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66 posters

    Northwestern Gate


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    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by AriDokuma Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:22 am

    Thankfully Ari didn’t have to wait too long, but when she can feel the vibrations of those nearby and her own hearing picking up sounds both distant and near. It begged her to wonder exactly how could she tell time without the ability to see? At least, for now that is the case. The newfound pair of eyes in such an infernal twist still needed time to adjust and adapt. Apparently it was a miraculous surgery and her body ironically accepted the doujutsu whole heartedly. It also begged to wonder how Ari came to accept the eyes that only a rare few managed to obtain. Or rather, the level of experience Chika was at in his Byakugan was extraordinary.

    ”You presumed right. Nice to meet you, Maigo. I don’t know how much you’re aware of bears, but as long as you keep your distance you should be fine.” Ari spoke in response to Maigo’s brief introduction. Then Ari gestured with a free hand over to the guard post that travelers go over to sign. A documentation that kept track of who comes into the village and who leaves for what reason. If the reason seems too much of a danger, then the guards would naturally intervene. Of course there was a beautiful woman that just entered the village that stood out, but Ari couldn’t really see her. Just feeling the vibrations within the earth that grew distant as Mitsukira walked away.

    ”If you haven’t done so yet, go ahead and sign there that we’re leaving for a mission. Normally I would’ve already done it, but ya know…” Ari waved in front of her face as a gesture that she can’t see. A curl on her lips suggested that she was mocking herself before a small laugh could be heard from her. Even her fingers had lightning scars, almost like she was struck by lightning from head to toe.

    Character Name: Ari Dokuma
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 2465
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 171,892
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: C+
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: B
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:
    • Physical:
    • Technique:
    • Destiny:

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3685-dokuma-s-updates?nid=14#28855
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3683-ari-dokuma
    Link to Known Techniques:

    Posts : 279
    Join date : 2019-01-08

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Arisu Sat Jan 16, 2021 2:54 pm

    After some time, Arisu's travel had been completed. As an ally of Konoha's, the location of their village was a known thing, and now that she had travelled to it personally, she'd never need to make a full travel again. Given her recently gained ability to control the portals of Yomotsu Hirasaka, she could return wherever she had been before as long as she had enough chakra to open a portal and step through. Ideally, this would make her return trip to Kirigakure much easier.

    Arisu was fully armored up, and her hair had been pulled back into a ponytail, and rather than wearing a kimono or something of the sort, she wore her standard Kunoichi armor and outfit. She wore the Kiba blades on her hips, and the Ersatz Kusanagi blade on her back. A Kirigakure forehead protector adorned her head, her Rinnegan activated as she maintained her Six Paths of Pain.

    In addition to herself, she was flanked by an entourage of Kirigakure and Konoha forces. The 3 bodyguards from Konoha that Nyguyen had sent to protect her, 5 of the 6 Paths of Pain all in their Kirigakure outfits but with notable black rods and Rinnegan, while the sixth Pain (her original one) helmed the lead of the Paths. Naitome wore a simple white robe, a pleasantly polite smile plastered on his face. Next to Arisu herself stood Yusuke, who was still her bodyguard although she didn't necessarily need him at this point.

    The 10 person entourage approached the gates, with Arisu at the front. "I'm here on official business from Kirigakure." she went through the sign in process to enter the village, as did her paths, Yusuke, and the Konoha Guards that were situated with her.

    Full Name: Arisu Otsutsuki
    Citizenship: Kirigakure Jounin
    Reason for Leaving/Entering: Diplomatic Mission, sensitive in nature.
    Expected Duration: No longer than a month.

    As her bodyguards returned to Konoha, they allowed her through, and from there she'd make her way to a hotel, to drop off the Paths of Pain and Yusuke. She didn't need to have so many people in her group while in Konoha, and it may be taken as a sign of aggression if she was to show up with such a group. Granted, she kept her Konoha guards, as they were under the Hokage's orders, but she left the rest at the hotel.

    Six Paths of Pain:


    Village : N/A
    Posts : 66
    Join date : 2020-11-30

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Maigo Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:02 pm

    "I haven't fought any bears, or anything more dangerous than other kids and genin in sparring practice... but I'll keep my distance." Maigo would note with a small gulp of his pride as he had to admit how new to the practice of being a ninja he actually is. Then his mission partner would motion over to the desk for them to sign out for their mission. Maigo would nod after she would finish and would linger his way over calmly.

    Maigo would let the pass at her face and inability to see go for a moment before the thought would creep in his head, whether she was actually blind or just covering her eyes to cover some visual dojutsu. He couldn't really know, and she seemed calm and collected enough about the mission to give an essence that this would be easy. Her scares filled in the story of her experience and while there were no details, each one gave off a story of her experience and what she had faced. Comparatively, Maigo was a blank canvas that would be filled in soon by his missions and battles that would come.

