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    Class #245

    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    Class #245 Empty Class #245

    Post by Hana Kaguya Wed Jan 08, 2020 5:37 am

    Class #245 Rui-teixeira-anime-saladeaula

    Classroom number two-hundred and forty-five serves as the Honors Real and Complex Analysis courses for some of Kirigakure's greatest minds. However today they would be reserved for a host of Genin taking their written exam for their first official test to see if they qualify as Chuunin. The room has twenty-five desks, with eight of them currently occupied by ninja from different backgrounds. They all sat in seats separated randomly. It was half an hour before eleven o'clock, which was when the test was set to begin. A blackboard was at the front of the classroom with the rules already written down in white chalk.

    1.) It's time for everybody's favorite subject: MATH!!!
    2.) Answers the three questions correctly and you might get something special.
    3.) Just write the correct answer in the empty box.
    4.) When you finish, turn in the test and leave the room immediately.

    When the test begins you have to answer all three questions.

    • A-tier Intelligence lets you answer 2/3 questions.
    • S-tier Intelligence lets you answer all 3 questions.
    • I get angrier for every problem you get wrong.

    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A

    Posts : 138
    Join date : 2019-12-17

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Yoshitsune Sun Jan 12, 2020 11:49 am

    Barging into the classroom, Yoshitsune would collide strong into the door as she entered, nearly forcing it open with the impact of her body. The collision didn’t seem to bother her though, and it would only slightly divert her course of movement as she strolled in. The sound of the impact would draw the attention of the other students already in the room, but Yoshi would be completely oblivious to the attention she had just drawn. She would sit immediately in the chair closest to the entrance, choosing it strategically as it would result in her being the fastest to leave the room in case of an emergency. This is something she always did when choosing seats. It was important to think about potential plans of escape. In case of fire, or something like that.

    Sitting down, she would stare blankly at the blackboard. The rules would be absorbed immediately, committed to memory without even having to think about them. Turning down to the test, the same would be done to the answers. Of course, Yoshitsune’s memory wasn’t the best, so there was a strong chance she would completely forget them, but she would deal with that if it happened.

    Unfortunately, she had arrived early. There was nothing that was stopping her from beginning early, according to the rules at least, but starting a race early was sort of in poor taste. She would instead wait in her seat, trying to occupy her mind with other thoughts to keep her distracted as she waited. At the moment she was blissfully ignorant of how difficult the math involved was, but that would be something she would discover when the exam started.

    Character Sheet:

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

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    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Short_Stack Sun Jan 12, 2020 8:49 pm

    Miyu happily walked into one of her old classrooms, after having gotten lost along the way several times until she had feared she had missed the test completely, but thankfully her horrible sense of direction didn't waylay her as bad as she thought. Upon seeing a fellow Kumo nin that she had served food on the boat here. Miyu gave a friendly wave, "Hi! We never got properly introduced while we were sailing over here. I'm Miyu Ryuutei, I used to live here in Kiri. It's nice that us Kumo nin got here first."

    As she got to her seat near the back, she'd rest her head on her hands and appear as if she were asleep. But in reality would use her Poltergeist Seal to project her soul out of her body and would "sit" slightly above her body and look around seeing if anyone had a bloodline that would allow them to see into the astral realm, as well as scout out the competition. She knew she could get most of these answers without cheating, but she wanted to see the prize, and she wanted most of all to subtly help out her fellow Shinobi if she was able to get away with it.


    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)

    Posts : 118
    Join date : 2019-08-09
    Age : 19

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth | Bukijutsu | Taijutsu | Chemistry
    Class: B
    Ryo: 10,000

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Taiga Mon Jan 13, 2020 6:23 am

    Taiga would climb the stairs to the second floor and find her room as instructed. She had no trouble reaching her destination finding the classroom door she needed. Twisting the knob she'd push herself in as ten ninja were already seated. Out of the bunch there were two...unique souls joining her today. A woman with onyx black hair staring vacantly at the blackboard while the other girl seemed focused in doing whatever. Taiga took her seat in the closest available desk to her fully confident in her abilities to ace the exam. It was a written exam for Genin aspiring to be Chuunin. When it came to academics she was as smart as most commanders in war. Perhaps even smarter. Her eyes scanned the blackboard carefully taking in the rules and committing them to memory. They were conveyed oddly and seemed the teacher was heavily invested into math, but that was not an issue. Once comfortable at her desk she would reach inside the desk compartment and find a pencil. Placing it on the desk Taiga waited patiently for the test to begin.

