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    Team 4: Day 1 Prep

    Leaf Jounin Commander
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    Team 4: Day 1 Prep Empty Team 4: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Kimiko Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:05 pm

    Team 4: Day 1 Prep ISzyNQR

    An assistant proctor escorted Nao and Natsuki to their portion of the Maze, leaving them behind to deal with the environment. He was not fielding any questions, ordered just to drop them off and leave. He only grunted as a send off, eager to get out of the heat.

    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
    Leaf Genin
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    Team 4: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 4: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue Jun 18, 2024 3:23 pm

    Nao squinted as the proctor left, the intense heat radiating from the Volcanic Innards causing the surroundings to shimmer with heat waves. The sulfurous air made breathing difficult, each breath feeling like inhaling tiny shards of glass. He glanced at Natsuki and his dire wolf Amarok, who both seemed equally perturbed by their fiery surroundings. Nao had one advantage in this situation, the special material of his Gi, making it so the heat of the environment didn't both him too much. Of course, that wouldn't save him from the lava itself, so he would need to watch his step.

    "This place is a nightmare," Nao muttered, activating his Byakugan to survey their surroundings more clearly. "We need to find a way to make shelter from this heat." The landscape was a labyrinth of crisscrossing bridges adorned with veins of glowing lava. While the bridges appeared sturdy, Nao knew one misstep could lead to a fatal plunge into the seething pools below. "Let's stick to the edges as much as possible," Nao suggested, pointing to the rim that circled the volcano's interior. "It might be safer than navigating these bridges, and it might provide a better place to rest, but we need to be extra careful not to slip." Nao added, motioning for Amarok to follow him closely.

    He took a deep breath, instantly regretting it as the sulfur stung his lungs. "We also need to keep hydrated," he said, "any ideas on where we could find a water source in this place? Maybe we can collect steam if we can find a cooler spot where it condenses?" Moving to walk along the edge, Nao kept an eye out for any sign of danger. "Stay alert," he said, his voice low. Nao knew that their survival depended on their ability to adapt quickly to this harsh environment. He scanned their surroundings, looking for any potential shelter or less exposed areas where they could take refuge from the heat. "We'll make it through this," he said with determination. "We just have to be smart and stay vigilant."

    Chakra: 259.2/260
    Technique Used:
    Byakugan R3 (0.2 cost)
    Chakra: 259/260


    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Leaf Genin
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    Team 4: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 4: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Tue Jun 18, 2024 7:47 pm

    Natsuki was blasted in the face with a wave of heat and smoke unlike anything he had ever experienced before and, just as suddenly, the proctor was gone. "This place is a nightmare."

    "I won't coff be able to stand this for coff long," Natsuki spoke between bouts of coughing. Nao's ability to keep a calm head in this environment was admirable, but this was well far out of Natsuki's comfort zone. Usually content to lay upon the damp cool grass of Konoha, already beginning to feel the heat resonating through his footwear was unsettling.

    "We'll make it through this." "We just have to be smart and stay vigilant."

    "Good, as long as we don't have to be subtle!" Natsuki slammed his foot down to the stony ground as he raised his hands before him. The sensation of flowing lava, simultaneously depositing and scraping up material, was more cacophonous than anything he'd have sensed through this method before, but he found what he was looking for! Deep underground, roughly towards where Nao was walking, there was a portion of earth without any underlying magma for a great depth.

    After weaving a few seals, Natsuki pushed forward, slamming his opposite foot as he stepped in the Hyuuga's direction. As he did, a huge pillar of stone began to rise up from the ground below. Its corner lifted through one of the lava rivers as it did so, causing the molten stone to drip and drop down the far corner as the river itself began to bend around it. It continued to rise until it was nearly level with the trio, several stories high."Step two!" Natsuki wove more seals and stepped forward with the initial foot again, this time lowering a column in the heart of this new pillar. This area was smaller than the first, allowing several meters of stone to remain as a retaining, and particularly insulating, wall to this new basin. It descended far, but well above the level of the lava river below. "Step three!" Another few seals, another slam of a step forward. Another pillar, much smaller than each that came before it, rose up in the heart of this basin and stopped about a story beneath the outer wall.

