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    Class #113

    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
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    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    Class #113 Empty Class #113

    Post by Hana Kaguya Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:52 am

    Class #113 Anime_Classroom_01_d

    Classroom number one-hundred and thirteen typically serves as an intermediate algebra room for Academy Students. However today they would be reserved for a host of Genin taking their written exam for their first official test to see if they qualify as Chuunin. The room has twenty-five desks, with four of them currently occupied by ninja from the leaf village. They all sat in seats separated randomly. It was half an hour before nine o'clock, which was when the test was set to begin. A blackboard was at the front of the classroom with the rules written in white chalk large enough for everybody in the classroom to see.

    1.) Absolutely NO cheating during the test. Being caught cheating off another Genin is an automatic fail.
    2.) Stay seated during the test. If you need anything raise your hand and seek a proctor.
    3.) All answers are final. There will be no erasing answers during this test. Think before you write.
    4.) Complete all ten questions by the end of the hour (Jan. 28th.)


    When the test begins you have to answer all ten questions.

    • C-tier Intelligence lets you answer 8/10 questions.
    • B-tier Intelligence lets you answer all 10 questions.
    • B-tier Perception allows you to copy 2 questions per post.
    • A-tier Perception allows you to copy questions by merely listening.

    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    Irui Mikiri
    Irui Mikiri

    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 386
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    Location : Secret

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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Irui Mikiri Sat Jan 11, 2020 9:55 pm

    Irui took the slip of paper and followed the corridor, counting down the numbers as he went. He paused to sip from the nearby drinking fountain, washing the vomit from his mouth. It was cool, nearly lukewarm, but it settled his nerves.

    One thirteen, one-thirteen..... He repeated, glancing up at the room numbers until finally, the number came into view. Alright.... here we go....

    Irui slipped into the room, its air musty and still. Humidity from the ocean clung to the air, saturating everything with a faint mildew scent. Wooden desks filled the room, several already occupied by four Genin from the Hidden Leaf. He recognized the headbands from a poster; a village located in the heart of the continent in the Land of Fire. Immediately he made a beeline for the closest table, near the front and entrance.

    Scrawled across the chalk board were rules for the exam. They had an hour to complete the test, nothing was to be erased, cheating wasn't allowed. He sat back in his seat, hearing it creak under his weight, and stole a glance at the other Shinobi. Being caught is an automatic fail, He read.

    HIs eyes wandered about the room, passing over cheery posters, decorations and supplies until he settled on a map of the world. The Hidden Mist's archipelago was featured dead center, with all other countries oriented around it, many of them he'd only heard about in books. Irui held his chin in his hand, elbow propped up, and studied it slowly to pass the time.  He'd heard stories about these islands growing up; tales of pirate lords, men grinning with shark teeth, and enchanted swords. Now that he was here, it all seemed.... surreal.

    He twisted in his chair, looking over his shoulder at the rest of the classroom, watching how the grey mist-choked light filtered through the windows, played across the tables. Irui couldn't help but smile-- he was finally outside of  the Lightning Country, finally beyond the confines of House Mikiri. He bent down to his traveling bag, fishing for something to write with.

    These are the chuunin exams. Everything here could be a test. Those four guys could be opponents, the test itself a triggered technique, even the rules could just be a test.... He paused in his rummaging and glanced at the board from under the desk.

    That's something I would do....

    Then at the floor.

    Later.... He reminded himself, and came up empty handed.


    Posts : 58
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    Age : 34
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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Verdandi Mon Jan 13, 2020 4:12 am

    Verdandi strolled down the main hall of the academy complex. She used to go to school here not all too many weeks ago. She was the freshmen among Genin. She was the weed that had grown on the fertile soil of Kiri’s privileged few. There was no way that a greenhorn like herself had even the slightest chances to get anywhere even past the first test of this spectacle. She had no real team yet, had no assigned master to learn from, she had no sparing experiences except for the few times they did some head-butting at the academy. But most of these fights ended with one or more young ‘shinobi’ crying. Yet she was here. Put her own name at the very top of the sign-up list the very second it came out and was now strolling towards her ultimate demise. It amused her. To some extent it was the faces of others wonder why she’d try such a stunt but mostly because she was massively bored. Funny enough she figured that some others had followed her example by now, the list of freshmen on the exams was growing and even if she was nothing but a weird trend setter, Verd would go down with raised banners now.

    Verd completely forgot, that the main reason the people were staring at her might not necessarily be all the dreamt-up fame in her head. But ultimately the fact that a pretty thick polar bear was casually moving behind Verd and bumped a few people out of the way in the process. He was by far not really all too large for bear terms but still quite something unusual to meet casually moving through the village. As Verd found herself at room 113 she figured she couldn’t just place that fluffy thing on her head like other pet owners might have done. Verd pointed at one of the visitor seats in the corner. Avalanche would nod and proceed to slowly crawl onto one of the chairs there and make himself at home. Funny enough he picked a seat quite close to what might be an overseer or something like that. Ava’s eyes would relentlessly stare at the person next to him probably making them feel a bit uncomfortable about this whole situation. Verd watched and giggled to herself. Maybe the young bear would be escorted outside during the test. Maybe not. She would see.

    It was only now that she noticed how the already seated people were staring at her. Probably everyone was bored while waiting. Leaving them with not much else to do than glance upon any newcomers stepping into the room until the test begins. Verd swallowed once empty and slowly placed herself rather close to the entrance. There was a free seat next to a young Kumo-nin. The snow lady gazed into the room to eventually catch up with all the different foreign faces. Some of them were rather scary to look at. Verd tried to look a bit less timid after seeing those mean faces. “They gonna eat me alive…” she thought to herself, maybe having some second thoughts now about this supposedly heroic stunt.

    Yoru Slim
    Yoru Slim

    Posts : 72
    Join date : 2019-12-24

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    Skills & Elements: Kugutsu, Genjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Yoru Slim Mon Jan 13, 2020 4:56 pm

    Yoru hummed as he looked up at the Academy building. He'd already been here a few times for missions, yet he'd never seen it this crowded until now. He'd left his puppets at home, largely due to the fact he didn't have any real way of sealing them for the time being- and he sure as heck wasn't about to fork over 5k in Ryo just to get them sealed into a basic scroll in the off-chance he'd be required to fight immediately after the written portion of the exam! Truth be told, Yoru didn't feel all too floored about the idea of taking the Chunin Exams at the moment. He had only recently returned to Kirigakure, and although he had done a number of missions to finance his puppetry, he was still on the weaker side compared those like Chi or Kit whom he knew to be far stronger. Still, if there was one thing that incentivized Yoru to toss his name into the hat while being somewhat unprepared it was the potential income that he could make as a Chunin with the higher payout that C-Rank missions afforded. More ryo meant more puppets, and more puppets meant a proportional increase to his overall power as a puppet-nin!

    The red head walked through the crowded hallway, heading to the chek-in desk. There he was ordered to report to his assigned classroom: 113. After navigating the place, the teen finally made his way to the exam area. He didn't feel any real nerves per se as he walked in, certainly compared to some of the other shinobi who had all already found their seats. He was most likely the last one, just managing to eek in before the toll of the bell, as usual. "Hmmm, smells like fear and anxiety in here. How arousing, fufu" He muttered to himself as he scanned the crowd. There were a large number of Konoha-nin who had showed up, though they seemed to have stuck by themselves as they found their seats. Yoru spotted what looked like a Kumo-nin too, though he couldn't really make out much of them save for that they were a boy. Lastly there was a white haired girl closer to his own age who must have immediately entered before him. Poor moon lily was being stared down like a deer in headlights it seemed. Coincidnetally, one of the last open seats was next to the fellow Kiri-nin, who in turn was sitting next to that Kumo-nin from before. Heck, he just had to complete that triplet, right?

    Yoru sat down at the desk next to the white-haired Kiri-nin. He exhaled a little too loudly as he sat, "Hmmm, methinks the people are jealous to not have a bear, life can be a bore without one. Don't let their stares deceive you, they're only people, they're only people" Yoru echoed, giving some small words of encouragement to the woman, even if in his own strange and cryptic way. With that done, he would look back up to the front of the room, spotting the rules for the exam hall. He knew from past accounts that each exam was different both in their content and context. There was usually some sort of 'trick' to them, though as he sat there, he couldn't quite figure out what it was even as he wracked his noggin for a possible answer. Was this to be one of the more straightforward tests? Who knew. "Well, good luck to you both." He'd say to his two desk-buddies before the test began. Hey, they weren't viciously trying to kill each other yet, that had to mean they were starting on the right foot for introductions, right?

    Yoru Information:
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin

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    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:06 pm

    Five hours. That's how long Kitsuki and Zizz were trapped in a time bubble of their own making. Kitsuki had been a meticulous planner even before she had gotten to the WASP. Her mind was naturally forward thinking even as a kid. Whether it was tagging a nearby store or preparing for a concert. Kit had a habit of being punctual and prepared. Except for today. The one day where she couldn't afford to be late.

    Kitsuki had laid out all of her clothes, materials, and plans for the Chuunin Exams. She knew how long it would take to get from her house to the testing center. She had memorized and followed the registration instructions to the letter. She was so well prepared that she allowed Zizz to persuade them to practice a new jutsu just before exams. Zizz being a light-hearted and carefree spirit figured there'd be no harm in brushing up on advanced Time Release Techniques right before a major exam. Kitsuki was resistant at first but given that they had a full seven hours before the Exams began, she relented. The two created a time bubble of inordinately large size and power. Yet when it was time to collapse the construct, they couldn't. Zizz had supplied far too much power and the tether between them was strong but imperfect. They were not in 100% in sync and they had overtaxed themselves. In the process they had created an inescapable time bubble that could not be collapsed by either of them. Kitsuki was in full freak out mode and Zizz was wracked with guilt. The discord and anger between the two of them only made matters worse. Escaping went from difficult to impossible. The affair felt like 30 minutes within the bubble but in reality it had been five hours. In a desperate bid, they tried an experimental technique. They'd either be trapped in this time bubble for twenty years or escape with barely enough time to make it to the testing center. They gambled and won.

    Kitsuki raced to the testing center, pissed off at her only companion and absolutely desperate to make it into the room on time. By the grace of God her room was on the first floor. She zipped down the hallway just in time to see the proctor begin to shut the door. Kitsuki hollered out willing to risk embarrassment:


    Hopefully the proctors would be kind enough to listen. If so, Kitsuki would make it just in the nick of time. She'd throw her foot out and prevent the door from fully closing. She'd rather the pain and humiliation of it hitting her foot as opposed to be locked outside the classroom. The latter being an automatic fail due to lateness. Headmaster Sukimori would have her head.

    If permitted Kitsuki would be the last one in the classroom. She was sweating profusely and her elegant uniform was ruined due to running and parkouring across the city to get here on time. It was extremely embarrassing. Kitsuki's eyes were glued to the floor as she sank into her seat and stared at the desk for a few minutes. Then she looked up at the instructions on the wall. She swallowed as the weight of the moment sunk in.

    This was it.

