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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3

    Leaf Jounin Commander
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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3 Empty Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3

    Post by Kimiko Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:31 pm

    Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3 SknAxET

    Hibiki and Innocence find themselves encroaching on the territory that Hisha and Lily have been growing more and more familiar with.

    Leaf Genin
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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3

    Post by Hibiki Wed Jun 26, 2024 6:56 pm

    Hibiki supposed that there must not have been anything in the tunnel Innocence had taken them down earlier.  She’d been told to wait at the mouth of a fork while Innocence scouted ahead, so wait dutifully Hibiki had until her friend had returned telling her that it was time to go and to pick up the pace.  Soon afterwards the pair had entered a new biome.

    Welcome to the jungle, mouthed Hibiki to herself as they entered the sweltering forest. This wasn’t her first time in such an environment and it was about as unpleasant as she’d remembered such places being.  Totally unlike the more temperate forests she was used to in more ways than one.

    Her scarf was made with special cloth imported from Sunagakure which helped protect her from the heat. Useful to have in a place like a volcano. Naturally it wouldn’t do anything to help her if she ended up taking a lava bath, just like it wasn’t doing much to help with the humidity.  

    With a grunt Hibiki shucked off her white flak jacket tying it around her waist while stuffing her overalls into her backpack.    This didn’t expose as much of her skin as one would think since she’d been wearing her tight fitting orange bodysuit underneath,  the main difference was that she was now showing off more of her legs.  

    It was a shame to have less coverage but the overalls had been more for show then for protection to begin with, the main loss was the protection from blades and projectiles that her jacket provided.

    Though in truth she mainly wore that as a cover to help conceal her bloodline.  Most members of the Tetsudashi clan were not known for wearing armor since their bloodline circumvented the need for such things.  The fact it allowed her to carry extra provisions was merely a happy bonus.

    Then again that damn proctor, had outed her as having the steel release… at least to the people who had still been in room B.  Hibiki didn’t care if her village mates like Sera found out but she’d wanted to conceal it from foreigners like the kind of funny boy who had been sitting beside Sera for as long as possible.

    For now she could only hope that word hadn’t really reached the group from room A yet, and that the people who had heard about her bloodline didn’t know the full implications.   If she was lucky she still might be able to catch some of the other gennin by surprise.  

    The familiar crackle of a radio broadcast tickled her ears as her fiance spoke to her from a distance.  “This is Steel Titan to Thunder eyes, I’m afraid the Good Doctor and I have already moved on from the Oasis to the next area, which seems to be a tropical jungle, with lots of insects.” She said as she tried futilely to swat some away with her hands.

    “Be careful not to stick around the Oasis area for too long thunder eyes. There’s whatsadives in the air that make it hard to concentrate and stuff.  I gathered more supplies than the Doctor and I could carry, I hid them under some rocks but you should be able to find them easily. Feel free to help yourself” She offered not expecting to backtrack in that direction.

    “I marked the entrance of the tunnel we took with the symbol of our village.  When it forks avoid the smaller path to the left, apparently it was a dead end.” she remarked trying to save them time. “I’ll let you know when there’s further updates. Steel Titan, out.”

    Taking the lead Hibiki drew the sword Nakaba had given her, using the blade as a sort of makeshift machete, hacking away at the dense barbed foliage to clear a path for herself and Innocence.  Somehow she doubted this was how her friend had meant her to use the gift she had been given but it was better than trying to cut her way though with a kunai or two.

    As they stepped into a small clearing Hibiki’s muscles stiffened slightly, coiling like a spring as she prepared for battle. “We’re being watched… She whispered a warning to Innocence, holding up her free hand as a signal to stop.  Hibiki couldn’t match Sera or Nao when it came to perception but her five senses were still fairly sharp in their own right.  Instinctively she had sensed the eyes of a predator were upon them.  It was a feeling similar to what she had felt many times during the war when she had been confronted with a superior foe and forced to run away.