    This whole new formation of stone would be close enough for them to jump to, and so Natsuki did as he wove just one more seal. Initially reeling back, he pushed his face towards the basin and began to spit an absolutely obscene amount water out of his mouth. The sound of crashing water filled the space as the displaced air caused a gust of wind to push Natsuki's hair back in a most luxurious fashion. In all, this process would only take about a minute and, already with the breeze formed by the gushing water, the environment felt a little more hospitable.

    "How's that for keeping hydrated?" Natsuki said with a wink as he looked towards his companion(s).

    "The water here should keep us cool, and the depth of it beneath the basin walls should keep this shit air away from us as it rises with the heat," Natsuki continued with a contented smile. "That pillar down there is where we should make camp; it's a straight 90 degree angle, which should the pesky snakes I've been sensing around us at bay even if the water doesn't."


    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
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    Team 4: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 4: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue Jun 18, 2024 8:56 pm

    Nao watched in astonishment as Natsuki demonstrated his formidable Earth and Water Style techniques. The pillar of stone rising from the ground, diverting the lava flow, and the subsequent creation of a water-filled basin was nothing short of impressive.  "That's impressive," Nao said, his voice full of admiration. "You've definitely made this place a lot more bearable." He scanned the newly formed basin and the surrounding area with his byakugan for any hidden threats. The clarity provided by his enhanced vision was invaluable in this environment, where one wrong step could be fatal. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of situation Hibiki would find herself in, and if her partner would be as helpful as his has been so far.

    Seeing no immediate danger, Nao leaped gracefully onto the new stone formation, motioning for Amarok to follow before leaping down to the lower platform in the center. The dire wolf bounded across with ease, landing beside Nao and immediately lapping up some of the cool water. Nao crouched down, cupping his hands to drink as well. The water was refreshing, cutting through the dryness in his throat and soothing the sting of sulfur. "This water will help a lot," Nao agreed, standing up and wiping his mouth. "We should definitely set up camp here, nice work Natsuki." He glanced around, ensuring their elevated position was secure. The high walls of the basin would indeed provide protection from the suffocating heat and noxious fumes, and the central pillar would make a defensible campsite.

    Nao finished drinking and stood up, looking around their immediate area with a determined expression. "Alright Natsuki, before we try to rest, we need to figure out our food situation." Nao said, scanning the surroundings once more with his Byakugan. "It looks like those snakes you mentioned are going to be our primary source of food here. I'll see what I can do about wrangling some of them up, though unless you have some wood stashed away we will likely have to cook them over the lava." Nao leapt up onto the out wall of Natsuki's created basin, taking a look around until he found a few of those pesky snakes as Natsuki called them. Forming three quick hand seals Nao would shoot out a bolt of lightning at them.

    Nailing two of the snakes with the lightning, Nao would frown slightly as others scattered. They were small with little meat on them so he knew two wouldn't be enough, still he would move over and collect them. Moving back to the wall that surrounded their makeshift camp, Nao would drop the two that he killed down to Natsuki as well as one of his titanium kunai. "You work on skinning those while I try to get some more," Nao called down to Natsuki before moving on to hunt more snakes. It would take some time, the lightning he had used earlier seemed to have startled the snakes making them harder to find, at least in a group like those had been. Still, using his byakugan, Nao would hunt down more.

    He managed to kill four more snakes using his shuriken, hitting them all squarely in the head with practiced precision. Each time he killed one he would return to the basin, dropping his kill to the lower platform before continuing to hunt for more. His last trip out, he would find two snakes together. Luck was on his side as he threw two shuriken killing them both, making a total of eight snakes. Assuming that the eight was enough Nao would gather the last two up, returning to the basin where he would drop down to the lower level nearly out of breath from the fumes outside. Taking a moment to catch his breath and drink some water to soothe his throat from the sulfur he had inhaled while hunting the snakes, Nao would sit down near where Amarok was laying down. Pulling out a kunai for himself, he would begin helping Natsuki skin the remaining snakes.

