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    Clearing Things Up [Private]


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    Clearing Things Up [Private] Empty Clearing Things Up [Private]

    Post by Sakata Mon Jul 23, 2018 4:08 am

    The lone, blonde-haired male pushes the door to his apartment open and slides on by, locking it behind him. Simon trails down the steps at that point, hair up in a bun with his bangs framing his face as usual. He's garbed in an attire that's far less casual than what he's used to. Like what he wore at the party at the Senou manor, Simon had on a white dress shirt, with a yellow tie and a black overcoat that matched with the vest over the long-sleeve dress shirt. In tandem with that was a pair of black pants, and dress shoes.

    His hair's up in a bun as usual, bangs framing his face while the scent of cologne wafts upon his person. If it hadn't been noted before, the roots of his hair were sometimes black, and it was no different from usual. He elevates his left hand after he's slid its arm into the overcoat and adjusted the color, checking the watch on his wrist. Just a few minutes off from six in the evening. Simon opts to take his time with his walk, striding along the chilly breeze of the night-time air as he traverses from the residential area of Kumogakure, all the way to the more economic district. His specific destination? A sushi bar called Kuri Banshou.

    Naturally, the person in question that he was waiting for would've received his personal notice. Nothing more than a note from a messaging pigeon--if they even had access to those. Either way, he would've made sure it got to them. Or well, her.

    Along the way, the blonde stops by a flower shop, contemplating things for a moment. 'Maybe they can lighten the blow if it really ends up turning out bad?' The Kageyama muses, frowning a little bit. With one guilty purchase made, the male continues ambling to the sushi bar with a translucent bouquet, gold glitter dazzling it. Matching, yellow flowers that were bright in color filled the contents themselves.

    At last, Simon seems to arrive at the sushi bar, having reserved a booth before hand. This thing as a whole seemed entirely foreign and out of his element, and in all honesty that only concerned him more. Maybe he should've picked his words more carefully and not have suggested that he explains things on a 'date' as he said she could think of it as. He'd really ended up tossing more pressure onto himself in a moment where he already felt pressured in the first place.

    "... Oh well. Time to see if she turns up." The blonde remarks, hiding the bouquet next to him as he waits, occasionally checking the time and looking over the menu.

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    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Clearing Things Up [Private] Empty Re: Clearing Things Up [Private]

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:09 am

    Shimiko pretty much spent all day stressing over what she would wear during her first date with Simon. She had considered wearing more revealing clothes around him. She was never ashamed of her body although Natsuru had made her feel insecure occasionally. She decided if he was willing to go out with her then there must be something attractive about her so maybe it was good to experiment a bit with something new to see how he'd react. Most of the young women in her sect wore very revealing clothes and they got all sorts of attention. People tended to trust and respond more positively to girls that showed more skin. This was part of the reason why Shimiko loved to wear short skirts but some part of her liked wearing more formal upperwear. Eventually modesty won out over seduction. Simon had sounded gravely serious when he offered the date. Something told her the subject matter might change her view of him and she didn't want to come off as making light of the situation by dressing too casual. Shimiko eschewed a flirtatious load-out and instead opted for something more along the lines of what she regularly wore. A white dress shirt, yellow sweater vest, and red mini-skirt with a nice pair of shoes. It was closer to business casual than anything else and was more or less what she tended to wear on days like these. She did her hair in its typical pigtail fashion resolving to try something new depending on how the date with Simon went. The only thing left was to decide whether to wear the yellow scarf he had gifted her. It was a bit too hot for the scarf and she ultimately decided that it would be weird and try-hard for her to work it into today's style.

    Shimiko skipped out of her apartment and headed towards the destination Simon had outlined in his letter. Even the moment of receiving the letter had caused her to hop around with excitement. It was way too romantic for her to play it cool. The mystery and tension he had built around the date had put her on edge. A good kind of edge though, an exciting feeling that made her both look forward to and dread the date. Shimiko wasn't sure what specific faults Simon had but a lack of showmanship was not one of them.

    Shimiko spotted Simon at the sushi bar she was supposed to meet him at and did her best not to skip towards him. She knew if she tried to play it cool and it failed she'd just end up looking like an idiot so instead she was her regular cheery and polite self.

