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    Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Leaf Jounin Commander
    Leaf Jounin Commander

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    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Kimiko Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:48 pm

    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Tumblr_p49opdaR3m1tyjd90o1_400


    An assistant proctor escorted Nakaba, Sera, and Kudo to their portion of the Maze, leaving them behind to deal with the environment. He was not fielding any questions, ordered just to drop them off and leave. "Good luck."

    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Ryo: Zilch

    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Nakaba Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:02 am

    “Thanks. I know I’m going to need it.” Nakaba sheepishly looked at the proctor as the embarassed nin twirled the scroll. “I kinda spent most of my chakra already. I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up.” ”He knew that ninja saw chakra as one of the most fundamentally important resources in 99% of situations, so he just went ahead and ripped the bandage off. On his back was a weird orb like gourd and at his hips were six swords, one of which seemed like it was higher quality. “So what’s the plan? Simply survive until we meet another group and take their scroll, or do we have something special in mind?” There certainly wasn’t anyone other than him here yet, but he’d assume that they were just around the bend. He noted the wild terrain and special properties of the area. His vision fell upon a small shape, watching it head towards the rooms center. His hearing, his smell, everything told him that this plas couldn’t be stagnate and dead. The sound echoed, but there was a noticable muffle. If that water was potable then it would be strangeR for there not to be critters to munch on nearby. Mmm. What if there was a chemosynthetic critter down here. He’d never eaten one of those. He’d continue to twirl the scroll as he waited for his team mates to make it the rest of the way down the path pondering tasty underground critters.

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    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Kudo Wed Jun 19, 2024 5:25 pm

    Grouped together with two fellow genin, Kudo recognized the one who took the scroll as a member of her group during the first phase of the exams and didn’t recognize her third partner. With Nakaba’s question she rather liked the simplest one he provided as a default. With a nod Kudo would speak up, glad of the location her team had been selected for.

    “I don’t have many specialized skills beyond sensory, just surviving in this environment looks like it’s going to be rough for any extended time. I do have earth release, so that should prove useful here.”

    It was quite unlike any cave Kudo spelunked in within the mountainous region of the Land of Stone, notably there were little to no critters or mushrooms that sometimes lurked in the damp and dark recesses of caves. Food is going to be an issue if we can’t find any edible creatures or fungi within.

    Stats and Character Info:
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2024-03-11

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    Skills & Elements: Kyujutsu, Ninjutsu (Raiton), Katon, Kanchijutsu
    Class: B
    Ryo: 75,625

    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Sera Wed Jun 19, 2024 7:08 pm

    Sera walked carefully into the gem-encrusted cavern with her new team and immediately began to survey the area. It was a wide open area so there wasn’t really any built-in shelter or places to defend. There were incredibly sharp gemstones that covered the cave, but it would be pretty dangerous to use them as cover without slicing oneself open. With her eagle eyes, Sera spotted what seemed to be an interesting looking fruit hidden under several of gemstones. They looked like they could be sustenance, but maybe also a trap. She would need to investigate further. Before that though, Sera began to discuss strategy with her teammates. Nakaba was a familiar face, but all Sera really knew about him was that he wanted to open up a weapon shop and made really good curry. The other girl was a complete mystery, so Sera would introduce herself.

    “Hey there, you can call me Sera. What’s your name?”

    After brief introductions, Sera would consider what Nakaba had mentioned. Him having a lower chakra reserve was definitely bad news, but it wasn’t the end of the world. “I appreciate you letting us know Nakaba. We’ll make sure to work around that.” The blonde kunoichi put her hand up to her chin in thought as her gaze drifted around their environment. Inspiration struck and her attention refocused on Kudo. “You said that you can use earth release? There’s not a ton of places to hide or set up camp here. We don’t want to just start a fire and sit exposed in the open. Could you create us some sort of earthen shelter? Even just some walls would be better than what we have now.” She paused for a moment and then added; “But make sure we have a way out too. We don’t want to turn our shelter into a death trap.”

    Finally answering Nakaba’s initial question, Sera would speak with confidence. “Lady Hokage didn’t mention a time limit on this section of the exam. We should settle ourselves and make sure we have a place to rest and the resources to sustain us.”

