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Kitsuki Kurahasa
Valen Minamoto
Takara Kaiyo
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    Revelations 12: The Attack


    Posts : 64
    Join date : 2018-08-02

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Jōki Thu Nov 11, 2021 9:24 pm

    Whatever you bind on Earth....

    It started with a crack. A small split in the seam of the fabric of reality. On one side was the inner chamber of the Heavenly Emporium. On the other a hellscape where only the strong survived. Two fingers pried at the seam, slipped through and pulled. The split became a tear and the tear became a wound. Anomalous weather began to leak through and several of the technicians that tended to the artificial gravity system became aware that something was off. The chamber was kept at a very specific temperature in order to avoid destabilizing the core. Even one degree of change should set off an alarm. Before anyone had time to react, the chamber was filled with an oppressive heat and then a bone-chilling cold. It was a distraction. An attempt to get them to panic while the hands wriggled their way into their world. Once a proper grip was had on the two sides of space-time, they were pulled open and a messy of long black hair flowed from the tunnel. The interloper fell head first into the ground but was able to shift their inertia to avoid touching the chamber's floor.

    It was a girl. A gothic girl. A rather pale gothic girl to be specific. She was floating upside-down when she tumbled into this world but she quickly righted herself. She floated towards the shadows of the chambers and suprisingly few noticed her. The technicans, engineers and guards were too busy trying to get the temperature under control. The floating trespasser clung to the shadows of the walls and rose to the ceiling. She hid among the pipes as she waited for her mother to enter this plane of reality.

    Using the gaping hole, a second trespasser pushed her way into the chamber. This time, the invasion was noted by several of the elite guard. The woman stood at an impressive height and she had long white hair, black lips and was covered in skintight black pants and an top that appeared to be a cross between a gown and a crop top. An arrogant smiled was etched on her face as the chamber went on red alert. The invader did not rush to silence them. They could not stop what was coming.

    "Oh my...I think we've gotten lost Chiheisen. Perhaps these nice humans will show us the way out"

    Revelations 12: The Attack  82359

    Xeimi "Merryweather" Ōtsutsuki

    Ōtsutsuki Ability: Neo-Amenominaka
    Occupation: Inter-dimensional Fugitive, Arms-Dealer, and Mercenary

    The woman's daughter floated down from the shadows and positioned herself behind her mother. The glowing red eyes, long black hair and deadened expression was a giveaway as to her identity. She was older, stronger and more sure of herself but she'd always be a victim of human cruelty. The child who had been the subject of one of the most daring raids of the century. Chiheisen Ōtsutsuki's face soured into a pout and in that moment all hell broke loose. The guards of the Heavenly Emporium were pitted against two aliens who were renegades even by the standards of their own kind. They never stood a chance. Merryweather dissected their defenses, crushed them with weather that was not of this world and left little as remainds. Chiheisen, far from being the girl that the world had once known, summoned the strength of many other selves. Some in similar places and positions to where she was now and others on adventures far away from this one. The pair demolished the internal security forces and set to work de-activating its barriers and defenses from the inside out.

    The chamber was buried under many miles of rock, fuuinjutsu and barriers. Many of the engineers that had worked on the Blood Prison's anti-teleportation techniques. It was this magic that had kept Menza and others from using the Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport into the Heavenly Emporium's inner sanctum. Unfortunately, Chiheisein's power was something else entirely. It wasn't even classified by the Ōtsutsuki themselves. Merryweather had specifically chosen her father and had bred her daughter to be the skeleton key that she needed. Once all the defenses had been disabled, Merryweather laid down some FTG tags and had teleported Menza's minions inside. From there, they began to take control of the gravity well. It would be useful to them for what was to come next.

    Shall be loosed in Heaven

    In the minutes, hours and days leading up to the aforementioned infiltration, Society spies had broken into the Heavenly Emporium. Many were living amongst the people as non-descript tradesman and entertainers. However, they all harbored a lethal secret. Their true purpose was to kill and cause chaos. By the time the alarms began to blare, it was too late. The number of Society terrorists within the city had swelled and Merryweather making short of the city's defenses. They were able to lay down summoning scrolls to bring the rest of their compatriots. And not all of them were human.

    When the sirens called out, everyone knew that something was off. The festivities were at an end. The second sign of trouble were the explosions. Blasts being let off at every corner of the city as the enemy released all of its ordinance on the innocent. The third tell were the roars of Xeno-beasts. Monstrosities that were bred by Menza and his Yuyo. They were spawned from a gestation pod originally collected by Honiko and her disciples years ago and now they burst forth from Society controlled warehouses and sewer systems. The monsters attacked all that they could spy and none were spared. Summons, puppets, and mercenaries were suddenly everywhere as the Heavenly Emporium descended into chaos. A contingent of the troops fanned out with several commando squads heading towards the Stag Tower. Their purpose was simple: Capture the King.

    The penultimate symbol of the Emporium's doom was gravity itself. Objects appeared to drop with more force than they ought to. Things that could not and should not float by natural law, did. The gravity well that was giving the Emporium its stability was now being tampered with. The final sign was a great shadow which swept across the land. A mighty beast had come to claim what was rightfully his. The Heavenly Emporium had flown to high for too long. The entire city began to quake as the gravity well was slowly pushed out of the Earth and into the monster's chest. The act created a gravitational chain reaction that could be felt across the city. Entire buildings were lifted up and then hurled back down with a thunderous roar.

    Luckily, the city had backup reserves that would keep it in the air for a while longer. But not much. As its destroyer hovered above and assimilated its power to make it its own, the city's propulsions kicked into overdrive to maintain stability but it was clear to anyone present that it could not hold for long...

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Image222
    Takara Kaiyo
    Takara Kaiyo

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 105
    Join date : 2021-08-11
    Age : 24

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Takara Kaiyo Fri Nov 12, 2021 12:59 am

    Takara arrived just in time it looked like. There was a horde of odd spider-ish creatures running around attacking people, and that was not something she could ever be comfortable with. Her new friend, Yuichi Uchiha, was right behind her, and together they would do whatever they could to save as many lives as possible. She really wished Valen was nearby; he would be making short work of these fiends, and possibly even engaging that white-haired person in the distance that she guessed was leading them. Luckily, she discovered that these creatures were not all that hard to deal with... they weren't overly strong or fast, meaning she could fend them off if she was to come under attack... but more than that, she knew all too well that she was not going to be engaging in any front line fighting if she could avoid it. For now, she needed to focus on getting the innocents out of here.

    The first batch of people was an adult that had a group of kids that were hiding from a nearby creature. Without hesitation, Takara walked up and her cheeks swelled with pressurized water, and a thin but powerful stream bellowed forth, slicing through the creature and blasting it away from them. "Come on, quickly! Get up and get out of here while the coast is clear!" It was important that they feel safe, but she also mixed a bit of a commanding tone into her voice to really get the kids up and moving. She couldn't guarantee their window of safety would last much longer than a few seconds, and she had to make sure nothing was going to chase them either. If she had to bet, killing the one would attract others. She might not be a combat ninja by trade, but she could handle it in a pinch.