    "Hi Simon!" she said so focused on him that she hadn't even realized what he was holding. She made no attempt to hide her blush or excitement. Instead she went in for a hug hoping she wouldn't be rejected. He had something serious to tell her and she may not like him because of it apparently. But until then she wanted him to know that she fancied him. Once she had gotten over the initial hump of telling him how she felt everything from physical contact to talking directly to him felt easy and natural.


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    Clearing Things Up [Private] Empty Re: Clearing Things Up [Private]

    Post by Sakata Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:34 am

    Simon casually slips out of his overcoat and rests it on the back of the booth at that point, checking his watch again while idly drumming his fingers against the table. Upon hearing a familiar voice, the male glances up from the menu at that point, lowering it as the Chinoike heads on over. He offers a relaxed little smile, then stands up, bringing his hand and the bouquet to his side, while apprehensively returning the hug with one hand. He hides the bouquet behind him once he opts to try and break the hug, offering it to her casually.

    "Hey. Looks like you got here." The Kageyama remarks, still smiling a little bit while holding the bouquet out. Assuming she accepts it, the blonde comes to take a seat back where he was, assuming she'd sit across from him. It seemed like this place would be more befitting for a group, which reminded him that it'd be kinda nice to come here as a squad one day, considering hers was partially his now. Nariko was the official leader and all, but he was intended to be an interim for when she's busy.

    'Meh. Should I tell her that while I'm at it?' The Kageyama contemplates, allowing his facial muscles to relax.

    "Order whatever you want, I'm paying." Simon remarks, elevating his left arm to rest it upon the back of the seat.

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    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Clearing Things Up [Private] Empty Re: Clearing Things Up [Private]

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:51 am

    Shimiko of course notices that Simon only returns the hug with one hand. This makes her feel a bit awkward and worried but the reason for it is readily made obvious to her when he hands her a beautiful bouquet of yellow flowers. Shimiko's face lights up and she accepts it graciously. She sniffs deeply and sighs before looking at him with genuine gratitude. "Thanks" she says a bit unsure of whether she should have gotten him something. She sits across from him setting the flowers upright and next to her mindful of their presence so they would be unmolested and perfect for the duration of the date. He said she could order whatever she wanted and that he would be paying. Shimiko for her part smiled widely and remarked playfully "You're such a gentleman" before picking up the menu and reading over the items. After a few moments, a waiter had stepped forward and looked at them expectantly. Shimiko did not want to eat anything heavy as she was more concerned with Simon's company and what he had to say over what she was going to fill her stomach with. "I'll have the Temarizushi please" she said before handing the waiter the menu. Shimiko would let Simon make his own order while doing her best not to look away like a frightened child but not stare like a creeper. When he was done ordering Shimiko began to bounce her knee impatiently. He had something important to tell her. Something really serious that could change the nature of their relationship. She had put off the gravity of the situation until now and instead filled her minds with all the positive things that came with going on a date with your crush. But there could be no putting it out of mind now. She leaned forward eager to hear what he had to say.

    "You said you wanted to tell me something..." she prodded. She didn't want to come off as rude but she couldn't handle the suspense. If he tried to make small talk or skirt the issue that would only serve to frustrate her.


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    Clearing Things Up [Private] Empty Re: Clearing Things Up [Private]

    Post by Sakata Tue Jul 24, 2018 1:36 am

    Simon offers a nod. After she orders, the male briefly glances at the waiter, speaking personally. "Hamachi." Or in other words---yellow tail; befitting of him sort of. At least up until this point. It's then that his cat-like gaze shifts to her, and he removes his arm from its positioning, folding his hands together within his lap.

    "Yeah. It's more of a story if anything, I guess. Don't tell anyone else--I'll... probably tell them at some point." This was his way to gauge seeing if it'd actually be nice to reveal some of these things. Simon lifts his hand up, running his hair through his bangs a little bit. "First of all, I gotta say thanks to you and your brother, Seigi. I don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for either of you, or your squad. Anyways..." The blonde decides to go ahead and stop hinting at it. Get straight to the point and all.