    With a general plan established, Sera would begin to walk around her new environment; specifically over towards some of the fruit. Spikes of gemstone made it a little precarious to retrieve the fruit, but Sera only needed a glance to check to see if the fruit was dangerous or not. Sera had spent her entire life as a hunter, living in the wild and gathering for herself. The fruit immediately in front of her seemed too perfect that she was able to clue in that it was poisonous. Not giving up hope, Sera would keep searching each gem cluster until she found a fruit that looked slightly different. From her expertise, the blonde hunter could tell that this one was edible. She would turn back to her squadmates and let them know.

    “Hey, this fruit over here is edible! Most of the others are poisonous though. Be careful!”

    She paused for a moment before gesturing for Nakaba to join her.

    “Hey Nakaba, you craft stuff right? Do you have any tools or anything that could safely get this fruit out from the gems without cutting ourselves?”

    (OOC: Using my high perception to sense if the fruit are poisonous or not.)
    Can taste poisons (up to A-Rank) before ingesting it.

    Techniques Used:
    Sensing Technique (0.5 cost)

    Total Chakra Remaining: 256/260

    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Posts : 264
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    Skills & Elements: Engineering, Kugutsu, Taijutsu
    Class: B
    Ryo: Zilch

    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Nakaba Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:58 pm

    A smile spread across his face as Sera and Kudo seemed to mix right in together. He would be a step behind as he watch Sera look over each of the crystals and explore the nearby area. This place was beautiful, but he preferred not to be underground. Strangely he thought of Lady Diana as he looked at this landscape. He'd stop twirling the scroll and tuck it in a pocket inside his jumpsuit against his left ribs, just annoying enough to make him stay mindful. "That sounds very wise Sera. I think we should avoid using too many jutsu here. I know it's easy to solve problems with chakra, but we should probably conserve as much energy as possible. That and I bet this ecosystem is pretty delicate." Nakaba would walk over to the opening on the wall that poured the wall into thin streams that moved further into the underground system. "Have you noticed? The air is clear, the water is, all things considered, pristine. If there are plants here why isn't there a bunch of rot or muck in the water? Strange." He'd slowly be trailing off muttering to himself.

    Hearing his name he'd snap back to reality. "Hmm? A tool to gather these fruit. I cannot say that I have something that could gather the fruit efficiently." Nakaba would flick his wrist and pull a marlinspike out of his sleeve, thin and made of Korikane Crystal, a gift from his old mentor. He'd assess the similar look of the two materials before delicate fingers would flash and with a whip sever an almost plump fruit from its stem. "Those ripe fruit look tasty. I'm going to collect some for me, just in case." Nakaba would systematically harvest fruit, placing them in his partially filled gourd. Uncorked and sitting on the ground Nakaba's gourd would slowly keep getting fruit placed into the. The fruit were, at their ripest, as large as an apple but had an about-to-burst quality to them similar to a tomato. The less ripe ones were almost pastel, but the juicier fruit were a deep rich purple. The fruit Nakaba picked were all over this range, as he couldn't accurately tell which was which. They'd have time to sort through them later. Nakaba was planning on cooking up something good.


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    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Kudo Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:27 pm

    Nodding in approval to Sera’s plan, Kudo would introduce herself before heading right to work on their shelter.


    After taking stock of her surroundings once more Kudo moved towards a wall devoid of the sharp crystalline protrusions dotting the glowing cavern that allowed it to be covered in a tad more darkness. Placing her hand on the stone she closed her eyes and rubbed its surface, afterwhich applying a forcible amount of pressure far beyond what the tiny girl looked capable of. Only a small crack formed in response, confirming her assessment that the rock wasn’t something brittle like limestone and would provide some better resistance.

    Satisfied with her evaluation of what she would be working with, Kudo formed the necessary three hand seals and slammed her palms to the ground. An earthen wall rose at a forty-five degree angle that continued to extend until connecting with the wall, creating a makeshift lean-to with the cheap technique. Leaving the sides of the simple shelter bare would allow for them to quickly escape from multiple angles if the need arose.