    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Hana Kaguya Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:46 pm

    Class #113 Bartholomew-oobleck-dr-seuss-bartholomew-and-the-oobleck-read-aloud

    Overtime the classroom gradually filled to capacity. There were no more available seats but one as Kitsuki scurried to take what was left. Fortunately for her, the proctor would ascend the stairwell and open the hallway door just after Kitsuki made it to class. With a mug of black coffee in one hand the proctor for room one-hundred and thirteen arrived at the door giving a turn on the knob and inviting himself in. The proctor was a tall man standing at 6'4 and wore business casual attire followed by a yellow tie. He wore a set of round eye glasses and had sweptback long green hair. The man pushed the door shut begin him and turned the lock. There was nobody entering or exiting the room until the exam was finished.

    "Good morning class I am Professor Oobleck! Today I will be proctoring your abilities as an individual in solving complex yet applicable mathematical equations which WILL be used in your day to day lives as a ninja!" The man maintained a straight posture with mug held close to his chest taking a quick swig of his coffee he'd pace other to the podium. He spoke rather fast and loud enough for the class to hear, but his tone seemed more eager and carefree than intimating. "As you all may already know there are a few rules written on the boards I want all of you to take into consideration before I hand out the test sheets. As you may see, cheating will absolutely not be tolerated in my class. If I catch any of you cheating off another Genin I will have you removed from my class and you will ultimately fail. Second! Do not leave your desk without permission! Once you are seat you will be seated until the test is over, so consider yourselves stuck where you are UNLESS you seek my permission from me and I grant it! And most important there will be no mistakes! If you all check in your desk there will be two pencils. Notice anything different about them? There are no erasers that is correct! As a ninja you must be absolute and confident in your actions on the field as there will be no opportunities for any 'do-overs' depending on your assignment! Complete all ten questions by the end of the hour. You must score at least nine correct answers to pass this exam as we do not tolerate any shortcomings when choosing the future of your village. If you have completed the test before the hour feel free to turn in the paper to me directly. I will grade them using my rubric and provide you a response immediately whether you have passed or failed. If you pass you will receive your next instructors from me directly. Now, let's get this class in session!"

    Setting his coffee mug down on the podium he stuffed the answer rubric in his back pocket. Professor Oobleck grabbed a stack of test sheets and moved between the rows vigorously setting one upon each table. When he reached Verandi he'd lean over just slightly to confront her. "Little Miss Lady! I must advise you that you must keep your beast under control during all parts of the exam otherwise I will have to ask you to remove him from the building and this will take precious time out of your test do I make myself clear! The proctor was not expecting any answer as his word was the law for the classroom. Upon handing out all sheets he'd resume his spot on the podium returning to his mug of coffee. "Now that you all have a test I will say BEGIN!"



    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: C
    Speed: C
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: C

    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    Irui Mikiri
    Irui Mikiri

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    Posts : 386
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    Skills & Elements: Lightning, Water, Wind, Storm, Dark
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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Irui Mikiri Tue Jan 14, 2020 9:11 pm

    Irui sat in silence, twiddling his thumbs, looking around the classroom. After a while he'd begun to think this isolation was the test itself. He popped his knuckles, adjusted his bag, fidgeted.

    That all changed in short order.

    The door clicked several times, swinging open as a cadre of Hidden Mist Genin strolled into the classroom. One girl, dressed in white was followed closely by a bear that towered over her; it squeezed into a seat beside her, and the pair sat not too far off from him. A teenager, dressed in black with a shock of red hair entered next, he paused at the front, sizing up the group. Irui cupped his chin in his hand, lazily watching, and caught the boy's eyes briefly.

    We have the same eyes, He thought, watching as the red-haired boy took his seat near the girl. He's eager, hungry even...., and for the briefest moment wondered: Perhaps Mora would like to meet this one--

    "WAIT!!! PLEASE WAIT!!! I'M COMING!!!!" A girl hollered from just down the hall. A dark skinned kunoichi bolted into the room, her clothes dissheveled, skin glistening with sweat. She was frantic, panicked, and rushed to her seat immediately. Just in time too, as the Proctor entered moments later, arriving right on the dot.

    Professor Oobleck, as he introduced himself, entered in timely fashion, decked in fitted business casual, his hair a bright green, with a brilliant yellow tie.  "Today I will be proctoring your abilities as an individual in solving complex yet applicable mathematical equations which WILL be used in your day to day lives as a ninja!"

    So..... Irui thought as he watched the man launch into an intense, full-throated, and grammatically incorrect bright-green paragraph of instructions, that went on for fourteen lines of ferocious verdana, ..... What would happen if I just call him over, trip, and shove this pencil into his throat? Does that qualify as a win? What would Mora do?

    He looked down at the pencil, following along with the instructions, then to the test and the questions. Mora would probably loom, covred in a cloak, and urge him to "Do it! Let the test anxiety floooow through you!--"

    "--all have a test I will say BEGIN!"

    One hour to complete ten questions, no cheating. He sat forward, situating the paper between his arms, and quickly jotted his name on the appropriate line. Steadily he worked his way down the test, running over the questions, scouring them for clues, seeing if anything stood out immediately. All the while his pencil danced between his fingers. There was no way to erase what he wrote, every answer had to be precise.


    We have to answer these questions in one hour. Cheating isn't allowed, but... The board adds that piece about not getting caught. He kept his eyes on the paper, listened to the classroom's activity-- the rustling, the movement of limbs and fingers. They could cheat if they didn't get caught, but....

    His eyes wandered to the Proctor, standing with his coffee mug.

    He knows that, Irui realized. He knows that we know that the board has a stipulation. I'd make it obvious too, I'd use that as the trap-- Cheat without getting caught, but have something lurking that wasn't obvious..... He turned his attention back to the test,  his pencil hovering over the first question.

    With his free hand, he placed his fingers on the table,  opened his senses to the classroom, and closed his eyes in concentration. The movement of bodies clarified, and in his minds eye he could visualize the the chakra signatures of everyone at their seats-- the bear included. Now then, it was time to start probing the classroom for traps...


    Used: Chakra Sensing Technique, A-rank
    Cost: 0.5/post, max range: 50m.
    Contact enabled, sensing everything in contact with the table (which means the floor, and the classroom).


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    Age : 34
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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Verdandi Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:17 pm

    Verdandi was melting away on the pressure of stares and giggles that came along with the unwanted attention she had drawn to herself. Interestingly enough it was the red-haired boy that seated himself next to her whom showed her some compassion and empathy and even tried to lessen the seemingly obvious anxiety from the princess. “Thank you” she would utter once silently and smile, already feeling a lot better. It also seemed that the test was about to begin soon, looking at the clock on the wall hinted towards the start of the test to come along any minute now. With big eyes Verd found herself staring at the door as a familiar face basically dropped into the room a complete sweaty mess. It was Kit! That was an unusual sight. She remembered the young lady as an elegant and maybe even a bit stiff sort of person. To see her all out of it like that was kind of cute. Verd would wave at Kit a bit overexcited but it just felt good to have at least one person in this whole class she actually knew. The class would be giggling again, seemingly entertained by her entrance but Verd was too busy smiling like an idiot to notice it much. Her sudden streak of good moods would however be broken once again as a stingy looking man entered the room.

    Professor Oobleck had entered. His emerald presence would shut the whole class to be completely silent very quickly. Dandi didn't know exactly why but she immediately disliked him. Verd’s big cousin once mentioned to her that these exams tended to have a little twist to themselves in order to beat the odds within. It seemed to be a different thing each exam in order to keep things spicy over the many years and generations to pass or fail. Verd would listen closely in order to try and figure out if the teacher would already hint towards the twist of this exam and she actually mentioned several possible tricks to it rather quickly.

    First off, the rather common cheating rule. It was a tricky one. It didn’t really fully take out cheating from the picture but you’d have to make it smart and be unnoticed while doing it.

    Second, they specifically mention that you have to remain seated, yet emphasizing on that it all would be fine and ok if the professor granted you the ability to stand up and walk about. So, in this part you’d just have to find a pretty good reason to do so, you weren’t necessarily really stuck at all.

    Thirdly, the rule about the pencils seemed most odd, Verd couldn’t really point her finger on what this one was about. Maybe just a distraction from the other rules? Maybe just a way to add pressure over being right and wrong? To know whether your answer was right in your head or not before writing it down didn’t seem much of a hard thing to do.

    Fourthly, he went on to add a rather crucial input to the final answers. Only 9 out of 10 had to be right, you were hence given the chance to fail or miss one completely, you just had to fill out all 10 with something.

    The last info wasn't even a rule but it was something very interesting that probably had way more importance than he could even give away if he wanted to. He would be using the rubric to check the individual answers for pass or fail. Leaving Verdandi with the rather ambitious idea that it was an absolute plausible goal to either steal the rubric or change the very information on it in order to win this game. She watched him tuck it in his back pocket and licked her lips already. If someone managed to exchange the original rubric with a completely fake one of their own making, they even had the very power to make the whole class fail except for themselves. She shuddered. It was brilliant. But how on earth would she get her hands on that thing…?

    Verdandi’s rather fruitful conclusions were however interrupted by the professor taking it upon himself to specifically talk her up about Verd’s special companion. The way he talked to her was intimidating and also sort of putting her again into a spotlight for giggles and whispers.

    However, Verd was still in analyzing-mode and couldn’t help but figure that… he basically just delivered her a perfect reason to get up and leave her seat for whenever she needed it, but only once. And all it would cost her would be some petty time off her test. She nodded quickly. Verd’s sapphire eyes would stare into the very soul of the green man and with a way more determined voice then may have been expected she’d answer his question with Crystal Clear, Sir.”

    The ice princess quickly swept up the first pencil while wondering what to do with the second one. Reading through the paper and starting to write down the answers she actually knew right off the bat. This test wasn't even that hard... maybe she'd even manage on her own without cheating.

    Yoru Slim
    Yoru Slim

    Posts : 72
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    Skills & Elements: Kugutsu, Genjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Yoru Slim Wed Jan 15, 2020 1:19 pm

    Yoru hummed as a tall man who looked similar to a Leek walked into the room.

    It seemed this fellow was to be his proctor for the written portion of the exams. This professor Oobleck was a strange seeming fellow, though coming from Yoru that may not have been saying much. The man was straightforward and to the point about his rules and expectations for these exams. Like oh so many others, Yoru would listen to his explanations about the exam rules. There was the cheating one, the obvious disclaimer that pretty much everyone knew they would have to ignore to some degree if they wanted to get a passing grade. There was the bit about getting up and walking around with permission, something that could possibly be exploited if you played your cards right. Then, lastly, there was a small talk about not having any erasers and being graded against a rubric in his possession. Yoru would look over the pencils he wielded, twirling them in his fingers idly. Well now, it seemed all answers would be final then without any doubt.

    Yoru had been eager to start the exam, yet found his gaze wandering to the last late arrival for the test. It was a girl close to his own age, another kiri-nin it looked like. She was disheveled and thankful to whatever gods she worshipped to have made it in time before the exam started. With the last arrival in, Yoru would turn his attention back to Oobleck as he came forward to start delivering the exam papers. The redhead felt confident going into it, and once he saw the actual questions, that confidence remained largely unchanged. With the permission to begin being given, Yoru sat back in his seat and started thinking.

    He noticed some people around him start instantly writing, likely getting the ones that they knew out of the way. Others were more cautious, either due to not having any idea of what to put nor thinking about ways to game the system. That pretty much summed up the two different strategies for the test really. Just from looking over the questions, Yoru knew that he could answer the majority of them with his above-average intellect. There were a few though that were strange even for him, likely the more nitty gritty questions that he hadn't been taught through his unorthodox training in the circus. He'd need a little special something to push him over the finish line for that, thankfully he had exactly that.

