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    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge Empty Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Post by Ren Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:04 pm

    500 Stars: Rain of Heaven (A)
    Afterimage Clone (B)
    Beast Tearing Gale Palm (A)
    Big Ball Rasengan (A|S)
    Black Lightning (A)
    Blade of Wind (A)
    Blazing Judgmental Flames (S)
    Body Elimination (C)
    Body Flicker (D)
    Burning Halo (C)
    Chain Lightning (S)
    Chakra Drain (A)
    Chakra Suppression (D)
    Chidori (A)
    Chidori Current (A)
    Chidori Katana (B)
    Chidori Senbon (A)
    Chidori Sharp Spear (A)
    Clone Great Explosion (A)
    Compression Rasengan (S)
    Crashing Waves (S)
    Dark Flames (S)
    Draconic Form: Earth Dragon (S)
    Draconic Form: Flame Dragon (S)
    Draconic Form: River Dragon (S)
    Draconic Form: Thunder Dragon (S)
    Dust Wind (B)
    Dustless Bewildering Cover (B)
    Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock (B)
    Earth Release: Double Suicide (D)
    Earth Release: Earth Stone Dragon (B)
    Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet (A)
    Earth Release: Earth Flow River (C)
    Earth Release: Earth Flow Wave (S)
    Earth Release: Earth Mausoleum (B)
    Earth Release: Earth Prison Dome (B)
    Earth Release: Earth Shore Return (C)
    Earth Release: Earth Spear (B)
    Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall (B)
    Earth Release: Fissure (S)
    Earth Release: Great Moving Core (A)
    Earth Release: Golem (A)
    Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole (C)
    Earth Release: Iron Prison (A)
    Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock (B)
    Earth Release: Moving Earth Core (B)
    Earth Release: Mud Shadow Clone (A)
    Earth Release: Multi Earth-Style Walls (A)
    Earth Release: Opening Excavation (B)
    Earth Release: Rock Collapse (B)
    Earth Release: Rock Lodg Destruct (B)
    Earth Release: Rock Pillar Spears (A)
    Earth Release: Sandwich (S)
    Earth Release: Sticky Earth Drop (B)
    Earth Release: Stone Pistol (C)
    Earth Release: Subterranean Voyage (C)
    Earth Release: Swamp of Underworld (A)
    Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning (C)
    Earth Release: Ultra-Light-Weight (S)
    Earth Release: Ultra-Added-Weight (A)
    Earthen Wave (A)
    Ember Clone (C)
    Exploding Flame Shot (C)
    Eye Mind Reading (A)
    Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning (B)
    Fire Release: Cloud Flame Behead (C)
    Fire Release: Crimson Earth Spider (B)
    Fire Release: Deep Flame Explosion (A)
    Fire Release: Demon Lantern (B)
    Fire Release: Dragon Fire (C)
    Fire Release: Extinguishing Curtain (B)
    Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet (C)
    Fire Release: Dragon Flame Bullet (A)
    Fire Release: Dragon Flame Release (A)
    Fire Release: Fired Pottery (B)
    Fire Release: Flame Whirlwind (B)
    Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire (B)
    Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation (S)
    Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction (S)
    Fire Release: Great Fireball (C)
    Fire Release: Great Flame Flower (A)
    Fire Release: Hiding in Ash and Dust (B)
    Fire Release: Hiding in Fire (B)
    Fire Release: Intelligent Hard Work (B)
    Fire Release: Pheasant Hunter (B)
    Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire (C)
    Fission Technique (S)
    Flame Eater Technique (A)
    Flame Serpent (D)
    Flaming Shroud (C)
    Flaring Embers (D)
    Focused Amplification (C)
    Genjutsu Kai (C)
    Grand Tremor (S)
    Grand Whirlpool (S)
    Great Sickle Weasel Technique (A)
    Great Spiraling Ring (S)
    Guardian Dragon (A)
    Gunbai Fanned Wind (B)
    Haze Clone Technique (D)
    Heavenly Piercer (S)
    Heavenly Prison Fire Sword (A)
    Heavenly Spiraling Piercer (S)
    Hiding in Mist Technique (D)
    Hiding in Shadows Technique (C)
    Hiding in Surface Technique (C)
    Hiding in Water Technique (C)
    Hiding with Camouflage Technique (A)
    Impacting Marble Bomb Shot (A)
    Kazejin Bakudan (A)
    Kikoho (S)
    Kirin (S)
    Lightning Dragon Missile (B)
    Lightning Release: Black Panther (B)
    Lightning Release: Electromagnetic (A)
    Lightning Release: False Darkness (B)
    Lightning Release: Four Pillar Binding (A)
    Lightning Release: Lightning Ball (C)
    Lightning Release: Beast Track (B)
    Lightning Release: Rat Violent Quake (B)
    Lightning Release: Lightning Rod (C)
    Lightning Shadow Clone (A)
    Lightning Release: Signal Fire (D)
    Lightning Release: Lightning Strike (C)
    Lightning Release: Purple Electricity (S)
    Lightning Release: Rock Avalanche (B)
    Lightning Release: Sixteen Pillar Bind (S)
    Lightning Release: Snake Thunder (C)
    Lightning Release: Spider Web (C)
    Lightning Release: Thunder Binding (B)
    Lightning Release: Thunderbolt (C)
    Lightning Release: Thunderclap Arrow (C)
    Lightning Release: Thunderclap Drill (B)
    Lightning Release: Wave of Inspiration (B)
    Lightning Release: Young Lightning (C)
    Lightning Soaring Thunder Dragon (A)
    Lightning Transmission (A)
    Lightning Water Dragon Bullet (S)
    Memory-Concealing Manipulat Sand (A)
    Mental Resistance Technique (S)
    Multi-Shadow Clone Technique (A)
    Mysterious Peacock Method (S)
    Nadeshiko-Style Hardliner Gale Fist (B)
    Nadeshiko-Style Hardliner Revolv Cut (B)
    Ninja Art: Shuriken Giant Body (C)
    Open Circuit (S)
    Paralyzing Chakra Field (A)
    Perfect Copy Technique (B)
    Praimfaya (S)
    Pressure Drill (S)
    Pressure Points of Harm and Death (C)
    Projection Technique (A)
    Quasar Blast Pulse (A)
    Raikiri (S)
    Raikiri: Unmei no Ketto (S)
    Rain Tiger At Will Technique (S)
    Rasengan (A)
    Rasengan Barrage (A)
    Rock Clone Technique (C)
    Seismic Sensing Technique (S)
    Sensing Technique (A)
    Sensory Clone Technique (S)
    Shadow Clone Technique (B)
    Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique (A)
    Sickle Weasel Technique (B)
    Silent Killing Technique (D)
    Sound Wave Technique (A)
    Spark Clone (C)
    Spasm (A)
    Spiraling Bullet (A)
    Spiraling Ring (A)
    Sudden Flash (B)
    Summon Spying Technique (C)
    Summoning: Ibuse Engulfing Poison (S)
    Summoning: Rashomon (B)
    Summoning: Triple Rashomon (A)
    Summoning: Quintuple Rashōmon (S)
    Takarai (A)
    Telegram Flash (C)
    Temporary Paralysis Technique (D)
    Thousand Flying Water Needles (B)
    Transparent Escape Technique (B)
    Triple Flame Serpent (C)
    True Fire of Samadhi (S)
    Truth-Seeking Balls (S)
    Ultra-Fast Regeneration Technique (S)
    Vanishing Rasengan (A)
    Water Clone Technique (C)
    Water Prison Technique (C)
    Water Release: Black Rain (B)
    Water Release: Great Explod Wave (A)
    Water Release: Gunshot (C)
    Water Release: Explod Water Wave (B)
    Water Release: Hiding in Rain (B)
    Water Release: Marine Battle Form (B)
    Water Release: Starch Syrup Captur (C)
    Water Release: Water Bullet (C)
    Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet (B)
    Water Release: Water Fang Bullet (B)
    Water Release: Water Form Pillar (A)
    Water Release: Water Form Wall (B)
    Water Release: Water Sever Wave (A)
    Water Release: Water Whip (C)
    Water Release: Waterfall Basin (C)
    Water Release: Wild Bubble Wave (C)
    Welcoming Approach: Thousand-Arm (S)
    Wind Prison Technique (B)
    Wind Release: Air Bullets (B)
    Wind Release: Beast Tearing Palm (B)
    Wind Release: Cast Net (A)
    Wind Release: Divine Mountain Wind (B)
    Wind Release: Divine Wind (C)
    Wind Release: Drilling Air Bullet (C)
    Wind Release: Dust Cloud Technique (A)
    Wind Release: Flower Scatter Dance (A)
    Wind Release: Gale Palm (C)
    Wind Release: Great Breakthrough (C)
    Wind Release: Great Task of Dragon (B)
    Wind Release: Pressure Damage (B)
    Wind Release: Rotating Shuriken (C)
    Wind Release: Slash (C)
    Wind Release: Spiraling Wind Ball (B)
    Wind Release: Vacuum Blade (B)
    Wind Release: Vacuum G Sphere (A)
    Wind Release: Vacuum Serial Waves (S)
    Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere (B)
    Wind Release: Vacuum Wave (A)
    Wind Release: Verdant Mount Gale (D)

    Last edited by Ren on Fri Mar 08, 2024 1:05 am; edited 3 times in total

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge Empty Re: Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Post by Ren Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:34 pm

    Clan Abilities and Techniques
    A mature, powerful Uchiha may find a peak at Tomoe Three, with abilities of tremendous power in their own right, but a select few find themselves walking a much harder path. The path to power is paved with heartache and troubles, as the Mangekyou, the height of Uchiha prominence, comes only with the greatest of pains, of witnessing the death of one that the Uchiha truly loves. While this is a power that many would surely seek, it's cost is often considered far too great, and so the eyes reflecting a pattern of the Uchiha's inner turmoil are looked upon not as a fearful weapon, as those outside of the clan see them, but as a sign of the intense pain that the Uchiha has suffered. The Mangekyou's pattern is unique to the individual and may be similar to another, but is never quite the same, for it is based wholly upon the pain of the loss, which affects every individual differently. This can come upon investing 3000 Experience points, after which the situation may be described at will, if at all, by the player, as with the Tomoe One. Alternatively, if an Uchiha with at least Tomoe One witnesses the death of a loved one that is also a Player Character, the Sharingan will instantly mature to Tomoe Three, any loss of sight will be restored, and the Mangekyou will be unlocked, regardless of how much Experience has been invested or what caused the (near) blindness. However, if the Sharingan is not Tomoe Three, 3000 Experience Points will need to be invested before it can be used. While no new inherent abilities are afforded, the Mangekyou does grant access to one unique technique per eye, in addition to one dual technique per two Mangekyou: Susano'o. The techniques vary upon users and can be mixed and matched, and though Susano'o is the most common dual Mangekyou technique, some Uchiha may develop an alternative technique.

    Name: Discernment
    Rank: A
    Activation Cost: None
    Upkeep Cost: 0.1
    Range: Sight
    Speed: Instant
    Element: None
    Skill: Doujutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha)
    Requirements: Tomoe Three Sharingan
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: Advancing the Sharingan's natural perception of chakra to a greater extent affords the user keen discernment not normally present in the Doujutsu's Eye of Insight. Whereas most ocular Kekkei Genkai, including even the Byakugan, cannot recognize the difference between constructs as complex as shadow clones and real people or things, particularly those that create such constructs, a fully matured and further developed Sharingan can. By simply looking upon the chakra of any such creation, the Tomoe Three Sharingan can immediately identify the chakra make-up and thus determine the difference between even shadow clones and actual people.
    Weaknesses: This is a progression ability and as such costs 250 Experience Points to learn, after achieving Tomoe Three Sharingan.

    Name: Precision
    Rank: A
    Activation Cost: None
    Upkeep Cost: 0.1
    Range: Sight
    Speed: Instant
    Element: None
    Skill: Doujutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha)
    Requirements: Tomoe Three Sharingan
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: Where Discernment emphasizes perception of chakra, Precision emphasizes reality, seeing the finer details not in the makeup of energy, but in all things that are corporeal. With enough training, the Sharingan can perceive on a continuously smaller level, until eventually it can clearly see even the cells that make up all living things, an ability previously exclusive to such insightful Doujutsu as the Byakugan. Unlike the Byakugan, this ability cannot be used to see things outside of one's range of vision, but it grants near unparalleled vision all the same.
    Weaknesses: While this ability is being used, the user's vision shifts to the enhanced level desired, preventing sight in any other zoom, such as basic vision, potentially making the user blind to things happening around him.

    Name: Extraction
    Rank: A
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 2
    Range: Sight
    Speed: Instant
    Element: Inton
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha)
    Requirements: Tomoe Three Sharingan
    Parent Technique: Genjutsu: Sharingan
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: The parent technique emphasizes the infiltration of enemy minds to cause one of a number of effects, including the compulsive divulging of information. With enough practice in this function, the eye becomes more acclimated to sifting through the minds of its prey, to the point that it no longer needs to enact an illusion that yields information, but can find that information itself. Similar to the Psycho Mind Transmission technique, Extraction allows a Sharingan to comb through the memories of the target. As a perceptive Doujutsu, the Sharingan is slightly more effective in that it can more quickly identify key memories, finding anything relating to the user's query near instantaneously. This is a more specialized version of mind reading, however, in that it only yields information being sought, and unlike Psycho Mind Transmission, will not disclose anything not actively being sought. Information is processed via this technique at the following rates based on the user's Intelligence, though note that it will immediately find the source material and the user need not comb through all memories, meaning this technique usually finishes within a post.
    C-Tier: a day per post
    B-Tier: a week per post
    A-Tier: a month per post
    S-Tier: six months per post
    If the target of this technique is conscious and able to mentally fight the user, this technique will take much longer, reducing those rates by one level and making C-Tier Intelligence unable to even use this technique.
    Weaknesses: As a progression ability, this takes 250 Experience to learn after achieving Tomoe Three.

    Name: Copy Technique
    Rank: A
    Cost: 3 Points
    Range: Sight
    Speed: Instant
    Element: None
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha)
    Handseals: None
    Requirements: Tomoe Two Sharingan
    Description: The Copy Technique is one of the two primary abilities for which the Sharingan is known. It is the essence of the Eye of Insight's true purpose, using everything from the enhanced Perception to the peerless prediction in as efficient a way as possible. When an Uchiha witnesses a technique, style, or move through the Sharingan, instant memorization may occur. Simple movements of a pencil can allow an Uchiha to perfectly imitate another person's hand writing. General muscle movements can give access to a person's entire way of moving and standing. In general, this technique can grant flawless imitation by bridging the gap between what is seen and how one moves; with such clarity of others' actions, an Uchiha is easily able to adapt the body to it as much as physically possible.

    The best part of this technique is the ability to copy actual techniques. While Tomoe Two is limited to strictly physical movements, such as Taijutsu, Weaponry, and hand seals, Tomoe Three can also imitate chakra usage. By seeing exactly how the chakra is used, even through clothing and other obstructions, the Sharingan is able to discern every aspect of any kind of technique, even those born of shape and nature transformation, advanced elements, and unique bloodlines and abilities. The technique can then be instantly repeated by the user, in some cases even as that technique is being used by the target. Once copied the technique is permanently memorized and can be used at will by the user. However, custom techniques that are copied must be noted in the user's update thread if they wish to permanently retain knowledge of the technique.
    Weaknesses: The target of this technique must move at a Speed within the Uchiha's improved Perception range; in the case of a technique requiring hand seals, the target's Coordination is used instead of Speed. Chakra that is not seen with the accuracy brought about by Tomoe Three cannot be imitated, thus limiting Tomoe Two strictly to the physical, regardless of the Speed at which the target moves. Another limiter is the Uchiha's own body. Techniques requiring elements or physical attributes that the Uchiha simply does not possess cannot be imitated. The information may not be stored and used at a later date, because a lack of required experience relating to the field (the ability to use the technique) makes the user fail to understand the particular method by which the technique is performed. This includes all techniques being copied by this jutsu. The Copy Technique CANNOT permanently learn restricted or village/clan exclusive techniques (be they canon or custom).

    Name: Genjutsu: Sharingan
    Rank: A
    Cost: Varies
    Range: Sight
    Speed: Instant
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Element: Inton
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha)
    Handseals: None
    Requirements: Tomoe Three Sharingan
    Description: Perhaps the most versatile technique in existence, the Genjutsu: Sharingan casts an illusion from the eye that can take on any shape desired by the user. Most Genjutsu are limited to a small range of effects and visuals, but this is bound only by the user's own imagination. The actual illusions that are shown to the target are constructed by the user and as such are not set in stone by this technique; the user is free to create the general parameters of specifically how the target will view and experience this technique. However, the actual effects are limited to only a select few, but they are many more than typically available to any one Genjutsu. Because of its versatility, this technique has varying cost, though for the purpose of dispelling, it is always considered A-Rank, despite the cost.
    E: Relaying memories and any other sort of information to the target, and vice versa.
    D: Instantly dispel any Genjutsu affecting the target by using this Genjutsu to overwrite and shatter it. Blend illusion and reality to confuse the enemy or disguise certain things; this has as much versatility as the following ranks, but is unable to perform the specific functions of them; it merely allows the illusion to be cast via eye contact.
    C: Compel the target to divulge information, no matter how sensitive.
    B: Render the target immediately immobile.
    A: Cause the target to fall into unconsciousness.
    S: Forces the target under the control of the user. This is considered the height of Uchiha Genjutsu and is renowned for its ability to even control Tailed Beasts. This cannot, however, force the target to inflict harm upon itself, such as suicide, damaging or removing an organ, or allowing itself to be sealed without a fight.

    This technique's affinity for Genjutsu unlocks in the Sharingan a new height of power over illusions, allowing the Perception boost granted by the Uchiha Dojutsu to apply to Genjutsu. Alternatively, the tier boost can apply to Intelligence for the purpose of recognizing Nightmare Genjutsu. When the user's Perception or Intelligence (depending on the type of Genjutsu in play) is higher than an enemy's Intelligence, the user can incite the D-Rank function of this technique to immediately dispel the enemy's Genjutsu.

    While this technique is powerful in its own right, it does improve with higher levels of the Sharingan. A Mangekyou is able to add one tier to the user's Intelligence solely for the use of Sharingan Genjutsu. An Eternal Mangekyo does the same, but with two tiers.

    Drawbacks: Levels B-Rank and higher, which partially or completely wrest control from the target, can be fought against with sufficient Intelligence. A target with two tiers less Intelligence will be unable to resist the effects at all. With one tier less, the target can reduce the Rank effect by one, dropping control to unconsciousness, unconsciousness to paralysis, or paralysis to compulsory information divulging. With equal Intelligence, the target can drop the Rank effect by two. With higher Intelligence, the target can resist or dispel this technique at will. To realize that one is caught in this Genjutsu, they must have equal or higher Perception than the user's Intelligence level, at which point they may be able to utilize the Genjutsu: Kai technique or one of the other methods for illusion breaking. The best defense is a high Intelligence, of course. Every post that a target is affected by this technique will increase that target's Intelligence for the sole purpose of resisting this technique by one plus until they reach a point at which they can dispel the illusion at will. The illusions caused by this technique can flawlessly blend reality with illusion, though any attacks taking place in the real world must have a counterpart present in the illusion itself, so that at no point will a target be struck by an invisible attack.

    Name: Demonic Illusion: Mirage Crow
    Rank: D
    Range: Sight
    Speed: Instant
    Element: Inton
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha)
    Requirements: Tomoe Three Sharingan
    Parent Technique: Genjutsu: Sharingan
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: The user begins the technique by calling upon a small swarm of crows that emerge from somewhere within the immediate vicinity, generally from underneath a coat the user is wearing. The crows will then swarm the target and if the target looks upon any of the crows, he will see the user's Sharingan reflected in their eyes and be instantly caught in the illusion. The illusion itself places the target in a world of red and pink, with no discernible details other than the target, the swarm of crows, and the user, who appears to be partially formed from that swarm of clones. The ground and the sky seem to meld together, and though wind may appear to be flowing in this illusory world, nothing can be felt. The user is then free to converse with the target for as long as desired, warping the perception of time in both of their minds.

    Being drawn into the illusion is so sudden that the target's brain will mistake it for reality, but notes that it is separate; the target can simultaneously perceive reality and illusion, but the illusion encapsulates the target so much that he will fall to the ground in reality, the brain mistakenly recognizing the illusion as reality. The body will reflexively catch itself, causing the target to snap out of the illusion, but by that time, the conversation between the two will be over, having lasted for up to an hour within the illusion, but only taking seconds out of the real world.
    Weaknesses: This technique requires the Genjutsu Skill. Because of its instantaneity, the illusion has little use for offensive purposes, as it is designed neither for mental trauma nor physical harm, offering only enough control for the user to manipulate the crows and his own form while inside.

    Name: Coercion Sharingan
    Rank: C
    Range: Sight
    Speed: Instant
    Element: Inton
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha)
    Requirements: Tomoe Three Sharingan
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: Through the Sharingan, the user can cast over any target that looks upon his eyes a feeling of tremendous fear. The target will be cast into a world of swirling black and red patterns, with no differentiation between even the floor and the sky, with only a central Sharingan looming overhead. This Genjutsu is used for immediate intimidation, as an inexplicable terror overwhelms even an emotionally distant and strong willed target, such that even the bravest warrior will back away and fall to the ground in fear. The illusion lasts only a few seconds, but its effects reverberate for quite some time -indefinitely, in some cases. The fear of this technique induces a mental trauma upon the target, reducing their Intelligence by two -'s for the remainder of the topic, regardless of the duration of the actual fear.
    Weaknesses: This technique can induce up to severe mental trauma to the point that the target will scream in terror any time he see the user, even long after the illusion's effects have worn off, but it cause no physical harm and is over very quickly.

    Name: Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes Technique
    Rank: A
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Sight
    Speed: Instant
    Element: Inton
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha)
    Requirements: Tomoe Three Sharingan
    Parent Technique: Genjutsu: Sharingan
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: By making eye contact, the user can cast a Genjutsu over the target that delivers a very realistic feeling of large metal spikes being driven forcefully into the target's body. The pain from this technique is tremendous and causes a form of paralysis due in part to that pain and also from the sensation that the spikes are preventing most forms of movement. Because this pain is illusory, the target's Constitution will not avail him, but he may be able to continue moving at a snail's pace should his Intelligence be high enough. This is one of the Genjutsu powerful enough to withstand a person knowing its true nature, because the pain caused generally prevents most movement, which is required to initiate most forms of dispersal.

    The onset of this technique can be as straightforward as described, but it can also be masked by false experiences. After eye contact has been made, the Genjutsu sets in, but the target may continue to experience the encounter as though it had not, acting as he would normally without realizing that it is an illusion. Once the target is able to discern that it is an illusion, whether by Perception or by being told, he will notice that he hasn't moved since seeing the user's Sharingan, and will suddenly experience the severe pain of the metal stakes, which can be used for extensive torture. Only a few moments pass between the activation of the technique and the end of the false experience, if used.
    Weaknesses: Targets with Intelligence or Constitution equal to or higher than the user's Intelligence can resist the paralysis enough to continue speaking and even move their arms and hands, though at a rate of no higher than B-Tier Speed and Coordination. Given the power of this technique, it's truly a wonder that they can move at all. For every tier lower, the target's Speed and Coordination decreases by another tier, until they are paralyzed completely. When comparing stats, the highest between the target's Constitution and Intelligence is used. This illusion can be broken via Genjutsu Kai, cast by the target or another, but not by pain.

    Name: Ephemeral
    Rank: A
    Range: Sight
    Speed: Instant
    Element: Inton
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha)
    Requirements: Tomoe Three Sharingan
    Parent Technique: Genjutsu: Sharingan
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: This illusion is initiated by pointing a finger at the target. If the target looks upon that finger, he is caught, because this Genjutsu is cast from the finger, rather than the eyes. The start of the illusion causes false experiences, as with most illusions cast by the Sharingan, fooling the target into believing that the Genjutsu has not yet taken effect, failed, or was never used to begin with. After two posts, however, when the illusion takes root in the target's mind, it becomes clear. The situation becomes dire; the target is isolated from any allies and is assaulted by the user in whatever way desired. This is typically when the target will realize that this is an illusion, but it's too late. By forming the Ram hand seal, the user can induce a sleeping effect on the target that is incredibly difficult to resist and, even if it is, will cause a lucid, dream like state. The target will begin to suddenly see images of people and things grow from his own body that torment him about anything he may be struggling with. He may attempt to use Genjutsu: Kai to break free, but by the time the Ram seal is formed, it's too late. The target's body, in the real world, is held fast and all movement is restricted to the illusion itself. The target's own body, altered with the apparitions of guilt causing objects, will begin to choke him and will not cease until rendering the target unconscious. This effect will also happen in reality, causing the target to suddenly fall unconscious.

    As the Genjutsu harshly assaults the mind, the target will face a mental trauma that persists for the current topic and the one that follows, reducing Intelligence by a full tier for the entire time.

    Weaknesses: The target will still be moving in the real world until the user forms the Ram hand seal, which typically isn't a problem for the user, who is actively controlling what the target is witnessing. During this time, the illusion is prone to the target's Genjutsu: Kai, but once the Ram seal is formed, only an external Genjutsu: Kai or physical pain will snap the target out. Any attacks made against the user must have a representation of some sort in the illusion, as in a shuriken which appears to be a crow. The more Intelligent the target is, the longer he will hold out against the unconsciousness: one tier less than the user's Intelligence can resist the sleep effect forever, two tiers less can resist for up to three posts, and three tiers less can resist for one post. Time is distorted, causing little time at all to pass in the real world once the target ceases movement, while he may struggle with his inner demons for hours within the illusion. This can lead to mental strain, exhaustion, and anguish for the target, but leaves little opening for the user to take advantage of an immobile target until the technique is either finished or broken. While facing the mental assault, the target may be able to cast the Genjutsu: Kai technique upon himself, but only if his Intelligence is equal to or higher than the user's Intelligence. Otherwise, it will fail.

    Name: Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change
    Rank: A
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 5
    Range: Sight
    Speed: Instant
    Element: Inton
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha)
    Requirements: Tomoe Three Sharingan
    Parent Technique: Genjutsu: Sharingan
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: The parent technique applies the Perception boost of the Tomoe Three Sharingan to Genjutsu, allowing the user's Dojutsu to more easily see through illusions and then break them with ease. This technique combines that function with the properties of the Copy Technique so that any illusion the user's Sharingan sees through is not only broken, but also cast back upon the target. In this process, the user must use the parent technique to break the illusion and, in about the time it takes to blink his eyes, duplicate that technique and cast it through the eyes. The illusion that is cast back is not the illusion used against the user, but a perfect replica made by the Sharingan to catch the opponent off-guard. Most Genjutsu users do not expect to have their own technique used against them, which may leave an opening during their surprise for the user to take advantage of. During this process, the user can easily use the Copy Technique to instantly learn how to perform that Genjutsu, if desired, though some illusions are bloodline based and, while they can be duplicated and cast back, they cannot be repeated.
    Weaknesses: Using this technique requires the use of the parent technique to break the target's illusion. Genjutsu reflected by this technique have the power noted by this technique, and not their original value, which typically makes them weaker than their original versions. Couple that with the target's familiarity with their own Genjutsu, and this should be fairly easy to get out of, leaving its main value in surprise tactics. This technique can reflect Genjutsu that are specific to a certain ability or bloodline that the user does not possess; they will simply be weaker than normal and even if the user copies it, he will not be able to repeat until obtaining that ability or bloodline.

    Name: Manipulating Windmill Triple Blades
    Rank: C
    Activation Cost: 3
    Range: Varies
    Speed: Varies
    Element: None
    Skill: Bukijutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha)
    Requirements: Tomoe One Sharingan
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: The user will secure wires to several small, ranged projectiles, generally kunai and/or shuriken, and will throw a barrage of them at the target. Not all of the projectiles have wires secured, and while the target is busy evading the decoys, those with wires attached will be pulled back around, swinging off any structure at the target's back to swing around and strike from the front. The target will be too busy handling the decoy projectiles to notice them, and due to the Sharingan, the user will more adeptly be able to predict the target's movements and compensate for them to ensure that the ploy is not seen through and that it retains deadly accuracy. Rather than hit the target directly with the wired projectiles, the user can force them to wrap around instead, pulling the target towards the structure and then binding him to it with surprising speed and power. This can be combined with another jutsu, most often the Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique. During this technique, the user's Coordination is increased by 2+, while the target's Perception is decreased by -.
    Weaknesses: There must be some kind of structure behind the target for this technique to work. Both the range and the speed of this technique are determined by the user's stats. Should the target manage to notice the wires, they can be cut with an appropriate edge.

    Name: Uchiha Return
    Rank: B
    Power: Varies
    Activation Cost: Varies
    Range: Touch
    Speed: Instant
    Element: Fuuton
    Skill: Bukijutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha)
    Requirements: None
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: This technique utilizes any kind of fan, most often a Japanese war fan or the legendary Gunbai Uchiwa, to block any incoming offensive technique. This jutsu will cause the fan to absorb all of the energy of that technique, rendering it null, and convert it into Fuuton chakra before reflecting all of that force right back out, blowing away the target with as much force as was present in the absorbed technique. This is most often used to affect Ninjutsu, but can also be used against physical attacks like punches or even weapon strikes. The force of the reflection is equivalent to the cost of this technique, which changes to match the technique used against it. In the case of physical attacks, this jutsu's cost matches the rank of the strength behind the blow and delivers that much force in Fuuton power.
    Weaknesses: The cost of this technique varies by the techniques it is used against, as well as its power. The reflection occurs extremely quick, making it difficult to react to, but it is still Wind Release chakra and because of that, carries all of the weaknesses that come with it. Additionally, while the force may be high, the only damage this technique can deliver is the impact the target makes after being blown away, which can be circumvented by any number of means.

    Name: Izanagi
    Rank: S
    Range: 5 Meters
    Speed: Instant
    Element: Inton, Yoton
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha); Clan Leader
    Requirements: Tomoe Three Sharingan
    Hand Seals: Rabbit → Boar → Ram
    Description: By using Inton to create shape and form from nothing, and then Yoton to breathe life into that form, the user is able to create another reality with regards to his immediate vicinity. This allows for control over one's own state of existence, disregarding reality itself and then replacing it with the new one that the user creates. Wounds and even death itself simply fade away as though they, results of reality itself, were mere illusions. The duration of this reality warping is normally one minute and requires no handseals. However, if the user is not a natural born Uchiha, the hand seals mentioned above must be used and the duration is reduced to ten seconds.
    Weaknesses: This is one of the most powerful Jutsu of the Uchiha, and holds a status as forbidden due to its one drawback: the eye in which this jutsu is cast forever loses its light, succumbing to permanent blindness.

    Name: Izanami
    Rank: S
    Range: Sight
    Speed: Instant
    Element: Inton
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha); Clan Leader
    Requirements: Tomoe Three
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: Designed as a counter to Izanagi, Izanami is a technique which forces the target to accept the nature of reality, particularly as it pertains to their own actions. The jutsu begins by using the Sharingan to memorize the physical sensations felt by both the user and the target at any moment in time. The user will then wait for or force a second moment with the same sensations to occur. This will activate the technique, which will create a loop that the target will be trapped in. In the time between recreating that moment, the user may also memorize another moment, and another, up to however many desired. These are all candidates for the start of the loop, and once the loop is started, all memorized moments will be replayed by the technique.

    Once Izanami has been cast, the target will be forced to replay those physical sensations endlessly and though the circumstances may change, the sensations will remain the same. After some time, the target will become aware that they are caught within a Genjutsu, but this is not enough. In order to break Izanami, the target must accept reality as it is, especially where their own actions are concerned. People that are unable to accept themselves, their past, their future, or anything about reality will be caught in this loop until they reflect upon themselves and willingly accept reality. The illusion of the user will constantly prod the target to do this, encouraging them to fulfill the requirement to break the technique, until they do so.

    While Izanami is active, the target's real body will be rendered immobile and particularly susceptible to Visual Jutsu, such as the Genjutsu: Sharingan, and can be easily manipulated by them. They will remain as such, motionless and oblivious to reality until they are able to escape, regardless of what may befall their body.
    Weaknesses: The eye that casts this Genjutsu forever loses its light, but that is not the reason for its Kinjutsu label. Izanami has a clear way out and as such, is unwise to use against an enemy, especially in consideration for its purpose of helping the target to grow in maturity via acceptance. It is deemed unfit for use in battle and is forbidden because of it.

    Name: Tailed Beast Control
    Rank: A
    Range: Sight
    Speed: Instant
    Element: Inton
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Uchiha)
    Requirements: Tomoe Three
    Parent Technique: Genjutsu: Sharingan
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: This is the technique known to control Tailed Beasts to an even greater extent than the Genjutsu: Sharingan. By matching gazes with the target, the user is able to infect the mind with an advanced illusion, causing the target to suffer various experiences in order to guide it in a way determined by the user. At its best, this equates to mind control, but in base form, it is able to limit the abilities of the target, and is specifically designed to affect Tailed Beasts and their Jinchuuriki. At Tomoe Three, the user is able to reduce the Jinchuuriki's state by one and prevent them from increasing states for the duration of the battle or topic, whichever is longer. This can drop a Jinchuuriki from version 2 to version 1, version 1 to initial Jinchuuriki mode, or initial Jinchuuriki mode to nothing.

    With the Mangekyou Sharingan, this technique is able to affect Bijuu, but takes much more than mere eye contact. The Tailed Beast must be subdued in some way while the user stares into its eyes for a fairly long time, spanning between fifteen minutes to thirty minutes depending on the skill of the user. Either way, it's highly impractical, if not impossible, to use in battle. Once this is done, the user's Sharingan will be reflected in the eyes of the Bijuu, and that Bijuu becomes a summon for the user. This is in addition to any other summons the user may have access to, and does not require the Kuchiyose Skill to use. The Bijuu uses its normal stats and is controlled by the user of the technique, while being treated as an X-Rank summon, thereby making it the only summon that the user can have active and limiting its use to six posts.