    Returning to the others a collection of strange looking fruit looked to have been gathered, she was quite glad to not be a picky eater having never seen anything like them before.

    “Boy, I’m sure glad you’re able to tell them apart Sera. Though still… I wonder how the good ones taste?” The strangeness of the only immediate food source distracted Kudo from reporting on their shelter, quickly after snapping herself out of it and filling them in.

    “I was able to find a nice darker section of wall over there where I made us a little lean-to with a slab of stone. Hopefully we can stay unseen in anyone… or anything wanders in while we’re hunkered down.”


    Stats and Character Info:
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2024-03-11

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kyujutsu, Ninjutsu (Raiton), Katon, Kanchijutsu
    Class: B
    Ryo: 75,625

    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Sera Fri Jun 21, 2024 1:30 pm

    After communicating her plan to the rest of her team, Sera watched Kudo start to assemble some stone structures to create a shelter, and Nakaba began plucking fruit and throwing them into a gourd. “If you grab the fruit, I can sort out the poison ones.” Sera said with a smile. The blonde hunter would pick each fruit up individually from the gourd and begin to separate them into two piles; one for poison-free fruit, and another for poison ones. After doing so, Sera would scour around the cave in search of more fruit that she was the least likely to cut herself on. She would take her time and slowly and precisely twist and pull them off; sorting them into the piles as well.

    Once food had been secured, Sera would move back to Kudo and the stone shelter that had been made. “Thanks Kudo! This will definitely be helpful. We should make sure to trade off who is keeping watch at night. If we’re here for multiple days we’ll need to sleep at some point.” Sera began to look at all the glowing gems that surrounded them. “Those glowing gems are going to be a double edged sword huh? We don’t need to create a fire for a light source, but we also can’t really hide in the cover of night. If several days pass it will be hard to keep track of the passage of time.” Kudo had previously mentioned wondering about the taste of the non-poisonous fruit and so Sera handed her one of the ones she had sorted. There was natural water and now they had food and shelter as well. Next would be to strategize.

    (OOC: Using my high perception to sense if the fruit are poisonous or not.)
    Can taste poisons (up to A-Rank) before ingesting it.

    Techniques Used:
    Sensing Technique (0.5 cost)

    Total Chakra Remaining: 255.5/260

    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Posts : 264
    Join date : 2020-01-08

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    Skills & Elements: Engineering, Kugutsu, Taijutsu
    Class: B
    Ryo: Zilch

    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Nakaba Sat Jun 22, 2024 6:19 am

    It was easy enough for him to switch gears. “Mm.” Nakaba gave a quick hum of affirmation and acknowledgement and would gather thirteen more of the large fruit before he stopped. He look a little torn. A wave of guilt washed over him as he looked at the area around them, scanning the columns where stalagmites and stalagtites reached out dozens of meters from the even surfaces to meet one another. Its eerie that no animals are here among all of this life. Light, water, space. This plant should be a keystone organism. Nakaba had originally thought that this place was the home of a novel, chemeosynthetic, primary producer. Sera confirmed, indirectly that the water was potable, which meant that the plants were just synthesizing the light off of the crystals. Wait? The crystals at the base of the columns are bioluminescent?!

    With the re-arrival of Kudo, Nakaba’s train of thought would be broken, and he would look up from his task his mind no longer wandering. “Thanks Kudo. You’re a life saver.” Back to his task, Nakaba would unsheathe his sword, Inherent Duality. He would go to the base of a lone gem and slide the edge of his sword at thr bottom until, There it is. I found a lip. He would gently raise the edge of the crystal to sate his curiousity. Even just the millimeter or so he lifted it would cause a whiff of rot smell to emerge from the crystal’s base. He’d note the mycae at the base holding the rest of the crystal in place. Diatoms and fungi?

    “Let’s give these fruit a taste. If they are sweet, I can take first watch and whip us up some jam. I have some hard tack,  crackers, and jerky to share. They’ll help even out the sweet a little. If we build a fire, the jamming proccess should unravel most of the poison. There isn’t soil and the water’s too pure for the plants to leech off toxins to synthesize. That just leaves protein based poisons like lectin. We can unravel those with a little heat.” Nakaba thought to build these relationships while they hunted down the other scroll.


