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    Clearing the Roads

    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
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    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Clearing the Roads Empty Clearing the Roads

    Post by Ren Fri Dec 09, 2022 8:22 am


    Ren would be standing at the gate to the village, waiting for his mission partner. His hands folded in front of him, the long sleeves of his black Haori hiding his hands, something he prefer so he could make hand seals unseen. The symbol of the Uchiha clan would cover most of the back of his Haori, his hakama matching the black of his Haori, though it would be bound to his ankles with black coord. This kept them from causing problems later if they needed to stealth, his black shoes would be just as clean as the rest of the males clothes showing that they were either new, never been in mud, or were kept to a high standard of cleanliness. His Haori would not be tied, allowing it to hang open down the front, where the front of his midnight blue kisode as well as the top of his black undershirt could be seen. His Konoha Hitai-ate tied to his obi and dangling from his hip, which could only be seen when looking at the right angle. His short black hair a mess as always due to the lack of interest in combing it, his cross earrings dangling from his ears, he had no ninja gear on him. In fact he never had any gear, he found the need of it pointless, believing all he really needed was his Sharingan and his Katon Techniques.

    His Three Tomoe Sharingan, scanning the crowd as he waited. He didn't know who his mission partner was supposed to be, but he prayed to the Sage that it wasn't the annoying Senju again. Ren had his fill of the arrogant Genin, considering their last mission together nearly resulted in a failure because of his recklessness and unwillingness to formulate a plan. They would be going to find and deal with a group of bandits, they didn't know where they were or how many there were, just that they were causing problems. That meant they needed to formulate a plan and work together, something he didn't believe that the simple Senju was capable of such things. Whoever his partner was going to be though they couldn't be worst then that man, at least he hoped they wouldn't be. Ren would suddenly shake his head as the thought entered his head, he couldn't think like that surely they would at least be smarter than Taco Senju.

    Chakra 209.8/210
    -0.2 Three Tomoe

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Airi Ohara Sun Dec 11, 2022 2:12 am

    JHRm3Mp.pngExcitement filled her entire body as adrenaline had already filled her, penetrating into her bones, at the thought of doing a mission outside of pulling weeds and other non-sensical and boring, mundane and trivial, chores that she had been suited with lately. She felt that her ability to create many jutsu had her wasting away and that the village was wasting her talents doing D Rank missions. The thought that she was finally chosen to participate in a B Rank mission made her so excited. She ensured she wore her proper mission gear, which consisted of spandex bra, spandex shorts all underneath her usual clothes. She wouldn't want to be 'moving' around too much in the middle of a mission, especially an extermination mission involving bandits. She wore her usual attire and ensured her shinobi headband was properly displayed upon her forehead.

    She quickly made her way towards the gate, stopping just short of it and placed her hands upon her knees to catch her breath. She noticed a man wearing all black, a familiar face from the training grounds. So she would be teamed up with him for this mission? That was fine. After she caught her breath, she puffed out her chest and started to walk towards the man-in-black with confidence on her face. She had to hide the excitement she had written all across her cherub-like visage. She didn't feel the need to be as arrogant as she normally would, knowing that B Rank missions were very tough for someone of her skill and shouldn't be taken easily. No, if she was partnered with someone even more powerful than she, she knew she had more than enough to learn. And learn she shall!

    She approached the Uchiha, already having his Sharingan activated. Still a bit out of breath, she held a copy of the mission directives out towards him. "You're on this mission to?  If so, looks like I'm your partner," she said, her chest rising and falling with her heavy and deep breaths. She put the mission directive away, somewhere -- let's not ponder that quite yet -- and placed a hand upon her chest to introduce herself. "I'm Airi Ohara. It's an honor going on this mission with you, sir," she said, taking a deep bow before him. She really was excited to go on a higher ranking mission and she had a lot to prove in this outing. She stood back up and she choked down her fervor for this mission, trying to now maintain a rather professional face, but the blush betrayed her faux professionalism. "I am under your command, sir, and I hope to learn a lot from this mission." She gave him a genuinely bright smile. She didn't come equipped with anything other than herself on this mission.

    Post #: 1
    EXP Gained This Post: 10
    EXP Total This Thread: 10

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Ren Sun Dec 11, 2022 3:02 pm

    As Ren scanned the faces in the crowd, the first thing that caught his attention as she approached was her hair. Standing at six feet tall and scanning faces at his eye level, that was all he saw at first. Just a small amount of red headed in his direction out of the peripherals of his eye sight. Instantly drawing his attention to her, his eyes locking on her face for a moment before scanning the rest of her. He recognized her from the training facility, of course at the time he hadn't bothered to remember her name. He had been far too busy trying to figure out Peragus' schick, but if he remembered correctly she seemed to know the Senju pretty well. Seeing hold out the mission directive, Ren felt a sudden relief wash over him. 'thank the sage,' he would think to himself, not particularly for the woman being his partner, moreso the thanks was that Taco wasn't.

    His Sharingan taking in every slight twitch of her muscles as he watched her taking in deep breaths and introduce herself followed by her calling him sir. He wasn't one to really complain about such, but usually those titles came after a few dates. Though he would smirk as he watched her step back, seemingly standing at attention as she said she was under his command and hoped to learn a lot. Calling him sir again as she did so, her cheeks still brightly blushing. Ren couldn't tell if she was blushing from running and being out of breath, excitement for the mission, or what it was exactly. He wouldn't draw attention to it, the last thing he wanted was to embarrass himself in front of such an attractive woman.