    Oobleck had specified it wasn't permissible to cheat off of other Genin, but he'd said nothing about increasing your own abilities or the like- such as cognitive intelligence.

    Still, it was never that simple, wasn't it? Yoru had a plan of action in mind, but he wagered a hell of a lot of other people did too. Some were already probably trying to put their plans into action. If he was too hasty, he'd potentially trigger some secondary clause of the exam that he knew nothing about. For now, he'd wait, idly twirling his pencil in one hand and leaning on the other with his elbow on his desk. He'd wait for a bit before he started answering, see if anything happened or if someone made a bad move that he could learn from...

    Yoru Information:
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin

    Posts : 1126
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:40 am

    Kitsuki barely had time to collect herself and gather her thoughts. She had just finished reading the rules written on the board when a green-haired man walked into the room. He introduced himself as Professor Oobleck and proceeded to rattle off the instructions that they were to heed. His mini-lecture was more or less a reiteration of what was already given to them. The spectacled proctor emphasized that cheating would be severely punished. Kit took that to be a given but apparently it needed to be re-emphasized. The man also stated that they were not permitted to leave their desks unless given explicit permission. Typical..

    The "no mistakes" portion of the instructions was what really surprised her. She reached out and took the pencils provided. True to his word, the erasers had been removed. The rationale given was that shinobi needed to be certain of their answers before they gave them. A mistake on the field could cost lives. Kitsuki found herself silently nodding in agreement. It would make her job more difficult but she couldn't argue with the logic. This was the Chuunin Exams after all, it separated the good from the great and the great didn't make mistakes. When the Professor mentioned that they'd need to get 9 out of 10 questions correct, the fear in her eyes would be noticeable. 90%?!. That was a high bar. This was especially concerning given that the subject area was complex mathematical equations. Kitsuki had taken Math back at the WASP and she had aced it, but there was no telling whether the problems she'd get were of greater, lesser, or equal difficulty. She had absolutely no idea what to study for when it came to the Chuunin Exams so she had opted for a well rounded regimen. Physical training and endurance, technique mastery, chakra control, shinobi history and government, and of course the standard liberal arts and sciences with a bent towards shinobi application. She was about as prepared as one could reasonably expect of a studious, driven, and disciplined shinobi. Unfortunately, the Exams weren't exactly "fair".

    The Professor mentioned the option of turning in one's test early. Kit didn't plan on exercising that option. It was always better to use the full time to check one's answers. However, if she was confident enough perhaps it'd be better to just get the answer from the Professor right away and walk out of the room. She noticed that he had tucked his rubric in his back pocket before starting to hand out the exams.

    Kitsuki was too scared to even reach into her inner jacket pocket. She had her handkerchief in there and she was still sweating from her crazy sprint across town. The pressure of the moment also wasn't helping. Instead, she took the unlady-like course of action and wiped it with the back of her hand. She had been so ashamed about her tardiness that she had not really looked around the room. The snickers from amused students had only made her more averse to that action. She cast a few furtive glances around her just before the Professor began to distribute the tests.  She saw a couple of familiar faces.

    Oh there's Verdandi! It was the Yuki Ice Princess she had met at the Kirigakure Christmas Concert. Kitsuki had heard the girl playing the piano on the balcony of the venue and had been moved by her natural talent. She had taught her a thing or two but the most memorable aspect of the moment was how down to earth she was. Verd was literally royalty and yet she conducted herself as a kind and gentle person. Kitsuki had met more than a few royals at private school and those girls often acted as though butter wouldn't melt in their mouths. Kit was glad to see a familiar face and while she was too stressed to smile, she'd give a small nod of acknowledgement to the girl. Hopefully the slight and near imperceptible tilt of the head wouldn't get them in trouble. She also noticed Yoru, the red-headed genin who was her squad mate. She noticed that he seemed pretty confident and laid back. A stark contrast to the sweating, flustered, ruffled, and nervous Kitsuki.

    It was at that moment that Kit became aware of a low and deep breathing sound. She turned her head and her eyes widened. It turns out she really hadn't been paying attention when she had gotten into the classroom. Not far from her sat a massive polar bear. Kit's hand covered her mouth as she noticed the large beast sitting down and looking around. Didn't Verd mention something about having a pet polar bear? Or was she just imagining that? The question was soon answered when the proctor chastised Verdandi about the creature's presence. Kitsuki thought that the Ice Princess was mad to have brought such a large beast into the Exam. To Kitsuki's knowledge the gigantic bear wasn't in attendance during the Concert so there wasn't any medical reason for it being here now. It was oddly distracting and kind of rude to have brought such an animal into a sensitive military examination. She was a bit miffed that Verd would do such an inconsiderate thing. Did she think that she was above the laws and rules of society just because she was a royal? Kitsuki didn't want to believe that but she found no other way to rationalize bringing Avalanche into the testing room. Kit expected Verd to be thrown out but all Professor Oobleck did was warn her that the polar bear was not allowed to cause any disturbances.

    "What the hell?!" Kitsuki mouthed to herself.

    She was too afraid to raise the issue out loud. Considering the fact that she had nearly been late, she had no room to complain about the polar bear. She didn't want to draw any additional attention to herself by challenging the proctor but that didn't make the man's reaction any less insane. He doesn't want us erasing our answers but having a bear sit in on the exam is fine? . Kitsuki didn't want to take any chances looking at her fellow test-takers now that the exam was being handed out, but judging from the lack of vocal responses no one seemed surprised or outraged. Kitsuki began to question whether she had missed something in the registration forms and rules but she was certain she had done nothing of the sort. The girl was a careful planner and if there was the option to take a pet she would have remembered it. Verd had brought her bear on her own accord, defying common sense and fairness. Kit had really liked the girl when they had first met but now she was angry at her. She had to take a super-hard exam with a giant polar bear in the room and the proctor didn't give a damn so long as it "was under control". Whatever that means.....

    The exams were handed out and when the paper landed on Kits's desk, she didn't waste a second. She read the exam and when the reality of the material sunk in, her hands curled into fists.


    The mathematical equations were not just difficult, they were downright impossible for her. Kitsuki read them, then read them again, then read them again. They were way beyond her intellectual capacity and understanding. Kitsuki had seen these kind of equations before back at the WASP School....when she had accidentally walked into the Math League's practice session. She knew the average ninja was smart, but you had to either be naturally gifted or a mathematics professor to solve these equations. There was no way the average genin could be expected to solve something so difficult. Or maybe they were. Maybe the average genin was expected to be this smart and Kitsuki was just dumb. All of the compliments and rewards she had received for her intelligence and work ethic, was it all lies? Just meaningless words designed to pump up her confidence? Kitsuki was particularly gifted in music and while she was never an absolute wizard at academics, she had maintained high grades throughout her time in private school. However, it all seemed so long ago now. None of her accomplishments mattered here. She didn't know the answer to a single question.

    Kitsuki felt a lump in her throat as she uselessly re-read the questions again and again. She could guess but she knew that the answers would be wrong. She had a small idea on how to start tackling the problems but she knew that after a few minutes of working she'd hit a dead end. They were just too complicated. She didn't touch her pencils. Kit looked back up at the rules desperate for a clue of some kind. She heard people writing and her anxiety increased. From her peripheral vision she was aware that Verd and Yoru were actually writing which meant they were extremely confident in their answers given the no erasing rule. She was the odd one out here. She was the dumb one. Kitsuki was overwhelmed with feelings of inadequacy and embarrassment. She stared at her paper and began to tremble as panic started to set in.

    Irui Mikiri
    Irui Mikiri

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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Irui Mikiri Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:03 pm

    Irui's eyes had closed gently. It seemed that for the longest time he'd allowed himself to be steeped in the darkness, letting his body experience the language and emotions of the exam. His chakra had become finely tuned,sending ripples throughout the space, catching every living thing in the classroom. Here and there he noted fluctuations and shivers, and kept his thumb on the pulse of the group.

    His senses scanned each signature, turning them over, from the group of Hidden Mist-nin, the Konoha-nin, even Oobleck. When a Sensor reached out to a field, his chakra detected every being within a range. It was useful for tracking, even moreso for honing illusions. But what Irui was after was something far more valuable: the echo of another sensor, the beacon of an object charged with chakra. Telltale signs that someone was watching, and planning with countermeasures. It was quiet, so far on the first sweep. Was chakra being suppressed?

    He looked down at this test, answering the first question as thoroughly as he could manage. The test, and the time-limit were the first priority. Everything else was purely hypothetical , this point, and until he could detect something, it was just a distraction.

    Irui finished punctuating the first answer, bypassed the second, and moved to the third, choosing to come back later. Whoever had wrote it-- Oobleck he'd bet--had written it as a stumbling block, and there was no way he could answer it now. Answer the easy questions first, and leave time for the harder problems, that was test-taking 101. Irui himself had always been average, even under-achieving, in the Academy, but for the Mikiri Clan, standing out had never been desirable. Secrecy, isolation, hiding, had always been the core of the Clan, hiding themselves away to protect a bloodline.  

    scritch-scratch-scritch went pencils over paper.

    The girl with the polar bear, and the red-head were setting the pace, answering their questions methodically. Were all three of them, including the other girl, part of a team? No, that couldn't be right-- the dark skinned kunoichi was visibly frustrated. No, that wasn't it, they were just confident. The white-robed girl, who sat beside Irui was moving with purpose to her answers, so too was the boy who'd taken a seat alongside her.

    Then there was the bear; the animal that Oobleck had warned about, sitting across from its owner.

    Irui shifted in his seat, moving his hips and legs as he anxiously threaded the pencil between his fingers, and fingers between fingers intertwining them, lacing together atop the paper. He looked to the paper, running across the lengths of text, and sighed. He glanced at the pencil in hand, twisting it back and forth between his fingers, his eyes flicked to the fluffy white bear, then back to the test, and continued writing--

    --His foot tapped the traveling bag at his feet, sending it spilling into the aisle, and careening into the table-leg of where the polar bear sat. With a yelp the boy reached down to grab it as the bag bumped into the bear's seat, jolting the table and the animal.

    "I'm sorry!" He exclaimed, and hurridly pulled the bag back, jamming it under the seat.


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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Verdandi Sat Jan 18, 2020 9:22 am

    Verdandi’s eyes were tightly glued to the test papers within the first few minutes into the whole exam setup, the questions were complex and hard, yet nothing that couldn’t be solved by accessing the deeper math skills she had obtained during private practice at home. Being the rich kid had its perks.

    While she was at it, Dandi would however not fail to notice that a way larger number of people in the classroom were not writing down anything at all as of yet. Either the questions were exceeding their educational level and skill or they were wary of something else that Dandi might have missed out on.

    These thoughts of suspicion crossed the back of her mind while yet her active focus was completely unshaken or stolen away from the actual task at hand and Verd could easily tell that she was by far the first person to lay down her pencil again - having already answered 8 out of the 10 questions.

    The last two at the bottom were crucially harder by multiple levels than all the others. Verd was certain, that this was not a thing left to chances but was clearly designed to be that way. She could hear some other pencils scratch over various papers by now that she was almost finished. Many others were at least able to give a few answers it seemed, or already found a way to cheat.