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    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Kudo Sat Jun 22, 2024 8:59 pm

    Glad to have been of such use being able to quickly throw together their shelter Kudo was feeling in high spirits, gladly taking the offered fruit from her musing on its taste. Taking a bite straight into the peculiar fruit her taste buds were met with a sweet nectary flavor almost like honey. After a careful chew she began to happily exclaim the results as it suddenly turned extraordinarily tart, contorting her face from the intensity of its aftertaste.

    “It’s really good!”

    Her face was not convincing.

    Slowly chewing the rest to test out any additional changes that weren’t met before swallowing she elaborate to ensure her teammates of its taste. “It’s really sweet but then turns unexpectedly tart. It’s a strange but good combination. Sounds like we should have a solid store of food to ration on for a little while. Hopefully being semi-sweet will still allow the fruits to be jammable so we can make use of the poisonous ones and not have to ration ourselves as much.”


    Stats and Character Info:
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2024-03-11

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kyujutsu, Ninjutsu (Raiton), Katon, Kanchijutsu
    Class: B
    Ryo: 75,625

    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Sera Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:57 am

    The trio all ate their fruit and Sera felt a small sort of satisfaction as she looked around their surroundings. For the most part, she thought that they had set themselves up pretty well here. The cave wasn’t the best place for her to fight since she excelled at long range, but the ceilings were pretty high and the area was wide, so hopefully it wouldn’t matter as much.  I wonder what sort of challenges the rest of the genin have? Are they all caves? I imagined more magma due to the volcano.

    Once the three of them had gotten situated and eaten a bit, Sera would turn to them to discuss strategy. “As far as battling goes, I use lightning ninjutsu and archery to fight from a distance” Sera would gesture to the large bow on her back. “I’m a bit of a glass cannon, so if I take a hit I’m probably out for the count. However, I can move pretty quickly when I want to dodge.”

    Sera would listen to the other two’s responses, but make sure she kept and eye on the cave’s entrance all the while. As long as she was awake, she was determined to not let anyone get the slip on them.

    (OOC: Using my high perception to sense if the fruit are poisonous or not.)
    Can taste poisons (up to A-Rank) before ingesting it.

    Techniques Used:
    Sensing Technique (0.5 cost)

    Total Chakra Remaining: 255/260

    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2024-03-11

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    Ryo: 75,625

    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Sera Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:58 am

    Rolling for Survival

    King of Games
    King of Games

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    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by King of Games Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:58 am

    The member 'Sera' has done the following action : Dice roll

    'Surgical Dice' : 50
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Ryo: Zilch

    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Nakaba Sun Jun 23, 2024 12:34 pm

    With care Nakaba would set a flat, 4 inch thick, metal, rectangular machine down, setting the gourd with the bad fruit atop it. He'd mutter an excerpt quietly from a journal, almost like background noise. "Many of the poisons from plant matter are the result of complex protein chains. This is especially true for temporary needs such as protecting unripened fruit, or ensuring that seeds are protected until they can secure a place for nutrients. This includes legumes, potatoes, and some other seed bearing plants." Nakaba would skip a few pages as he filled a pot up with water, some of the fruit sliced [w/ A rank Crd] into tiny cubes, and some white crystals [a couple of pinches of salt and a cup or two of sugar] from his gear bag, he'd taken off of his pet, Limon's saddle. "Like all protein chains, toxic proteins like lectins can be denatured with intense heat. Jamming is ideal for this process." Nakaba would twist a dial on the induction heater, and would occasionally stir the mixture. From smell alone the white crystals would immediately reveal themselves to be sugar. It would take maybe twenty minutes before they had tasty jam.

    Nakaba would continue to engage once cooking began. "Like I said before I am low on chakra, but that's because my efficiency with Ninjutsu is low. Despite years of practice the same is true with my favorite application of it, Kugutsu. If it comes down to a fight I excel in close quarters combat, and should be able to keep eyes on me during a fight. Also I get faster and stronger the more I warm up, so longer and more drawn out fights tend to favor me more than fights with opponents with higher initial outputs." Nakaba would pause. "I have no real talent in ninjutsu beyond basic application. I failed the nature transformation test when I joined Konoha, but I have a pretty solid grasp of shape manipulation because of my Kugutsu background. I can improv with shape manipulation far and above what is average for a puppeteer, so feel free to rely on me in that aspect as well."