    Regardless, the thought would pass quickly as Maigo would arrive at the desk and greet the gate attendants keeping watch as he would reach down to the ledger with the utensil and begin to write in their names and their reason for leaving. Names: Ari, Maigo Reason: Mission hunting a bear. He wondered if they would require other mission like their respective ranks or even last name but Maigo would leave it at that and offer an awkward chuckle as he set his pen down and would slide the ledger back to them.

    Without further delay, Maigo would walk away once everything was confirmed to be in order and he would head back to Ari, clearing his throat and standing straight up just a few feet away he would speak up,

    "Alright, we should be ready whenever you are. You know where this bear is supposed to be?" Maigo would let off while holding himself straight while waiting for what their next move might be.


    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Maigo_10

    I was trying to figure out which was worse, Ignorance or Apathy. And now I realize that I don't know and I don't care. - Maigo Mugetsu

    Missions: D-2|C-0|B-0|A-0|S-0

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 485
    Join date : 2020-06-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: C
    Ryo: 0

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Data_Sora Wed Jan 20, 2021 4:53 pm

    Bernie was a little surprised when he woke up last week, having receive the letter that was going to change history, well his history at least. It took him some time to prepare and pack up, making sure he had his cooking utensils and other fancy papers along with him as he had made his way to the gate.

    Full Name: Higashikuni Danzo Soma Amandi Nobunaga Daisuke Eiichi Ryuzaburo Shizuaki III
    Citizenship: Konohagakure
    Reason for Leaving: Mission from the Kage to keep track of the Farfor Accords Payment in Iwa
    Expected Duration: Unknown, varies on how long they take to pay.

    After presenting both his ID, the letter, and his reasoning slip, he'd begin to make his pilgrimage to his home, Iwagakure. He wasn't sure if he was looking forward to this, but either way it was going to be a journey.

    Traveling To Iwa
    Konoha -> NW Fire (24) -> 1/2 Waterfalls (0) -> SE Earth (24) -> Iwa

    The Mod account of Data_Sora#0001
    Zenaku Uchiha
    Zenaku Uchiha
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 537
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Zenaku Uchiha Sat Jan 30, 2021 7:13 pm

    Zenaku would walk up to the gates of his village and before he would exit he walked over to the two ninja who was acting guards who helped to check in or out people that was leaving or entering the village. Zenaku just smiled as he handed them his Chunin id badge with his name and number. At the same time he would slip them a note that explained why he was heading out of the village and to keep there mouth shut and just nod. They nodded there head and handed back his Id as they told him to have a safe trip, zenaku did not wish to have the whole village know that he was going to another land tho it was not like it was any of there business any way so he walked out of the gates and headed towards the land of rivers.

    ( Konoha>>>Land of Rivers 24 hr travel time.)

    ( Exited thread)

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 


    Posts : 308
    Join date : 2020-02-23
    Age : 25
    Location : The Universe

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Iryojutsu, Sensory, Ninjutsu, Raiton, Fuuton, Doton, Jūryoton
    Class: A
    Ryo: Time and Space

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Mitsukira Wed Feb 10, 2021 4:39 pm

    Mitsu had with her Rin Uchiha and Maiori, and she was keen to leave Konoha as quickly as possible. It occurred to her that the trip back would feel slower than the trip there. Rin was ill and now she couldn’t just make her own pace, she had to be respectful of the pace of her fellow travellers. It was not ideal, but she would make it work, just like everything else that the Universe handed her. When she reached the gate she filled out the relevant forms, adding information about Rin and Maiori if necessary, and then made her way out and towards her home.  

    Full Name: Mitsukira Tatsudashi
    Citizenship: Iwagakure/Sunagakure
    Reason for Leaving/Entering: Completed meeting with the Hokage
    Expected Duration: Indefinite.

    [Travelling to Iwagakure with Rin Uchiha and Maiori. Exit Konohagakure → Land of Fire → Land of Waterfalls → Iwagakure - 48 Total hours. Arrival in Iwagakure on February 12th @ 5:39PM EST]

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Y3XzKOV

    Dancing Queen:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 602
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    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Tengoku Fri Mar 19, 2021 12:47 pm

    Tengoku would move through the gates among the refugees from the war and those who guarded their nation. He would file the papers for traveling to Tetsumaru for the summit before those at the gate would bow to him and stamp his travel papers. With that done he would nod to those he passed and drop some coins for food here and there before hurrying on his way. He was representing the hopes for peace for all of them now. He couldn't dawdle.