    Without warning a large shadow lept from the bushes.  It was a large male bengal tiger, one of the alpha predators that had been released into the jungle by the proctors.  Sailing through the air with grace that belies its size as it tackles Hibiki into the ground and bite down into her neck only to be confused as its fangs clanged harmlessly against a hard metallic substance.  

    Hibiki you see had effortlessly shifted into her steel form.  The days of her having to constantly run away were over.  After all of her hard effort and training she had turned the tables and had shifted from prey to predator herself.  

    There was no need for her to use her new enhanced state here,  Impervious Armor stage 3 was more than enough to handle a threat like this. With a savage grin on her face she grabbed the tiger by the scruff of its neck with one hand preventing it from running away while simultaneously stabbing the tiger in the chest with her sword.  

    The B-rank blade easily cut through the layers of fur, fat and muscle like a knife through butter.  She didn’t know much about anotmany or anything but she knew that most things would die if you skewered their heart.  

    The Tiger let out a confused moo sound, similar to a house cat’s meow but much deeper and then its body went slack against Hibiki’s, the light in its eyes extinguished.  At around 240 kilograms even she struggled a bit as she rolled the carcass off herself then scrambled back to her feet.  Her skin shifted back from steel for flesh now that she was safe once more.

    Drawing her sword out of the body, she flicked it to disperse the blood before returning it to its sheath.   “I don’t suppose you have a good rope on you Innocence?” asked Hibiki as she eyed her fallen foe.   She vaguely recalled someone telling her that it was best to drain the blood from something you’d hunted to preserve the freshness.   “Do you think its pelt is salvageable?”  she asked.


    Hibiki 185/185 chakra (Due to the results of the Survival roll, Hibiki has B-rank chakra right now)
    -10 Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage 3 (With Chakra reduction)
    175/185 chakra remaining

    Mist Genin
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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3

    Post by Hisha Fri Jun 28, 2024 5:05 am

    They had, at this point, been exploring for a notable amount of time, gaining familiarity with their surroundings and the local jungle at a rapid pace. Lily generally blazed a path ahead - especially when the physical environs became especially dense or unforgiving - and Hisha would periodically make a suggestion about a path to take, or when they should double back in an arc to explore a location they made. He had a strong assumption that Lily was attempting to get a full picture of the region, and he himself built and continually refined a mental map of their surroundings as they moved. Even so, they did not move at max swiftness, partially due to the speed differential between the two, and partially so as to remain reasonably stealthy had hidden. Something told Hisha that not every team had the same challenges. Unzen Mountain represented too elaborate an investment for that, but his team had a notable amount of predators with which to deal. Thus, a level of care and secrecy went a long way.

    Lily had disappeared for a quiet few minutes, taking Adzuki with her before returning, though she did not indicate where she had gone as of yet. But in a short bit, Adzuki had flown back to him, guiding the girl to her teammate, and they had made their way onward. Now, the bird spent more time flying through the canopy, keeping out a watchful eye for threats and features of interest, one of many birds in the space, but to Hisha a special one. That said, he needed no external help to freeze at the sudden roar of a predator, perhaps a tiger or leopard, piercing the more "normal," teeming sounds of the jungle. If Lily, usually a step or two ahead, did not stop, he would loosely grab her left shoulder to indicate she should wait a moment, making a sign pointing out the direction of the noise as he lowered his Binoculars over his eyes and flipped them to infrared. Even as he did so, he could hear the sudden tearing of flesh, the cutting off of the roar into a choaked, panicked whine. A gurgle of resignation in that panic, and then a heavier silence than before. He saw the shapes of two humans, perhaps 30 meters from his own party on the opposite side of a small thicket, a stream he had clocked from a previous night another ten or so meters behind them. He wondered if they'd drank any of the water.