    Takara Kaiyo
    Genin of Kirigakure
    Experience: 2,135; B - Class

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A+ 290 CP
    Speed: C
    Coordination:  C
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: C

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 279
    Join date : 2021-08-05
    Age : 28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Genjutsu
    Class: A

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Yuichi Fri Nov 12, 2021 12:14 pm

    Yuichi didn't say a word as he watched checked their surroundings continuously. He was sure to stay within a range that he could react to any threats that approached Takara and him before they would become a problem. The Sharingan sure would come in handy right now. Combat had already started between the shinobi left at the emporium and the strange creatures that attacked it. Buildings and whatever else wasn't attached to the ground had been decimated, lifted off the ground and then hurled back, destroying whatever WAS attached to the ground. Foot was quite poor in most spots, as pavement had been torn up and the remains of building littered the streets. What was Yuichi doing here? He was not ready for this. He couldn't even use the full extent of his speed without potentially bringing harm to himself.

    Takara noticed it before he did, a group of civilians, an adult protecting several children, hiding from one of the creatures attacking the city. She disposed of it quickly and told them to flee. Her phrasing, 'while the coast is clear,' tipped Yuichi off that she thought there would be more of threats in just a moment, so Yuichi used his impressive movement speed to scale a building relatively quickly. Even without moving at full speed, Yuichi had trouble adjusting to the poor footing on the decimated roof. Once he adjusted, he scanned the nearby area for approaching threats. Sure enough, she was right, and several creatures were headed their way. They had just a few seconds to get the people up and moving, and then to move from this location before they were attacked.

    Yuichi informed Takara of this. He yelled from the roof top, "We may want to get moving ourselves."

    Takara Kaiyo
    Takara Kaiyo

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 105
    Join date : 2021-08-11
    Age : 24

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Takara Kaiyo Fri Nov 12, 2021 10:41 pm

    Takara had to admit having Yuichi there made this a whole lot easier. He wasn't her typical partner with this sort of thing, sure, but he was another set of eyes and a capable shinobi, so that was enough... but she disagreed. "You can't expect civilians to be able to move at the same speed we do. We need to take out as many as we can and draw their attention away from the civilians. I can handle quite a few... just use your speed and bring them to me, but be careful. If you start to get pinned, run or shout and I'll come to you... just brace yourself against something solid so I can wash them away." Now that a bit of a plan was in place, and the civilians were running, Takara turned to face her opponents who were scrambling over debris as easily as they were traversing the ground. Their climbing ability was insane.

    She prepared herself for direct combat, needing chakra in her cheeks again and waiting a moment or two more for a few of them to be on the same level, then leaned forward, carefully aiming the next high-pressure stream of water in a nice arc in front of her, cutting three of them in half as they charged. The last two managed to evade and got close enough to start causing problems for her. She managed to dodge a tail strike and another set of claws, tumbling backwards and then letting out another stream of water and cutting them apart, and while the coast was clear for a moment, took a second and looked back. The group of civilians was safe now, so it was time to find some more. "This group is clear! Anyone else need help nearby?" she asked loudly, hoping to catch Yuichi while he was running around and looking to see if he needed some help of his own.



    Takara Kaiyo
    Genin of Kirigakure
    Experience: 2,135; B - Class

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A+ 290 CP
    Speed: C
    Coordination:  C
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: C

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 279
    Join date : 2021-08-05
    Age : 28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Genjutsu
    Class: A

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Yuichi Sat Nov 13, 2021 12:31 am

    She gave him a set of directions and he was set on following through. "I'll do my best," he told her. He was not prepared for the adventure he had.

    She had more powerful attacks than he did, and that made it so that she could take these opponents more easily than he could. As a weapon specialist, many of his attacks relied more on precision than power, and while he could hit a moving target at least half of the time, he doubted that he could consistently hit their weak points while they were trying to kill him. So, he found himself having to fight in close quarters. He zoomed in and out and around, but he definitely couldn't take them down as quickly as Takara could. This strategy was contingent on them staying in an open, so he primarily focused on fighting in his territory.

    He was having a bit of trouble keeping track of Takara and the others. This was primarily his own fault. He knew that if he slowed down while fighting, he opened himself up to attack. He would climb a building, spot her moving the civilians, try and make his way over only to find himself in another fight. The third time this happened, he called it quits and fled on top of a building. He didn't notice it before, but these spider creatures could climb better than he could.

    He tried to do as she had asked and lead them to her. He tried that before he tried fighting them. It just never went his way, he would find one, attempt to lead it too her, and encounter another. These creatures were stronger and more durable than he was. He was willing to bet they were smarter too. Dealing with more than one at a time would be difficult, because it took away his only advantage.

    Eventually, he lost track of Takara completely. Yuichi was practical, though. All he really had to do was not get killed or waste too much chakra. So far, he had managed only to waste a negligible amount running all over and fighting and whatnot. He was expecting to be dead by now, so in his own opinion was doing pretty well.

    He found himself fighting two of them in the middle of some kind of courtyard. A nearby building was on fire for reason. More of them were climbing down from rooftops. Three of the directly surrounded him, so he had no choice but to use up some of his limited chakra to escape. He built up his chakra and created several blades of wind upon waving his hand. They all combined into one big wave upon contact with the monster that was directly in front of his and pushed it back, cutting deep into the creature as it did. Yuichi was drenched in its blood.

    He proceeded to run as fast as possible, straight into another monster, which grabbed him with its many hands, and attempted to bite him. While one of his hands was being twisted behind his back, Yuichi used his free one to grab a kunai, and stab it in the throat. It spewed more blood onto him, blinding him. He cried out, but wiped his eyes as best he could and attempted to flee again. This time, he got away and found a nice spot to hide and catch his breath.

    Finally, he heard Takara cry out to see if anybody needed help. He found her only a few buildings away, and wordlessly joined her. He heard some people calling out for help a ways back, but in his state of shock the best he could do was wave for her to follow and start moving in that direction.

    OOC: 5 chakra spent, 105 remaining

    Last edited by Yuichi on Tue Nov 16, 2021 11:23 am; edited 1 time in total

    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

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    Age : 31

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    Class: A

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Valen Minamoto Sat Nov 13, 2021 2:35 pm

    Black blood and feral cries of pain were the only things any would hear from Valen as he moved through monstrosity after monstrosity. The distinct blade of the Blade of Ashes swinging through them and cutting through the beasts like they weren't even there. Valen had no need to hold back here, no requirement to refrain from utilizing his true capability. This was combat against a foe that outnumbered him so substantially that it wasn't even worth measuring. However the beasts themselves were not anything to write home about. They came in great number, but on an individual basis that were little more troubling than a bandit or weaker shinobi might be. His weapon, a black bladed katana with a distinctive purple and red hardening line with gold trim flowed about him as he moved. His hands, covered by his newly acquired gloves, guiding the fearsomely sharp weapon carefully. His cloak upon his back, collar open and the many pockets within ready to hold any number of items. The cloak kept him protected and reinforced his own body at the same time.