    The Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan increases the range of this control to even Jinchuuriki of Bijuu. The same ritualistic process is used for this, but instead of making a summon, the user makes a perfect slave to follow every instruction, using the control over the Bijuu within and the influence of the Sharingan on the Jinchuuriki itself to continuously hamper the Intelligence of the target, thus extending control indefinitely. Unlike the Genjutsu: Sharingan technique, however, this control is less direct. It makes the Jinchuuriki perfectly loyal to the user in that it will obediently follow every order given, but it is able to act of its own accord and, again, will not willingly inflict harm upon itself. With the EMS, controlled Bijuu are considered S-Rank summons.

    Weaknesses: The Tomoe Three function is ineffective against a Jinchuuriki that is actively using Tailed Beast Mode or Chakra Mode. The Mangekyou and Eternal Mangekyou control over Bijuu can be broken by the Contract Seal technique and those Bijuu can still be sealed as normal. The control over Jinchuuriki is much longer than that of Genjutsu: Sharingan, but it is less absolute, giving the Jinchuuriki more reign to function, treating the user of this technique more as a master or commander issuing orders, rather than a god delivering absolute commands; it can be resisted and eventually broken by a Genjutsu: Kai or other such technique that simultaneously affects the Jinchuuriki and its Bijuu. As always, this control will not force the target to inflict severe harm upon itself, such as removing an organ or limb, or allowing itself to be sealed.

    Name: Kamui
    Rank: A
    Activation: Left Eye- 20
    Activation: Right Eye- 15
    Range: Sight/Self
    Speed: Varies
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Space-Time Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Mangekyou Sharingan
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: The Kamui is a powerful Space-Time Ninjutsu which transports the user and anything within sight to the Kamui Dimension, a place comprised of an innumerable amount of randomly arranged and differently sized rectangular prisms amongst a dark and seemingly endless void. This ability is unlike other Mangekyou techniques in that it awakens in both eyes, meaning that if an Uchiha gains this ability, he can gain no other single Mangekyou Technique, but may still make use of a Dual, such as Susano'o. Each eye possesses slightly different abilities and each progress on their own:

    Left Eye:
    Level 1: The initial stage, Level 1 allows the left eye to form a spherical barrier over any small area within at the user's visual focal point, up to a meter in diameter and at any distance. The speed at which this barrier is created is instant; however, the effect of transporting anything caught within it to the Kamui Dimension takes about a round. During this time, targets can move about, but will be affected by the pull such that their Speed and Coordination are reduced by two tiers each. The user is unable to move the barrier once it is initiated, unfortunately. Pull strength is C rank.

    Level 2: After using the first level four times, the user can increase the size of the barrier to a sphere with a five meter diameter, and increase the pull to the point that anything caught within has its movement cut by three tiers. The speed at which this barrier is created is instant, while this level's size remains at a full round. Pull strength is B rank.

    Level 3: With four uses of the second level, the user can increase the size again to ten meter diameter. The first and second level's size can now be used to transport instantly (only on inanimate objects that are not being held by other sentient beings. For people, transportation cuts Speed and Coordination down by three tiers). This level, however, still requires the full post. Pull strength is A rank.

    Right Eye:
    Level 1: Also an initial stage, this is the level granted by unlocking the Mangekyou. This level of the technique is rather simple and allows the user to transport himself to the Kamui dimension at S-rank speed. When exiting the dimension, he must return to the exact spot from where he left.

    Level 2: After using the previous ability four times, the user is able to transport other things into Kamui via direct physical contact. This is similar to the left eye's ability, but it will target the entire object, whereas the left forms a barrier that will leave behind anything not caught within it. This also is able to transport anything touched at the same speed the user is able to transport, which is still set at S-rank. The pull of this is too great to resist, and may leave the target trapped in the Kamui Dimension perpetually. The user is now also able to summon things from the Kamui Dimension without having to go there personally, be they weapons, or people, just by casting the technique in reverse from the eye. This function counts the entire post as one use. When exiting the dimension, he must return to the exact spot from where he left.

    Level 3: I'm sure you're seeing a pattern by now. Four uses of the second level and the user is now able to transport himself and anything he touches to the Kamui Dimension instantly. The user has now mastered the technique to the point that he can emerge from the dimension at any point desired, effectively as a means of teleportation (as long as hes familiar with the specific location or has been there) . This can be done so fast as to avoid seeing the Kamui Dimension at all, giving the user and anyone he's touching the impression that they simply moved to the destination. Additionally, the user can transport portions of himself, making his physical form intangible and, therefore, immune to all damage. However, while intangible, that portion of their body (or when applicable their whole body) is incapable of inflicting damage.  

    Note that returning from the Kamui Dimension does not count as a use of the technique.

    Weaknesses: Kamui is a technique that is useful enough to make an Uchiha want to use it constantly in battle, but because it is a Mangekyou ability, this can quickly deteriorate the eye's sight, so it must be used with care. When casting from the Left Eye, the barrier formed cannot be moved once it is started, and though it is instant, if the target is able to keep out of the user's visual focal point, they will be safe; hiding behind objects may also aid the target, as the barrier forms in the user's direct line of sight. The target's ability to escape the barrier is determined by their Speed v. the barrier's pull strength.  When a target is transported to the Kamui Dimension, they are basically trapped. However, they can attack the user whenever he enters the dimension, even during the brief moment during transportation, but the greatest opening is when the user is intangible and an enemy is within his dimension, because the physical part that is immune to damage in the real world is very vulnerable in the Kamui Dimension, such that intangibility is far too risky to use when an enemy is trapped there. Though the right eye is practically instant in its effects, the left eye requires time to gather the necessary chakra, such that the user must prepare the technique in the post preceding its use.

    Name: Blink
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0 - 15 Meters
    Speed: Instant
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Kamui Exclusive
    Requirements: EMS | Kamui Right Eye Lv 3
    Parent Technique: Kamui
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Often looked at as simply Kamui itself, Blink is actually a lesser version of the technique. While essentially functioning the same as Kamui, Blink has a very limited range making it useless for travel but effective in combat due to it allowing the user to conserve chakra compared to using Kamui. Using Blink the user is capable of instantly moving their position to another that they can see within the range of this technique, due to the fact that the user has to be able to see the spot they are blinking to this technique cannot be used if the user is blinded or the destination is obscured.
    Weaknesses: Due to the short travel distance the user can still get caught in blast radius of dodged technique if the technique has a large radius effect.

    Name: Kamui Portal
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: -
    Speed: Instant
    Element: -
    Skill: Doujutsu
    Classification: Kamui
    Requirements: Uchiha | EMS with Kamui | Level 3 in both Eyes
    Parent Technique: Kamui
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Once the Uchiha has mastered the Kamui in both eyes, they learn that it can be taken one step further. By using the abilities of both eyes simultaneously, the user is capable of creating a portal in which themselves or others can step through. This portal can be a direct path to another location that the user has been before or the Kamui Dimension itself, the user is also capable of synchronising Kamui with other space–time ninjutsu, allowing the user to travel to the other ninjutsu's target dimension to synchronize with another portal the user must be in the presence of the other when they use their Portal technique. Opening portals to those other dimensions however requires a great deal of chakra, costing the user 50 chakra to do so. The portal remains open for 1 posting round and requires an additional activation in order remain open longer.
    Weaknesses: Normal Kamui Weaknesses

    Name: Kamui Lightning Cutter
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 15
    Range: Contact
    Speed: -
    Element: Raiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon | Kamui Exclusive
    Requirements: Kamui | Raikiri
    Parent Technique: Raikiri
    Hand Seals: Ox -> Rabbit -> Monkey
    Description: The User forms a Lightning Cutter imbued with the power of Kamui. Anything pierced by this technique is instantly warped to Kamui's dimension. Combined with Kamui's intangibility, this technique allows for the user to avoid an enemy's counter as well.
    Weaknesses: Sight degeneration as per Kamui rules unless user has achieved EMS, each use of this technique counts as a use of Kamui from both eyes.

    Name: Kamui Shuriken
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0 - 150m
    Speed: S
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon | Kamui Exclusive
    Requirements: Kamui | Susano'o Level 7
    Parent Technique: Susano'o
    Hand Seals: Ram
    Description: After manifesting the Complete Body — Susanoo, the user is able to create several (6), large three star shuriken which they can imbue with Kamui. The shuriken are then launched by Susanoo — rapidly spinning towards the intended target before cutting and instantly warping them into Kamui's dimension on contact.
    Weaknesses: Sight degeneration as per Kamui and Susano'o rules unless user has achieved EMS, each use of this technique counts as a use of Kamui from both eyes.

    Name: Symphonic Wreckage
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Touch
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Rasengan | Kamui
    Parent Technique: Rasengan
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Symphonic Wreakage takes on the appearance of a normal Rasengan and does not require handseals, while there is no physical damage like its parent jutsu it instead uses the Kamui ability to phase to allow the rasengan to pass through the targets body and attack their chakra network. This technique does no Physical damage and instead at detonation Symphonic Wreakage damages the chakra network of the target causing them to "bleed out" 25 chakra per post until the end of the thread, or until healed by an S-Rank medical technique. Alternatively, the "bleed" can be halted by a Technique capable of blocking the damaged Tenketsu, preventing the chakra from passing through and bleeding out.
    Weaknesses: Sight degeneration as per Kamui rules unless user has achieved EMS, each use of this technique counts as a use of Kamui from both eyes.

    Name: Susano'o
    Rank: S
    Upkeep Cost: Varies
    Range: Self
    Speed: Instant
    Element: None
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: Mangekyou Sharingan
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: Once a person has awakened both Mangekyou, he is then able to wield the power of Susano'o: an immense humanoid being fashioned from the user's chakra. This technique forms around the user and acts as an extension of his will, providing offense and defense at will while specifically tethered to the user. Wherever the user moves, Susano'o remains constantly cloaked over him. However, in higher forms, the user is able to move freely within Susano'o and is even able to allow certain things to pass through it, including the user.

    Level 1: Starting point. Susano'o manifests as a rib cage around the user, with color varying by user, that provide a B-Rank defense. This means that it can resist B-Rank and lower techniques, as well as B-Tier and lower Strength. Equal ranking attacks can cause damage over time, such as cracking or melting, depending on the attack, and may eventually break through the defense. Higher level attacks are slightly weakened, but will break through immediately. 2 Point Upkeep.

    Level 2: Using Susano'o thrice provides the ability to form a skeletal arm in addition to the ribs. Unlike the next levels of progression, this one can be formed at the same time as the rib cage, and can function with B-Tier Strength. This level provides A-Rank Defense. 4 Point Upkeep.

    Level 3: After six uses of Susano'o, the user is able to advance the skeletal form of Susano'o to form the entire shape. This does require the rib cage to form and, because of that step, may take a few seconds to form. This form surrounds the user with the upper half of Susano'o in skeletal form, complete with a set of arms and a third arm attached to the right elbow. This level provides S-Rank Defense. 6 Point Upkeep.

    Level 4: With nine uses, muscular structure can be formed, increasing Susano'o's Strength to A-Tier. This is the third progression and, therefore, may take about ten seconds to form. This level provides S++ Rank defense. 8 Point Upkeep.

    Level 5: After twelve uses, skin and armor become available, housing Susano'o in this fourth progression's protective shell, increasing its defense to X-Rank. Weapons may now also be created to fit your Susano'o, such as swords, kris, or even a crossbow. Alternatively, one can seek out the Totsuka Blade or Yata Mirror, or even utilize the Kagutsuchi technique to fashion Amaterasu-based weapons for their Susano'o. This takes about fifteen seconds to form. The user can invest 500 Experience to have the Susano'o grow a a secondary form conjoined to the spine of the first. This yields two faces and two sets of arms, that can be connected at the elbows or at the shoulders -this is determined with each use and is never set permanently. 10 Point Upkeep.

    Level 6: With fifteen uses comes the full humanoid shape, as Susano'o manifests its bottom half to actually move about with the user centered within its torso. The Speed at which it moves is C-Tier, but the protection it provides now entirely encases the user, preventing anything from reaching through by leaving no openings. This fifth progression takes about 20 seconds. 12 Point Upkeep.

    Level 7: Often called the Final or Complete Body Susano'o, this form only comes after 20 uses of the technique and only if the user also possesses an Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. This Susano'o is gargantuan, standing on equal level with Bijuu and housing the user within the forehead. Strength increases to S-Tier and Speed increases to B-Tier. By spending 500 Experience points, the user can further stabilize this form such that a second pair of arms can be grown from the shoulders or, alternatively, a pair of wings to allow flight. The choice between arms and wings must be made when the points are invested, and cannot be changed later. This form takes an entire post to manifest. 15 Point Upkeep.

    Weaknesses: As a Dual Mangekyou technique, Susano'o drains both Constitution and Perception, temporarily weakening the body and both eyes. Because the user is able to freely pass through Susano'o, he can be removed from it provided that something is able to get past Susano'o's defenses to do so.

    Last edited by Ren on Fri Mar 08, 2024 12:58 am; edited 1 time in total

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge Empty Re: Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Post by Ren Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:54 pm

    Six Paths Sage Mode (SPSM) is a gift from Hagoromo Otsutsuki to his chosen heirs (Indra and Asura). The user is required to make a choice upon completing their Control fight with the Avatar. Upon successful completion, they can choose to walk the Path of Ashura or the Path of Indra. It was said that during a lecture one of the Sage's younger students asked him if he had any children to which he mirthfully replied in the negative. Not long after that however, the Sage began incorporating the idea into his teachings. He crafted a story involving a hypothetical set of progenies known as Ashura and Indra to communicate a myriad of concepts involving inheritance, family, bonds, friendship, duty, and legacy. This lesson became known as "The Parable of the Two Brothers." Those who choose Six Paths Sage Mode as their Entity Restricted must likewise choose which brother their journey embodies. Ren walks the path of Asura.

    Path of Asura

    Those who take on the Path of Asura are granted the following:

    Additional Chakra: Grants a bonus +10 CP to their normal chakra pool per 100 EXP invested up to 250 CP. (Current 180/250)

    Chakra Cloak: The cloak's colors are determined by their bearer and has 9 contrasting magatama arranged in a 3x3 grid on its back. With this Chakra cloak active, a user of this mode is capable of flight without reductions to their Speed or Coordination or additional chakra costs. This cloak grants pierce immunity and as with the Jinchuuriki Chakra Mode, this Cloak has S++ Tier Defenses, this Cloak is also capable of defending against Truth-Seeking Balls.
    Chakra Cost: 30 CP per post to maintain

    Mastery of Ninshu: This grants access to learn all basic elemental natures without having need of investing skill points, and receive a rank reduction to their costs. If the sage had spent SP on elements before this, they are allowed to re-accolate them into other skills or stat trades (if available). The Sage has complete control over their chakra and is allowed to app techniques with the Classification Ninshu, Ninshu techniques require no hand seals and can be used for any chakra-based technique such as being able to heal another person without Ijutsu skill, sensing chakra without sensory skill, or putting someone to sleep without Genjutsu skill. (There are however no Offensive capabilities in Ninshu as it is the path of peace, meaning Ninshu techniques cannot cause any form of damage physical or mental)

    Kunitsukami: Creates a gigantic chakra avatar, which is powerful enough to do battle with a Complete Body — Susanoo, Bijuu, or Large Summon. Kunitsukami is equal to Level 7 Susano'o, X Defense, S strength, B Speed and takes a full post to manifest. This Avatar starts simply as a larger version of the sage, though by paying 500 exp the Avatar can grow an additional set of arms, this can be repeated once giving the Avatar a total of 6 arms. The Sage is capable of equipping the avatar with Truth-Seeking Balls (if they possess the restricted) that can be used as a means of offence, or the avatar can serve as a defensive structure, similar to how Susanoo can be used by the Uchiha.
    Chakra Cost: 15 CP per post to maintain.

    Truth-Seeking Balls: Ren is capable of using Truth-Seeking Balls. While in sage mode Ren is capable of producing 9 TSB's instead of only 6, this does not require additional chakra. Additionally, it can be used in conjunction with Kunitsukami in which they grow in proportion to the avatar.

    Sage Perfection
    Six Paths Sage Mode is considered the Perfect Sage Mode. It allows the use of Sage Arts and Senjutsu Technique Enhancement like other Sage Modes. Also, the user's age is adjusted to their individual prime. Ren get a +2 Tier to Strength, Constitution, Speed, Coordination, and Perception unique boost while Sage Mode is active.
    Note: Regardless of the boost's sources, the user cannot have any stats go above S++ while Six Paths Sage Mode is active

    Senjutsu Chakra Pool
    The Senjutsu Chakra Pool is the energy reservoir drawn from when using Sage Mode and what is spent in the technique enhancement ability. The amount of Senjutsu Chakra available is based on the amount of training put into Sage Mode. Every Sage's Senjutsu Chakra starts out at Zero (0) but then slowly grows as they invest EXP into their Senjutsu Chakra Pool. Unlike other sages, A Six Path Sage's Maximum Senjutsu chakra pool is equal to or in some cases greater then the Sage's normal chakra pool
    Ren's Senjutsu Pool: 380 Senjutsu Chakra

    Sage Mode Upkeep
    While in Sage Mode, Sages use a constant draw of Senjutsu Chakra from their pool. This is 5 Senjutsu Chakra per post for Ren

    Sage Healing
    As the Embodiment of the true sage, the sage is capable of using their Senjutsu chakra in ways that others cannot, allowing them to heal in a manner similar to that of a Bijuu healing a Jinchuuriki.
    :: Minor Healing: Costs 25% of the Sage's Max Senjutsu Chakra
    :: Major Healing: Costs 50% of the Sage's Max Senjutsu Chakra. The Sage can cause all wounds to progressively recover over the course of a single post. This includes holes in the body and destroyed organs -- all regenerating in the matter of moments.
    Requirements: Control

    Sage Arts/Senjutsu Technique Enhancement
    Cost: 0 EXP
    Requirements: Required to be in Sage Mode
    By mixing Senjutsu Chakra into a technique, Sages are able to enhanced the Power and Effectiveness of that technique. This can create techniques referred to as: Sage Arts. In order to do this, the Sage needs to spend half of the technique's cost using their own chakra and the other half using their Senjutsu Chakra. Doing this will increase the Power of a regular jutsu by 1 Rank. This may not be used to make the Power of a technique X Rank Power.

    Gathering Senjutsu Chakra
    As the Embodiment of the First true Sage, once control is achieved the sage is capable of passively absorbing Nature Chakra like how the Nature clan can. This adds 10 senjutsu chakra per post so long as they are not using techniques OR 5 Senjutsu Chakra per post regardless of what the Sage is doing. This cannot stack with the nature clan's ability to passively gather Chakra.

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge Empty Re: Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Post by Ren Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:57 pm

    Sage Techniques

    Name: Draconic Form: Tritoch
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Knowledge of All 4 Elemental Draconic Forms | Sage Mode
    Parent Technique: The 4 Elemental Draconic Forms
    Hand Seals: Dragon
    Description: The user combines the knowledge of the 4 Draconic Forms with Senjutsu chakra creating a unique three-headed Dragon form around them. Surrounding their torso in Doton, their left arm wrapped in Katon, their right arm wrapped in Raiton, and their head surrounded by Suiton. The Doton providing the user with protection, while the Katon, Raiton, and Suiton form the different heads of the dragon, with each head capable of producing a technique of its element. While in this form the user is capable of mixing senjutsu chakra with any non-senjutsu technique of the three elements, allowing them to use the technique without the need for hand seals, however it is limited to 1 technique per element per post and none of the techniques can be above A-Rank and cannot be AoE. The user still has to pay the cost of these techniques, this only removes the hand seal requirement for the connected techniques not the cost of them.
    Weaknesses: While in this form the user is incapable of forming hand seals and therefore is limited to a max of 3 A-Rank techniques per post, and only 1 per dragon head. The cost of the upkeep of this technique as well as the techniques used through it puts a strain on the user's chakra pool and can drain it quickly if the user is not careful.

    Name: Sage Art: Five Fire Gods' Fan of Flames
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-10m radius
    Speed: S
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu | Sage Art
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: Sage Mode
    Parent Technique:
    Hand Seals: Tiger -> Horse -> Hare -> Clap Hands
    Description: While in Sage Mode, the user is able to summon a massive wall of flames, scorching everything around them in a ten-meter radius. The technique can also be used as a smokescreen to conceal their escape.
    Weaknesses: -

    Name: Sage Art: Purifyre
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 100m
    Speed: S
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Six Path Sage Mode
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Tiger
    Description: Forming the Tiger hand seal, the user begins combining their Katon and Senjutsu chakra together as a small ball of fire approximately 1 decimeter in size appears on the tips of their fingers. The user is then capable of firing it by pointing their fingers (or finger if user possess one-handed seals), while still holding the Tiger seal, at a target. This small ball of Fire moves like a bolt of lightning as it flies in a straight line at the target at S Speed. Though small, this ball of fire hold damaging effects, able to blast straight through A-Rank or lower armor dealing A-Rank Burn damage on contact to any living cell as the technique's flame literally eats away living tissue, this damage slowly spreads by 1 decimeter in every direction per post for 3 posts. This damage to the body cannot be healed by regeneration abilities and requires an S-Rank Ijutsu tech from someone with knowledge in sage arts (or 3weeks irl in a hospital) to heal, resulting in the victim suffering from the pain of it until medical attention is obtained. (Due to the fact that this technique requires Senjutsu Chakra to work, it cannot receive any benefits from Senjutsu Technique Enhancement.)
    Weaknesses: Despite the speed the fact that it only moves in a straight line can make it easier to dodge the further away the target is from the user.

    Name: Audience Aubade
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 300 Meters | 50 Meter Radius
    Speed: A
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu | Senjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Rasengan | Sage Mode
    Parent Technique: Rasengan
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Audience Aubade or Audience Suicide Song is a variant of the Rasengan and can be activated by the molding of chakra without handseals. The user will raise their hand high above their head gathering in the natural chakra granted to them through Sagemode forming a Rasengan and then empowering it beyond it's normal limits. The Rasengan slowly grows larger until it's 25m in diameter, floating above the user's head waiting to be released. Once ready the user can launch this massive Rasengan at A-Rank Speed by moving his arm to point in the direction he wishes it to go. Audience Aubade is capable of ignoring the first interaction with a technique of equal power (S-Rank or 2 A-Ranks striking at the EXACT same time) without losing interaction potential, while jutsu of lesser power are completely bypassed without effecting this technique. Contact with this technique while it's travelling causes major 4th degree tissue damage, in addition to being pushed back to the range of this Technique if it's a direct hit. Once it reaches its maximum distance Audience Aubade explodes with a 50 Meter blast radius that completely decimates unenhanced terrain leaving a crater 50 meters deep in the earth as well as completely incinerating those within the blast radius.
    Weaknesses: -

    Name: Neutral Ground
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: 30 meter Radius
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninshu
    Classification: Six Paths Sage Mode: Asura Path Exclusive
    Requirements: SPSM Asura Path | Must be in Sage Mode
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: This technique is the epitome of the Sage of the Six Paths teachings of Peace, and was one of the building blocks of creating the truth seeking balls. While active, the user mixes their normal chakra and senjutsu chakra into the air around them, no Ninjutsu Techniques can be activated within the area of this technique, techniques that are cast outside of the radius that enter the radius lose their potency almost instantly and disburse into nothing before they can reach their mark, as long as upkeep is paid on this technique. This is to promote peace in the world, as the sage had intended. An area where using chakra for violence is impossible, and allow for a dialogue to be formed. The user is always in the center of this field, as such only 1 can be activated at a time.
    Weaknesses: While this is active, the user cannot use any other technique that uses chakra (except Sage Mode). Has no effect on techniques used that strike outside it's range that have a blast radius larger than this technique. This technique has no effect on other Sage modes or Entity cloaks etc.

    Name: Life Sense
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: 5 km Radius
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninshu
    Classification: Six Paths Sage Mode: Asura Path Exclusive
    Requirements: SPSM Asura Path
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The Precursor of all Sensing techniques, the first, used by the Sage of the Six Paths. The sage taught the belief that all living things are inherently connected, the Sage is capable of tapping into that connection. While able to sense and feel the connection of chakra, life sense goes beyond that allowing the user to sense all life within a 5 km radius allowing them to tell whether someone is alive or not, or if they are close to death or being healed. Through a simple touch such as a handshake or fist bump, the sage can use chakra to interpret the hearts of others while this is active. The sage can read someone's thoughts and memories, transmit his own, and enter their mental landscape. This lets them recognize even complete strangers or how important they may be to someone that they know.
    Weaknesses: -

    Name: Elemental Combination
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: Katon | Futon | Raiton | Doton | Suiton
    Skill: Ninshu
    Classification: Six Paths Sage Mode: Asura Path Exclusive
    Requirements: SPSM Asura Path | Must be in Sage Mode
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: While originally used to help create and sculpt the land for its people, it has the potential to be used with Ninjutsu to allow the user to use this technique in combat. Through the use of Senjutsu Chakra, the Sage is capable of combining their different elemental natures to perform techniques of an advanced element of the natural world. Through Elemental Combination, the user can replicate techniques from 1 of these 4 advanced elements, however the chakra cost to do so is a rank higher than the normal cost of the replicated technique in addition to the costs of this technique. In order to utilize an advanced element the sage must first unlock it by paying exp: The Sage may only unlock 1 advanced element from the list below (chosen at time of paying exp to unlock it) once chosen the element cannot be changed nor can they unlock the other elements and they can only access the element chosen when they are in sage mode.
    Wood (500 exp)
    Storm (500 exp)
    Ice (500 exp)
    Lava (500 exp)

    Weaknesses: While able to replicate techniques of the listed advanced natures, the cost is high upon the user. In addition to paying the cost of this technique, the user must pay a rank higher than the chakra cost of the technique that they are mimicking, in terms of S-Rank techniques the cost is +10. Despite this technique using Senjutsu Chakra to create the advanced element, techniques used with this technique cannot gain benefit of Senjutsu Enhancement to make the technique stronger.

    Last edited by Ren on Fri Mar 08, 2024 12:56 am; edited 1 time in total

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge Empty Re: Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Post by Ren Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:00 pm

    Non-Elemental Techniques

    Name: Body Flicker Technique
    Rank: D
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 50m
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Half Tiger
    Description: This technique enhances the user's movements by fortifying their step with chakra. This is essentially a burst of energy to make their body function at higher speeds. This technique boosts the user's movement speed by one tier up to 100 meters. If at any time they stop running they must reactivate the technique. The hand seal may be held to constantly refresh the 100 meter limit providing a constant speed increase.
    Weaknesses: Just like a full sprint the user must remain in a straight line in order to benefit from the bonus. If the user were to change direction they must reactivate the technique.

    Name: Temporary Paralysis Technique
    Rank: D | A
    Activation Cost: 3 | 20
    Range: Touch
    Speed: B (A-rank version only)
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: Base S-tier Coordination (A-rank version only)
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Tiger
    Description: A technique that physically restrains an opponent, as if the opponent had been tied in invisible steel ropes. It debilitates the victim for a short period of time, which allows the user to either strike again, or take the target into custody. In order to use this technique the user must place their middle and index finger against the spine, eyes, or head of their opponent. Users with incredible control over their chakra (base S-tier Coordination) can execute this technique through their eyes by having eye contact with their opponent.

    This restrains the target for one round.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Silent Killing
    Rank: D
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: 30 m.
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: -
    Classification: Kirigakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: This technique allows the user to move silently without producing any sound as well as increase their attentiveness to their surroundings allowing the user to track foe by diminutive measures, such as breathing (unlocked at B-tier Perception.) This allows the user to soundlessly approach their victim through smoke or mist without any warning before delivering a final blow.
    Weaknesses: This technique allows the user to track their sound alone. Noise obstructions loud enough make the user unable to focus on pinpointing the enemy's location. Although the user moves silently they are still vulnerable to Doujutsu, sensory, and other means of tracking. The user's speed is capped at one tier below their base Speed when using this technique.

    Name: Body Elimination Technique
    Rank:  C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Touch
    Speed:  A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: B-Tier Intelligence  
    Parent Technique:  N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description:  A technique often used by Anbu and other higher ranking ninja for body disposal in order to eliminate evidence after a successful kill. It works by laying a hand on a target and injecting them with pure chakra overloading their chakra coils causing their body to be engulfed in blue fire like substance that will burn them and only them away within seconds. Can also be used on self to commit suicide and completely destroy your body if caught or on the verge of death. When used this technique leaves no trace of a body behind whatsoever.
    Weaknesses: Must be used on either the user himself OR on a corpse OR a completely willing target.

    Name: Hiding in Shadows Technique
    Rank: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep: 1
    Range: Self
    Element: Non-Elemental
    [b[Skill:[/b] Ninjutsu
    Requirements: Standing on a shadow or in a dark area.
    Parent Technique:N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger
    Description:The user becomes one with shadows/dark areas, merging their body with their source. They can freely move around undetected and materialize themselves silently when it is time to strike becoming extremely effective when ambushing unsuspecting foe.
    Weaknesses:Despite being undetectable from the average eye, certain doujutsu and chakra sensing technique can pick up the user's signature. In addition, the user can also be damaged even when merged.

    Name: Focused Amplification (Katon)
    Rank:  C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Range: N/A
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: Ninjutsu Skill
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Hand seals for original jutsu plus the Snake seal at the end
    Description:  The user can utilize this technique to make a technique more powerful than it ordinarily would be. This is represented by the power of the technique increasing by one rank. All aspects of the technique are empowered equally, including speed and range. The range of the technique is increased by 50% and the Speed by +1 advantage.
    Weaknesses:  Can only be used with Ninjutsu, and techniques that boost or debuff stats can't have this technique applied to them. The user may only have one element applicable for this technique, or all non-elemental ninjutsu if they lack an element (this element is claimed upon learning the technique and cannot be changed.) This technique only applies to technique up to B-rank.

    Name: Genjutsu Kai
    Rank: C
    Power: Varies
    Activation Cost: Varies
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Self/Contact
    Speed: Instant
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: The user must know that they are in Genjutsu
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger
    Description:  The user concentrates chakra into their brain to expel foreign chakra. The amount of chakra required for releasing from a Genjutsu depends on the rank of the Genjutsu being used (not the cost of the Genjutsu but its rank meaning its complexity).
    Weaknesses: In the case of vertically stacked genjutsu, it can be used to release only one Genjutsu at a time

    Name: Ninja Art: Shuriken Giant Body Technique
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Range: 15m
    Speed: Instant
    Element: None
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: None
    Parent Technique: None
    Hand Seals: Tiger->Rabbit->Dog
    Description: This technique is used to instantly increase the size of a projectile by up to ten times, greatly increasing the damage potential and the overall force of the object. Typically, this technique is used with Fuuma Shuriken, as their already large size easily increases the jutsu's potential. Interestingly, while the size and weight of the weapon multiplies, the momentum does not slow, moving with the same force and speed as initially thrown, but with much greater destructive capability.
    Weaknesses: If the projectile isn't moving, this technique won't do much good, unless the user is capable of lifting the increased weight. The indicated range is the limit on how far a projectile can be from the user to activate this technique, while the actual distance that can be traveled by the projectile is determined by the stats of the user.

    Name: Hiding in Surface
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: Self
    Speed: 2 Tiers below User's Speed
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Ram
    Description: With this technique, the user can phase through their surroundings, allowing them to quickly avoid an incoming attack and can travel undetected as well. Using this method of approach, the user can execute a surprise attack to their enemy.
    Weaknesses: Despite being undetectable from the average eye, certain doujutsu and chakra sensing technique can pick up the user's signature. In addition, the user can also be damaged even when merged with the surface if it is damaged.

    Name: Summon Spying Technique
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: Self | Quarter Range of Major Country or Full Minor Country
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open (Based on Canon and Canon)
    Requirements: Signed Summon Contract
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user links with their summoned animal to access their point of view, seeing and hearing everything around the summon. It allows for more discreet surveillance and intel gathering, while this technique is in use their eyes take on the appearance of their summon's eyes.
    Weaknesses: The user suffers from a -1 tier reduction to perception in relation to all attacks directed at them that their summon cannot see or hear, this is due to the fact that their focus is on that of the summon rather than themselves.

    Name: Pressure Points of Harm and Death
    Rank: C
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Iwagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user releases two tenketsu points to greatly increase their chakra for a short time by changing their life force into chakra, allowing the use of more taxing techniques such as Arrow of Light. The amount of chakra released is so much that it becomes visible and causes liquid to form a vortex around the user, similar to the one caused by opening the "Sixth Gate of Joy" from the Eight Gates. The user's eyes also become whatever color their sclera is (usually white) while the technique is active. Those born of the Korikane bloodline can naturally learn this technique if they reach B-Class, regardless of whether or not they are from Iwa, though they cannot teach it to others unless they've seen the Iwa Exclusive version.
    The user gets a +4 advantage boost to Stamina while the Technique is active.
    Weaknesses: The technique can only be held for so long, lasting 2 posts per tier of Base Constitution. Once this technique ends, the user cannot use it again for 1 irl week and takes a (--) to Stamina during that week to recover, though if the user stays in a hospital that time is reduced to 3 days. A skilled opponent who can close tenketsu can forcefully end this technique prematurely if they close both points, halving the boost if just 1 tenketsu is closed prematurely.

    Name: Shadow Clone Technique
    Rank: B
    Power: -
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 1 km.
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: General Technique
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Clone seal or Tiger
    Description: The Shadow Clone technique creates replicas of the user, similar to the Clone Technique, but these clones are corporeal instead of illusions. Clones spawn next to the user. The clones are capable of performing techniques, including the Shadow Clone Technique itself, on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after hit by a strong enough force. The clones can also disperse on their own or be dispelled by the user of the technique. This technique splits the user's chakra equally amongst however many clones they create.
    Weaknesses: In addition, the user must maintain general concentration to maintain their clone's presence. If at any time the user is inflicted with heavy damage in contrast with their Constitution all clones will be dispersed. Also the user must not fall under the exhaustion threshold (below 30 CP) to maintain or create clones. Clones have a max base Constitution of C (or lower if the user's base constitution is lower). If the user has natural S-Tier Constitution then it can be improved to B. If a clone has lower than 30 chakra, they will also be subject to the exhaustion penalty as per the Stamina rules.