    As he watched, he would make a few signals to Lily, realizing after he made them that she might not even understand. He simply pointed to their direction, and held up two fingers to represent the pair of them. He'd point again, then flash a 3 and a 0. He kind of imagined the range might not make it across, but he did not want to say anything just yeyt. Curiously, he did not himself feel that oppression of eyes upon him, and in that moment the tattoos of his body writhed and ran, shifting wildly for a few moments, morphing into dark storm clouds and a hyper-escalated amalgam of weather patterns. A sudden pang in his head, like a single needle driving into his brain, suddenly imploring a preemptive strike. However, he would belay the impulse - barely - as he waited a beat for Lily. He would not, however, wait to flick a quick sign with his other hand, a shadow clone suddenly materializing near him and slinking backwards away from both groups, moving towards the seven o'clock to observe and provide some back-up, now both groups within his sight.

    Strength: D
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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3

    Post by Lily Fri Jun 28, 2024 12:33 pm

    Lily was still in a moody mood. as she pushed ever forward within the jungle. While Hisha was partly correct in that she was trying to get a mental map of this place, ever since she had disappeared into the tunnel and found that other team she had been laser focused in finding another team either in the jungle or out, taking their stuff, and finishing this maze she she could train and do...she she could train and...kill? No, killing was frowned. Disable, yeah that worked. She needed to prove that his catch was a fluke. It had to be that. At least her running ahead and returning worked in their favor, with Hisha being slow it let Lily spread her legs, which helped dull the pain of her loss. She hadn't even told Hisha that she ran into another team, just 'dead end, but clearly a different environment then the jungle'.

    Of course, she could only run for long when she'd stop at the sound of the big cat's roar, having taken that extra step before stopping as she had to remember her partner probably wasn't used to the idea of 'move and analyze'. Annoying, this part of the test was making Lily very annoyed at people. maybe she could take her frustration out on that big cat that roared. At least that was she thought at first, the sound that followed after made it clear there was more to the story then just wild animals. She could only make out two things without any assistance: the sound of cutting and a glint that could have been metal, but it was enough to get her pumped up. metal meant humans, which meant she could vent with fighting.

    Waiting for her partner, when they began to flash up hand signals she'd get the gist: 2 people, 30 somethings...meters probably if that glint was to be understood. She could see those funny tattoos begin to move as he prepared a clone, and lily would do the same by making two clones, both she and the clones drawing two of their finest blades each. Was Hiaha preparing to attack? She couldn't quite tell what he was thinking, but she'd look at him and Lily Prime would sign "Pincer? Direct? You call." Once she was moving it would be hard for him to slow her, so she'd wait for his signal, ready to move her clones out and pounce.

    131.5/135 CP (118/135 + 10% refill)
    Shadow Clones x2; Split CP
    43.833/135 CP

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    Innocence Uchiha
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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3

    Post by Innocence Uchiha Fri Jun 28, 2024 1:20 pm

    Innocence slipped behind Hibiki as the pair entered the dense jungle. While Innocence had led them into this new biome, she quickly realized it might make more sense for the "Steel Titan" to go first in this kind of environment. The weather was much less pleasant than their previous area. It was hot, sticky and crawling with insects. The surgeon's medical expertise told her that this area was a breeding ground for bacteria. Innocence was irritated that Hibiki was using her radio to talk to Nao. Partially because it seemed so sappy that the two lovebirds couldn't bear being outside of each other's contact zone for more than five minutes. However she did admit to herself that it was tactically sound. Innocence guessed that Hibiki and Nao would have a similar understanding as she did with Natsuki. It might be to my advantage to let them keep talking.... Innocence thought quietly as she listened to Nao's voice crackle over the comms.

    Innocence thus allowed them to communicate. The provisions that Hibiki left for her boyfriend had irked her, but she let it go. Cultivating relationships and alliances was a part of being a shinobi and though she had no interest in being Nao's friend, if her partner was allied with him then she'd respect the terms of such an understanding. It made Innocence wonder what Natsuki and Lily were up to. As Hibiki hacked their way through the jungle, Innocence activated the Silent Killing technique. She closed her eyes and became intimately aware of all the bio-signatures and expressions of life that were active around her. Just before Hibiki vocalized her concern, Innocence felt it. She stopped and reached behind her back and placed a hand on the hilt of her Cosmic Katana. As if sensing the jig was up, the beast leapt from its hiding place and assaulted Hibiki with enough force to knock her to the ground. Innocence drew her sword and stepped forward but before she could run the creature through, the beast bit into her body only to meet unyielding resistance.