    "It was about... ten years ago? Yeah. Exactly a decade. Me and my family moved here from the Land of Frost, or more specifically, Shimogakure no Sato. Things were getting tough there---lots of poverty and what not. They'd gotten clearance to go so... we ended up here. Closest place we could get to. My parents opened up a little shop and what not, started making a living. Even ended up changing our names and kinda how we looked so we could really solidify the feeling of starting new." The male hints at what he meant by how they looked by pointing at the black hair roots.

    "The Kishima family became the Kageyama family. Though I still retained my birth name--Sakata. I'll get into how I started going by Simon later on." The male remarks, continuing for now. "Naturally, I joined the academy to become a shinobi. Kinda got inspired by Calypso and Seigi, and since I couldn't really mimic what they were really known for I just took a liking to the next best thing--the element they had in common: Lightning."

    "Midway through I started getting good at chemistry and stuff--nothing really major. Started out with vinegar and baking soda, but as things went on I got better and better. Kids started likin' me for it because it wasn't that ordinary in the academy. Usually they just got good at the usual things. I'd always show it to the kids that played near our house too, since they didn't attend the academy and we had to live in the slums."

    "They didn't really know my name, just called me 'Blondie' for the most part. I'd always show them little bits of what I learned at the academy, and it wasn't long before I was kinda a ringleader. Just a little group of friends in the slums. Usually ended up sleeping over their houses 'cause stuff started getting tougher for mom and dad, but they didn't explain how. And eventually, they both disappeared--gone without a trace. So I had to finish up the academy alone, and got caught up with the usual drug business."

    "Luckily those kids grew up along with me, and they kinda protected me from the usual dangers of dealing while I kept selling. Usually wore yellow or dyed their hair blonde--like I did back when I came to the village, to show their allegiance with me. Funnily enough, I started going by Simon 'cause of the game, 'Simon says'. They'd started calling me Simon because they said it fit, since that game's all about someone telling you what to do, like a leader, and that's what I was to them."

    Simon sighs, bringing his elbow up upon the edge of the table. He rests his hand upon his cheek. "By then I'd graduated and stuff, and started making a good living for my own. Each time I visited my original home there was nothing--the shop was completely gone too. I just figured that they went back to Shimogakure, but I don't really know why. Didn't have the time or the money to see for myself. So I stayed here and followed in your brother and Calypso's footsteps, and got as good as I could at Lightning. Sooner or later word got around to your brother, and he promoted me to a Chuunin. Don't why, guess I just seemed promising?"

    "For a few years I just kept on building up until I could afford my own apartment, then I said bye to all those friends of mine when I finally got it. Started living like a shinobi at that point and occasionally visited them to show them a thing or two, but other than that I stopped being a dealer. It wasn't long before I met you guys on your way back from that mission at the gate, and then Seigi up and fell ill, and eventually died."

    "The news threw me off a lot, so when you went and fell ill I got worried that you'd go, too. So when you were hospitalized I pitched in some money for your life support. Figured I owed Seigi one for the promotion, and that I aught to look over you since he's gone. After Calypso died shortly after I felt even more lost, and didn't really know what to do. After you woke up from being comatose and after I started bonding with your squadmates I got a little more hopeful. Decided that I'd stick around you guys, and kinda try and make sure you don't go..."

    "In a way, after losing my parents, my friends in the slums guided me---kinda lead me astray. Then my inspirations helped get me back on the path I wanted to be on---a path to wealth and royalty. I wanted to be a King so I wouldn't have to worry about poverty, and so I'd have people that looked at me the way they did. But after I lost them, you guys sort of inadvertently kept me on the right path, too. So... thank you. Not from Simon Kageyama---but Sakata Kishima." He remarks that, feeling a pang of guilt. It prompts him to say some more things, just as a finisher.

    "... Sorry about lying to you guys, too. This is just my way of coming clean and being honest about who I am. Not sure if I should tell the others, but it'd certainly clear things up. Just as I wanted. I don't blame you if you end up hating me for it." He remarks, declining against the seat.

    'As for now? I just hope those lies aren't the reason I lose more people in my life.' The male muses.