    Chakra: 259/260
    Technique Used:
    Byakugan R3 (0.2 cost)
    Thunderbolt (5 cost)
    Chakra: 253.8/260


    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Leaf Genin
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    Team 4: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 4: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:09 pm

    Natsuki nodded, trying to keep his smile in check as Nao's compliment came in. He hadn't gotten one from Nao before, and it was yet one more stone to outweigh his mother's poison. With him, the young Uchiha leapt to the smaller platform and took a soothing drink as well.

    It then seemed that the Hyuuga had some impressive shenanigans of his own, seeming to observe some of the snakes that Natsuki knew were quite out of eyesight from there. And were the veins around his eyes always so pronounced? In any event, the food situation would be key if they were to be surviving nightmares like this for days. He considered, for a moment, how he would actually use the lava without getting burned. And he had it.

    Nao would then be off, going out and returning with a few snakes at a time. As he did, he would find Natsuki with his sword, the Whispersteel Blade, out and at the ready. On one of these return trips, he would find a dome of what appeared to be loose stone, though it was quite sturdy. "It's hollow," Natsuki would say, nodding towards it while he was busy at work, "if you wanna put a hole in it for our shelter." One by one, he would remove their head and cut a precise line down their backs. He was surprised at how readily the skin separated from the meat and he would soon have a pile of raw snake meat, eight strong.

    Natsuki would sheath his sword, taking the meat into his arms as he got to his feet. "When we get some time, you'll have to tell me about those eyes of yours!" They didn't, though, not yet. With their haul in hand, Natsuki walked across the water and up the far side of the basin where some hot lava still rested. With a bit of a heave, he threw each of their morsels into the air in an arc that would land them in the molten rock, but Natsuki pointed. As he did, four sharp spears of rock shot from the basin wall and skewered two snakes at a time at their tips and above the hot mess. He smirked slightly to himself, his aim had improved a great deal since he helped Sera out of that hole.

    They would be cooked by the end of the next round.


    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
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    Team 4: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 4: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Nao Hyūga Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:11 am

    Nao watched with admiration as Natsuki skillfully handled the snake meat and then caught them on spikes with his Earth Style jutsu. The dome of stone, sturdy yet hollow, was also a brilliant idea for shelter, providing a space to escape the intense heat and the dangerous fumes. The way Natsuki manipulated the earth to form such a precise and functional structure left Nao deeply impressed. Every move Natsuki made was deliberate, showcasing his mastery over his element. Nao nodded appreciatively at Natsuki's ingenuity. "I'll get that hole sorted," Nao said, moving towards the dome. Using his Byakugan, he located a spot on the dome where he could create an entrance without compromising its structural integrity.

    Forming hand seals, he channeled raiton chakra into his fingers and began to carve out an entrance, carefully slicing through the stone until it formed a doorway just large enough for them to enter. The crackling of the lightning chakra against the stone echoed softly, creating a smooth, clean cut. Stepping back, Nao admired the new shelter. "This will work perfectly," he said, looking back at Natsuki. "It'll keep us safe and give us a place to rest." He took another deep breath, the stinging sulfur not as present within the basin. He glanced around, ensuring everything was in order before sitting down next to Amarok again. The large wolf, sensing the momentary calm, had laid down, his ears twitching occasionally as he rested but remained alert.

    "We can use my gi to cover the doorway, it should help with the heat inside. We'll have to sleep in shifts, to ensure nothing happens. I'll take the first shift if you want." Nao offered, as he looked to his partner. Natsuki's curiosity about the Byakugan brought a small smile to Nao's lips. "Sure, I'll tell you about them, as soon as we make it through this." As the aroma of cooking snake meat began to fill the air, Nao continued. "Your Earth and Water Style techniques are impressive, Natsuki. You've made this situation a lot more manageable. We make a good team, between you making the shelter and me gathering the food anyways. I guess we'll find out how well we actually work together once this stuff really gets started, but right now it's working out."