    Nakaba realized he was rambling a bit. "I guess in short, my main weaknesses are long range combat and high chakra output jutsu. I excel in fights without allies within 5m multiple or individual opponents in cqc. I think I will do well working with another swordsman who uses doton and an archer who wants to stay decently far back. One of us should probably come up with audio or visual signals. I'm not too good at that stuff though." As he finished, the pot would begin to boil. Its initial smell would be far more bitter than the fruit had been, but that was normal for jamming. It would quickly become a sweet aroma as the sugars did their work increasing the boiling point and specific heat of the water just as the journal said it would. Nakaba would wordlessly look to Sera, to see if the cooking had nuetralized all of the toxic lectins and other proteins. If she approved, he'd continue on cooking, eventually making nine jars of savory sweet. He'd also pull out some large 6" by 6" by 1" crackers to share and spread the jam on. The honey flavors and acidity would be extracted to their fullest potential if Nakba was given the full twenty minutes to cook [Requiring equal or greater prc to notice room for improvement or shortcomings.  Team 1: Day 1 Prep 1f60b ]. He was definitely not all the way on his guard, but it was also apparent that Sera was. She was a fellow Konoha nin, and he trusted her as well as Kudo to be competent while he attended to the pot. Cooking for these two prodigies who were easily 5 to 10 years younger than him was the least he could do.

    Ninja Info Card:
    Innocence Uchiha
    Innocence Uchiha
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Innocence Uchiha Sun Jun 23, 2024 1:15 pm

    OOC: Sorry it had to come to this.

    Innocence skulked through the heated tunnels of the Hell Maze with her partner. She had received actionable intelligence from her clones and Harley that there was another squad nearby. From what she had learned from the clones, she felt fairly confident that she knew at least some of the competitors.Leaf ninja....the ones from that meeting. Innocence didn't know anything about them. One was a smoker and liked puppets. One was a blondie. That was about all she knew of those individuals which meant that as far as she was concerned, they were fair game. The Cinnamon Roll, however, was not likely to share her sentiment and so Innocence resolved not to tell her redheaded friend about this part of the plan. Eventually, they came to a part of the tunnel that had a smaller and more discrete fork. This passageway was far tighter and if either of them were larger, they simply would not fit. Inno ran a few geometric calculations in her head before turning to Hibiki and speaking in a super low voice.

    "Thtay here. Don't move."

    Innocence then departed from Hibiki's side and sqeezed through the narrow passage. The young surgeon had to crawl several meters before she got to a tiny enclosure that had a slit up to where her head was. She peered through the small slit and saw a large room covered with gemstones. Innocence's lime green eyes darted to a trio of genin who were cooking in a nearby cave. She listened patiently as they talked about their specialties and capabilities. Apparently the smoker was low on chakra and was not very good at Ninjutsu. Blondie was an archer with a proficiency in lightning release. She wasn't sure about the other kid they had been partnered with. From what Innocence recalled, most of the teams were pairs of two so she found it odd that this group had a third person. One that was obviously not a member of the Hidden Leaf military. Traitors. Innocence thought drumming up some kind of hatred and justification for what she was about to do. She retrieved the blow dart that she had tucked in her jacket pocket and raised it to her lips. She had five sets of ammo loaded into the weapon and she tightened her grip over the pipe by using both hands. The "ammo" in question were sharpened splinters that had been rolled in an opiate residue from the Oasis. It was highly concentrated so it would put them in a physical and mental fog for quite a bit of time.

    She hesitated for a moment. They may be working with a foreigner but that was hardly their fault. He was likely put on their team by the proctors. It wasn't unthinkable that there'd be an odd number of genin left over from Round 1. Airi-sama would almost certainly not approve of what she was about to do and neither would her own partner. But then Innocence remembered the meeting in the Hokage's office. Neither puppet-guy or blondie had stood up for her when Kaori had mocked her dead father. The Seventh Hokage. A man who had given his life for the safety of Konoha and her legacy.