    Travel Konoha to Tetsumaru (No travel time)
    Exit thread

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku
    Zenaku Uchiha
    Zenaku Uchiha
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 537
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Zenaku Uchiha Fri Apr 30, 2021 2:42 pm

    Zenaku was happy when he was able to get back to his village but he still had a few miles away before he reached the villages gates so he would keep on walking as he slowly continued walking. He had finally regained all of his chakra and was starting to get very hungry so he decided that his first stop once he was in the village he would head over to ichiraku ramen and get a big bowl of noodles.

    The young uchiha come over the hill and looked down on to the village as the great stone faces of the leaf as it had all of the hokages from past ages on it. zenaku walked down the hill as he came to the village gates and walked in as he walked over to th e gates guards and handed them his id to be able to enter the village. they took the card and looked at it then back at him as they told him that he could enter the village.

    (Entered the hidden leaf village.)

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 

    Leaf Jounin Commander
    Leaf Jounin Commander

    Posts : 234
    Join date : 2019-08-23

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Kimiko Mon Jul 12, 2021 1:01 pm

    Kimiko had well and truly suited up. Withdrawing all the money in her account, she had made sure they were in as large of bills as she could make them so that she could carry her cash on hand. With the rest of her gear already parsed out, Kimiko headed towards the gate entrance.

    Her frame was hidden by a hooded black cloak, but she always attached her gear in the same way every time. Hip pouches in the same place, holsters as they should be. Her bandage wrapped arms containing the majority of her gear in the seals they hid. Kimiko's chest was protected by a titanium mesh shirt, and a simple bag adorned her back to carry all of her cash. Her titanium tanto slotted into a baldric near the small of her back for a quick draw, but she didn't expect anyone would want to see how fast she could draw it.

    After her fiance had been killed, Kimiko had more or less taken a leave of absence from any of her "duties" as a Konoha-nin. When Akihiro and her had removed Tattsu from office, Kimiko had already more or less withdrawn from being a Jounin of Konoha and wanted to spend most of her time with Akihiro, who had considered moving the clan out of Konoha. It was Nyguyen who had convinced them to stay, a mistake that Kimiko wished they'd never made. If they'd left the village like they'd wanted to, he'd still be alive today.

    Kimiko had been a massive asset to the village. She'd single handedly turned the tides of war in Iwagakure. She'd extracted information from Professor Cuomo and even in overwhelming odds had pulled out somewhat of a draw at the Black Site. The coup from the Uchiha, killing their leader at the behest of the Hokage, the elders, and a former clan leader had broken Kimiko's will to serve the Uchiha. The only tie she had to the village had chosen to sever their ties to her with their own actions.

    Walking through the gate, Kimiko didn't stop to follow protocol at all. She didn't care to sign in and out, as she didn't owe Konoha any information on her whereabouts.

    Exit -> Senju Forest


    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 147
    Join date : 2018-12-04

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: X
    Ryo: 600,000

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Satomi Mon Jul 12, 2021 11:24 pm

    The Professor had walked too the front of the gates, Sendo beside him with a scowl on his face. Satomi shared similar sentiments but there were more important things at matter. Always watchful and always mindful. He knew this day would eventually come. There had been no high-ranked missions sanctioned for Kimiko. And she hadn't returned to her duties for quite some time. But making his rounds, he felt her signature making its way out of the village. He had been keeping an eye on her ever since her interruption of the Akihiro's execution. Satomi had left the ANBU outfit today, he wasn't on duty at the moment. For once he was wearing his Jounin jacket and a black outfit. Though he was armed with his usual weapons and tools as he was always on-call.

    Sendo mirrored a similar outfit, except the out was red and black, the Uchiha symbol on his back. Trekking beside Satomi there was a visible discomfort in his face. But he came along unwillingly. The ANBU Captain paid him no mind as he called out to Kimiko from behind. "Wait." She was almost through the gates clad in a dark cloak, clearly ignoring protocol.

    He understood why she was departing. Beyond the fact of current events, it had been earned in the Mountain Wars. Though he valued his family greatly, he always put the village first. "I get it if you have to leave. I won't stop you. My cousin spoke of you highly. So I only wish you well in your travels. In hopes you remember us as allies and family when you are in need. Instead of something worse." She may even ignore him. But it didn't matter. Despite their differences, he owed his cousin that much. He would not want this.


    Sensory activated: .5

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: S
    Coordination: B+ (Wealthy)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B
    Leaf Jounin Commander
    Leaf Jounin Commander

    Posts : 234
    Join date : 2019-08-23

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Kimiko Wed Jul 14, 2021 9:28 pm

    A voice stopped her, one that made her blood boil just upon hearing it. She didn't even need to see him to know who it was, she'd heard the voice many times in life, and many more in her head.