    What the hell? Innocence thought, a confused look on her face. A closer examination revealed that the redhead was using a Steel Release Technique. In preparation for the Exams, Innocence had spent a great deal of time studying. She had an encyclopedic knowledge when it came to the various forms of Ninjutsu that were used around the world. She found it mighty strange that the Hokage's sister would be a Tetsudashi but she said nothing.

    Innocence stepped back and let Hibiki handle the tiger as she clearly seemed to have it under control. Once the beast was silenced, Innocence noted the presence of two individuals just within the range of her sensing ability. Innocence shook her head in response to the Cinnamon Rolls' question. She then walked next to Hibiki and as she passed by, she'd whisper in her ear.

    "We're not alone. We've got company...two...no four....two people and cloneth I think. Thtay on guard." Innocence formed a quick set of seals with her free hand and layered her chakra onto their surroundings. It would take some time to get the illusion fully going but once prepared it might give them a bit of advantage, especially given how disorienting the area already was. Innocence kept her sword out and remained alert as she waited for the strangers to approach. She had a few tricks up her sleeve, but for now she kept it cool. She molded chakra within her body in preparation for a sealless technique should it prove necessary.


    Chakra Fully Refreshed due to Survival of the Fittest Perk

    Demonic Illusion: False Surrounding Technique: -5 CP [Activation]
    Silent Killing -1 CP [Upkeep]



    Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3 7uImUHM
    Leaf Genin
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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3

    Post by Hibiki Fri Jun 28, 2024 11:56 pm

    Seeing Innocence shake her head No in response to the question about a rope Hibiki sighed cursing at herself internally for forgetting to bring something so essentially.  She’d been so focused on gathering equipment with this gimmick or that gimmick that she’d forgotten to pick up some of the basics that every shinobi should have.  

    Tying the tiger carcass up and stringing it to a tree so that they could use leverage to lift it would have been the easiest way to both bleed the creature out as well as carve it up.  It was heavy enough that it was going to need some butchering if they were going to cart any of it around. Frankly there was so much meat that Hibiki wasn’t sure what the heck they were going to do with it all.

    Maybe she could use a steel tentacle to string it up.  That could do that job thought it did kind of seem like a waste of chakra.  If her time working on repairing the massive hole in the ground with Nakaba had taught her anything, it wasn’t to rely on jutsu as a short cut for each and every little thing.

    Hearing Innocence whisper into her ear that they weren’t alone, Hibiki discreetly scanned the area with her eyes without moving her head looking for the newcomers while trying  to make it seem she wasn’t alert to their presence.   Depending on who these people are it could be a potential opportunity.  

    Obviously it wasn’t going to be Nao and Natsuki since she had just been talking to Nao on the radio and he was still in the Oasis.   But if it was Sera and Nakaba’s team then maybe they could share supplies and intel.    And if it was a team that wasn’t from Konoha then perhaps they could acquire the second scroll they needed to pass the exams.

    Quickly she spotted a pair of people.  Was it the originals or the clones?   Well it wasn’t like Hibiki had any way to tell the difference.  She recognized one of them as the man who had been sitting beside Sera during the written portion of the exams.  He was a kind of funny guy and under normal circumstances she’d probably try to make friends with him.  

    The person with him seemed to be a girl that looked on the surface to be several years younger then Hibiki.   That was odd, she was by no means an expert in legality but she could have sworn that there were laws in place against people under 16 being out in the field… Then again Hibiki herself was living proof that law barely meant shit.

    It was plain to see the pair were from Kiri.  Hibiki didn’t know a lot about the other villages but even she knew that Konoha had been in an alliance with Kiri for a long time, almost longer than she had been alive.  Someone had even described the relationship between the two villages as being almost like they were married to each other.