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: B
    Speed: D
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A

    Limit Break Points
    Physical: 1
    Technique: 1
    Destiny: 1

    Renown: 0

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2018-07-28

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by InarieKaguya Mon Jan 13, 2020 8:30 pm

    Inarie wasn't fashionably late, in fact she seems to arrive at the designated classroom. She was garbed in her kimono of pale blue silk with her platinum hair pulled into a braid. Her piercing rose pink eyes scanning the room as she steps in. Noting there were a few other students in here as well. Several Inarie did not recognize. One particular face however she did recognize. That was Miyu Uzumaki, and frankly Inarie is surprised to see her here. Alas this was not the time nor place to exchange pleasantries. So a nod of her head in acknowledgement towards Miyu would have to suffice for now.

    Inarie is courteous enough to gesture with a wave of her hand at the class. As she walks, the Kirigakure headband is seen tied around her neck. Then Inarie takes her seat at a random order. She didn't really care where she sat to be honest. Frankly she doesn't really care about anyone else in this room. However, today she represents Kirigakure. Even if her scales of metallic blue is shown on her hands and face. She held no shame, and held her head high.

    Character Name: Inarie Yoru Kaguya
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 2,955
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 321,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C (B/Physical)
    • Stamina: C+
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: B

    Link to Character Updates: Inarie Kaguya
    Link to Character Application:
    Link to Known Techniques:

    Posts : 138
    Join date : 2019-12-17

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Yoshitsune Mon Jan 13, 2020 8:48 pm

    Yoshitsune would find herself being spoken to by a young girl! The girl was short! Very very short. It was the first thing Yoshitsune noticed, and she couldn’t help but think of it now that she was looking down at Miyu. A bright smile would cross across Yoshi’s face. She would lean down a bit, getting a bit closer in height to Miyu and also ensuring that her voice could be heard while she whispered. “Hello tiny girl! You are very cute, and I would like to pinch your cheeks." Yoshi led off with that as an opening introduction. She was the type to lay all her cards out on the table.

    “I am Yoshitsune, of the Tengu. It’s a pleasure to meet you! I have to apologize, the wild movements of that sailing beast got the better of me. I wasn’t in good condition for most of the journey. I suppose that’s one of the dangers of riding large animals.”

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Short_Stack Mon Jan 13, 2020 10:06 pm

    At being told that Yoshi wanted to pinch her cheeks, Miyu gave a vibrant blush, and placed her hand on Yoshitsune, allowing Miyu to feel her emotional energy. Feeling the warm vibrancy and joy from Yoshi, Miyu's smile grew brighter to match that of the sword carrying ninja, and gave her a hug, "You have a very cute heart. It'd be okay if you gave my cheeks a pinch ... if you want too." Miyu would reply bashfully. Her childlike innocence peaking through.

    After the proper introduction, Miyu would give an enthusiastic nod, "It's nice to meet a good person like you Yoshitsune, as for your icky belly, I read about motion sickness in a few medical journals before, if you'd like I can help you ease the symptoms so you won't feel icky anymore? I'm always happy to help a friend in need."

    It was a mixed bag being an empath, but it was good souls like Yoshitsune, who were open with their emotions, and emotionally vibrant that made the gift bearable.

    She'd continue her conversation until the other two arrived where she'd introduce herself to the green haired Konoha Ninja, and upon seeing Inarie would let loose a high pitched squeal of delight before glomping her, although at her small height would only manage to glomp Inarie's leg, "Hi inarie-Chan! You're one of the few people I've missed since Shimi-Nee rescued me. How've you been doing? Since we parted ways, I've developed several jutsu for communication, and since it looks like we're all here. I have a gift to give you, Yoshi-chan, and Tagia-sama."

    Miyu would enthusiastically wave everyone over and would be grinning from ear to ear with raw joie de vivre and enthusiasm. It was a bit of a random burst of inspiration, but she just had an idea on how to hook up an old friend, a potentially new one, and their fellow test taker.