    The last two final questions were clearly set up to prevent the students from simply reaching the goal of 9 answers. There was still quite some time left on this test now too, seeing as she basically charged through her skill potential within the very first few minutes of the test. It was time to work on plan B.

    Dandi was considering her options as she gazed left and right to her neighbors, she still ought to have somewhat of an ally in sir red-hair while she had no connection to the kumo-nin. Strangely enough, as her gaze met with Kit’s eyes, Verd would notice a rather angry or hostile glance from her. This unexpected loss of a potential ally would shiver through Dandi as she wondered why this particularly amazing person was suddenly on her bad side.

    Verd was just about to abandon her plan and ploy, as the otherwise rather silent and unsuspicious kumo-nin must have… ‘slipped’ and sent his bag moving forth, right against Avalanche’s table. It was just enough to upset the surprisingly fragile leg. This wasn’t an accident. The odds of this not being the ploy of someone else were way too high. The Kumo-nin was still tugging his bag back as Avalanche dropped forth, making a very short barrel roll forward before finding himself sitting on the floor, slightly aching from the unwanted movement. Despite being a Ninken, an animal specifically bred among Yuki to be a weapon, was still young and rather temperamental. The bear moved back onto all fours and took a few steps towards the kumo-nin’s table and would exhale a loud, bone-shivering growl into the room, directed straight at the one he deemed responsible for this ‘attack’. His expression and stance made clear that he was ready to jump the kumo-nin and make him pay for disturbing the mighty beast.

    Since the kumo-guy had guised this as an accident well enough, it was Verd that would be in trouble any minute now, the bear seemingly appearing to be the aggressor with his loud and angry response to this seemingly simple and unwanted accident. However, this didn’t necessarily have to be all a bad thing. After all, Dandi was waiting for a chance, a distraction and an opening.

    Her right palm would fiercely grip the pencil she was already holding onto, her left palm would move to create a single ‘snake’ handseal and as the pencil gently vibrated with a soft air-like aura, Dandi would send it flying, the object passing her Ninken’s head by only a few inches and crushing into the wall behind him, remaining ‘stuck’ in said wall. Her eyes were glowing slightly, the gaze meeting Avalanche’s own eyes.

    Quickly the animal would stop in its pace toward the kumo-nin’s table. Verdandi shouted “HALT” and the bear instantly froze in its path, Verd pointed him back towards the wall and spoke “SIT” and once again the animal obeyed in kind rather quickly, turning about to take his seat back on the table next to the one that was broken now. Snorting once a bit pissed-off towards the Kumo-nin but curling himself back into the completely harmless pet he appeared as earlier.

    Now would be a decisive turning point. The Kumo-nin’s reaction to being growled at was important, the reaction of the class as a whole. The chances of other students abusing the moment of turbulence to make their own moves and most importantly, the reaction of the proctor towards all of this.

    Technically Verdandi had not violated any of his rules. She had remained seated at all times even when putting her pet back into place and displayed clearly that she had complete control over her Ninken. Oobleck mentioned he’d only force Verd to remove Avalanche from this room if she could not control him. But in the end, it was still completely up to the professor to make a fuss over what transpired, or not.

    Either way, emotions were starting to rise already and the test had just about started.

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    Yoru Slim
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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Yoru Slim Sat Jan 18, 2020 7:16 pm

    Well isn't this just the dickens.

    Yoru still sat there twiddling his pencil in his hand, eyes down on his paper whilst occasionally letting his gaze wander around the room. Nothing he nor the others had done so far seemed to have triggered the proctors attention yet, something that perhaps boded well for all of them. He could feel the gaze of Kitsuki looking at him, his squadmate and new acquaintance, though Yoru was too focused to smile and give a wave of greeting- not when the atmosphere was so tense that it felt like it was dragging him down. Instead, he'd think more on the questions in front of him. He knew the majority of them, but probably like a fair few others in the room with him, he couldn't answer the last two. That left him with option one: cheating off of someone else, or option two: pushing the limits of the rules written on the classroom board. He'd prefer to have not had the scrutiny of Ooblek for the latter, just in case, but seeing as how this was a fully-fledged Jonin they were talking about, he had little faith in that coming to pass.

    There was a disturbance then, from a quick glance, Yoru could see the Yuki-woman's bear suddenly bristle in discomfort and growl at a kumo-nin. Strange, considering it had been so quiet before and well behaved seeing as how it was a ninken. Most likely it had been aggravated somehow, perhaps a ploy to kick it, and its owner, out of the testing facility to fail them. Yoru clicked his tongue as the white-haired woman quickly worked to try and get her animal back under control whilst using the opportunity to enact her own scheme. There was a flurry of activity then, and if Yoru was going to make a move, then now was the perfect time.

    The redhead would watch the exchange between the bear and the kumo-nin with feigned interest, the hand that had been twiddling his pencil moving down to his lap where his hands could be out of sight to Ooblek, ideally at least. Yoru would use a flourish of coordination to form the rat, snake, and bird hand seals then. A surge of chakra would ripple up along his spine and stretch through his central nervous system, flooding into his brain. The jutsu, in effect, increased his intelligence somewhat- certainly enough to answer the last two questions. After it was activated, Yoru would raise one arm up onto his desk, elbow leaning on the wood whilst his hand covered his neck, as well as some of the light pulses of chakra coursing into his skull.

    Aaaaaaaah, yes, now that was much better.

    After having waited until now, Yoru began confidently filling out the questions one after the other, his hand moving quickly and deftly. Technically, he wasn't cheating off another Genin, which were the exact words he had used. Besides, wasn't a shinobi supposed to use their personal abilities to their fullest extent to fulfill a mission? He would still obscure any visual cues of his jutsu's ability, but not stress about if Ooblek saw him still. With his increased intelligence and coordination, Yoru would answer all 10 questions correctly in no time at all. Even if he waited and tried to give his fellow Kiri-nin a chance to copy off of him, he had no idea if Kit or even the Snow Princess would be able to actually tell wha the'd written and copy it in time- not to mention if he'd get disqualified for helping them cheat. He could only rely on his own motivations, unfortunately. With that done, as well as the commotion, ideally, the redhead would dispel his Ijutsu and raise his hand:

    "I'd like to turn in my answers, Proctor."

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    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:57 am

    ⴽⵉⵜⵙⵓⴽⵉ Pⴻⵔⵀⴰpⵙ....
    Don't. Even. Start.

    As Kitsuki's panic increased, she had felt the familiar vibrations of her angelic companion. Unfortunately, Kitsuki was in no mood to even entertain the being's advice. It was because of Zizz's insistence that they practice a new technique that she had nearly been late to the Chuunin Exams. Kitsuki had made it just in the nick of time, but that didn't mean she was ready to forgive Zizz so easily. In an uncharacteristically mean aura, Kitsuki shut down the Angel. The pressure and misery of not knowing a single answer had gotten to her and now she was lashing out at the only help she had. Zizz was already quite small. The Angel was nestled within the folds of Kitsuki's thick afro-textured hair. She was roughly the size of an ant but after Kituski's sharp rebuke she had shrank to the size of a speck of dust.

    Zizz had backed off but that didn't make Kitsuki feel any better. Verdandi and her had momentarily locked eyes and she could see Kitsuki's annoyance plain as day. The girl didn't want to be angry at Verd but the selfishness of taking such a pet into the exam was not something she could get over easily. Kit looked back down at her test and sighed internally. Guessing was out of the question but so was leaving it blank. Kitsuki considered asking for scratch paper so that she could begin at least attempting the questions when she heard something being kicked across the floor. The bag hit the table leg near the polar bear and the creature growled in response. The strange Kumo-Nin apologized and tried to get rid of his bag but the bear was already on him. Kitsuki turned around and glared at the boy.

    Are you serious? Are you for real right now?

    She was positive that he had done it on purpose. How do you accidentally kick a bag towards a giant beast that you do not control? The polar bear was now lurching towards him probably eager to tear his throat out. Kitsuki wondered if she should do something but she dared not get out of her seat. This is exactly what she had feared. Some nimrod would try to antagonize the polar bear for cheap laughs or so as to create an window of opportunity to cheat. It was why any common sense proctor would have expelled such an animal instantly. The distraction was irritating not because she was diligently working on the test (she didn't know a single answer) but because it showed a complete lack of respect for the rules and the other shinobi. Kit looked to the proctor. She made eye contact with him wondering if he'd stop this madness. She didn't ask for his help vocally but she was curious to see how he'd handle the situation. It was about to get ugly and the hooded genin was in danger of being mauled by the bear.

    Kit turned back to the scene and saw Verdandi charge her pencil with Wind Release chakra before throwing it into the wall. She had almost hit her own pet. Kit watched as Verdandi commanded the critter to HALT and then SIT. The bear complied with the commands with total obedience. Kitsuki saw that Verdandi had complete control over the bear but she didn't take this incident at face value. The boy who had kicked the bag was a Kumo-Nin which lessened the chance of this somehow being orchestrated. That didn't mean there wasn't foul play at work here. Maybe the two were opportunists or then again, perhaps this truly was an unfortunate accident. Regardless, the whole affair was infuriating. It was like people were snubbing the rules on purpose. They weren't even trying to pretend as though this was an actual and serious exam. If the proctor didn't disqualify them both Kitsuki's would only grow more wroth. She found herself squeezing her pencil intensely. It wasn't like her to get this frustrated but her own inadequacy coupled with the disregard her classmates showed for decorum was doing wonders for her temperament.

    It occurred to her that all was not as it seemed with this exam. The proctors may not be testing for actual knowledge but maybe something else. She re-examined the rules and considered the Professor's introduction. Had he said something that implied that this was a test within a test? Kitsuki wasn't sure as the exam questions were so hard. This seemed to indicate that the true difficultly was not some meta-analysis but the exam itself. Then again, the blatant lack of common sense protocol belied a possibility that they were being graded on more than just their answers. For example, keeping cool under pressure. Kitsuki fixed her face and closed her eyes. She tried to calm herself down. She only had an hour and she had to come up with some kind of plan. A vile thought crossed her mind.


    The distraction was not likely to fool Professor Oobelck, but maybe other openings could be created. She did have Zizz and could perhaps use the Angel to her advantage. Kitsuki dismissed the thought. Not because she was angry at Zizz but because cheating was wrong. Aside from the fact that the proctor vowed to punish cheating with immediate disqualification, Kitsuki was certain that it'd leave a black stain on her honor. The people who actually knew what they were doing had worked hard for what they had. They had studied mathematics closely or they had been born with natural talent. Either way, it was not her place to rob them of their glory and claim it for her own. Maybe the Professor wanted them to risk cheating and disobeying the rules to see how they fared, but that didn't sit right with Kitsuki. He had gotten so worked up over the prospect of cheating and he seemed to genuinely care about Math. Kit shook her head absent-mindedly. No. She wasn't going to do that. Her classmates didn't seem to give a rat's ass about her own peace of mind during the test but that didn't mean she was going to stoop to their level and copy their answers. There was a genuine oath of honor she had sworn as a student of the WASP School and she saw no reason to break it. The girl was also somewhat prideful. Even if this is precisely what the proctors wanted, she wasn't going to play their game. She wasn't going to nibble on other people's answers like a lost cockroach. She'd win her own way.