    "Ren Uchiha, it's nice to meet you Airi." Ren stated in his typical tone with a hint of disinterest and self-importance, though his facial expressions would say that he wasn't being rude, or at least not trying to be rude. "There is no need to call me Sir, we are equals on this and I am sure I will learn a lot on this mission as well." As he said this he would move to stand next to her so they could begin, pausing but for a second to get a look at her backside. If anything else at least he would have something to look at on the mission, or should he say someone to look at. She wasn't bad on the eyes in his opinion, of course it was likely her red hair that caused him to think this. Ren has always been a fan of red heads, he was not sure why but it was something he couldn't really control. He just had to hope that he wouldn't get distracted by her on the mission, considering he would need to focus on the task.

    His hands wouldn't leave their position in front of him, hidden by the long sleeves of his Haori as he walked next to Airi. "While we are traveling, I would like to get to know about you and what you can do. That way we can formulate a plan of what to do once we find these bandits, for instance I prefer range combat as I use fire getting close isn't a good option for me. Not that I can't handle myself if they get in close, of course." Ren stated with a slight chuckle as he waited for Airi's answer.

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Airi Ohara Sun Dec 11, 2022 6:22 pm

    JHRm3Mp.pngHe introduced himself as Ren and she just smiled and nodded to him in a coquettish manner. She tilted her head and puffed out her cheeks for a moment, turning her eyes up towards his as he stood next to her. She swayed from side to side for a moment, taking a good look at the Sharingan. "So THAT's what a Sharingan looks like. First time I've seen one up close. It's quite the interesting doujutsu, huh?" she said with a bit of a chuckle. She closed her eyes and gave him a rather cheesy grin. It was at this point that Ren would attempt to take a glance at her rear. Sadly for him, her pants were extremely loose and was more than enough to cover a great portion of her curves upon her lower half. While she is just as 'thiccc' on her lower half as she was on her upper half, it wasn't really all that noticeable. And that was the moment Airi noticed his subtle glance.

    She quickly stood up, looked him in the eye for a moment and tilted her head. "Good luck with that. But thanks for noticing. Everyone else notice these," she said hinting at her chest and gave a slight giggle. "But let's stay focused and do the mission, yeah? If you want to see or touch them, maybe if we survive and come back in one piece, okay?" she said with a bit of an impish grin, placing both hands behind her back and started to make her way towards the mission area. She doesn't know where, but she'd assuming Ren would follow and guide her anyway.

    It was at this point that Ren decided to get to know a bit about her combat style. She moved her hands from behind her back to the back of her head, interlacing her fingers together. "Well, as you know, I'm a Hyuga. But I do things a little differently than most Hyuga. I have a large preference towards lightning ninjutsu and mixing lightning chakra into my Hyuga techniques. Oh, I'm sure you'll see sometime in the mission. Oh, and I'm not really all that great at being stealthy. I get really antsy and I'm kinda clumsy when it comes to being all sneaky and stuff," she said, making goofy hand-gestures when saying the word 'sneaky'. "Oh, I also think the Hyuga clan techniques that push people away is kinda stupid. So I kinda made my chakra a bit different and caused it to pull instead of push. Because pushing for a taijutsu user is kinda stupid in my opinion. Oh yeah, and my lightning jutsu is very very bright and quite a pretty color. I guess my fighting style is kinda straight forward," she said as she began to ramble on and on about herself. With an unsubtle clear of her throat, she turned to look towards the man as the two continued to walk.

    "So I'm going to assume you do Uchiha stuff?" she asked, expecting kind of a curt and quick response. Then an idea popped into her head. "Are we going to have to kill these bandits?" she asked out of the blue. She had never seriously thought of killing anyone before. She had originally expected to just beat up the bandits and bring them in for justice. That this wasn't an assassination mission. Regardless of the answer, she wouldn't be deterred from doing the job she was assigned to do. She just wouldn't really know how she would react if she actually had to kill someone. What was worse, she wouldn't know how to think if she had to kill someone and if she actually liked it. The very thought caused knots to form in her stomach.

    Post #: 2
    EXP Gained This Post: 10
    EXP Total This Thread: 20

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Ren Mon Dec 12, 2022 1:11 am

    As Airi asks about the Sharingan, Ren would actually tilt his head down further to give her a better view of all three tomoes of his eyes. "Well, this is one of its forms. The Sharingan has multiple stages, though the Three tomoes are referred as the mature eye of the Uchiha." Ren would speak as though he enjoyed talking about his clan, because in truth he did. When it came to his clan there were few that could say they held the clan with as much respect as he did, and he liked being able to share facts about how great they were.

    Ren's face would turn as red as Airi's dress as she caught him looking at her, and her words more than caught him off guard. He would be in a stunned silence for a few seconds as he followed behind her, before finally catching back up to her so he was walking next to her. "Um, yes well I was simply seeing if you had strong legs is all." he stated with a small chuckle, this was of course a complete and obvious lie, but he wasn't trying to be a pervert or anything, he just enjoyed the female form and liked to take time to appreciate it now and again. "How about if we make it back in one piece you allow me to buy you dinner instead?" he added, trying to steer away from her offer of letting him see and touch her chest. As much as he knew he would enjoy that, there were somethings that a night of fun didn't tell you about someone like a nice dinner did, of course if after the mission she was still serious about that he would be more than glad to oblige her.