    His hands did not leave the hilt of his weapon as he moved, never stopping his forward motion as he spun, swung, blocked, parried, and countered attack after attack and felling beast after beast. Cries of help rang out and he moved into buildings to assist, pulling civilians out and keeping them near him. So as not to send them to their deaths. Doing so meant being wary of the side of him they were on, lest they be attacked on that side by a beast or his own swing cause the serious death or injury of one of the civilians he was safeguarding. He led them down a side road, his weapon flashing in the light that reached him as he swung. Blood as black as night covered the walls around them, but here at least, not a drop of human blood stained anywhere. That would change of course once they reached the street ahead.

    A single handseal was created and a clone arrived next to him. Together they took the exit of the side street, the clone taking one side and Valen taking another. Beasts such as these were just as content being ambush predators as not and sure enough they found a creature on each side, ready for some unsuspecting target to wander out of the street. The clone and Valen took down their respective quarries, the civilians he was safeguarding within the safety of the cleared out side street. More people cried out for help and Valen signaled the clone to round up the people who needed it while Valen kept watchdog over those in his charge. After a few minutes, the clone would silently lead another family to him and they would down the first group. Down the road the bodies of those who had been too close to the beasts arrival littered the ground. Chunks of human meat and red stains covered the ground of the Emporium and the black garbed swordsman heard the retching of one of his charges behind him. The beasts that had done the deed were still amongst them, feasting on the remains and not a single cry of agony or fear rang out.

    Those before him were dead, but he could still escort those behind him out. What he needed was a safe passage for them, Valen had spent a great deal of time at the Emporium in recent months and knew it quite well. This large main street covered in beasts led down to a side street. Which, unknown to Valen, were where Takara and Yuichi would be as well, at least in reference to him. Of course the main street he was on continued past that street but that street did lead off toward an exit for those in his care. Someone would have to be on that street to safeguard it and ensure it was free and clear. One of the most important parts to all this was ensuring the exits were protected. Of course Valen would need to get to that side street first, and that meant getting through the several dozen beasts upon the main street he was on. Eyes of feral hunger and bestial rage turned to him as he dispelled his clone. Neither had used chakra so he was back to full reserves and both hands found the hilt of his weapon. He had practiced this technique once or twice but had not used it in full yet. But it seemed this was the perfect opportunity.

    Channeling his chakra he would take a deep breath before expelling a massive amount of fire, using the buildings themselves as guides. They had already been evacuated by his clone. The fire shot down the street, taking up the entire width of it and traveling down the road well past the side street. The flames were some of the highest intensity he had ever personally used and when they cleared the beasts were nothing more than ashes in the wind, white flecks moving down the corridor and past the side street as well. The torrent of fire and the ashes that followed would theoretically be in full view of Takara and Yuichi, although neither would be in danger from them. Along the main road small fires raged and buildings caught. For now though those were secondary. Motioning for his awestruck charges to move he pulled one over, a young woman who seemed to be keeping her composure more than the others, if only barely, and gave instructions. "Three streets over, turn right, follow that, you'll find an exit along that path. Go first, I'll take up the rear and protect you." He would say, gaining a nervous nod in response before she led everyone towards the side street. It took a few minutes, but the entire, rather large group, would turn the corner and begin moving toward Takara and Yuichi while Valen kept his senses open for threats just around the corner. In particular he listened for screams of panic from anywhere and while he heard many, most were out of his immediate ability to aid. Background noise to the tumultuous situation around him. Still though, even in all this, Valen craved the fight. After a few moments of ensuring none of the beasts were coming from behind he turned the corner too, coming into view of Yuichi and Takara.


    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: Outdated at this point

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 279
    Join date : 2021-08-05
    Age : 28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Genjutsu
    Class: A

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Yuichi Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:56 pm

    He felt the heat as fire engulfed a street nearby, setting several buildings on fire, pushing several beasts into the street, and incinerating them to ash. He heard yelling, somebody commanding civilians, and before long, Yuichi and Takara were approached by a mysterious scarred swordsman. Yuichi wiped his face off with his sleeve, but this only smeared more of the creatures black blood across his face. His eyes were still recovering from getting their blood in them. He squinted to see the swordsman better. He was only slightly taller than Yuichi, somewhere around five feet tall. He seemed much more skilled than Yuichi was, but he could not speak for Takara. Judging by the look in his eyes, though, he was more confident than either of them. He wondered if this man was responsible for the other fire he had seen some time ago.

    He gave off an aura of blood lust, or at least something similar. Yuichi back away a bit, but his expression remained blank. This was a warrior. Somebody who lived for battle. The opposite of what Yuichi was. He attempted to push through his fear of the man and speak, but instead he just stuttered out something completely incomprehensible.

    Why was he even scared of this guy? He wasn't an enemy. If he was just going to be afraid of everything he should just quit being a ninja. He should be fleeing like these people. What he wouldn't give to just work on a field or something. Instead he was an Uchiha and everyone expected him to be cool and powerful and charismatic.

    Yuichi took another step back, and then remained in place. He took a deep breath. Only a brief moment had passed sense Valen rounded the corner, and in this time Yuichi had not noticed Valen's Kirigakure headband. Still, he did not want to try and speak again, and he was set on letting Takara, who he had subconsciously moved behind, greet this stranger.

    Last edited by Yuichi on Sun Nov 14, 2021 1:24 am; edited 1 time in total

    Takara Kaiyo
    Takara Kaiyo

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 105
    Join date : 2021-08-11
    Age : 24

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Takara Kaiyo Sat Nov 13, 2021 11:16 pm

    Takara noticed the flames and didn't bat an eyelash because she recognized them as someone whom she knew very well; Valen. Having him nearby meant that things could go a lot more smoothly from here out, and they would be able to ensure the safety of the civilians they were evacuating even better. Considering that most of the offensive power from Takara came from the use of Jutsu, and despite having ample, it was not infinite, she knew that her capabilities were a bit lacking. It was going to take a considerable amount of time before she could really enhance her focus into combat if she did at all because she wanted to learn more about the medical and support side of things. That meant there would be sacrifices, and it was something that she already had set her mind to and committed herself towards. But that was why it was so perfect that Valen was here because the combination of the pair would eventually be almost unstoppable. Valen would be the front-line fighter with Takara supporting and healing him when needed.