    Kitsuki watched and listened as moves were made. The moment had passed. She had done nothing. Oddly enough, it was the best feeling Kitsuki had had since she arrived at the testing center. She had stuck to her own convictions even when she didn't have a plan for how to proceed forward. Kitsuki's iron will and determination flared as she remembered all of the hard work and ingenuity it had taken to get this far. Pass or fail this would not be the end of her story. When Yoru raised his hand and declared that he had completed his exam, Kitsuki's heart skipped a beat. Her newfound confidence was temporarily shaken. She wondered how sure of himself he was. If he was wrong then the proctor was likely to fail him in front of everyone. That'd be extremely embarrassing. But if he was right then he'd be making a statement. He was the smartest genin in Room 113.

    Kitsuki distracted herself by turning her attention to the rules. She read each of them carefully. She couldn't remember what Professor Oobleck had said verbatim but she could remember the most important parts. Given the unorthodox approach of the proctor there had to be a trick to this exam. Another way to pass that didn't strictly include giving all correct answers. Kit bounced her knee under her desk as she scrutinized the situation.

    Hana Kaguya
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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Hana Kaguya Sun Jan 19, 2020 7:46 am

    The proctor stayed motionless keeping his eyes over the crowd. The natural sunlight caused a glare from his glasses giving the students no clue where his eyes would wander next. They maintained vigilance during the course of the test checking hands, eyes, corridors between desks, ceilings, and just about anywhere a ninja may try and cheat. During his years as not only a ninja, but an instructor, he knew just about every trick in the book. But one courageous Genin in particular was not keen on performing any tricks. Instead he blundered knocking his book bag over causing a ridiculous amount of supplies to topple over for a single written exam. It was during his attempt to pick it up did her unintentionally headbutt the polar bear. His eyes were drawn to the both of them.

    The bear didn't take too kindly to the Kumo Genin's stunt as the beast's body language gave every cue Oobleck needed to intervene. With a deft half Tiger hand sign he blitzed from the podium down the aisle way positioning himself between Verdandi and Irui, his attention drawn towards the princess and her beast of burden. Despite her ability to calm the animal there was no doubt it was a hazard to other students and potentially even herself. It was poorly tempered to respond so aggressively to a minor touch.

    Raising his hand he'd push his spectacles up fixing their posture. If the Kumo ninja's purpose was to make enemies out of the Kiri ninja, he would have achieved his goal. "Miss. Verdandi! I cannot have your pet endangering the life of those in this classroom! Please remove him at once!" Yoru's request would have to wait as the proctor stayed between Irui and Verdandi until the young lady removed the bear from the classroom. Obviously tying the bear up to the water fountain would not be allowed meaning the girl would need to leave the academy and tie it up in the courtyard before making her way back to class.

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    Irui Mikiri
    Irui Mikiri

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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Irui Mikiri Mon Jan 20, 2020 8:04 pm

    Irui drew back, stuffing his belongings haphazardly into the bag, apologizing profusely. His words sprang from his mouth, lacquered with emotion and intent, voice breaking with earnest surprise. Oh how the boy hoped the Lady Supreme would be proud. The best illusions were never complex: they were subtle, heart-string pulling lies. Lies that cut deep.

    That's right little bear, He thought darkly as reached deep into his bag.  His eyes met the bear's as it settled on all fours, recovering from its fall. Its body tensed, muscles coiling beneath its fur, teeth baring. A low, full-throated snarl escaped the beast's throat, and for once, with his face buried in the bag, Irui could only smile as the bear paced towards him. You hate this place as much as I do!

    Fingers nestled within the bag wove the Snake and Rat signs, loosing a terror all their own.

    "--HALT!" The bear's master roared, seizing the bear's footsteps. It froze immediately, turning to face her. She snapped her hand to the seat, and commanded the animal to return. Perfect.

    Irui sat back, and placing his bag on the floor, eyeing the animal warily, his eyes wide, clearly drawing back timidly. He swallowed, and mumbled something, an incoherent stutter as he returned to his test. "I-- I'm sorry...."

    "Miss. Verdandi!" Professor Oobleck shouted from across the room. Before the words had even reached Irui's ears, Oobleck had crossed the distance effortlessly, the breeze of his movement stirring the air.  The man stood between Irui and Verdandi, physically blocking the boy off from the bear. Irui's eyes settled on the rubric, nestled in the back-pocket of Oobleck's pants--.  
    "I cannot have your pet endangering the life of those in this classroom! Please remove him at once!"-- As the man hollered, it took only a moment, a sleight-of-hand for the boy to reach for the rubric, and should he be successful, tuck it immediately into the underside of his sleeve. Irui's free hand next would shoot up, leaning slightly to get the professor's attention.

    "A-actually, sir. It's quite alright, the bear can stay." Irui said, "I'd just like a moment to use the restroom. She shouldn't be penalized." He looked in the direction and said warmly, "I'm sorry little one."


    Used: Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique (D-Rank) on Avalanche.
    Note: 2 turn delay, max 3 for C-rank damage. Swept for Sensors.

    [edit: trying to fix this atrocious formating]


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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Verdandi Wed Jan 22, 2020 7:33 am

    Chaos was incoming.

    The proctor’s eyes were everywhere. Chances to cheat or beat the hidden challenges were non-existent. Chaos was needed. No matter how perceptive and agile one was, this whole classroom was filled to the brim with individuals willing to do anything in their might to pass this challenge. None of the kids in this room were normal. Maybe some were more skilled than others. But all of them were little growing monsters in their own right. Each of them was a ticking time bomb, not just the bear.

    Kit’s inner turmoil and conflict would maybe sometimes show as facial expressions on her, but as of now, no one was paying attention to her anymore. Despite her unusual entrance, the class and the proctor had all set their focus on the rather loud disturbance. The princess, the kumo and the bear. Many were probably executing their own schemes now knowing that they had a chance to go unnoticed.

    Oobleck was directly facing the ice princess now. He had dashed in a blitz away from his previous position. Catching Dandi slightly off guard. Leaving her to swallow once empty in both surprise and angst. Verd still had her left hand below her school desk, its palm was still forming the snake seal, channeling the wind chakra connection to the pen she had thrown into the wall earlier, allowing her to retain her control over it.

    Verdandi’s original plan was to sneak the pen into Oobleck’s back-pocket and use it like a needle to pull the rubric out and expose it to the whole class. She didn’t expect the prof to actually move away from the wall and in-between herself and kumo-boi. It was hard for her to decide what to do now, especially with the proctor’s direct attention straight out focused on her. But maybe not all was lost just yet.

    Red-hair had continuously tried to get the professors attention, claiming to be finished, asking to turn in the results. But since Verdandi’s distraction and kumo-nin’s interaction were claiming the proctor’s attention, red-hair had no chances of turning in their results just yet. The prof was busy. Maybe the red boy would start to realize that as long as he didn’t turn in his paper now, he would have a huge target painted on his back now. Everyone in this room now knew that he was most likely the only person with a full set of results. Of course, there was a chance that he lied or was just going for his own scheme. But still it was a dangerous situation for him.

    Kumo-boy seemed not satisfied or finished with his ploy. His actions had caused rather suitable results for him. With Ooblecks gaze fixed on the princess, he had closer access to the very price both of them had sought after. Verd knew what she’d try to do now if the roles were reversed. She was sure he was already reaching for the rubric. It was hard for her to actually see it; the prof’s body was blocking a proper view on her rival’s actions. Did he already steal it? Was he fast enough? Would he be noticed and eventually scolded or even expelled for failing?

    The smartest move here now was to actually wait and see, Verd was already at the center of attention, to actually make another offensive in this position would be too risky. She had to wait in hope that the kumo-nin would either fail or succeed and thus create another opening for ‘Plan C’. But she couldn’t just remain seated and silent. She’d have ignore her rivals offer, as to that her bear pet could stay, after all the professors command was aimed in safety of the whole class, not just him. His word was law right now. So, unless Oobleck would tell Verd to stay put she’d make clear with her body language that she was going to oblige and leave the classroom with her bear.

    Verd however decided not to break the hand-seal even as she would get-up from her chair, instead she’d let the sleeve of her dress fall forth over her palm before pulling it out from beneath the desk, keeping the one-handed seal active and thus retaining her control over the pencil stuck in the wall. She had a feeling it’d still come in handy before she would end up leaving the classroom.

    Many things were unclear, but Verd’s primary focus now was set on two things. Oobleck’s reaction to the attempted pickpocket and Oobleck’s reaction to Verd’s resolve of still wanting to leave the room and ignoring her rivals request to stay.


    Yoru Slim
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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Yoru Slim Thu Jan 23, 2020 9:40 pm

    "Booo, don't go ruining my fun, fufufu" The Genin said, annoyed that he had to be forced to sit here a while longer. Geez, how long was this going to take? Instead of taking his test results Ooblek had to go and get into a tuss about the fuss this bear was making. Yoru had a hunch that the creature had been placed under a genjutsu of some kind, call it a fellow specialists intuition- that and the creature had been largely quiet until now. However, intution wasn't a back up for empirical science, nor empirical proof. There was no way he could prove anything. Besides, could Yoru really admit that he was any less cutthroat than the kumo-nin trying to get a leg ahead of everyone else in this room? Nah.

    It was the way that Ooblek came to a halt, turning to face the snow-nin, that really rustled Yoru's jimmies. Everyone in the room had seen the guy put the test's rubric in the back of his pants. When the leek'y boi focused his attention seemingly on the Yuki girl, Yoru knew instantly that the kumo-nin would make a move. Hell, who in their right mind wouldn't? Considering Yoru was confident in his answers and practically was daring anyone to cheat off him if they felt lucky, he felt reckless and with nothing else to lose. Everyone's eyes in the room, all the students beyond just this small cluster, certainly had their eyes on Ooblek, the weird snow girl, and the kumo-nin.

    "Come onnnnnn, if you're going to let that kumo-kiddo steal the rubric off you when you're talking to snow-cone-breasts at least make wiggle your bum a bit to make it harder on the guy instead of giving him a full frontal show! Ya' gotta have better class than that as a showman!" Yoru bemoaned, leaning on his elbow with his chin in his palm as he called the bluff that the pickpocket was making. "He's gonna try and rip it off ya' go pee- no wait, probably poo, and make it so only he gets the right answers. It's sure as heck what I would do to screw over everyone else here." He said, seeing the events play out in his head like a microsoft power point presentation. Yoru was confident he had the right answers, call it a tingle in his pringle- but if the official answers on the rubric were changed, even if they made no sense logically, no amount of intelligence would make up for that!

    He was going to pass these exams, and if that meant throwing some predictable pickpocket under the bus then he was sure gonna' do so. "I got the right answers, assuming the rubric isn't messed with by one of ya's. Feel free to try and cheat off me if you dare- if any you have even the slightest shred of skill to do so, that is." Yoru taunted the classroom, looking around briefly as he did so. He felt in control, call it years of being a circus clown- but once you had that mojo in you, there was nothing that could ever knock it out of ya. Still, there was an apologetic look to his eyes as his dull gaze drifted over Kit's, as if to say sorry. He didn't know enough about her and Leon yet, but she had enough to earn his respect- though in truth, he hardly cared if she viewed him the same.

    This was all just showbiz, baby.