    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Hana Kaguya Tue Jan 14, 2020 12:30 am

    Class #245 667fee969fc86907b04a46fb5dd7633a22b86f3fv2_hq

    The classroom door opened as the instructor entered the room. He wore blue jeans and a green sweatshirt, appearing completely hairless from the head except a single strand. Despite his casual appearance he seemed fairly athletic. "Welcome to my class. I am Professor Bauldi. You all seem eager to start, so lets get to it. You have three math questions to answer. When you receive your test you may start." The proctor held together the Shadow Clone hand sign before conjuring two other versions of himself. "I will spectate all of you directly while taking your test. In order to save time you will be graded live." All clones of the proctor reached back and retrieved a standard ruler. Although it was a simple measurement tool it was designed like a weapon as the center of the ruler was filled with lead to give it substantial weight. "Just know I get angrier for every problem you get wrong..." He said, hand clenching the ruler tightly as creaking could be heard.

    One of the clones took the test paper and handed them out individually. After completion the proctor would position himself at the front of the classroom while the clones in the back separated from each other. They all watched the exams like a hawk ensuring the right answers were written down.


    Strength: B
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: C
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: C
    Perception: B

    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A

    Posts : 118
    Join date : 2019-08-09
    Age : 19

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth | Bukijutsu | Taijutsu | Chemistry
    Class: B
    Ryo: 10,000

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Taiga Wed Jan 15, 2020 4:01 am

    Taiga minded her own business expressing zero desire to join the other three's friendship circle. They were all foreign ninja, with their names and personalities easily identified by their appearances. Pink and tan was Miyu, black and fair was Yoshitsune, white and pale was Inarie. Taiga was skeptical about their zealousness. Especially the pink-haired one. She figured meeting strangers didn't usually wind up like this. The hugging, expressed desire to touch one's cheeks, and super positive vibes were overbearing for a meeting of strangers. But it could be assumed that they were all at least a bit acquainted. Taiga was not interested in getting involved with either of them and was admittedly in a bit of a sour mood knowing Kureji decided not to sign up after not only coming all this way with her to Kirigakure but the training they've done together. It almost seemed like a waste knowing they wouldn't be on a team.

    But nevertheless she had to push on. And the professor entered the classroom which meant the test could start. He was short and sweet with the details. She found the grading method to be one-of-a-kind, being live during the test. Getting one question wrong would result in the proctor's anger. Given the number of proctors in the room and the ruler he held in hand she had a pretty good idea what angering him too much would result in.

    Fortunately the test was passed out giving her time to start. Examining the three math problems she found them all to be highly complex requiring some time to complete. A math problem would take several minutes she estimated meaning she had no time to waste. She started with the easiest one first. It was the only math problem she was certain she could solve. With pencil in hand she scribbled her work off to the side of the paper as she worked to solve the first one.

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: B
    Speed: D
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A

    Limit Break Points
    Physical: 1
    Technique: 1
    Destiny: 1

    Renown: 0

    Posts : 138
    Join date : 2019-12-17

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Yoshitsune Fri Jan 17, 2020 1:53 pm

    Yoshi had been given the go ahead for some cheek pinching, but right now unfortunately wasn’t the time or place for that. She would deeply consider doing so later though. Perhaps after the exam was over she would take Miyu up on that offer. That, together with the offer to ease ‘motion sickness’, which she would 100% take Miyu up on when they rode back to Kumogakure together. The first ride was enough of an adventure for Yoshi, and she was pretty content to never ride again on a boat if she could help it. Unfortunately it would be necessary to go back home after these exams were over, but that was unavoidable.

    "I will pinch your cheeks after we complete this! Celebrating before the mission is complete would be bad luck after all. As well, if you know any ways to make riding the ship a bit easier, I would be incredibly grateful." She would clutch at her stomach a bit, chuckling as she remembered her earlier pain.

    As the tiny girl waved her over, Yoshi would dash to her. The chair she had been sitting on would skedaddle a little bit, making a sharp sound from its legs scraping the floor. Yoshi had moved so fast though over to the little tiny girl that she was almost a blur. She would kneel down to her, staring with a smile. The desire to pinch her cheeks would come back, but Yoshi would would suppress it. "Hello again small girl." She would whisper, with a hand stuck up to one side of her mouth in an attempt to stop others from hearing it. "Do you need help getting up to your seat?"