    She noted Yuichi's reaction, and how he sort of slinked behind her, and as Valen approached, turned sideways a bit and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a small smile. "Yuichi Uchiha, this is Valen Minamoto, a Special Jounin from my village. Quiet and strong, he's a good guy. But he's in charge as the highest rank here." Turning back towards Valen, she gave him a small smile, not minding the blood and such in the scenery. "So, we have pretty much cleared this area, what's the plan?" She might have tried to take charge before, but now that he had been promoted, and this being an official combat scenario which she didn't specialize in anyway, she wanted to let him take the reigns and give them some guidance on how to best help the people around them.



    Takara Kaiyo
    Genin of Kirigakure
    Experience: 2,135; B - Class

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A+ 290 CP
    Speed: C
    Coordination:  C
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: C
    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

    Posts : 878
    Join date : 2018-10-18
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fire, Water, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: A

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Valen Minamoto Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:42 pm

    Valen, moving up to Takara and Yuichi would note the slight backing away of Yuichi at his presence but paid it no mind otherwise. The 5'11 Special Jounin was garbed in his usual black compression shirt with black shinobi pants and boots. However now he had a black cloak with crimson lining and multitudes of pockets and black gloves, reminiscent of dinner gloves, upon his hands. Two changes to his attire that Takara would note. Although she would not be able to note their effects of course. When he arrived she quickly introduced the Special Jounin and Genin and formally gave command over to Valen. The red eyed swordsman looked to Yuichi curiously. By all rights the genin didn't need to follow his orders in anyway. As while he was a higher ranked than Yuichi that rank meant nothing in Yuichi's village. However the attack called for strange occurrences and should Yuichi accept Valen's leadership Valen would simply move along easily. If not then the boy could do as he wished and Valen could not, and would not stop him. Right now they had work to do anyway and it involved the evacuation.

    "We need to ensure at least one exit remains secure. Otherwise thousands will die. Stay within the three block radius from the nearby exit and keep it clear and ensure those coming get through. I'll patrol the fourth black and turn it into a kill zone. I'll also signal any and all that shinobi are here. It will hopefully get people moving toward us but it will get these monsters coming toward us too I imagine. One of you needs to remain at the exit at all times to facilitate people leaving. Yuichi, that's you. Keep the lines safe from harm. Takara, support him. I'm going to start closing off roads to funnel the enemy and those evacuating into a more easily taken care of area. If you see my fire start to get out of control in an area, get it under control."

    He would say, giving orders to allow for the best opportunity to get as many people out as possible. Someone needed to hold the door for the inhabitants of this place after all and so long as everyone agreed Valen would move to do as he stated. Closing down streets with fire and rubble, and holding those streets from foes while allowing civilians, or even weaker evacuating shinobi through. Once he had all but one or two paths to the exit overall closed down he would launch another large scale fire jutsu into the air, ensuring it went higher than the buildings and was visible to all. This path was clear, and here lay safety. Valen would lose himself in the fight then, using his weapon and talents with it and slaughter xenobeasts and defend civilians from all walks of life as necessary to do what he was expected to do.



    OOC: Valen is basically kind of gonna be autonomously killing people so far as I'm concerned, he'll evacuate when the Emporium goes down of course but otherwise he'll be untargetable due to absence as usual. This was just the easiest way I could work out exiting this topic. Also Yuichi, sorry for correcting the height, Valen's character app is outdated by this point as I've had him go through a late blooming growth spurt during the most of the year this festival has gone on IC. He's 5'11 now and looks like my current avatar (Only with different clothes obvs).

    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: Outdated at this point

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 279
    Join date : 2021-08-05
    Age : 28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Genjutsu
    Class: A

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Yuichi Sun Nov 14, 2021 1:15 pm

    Yuichi heard Valens orders, and he managed to get out a few words before vanishing in the direction of the exit.

    "Yes... yes, sir. I'll do my best."

    It didn't matter much that the two were from different villages. He had already been taking orders from Takara, who he believed to be a higher rank than she actually was. He was at the exit in seconds and stumbled to a full stop. Looking around, there were three xenobeasts in his immediate vicinity. Two of which notice him right away.

    Readying a kunai, Yuichi waited for the first to approach him, where he swiftly killed it by cutting it's throat when it attempted to attack. This strategy would work. After the one that he had killed in this manner before Valen had arrived, he found that this was the most reliable way to kill them. Even if it was a bit messy. If he moved too fast, he couldn't see their vital spots, but he felt like he had to move quickly in order to avoid their attacks. This misconception had been designed entirely out of his fear of the xenobeasts.

    He allowed another to grab him, just to have an easy access to it's throat. The last one, which had noticed him now and began making it's way over, flashed it's enormous teeth before Yuichi made his first attack, and withdrew to a distance. He had struck at one of it's legs, and it stumbled for a moment. Yuichi used this moment to move on top of it and swiftly kill it with his Kunai.

    He proceeded to climb a building to get a good veiw of the area. A few paths lead to the exit that were relatively clear of debris, for now Yuichi focused on creating an area around the exit where he could fully utilise his speed to flee from and fight on coming enemy's. This involved removing chunks of fallen building and a few dead bodies.

    In a nearby window, Yuichi got a good look at himself. He looked awful. His eyes were bloodshot, and he was covered from head to toe in their blood. His hair had been matted down and stuck to his face. The brightly colored haori he wore had been completely destroyed, so he removed it and continued to secure the area, clearing it of enough debris that he could fight reliably.


    Village : Konohagakure
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    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Yuichi Sun Nov 14, 2021 7:17 pm

    Yuichi watched a group of people make their way over from down one of the four roads branching off from the exit. They made their way stealthily, and once they passed trough the gate Yuichi dropped down and looked for a relatively intact building to enter.

    Once inside he approached the kitchen sink and tested it out. It worked so he washed as much blood of of his face as he could. He also attempted to wash the blood off of some of his clothes but only would up spread the black blood further.

    He took a glass out of a cupboard and poured himself a glass of water. After drinking it, he made his way back out to his lookout, which was on the roof a three story building. Once he confirmed that there were no people nearby that needed help and resumed cleaning the area.

    Last edited by Yuichi on Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Takara Kaiyo
    Takara Kaiyo

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    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Takara Kaiyo Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:04 am

    Takara looked as Valen approached, and had to say that she did appreciate the change in attire, and offered a small smile, but that was it. This was not a social event, but a full scale attack on the peace and tranquility that the Heavenly Emporium offered. The dark-skinned nin knew that she was absolutely of no use to dealing with the main threat of the massive thing that was seemingly to eat into the floating island itself, nor was she able to deal with the fact that this massive hunk of rock and civilization would be falling out of the sky. So she would focus on doing what she could in any way that she could, and right now, that meant following Valen’s orders, to which she listened intently.

    Ensuring that one exit stayed secure was definitely a good call; it would provide an escape route and safe haven for anyone that they came across, and it was important that there be a defensive line against these creatures that they knew were clear. That way any emergency triage could be conducted, and they had an area where they could breath easier and feel safe. A three-block radius? Takara nodded firmly, confirming it and mapping it out in her mind where they would have to patrol to keep things safe. Sending the monsters their way was also good; it meant they wouldn’t be hunting civilians if they were fighting them. From what she could tell, they weren’t all that strong, just numerous. Hearing that he wouldn’t be sticking with them but instead working further beyond the front line made her want to frown, but she resisted the urge.