    Her Mangekyou activated, but it was just to get a bead on if he had anything active or not. Their pattern was more or less several disjointed cracks that gave her eyes a shattered pattern, although the black pattern had leaked into her sclera. Turning to face Satomi, Kimiko frowned as he talked about Akihiro like he hadn't been involved in his death.

    "Allies? Family? That's rich. None of ya trusted me enough to let me know he was arrested. None of ya. Elders, Former Clan Leader, Former Hokage. All of ya conspired to kill him. Then ya took his body. He didn't even get a proper funeral. What did ya do with his things?"

    Shaking her head, Kimiko kept her eyes on Satomi. She recognized that he wasn't alone, but the only potential threat was from Satomi currently. In Konoha, there weren't many who could challenge Kimiko, even in groups. Satomi was perhaps the most powerful living Uchiha, and Nyguyen wasn't a slouch either, so those two would always be a challenge if they chose to fight her, but Kimiko wasn't going to get her revenge yet.

    "I'd've done anything for the clan. I just thought that the clan would be loyal to their own."

    -0.2 Sharingan activation
    -Analyzing Satomi, Post 1/2

    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Tengoku Thu Jul 15, 2021 7:43 pm

    Tengoku had been made aware recently of some suspicious activity. It appeared someone of influence was emptying their accounts and collecting all their belongings. Of course the Uchiha were under observation to a small degree. Their power and influence in the world had led to a great deal of pain and turmoil. Some had died for it and others stepped down from their positions. Still they held frightening power down to the last enlisted man. Their eyes the stories told to children to keep them in line. Behave or the Uchiha will get you. He even kept tabs on Nyguyen as he wasn't certain he trusted the man. Still the report stated she was making a direct line for the northwestern gate. So he would acknowledge the report but deny the deployment of any shinobi forces. If Kimiko was abandoning the village engaging her at the gates in force would do more damage to the village than needed. So instead Tengoku would go alone. He wished to speak with her rather than to engage in combat if possible. Sometimes people just needed to be heard. So he would stop at a stall to purchase a dozen sweet and sour Dango. Four sticks with three sauced dango per stick. Along with two sweet teas in little cans.

    Tengoku himself was not a complete fool though. He was fully equipped to defend himself if needed. Around his upper arms, wrists and ankles were golden rings with feathers designed into them. Jewelry in disguise but able to rapidly deploy into armor. On his left hip were two katana and a wakizashi. The katana were of the highest quality and one of them bore the signs of wind enchantments on it. A hand me down from a previous Uchiha Hokage before Nyguyen. The other was a reforged tetsudashi steel katana with a senju wood handle. However the Wakizashi was a work of art. A monolisa of weapons. An X rank. However the hand needed to draw them, his right hand held the bag of treats. His left hand would rest across the top of the katana hilts idly as he approached the gate. Amber gaze poking out from a warm smile. Wild white hair framing his face and spilling around his chest and back with wolf like white ears twitching at the top of his head. His usual black and yellow robes would adorn him though sleeveless and his pants stopping just below his knees and tightened there. Leaving his arms and shins exposed. Sandals decorating his feet in the traditional manner.

    Still he would sniff the air and glance at those present. Listening to the tail end of the conversation before letting out an audible sigh. The guards seemed on edge but he would see them and smile to them. Shaking his head and nodding them off. They had work to do and it didn't include dying today if Tengoku could help it. He would choose to whistle a pleasant tune as he approached. Careful to make it clear he was there before walking well around Kimiko to go and lean his back against the gate. His eyes glancing between the two present before smiling warmly. No activation of chakra or readied position for fighting. Though the smell of the treats in the bag was potent.

    "It is disappointing isn't it? Infuriating even. Of course what do I know? I have no bloodline so I couldn't possibly relate. Sooo how about before you go anywhere, we share a meal and you can tell me all about it. After all with how angry you are there are those that may consider you a danger to the village. Personally I think you deserve to be heard first. If violence can be avoided that would be my preference. I really don't like the idea of fighting someone with such a long history of service to the village I love."

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 147
    Join date : 2018-12-04

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: X
    Ryo: 600,000

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Satomi Fri Jul 16, 2021 12:03 am

    As he had anticipated. Kimiko still harbored hateful feelings towards him and the Uchiha. He could feel it, through the Minds Eye. It was apparent that would not go away so easily. Nor would the feeling every truly dissipate. As he she had activated her Sharingan. Which as a Uchiha was akin to unsheathing their weapon. As their eyes were their most deadliest power that they wielded. Satomi sensed it and simultaneously activated his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. Though he understood her plight, there was something she needed to understand as well. She perhaps felt it was personal, when it reality it was far from it.

    Before he could reply, he would see the new Hokage Tengoku. It seemed he also was aware of the sudden departure. He settled by the gate door and offered a peace meal to Kimiko Uchiha. This meant he was not welcome to a battle. However that would be up to the next action of Kimiko.