    The entrance of the proctor would catch Yoshi’s attention next. A nearly bald man who was named ‘Bauldi’. Interesting. The moment he announced his name Yoshi would giggle a bit, unable to help it. It was a funny coincidence. He seemed incredibly eager to start though, which was something Yoshi could agree with. The faster they started, the faster they would finish. The live grading was something that she didn’t initially think about, but the portion about getting angry for wrong questions was a bit interesting.

    The moment the test was placed on her desk Yoshi would begin reading the questions. There were only three questions, and so she initially thought this would be a fast test, but after only a few seconds that assumption would shatter. This was… Yoshi wasn’t the smartest, but she was smart enough to know that this was impossible for her. She had never really been academically trained beyond the absolute basics, and complex math like this was more or less a foregin language to her. With all the symbols, she was beginning to wonder if it really was math. It would be impossible for her to begin, just out of sheer ignorance of what the questions were even asking.

    She would raise her hand. Without waiting to be called on Yoshi would call out her question. “Proctor! Mister Proctor, why are you going to get angry for wrong problems? And how angry will you get?”

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2018-07-28

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by InarieKaguya Fri Jan 17, 2020 9:52 pm

    If this was a stranger Inarie would've stepped away from the glomp. However this was Miyu, a friend that Inarie once did a mission with before Miyu moved out of Kirigakure. So Inarie only smiled before petting the small Uzumaki's head with her delicate hand. Not moving out of the way, but more of ensuring Miyu didn't slip and fall.

    "I am doing fine Miyu, and it is good to see you well. How's life in the new city treating you?" Inarie inquired as she was curious on how Miyu was doing since their departure. Alas, they weren't given much time to really catch up before the door opened again. This time it was a baldy with green shirt and blue jeans. Some face Inarie wasn't familiar with, and she certainly has never met a bald person either. Shifting her rose pink eyes back to the small one, Inarie gently pulls away from her grasp so that they can both be seated.

    "You can tell me after the test. Good luck." She encourages before Inarie takes her seat. Seeing how Baldy produced a couple of clones, shadow clones no less, and after somewhat instructed his clones handed out the test. When Inarie got hers, Inarie's mind immediately went blank as this was some complicated math questions. Taking the pen in her hand, Inarie pondered on how to get through this. There were only three problems, but that just meant failing even one question would fail the test. Worst of all, Inarie has to show her work on how she gets the answers. Propping one elbow on the desk, Inarie tilts her face to press her cheek against her closed hand. The pen danced around her fingers as Inarie pondered on how to get through this test.

    Character Name: Inarie Yoru Kaguya
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 2,955
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 321,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C (B/Physical)
    • Stamina: C+
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: B

    Link to Character Updates: Inarie Kaguya
    Link to Character Application:
    Link to Known Techniques:

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Short_Stack Sat Jan 18, 2020 1:59 am

    Miyu would give a childish giggle of joy at Yoshi's statements and her clutching her stomach at the thought of riding a ship again. Miyu would cheerfully reply, "Of course! Helping other's is what heroes do." At that she gave a sincere and enthusiastic nod filled with an innocent joy.

    It was after her glomp of her only non-family friend in Kiri, and  drawing together those who'd walked over, and a last hurrah for the green haired ninja, "Are you sure you don't want to ensure a perfect score? We are supposed to interact and learn from other nations. So it's only logical you take full use of this opportunity. Or don't, and miss out on something that only you would have in your village. A secret only I have worked on making."

    Miyu would quickly whip out quills, and ink and would etch upon them a complex Fuuin formula. That when activated would turn into a Valknut Just as the teacher came in. By this time everyone would have gotten their Fuuin: Suuin: Connections.

    In each of their heads they would hear This is Miyu we now have telepathy as long as you think on a person with this seal and they allow it. You can talk without speaking over any distance.

    We will use this to work as a group and get as many as we can right. Hopefully all of them.

    As everyone finally sat down to get their test, and asked what they needed of the teacher. Miyu would be seeing if everyone got the same test or if they were all different. With the smarter ones helping the less smart with their problems, and picking up where the other smart ones were weak.