    Yuichi accepting the orders, despite not being from the same village, was a bit of a relief. He seemed hesitant, but willing, and that was honestly the best she could ask for from a relative green-horn. What was she kidding, technically Takara was still pretty green, just a bit more well prepared than most. She had read books on invasions and the tactics to employ, what her role would be in such an event. Normally there would be more front-line fighters, and she would have her medical ninjutsu already, but she just wasn’t there yet. For now, she would focus on the here and now, and began to prepare the area, using some high-pressure water to clear a bit of area next to the exit so that if she was attacked, she would see the enemy coming, and noting that Yuichi was dashing off to help more people already. She would go to help him in just a moment.



    Takara Kaiyo
    Genin of Kirigakure
    Experience: 2,135; B - Class

    Strength: D
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    Speed: C
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    Village : Konohagakure
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    Age : 28

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    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Yuichi Mon Nov 15, 2021 2:16 pm

    Work had been going smoothly, and the area had been largely cleaned out. More xenobeasts kept coming into the area, and Yuichi could swiftly dispatch them before they could outnumber him. After what felt to Yuichi, like hours, but in reality had only been a few minutes, Yuichi was beginning to tire. He was slowing down and losing effectiveness. He had watched only a few people go through the exit in his time attempting to keep it secure.

    From a distance, Yuichi could see a small group of people scrambling for the exit. They were being pursued by xenobeasts, more than Yuichi could take on himself, and more than he thought Takara would be able to deal with herself. He moved a bit closer, calling out to Takara to tell her his intentions.

    "I am going to try and lead the monsters away, please keep them safe." By "them" he of had meant the people, but he had failed to communicate this. He believed she would get the message.

    As he got close to the group he could see that there was four of them. Two men, a woman, and a child. The xenobeasts were gaining on them, so Yuichi did the only thing he could do, and swiftly stepped in to kill one of them, unleashing blades of wind into the closest one then attempting to lead them away, dashing down a nearby alleyway.

    Sadly, it only worked on a small number of them, so Yuichi stopped, turned completely around, and ran straight past the ones that were following him. He tried to kill one with a strike to the throat as he passed, but his attack missed and he continued in the direction of the group he was attempting to help.

    He caught up to them in no time at all, but the xenobeasts got there first. They had one man pinned, and they bit into his throat. It was dead in one thrust of Yuichi's kunai, through the spine at the base of the neck. He pried it off the man. He was dead. His throat had been torn clean open, exposing the airway in his throat, and exposing the arteries. The man clearly tried to gasp, but gargled and choked on his blood.

    While processing this, Yuichi had been surrounded. He was completely frozen as one of them lept onto him and pinned him down, clawing at his chest. Trying to stab it only led to Yuichi’s weapon hand getting pinned. One of the monster's many hands grabbed Yuichi by the face and began repeatedly slamming his face into the dirt. Each smack blinded Yuichi as he attempted to find a weapon with his free hand.

    He finally managed to draw a kunai from a pouch on his leg. He couldn’t see, but he knew which arm held him by the face, and using that he estimated the location of the throat. He made several, sweeping slashes, after which he felt the spray of blood and the xenobeasts made a horrible howling noise before dying on top of him. He pushed the xenobeast off.

    At this point, Yuichi attempted to flee, running through a group of them who were attacking on of the woman. Helping her would only result in his death. He kept running until he spotted a house that wasn't to damaged. He went inside ,entered a random room, and hid under a bed

    Takara Kaiyo
    Takara Kaiyo

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 105
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    Age : 24

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Takara Kaiyo Mon Nov 15, 2021 8:06 pm

    Takara was dealing with more than she could handle, and she knew it. The problem with focusing all your time and attention on ensuring that you were capable of spitting out amazing Jutsu was the fact that you had to really focus to do so when you were lower on the totem pole. Being a Genin that could spit out S-Rank water Jutsu at will was something of a feat, for sure, but it meant that her hand-to-hand skills were lacking, at best. She knew enough to be proficient and strong enough to hold her own, but it almost exclusively relied on her being able to fuel herself using chakra, which consumed her stamina. Jutsu, which was her strong point, also consumed chakra. Meaning there was a very finite amount of time she would be able to keep this up before she would have to retreat. Perhaps if she survived this, she would look into finding ways of dealing with that... but for the moment, this was going to be what she had to do.

    Luckily, thanks to her affinity for water, the Great Severing Wave technique that she was using didn't consume all that much chakra, and based on how she was feeling, she could keep it up for a while. The corpses of the dead xenomorphs mixed with the water she was spewing, and thankfully, that was starting to pool up around them a little bit.

    From a distance, Yuichi could see a small group of people scrambling for the exit. They were being pursued by xenobeasts, more than Yuichi could take on himself, and more than he thought Takara would be able to deal with herself. He moved a bit closer, calling out to Takara to tell her his intentions. That was when she spotted Yuichi again, trying to lure some xenomorphs away from a group of people. Before he dashed off, she managed to shout out "Stay Safe!! You can't help anyone if you're dead!!" She was about to run to try to help, but several more xenomorphs encircled her, stalking towards her slowly and carefully. They had seen their comrades die, and were not going to make themselves easy targets... that was fine. She would make them easy targets one way or another. A quick dash in one direction was all it took to get them moving at a full sprint, and gaining on her fast. Takara had never been the fastest, but she was one of the smartest. Once they were closing in, right before they reached her, she leaped up into the air and her cheeks swelled with another technique, Great Colliding Wave, and she spat it directly downwards, crushing the beasts beneath the water.

    By the time she was able to revel in her success, she saw Yuichi pinned down and struggling to fight off another batch of them, and she dashed in to help, her cheeks swelling again. This time, they weren't focused on her, so they were easy to line up for a quick Great Severing Wave, slicing through them all quickly and getting the survivors to their feet. The woman was trying to grab at her husband, but she pried her away and tossed her towards the exit. "He is dead. I will end his suffering, but you _HAVE_ to go!! NOW!!" she ordered. In that time, Yuichi had vanished, and she presumed he had moved on to help others. Quietly she kneeled next to the dying man, who grasped at her arms. "I'm sorry." She then twisted his ruined neck, breaking his spine, then corrected the neck and closed the eyes before standing up and chasing after the ones who had survived to make sure they got out safely.

    She couldn't process what just happened. There was still too much to do.