    Listening to her as she explained what it was that she was capable of doing, Ren would be more staring at her long red hair than looking at her as she talked. Though he did listen to her, noting that if she was a close-range fighter a large-scale fire attack might not be a good idea, after all the last thing he wanted to do was burn her hair or hurt her. It would take him a minute to realize she had asked him a question, or rather two questions, far to mesmerized by her to react until the second question. "Oh, well um. I guess it depends on how much of a fight they put up really. We are tasked with eliminating the problem, so however we handle it as long as the problem doesn't come back, then I think we will be good. Of course, it is quicker to go for the kill, we do not have to. As long as we handle the situation properly, and the problem is dealt with then I would say the mission was a success, wouldn't you?" After answering her second question as well as noticing how much she seemed uncomfortable by her own question. He would begin to wonder if he should say something to comfort her about the situation when he would realize he didn't answer her first question, hoping him answering it would help take her mind off of what she was thinking about. "As far as the Uchiha stuff," Ren would throw up air quotes mockingly at the words Uchiha stuff, "I guess it depends on your definition of said stuff." Ren would look to Airi's face with a smile, "you see many of my clan are extremely good at Genjutsu, able to put you in one with mere eye contact. I on the other hand, hold no such skill. My ability to manipulate Genjutsu is one of the worst in the clan." At this point Ren would look up towards the trees that surrounded them as he let out a sigh, "but when it comes to Katon techniques no one in the clan is my equal. despite the fact that we are all highly skilled with the element, I have found very few that could hold their flame like myself." Ren would fall silent as he realized just how boastful he was being as well as the fact that no one really liked hearing someone talk about themselves so much. "That's not to say they don't best me in everything else, of course," he would add with a small chuckle.

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Airi Ohara Mon Dec 12, 2022 8:06 pm

    JHRm3Mp.png"Mmm," she gave as a quick, short response to him explaining the Sharingan. She wished she had that kind of love for her bloodline traits. All it has done was cause her pain and misery. Just the very fact that she was able to unlock the Byakugan was the only reason the clan accepted her back. Who knew someone with 'dirty Uzumaki blood' would be easily welcome back into the clan. Such stupid rules and traditions had to die.

    Ren's reaction to her catching him was just cute, causing her to get a rather cat-like grin upon her face before her demeanor quickly changed into a blush. She let out a little grumble when he proposed to take her out to dinner. She started to stammer upon her words, verbally speaking non-sense and drivel; incoherent noises and sounds escaped her lips as that was the first time anyone invited her to dinner. Well, the first time a guy had. She had went to dinner with Kanara and Hanabi, but that was more of a friendly outing. She took this as a means of courting more than anything. Once all of her non-sensical mutterings finished, she capped it all off with a simple and tapering whimper.

    And then the conversation on whether or not they had to kill the bandits came up. She was already mentally prepared to do so, but she had never killed anyone or anything for that matter and she just wouldn't know how she'd react. Whether or not it would disturb her, if she would handle it as a shinobi should, or whether she would like it far too much. She had made threats of murder when she was far too stressed out of truly angered, but that could easily be chocked up to a separate personality if anything. She didn't like letting that monster out; it was horrifying and scary to her. She preferred to remain her cute and chipper self rather than let that monster out. "Oh, uh, yeah. I suppose," she said keeping her eyes straight ahead. It was very obvious that she didn't like the idea, but a shinobi has to do what a shinobi has to do. This was what she wanted, after all, to be free from the binds of perpetual and bullshit tasks afforded to Genin. This was what she had bargained for and she needed to deal with it. His answer, however, only created uncertainty within her.

    She turned her head back towards Ren as the two continued forward at the mentioning of 'Uchiha stuff'. Her questions were answered out of order, but she felt this was done as a means of addressing the heavier question first just to get it out of the way. Hearing his explanation of the Uchiha didn't make her feel too comfortable about her upcoming fight with Hanabi. The ability to be stuck in a genjutsu now caused her stomach to turn. She wasn't too smart, nor too perceptive which made her more than susceptible to illusionary tricks. She more than expected katon to be used, judging off of Hanabi. "Ugh. I knew about them using Katon, but Genjutsu... Ughh.. That makes my stomach turn thinking about it," she said, now appearing quite pale.

    Then he boasted about being the most powerful in the clan with fire release and raised a brow. "Oh, good. Then let's hope you put it to really good effect when we turn these bandits to good people huh?" she said mockingly about turning bandits over to good people. She didn't have any love for bandits, having been attacked by them. Her family were traveling within their usual cart when they were attacked which was how she discovered the existence of the Byakugan, seeing her mother routing the bandits quickly. And then the sound of silence. This caused her to let out a small chuckle.

    She turned her head back towards the man, letting her braided ponytail whip around. "Well, if you're the best, you're the best. No harm in not saying it right?" she said with a big and bright smile. She was quite cocky and confident in her own right so she couldn't fault Ren for being cocky and confident in his own abilities. "It is better than being depressed about your weaknesses right. After all, nobody really wants a man with no confidence. But I think we should probably focus on getting to the mission objective and get to it, hm? You can get to know me a bit better during our dinner date after this is over," she said with a flirtatious wink.

    Post #: 3
    EXP Gained This Post: 10
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    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Ren Tue Dec 13, 2022 7:38 am

    Ren couldn't really be sure on the answer to him asking her out would be a yes or a no, as he watched her go from smiling to blushing to murmuring and making strange noises. She would finish this with a whimper, which while Ren found her reaction to be both adorable and attractive. He didn't really constitute a whimper as an answer, but he would not push the issue. Considering he didn't want to be rude, and she had just caught him trying to look at her bottom. All things considered, the fact that he did not get slapped by her was a mild surprise.

    As the conversation shifted to the dealing of the bandits, Ren would pick up on the small visual cues of Airi's discomfort with the subject thanks to his sharingan. "If it will make you feel better, I will handle the actual dispatching of the bandits if needed. You need not worry about doing it yourself, if you are uncomfortable with it." His tone would be the same as it had been, he would not think less of her if she did not want to take a life. It was something not everyone had the stomach for, as it would cause a change within a person. There were plenty of people that did not kill, he was not one of those people, but if she was he would not hold it against her.