    Hopefully this included Inaurie and Yoshi.


    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)

    Posts : 118
    Join date : 2019-08-09
    Age : 19

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth | Bukijutsu | Taijutsu | Chemistry
    Class: B
    Ryo: 10,000

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Taiga Mon Jan 20, 2020 2:03 am

    Taiga was the least interested in what Miyu had to offer. She wasn't here to make contacts, especially when they were with foreign personnel. She wanted to complete her test and move onto the next round. She began her test as normal when the proctor instructed them to start. He didn't seem open to questions as the bald man ignored one of the girl's requests, though it seemed more like she was teasing him by asking such a rhetorical question. Taiga didn't focus too much on much else in the room after writing down her answer in the box. Once she recorded the answer down fully she waited for a moment looking up at the professor. They were being graded in live time. And the professor explicitly stated he would get angrier with every wrong answer.

    But she wasn't yelled at and she didn't see a change in the proctor's behavior. So she assumed she got that question right. She moved down to the next question with confidence. One down, only two more to go. She started to prepare her answer to problem two by first doing the work and double checking. It was important to be certain in tests like this.

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: B
    Speed: D
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A

    Limit Break Points
    Physical: 1
    Technique: 1
    Destiny: 1

    Renown: 0

    Posts : 138
    Join date : 2019-12-17

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Yoshitsune Tue Jan 21, 2020 6:41 pm

    She would nod her head very quickly, about as quick as she could manage. Maybe a bit too fast. Yoshi was more than willing to admit that she was no good when it came to this sort of written academic stuff. She had only began formal training in it all maybe a month or two ago? Other than the absolute basics, she didn’t really have a good grasp on mathematics, which was apparently the subject of this test. While the idea of cheating did make her feel a little uneasy, this was what a shinobi would do, right? Cheating off others was a very ‘shinobi’ like thing to do. Even if it wasn’t technically cheating of Miyu was willingly going to give away all the answers.

    The seal itself was strange. Fuuinjutsu wasn’t really something Yoshi was familiar with, just like math. It was all written magic of some sorts, which perhaps she shouldn’t have trusted being put on her, but at the same time it wasn’t as if she could be made to do any worse than she would naturally. Her suspicions would be held inside. The tiny girl seemed trustworthy anyway. How could someone so small be tricky? It was like the idea of an evil baby. Just beyond Yoshi’s conception all together. She would become a bit startled when she would hear Miyu’s voice though.

    Clenching her eyes and body tight, she would think with all her might, to see if the seal would allow communications both ways. HELLO MY NAME IS YOSHITSUNE CAN YOU HEAR ME? THIS IS VERY STRANGE I DO NOT KNOW IF I LIKE IT. She would think very loudly, unsure if the others would be able to hear in their brains or not. It made sense to her that she would have to think loudly, considering she wasn’t speaking, so there was no noise.

    When it came to sit down, Yoshi would raise her hand and ask her question just the same. Without waiting to be called on Yoshi would call out her question. “Proctor! Mister Proctor, why are you going to get angry for wrong problems? And how angry will you get?”

    She would glance down at her test, mentally screaming the questions back into the seal. Hopefully maybe Miyu would be able to help her? As it was now, the math was beyond her capabilities.

    Character Sheet:
    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Hana Kaguya Wed Jan 22, 2020 5:33 am

    The proctor kept a sharp eye on all students using his clone technique jumping between the kids seated with his perceptive eyes. Correct answers so far all around. He was not disappointed in their work and was proud to see so many young Genin as enthusiastic about math as he was. Everyone worked on their test except the spunky Genin with the long black hair who insisted on shooting her hand in the air and asking the same question that was ignored the first time. It seemed seemed rhetorical at first which caused him to ignore it, but now he had little choice but to acknowledge it. His head tilted down with eyes shutting in self-satisfaction. The mere shift in his head caused his waxy, bald cranium to give a silvery sparkle. "That's easy." He said in a chilled voice. "Everybody loves math. If you fail the questions that tells me you haven't been practicing enough. And that represents a lack of love for oneself. If you cannot appreciate yourself, how can we expect you to put yourself before others? Those are the qualities of a Chuunin we are looking for."