    Name: Perfect Copy
    Rank: B
    Power: --
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: Self
    Speed: --
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: B-Rank Stamina, knowledge of the copied person’s voice/appearance (common sense stuff)
    Parent Technique: Transformation Technique
    Hand Seals: Clap Hands (hold for 5 seconds)
    Description: A unique technique that allows the user to augment their body’s appearance and voice, hence its name since it could be used well when applied to imitating someone else. Like the technique it was inspired by, the Transformation Technique, it can be used with very little upkeep, although it functions differently. Instead of just requiring minimal chakra at the start and nearly the same amount going onward, this technique utilizes a large amount of chakra at the beginning, requiring users to have potent and refined control over their reserves, in turn for allowing it to be maintained even when the user is struck or distracted from what’s essentially a subconscious upkeep.
    Weaknesses: Requires excessive buildup. Works only in cases where there's a straight path between the user and their target. Also pretty obvious to a target that can react.

    Name: Transparent Escape Technique
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Horse | Tiger | Ox | Snake | Monkey | Ram
    Description: After completing the hand signs the user applies chakra to their outer layer of skin allowing light particles to continue around the user's body giving them some degree of transparency. The overall effectiveness is based on the user's base Coordination stat and every onlooker's base Perception stat.

    When using this technique if the user receives a +2 tiers to Coordination only in regards to this technique's effective invisibility. The user loses this +2 tier to Coordination if they move any faster than ++ Coordination or Speed (2 m/s.) If the user's Coordination is higher than the victim(s) Perception the sum of those numbers represents how much the victim(s) loses for their Perception stat regarding anything of the user.

    For instance, Player A uses Transparent Escape with A-tier Coor. Player B has B-tier Perception. This means, when moving ++ or below Player B will have E-tier Perception when it comes to noticing Player A. If Player A decides to use the full range of their allowed motion, Player B will instead have C-tier Perception.

    If at any time the victim(s) Perception hits zero the user is considered completely invisible to them.

    Weaknesses: This technique severely limits the user's overall Speed and Coordination to 2 tiers below their base. Going above this by any means (boosters or by force) breaks the technique. This is a high concentration technique, thus going below 30 CP, using another technique, or receiving damage will break the technique. This technique is indiscriminate meaning it affects everybody regardless.

    Name: Afterimage Clone
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: A-Rank Speed
    Parent Technique: Body Flicker Technique
    Hand Seals: Tiger -> Dog -> Rat
    Description: The Afterimage clone uses the user's natural speed mixed with a small amount of chakra to create residual images of themselves as they move around an area, this is used as a way of disorienting the opponent by making it appear that there are more than just one of the user. These clones have no physical form, however due to them being maintained by the user continually moving through them they seemingly all move in unison with the user's actual movements allowing the user to strike from them and when the opponent goes to strike the user they can if they are fast enough (A-Rank Coord) evade the attack by moving to another clone image. Due to the sheer number of potential clones this technique can create, it lowers the opponents perception by 1-tier while this technique is in effect.
    Weaknesses: Those that possess A-Rank or higher perception or a Doujutsu capable of seeing chakra can see through the illusion of the clones and find the user of the technique. If the user is struck, the technique ends.

    Name: Summoning: Rashomon
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 0-10m
    Speed: Normal Summoning Speed
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu | Kuchiyose
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: Kuchiyose
    Parent Technique: Summoning Technique
    Hand Seals: Snake
    Description:The user summons a large gate up to ten meters in front of them, designed to look frightening, with the gate's doors having a demonic face upon them; this is to intimidate onlookers, potentially warding them off. Unlike most Summons, Rashomon doesn't require a contract, and can be summoned by any that possess the summoning skill. The gate's doors are tightly shut and solidly built, making it useful as a shield against most forms of physical attack. The stronger the attack, the more damage the attacker will do to themselves when they try and fail to break through the gate. Rashomon is capable of Blocking B-Rank or lower techniques without losing integrity, A-Rank Techniques can only dent it, however as long as the user continues to pay its upkeep it can remain blocking techniques until the user stops paying for it, however for each A-Rank the gate takes, it adds another 10 chakra to the upkeep cost. S-Rank Techniques can destroy the Gate

    Though mostly used for defense, this gate possesses offensive capabilities, with launchers installed in the roof-tiles that fire swarms of blades via a chain mechanism that the user must pull to activate.
    Weaknesses: It's biggest weakness comes from the inability to move and the ground that it is summoned upon, since the ground is weaker than the gate itself damaging it can cause the gate to topple over and with no ability to pick itself up it becomes useless in defense.

    Name: Hiding with Camouflage Technique
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: A
    Upkeep Cost: C
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: None
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Iwagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: Ninjutsu
    Parent Technique:  N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger
    Description: This is a ninja escape technique that allows the user to control how light is reflected around their body with chakra inflections. The technique also erases the user's scent and shadow, and is usable on any terrain, making it ideal not only for covert manoeuvres but also offensive strikes. Perceiving the user's position is possible only for ninja who are astute enough to observe minute variations within their surrounding environment (a base of A Rank Perception or above). The usefulness of this ability can be entirely negated by those with special vision (Dojutsu) or sensory skills, except for particularly adept users (an additional training 1,000 word count and must have possession of the Sensory skill), who can completely erase even their chakra signature with it.
    Weaknesses: Those with a base of A Rank Perception and above can use the slightest environmental differences to vaguely perceive the user's position.

    Name: Projection Technique
    Rank: A
    Power: -
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: Entire Major Country
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon | Rice Exclusive
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Dragon
    Description: This technique enables the user to make a hologram of themselves in order to send a message, allowing communication over vast distance, so long as they are within the same country. This Hologram is incorporeal, giving the user a transparent appearance like a ghost when viewed, the user must know the location that they are projecting meaning that they have to have been there IC before. Projecting themselves also gives the user awareness of the chosen location, allowing the user to monitor the surrounding area. The user is capable of speaking, seeing, and hearing through the projection, however they are otherwise incapable of interacting with the world around it. The user is also capable of making their projection larger than life (size of large boss summon) as a means of communicating with a large group of people or an entire village.
    Weaknesses: Cannot use any other Techniques while this is active, Hologram cannot interact with the world around it with the exception of speaking, seeing, and hearing. While projecting the user is unable to monitor their own surroundings, leaving them vulnerable.

    Name: Saiko Denshin (Psycho Mind Transmission)
    Rank: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Touch
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: N/A
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: C-Tier Intelligence
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: The user enters the target's subconscious by placing a hand on the target's head and extracts any information needed, even if the target has forgotten it or has had it blocked. The base speed for this process is a day per post, but that increases with higher levels of Intelligence:
    B-Tier: a week per post
    A-Tier: a month per post
    S-Tier: six months per post
    Using this technique in conjunction with a Mind Reading Amplification Machine multiplies the amount of memories that can be extracted by three.
    Weaknesses: Contact with the target's head must be maintained.

    Name: Shuriken Shadow Clone
    Rank: A
    Power: Varies
    Activation Cost: A
    Upkeep Cost: ---
    Range: User's Throwing Distance
    Speed: User's Throwing Speed
    Element: ---
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: ---
    Requirements: ---
    Parent Technique: Shadow Clone
    Hand Seals: Ox → Dog → Dragon → Rat → Dog → Boar → Snake → Tiger
    Description: The user creates many shadow clones from one shuriken, striking down the enemy. This is a technique that combines ninja tools with ninjutsu. Compared to normal shadow clones, clones of material objects are said to be on a far higher level. There is no need for preparations beforehand, like stocking up on shuriken, or kunai, yet since the shadow clones are real and not illusions, all the shadow blades that fly around are equally lethal. Because the clones form near instantaneously, completely evading them is quite difficult

    For every tier of Stamina above E-Rank that the user has, the amount of multiples created from one shuriken increases by 3. Example: Yukino throws three shuriken and has B-Rank Stamina, so instead of three, now there are thirty, because each shuriken gets nine copies, while retaining the original three.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Chakra Drain
    Rank: A
    Power: -
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Sustained Physical Contact
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -

    Description: The ability to drain the chakra out of an enemy is one that is exceedingly rare, but extremely potent.  Physical Contact (through clothing/armor is fine unless it is designed to negate this ability) must be maintained for a full posting round for the ability to work.  Doing so will drain the victim of 25 chakra and give it to the attacker and can be used in conjunction with any grab-style Taijutsu. This technique does not increase the maximum amount of chakra available in one's chakra pool.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Clone Great Explosion
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 1km
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: Shadow Clone Technique
    Parent Technique: Shadow Clone Technique
    Hand Seals: Clone Seal or Tiger
    Description: The User makes what appears to be a normal Shadow Clone, however this clone does not possess the chakra like other clones do meaning it cannot cast jutsu. This Clone is meant for an opponent that would strike at it in close range, as when hit with enough force to destroy it, the clone will explode in a 30-meter radius explosion severally damaging those that are caught within the blast radius.
    Weaknesses: Same as Shadow Clone Technique

    Name: Sound Wave Technique
    Rank: A
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 0-10m
    Speed: S
    Element: Non Elemental
    Skill:  Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open Canon
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique:  -
    Hand Seals:Tiger -> Ox -> Dog -> Rabbit -> Snake
    Description:A technique that allows the user to create a burst of sound waves that upsurge from around their vicinity, easily breaking glass and knocking people off their feet. What the jutsu has in speed it lacks in Lethality making it great for incapacitating people without causing too much property damage.
    Weaknesses:  As a sound based attack it is ineffective in environments that lack a medium to transmit sound such as a void.  An equally loud sound can also drown out the noise of the waves rendering them ineffective. This is not the same as Resonating Echo Drill because it does not Require Resonating Echo Speakers, nor does it attack the inner ear of the target like RED does.

    Name: Paralyzing Chakra Field
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 50 meter Radius
    Speed: B+
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Ram -> Horse -> Hare -> Ox
    Description: After forming the hand seals the user gathers chakra into their fists before slamming it into the ground releasing a shockwave of chakra that spreads over a 50-meter radius around where they struck. Anyone within the radius that is hit by this shockwave becomes paralyzed by the chakra for 1 full post.
    Weaknesses: This paralyzes enemies and allies with no differentiating between the two.

    Name: Spiraling Ring
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-100m
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Exclusive
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user creates a dark purple Rasengan-like orb of chakra surrounded by a series of white rings of chakra that orbit the main sphere. These rings then align into one disc-like shape around the orb, causing the rings to resemble planetary rings. This attack can be devastating up close and has destructive explosion radius of 50 meters.
    Weaknesses: -

    Name: Sennō Sōsa no Jutsu (Memory-Concealing Manipulative Sand Technique)
    Rank: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Range: Touch
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Sunagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: None
    Parent Technique: None
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: The user seals away the target's memories by burying an extremely small needle into the brain's memory center. The memories can be restored by cancelling the technique, thereby destroying the needle. If a subordinate had this operation performed on their brains and has infiltrated an enemy camp, they can safely perform spy activity over a long period of time with no memory of being a sleeper agent. This could help enhance them in their act as they will fully believe their loyalty lies with the ones they are spying upon. If the user cancels the technique, the target will once again remember their mission as a sleeper agent.
    Weaknesses: Once the technique is canceled, the user will need to surgically insert the needle again. Memories that are sealed are chosen at the time of insertion, which will typically require that either the target discloses all necessary information to the user, or the user reads the mind of the target prior to inserting the needle, because after the needle is in place, the memories it seals cannot be changed and will not be remembered until the technique is canceled either by the user's will or the destruction of the needle, typically only possible through Ijutsu.

    Name: Multi-Shadow Clone Technique
    Rank: A
    Power: -
    Activation Cost: Varies
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 1 km.
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Konohagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Shadow Clone Jutsu
    Hand Seals: Clone seal or Tiger
    Description: This technique is just like the Shadow Clone Technique, however a more refined version meaning less chakra is required to keep each clone functional. Instead of a few clones, it creates a few hundred clones to even thousands. This technique removes the requirement that the creation of clones split the user's chakra evenly. Rather, each clone can have a specific amount of chakra apportioned to it. Each clone must have at least .1 chakra in order to be functional and must be created next to the user, though more could always be added to serve a greater purpose.
    Weaknesses: When casting the Multi-Shadow Clone technique the user's stamina must be above 30 CP in order to maintain control over his/her clones. In addition, the user must maintain general concentration to maintain their clone's presence. If at any time the user is inflicted with heavy damage in contrast with their Constitution all clones will be dispersed. Once clones of this nature are dispersed, the chakra does not return to the user but is instead lost/spent as though it were a regular jutsu.

    Name: Summoning: Triple Rashōmon
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-20m
    Speed: Normal summoning speed
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu | Kuchiyose
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: Kuchiyose | 2 individuals that know summoning or a Clone
    Parent Technique: Summoning: Rashōmon
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The Summoning: Triple Rashōmon is an upgrade to the standard Summoning: Rashōmon, which — as its name suggests — summons not one, but three menacing Rashōmon. The technique requires two summoning seals to be completed, and these gates serve the same function as the single Rashōmon, but with triple the defence. The first gate takes the attack head-on, the second reduces the attack's power and the third disperses the pressure, causing all attacks that come in contact with it to lose their power before they can be effective. The defensive capabilities of this technique is able to protect the user from dying from a Tailed Beast Ball. Unlike the standard Rashōmon, this version is not maintainable and ends at the end of the post that it was summoned, however considering it's ability to block even the strongest of attacks it is often considered worth it.
    Weaknesses: Same as Standard Summoning: Rashōmon.

    Name: Rasengan
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Contact
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Konohagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: B-Rank Coordination
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The Rasengan is a spinning ball of chakra formed and held in the palm of the user's hand, inspired by the Tailed Beast Ball and intended to be the highest form of shape transformation in Ninjutsu. Unlike most jutsu, the Rasengan does not require hand seals to perform. Once it is formed, it also does not require any additional chakra to sustain it, which means that there is no definite limit to how long the Rasengan can be used. Though the Rasengan's shape is consistent from user to user, its size varies from only barely large enough to be noticeable to much larger than the user's hand. With greater experience with the Rasengan comes a larger size.

    On contact, the Rasengan grinds into its target, propels them along the Rasengan's trajectory - either away from the user or into the ground beneath them - and at some point bursts, causing severe damage at the point of contact. Due to the level of chakra control required to manifest the Rasengan, it requires a reasonable amount of coordination from those that attempt to learn it, and even more to utilize it without a conduit (like shadow clones). Once formed, Rasengan lasts up to 3 posts without sustenance before dispersing on its own.
    Weaknesses: Requires A-Rank Coordination to utilize without shadow clones or something like chakra arms to properly form it.

    Name: Spiraling Bullet
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20 CP
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-50m
    Speed: A
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open (Canon)
    Requirement: Coordination A
    Parent Technique: Rasengan
    Handseals: -
    Description: The user gathers chakra with two fingers to condense it into a small rasengan, the size of a marble. It can be shot from a distance at the target and has immense penetrative power, throwing it's target off their feet even after piercing through them. This jutsu may penetrate up to A Grade Hardness Armor to hit the target behind the armor. If the target is hit, they may get sent back flying 5 meters, losing their balance.
    Weakness: This jutsu will not penetrate armor that is A+ Grade or higher and will be hit by the armor rather than penetrating through it. The target may ignore the knockback if they have A Tier Strength. If the target is knocked back, they won't lose their balance if they have A Tier Coordination.

    Name: Rasengan Barrage
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20 CP
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Melee
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open (Canon)
    Requirement: Coordination A
    Parent Technique: Rasengan
    Handseals: -
    Description: The user creates two rasengan, one in each hand. Each Rasengan will deal A Rank damage but only one may hit a single target per post. The user can either attack two targets at once (one per rasengan) or may attack a single target with both -- but will still only deal A Rank Power.
    Sage Technique: Spiralling Serial Spheres
    When in Sage Mode, the user can use a Senjutsu Enhanced version. This is fundamentally the same, except stronger.
    Weakness: Same weaknesses as Rasengan

    Name: Odama Rasengan (Big Ball Rasengan)
    Rank: A | S
    Power: A | S
    Activation Cost: 20 CP | 30 CP
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Contact
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open (Canon)
    Requirement: A Tier Coordination (S Rank Version Only)
    Parent Technique: Rasengan, Shadow Clone
    Handseals: -
    Description: This is performed much in the same way as the original Rasengan. The A-Rank version requires the user to create a Shadow Clone to assist in the formation of the Odama Rasengan. This Rasengan is much larger and much more powerful than the base Rasengan. Both the user and the Shadow Clone must create this together with the user providing the chakra and the Shadow Clone forming it. Once the Rasengan is formed, it is now about the size of a Beach Ball. The user and their Shadow Clone will run towards the opponent, both holding onto the Odama Rasengan before colliding with the target, dealing A Rank Non-Elemental damage as it grinds into the target before sending them flying backwards for 30 meters. This jutsu is strong enough to break many bones and even leave a dent in the target's body where it hits. This attack is capable of creating a powerful shockwave up a 3 meter radius around the Rasengan, capable of damaging the environment. At S-Rank, the user isn't required to have a Shadow Clone assist them in using this technique and the user can simply form it without 'scratching out' spheres with their other hand.
    Choodama Rasengan (Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan)
    By spending an additional +15 CP, the user may improve this technique to become the Choodama Rasengan. Doing so will increase the size of the Rasengan to become a 30m diameter ball. This version will be used and formed similar to the Odama Rasengan and may be thrown up to 50 meters at A|S speed (depending on the rank used). Anything within the 30m diameter ball will take damage equal to the rank used with a massive shockwave knocking everyone outside of the 30m diameter ball backwards up to 100m.
    Weakness: Requiring a Shadow Clone to form the Rasengan will be equal to a 10 handseal jutsu at -2 Coordination in terms of how long it takes to create. If the Shadow Clone forming the Rasengan is destroyed before it can be formed, the jutsu will not take effect.

    Name: Summoning: Ibuse Engulfing Poison
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30 + Ibuse's Summoning Cost
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-150m
    Speed: S
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu | Kuchiyose
    Classification: Canon | Salamander Summoning Scroll Exclusive
    Requirements: Owner of the Salamander Contract
    Parent Technique: Summoning Technique
    Hand Seals: Same as Summoning + Ox
    Description: A unique way of Summoning Ibuse that allows the summoner to surprise their opponent by summoning the massive Ibuse underground allowing him to come up underneath the target, this is achieved by the user moving the earth out of the way with their Doton nature, allowing Ibuse to potentially swallow the target causing them to suffer from the poison within his stomach as described in "Salamander Tongue Grapple".  They will be fully swallowed into the stomach at which time all they can breathe is the poison gas within his stomach, leading to asphyxiation and Death due to lack of Oxygen. This is determined by the trapped victim's Con stat, this starts at 1 post and increases by 2 posts per level above E. (E-1post, D-3posts, C-5posts, etc.)
    Weaknesses: Those that can move fast enough can avoid being swallowed, once the point of summoning is decided it cannot be moved.

    Name: Fission Technique
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: S
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Global
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Iwagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: Ninjutsu
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The Fission Technique is a highly advanced ninjutsu which allows the user to literally split their own body into two identical — yet entirely independent — duplicates of themselves. Unlike clone techniques that only appear to be similar, the ability is instead a physical separation and so does not require hand seals to activate, making it faster in comparison as a result. This also means that even if one is incapacitated, the other remains physically unharmed as neither can truly be regarded as the original. The duplicates cannot be dispelled like normal clones and must physically merge in order for the technique to end.
    Weaknesses: While split the user's chakra is halved meaning if one of them die then that chakra is permanently lost. The remaining duplicate must live on with their stamina point total halved. While this technique is active both duplicates cannot perform S Rank techniques.

    Name: Great Spiraling Ring
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 50
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 500m
    Speed: S
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Exclusive
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Spiraling Ring
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Just like before the user creates a dark purple Rasengan-like orb of chakra surrounded by a series of white rings of chakra that orbit the main sphere. These rings then align into one disc-like shape around the orb, causing the rings to resemble planetary rings. This attack however is incredibly more dangerous and can cause widespread destruction. This attack is no longer up close but can cause an explosion so massive it can be seen from miles out. A mushroom cloud will follow from the explosion itself comparable to a small nuke.
    Weaknesses: Since the scale of this attack is so massive. There is a 5 post cooldown to use again.

    Name: Heavenly Piercer
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 150 meters
    Speed: A++
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Requires a Full post of holding the half-dragon handseal to prepare
    Description: Heaven Piercer takes on the form of a massive, glowing blue lance that coats the entirety of the users arm, spanning 3-decimeters around the users arm at the base that gradually thins into a point, reaching a total length of 3-meters long. The process of it's creation is slow, however once formed Heaven Piercer can be shot at an opponent that is up to 150 meters away at A++ speed and is capable of ignoring the first interaction against a technique of equal rank or lower and continue unhindered.

    Alternatively, this technique can be released early, in same post as it was created. Doing so however removes it's ability to ignore the first jutsu it contacts, effectively making it less powerful yet still deadly.

    Weaknesses: it's preparation is slow leaving the user open during it's post preparation, in which the technique can be cancelled by causing them to lose their focus, at which point the chakra used to create it is lost and the technique must be reactivated and its cost paid once more.

    Name: Heavenly Spiraling Piercer
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 300 meters
    Speed: S
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Rasengan | A-Rank Coordination
    Parent Technique: Heavenly Piercer
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Similar to its parent technique, HSP takes on the form of a massive, glowing blue lance that coats the entirety of the users arm, spanning 3-decimeters around the users arm at the base that gradually thins into a point, reaching a total length of 3-meters long. However, the user adds the spinning of the chakra to it similar to how they would with Rasengan, another difference in the parent technique is that it doesn't take a full post to form. It can be shot at an opponent that is up to 300 meters away at S speed and is capable of ignoring the first interaction against a technique of equal rank or lower and continue unhindered.
    Weaknesses: Though it is faster to form than its parent technique, it still takes time (approximately 5 hand seals) which can provide a means of interruption if the opponent can strike them before that time and cancel the technique forcing the user to recast it

    Name: Summoning: Quintuple Rashōmon
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-30m
    Speed: Normal summoning speed
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu | Kuchiyose
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: Kuchiyose
    Parent Technique: Summoning: Rashōmon
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: While one is already boasted as an absolute defense, the user — without the need of hand seals — instantly summons five Rashōmon gates to neutralise incoming attacks. The user can alter the positioning of all five gates, even if it is to change the trajectory of an attack, however they deem necessary however once summoned they cannot be moved. Not only are the combination of these gates able to redirect an attack as powerful as a Tailed Beast Ball equipped with a Susanoo sword, but they remained standing upon impact allowing them to block multiple attacks, however like Summoning: Triple Rashōmon they cannot be maintained beyond the post they are summoned.
    Weaknesses: Same as Standard Summoning: Rashōmon.

    Name: Truth Seeking Balls
    Rank: S
    Power: Varies
    Activation Cost: Varies
    Upkeep Cost: Varies
    Range: 300m
    Speed: S
    Element: Yin-Yang
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Restricted Technique
    Requirement: Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, Tenseigan, Six Paths Chakra
    Parent Technique: -
    Handseals: -
    Description: Number of Truth Seeking Balls: 6

    When not in use, Truth-Seeking Balls generally float behind the user's back in a circular formation. Truth-Seeking Balls encompass the power of all five basic natures, and as such they surpass both kekkei genkai and kekkei tōta. By combining the various natures inside the orbs, it is possible to produce a  variety of effects. They are capable of immense destruction and their effects are similar to the Dust release. Their interactions are as follows:

    :: Lesser (B++ and below) Quality Armor/Weapons/Items = Instantly Dusted and Destroyed
    :: Equal (A to A++) Quality Armor/Weapons/Items = Not dusted, but doesn't break the Truth Seeking Ball.
    :: Wielded with S-Tier Strength vs Greater (S and Up) Quality Armor/Weapons/Items = Can destroy Truth Seeking Ball.

    Skin/Flesh Interaction
    Instantly Dusted and Destroyed regardless of Constitution

    Instantly Dusted and Destroyed regardless of power. The orbs can nullify any ninjutsu they touch and thus become impervious to it. While in their default sphere form, the orbs can be launched as high-speed projectiles expanded to enormous size in an instant. They can expand about 10 meters in diameter and can be 10 meters tall.

    Shape Transformation
    Truth-Seeking Balls can be controlled individually or combined together; in both cases, by understanding the power of "all things in nature" the orbs can be shaped into a variety of forms. Because the high-density chakra is in a condensed state, it can be pulled and stretched into a smooth and flat consistency. There are three types of TSB:
    :: Attack: S-Rank Power and upkeep (30 CP to activate / 20 CP to maintain). While fired as a projectile, the balls can only be sent in one direction. An assortment of weapons can be created for offense. (Sword, Staffs, etc)
    :: Defense: S-Rank Power and upkeep (30 CP to activate / 20 CP to maintain). An assortment of defense items can be created for defense. (wall, shield, etc)
    :: Other Utilization: B-Rank power and upkeep (10 CP to activate / 5 CP to maintain). Can make platforms for flight at B-Rank speed. It can be destroyed with A-Rank items/A-Rank strength and doesn't annihilate flesh on contact although it may null jutsu on contact.

    Weaknesses: Only two orbs can be used per category. Whatever their shape, users can only control the orbs within 300 meters of their location, allowing opponents to disable them by transporting them elsewhere. If the user is killed or similarly incapacitated, their Truth-Seeking Balls will disintegrate alongside any black receivers they created.
    However, the orbs are incapable of nullifying senjutsu, natural energy can be used to combat itself. Tech enhancement can't be used on Truth Seeking Balls nor can any modifier with respect to its power, speed, cost or any mechanic. A senjutsu infused technique will thus ignore its disintegration effects. If these balls are destroyed, they must pay 30 CP to create another set. But another set cannot be created till all are destroyed. The use of the TSB takes from the regular chakra pool.

    Name: Welcoming Approach: Thousand-Armed Murder
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: 0-30m
    Speed: A+
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon | Konohagakure Exclusive
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Technique Specific Stance
    Description: The technique is activated when the user takes a specific stance with their left hand making a half-ram and then extending their right hand down with his palm parallel to the ground. Once the stance is taken, the spirit of the Thousand-Armed Kannon is summoned to defend the user or attack their enemies. The spirit is normally calm, angelic and looks peaceful. However, whenever the user gets angry, the spirit turns red and transforms into a demonic-looking creature. Kannon then attacks the user's target with its 1000 spirit fists, dealing a massive amount of damage to them. These fists can reach out to a range of 30 meters giving the user a good range to strike from and prevent opponents from getting too close, however those with S-Rank or higher Speed and Coordination are able to move fast enough to dodge the fist as they approach the user getting through the defensive nature of the technique.
    Weaknesses: The user of this technique must remain stationary while the technique is active, the user of this technique cannot use other techniques while this technique is active.

    Name: Compression Rasengan
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-10m
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: Rasengan | A-Rank Coordination
    Parent Technique: Rasengan
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: By overlapping the Rasengan as it is formed in the dominant hand with the other hand, the user compresses and condenses it to its limit. In this state, it can penetrate targets with little resistance, including S-Rank Armor. On contact, the Rasengan grinds into its target, propels them along the Rasengan's trajectory either away from the user or into the ground beneath them and at some point bursts, causing severe damage at the point of contact. Even if the impact is reduced by a strong defense to the point of making it non-lethal (X-Rank Armor), it can still knock out the target.
    Weaknesses: Multiple uses of this technique can cause damage to the user, resulting in a (- -) to their Con every use after the first. Using it 2 times results in a (- -), using it 3 times results in a -1 tier and a single (-)

    Name: Mental Resistance Technique
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: A-Rank Intelligence
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A highly advanced technique primarily used by the Anbu that allows the user to use this technique to place a genjutsu protection in form of mental blocks in the mind that contains valuable information to prevent the user from being interrogated or having their mind taken over by an enemy. When the invader enters the user's mind, via Psycho Mind Transmission or other similar techniques, this technique generates a horrific illusion to repel them as long as the user's Intelligence is equal or higher than the invader's Intelligence.
    Weaknesses: It is noted to be a dangerous technique to master, as it risks damaging the user's mind if not properly employed, if used against an invader that holds a higher intelligence than the user, the technique the invader used is twice as effective.

    Name: Ultra-Fast Regeneration Technique
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 50
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Land of Honey Exclusive
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The Ultra-Fast Regeneration Technique is a unique ninjutsu technique that requires a large amount of chakra to rapidly regenerate any damage done to the body, including repairing damage done to the user's prosthetics/puppet body/cybernetics allowing the user to recover from any and all fatal wounds and damage so long as they have enough chakra. This technique requires conscious effort on the user's part meaning they have to survive the attack and remain conscious in order to regenerate, the cost of this technique cannot be reduced in any way.
    Weaknesses: Requires a larger than normal amount of Chakra and can be draining to the user if used too much.

    Name: Mysterious Peacock Method
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self (0-60m)
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Land of Bear Exclusive
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Technique Specific Hand Sign
    Description: The technique itself manifests in the form of a feather-shaped array behind the Hoshigakure ninja and spreading out from behind them like a peacock's tail feathers, hence the name. This chakra is easily manipulated into various shapes, making it one of the most versatile jutsu around. While the technique is active, the user receives a +2 tiers to their Stamina Stat, and can manipulate the feathers in the following ways:
    • Beast: The chakra feathers change to the form of an animal, such as a wolf or other creature. The chakra that the beast is made of is dense enough to repel shuriken thrown at it. The size of the beast is determined by the size of the user's Stamina, the higher their stamina rank the larger the beast is able to be. The beast is connected to the user and can travel a maximum distance of 30 meters away from the user, its speed and coordination is equal to -1 rank below the user's Coordination.
    • Chakra Rope: The chakra feathers turn into binding ropes that cannot be cut with a reach of 10 meters to ensnare and strangle a target, up to 4 ropes can be created at once.
    • Cut: The chakra feathers are used to attack. Launching multiple feathers like Kunai from the Plume, traveling at A-Rank Speed to a maximum of 60 meters. These feathers are able to cut through A-Rank and lower armor with ease holding a sharpness/durability of S.
    • Wings: The chakra feathers form wings strong enough to support a normal sized human, granting the user a flight speed equal to their coordination.

    Weaknesses: The technique greatly increases user's chakra strength and levels, but the same enhanced chakra is highly dangerous, potentially causing great damage to their physical body. For every post the technique is active the user takes a single (-) to their con stat, if their Con drops below (+) they die. The reduction to Con does not go away until the user spends time recovering in a hospital. 1 OoC day for every (-) they have.

    Last edited by Ren on Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge Empty Re: Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Post by Ren Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:10 pm

    Sensory Techniques

    Name: Sensing Technique
    Rank: A
    Cost: 0.5/Post
    Range: Varies by Natural Perception:
    • E-Tier: 5m
    • D-Tier: 25m
    • C-Tier: 50m
    • B-Tier: 125m
    • A-Tier: 250m
    • S-Tier: 500m

    Speed: Instant
    Element: None
    Classification: Sensory Ninjutsu
    • Base: None
    • Focused: Touch

    Requirements: Sensory Skill
    Description: The Sensing Technique is the basic method of Sensory that is automatically granted once the Sensory Skill is unlocked. Perception determines the potency of the user's ability, extending the range as listed above. The classic use of sensory is almost a passive ability, requiring only that the cost be paid to maintain awareness. There is also a focused variation through which the user can double the range by making physical contact with an object via the hands or fingers. Whichever object is touched is the medium for range extension, meaning that beyond the original range value, only things making contact with the medium can be detected. This medium is almost always the ground.

    The medium doesn't need to be the ground, and while using the ability inside a building will transmit one's sensing across all walls, floors, ceilings, and the ground upon which the building stands, there are other structures which may not be tied to the ground. Using this inside a blimp or other aircraft, for example, will extend the user's range over the aircraft, up to the maximum range, which may well cover the entire aircraft. Given that an aircraft isn't making contact with anything, the user's sensory range will be limited to that aircraft.

    The Sensing Technique allows the user to perceive any of the following about any target within range: total and current chakra level, elements, exact location, and whether or not they have a kkg. However, they can only know if the target has a KKG if the user has encountered that KKG's chakra in the past. The technique is also able to detect whether any of the targets are under the influence of Genjutsu, as well as if the user himself is under the influence of Genjutsu.

    Drawbacks: Focusing the range forces one to remain in place. Anything not making contact with the medium cannot be sensed with the extended range; this won't help them if they're within the base range, however, as they can still be sensed as normal. The Sensing Technique is not a passive process and will require activation; if the cost is not being paid, the technique is not active. This technique is also required as a prerequisite for most Sensory-related techniques and abilities, excluding only a certain few. This cannot be used to ascertain stacked Genjutsu, only whichever Genjutsu the target/user is suffering from at that particular moment.

    Name: Chakra Suppression
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: N/A
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Sensory
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: None
    Parent Technique: Sensing Technique
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This technique allows the user to suppress their or their allies' chakra to the point that it becomes completely undetectable. This makes it impossible for sensor type shinobi to track them via chakra. This technique is very useful in the sense of allowing the user to infiltrate the enemy's ranks undetected.
    Weaknesses: The use of this technique is restricted to only those with the sensory skill. Also generally, since the user is suppressing their chakra they may not use techniques except for Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Bukijutsu and Kyujutsu C Rank Techniques and below. However, specific custom techniques may be registered to allow the user access to certain individual jutsu that can be used while Chakra Suppression remains active.

    Name: Chakra Disguise Technique
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: Self | Touch
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Sensory
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: Sensory Skill
    Parent Technique: Chakra Suppression Technique
    Hand Seals: Half-Ram
    Description: The user causes a complex anachronism in their own or someone they are touching chakra changing their perspective to others. Afterwards, the user will be able to change one's chakra signature, make it seem larger, smaller, emanating elsewhere, non-existent, even able to imitate other people's signatures. When used in conjunction with the Transformation technique, one could potentially fool sensor Ninja into believing they are that person.
    Weaknesses: When used on another person, they must remain within eyesight of the caster for the effect of the technique. Using techniques while this is active can cause disturbances within the manipulated flow which can be detected by sensor ninja, allowing them to see through the disguise of the chakra.

