounded by people from failed states. A paperweight from Iwagakure and a self-absorbed, holier-than-thou walking tin-can from Kumogakure. She tilted her head at her long introduction. If she could roll her eyes without looking offensive, she would have. In the meantime she just listened to her talk. She heard a buzzing noise as she tried to spout out wisdom about 'letting bygones be bygones'. "On the contrary. The past is what lead up to the present and the past is what makes us who we are. I'm sure you're aware that if you don't learn lessons from the past, you'd be doomed to repeat it," she said. She was a realistic and not really an idealist. Idealism belongs in rousing speeches and paintings, not the real world. "Well, thank you for your acknowledgement," she said, her voice almost too calm and almost too level; almost non-emotive. She reacted to her name being called, but the fact that she was 'honored' by royalty meant little to her as it felt like she was being tossed a bone.

    There was a history lesson and she started to block out Ryuko's voice. Static and buzzing started to ring in her ears. While her exterior appeared to seem interested, she didn't really care about the lecture given to her. Someone who lived life with a silver spoon permanently in their mouth would know nothing of the pains and troubles that people who crawled around in the dirt did. There was a small smile that played across Ryuko's lips. Oh, she hoped Ryuko was done but she kept droning on. Her attention was brought back as Ryuko complimented her appearance. "Well, thank you. But I assure you it wasn't my looks that got me into the seat of the Hokage, I assure you," she stated. She played up a smile, playing the politics game.

    Airi nodded in random intervals, intervals that would seem to fit but she didn't pay a whole lot of attention to what she had to say. She kept talking and talking and talking. 'Holy fuck, this girl doesn't know when to shut up. It's like she's making an inauguration address. Holy shit!,' Airi thought to herself, still nodding like a robot. She heard a barking in the background. Her Byakkugan picked up a very familiar creature approaching her. It was Omoikane.

    "Omoikane? What are you doing here?" the creature walked up to her, standing at about the same height as her while on all-fours. She chuckled, turning away from Ryuko talking and started to pet the fluffy creature. "How'd you even get here? You didn't swim all the way did you? Crazy boy," she said as her eyes lit up and a beautiful smile came across her face as she started to pet the creature's mane with both of her hands. "You're such a good boy!"  

    She turned her head back towards the other two, a bitter expression crossing her lips and eyes. "If it's any consolation, I didn't order the destruction, didn't order the execution of Diana, nor did I order the cleaning out of the vaults," she said as she jumped up on the beast and mounted it, patting the creature's side.  "If you want the one responsible for the looting of the Iwagakure vault, I might tell you. It's the same person who robbed our vaults," she said, now looking down at the two of them. Omoikane could be seen looking between the two and huffing and puffing the entire time. It seemed more like a dog than a ferocious creature.  

    "I had no intention of ruling over Iwagakure. But I did have every intention that Iwagakure have a strong leader with a good moral compass," she said. She didn't take any of Iwagakure's money, allowing Iwagakure to maintain their cash. She had no intention of destroying nor owning the village for long. "I would also suggest calling back your dog named Chen Kimyonakama. He threatened the lives of myself and my ninja in the name of Iwagakure. If I find out he is anywhere associated with your village, I will crush you and your village," she said as a matter-of-fact. This wasn't a threat, this was a promise. She didn't take threats to her nor her shinobi lightly.  

    Airi's EXP Gained thus far
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      Total Gained: 150

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    Current Stats


    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
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    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
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    Age : 31
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Sat Jun 01, 2024 11:39 am

    The lady with the blue hair introduced her self as ryuko or queen ryuko to be more precise. Yamato did not realize how many people of royalty he would meet by coming to these exams but he sure was meeting some interesting people. It would seem that like him self Ryuko was a former raikage as he was the current tsuchikage, which meant at the moment they was basically a meeting of the kage past and present.

    " I do agree that the past shows us who we once was be it good or bad, the present shows us who we are today while the future is still unknown but as the tsuchikage I plan to build iwa back up and make it strong."

    As Ryuko spoke you could tell she had a lot of knowledge and she was willing to share it with tye tsuchikage and he was not one to shy from gaining more knowledge. She was also willing to back Iwagakure and help to train his village so that she can assure both there homes was strong and more united.

    " Thank you for those kind words miss Ryuko, and I shall humbly accept your offer on that. "

    The tsuchikage would say as he bowed to ryuko. She would then go about doing a prayer. Turning his attention back to Airi the hokage he could see the look of disgust that swiped over her face for a brief moment when Yamato said that deiana actions had nothing to do with Iwa as a whole as it was not. A whole village should not have to suffer cause of the actions of one person. As they was all talking a large dog ran up to airi and she began to start petting it while ryuko was speaking.

    " No one has said that you did make any of those orders lady hokage, but when the one who did is found then I would say there just deserts shall be given. Tho as for Chen I can one hundred percent say that he has nothing to do with iwa and has no say for iwa. He shall be hunted down and dealt with accordingly. In fact I would not put it past that man to have had a hand in some shape form or fashion in the destruction of iwa along with Raijin. "

    Yamato would say as he Crossed his arms over his chest. He did not appreciate that a ninja not of his village was going around threatening other villages and killing people in the name of his village. But he knew that one day Chen and raijin and who ever else was part of stones destruction would get what was coming to them.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
    [*]Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6897-yamato-kazahana
    [*]Link to Known Techniques: in character updates
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Ryuko Sun Jun 02, 2024 3:30 am

    Ryuko's eyes sparkled with a mixture of amusement and resolve as she observed Airi's barely concealed irritation. The slight twitch of her lip hinted at a smirk as she sensed the Hokage's impatience. She chose her next words carefully, her tone both regal and determined.

    "Indeed, the past does shape us," Ryuko acknowledged, her voice carrying a weight of authority. "But clinging to it like a shackle prevents us from forging a new path forward. We must honor our history by learning from it, not being imprisoned by it. This is the wisdom I seek to share."

    She took a moment to glance at Yamato and then back at Airi, her eyes piercing but kind. "Your looks are but the cream on the cake. Your achievements Lady Airi are commendable and I respect the journey you have endured.  Your strength and determination are clear, and they are qualities I admire.”  she said sincerely.

    Ryuko watched with a genuine smile as Airi interacted with Omoikane. The creature's presence seemed to bring a moment of lightness amidst the tension. Her eyes softened as she observed the bond between them, a reminder of the simpler, purer connections that transcended politics and conflict.

    "Omoikane is truly magnificent," Ryuko said, her voice carrying a note of admiration. "It's clear that he means a great deal to you, Lady Airi. His loyalty is praiseworthy" Taking a step closer, Ryuko inclined her head respectfully. "May I?" she asked, gesturing towards Omoikane. "I've always had a deep appreciation for such noble creatures. It would be an honor to meet him more closely."

    She waited patiently for Airi's response, her expression open and sincere. This small gesture, she hoped, might serve as a bridge between them, a way to connect on a personal level beyond their official capacities.