    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Short_Stack Thu Jan 23, 2020 12:46 pm

    Miyu cringed at the loud yelling in her brain. If you can hear your thoughts, then we can hear you too. All you have to do is think about which you want to speak too. Don't worry though this Jutsu only shares thoughts you want to share. So there is "some privacy" when using it.

    After Miyu explained it. She would use Brain Wave, hyper charging her brain she'd tell both Inaurie and Yoshi the answers to the problems and would guide them to getting everything right.  

    By the end of it, she'd turn her paper over and congratulate her old friend and her new one. Yay! We did it! Not a single failed answer to be found! Best of all, we each get a surprise for answering each question correctly! I'm so happy I could help my friends!


    Brain Wave:+ 2 Tiers to Int. (S Int.)

    Connections Suuin: Telepathy between group.

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2018-07-28

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by InarieKaguya Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:20 pm

    Inarie was finding this task to be virtually impossible. She attempted to crack the formula one attempt after another yet she just couldn't figure it out. Inarie was missing something, and frankly she doesn't have the information to guess what that something is. Her focus was intense as she was really thinking about what the answer could be. What other formulas were there? Even if she got the answer she still had to show her work.

    Then a voice, a familiar one, spoke inside Inarie's head. For a brief moment, one Miyu might pick up on emotionally, Inarie's heart jumped as Inarie's mind conjured an image. A memory of being deep underwater unable to breathe or see. All except this one gargantuan sized silhouette with a pair of glowing eyes of gold. Each eye easily dwarfed Inarie as it felt like she was being dragged down. The fear she felt then was intense, and it was a memory she won't be forgetting anytime soon.

    The memory went away like a fleeting moment as Miyu began explaining what the answers are and how to show the work. Inarie's eye shifted as her expression seems to shift like she figured something out.

    'I see. These problems are like trying to crack a seal without a key.' Inarie telepathically pointed out. She has trained on her ability to fight, and while her tactics can be quite basic. Inarie never really kept up with her intellect. Perhaps this is just a reminder that she needs to remedy that issue at some point.

    Either way, under Miyu's guidance Inarie managed to answer the questions with confidence. Inarie knew Miyu, and trusted her as well. So Inarie didn't doubt Miyu's guidance as they seem to get all of the correct answers. The dark haired raised her hand while asking a question. To which baldy explained the real purpose behind this test. Apparently it was a test of whether they will help themselves before helping others. In truth Inarie has been doing just that all of her life. Defying all possible odds continuously stacked against her. Surviving against the scientific odds of being born, and continue to live normally is nothing short than a miracle. For both the Dragon's Blood and Shikotsumyaku reject other bloodlines, so doctors were led to believe that the mixture of these two bloodlines would tear Inarie apart.

    Character Name: Inarie Yoru Kaguya
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 2,955
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 321,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C (B/Physical)
    • Stamina: C+
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: B

    Link to Character Updates: Inarie Kaguya
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    Posts : 138
    Join date : 2019-12-17

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Yoshitsune Thu Jan 23, 2020 6:45 pm

    The answer legitimately surprised her. Everybody… loves math? She didn’t know how to respond to a statement like that. Yoshitsune had been stunned into complete silence. Rather than saying anything she would just make a strange face and then avert eye contact. She was beginning to wonder if she had entered the wrong room, or if this was some kind of trick.

    Once the shock wore off, Yoshi would get to work. Miyu’s seal helped immensely. There would have been no way that they could have passed without her, both Yoshitsune and Inarie. At least, Yoshi assumed it was the same with Inarie. Perhaps she should have given the girl a bit more credit, but she assumed that these questions were more or less just impossible to the average person, and that Miyu was some sort of strange exception. With Miyu’s help, Yoshi would be able to write down all three answers to the questions on her test.

    Once Yoshi finished, having written down the last question on her exam, she would immediately stand up. Glancing down to make sure she wrote her name on it, which she did, she would take the test up to the proctor and hand it in.

    “I have answered every question flawlessly, and speedily. I am good at math, and also the first to finish. This means I love myself, and I love you too.” She would speak, trying to say what she thought the proctor wanted to hear. “The rules say to turn in the test and leave the room immediately when finished, and so I shall do that.” She would announce. Once the proctor took her test, she would make good on what she said, and walked out of the room.