    "I will elaborate. But not as an Uchiha clan member. But as a ninja of this village. I unlike my cousin, did not forget our first duty. To the village. The crime he committed against Konoha was particularly heinous. Coming to you was not our job, nor was it smart. For he was no longer a Leaf Ninja. But an enemy of the Leaf. He lost his rights. I figured out that you were not involved with his doings, so we did not involve you. Hokage's orders. However interrupting the execution, trying to rescue him, was precisely why you weren't told. The clan was loyal to him and him alone. He gave that up when he decided too use our own ninjas in his schemes. Putting the clan at odds with the village. Unforgivable. I've known and loved him for much longer. It was not an easy decision, however it was absolutely necessary. So like our Hokage noted, he wants peace. So I will ask you to deactivate your Sharingan. We mean you no harm."

    Which was true, though Satomi would also not hesitate if she continued to bare her fangs at them. His loyalty to the village was unbound. No one would bring harm to these people, without great calamity. It was important for that message to be heard.


    EMS: .2
    Minds Eyes .5
    Analyzing Kimiko 1/2

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: S
    Coordination: B+ (Wealthy)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B
    Leaf Jounin Commander
    Leaf Jounin Commander

    Posts : 234
    Join date : 2019-08-23

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Kimiko Fri Jul 16, 2021 8:50 pm

    Tengoku showed up, and Kimiko visibly scowled. He leaned against the gate, pincering Kimiko between Satomi and himself. She stood still, but didn't deactivate her sharingan.

    "Now ya want to talk? Akihiro was executed months ago, and not a single person tried to reach out! Nobody cares about me or what I do until I get ready to leave the village, or until they need me to win a fucking war. Fuck off. Ya want to know if I'm a danger to the village? Wait and find out."

    Without warning, Kimiko activated her Flying Thunder God seal, traveling back to her house. There wasn't really anything they could do to keep her from teleporting out of the conversation. If Satomi made a move to interrupt at any point in time, Kimiko'd teleport ahead of time. The Sharingan was good at telling when someone was about to move, or was about to fire a jutsu.

    It would take a few minutes at least to track her down fully if they wanted to, and by that time, she'd have already more than prepared if they were going to give chase. She didn't even know if they'd want to. For now, she wasn't leaving from the gates, that much was clear enough.

    Analyzing Satomi: 2/2
    Analyzing Tengoku: 1/2
    FTG: To Kimiko's House.

    -20 Stamina FTG >250 meters
    -0.2 Sharingan upkeep

    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Tengoku Sat Jul 17, 2021 11:32 am

    Ahh a good old Uchiha standoff. Sharingan activated and quiet threats issued. Pain evident in their face and voice. It truly was a clan that prided itself in the trauma it produced for itself. He would listen to Satomi issue a warning and wondered if this lot really ever focused on diplomacy. He didn't see such a warning really helping the situation at all. Well by warning he really meant preparation. It would be silly not to power up when you knew what the person across from you was capable of. But those eyes were always a warning. Like a predators growl warning others when they enter its territory. It was a symbol to be recognized. Still he would listen to what was going on and take a deep breath. So this was over that other fella that got executed before he was in office huh? A lot of love lost between the clan members he supposed. He sure was coming into a huge mess these Uchiha left him. More and More he felt like Nyguyen had just dumped his problems onto Tengoku. Still this was his first time meeting either of them but they held a certain reputation. At one point one of them had been his boss though they never met.

    Tengoku would let his eyebrows raise at the sheer audacity of this bitch. Did she have any idea at the sheer amount of clean up he was doing? He just got back from ending a fucking war and now she was going to subtly threaten his village and cuss him out? Electricity crackled around Tengoku as he contemplated just zapping some manners into the woman. But violence over insult was not his way. He had to calm himself and try to deescalate. She wasn't weak and it wasn't right to just attack people. Perhaps it was that moment of hesitation and letting her finish that created the opening she needed. Not that she needed a rather large one. Still when she was suddenly just no longer there he would allow surprise to show on his features. Still it was irritating. These Uchiha and their internal struggles were a danger to the village. At least some of them claimed loyalty to the village before their blood. However it was a fine line for each of them. Like having a tiger for a companion. It was strong but if it turned on you...there would be destruction.

    Still Tengoku knew of the ability. He had seen the secrets of Konoha and understood what she had used. He himself didn't use seals so he had not attempted to train it. But he understood its function. Clearly it was a great escape tool. Still he would sigh and push off where he was leaning. He would walk up to Satomi as he stood before the man and glanced at him with a searching gaze. Was there pain there for him too? Would he be able to do what was needed? Still Tengoku would speak up to him.