    Nao watched as the snake meat cooked over the lava, the sizzling sound mixing with the bubbling of molten rock. The sight of the food made his stomach growl, reminding him how hungry he was. He took another sip of water, feeling the cool liquid soothe his throat. Amarok was already asleep, but he knew that if the situation required it he could count on him. He knew that surviving this ordeal was just the beginning, and that the real test would come when they faced their adversaries. But for now, he allowed himself to savor the small victory of finding shelter and food. Nao's thoughts drifted to Hibiki, wondering where she was in this place they called Hell's maze.

    Chakra: 255.8/260 (adjusting +2 due to I forgot Nao has Raiton affinity so thunderbolt would have only cost 3 instead of 5)

    Technique Used:
    Byakugan R3 (0.2 cost)
    Young Lightning (3 cost) (Raiton Affinity)
    Chakra: 252.6/260


    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Natsuki Uchiha
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    Team 4: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 4: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:19 am

    Quickly taking out his sword again, Natsuki took the blunt end and carefully lifted the cooked meat off of the skewers. Opening the satchel, he began to pile them in alongside the, hopefully actually indestructible, scroll and headed back to the central pillar.

    Nao had made quick work with an entrance to the dome, and the use of the gi to block the entrance was a smarter move than Natsuki would realize. The sleeping rotation was also a good idea, and the young Uchiha felt that they were in a good spot to rest before moving on through the maze. The promise of a new day away from this hellhole, finding out just what his comrade was capable of, and proving his mother wrong; not bad for a day.

    As the compliments continued to pour in, Natsuki couldn't help but blush slightly. "Heh, thank you for saying that!" In truth, if it weren't for his ability to change the environment like this, he had no idea how he'd manage in this poisonous heat. Whatever Nao's eyes were capable of, as well, would surely prove invaluable moving forward. "We might even be the most formidable pair out there! And we'll prove it after we get some rest!" Natsuki's eyes flared with intensity, the Screw Up might actually pass this thing after all!

    "Okay yeah, here," he started, reaching into the satchel and handing a length of snake meat to the hungry boy. "Wake me up the moment you need to and we'll switch off." With that, Natsuki crawled into the structure and began to rest until it was their time to switch.


    King of Games
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    Team 4: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 4: Day 1 Prep

    Post by King of Games Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:19 am

    The member 'Natsuki Uchiha' has done the following action : Dice roll

    'Normal Dice' : 3
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Leaf Genin
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    Team 4: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 4: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Wed Jun 19, 2024 9:32 am

    Rerolling an actual d100

    King of Games
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    Team 4: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 4: Day 1 Prep

    Post by King of Games Wed Jun 19, 2024 9:32 am

    The member 'Natsuki Uchiha' has done the following action : Dice roll

    'Surgical Dice' : 83
    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
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    Age : 36

    Team 4: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 4: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Nao Hyūga Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:40 am

    Nao accepted the length of snake meat from Natsuki with a grateful nod. He tore off a piece and chewed thoughtfully, appreciating the rare moment of calm in their otherwise chaotic ordeal. As he ate, he kept an eye on the surroundings, his Byakugan allowing him to see beyond the stone walls of their makeshift shelter. The heat was oppressive, even with the shelter Natsuki had constructed, but it was bearable compared to the full force of the environment outside. The dome offered not just physical protection, but a psychological respite from the relentless heat and fumes. Nao admired Natsuki's resourcefulness; his partner's earth and water manipulation had truly been a lifesaver.

    As Natsuki settled down to rest, Nao adjusted his gi over the entrance, ensuring it was secured tightly to minimize the heat entering their shelter. He glanced at Amarok, who lay beside him, already alert despite his apparent sleep. The wolf's presence was comforting, a silent guardian that would be ready to act at a moment's notice. Nao made sure to leave some meat for Amarok to have when he awoke. Nao's thoughts drifted to Hibiki once more, her fiery determination and belief in him spurred him on, reminding him that they were all fighting for a greater purpose. He hoped she was safe and making progress in her own part of this hellish maze. It was then that he remembered the wireless radio Hibiki had given him in the opening ceremony before the exams began.