    Character Sheet:
    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Hana Kaguya Sat Jan 25, 2020 7:12 am

    The main proctor's eyes focused on what the question-asking girl was doing. She was blazing through her test like it was some sort of race showing no form of restraint. But to his surprise all of her answers were correct. The girl stood up and grabbed the paper ready to hand it in after her relishing words. The man would grin with his teeth sparkling just as sharply as his bald head. "Wow, I'm impressed! Not only did you answer your questions correctly, but you are the first one! Congratulations! Out of all of my years in teaching I think you have to be the fastest. If I had the time I would record keep this. But your pass I feel is a sufficient reward." The man took her answer sheet, already confident of her response and its correctness. Turning to his desk he grabbed a packet. It contained valuable information including the rules for the next exam, when it will start, what to expect, and a letter in red ink stamped boldly on the corner of the first page. "Keep this. It is very important. You will find everything you need to proceed in this package. Good luck on your journey, winner." Assuming Yoshi grabbed the packet she would be free to leave the room.

    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Short_Stack Sat Jan 25, 2020 11:21 am

    Miyu facepalmed at having forgot to hand her test in immediately after being done. Having finished slightly after Yohsi, "Here you go Mr. Proctor sir! Oh! Oh! Oh! What special thing do we get all of the questions right? And um ... that was really fun. Do you think I can do some extra math questions for fun? I feel like I could do at least ten before the five minutes are up, and it will allow me to see areas I need to improve in if I'm not as smart a cookie as I want to be."

    Miyu's eyes would sparkle with childlike excitement and glee as she asked her question. If she wasn't given extra math questions, she'd simply give a deep bow and thank the Proctor for his time, and walk out.


    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)

    Posts : 138
    Join date : 2019-12-17

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Yoshitsune Sat Jan 25, 2020 6:02 pm

    The big bald man would take the test from her, and Yoshi would obediently wait for his approval. He would give it immediately, as he had known she had achieved a perfect score before she had even stood up with the live grading. A big beaming smile would cross across her cheeks, and Yoshi would be clearly overjoyed at the praise. Even though she didn’t deserve it she would be filled with euphoria at Bauldi’s words all the same. She had been the fastest here! He even acknowledged it! And not only had she been the fastest, she also had a perfect score! She would take the packet from his hands, holding it tight to her chest once she had it as if it were something precious.

    Clearly giddy at the praise, Yoshi would stretch up to the tall, bald man and plant a smooch on his lips without any warning. It would only last a second, and then she would pull towards the door with a giggle. “Thank you Professor Bauldi! I’ll make sure to live up to your kind words in the next round as well!”

    She would clip the side of the doorway at full speed as she ran out, nearly being thrown off balance and falling flat on her rear. The collision sounded as if it hurt, but Yoshi would continue on at full speed regardless of that minor hiccup. With as happy as she was Yoshi couldn’t help but run full speed out of the room, practically gliding down the stairs on the way out of the academy.


    Character Sheet:

    Posts : 138
    Join date : 2019-12-17

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Yoshitsune Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:34 pm

    [48 Houring the Proctor]

    Yoshi's kiss would connect, being able to surprise the proctor and catch him in it without him being able to react. It would just last a second, but their lips would definitely make contact. A bright smile would be on her face as she pulled away, and she would pull away towards the door with a giggle still on her lips.

    She still clipped into the wall on the way out though. Some things were unavoidable.


    Posts : 118
    Join date : 2019-08-09
    Age : 19

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth | Bukijutsu | Taijutsu | Chemistry
    Class: B
    Ryo: 10,000

    Class #245 Empty Re: Class #245

    Post by Taiga Thu Jan 30, 2020 6:31 pm

    Taiga was out of time. She quickly scribbled her last answer in the test and turned it in making a solid guess. Leaving her seat she turned in her paper to the front and left the room amicably. If nothing bad happened despite her getting one answer wrong she grabbed the same packet Yoshitsune got and went back home for the day.


    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: B
    Speed: D
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A

    Limit Break Points
    Physical: 1
    Technique: 1
    Destiny: 1

    Renown: 0

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