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    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Clearing Things Up [Private] Empty Re: Clearing Things Up [Private]

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Wed Jul 25, 2018 12:58 am

    Simon started off by thanking her, Seigi, and the Thundercats. This caused Shimiko to blush unsure of what she could have done that made him so grateful but liking the attention all the same. He then launched into what was essentially an origin story. Shimiko sat and listened in silence as Simon explained where he was from, why he hadn't been entirely truthful about who he was, and what he really did or used to do with his chemistry skills. Shimiko remembered vaguely he had said something about liking chemistry when she saw him in that maid cafe before she passed out. She was certain he didn't mention the fact that he was a drug dealer or she would have remembered it. Even more surprising was that he owned up to being the one that paid for her stay at the hospital. It was something that had been bothering her for quite sometime. She was confident that the amount of money for her treatment was expensive and that her parents might not have wanted to waste money on false hope. She considered a few possibilities but she was rather shocked that it came from a boy she fancied but hadn't ever really gotten a chance to know. This combined with the tragedy of his own story, missing parents, and the guilt he felt for deceiving her about his background caused tears to well in her eyes.

    Shimiko was not angry with Simon. Just the opposite, she empathized and felt for him. In her eyes he had done nothing wrong. It wasn't easy to admit one's faults and if he was not comfortable sharing his real name with others that's something she could understand. Simon had also confessed that he was also a big fan of her older brother Seigi who had been his idol and the person who had promoted him to Chuunin. Chuunin...so that's his rank... Shimiko thought to herself. She couldn't recall him every officially confirming his rank to her but she had assumed he was stronger than a mere genin although he didn't exactly give off the vibe of being a by-the-book Jounin. Simon's rank had been a hard read but if she had to guess Chuunin sounded about right.

    Simon, no Sakata's story was one of redemption, guilt, and hope for a better life. By the time he was finished Shimiko was wiping tears from her eyes. Part of her was angry at herself for showing weakness but another part of her was so moved that she didn't care. When he finished his story, she struggled for words unsure of what to say. She decided to start with the most immediate and obvious thing:

    "Simon..." she began before realizing that he may not want to be called that. She decided she'd ask again later but judging by what he had said regarding keeping this whole thing a secret for the time being perhaps it was best to keep calling him Simon. "I'm not angry with you at all. I don't hate you, I like you...I really like you" she said. "I'm sorry that you lost your parents and when Seigi passed it hurt me a lot too. I don't know if you should be thanking me, I don't feel like I've done anything to help you". In truth Shimiko felt like she had been more of an errant burden in his mind. Constantly seeking his attention and creating drama when she failed to get it. She had apologized for her misbehavior before so she didn't want to do it again and risk making it insincere but it did make her feel like she had only contributed to his stress. "I know I haven't known you for a long time but I want to help. I want to be there for you. I want to help you find your parents and keep you on the right path. You don't have anything to apologize for and I'm sure the others will understand. I really appreciate the fact that you trusted me enough to tell me your story. "

    Shimiko didn't care about the drug dealing stuff. She did but only tangentially so. It wasn't her place to criticize him for doing what he had to do to support himself. When she stopped living with her parents she could always rely on her older brother for support and by the time he had died she was almost entirely self-sufficient. Where he couldn't help her she had the support of her fellow Janshinists who were bonded by their persecuted faith. Even the Chinoike Clan had checked in on her once or twice out of sheer familial obligation even though her parents strongly disproved of her decision to become a shinobi. Shimiko had a support system that had kept her from having to do things like sell drugs. Any criminal activity she did was purely because she enjoyed it and not out of social or economic necessity. She would never judge Simon for something as trivial as dope dealing when she had committed acts far more heinous and with far less justification.

    Shimiko felt her own sort of guilt at keeping her own secrets. She had not lied directly to him but it was the sort of deception that was arguably worse than an outright lie. She was not ashamed or regretful of the things she had done as a Janshinist, to the contrary she was proud and she'd do it all over again if given the opportunity. Yet if she was so proud of it then why would she lie about it to the people that mattered to her? She couldn't answer the question and the fact that Simon was revealing so much about himself to her yet she was unwilling to do the same made her feel terrible. She considered telling him her own secrets. Would he hate her for it? Would he look at her with disgust? Would he turn her in to the authorities? No. She couldn't risk it. If not for her own sake then for the sake of her fellow worshipers. She did not want to lie to him but she also didn't want to spoil this moment.  