    Name: Sensory Clone
    Rank: S
    Power: -
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Sensory
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Ninjutsu | Sensory
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Shadow Clone
    Parent Technique: Shadow Clone
    Hand Seals: Snake
    Description: This creates a clone that is completely dedicated to scouting, information gathering, and distribution, and relaying messages.  Unlike other clones, this one is connected with the user's mind while it is in operation using the Sensory connection, the user can chain these clones together with enough chakra to extend their range, using several of them and their sensory ranges.  Each of them is capable of basic sensory and transfers their experience back to the user as per normal.
    Weaknesses: Sensory Clones are incapable of actual combat of any kind, disperse in a single solid strike, cannot use any non-sensory techniques, and only have the 30 chakra used to make them available for Sensory Techniques, and will disperse upon reaching 0 chakra.

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge Empty Re: Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Post by Ren Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:11 pm

    Katon Techniques

    Name: Flaring Embers
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: 3
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 15m
    Speed: C
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: Pre-existing Fire
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Tiger
    Description: By pouring their katon chakra into the source of fire, the user causes a sudden eruption within the heat. Capable of exploding up to a small campfire-sized fire scattering stones, burning wood, ashes, etc within a 5 meter radius. Causing flammable materials to ignite and cause light physical trauma and minor burns. The eruption also creates an audible bang that can be heard within 100 meter radius.
    Weaknesses: No fire means no bang.

    Name: Flame Serpent
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: 3
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-15m
    Speed: D+
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Dragon | Tiger | Snake
    Description: The user molds Katon chakra into the mouth before releasing it in the form of a large flaming serpent (3m long) that rushes across the ground towards the target at a rapid speed. This serpent will explode in a burst of fire, whenever it hits a object or reaches its maximum distance, that covers a 5m radius from where it's head was when it was triggered, that deals minor burns and ignites flammable materials.
    Weaknesses: This requires line of sight of the target, can only travel in a straight line, a Suiton technique of D-Rank can extinguish the serpent before it burst.

    Name: Ember Clone
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 1/10th Chakra per Clone
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 25m
    Speed: -
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Dragon
    Description: The user creates one or more clones of pure Katon element chakra, While the clones can perform Katon techniques, they only possess one-tenth of the user's chakra and cannot go too far from the original. If there is a source of fire within 25m of the user, that source can be used to form the clone, this does not reduce the cost but allows the user to create the clone further away from them then they normally would be able to. When these clones are struck with a sufficient amount of force they will revert to their fire form, burning those within 5m of them when they are destroyed.
    Weaknesses: When casting this technique the user's stamina must be above 30% in order to maintain control over his/her clones. In addition, the user must maintain general concentration to maintain their clone's presence. If at any time the user is inflicted with heavy damage in contrast with their Constitution all clones will be dispersed. The clones must be remain within 25 m. of the user. A Suiton technique of D-Rank can destroy the clones without causing them to burst into flames.

    Name: Flaming Shroud
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-3m
    Speed: D
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Dragon
    Description: Created as a way to defend against people getting too close to the user, or be surrounded by multiple opponents. The user releases their Katon chakra in a wild surge from their mouth that quickly surrounds their body before bursting out from them at a rapid pace dispersing after 3m. Through it is meant to be defensive in order to drive others away those caught in the flames can be severely burned, and flammable materials ignite in flames on contact.
    Weaknesses: The flames do not last long, it's more of a quick burst, requiring precision to be effective therefore the user must see or at least know of the attack to time it right; dependent upon users reaction time.

    Name: Triple Flame Serpent
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-25m
    Speed: C+
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Flame Serpent
    Hand Seals: Dragon | Tiger | Serpent
    Description: Much like it's parent technique, the user will mold Katon chakra within their mouth. However, this time the user will place there hands to their mouth capturing some of it as the user releases it, allowing them to separate the flames into 3 separate serpents(3m long) made of fire, that rush across the ground towards their target. The user is capable of sending each snake at multiple targets or all three at one target, a single snake deals (D-Rank Damage) taking all three to deal (C-Rank Damage). These serpents will explode in a burst of fire, whenever they hit a object or reaches its maximum distance, that covers a 5m radius from where it's head was when it was triggered, that deals minor burns and ignites flammable materials. It all three serpents hit the same target the range of the flames extend to 15m from the point of impact.
    Weaknesses: This requires line of sight of the target, can only travel in a straight line, a Suiton technique of D-Rank can extinguish the serpents before it burst.

    Name: Burning Halo
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: 0-25m
    Speed: -1 tier of user's coordination
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: (Ren)
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Dragon | Snake | Tiger | Bird | Dragon
    Description: The user channels chakra into their hands and mouth, converting the chakra within their mouth into Katon as they release is using their hands to shape it into a spinning ring of fire (1m wide). The user can then launch the the ring of fire causing it to spin towards the target in a saw blade type fashion, able to maneuver the disc at will at a speed of 1 tier Lower than the user's coordination. The disc will explode in a burst of fire on contact or if it travels beyond it's range, burning everything within 10m of it. However since the user can control the disc it can last until it hits something as long as it remains within the 25m range
    Weaknesses: This requires line of sight of the target, a Suiton technique of D-Rank can extinguish the disc before it can burst. Any object (person, tree, rock, etc.) triggers the burst effect.

    Name: Exploding Flame Shot
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3 per 2 shots
    Range: Refer to Projectile rules
    Speed: Refer to Projectile rules
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Rabbit -> Dog -> Ox
    Description: By creating fire from their hands, this technique allows the user to throw two balls of flame which are able to either cause fiery explosions on impact or set the target on fire. These explosions have a five-meter diameter to them, catching others in them if necessary.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique
    Rank: C
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-50m
    Speed: C+
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake → Dragon → Rabbit → Tiger
    Description: The user breathes fire along a cord or any other type of long object, which rushes forward in a straight line catching the enemy on fire. A line of enemies can be used as the conductor as well. The flames are meant to target, and assault the enemy's upper body. Once colliding with something, the attack detonates into a five-meter spread of flames, incinerating whatever was at the epicenter and around it.
    Weaknesses: Requires something to run along, such as wire string or actual people.

    Name: Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: v1 0 - 25m | v2 0 - 100m
    Speed: v1 B | v2 C++
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger
    Description: A technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into fire and expelled from the mouth either as a massive orb of roaring flame or as a continuous flame-thrower. The scope of the attack is altered by controlling the volume of chakra that is mustered. The released flames will engulf their target, and leave a crater in the ground's surface.

    Version 1.) When released as a continuous flamethrower, this technique creates a widespread stream of flames, expanding out 25 meters in front of the user. It moves at B-tier speed and possesses the same power as normal, but can be maintained for a small cost to do consistent burn damage overtime, should something remain in it's range.

    Version 2.) When released as a projectile, the technique fires off a broad sphere of flames, moving at C++ speeds. Upon impacting something the sphere detonates into a ten-meter fire bomb burning anyone in contact with the flames. Once passing 100 meters, the fireball fizzles out.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0 - 40m
    Speed: B
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Rat → Tiger → Dog → Ox → Rabbit → Tiger
    Description: This technique creates a volley of sixteen small fireballs, which are sent flying in an unpredictable manner assaulting the enemy. In addition, the flames are controlled individually with chakra, so avoiding them all is extremely difficult. Shuriken can also be concealed within the flames, creating an unexpected secondary surprise attack. Like the flames, the shuriken can be controlled with chakra. For the most part, however, this technique is used as a distraction. The control of individual fireballs is done at the two tiers below the user's Coordination.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet
    Rank: C
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-10m
    Speed: C
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger->Dragon-> Boar
    Description: A basic Fire Release technique, where the user exhales a flame breath from their mouth. As shown by Hiruzen, this technique can be used in conjunction with Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet to ignite the projectiles fired by the latter technique, making it more devastating by giving it the potent properties, speed, and range of the former.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Fire Release: Flame Whirlwind
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0 - 40m
    Speed: B
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Monkey → Bird → Dog → Ram
    Description: After the hand seals the user spits an ember on the ground. Fire erupts around the user's body in a spiraling manner which is then launched with their hands towards the target. Once the technique hits the target, the opponent is sent into the air in a spiraling manner as they're carried by the flames.
    Weaknesses: While the first phase of this technique serves as a defensive measure, this technique is poor for offensive due to the setup required.

    Name: Fire Release: Hiding in Ash and Dust Technique
    Rank: B
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0 - 80m
    Speed: A
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Dragon -> Snake -> Monkey -> Rat -> Ox -> Tiger
    Description: The user expels chakra-infused ash that blanket a wide area, burning anyone who comes in contact with it. The technique can also be used as a powerful deterrent from attacks as well as a highly effective smokescreen. Despite the smoke lingering, the burning potential only lasts the post upon activation.
    Weaknesses: Despite being a Fire release technique, this technique is susceptible to being blown away by Wind release.

    Name: Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique
    Rank: B
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-120m
    Speed: B
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger -> Rabbit -> Boar -> Dragon -> Monkey -> Dragon -> Dog -> Dragon
    Description: The user compresses a large amount of chakra built up inside their body and changes it into a dragon head-shaped fireball. The user then skillfully manipulates that great fire, and attacks their opponent. Even outside of the attack range, its power and reliability are stressed. The flames have a high temperature, which can create an upward movement of air currents which in turn can give rise to thunder clouds. A master of this technique can fire off several flames in succession and anyone caught in the technique could potentially be reduced to ashes.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Fire Release: Fired Pottery Technique
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 100m
    Speed: B
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: None
    Parent Technique: None
    Hand Seals: Rat → Dragon → Boar → Dragon → Ram
    Description: A Fire Ninjutsu designed for enclosed spaces, the user spits a small fireball travels up to one-hundred meters. When coming in contact with a surface in a mostly enclosed area the fireball erupts, filling that chamber to capacity or up to one-hundred cubic meters with fire. When using the technique this way the fire is considered +1 rank higher in power.
    Weaknesses: This technique has very specific applications. When not used in an enclosed environment its damage is reduced by -1 rank and the flames do not spread dealing low damage.

    Name: Fire Release: Demon Lantern
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-100m
    Speed: B
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Dog → Horse → Tiger → Dog → Horse → Dragon → Boar → Ram
    Description: This technique releases thirty floating fireballs around the user, which take the shape of ghosts at the final stage of the technique. After performing the required hand seal, they attack the opponent in swarms. Each fireball creates a huge flame at the moment of impact, with the same power as the technique and a range of 5 meters for each explosion.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Fire Release: Extinguishing Curtain Field
    Rank: B
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-40m
    Speed: A+
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: B rank Strength, or a fissure
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Dragon -> Snake -> Ram -> Boar -> Monkey -> Clap hands
    Description: The user stomps the ground with his foot, creating a crack that goes under the opponent, spreading out with a 10 meter diameter. They then send fire into the crack, boiling the earth below the opponent and finishes by clapping their hands together, creating a large and fiery explosion where the opponent is with a 20 meter diameter range. The explosion has a ten-meter diameter to it. If the user lacks the necessary strength, they can still use the technique, if there's a fissure.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Fire Release: Pheasant Hunter
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-30m
    Speed: B
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Dragon -> Boar -> Dragon -> Snake -> Ox -> Dragon
    Description: The user creates a giant flamed pheasant from either a source of pre-existing fire, using it to attack a target. Upon taking flight, the pheasant can swoop at a target to explode on impact. Its explosion has a diameter of ten meters.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Fire Release: Crimson Earth Spider
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 30m
    Speed: One Tier Below Base Coordination
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger → Horse → Rat → Dog → Tiger → Dog
    Description: The user spews out fire that both surrounds the enemy, forming into an arena. Afterward, they form a spider out of their chakra, using it to attack. This technique effectively traps and attacks an opponent at the same time, and can be used to force them into another attack. The flames surrounding the makeshift arena are 3 meters high.
    Weaknesses: The spider only functions in the arena and when the user is within 10 meters of the fire wall.

    Name: Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning
    Rank: B
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0 - 30 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user spews a stream of chakra-infused gunpowder from their mouth, which surrounds the region. As the gunpowder is composed entirely of ash, it stays in the air around the victim like a cloud, which can be used like a smokescreen. After surrounding the enemy with the ash, the user can ignite it resulting in a violent explosion, burning the enemy. However, this technique requires keen senses to read the air currents, the insight to read the movements of the enemy, the tactical experience to not also enfold one's allies in the flames, and careful attention for the timing of the ignition.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Fire Release: Intelligent Hard Work
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0 - 50m
    Speed: B
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Rat → Dog → Tiger → Horse → Dragon → Ram → Dragon
    Description: The user fires a small fireball that travels along a surface until it erupts into a giant fire-storm after making contact with a surface or reaching its maximum range causing widespread destruction to the area. This giant torrent of flames expands out in a 50 meter radius at B-tier Speeds. Since the flames travel along the ground, and cover such a wide area this is a difficult technique to evade. When combined with Wind Release: Pressure Damage, this technique is amplified to the point of being able to evaporate a large amount of water in an instant.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Fire Release: Hiding in Fire Technique
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: Open Flames
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Monkey
    Description: Using this technique, a user becomes one with fire, merging their bodies inside a flame without risking burning or being seen, and materialize themselves silently when it is time to strike becoming extremely effective when ambushing unsuspecting foe. Upon leaving concealment, flames burn, revealing the user. The Flames must be at least half the size of the user, as they cannot merge with the flame of a candle. The user cannot move while within the flames, unless the flames are spread over a large area in which case they can move as long as the flames are connected.
    Weaknesses: if the flames are extinguished the user is revealed. This CANNOT be used as a way to avoid a Katon technique that is used against the user as there is chakra already imbued within the technique.

    Name: Fire Release: Great Flame Flower
    Rank: A
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 150 m.
    Speed: B++
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire
    Hand Seals: Dragon -> Ox -> Tiger
    Description: Kneading his chakra and then converting it to fire, the user exhales flames into the air which manifest into eight fireballs. These fireballs behave like the Great Fireball Technique. These fireballs can be suspended in air indefinitely as long as the user pays the upkeep.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet
    Rank: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 100 m.
    Speed: -1 Tier Users Base Coor
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Ram → Horse → Snake → Dragon → Rat → Ox → Tiger
    Description: The user kneads their chakra into flames, which are then manipulated into a genuine-looking dragon. Since the art of having the flames obey the user's will is outrageously difficult, its mastery is restricted to a limited number of skillful shinobi.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Flame Eater Technique
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 50m Radius
    Speed: Instantaneous
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Snake
    Description: Flame Eater Technique is developed to defend the user against hostile Katon techniques, as well as provide them with additional means of extinguishing a fire. To utilize this technique, the user kneads chakra into their lungs before inhaling a breath. This technique can effectively consume a single Katon Technique that is within its radius, requiring an additional activation per Katon technique the user wishes to consume. When used on normal fire or residual fire from techniques, this technique allows them to consume any and all fire within a 50-meter radius of themselves. Once the fire is within their body, it is extinguished using the user's own chakra and exhaled as dark smoke. If the user consumes an S rank Katon technique, this technique requires an additional 10 chakra.
    Weaknesses: This cannot be used against the Black Flames of Amaterasu, and if used in the vicinity of such flames would prove deadly to the user.

    Name: Fire Release: Deep Flame Explosion
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-50m | 5 Meter Radius
    Speed: A
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Monkey -> Snake -> Bird -> Boar -> Tiger
    Description: The user punches the ground, causing flames to erupt, exploding all around them in a 5-meter radius dealing massive damage to those caught in its range. The flames are strong to dig through the ground, offering an option for escape if the technique is directed beneath them in one direction rather than out around them as the flames are capable of digging a 50-meter-long tunnel large enough for a person through the earth.
    Weaknesses: -

    Name: Heavenly Prison Fire Sword
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0-5 meters
    Speed: S
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Land of Tea Exclusive
    Requirements: N/a
    Parent Technique: N/a
    Hand Seals: N/a
    The user brings up a large flame in his right hand, which soon after takes the form of a sword. If someone is hit by the sword, they will be engulfed in flames. The sword can also easily pierce flesh. The strikes deal A rank damage from the sword, with the engulfing of flames dealing B rank damage for 2 posts.
    Weaknesses: The flame engulfing can be negated by being submerged in water.

    Name: Fire Release: Dragon Flame Release Song
    Rank: A
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-150m
    Speed: B
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique
    Hand Seals: Tiger
    Description: This is an advanced version of its parent technique. This technique allows the user to expel eight dragon-headed fireballs from their mouth to cover the frontal, left, and right sides of the opponent. As the dragonheads move in an erratic manner, it makes the technique much more difficult to avoid. This single technique when fired into the sky is capable of creating large thunderstorm clouds to form in the air above where it is launched.
    Weaknesses: -

    Name: Blazing Judgmental Flames
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: 50m Radius
    Speed: -
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Tiger
    Description: This technique is an expression of fire mastery. While this technique is activated, its 50-meter radius counts as a dry/arid/desert/unusually hot environment for all relevant interactions including Ice Release techniques. Paper, wood, fabric and combustible substances (that are not protected by chakra) are ignited by the heat produced around the user immediately, bursting into flames with a 5-meter radius that causes major 2nd-degree burns. Items with metal in them such as Engineered items or puppets (due to extreme heat affecting complex mechanisms and small parts' ability to function) and armor or weapons made of metal begin to heat up, becoming unusable after prolonged exposure (the rate of this exposure is determined by the items rank: D-Rank=1Post, C-Rank=2Posts, etc. caping at X-Rank=6 posts). For weapons or armor, removing them from the radius allows them to cool down after halve the amount of post they were exposed rounded up allowing them to be wielded once more (i.e. if they were within the radius for 3-4 posts they could be used again after 2 posts), however complex items like puppets or engineered items become malfunctioned beyond use for the remainer of the thread. Unlike most Katon Techniques, this technique is designed to combat Suiton users, causing Suiton techniques to lose their 1-Rank advantage against it that Suiton techniques usually have against Katon techniques while within the Radius.
    Weaknesses: -

    Name: Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: 500 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
    Hand Seals: Rat → Ox → Dog → Horse → Monkey → Boar → Tiger
    Description: A technique where chakra kneaded inside the user's body is converted into fire, and then expelled from the mouth in a massive stream of intense flames that can set a vast area ablaze, engulfing the target in a veritable sea of flames. If used upon a dense, combustible terrain, such as a forest, the confined area can greatly increase the possibility of the target's incineration. The user may choose to continue the technique as a flamethrower, much like it's parent technique Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation
    Rank: S
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: 0 - 200 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: Fire
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
    Hand Seals: Horse
    Description: The pinnacle of Fire Release techniques, chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into fire, and then expelled from the mouth and shaped into a literal sea of flame, which covers a wide range as well. This makes the technique extremely difficult to either avoid or contain, with it requiring the combined efforts of several Water Release users in order to extinguish the flames. The technique creates a wall of flames two-hundred meters wide and fifty meters high making it effective in clearing large groups of opponents or making an impassable wall.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Draconic Form: Flame Dragon
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: Self | 3 Meters
    Speed: -
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Dragon
    Description: The user manipulates their Katon Chakra, surrounding themselves in a cloak in the shape of a Human-Sized Dragon aura made of fire around them. This fire is completely harmless to the user and in fact increases the user's speed by +1-Tier, additionally those that come within 3 meters of the user suffer from intense heat enough to evaporate water. Those that try to touch the user suffer from S-Rank burn damage at the point of contact.
    Weaknesses: Water based techniques of A-Rank or higher can pass through the fire straight to the user dealing damage and ending the technique.

    Name: Praimfaya
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 250m Radius
    Speed: A+
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Bird -> Tiger -> Serpent -> Dragon
    Description: After forming the needed hand seals the user releases a powerful blast of rolling fire like wave that sweeps out to a 250-meter radius around them. This wave of fire is 100 meters tall and 50 meters thick, those that are unfortunate enough to get caught in its wake suffer from S-Rank Burn Damage to any part of their body that the fire touches.
    Weaknesses: Water techniques of A-Rank or higher.

    Name: Dark Flames Technique
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: 0-100m
    Speed: S
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: Katon Affinity
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Tiger -> Dog -> Snake -> Ram
    Description: The user produces 5 powerful orbs of black and blue flames. Each orb can be unleashed individually, exploding into large and rapid barrages moving at S-Rank Speed, capable of incinerating their surroundings. At the same time, by pointing their index and middle finger, the user can control the direction of the orbs directing them to a single target, making it highly difficult for the target to evade the flames. When used this way, the control of the flames is equal to 1-tier lower than the coordination of the user.

    Name: True Fire of Samadhi
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Projectile item
    Speed: -
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: an item such as a Kunai or Shuriken
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Tiger -> Dog -> Horse -> Rat
    Description: Regarded as the "Flames of Purgatory" they are said to be inextinguishable by wind or rain, and burn so quickly that regenerative techniques cannot keep up with them, leaving the victim's body completely charred in mere moments. The flames can, however, be absorbed and sealed away. This technique is activated by first imbuing chakra into an item, then the next person to come in contact with the item will spontaneously burst into flames.
    Weaknesses: -

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge Empty Re: Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Post by Ren Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:12 pm

    Raiton Techniques

    Name: Lightning Release: Lightning Signal Fire
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: 3
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-50m
    Speed: C
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Dragon
    Description: After forming the necessary hand seals, the user points their hands towards a certain direction and triggers an electrical discharge, which then explodes in a specific form. When the hands are raised to the sky, this technique can be use as a signal flare. The discharge doesn't occur until it's traveled the maximum distance of 50 meters into the air. Since this is merely for directing people to one's position, this technique doesn't work well in combat, and only does D damage.
    Weaknesses: Doesn't really have means of combat.

    Name: Spark Clone
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 1/10th Chakra per Clone
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 25m
    Speed: -
    Element: Raiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Serpent
    Description: The user creates one or more clones made of pure Raiton element chakra, While the clones can only perform Raiton techniques, they possess one-tenth of the user's chakra and cannot go too far from the original. When these clones are struck with a sufficient amount of force they will revert to their static form, shocking those within 5m of them when they are destroyed causing those caught in the range with C-Rank or lower Constitution to be paralyzed for one post.
    Weaknesses: When casting this technique, the user's stamina must be above 30% in order to maintain control over his/her clones. In addition, the user must maintain general concentration to maintain their clone's presence. If at any time the user is inflicted with heavy damage in contrast with their Constitution all clones will be dispersed. The clones must remain within 25 m. of the user.

    Name: Lightning Release: Lightning Rod
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: Melee
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake -> Rabbit -> Horse
    Description: After coming into physical contact with the opponent, the user raises their arm into the air, generating a powerful bolt of electricity which travels through their body transferring the electricity to the body of the opponent. This can also be used without physical contact, in which case the user's body is electrified, electrocuting anything that comes in contact with them.
    Weaknesses: Requires physical contact.

    Name: Lightning Release: Young Lightning
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: Melee
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake -> Rabbit -> Rat
    Description: The user charges a single hand with electricity. Upon striking an opponent, they release the chakra in a sudden burst shocking them.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Lightning Release: Thunderbolt
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-20m, 0-40m with water
    Speed: C
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger → Snake → Tiger
    Description: The user extends both arms, releasing a high discharge through both palms, targeting multiple opponents simultaneously within a range of 20 meters. It is possible to increase the power using this technique in combination with a water source, in which case it's range increases to 40 meters.
    Weaknesses: Requires the user to be unencumbered with both hands, given that's where the chakra is focused and then released. They also have to remain stationary.

    Name: Lightning Release: Thunderclap Arrow
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Refer to Projectile Information
    Speed: Refer to Projectile Information
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake -> Rabbit -> Dog
    Description: The user moulds, then shapes lightning-natured chakra into the form of an arrow. They can then throw the arrow as a projectile-based attack, or combine it with a Water Release technique to electrocute a target. Upon impact, the attack explodes into a field of electricity, spanning five meters in diameter. When used with a Water Release technique, the arrow disperses into an electric field regardless of having impacted something first. This field of electricity spans ten meters in diameter.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Lightning Release: Snake Thunder
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-30m
    Speed: C
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Dragon -> Clap hands → Monkey
    Description: The user creates a discharge of electricity from their body to shock an opponent. It can also be released from a distance as a thunderbolt; when used in that way, it takes on a form of a snake with up to a diameter of 4 meters. Both variations hit for the same power and same speed, although the discharge is melee-based, whereas the projectile fires up to 30 meters before it disperses.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Telegram Flash
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-25m
    Speed: C
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Rabbit → Rat → Horse
    Description: The user slams their hand onto the ground and causes lightning to arc out and spread from their hand to underneath the opponent, shocking them. This can be used when someone is giving chakra with the Chakra Transfer technique, in which case the technique's Power is boosted by 1 tier. In the case of not actually shocking the opponent by directing the lightning chakra under them, it tears apart the ground beneath them, possibly ruining their footing while they're attempting to avoid the technique.
    Weaknesses: Requires contact with the ground.

    Name: Lightning Release: Spider Web
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: 0-15m
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Dog → Dragon → Rat
    Description: After kneading chakra in the body and converting it to lightning, the user places their hand on the ground, releasing a surge of electricity around them in the form of a web, which electrocutes anyone caught in its vicinity. Despite not functioning like an actual spider web, it relentlessly electrocutes whatever is in its range, apart from the user. As long as they remain on the web, they can continue funneling lightning chakra into it to maintain the field, but cannot use any other techniques in the meantime.
    Weaknesses: If someone is in its vicinity but not directly standing on it, the technique does not work.

    Name: Lightning Release: Lightning Ball
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-50m
    Speed: User's Coordination -1 tier.
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: D-Rank Coordination
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Bird → Snake → Monkey
    Description: The user creates spheres of electrical energy and launches them at the enemy. When they make contact with the enemy, the spheres electrocute them and throw them back. This technique can also be used in rapid succession or fire multiple balls at once. 5 spheres of lightning [per tier of Coordination past D-Rank] can be created and then fired at the user's Coordination -1 tier. They're also able to be controlled individually, but at the user's Coordination -2 tiers.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Lightning Release: Lightning Strike
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-60m
    Speed: User's Coordination -1 tier.
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger → Snake → Dog
    Description: The user creates an electric current that can hit multiple individuals at the same time. Furthermore, it can extend incredible distances and can avoid obstacles. This technique can split off up to six times, for a total of six targets. The technique's path of movement or its individual bolts can be changed but at the user's Coordination -2 tiers.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Lightning Release: False Darkness
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-40m
    Speed: B+
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Ox → Horse → Dragon → Tiger → Snake →  Rat
    Description: The user emits lightning in the shape of a spear from its mouth, which then pierces the enemy. Its destructive power is great enough to even pierce through rock; meaning it has a high killing potential. The user can increase the number of spears to attack multiple enemies. This, coupled with the sheer speed of the lightning, makes it a difficult technique to evade. This technique is capable of being focused into a straight beam, which increases its power to A-rank but loses its stunning potential, or a bolt of lightning.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Lightning Release: Lightning Rat Violent Quake
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-80m
    Speed: B++
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Monkey → Ox → Boar → Tiger →  Rat → Dog
    Description: The user releases a discharge of electricity that fires several destructive disks of electricity which home in on the targets. This technique produces fifteen discs of electricity that can each be controlled individually with the efficiency of the user's Coordination -2 tiers.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Lightning Release: Thunder Binding
    Rank: B
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0-10m
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Ox → Horse → Dragon
    Description: This technique lets the user create a three-sided wall of electricity to bind their opponent. The user must have three conductors to stick in the ground to create the points. Furthermore, once the enemy is inside, if they come into contact with the wall they will be electrocuted. The only way the technique can be broken is if an outside party were to strike one of the walls with a strong enough attack, which will then deactivate the other walls. At least C-Rank Power is required for an attack to destroy the barrier.
    Weaknesses: An outside party can get rid of the technique by firing an attack. Requires conductors as tall as the person being binded, but they can't be larger than ten feet.

    Name: Lightning Release: Wave of Inspiration
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-25m
    Speed: User's Coordination -1 tier
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Rabbit → Dog → Boar → Ram → Rat
    Description: The user generates a large amount of lightning from their hands, which can also be passed through conductive materials to improve the electrical power of the technique, to attack foes. When conducted through a material it also increases the power of the technique by +1 rank.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Lightning Release: Thunderclap Drill
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Melee
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user compresses lightning chakra down to embrace their forearm. Using this lightning chakra, they temporarily enhance their physical output, boosting it by 1 tier. On top of boosting the user's Strength temporarily, the attack electrocutes a target when they're struck, hitting them with C Power on top of whatever damage inflicted upon them by the user.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Lightning Release: Rock Avalanche
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-10m
    Speed: -
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake → Upside down Tiger → Hands clapped together
    Description: The user causes a rockslide by sending a wave of electric energy into a cliff. However, this technique is extremely location-based and needs to be done uphill of a mountain for it to be effective. When it is employed, however, the technique tears apart the structure, causing large rocks that span, at most, two meters in diameter to drop down upon whatever they're directed to, striking while electrified containing their charge with B Power.
    Weaknesses: As the description says, its use is limited to cliffs, or structures similar to one.

    Name: Sudden Flash
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 50m
    Speed: Instant
    Element: Raiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Rat | Dog | Serpent | Hands on either side of face
    Description: The user of this technique charges their hands with Raiton chakra as they form the hand seals, then raising them to their face they release the chakra in a bright and blinding burst of light. This bright flash can cause temporary blindness to anyone looking in the direction of the user at the time of its activation, this blindness lasts for 3 posts.
    Weaknesses: The Targets have to be looking at the user in order for this technique to take effect.

    Name: Lightning Dragon Missile
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-80m
    Speed: B+
    Element: Raiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Hare | Rat | Serpent | Ram | Ox | Dragon
    Description: Based off of the Great Dragon Fire Technique, though used in the same process to release a large ball of Raiton in the shape of a Dragon's head towards the target. Though not as powerful as it's Flame counterpart as it doesn't reduce targets hit by it to ashes, it can still be extremely dangerous and deals B-Rank in damage electrical burns to those caught within it.
    Weaknesses: A Futon technique of B-Rank or higher can disrupt the Dragon missile causing it to disperse.

    Name: Chidori Katana
    Rank: B
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: Melee
    Speed: -
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Konohagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Chidori
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This technique allows the user to channel lightning chakra through their weapon. This makes it nearly unblockable as the radiating and chirping blade can easily cut through steel. Furthermore, if an opponent is stabbed, their body goes numb due to an electrical current which causes the muscles to contract, making it very difficult for the opponent to move (represented by the debuff.) However, it can be countered by other weapons that also utilize Lightning Release chakra flow, such as Super-Vibrato swords. Increases a weapon's cutting power by one rank while in use.

    This technique debuffs the opponent's Coordination by -1 tier when struck for one round.
    Weaknesses: Can be nullified by a weapon of equal cutting power. Additionally, the stun can be warded off by S-Tier Constitution.

    Name: Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Tracking Fang
    Rank: B
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-30m
    Speed: User's Coordination -1 tier
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Konohagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Raikiri
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: By manipulating lightning chakra into their hand, the user can make the lightning expand to create the form of a hound. The hound remains connected to the user's hand, allowing them to control it during its attack, with the efficiency of their Coordination -2 tiers.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0 - 30 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Boar → Ram → Snake
    Description: A basic Lightning Release technique that allows the user to create a wave of electricity from their hands. The user can vary its power from a small surge to shock an opponent to a powerful stream of lightning capable of ripping through solid rock.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Lightning Release: Lightning Shadow Clone
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 1km
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: General
    Requirements: Shadow Clone
    Parent Technique: Shadow Clone
    Hand Seals: Clone seal or Tiger
    Description: This technique allows the user to make a shadow clone infused with lightning. Because it is a shadow clone, it is able to perform techniques and interact with the environment due to it having physical substance; and also evenly distributes the user's chakra to each clone. If the clone is injured, it will revert to its natural lightning-state, at the same time electrocuting whatever has physical contact with it, hitting it for A-Rank potency.
    Weaknesses: Unlike a regular Shadow Clone, this clone does not send chakra back to the user upon reverting to lightning. In addition, this follows the regular weakness with the parent technique, in that the user's clones will disperse if they're hit by heavy damage in contrast to Constitution, or go under 30% of their Stamina.

    Name: Lightning Release: Four Pillar Binding
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 0-250m
    Speed: A
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Ram → Boar → Dog → Bird → Hare
    Description: Four, 30 meter tall rock pillars are summoned around the enemy, each at a 50 meter distance away. Once being established, one by one the pillars are electrified and they release bolts of lightning that electrify the area surrounded by the pillars, electrocuting anything caught in it and leaving a basin below where the lightning tore up the technique's surroundings. Despite being part of the Raiton technique, the pillars are weak to Raiton like any other earth composition would, and they take an extra tier of damage. In addition, they withstand up to A-Rank damage, but are required for the technique to work.
    Weaknesses: Should an opponent hit one of the pillars hard enough, whether they're inside of the attack range or outside of it, they'll cancel out the technique by destroying said pillar.

    Name: Chidori
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: Touch
    Speed: -
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Konohagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Monkey → Dragon → Rat → Bird → Ox
    Description: The Chidori is a high concentration of lightning chakra around the user's hand. To perform, the user first gathers lightning to their hand; the high concentration of electricity produces a sound reminiscent of many birds chirping, hence the name. Once the chakra is gathered, users charge at their target and thrust the Chidori into them, piercing them and typically causing fatal damage. When pierced the technique will constantly send A-rank power electricity into their opponent as long as it is upkept. When under the influence of the surge the victim will remain in a state of paralysis until the current ends. Alternatively the user can simply touch their opponent to just deliver the shock and paralysis effect without piercing their target.
    Weaknesses: The paralysis effect only affects opponents with A-tier Constitution and below, meaning an opponent with S-tier Constitution will resist the paralysis effect. In addition, the current can be disrupted if the victim surges their own Lightning nature chakra through them. This is represented by spending an A-rank amount of chakra to cancel the current.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Chidori Current
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0-10m AoE, 0-30m with a surface
    Speed: A
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Konohagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Chidori
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: By releasing the Chidori in every direction, an electrical discharge flows from the user's entire body allowing him to affect multiple enemies. When using this attack on a great number of enemies at once, it can effectively double as an instant defense. The body of the person touched by the Chidori will misinterpret the lightning nature as "electrical signals from the nerves", making its muscles contract. This causes the body to involuntarily go stiff, while at the same time receives damage. This attack can also be channeled through the ground to increase the range of the attack. When hit by this technique, the intended target is stunned for one round.
    Weaknesses: User must remain stationary while using this. Additionally, the stun can be warded with A-tier Constitution or higher.