    You get what you deserve!

    Innocence blew the weapon. Five splinters would be fired and shot into the necks of Sera, Nakaba and Kudo. One for Nakaba (he was already low on chakra), two for Sera (she was an archer and possessed an element that was dangerous to Inno) and two for Kudo (because he was a foreigner). The trio would instantly feel a deep and penetrating stupor wash over them. The concentrated opiate poison that Innocence had whipped up would halt, disrupt and sabatoge any survival preparations that they were making. It would also drug them and keep them from functioning optimally in the short-term. Their sleep cycles would be thrown off and they'd likely have a hard time properly metabolizing the food that they'd eaten ensuring that they'd suffer from malnourishment. The second Innocence had fired her weapon, she was gone. She crawled back through the passageway and squeezed back into the main tunnel. She had tucked away her blowdart so Hibiki wouldn't see it and quickly ran down the hall motioning for her battle buddy to follow.

    "Cmon let'th go! pick up the pathe!" Innocence said as she scurried out of the area.

    OOC: Sabotaging Nak, Sera and Kudo knocking them down two consequence levels.


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    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Kudo Sun Jun 23, 2024 4:27 pm

    With shelter and food taken care off the group began to make preparations for the inevitable clash with others. Sera and Nakaba having shared their fighting styles put Kudo at ease, glad that her group seemed to have such diversity in their skills.

    As Kudo began to think on her own response a single chakra signature entered her range, to which she would immediately respond with two hand seals before the attempted firing of the weapon by the intruder.

    Ram. Horse.

    A single grasping arm grew from the ground in front of Innocence while a secondary stoney arm rose from behind, hopefully goading the shinobi to retreat backward and into the vice grip of her jutsu. Both arms would aim to take hold of any purchase they could get hold of and imprison the shinobi, dogpiling on top of each other if one were to succeed. Each arm would rise to a height of eight feet, making escape all the hairier for the intruder with their elongated forms. Whipping her head towards the spot where the, now hopefully restrained, shinobi first entered her sensing range Kudo would call out.

    “They’re already here!”



    Stats and Character Info:
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2024-03-11

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kyujutsu, Ninjutsu (Raiton), Katon, Kanchijutsu
    Class: B
    Ryo: 75,625

    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Sera Sun Jun 23, 2024 6:31 pm

    The newly formed team continued to speak as Nakaba finished making his jam out of the fruit. Sera accepted a jar gladly and took a taste. “Delightful!” she said with a warm smile. “Not as good as your curry, but still way better than anything I could make out in the middle of nowhere.” Due to the cave’s size there was quite a bit of echo caused by their voices, but Sera could still hear the faint sounds of something coming down towards the entrance of the cave. An animal or an enemy? Sera would focus her eagle eyes to see a familiar face with a blowdart in hand. What was her name? Innocence, that’s right! She got picked on due to her lisp in the Hokage’s meeting room. Wait, now's not the time for that! Before she had time to shout and warn her teammates, Sera had a decision to make. Should she utilize her secret weapon here? She’d surely be able to avoid the attack if she did, but then Innocence and her other teammates would know about it. If everyone knew then that would be a problem, but so could being hit by-
    Her mind running into an anxious overdrive, Sera was hit by the sleeping darts. Her inability to make a decision right there in the moment would be her downfall. As her eyes closed she began to think of a counterattack. She was the prey this time, but she would return as the hunter.

    (OOC: Falling asleep due to Innocence and Hibiki’s sabotage roll.)

    Techniques Used:
    Sensing Technique (0.5 cost)

    Total Chakra Remaining: 254.5/260

    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Posts : 264
    Join date : 2020-01-08

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Engineering, Kugutsu, Taijutsu
    Class: B
    Ryo: Zilch

    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Nakaba Sun Jun 23, 2024 10:34 pm

    A wide smile spread across Nakaba's face as the other two genin received their jams. I wish I could do more. I played too much last round. I should have been more serious. It was nice to hear that Delightful from Sera as well as praise for his recipe selection the last time they'd spent time together. He'd be about done washing out his gourd when he'd notice Sera and Kudo go on high alert. A quick pinch would distract him from seeing what happened. Son of a bitch I've been hehehe"Hehehehe. Das poison right there. whooooooo. It'bs kinda nice." Nakaba would start giggling like a fool as he saw Kudo and Sera fall unconscious. "Dass brobbably bab."