    That meant that if they were to normally run into each other out in the field they would be friends right?  Reflexively, Hibiki started to raise her free left hand to wave to them only to stop herself before it could move more than an inch.  That was under normal circumstances, but would that still hold true in the highly competitive environment of the Chunin exams?  

    If it had been a team from some unaffiliated village, HIbiki wouldn't have hesitated.  Now though she didn’t really feel motivated to attack unless they struck first.  It was better not to make an enemy of someone who would normally be your friend unless things were truly desperate.  It might have been a different story entirely if this was the last day and they still needed to secure a scroll.

    “I’m gonna try negotiating a ceasefire with them.  Maybe they’ll let us trade some meat for safe passage?”  Hibiki whispered back suggesting a plan of action. She would be fine teaming up with another group from Konoha but she wasn’t sure she trusted these strangers over the long term.  

    Stepping forward so that she could use her own body to shield Innocence if they attacked her Hibiki raised an open hand to show that she had come in peace and called out.  “Hail friends from Kiri.  We are allies from Konoha.  We seek to trade meat! Can we talk?” she asked. Unsure of how they would react, Hibiki remained ready to shift to the defensive should things go south.


    Mist Genin
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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3

    Post by Hisha Sun Jun 30, 2024 9:17 am



    One of the figures paused, looked, and formed a few seals. Hisha could not hear what she was saying, and did not much care to attempt to make it out, and he lacked the resolution to fully read her lips. However, he saw the sudden flicker of a few hand signs, bracing himself for possible defenses, but noticed nothing odd immediately. Lily seemed poised to strike, coiled like a spring, but had paused for a scant moment after forming a few clones herself, asking for a plan of attack. Hisha had somewhat assumed she would simply spring into action, but the miniscule pause for strategy was an intriguing touch. Not what he had suspected, to say the least. Without yet any indication of who these two were, he rapidly took his thumb and forefinger and pinched them together a few time. Pincer.

    Lily alone now outnumbered the pair, and while he did not know the full extent of her skillset, he'd seen her handle her knives and herself; she clearly had great physical prowess. He suspected she might be able to handle the pair entirely on her own, but he could provide some additional support. Truly unfortunate that they had not noticed them farther away; he could probably have harmlessly incapacitated them, robbed them, and been on their way before they had any clue what was going on. Even at that simple thought, a flash of pain lit up his brain. They were in it at this point, and he and Lily could freely pounce. He had... nearly no close combat abilities beyond the most basic of Kiri style self defense, but he could provide some alternative means of support.

    A complicated flash of chakra would race through his system, unseen as no one seemed to use sensory right now. What a novel concept: ninja who were not all walking field scanners. In the moment, he had to decide between expedient confusion, or something a touch slower and potentially more effective. And less dangerous should Lily get caught up in it. He'd signal, full hand pointing almost like a chop for Lily to go, if she had not already, and make a loud snap with his free hand. With the noise, he'd infect the enemy pair with his Bringer of Silence technique, ensuring their mutual deafness after a couple seconds as the chakra percolated in them. One less sense to rely on for the assault, and the removal of their functional ability to coordinate. Unless they were telepathic he guessed. But still, they'd be at a clear disadvantage in a few moments, beyond the immediate danger that the dagger girl would pose to them.

    Suddenly, one of them began shouting, offering a truce. Hisha tensed, but recognized her voice. Hibiki, or something; the weird red haired girl from his exam room who had fairly obviously produced a bunch of shiny dragonflies and then spoke up passionately in defense of the insane woman Kaori, which strangely no other Kono ninja's had. Discord perhaps? Her and that Hyuuga had been quite physically close, as though conjoined at the hip, as they left. Was that this other person? Either way, she seemed... not terribly bright, so either this ploy was genuine or so foolishly bold it was almost too obvious to consider. Maybe the other would speak up, who had already attempted something, but for now he would maintain his technique. Lily might well slow, or might not, but his technique would help her either way. And, after all, they should have a scroll anyway, which he needed. And he didn't  know any Kono's.

