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2 posters

    Maigo Mugetsu


    Village : N/A
    Posts : 66
    Join date : 2020-11-30

    Maigo Mugetsu Empty Maigo Mugetsu

    Post by Maigo Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:45 pm

    Name: Maigo Mugetsu
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Village: Konohagakure no Sato
    Rank: D-rank
    Title: N/A

    Clan: Uchiha Clan
    Bloodline: Sharingan
    *Using one skill point for Sharingan and 2k EXP to unlock 3 Tomoe (1650 base + 350 UA)
    Element(s): Katon
    Skill(s): Genjutsu, Kenjutsu


    • Strength: E-rank
    • Constitution: E-rank
    • Stamina: E-rank
    • Speed: E-rank
    • Coordination: E-rank
    • Intelligence: E-rank
    • Perception: E-rank

    Unique Abilities:
    Regenerative Constitution:

    Blending Reality:

    One Handed Seals:

    Eyes that Reflect the Heart:

    Experience Advantage:


    Maigo is a fairly thin but well built young man with a decent amount of muscle and muscle definition on his body. He carries the standard jet black hair of his ancestry that sits quite long down to his back and fairly messy as he does not usually keep it tied up or out of the way. At the same time, Maigo carries uniquely golden colored eyes that could be spotted quite easily against his other features and can sometimes be as piercing as a knife when making eye contact with him. Otherwise, he has very fair skin that is clear of blemishes and all of the old women love cooing over the 'Oh so incredibly handsome young man'. And while Maigo prefers the company of women closer to his own age, he will never deny the compliment nor would he deny anyone the presence of his beauty. His ordinary wear typically includes clothes meant for function made of soft fabrics and often include sleeveless shirts and larger cloth belts to hold his sword and to tie his shirt down. He very often resists carrying large loads and tends to pack lightly, his weaponry as he feels necessary and a ninja pouch or two, very rarely will he take more than that without a very good reason to.

    Fire. It's all that sits in his mind now, the image and hue of burning against a night sky as the sound of smoldering and burning is cut sharply by the sound of a scream. The image burns and blazes in the boys mind, many nights of sleep interrupted by nightmares of an event that he was too small to truly understand or even conceptualize. Maigo was told it happened when he was about 4 years old, feeling like ages ago and yet the trauma of the memory remained in his mind permanently.

    Years had gone past, the boy had found a new adopted family in the Land of Fire, bringing him up in their ways and customs before he enrolled to become a ninja within their Ninja academy. The only details of his past that his new family had and imparted upon him was that he was in some sort of accident and found by citizens traveling through the Land of Fire passed out in a coma on the roadway. Having no towns or villages for several dozens of kilometers at least and unable to wake the boy, they brought him back to the village and tended his wounds before finding suitable caretakers after he was semi-healed. Eventually, they would find that the young boy had no memory of the events leading up to his passing out and that whatever happened would be a lost trauma to him.

    Since then years have gone by and Maigo has made himself a genin within the ranks of Konohagakure no Sato, lending his brain and body nearly exclusively to the study of genjutsu and practicing his mastery of the sword in order to further his purpose while hoping to find out more about his past. All the while, working to protect the village and those around him that he might call friend.

    The reality is that Maigo knows nothing of being an Uchiha or the heritage contained within. He knows nothing of his brother and sister, or his psychopathic father who lost it one night in rage at his mother's own dojutsu and ideology about the world. He doesn't know that his mother was killed in cold blood before him and his siblings taken from him. He doesn't know that his father has used incredibly powerful Sharingan genjutsu to manipulate them and blame Maigo for her death. He knows none of this, but there is time still for his world to shatter.
    ^strike through is for aesthetic, Maigo does not know these things...

    What could be said about Maigo without being... rude? Well, he was a smart young man with a lot of promise and creativity that seemed to match some of the best artists of the world. This however was greatly over shadowed by his lack of... awareness. To say the least. The boy had grown up relying on his vices and extroverted behaviors to cope with and in that, he attached himself with many of the seven deadly sins as well as with an extremely extroverted and outward personality. Uncannily, it has not prevented him from making many friends all the same as he tends to get along with almost everyone he meets on at least neutral ground.

    Even more than perhaps his extrovertedness or his inability to stop flirting with and annoying every beautiful woman he comes across, he is also an expert of pushing peoples buttons in jest. Sometimes, this can be a very fun bout of wit with those who can take a joke and at other times, this can be one of the most annoying and infuriating traits that Maigo possesses. All in all, Maigo is simply a highly volatile goofball without too many boundaries and a very extroverted personality.

