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    Tengoku Shinku

    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Tengoku Shinku Empty Tengoku Shinku

    Post by Tengoku Thu Feb 06, 2020 2:25 am

    Name: Tengoku Shinku
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Genin (D)

    Clan: Clanless
    Bloodline: N/A
    Element(s): Raiton (1 skill point)
    Skill(s): Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, Sensory ninjutsu (3 skill points)


    • Strength: E
    • Constitution: E
    • Stamina: E
    • Speed: E
    • Coordination: E
    • Intelligence: E
    • Perception: A (1650 exp)

    Unique Abilities: Heightened senses - due to being born with wolf like attributes such as his ears Tengoku gains a bonus ++ to perception and a + to speed. (Flawless UA)

    Appearance: Tengoku stands taller than many of his peers and certainly his sister at six feet tall. His build is thin and his limbs appear to be longer than average. However he doesn't care about his posture and often hunches so he appears a good four inches shorter. He prefers his dark fur lined long coat in contrast with his white hair. His pointed dog like ears always appear to be alert and covered in fluffy fur. However his silver eyes both seem to scan any room lazily while at the same time seeming to miss absolutely nothing. (Silverash - Arknights)

    History: Tengoku and his sister Tsukiyo were born on a cold night when the wind howled in sadness and rained like tears from the stars. It was said their mother was a witch of the forest. Someone who had focused into dark magic and conceived them with a demon wolf. However wolves cared for their young and stuck together. This was not the case with their mother. Perhaps she was frightened by their appearance herself. Mutated as they were. One had fangs and the other had dog like ears.  She left them on the front porch of the orphanage the same night as their birth. In the cold, the wet, and the wind. Caring so very little if they lived or died. However the two of them survived with each other to keep them warm even on the first day of their lives.

    They of course were taken in and raised but more like house pets or servants than the other children. Everyone called them the cursed twins after all. Believing that only dark magic could combine animal and human together. They were not like the other shape shifting clans as they could not change their appearance. For Tsukiyo it was easier since she could hide her fangs but for for Tengoku it was different. He was viciously bullied for his ears any time his sister was not around. However whenever she learned of this she would put her mind to making them pay. She grew aggressive in defense of her brother who was more timid and quiet. Perhaps that was why she had the fangs and he had the ears. As they grew up though they discovered their individual talents worked well together. Surprisingly he was a talented sword wielder and taijutsu specialist. But he also learned to track.

    They watched each others backs through out their childhood and though they grew to dislike the people they began to blend in. Tengoku liked the city some but the constant noise and smells bothered him. His sister very much preferred nature so as soon as they gathered enough money, they acquired a modest home out in the deep woods away from the cruel humans. They enjoyed the peace nature provided but there was always something stirring in them that they desired more. For two years they lived off the land. Her intelligence for trapping prey and his perception for finding them. However they both knew something was missing there. They both hungered for a better life. So now they intend to return to the village. To put their combined skills to use as shinobi. For now the small missions and as they grow stronger, they will be like rulers over the land. Too strong to be denied any of their desires or tormented by the weak.

    Personality: Tengoku is a quiet and reserved man. He doesn't care for anyone but his sister and finds most people to be bothersome. He is annoyed easily at any mention or staring at his ears. The only two things he cares about is his own comfort and his sister. Compromising either of those will likely bring out anger in him. He prefers to listen and observe than to speak. He learns more that way and tells less. If something doesn't offer him any benefit he likely won't do it unless his sister asks him.