    Name: Chidori Senbon
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-60m
    Speed: A+
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Konohagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Chidori
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This is one of many variations of the Chidori that uses shape transformation. In comparison to the standard Chidori, it further specialises in speed, by being transformed into countless sharp senbon, which are all aimed and fired at the enemy. By increasing the amount of chakra used, the number of senbon also increases proportionally. When used in tandem with the Sharingan, it becomes far more effective and deadly, as it allows the user to precisely shoot for the target's vital points.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Chidori Sharp Spear
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 0-30m
    Speed: User's Coordination -1 tier
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Konohagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Chidori
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The original Chidori gained its power by shaping it into a form sufficient for an electrical discharge and using it together with the user's own "thrust". This technique uses shape transformation to form the original Chidori into a spear or blade-shape, adapting it for mid-range attacks with a maximum range of about thirty meters. Its increased range means there is less of a risk to the user. It also has the advantage of being able to be used for surprise attacks and capturing. When the enemy's body is pierced, the user can alter the spear's shape into multiple additional blades [up to 6 more], increasing the number of wounds. The blade can also be swung in order to cut things as well as cause fatal injuries, and infused with an actual weapon capable of flowing chakra.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Lightning Transmission
    Rank: A
    Power: A [S with proper Coordination]
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: -
    Speed: User's Speed
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Konohagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: Shadow Clone
    Parent Technique: Shadow Clone & Raikiri
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Using the aid of a clone, the user and their clone each perform the Raikiri technique on opposite hands. Connecting their techniques together, they form a chain of lightning between themselves that is powerful enough to slice through a tailed beasts' chakra arms with relative ease. The user is also able to wrap the lightning around a target, thus effectively restraining their movements, unless they possess Strength equal to the technique's power to break out. The shadow clone and their user are able to be at up to a 15 meter distance away from each other while using this technique.
    Weaknesses: Because the technique involves the user multitasking using a highly-focused technique between their shadow clone and themselves, the technique's power output is lower than Raikiri, in exchange for more range. This can be avoided with S-Tier Coordination.

    Name: Black Lightning
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: A
    Upkeep Cost: A
    Range: 0m-60
    Speed: One Tier below user's Coordination
    Element: Lightning Release
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Kumogakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: Lightning Release/Fuuinjutsu for application
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Black Lightning refers to a special formulation of the Lightning Release element that is significantly more powerful than the element's standard manifestation. The ability to use Black Lightning is granted by a special seal that transfigures the user's Lightning into that of Black Lightning. Black Lightning is spawned from this seal and surrounds the user. The user is granted the ability of freeform manipulation over the Black Lightning to use for a variety of offensive and defensive maneuvers. Black Lightning moves at a speed and coordination at one tier below the user's coordination. Black Lightning is also unique in that it is significantly stronger than regular Lightning. Black Lightning is one rank stronger than all other elements that it comes into contact including advanced elements. The only exceptions to this are Earth Release as Black Lightning is two ranks stronger than Earth Release and Wind Release which rather than being one rank stronger is merely neutral against Black Lightning.
    Weaknesses: Black Lightning is created through a special Fuuinjutsu as such it can be tampered with or destroyed via other Fuunin techniques or by a sufficiently skilled Fuunin user.

    Name: Vanishing Rasengan
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-100m
    Speed: A
    Element: Raiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open (Canon)
    Requirement: A Tier Coordination
    Parent Technique: Rasengan
    Handseals: -
    Description: The user holds their palms up to let a smaller version of the Rasengan form within their palms. The user injects Raiton chakra directly into the Rasengan. The user will then 'throw' this smaller version of rasengan towards their target, being visible for up to 20m before completely vanishing. The Rasengan takes 20 meters before the nature transformation takes hold, causing it to vanish. When the jutsu vanishes, the target will receive -1 Tier Perception to this technique. When struck with the technique, the user may be sent flying backward for 30m.
    Weakness: characters with S-Tier Perception are capable of seeing the Vanishing Rasengan. Their vision won't be completely opaque, appearing at about 50% opacity, but they would still be able to see it. This jutsu also requires precise aim at longer distances and this jutsu is still visible if the target is within 20m. Targets with S Tier strength will be immune to the knockback effect.

    Name: Quasar Blast Pulse
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20 CP
    Range: 0-150m
    Speed: A
    Element: Raiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirement: B Rank Coordination
    Parent Technique: -
    Handseals: Dragon, Rat, Dragon, Dog
    Description: Upon performing the handseals, the user places their palms by their waist for a brief moment before thrusting both palms forward, causing a brilliant bolt of electrical chakra out of their palms (measuring 1 meter diameter), rushing quickly towards whatever is in front of the user. The bolt of lightning will go in a nearly perfectly straight line, with some deviations due to it being lightning, regardless of any wind conditions or other factors, only being stopped by an S Rank or higher barrier or if the entirety of the bolt strikes a target. Being hit by this bolt feels like being hit with a canon ball. If this technique hits a target at point-blank range (melee range), the Power is increased by ++
    Weakness: This jutsu is quite bright and can easily give away the user's position. Targets further away would be able to see this jutsu pretty easily and just easily dodge due to the jutsu's rigid trajectory and inability to direct the bolt after launching it.

    Name: Spasm
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 50m Diameter
    Speed: A
    Element: Raiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Chidori Current
    Parent Technique: Chidori Current
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Spasm is a simple channeling of Raiton chakra through the air and surface that the user might be standing on. Said Raiton chakra does no damage on its own but those caught within it will suffer a 1 Tier  and 1 - debuff to their coordination stat as their body locks up from the sudden shock of Raiton that is sent through their body. This debuff lasts for 3 posts, S Rank or higher Constitution will resist this technique.
    Weaknesses: -

    Name: Impacting Marble Bomb Shot
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-80m (25m Radius Blast)
    Speed: B+
    Element: Raiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Tiger | Serpent | Rat | Ox | Serpent
    Description: The user concentrates their Raiton chakra into a marble size ball in the palm of their hand, releasing it at A+ speed toward their target. Despite the fact that this ball of chakra looks small, it holds a big bang. Upon impact, or reaching its max distance of 100 meters, the marble size Raiton releases in an explosion of electricity dealing A-rank damage to those caught within 25 meters of where the marble impacted as well as paralyzing those with A-Rank Constitution or lower for 1 post.
    Weaknesses: The user can get caught in the explosion if they are too close to the object the marble impacts with.

    Name: Lightning Soaring Thunder Dragon
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 0-100m
    Speed: -1 tier User's Base Coord
    Element: Raiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: A Base Coordination
    Parent Technique: Lightning Dragon Missile
    Hand Seals: Horse | Rat | Serpent | Ram | Ox | Hare | Dragon
    Description: Like it's parent technique, this was created based off a similar Katon technique. The user kneads their chakra into static electricity, which is then manipulated into a genuine-looking dragon. Since the art of having the Static obey the user's will is even more difficult than its flame counterpart, its mastery is hard to achieve. Additionally, unlike its flame counterpart those with A-Rank Constitution or lower struck by the dragon become paralyzed for 1 post.
    Weaknesses: A Futon technique of A-Rank or higher can disrupt the Dragon missile causing it to disperse.

    Name: Takarai
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 50 meter radius
    Speed: A | -1 tier user's Coordination
    Element: Raiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Tiger -> Serpent -> Dragon -> Bird
    Description: After forming the hand seals, the user stretches an arm into the air, sending Raiton Chakra flowing into the air above their heads. This Raiton forms into several (~8~) hawks made of pure Raiton, these hawks can attack a single target as a group moving at A-Rank speed or be manipulated individually at -1 tier their coordination. A single Hawk can cause Paralysis for 1 post in addition to D-Rank Damage, 2 hawks will cause paralysis for 1 post in addition to C-Rank Damage, 4 hawks will cause paralysis for 2 posts in addition to B-Rank Damage, 8 hawks will cause paralysis for 3 posts in addition to A-Rank Damage.
    Weaknesses: Wind Techniques of A-Rank can disburse the hawks

    Name: 500 Stars: Rain of Heaven
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range:100m | 50m Radius
    Speed: A
    Element: Raiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Dragon -> Serpent -> Bird -> Horse -> Ox -> Serpent -> Dragon
    Description: After forming the Handseals the user forms 500 shimmering spheres of highly compressed Raiton that glisten in the light giving it a prismatic glow like a star in the air above and around their targets. These spheres are 2cm in diameter filling the air covering a 50 meter Radius no more than 100 meters in front of them. Unleashing the 'Stars' down upon the targets at A-Rank Speed, the spheres move towards the center of the 50 meter Radius from all directions exploding on contact. The explosion of all the orbs creates a crater 10 meters wide and 10 meters deep. The amount of spheres as well as their random placement and erratic movement as they swarm the tragets make this attack difficult to dodge.
    Weaknesses: -

    Name: Lightning Release: Sixteen Pillar Binding
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 25
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: 50m
    Speed: S
    Element: Raiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: None
    Parent Technique: Lightning Release: Four Pillar Bind
    Hand Seals: Rat → Monkey → Horse
    Description: A more powerful variant of the parent technique,  this jutsu forms sixteen stone pillars that encase the target in an oven-like structure. Once formed,  the pillars discharge a powerful electrical current to damage the target and anything else caught within.
    Weaknesses: The pillars can be shattered by S-Tier Strength, thereby disabling the technique. The Activation Cost of this technique increases to 30 if there are no preexisting pillars created by the parent technique.

    Name: Lightning Release: Purple Electricity
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: 0-35m
    Speed: -1 Tier User's Coordination
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Konohagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Raikiri
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user unleashes a stream of purple electricity from his hand to attack targets from a varying range, allowing them to either use it in melee range or fire it as a projectilized Raikiri from their hand. This technique is able to summon rain clouds when fired off into the sky, either as just flavor or a setup for something greater.

    This technique can also flow through liquids, as well as be released as a current of electricity around the user's body in a 10m range, or 30m range over a conductive surface. Similar to Chidori Current, this forces a struck target's body to misinterpret the electricity as nerve signals and lock up their muscles, stunning them for one round unless they have S-Rank Constitution or higher. This technique does not affect boosts granted by technique since the boosting happens internally.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Raikiri
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: -
    Speed: -
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Konohagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Chidori
    Hand Seals: Ox → Rabbit → Monkey
    Description: The Raikiri is an enhanced and concentrated form of the Chidori. While functionally the same, Raikiri serves as a superior version causing S-rank electricity damage and causing paralysis to victims with S-tier Constitution or lower.
    Weaknesses: The paralysis effect only affects opponents with S-tier Constitution and below, meaning an opponent with higher Constitution will resist the paralysis effect. In addition, the current can be disrupted if the victim surges their own Lightning nature chakra through them. This is represented by spending an S-rank amount of chakra to cancel the current.

    Name: Raikiri: Unmei no Ketto ('Lightning Cutter: Duel of the Fates')
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 40
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: Reach
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Raiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: B Coordination+
    Parent Technique: Raikiri
    Hand Seals: N/A (Charge time for 3 Hand Seals)
    Description: The user will extend both hands out to either side of them, and both will charge their own individual Raikiri, requiring an acute control over their chakra to perform, this takes the time equal to performing 3 hand seals from the first spark of lightning the moment it begins, to the moment they become fully formed and primed for use. Otherwise, these are no different then a normal Raikiri, simply using one in each hand now instead of just one.
    Weaknesses: Requires both hand's free to use.

    Name: Kikoho
    Rank: S
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 300m
    Speed: S
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Rat
    Description: Kikoho is a massive beam of lightning that is fired from the users hands. The user performs the seal and then places their hands together with the fingertips touching, palms apart, and the thumbs extended and overlapped, creating a triangular shape with the hands. The user then fires a massive blast of Raiton chakra that expands to 100m wide and travels up to its maximum jutsu range before dissipating.
    Weaknesses: -

    Name: Chain Lightning
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 60m (per arc)
    Speed: S
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Rat - Boar - Horse - Dog
    Description: Chain Lightning appears as a closely linked stream of lightning bolts that arcs out from the users hand toward their target. The technique travels at jutsu power and moves at jutsu speed. Should Chain Lightning hit a target it will strike that target with jutsu power raiton damage before arcing off toward the next closest heat signature. Each time the lightning bolt arcs off a heat signature it will lose 1 rank of power until it hits E at which point it will fizzle out after hitting the target.
    Weaknesses: No distinction between friend or foe. Besides the user of course. Fire/Lava jutsu specifically can confuse this technique and send it arcing toward them although it will arc again if it wins a jutsu clash. The power will be reduced in that case of course.

    Name: Draconic Form: Thunder Dragon
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: Raiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Dragon
    Description: The user manipulates their Raiton Chakra, surrounding themselves in a cloak in the shape of a Human-Sized Dragon aura made of lightning around them. This Lightning chakra stimulates the user's muscles in such a way that it provides a 2-Tier Boost to their Coordination, however that is not the limit of its ability. Those that get too close to the user, physical strikes against the user in this form causes paralysis for 1 post in those that touch it.
    Weaknesses: Wind Based Techniques of A-Rank or higher can Cut through the Raiton dealing damage to the user and ending the technique. Those with A Con or higher are unaffected by the Paralysis.

    Name: Lightning Water Dragon Bullet
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: 0 - 100m
    Speed: One tier below User's Coordination
    Element: Suiton | Raiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: Suiton and Raiton
    Parent Technique: Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique
    Hand Seals: Monkey -> Bird -> Yang Water -> Rat -> Boar -> Bird -> Rat
    Description: After kneading chakra into their stomach and converting it into water, the user expels it in the shape of a dragon. Taking advantage of the highly conductive nature of water, the user then imbues the water dragon with lightning-natured chakra. When this technique makes contact with a target, in addition to the normal damage the lightning numbs the target's body thereby dulling their movements and leaving them susceptible to other attacks this results in a 2-Tier reduction to the target's Coordination Stat.

    This can be used as a cooperation technique that by two individuals that each hold at least one of the required elements, when used in this manner each individual pays half the cost of the technique.
    Weaknesses: The body of the dragon remains connected to the user, an attack or technique large enough to sever the head of the dragon from the user will effectively end the technique.

    Name: Kirin
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 10 CP
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-1000m
    Speed: X++
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Restricted Technique
    Requirement: Source of Natural Electricity
    Parent Technique: -
    Handseals: -
    Description: Using a powerful source of natural electricity, such as a thunderstorm, the user makes use of highly skilled shape manipulation to bend natural lightning. This lets the user create Kirin, a massive dragon made of pure lightning, which instantly takes form above the user's position. With the user's hand gesture, Kirin is sent towards their target in a single bolt one-hundred meters in diameter. The destructive potential is shown to completely obliterate a small mountain.

    Using this technique drains the source of natural electricity entirely.

    Weaknesses: This technique requires a sufficient source of natural electricity. This is most commonly done by utilizing thunderstorm clouds. Thunderstorm conditions can be created by firing two A-power Fire technique s into the sky or a single S-power Fire technique. Either technique must have a range of one-hundred meters to work.

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge Empty Re: Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Post by Ren Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:12 pm

    Suiton Techniques

    Name: Hiding in Mist Technique
    Rank: D
    Cost: 3
    Range: 125 m.
    Speed: C (only applicable when expelled)
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Village Specific (Kiri)
    Requirement: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Handseals: Seal of Confrontation
    Description: The user conjures a thick, white mist which reduces visibility to absolute zero. This can be achieved by using a water source such as a lake, reservoir, or being in a damp environment. If no sources are present the user can still produce a mist by expelling it from their mouth.
    Drawbacks: Just like real life fog the mist can only exist in conditions where it can survive. Very hot, arid climates force the mist to evaporate (clearing up over two rotations.) In addition the mist can be cleared by strong winds or sudden bursts.

    Name: Water Prison Technique
    Rank: C
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: Contact | 0 - 5 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Kirigakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake → Ram → Horse → Hare → Ram → Horse → Hare
    Description: The first version of this technique allows the user to spew water directly from their mouth and have it quickly form a sphere around their target trapping it within the confines of the prison. This version does not require pre existing water, however, must require the user to maintain contact with the water prison at all times.

    The second version of this technique allows the user to create water prisons without the need for direct contact, requiring a source of preexisting water. The user channels their chakra through the body of water, in most cases through their feet, to create the water prison and maintain it over the victim. The user must maintain contact with the body of water that is used to create the prison in order to sustain it.

    In both cases the water constantly pulls inwards towards the core protecting it from outer threats, meaning those caught partially in the technique will be drawn inside. The pressure prevents any movement meaning those trapped are doomed to drown or be detained. Despite its name the user may also cast it upon themselves as a form of defense. It is said to be as strong as steel.

    Weaknesses: The user must maintain contact with the sphere otherwise it loses structure.

    Name: Water Release: Water Bullet Technique
    Rank: C
    Cost: 5
    Upkeep: 3
    Range: 50 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirement: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Handseals: Tiger > Ox > Tiger > Rat
    Description: The Water Release: Water Bullet Technique is a highly versatile Water Release technique which has many variations. After kneading chakra in their stomach, the user expels a large quantity of water in the form of a powerful torrent aimed towards their intended target. The user may also sustain the water flow for an upkeep.

    This technique can also be used collaboratively to increase its range and effect.
    Drawbacks: N/A

    Name: Water Release: Gunshot
    Rank: C
    Cost: 5
    Range: 80 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirement: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Handseals: Tiger
    Description: After kneading and converting their chakra into water, the user will shoot one or more condensed blasts of water at the target. The size is dependent on how much water the user can store in their body. The technique can gain an additional + to its Speed when used aerially.
    Drawbacks: N/A

    Name: Hiding in Water Technique
    Rank: C
    Cost: 5
    Upkeep: 3
    Range: Self
    Speed: Two Tiers below user Speed
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirement: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Handseals: -
    Description: The user becomes one with their element, merging their body with a water source. They can freely move around undetected and materialize themselves silently when it is time to strike becoming extremely effective when ambushing unsuspecting foe.
    Drawbacks: Despite being undetectable from the average eye, certain doujutsu and chakra sensing technique can pick up the user's signature. In addition, the user can also be damaged even when merged.

    Name: Water Clone Technique
    Rank: C
    Cost: -
    Range: 25 m.
    Speed: -
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirement: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Handseals: Tiger
    Description: By using water as a medium, the user can create one or more clones of themselves. While the clones can perform techniques, they only possess one-tenth of the user's chakra and cannot go too far from the original. The clones can also be used as a medium to perform other Water Release techniques, as demonstrated by Kisame when he reverted their arms into water to perform the Water Prison Technique. When these clones are struck with a sufficient amount of force they will revert to their water form. The clones can be created anywhere within a 25 m. range of the user, unlike the Shadow Clone technique which requires clones to be created next to the user (such ranged spawning would require the clone to be spawned from a pre-existing source of water)
    Drawbacks: When casting this technique the user's stamina must be above 30% in order to maintain control over his/her clones. In addition, the user must maintain general concentration to maintain their clone's presence. If at any time the user is inflicted with heavy damage in contrast with their Constitution all clones will be dispersed. The user must be within 25 m. of their clone.

    Name: Water Release: Waterfall Basin Technique
    Rank: C
    Cost: 5
    Upkeep: 1
    Range: -
    Speed: -
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirement: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Handseals: Boar > Dog > Ram
    Description: The technique is done by creating water through the earth and manipulating the current to form a waterfall. The scale of the waterfall is determined by the user and must be sustained by the user's chakra. The user must be within 50 meters of the waterfall to continue to feel it chakra. This technique requires very little focus allowing the user to perform other tasks without having to focus on feeding this one chakra.
    Drawbacks: Must be created over soil. Concrete and other sealed surfaces will not allow the technique to function.

    Name: Water Release: Starch Syrup Capturing Field
    Rank: C
    Cost: 5
    Upkeep: 3
    Range: 30 m.
    Speed: C
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirement: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Handseals: Ram > Tiger
    Description: The user spews an incredibly viscous water from their mouth which travels over and coats any surface. Coming in contact with the water binds the target trapping their movements from the point of contact. In addition, the user can manipulate the water with their chakra to catch opponents unaware. When manipulating the water it moves at E-tier Speeds.
    Drawbacks: The water-syrup can be cut from the target in order to break free. Also, utilizing the Water Walking Technique can bypass the technique's effects.

    Name: Water Release: Wild Bubble Wave
    Rank: C
    Cost: 5
    Range: 50 m.
    Speed: C
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirement: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Handseals: Tiger
    Description: The user expels a bubbly, foam-like substance from their mouth which generously covers the surface it comes in contact with, lubricating it in the process. This makes traveling over said surface almost impossible without losing traction.
    Drawbacks: N/A

    Name: Water Release: Water Whip
    Rank: C
    Cost: 5
    Upkeep: 3
    Range: 10 m.
    Speed: -
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirement: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Handseals: Rat > Dog > Ox
    Description: The user creates a whip made of water that can wrap around the opponent. The user can also channel lightning chakra to shock anyone wrapped in it. It can also be used like an ordinary whip to cause physical damage to an opponent.
    Drawbacks: Opponents may also discharge lightning release through your whip damaging you as the user.

    Name: Water Release: Hiding in Rain Technique
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: Suiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon | Land of Rain Exclusive
    Requirements: Rain
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: A technique developed by the shinobi of the hidden Rain village to allow them to move unseen, considering it was always raining within their country. Unlike techniques like hiding in Shadows/Surface/Rock/etc., the user does not merge with the Rain but rather uses the rain to distort the outside perception against them, this results in a -1 tier to perception to see them. If the opponent's perception drops below the user's coordination, the user becomes effectively invisible to the opponent as long as they do not move at a speed faster than C-Rank.
    Weaknesses: -

    Name: Water Release: Black Rain
    Rank: B
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: 0-50m
    Speed: C
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open Canon
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Ram -> Snake -> Tiger
    Description: This technique creates a flammable black mist that forms a small cloud. The user can then move the cloud above their target and disperse it, covering the target in flammable oil. This technique can be further combined with additional techniques, allowing creative shinobi to control the environment, and use it to great effect against multiple opponents. The oil can be ignited with flame, electricity, etc, causing terrible burns (C-rank Katon equivalent) over a wide area.
    Weaknesses: Surprisingly, this technique can be effectively neutralized by additional Water Release techniques of C-rank or higher; washing or scrubbing the oil away. The rain clouds themselves can be eliminated with Wind Style.

    Name: Water Release: Marine Battle Formation Technique
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 35 m.
    Speed: User's Coordination
    Element: Suiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: Preexisting Water
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals:Boar → Dog → Horse → Tiger
    Description: After making the necessary hand signs the user can direct a large spiraling stream of water into any direction they desire, letting it crash upon or against opponents from any desired angle or direction.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death
    Rank: B
    Cost: 10
    Range: 10 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Requirements: N/A
    Classification: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Handseals: Tiger
    Description: By using a nearby water source or forming them out of the air using moisture, the user forms one-thousand needles made of water. Their density and structure are enhanced using chakra giving them a deeper penetration, being able to pierce five-millimeter thick steel (assumed C-grade quality.) The user creates a narrow escape route for themselves from which after they exit the user can safely trigger the technique, mutilating whatever is left within.
    Drawbacks: This is considered a close quarters technique, thus the need to lure the opponent within that range is necessary while managing to create hand seals.

    Name: Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave
    Rank: B
    Cost: 10
    Range: 250 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirement: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Handseals: Snake
    Description: The user spits out a great volume of water from their mouth, swallowing up and crushing the enemy with the advancing surge. The user can ride the wave, allowing them to move at high speed, and attack the enemy, now swept off their feet, without fear of counter-attacks.
    Drawbacks: N/A

    Name: Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique
    Rank: B
    Cost: 10
    Upkeep: 5
    Range: 0 - 100 m.
    Speed: One tier below the user's Coordination
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: Preexisting Water
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Handseals: Monkey > Bird > Yang Water > Rat > Boar > Bird
    Description: The user shapes a large amount of water into a giant, powerful dragon, which hits the opponent with formidable might dealing great physical damage. The user can freely manipulate the dragon around the body of water and even travel upon it as long as it stays within 100 m. of its control.
    Drawbacks: Requires a large body of water to be used such as a small lake, ocean, or reservoir. An attack or technique large enough to sever the body will effectively end the technique.

    Name: Water Release: Water Fang Bullet
    Rank: B
    Cost: 10
    Range: 20 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: Preexisting Water
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Handseals: Tiger
    Description: This is a technique that deals physical damage to the enemy with a liquid mass brought forth from underwater. Its power to kill and maim is augmented by adding a spinning motion to the compactly pressured water acting almost like a steel drill. During fights on water the user can take advantage of its characteristic ability to attack from anywhere in a 360 degrees radius. The user can create three per usage.
    Drawbacks: Must require a body of water in order to use this technique.

    Name: Water Release: Water Formation Wall
    Rank: B
    Cost: 10
    Upkeep: 5
    Range: 15 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Handseals: Tiger > Snake > Rat > Snake > Tiger
    Description: This defensive technique creates a wall of water around the user. Enemy attacks are completely intercepted by a fence of water blown out from the mouth, and is raised from below with tremendous might. The water is blown out in the form of a circle around the user, and it makes for a defense without openings. It is also possible for the user to control the amount of water and duration at will. It may also be used with an already pre existing source.
    Drawbacks: N/A

    Name: Dustless Bewildering Cover
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: Instant
    Element: Suiton
    Skill: Sensory
    Classification: Iwagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: None
    Parent Technique: Chakra Suppression
    Hand Seals: None
    Description: The Dustless Bewildering Cover technique is a legendary jutsu designed specifically to thwart every form of sensory. It initiates by drawing moisture from the air and using it as a coat around the user to physically bend the light in the vicinity so as to make the user appear invisible. This is an alternate method to the Transparent Escape Technique and is the only reason the user can avoid being seen without triggering a sensory response. The water is kept in place by the user's minimal use in chakra, which requires great chakra control and focus; because focus is governed by Intelligence, the user of this technique is limited in Coordination and Speed to two tiers less than the user's Intelligence. While the user can attempt to move faster than this, they will outrun the water and be seen -forcing the water to keep up via chakra will increase output to the point that they will be sensed immediately.

    Despite its reputation, this jutsu does not actually erase the user's physical presence. It removes all traces of it. This is because, in addition to suppressing chakra and bending light, it covers the user's footprints as they step, not making them light as air, rather, using remnant chakra to affect the ground and return it to its original state.

    Weaknesses: The key to this jutsu is minimal chakra use. If the user activates any technique while this one is active, they will be vulnerable to sensing. Additionally, the method by which the user suppresses his chakra with this technique is different from the parent method. It is more involved, controlling specific fluctuations of energy to both keep the jutsu active and blend in with the environment. Despite this, it is not perfect, and the method of suppression leaves vulnerability to similarly skilled sensors, those who are able to sense the same or better depth than the user to notice the flaws in the pattern of flow and thwart the technique. This is a direct comparison between the user's Perception and any that are able to sense him. If the enemy has equal or greater Perception, then they can sense the user at any distance. While most Doujutsu are ineffective against this technique, the Byakugan is able to see through it.

    Name: Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave
    Rank: A
    Cost: 20
    Range: 500 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirement: N/A
    Parent Technique: Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave
    Handseals: Ram
    Description: This technique is a larger version of the Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave. With it, the user spews out a massive amount of water, covering an entire area with crushing waves.
    Drawbacks: N/A

    Name: Water Release: Water Severing Wave
    Rank: A
    Cost: 20
    Upkeep: 10
    Range: 100 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirement: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Handseals: Tiger > Rat > Horse > Snake > Dragon > Hands clap
    Description: After kneading chakra in the stomach and converting it into water, the user spews it out as a high pressure stream that is powerful enough to cut cleanly through several trees with ease.
    Drawbacks: N/A

    Name: Water Release: Water Formation Pillar
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-25m
    Speed: S
    Element: Suiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open Canon
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Water Release: Water Formation Wall
    Hand Seals: Tiger
    Description: Like it's Parent Technique, Water Formation Pillar is a defensive technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into water and then expelled from the mouth in a dense, curved torrent, near-instantaneously creating a circular barricade that can be used to intercept incoming attacks. This is on a larger scale than that of the parent technique and can snuff out even the strongest fire techniques like Great fire Destruction that would normally take several water users to fight against it.
    Weaknesses: -

    Name: Ukojizai no Jutsu 雨虎自在の術 (Rain Tiger At Will Technique)
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 0.5
    Range: Entire Subforum (Full Minor Country/Quarter Major Country)
    Speed: Instant
    Element: Suiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu | Sensory
    Classification: Amegakure Exclusive
    Requirements: Sensory Skill | Suiton Element | Ninjutsu Skill
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Bird → Rat → Ox → Monkey → Rat → Snake
    Description: Rainclouds coalesce high above the user spreading out and darkening the sky as a Torrential downpour of rain begins, this rain is made of the users chakra as such they are able to manipulate where the rain falls within its range. Due to the fact that the rain is infused with their chakra, they are able to effectively "sense" through every raindrop allowing them to discern the shape of anything the rain falls on to as well as pick out sources or masses of the chakra (people or jutsu) that come into contact with the rain. After one post of activation the water of the rain will begin to pool onto the ground making puddles, this allows the user to use the water produced by this Technique as a Pre-Existing Water Source for other techniques though not others may not use it. (This does not extend to pre-existing water sources that the rain falls into such as rivers/ponds/lake/etc.) The water created by this technique persists for 3 posts after the technique has ended.
    Weaknesses: Those that are under the cover of shelter with the rain/water not touching them can't be mapped out/sensed (only whatever shelter they are using will be seen)

    Name: Crashing Waves
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: 100m
    Speed: S
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Water Source
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Horse
    Description: Crashing Waves is a technique designed to knock people off of their feet and keep them that way. The waves begin by the user and require a large source of water. Once this requirement is met the water will churn and pull before becoming a large wave that moves over the user and crashes down into the area of the target. The water will then of course spread out in all directions forming a 100m wide area of water. The wave impacts with S rank force and furthermore will knock those with lesser strength off of their feet, beholden to the push and pull of the waves. Maintaining this technique will allow the water to maintain it’s tumultuous movement and keep those who have been knocked off of their feet off of them. The user has enough control of the waves to direct the waves toward them or away but none beyond that. Meaning they can force targets away from them with the push of the waves. Or bring them toward them with the pull of them.
    Weaknesses: Large source of water nearby, boosted strength allows a target to escape the waves.

    Name: Grand Whirlpool
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: 50m
    Speed: S
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Water Source
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Bear
    Description: Grand Whirlpool creates an enormous whirlpool beneath the feet of the target. Of course this requires the target to be standing on a rather large source of water, however should this prerequisite be met the waters will begin to spin at S rank speed and a whirlpool will form over the duration of a single post. The whirlpool, should one be stuck within its depths, will spin those caught within it around the area of the whirlpool at the same speed as the spin. It will also draw the target down deeper into the whirlpool over the course of the next post. Should they reach the bottom of the whirlpool it will close violently and suddenly, dealing S rank damage to any caught beneath.
    Weaknesses: Strength higher than jutsu power will allow one to swim out of the whirlpools hold. Although it is important to note that the pressure of the pool will make it impossible for flight based techs to let their users escape without that strength requirement. Of course one could also escape by propelling oneself upward with higher strength than the technique if one can manage it.

    Name: Pressure Drill
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 100m
    Speed: S
    Element: Water
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Rat
    Description: Pressure Drill is a technique designed to impact something with a large amount of water. The user however will be able to generate this water themselves, forming it in their stomach before expelling it from the mouth like many other water ninjutsu. The water, when being expelled, will form a spiraling drill that expands to 10m wide and flows in the direction the technique is aimed. Should the technique impact something it will do so with S rank force however due to the extreme pressures and the drilling motion, will also have that damage count as piercing damage.
    Weaknesses: -

    Name: Draconic Form: River Dragon
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: Suiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Parent Technique:
    Hand Seals: Dragon
    Description: The user manipulates their Suiton chakra, surrounding themselves in a cloak in the shape of a Human-Sized Dragon aura made of water around them. Unlike most of the other Draconic Forms, this one is purely supplemental and is actually designed to help in evading or out running an opponent to escape. Draconic Form: River Dragon increases the user's perception by 1-Tier as well as their speed by 1-Tier. This also makes the River Dragon more complex than the other forms, as rather than simply dealing with their elemental chakra they must also focus non-elemental chakra to the bottom of their feet to increase their speed. The water that forms around the users face, mainly around the eyes themself are crystal clear still water. While able to see through the water when looked through directly, when view through their peripherals, the water appears almost like a transparent mirrored surface giving them more of a view behind them. As a result of this, the user's peripheral vision is also increased to 270° around them, however they cannot see directly behind themselves.
    Weaknesses: The user becomes susceptible to Raiton Based attacks, dealing double the damage to them when hit.

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge Empty Re: Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Post by Ren Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:13 pm

    Doton Techniques

    Name: Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: 3
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 10 m.
    Speed: -
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: Preexisting Earth
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: This technique conceals the user underground and drags the object of their attack down into the earth, robbing them of their freedom, leaving them completely unable to move after they're underground. The user can only move in a linear fashion and can only remain underground for one post before they lose the ability to tunnel and must resurface or reactivate.
    Weaknesses: The user must have some way of sensing the target above or know where their target is before submerging.

    Name: Rock Clone
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 25m
    Speed: -
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open (Canon)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Clone Technique
    Hand Seals: Ram → Monkey → Horse → Ram
    Description: By using earth as a medium, the user can create one or more clones of themselves by expelling earth from their mouth. While the clones can perform techniques, they only possess one-tenth of the user's chakra and cannot go too far from the original. The clones can also be used as a medium to perform other Earth Release techniques. When these clones are struck with a sufficient amount of force they will revert to their rock form.
    Weaknesses: When casting this technique the user's stamina must be above 30% in order to maintain control over his/her clones. In addition, the user must maintain general concentration to maintain their clone's presence. If at any time the user is inflicted with heavy damage in contrast with their Constitution all clones will be dispersed. The user must be within 25 m. of their clone.