    Roleplay Sample: -


    Maigo Mugetsu Maigo_10

    I was trying to figure out which was worse, Ignorance or Apathy. And now I realize that I don't know and I don't care. - Maigo Mugetsu

    Missions: D-2|C-0|B-0|A-0|S-0
    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2020-06-06

    Maigo Mugetsu Empty Re: Maigo Mugetsu

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:04 pm

    Maigo wrote:Name: Maigo Mugetsu
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Village: Konohagakure no Sato
    Rank: D-rank
    Title: N/A

    Clan: Uchiha Clan
    Bloodline: Sharingan
    *Using one skill point for Sharingan and 2k EXP to unlock 3 Tomoe (1650 base + 350 UA)
    Element(s): Katon
    Skill(s): Genjutsu, Kenjutsu


    • Strength: E-rank
    • Constitution: E-rank
    • Stamina: E-rank
    • Speed: E-rank
    • Coordination: E-rank
    • Intelligence: E-rank
    • Perception: E-rank

    Unique Abilities:
    Regenerative Constitution:

    Blending Reality:

    One Handed Seals:

    Eyes that Reflect the Heart:

    Experience Advantage:


    Maigo is a fairly thin but well built young man with a decent amount of muscle and muscle definition on his body. He carries the standard jet black hair of his ancestry that sits quite long down to his back and fairly messy as he does not usually keep it tied up or out of the way. At the same time, Maigo carries uniquely golden colored eyes that could be spotted quite easily against his other features and can sometimes be as piercing as a knife when making eye contact with him. Otherwise, he has very fair skin that is clear of blemishes and all of the old women love cooing over the 'Oh so incredibly handsome young man'. And while Maigo prefers the company of women closer to his own age, he will never deny the compliment nor would he deny anyone the presence of his beauty. His ordinary wear typically includes clothes meant for function made of soft fabrics and often include sleeveless shirts and larger cloth belts to hold his sword and to tie his shirt down. He very often resists carrying large loads and tends to pack lightly, his weaponry as he feels necessary and a ninja pouch or two, very rarely will he take more than that without a very good reason to.

    Fire. It's all that sits in his mind now, the image and hue of burning against a night sky as the sound of smoldering and burning is cut sharply by the sound of a scream. The image burns and blazes in the boys mind, many nights of sleep interrupted by nightmares of an event that he was too small to truly understand or even conceptualize. Maigo was told it happened when he was about 4 years old, feeling like ages ago and yet the trauma of the memory remained in his mind permanently.

    Years had gone past, the boy had found a new adopted family in the Land of Fire, bringing him up in their ways and customs before he enrolled to become a ninja within their Ninja academy. The only details of his past that his new family had and imparted upon him was that he was in some sort of accident and found by citizens traveling through the Land of Fire passed out in a coma on the roadway. Having no towns or villages for several dozens of kilometers at least and unable to wake the boy, they brought him back to the village and tended his wounds before finding suitable caretakers after he was semi-healed. Eventually, they would find that the young boy had no memory of the events leading up to his passing out and that whatever happened would be a lost trauma to him.

    Since then years have gone by and Maigo has made himself a genin within the ranks of Konohagakure no Sato, lending his brain and body nearly exclusively to the study of genjutsu and practicing his mastery of the sword in order to further his purpose while hoping to find out more about his past. All the while, working to protect the village and those around him that he might call friend.

    The reality is that Maigo knows nothing of being an Uchiha or the heritage contained within. He knows nothing of his brother and sister, or his psychopathic father who lost it one night in rage at his mother's own dojutsu and ideology about the world. He doesn't know that his mother was killed in cold blood before him and his siblings taken from him. He doesn't know that his father has used incredibly powerful Sharingan genjutsu to manipulate them and blame Maigo for her death. He knows none of this, but there is time still for his world to shatter.
    ^strike through is for aesthetic, Maigo does not know these things...

    What could be said about Maigo without being... rude? Well, he was a smart young man with a lot of promise and creativity that seemed to match some of the best artists of the world. This however was greatly over shadowed by his lack of... awareness. To say the least. The boy had grown up relying on his vices and extroverted behaviors to cope with and in that, he attached himself with many of the seven deadly sins as well as with an extremely extroverted and outward personality. Uncannily, it has not prevented him from making many friends all the same as he tends to get along with almost everyone he meets on at least neutral ground.

    Even more than perhaps his extrovertedness or his inability to stop flirting with and annoying every beautiful woman he comes across, he is also an expert of pushing peoples buttons in jest. Sometimes, this can be a very fun bout of wit with those who can take a joke and at other times, this can be one of the most annoying and infuriating traits that Maigo possesses. All in all, Maigo is simply a highly volatile goofball without too many boundaries and a very extroverted personality.

    Roleplay Sample: -



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