    Pulling the radio out of one of his hip pouches, he would place the earpiece into his ear and turn it on. There was a casual static at first and then he heard her voice and a smile spread across his face, he chuckled slightly at her call sign for him. "Thunder eyes, this is Steel Titan. How are you holding up? Can you see my current position?" 'Thunder Eyes' he thought to himself, probably not what he would have picked for himself but he would accept it since Hibiki was the one that picked it. "I read you Steel Titan," Nao replied through the radio, "Thunder Eyes is A-Ok. I can't see you, my area has lava and bridges all over the place but Natsuki made us a shelter and we are safe for now. What about you, how are you holding up? Do you know where you are?"

    The trials they faced were designed to break them, but Nao was determined to come through stronger, for himself and his friends. Waiting for a reply from Hibiki on the radio, Nao turned his attention back to Natsuki, who had now drifted off to sleep, Nao felt a surge of appreciation for his teammate. He had managed to turn a dire situation into something manageable, and for that, Nao was grateful. Natsuki had said that they could be the most formidable pair in the exams, and Nao believed him. Their combined skills made them a force to be reckoned with. As he kept watch, Nao allowed himself to believe in their success, in their ability to navigate the maze and come out victorious.

    With the exception of Hibiki, there was no one else Nao would have rathered been paired with other than Natsuki. The snake meat was surprisingly palatable, and Nao felt a renewed sense of energy as he ate. The food and water would sustain them for now, but he knew they had to be cautious with their supplies. Every move they made had to be strategic, every decision carefully considered. Nao's eyes scanned the area outside the dome, searching for any signs of movement or danger. The heat waves distorted his vision slightly, but his Byakugan compensated for the visual disruptions. He remained vigilant, knowing that their safety depended on his ability to detect threats before they materialized.

    As the hours passed, Nao's thoughts remained focused. He knew they still a long way to go before they would be out of this hell hole, but with Natsuki by his side, he felt confident they could face whatever came next. Finally, when he felt that enough time had passed, Nao gently nudged Natsuki awake. "Your turn to take watch Natsuki," he said softly, handing over the watch to his partner. "I'm going to get some rest, and we can figure out where we are going in a few hours." Nao settled down, closing his eyes and allowing himself to drift into a light sleep. He knew he could trust Natsuki to keep them safe while he rested, and then the two of them could figure out this place.

    Chakra: 252.6/260 (I'm assuming we don't get the refill of chakra until we are completely done with the prep thread)

    Technique Used:
    Byakugan R3 (0.2 cost)
    Chakra: 252.4/260

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Leaf Genin
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    Posts : 336
    Join date : 2024-03-30

    Team 4: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 4: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:45 am

    As Natsuki layed flat on the warm stone, he found that he certainly didn't mind this. If anything, it was almost pleasant, somehow! As he drifted to sleep, he mind wandered to Nao out front. He was a boy of surprises and, even if the young Uchiha did not know what his eyes were capable of, the pair's unrivaled awareness would undoubtedly be a boon in this exam. While he had initially hoped to have been paired with Innocence or Sera, Nao was such a natural comrade. Their like-mindedness and ability to prioritize and distribute tasks while even in such an inhospitable manner was practically flawless. Natsuki had lately grown in confidence with himself, but a growing admiration for the young Hyuuga was making failure seem impossible.

    His dreams were largely forgettable, though a recurring image of a large metal man with lightning for eyes took shape for some reason. As Natsuki awoke to the nudging, stretching wide and groaning, he blinked his eyes open to Nao. There was a nonzero chance that Nao would nick the scroll and go off on his own devices, but he seemed smarter and more loyal than that; Natsuki never doubted him for an instant- it truly was a peaceful sleep. The young Uchiha gave him a nod, grabbing a snake from the pack and holding it in his mouth as he exited the dome. "'est 'ell, Nao!"

    It would be an uneventful watch, and he was sure that most of the entrants would avoid a hellish place like this on sight, but he kept a careful post all the same. He watched, he ate, he reveled in the sensation of molten rock. It didn't take long until the time came, time to find another group and take their scroll... He had never engaged someone in earnest combat, to kill or otherwise, but that was about to change. Steeling himself, he roused Nao with a nudge of his own and the words "Let's get that other scroll."