    Takara Kaiyo
    Genin of Kirigakure
    Experience: 2,135; B - Class

    Strength: D
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    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 279
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    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Yuichi Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:10 pm

    Everything hurt. Every single inch of his body. All Yuichi could do was lie flat on his stomach beneath the bed. He was queasy, too. He should had just left when he had the chance. He'd lost track of where he was in relation to the exit, and now he wasn't sure he could leave the Heavenly Emporium. The last two times he attempted to do anything he nearly died. He had given up.He was going to die in this room, when the Emporium inevitably fell. Maybe even before that.

    He couldn't get the image of that man having his throat torn open out of his head. This was only the second time somebody had ever died in front of Yuichi, and it was far more shocking than the first. He cried uncontrollably for an uncertain amount of time. Yuichi thought about his little brother. The last time Yuichi had seen him was just before their mother died. Surely, Haru would grow up to be far more capable than he was.

    Yuichi felt something swell up inside of him. It swelled and swelled. Until Yuichi vomited on the floor next to him, and then the feeling was gone. Because Yuichi had eaten nothing on this particular day, he dry heaved continuously. Every time he did, he opened all the wounds on his chest a bit more, causing intense pain.

    Finally, he built up enough courage to drag himself out of under the bed. He was in a child's room. The bed was much to small for an average adult, and the blanket had cute animal patterns on it. There was a large dresser with intricate carvings lining the drawers. It was topped of by a white table cloth, some candles, and a stuffed animal.

    Yuichi forced himself to stand and wobbled into another room. This one had a king bed and a closet. Inside of the closet were some clothes that Yuichi would change into after dressing his wounds.

    He sat on the king bed. It was soft. He wondered what it was made of. Removing the pouch from his leg and setting anything he needed to keep next to him, he peeled of his shirts. He then removed some bandages, a cotton swab, and alcohol to clean the wounds. He soaked the swabs and spent time cleaning every wound. It stung more than he was used to. Enough that he almost stopped treating his wounds less than halfway through, but he gritted his teeth and finished the job. Wrapping his torso was quite awkward, because it was the first time Yuichi had ever had to wrap such a large area in bandages and he had to really stretch to make it work.

    Eventually he got the job done, and put on a new set of clothes. The old ones were covered in blood and dirty, and it seemed improper to wear them over freshly dressed wounds.

    Once again he stood. He was going to leave the HE. It seemed like the wisest option at this moment. Countless people would die whether he stayed or not, and he believed there was nothing he could do to change that. He gathered up his equipment and dragged himself out of the house.

    Takara Kaiyo
    Takara Kaiyo

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    Age : 24

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Takara Kaiyo Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:44 pm

    For the past twenty minutes, Takara had been moving from one side of the line to the other, ushering civilians towards her and towards the exit sent her way by either Valen or Yuichi and killing anything that was chasing them. Some didn't make it, torn apart before her eyes by their hunters, while others were saved, even if they were beaten and bruised. This carnage was something that the dark-skinned Genin thought she had been prepared for, but she was woefully mistaken, and she was conscious to the fact of how numb she was feeling, but that was probably just a reflex to keep her mind intact and operating at full efficiency. She wouldn't let herself dwell on what she had seen. Anything that took her focus away from surviving and saving people simply wasn't something that she could let dwell in her mind at the moment.

    And that was the mentality that led her to be in the situation she was now in. Running as fast as her legs could carry her back towards the front line after attacking a large group of Xenomorphs that had a group of survivors pinned inside a building nearby. Once she had cut through a good few of them, the remaining dozen had turned away from the building and began chasing her back towards the front line. That was when she noticed Yuichi walking out of a nearby building ahead of her. There simply wasn't any time. "RUN! BACK TOWARDS THE EXIT!!" That was all she could muster as she ran full bore towards him and the front line, knowing full well that he was faster than she was and would be able to hopefully assist her with this hoard. If not, Takara had a plan on how to deal with them.



    Takara Kaiyo
    Genin of Kirigakure
    Experience: 2,135; B - Class

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A+ 290 CP
    Speed: C
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    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 279
    Join date : 2021-08-05
    Age : 28

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    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Yuichi Tue Nov 16, 2021 11:57 am

    The moment Yuichi stepped out of the house it became clear that leaving the HE was not an option. He was initially glad to see Takara until he noticed the hoard of xenobeasts that followed her. He threw a single shuriken and activated his shuriken giant body technique. Tiger-Rabbit-Dog. The size of the shuriken multiplied, taking up much of the path behind them. He was sure to hit something, but he did not stick around to find out. Instead, he followed close behind Takara.

    He wanted to apologize for having disappeared for a time, but it was a waste of effort. Instead, he focused on fleeing with her. She moved slowly, Yuichi considered picking her up and carrying her, but he was not confident he could. Behind them, groups of xenobeasts toppled over each other after the giant shuriken hit the ones in front of the pack.

    "If you have any plans, now would be a good time to use them."

    Yuichi was confident she had some kind of ability up her sleeve that could deal with this hoard, but in the short time sense he left the building his intentions had completely changed. He was going to stay by Takara's side. He had gotten sidetracked before, but now he was dedicated to keeping track of here. This place was too dangerous not to have an ally by your side.

    Dahlia Fedcon
    Dahlia Fedcon

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    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Dahlia Fedcon Wed Nov 17, 2021 7:47 am

    ‘Dahlia come on, I’ll pick up some more hours it's just me and Oliver right now. Your mother can’t tell you no right now. And it's a floating city… Please take some time off. I know we said last time it passed over but give it a shot hun’ Dahlia’s aunt’s words rang in her head as she leaned against a building’s wall down a vacant alley way trying to remain calm with all of the crowds walking about.

    ‘Tch, She can only not say no cause she’s still away.’ Her imaginary friend Dove said in her nasally raspy voice skipping in the alley way with her sky blue hair flowing behind her.

    ‘Dove. She’s not back cause she's in danger, don't be rude.’ Her other Imaginary friend Yasu said standing beside Dahlia with her crossed arms, Dove though just shrugged it off benign just as unphased as always towards their mutual friends' stern and cold tone that usually commanded attention.

    ‘It’s fine… she’s not wrong…” Dahlia thought back triggering Dave to stick her tongue out at Yasu who rolled her eyes.

    ‘I know her purpose is to literally get away with murder and do what she wants but you give her way too much leeway some times.’ Yasu said, blowing some of her long black hair from her face.

    Suddenly everyone in the area began to panic. All of the screaming and commotion started with Dahlia starting to send her into a panic. Flashes of when she was a child came to mind as she heard her family panicking when they were suddenly attacked by bandits. She felt her knees hit the ground before the imaginary touch from Yasu’s hand on her back. Her vision came back to see a concerned Dove kneeling down in front of her to calm her down and focus her.

    Not even a moment later explosions went off everywhere. Dahlia covered her head as she ducked down instinctively. The city was in trouble.  She slowly looked up to see beasts emerge from everywhere. Big trouble. Death was happening everywhere, and attacks were happening everywhere.  There was so much chaos everywhere. She felt her head spinning, her eyes trained to the sky as a shadow moved over the land. No where was safe here… It was all too much there was too much going on there was- She jumped backwards onto her but as the roar echoed across the area from the beast. Yasu whistled, focusing her nodding towards the exit to the alley way.