    "It's best to avoid eye contact when it comes to most Genjutsu, that said not all in my clan are skilled in it, some are like me and find it too complex." He would add seeing the now pale complexion she had as he mentioned Genjutsu. As he finished his comments about the Uchiha stuff, he couldn't help but be slightly distracted by her red hair. His mind losing track of what he had been saying, as well as what Airi was saying, as he began thinking other thoughts, interrupted only as she mentioned the dinner date after. A smile forming on his face at the fact that she had accepted his offer, but he would still be in a stunned silence for a few seconds. "Oh, um. Yes, of course." He would finally stutter out as his brain slowly processed what she had said, clearly trying to get his head back in the moment.

    She was right he needed to focus on the task, but it was hard for him to focus on things when red heads were involved. Still he would shake his head and look down the road ahead of them, he doubted the bandits would set up anywhere close to the village itself. Though it could be a while before they actually encounter the bandits, they could stumble upon them at any point now. "So how do you want to handle the situation when we reach this toll area that they have set up?" Ren would ask, wanting to get her opinion on how she wanted to handle things first. Considering his way of dealing with things usually involved throwing fire at it, getting someone else's view on how to deal with it might be helpful.

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Airi Ohara Tue Dec 13, 2022 8:44 am

    Speaking of killing the bandits, she shook her head with a slight grimace. "No, it's fine. I chose this life so I need to do some of the more 'unsavory' parts of it. If I have to, I'll just have to, you know?" she asked, lowering her arms from behind her head to back to her sides. While it did bother her a considerable amount, she knew what she signed up for. Killing people was part of the job description as pushing paper was for the bureaucratic. She started to gnaw a bit on her lower lip for a few moments before deciding to not go any further on that subject. When the time comes, the time comes.

    Then came the question about tactics and she slouched her shoulders forward with a bit of a groan. "Ugh. I don't know. I'm not really a 'tactics oriented' kind of person. I'd rather go in and smash things up real good and get things done," she said as she readjusted her posture, pushing her chest out and took a deep breath in. Beating things nearly to death wasn't a problem with her. She actually takes joy with beating the shit out of bad people and these bandits who created the toll were absolutely assholes in her opinion. But if the job is to eliminate them, they will just come back and settle once again.  "I'mmmmm also not very good with the stealthy stuff. So maybe see how many people they have and if we can easily take them on, then we beat the shit out them? But uh," she said, looking upwards and placing a finger upon her chin.

    "Uhhh.. If there are too many, I guess we could start separating them or wait until night time and beat them up under the cover of darkness?" she said. She didn't really like the indirect and stealthy approach and her lightning ninjutsu didn't help that it was EXTREMELY bright and extremely attention grabbing during the night. It did, after-all, have a pearlescent white color and even kind of sparkled a bit. It was, almost, as if she got the idea from some magical girl manga she read.  

    "I... guess if we wait until night, we can find anyone separated, I can distract them and we can easily take them out. I don't know. What did you have planned?" she asked, looking for something a bit deeper tactics wise. When it came to tactics, she was more of a follower than one to make things up on the fly. She would rather execute a plan, whether it was poorly crafted or created from some excellent tactician than make up her own. Her lack of confidence in her plan showed. She puffed out her cheeks for a moment as she exhaled, still trying to think.  

    With a slight shrug of her shoulders, she turned to look upwards at the massive man and looked at him directly in the eyes. "Whatever you think would work the best, I'll follow," she said with a big, cheesy grin.

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Ren Tue Dec 13, 2022 12:01 pm

    Even as Ren asked his question about what he plan was, his eyes would be drawn towards her chest as she stretched. As she spoke her words seemed almost muffled to him, as once again found himself lost in thought. He wasn't ignoring her, infact he heard everything she said. He simply was lost in his own thoughts as she spoke, with a slightly dumbfounded look on his face as his eyes watched her. He was was lucky they were walking next to each other, because if they were actually facing each other it would be much more noticeable. As it were, he was merely stealing glances as he walked beside her, so it might go unnoticed.

    When she started speaking of them waiting till night, Ren would nearly scream the word no, but was able to stop himself before it came out. He was hoping to be done and back to the village by night fall so that he could have his date with her, but of course if the mission did take that long there would not be much he could do to prevent it. When she asked what he had planned he almost did not want to tell her, out of fear that she would think he wasn't as good as he was acting like he was, but after a few seconds he would finally tell her what his idea of a plan was. "To be honest I was simply going to walk up to the toll and burn the whole thing down and then deal with whoever wasn't inside. But we would have to get close to the building or whatever it is without drawing too much attention." Ren would pause for a second before turning his head to look at Airi more, "We could just hide the fact that we are Shinobi, walk up acting as though we are just citizens out on a stroll or something?"

    Ren would stop walking as he saw something up ahead in the distance, he couldn't make out what it was from where they were currently at and it was too far for him to see if there was anyone outside of whatever that is. Ren would look to Airi, waiting on her answer to his suggestion, as it was now or never. If they got any closer before deciding on a plan they would run the risk of the bandits over hearing them or worse interrupting their plan. At least from here if he couldn't see the bandits there was a good chance they couldn't see them.

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Airi Ohara Wed Dec 14, 2022 12:03 am

    Airi nodded her head, almost in approval. That was more of the approach she liked. "Sooooo, spam at them from a distance? Yeah, I can do that, totally. And if they're all in a small area, EVEN BETTER" she said, moving an arm out to flex her non-existent muscles. She did have a variety of long-range options that she could make use of, even if she found it to be extremely taxing on her, causing a considerable amount discomfort and exhaustion within her to constantly use it. Well, then again, most things were pretty exhausting to begin with. She thought to herself a bit. "If you do want the spamming approach, I can attack from like... Uhmm.. 80ish meters away? Something like that," she said with a bit of confusion wrapped around her face.