    Yoru Information:
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Thu Jan 23, 2020 10:24 pm

    To Kit's relief, the proctor stepped in just when things appeared to be getting violent. The man zipped in-between the bear and Irui. Kitsuki turned to watch the encounter. The Professor was faster than one might have thought. He came off as the brainy research type, but despite his appearance, he was on par with the speed of an upper-level shinobi. Kitsuki watched as Professor Oobleck finally did the sensible thing by requesting that Verdandi remove the creature from the testing room.

    Finally....some common sense...

    Kit was certain that the Kumo boy was up to no good. However, she had turned around to work on her test before seeing him snatch the rubric. Yoru wasn't content with letting Irui get away with robbery though. He loudly complained that the Professor was making it easy for the Kumo-Nin to steal the rubric. Kit turned around again and would presumably catch Irui in the act, along with the rest of the class. The Virtuoso rolled her eyes and audibly scoffed in disgust.

    Yoru was being vulgar.
    The Kumo boy was a terrible cheat.
    Verdandi was inconsiderate enough to bring a giant polar bear into the room.

    Her classmates, including the people she liked, were totally treating this exam as a joke. Kit wasn't in the habit of snitching, but she was a bit annoyed at Yoru's callout. It was distracting and called to much attention to himself. Yoru boldly declared he had the right answers and invited others to cheat off of him. Kit made eye contact with him and shook her head. She was disappointed in her squad-mate. She turned around and looked back at her test without even glancing at his answers.

    She knew he was up to something and while it irritated her, the fact that everyone was talking during the exam made her even angrier. It was difficult to focus and she was already in an impossible pit since she didn't know a single answer. Kitsuki blocked out the chatter and growling bear.

    I need to focus....I need to....

    ⴽⵉⵜⵙⵓⴽⵉ ⵉ'ⵎ ⵙoⵔⵔⵢ

    The voice was so calming and powerful, it cut through the noise of the room. Kitsuki listened or rather felt the vibrations of her guardian Angel as it spoke to her.

    ⴽⵉⵜⵙⵓⴽⵉ pⵍⴻⴰⵙⴻ ⵍⵉⵙⵜⴻⵏ ⵜo ⵎⴻ. ⵉ'ⵎ ⵙoⵔⵔⵢ ⵜⵀⴰⵜ ⵉ ⴰⵍⵎoⵙⵜ ⵎⴰⴷⴻ ⵢoⵓ ⵍⴰⵜⴻ ⵜo ⵜⵀⴻ ⴻⵅⴰⵎ. ⵉ ⵔⴻⴰⵍⵍⵢ ⵡⴰⵏⵜⴻⴷ ⵜo ⵙⴻⴻ ⵉⴼ ⵡⴻ ⵛoⵓⵍⴷ ⵎⴰⵙⵜⴻⵔ ⴰ ⵏⴻⵡ ⵜⴻⵛⵀⵏⵉⵇⵓⴻ. ⵉ ⴽⵏoⵡ ⵀoⵡ ⵎⵓⵛⵀ ⵜⵀⵉⵙ ⵎⴻⴰⵏⵙ ⵜo ⵢoⵓ ⴰⵏⴷ ⵀoⵡ ⵎⵓⵛⵀ ⵢoⵓ ⵡⴰⵏⵜ ⵜo ⵉⵎpⵔⴻⵙⵙ ⵢoⵓⵔ ⴰⵍⵎⴰ ⵎⴰⵜⴻⵔ, ⴼⴰⵎⵉⵍⵢ, ⴰⵏⴷ ⴼⵔⵉⴻⵏⴷⵙ. ⵉ ⵊⵓⵙⵜ ⵡⴰⵏⵜⴻⴷ ⵢoⵓ ⵜo ⴳⴻⵜ ⵙⵜⵔoⵏⴳⴻⵔ ⴱⵓⵜ ⵉⵏⵙⵜⴻⴰⴷ ⵉ ⴳoⵜ ⵉⵏ ⵜⵀⴻ ⵡⴰⵢ. ⵉ ⴽⵏoⵡ ⵢoⵓ pⵔoⴱⴰⴱⵍⵢ ⴷoⵏ'ⵜ ⵡⴰⵏⵜ ⵜo ⵀⴻⴰⵔ ⴼⵔoⵎ ⵎⴻ ⵔⵉⴳⵀⵜ ⵏoⵡ, ⴱⵓⵜ ⵉ ⵊⵓⵙⵜ ⵡⴰⵏⵜⴻⴷ ⵜo ⵙⴰⵢ ⵜⵀⴰⵜ ⵢoⵓ ⴳoⵜ ⵜⵀⵉⵙ. ⵜⵀⴻⵔⴻ ⵉⵙ ⵙoⵎⴻⵜⵀⵉⵏⴳ ⴰⴼooⵜ ⵀⴻⵔⴻ, ⵉ ⴽⵏoⵡ ⵢoⵓ ⵛⴰⵏ ⴼⴻⴻⵍ ⵉⵜ. ⵉ ⵛⴰⵏ ⵜoo. ⴱⵍoⵛⴽ oⵓⵜ ⵜⵀⴻ ⴷⵉⵙⵜⵔⴰⵛⵜⵉoⵏⵙ ⴰⵏⴷ ⴻⵅⴰⵎⵉⵏⴻ ⴻⵠⴻⵔⵢⵜⵀⵉⵏⴳ. ⵢoⵓ'ⵔⴻ ⵙⵎⴰⵔⵜⴻⵔ ⵜⵀⴰⵏ ⵢoⵓ ⵔⴻⴰⵍⵉⵣⴻ. ⵉ ⴽⵏoⵡ ⵢoⵓ ⵛⴰⵏ ⵛⵔⴰⵛⴽ ⵜⵀⵉⵙ ⴻⵅⴰⵎ!

    The apology was rather dramatic and unexpected. Kitsuki figured that her rebuke had isolated her from the only person in her corner, but she was wrong. Zizz could feel her determination and her drive to succeed despite the odds. She could feel Kit's frustration at having to follow rules and codes of honor that other students appeared to be openly flaunting. The Angel sensed how that frustration fed into resolve and courage rather than anger and bitterness. Zizz fed off of that energy and in turn used it to amplify Kitsuki's own willpower. It was like a mutually reinforcing battery and with each passing second it grew stronger.

    Thank you Zizz...I-I shouldn't have shut you down like that earlier...Its not entirely your fault. I should have been cautious, its my exam and I need to be more responsible but that doesn't matter now. We're a team and we promised ourselves that we would bring out the best in each other. Let's do it.

    From that moment, Kitsuki plugged out the maddness going on around her and focused on the only things that could help her pass this exam: The Rules and the Test itself. Kitsuki had analyzed each of them for creative interpretations, loopholes, or hints to a meta-solution. She came up with nothing at first, but that didn't stop her.

    1.) Absolutely NO cheating during the test. Being caught cheating off another Genin is an automatic fail.
    2.) Stay seated during the test. If you need anything raise your hand and seek a proctor.
    3.) All answers are final. There will be no erasing answers during this test. Think before you write.
    4.) Complete all ten questions by the end of the hour.

    Hmmm....there's too much chaos being permitted for this to be a simple test. There is a meta-solution at play here and if I can find it then maybe I can pass without knowing the "real" answers. Let's see now...

    No Cheating...that's a given. Either he is serious about this one or he is expecting us to cheat. Either way, I won't do it. I can find a way to win without playing into his immoral false dichotomy

    Stay seated during the test and ask for help if you need it... Kitsuki thought this one over. In theory, I could ask him for the answers....this instruction is two-fold. One, to make it harder to cheat but secondly he said if we "need anything" we could ask him.... Kitsuki dismissed the idea of asking him for the answers. Just because they could ask him for anything doesn't mean he'd grant it. If she asked such a silly thing he might very well fail her on the spot. No, the meta-solution is elsewhere.

    The no erasing rule....that one is the most intriguing. His logic is sound and he seems fairly passionate about it but there is something that's off about it. I can feel it in my gut, the whole no erasers thing seems kinda corny. He has perfect reaction time and he could just fail one of us if we started erasing our answers....

    Kitsuki picked up her pencil and examined every inch of it. She then looked at the answers. Then the clock.

    Complete all ten questions in an hour...time's running out.... Kitsuki decided that out of all the rules this was the one that she should probably take the most literally. She considered creating a time bubble to stop the clock but then again, that'd be cheating even if it wasn't from another student.

    Kitsuki closed her eyes. Think girl...Think! When she opened them again she noticed something.

    All exam answers are final.

    All exam answers are final.

    All exam answers are final

    The phrase caught her eye but the word "final" struck a chord. Kitsuki related that word to a particularly profound experience she had had back at the WASP.


    Kitsuki was brought back to the present. She was now armed with the knowledge she needed to pass the exam.

    Final. The principal note in a mode.

    Mode. A music scale with a set of melodic characteristics. The most common being the eight Gregorian Modes: Dorian, Hypodorian, Phrygian, Hypophrygian, Lydian, Hypolydian, Mixolydian, and Hypomixolydian. The final of each mode is the lowest note on each scale....playing them forms the basis of musical rudiments and the foundation for classical creativity....

    Kitsuki tucked her pencil underneath her chin.

    "All exam answers are final" can thus be interpreted to mean that all exam answers are the final of each of the eight classical Gregorian modes.The final of these modes takes the form of the Solfège or known by its more popular melodic expression:

    Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do!

    So if every exam answer is final then if I write the Solfège for each question I would technically be correct regardless of what the mathematical equation printed on the paper asks for. The Professor's rules take precedent over what's printed on the paper.....

    It was a stretch. A total and complete long shot born out of desperation. She didn't know a single answer, she refused to cheat, and most of all, time was running out. It was a creative interpretation of the first sentence on the third rule and if came down to it, she was willing to challenge him on it. It was what she perceived the "hook" of the exam to be. Kitsuki recognized she might be catering to her own biases here. There is no way the average ninja could be expected to have a working knowledge of advanced music theory. It would probably be far more useful for them to know advanced math. But that's where Kitsuki begged to differ. Music had significant applications in combat. Knowing and reacting to certain melodies, notes, and songs could be the difference between life and death. Musical Illusions was a major field within the discipline of Genjutsu. A shinobi with a working knowledge of music theory could master the art of using and countering such techniques. It was no less important than the mathematical equations he wanted them to solve. Kitsuki hated the idea of using music to hurt people. She didn't want to apply the art to warfare, but she knew how it could be done and she was willing to show Prof. Oobleck that there was no better expert in the whole class.

    If there was a meta-solution to the exam, she'd be proud to say that this was her guess. Kitsuki grabbed one of her pencils and filled out all ten answers. Each exam answer was the final for the standard musical scale (the Gregorian mode). Once she was done, she flipped over her test and breathed a deep sigh. There was no gurantee this could work. She could be reading into the rules too much. Seeing things she wanted to see. But there was no other option. She'd be taking a major risk but in the end she needed to be confident that her gamble would pay off. Kitsuki sat up straight, folded her hands on top of her exam, and waited patiently for the chaos in the room to die down.

    She had a test to turn in.

    Hana Kaguya
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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Hana Kaguya Fri Jan 24, 2020 12:59 am

    The room was an uproar the moment the bear was triggered. Between Verdandi's attempts to tame it and the shuffling the other Genin were making as their fight or flight triggered caused enough chaos for Irui to pull a fast one....or so he thought.