    ‘I’m the actor, she's the free bird… You’re the planner and fighter.’ Yasu said as her voice felt like it came from her imaginary form rather than her own mind.

    ‘You’re a ninja. Time to ninja. We’ll be right there with you. If you get scared just punch it in the face and keep going anyways!’ Dove said with a bright smile and giggle; her voice sounded like it came from her rather than Dahlia’s mind as well as Dahlia’s Psyche struggled to keep her afloat in this dangerous situation.

    ‘Bite back your doubts, and fight on.’ The memory of her fathers last words to her echoed in her mind as well as his smile he had held even in his last moments.

    Dahlia’s panicked eyes grew more serious then as her mind chose its usual coping method of shutting down her immediate emotions. Her mind began to work as she got up to her feet. Everyone needed to evacuate. She didn’t know how strong the attackers were nor what they were after. She didn’t know the best method of helping everyone escape was either. There were likely shinobi like her here throughout the city who may know more but their skills are unknown so she needed to focus on her main assets she knew of currently.

    She had her ability to move in shadows, and attack primary abilities. The best thing she could do now was sneak around and strike the attackers to give more civilians a chance to survive and escape. She performed a Tiger hand seal before stamping back into a shadow that she merged into. She looked on from the street’s shadows seeing a white haired lady in the distance. She was likely the instigator. If she led this entire thing Dahlia had little chance currently with taking her on. That and she likely had back up plans for if she fell in battle which meant it wasn’t likely going to stop the attack just by attacking that woman.

    She looked over at the monsters for a moment then. They were far weaker than she had feared at first. It was still bad for the civilians but great for her. She still couldn’t risk getting hit, however she had plenty of moves to take them on with. She watched a girl in the distance fend off some to keep a man and some kids side. She didn’t recognize that jutsu, nor did she see her use hand seals. Possibly a seamless user of Water chakra? Or a Bloodline?Either way it would be perfect if she needed help attacking.

    Combining her water with something like False Darkness could power up her jutsu strength with False Darkness’ lighting damage as well as spread out the range of the attack when the water would soak the target. Alternatively for a weaker boost to it but a safer method she could also use Lighting Rod or Young Lighting to boost it with the electricity. Thank you Tengoku. Those jutsus really would help out more then he likely had expected. Then her eyes locked onto Yuichi. He had made it out of Konoha… She hoped it was for the better but was glad he was still okay and alive. He had said he was fast but didn't have much combat skills if she remembered right. She at least knew he could move fast. He could make for a good scout.

    For now he’d be safe with the girl. She seemed to know what she was doing at least. If he was a ninja of seemingly older age than he, she had no doubt that he at least had enough skills to keep him going nice and fine so long as he stuck with that other girl. She blinked though as he scaled a building with his speed alone. He wasn’t kidding… He was fast.. She could barely tell where he had gone when he ran off.

    ‘Way to go Yuichi’ Yasu muttered in Dahlia’s head.

    ‘Right?’ Dahlia thought back in a surprised tone.

    She also was right with her guess, he was pretty good at scouting. That would come into great use later on. The girl seemed to have told him something, no doubt a plan. Yeah no they would definitely be fine together for now without her.  She was wasting time just staring and thinking from the shadows. The information she got however would be good to know later on if she needed to use them in a future plan. She then left just in time to miss the girl's call for others nearby.

    As she traveled she noticed the attack patterns of the creatures. They knew they weren’t strong so they seemed to ambush often. It was hard to tell if they were actually intelligent enough to plan, or if they were just moving based on instinct. She noticed some people hiding  as one of the beasts were nearing their location with a few others in tow. She quickly emerged from the shadows in a leap to land on the ones back then leaped from it onto another and others. She lingered on the last one as two others raced towards the 3rd only to leap off just in time for them to collide with each other.

    She landed watching the civilians who had been hiding flee. She quickly moved as well, slipping into the shadows once more before the creatures could see where she had run. She continued on like this for a while helping out stragglers while luring the creatures away and only attacking them if needed for the time being. She couldn’t risk taking on much damage right now just in case. The more she was hurt right now the less she could help. She slowed her movements when she noticed the fire into the air that attacked the creatures in the area to flood that way.

    The ball was aimed to the air, which meant it was either a horribly missed attack… or a signal flare to call for help. And they were going to need it with all tes things heading that way. She hoped that they expected the creatures to be lured over there when they signaled. She shifted herself to make her way towards that source then. It was decently far away however so it would take her a bit to get there. As she moved she paused for just a moment as she spotted a dead family.

    A father and mother clinging to their child. Their faces distort in her mind shaping into that of her mother’s father’s, and a younger version of herself. She grit her teeth a bit. If it wasn’t for her current state of mind she would have likely broken down by now after seeing all of the death and carnage. Her state of mind as well as not knowing the people were likely the only reasons she was still going right about now. Was this what was expected in the future? If it was, she understood why Tengoku banned anyone under 16 from becoming a chunin. However Dahlia by now knew that it didn’t matter how old you were.

    No amount of time would ever get anyone ready for something like this. Nothing but experiencing it first hand could prepare someone to see so much death.

    Dahlia noticed as she kept moving one exit staying open where people seemed to be fleeing. All the while the beasts moved towards one location where they were likely being drawn to keep the exit safe. Smart. Then she saw the girl being chased by a dozen creatures shouting warnings to the others to flee. Then she saw Yuichi. He looked exhausted, with makeshift bandages as well as brand new clothes. He must have been through the wringer since she had seen him last.

    With his quick thinking he threw a giant shuriken at the beast chasing after them. Only for more to climb over the downed beasts. She needed to move now!. She emerged form a shadow from a building to slide between the fleeing people and the approaching beasts. She ran off a flurry of hand seals matched with one Snake seal added at the end. The last time she used this ability she couldn’t control it and nearly had been hit with one of the fireballs. But this time she was far more skilled.

    And with the addition of the focused application the power of the C ranked jutsu would easily hit B rank making this one hell of an attack. She focused her chakra as she sent out 16 fire balls using her Phoenix Sage Fire. She directed each one roughly at the beasts. If there were still some standing she would shout out.

    “Soak em!” If she did she would without any hand seals fire off her False lighting just a single moment after the water would pass.

    The lighting rod firing off from her mouth aimed to hit and electrify the water. If the girl didn’t attack she would grit her teeth before fleeing with them. However if she took down the beasts with her first attack, or if they were finished off after the combo move she would pant and turn to them reaching into her pouches as she ran to catch up with them considering they were still moving [Either way she'd try to close the distance with them.] She then pulled out her bandage wraps and would try to pass them to Yuichi.