    "I am going to give you and your clan forty eight hours. Try to deal with this internally if you can and avoid jumping straight to killing if possible. However I can not ignore the thinly veiled threat to the village. If she leaves and can not be contained within that time...I will issue her name into the bingo book. There likely won't be a peaceful solution after that. And people will die. Understood?"

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 147
    Join date : 2018-12-04

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: X
    Ryo: 600,000

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Satomi Mon Jul 19, 2021 12:17 am

    "This was my attempt. I will deal with her if she becomes a threat. Otherwise talking to her his moot and will only serve to push her to battle us. Also she can just teleport out if here if she wanted. She may be all talk. But until she actually does something. I will know." Lord Ozai had replied after hearing Kimikos rebuttal and disappearing with Flying Thunder God jutsu. An amazing tech, passed down by Akihiro. But also made them a nuisance. Closing his eyes he quickly sensed where she was at. Village wide she hadn't gone to far. Back to her home from the images he receiving. It was pointless to chase her around. Satomi would always be around to protect the village if need be. He was sure Kimiko knew that he was obstacle that could not be ignored. But he also didn't feel like prodding the dragon. She wanted some type of justice. However it had already been served, against her. Just the ruthlessness of the ninja world. That he had been on the receiving end of.

    Betrayal. Alkaid had retreated to furthest regions of the world to hide from him. Knowing he would stop at nothing to destroy her for her sin. He was familiar. Satomi turned around and walked back to the village. Motioning to Sendo to stay guarding the gates. Usually he would not send Sendo to do such things. But he was one of the few S-rank ninja around. Kimiko had put everyone on edge. Except Satomi. His presence would deter any foolish attempts on the village. At least for now...



    EMS: .2
    Minds Eyes .5
    Analyzing Kimiko 1/2

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: S
    Coordination: B+ (Wealthy)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 279
    Join date : 2021-08-05
    Age : 28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Genjutsu
    Class: A

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Yuichi Wed Sep 01, 2021 7:36 pm

    He barely made it to the front gates of Konoha. With the anbu still pursuing close behind him, he had no time to lose. He blasted through crowds and crashed into numerous people. He had been hit by some kind of thrown weapon, and he had not removed it from his back. He was starting to feel queasy, but he was sure he could escape if he could just get through the gates before them.
    He was moving much too fast to process what was happening at the gate, so he decided to sprint through it. He nearly crashed into somebody, but managed to just scoot by them and get through the gate.
    The anbu continued to pursue close behind him, presumably joined by some shinobi at the gate itself. The only reason he made it this far is because they were on orders not to kill him.
    He had to follow the road because he wouldn’t be able to process information moving at high speeds well enough to flee into the forest.. He hoped to outrun them. That clearly wasn’t happening
    Checking behind him there were three anbu still pursuing him.
    Making a tiger sign, he used body flicker to gain some distance. He kept that up until he was too exhausted to continue.
    Yuichi stopped to see how many kept up with him.
    He felt awful. He could barely keep his eyes open.
    After another moment or so, he passed out in the middle of the road.

    Jutsu used:

    Last edited by Yuichi on Fri Sep 03, 2021 10:04 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 147
    Join date : 2018-12-04

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    Class: X
    Ryo: 600,000

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Satomi Fri Sep 03, 2021 2:06 am

    Sendo took a puff of his cigar. The burly Uchiha was overlooking traffic in and out of the front gates. After Kimikos earlier disturbance, the gates had been on high alert by the ANBU Captain Satomi Uchiha. His right hand man had been selected to guard the gates personally. However that all was to be disturbed when they got word of a Genin heading towards the gate. They were correct. Sendo turned towards the ruckus seeing that the situation would be handled if the Professor was behind it. Satomi and a few ANBU ninja were tracking the boy with his Sensory before the Genin got to the gates. He was indeed fast for a Genin. Most of the guards would have trouble keeping up with him, except for the Captain. It would be impressive if he wasn't blatantly running into people and things. He had absolutely no control over his speed.

    Satomi shook his head as he sped ahead, following Yuichi who was struggling to get away. Moving so fast he would not recognize the ANBU Captain was following him. Sendo seeing the Captain follow the boy allowed them to speed past. It didn't take long for the Genin to tire out. Being unable to escape Satomi from anywhere in the country. He saw the boy stop, look around, and pass out. The wound doing much more damage than before. The rest of the ANBU had caught up and Satomi and company gathered around the unconscious boy. "Bind his arms and legs, and take him to the hospital." He was clearly unhinged and a danger to himself. The group of ANBU picked the boy up, tied him up and returned the boy to hospital to treat his wounds quickly.

    While the Uchiha leader watched them go.