    She reached out and offered her hand in case he wanted to take it. She was somewhat unsure if he really liked her. He had called it a date but perhaps he was pressured to do so because he felt he owed a debt to her brother. Maybe he didn't want to hurt her feelings and make her feel ugly and unwanted. Shimiko thought it would be rude and inappropriate to ask such a selfish question after he had displayed this much vulnerability. The hand was offered out of both friendship and romance. Whichever he was interested in, he'd have it from her. She had found him dashing and cool when she had first laid eyes on him. Ever since then he had captured her attention but after revealing his struggle and his ability to overcome them he had fully captured her heart.


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    Clearing Things Up [Private] Empty Re: Clearing Things Up [Private]

    Post by Sakata Wed Jul 25, 2018 7:29 am

    Sakata's gaze has either been out the window, around him, or at the table for a majority of his explanation, preferring not to really look at her directly as he explained his dishonesty. As he looks up and sees her wiping tears though, he blinks once or twice out of surprise. Part of him ponders if he really managed to screw up that badly. The male simply averts his gaze once more, this time to the menu. He wasn't exactly reading anything on it though, just deep in thought as he stared at the center of it. As she says his name, the faux-blonde peers up at her, pursing his lips together and preparing for the worse in all honesty. '.. At least I came clean.' He thinks to himself.

    As he listens to her response, the male raises his brows, but still listens her thoroughly. The Kishima taps his fingers against the table lightly, and finally, he shakes his head. The male finally smiles genuinely since he's gotten there, speaking in response. ".. That's relieving. And.. no need to apologize about my parents. It's been a decade--I've been over it for awhile. I'd like to see if they're okay now that it's definitely within my power to check. But.. that's for another time. My responsibilities are more important than my personal desires, you know?" He states, fairly adamant when he says that. He'd truly had time to lament over it, but with lamenting eventually came acceptance. And as he said, when he lost his parents he started looking up to Seigi and Calypso more. They'd became the new role models for him.

    Though there was still the issue of him lacking role models as a whole at the moment. Guess in a way he decided he'd try and become the role model, instead of seeking one out by the way he spoke about their team. It was a sense of coming to age, and picking up the responsibilities he'd initially avoided because he was sort of apprehensive. He'd felt like other people could do it. Things that he held off on. But it was about time that he pushed himself to do those things himself, and show that he earned his title and the right to work towards being a role model. Afterall, being a role model would be befitting of a Jounin, so it was only natural he followed suit if he was essentially a trial one at the moment. He doesn't say that out loud though, because he doesn't know the final outcome as of yet. Instead he continues to speak.

    "As for how you helped, if it wasn't for you I would've lost my purpose in wanting to follow in his footsteps. I had assumed that the best way to do that at the time would've been to make sure you'd be okay. I'm not doing it in his stead anymore. I'm doing it on my own now." He remarks, his smile and his presence itself seeming to change. His expression was filled with affection. The love he feared to show makes itself apparent upon him, as the sense of conviction and responsibility he was uncertain of shows itself in his actions. He extends his own hand forth, clasping onto hers and offering a squeeze, reciprocating the sentiment she offered at the party, and the action that followed it.

    Amidst lost, Sakata had found himself.

    'I won't lose anyone again. It's not in the hands of my parents or my idols to prevent that now--it's in mine. It's my responsibility, and it's my love.'

    'I won't lose them.'
    "I won't lose you."

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    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Clearing Things Up [Private] Empty Re: Clearing Things Up [Private]

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Wed Jul 25, 2018 4:21 pm

    Shimiko felt electricity course through her body when she made contact with Sakata. When he squeezed the contact reminded her of when they held hands back at Natsuru's mansion. She could understand that he wanted to take time before he went out and searched for his parents. She would not push him and in his own time he'd make the decision to seek them out and make sure they were okay. Whenever he decided to make that journey she would be right alongside him. He explained what he had thanked her for and in the process he had subtly let her know that he cared about her because of her and not just because of who she was related to. Shimiko smiled at his words, they were filled with conviction and certainty. He was going to protect her and watch out for her. The thought made her blush even though she believed she could take care of herself. It was nice to know that someone fancied her enough to make her safety and development a priority.

