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Natsuki Uchiha
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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4

    Leaf Jounin Commander
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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4 Empty Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4

    Post by Kimiko Wed Jun 26, 2024 3:28 pm

    Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4 KLlJTY6

    Two teams begin to converge on the same location. Sera, Nakaba, Kudo, Nao, and Natsuki find themselves closing in after their respective challenges of the day.

    Natsuki Uchiha
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Wed Jun 26, 2024 7:58 pm

    "Alright, what the fuck; I mean what the fuck?" Natsuki had been on edge ever since they arrived at this idyll. They had just come from a scorching and poison filled volcanic hellscape, so this place must have been too good to be true, right?! Apparently not. For a great distance, there was little more movement than the apparent pitter patter of friendly little creatures.

    He turned to Nao with an unamused look. "You're telling me that we could have been resting here?!" He rolled his eyes as they continued to walk towards nowhere in particular. While he was thankful to be in a place like this, he did not let his guard down. Environmental hazards aside, there were shinobi about- he would not allow them to sneak up on them.

    Between his vast sensory capabilities, his ability to sense movements over even greater distances, and whatever the hell was going on with Nao's eyes, Natsuki was confident of one thing: No one would be getting the drop on them. The satchel at his hip, containing the scroll and several cooked snakes, would be going nowhere.

    [OOC: Natsuki is sensing chakra up to 250m out (Natural A rank Perception) and detecting vibrations that touch the ground out to 500m out via Seismic Sense]


    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
    Leaf Genin
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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4

    Post by Nao Hyūga Thu Jun 27, 2024 6:11 pm

    Nao's purple, pupil-less eyes scanned the horizon, the veins around them bulging slightly from his Byakugan. The serene landscape stretched out before them, an incongruous oasis within the Hell Maze's twisted corridors. Nao couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, despite the picturesque surroundings. "I know, Natsuki," he replied, his voice calm but wary. "This place seems like what Hibiki had described over the radio. Maybe she and Innocence are still nearby." Nao turned his gaze to a nearby cherry blossom tree, watching as the delicate petals fluttered to the ground. Reaching for his wireless radio, Nao would see if he could get an answer from Hibiki about the situation.

    "Hibiki," he started as he pressed the communication device, forgetting for a second about their code names. "Er, I mean Steel Titan, come in Steel Titan. This is Thunder Eyes. It seems we are in the same area you described before with the cherry blossom. Are you still here?" He glanced at Natsuki, noting the tension in his posture as he waited for Hibiki to respond on the radio. His eyes still scanned the area, fully alert to their surroundings and noting the chakra that seemed to be emanating from Natsuki through the ground. Natsuki had their satchel with their scroll inside it, he knew that no one was going to get it from his partner, but that didn't mean he could let his own guard down.

    Nao's Byakugan allowed him to see far beyond the visible spectrum, picking up on the subtle shifts in the chakra network of the environment. He could see the small woodland critters skittering about, their chakra signatures bright and lively. There was an unusual tranquility to this place, but that didn’t ease his vigilance. He took a deep breath, the scent of cherry blossoms filling his lungs. "There's a spot nearby where Hibiki said she stashed some extra provisions that she and Innocence couldn't carry. Let's see about finding that. A little extra food could never hurt." As they moved through the field, Nao kept his senses sharp, his Byakugan piercing through the landscape, searching for any signs of danger or hidden traps.

    Despite the idyllic setting, they couldn't afford to let their guard down. This oasis might be a reprieve, but within the Hell Maze, nothing was ever as it seemed. The gentle rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds created a deceptively serene atmosphere. Nao knew better than to trust it completely. As they approached the area Hibiki had mentioned, he scanned the ground for any signs of disturbed earth or hidden caches. "There," he pointed out, spotting a small pile of stones arranged in a way that seemed deliberate. "That looks like it could be where Hibiki stashed the provisions. Let's check it out." With cautious steps, he approached the pile of stones, ready for anything.

    Current Stats: (all boosted by a (+) due Survival of the Fittest Survival Outcome from Day 1 Prep)
    Strength: D+
    Constitution: D+
    Stamina: A+
    Speed: B+
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D+
    Perception: B++

    R3 Byakugan -0.2

    Chakra: 289.8/290

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4

    Post by Nakaba Fri Jun 28, 2024 5:01 am

    Nakaba was exhausted as he wandered into a hidden paradise. Crossing the dimensional boundary and emerging into a pocket im reality, he might’ve noticed that the world had shifted on a different day. Today he noticed soft leaves, the sounds of birds, and holy shit was that sunlight? His sense of urgency degraded even as he noted the two who entered before, and greered them with a simple nod of his head and a small half-dead wave. He’d make his way towards the building at the dimensions center. This would be a great place to chill against until the poison was gone from his system. He was dressed as normal: small bag, zipped up orange jumpsuit, headband stitched on his shoulder, six swords at his hip. He felt too gross too be stealthy, so Natsuki and Nao would easily notice the grayed out Nakaba grumbling about Innocence poisoning him anda small murder hobo.