    Ryuko listened intently to Airi's words, noting the bitterness and tension in her voice. She took a deep breath, her mind racing to piece together the puzzle. Raijin’s name had come up in her reports, associated with the attack on Iwagakure but she hadn’t heard about him robbing Konoha.  Though doing so would be fairly consistent with his modus operandi. That said, she didn’t  want to jump to conclusions without sufficient evidence.  

    "As for the individual responsible for the looting, if you have information that can help bring them to justice, I urge you to share it.” There was a time she had considered Raijin’s crimes as pardonable since his strength would have made a useful asset in the coming alien invasion, but that time had passed the greater his crimes grew.  He’d already greatly damaged Kumo and Iwa, If he’d sacked Konoha’s vault as well that would make him one of the greatest thief’s to have ever lived and far more trouble then he was worth.

    Ryuko's eyes hardened as she absorbed the gravity of the situation. The thought of a rogue shinobi like Chen Kimyonakama threatening the stability of the villages and endangering lives ignited a fierce determination within her.

    "Lady Airi," she began, her voice steely with conviction, "Let me make one thing abundantly clear: After what happened to Moonspire I will not tolerate a city destroyer. Anyone who threatens the peace and safety of our villages, who seeks to tear down what we have worked so hard to build, will face the full measure of my resolve."

    She took a step forward, her posture unwavering. "Chen Kimyonakama has crossed a line. His actions have put countless lives at risk, and his disregard for the sanctity of our villages is unforgivable. Whether he acted alone or under the influence of another, his threats and attacks cannot go unanswered."

    Ryuko's gaze met Airi's, her expression fierce and unyielding. "I propose that we join forces to bring him down. Together, we can pool our resources, intelligence, and strength to track him down and ensure that he answers for his crimes. Our collaboration will send a clear message: we will not allow anyone to sow chaos and destruction among us."

    She extended her hand towards Airi, her resolve evident in her eyes. "Let us work together, Lady Airi. In unity, we find strength. Together, we can protect our people, our homes, and our future from those who would seek to destroy them."

    Ryuko paused, allowing her words to sink in before adding, "I assure you, my commitment to this cause is unwavering. I will do whatever it takes to bring Chen to justice and to safeguard the peace and prosperity of our villages. This is not just a promise; it is my solemn vow."

    Ryuko's gaze softened as she turned towards Yamato, her expression a mix of empathy and determination. The weight of her past experiences with students hung heavy in her mind, but she was resolved to find a way forward.

    "Yamato," she began, her voice steady yet tinged with sadness, "I appreciate your desire to learn and grow, However I must be honest with you. In the past, every student I have taken under my wing has ultimately met with grave misfortune. It weighs heavily on my conscience, and I cannot ignore the pattern."

    She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to say next. "I cannot in good conscience take on another student. I cannot risk bringing harm to you as well. But that does not mean I will leave you without guidance."

    Ryuko's eyes met Yamato's, her resolve unwavering. "I will help train you, Yamato. I will share with you everything I know, and I will support you in your journey to become a formidable shinobi. But I cannot make you my student."

    Turning her attention to the village, Ryuko's expression brightened with determination. "However, I am committed to supporting Iwagakure in any way I can. As a gesture of goodwill and solidarity, I will personally finance the construction of new buildings and infrastructure to bring your village up to par with the others." she offered since she knew Iwa was pretty hard up for cash right now after being robbed.

    She paused, letting her words sink in before continuing. "Together, we can work towards a brighter future for Iwagakure, one where its people can thrive and flourish. And you, Yamato, will play a crucial role in that future." With a small nod of determination, Ryuko reaffirmed her commitment to Yamato and his village, hoping that her actions would help pave the way for a new era of prosperity and peace.


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Airi Ohara Fri Jun 07, 2024 12:02 am

    Airi leaned forward, pressing her chest upon the fluffy fur of the creature named Omoikane. Her eyes lingered and switched between both Yamato and Her Majesty, Ryuko. Her right arm hung limply before shifting her chest towards the group, her cleavage clearly visible, almost on purpose. More idealistic drivel. These two were incorrigible when it came to ideals. Idealism gets people killed. People who don't stay rooted in reality were simply fools in her opinion. The past molds everything. Molds who people grow into, molds relationships between people and factions, and most certain molds these ideologies that these people seem to spout off with. As far as Airi was concerned, pure diarrhea was shooting out of each and every one of their mouths. Absolute shit.

    "Well, since Chen isn't a member of your village, then our villages will no longer have any issues with one another," she stated trying to crack a smile only for Ryuko's words to spill out of her mouth once again. As Omoikane approached her, he simply showed his teeth to her, it's muzzle curling up in an aggressive manner as a low toned growl could be heard.

    About the individual responsible for looting, Airi was going to say something until Ryuko laid down the law. Her withdrew her words and looked at Ryuko with smug defiance. "And let ME make something very clear to you, Your Majesty," she said, maintaining her lax posture. "You do not dictate how I wish to protect the people of my village. Until now, I thought this Chen person was an agent of Iwagakure, which was already squashed between me and the Tsuchikage. You also have no room to tell me how to do my job. Last I checked, my village wasn't brought to ruins like yours was. I don't care what your station in life is, but you will watch your tongue and mind your own damn business," she firmly stated. She went from a rather lazy manner to more of a firm and strict manner. She didn't like foreigners, let alone foreigners who sat on a high horse and tried to tell her how to run her village.

    "I grow tired of your ceaseless talking and boring meddling, Your Majesty," she said, returning to her more lax mannerism before sitting up on the creature. "Let's hope our next meeting isn't marred with some boring silver-spoon-mouthed creep," she said smiling towards Yamato before turning her head and glaring at Ryuko. She pat Omoikane as the creature leapt with great agility away from this stuffy location.  
    == Attempting to exit ==

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    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
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    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Sat Jun 08, 2024 11:44 pm

    Yamato just sat there as he listened to Lady Ryuko and Lady Airi speak. He could feel the tension in the air as it would seem that the Hokage of the leaf did not seem to like Lady Ryuko much. After the hokage had jumped up on to the large beast ryuko asked of she could pet the majestic animal as she was very found of beasts such as this. But the animal did not wish to be petted by ryuko as the sound of a deep rumbling growl could be heard deep in the beats chest. It was right after this that Lady airi looked at Yamato and explained that since Chen was not linked or associated with iwa then The leaf and stone would no longer have any issues. Yamato was glad to hear that as he did not wish for there two village to be at odds with one another.

    " That is wonderful news Lady hokage. I would rather our villages be allies then to be at odds with one another."

    The tension could be felt once more between the two ladies as they spoke on the one responsible for stealing the goods from leafs and stones vaults. Ryuko also spoke on Chen and she was very serious when she spoke about him. After ryuko would look to Yamato and he could see the sad look on her face. She said that she would not be able to take him on as her student as her past nothing but bad things came to her students but did not mean she would not be able to give him guidance. she said that she would help train him and to show him every thing she knew. She also said that she would help to finance iwa and to help with buildings and stuff so that iwa could grow to the level of the other villages.

    " Lady Ryuko I accept your offer, I mean no disrespect when I say this but I am not looking to be any one's student. But that dose not mean I can not continue learning so I will gladly take any guidance you have to offer."