    As Irui's paws grabbed the grading rubric, Oobleck's senses immediately triggered. The Kumo Genin's sleight of hand was overestimated compared to the Tokubetsu Jounin's natural perception. He was sharp and the boy was admittedly a bit clumsy. The paper jiggled as he tried to get a steady hand before reeling it out. Even one of the Genin caught the boy's failed attempt at pickpocketing. He was very unimpressed, but there was nothing he could do. The proctor straightened his back and adjusted his glasses after the situation relieved itself of tension. Oobleck paid no attention to Irui willfully ignoring him and his loot.

    "Hm? Steal? The way I see it, the rubric is his now. And only his." He started to pace back to the front of the room to his podium now that the distraction was settled. "Being caught cheating off another Genin is an automatic fail. Fortunately for him, I am no Genin. And neither is the rubric. But please, let us not have any more distractions. There are still five minutes left of class." Oobleck would resume his nest at the front of the classroom returning to his sentinel's gaze. Five minutes meant people could still break the rules. And as proctor he had to finish his job to the last second.

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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Irui Mikiri Fri Jan 24, 2020 9:25 pm

    Rule number one: Absolutely NO cheating during the test. Being caught cheating off another Genin is an automatic fail

    Irui clasped the rubric in his hand, caught halfway to its hiding spot by the Proctor, and the protesting red-head. His lips curled at the edges as Oobleck acknowledged what he'd suspected--they couldn't cheat off one another-- and he tightened his grip on the paper. The boy cast a dark-eyed glance towards the other boy, merely regarding him silently, let his lips part in a faint grin. He wasn't going to give the Kiri-nin the satisfaction of a retort.

    "-- "He's gonna try and rip it off ya' go pee- no wait, probably poo, and make it so only he gets the right answers. It's sure as heck what I would do to screw over everyone else here." The red-head ranted, yet Irui paid the boy no mind, and pulled his hood forward, blocking him out of his vision. The second and third pieces of the puzzle were fitting together.

    Rule two was straightforward: Stay seated during the test. Only a child would have difficulty with this, and secondly, they were asked to raise hands and seek a proctor. The third mandated that all answers were final, and urged them to think.

    His eyes passed to the rubric under his hand, and then to the test before him. It would be a simple matter to look at the rubric and uncover the answers, but he'd come back to that in a moment. All of these questions had been difficult. Eight of the ten had been answered, he was certain of his answers, but the last two had been especially difficult to decipher. When he'd first reached out with his chakra, he'd felt nothing answer back--there were no illusions, or sensors hiding in the wings. There were no chakratic tricks at play here.

    Questions like this were difficult, because they were designed to pressure everyone into cheating, using their skills. They could cheat, he reasoned, so long as they were not caught. The caveat was that they were being pressured into cheating, using deception, so distracted by the questions at hand that they forgot the core objective: to just answer questions with confidence, even if the answer wasn't ideal, because not every situation was ideal. Decisions had to be made based on the best available information, and they had to do it with confidence.

    Oobleck knew it-- he was testing them to see if they could deal with the cards they had been dealt, how efficiently and creatively they could sort out the problem. This wasn't a traditional exam, Irui had realized, but a test of psychological endurance. All answers were final, just like every answer would be in the field-- what he'd experienced with Sasaki and Kyo.

    His fingers curled into claws around the rubric.

    His pencil scurried through the final two questions, and he set his pencil down. Irui pushed the paper forward, setting his pencil across it, and took the rubric in hand, folding it into his arms, against his chest. There were no correct answers, just confident decisions made from gathered information.

    Irui sat back, test completed, and nonchalantly turned his senses to the Yin Release growing and twisting within the polar bear. The second rule stated they couldn't leave their seats.



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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Verdandi Sat Jan 25, 2020 6:09 am

    Verdandi was continuously more aggravated by the situation. Emotions were swirling up inside her. Avalanche was starting to softly whimper in his corner. Something was bothering him. The Genjutsu that was targeting the poor animal had not fully taken root just yet but it seemed that the chakra inside him was making him uncomfortable even though he didn’t know why.

    Yoru was finished. Taunted the class despite being technically in danger for being the first to complete the test. It was a ballsy move. Almost admirable to say the least. But him calling out the pickpocket was something no one had expected, even those who clearly noticed what the kumo-nin was doing. Forcing the response of the teacher.

    Oobleck would exhale his complete knowledge of the pickpocket attempt, while sort of exposing the clumsy behavior of the kumo as he was at it, he didn’t stop him at all, instead encouraged the class for one of the loopholes in this test. Anyone that wasn’t exactly certain by now that this was a test of wits and cheating skills was either a fanatic or a dumbass.

    Kit would most likely be called a fanatic then, considering that she chose her own way of finishing this race. Her own interpretation. Verd wasn’t really aware however what she was doing. All she could tell was, that Kit suddenly would burst into a writing spree and complete the test as if Jashin himself had appeared before her to reveal her the truth.

    Irui was grabbing on the rubric as if it was the most holy relic that has ever existed. He had gotten a glimpse of the final questions and was able to finish his own sheet at last. While Verdandi was a bit jealous that her plans didn’t turn the way she wished for, she had to admit that the pickpocket attempt was still a ballsy move that could have had him expelled from the exam if the guess on the rule-knack was incorrect.

    Everyone seemed to have put their own determination to the point. The people around here were all finished. Dozens of others would lay their pens down, the ticking of clock implying that most of them had finished their plots, ploys or guess-work.

    There was nothing left to lose now. If Verd just left to finish her duty, the one the kumo-boy had forced her into, she’d have left with only 8 answers on her paper and ultimately failed the attempt even. The situation was clearly unfavorable to her. Luck was not on her side. She had the choice now to wallow in her situations defeat. To embrace the misery. To seep into the self-pity and blame the world for not giving her better cards in this game. But it was the order of things that had brought everyone to their final cards. It was order that had given everyone a more or less equal shot at proving themselves. It was order that had denied Verdandi her own right to pass this game.

    Verdandi’s eyes began to glow with a blue shadow. The room was starting to become darker. Clouds outside the classroom’s windows formed. People began to shiver as temperatures quickly fell further and further. If anyone dared to look outside, snow would start to fall. It was a clear day just a minute ago. Verdandi was calling on the most primal powers of her ancestors. She had by far not learned to properly control their might. But there was a principal, original power that was the very base of her bloodline’s unnatural talent. Verdandi was going to wrack havoc in this room.

    Order had forsaken her. Chaos was going to be her salvation.

    Shortly after the snow began to fall outside, Verd tapped her left palm onto her exam paper to pin it to the table and then inhaled deeply and in a moment of complete shock for many around her, the princess exhaled the wind within her lungs with a furious might. “HACHOOO!” she gasped as if the poor princess had been put upset by the temperature change enough so that it’d force the young lady to sneeze.

    In truth she had clearly channeled her wind chakra within her lungs and as she exhaled a small typhoon of wind would be let loose into the room. The gush of wind was directly aimed at the Kumo-nin in person, but it would go past him and splash to the classroom walls and bounce back into the room at intense speed causing air waves to chaotically move through the room in various fashion.

    While the technique had little offensive power and would neither harm nor deeply impress the kumo-nin himself, the exam-papers of dozens of students would now be floating in the air. Some students maybe were quick enough to grab onto their papers before it fled them, some might have been lucky and had their palms placed on the exam sheets.

    The blow of air would quickly subside, papers would slowly find their final destination in the air and gravity would slowly send them floating back down towards the ground. Verdandi scanned each of them she could see with her eyes. She was searching for a paper with 10 answers on it. There were quite a few. She tried to determine if multiple of them had the same answers imprinted on the last two questions. But her perception wasn’t good enough to figure it out in such a short time. Verdandi had to gamble.

    With a short move of her sleeve-covered left palm, her command over the pencil-stuck-in-the wall would be finally put to use. The pencil was pulled from the wall and Verdandi pierced it through the nearest paper with 10 answers on it. Directing its flight path and speed so this paper would come stuck on her table right upon her previous answer sheet.
    Verdandi had no clue if the answers on it were correct. She no idea who’s answer paper this was. It could have been red-hair’s whom she was confident had really answered all correctly and quickly. It could have been Kit’s answer sheet which was filled with strange results that might be completely false and a mere result of her wrong interpretation of this exam’s “trick” to it. The paper on her table could potentially even be the kumo-nin’s sheet or EVEN the rubric himself if he didn’t holt on to it, or who knows, maybe he’d even let the rubric fly off into the mess of papers in the room.

    Verdandi lifted the pencil-pierced paper from her table and held it up, pointing it at Oobleck. “Mind if I turn this in before I tie up my bear?”

    Technique Infos:

    Yoru Slim
    Yoru Slim

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    Class: D
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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Yoru Slim Sun Jan 26, 2020 12:18 am

    'Well butter my ass and call it the christmas turkey, that's one hell of a plot twist'

    Yoru blinked as he saw events unfold, vaguely aware of Kit's eyes burning into the back of his skull. It seemed that little old him had managed to make himself the center of attention again, oh dear oh dear. When Ooblek let the kumo-nin have the rubric, Yoru wasn't sure quite what to think. Admittedly, he didn't necessarily care about the rubric itself, nor the fact that the other nin had absconded with it much to the chagrin of everyone else in the classroom. What had surprised him, however, was the deviously delicious and knowing grin that the other male had shown him out of the corner of his face instead of giving any kind of retort. "Ooooh, methinks I see a devil in you too~." Yoru would hum to himself, quiet enough to not be heard. His gut reaction had been right in the wake of the shenanigans that had been caused around the Yuki girl's bear, there was a fellow mischief maker in the class.

    The boy's small and knowing smile was met by a wide, ear to ear, more than slightly unhinged grin, his eyes bugging out of his head almost as he looked across the class for the brief moment that their eyes had made contact. Ooooooooooooh, this was delicious. He'd have to keep an eye on this one for the future, either as a competitor, or as a nesting doll to take apart and inspect when the time came. To any outside observer, a flash of unhinged madness would flare up on the boy's face, disappearing as quickly as it had come. They all had a test to finish, after all.

    Ahh, but what were his two companions up to during all this time? The seconds were ticking away, counting down the minutes before they were all freed from this dreary classroom. He looked to Kit first. She was busy doing... Whatever it was she was doing. Her eyes were intensely focused on her paper, scanning each question carefully. She certainly seemed like a woman possessed, though that seemed the norm for her. "Hmmmmm" Yoru hummed, rapping his fingers on his fully answered paper. He wondered how many had successfully managed to cheat off him by now, if at all. Maybe if all these honorbound idiots got their hands dirty like the rest of humanity they'd manage to get ahead here like elsewhere in life.

    The Yuki girl, the snow princess, she was an eye-catcher though now wasn't she? Yoru looked to her last, though as he did, he noticed something awry. What was up with her eyes? Why was the room getting darker? Why did he suddenly feel a cold snap enveloping the room and running down his spine? These warning signs and more were signals enough that something el-suspicioso was about to occur. Yoru had already been keeping an idle hand over his exam sheet, if only just to rest there while he waited for all this silliness to end. However, when the girl pinned her pencil down on the test forcefully, on top of her previous phenomena, Yoru felt a feeling in his gut that it'd be wise to do the same. A few moments later and a loud sneeze echoed through the room, unleashing a sudden gust of chilly wind that sent test paper's flying everywhere faster than you could sat Hurricane Kiriga-trina.