    Roleplay Sample:Tengoku would sit in the window sill as usual as he watched the morning sun come up. It was a tad cold in their home but he didn't mind it. His black fur coat was wrapped lightly around him like a blanket. He always enjoyed the mornings. Everything smelled so fresh as the sun rose and hit his face. Warming it ever so slightly. Of course he was trying to enjoy this particular morning because he was awake so very early. His sister had rolled onto her back in the other room and was snoring loudly again. He frowned as another snore tore through the home. A small growl of discomfort rolling through him. She always seemed to wonder how he would nap during the day so often but he hadn't the heart to complain to her about it. Still he would breath in the fresh morning dew and listen as the birds outside came to life. Singing as they did most mornings but now it signified spring was upon them. However the snoring coming to an abrupt stop meant the birds had awakened her. Sure enough soon she stumbled out of her room rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She wasn't much of a morning person so he let her be. His silver eyes watching her for a moment in silence. Once she faded around a corner for either the bathroom or coffee he would smile slightly and return his attention to his area.

    Honestly he wasn't much of a talker unless talked to first. He liked talking to her but not many others. She was one of the few that could get an honest conversation from him. Although he rarely kept up with her. His silver eyes glanced down as thin fingers plucked a red hard-backed novel. He would flip it open to glance at a random page before frowning. He knew she was smarter than him but she had begun a book in a different language of all things. He would close the book and rub the bridge of his nose a moment. Just thinking of her level of intelligence was painful for him. She was something else. Although each of them would likely have their own talents. After all he could already smell the coffee beans from the bag she opened a couple rooms over and she hadn't even begun brewing them yet. He had his own talents after all. Those wolf features of his had to be useful for something.

    Still he knew she wanted more and so did he. Today was the day they would be traveling into Konoha. Back down from the mountains in search of power and riches. He would stare out the window of the shack they lived in idly. It was barely functional as a house but it was home for the last two years. Now the thought of going back to a village they abandoned and leaving comfort behind irked him. Still his sister brought him his coffee. He would nod to her and lift the cup to sip at it. The warmth turning his pale lips a healthy red again. If nothing else they would be leaving the mountain for somewhere warmer. Somewhere most said was better but the crimson twins new better. They knew of the cruelty and malice there. How it tore people down. The issue there wasn't for the twins though. It was for those in their way. Those who had tormented them only made them stronger in the end. They would go and show their strings were not attached. Just soldiers of fortune out for a penny and stronger for it.

    Posts : 133
    Join date : 2019-10-15

    Tengoku Shinku Empty Re: Tengoku Shinku

    Post by Q Thu Feb 06, 2020 2:04 pm

    Tengoku wrote:Name: Tengoku Shinku
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Genin (D)

    Clan: Clanless
    Bloodline: N/A
    Element(s): Raiton (1 skill point)
    Skill(s): Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, Sensory ninjutsu (3 skill points)


    • Strength: E
    • Constitution: E
    • Stamina: E
    • Speed: E
    • Coordination: E
    • Intelligence: E
    • Perception: A (1650 exp)

    Unique Abilities: Heightened senses - due to being born with wolf like attributes such as his ears Tengoku gains a bonus ++ to perception and a + to speed. (Flawless UA)

    Appearance: Tengoku stands taller than many of his peers and certainly his sister at six feet tall. His build is thin and his limbs appear to be longer than average. However he doesn't care about his posture and often hunches so he appears a good four inches shorter. He prefers his dark fur lined long coat in contrast with his white hair. His pointed dog like ears always appear to be alert and covered in fluffy fur. However his silver eyes both seem to scan any room lazily while at the same time seeming to miss absolutely nothing. (Silverash - Arknights)

    History: Tengoku and his sister Tsukiyo were born on a cold night when the wind howled in sadness and rained like tears from the stars. It was said their mother was a witch of the forest. Someone who had focused into dark magic and conceived them with a demon wolf. However wolves cared for their young and stuck together. This was not the case with their mother. Perhaps she was frightened by their appearance herself. Mutated as they were. One had fangs and the other had dog like ears.  She left them on the front porch of the orphanage the same night as their birth. In the cold, the wet, and the wind. Caring so very little if they lived or died. However the two of them survived with each other to keep them warm even on the first day of their lives.