    "I won't lose you."

    Shimiko smiled, blushed, and squeezed his hand in response. She felt butterflies in her stomach and the intensity of the moment was making her nervous and excited all at the same time. She figured now would be as good as time as any.

    "So does this mean we're...." she trailed off not wanting to finish the thought out of fear that it'd scare him off and ruin the moment.


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    Clearing Things Up [Private] Empty Re: Clearing Things Up [Private]

    Post by Sakata Wed Jul 25, 2018 7:02 pm

    Simon briefly relaxes his grip but still keeps his hand there after he's affirmed that, staring at her. He offers a brief nod of acceptance, and widens his smile a little bit. He'd already confirmed it with that four-word statement, and even if he hadn't there was next to no point in him saying it without having an affectionate meaning behind it. He's happy to be able to vocalize that and push away from his bubble of concerns as well. It was kind of a breath of fresh air for him, in a way. His gaze shifts as someone approaches the table--before he notices its the waiter. The blonde offers a brief nod and "Thanks" as their orders are placed before them.

    "Let's eat." The male suggests, briefly slipping his hand away from hers if she's alright with it. "--Ah right, one last thing. I might get promoted to Jounin soon, depending on how I do as a trial one. I'm a Tokubetsu Jounin right now thanks to some planning and training with Nariko. Thought I should let you know." He advises.

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    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Clearing Things Up [Private] Empty Re: Clearing Things Up [Private]

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Wed Jul 25, 2018 7:17 pm

    Shimiko practically squeals with delight when he nods in response to her unfinished question. She does a little dance in her seat at having secured her first boyfriend. The confirmation was a big confidence boost for her and it would keep her on cloud nine for a few days. The food arrived and they broke contact so that they could enjoy their delightful meal. She grabs her chopsticks and begins to nibble on one of the elegant handcrafted sushi. Sakata then shared a bit of good news with her. He was now a Tokubetsu Jounin with an official Jounin promotion coming his way. She raised her eyebrows when he mentioned that he was training with Nariko. It appeared their Raikage had a lot on her hands between training her, her squad, and now Sakata. The revelation makes her curious as to how strong Sakata is and what exactly he specializes in as a shinobi. Chemistry was a fine supplemental skill that provided a ninja with extra options much like her own weapons crafting abilities but ultimately it was not suitable for combat on its own. Shimiko decided to ask for herself as she ate but not before congratulating him.

    "Congratulations on the promotion! I bet she's already doing the paperwork for your Jounin status as we speak" she said confident that he was a strong enough ninja to make it to the next level. "So what's your main specialty as a shinobi...I mean fighting-wise" she asked.


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    Clearing Things Up [Private] Empty Re: Clearing Things Up [Private]

    Post by Sakata Wed Jul 25, 2018 7:45 pm

    The male blinks for a moment at her response, but just passes it off as natural for the time being. Now that their food was actually here, Sakata opts to grasp onto his own chopsticks and grab a piece of the yellow tail sushi he ordered, taking a bite out of the piece of it. As she congratulates him he simply chuckles for a moment, waiting to gulp down his food before answering the question that followed her congratulations. "Raiton and recently, Kenjutsu." Sakata admits, taking another bite out of the sushi for the time being. He chews a few more times and gulps down the little pieces he's chewed the part of the piece into, before elaborating a little more on the Kenjutsu part.

    "I still haven't gotten acquainted with any particular style or techniques in regards to Kenjutsu, like I have with Raiton. I plan on incorporating my Raiton with the Supervibrato Swords though.. maybe two at most. I kinda want Katanas though. They'd seem cool to wield--but the Supervibrato are good for tossing I guess." The Kishima remarks, proceeding to take another bite out of it. He chews quaintly for a moment, then swallows once more, glancing up at her.

    "What about you?"

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    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Clearing Things Up [Private] Empty Re: Clearing Things Up [Private]

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Fri Jul 27, 2018 12:41 pm

    Raiton and Kenjutsu. That was a very orthodox style for a Kumo-Nin she half expected him to say something more exotic. It was good that he was interested in swords as she could definitely deliver on that front. She was a weapons crafter and it would be child's play to whip up something extra special for him. She took a sip from her glass of water and answered his question.