    It was not long tho before Lady hokage snapped in a sense as she spoke very rudely to Lady ryuko. He was not sure if they shared a past of some mind or she did not care for the way ryuko was speaking to her. Honestly Yamato had not been tsuchikage for very long yet so he did not understand the way those of higher rankings did things but he would just sit there and see how the two of them would settle there words. But as a Leader of a nation he needed to try and calm the situation down some.

    " Lady's, please have a seat and have a drink. I know words have been spilt and tension can be raised at a exam like this. But maybe you two are misunderstanding one another and taking things in a different manner as they are intended. "

    Yamato said as he pulled out three sake cups and then pulled out a sake guard and then pulled three cups one for each of the people there. One was for the hokage, one for Lady ryuko and one for him self and now he waited to see what they said.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Ryuko Sun Jun 09, 2024 2:47 am

    Attempting to interrupt Airi's exit

    Ryuko watched as Omoikane approached, its growl low and menacing, teeth bared in a show of aggression. She couldn't help but smirk, a flicker of amusement crossing her face. Compared to facing the two-tail Bijuu, this was almost cute.

    "Really?" she muttered to herself. "I just wanted to give you a pat."

    Her eyes softened as she looked at the dog, her initial amusement fading into genuine regret. "I love animals, especially fluffy ones like you," she said, her voice barely a whisper. 

    She took a slow step back, her hands dropping to her sides. "Guess you're not in the mood for belly rubs," she said with a sigh, casting a wistful glance at Omoikane. "Maybe next time you'll realize I’m not the enemy."

    Ryuko stood there, initially taken aback by Airi's outburst. Her brows furrowed in confusion, trying to process the unexpected hostility. As Airi's words sunk in, confusion gave way to anger, her fists clenching at her sides. Memories of her younger, more impulsive self flashed through her mind—how she might have snapped back then.

    As Airi's tirade continued, Ryuko couldn't help but wonder internally. This was the same Airi who was supposed to be smart, strategic even. Yet here she was, spewing out misguided provocations and the veiled insults like it was going out of style.

    "Is she serious?" Ryuko thought, her disbelief mingling with a tinge of frustration. But then, a snide thought slipped into Ryuko's mind, a product of her exasperation. "Maybe all the nutrients that should've gone to her brain went straight to her outrageous bust instead," she mused internally, a wry smirk tugging at her lips despite herself.

    Shaking her head to clear away the uncharitable thought, pushing aside the petty notion. But even then Ryuko couldn't help but entertain a fleeting thought. If this had been an exam to become Kage instead of Chunin, Airi would have failed spectacularly. 

    The way she handled disagreements, the lack of diplomacy, it was all glaringly evident.
    Ryuko sighed inwardly, realizing that leadership wasn't just about power and authority—it required wisdom, tact, and the ability to navigate complex situations with grace. Airi's outburst highlighted a deficiency in those qualities, and it left Ryuko wondering if Airi truly understood the weight of her responsibilities.

    But even as Ryuko acknowledged Airi's shortcomings, she reminded herself that everyone had room to grow, especially herself. Perhaps this encounter would serve as a learning opportunity for them both a chance to reflect on their actions and strive to be better leaders.

    As Ryuko reflected on the exchange so far a realization dawned on her: her typical approach to communication might not be effective in this situation. The style she was accustomed to employing seemed to only exacerbate tensions rather than foster understanding. She needed to adjust her approach she acknowledged to herself, a sense of humility tempering her resolve. Being too blunt or forceful might only push the Hokage further away.

    Ryuko understood that diplomacy required finesse, patience, and empathy—qualities she knew she possessed but hadn't fully utilized in this encounter. She needed to find a way to bridge the gap between them, to establish common ground and build trust.

    With a determined nod, Ryuko made a mental note to approach future interactions with Airi with a softer touch, to listen more and speak less, and to seek collaboration rather than confrontation. After all, if they were to effectively address the threat of Chen and any potential future challenges, they would need to work together as allies, not adversaries.

    Ryuko couldn't help but feel a pang of relief that Shimiko wasn't present to witness Airi's disrespectful tirade. She knew all too well the fiery spirit that burned within her teammate, and she had no doubt that if Shimiko had been there, the situation would have escalated into a dangerous confrontation.

    Shimiko's loyalty and fierce protectiveness over Ryuko were unmatched, and the mere thought of her reacting to Airi's insults sent a shiver down Ryuko's spine. While she appreciated Shimiko's unwavering support, she also knew that such a clash would only serve to further strain their already fragile relationships with other villages.

    That said, Shimiko's absence was felt keenly in that moment, Ryuko knew that her soul sister's spirit would always be with her, guiding her with strength and determination. And with that thought in mind, Ryuko squared her shoulders, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that Shimiko would be by her side, even if only in spirit. Taking a deep breath, she let her years of experience calm her, steadying her voice before responding.

    Ryuko swallowed her pride and approached the situation with humility. "Please wait. Airi, I... I'm sorry if I said something to upset you," she began, her voice softening with genuine sincerity. "That wasn't my intention.  I respect your dedication to protecting your people and I wasn't trying to dictate how you run your village," Ryuko explained.

    “I was just trying to offer my assistance in regards to dealing with Chen. Anyone who can destroy an entire village by themselves is someone to be wary of.”  Especially since his capabilities might have evolved since the last time anyone encountered him. They couldn’t afford to underestimate the threat he posed.

    She hesitated for a moment, searching Airi's eyes for any sign of acceptance. "We may not see eye to eye on everything, but I believe we both have the best interests of our villages at heart. Can we please put aside any misunderstandings and work together for the greater good?"

    Ryuko's apology hung in the air, her vulnerability laid bare. It was a small gesture, but one she hoped would pave the way for reconciliation and understanding.

    That was when Yamato intervened, his diplomatic nature asserting itself as he attempted to defuse the tension. He offered sake cups, a gesture of peace and reconciliation, inviting them to set aside their differences and find common ground.

    Ryuko hesitated for a moment, her gaze shifting between Yamato and the Airi. But in the end, she nodded in acquiescence, accepting the sake cup with a silent acknowledgment of the truce being offered.

    As she raised the cup to her lips, Ryuko couldn't help but wonder if this moment of calm would be fleeting, or if it marked the beginning of a new understanding between them. Only time would tell.

    Ryuko listened intently as Yamato spoke, accepting her offer of assistance.  His words echoed with a sense of determination and independence. She nodded in understanding, appreciating his honesty and the clarity of his intentions.

    "Of course, Yamato," Ryuko replied, her voice soft but earnest. "I respect your decision, and I understand that you seek to forge your own path. Guidance doesn't always have to come in the form of a formal student-teacher relationship."

    She smiled warmly, a sense of camaraderie blooming between them. "I'm here to help in any way I can, whether through training, advice, or simply lending an ear when you need it. You may not be my student, but I'll do everything I can to support you on your journey."

    Ryuko's gaze met Yamato's, a silent vow passing between them. In that moment, she knew that their bond transcended the traditional roles of mentor and student. They were allies, comrades-in-arms, united in their commitment to protect and serve their villages.