    Uncontrollable giggling would echo out as Nakaba observed his two sleeping allies. He place his hand on each of them, suppressing their chakras for now. They could reactivate them when they woke up. Going through his stuff he'd get out his sleeping bag, opening it up and start dragging the other two away from the scene with their stuff cackling like an idiot at first, and then as his body started metabolizing the poison hours later, he'd grow deathly quiet. Nakaba would drag them until they woke up, or until he found a safe nook for the two of them to rest in. He wasn't as amazing as Kudo, he couldn't just make shelter. Honestly which ever came first. Eventually when the other two began to stir, Nakaba would force them awake, and tell them, "Listen closely, don't move. I need you to pay very close attention to what I'm saying. I believe you are both sensory-nin. Watch my chakra circulation very closely. You'll want to move your internal chakra along the path of your gut and then through your body like blood. I know that doesn't make sense, but you need to learn the basics and fast." The two were likely capable of sustaining chakra suppression or undoing it on their own. If not, Nakaba would very willingly help them.

    Teaching Drunken Fist [Custom] to Kudo and Sera.
    OOC: Taking my -'s from lack of sleep and overexertion.
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    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Kudo Mon Jun 24, 2024 10:44 am

    Thusly was Kudo asleep and thusly did Kudo remain asleep. And indeed, as the author described the ways in which she slept so did the young kunoichi indeed sleep.

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    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Sera Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:05 am

    Fog began to lift in the blonde kunoichi’s mind as her eyes fluttered open, once again absorbing the eerie lights in the glowing cave. She looked over to see Nakaba seemingly taking care of Kudo and herself. Did he neutralize the poison somehow? He began to teach them the technique he used to help himself, and Sera would nod along, but knew that her body couldn’t appropriately learn taijutsu without some more extreme training. Instead she would focus on what she did best. Time to hunt.

    Sera would activate her dojutsu as she stood up. “We don’t have time to sit still anymore, we’ve got to be proactive.” Her hunter’s instincts took over and she would check out the entrance of the cave, looking at tracks and even smells to see what path they came from. Sera would wait for her team to gather themselves and follow, but she would begin to track the others. Let’s do this!

    (OOC: Beginning tracking.)

    Techniques Used:
    Sensing Technique (0.5 cost)
    Yogen no Me (0.2 cost)

    Total Chakra Remaining: 254.3/260

    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Class: B
    Ryo: 75,625

    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Sera Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:05 am

    Rolling for tracking

    King of Games
    King of Games

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    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by King of Games Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:05 am

    The member 'Sera' has done the following action : Dice roll

    'Surgical Dice' : 69
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin
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    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Lily Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:34 am

    OOC: I'm not sorry. (for the music that is.)

    Lily had taken the time to move farther ahead of Hisha for the moment; her quick speed allowing her to scout more while Hisha could take more time to analyze once he caught up. On top of her head was Adzuki; wings spread apart as it let the wind pass over it's wings thanks to Lily's impressive speed. Given the situation Lily didn't want to lose Hisha while she was following this specific trail, so she had borrowed the bird. Past the jungle there was a bunch of tunnels, and while she almost took the snake, flight was a much better way of locating one's master in her humble opinion. An opinion that she had no idea if it was right or wrong, but it was still hers.

    Slipping down and finding herself in some sort of large cavern, she'd hear the sound of someone giggling and...no, well she couldn't make out what they were saying. picking the bird off her head, she'd sneak over to see who it was who was making said noise. What she'd find was Number 31 giggling to himself like those in the pits who saw a man be killed in an amusing fashion alongside Number 8 and the blonde she met at the opening ceremony; the latter two being knocked out cold. For a split second she saw the exact lines she needed to cut in order to get rid of this team of three. A smack in the back of the head with the butt of her knife on the giggly one, then three clean cuts across the throats of all three of them. A quick, clean kill.