    "I mainly use Chinoike Clan Ninjutsu to fight. We have a special doujutsu called the Ketsuryūgan. I use my Ketsuryūgan to manipulate blood and liquid iron" Shimiko focused and activated the clan's coveted doujutsu to illustrate the point. She blinked and her eyes returned to its normal green color. "I recently discovered that I have the Lightning element so that's pretty cool. I think I'll incorporate it into my Chinoike Clan techniques"

    Shimiko took a few more bites of her food.

    "By the way, I'm also really good at making weapons. So if you need help with getting some katana or Supervibrato swords, I'm your gal" she said with a smile and a wink.


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    Post by Sakata Sun Jul 29, 2018 11:00 am

    Sakata offers an acknowledging nod, eating the rest of the piece that was left as she explains what she's capable of doing. He never was really aware of the fact that the Chinoike Clan had a doujutsu of their own, though he was vaguely familiar with their general abilities. It sounded interesting, and like something Shimiko could make the most out of if she tried. At the mention of her possessing the same element as himself, he cocks a brow upright. Especially at her statement about combining it with her clan techniques.

    "Huh. That'd be pretty cool." He pondered if Seigi did the same thing. The male was a Chinoike, too, and he had the same element as his sister. Though if he hadn't she'd have her own gimmick, and that'd be cool, too.

    As she mentions being good at crafting weapons, he grins a bit. "Really? Well, that clears my concern about relying on store bought stuff. If I made an alloy of sorts that conducted chakra in general as good as Supervibrato Swords does with Raiton chakra, do you think you could make something out of it? Like a Nodachi--but maybe longer than that. Not like an Odachi." He asks curiously.

    The male eats some more of his food after asking that, pondering what his main style of kenjutsu usage could involve. A Nodachi that's essentially bigger than the norm would improve the range that the weapon at base already has, and a chakra conductive material would extend the range of techniques he uses from it. Somewhere down the line, Raiton-based jutsu wouldn't be the only thing it'd be used for the base for, either.

    'Heh. Lugging it around might be problematic, though.'

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    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Mon Jul 30, 2018 11:25 pm

    Sakata flattered her! She shouldn't have been all that surprised as it wasn't the first time someone had asked her to make something for them but all the same coming from him it was a big ego boost. "Of course, just give me a description of what you want and I'm pretty sure I could make it!" she said a bit over-enthusiastically. She didn't want to overpromise and under-deliver but she liked a challenge. She wanted Sakata to think of her as the best weaponscrafter in the village and she'd only impress him if she was able to do things with his blade that no other person could do. He did say something that piqued her own curiosity. He mentioned that he was capable of creating alloys. She had come up with an idea for weapons for her comrades and it involved an alloy that was rare but not completely unheard of, one that she had no ability to make as she didn't understand the underlying chemical properties at play.

    "You can create alloys and other materials using chemistry?" she asked. She didn't want to assume but if he answered in the affirmative then they would definitely be able to help each other out. "I was thinking of making a new weapon for Ryuko and Natsuru using a rare metal that only a Chinoike can make. I'm sure we can help each other out" she tried to sound as charming, pleasant, and sweet as she could without overdoing it. Shimiko took a few more bites of her meal and then a few more sips of her water. She was finished. She didn't want to stuff herself in front of Sakata.


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    Post by Sakata Tue Jul 31, 2018 10:17 am

    Sakata offers an acknowledging nod, starting to eat another piece of the yellow tail sushi. "Got it. I'll get a description worked out at some point, then." The blonde remarks in response, casually lifting his hand up. He starts to curl some of his locks around his finger. 'Man. Looks like it's almost back.' Sakata muses, noticing that it was just about done. The next time he'd wash his hair was when it'd probably part way with him. Out with the blonde and in with the natural hair color at last. No more of that troublesome effort to maintain the look. It was certainly a load lightener.