    With a nod of affirmation, Ryuko raised her sake cup in a gesture of mutual respect. "To new beginnings," she said, her voice filled with quiet determination. "May our paths intertwine, and may we walk them together, side by side."


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Sun Jun 09, 2024 2:55 am

    If Ryuko had been fashionably late, then Kitsuki was a designer's trainwreck. The Princess had arrived at the ceremony after all of the genin had left the area. She saw two recognizable heads of state standing around talking and at least one shinobi whom she assumed was a Jounin. Kitsuki was wearing an impeccably pressed and crisp officer's military uniform complete with a few medals awarded by the Blue Emperor himself. They were rounded out with a pair of white pants and black officer's boots. Kitsuki's afro was fluffed and perfumed with subtle but delightful notes of apricot and lavender. She walked up and joined her former sensei as she watched the three individuals converse.

    Headmaster Sukimori had politely stepped back from the fray. He had bowed upon the arrival of Ryuko but given that the Queen had seen fit not to recognize him, he did not intrude upon her speech. True to what he had heard, she was fond of long-winded solilquys. As a member of the aristocracy himself, he took no issue with it. In truth, he preferred Her Majesty's firm command over language over the coarse and vulgar words of the Hokage. But he also recognized that he was a mere public servant compared to these titans. So he kept his opinions to himself. When Kitsuki joined him, he smiled and spoke in a tone that was remarkably different than what he had used when addressing Airi and the crowd.

    "Sorry Headmaster, I was making some last minute preparations..."
    "Its quite alright...and please don't apologize Princess."
    "What's going on here?[b]" Kitsuki asked, eager to shift the conversation away from the deference with which her former idol spoke to her.
    "[b]They're bickering. I don't think the Hokage cares for Queen Ryuko. I recommend diffusing the situation.
    "Kage bickering? What else is new?"
    Taking the question literally, the Headmaster nodded and smiled in Yamato's direction. If the young man saw him, it would only look as though he were warmly saying 'Hi' from a distance, but in reality, he had drawn Kit's attention to him without pointing. A true gentleman to his core.
    "That shinobi for one."
    "The redhead with bandages?"
    "He's the new Tsuchikage."
    "I haven't heard anything about that."
    "Both Ryuko and Airi have acknowledged him as such."
    "We'll I'd best say hello...and keep things bloodless between the Leaf and the Cloud. We'll catch up later" Kitsuki whispered.
    "Until then, my dear"

    Kitsuki briskly walked to the trio and as she did, she noted that Airi was flanked by a kind of giant kitsune. The beast was beautiful and had a majestic flair to it. Kitsuki took a split second to admire its golden mane, but her attention was brought back to the Hokage when she heard the following:

    "I grow tired of your ceaseless talking and boring meddling, Your Majesty,"

    Things sounded tense when she had arrived but now that she was standing next to the Kage, she realized that the conversation had taken a turn for the worse. She wasn't entirely sure what Ryuko had said that had set the Hokage off but the Princess was quick to place a gentle hand on both of them, as if they were a group of friends that had gotten carried away. She hoped that her arrival would interrupt Airi's decision to hop on the back of her beast and leap away, but if it didn't, she would never deign to stop the Hokage.

    "Apologies for my absence." She said breathlessly. She had every intention of using her tardiness as a lightning rod to diffuse the tension between the two women. She bowed first to Ryuko and then Airi. "Your Majesty. Hokage-sama." Her eyes lingered on the redhead as she took her first real look at Konoha's Ninth. She had not met any of the Hokage personally, but she had heard that Tengoku was an effective and fair leader. His handpicked successor was a Hyuuga with ties to the Uzumaki Clan, hence the moniker the Carmine Hyuuga. She was well-blessed and apparently had a severe sense of justice given her telecast directed towards Chen. Kitsuki did not know the woman personally, but she seemed a stand-up shinobi. She had maintained the alliance and had been firm with respect to threats against her people. She couldn't imagine why she'd find cause to insult Ryuko who was, in Kit's opinion, the model of shinobi virtue. Whatever Ryuko was apologizing for it was probably a product of cultural misunderstanding.

    The newly minted Tsuchikage sensed the hostility and did his best to cool it. He offered a drink which, while well-intentioned, was ludicrously uncouth. She had never heard of this young man before and he seemed...green for some reason. She watched as he laid out alcohol and three cups in a bid for peace. Kit would not have done that but she eased into the conversation by adding to Yamato's conciliatory approach.

    "Airi-san, my name is Princess Kitsuki Kurahasa....its a pleasure to meet you....officially." She held her hand out for a polite handshake. The two would have likely heard of one another but it was different when you got the measure of a shinobi in the flesh. "I'm not sure what may have transpired but I'm certain Queen Ryuko meant no offense. I understand there may be bad blood between us and the Cloud given the War but I've found Her Majesty to be a reasonable kunoichi of unimpeachable integrity." She then turned to Yamato. "Ah, I'm told you are the new Tsuchikage. Congratulations on your ascension to the position..." her voice trailed off. She did not know this man's name and outright asking might have been even more rude than giving him the opportunity to speak it. Regardless of if he gave it, she'd smile, and place a gentle hand on his forearm interrupting his attempt to pass out cups and say: "I look forward to helping you heal your nation. I'm sure you meant well but I don't think this is the place for a group of Kage to enjoy a drink. But.....if you all are interested, I'd be honored to have you as guests at an event I'm hosting. Kage, former Kage and other world leaders only. I think it'll be a good chance for us to get to know one another...outside the nonsense formality that these events tend to breed. We're only young once."

    Kitsuki smiled at Airi, but behind her friendliness she was doing her best to get a read on her counter-part. The Konohagakure-Kirigakure Alliance was one of the staples of this world's geopolitics. It was no accident that it had produced the only two remaining superpowers on the continent. If Kit's tenure was to remain successful, she'd need to ensure that the ties remained solid and even deepened given the threats the world face. But aside from her fiery temper, Kit wasn't sure what the Uzumaki-Hyuuga hybrid was like as a person. She was quite short and busty, but beyond that Kit couldn't say where her social proclivities lay.

    OOC: Interrupting Airi leaving and also interrupting Yamato handing out sake.

    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Airi Ohara Thu Jun 13, 2024 2:28 am

    She took a deep breath in as she pulled Omoikane's mane, causing the creature to stop and turn around at Ryuko's behest. Something one wouldn't imagine, royalty apologizing to a commoner. The two of them turned to look towards Ryuko, only having made about 5 meters away before being interrupted. Her words rang hollow in Airi. Ryuko's words were shallow, at least in her opinion, and was just something royalty would say to manipulate and to get into other's good graces. Airi might not be a tactician, but at least she has SOME curves. It was something to pity with poor Ryuko.

    She cleared her throat and sighed out a bit. As long as she stayed in her lane, Airi won't have too many issues with Ryuko. Hell, it was probably the fact that Ryuko spoke TOO much was one of the reasons Airi didn't like her too much -- that and the lawful-good 'holier-than-thou' demeanor she seemed to exude. Ryuko's 'superiority' wasn't exalting, it was annoying. "Then I suppose apology accepted and I apologize for anything I said that upset you," she replied. She wasn't. The things she said felt justified against some of the things Ryuko said. But contrary to popular belief, she knew how to play the political game. Airi just didn't have the patience to deal with someone who wouldn't listen and was stuck on their iron-clad beliefs.