    Ninja Info Card:
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2024-03-11

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kyujutsu, Ninjutsu (Raiton), Katon, Kanchijutsu
    Class: B
    Ryo: 75,625

    Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4

    Post by Sera Fri Jun 28, 2024 8:40 am

    Her body betraying her, Sera dragged herself through the tunnel alongside her teammates Nakaba and Kudo. The hunter’s chakra levels were still relatively full, but whatever she had gotten poisoned with was still in her system and making her weak. She had hesitated to dodge the attack because she didn’t want to reveal her trump card early, but as her legs struggled to take another step forward, Sera knew she needed to utilize everything or be left behind. “Here we go…” she muttered to herself. The lightning that constantly circulated her body began to accelerate and burst out of her back in the form of angelic wings. The agony of trying to move her crippled body was alleviated as her wings lifted her a foot off the ground. Using her fine chakra control skills she would use her wings to fly alongside her teammates at a more natural pace until they got to an opening.

    A wondrous open area full of lush trees and other flora spread out around them as they left the tunnel’s exit. It was truly incredible how they fit all of these biomes into a volcano. It had to be some sort of complex genjutsu right? There was no time to ask these questions though, as Sera immediately spotted Natsuki and Nao with her eagle eyes. Nakaba seemed to nonchalantly walk towards the center of the area without worry of being attacked. Could she trust her friends here? The blond hunter would fly about 30 meters into the air and continue to hover over Nakaba. “Hey Natsuki, Nao.” she would give a slight wave to her fellow Konoha genin with a forced smile. “We don’t want any trouble. We’re allies right?”

    With the ambushes they had encountered earlier, it seemed like any sense of honor was out the window in the exam. That being said, Sera didn’t have it in her to just outright attack her friends without warning. If they could talk things out and avoid combat, maybe they could team up? Though if it came down to violence, Sera was happy they were in an open area which favored her talents. Her purple geometric eyes would stare down at her friends analyzing and awaiting an answer.

    [Natsuki and Nao Analysis 1/4]

    Techniques Used:
    Sensing Technique (0.5 cost)
    Yogen no Me (0.2 cost)
    Artemis’ Wings [Activation] (10 cost)


    Total Chakra Remaining: 217.5/260


    Village : N/A
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    Join date : 2022-07-21
    Age : 34
    Location : Urath

    Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4

    Post by Kudo Fri Jun 28, 2024 9:25 am

    Sluggishly following her teammates the group moved from the cave environment they had started in and transitioned into a lush and vibrant hotspring with plenty of foliage and critters abound. As they entered the new area his teammate Sera activated some impressive looking jutsu, or perhaps it was some unknown kekkei genkai. Regardless she was extraordinarily happy to have a teammate with such a power up their sleeve.

    With Nakaba boldly walking into the field Kudo would mirror Sera’s more cautious approach, the winged girl would take higher flight and call out to some unseen shinobi in the area. Unseen as they may be Kudo was ever thankful for her sensing technique, able to pinpoint their location and chakra levels thanks to keeping the useful jutsu active. The possibility of there being allies amongst the other teams hadn’t dawned on Kudo as an option, though she was pessimistic about its success.

    For the moment Kudo would remain silent and at the ready, her reserves dwindling by the second. Hand seals wouldn't be as speedy but she had to prepare herself to aid in what ways she could. Three to two aren't bad odds but they're looking quite a bit chipper than us...


    Stats and Character Info:
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Fri Jun 28, 2024 8:09 pm

    "Wait, Hibiki is with Innocence?!" The promise of more rations might have been invaluable moving forward, but the potential dumpster fire that was that team-up was overwhelming. "Damn... I hope they're doing o-"

    Natsuki stopped himself immediately as two sources of footsteps came into focus: Bipedal and much larger than the scampering critters that were otherwise present. "Shinobi, half a kilometer that way; there's two of them." He turned to face that direction and entered a readied stance. They were a long ways away, but they were there. Reflexively, he brought his hands together and wove five simple seals.

    The earth beneath his and Nao's feet began to quake slightly as a large draconic head took shape and lifted Natsuki a few meters from the ground. It would be his raised vantage point, his preparedness, and his intimidation. With his feet still firmly connected to the earth of the dragon and, by extension, the earth below, he couldn't help but notice how meandering their movements seemed to be. "I'll be honest, they don't look so good."