    Name: Earth Release: Earth Flow River
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: 0 - 5 m.
    Speed: C
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger | Ox | Tiger | Snake
    Description: The user transforms the surface underneath their opponent into a river that sweeps them off their feet and carries them downstream 20 meters away. This technique can also be used as a medium for the Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet technique.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Earth Release: Earth Shore Return
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: -
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: Preexisting Earth
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Ox | Hare | Dragon | Palms on Earth
    Description: After striking the ground with their hands the user creates a large wall of earth in front of them. The defense is not perfect though, since a hard or drilling impact, such as the Spiked Human Bullet Tank technique, can puncture the wall. Also, since this technique only guards against frontal attacks, the enemy can easily attack from the side or even from above.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Earth Release: Subterranean Voyage
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: A technique that transforms the earth surrounding the user into a fluid, allowing them to close in on the enemy with high speed by swimming underground. Since being under the ground is a blind spot, the target has no warning; allowing the user to launch a surprise attack. By using this technique in conjunction with a weapon, it also gains great effect as an "assault ninjutsu."
    Weaknesses: The user must have a way of detecting the target or the surface above.

    Name: Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: Self
    Speed: One tier below the user's Speed
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: This technique changes earth into fine sand by channeling chakra into it, allowing the user to dig through it like a mole. This effect goes around the body (not just the hands), making it just large enough for a person to move through. The user can pinpoint where they are, despite being underground, by sensing the magnetic forces. They can also sense what is happening on the surface and use that information to launch a surprise attack on the enemy. The range for this sensing is 50 meters. One can also hide deep in the ground, escaping to a depth where the enemy can't reach. It also appears that after digging, the ground can be returned to its original state, leaving no trace of where the user entered the earth.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0 - 30 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: Preexisting Earth
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger | Boar | Ox | Palms on Earth
    Description: This technique causes the ground surrounding the enemy to spiral inwards on itself, burying them alive or crushing them. This technique is capable of causing quite a bit of damage to the area.[2] This technique is much more damaging if used in rocky mountainous areas, or inside a cave.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Earth Release: Stone Pistol Technique
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0 - 70 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Monkey | Dog | Boar | Ox
    Description: This technique is used by Iwagakure shinobi in which bullet-sized bits of rock are expelled from the user's mouth with great speed and force. After they are fired, the chunks expand into huge boulders.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Earth Release: Hiding in Rock Technique
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: Self
    Speed: 2 Tiers below User's Speed
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user becomes one with their element, merging their body with the earth itself. They can freely move around through stone undetected and materialize themselves silently when it is time to strike becoming extremely effective when ambushing unsuspecting foe.
    Weaknesses: Despite being undetectable from the average eye, certain doujutsu and chakra sensing technique can pick up the user's signature. In addition, the user can also be damaged even when merged.

    Name: Earth Release: Earth and Stone Dragon
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 100 m.
    Speed: One tier below user's Coordination
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: Preexisting Earth
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Horse → Dog → Bird → Ox → Snake
    Description: The user creates a dragon made from the ground to attack the opponent. The user can freely manipulate the dragon around the earth and even travel upon it as long as it stays within 100 m. of its control.
    Weaknesses: Requires Earth. An attack or technique large enough to sever the body will effectively end the technique.

    Name: Earth Release: Earth Prison Dome of Magnificent Nothingness
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 10 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: Preexisting Earth
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Ox | Boar | Dragon | Horse | Tiger | Palms on Earth
    Description: This technique traps the victims inside a self-repairing dome of earth which is almost instantaneously able to reform, even after Kiba hit it with his Passing Fang. The user can also absorb the chakra of everyone trapped within the dome (5 CP per post per person.) The user must remain in contact with the dome with both hands to drain the victim's chakra and keep the dome repairing.
    Weaknesses: The user must remain in constant contact to yield the benefits of the technique.

    Name: Earth Release: Earth Mausoleum Dumpling
    Rank: B
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 3
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: -
    Speed: -
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: B-tier Strength
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: With chakra work and superhuman strength, Jirōbō lifts up the very surface of the Earth. The lump of earth is gigantic, guaranteeing its destructive power. But even just the visual impact can be enough to make enemies lose their fighting spirits and run away. The ball of earth is then hurled at his opponent, flattening everything in its path. The range and speed is determined by the user's strength.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: -
    Speed: B
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger → Hare → Boar → Dog
    Description: The user creates a solid wall of earth as a form of defence. Chakra is either converted to earth within the body and then spat out to form the wall or the user can manipulate pre-existing earth to form the wall. The earth then instantly rises up and takes form.

    The barrier itself is also coated with chakra, making its strength incomparable to that of a normal mud wall. Because of the earth's special characteristics, the wall is highly resistant against, for instance, fire and water. Also, for a Kage-class shinobi it is possible to create a vast volume of earth.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Earth Release: Opening Earth Rising Excavation
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 100 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: Preexisting Earth
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Ox | Horse | Snake | Palms on Earth
    Description: With this technique, the user can bring up on the surface something that is deep underground. The targets are launched in air with great strength and speed, the result of which has the appearance and nearly size of an erupting volcano. It can force a large number of soldiers hidden underground to resurface all at once. The volcano is created in front of the user, in which within a 100 meter radius the underground is drawn towards the volcano before being forced upwards through the chute.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Earth Release: Rock Lodging Destruction
    Rank: B
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: -
    Speed: -
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: Preexisting Earth
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger | Rat | Snake | Tiger | Horse | Palms on Earth
    Description: This technique causes a cave-in by destroying the equilibrium that holds the cave together. Just removing a single vital stone throws off the balance of the cave, making it unexpectedly fragile and causing a domino effect that destroys the entire cave. The shinobi from Iwagakure use this technique as part of their pride tactic, luring several enemies into a cave to kill them all at once.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Earth Release: Rock Collapse
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 10 m.
    Speed: -
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake | Hare | Dragon | Horse | Tiger | Palms on Earth
    Description: This technique crumbles earth into large, rough boulders or small pebbles. It can be used to destroy Earth Release technique of its rank or weaker, though it's most commonly used from a higher ground. The users cause rocks formations to break apart, falling down on their opponents and crushing them.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Earth Release: Earth Spear
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake
    Description: The user flows chakra through all parts of their body causing it to become noticeably darker, which increases their defensive power to its utmost limits by making the skin ultra durable. It grants A-Rank Armour for as long as it is maintained and allows the user to deal C-Rank Damage per strike (this is in addition to their regular damage output from their Strength stat).

    This technique can also be used without the hand seal to cover up to one fourth of the body, but at the same cost. This can be useful for last minute defensive maneuvers or surprise assault tactics.

    Weaknesses: Because the durability of this technique is on par with chakra enhanced stone, which is greater than steel but lesser than the bones of the Shikotsumyaku Kekkei Genkai, there are harder materials out there that, when focused to a point or blade, may be able to pierce its defense. In addition, it is still a B-Rank Ninjutsu and can be overpowered by other techniques of superior rank, and in the case of Raiton, techniques of one rank less.

    Name: Earth Release: Sticky Earth Drop
    Rank: B
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: 50m
    Speed: C
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: None
    Parent Technique: None
    Hand Seals: Rat → Monkey → Boar → Snake
    Description: A portal opens above the target,  releasing a mass of mud onto the opponent. This mud adheres to the target and weighs it down,  restricting the movement of anything with less than B-Tier Strength. The mud can then be ignited by fire to both increase the damage output of a Katon technique applied to it by one rank and solidify,  encasing the target in solid earth.
    Weaknesses: This technique deals no damage on its own and can be avoided fairly easily due to its Speed. Even when solidified, the mud can be broken by B-Tier or higher Strength.

    Name: Earth Release: Moving Earth Core
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: 50m
    Speed: B
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Hare | Snake | Boar | Tiger | Palms on Ground
    Description: This technique grants the user the ability to lower or raise the ground in the surrounding area, allowing them to create giant holes or elevations in the ground. The size of the affected area as well as the depths that it is lowered or raised to is also up to the user. With precise timing, this technique can be used to evade incoming attacks, as well as to endanger opponents by moving them into the path of an oncoming attack reducing their reaction time as well as knocking them off balance, making it even harder to avoid the attack. Other than being moved below or above ground — relative to the surrounding surface — the terrain is not altered as plant life and people retain their same positions when this technique is used.
    Weaknesses: The technique must be activated again in order to return the terrain back to its original state. Only one terrain shift can occur per use of this jutsu.

    Name: Earth Release: Tunnelling Technique
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 50m
    Speed: B
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Ram -> Dog -> Rat -> Bird
    Description: This is a technique that allows the user to create tunnels in the ground, which can be used for infiltration purposes for teams that possess members that do not have Doton nature chakra, allowing the whole team to move together underground. Each activation clears a path up to 50 meters, after which it would need to be used again to make the tunnel longer.
    Weaknesses: other Earth Release Techniques can cause the tunnel to collapse.

    Name: Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: Self/Contact
    Speed: -
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Iwagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: Ninjutsu
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake
    Description: This technique enhances the target's gravity at the user's discretion. It can diminish an opponent's mobility, as the person is crushed by gravity. This technique reduces target's speed and coordination by a single tier and a minus via a boost debuff. For an additional B Rank amount of chakra the user can cause petrification symptoms whereby a thick layer of rock begins to cover the target. Over the course of two posts, the target will be encased in a rocky shell that completely paralyzes them. When this technique is applied to the user or an ally it decreases their speed (1 Tier and a minus) but the increased weight drastically improves their strength (1 Tier and a plus).
    Weaknesses: If an opponent has a Strength of B+ they can reduce the debuff to a single tier. If they have a Strength of B++ it becomes two minuses. If they have a Strength of A they can resist the debuff effects completely. Although Petrification is quite strength resistant (requires A Rank Strength to shatter) it is still vulnerable to certain elemental techniques. Lightning techniques of C Rank and up short circuits and nullifies the spread of the Doton over the target's body. Fire techniques B Rank and above causes the petrified rock to crumble and burns out the Doton chakra to prevent further spreading.

    Name: Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock Technique
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: Contact/Self
    Speed: -
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Iwagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: Ninjutsu
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Contrary to its counterpart, this technique reduces one's gravity, making it much lighter thereby increasing their speed and maneuverability. This is represented as an increase to the Coordination and Speed stat by a Tier and a plus. For an additional B Rank amount of chakra, the atmosphere, along with their body, can be lightened in order to take flight. The user's and/or ally's skill with flight are determined by the Speed and Coordination stats. This technique has the consequence of decreasing the affected person's strength by a Tier and a minus.
    Weaknesses: A person affected by this technique can be thrown farther when actually struck.

    Name: Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 100 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: Preexisting Mud
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Ram → Horse → Dragon
    Description: After creating a mud source, the user creates a dragon-like head to shoot mud balls at an opponent at incredibly high speeds. To be more threatening, the user can combine this technique with Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet to make the mud balls become searing hot.
    Weaknesses: The technique is stationary like a turret, only being able to pivot.

    Name: Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 100 m.
    Speed: -
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: Preexisting Earth
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Boar → Tiger
    Description: By changing the surface of an object beneath the target into mud and creating a swamp, the user can sink their target into the mud. The adhesive, chakra-infused mud ensnares the body, making it almost impossible to recover one's strength and escape from the swamp. The size and depth of the created swamp depends on the user's skill and the amount of chakra used, but if the user is an expert in this technique, it will always be possible to make a fair-sized swamp which is extremely effective against a great number of enemies or when having to face gigantic creatures.
    Weaknesses: Anyone can negate the effects of this technique by using the Water Walking Technique. Also, if a person is trapped, they can be "reeled out" by an ally or using an object not influenced by the technique.

    Name: Earth Release: Great Moving Earth Core
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0 - 150 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: Preexisting Earth
    Parent Technique: Earth Release: Moving Earth Core
    Hand Seals: Hare → Ram → Snake → Hare → Ram → Snake
    Description: This technique grants the user the ability to freely lower or raise the terrain within a specific area surrounding them, in a similar manner to its parent technique, albeit on a much larger scale. This allows them to create giant holes or elevations in the ground, one of which was large enough to trap the Ten-Tails in.
    Weaknesses: The technique must be activated again in order to return the terrain back to its original state. Only one terrain shift can occur per use of this jutsu.

    Name: Earth Release: Multiple Earth-Style Walls
    Rank: A
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: -
    Speed: A
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: Preexisting Earth
    Parent Technique: Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall
    Hand Seals: Palms on Earth
    Description: Like the parent technique, it creates a reinforced wall of earth to be used as a defensive mechanism. Using a pre-existing source of earth however, it allows the user to create multiple walls of earth, further fortifying their defense, so that even while the outer walls are destroyed the inner ones are still left intact. Creates up to 30 walls each at B-rank power.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Earth Release: Rock Pillar Spears
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Range:0 - 30 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: Preexisting Earth
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Gesture hand at target
    Description: This technique lets the user create a few rock pillars that will protrude from the ground to skew the target. The rock pillars will even pass through obstacles to reach their target.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Earth Release: Iron Prison
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 100m radius
    Speed: A (Wall Creation)
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Ram -> Dog -> Hare -> Rat
    Description: Forming the required hand seals the user flows their chakra into the earth beneath them and out all around them spreading over a Radius of 100 meters before large, condensed stone 100-meter-tall wall form an arena around the area. These walls have a durability of A-Rank and look as though they are Iron, though really it is simply because the earth used to create them is so compacted by the chakra. The user's chakra also visible changes the terrain of the area within the walls, becoming a large trench with the soil exposed, not leaving any trace of the original vegetation. Due to the fact that the earth within the arena now holds the user's laten chakra within it, they are able to use less chakra with Doton techniques within the area costing them 1-Rank lower in chakra cost, however other users are forced to pay more chakra in order to manipulate the earth for Doton techniques costing them 1-Rank higher in chakra cost.
    Weaknesses: If any section of the walls are damaged, they all disappear in a puff of smoke, ending the technique's benefits but the terrain within the area remains altered. The Chakra Reduction granted by this technique does not stack with other Chakra Reductions.

    Name: Earth Release: Mud Shadow Clone
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 1km
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: Shadow Clone
    Parent Technique: Shadow Clone
    Hand Seals: Clone Seal or Tiger
    Description: This technique allows the user to make a shadow clone infused with Doton Chakra. Because it is a shadow clone, it is able to perform techniques and interact with the environment due to it having physical substance; evenly distributes the user's chakra to each clone created allowing them to use Doton Ninjutsu. Unlike other Shadow clones, if the clone is destroyed it will revert into mud and if it still possesses chakra, it can reform allowing it to continue fighting until all of its chakra is gone. This reforming after taking damage costs 3 Chakra from the clone's reserves.
    Weaknesses: Unlike a regular Shadow Clone, this clone does not send chakra back to the user, due to the fact that it goes until it has no more chakra.

    Name: Earth Release: Ultra-Added-Weight Rock Technique
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: Self/Contact
    Speed: -
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Iwagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This is a much stronger version of the Added Weight Rock Technique. This technique enhances the target's gravity at the user's discretion. It can diminish an opponent's mobility, as the person is crushed by gravity. This technique reduces the target's speed and coordination by 2 Tiers via a base debuff. For an additional A Rank amount of chakra the user can cause petrification symptoms whereby a thick layer of rock begins to cover the target. Over the course of a single post, the target will be encased in a rocky shell that completely paralyzes them. When this technique is applied to the user or an ally it decreases their speed (2 Tiers) but the increased weight drastically improves their strength (2 Tiers).
    Weaknesses: If an opponent has a Strength of A+ they can reduce the debuff to a Tier and two minuses. If they have a Strength of A++ it becomes a single Tier. If they have a Strength of S Rank they can resist the debuff effects completely. Although Petrification is quite strength resistant (requires S+ Rank Strength to shatter) it is still vulnerable to certain elemental techniques. Lightning techniques of A Rank and up short circuits and nullifies the spread of the Doton over the target's body. S Rank Fire techniques cause the petrified rock to crumble and burn out the Doton chakra to prevent further spreading.

    Name: Earth Release: Golem Technique
    Rank: A
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 0m-100m
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Iwagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: Ninjutsu
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Seal of Confrontation
    Description: This technique allows the user to create a large, humanoid creature composed of rock that can either be expelled from the user's mouth, or formed from a pre-existing source of earth. Using Preexisting Earth makes the creation process within the post, however, expelling the Golem from one's mouth takes a full round to create. The creature responds to the user's will and thus acts as an excellent support and shield. The golem can morph its hands into very basic and simplistic weapons such as mallets, shields, and swords. Due to the constant upkeep the golem regenerates damage dealt at the end of each round, meaning complete destruction is necessary to eliminate it.

    Strength: S
    Constitution: S
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Stamina: -
    Perception: -
    Intelligence: -

    Weaknesses: The golem relies on the user's Perception, Intelligence, and overall mental commands in order to take action. If the user falls unconscious the golem will crumble. If the user is mentally incapacitated but conscious (Genjutsu for example) the golem will remain still or obey the last mental command given so long as chakra is supplied. Lightning technique A-rank or higher will destroy the golem entirely without taking in account its durability.

    Name: Earthen Wave
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 100m Diameter
    Speed: A
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Boar - Dog - Bird - Dragon
    Description: Earthen Wave is a technique that causes the ground beneath the users feet to rise up and down in a ring around them. The technique starts 1m away from the user and the wave ripples out to up to 50m around them in every direction. The wave will create a sort of rising earthen wave that rises to up to 10m high, providing visual cover from techniques and such if necessary and will carry a striking force of jutsu power. The wave is 5m across and the ground it leaves behind is left as it was before the wave moved through it. Causing it to appear normal.

    Name: Guardian Dragon
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0-15 meter radius
    Speed: A
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Dragon Summoning Contract Exclusive
    Requirements: Signed Dragon Summoning Contract
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Tiger -> Ram -> Serpent -> Dragon
    Description: A technique taught by the dragons to summoners that have signed their contract, after forming the needed hand seals the user brings forth an earthen dragon that surrounds the user and anyone within the radius in a stone dome. This dome is capable of withstanding an attack from an S-Rank technique, leaving those within completely unharmed. The dome dissipates after it blocks the attack, crumbling to the ground as small particles that do not harm anyone but can lower the perception of everyone in the particles and trying to see into the particles by -1 Tier.
    Weaknesses: Raiton Techniques of A-Rank can destroy the dome, those inside are still unharmed, however an S-Rank Raiton Technique can completely blast through the dome and possibly hit those within.

    Name: Earth Release: Ultra-Added-Light-Weight Rock Technique
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: Contact/Self
    Speed: -
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Iwagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This technique is a more advanced version of the Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock Technique, in which the user drastically decreases the weight of their target, but to a much greater extent than that of the original ability. This is represented as an increase to the Coordination and Speed stat by 2 Tiers. For an additional B Rank amount of chakra, the atmosphere, along with their body, can be lightened in order to take flight. The user's and/or ally's skill with flight are determined by the Speed and Coordination stats. This technique has the consequence of decreasing the affected person's strength by 2 Tiers. The user can also use this technique to lift enormous objects that they normally wouldn't be able to such as a meteorite or an entire island.
    Weaknesses: A person affected by this technique can be thrown farther when actually struck.

    Name: Earth Release: Sandwich Technique
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 250 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: Earth
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Iwagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: Preexisting Earth
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger → Ram → Rat → Slam hands on the ground
    Description: The user creates two enormous rock formations, each 250 meters in height and length, that close in on the opponent from opposing sides with tremendous force, smashing everything caught in between. Both of these formations are capable of dwarfing even the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path in size, and each half has the symbol of Iwagakure inscribed upon it. Kitsuchi stated that this was his strongest technique, standing as a testament to both this ability's destructive potential and its difficulty.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Grand Tremor
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: 300m
    Speed: S
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Boar - Horse - Dog
    Description: Grand Tremor is a technique that creates a sizable earthquake throughout its range from the user. This causes the ground to shake violently and cause those standing to fall if they have any less than A coordination when the technique reaches them. They will be unable to regain their footing while the technique is maintained so long as they do not get above A rank coordination again. Secondary, while this technique does not do damage on its own normally. Its range does extend down too, and any that are underground when the range of the techniques reaches them will take jutsu power damage.
    Weaknesses: -

    Name: Draconic Form: Earth Dragon
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Dragon
    Description: The user manipulates their Doton Chakra, surrounding themselves in a cloak in the shape of a Human-Sized Dragon aura made of Stone around them. Unlike the other Draconic Forms, this one is purely Defensive offering a 2-Tier Boost to their Constitution Stat.
    Weaknesses: Raiton Based Techniques of S-Rank can break through the Chakra Armor, bypassing the +2 Tier modifier to the user's Constitution Dealing its full power to the user's base Constitution or whatever Armor is underneath.

    Name: Seismic Sense
    Rank: S
    Power: N/A
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: 0.5
    Range: 500 Meter Radius
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Sensory
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Sensory Skill
    Parent Technique: Sensing Technique
    Hand Seals: Ox, Snake, Dragon (feet must be touching ground)
    Description: The user is capable of pushing chakra out from the bottom of their feet into the ground spanning a 1km diameter with the user in the center of this area. This technique enables the user to detect vibrations in the ground to perceive objects, people, and other aspects of their environment, feeling even the slightest of vibrations cause by touching the earth. Anything and everything the moves across the ground within the area causes vibrations, from footsteps to small minor changes in the person's stance or a light rain fail. Through this the user is able to instantly get a constantly updating map within their mind of the immediate surrounding of them up to 500 meters in every direction. Alternatively, the user is capable of expending (1) Chakra as they slam their foot down release a burst of chakra that works like Sonar, but through the earth. This burst allows the user to see a complete layout of the area around them, anything that is touching the ground can be seen even if they are not moving. from trees and other plant life to buildings, including underground tunnels or buildings.
    Weaknesses: The user cannot sense things that are not causing vibrations upon the ground, meaning standing still, or moving through the air without touching the ground renders this technique unable to sense them. This technique cannot detect jutsu, except jutsu that interact with the earth therefore causing vibrations. Additionally, this technique is ineffective on sand or sand like areas.

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge Empty Re: Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Post by Ren Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:14 pm

    Fuuton Techniques

    Name: Wind Release: Verdant Mountain Gale
    Rank: D
    Activation Cost: 3
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: 0 - 40 m/
    Speed: C
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake
    Description: By using wind-based chakra, the user can infuse their bladed weapons with it from a distance and manipulate them.
    Weaknesses: Doesn't add any power to the weapon, only allows for manipulation of it. Holding the hand seal leaves the user more vulnerable than before.

    Name: Wind Release: Passing Typhoon
    Rank: D
    Activation Cost: 3
    Range: 0 - 100 m.
    Speed: C+
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user creates a gust of wind in a radius around them that blows away all weather conditions. It is powerful enough to dispel even the Hiding in Mist Technique and can even be used to deflect small projectiles.
    Weaknesses: The lack of concentration and speed makes this a poor offensive technique.

    Name: Wind Release: Slash
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 20 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user waves his hand and creates multiple blades of wind, which combine to form a single, large blade of air. The technique was powerful enough to stop a Susanoo's movements, but is not able to break through its defense.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wind Release: Drilling Air Bullet
    Rank: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 100 m.
    Speed: B+
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: To use this technique the user will first take a deep breath, and then exhale to shoot a highly compressed air ball from its mouth. This bullet can be as large as the amount of air the user can store in their lungs.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wind Release: Divine Wind
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 60 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Ram
    Description: The user releases a gust of wind which forms four small tornadoes. These tornadoes are capable of flinging away all projectiles and people who make direct contact with them. The wind cuts like most wind-nature techniques and may be combined with fire release techniques to create flaming hurricanes.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wind Release: Gale Palm
    Rank: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 40 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake → Ram → Boar → Bird → Hands clapped together
    Description: A Wind Release technique where the user either increases their velocity, or by the user clasping their hands together, wind is compressed and transformed into a powerful gale, which has enough force to knock over a person. When used in conjunction with shuriken or kunai, the tools become more lethal as their speed is increased.

    When used to increase the user's Speed they move at B-tier Speed if they are not already at or above B-tier Speed. If the user is at or above B-tier Speed they simply gain +1 tier to their Speed.

    Name: Wind Release: Great Breakthrough
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 150 m.
    Speed: B+
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger → Ox → Dog → Rabbit → Snake
    Description: The user creates a powerful, concentrated gust of wind that can easily tear trees up from their roots and hollow out the ground in its wake.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wind Release: Rotating Shuriken
    Rank: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: 0 - 10 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: By infusing wind-nature chakra into shuriken, the user can make them spin, as well as control them in the air. The user can control the shuriken as long as they're within ten meters of the user. If the shuriken are projected outside of the range then they will follow standard projectile rules, losing speed every ten meters until it reaches E-tier Speed.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wind Release: Spiraling Wind Ball
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 10 per 2 balls afterwards
    Range: 0 - 100 m.
    Speed: A+
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: This technique allows the user to breathe wind-infused chakra into the palm of their hand, shaping it into a small, whirlwind-like ball. Then the user will shoot it at their opponent. This technique seems to be very fast and powerful, as it is capable of smashing through thick rock. They can be launched in rapid succession.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wind Release: Vacuum Blade
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 1 m.
    Speed: -
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user exhales wind-infused chakra onto a weapon in order to increase its sharpness, range and lethality. For example, the user can infuse a kunai to resemble a makeshift scimitar or infuse shuriken to increase their range and cutting power. In the case of the kunai, wind-nature chakra, which envelopes the weapon, has a distinctive light green coloring. When applied to any weapon it increases the range of it by one meter. When applying it to projectiles the projectile may travel up to twenty meters from the user before it starts to lose velocity.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 30 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Rat → Rabbit → Dog
    Description: The user takes a deep breath and then exhales several small blasts of wind chakra in such a manner that they are dispersed over an expansive range, enough to make it difficult to avoid them entirely without taking any damage. Due to the properties of this technique, the expelled blasts are capable of piercing into and potentially through an opponent's flesh when they collide with it. The user can exhale a maximum of seven bullets per usage.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wind Release: Pressure Damage
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: 100 m.
    Speed: B+
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Ram
    Description: A powerful wind technique where a tornado-like mass is compressed until it has a very high density and is then released. The wind pressure is raised to its highest limit, and once the technique hits the target, the resulting blast sweeps everyone off their feet. When the user casts this technique it grows into a 100 m. diameter vortex.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wind Release: Great Task of the Dragon
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 50 m.
    Speed: B+
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: Gunbai/Giant Tessen
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This technique can be set up as a feint as it has a delayed activation. The technique alters weather conditions temporarily and attacks from the sky rather than from the person. The technique leaves several cuts in the target, much like the Sickle Weasel Technique.
    Weaknesses: Due to the delayed activation and method of approach this technique can be avoided by those wary of their surroundings.

    Name: Wind Release: Air Bullets
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 50 m.
    Speed: B+
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Bird
    Description: The user creates a massive volley of air bullets which he then fires at the enemy in a consecutive shot. A total of thirty bullets can be created and fire per technique usage.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Nadeshiko-Style Hardliner Gale Fist
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: -
    Speed: -
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: By covering one's own hand with wind-nature chakra, the user attacks the enemy with it. The force of the strike is great enough to produce a powerful shock wave that can cause noticeable fissures without direct contact.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Nadeshiko-Style Hardliner Revolving Cut
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: -
    Speed: -
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user covers one leg with wind chakra and delivers a powerful falling kick to his/her opponent. This kick was powerful enough to slice through a mechanical puppet.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Gunbai Fanned Wind
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 60 m.
    Speed: B++
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: Gunbai/Giant Tessen
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user waves their gunbai as a fan to create powerful gusts of wind, strong enough to blow away several enemies in one swing.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Sickle Weasel Technique
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 50 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake → Dragon → Bird
    Description: By freely manipulating a gale created using this technique the user assaults the target in attempts to draw them within the air pocket. The person enveloped by this gale is assaulted by countless invisible blades carving up their body. Also, the strong wind power will blow away all incoming projectile weapons and will even make the opponent unable to stay on their feet. The user can control this gale of wind by -1 tier of their Coordination. Upon trapping an opponent the technique ends at the end of the post.
    Weaknesses: The user must use both hands when the technique is in use, robbing them from their options.

    Name: Dust Wind Technique
    Rank: B
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 60 m.
    Speed: C++
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: This technique creates a stiff upwards wind which picks up loose sand and covers the surrounding area. The dirt it picks up is imbued with chakra to latch onto most surfaces and "give" when tread upon. This makes it difficult for others to get a good footing. The initial gust can also temporarily blind opponents by lodging sand in their eyes.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wind Release: Beast Tearing Palm
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 100 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: A powerful technique of wind nature chakra that can cut and slash through any material. The blades can be controlled to their full potential being equal to the user's Coordination, however will die out at the end of the user's post. The technique seems to hold up well to impacts being able to slice through multiple bodies without losing momentum.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wind Release: Divine Mountain Wind
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 100 m.
    Speed: B+
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger → Snake → Ram
    Description: This technique creates a vortex of wind to blast at a target. The wind has the ability to leave multiple cuts in the target upon impact, and can even be controlled from the user's hands at -1 tier Coordination.
    Weaknesses: When controlling this technique the user's hands remain occupied.

    Name: Wind Prison Technique
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 3 meters
    Speed: B
    Element: Fūton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Water Prison Technique
    Hand Seals: Bird -> Snake -> Hare -> Ram -> Snake -> Hare -> Ram
    Description: Using his knowledge of the water prison technique, Ren created the same technique using wind. Creating a column of air in their hand, which wraps around at a single chosen target within range of the user, surrounding the target in the form of a 3m diameter sphere of solid air. The air constantly pulls inwards towards the core protecting it from outer threats, meaning those caught partially in the technique will be drawn inside. The pressure prevents any movement meaning those trapped are are doomed to suffocate or be detained. Despite its name the user may also cast it upon themselves as a form of defense. It is said to be as strong as steel. The user must maintain contact with the prison for it to remain active.
    Weaknesses:The user must maintain contact with the sphere otherwise it loses structure.

    Name: Blade of Wind
    Rank: A
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 1 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Sunagakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: A pinpoint slashing strike, where the user emits wind-based chakra from their fingertips and materializes it into a near invisible blade that the user then assaults the enemy, leaving their body mutilated. This blade can be a maximum of one meter in length. This blade is invisible to the naked eye, requiring a Perception of at least A-tier to vaguely make out the position of the sword. This blade of wind is created at A-tier Speeds.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Beast Tearing Gale Palm
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 35 m.
    Speed: Equal to user's Coordination
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Beast Tearing Palm
    Hand Seals: Tiger | Snake | Ox | Extend Hand
    Description: This technique is somewhat of an enhanced version of the Beast Tearing Palm. It uses chakra to infuse with and condense a mass amount of wind-chakra to form a massive demonic-like claw extending from the user's hand to strike and grab a target, as well as deflect any weapon or attack. Depending on its use, the user can manipulate the size and length of the claw to attack and defend at any range. In addition to making it a deadly weapon, the extending claw also carries tremendous force that can devastate anything in its path without affecting the user, making it useful for dislodging solid and heavy objects.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Great Sickle Weasel Technique
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 150 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Sickle Weasel Technique
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: This technique is a more powerful version of the Sickle Weasel Technique: many air currents collide to create vacuum pockets that slashes the opponents, with enough power to slice down many trees in a forest. This technique can deflect both physical and sound wave attacks and attack at the same time, making it both an offensive and defensive technique.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wind Release: Cast Net
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 100 m.
    Speed: B++
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: Gunbai/Giant Tessen
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Using their Giant Folding Fan, the user launches sharp wind currents in the form of a net to slice their target apart. The net is ten meters wide, but can be increased with the effort of more users.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wind Release: Dust Cloud Technique
    Rank: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 50 m.
    Speed: A++
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Horse → Monkey → Bird
    Description: This technique creates a stream of high-velocity wind containing dust particles, capable of decimating anything caught in it in only a matter of moments.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wind Release: Flower Scattering Dance
    Rank: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 150 m.
    Speed: Equal to user's Coordination
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger → Hare → Dragon
    Description: This technique allows the user to summon a cyclone of petals to attack their opponent. The user can remain in one spot for the use of the technique, because he or she can direct it anywhere they desire. Therefore, the user can increase the direction and power of the technique to the maximum as a last resort.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wind Release: Vacuum Wave
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Range: 0 - 25 m.
    Speed: A+
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Rat → Snake → Horse → Dog
    Description: The user takes a deep breath and spins while exhaling, compressing the released air into a solitary blade of wind that covers a substantial area around the user, due to their circular motion. The resulting sharpened blast is large enough to slice through multiple targets located at a significant distance from the user, causing grievous injuries to those hit.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere
    Rank: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Range: 0 - 100 m.
    Speed: A+
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere
    Hand Seals: Tiger → Dog
    Description: A stronger version of the Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere technique, where the user instead chooses to compress the entirety of the previously inhaled breath into a single large, crushing sphere of wind chakra that they then proceed to expel from their mouth.
    Weaknesses: This technique requires the user to build up a sphere of wind before them, taking a bit longer than most techniques which are simply expelled from the mouth.

    Name: Wind Release: Vacuum Serial Waves
    Rank: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Range: 0 - 250 m.
    Speed: S+
    Element: Wind
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Wind Release: Vacuum Wave
    Hand Seals: Rat → Snake → Horse → Snake → Dog
    Description: The user takes a deep breath and exhales several blades of wind at different angles, by rapidly moving their head in various directions. Its power can be dramatically increased when utilized in conjunction with extreme suction, such as that generated by the Baku. This jutsu is efficient enough to even cut through Susanoo's defense.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge Empty Re: Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Post by Ren Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:17 pm

    Taijutsu Techniques

    Name: Leaf Whirlwind
    Rank: D
    Activation Cost: 3
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open (Konoha)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Strong Fist
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: A taijutsu where one launches a succession of high kicks and low kicks. Firstly, the opponent's evasion margin is restrained upon seeing the high kick, thus augmenting the chances for the low kick to hit the mark. So originally the high kick is little more than a feint. The technique can also be used in the form of a spinning-roundhouse kick through the air, either alone or in unison with another user for more efficiency.