    The other option wasn't really up her creek, but she could see it work. "I guess we could act like newly-weds walking back home after uh.. I don't know. Something in Konohagakure? But they'd press us pretty hard, but at least they'd let us get close. But don't you think our clothing is kinda weird for that?" she asked, stopping for a moment to look over her clothes. A skin-tight cloth chinese outfit with loose pants and slippered shoes and then there's a man wearing all black with a prominent Uchiha emblem upon the haori.

    "If we did that, we'd need to get into a different set of clothes and ditch these," she said, moving her hand up to her headband. Now the two were in a pickle trying to figure out how to deal with these bandits. On one hand, she approved of the direct approach, but there might be numbers hiding somewhere and they'd get jumped and swarmed. On the other hand, they didn't come well equipped, at all, for something involving a bit more deception and guile. After a bit of thought, she continued to walk towards their destination. "Maybe come up with a plan when we get there and see their numbers? I'm sure we could take on like.. uh... 5 of them easily?" she asked. She really should've worn, at the very least, some of her relatively weaker armors that she created. She turned her head back up to the Uchiha, awaiting his input.

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

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    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Ren Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:19 am

    When Airi made the suggestion of them pretending to be newlyweds, Ren felt the heat rushing to his face again causing him to turn away from Airi so that she did not see him turn red again. "That's not exactly what I meant," Ren would reply back once he calmed himself down a little bit. Clearing his throat, and straightening his Haori, Ren would look in the direction of what he assumed was the toll the bandits had set up. "Maybe you're right, the direct approach would probably be best for us. No sense in going through all that extra work just to get a little closer." He would then take in a breath before forming the tiger hand sign producing two of his ember clones.

    Ren would not be taking chances, just in case something unforseen happened he wanted to be ready. Sending one clone to the right and one to the left, Ren would look back to Airi with a smile, "just stay close to me, please." These words were not said so much because he was worried about one of the bandits hurting her, he was sure she could handle herself in a fight. He said it more for his sake, as he had a tendance to go a little overboard when it came to his Katon and the last thing he wanted was to hurt her. If she stayed near him there was less chance of him losing sight and running the risk of hurting her. His clones would only move out around twenty meters of the Genin pair, though not much distance, they would be able to sneak through the wooded area while him and Airi remained on the path.

    As long as Airi did not object to Ren's plan, he would resume walking towards the construct. As they got closer, Ren would be able to make out more of what they were walking into. The construct seemed to be some kind of tower they had created from wagons and other things, while not tall, it would be enough to give at least some of them an advantage. Of course, with that height advantage, it was possible the pair had already been seen yet Ren would not break stride. He could see at least seven men around the tower, two in the Tower itself, and of course there was the chance that there were more in the forest around them. Ren would walk towards them as though he did not see them, at least until they tried to tell him to stop.

    -42 for 2 Ember Clones.

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Airi Ohara Wed Dec 14, 2022 8:29 pm

    The formation of the Tiger handseal caused her to stop in her tracks. She had seen these before and her memory started to flood into her head about who this guy was. This was the guy she was jealous of Kanara being with. She had a little thing with Kanara that didn't resolve much further than a bit of a tease. However, the heat from the clones were ferocious, causing her to recoil a bit. It was his command to 'stay near him' that caused her to instantly get a smaller profile next to him. She raised a single hand upwards with a whispered "Byakugan," which caused her crystal blue eyes to melt away and replaced with a pure white set of eyes. The vascularization upon her temples were easily seen as the battlefield became completely open to her vision. She saw 7 chakra signatures quite clearly, moving around and going about their usual routines with their chakra signatures also very bright, seeing their tenketsu points rather clearly as if they were illuminating her vision like stars.

    She also noticed the Ember Clones and they appeared a bit duller than the rest. It was an interesting sight to behold. She grabbed a hold of his haori to keep herself close to him. If she strayed off or was too distracted from viewing the world with her byakugan, this would tug on Ren's haori and keep her moving in the direction he was moving in. "7 people surrounding the tower, 2 people in the tower and..." she would pause for a moment. Her Byakugan picking up more people than she'd have liked. "I also see a patrol of 2 people further in the forest. They appear to be tightly packed together walking on a dirt path," she said. Being able to show others what she could see would be fantastic. She began to focus her vision once more and walk next to Ren, removing her grip upon his haori.  "Your call on how we approach this," she whispered to him, matching his stance and stride so things didn't appear too weird nor out of the ordinary.

    Action: Activate Byakugan Rank 2

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Ren Thu Dec 15, 2022 4:01 pm

    A smile would form on Ren's face as he felt Airi grab onto his Haori, though he would move his arm and adjust her hold to where his arm was wrapped around her hand. With her hand in the crook of his right elbow as they walked, it would be a little less suspicious than her holding onto the Haori itself. Even with her Hitai-Ate on her forehead, the bandits might be stupid enough to believe them being a simple couple walking through the forest. As he listened to her assessment of the situation, he was surprised that she picked up two more people than he had. He had heard rumors about her clan and the dojutsu they possessed, but he had never seen it used outside of his combat with Peragus. Of course, after he had discovered Peragus had the Byakugan, he figured out how the man had been able to see while wearing a blindfold. Still, he did not know the full scope of the abilities that her clan possessed with it, but apparently, he can add a larger range of sight to the mental list he had been keeping since his encounter with Peragus. As she whispered that it was his call on how they approached, he was about to reply when he heard the bandits in the tower calling down to the one's on the ground. They were around four hundred feet away from where the tower was, so it was no surprise to him that they had seen the pair. Ren would stop walking his left hand would travel over to Airi's hand that was resting on his arm, resting it softly onto the top of her hand. "On the count of three, we will attack. Just don't go too far." With that his left hand would lift off of her hand, though his elbow would remain how it was. It would be up to Airi, if she moved her hand from there, but if she didn't it would not hinder him any.