    [Tracking Modifiers]
    +5 Natsuki's Sensory
    +5 Amarok's Tracker Perk
    +2 Natsuki and Nao have above C Perception
    +2 Natsuki and Nao have above C Coordination


    King of Games
    King of Games

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    Team 4: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 4: Day 1 Prep

    Post by King of Games Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:45 am

    The member 'Natsuki Uchiha' has done the following action : Dice roll

    'Surgical Dice' : 65
    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
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    Age : 36

    Team 4: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 4: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Nao Hyūga Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:23 pm

    Nao woke to Natsuki's nudge and the familiar urgency in his partner's voice. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and stretched, feeling surprisingly refreshed. The shelter had done wonders for their morale and energy levels. Nao appreciated the short respite but knew that the true test was about to begin. "Alright let's go, Natsuki," Nao said quietly, he grabbed a piece of snake meat, savoring its taste while it lasted. Grabbing his Gi from the doorway he would redress before bending low to get a drink from the water that surrounded their camp. The liquid was lukewarm, but it quenched his thirst and readied him for the next leg of their journey. Looking to Amarok who was lapping up the water as well, Nao would give a small nod.

    "Alright," Nao said, "let's get moving. We'll need to find another group and take their scroll, let's scout the area and try to track another group down." Activating his Byakugan, Nao scanned the area beyond their shelter. The oppressive heat and flickering flames of the surrounding lava made visibility difficult, but his eyes pierced through the distortions. He saw no immediate threats or other teams in the vicinity. It seemed they had chosen their resting place well. "We're clear for now," he reported. "Let's head towards the central bridges. If we can control one of those choke points, we'll have a strategic advantage."

    Nao admired Natsuki's calm demeanor and methodical approach. It was clear that his partner was as focused as he was, ready to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead. Leaping up to the top of the basin, Nao would signal for Amarok to follow before having the wolf take the lead. The wolf's ability to track scents would be useful, assuming that the sulfur in the air did not hinder it. As they moved through the hellish landscape, the heat became even more intense. Nao was grateful for the coolness provided by gi, but the air was still stifling, and he wondered how Natsuki and Amarok would handle it. He kept a steady pace, his eyes constantly scanning for movement. Amarok trotted silently ahead of them by a few feet, his senses sharp and alert.

    After a short trek, they reached the main bridge area. It was a precarious network of narrow stone bridges and platforms suspended over a sea of molten lava. The heat was almost unbearable, but they pressed on, knowing that this was a critical juncture. "Stay low and keep to the shadows," Nao instructed. "We don't want to be seen until we're ready to strike." They moved stealthily, keeping a close eye on their surroundings. Nao's Byakugan allowed him to see potential ambushes and traps, while Natsuki's earth and water manipulation skills provided them with cover and a means of escape if necessary.

    Exit Thread to Encounter.

    Chakra: 252.4/260
    Technique Used:
    Byakugan R3 (0.2 cost)
    Chakra: 252.2/260

    Will be at full chakra at start of encounter.

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Natsuki Uchiha
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 336
    Join date : 2024-03-30

    Team 4: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 4: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Natsuki Uchiha Wed Jun 19, 2024 1:45 pm

    Not a wasted word between them, they left the comfort of their basin camp and continued on to their mission. They were focused, a pair whom any team would do well to regret facing.

    Natsuki continued to feel out, now both in his tremorsense and his ordinary sensing, and Nao seemed just as confident in their security. Nao was using chakra, it seemed, but not even half as much as the young Uchiha did to use these abilities. Is he sensing with his eyes, somehow? It didn't matter, ultimately, but the curiosity was killing him!

    Returning to the heat and toxic air was an interesting experience; Natsuki wasn't sure if it was their growing confidence in one another, their previous inability to expect this inhospitable environment, or their acclimation to it while residing in the basin; but the atmosphere here felt far more tolerable- almost invigorating.

    Between the three of them, they were observing by sight, by smell, by movement, and by chakra- few could escape their notice. "Now is the time for subtlety," Natsuki said with a nod and a grin, "for now!"

    [Exit to Encounter Thread]
    Chakra will be brought to full and all physical statsdue to 95 prep result.



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