    Strength: D
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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3

    Post by Lily Yesterday at 11:23 pm

    Lily watched Hisha give the simple, single word response and all three would nod as her mind raced while she got into the Waco Waddle style. Two opponents, which meant it was unlikely two of the trio. She wasn't allowed to kill, so her knifes were less useful then what she would have liked...what to do...an idea came to her. Of the many techniques she had learned, there was a specific combo she had wanted to try out. Bringing a knife to her mouth, her clones understood as they put away one knife while holding the other into their mouth by the hilt.

    The moment Hisha moved his hand to go, Lily and her clones would act. Lily Prime would preform the Tiger, Dog, and Rat handsigns while her clones went left & right respectively into the treeline at full speed so that they'd encircle the mystery group. As they'd move they'd use their impressive coordination to move as silently as possible, unaware of Innocence's improved hearing. After Lily Prime would complete her handsigns, Lily Prime and her clones would rush forward...however there were no longer three Lilys in the area. While she still only had two shadow clones, a dozen afterimage Lilys would sprint forward at various angles from the front with knives drawn. It was one of lily's strongest techniques, the ability to not only look like she was in multiple places at once, but to sound like she was since she had to physically move into the afterimages every so often.

    As the Vandal horde rushed forward, her clones would come out at a 120 degree angle from above and behind toward the sides of the two. All the Lily's eyes would widen for a brief moment as they recognized Number 44, but she couldn't exactly stop this attack now and would have to improvise. Lily Prime would have four afterimage clones on each girl while the other four clones and herself would surround the duo, Lily having to swap with an afterimage clone to do her attack, The strikes directed towards Hibiki with three afterimage clones using their knives to target her hands to prevent her from using any hand signs as a fourth would move to put a knife against her throat, while three of the afterimage clones targeting Innocence would look to disarm her katana and lock down those dangerous hands with the fourth also targeting her throat. Lily Prime's goal in all of this was simple: lock down both target's attention by disarming and distracting them with sheer numbers.

    Of course, Lily's clones wouldn't laze around either. Dropping down from the trees they'd preform the Tiger handsign in midair and each extended their fingers towards their targets heads. It was an extremely basic technique, the Temporary Paralysis Technique in fact, but if it were to land that would be the immediate end to the battle. Of course, this is why they still held the blades in their mouths, as should either attempt to do any funny weapon or punchy business they'd be able to move their hand and block it with their mouths while still being able to move in with their immense speed & coordination.

    Assuming everything went to plan and the clones paralyzed both of her opponents; regardless of whether Lily Prime's afterimage clones actually succeeded (they were a distraction after all, so if their blows actually stuck that was more of a bonus), the Baker dozen of Lilys would smile and speak while the clones began to drain chakra, fingers still on their targets to keep them from moving. "Hi Number Forty-Four! I'm glad to see you aren't dead yet!" Lily was still flying by the seat of her pants, and was trying to figure out what in the heck she was going to do now. She had...well maybe had an informal agreement with Number 44 to get each other to round 3, but her help didn't exactly amount to much in the end. Even so she had tried to help, and backstabbing people who helped was usually bad so...an idea!

    Her smile would widen a bit, cheeks a little too cheery as she'd take on a more sinister tone. "Sorry about all of this, but even with that team of three, it'd look bad if the majority of finalists were all from Konoha! Gotta thin the herd a little bit, soooo, Redhead, you'll be going home!" Reaching out, Lily would place her pointer finger onto Hibiki's nose as she'd begin to drain her chakra as well. At the same time the clone locking down Innocence would take the knife out of her mouth, lean in, sniff, and whisper. "Better keep up your end." And then audibly lick her ear before speaking at normal volume. Salty, yuck. "Oooh, you do taste like marshmallows! What does the redhead taste like?" The other shadow clone would take their blade out with their free hand and give Hibiki a small lick on the ear as well. Salty as well. "Mmm, strawberries! Or maybe tomato?"

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    Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3 Empty Re: Day 1 Encounter! Team 2 and Team 3

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      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 8:57 am