    He peers up as she asks the question about making alloys, and offers a confirmatory nod. "Sort of. It's a long process, though. And a complicated one. Can't say it's cheap either." He admits, slipping his finger away from around his locks and rubbing the nape of his neck. He shifts it to the side, almost as though he wants to crack it, but ultimately stops short. As the male shuts his eyes briefly, he slides his hand back down along the concave of his neck, then opens his eyes back up.

    "Hm... is that so? I'll consider it. I'm probably going to need a concrete idea of how to make the metal plausible, though."

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    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:47 am

    Shimiko couldn't imagine that making new metals and materials was easy. She didn't want to pressure Sakata but she also needed to equip her friends when the best gear possible. "Yeah, you should stop by my forge and we can hammer out the details". Shimiko giggled at her own pun. She enjoyed his company but she was amazed at how calm he always was. When Shimiko had pictured her first boyfriend she had pictured someone who would openly flirt with her and treat her like a princess. Shimiko decided that the fact that he defied her expectations only made him more interesting. "I think I can rustle up some old guides on how Chinoike chemists made it" Shimiko was not on the best of terms with her mother and father but the other clan members liked and respected her. Some of the older folk that had mainly lived in the mountains coveted her as a future bride although she had no intention of marrying them. The young ones admired her brother and had spoiled her hoping to get in his good graces. Now that they were aware she was the Raikage's student their interest in maintaining a good relationship with her only increased.

    The waiter came by and saw that she was finished. He took her plate with a smile after she indicated she was done. Shimiko smiled at the man. She wanted to carve her and Sakata's initials into his chest.


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    Post by Sakata Sat Aug 04, 2018 12:24 pm

    Sakata offers an acknowledging nod at that point, lowering his hand to his side at that point. "Will do at some point. Gonna have to see when I can since I might be busy. Not sure yet." He remarks with uncertainty, standing up once the waiter's taken the plate. With a shift of his hand through his pockets, the blonde removes his wallet and sets down a good amount of money, both to pay for their food and to tip. Once he's done that, he tucks it away and shifts his yellow gaze up to the Chinoike at that point. "Sounds good. Let me know when you find them."

    With that out of the way, all he could think of was leaving now. There wasn't much else that they had to do at the moment anyways. "Ready to go?" The male inquires, slipping his hands into his pockets for now. He was eager to set up some plans or something. Outside of the village---and he knew just who he could talk to to sort that out.

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    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:52 pm

    Sakata paid like the gentleman he was. Shimiko nodded when he asked if she was ready to go. The girl hopped up and took his arm allowing him to lead her out of the restaurant. She didn't expect him to walk her home but she did want to enjoy his company for a little longer. She decided that he probably had better things to do and she didn't want to be the type of girl that burdened him constantly with requests for attention. That being said saying goodbye after their first date only made her more anxious. It was as they said though distance makes the heart grow fonder. Shimiko smiled and turned to face him directly. She gave him a brief hug not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable by initiating a first kiss. The idea brought up unpleasant memories and she was through trying to force affection on him. He would give her her first kiss when he was ready and not a moment too soon.

    "Thanks for the date Sakata" she said using his real name. "I really enjoyed it...I won't tell anyone what you told me but like I said before I'm glad you shared it. You're....you're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for" she said putting her feelings into concrete words. She hugged him again just to feel his contact before leaving. If that was all then the Chinoike would depart feeling elated.



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    Post by Sakata Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:52 pm

    As the female takes his arm, he slows his pace a little bit just in case he was moving too fast. For now, Sakata shuts his eyes and casually leaves the store, taking his time with his movements as he thinks about other things that he had in mind. It was certainly a relief that he wouldn't have to deal with hiding his identity more---at least from one person, but he should probably find a way to cut the news to the rest of them as well. He probably wouldn't tell the whole story and what not--but he would prefer to at least just say they should call him Sakata. That works--and it's still honest.

    'Guess that's the plan, then.' He muses to himself, opening up a single yellow eye as she speaks. He simply offers a brief nod and a relaxed little smile, answering. "No need to thank me for what should be expected of me. Considering our.. companionship." The blonde states, returning the second hug with an affectionate squeeze. It's then that he turns on his heel when they part, and starts to stride off with his hands still in his pockets. He does say one thing on his way away from her though, before she's out of earshot.

    "See you around, Shimiko."


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