    "Nothing to be wary of. Destroyed a village full of retired shinobi and civilians. He is a coward. And a coward I want dead. A coward that is playing the role of the Agent of Chaos. A despicable, inhuman creature undeserving of love and life. A stain on the mortal fabric that can't be cleansed. May his blood nourish the sands of Wind Country," she said, Omoikane also getting riled up by her speech, which was mainly her besmirching Chen's name. She has a shinobi in her village, an Iwagakure refugee, that had family fall victim to Chen's madness, so needless to say she felt rancor and hatred when it comes to the man.

    "Fine, we can work towards that goal. I'm already waiting on the Stag Emporium to build their tower in Konohagakure. Let's just hope you aren't going to leave me waiting when I do ask you for support, right?" she asked, raising a brow.  She was already annoyed that Kiyoshi made a promise about the Stag tower and they have yet to deliver. She also didn't hear about any support coming from the Stag Emporium when it came to dealing with Chen, which also put her off considerably with the group. A lying business man who only wanted to extend his reach around the globe. Any form of aggression or turning their back when Konoha requires assistance and she will have that tower brought down in a crumbling heap.  

    A pain struck her gut when she was addressed by another person of royalty. The desire to roll her eyes at so many pompous silver-spoons. She turned her eyes to the quite attractive woman. Her hair was a bit large but it suited her never-the-less. "Yes, I know who you are. But it is quite nice to officially meet you, Princess," she said, bowing her head a bit. At least this one didn't lead off with any -- nevermind. "Yes, yes. It's already been dealt with. But I will need you to make this quick. I have to proctor something soon," she said, wanting to making the hand-gesture to speed it up, but kept her hands upon the creature's mane like they were a horse's reins. She had to proctor, or at least make preparations, for the first part of the Chuunin Exams. The whole tea-party that the group had before them, Airi didn't necessarily care about. Now that she had cooled down, she was starting to get antsy as she didn't put a Flying Thunder God tag in the classroom itself and she would have to actually physically travel to the classroom.

    As for the event that Kitsuki was holding. "Depends on what the event is."

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    Last edited by Airi Ohara on Thu Jun 13, 2024 9:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Village: Konohagakure
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    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Thu Jun 13, 2024 7:10 pm

    This was probably the longest that Yamato had ever talked to people before as he was normally a very quite person. The two woman before him apologized to each other which now the atmosphere was calmed down. He listened to what ryuko said about him wanting to forge his own path and the whole time Yamato nodded his head to show that he acknowledged her and was listening. Ryuko would accept the sake cup from him but he was interrupted giving his cup to airi as a hand would come out of no where and was placed on his forearm.

    The woman would then introduce her self as kitsuki. He was not sure why the name sounded familiar but he had been meeting a lot of very high profile people today.

    " Yes I was just recently appointed as the tsuchikage of iwa, after the attack on my village by Raijin there was no one else to take up the mantle so I humbly took it to help mh people rebuild. Also i apologizefor not properly introducing my self princess. I am Yamato Kazahana."

    Yamato would say to kitsuki. After she said that it was not really the best place to be having drinks she said she was hosting a party that included current kage and former kage and world nobles.

    " I would be honored to join kitsuki, it would give me a great deal of experience to be able to mingle with other kage and world leaders alike."

    Yamato said with a smile. He would just sit there as he waited to see what every one else would say. In the mean time he would take a drink from his sake and waited.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
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    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
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    Post by Ryuko Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:18 am

    As Ryuko observed the gathering of dignitaries and shinobi, the atmosphere hung thick with unspoken tension. She noticed Kitsuki Kurahasa, dressed in a crisply pressed military uniform, arriving fashionably late but commanding attention with her authoritative presence.

    Apologizing for her tardiness, Kitsuk addressed everyone, her tone respectful and composed.Ryuko watched as Kitsuki seamlessly integrated into the conversation, her demeanor poised and diplomatic.

    Kitsuki was a trusted friend and ally, Ryuko greeted her with a warm smile. "It's always a pleasure to see you,  Kitsuki," she said sincerely, appreciating Kitsuki's presence amidst the diplomatic tensions.

    Assessing the simmering conflict between Airi and the Ryuko, Kitsuki spoke with measured assurance, aiming to diffuse any potential discord. Ryuko felt touched by Kitsuki's steadfast support and diplomatic finesse, appreciating her efforts to bridge divides among the leaders present.

    Turning to the Headmaster, who had observed quietly, Ryuko inclined her head apologetically. "My apologies, Headmaster, for causing a scene earlier," she said softly, acknowledging the need for decorum and respect in such gatherings.

    Yamato attempted to ease the atmosphere by offering drinks, but Kitsuki tactfully redirected the conversation towards a more appropriate setting—an event she herself was hosting. Her invitation to the Kage and world leaders aimed to cultivate relationships beyond formal diplomatic protocols.

    Ryuko nodded in agreement with Kitsuki's proposal, recognizing the wisdom in her diplomatic finesse.  Ryuko admired Kitsuki's skillful navigation of political complexities. Kitsuki's late arrival, though unconventional, proved instrumental in potentially reconciling and fostering cooperation among the Kage—a testament to her dedication to peace and stability.

    Ryuko maintained a composed demeanor as she observed Airi holding onto Omoikane's mane, the creature responsive to her touch. Despite the tension between them, Ryuko valued the opportunity to mend any strained relations, especially with someone as pivotal as Airi in the political landscape.

    "I appreciate your understanding," Ryuko replied sincerely, her tone reflective of the earnest desire to move past any past conflicts. She recognized Airi's straightforward nature and respected her ability to speak her mind, even when their views diverged.
    As Airi vented her frustrations about Chen, Ryuko listened attentively, her expression solemn as she absorbed the weight of Airi's words. The pain and anger Airi felt towards Chen resonated deeply, reminding Ryuko of the real, personal stakes in their roles as leaders.

    "Yes, Chen's actions were cowardly," Ryuko agreed softly, her gaze thoughtful. "But he was more than just an insurgent.  In light of the looming Otsutsuki invasion there is a high probability he is working as a vanguard to weaken the major powers" she added, her voice tinged with concern. Ryuko understood the strategic implications of Chen's lineage, knowing firsthand the potential threat such individuals posed. She mentally noted there were plenty of exceptions to this generalization: Princess Arisu alone was proof that not all Otsutsuki were malevolent. 

    The mention of the Stag Emporium's promises drew Ryuko's attention, and she made a mental note to follow up on their commitments promptly. Trust and reliability were crucial in diplomacy, and Ryuko aimed to uphold integrity in all her dealings.

    As Airi expressed her urgency to attend to her duties as a proctor for the Chuunin Exams, Ryuko nodded understandingly. "Of course, I won't keep you.” she replied, mindful of Airi's need to focus on preparations amidst the distractions of diplomatic formalities. "And don't worry, I'll make sure to be quick to come when called upon—it's one of my specialties," she added with a light-hearted chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood.