    Sensory -.5

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: S
    Coordination: B+ (Wealthy)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 279
    Join date : 2021-08-05
    Age : 28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Genjutsu
    Class: A

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Yuichi Fri Sep 03, 2021 10:00 pm

    Yuichi faded in and out of consciousness as the anbu carried him away. The only thoughts going through his mind where those of regret at his failure, and embarrassment at his foolishness in thinking that he could actually escape.
    He could see somebody standing, watching him be carried away, but he could not tell who they were in his condition.
    Yuichi tried to resist momentarily, but soon enough, he was out cold again.

    Kagura Ezume
    Kagura Ezume

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 100
    Join date : 2020-06-09

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    Skills & Elements: Lightning
    Class: S
    Ryo: 30,000

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Kagura Ezume Tue Sep 21, 2021 6:02 pm

    Kagura took a few more steps and paused just outside the gate, her scroll permitting her to roam freely while still being a member of Konohagakure.  She would make for the Land of Wolves, conceal her Chakra during the day and hide out in caves or other natural barriers when she needed to sleep.  It would take roughly four days by her calculations, which she could make shorter, but decided to keep herself well rested and ready instead.

    She hoped that it wasn't a fool's errand, but she needed space, needed to heal, and needed to find out what these dreams were all about.

    DEPART Konoha, Half Major Continent to Kaizoku Sea, Take it Across to Land of Wolf
    96 Hours Travel Time
    Starts: 1700 MST 21 SEP 2021
    Arrive: 1700 MST 25 SEP 2021]
    [1 Post, Solo = 5 EXP]

    Kagura Ezume
    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: S+ 365 CP
    Speed: A
    Coordination:  A
    Intelligence: C
    Perception: A
    Leaf Jounin Commander
    Leaf Jounin Commander

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    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Kimiko Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:36 pm

    Kimiko had approached once more. She hadn't been paid, so she obviously wasn't employed by Konoha anymore. Not that she really cared. But if she wasn't being paid anymore, then she wasn't a kunoichi of Konoha's. She knew that Satomi was probably keeping an eye on her, but he wouldn't likely do anything to stop her. If she was going to be a problem to Konoha, she'd have done something at this point, but she'd only really just tried to leave.

    Still, she wasn't going to ask permission to leave. It wasn't something she cared to do.

    Dressed in the same setup as the last time she stopped with the check in people.

    Full Name: Kimiko Uchiha
    Citizenship: Konoha or whatever. Maybe moving to Kiri using the exchange.
    Reason for Leaving/Entering: Not working for Konoha, not following the Uchiha.
    Expected Duration: Who knows. Probably forever.

    Sliding over the check out log, Kimiko eyed up the guard, backing out of the village. She wasn't sure if they were expecting to really be able to stop her if she really wanted to leave, and honestly, she was being courteous by using the gates in the first place. She could have torn them down if she was being a dick about things, but that wasn't the point at the moment. Right now she cared more about leaving than anything else.

    -Exit to Senju Forest, will decide from there.

    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2020-06-06

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Thu Oct 07, 2021 12:29 am

    Nyguyen left through the gates eager to get some reading done in the peace of the Senju forrest. The former Hokage now sported a pair of reading glasses. He needed them now that his eyesight wasn't as sharp as it once was due to overuse of the Mangekyou Sharingan. He filled out the apropriate paperwork and made his way out of the gates.

    Full Name: Nyguyen Uchiha
    Citizenship: Konoha
    Reason for Leaving/Entering: Wishing to read in the peace of the Senju Forrest
    Expected Duration: 1 Day


    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Kumogakure
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    Join date : 2018-05-30

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    Class: X
    Ryo: 2 million Ryo

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Bayushi Tue Jan 24, 2023 9:39 pm

    It was about 900 or so meters away when Raijin stopped for a break. The new Dragon Army warriors stopped running, letting the giant Dragon C to land in a clearing. Shira was beside the Nature boy, but was quiet. She was a new pickup on his way from the Land of the Hotsprings. He saw great promise in her when she stepped forward to stop him from threatening her village. It was admirable that he actually stopped attacking. However the catch was that she had to join him. Reluctantly she was now a leader in the Dragon Army.

    She crossed her arms and waited for Raijin. He stepped forward to talk to them from the giant head of C. "I'll need 5 Squads to come with me to Konoha. Squad One through 5. You're up. Also be weary of the Uchiha eyes. Trust me. They hurt." The Squad of 15 nodded and quickly ran up the Dragon to join him. He had already gave them a change of clothes when they stopped in the Land of Hotsprings. Ditching the Kumo headbands and then donning dark cloaks. They now looked the part somewhat. "Lets go."  

    Raijin and the crew riding on C took off towards the gates. It wasn't long before they came upon the gates. They were at least 100 meters into the sky and in birds eye view. "Let them know we're here C." Raijin always asked politely.