    It didn't take long, however, for them to enter his sensing range proper, and Natsuki knew them! One was clearly masking their chakra; but one was in his previous examination room; and the sudden realization that there was a third, that they were flying, and that it was Sera caused a whirlwind of emotions that jumped rapidly from shock, to horror, to joy!

    "Sera!" Natsuki shouted, all but letting his guard down as he waved back in exuberance. "It's so good to see you again! I just knew you'd pass the exam! And you can fly?!" His mind was going a mile a minute, the fact that this was the Chuunin Exams all but faded away until she said that she didn't want any trouble. By this point, Nakaba was surely in view, ever fond of Chakra Suppression. "Eh? Of course we're allies! Us Konoha Nin gotta stick together, right? He shot a glance towards Kudo, who was definitely not from Konoha, but she was in good company. "And you too, your victory is their victory!"

    It was Nakaba, though, who looked remarkably worse for wear. His grumbling was of particular note, not even acknowledging the duo and instead complaining about Innocence, poison, and a small murder hobo? Natsuki turned a concerned glance towards Nao that seemed to suggest: Innocence couldn't have attacked them... could she?


    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
    Leaf Genin
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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4

    Post by Nao Hyūga Sat Jun 29, 2024 6:19 pm

    Nao was more than a little disappointed that Hibiki and Innocence had moved to another area of the hell maze, he had been hoping to cross paths with them so that he and Hibiki could get through the maze together, but it seemed that the universe had other plans. Nao didn't get the chance to respond to Hibiki over the radio before Natsuki alerted him others approaching. Nao listened carefully to Natsuki's alert, feeling the slight tremors as the dragon head took shape beneath his partner. The sight of the dragon lifting Natsuki off the ground was both impressive and reassuring. "Half a kilometer? Got it." He adjusted his focus, zooming his byakugan to the area Natsuki directed to confirm the presence of the approaching shinobi.

    He recognized Nakaba immediately, with his distinct orange jumpsuit and six swords. Even from a distance, Nao could see the weariness in the man's movements, though the one that walked next to him Nao didn't recognize. Nao also noticed Sera in the air, when did she get wings, he would think to himself. Nao's initial tension eased as he confirmed at least two of their identities. "There's three, one upon the air." Nao would correct Natsuki, "you're right, it looks as though they have had a rough time." As the three drew closer, Nao would return his view to normal with his Byakugan, giving him the full range of sight all around them as he continued to watch them approaching.

    His Byakugan continued to scan the area, searching for any hidden threats while also keeping an eye on the newcomers. He knew that trust was fragile in the Chuunin Exams, but the sight of his fellow Konoha ninja brought a sense of camaraderie that was hard to ignore. Though he wanted to believe that they could be trusted considering that at least two of them were from Konoha, he knew that in a place like this he couldn't let his guard down. If they tried to take the scroll from Natsuki, then he would have to be ready to help defend. "Sera, Nakaba," he acknowledged with a nod. "It's good to see you both, though it looks like you've had a rough first day. We were just about to check on a cache of food that Hibiki told me about. You're welcome to join us, it looks as though you could use a rest."

    Nao caught the look from his partner, nodding in acknowledgement but he would not say anything just yet, they needed more information. His attention turning to the unknown member of their group, "I don't believe we've met, but any ally of Sera and Nakaba is an ally of ours. My name's Nao, please join us." Nao would move towards the large cherry blossom where Hibiki had told him she stashed the food, though he would keep his guard up just in case the three newcomers thought it would be in their interest to attack them. As he drew closer to the tree, Amarok would come around from behind it, his large pure white dire wolf eyeing the trio that had joined them.

    Amarok looked intimidating but showed no aggression, at least not yet. "So, tell us. What has the three of you looking worse for the wear? Did you have a rough first day?" Nao asked as he began moving the stones that Hibiki had placed to hide the food cache. From the look of the three of them, Nakaba seemed to be in the worst state, but all three of them looked like they had seen better days. "It's only going to get rougher from here on out, are you sure you're all up to the task? There's still long days ahead of us." Nao added as he held up a small bundle of berries and sat them on the ground in front of them. "Have any of you thought of just surrendering and letting the proctor take you out of here?" He asked, remembering the Kunai that was mentioned to be in everyone's satchel that could summon the proctor and get them out of the hell maze.

    R3 Byakugan -0.2

    Chakra: 289.6/290

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Ryo: Zilch

    Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4

    Post by Nakaba Sun Jun 30, 2024 9:23 pm

    Nakaba would wearily look up at Sera. "I'll be damned. Your wings are flying." He took her in like he was only just noticing her. He was obviously surprised by her wings though. The effects of the poison were starting to wear off, but unfortunately for Nakaba, he'd not had the benefit of sleeping some of it off, and the feel happy and sleep good aspects were the ones wearing off last. He really wasn't into whatever bullshit she'd put into his system. There were definitely going to be words between the two the next time they saw each other.