    With a nod of understanding towards Airi, Ryuko then turned her attention to Yamato, the newly appointed Tsuchikage. She had much to share in terms of knowledge and skills, and she wanted to start on the right foot.

    "Yamato-san," she began, her tone inviting collaboration, "as we work together to strengthen our alliances, where would you like me to start in sharing my knowledge? Perhaps Sage Mode?" Ryuko suggested, then quickly added, "Though I should note, Imperfect Hydra Sage Mode primarily buffs physical stats. Without knowledge in chemistry or medicine to produce poison, it won't be fully effective."

    She awaited Yamato's response, ready to contribute her expertise to fortify their defenses and ensure the safety of their villages.


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
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    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Sat Jun 15, 2024 2:48 pm

    Kitsuki stood with a solemn expression as Airi threatened the mass murder Chen K. It sounded like Airi was willing to accept Ryuko's apology and given the context of her statement about the Butcher, Kit could only assume that this was the genesis of their argument. She wasn't sure what the two could possibly be disagreeing on. It sounded like they all wanted him to be brought to justice. No disagreement there. Kit didn't want to step on any landmines though so she only offered a "Agreed." in response to the group consensus on killing Chen. However when Ryuko mentioned the impending alien invasion, Kitsuki swallowed and her eyes darted from the Queen to the Tsuchikage. She wasn't sure how much Airi knew about Okane's warning, but she expected Konoha to have been read into the situation during her coma. They were a world power and Kiri's closest ally. Iwa, however, was a failed state that hadn't gotten more than five years of stable leadership in the past century. Why Ryuko would mention such a sensitive subject in front of a new and untested Kage was beyond the Princess. Either the news of the invasion was now public knowledge or she had just loosed a secret matter of global security carelessly. Kit's surprise and concern was quickly erased though. Tensions were hot enough so she instead focused on the party invitations. I'll deal with that can of worms later.

    Out of the three of them, Airi seemed the least enthused. But Kitsuki made a point not to show her disappointment. What's her problem? It seemed that even Kit's prescence was a nusiance to this woman. It wasn't just Ryuko, she was rather tart-tongued against any ninja that addressed her directly. Kitsuki did as she was bid and smoothly pulled out a pink and white card. It was a formal invitation to the yacht party complete with an elegant royal blue bow and the imperial seal of the Princess Triumvirate. If Airi cared to open it, she'd find all the details inside. It was even rose scented. Even a she-devil such as Ohara could not deny the classiness of the invitation.

    "A party hosted by myself and Gyokusho Hyakkiako. It will take place on a yacht that's docked about three klicks southwest from O'uzu Island. Its meant to be casual. We will have food, some music even a few games for us to get to know one another. Its like a social get-together." Kitsuki could not blame Airi if the concept might have been lost on the redhead. Shinobi destined for greatness weren't necessarily known for partying. "It'll be a lot of fun. I'd love to have you there." She turned to Ryuko and Yamato. She produced another two invitations for her as well. "Whatever tensions there remains among the civilized villages of the world...hopefully its nothing a bit of wine and great company won't fix." Kitsuki gave them all her most charming smile. She wasn't sure if Airi would accept or even relax, but it was worth a shot.

    Yamato appeared to be excited to attend. Not surprising. He seemed hungry for recognition. Ryuko had offered to train him in the ways of her secret abilities which was a rather stunning vote of confidence. She didn't know anything about this young man but if Ryuko was willing to vouch for him then Kit would show him the utmost courtesy. "Its a pleasure to meet you Yamato-san. I can't wait to see you at the party."

    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Airi Ohara Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:53 pm

    An invitation to a casual hang-out. Would be a good place to grease palms, but her schedule looked to be busy with her proctoring the first part and proctoring the second part as well. While the invitation sounded lovely and she would really like to go, as the networking opportunities seem too ripe for the picking, especially if she could plant a few Vanishing Flying Thunder God Seals on the palms she greased, consideration was the key -- depending on her schedule that is.

    "As much as I appreciate the offer, Princess, I cannot grant any guarantees. I do have to consider my duties here and to my shinobi. Please do not feel insulted if I happen to miss this appointment. But it was very nice to meet you, Princess," she said giving her a courteous nod. She had no real opinions on Kitsuki, even if she came in at the wrong end of the argument between herself and Ryuko. But Royalty will always have the backs of other Royalty -- leaving the lowborne to sup on the dirt they belong in. She gave Kitsuki a pleasant smile before turning to look towards Yamato.

    "I do have a business proposition for you. A private conversation would be had between us. I'm certain you would agree to my proposal. It would greatly benefit Iwagakure. I trust we can make an appointment for that when I get more time," she said giving Yamato a much bigger and more genuine smile. She didn't mind Yamato now that the air was cleared about Chen not being an agent of Iwagakure.

    She turned her head towards Ryuko. Perhaps the two got off on the wrong foot, but Airi certainly does not like being talked down to. Something she didn't believe someone of her station would understand nor believe someone of her station would even realize they do. "Perhaps we got off on the wrong side of the foot with our meeting, Your Majesty. Hopefully our next meeting will be a bit more... cordial," she said. There was no smile towards Ryuko.

    Without another word, she clicked her heels together, signaling to Omoikane that it was time to go. No, the creature didn't run majestically like the wind. Rather it just sorta trotted off.

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    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
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    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Mon Jun 17, 2024 3:20 pm

    The tsuchikage was still pretty new to dealing with foreign affairs and the ways of other people so he just sat back and let the two princess and the hokage hash out there differences. Once they was finished Ryuko walked over to Yamato and asked him where she should start on giving him knowledge. She mentioned something about Sage mode and Yamato has heard of it before but he did not know much about it. She did tho say that unless he had knowledge of chemistry or ijutsu then tye sage mode would not be very effective. Yamato Did not wish to be rude but he was not sure if sage mode would be something he wanted especially if it requires skills he did not have.

    " I appreciate the offer miss ryuko but I do not think sage mode would be for me. Especially if it requires skills I do not have. I do not wish to be rude but I must respectfully decline. But being a former kage I'm sure there is plenty more you can teach me."

    Yamato listened as kitsuki was explaining about the party, she turned to Yamato and ryuko and handed them both a invitation. Yamato saw this as a great way to show to the whole nation or at least the current kage and former kage that iwa was still going strong and was back on there feet. Kitsuki told Yamato that it was a pleasure to meet him and she could not wait to see him at the party.

    " It's a pleasure to meet you as well lady kitsuki, I can not wait to come to the party. It will be a good chance to show every one that iwa is still standing strong after such a attack on our home."

    Kitsuki also handed a invitation to the hokage but she seemed so uptight. She said she might be able to make it but not to be upset if she did not. She looked at Yamato and said that she had a business opportunity she would like to have a private chat about it when she had the time, she explained that it would benefit iwa. Yamato was curious as to what she had in mind but he did not see no harm in just talking and figuring out what she wanted to propose. With that she and the large dog trotted off and he could not blame her after all they had a long run to go with the chunin exams and all.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
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    Post by Ryuko Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:35 pm

    Ryuko's eyes lit up as she took the invitation from Kitsuki, her fingers brushing over the elegant royal blue bow and the imperial seal with genuine appreciation. The rose scent brought a smile to her face, reminding her of similar high-society gatherings she had attended in the past.