    C obliged but growled instead. It began to mold chakra within his mouth, great power began to conjure itself in the form of a blueish fire. C shot a sea of flames into the sky, anyone looking would see a fire display like no other. The flames torched the sky and disturbed it greatly. Storm clouds would soon follow. C then flew down, landing another 100 meters away from the gates. The fire would probably disturb the traffic at this particular gate. Others inside would have to use another gate to leave the village (Hint hint).

    Raijin signaled for everyone to get off except Shira. He wasn't going to send her to her death quite yet. Everyone had their time. It was the guards that noticed Raijin first, he to was just wearing a dark cloak but his face now exposed. At first glance everyone else was non-important. But the Dragon King was known worldwide. A walking Legend.

    When they got within earshot, Rai would speak to them. "Get a superior." A smirk showed on his face.


    C used: GFD -30 = 320/350

    Raijin used: Sensory -.05 = 349.5/350


    Strength: C
    Constitution: B > S (Jashin)
    Stamina: B > S (Jashin)
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A > A++ (Jashin)
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: A

    Posts : 885
    Join date : 2018-08-27
    Age : 32

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Tai, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Lightning, Earth, Fire
    Class: S
    Ryo: You fuckin gold digger

    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Peragus Wed Jan 25, 2023 11:55 pm

    What does one usually do when they see a dude standing on a dragon and said dragon breathing out fire into the sky?

    Probably not walk toward it.

    Peragus however isn’t the most intelligent of individuals, shocker to all. The blindfolded Hyuuga was simply walking around the village, minding his own damn business when he saw said dragon fly into range. Now mind you, he doesn’t actually know what the fuck a dragon is. But for the sake of simplicity this fourth wall breaking fuck is going to refer to the giant flying lizard as a ‘dragon’ when referring to it. Now, Peragus was just out on his way home from doing some shopping when this occurred. But since he has to have his Byakugan on to friggin see through his blindfold he could see C soar into view as if on a sea of sky. Then the fire breathing lizard looked up into the sky and breathed fire. Obviously announcing the presence of the force congregating outside of the village.  

    Obviously putting away his stuff at the house would have to wait. Fire breathing dragons appearing outside of the gates with people on top of them took priority. So Peragus would begin moving toward the gates at his best speed, his headband staying across his eyes as he used it as a blindfold, byakugan remaining active beneath to allow him the ability to see what was happening. As he ran he passed a messenger, obviously on the way to the Hokage and then he was outside of the gates. Moving toward the dragon and his forces. He moved up toward Puff the Magic Lizard and stopped about 50 meters away. His groceries in his hands. Then he would simply sit down, on his ass, cross his legs and reach into the bag and pull out some chips. Then he would open said bag and reach in and pull a single chip out and eat it. The sound crunching audibly as he seemingly looked up toward the man on top of a dragon. “Morning.” He would say simply before holding the open end of the bag forward as if expecting Raijin to come down and get some. “Want some?” He would ask simply, his tone simply curious as he offered the man some chips.


    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
    Spendable Experience: 1,310
    Total Experience: 6,000

    Renown: 20,625
    Ryo: 5,913,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B++
    • Stamina: B+
    • Speed: S
    • Coordination: S
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Note: My signature stats include my passive buffs. My update page stats are the base values.

    Link to Character Updates: Here
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    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

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    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Ayame Fri Jan 27, 2023 3:55 pm

    Ayame was on duty at the gates for her guard mission today. What she hadn't expected, certainly, was the legendary missing-nin from Kumogakure, showing up on the back of a dragon with a host of shinobi behind him as well. She was half shaking in her boots, this type of threat was much beyond her capabilities, but she'd do what she could to try and help. That said, despite the show, Raijin wasn't attacking just yet, so she stayed her hands.

    Keeping an eye on Raijin, she was passed by Peragus rushing passed her, and her heart nearly leapt out of her mouth. This was also probably far beyond him and he was putting himself in mortal danger.

    "Peragus, what are you doing?!"

    Ayame was rushing forward before she even registered what she herself was doing. She wasn't fast enough to catch up to him, and every step she took brought her closer and closer to Raijin. She caught herself though, too terrified of him to actually try and move too close to him. The others he had with him were probably also issues, but how could she focus on that when there was this absolute monster in front of her?

    Ayame stayed a few meters from the gate entrance, wearing her usual black sleeveless shirt, black pants and combat boots, and her headband tied around her waist as a belt. Her white hair was straightened out and left hanging, not in a ponytail like she normally would have it if she was ready to fight. She hadn't particularly had a lot of time to think about it.


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    Northwestern Gate - Page 9 Empty Re: Northwestern Gate

    Post by Sponsored content

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 05, 2024 3:17 pm