    Boosts Strength by +1 advantage and Coordination by +1 advantage

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Leaf Gale
    Rank: D
    Activation Cost: 3
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open (Konoha)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Strong Fist
    Hand Seals: -
    Description:  A simple, yet efficient attack that involves the user aiming at the opponent's leg and knocking them off their feet with a swift rotating kick.

    Increases Coordination for the sweep by +2 advantages.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Dynamic Entry
    Rank: D
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 20 m.
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open (Konoha)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Strong Fist
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The technique is basically the user performing a jump kick into their opponent's face from a distance. Usually preceded by some form of distraction to make it easier to land the kick.

    Increases Strength by +1 advantage and Speed by +2 advantages.

    Weaknesses: The user attacks in a straight line using this technique, and it's pretty easy to avoid if one is paying even the smallest bit of attention.

    Name: Arhat Fist
    Rank: D
    Power: C
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements:  C-tier Strength without Taijutsu or D-tier Strength with Taijutsu.
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: This style of combat focuses on simple physical attacks such as palm strikes, shoulder thrusts, knee strikes, and punches. The style uses brute strength to achieve its goals, keeping things simple by not attempting extended combination attacks. Instead it uses single attacks or short combinations with power behind them instead of speed, packing enough strength with some users to shatter large rocks.

    Boosts Strength by +1 tier with Taijutsu or by a +1 advantage without Taijutsu.

    Weaknesses: Without Taijutsu the user's Speed is also lowered by -2 advantages.

    Name: Rising Knee
    Rank: D
    Activation Cost: 3
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Arhat Fist
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: A simple technique where the user drives their knee upwards into an opponent's abdomen.

    Boosts Strength by +2 advantages.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Shoulder Charge
    Rank: D
    Activation Cost: 3
    Range: 0 - 3 m.+
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Arhat Fist
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user throws all their weight behind a shoulder thrust aimed at driving their opponent off their feet. The user may choose to further enhance the strength of their impact by rushing their opponent by at least three meters.

    Boosts Strength by +2 advantages. Boosts Strength by +1 tier if charged at least three meters.

    Weaknesses: In order to benefit from the charging bonus you must rush your opponent in a straight line.

    Name: Strong Fist
    Rank: C
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open (Konoha)
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Strong Fist is Konohagakure's signature fighting style, the purpose of which is to cause external damage and break bones. It is the exact opposite of Gentle Fist which is used mainly by the Hyūga Clan. This style of fighting involves smashing your opponent and is generally used only by extremely physically powerful and dominating shinobi.

    This fighting style generally does not beat around the bush in its tactics, with many practitioners charging head on at an opponent. This bullish attitude is backed up with incredibly quick and agile maneuvers and acrobatics to launch powerful strings of kicks and knees. Many of its signature techniques revolve around these particularly powerful kicks. Upper body strikes are still utilized quite often, including various strikes with the hand and generous elbows. Those who can use this physical style are a force to be reckoned with, as they can put together incredible strings of attacks that have a deceptive amount of force behind them without slowing between strikes.

    This style boosts Strength a + and Coordination by a ++. The user may sacrifice speed for power if they choose, reversing these boosts. Once reversed, they can't be reversed again for three posts beginning the post after the switch.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Leaf Great Whirlwind
    Rank: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open (Konoha)
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Strong Fist
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The Leaf Great Whirlwind is a technique that involves a series of kicking attacks. The user starts off by going for swift low kick, to a kick to the gut, to a high jump kick, before ending the attack with a heel drop. As the rotation speed picks up, the user gains buoyancy, which they use to shift into gradually higher attacks as they proceed through the combo, ending at three meters into the air when the heel drop is done.

    Boost Coordination by +1 tier for series of kicks. The boost is swapped to Strength for the heel drop.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Shadow of the Dancing Leaf
    Rank: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 20 m.
    Speed: Self
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open (Konoha)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique:  Strong Fist
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: A technique used to appear behind an airborne opponent, mimicking how their body is positioned, just like a leaf that dances in the air is followed by its shadow. While harmless on its own, it is used as a stepping stone to perform techniques such as the Front Lotus and the Lion Combo. The technique is usually preceded by a swift upper kick that will launch the target into the air.

    Boosts Speed for the movement by +1 tier and +1 advantage.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Leaf Rising Wind
    Rank: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open (Konoha)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Strong Fist
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: This technique uses the entire body as a spring, by amassing power through taking a posture where the back of the body falls down. With this powerful taijutsu, the user kicks just above the head. Because the power of the kick from the ground is instantly converted into a blow, the enemy hit with this attack will be launched high into the sky. This technique can also be initiated while mid-air.

    Boosts Strength for the kick by a +1 tier.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Shatter Palm
    Rank: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Arhat Fist
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user thrusts their palm towards their opponent in an attempt to damage them or break through their guard.

    Boosts Strength for the thrust by +1 tier.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Slamming Palm
    Rank: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Arhat Fist
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user thrusts their palm in an upwards motion at their opponent. This is used most frequently to knock their opponent into the air or perhaps to knock them unconscious.

    Boosts Strength for the thrust by +1 tier.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Peregrine Falcon Drop
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: Self
    Speed: D
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user wraps their arms around their opponent's waist and wraps their legs around their chest from behind. The user then drives them head first into the ground. The impact strength is determined by the user's actual Strength. The Speed is increased by +1 tier for every 10 meters in the air, maxing out at B-tier speed.

    The user's Strength is boosted by +1 tier and +1 advantage for the pin and impact.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Lion Combo
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open (Konoha)
    Requirements: At least 10 m. height
    Parent Technique:  Strong Fist
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: It is an ultra-fast combo attack that requires an advanced physical condition and a certain knack for it. The opponent is first kicked into the air and followed up with the Shadow of the Dancing Leaf. Upon inflicting a blow, one takes advantage of said opponent's counterattack to spin around and rise again for further assaults. Since the fall is increased in velocity with each blow, the damage when one is eventually struck to the ground is inconceivable. All variations end with the opponent being thrown to the ground and kicked in the stomach.

    Boosts Coordination and Strength for the strikes by +2 advantages. The Strength bonus is doubled for the final kick..

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Leaf Strong Whirlwind
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open (Konoha)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Strong Fist
    Hand Seals: -
    Description:  A Taijutsu using a combination of speed and power. The essence of this technique is concentrated in a spinning back kick, with such speed that not a single person can follow the user's movement, smashing his enemy with overwhelming strength.

    Increases Strength and Coordination for the kick by a +2 advantages.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Leaf Great Flash
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open (Konoha)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique:  Strong Fist
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user charges at their opponent and unleashes a powerful lateral kick.

    Boosts Speed for the initial dash by +1 tier and boosts Strength for the kick by a +1 advantage.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Leaf Destroying Rock Rise
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open (Konoha)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Strong Fist
    Hand Seals: -
    Description:  A taijutsu technique where the user smashes their elbow into their opponent using the other arm as support. It deals a powerful blow to the target as the name suggests.

    Provides a boost to Strength of +1 tier and +1 advantage.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Crushing Palm
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Arhat Fist
    Hand Seals: -
    Description:  A technique where the user savagely thrusts their palm down at an opponent.

    Boosts Strength by +1 tier and +1 advantage.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Smashing Boulder
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: C-tier Strength
    Parent Technique: Arhat Fist
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user throws a punch at their opponent at full power and with all their weight behind it. The strike is easily capable of smashing boulders.

    Increases Strength by +1 tier and +1 advantage.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Disturbance
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: N/A
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: Close Contact
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu/Bukijutsu/Kenjutsu
    Classification: Exclusive (Kumo)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Akin to a warrior's dance performance, the user is able to rapidly and relentlessly bombard his target, with precision, at various angles and locations. This style, comprised of sheer unpredictable movements, can easily catch his opponents off-guard. The technique debuffs opponents' Perception by two minuses for the purposes of tracking the user and increases the user's Speed and Coordination by two pluses. This style can be used as a Taijutsu, a Bukijutsu, or a Kenjutsu. This style also has the ability to completely scramble the precognitive abilities of the Sharingan, essentially rendering its visual predictive abilities useless.
    Weaknesses: If the user stops moving and is rendered immobile then the "Sharingan scrambling" effect is negated.

    Name: Lariat
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: B
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Close Contact
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Lightning Release
    Skill: Nintaijutsu
    Classification: Kumogakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: Lightning Release
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The Lightning Release: Lariat is a powerful taijutsu technique whereby the user charges at their opponent, striking them with a Lariat move, which can be coated in chakra. The attack is rather straightforward, but very quick, powerful and is easily capable of knocking down an opponent. It grants a generic boost in the form of a single tier to Strength for the purpose of the strike. This technique also does lightning damage equivalent to this technique's power rank in addition to the user strength damage to those struck.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Grass Shadow-Style Emit Destroy Palm
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: -
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Exclusive
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description:The Shadow style, created by the Grass village is one of the more potent hand to hand techniques in the land. Their style was quite famous, and for good reason. The style confuses enemy tracking with erratic movement and quick strikes. A pure taijutsu style in which the user delivers a set of open-handed as well as closed-fist hits along with kicks to the opponent. This series of attacks is so fast that it can barely be followed by the naked eye. This style improves Speed by +. And Coordination by ++. Those trying to track the users movement suffer a -- to Perception.

    Name: Kazejin Bakudan
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Contact
    Speed: B
    Element: Fūton
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Designed to be used in conjunction with a technique that launches the target into the air, flowing Fūton chakra into their heel and touching it to the ground, the user blasts upwards at B-Rank Speed. Performing a single rotation and bringing their heel down upon the target with enough force to send the target plummeting towards the ground. Flowing the chakra stored in their heel into the target, the target becomes 'charged' with a sort of internal Fūton 'bomb.' upon impact with the earth from this technique the 'bomb' goes off causing massive internal damage to the target, breaking/shattering bones, rupturing organs, etc. Death is nearly guaranteed unless medical help is acquired, survival based on Constitution.
    Weaknesses: A-Rank or Higher Constitution survive with no issue or internal damage, B-Rank Constitution suffers from moderate damage but death is not guaranteed, C-Rank Constitution death is certain if medical treatment is not received within 3 posts, D-Rank Constitution must receive aid within 1 post, E-Rank Constitution die on impact.

    Name: Grass Shadow Style: Light Meets Dark
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 0-50m
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Exclusive
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: One of the more potent taijutsu techniques from the Shadow Style. The user makes use of the speed of their movements to create shadow afterimages. While the user charges at their opponent, they use a zig-zag pathway the creates afterimages, though they are positioned in a different direction. This makes it increasingly hard to pinpoint an attack on them. While the user uses this to either get in front or the back of their opponents, they can now strike. The User palms a hand forward to hit their body.

    However this is an afterimage attack as well, the real maneuver is a low sweeping kick to their legs. Which if connected, they would send a kick upwards into their body. This gives a boost of 1++ tier to Speed. And a debuff of - to Perception for the purpose of the Afterimage dash. After stopping the boosts switch for the combo. Providing a boost of 1 tier to Coordination. And a debuff of -1 tier to the opponents Coordination within range of this technique.

    Name: Open Circuit
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: Raiton
    Skill: Nintaijutsu
    Classification: Personal Fighting Style
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Open Circuit is a unique fighting style that utilizes a combination of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu that openly flows Raiton chakra throughout the body stimulating the muscles, providing the user with a +1 Tier to both their Speed and Coordination Stat. In addition to the boost that this technique provides the user, this technique offers a few benefits when working with Raiton techniques. The first benefit of this fighting style is that it allows the user to use a maximum of 2 Raiton Ninjutsu Techniques per post without the need of hand seals, the user must still pay the cost of the techniques used in conjunction with this style. The second benefit of this fighting style is that it allows the user to catching and redirecting Raiton Techniques that are used against them, this is done by the user using their Raiton chakra to direct it through their body and then out of in another direction. When using the redirection ability of this technique, the user must pay chakra equal to the rank of the technique they are redirecting, additionally this uses 1 of the maximum 2 techniques that the user is allotted per post.
    Weaknesses: This technique while beneficial to the user consumes a large amount of chakra from the user.

    Name: Mastery of Body: Control
    Rank: C/S
    Power: C/S
    Activation Cost: 5/30
    Upkeep Cost: 3/20
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Taijutsu (Aura)
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: B-Tier Stamina for C, A-Tier Stamina for S
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: This is one of the three states of mastery over ones on body, by regulating their body through chakra they are capable of increasing their body's ability to react and move. This requires extreme chakra control in order to use and maintain, as they use their chakra to stimulate the muscles in order to cause them to move faster or react faster than normal. At C-Rank the user is capable of increasing either their Speed or Coordination by 1-Tier, at S-Rank the user is capable of increasing both Speed and Coordination by 1-Tier or one Stat by 2-Tiers.
    Weaknesses: When casting this technique as well as maintaining it, the user's stamina must be above 30%. In addition, the user must maintain general concentration to maintain their chakra flow. If at any time the user is inflicted with heavy damage in contrast with their Constitution this technique ends.

    Name: Mastery of Body: Force
    Rank: C/S
    Power: C/S
    Activation Cost: 5/30
    Upkeep Cost: 3/20
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Taijutsu (Aura)
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: B-Tier Stamina for C, A-Tier Stamina for S
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: This is one of the three states of mastery over ones on body, by regulating their body through chakra they are capable of increasing their body's ability to Strike or Defend. This requires extreme chakra control in order to use and maintain, as they use their chakra to stimulate the muscles in order to cause them to Strike Harder or Defend against Physical attaks better than normal. At C-Rank the user is capable of increasing either their Strength or Constitution (against Physical Attacks) by 1-Tier, at S-Rank the user is capable of increasing both Strength and Constitution by 1-Tier or they can boost their Strength by 2-Tiers, however they are incapable of boosting their Constitution in this way.
    Weaknesses: When casting this technique as well as maintaining it, the user's stamina must be above 30%. In addition, the user must maintain general concentration to maintain their chakra flow. If at any time the user is inflicted with heavy damage in contrast with their Constitution this technique ends. When Boosting Con, this technique only strengthens the body against physical attacks and has no effect against Non physical attacks such as fire or lightning based attacks, this technique is useless.

    Name: Mastery of Body: Vigilance
    Rank: C/S
    Power: C/S
    Activation Cost: 5/30
    Upkeep Cost: 3/20
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Taijutsu (Aura)
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: B-Tier Stamina for C, A-Tier Stamina for S
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: This is one of the three states of mastery over ones on body, by regulating their body through chakra they are capable of increasing their body's ability to precieve incoming attacks. This requires extreme chakra control in order to use and maintain, as they use their chakra to stimulate either their Eyes or their Ears to increase their ability to perceive their opponents. At C-Rank the user is capable of increasing either their Perception by 1-Tier in reference to sight or to hearing, at S-Rank the user is capable of a flat raise to their total perception by 1-Tier.
    Weaknesses: When casting this technique as well as maintaining it, the user's stamina must be above 30%. In addition, the user must maintain general concentration to maintain their chakra flow. If at any time the user is inflicted with heavy damage in contrast with their Constitution this technique ends.

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge Empty Re: Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Post by Ren Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:18 pm

    Genjutsu Techniques

    Name: Demonic Illusion: Hell's Viewing
    Rank: D
    Activation Cost: 3
    Range: 0 - 20 m.
    Speed: C
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake -> Rat
    Description: This is a Genjutsu that reveals the fears that dwell inside people's hearts. Everyone has an image of the one thing they wouldn't want to ever see. This Genjutsu is a technique that draws forth such an image from within the heart and has one mistake it for reality. First, an imaginary circle of leaves will spin around and envelop the target, falling away shortly after. After a short period, the illusion will begin. This is to make the illusion more convincing, since the user will likely have moved before the illusion sets in. If the mental image is a gruesome one, the shock will be accordingly great.

    Once cast, this technique takes two posts to set in dealing D-rank psychological damage. If the user chooses, the victim may wait three posts to deal C-rank psychological damage. This technique is triggered by the user sending their chakra at their opponent. This must connect and the user must be aware of their target's position with no obstructions in the way.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Mist Servant Technique
    Rank: D
    Activation Cost: 3
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: 0 - 25 m.
    Speed: C
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This Genjutsu creates eerie black ninja illusions, which appear one by one from trees and rocks, and then corners the enemy. Their movements are somehow slow (E-tier Coor and Speed), but when attacked they multiply, and in this way they appear like ghosts inhabiting the mist. Kunai knives are added to this technique, by throwing them to match illusions movement, making them seem real. As the clones continue to multiply rapidly, the victim will eventually be worn down.

    This technique covers a 30 meter diameter that can be cast 25 meters from the user.

    Weaknesses: This Genjutsu can be avoided by stepping outside of the field of influence.

    Name: Bell Ring Genjutsu
    Rank: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: 0 - 25 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: A bell or chime that is connected to the user (directly or thru any cording/wire)
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This Genjutsu is triggered by the usage of a bell emitting a particular sound wave that travels from the inner ear to the brain. Once triggered, this Genjutsu will cause the opponent to hallucinate, seeing multiple images on the user and making it very hard to tell the real one from the illusions. Additionally, the target loses their motor skills with continued exposure to the ringing. This is manifested as a tier loss to Coordination.

    This technique takes two posts to set in and can affect multiple targets, and unlike most Genjutsu techniques, deals D-rank damage to the inner ear of the target at the end of the two posts.

    Weaknesses: Every upkeep post must have the user ring the bell or chime they're using to continue the effects. Preventing the bell/chime from being rung or protecting you from its sound waves will nullify the technique.

    Name: Sly Mind Affect Technique
    Rank: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: 0 - 80 m.
    Speed: C
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger
    Description: This technique allows the user to change the enemies' sense of direction as they see fit. When this technique was evoked, the enemy was forced to walk around continuously in circles by making it seem as if they're walking straight to their desired destination.

    This technique covers a 80 meter diameter influencing whatever steps foot inside. The technique takes one post to set in. Once it has, the victim will walk in circles for as long as the technique is kept up or until they realize their mistake.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Demonic Illusion: False Surrounding Technique
    Rank: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: 0 - 100 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This Genjutsu is triggered by the opponent walking in a certain area inlaid with the user's chakra. This general area of effect can be within 100 meters of the user's location. This Genjutsu allows one to trick others into mistaking the place they're in for another. This technique's main feature is that it can be cast over an extensive surface, therefore any and all who step into the illusion's area of effect will fall under the spell. This technique allows the user to sculpt and shift the area into a place of their own choosing via illusion. This technique takes two posts to set in.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Hazy Genjutsu
    Rank: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: 0 - 15 m.
    Speed: C
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Ram -> Tiger
    Description: This technique casts an illusion on the enemy that blurs the target's vision of the entire area damaging the target's Perception by one tier. In addition, it causes the victim to react as though they're sinking in quicksand reducing their Speed by one tier as well.

    This technique takes three posts to set in. The user must be aware of their targets' position with no obstructions in the way.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell Technique
    Rank: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 20 m.
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram
    Description: This technique is triggered by the target observing the user's hand signs. Once triggered, this technique causes the illusion of a tremendous ball of fire falling from the sky into a designated area. The targets involved in the illusion literally feel the ball's hot temperature getting closer and despite all efforts, cannot outrun or evade the attack as it crashes into the ground catching them in the flames.

    This technique takes two posts to set in and deals C-rank psychological damage.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Lightning Release: Lightning Illusion Flash of Lightning Pillar
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 80 m.
    Speed: A+
    Element: Lightning
    Skill: Genjutsu, Ninjutsu
    Classification: Kumogakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Ram → Horse → Snake → Tiger
    Description: The user discharges electricity through their entire body in the form of an extremely bright light to disorientate their target's vision and catch them in the Genjutsu. Once this is done, the user can implant images in their head.

    The target(s) suffer a -2 tier disadvantage to their Perception.

    Weaknesses: The user is rendered immobile when using this technique due to the amount of focus required. This technique can be avoided by not looking at the user's body, but not after being caught.

    Name: Demonic Flute: Phantom Sound Chains
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 30 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: Musical Instrument
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description:  This Genjutsu is triggered by the opponent hearing the sound of the flute. Once triggered, the opponent will be assailed by the vivid sensation that their limbs have been fastened with sturdy ropes, thus becoming unable to move about freely. Even with physical intervention from an outside force, the body is robbed of all mobility, and consciousness itself progressively fades away. At the same time, they are fed morbid hallucinations, which makes it also possible to run them down mentally. Given that the means of transmission is sound-based, it has a large range of effectiveness, on top of which it can be applied even without knowledge of the enemy's position, which makes for an exceedingly convenient technique. The Genjutsu is ineffective if the opponent can't hear the technique.

    This technique robs the target(s) of their mobility on the first post of hearing the flute. The illusion goes in full effect on the second post, causing B-rank psychological damage. Every post after the second deals C-rank psychological damage to the victim(s) for as long as the technique is sustained.

    Weaknesses: Aside from the traditional means of release, the user will be automatically released from the Genjutsu once the user ceases playing the flute. Due to the intense concentration involved in this illusion the user cannot move from their location when playing their instrument.

    Name: Demonic Illusion: Double False Surroundings Technique
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 100 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This Genjutsu is triggered by the opponent freeing themselves from the False Surroundings Technique. This illusion is layered under the original technique which must be cast prior to this one. This general area of effect can be within 100 meters of the user's location. This Genjutsu allows one to trick others into mistaking the place they're in for another. This technique's main feature is that it can be cast over an extensive surface, therefore any and all who step into the illusion's area of effect will fall under the spell. This technique allows the user to sculpt and shift the area into a place of their own choosing via illusion. This technique takes one post to set in.  
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 25 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Dog → Snake → Monkey → Ox → Tiger
    Description: This technique is triggered by the victim observing the target's hand sign. The user first disappears from plain sight in a mist-like fashion in order to approach the target without being detected. Once within 5 meters of the target, the target will then be completely robbed of their mobility as they see the mirage of a fast-growing tree coiling itself around them. Once the target is immobile, the user can then attack the enemy through the Genjutsu dealing B-rank psychological damage, keep them immobile, or execute them.

    The first phase of the Genjutsu takes place immediately once the trigger is activated. Once within 5 meters of the target, this part of the Genjutsu takes one post to set in and can cause damage every post after that.

    Weaknesses: After casting this technique on the target the user is reduced to E-tier Speed. Moving faster than E-tier Speed will break the Genjutsu.

    Name: Genjutsu: Flower Petal Escape
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 50 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This Genjutsu is triggered by the opponent trapping the user in a Genjutsu.  Once activated the user’s body dissolves into lots of flower petals which then consume her enemy's body. This creates a painful effect on the opponent dealing C-rank psychological damage. while the user has a chance to reposition themselves. This technique works by traveling along the chakra path created from the enemy to the user. However, this may only work on technique equal or lower. Greater power Genjutsu overwhelms this technique making it useless.

    This technique takes one post to go in effect and will deal C-rank psychological damage every post after.  

    Weaknesses: The user must utilize this technique while still caught in Genjutsu in order to trigger it. The target can break the Genjutsu by deactivating the Genjutsu they placed the user under. It also cannot be used in response to the opponent using the same technique. Meaning the user cannot use Genjutsu: Flower Petal Escape if they are caught within Genjutsu: Flower Petal Escape.

    Name: String Bean Binding Illusion
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 0 - 25 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: -
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: This Genjutsu is triggered when the user looks at the target, firing off their chakra to the target. The user makes themselves disappear while the target is distracted by vines sprouting from the ground. These vines then bind the victim's body, lifting them into the air. Afterwards a bean pod raises and opens to reveal the user, ready to strike.

    Genjutsu required three posts to go in effect. After the duration, the victim suffers B-rank psychological damage.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Bringer-of-Darkness Technique
    Rank: A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 25 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger
    Description: The user casts an illusion of darkness upon an opponent to take away their sight which is triggered by the opponent looking at the user's hand sign. As such, this allows the user to attack an opponent unseen. Although it negates sight, the opponent can still rely on their other senses.

    This technique takes one post to set in.

    Weaknesses: The user is rendered immobile when casting this technique due to the amount of concentration required.

    Name: Paralyzing Flute Genjutsu
    Rank: A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0 - 50 m.
    Speed: A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: Flute
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: An illusion that relies on the sound of the flute. After the user plays a melody though the flute, whoever hears it will become sluggish as if their bodies became heavier. This technique applies a -1 tier debuff to Coordination and Speed to the opponent for every post the melody is played, capping a -3 tiers for both Coordination and Speed.

    Weaknesses: The amount of concentration debuffs the user's Coordination and Speed by -1 tier. Aside from the traditional means of release, the user will be automatically released from the Genjutsu once the user ceases playing the flute.

    Name: Temple of Nirvana
    Rank: A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 150 m.
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger
    Description: It is a powerful Genjutsu that generates a fluttering rain of sleep-inducing, illusory white feathers. Whomever sees them as they fall, piling up and covering the whole target area, will experience Eden-like bliss and fall into a state of tranquil slumber. No matter how much one resists the hypnotic spell, the desire to sleep is instinctive, and there's no fighting it. However, an experienced shinobi will be able to dispel the Genjutsu before it takes effect.

    This Genjutsu takes two posts to go in effect. After the two posts the victim(s) will be subdued into a deep sleep.

    Weaknesses: This Genjutsu, unlike most, can be checked by the victim's Intelligence or Perception.

    Name: Genjutsu Binding
    Rank: S
    Activation Cost: 25
    Upkeep Cost: 15
    Range: 0 - 5 m.
    Speed: B
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This technique is triggered when the user gives off chakra signals from their body by activating the technique and by having the targets look at the user's body. As the name suggests, the user binds the opponent in a Genjutsu, restricting their movement depending on the opponent’s intelligence:
    • Those with E Rank Intelligence experience complete full body paralysis
    • Those with D Rank Intelligence experience a -3 tier debuff to Speed and Coordination
    • Those with C Rank Intelligence experience a -2 tier debuff to Speed and Coordination
    • Those with B Rank Intelligence experience a -1 tier debuff to Speed and Coordination
    • Those with A Rank Intelligence experience a -2 advantage to Speed and Coordination
    • Those with S Rank Intelligence experience a -1 advantage to Speed and Coordination
    • Those with X Rank Intelligence are unaffected.

    Weaknesses: The user cannot move faster than D-tier Speed while this illusion is active.

    Name: Demonic Illusion: Cajolery of Glamour
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: 0-60m
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Genjutsu
    Classification: Canon
    Requirements: Land of Rice Exclusive
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Demonic Illusion: Cajolery of Glamour is a speech-induced genjutsu that allows the user to put their opponent under an illusion using only words. By infusing chakra into the tongue of the user, any target within auditory range of the user will become easily swayed in a post-hypnotic trance of their will and self-assurance; forcing them to face their innermost trauma as realised by the user's words in an effort to mentally break their spirit. Once told to look behind their back the genjutsu becomes complete, causing them to awaken as an obedient follower of the user.

    This Genjutsu takes effect immediately with no delay pitting the Target's Will (intelligence) against the users, if the User's Will (Intelligence) is higher than the target's by a full 2-tiers then the target becomes enthralled to the users will as long as its upkeep is paid. The first two posts after this Genjutsu takes effect the target becomes immobile as they battle the mind of the user, however if the target's intelligence is equal to the User's they break out instantly, while if they are 1 tier lower they break out after one post. At the end of the two post battle of the minds, if the target did not break free they become an extension of the user's will until the technique is broken.

    Weaknesses: The illusion itself is cannot be easily broken, even when the person is under realisation that the genjutsu is in effect, but strong emotional connections, like love, can help in dispelling it. Hearing also plays a major factor for the illusion to take effect; as hearing loss makes the target immune to the genjutsu entirely. Likewise, echoes and acoustics that enhance the user's voice can make the genjutsu more effective to sway the target. While activating the technique and the 2 post battle of the minds the user is incapable of moving, unless the target breaks free due to high intelligence.

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge Empty Re: Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Post by Ren Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:18 pm

    Ken/Buki Techniques

    Name: Manipulated Shuriken Technique
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: 0 - 100 m.
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Bukijutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: With this technique a translucent string, both elastic and highly durable, is attached to a shuriken, making it possible to alter its path after having thrown it. An expert will have the ability to freely glide the shuriken in any direction with just a single movement of their fingertip. The first attack, challenging the enemy, is avoided and after a time-lag of several seconds, it will come from behind. Depending on the performance, the possible tactics can be infinite.

    When using this technique the user's Coordination increases by +2 advantages regarding Shuriken control. Shuriken do not lose momentum when using this technique. The user may also "re-throw" a shuriken that has lost momentum, whether it got stuck in a tree or ground. The shuriken does not benefit from the user's Coordination when regarding its speed using this method.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Kendo
    Rank: C
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Kenjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: Kenjutsu weapon
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A basic Kenjutsu style that focuses on quick, precise strikes followed by strength. It is considered the foundation Kenjutsu style mastered by all users of the sword before branching out into the other various fields.

    Coordination is boosted by +1 tier and Strength by +1 advantage.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Chakra Flow
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: N/A
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: 0 - 5 in.
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kenjutsu/Bukijutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: None
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Chakra Flow refers to both the flowing of chakra through an object. Generic Chakra Flow simply increases the weapon's Durability OR Hardness by +1 rank. By channeling in different elements this also influences the effects by changing the nature of the chakra flow. (Note: elemental chakra flow also carries over the +1 tier for Durability/Hardness from the original technique.)
    • Earth: Turns the blade into a deep black. Increases grade or hardness by +1 rank (so basically +2 ranks on hardness/grade or +1 rank in each.)
    • Fire: Ignites the blade in fire. B-rank Fire damage and spreading fire on contact.
    • Lightning: Creates sparks along the chakra flow. C-rank Lightning damage and numbness in the affected area. (-1 advantage to Coordination for two posts.)
    • Wind: Causes the chakra flow to grow in size. B-rank Wind cutting potential and a longer chakra extension (up to 3 feet.)
    • Water: Encases the blade in a thick skin of water flowing either away or towards the user. Reduces the opponent's Strength of their swing on contact by -1 tier as well as pushes their attack in the direction of the water current with B-tier Strength.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Moonlight
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: -
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Taijutsu/Kenjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user stabs their sword into the ground, balances themselves on it and kicks their opponent away. The kick is usually aimed at the upper abdomen or the neck area.

    The user gains +2 advantages in Coordination and +2 advantages in Strength.

    Name: Cloud-Style Crescent Moon Beheading
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: -
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kenjutsu
    Classification: Kumogakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user swings their sword in a single, large, crescent moon-shaped arc, which occurs with such ferocious velocity that the technique can be employed in situations where only a very limited time to react is available. The swing can be used to counter attacks from multiple opponents simultaneously. Increases Coordination by a +1 tier and Strength by +1 advantage.  
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Cloud-Style Deception Beheading
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: -
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kenjutsu/Ninjutsu
    Classification: Kumogakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: Body Replacement Technique
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Using the Body Replacement Technique to feign being attacked, the user takes advantage of their opponent's momentary shock, and charges forward with a lateral sword slash. Debuffs opponent's Perception by a tier and increases the user's Coordination by +1 advantage.
    Weakness: N/A

    Name: Cloud-Style Front Beheading
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: -
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kenjutsu
    Classification: Kumogakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user swings their sword in a single quick and powerful cutting motion to attack an enemy in front of them. Increases Strength by +1 tier and Coordination by +1 advantage.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Cloud-Style Reverse Beheading
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: -
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kenjutsu
    Classification: Kumogakure Village Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user does a powerful spin, generating the momentum needed to slash at any opponents behind them. The user can also utilise this spinning motion to trick an enemy that's in front of them. The enemy is fooled into thinking the user will attack them, but instead the user attacks the targets behind the user. Debuffs the designated target's Perception by 1 tier and increases the user's coordination by +1 advantage.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Dancing Blade Risk
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10 CP
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Self/ 20m
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Kenjutsu
    Classification: Land of Iron Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Dancing Blade Risk is a technique in which the user focuses their chakra and dashes towards their opponent, delivering a blow at blinding speed. The user's speed is increased by +1 Tier and ++ Advantages for this strike. They are able to dash up to 20m while using this.

    Weaknesses: This technique can only be used for one strike, and should it  be used again, they will need to pay the full activation cost once more.

    Name: Rupture
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Kenjutsu
    Classification: Land of Iron Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user violently swings their sword with the intention of striking an approaching opponent. This technique is best used in conjunction with Flash to increase the speed of their chakra crescent.

    The user receives +1 tier and +1 advantage to their Coordination stat.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Secret Sword: Moonlight
    Rank: B
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 0 - 25 m.
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kenjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user dashes to their opponent with great speed before attacking them with a quick lateral sword strike. The tremendous speed leaves a trace of afterimage in the process.

    The user gains +1 tier and +2 advantages to their Speed when dashing towards their opponent for their attack.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Hazy Moon Night
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: -
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kenjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user swings their sword in a circular motion, leaving a trace of afterimages behind, which befitting to name, mirrors that of a moon. The user can then rush at their opponent to deliver a blow, taking advantage of the difficulty in following their movement.

    The user gains a +1 advantage to their Coordination and debuffs the target's Perception by 1 tier.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Manipulated Shuriken Wire Binding
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 0 - 10 m.
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Bukijutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: By using shuriken with wire strings attached to them, the user can set a trap for their target. Using the shuriken to spread and set the wires around, they can position them as to bind their target, requiring only to trigger a change of position of the set wires, such as cutting one of them, causing the others to rearrange. The user can create a field as large as ten meters in diameter to trap the opponent. The shuriken do not lose momentum when using this technique.