    Ren would form three half seals with his left hand, before looking to Airi with a wink. "1... 2... 3!" as he said three his left hand would rise to his mouth, quickly producing eight soccer ball sized balls of fire. The eight fireballs would each rise into the air above them, though Ren kept great care in ensuring that none would hit the trees around them. Once all eight were formed circling above Ren and Airi, Ren would send one of the fireballs streaking through the air towards the makeshift tower. The people on the tower as well as anyone or anything caught within ten meters of it, would soon be burning. This would no doubt alert the others that were in the forest, but as long as Airi could see them, Ren had a good guess she would tell him if they were coming, and they would both be prepared. The sound of the fireball hitting the tower would be quickly followed by the explosion of the fireball erupting on the impact, flames going out in all directions for a good thirty feet. The flames would catch one or two of the ones on the ground, not nearly as many as he would have liked to have gotten, but they would be less for the two of them to deal with. The remaining seven fireballs would continue to hover above the pair, shining light down upon them like a spotlight to draw the attention of the other men.

    If the other men moved to try to approach them, Airi could attack them unless she had already moved closer to them. Unfortunately, Ren had attacked too early, and he was still a hundred and twenty-five meters away from the toll tower. If they did get closer and Airi did not attack them. Then when the bandits fell within the range of his clones', they would both unleash a Dragon fire technique. With the ember clones being under twenty-five meters away from the genin pair, it wouldn't be until the bandits were around thirty meters away from them. The clone's attacks would arc, crossing each other, and creating an almost wall of fire in front of the pair. Despite the fact that they were within a forest the trees would all be safe from this fire, Ren was not careless when it came to them. The trees were far enough away from where the fire was that there would be no danger of a stray flame igniting one of them. If only the bandits were so lucky.

    Chakra: 209.8/210
    Sharingan: -1.2 (This post and the five others that i forgot to mark it.)
    Ember clones: -42 (Last post)
    Great Flame Flower: -20

    Current Chakra: 146.6

    Ember Clone 1 & 2: 21/21
    Dragon Fire Tech: -5 (Possible, only if Airi doesn't attack the bandits)

    Technique used:

    If Used:

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Airi Ohara Fri Dec 16, 2022 5:12 am

    She felt her hand reposition to the inside of his elbow. She felt her heart pumping a bit more, but she had to stay focused. And the focus was immediately pulled out of her control when she felt his hand embrace hers, readying themselves for the assault. She started to take deep and slow breaths to maintain her control and regain her composure. She pulled her hand back and readied her hands in front of her. She waited for Ren's signal before performing any action. It was then that a group of fireballs were created and hovered directly over the Uchiha's head and with a single cracking explosion, the alarms were raised. The sound of the fireball colliding with with the tower was intense. "We're going to have company coming from behind us. And they're closing in fast. About 10 seconds," she shouted out, turning towards the direction that the men were approaching. "Wait for it. Wait for it," she said to herself before quickly forming a string of six handseals. She placed a hand upon Ren for a moment before jumping upon his shoulder, pushing her feet off of him so she could get a little bit of air.

    Lightning chakra began to form in her mouth. She used her Byakugan to 'wall hacks' through the trees, slowly turning her head to get the proper aim. After getting the proper windage, she quickly adjusted the elevation before letting the javelin of electricity fly straight out of her mouth. Ripping and tearing through the trees caused a massive 'bam' sound for every tree it penetrated through before sticking one of them straight in the shoulder, launching him back and pinning him to a tree. "One incoming, directly behind us," she said before clumsily landing directly behind Ren. "This one's mine," she said.

    However, the man noticed what happened to his friend and he stopped for a moment, his legs quivering in fear before shouting. "SHINOBI!!!! SHINOBI!!!" Before he had the chance to react, Airi was already on top of him before delivering her ultimate technique. With a swift raise of her leg, she delivered a devastating kick to the groin. The man took a sharp breath in before Airi began to stomp on the guy. "Shut up! Nobody friggin asked you to shout out about us," she said as she continued to stop on the guy a few more times before soccer kicking him on the forehead, knocking him out. Afterwards, she stuck her tongue out to him and returned to Ren's side. "Nevermind, those two are taken care of."

    • False Darkness -- 10 Chakra
    • End of a Lineage -- 5 Chakra
    • Byakugan r2 Maintain -- 0.4 Chakra

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Ren Sun Dec 18, 2022 4:26 am

    Feeling her hand on him, Ren's attention would turn to Airi as she jumped off of him. His eyes following her movement as she formed a string of hand seals, impressed by the skill behind her technique even though he didn't know what it was. A smile formed on his face when she landed and went after the second guy, the smile quickly fading seeing the look on the other man's face from her kick. Ren made a mental note to himself to not piss her off, and his smile returned as she came back to his side. She looked pretty hot during her whole attack, one of the reasons why he could not take his eyes off of her, the minor aggression she had during the attack a slight turn on for the male, having always been attracted to powerful women. Pushing his attraction to Airi, to the side to try to bring his mind back to the mission, Ren would look towards the burning tower. The wall of fire from his clones having subsided now and the seven fireballs still floating above them like stars, Ren would look to Airi.