    "A party on a yacht? That sounds absolutely delightful!" Ryuko exclaimed, her excitement evident in her voice. "I love the idea of a social get-together, especially in such a beautiful setting. It's been too long since we've had the chance to relax and enjoy ourselves."

    She turned to Airi and Yamato, her enthusiasm contagious. "Trust me, these events can be incredibly enjoyable. Good food, great music, and a chance to unwind and connect with others – it’s exactly what we need. And Kitsuki's right; it's a perfect opportunity to bridge any gaps and maybe even forge new friendships."

    Ryuko gave Kitsuki an appreciative smile. "Thank you for the invitation, Kitsuki. It’s just the kind of break we all need. I'm definitely looking forward to it. It sounds like a wonderful escape from our usual routines and a chance to just... be ourselves."

    With a graceful nod, she added, "I can't wait to see what you and Gyokusho have planned. Count me in for sure. Let's make it a night to remember!"

    Ryuko’s genuine excitement and friendly demeanor made it clear she was more than ready to embrace the festivities and the potential for newfound camaraderie.

    Ryuko watched as Airi addressed her, her expression calm and composed despite the underlying tension. She understood the implicit challenge in Airi's words, acknowledging the discord that had marked their initial interaction. Ryuko's upbringing in the aristocracy had taught her to recognize and navigate these subtle social dynamics with grace.

    "I appreciate your candor, Lady Airi," Ryuko replied evenly, meeting Airi's gaze with unwavering composure. "I also hope our future interactions can be more cordial."

    She chose her words carefully, maintaining a dignified demeanor that reflected both her noble heritage and her role as a leader among shinobi. Ryuko respected Airi's stance and the boundaries she asserted, sensing the pride that matched her own.

    With a respectful nod towards Airi, Ryuko conveyed her willingness to move forward positively despite their initial clash. "Until next time, Lady Airi," she concluded with a polite inclination of her head, acknowledging Airi's departure with the same calm grace she maintained throughout the encounter.

    As Airi turned to leave with Omoikane, Ryuko remained poised, contemplating the complexities of their future interactions and the potential for mutual understanding that lay ahead.

    Ryuko listened attentively as Yamato expressed his reservations about Sage Mode, nodding understandingly as he spoke. She respected his decision and appreciated his straightforwardness.

    "I understand, Yamato-san," Ryuko replied with a gentle smile, her tone warm and reassuring. "Sage Mode does indeed require a certain aptitude for nature manipulation and other skills that may not align with everyone's strengths."

    She shifted slightly, considering his words thoughtfully. "There's much more I can share with you beyond Sage Mode. As a former Kage, my experience and knowledge are invaluable, and I would be honored to exchange insights with you."

    Ryuko glanced around briefly, then returned her focus to Yamato. "Perhaps we could delve into strategic leadership, village management, or even taijutsu techniques that align with your expertise. There's no shortage of subjects we could explore together."

    Ryuko then continued, her voice taking on a slightly more business-like tone. "I want two things in return, though. First, I'd like you to grant the Stag Emporium rights to construct a tower in Iwa. Tis a center of education, one that would help your craftsmen immensely. Second, once Iwa is better off, I would like someone who can perform the Earth Release: Ultra-Added-Light-Weight Rock Technique to join my space travel research team. That jutsu would be invaluable for reaching the stars."

    She met Yamato's eyes directly, her expression earnest yet diplomatic. "These requests are meant to benefit both of our villages, and I believe they align with our mutual interests. What do you think, Yamato-san?"

    With that, Ryuko awaited Yamato's response, ready to guide him on a path of knowledge that suited his interests and strengths as a leader and shinobi.


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:43 am

    "Let's!" Kit said to Ryuko with a grin. It was nice that at least one major world leader was enthusiastic about the event. Unfortunately, Airi did not share Ryuko's interest. "I completely understand. No offense taken. Your company is always welcome at this event or any other." Kit left the invitation open-ended. Kirigakure and Konohagakure had longstanding ties and she would not want to impose on the Hokage's schedule over a social get together. She watched as the woman said her pleasantries and exited stage left. Kitsuki waited until she was out of earshot (a rather long wait considering how most upper level shinobi had superhuman hearing) before leaning in to the Queen. "What did you say to offend her?" Kit asked quietly. She wasn't sure why Airi had been so angry at Ryuko. It was hard to imagine the kind and pure-hearted woman being anything but respectful.

    Kit gave a polite smile and nod to Yamato. He had a vested interest in showing up and letting people know that the Stone would not be cowed. She was also delighted to hear that Konoha was interested in doing business with Earth Country. It meant that they were not holding a grudge over the nation's independence. The two nations had a rocky history but it seemed like the agreeable climate was doing wonders to smooth over any tension between them.

    Kitsuki would remain silent as Ryuko and Yamato freely discussed Sage Mode in front of her. It sounded like Ryuko wanted to take an active role in shaping Iwa's development. She was starting with the new Tsuchikage which was a wise decision. It made Kit wonder if there was something Airi and Ryuko knew that she did it. More often than not, nations had treated the far West like an afterthought. Perhaps after Chen's massacre they realized that a hegemon in the west of the continent was in the best interest of all nations. Kitsuki wondered whether she should begin cultivating a relationship with the resurgent Stone village. For now, she kept quiet but she did hear a few things that piqued her interest. The first was that Ryuko was  interested in getting to space. She wondered if she had particular designs on the Moon which was the closest orbital body to Earth. Is she aware that there are humans currently living there? Arisu had told her such news during a meeting of the Princesses. The last one which Sayuri had attended. Kit kept this bit of knowledge to herself. Less because she didn't trust Ryuko and more because she knew little of this Yamato. It may not be wise to tell him about the Moon people just yet.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

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    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Sun Jun 23, 2024 3:23 am

    Ryuko could understand where Yamato was coming from on not wanting to learn sage mode since it would require him to know skills he did not know. She explained that there was so much knowledge and insight that she could share with him and Yamato appreciated that greatly. Having just recently become the tsuchikage there was still so much that he did not know and probably needed to learn. Ryukos voice become more business like and said that in exchange for her knowledge she asked for two things in exchange. The first was that Yamato allowed the stag emporium to build a tower in iwa, she said it would be a source of education and it would help iwa crafters.

    The second thing she asked for is that either Yamato or one of his ninja use the ultra added light Wreight rock technique to help her with her space program. Yamato took a minute to think everything over and in the long run it did not sound to bad.

    " I have thought it over and the request you ask for sounds reasonable and I can agree with those terms. As long as the stag emporium has good intentions in iwa they can stay as long as they like."

    Yamato would say to ryuko, he was all for helping his nation and to make it better then it was. He needed to make him self stronger as well as his village.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
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    Post by Ryuko Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:00 pm

    Ryuko couldn't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment as she reflected on the earlier exchange with Airi. What had she said to offend the Hokage so deeply? As Kit leaned in and asked the question quietly, Ryuko sighed, her shoulders sagging slightly.