    They of course were taken in and raised but more like house pets or servants than the other children. Everyone called them the cursed twins after all. Believing that only dark magic could combine animal and human together. They were not like the other shape shifting clans as they could not change their appearance. For Tsukiyo it was easier since she could hide her fangs but for for Tengoku it was different. He was viciously bullied for his ears any time his sister was not around. However whenever she learned of this she would put her mind to making them pay. She grew aggressive in defense of her brother who was more timid and quiet. Perhaps that was why she had the fangs and he had the ears. As they grew up though they discovered their individual talents worked well together. Surprisingly he was a talented sword wielder and taijutsu specialist. But he also learned to track.

    They watched each others backs through out their childhood and though they grew to dislike the people they began to blend in. Tengoku liked the city some but the constant noise and smells bothered him. His sister very much preferred nature so as soon as they gathered enough money, they acquired a modest home out in the deep woods away from the cruel humans. They enjoyed the peace nature provided but there was always something stirring in them that they desired more. For two years they lived off the land. Her intelligence for trapping prey and his perception for finding them. However they both knew something was missing there. They both hungered for a better life. So now they intend to return to the village. To put their combined skills to use as shinobi. For now the small missions and as they grow stronger, they will be like rulers over the land. Too strong to be denied any of their desires or tormented by the weak.

    Personality: Tengoku is a quiet and reserved man. He doesn't care for anyone but his sister and finds most people to be bothersome. He is annoyed easily at any mention or staring at his ears. The only two things he cares about is his own comfort and his sister. Compromising either of those will likely bring out anger in him. He prefers to listen and observe than to speak. He learns more that way and tells less. If something doesn't offer him any benefit he likely won't do it unless his sister asks him.

    Roleplay Sample:Tengoku would sit in the window sill as usual as he watched the morning sun come up. It was a tad cold in their home but he didn't mind it. His black fur coat was wrapped lightly around him like a blanket. He always enjoyed the mornings. Everything smelled so fresh as the sun rose and hit his face. Warming it ever so slightly. Of course he was trying to enjoy this particular morning because he was awake so very early. His sister had rolled onto her back in the other room and was snoring loudly again. He frowned as another snore tore through the home. A small growl of discomfort rolling through him. She always seemed to wonder how he would nap during the day so often but he hadn't the heart to complain to her about it. Still he would breath in the fresh morning dew and listen as the birds outside came to life. Singing as they did most mornings but now it signified spring was upon them. However the snoring coming to an abrupt stop meant the birds had awakened her. Sure enough soon she stumbled out of her room rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She wasn't much of a morning person so he let her be. His silver eyes watching her for a moment in silence. Once she faded around a corner for either the bathroom or coffee he would smile slightly and return his attention to his area.

    Honestly he wasn't much of a talker unless talked to first. He liked talking to her but not many others. She was one of the few that could get an honest conversation from him. Although he rarely kept up with her. His silver eyes glanced down as thin fingers plucked a red hard-backed novel. He would flip it open to glance at a random page before frowning. He knew she was smarter than him but she had begun a book in a different language of all things. He would close the book and rub the bridge of his nose a moment. Just thinking of her level of intelligence was painful for him. She was something else. Although each of them would likely have their own talents. After all he could already smell the coffee beans from the bag she opened a couple rooms over and she hadn't even begun brewing them yet. He had his own talents after all. Those wolf features of his had to be useful for something.

    Still he knew she wanted more and so did he. Today was the day they would be traveling into Konoha. Back down from the mountains in search of power and riches. He would stare out the window of the shack they lived in idly. It was barely functional as a house but it was home for the last two years. Now the thought of going back to a village they abandoned and leaving comfort behind irked him. Still his sister brought him his coffee. He would nod to her and lift the cup to sip at it. The warmth turning his pale lips a healthy red again. If nothing else they would be leaving the mountain for somewhere warmer. Somewhere most said was better but the crimson twins new better. They knew of the cruelty and malice there. How it tore people down. The issue there wasn't for the twins though. It was for those in their way. Those who had tormented them only made them stronger in the end. They would go and show their strings were not attached. Just soldiers of fortune out for a penny and stronger for it.


      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:20 pm