    Fortunately for the trio she wasn't allowed to kill. Grumbling at the limitations she was given on top of her desire to fight these people at full strength, she'd give them a fighting chance...this time. Sneaking up behind the giggling Nakaba she'd move at an inhuman speed to smash the butt of her bestest knife into the back of his head to cleanly knock him out while he was digging through his gear. She'd then see the blonde's eyes flutter awake, and she'd quickly move to knock her out before she could make a move.

    Grumbling as she had a lot less time now then what she originally assumed she'd have, she'd quickly dig through their gear and take as much of their food. Pocketing it, she'd take Adzuki and get the hack out of there, back to her ally before they could properly make a move against her.


    Invading & Interrupting. Knife hits are flavor and not mechanical in regards to injury penalty unless decided otherwise. After all it is a hit & run.

    Child of Vandel:
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    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Nakaba Mon Jun 24, 2024 5:58 pm

    OOC: posting so I don't get 48 hour'd unconscious. We were already at "Catastrophic Conditions" from Innocence's invasion. I believe Lily's post has no further effect.

    Nakaba's heart dropped when he heard the grumbling in the cave behind him. Am I really about to get mugged again while these two are unconscious. Ninja. It wasn't a question in his mind what was about to happen. He kept his chakra suppressed as he molded his physical energy [Crd: S+] letting his attacker make their way up to him. Listening to the kick off and the steps that followed as he spun to face his attacker, Nakaba would have a perfect counter ready. As skilled as she was, this child seemed more like an assassin than a martial artist. That was a knife she'd aimed at my head!

    Nakaba would be unpredictably quick though when fighting in close quarters [Applied debuffs - Neutralizing Crd boosts. General Crd: -1 Tier, Attack Reaction Crd -1 - (4-), misc. debuffs on hit] . As he turned he'd mirror Lily, his hand would block at her wrist to catch her there in a stalemate. He struck like a praying mantis in waiting. Ensnaring his target, he didn't care how mighty they were. He would point two fingers at her head with his other hand, inviting her to check him. "Beautiful knife. You'll grow into it, if you leave." If she left, Nakaba wouldn't stop her, but Sera was stirring. As much as he wanted to believe in his steez, Nakaba knew that he was likely bluffing. That being said, it should have been clear to Lily that there would be no chance for her to rifle through their stuff. Nakaba didn't think that Lily would want to fight both of them at the same time. Tired as he was, he'd worked from dawn to dusk his entire life. Simply being tired wasn't going to let a child kill him. It would though make him unable to say no, if she asked him for a jar of his tasty jam.

    When Sera did wake, (Assuming Lily just hit and run) Nakaba would chuckle lightly. Sit still, she says. With a deep inhale he would pick Kudo up now. "Can you carry our stuff? I can reinforce my muscles with chakra and carry her for now." Some of the kick in his voice was gone as he was visibly tired. Lily's attack was rough on his chakra, but it was Innocence's poison darts that did him in. He could leave Kudo here, but he figured she deserved a chance to prove herself to the world. I'm probably gonna regret this when she also kicks my ass later. Nakaba would follow after Sera too then.

    [Attempted Exit]
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    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Kudo Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:08 pm

    Waking to the hurried movements of Nakaba ferrying her along, Kudo slowly began to regain her dulled senses and followed him as best she could. Cursing herself for not thinking of enemies using chakra suppression she would focus all her energy on waking up properly to deal with whatever shitstorm the trio found themselves in next.

    [Attempted Exit]

    Stats and Character Info:
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2024-03-11

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    Class: B
    Ryo: 75,625

    Team 1: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 1: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Sera Mon Jun 24, 2024 8:04 pm

    Sera’s body was extremely sluggish and she wondered why she hadn’t been able to sense any of the attacks coming. She had even been looking out for an ambush! It was a wild mystery that would probably never get answered. But she wouldn’t let her debilitated body stop her! No matter how long it took her to get to her destination she would go there and try her best!



    Techniques Used:
    Sensing Technique (0.5 cost)
    Yogen no Me (0.2 cost)

    Total Chakra Remaining: 253.6/260


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