    The target suffers a -1 tier in Perception when under the influence of this technique. The user gains +1 advantage in Coordination when controlling the Shuriken. When triggering the wire trap, the wire encloses on the target at a speed of their Strength and Coordination (refer to projectile information) +1 tier in Speed.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Twin Rising Dragons
    Rank: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Projectile Rules
    Speed: Projectile Rules
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Bukijutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: Two custom scrolls sealed with ninja tools
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: Tiger → Dragon → Monkey → Hare → Snake → Cross arms
    Description: This starts by placing the scrolls on either side of her in an upright position. After completing the necessary hand signs, the scrolls rise up and spin around each other cloaked in smoke shaped like a dragon. The smoke covers a 20 meter diameter. When the smoke disperses, the user jumps in between the scrolls, where they summon weapons in a barrage at their target in quick succession by motion of their hand.

    This technique grants the user +1 tier in Strength in terms of projectile speed, and +1 advantage in Coordination for projectile accuracy.

    Weaknesses: This technique leaves the user vulnerable as they are suspended in air.

    Name: Krav Maga
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Buki/Tai
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Bukijutsu Skill | Taijutsu Skill | Trench Knives
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Krav Maga is a combination martial art that focuses on realistic, yet tactical self-defense. It borrows strikes, throws, knives, and ground fighting techniques to make an all-around solid defensive and offensive fighter, however, the top belief for Krav Maga is that it is to be used for defense. This style grants a (++) Advantage boost to Coordination and Speed.
    Weaknesses: -

    Name: Flash
    Rank: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Range: 0 - 25 m.
    Speed: User's Coordination
    Element: Non-Elemental
    Skill: Kenjutsu
    Classification: Land of Iron Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Samurai Sabre Technique
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A swift ranged attack where the user swings their sword at a target after coating it in chakra, releasing a sharp crescent of chakra in the arc that the blade was swung. The arc cannot be larger than two meters wide.
    Weaknesses: The swing must be fully completed. If the swing is interrupted the technique fails.

    Name: Samurai Sabre Technique
    Rank: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 0 - 2 m.
    Speed: One tier below user's Coordination
    Element: Non-Elemental
    Skill: Kenjutsu
    Classification: Land of Iron Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Through any weapon the user channels their chakra through the object and can manipulate it to such skill in order to makeshift any weapon they please out of raw chakra. This chakra cannot extend more than two meters off the weapon in any direction. At any moment the user can change the shape of their chakra leaving room for surprise attacks. This change happens at -1 tier below their Coordination stat.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Dance of the Crescent Moon
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 0 - 15 m.
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kenjutsu/Ninjutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Shadow Clone Technique
    Hand Seals: Seal of Confrontation
    Description: The user creates two shadow clones before proceeding to assault the enemy, with the clones attacking from the left and right and the user attacking from above. The assault occurs on three fronts simultaneously; it is almost impossible to catch the opponent flat-footed. Furthermore, the mighty sword strikes are so severe that receiving a blow from just even one among the three will inevitably result in a fatal wound.

    The user and clone gain a +1 tier in Speed and a +2 advantage in Coordination. If all three attacks are successful the +1 tier in Speed becomes Strength throwing the opponent back.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Secret Technique Stone Needles
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: -
    Speed: B
    Element: -
    Skill: Bukijutsu/Ninjutsu
    Classification: N/A
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: This technique makes use of the users chakra as a paralyzing agent. The user throws kunai with strings attached at the opponent. Once the enemy is hit, chakra is ran through the string to paralyze the opponent, which will serve to either incapacitate the enemy or allow the user to attack.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Iaidō
    Rank: S
    Activation Cost: N/A
    Upkeep Cost: 20 CP
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Kenjutsu
    Classification: Land of Iron Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Iaido is a style of Kenjutsu that focuses on quick and precise strikes, starting from the way that the weapon is drawn from the saya with the push of the thumb into the tsuba in order to give maximum speed to the draw, and from there moving into quick and aggressive strikes in order to quickly eliminate one's opponent. This is the signature style of the Samurai of the Land of Iron.

    This stance enhances the user's Coordination by +1 Tier and +2 Advantages, and their strength by +2 advantages.

    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Iai Beheading
    Rank: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Kenjutsu
    Classification: Land of Iron Exclusive
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A specific strike of Iaido that is concerned with the smooth, controlled movements of drawing the sword from its scabbard, striking or cutting an opponent, removing blood from the blade, and then replacing the sword in the scabbard. The linear motion and force applied to draw the sword from the scabbard results in slashes that are faster and stronger than ones executed with the sword already drawn.

    This technique grants the user +1 tier and +2 advantages to Coordination and -1 tier to the opponent's Perception for the duration of the technique.
    Weaknesses: This technique can only be performed once per round.

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge Empty Re: Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Post by Ren Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:19 pm



    Summon Name: Raava
    Rank: S
    The Queen of Dragons, Mother of the Horde, Empress of the Sky all these names can be used to describe the one know as Raava. Scales of pure white, almost crystal in appearance. Where her husband C holds the title of strongest, she hold the title of wisest. No dragon makes a deal without Raava's knowledge and expressed consent. It is believe that it was Raava that created the world in which the dragons reside in when humans began hunting them down for sport as a way to protect her children.

    Element: Katon
    Skill(s): Fuuinjutsu
    Strength: D
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: C
    Techniques Known:
    Unsealing Technique
    Enclosing Technique
    Five Elements Seal
    Five Elements Unseal
    Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
    Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction
    Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation

    Summon Name: Meviarot
    Rank: A
    Meviarot is the first-born son of C, dwarfed by his father in both size and power there is one thing that Meviarot has that his father does not and that is his pure speed. There are few that can match Meviarot in the sky where he holds the advantage, sharing in his father's ambition to subjugate life though he is more likely to leave people alone as long as they leave him alone as he prefers the calmness of soaring through the sky.

    Element: Katon
    Skill(s): N/A
    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D
    Techniques Known:
    Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique
    Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning
    Fire Release: Fired Pottery Technique
    Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet
    Fire Release: Great Flame Flower

    Summon Name: Isu
    Rank: A
    Isu is the First born Daughter of C, and while like her brother, Meviarot, she is nowhere near as strong as her father, she is also nowhere near as fast as her brother. She is however the Smartest of the Dragons, save for her mother. Her Beautiful Crystaline near transparent Wings can cause an near Kaleidescope type effect when they are moving.
    Element: Fire
    Skill(s): Fuuinjutsu
    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: C
    Techniques Known:
    Sealing Technique: Lion Closing Roar
    Five Elements Seal
    Five Elements Unseal
    Time-Release Technique
    Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique

    Summon Name: Myrddin
    Rank: A
    The Second Born son of C and Raava, though more like his mother than his father, in mind as well as color. He is around the same size as Meviarot and Isu, but unfortunately out shined by both as he tries to do what both can do.

    Element: Katon
    Skill(s): Fuuinjutsu
    Strength: C
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: C
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C
    Techniques Known:
    Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
    Unsealing Technique
    Enclosing Technique
    Time-Release Technique
    Custom Tech:

    Summon Name: Tuseoth
    Rank: B
    For the Longest time it was believed that Tuseoth did not possess wings, a strange affliction among Dragons, however it was later discover that Tuseoth did in fact have wings however they were so small his abnormally large scales hide them from view and they were far too weak to grant Tuseoth any sense of flight. Tuseoth is by far among the slowest of the dragons due to his lack of flight, however he is able to make up for it with powerful strikes as well as the massive Morningstar-like boulder at the end of his tail.
    Element: Fire
    Skill(s): N/A
    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: B
    Speed: D
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: E
    Perception: C
    Techniques Known:
    Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique
    Fire Release: Fired Pottery Technique
    Fire Release: Extinguishing Curtain Field

    Summon Name: Curdir
    Rank: C
    Curdir is the smallest of the large Dragons, the Runt of the Dragon Kings Brood. Looked down upon by most other Dragons due to her sickly appearance, Curdir normally sticks to Caves, though on the Rare occasion she is called forth by a summoner, she returns the favor by allowing them to Ride upon her as she soars through the skies. Though her flight usually results in tunnel vision for her, she relies upon her summoner to Direct her and see her unharmed in a fight.

    Element: Fire
    Skill(s): N/A
    Strength: E
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: C
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: E
    Perception: D
    Techniques Known:
    Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet
    Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique

    Summon Name: The Dragon Horde
    Rank: C
    Normally when one thinks of a Dragon's Horde, one imagines mountains of gold within the lair of the beast. However, this Summon changes that perspective as is summons a Swarm of 100 Pseudo Dragons that operate with a Hive Mind Mentality. (meaning they cannot operate independently of the swarm) They Share their Chakra pool and when a technique is activated all their small flames add up to the techniques power. They can be summoned as a Distraction, swarming the opponent to cover the summoners escape or to possibly even allow a sneak attack against the target due to the sheer amount of small Fist size Dragons flying around them.
    Element: Fire
    Skill(s): N/A
    Strength: E
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: C
    Speed: B
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: E
    Perception: C
    Techniques Known:
    Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
    Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet

    Summon Name: Ulroas
    Rank: D
    Ulroas is the only Pseudo Dragon that can be summoned outside of the Horde, and is the only Dragon that actually enjoys talking, sometimes to the point where he won't shut up. Preferring to sit on the summoners shoulder than flying, though when given an order he follows it without hesitation. Known as the Messenger of the Dragons, Ulroas is more fit as a carrier pigeon than being of any use in an actual fight.
    Element: Fire
    Skill(s): N/A
    Strength: E
    Constitution: E
    Stamina: C
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D
    Techniques Known:
    Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet


    Summon Name: Ibuse (Canon)
    Rank: S
    The King of Salamanders, Ibuse is a giant brown salamander, standing 20 meters tall when on all fours, with a lighter colored underside and seemingly no eyes. By far the strongest of all the Salamanders, Ibuse has earn himself the title of king and never backs down from a challenge.
    Element: Water
    Skill(s): Ijutsu
    Strength: S
    Constitution: S
    Stamina: B
    Speed: D
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D
    Techniques Known:
    Water Release: Water Severing Wave
    Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave
    Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave
    Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death
    Salamander Tongue Grapple:

    Mystic Salamander Saliva:

    Ibuse's Poison Mist:

    Summon Name: Akemi
    Rank: A
    Akemi is different than the other Salamanders, while the smallest of all the Salamanders, it is not her size that sets her apart. Unlike most Salamanders the secrete poison in their skin or mouth, Akemi has no poison in her body at all, in fact she spends most of her time extracting the poison of her Kin from their victims or healing the wounded. Akemi is around the size of a human palm, Akemi is often sitting upon one of the shoulders of the summoner or hidden somewhere on them allowing her to quickly heal them if needed.
    Element: Water
    Skill(s): Ijutsu
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: B
    Speed: C
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Techniques Known:
    Yin Healing Wound Destruction
    Delicate Illness Extraction Technique
    Mystical Palm Technique
    Chakra Scalpel
    Water Release: Water Severing Wave

    Summon Name: Sanshouo
    Rank: B
    Sanshouo is a five meter long two meter tall black and yellow Salamander, she is willing to let others ride on her if she finds them to be trustworthy, mostly due to the fact that unlike some of her kin she does not secrete poison though her skin or bite or even gas. Sanshouo's poison stems from a small pouch in the back of her mouth that produces small darts that she can fire at a target.
    Element: Suiton
    Skill(s): Ijutsu
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: B
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: C
    Techniques Known:
    Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave
    Water Release: Water Formation Wall
    Poison Dart:

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 711
    Join date : 2022-11-07
    Location : Wouldn't you like to know

    Ren's Scroll of Knowledge Empty Re: Ren's Scroll of Knowledge

    Post by Ren Fri Mar 08, 2024 12:59 am

    Sage Mode Required to use

    Name: Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: 100 Meter Radius
    Speed: S
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Wood Release: Nativity of a Sea of Trees
    Hand Seals: Snake
    Description: The most prized technique of the Senju Clan, where the user forces a dense multitude of trees to grow on any surface, easily creating a massive forest up to the maximum range on any location desired. The trees grow and move fairly quickly, with power enough to shatter stone, but are continuously maneuvered by the user over the course of three posts, including the one it's activated in, to ensnare and attack any targets within range. After these three posts the trees are essentially “locked” in the state they were in, having finished their growth. This is a jutsu which severely alters the landscape in the user's favor while also making escape virtually impossible for any targets within range.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Kanzeon Lotus King
    Rank: S
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 100 Meters Tall | 100 Meters Range
    Speed: B
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Hands Slammed on Ground
    Description: The user slams their hands on the ground and calls forth a massive, many-handed wooden statue with a similar appearance to a robed monk with both hands held in front as though in prayer. This statue can be freely controlled by the user. A round wooden base on the statue's back functions as the center for exactly one hundred wooden arms just as thick as the main arms, but much longer, able to reach the ground up to one hundred meters away. The statue has a movement speed of only B-Rank, using its many arms to carry it across the ground rather than its own feet. When striking the arms may move at B-Rank Speed and have A-Rank strength when striking, and have S-Rank durability. If the upkeep for this technique is dropped the durability of the wood reverts to B-Rank.
    Weaknesses: The user generally remains stationary on top of the wooden avatar, but is by no means directly protected by it. Given the statue's relatively slow movement speed and the fact that it is made of wood, it can be avoided and/or destroyed.

    Name: Top Transformed Buddha
    Rank: S
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: N/A
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: Kanzeon Lotus King
    Parent Technique: Kanzeon Lotus King
    Hand Seals: Clasped Hands
    Description: After creating the statue of the parent technique, the user clasps his hands together, willing all of the hands contained on the statue's back to lunge forward with full power. This technique increases the speed and power of these hands by one tier, increasing the base technique's speed to A-Rank, and increasing the power to S-Rank. All of the hands storm an area at once, devastating it with hundreds of powerful attacks all at once, making it nearly impossible to avoid or defend against. Once the punches have finished, the arms can be retracted for further use of this technique.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: All is Suffering
    Rank: S
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 300 Meters
    Speed: A
    Element: Mokuton; Varies
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: Kanzeon Lotus King
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Clapped Hands
    Description: Using the Kanzeon Lotus King as a medium, the user claps their hands together and channels a basic element through each of the five smaller heads encircling the statue's main head to have them simultaneously release a stream of that element. The power of each of these streams is approximately equal to a B-Rank ninjutsu attack, but are intended to devastate a group or the landscape with more elemental natures than they would be able to handle. This technique is limited by the user, as the basic elements that can be used with this are the basic elements known by the user.
    Weaknesses: Each individual elemental stream is weaker than the overall power of the technique and can be beaten by matching the streams with their weaknesses. An enemy that is able to use as many or more elements than the user will be able to overcome this technique fairly easily through the use of shadow clones. This technique is limited to one stream per element, so it is weaker when the user has less than five elements, but the cost remains the same.

    Name: Multiple Wood Release Clone Technique
    Rank: S
    Power: N/A
    Activation Cost: N/A
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 1 Kilometer
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Wood Clone Technique, Multi-Shadow Clone Technique
    Hand Seals: Clone Seal or Tiger
    Description: This jutsu is used to create a large number of Wood Release Shadow Clones with the principle of both parent techniques in order to greatly conserve chakra by using a much more refined method of clone generation and sustainment. What this does is create the same clones described in the Wood Clone Technique, but with a minimum chakra requirement of only 0.2 points per clone, allowing potentially hundreds more to be created.

    This technique can still be used without knowledge of the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique, though the chakra used in creating the clones will be much less refined. Therefore, the number of clones created can be no less than ten and each must maintain a chakra level of at least five points each in order to continue functioning.
    Weaknesses: The clones hold the same weaknesses as outlined in the Wood Clone Technique and the Multi-Shadow Clone Technique, though with the chakra minimums of 0.2 or 5, whichever is applicable. The secondary use of the technique, which uses that 5 point minimum, can be replaced with the primary version as soon as the user learns the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique.

    Name: Hokage-Style Sixty-Year-Old Technique — Kakuan Entering Society with Bliss-Bringing Hands
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: Varies
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Touch, 10 Meter Radius
    Speed: Instant
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A OR  S-Rank Stamina
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram → Monkey → Tiger
    Description: The Hokage-Style Sixty-Year-Old Technique — Kakuan Entering Society with Bliss-Bringing Hands technique utilises the power of the Wood Release to forcibly suppress a tailed beast's chakra. After forming the hand seals required the user produces the "sit" (座, za) kanji in their palm, and by touching the tailed beast, or its jinchūriki with their hand, the user can suppress their chakra. A series of ten pillars with inward facing spikes rise out of the ground surrounding a target Bijuu or Jinchuuriki in a ten meter radius after making contact which assist in the suppression process and help prevent escape. After making contact the user and target will be connected by a stream of chakra between the point of contact and the palm that was used to make contact. The user is able to channel an aura of chakra over the hand of himself or a creature he is connected to, such as the Wood Release: Golem Technique, Susano'o, or Tailed Beast Mode. Once this hand makes contact with the Bijuu or Jinchuuriki, all of its demonic chakra is forcibly suppressed, causing the Bijuu to sleep for the remainder of the topic and the three that follow it, and all Bijuu related powers to fail. The pillars can be used to close in on the Bijuu or Jinchuuriki to attempt to hold it in place, with Strength equivalent to the amount of chakra paid to use this technique, which is B in its base form.

    If the user has a natural S-Tier Stamina, this technique may be used without the need of the pillars, but at an increased cost of S-Rank chakra. Pillars may still be used, if desired, and will have the increased Strength of A-Tier to match the increased cost.
    Weaknesses: The user or the creature he is connected to must make direct contact with a hand. In the case of elastic type creatures, as the long reaching Tailed Beast Chakra Arms, the limb with which this technique is used may not be extended. If the user does not possess S-Tier Stamina, then the technique can be defeated by shattering the pillars. The user can cause them to regrow at the cost of two points of chakra per pillar, but the technique cannot be used until all pillars are fully formed and surrounding the target. This is irrelevant if the user meets the Stamina requirement.

    Name: Wood Release: Hotei Technique
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: 150 Meters Tall, 500 Meter Radius.
    Speed: A
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Clap Hands Together → Technique Specific Seal
    Description: This technique creates up to five gigantic wooden hands that emerge from the ground with intent to restrain massive targets, like Bijuu. The hands can function in any way desired, using massive size and great strength to their advantage, along with a very high amount of speed to attack and defend as desired. Due to their set base they are not very maneuverable, leaving their optimal function as a circle around a large target to entrap it. This technique is activated by clasping the hands and then forming the technique specific seal, but it can be preceded by up to two hands raising from the ground before the hand seals are formed. In the case that those two hands are the only ones formed, this technique's cost is reduced to A-Rank, and their power and speed are both also reduced by one rank. These hands are one hundred and fifty meters tall, and can be formed in a five hundred meter range around the user.
    Weaknesses: The hands are truly massive and are therefore immune to most forms of attack by virtue of their size alone, but given the scope of the technique and the intended targets for it, the hands may be vulnerable to attack, especially at their base, by Bijuu, Susano'o, and similar massive attacks, particularly those that cut. Due to the fact that once formed they cannot have their base be moved, those who can escape from their range through either burrowing underground or flying away can easily avoid this technique.

    Name: Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique
    Rank: S
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 100 Meters
    Speed: A
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake → Ram → Hare → Dog → Snake
    Description: After forming the hand seals, the user creates a giant wooden chinese dragon that can emerge from either a part of his body or any part of earth. This dragon varies in appearance between a traditional chinese dragon or one with an elongated, trunk-like nose. It is fully capable of flying and is used to wrap around targets as would a massive snake, restraining them with great power and then draining away their chakra. This drain effect is initiated by the dragon biting into the target, which will remove 10 points of chakra per post of contact. This energy is not returned to the user, but it can be used for the upkeep of the dragon. The constriction effect can also be used against Tailed Beasts, but as they are larger, the dragon will typically attempt to target the joints and wrap around the body in such a way that movement of the limbs becomes difficult, if not impossible. The dragon only has a durability of A-Tier, but may restrain targets as if it had S-Tier strength.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wood Release: World of Trees Wall
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 50 Meters
    Speed: A
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Bird → Hare → Serpent
    Description: The user creates countless wooden branches that grow at high speed from the ground. The branches interlace to form a wide, net-like wall with an impressive defensive power. This technique stretches fifty meters wide and the trees may grow up to fifty meters wide. These trees may be created with a central point anywhere within a twenty meter radius of the user.
    Weaknesses: The wall of trees is net-like, which may allow powders and gaseous substances through the small cracks, although this does not include the buffeting of wide range Fūton techniques, but rather more subtle things such as gaseous poisons and slower moving airborne particles.

    Name: Wood Release: Serial Pillar Houses Technique
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 100m x 100m
    Speed: C
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Wood Release: Four-Pillar House Technique
    Hand Seals: Snake → Rat → Ox → Ram → Snake
    Description: A larger scaled version of the Wood Release: Four-Pillar House Technique where instead of creating a single house, the user creates enough houses to fill a city block all at once. These constructs emerged fully painted and with glass windows, along with any other basic amenities that might be needed so long as they are made of wood.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wood Release: Hōbi Technique
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 20 Meters
    Speed: A
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Using Wood Release, the user creates a dome-like defensive structure in a twenty meter radius that completely surrounds themselves and takes the form of a dragon's face. This defence is split down the middle and can be opened on the user's command. This dome has a durability of S-Tier, and attacks that use Bijuu chakra or are Bijuu related such as Tailed Beast Balls colliding against the dome behave as if they were one rank lower in power than usual.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wood Release: Tree Bind Flourishing Burial
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 75 Meters
    Speed: A
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake → Rat → Dragon → Dog → Tiger
    Description: This technique summons a series of thin roots around the target that emerge from the ground and swiftly ensnare an opponent. These roots then grow into a full grown tree around the captured target and leave them with only their head exposed. The power of the tree's binding is tremendous and in most cases will be able to hold a person indefinitely, or until the user will's the tree's branches to grow further, crushing the opponent's body and head completely. These roots may be summoned anywhere within a twenty-five meter radius of the user and require A-Tier strength to break. If the upkeep of this technique is dropped this tree reverts back to a standard B-Tier durability tree.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 50 Meters or Forest
    Speed: A
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees
    Hand Seals: Ram → Snake
    Description: Taking advantage of the innate properties of Wood Release which allows the user to force trees to grow on any surface at a rapid pace, the user creates a dense forest of flowering trees. This forest takes one post to grow, during which roots and trees that grow may be used to capture targets. If a forest already exists, either from the Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees or the Wood Release Nativity of a Sea of Trees, this one post growing period may be skipped. The forest created by this technique would grow in a radius of fifty meters around the user, with the trees potentially reaching fifty meters high.

    On the post after the forest grows, or if a forest created by the aforementioned techniques already exists, massive flowers will erupt across the trees and quickly bloom, spreading a pollen over the entire radius of this technique. This pollen spreads out as far and as wide as the forest is. This is a fifty meter radius at base, but may be increased further if larger techniques are used as its base, such as the Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees. Anyone that breathes in this pollen is rendered unconscious leaving them at the mercy of the user.
    Weaknesses: Those with A-Tier constitution or higher may resist the effects of the pollen indefinitely. The body constantly fights against the pollen even in those unable to resist, increasing all targets’ constitution by one tier for the purpose of escaping this technique for every post that they're unconscious until they hit A-Tier, at which point they wake up. They may then use that post to attempt to escape, although their constitution resets the post after and the cycle may simply start over again if they are unable. Simply remaining outside of the pollen's range will negate any of its consequences.

    Name: Wood Clone Technique
    Rank: A
    Power: N/A
    Activation Cost: N/A
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 1 Kilometer
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Shadow Clone Technique
    Hand Seals: Tiger → Dog → Snake
    Description: The Wood Clone is formed by using chakra to alter the user's own cells into vegetation, thus creating one or more perfect duplicates that share an even amount of chakra with the user upon their creation. Like normal shadow clones, these do not cost any chakra to create, and they are able to fight as would the user, with the added benefit of being more durable than the average shadow clone. These clones are able to sustain as much damage as would be required to kill a person before they disperse, making this clone jutsu the nearest to perfection. These clones are able to freely communicate with the user at any time and may travel a distance up to the maximum range of one kilometer from the user before dispersing. These clones are also able to merge with any plant life while still maintaining awareness of their surroundings, making them excellent for reconnaissance. Like other clones, they still return all unspent chakra to the user, along with any memories and experiences they have acquired.
    Weaknesses: These clones require more chakra than the normal clone to function. While the normal Shadow Clone needs no less than five points of stamina to remain functional, a Wood Clone needs ten. The clone is still able to dip into this limit to use a technique, but the moment that technique ends, the clone will disperse, and the remaining chakra is returned to the user. Like normal Shadow Clones, Wood Clones require some level of concentration to maintain, and may be limited in use as outlined by such complex techniques as the Red Yang Formation. Wood Clones are not bound by the traditional Clone/Constitution Rules. A Wood Clone can have a max constitution of B (its based off of the user's base Constitution but the cap is B). If the user has a base S-Tier Constitution then the Wood Clone's constitution is A-Tier.

    Name: Wood Release: Nativity of a Sea of Trees
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 50 Meter Radius
    Speed: B
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake
    Description: After forming the hand seal, the user is able to turn an area into a vast forest in a matter of mere moments complete with trees and even grass growing out of any terrain they are on. These trees are fairly powerful in their growth, able to penetrate stone and earthen walls as they expand from raw chakra to small roots to full grown trees.
    Weaknesses: Unlike the more famous variation of this technique the trees created by this jutsu cannot be manipulated to ensnare targets.

    Name: Wood Release: Cutting Technique
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 2 Meters | 50 Meters
    Speed: A
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Ram
    Description: A versatile technique where the user can produce dozens of sharp wooden spikes from their body to either fashion short-range weapons akin to a makeshift sword, or use them as projectiles, which propel out from the user at the listed speed up to a range of fifty meters. Whenever one of these spikes pierce into something, the user can form the initial hand seal to cause the branch to explode in sudden growth to penetrate the target from the inside many times over in a bloody mess of spiked branches and flesh as long as it is less than fifty meters from the user.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Spontaneous Tree Summoning
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Self
    Speed: S
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This is a technique devised as a last resort response to an attack by using one's own cells to instantly generate a large tree that grows to maximum size in under two seconds. Due to the speed of the cast and the lack of hand seals, this technique is considerably more expensive than other Mokuton techniques of its rank and power, which is what makes it a last resort, as it is much less than ideal. Most attacks can be blocked by the presence of the tree, while some, like a Susano'o arrow, will pierce the tree but can the trajectory changed by it, thereby saving the user at the last possible moment. Once the tree is grown, it detaches from the part of the user from which it grew and remains in place. The tree has B-Tier durability.
    Weaknesses: This is a close range ninjutsu, since it requires the user's own cells to create, and the user's body must remain attached to the tree until it is fully grown, leaving the user momentarily open to an assault from a place unprotected by the tree, which can only grow to one side of the user, and not every place at once.

    Name: Wood Release: Foo Dog Heads
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Contact | 50 meter radius from target.
    Speed: B
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This is a technique designed to be specifically used to absorb a tailed beast's chakra. The user produces the "sit" (座, suwaru) kanji on their palm and creates a series of wooden pillars, which are engraved with what resemble foo dog faces and have lit wicks on top of them. When the user slams their palm on the ground, the wooden statues rush towards the target and forcibly restrain it while draining the Bijuu chakra from it, reducing the Jinchuuriki's state by one per post until none are active. These dogs have a strength and durability of A-Tier. The order in which the states reduce is as follows: Version Two → Version One → Initial Mode → None Active. For Chakra Mode, it reduces straight from Chakra Mode → Initial Mode → None Active.
    Weaknesses: This jutsu is ineffective against Bijuu and Jinchuuriki that are using Tailed Beast Mode; it does work on Chakra Mode, surprisingly. If the target can muster enough strength to overpower the dog heads, it can break them, forcing the user to regrow them over the course of a post.

    Name: Wood Release: Smothering Binding Technique
    Rank: B
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 100 Meters
    Speed: A
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Wood Release: Great Forest Technique
    Hand Seals: Snake
    Description: After forming the hand seal, the user transforms his arm into a tree that branches multiple times and extends rapidly to reach a target and then grow around it, restraining it with considerable force to mobilize it. This is a jutsu intended to target large scale summons and monsters. These branches have A-Tier strength and durability.
    Weaknesses: The wood can be broken and even dodged, for it must make contact before it can grow around the target, though it can branch off a few times prior to that in order to increase the odds of making contact.

    Name: Wood Release: Wood Locking Wall
    Rank: B
    Power: B | S
    Activation Cost: 10 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: 5 | 20
    Range: 20 Meter Radius
    Speed: B | S
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Rat → Dog → Tiger
    Description: An extremely versatile move, this technique uses chakra to activate the roots in the ground and, using the user of the technique as a reference point, makes wooden pillars appear from left and right. The wooden pillars join together in a dome-shape with the user at the centre. In the case that the user confronts the enemy at a short distance, the enemy can be locked up inside the dome, catching the enemy in a double sided attack. Furthermore, it can function as an easy shelter against an enemy's long-distance attacks.

    A much larger version of this technique may be used that is capable of resisting nearly anything, including Tailed Beast Balls. This version of the technique costs thirty chakra to use, has a range of one hundred meters, and attacks that use Bijuu chakra or are Bijuu related such as Tailed Beast Balls colliding against the wall behave as if they were one rank lower in power than usual.
    Weakness: N/A

    Name: Transmission Wood
    Rank: C
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: 3
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: 1 km
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Wood Clone Technique
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: By creating a Wood Clone and turning it into a seed, the user is able to continuously detect the location of that seed up to one kilometer away. This is intended as a method of tracking by attaching a seed to a target or causing ingestion. Once attached, the seed will not be removed unless specifically removed by someone, as it is especially sticky.
    Weaknesses: This is not a sensory technique, so while it divulges the target's location, it does not offer any indication to chakra levels, use, intent, or anything else not relating to location. Once a clone is made into a seed, it cannot be changed into anything else, including its original form.

    Name: Wood Release: Great Forest Technique
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 3
    Range: 50 Meters
    Speed: B
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Tiger → Horse → Tiger → Snake
    Description: A technique that changes one's own arm into big trees. Using chakra, the tissues are transformed into trees at the cellular level. Then, by activating the trees, stimulating them to grow rapidly, they lengthen at high speed and fork into many branches. It is possible to capture the enemy with these branches and at the same time, if one changes the ends into sharp stakes, turn them into countless, sharp, spear-like piercing weapons. These branches are considered to have B-Tier durability and quality, but operate at the user's Coordination and Strength.

    An alternate version of this technique may be used where the wood grows out from the ground within a twenty meter radius of the user of this technique rather than the user's own cells. It otherwise operates exactly the same.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wood Release: Four-Pillar House Technique
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 25 Meters
    Speed: C
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu | Optional Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake → Rat → Ox → Ram → Snake
    Description: By sending chakra into the ground, the roots of the plants are converted into raw materials. This technique allows for a building to be constructed, by forcing accelerated growth. Just like with the Four-Pillar Prison Technique, the size and shape of the building are taken from the user's imagination or memories. By placing tags around the house, the user creates a barrier, making it impossible for the enemy to detect it through sensory and allowing the user to "camp" in peace.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wood Release: Four-Pillar Prison
    Rank: C
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 7
    Range: 25 Meters
    Speed: C
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Ram → Ox → Boar → Snake
    Description: The user converts chakra into timber under the ground and makes it grow rapidly, while forming it into a wooden prison. The size of the prison is based on the user's imagination. From an insect cage to a great prison, one can make it into whatever they want by regulating the amount of chakra used. The timber itself is treated with a chakra coating, making its destruction extremely difficult. This has the great ability to detain prisoners, but it can also be used as a disciplinary measure for quarreling subordinates. Parts of the prison may be extended into the interior to serve as additional shackles to bind targets. The prison and any shackles creates as a part of it have A-Tier durability as long as the technique is maintained, but if the maintenance is dropped it reverts back down to its natural B-Tier durability.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wood Release: Hand Tool Manipulation
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: 3
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Self
    Speed: D
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Using Wood Release, the user manipulates their hand into a tool, such as a key or a shield. Any sort of basic tool can be made, including most of what is available in the shinobi marketplace. All tools made will have D-Tier quality and be made out of Senju Wood, giving them B-Tier durability.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wood Release: Stocks
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: 3
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 5 Meters
    Speed: D
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake
    Description: The user creates wooden stocks to restrain a target. The stocks will be made out of Senju Wood, giving them B-Rank durability. Anyone caught in the stocks will find themselves unable to form hand seals as a natural consequence of the technique and position, but also unable to assume proper styles or positioning to use physical styles or techniques.  
    Weaknesses: If the target is able to break out of these stocks with pure physical strength there is nothing stopping them from destroying the stocks and escaping.

    Name: Wood Release: Transformation
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: 3
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: Self
    Speed: D
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Transformation Technique
    Hand Seals: Bird → Dog → Snake
    Description: The user creates the necessary hand seals, then word emerges and covers their entire body with a puff of smoke or chakra, covering up the transformation. Once the technique is done the transformation is complete. It acts more like a costume than a transformation, and the user is able to take it off and leave it behind if necessary. The user is able to adjust their voice while using this technique.

    This works as the Transformation Technique does, but the user of wood adds a bit of extra protection to the user. While wearing the 'disguise' the user is treated as if they are surrounded by a thin layer of armor made out of Senju Wood. Traditional wooden armor may also be created through this technique. Armor created from this technique has a quality of D and a durability of B.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Wood Release: Wood Spikes Ring
    Rank: D
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 5 Meters
    Speed: D
    Element: Mokuton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Group Exclusive (Senju)
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake
    Description: The user creates a semi-circle of wood around a captured target, and then forms spikes within the ring, pointing at the target, preventing them from making any sudden movements. The wood created from this technique is equivalent with Senju Wood, having B-Tier durability. These spikes are able to pierce for C-Rank damage.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Character Name: Ren Uchiha
    Village: Konoha
    Rank: Jounin | Anbu
    Class: X
    Renown: 25,500
    Skills: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Kuchiyose | Sensory
    Elements: Katon | Raiton | Suiton | Doton | Fuuton
    Techniques: Here
    Stats: (19/23)
    Strength: D
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> B+ (Lifestyle)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B (A w/Sharingan)

    Attunement Slots:
    Uchiha Gunbai
    Mask of the Ancients

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