    "Okay! All right! Enough with the wind and cold, we get it!" Yoru shouted as he felt his red hair get tossed all about by the strong-yet-harmless wind buffeting him. His hand firmly pinned down his completed sheet, waiting for the winds to die down in the meantime. He might have been an idiot, but he was no fool. He could complete all the questions again if needed, but it'd feel rather silly to let his answers slip so carelessly to a gusty breeze. As the wind died down, everyone was scrambling to try and either find their paper or grab the closest one and start filling out what they could before time ran out. Yoru, for his part, would rap his knuckles on the desk and on his paper, idly waiting for the chaos to end and for Ooblek to collect their final answers.

    Yoru looked up at the time. He considered casting a genjutsu, if only to make everyone in the classroom die inside a bit, a finale to cap off an exhilarating day and arousing show. Instead, the ninja decided against it, deciding to keep an eye on his competitors should they try any more wacky shenanigans ahead of the test's end. You could never be too sure with these ninja-types, they were real weirdos sometimes!


    Yoru Information:
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin

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    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Sun Jan 26, 2020 2:04 am

    Kitsuki had been engrossed in writing her exam answer, but not so totally out of it that she had missed Professor Oobleck's reveal. She said nothing as she continued filling out her answers with the Solfège. The astonishingly revelation had made her nervous. For if the meta-solution was that the rubric was free real estate because he was not a genin, then perhaps her musical interpretation of the third rule was totally off. Unfortunately, Kitsuki was too deep in it to turn back now. She was fairly certain he'd punish her for changing her answers, not that she had the ability to do so anyways (no eraser). Rather than backtrack, she pressed forward. It was a gamble, but it was her gamble. She had no use for cheating and trickery. It may have been naive but it fundamentally went against her Nindo to try and leech off of others.

    No sooner had she finished writing her answers had the Professor returned to his post. The full weight of his words settled on her and she looked back at Irui to see him making full use of the rubric. The young man was clearly proud of himself for having found out the trick to the exam. Kit snorted in disgust and turned around. Even if she wanted to relieve him of the rubric, there was no way she could. Besides it being a violation of the "no cheating off other genin" rule, it would be nearly impossible to do so without getting out of her seat. The Kumo-Nin was holding it closely to his body and while she might have the strength to pry it from him, she'd be ill advised to do so. This made Kitsuki realize two things. It appeared Professor Oobleck cared little for decorum so instead of asking politely she kept her hands folded on top of her exam and asked rather bluntly:

    "Professor! If you allow the rubric to be sto-, er taken....how will you grade the exams? You'd stated that you would check our answers against the rubric in order to tell whether we passed or failed. If he doesn't give up the rubric then everyone here should be able to pass."

    She was curious to see what his answer would be. That is, if he had an inclination to even respond to her. The answer wouldn't make much of a difference on what she planned to do next however. The musician glanced back at Irui just as the temperature of the room dropped dramatically. Her attention switched back to Verdandi and then back at Irui. It appeared that this whole exam was a battle of deceit and sabotage between these two and she could tell something else was about to go down. Kitsuki decided that she needed to be ready. She temporarily lifted her hands off of the desk and slid them from the surface of the desk to inside the desk. The space from which they were to retrieve their pencils was hidden from view and this would allow her to make handseals such that they wouldn't be visible. It left her exam vulnerable but unbeknownst to those present she had an alternative means of securing her exam that the others did not. Kitsuki saw the snow falling and she knew that this had to be Verdandi's doing. She was rather disappointed that Verd and Yoru were showing such little decorum and respect for the integrity of the exam but at this a point she could hardly blame him. Oobleck had practically invited shenanigans once he allowed Irui to steal the exam. Kitsuki considered the Kumo-Nin in the precious moments she had.

    The Kumo-Nin had headbutted the bear and provoked it on purpose. He had caused a commotion that had more or less taken away Verdandi's time and attention. She had to calm the beast down then respond to Prof. Oobleck's concerns and then she had to possibly remove it from the testing center. Kit didn't like that the Princess brought the bear into the exam in the first place but she also didn't like how the Kumo-Nin had taken advantage of the situation. Perhaps it was her natural bias towards the girl she had seen play the piano so well (for an amateur). Perhaps it was her bias towards a person of her national origin. Perhaps it was that Verdandi was just a genuinely good person and she could tell the girl was trustworthy. Whatever the reason, she did not like that Verdandi had been made to play the fool. Even if it was expected of them, she had thought it low down and cut-throat. It rubbed her the wrong way. It irritated her to see him coddle the rubric and enjoy the last few minutes of the exam secure in the knowledge that he had won. Kitsuki's sense of justice was inflamed, and in that moment, she knew she was going to violate the spirit of the exam and take him down a peg or two.

    You're not going to get awa-

    Before Kitsuki could complete the thought, a powerful gust of wind erupted in the room. Kitsuki loosed her technique against the young man more out of instinct than rational thought. She knew she did not like him and she knew that the chaos of the room was not over, but she had not gone through a complete and elaborate rationalization of what she needed to do. What she did know, was that she felt an intense dislike for the smug and oh-so-clever thief. This dislike resulted in him being immediately targeted by the technique that Kitsuki had prepared. Right as the papers flew off of the desks, Irui would likely find himself inexplicably frozen. A small but compact dome had formed around him faster than he could likely even perceive. The sphere would be hazy and completely encapsulate his form but stop short of his desk proper. This left his exam outside of its influence while potentially leaving him trapped within. Irui had guarded the rubric but had more or less allowed his paper to remain on the desk. He had not covered it with his hands, merely set a pencil on top of it. The gust of wind would be more than sufficient to knock the pencil away and hopefully send his paper flying about. Meanwhile, Irui would be helpless. He would be unable to grab it as he would be trapped inside a sphere of raw time. Not a second, minute, hour, or year would pass within the dome for as long as Kitsuki focused on him. Kitsuki kept her hands folded nonchalantly as she trapped him right where he was. It was possible someone would realize something was amiss as the boy would be quite literally frozen still, but as to why or who could be responsible that may not have been as clear.

    Kit saw the flutter of papers in the room and immediately realized what Verdandi's strategy was. The girl was hoping to snatch a paper for herself and pass it off as her own. If Kit's maneuver had been successful then Irui's own paper would be in the mix. Now Kitsuki did not know that the boy had wisely written his name on the paper, but if she did, she'd probably hope that someone destroyed it "accidentally". After all, no matter how right his answers were, if he had no exam to turn in he could not hope to pass. Kit had meted out justice but ultimately it was their peers that would deliver the final blow. She was too focused on keeping him restrained to grab it herself.

    Kitsuki's paper flew about like all the rest, but Kitsuki had kept her eye on it. The second it appeared to be in danger of being snatched, she'd execute another technique. The paper would flash with a golden light before retracing its steps at a speed incomprehensible to most humans. It was as if the flow of time had reversed itself in relation to the exam. The fluttering paper looped its way back to Kitsuki before running into her chest. It was now back on her person. She assumed no one would be crass enough to touch her breasts to grab her exam (surely there was a limit to Room 113's depravity and chaotic disposition!). Kit kept her hands folded and waited for the proctor to call time.

    I'm going to hold him until someone either steals or destroys his test. If the Professor won't dispense justice then I will!

    Time Sphere [S-Rank Version - S-Rank Speed, Power]
    Rapture [Recalling Kit's Exam to her body at S-Rank Speed]

    Chakra Used: 80/110

    Irui Mikiri
    Irui Mikiri

    Village : Kumogakure
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    Class: S

    Class #113 Empty Re: Class #113

    Post by Irui Mikiri Sun Jan 26, 2020 9:51 pm

    [OOC: Thought I'd clarify something: Irui hasn't looked at the rubric, he was tempted to view it, but never unfolded it, and just continued crumpling it. ]

    Irui had set his test down, assured in his deduction of the rules. This wasn't a regular exam, it was a test of their confidence and ability to gather information under pressure. Oobleck had designed the answers to be difficult, if not impossible for the average Genin to complete by the end of the hour. Oobleck forced them to cheat, made  them question themselves.

    With less than five minutes remaining, Irui would soon realize he'd let his guard down, as a creeping chill slid into the room. It prowled between the seats and desks, stirring the air, raising the hair on his neck. So sharp and biting was the cold, instinct urged him to action--planting hand firmly on the test and desk-- and he knew then that Ninjutsu were unfolding. He'd let the rubric loose, it had never been needed in the end, only serving to bait them. The test was what mattered.

    Sensory chakra reached out to the room, but it was redundant effort. A sharp intake of breath drew his attention to the Polar Bear Master. Oh shit.


    Her cry seemed to extend into infinity, stretching from milliseconds, to minutes, and hours. Her voice boomed, resounding into a room that now felt utterly cavernous, beyond comprehension. The  distance between them, their desks, and the Proctor himself, felt vast, and yet he couldn't move, he couldn't will himself to respond to the chaos. It was the same as sensation, the same experience as before in the rotted gut of St. Memori; a spatial and temporal warping of a sort that defied understanding. Lights overhead stretched into elongated bars that curved into the horizon, disintegrated into wavelengths, bleached of color, staining his world in ashen grey.

    There was an overwhelming force in this room, not unlike the presence of the Baku that had brought Mora Mikiri to yield.  Something had shifted, no enveloped, consumed him. HIs chakra, extended by a Sensory Technique, could only crash, and struggle against the vice-like grip of the phenomena. Silent, unyielding, it held him like a predator held a rabbit in its jaws.

    Through the din and shuddering energy, he heard the source of the power answer back. Taunting him. It's signature sang of self-righteousness, of dispensing justice, and empyrean punishment. She'd been sitting on the other side of the room, her chakra quivering all through the exam, but now Irui was certain he'd been focused on the wrong shinobi. She'd been nervous earlier, her chakra had fluttered and fluxed, but now it burned like a sun--

    Whatever transpired in the next moment, Irui would never know,but a good Shinobi always held multiple cards up their sleeve. While he knew that they knew that something was amiss with the bear. He'd set his Yin Release to task, scurrying along the interconnected, hundred million pathways through the bear's brain, scouring it for memories, images, things that it held deep in its brain. Sure the bear had been tamed, domesticated, but it was relevantly recent in the history of the species. It didn't take much to unhinge the savagery, and bloodlust inside a near-wild animal. All around them there were new sounds, smells, bodies-- foreign, suspicious, things all of them  would set any human on edge, let alone an animal.

    Irui's lightning had lit the spark, and all at once, in the middle of the chaos, his Yin Release set fire to the Polar Bear's neurons, wrenching forth terror-- Fear of abandonment from Verdandi, fear of others, fear of the classroom and fear of Oobleck. All things had fear, and Irui set all of it ablaze, turned the bear's brain into a psychotic bonfire.

    I'm sorry, little one, but you must suffer so that I can succeed.


    Activated Hell Viewing Technique for C-rank psychological damage, with a 1 Tier advantage over the bear.

    Irui is currently Clockblocked, holding down his test. Through his Sensory Technique he experienced Kit's Time Sphere falling into place, but overall is frozen in time.


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