    “I honestly haven’t a clue.”  she admitted.   Airi was unlike anyone she had ever dealt with before. She was somebody who didn’t have a reputation for being excessively uptight and they had a lot in common so Ryuko had thought they’d be able to get along just fine and yet somehow they had come dangerously to throwing hands.

    “Do you know what I said to upset her?” she asked turning to Yamato hoping that perhaps he could provide her with some much needed answers, otherwise the mystery would end up nagging at her making it difficult for her to sleep for the next while.

    It would have been hilarious if it wasn’t so pitiful.  Here was someone who typically had nerves of  steel.  Ryuko had killed people during the war and slept like a baby afterwards and yet she was rattled by her encounter with Airi far more than she had most battles she had ever been bar a couple of exceptions.

    “At least I succeeded in improving relations between Konoha and Iwa I suppose.”  Ryuko said, letting off a second longer sigh.  Too bad it had seemingly come at the cost of her own relationship with Air, someone she rather had wanted to get along well with.  It wasn’t a great start to things at any rate.   Hopefully she’d be able to salvage things the next time they met.

    The reason she’d asked Yamato for something was simple enough.  The value of what she was giving him was so high that it was human nature to be suspicious of her sheer generosity.   By attaching a price tag, even a thinly veiled one it would hopefully be easier for him to trust her.  

    Ryuko gave a light chuckle in response to Yamato’s statement about allowing a tower to be built in Iwa “I wouldn’t be working with Okane and the Stag emporium if they had bad intentions.”   If pressed to ask why someone as illustrious as her was working at all she would simply reply that she didn’t want to see a repeat of the Moonspire incident.

    Ryuko had lost one genius she had been collaborating with already and was loath to lose a second.  She felt like this was her last chance if she was ever going to achieve her dream and reach the stars.

    Ryuko turned to Yamato and Kitsuki with a gentle smile, her eyes reflecting a blend of determination and wonder. "Do you think my dream to reach the moon is silly?" she asked, her voice filled with earnest curiosity.

    She continued, her tone thoughtful yet spirited as she shared her lifelong ambition. "Ever since I was a child, I've yearned to explore new frontiers. But by the time I was born, nearly all of Earth had been mapped out. That's when I set my sights on the stars—where our gods supposedly roam. If humans can conquer the highest mountains, surely we can breach the skies and travel to other planets."

    Ryuko paused, her gaze drifting upwards as if envisioning the vast expanse beyond. "I know there might be techniques out there that could teleport us to the moon, but I dream of something more reliable—something accessible to everyone. I believe that a fusion of jutsu and technology could achieve what neither could do alone."

    She looked back at Yamato and Kitsuki, hope shining in her eyes. "What do you think? Am I being too ambitious?" Her smile was hopeful, seeking validation and encouragement from her companions.


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin

    Posts : 1126
    Join date : 2017-09-14

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    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:46 pm

    Ryuko insisted that she had no idea what set the Hokage off. Kit believed her. She had never had a bad interaction with the Queen and from all accounts the woman was the model of grace and royalty. She couldn't imagine Ryuko failing to mind her manners or passively insulting a world leader. It could be that the mention of Chen had put Airi in a bad mood. Kit would turn to Yamato expectantly, wondering if he had any insight as to what set the redhead off.

    Once the conversation turned to the Stag Emporium, Kitsuki would merely add to Ryuko's vouching for Okane. "I've worked with Okane personally for several years. He's a man of good character. You'd be safe opening your village to his business." Kit thought that the world was rather fortunate that the Iron Prince was on their side. While he had been captured by off-world forces, he had been making armaments for the invaders. Kit shuddered to think what might happen had he not escaped, or worse, if he were genuinely inclined towards destruction rather than creation.

    When Ryuko asked if her dream of going to the moon was silly, Kitsuki placed a gentle hand on her friend's shoulder. "Absolutely not. In fact, its more realistic than you think." Kit wouldn't say more substantively on that point. Perhaps if they two could find some time alone to talk at the yacht party they could discuss more freely. Ryuko's suppositions were quite accurate but even that didn't satisfy her. It seemed like she wanted a regular form of space travel. The subject was of interest to Kit as a matter of national defense. She had pitched the idea of a base on the Moon but Arisu had shot the idea down. She was not pleased with the idea of humans going past the stratosphere. Another irritating position that betrayed her condescension and paternalism towards Kit's species. Fortunately, as a fellow human, Ryuko understood the natural human impulse to reach to the stars.

    "I think your vision is a wonderful one and I'd be honored to help you achieve it. Naturally, such travel would need to be guarded and carefully managed by the just and virtuous but I think there is nothing more pure than the indomitable will of the human spirit. Especially when it comes to exploration. Your Majesty...lead the way and we will follow."

    Kitsuki found it odd that she could relate more to Ryuko so well. Kumogakure and Kirigakure had been enemies since their founding. In fact, the Kaminari and the Mizu had been at odds even before the founding of the ninja villages. Their peoples had warred for so long and so hard that many would rather swallow rat poison than break bread wiith their old foe.

    Yamato Kazehana
    Yamato Kazehana

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 165
    Join date : 2023-11-06
    Age : 31
    Location : England Arkansas

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu|Doton|Fuuton|Jiton
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony  - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Opening Ceremony

    Post by Yamato Kazehana Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:49 pm

    Yamato listened to the two ladies who was left as they both agreed that okane and the stag emporium was of decent stock and that Yamato should not need to worry about them hurting his village. This took some of the weight behind the decision off his shoulders, while they continued to speak ryuko asked if her dream of going to the moon was a silly idea, honestly Yamato had never even considered it but like ryuko said technology was advancing every day so they just might be able to reach the moon but in how many life times before they reached that goal was the real question. The two woman looked at Yamato when they wondered what airi got so upset about.

    " Honestly it could have been a number of things. She was upset cause she thought iwa was in partnership with Chen, she thought that you was telling her what to do and talking down to her. But I have been around royalty before and tho they might not realize it at times it dose sound like that. But then again she is also helping to host the chunin exams so she has a lot of responsibility righ6 now and weight on her shoulder. Then again it could be non of the above and she is just one of those few who has a stick up there ass."

    Yamato was not one to candy coat what he said as that never got a person anywhere but he did at times hold back in regards to who was around. But getting back to the moon idea Yamato decided he should at least give his two cents on the matter.

    " I do agree technology is constantly improving all the time, and new jutsu is being discovered as well every day. I have also heard rumors of a clan of people who are supposedly not from earth but I have never met one personally. The main question tho is just how long do you think it will take before technology and the jutsu needed will become available."

    Yamato would chime in as he wondered what else the other two would say on the matter.

    Character Name:  Yamato Kazehana 
    Spendable Experience: 125
    Total Experience: 1,025
    Renown: 4k
    Ryo: 125k
    [*]Constitution: D
    [*]Stamina: C
    [*]Speed: C
    [*]Coordination: C
    [*]Intelligence: E
    [*]Perception: C
    [*]Link to updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6907-yamato-kazahana-updates
    [*]Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6897-yamato-kazahana
    [*]Link to Known Techniques: in character updates

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