    "Well, I would say that's a job well done," the humor of his words next to burned bodies escaped him however, otherwise he might have chuckled at his words. "However, let's be thorough first and make sure we got everybody. Last thing we need is to miss someone and then them come back to do this again." Ren considered tossing one of the fireballs at the man Airi had stomped but decided against it, at least for now. He would offer his arm to her, to walk how they had before, but if she did not take it that was fine. Either way, Ren would begin walking towards the still burning makeshift tower, looking for any that might have survived considering there were only three burnt bodies near where they were, either four were hit by his first attack or some of them were in hiding. Ren would look to Airi to see if maybe her sight had picked up on anything, before he moved closer towards the tower.

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Airi Ohara Sun Dec 18, 2022 7:52 am

    She took a few deep breaths, wiping the sweat off of her brow. She turned to look up to Ren with a big and dazzling smile. She wasn't very tall, at all, so she had to crank her neck upwards to look the man in the eyes. "Well, ya know," she said before picking up movement on her Byakugan. She saw movement coming from inside of the ruined tower. Someone appeared to have had a hurt leg and crawling behind debris for cover. The sucked air between her teeth before grimacing, turning her head towards the chakra signature. "Uh, yeah, one sec. I'm going to bring someone here real quick," she said before disappearing into ruined tower real quick.

    "Hey, bitch! What you doing hiding? Some kinda pussy or something?" she shouted, her voice bouncing around the tower before forming a quick set of handseals before shouting "Heel, boy!" before a loud yell could be heard by Ren. After a moment, she started to drag the injured man as he hobbled along directly behind her, being tethered by an electrical leash. One end was wrapped around his throat while she held the other end of the leash in her hand, dragging and pulling him behind. "It'll be easier if you cooperate. I won't kill you so relax," she said before kicking the man over towards Ren.

    She had a rather unimpressed look upon her face. The man seemed to have a broken leg with slightly charred clothing. "Holy fuck! Shinobi!? Why the hell are you guys here?" the man said, falling on his ass before being yanked forward onto his knees before Airi and Ren. She turned her eyes towards Ren for a moment. "Uh, is this where we interrogate him or is this where we kick his ass or something?" she didn't know what to do at this point.
    "And he's the last one I could find. The other ones are kinda out of action," she noticed the lack of chakra signatures on some of the bodies, realizing that Ren's explosion may have killed them. This caused a grimace to form across her lips for a brief moment. She knew it was inevitable in their line of work, but she still didn't like the idea.

    "We don't HAVE to kill this one do we? But ehhhhh," she said, looking at the man with pity in her eyes. Now a look of sheer terror was written plainly across his face. "Can't we just, break his elbows and knees, hips and shoulders, or something?" she asked before the man started pulling at the leash. "Fuck! Don't do that!" he said, his voice frantic. "What will I do if you do that?" Airi turned to look down at the bandit. "Please, shut up before I decide to kill you myself. And you'll be the first one so it'll be quite sloppy," she said with a matter-of-fact voice. This was certainly enough to shut the bandit up.

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Ren Mon Dec 19, 2022 4:51 pm

    As something seemed to catch Airi's attention, she took off towards the smoldering tower. Watching her as she disappeared near the tower, Ren was beginning to think that he should have gone with her when he heard the shouts of the woman. He wasn't sure what exactly was going on, until he saw her coming back practically dragging a man as he furiously tried to hobble to keep up. Though seeing the lightning wrapped around his throat, Ren could see why, it made him curious as to what other skills the woman had. For now he would push those questions to the side, as Airi 'delivered' the man in front of him before returning to his side, the lighting that seemed to have been pulling the man still connected her hand to the man's neck.

    As she explained he was the last one in the area, a smirk formed on Ren's face. Having a Hyuga around sure did make things a little easier, the fact that she was able to scan the area that would have taken him several minutes if not longer to search everywhere, she did in a few seconds. Her question of killing followed quickly by breaking something instead, Ren's glare would fall upon the man. As the man tried to speak and Airi told him to shut it or she would kill him, not only did the man fall silent but a small wet spot on the road formed where he sat on his knees. Ren would just lean down putting a hand on the man's shoulder, moving his mouth next to the man's ear as he spoke. "Not so fun when the shoe is on the other foot, now is it mate?" Ren would say softly to the man, clearly referring to what he and his friends had been doing to the citizens of the Land of Fire, before standing back up straight and speaking in his normal tone. "You have been marked a problem by Konohagakure, and you see the village. They send me and her to deal with problems like you and your friends. You're friends were met with a quick and clean death, you could to at my hands, or my friend here can make a mess on her nice clothes." Ren would pause and look to Airi, "or we could take him back to the village and let them deal with him. We handled the rest, they could handle this ONE." Ren would give Airi a wink from the eye the man wouldn't be able to see, throwing his arms up in the air a little. "Ah, but then we would have to drag him all the way back to the village not to mention listening to him whining." He would look back to the man, "maybe you're right. We should just break his legs and arms," as he said this he would look to Airi. He would let her decide what she wanted to do to the man, after all it was her collar. He couldn't help but find it slightly hot the way she had been bossing the man around, as well as the threats whether she mentioned them or not it was the sternness of her voice. Still he knew she had spoke with discomfort about the killing before, so he would follow her lead on what to do with the man.