    "Nonono." Nakaba would shake his head dramatically back and forth while waggling his index finger in response to Nao's suggestion to quit. Tapping his finger once to his lips as if to say shh, he'd continue. "Look. Where in this beautiful place - You want some jam - could you find such a nice sitty spot. It's a perchy lil' spot to sit and rest." Standing to his feet as he continued. Besides Kudo's doing-" There was a small bit of despair in Nakaba's eyes. He would stop mid-sentence as he spewed what simply must have been all of the contents of his stomach onto the grass. Taking a second to breathe, he'd sigh deeply and half digested jam and tack would come back out the way it came in as if summoned from an extra-dimensional space. Nakaba would slowly wash it away with water from his gourd reducing its pressure slightly, obviously ashamed. He'd spend another charge and drink from it as it came out of an attached hose, like a fountain. "I... I'm so sorry. By the sage I hope this isn't being broadcast. I'm ruined." Nakaba would slowly wilt over, pale and squeezing his knees, a puddle of a man in a soft dry patch of grass. He'd resume his grumbling about ruin, a store, poison, popularity, sages, and Innocence.

    Jutsu used:

    Ninja Info Card:
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2024-03-11

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kyujutsu, Ninjutsu (Raiton), Katon, Kanchijutsu
    Class: B
    Ryo: 75,625

    Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4

    Post by Sera Tue Jul 02, 2024 4:09 pm

    Tension was high while Sera waited for a response. The blonde hunter’s eyes scanned Nao and Natsuki’s faces to determine if they were going to lie or not.  The two genin responded affirmatively to the allyship and a smile of relief would reflexively appear on Sera’s face. A small part of her told her that she couldn’t trust anyone and that their word was breakable. That would be the case for any of them though. Nakaba or Kudo could have betrayed the team at any time and they didn’t so why would this be any different? “Thanks guys. And yeah I can fly! I can tell you all about it later.” Sera would respond with a weak smile and false enthusiasm as she floated down to the ground. Not able to fully control her body due to the immense fatigue, she would remain hovering at ground level and would float alongside her teammates and approach Nao and Natsuki. ”We were ambushed by Innocence and I think someone else while we were camping.” Sera would gesture over to the loopy Nakaba. “Kudo and I passed out while Nakaba got us out of there in one piece.”

    Nao asked the important question; “Would they give up?”. From an objective point there was merit in prioritizing her physical health and quitting, but the hunter spirit within her refused to do so. With renewed fire in her purple eyes she would respond with a mischievous grin. “There’s no way I’m giving up. Even if my body can’t move, I’ll use my chakra to get me where I need to be. Although my body is tired, I’ve got plenty of fuel left in me to not only defend myself, but take some people down in the process.” As she spoke she knew it wasn’t just a bluff. Her body felt frail and she knew that one good hit could take her out of the running, but her reflexes were still sharp and she could still very easily use some techniques that could alter the very landscape with their destruction.

    Sera would turn to the other team and make a proposal. “If you both would agree to an alliance, we can help each other get the second scroll that we need. It would be much harder to get attacked in an ambush with more people keeping watch.” She would give a pointed look at Nao and Natsuki’s eyes before continuing; “Even with special eyes there is bound to be a blindspot. Trust me, I know firsthand.”

    [Natsuki and Nao Analysis 2/4]

    Techniques Used:
    Sensing Technique (0.5 cost)
    Yogen no Me (0.2 cost)
    Artemis’ Wings (Upkeep 3 cost)


    Total Chakra Remaining: 213.8/260


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    Age : 34
    Location : Urath

    Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4

    Post by Kudo Yesterday at 8:28 pm

    The tense air began to settle as Sera conversed with the two newcomers like old pals. This alliance started to sound like more of a likely possibility, it seemed like their ragtag group of three might pull through after all! At least through the first night… It was nice to be so included by this Natsuki individual, though she couldn't shake the suspicion that the situation warranted.

    Kudo would greet both Natsuki and Nao, glad to have some potentially friendly faces after all they had been through thus far. “Kudo. Nice to meet you both.”

    While Nao’s question was warranted given the state the three of them were in, Kudo hadn’t thought of the notion nor would she entertain it now. “With a little rest we’ll be looking in far better shape. We’re far from being out of the ring.” Trying to emulate Sera’s brave face she would don one herself, slamming her fist into her open palm.


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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 1 v Team 4

    Post by Sponsored content

      Current date/time is Thu Jul 04, 2024 2:19 pm