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Airi Ohara Mon Dec 19, 2022 10:39 pm

    Airi just stared down at the man, noticing the puddle forming around him. A look of disgust crossed her face as she looked down her nose towards him. A quiet "Disgusting" could be heard coming from her lips as the man quivered and quibbled, trying to beg for his life. Ren started playing 'good cop' towards the man while her mind wandered, wanting to take whatever 'taxes' they were charging at this toll. The idea of dragging him along was quite annoying and Ren did outline some of the more obnoxious bits that would come with dragging him back. "Or! We could have him give us all of the toll money and we let him off scott-free. Nobody will believe him when he will say," she said before changing her voice into something a bit more mocking. She clasped her hands together and dramatically swayed back and forth, switching which shoulders her hands were over. "Oh, those mean shinobi of Konohagakure ended up looting the dead bodies of my friends and even extorted us of our ill-gotten-gains," she said in a rather taunting manner before placing her hands back down to her side. She looked at the man, squatting to get on his level and just stare him in the eyes. "Nobody will believe you, chummmmmmp," she said with a big and bright smile. She did enjoy playing with her food.

    She stood back up and moved her ponytail back over her shoulder, all the while still holding the leash in her hand. "Maybe, yeah. Probably best to break his legs and arms," she commented before noticing the man's eyes darting between her, Ren, and something else. She was so focused on the thug that she wasn't paying too much attention to her surroundings. There was quick movement coming from behind them. She dropped the tether, de-activating it and spun around Ren, pressing her back into his and moved her palms to her hips for a moment, gathering energy before releasing the Double Handed Double Palm Fart Wall into the man. The ball collided with the man before completely obliterating him, leaving behind his arms and legs, splattering blood all over her and her outfit. In his left had was still a dagger. This seemed to have been the man that she pinned to the tree earlier.

    What was wrong with her? The fact that she let the man live almost put herself or Ren in danger. She looked down towards her hands, now covered in the assailant, causing her to slide down to her knees and just look at her palms. Her negligence caused this. She didn't do a good enough job incapacitating him. She turned her eyes towards the man that she beat to a pulp, he was still down in an incredible amount of pain. Her hands began to shake before leaning forward and vomiting on the ground. "Oh! Was she REALLY that new? First time killing someone? Feels great doesn't it?"

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Ren Tue Dec 20, 2022 7:44 pm

    Ren would be so enthralled by Airi that he wouldn't be paying attention to the man, even giving Airi a small clap at the end of her imitation of the broken man. He smiled when she agreed to breaking the man's arms and legs, though as she suddenly dropped the tether his eyes would dart to the man to see him looking behind them. Before he could even turn around, he felt Airi pushed up against his back, the sound of blood splatter filling his ears, followed quickly by Airi dropping to her knees. Ren would quickly turn to her out of concern that she had been hurt, finding blood splattered across the forest floor with some arms and legs. He had not dealt with so much blood before, his jutsu left clean bloodless ashes usually, but he was no stranger to the sight of it, or the fact that the top of his back half including his hair had it as well. Airi would throw up and the man would begin speaking to which Ren would quickly turn to and proceed to kick the ever-living shit out of him. His eyes quickly darting towards the body of the other man she had taken down earlier, no longer taking chances one of the seven fireballs above their heads would quickly descend upon the still unmoved body engulfing it in flames. The man now silent from Ren's kicks would lay still upon the road, Ren would remove his Haori and place it around Airi as he knelt beside her.

    Ren would reach a hand towards her and unless she stopped him lift her head slight as he wiped off the blood from her face with the long sleeves of his Haori that was wrapped around her. He did not care about the blood staining his clothes or anything else, he just lightly wiped the blood off the best that he could making sure that around her eyes were clean. If Airi were to look at Ren, she would simply see his smiling face as he looked at her. He would wait until she looked at him before he spoke, "Thank you, Airi. You saved my life." His words were soft and short but held a strong meaning behind them. Once he was done cleaning her face the best he could, he would look to the man on the ground that she had collared, still unmoved from where Ren had kicked him, before looking back to Airi. "Let's get out of here, we are done, and we could both probably use a nice warm bath." Ren would offer to help Airi to her feet, even as far as offering to carry her back to the village, though if she did not want his help that was fine as well. As they began walking away from the broken man, once they were a safe distance away the third fireball would come crashing down upon the man's body behind them. Above them the five remaining fireballs would slowly begin to shrink until they disappeared into nothingness, the light that they had been providing slowly diminishing as they shrunk until it returned to the normal light of the forest once more as they made their way back to the village.

    {Exit Thread attempt}

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Clearing the Roads Empty Re: Clearing the Roads

    Post by Airi Ohara Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:53 pm

    100 + 25 =
    She deactivated her Byakugan, wiping the blood and vomit from her lips. As her hands were already covered in blood, she just smeared it everywhere. She took several deep breaths to try to regain her composure while turning to look towards Ren as he beats the tar off of the man that they threatened to break the limbs of. "No, it's awful," she said as she continued to watch the man get the crap beaten out of him. Her heartrate was racing, thumping against her rib cage as she continued to try to control her breathing as Ren placed his haori around her. "Was your first time this bad?" she groaned as she turned to look up towards Ren, tears beginning to form in her eyes, dripping down her cheeks to make a clean-ish trail down her face.

    She felt the blood wipe off the large majority of her face onto Ren's haori, closing her eyes and mouth as he wiped it away. She opened her eyes to see Ren's warm smile back to her and her heartrate started to drop a bit, returning the smile back to him. "First time out of the way, right?" she said with a rather insecure smile. But the fact that she had to kill another person to save her partner's life felt justified. She felt that he would kill hundreds and even thousands of people to make sure she was safe. She let out a little sigh and shook her head. "I'd..." she said with a small pause. "like a bit of time to myself. Maybe we can do our dinner in a couple days or something? I just want some time alone for a little bit," she said giving him an equally warm smile before being helped up to her feet. She denied being carried to the village as her legs were still strong enough to carry herself. It was the stubborn Hyuga pride. She followed Ren back to the village to declare the mission complete.

    --Left Topic--
    --Mission Complete--

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga

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