    “Dahlia Fedcon, Genin of 2 years, Fire and Lighting Elements, Ninjutsu Primary, with a focus in battle plans, and combat.” She quickly explained so the other girl would know her skills roughly in case they needed to make a fast plan. “If anyone is bleeding I have pills to help with that as well.”


    OOC: I tried to leave it open ended on what happened as well as what Dahlia would do in each manner. Hope you don’t mind. I can edit if needed. I also dunno if I did too much for one post either so again I can and will happily edit if needed. Also paying for each Jutsu even if the false darkness wouldn’t be brought in just in case.

    2 Activations Of Hidden In Shadows - 10 CP
    1 Activation Of Phoenix Sage Fire - 5 CP
    1 Activation Of Focused Amplification - 5 CP
    1 Activation Of False Darkness - 10 CP

    Total = 30 CP

    80 / 110 CP

    Post 1

    Immediate Information:
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

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    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Kōshin Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:10 am

    The rattle of the building shook Seigi awake.

     He wasn't sure how long he had been out, or exactly where he was or what was going on, but a voice in the back of his head had reached through the veil, piercing into his dreams and whispered him awake. His eyes blinked as they adjusted to the light, blurred from his slumber. The building shook again, more violently this time, and Seigi's adrenaline began to kick in. Rolling out of the bed, he shook his head, holding himself up against the wall. The room was bleak and the bed was basic, with a myriad of medical equipment on the sides of the walls and the bed, indicating that he was in a hospital. That, and the medical gown that hung loosely off of his back. 

     "That's right..." Seigi would mutter to himself, recalling how he had got here. He had come here for help after his personality had split due to this universe's original Seigi having sealed his consciousness inside of him, which when said out loud, made him realize why people thought he was crazy. He knew that if anyone's Fuuinjutsu team could help him, it was that of the Heavenly Emporium. As he looked out of the window of his room, he could see the devastation that had already unfurled. In a matter of moments, the entire city had come under siege. Another explosion would shake the building, this time taking out the power to the hospital. Screams could be heard in the hallway outside, prompting Seigi to move away from the window and to the door. Throwing it open, he would move into the hallway to see a grotesque scene. Humanoid monsters with no eyes and lots of snarling teeth were moving down the hallway, crawling on the walls, the ground, and the ceiling. He watched as nurses, doctors, patients, everything that got in their was was torn to shreds, an unstoppable force of fangs and claws and death that was quickly making it's way towards Seigi. For now, his mind wasn't focused on keeping itself together, but was laser-focused on the moment at hand and staying alive. His eyes narrowed and his battle senses awoke, sliding into his favored stance, a style that didn't exist here in this world, the Daikado stance. Lightning would explode from his body and the sound of thunder would break the glass around him, the creatures unphased by the show of power. His position in the hallway would shift further down, past the wave of Xeno-beasts. As he reappeared, a shockwave would follow, breaking the doors off of their hinges and blowing the creatures off the walls, breaking them with a lariat. The wall in front of him would explode outward as the remains of the beasts would rain into the alley below.


    Turning around, he would see the carnage the monsters had left behind. 

    Bodies, mangled and twisted, littered the hallway before him. As Seigi looked at the people killed, their faces were replaced by those in the hallway from his dreams, the hallway from the war. He shook his head. 

     “Now isn’t the time.” He would whisper to himself, trying to keep it together. He was running out of options. Disabling his Lightning Release Armor, he would exhale sharply as he noticed that the jolt of electricity had left a tingling feeling in his hands, but felt like it had rejuvenated his body. 

     Seigi would reluctantly take a pair of pants off of one of the bodies, replacing the gown with a pair of black trousers and sandals. Once he was dressed more comfortably, he would exit the hospital from the hole he made, jumping down into the alleyway below. Finally just now getting a good look at the creatures, he realized he had never seen anything like this before. They were about the size of a person, with elongated heads, long tails, and an exoskeleton that seemed durable. These creatures weren’t anything from this world, he was sure of that.

     “And how did they even get inside the hospital so quickly?” He would ask himself, confused by how they overwhelmed the hospital so quickly. Were they summoned in? Whatever the case, he didn’t want to stick around and find out. 

     The streets were filled with chaos. These creatures swarmed everywhere and bodies filled the streets, and most buildings were either collapsed or collapsing. Explosions continued to rock the Heavenly Emporium and it felt as if whatever was keeping this thing going was failing, and failing soon. Moving into the street, he would use his speed to out manuever the beasts, easily moving around them and avoiding their attacks. As he fought through the hordes of beasts, the sound of jutsu caught his attention. Moving quickly, he would hop on top of a nearby building, sweeping a Xeno-beast off of it’s legs and then kicking off the side of the building as he landed. Overlooking the other survivors, he watched as they fought back against the strange beasts, but were quickly losing ground. As one of them began performing handsigns, he would recognize the technique and begin forming some of his own. 

    Tiger → Ox → Dog → Rabbit → Snake

    Wind Release! Great Breakthrough!” He would yell, moving behind Dahlia. He would exhale a massive gust of wind, which would combine with the fire of the fireballs to enhance the technique further, turning the street into a wave of fire, incinerating the beasts within range. 

    “There will be more soon.” Seigi would say, letting out a deep sigh as he dropped the handsigns. “Conserve your chakra.” He would say, closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath inward. He was focusing his senses and drawing in Dimensional Energy, a technique he only recently mastered. He was still iffy about using it, but he needed all the help he could get here. He tried to focus on the smell of the smoke that filled the air, and how it hung low on his nose. He focused on the sudden silence around them, but could still hear different explosions across the Heavenly Emporium. He could feel the heat on his skin and the shaking of the city, a constant rhythmic hum that he felt in his chest. He focused on this moment specifically, in this universe, and could feel the pull of the void in his chest. It was usually hard to pull from this energy, but here, it was oddly easy. That, or he was getting better at harnessing it. He refused to believe it was that easy.

    Techniques used: Lightning Release Armor Stage One B-rank

    Wind Release Great Breakthrough C-rank


    Takara Kaiyo
    Takara Kaiyo

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 105
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    Age : 24

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Takara Kaiyo Thu Nov 18, 2021 10:28 pm

    The shuriken idea was absolutely phenomenal thinking, and wound up killing several of the inhuman beasts that were following them, and slowed the others slightly as they would chase them but be a little more careful about their distance so they did not fall prey to the same trick. The comment about the plan, however, was absolutely phenomenally timed, and she smirked. “Of course I have a plan. Just a little further…” But that was when two others joined the fray, spewing a series of fireballs enhanced with wind jutsu at the beasts that were left and incinerating them quite neatly, and Takara slowed and came to a stop, turning to face the enemies she was certain were still coming. A quick introduction from their helpful new friend identified her as another Genin, although an experienced one. Fire and Lightning… good. The other obviously had wind, making four of the elements, all of which seemed to be pretty good about taking these creatures out. But most importantly, they finally had enough people to work as a squad.

    The xenomorphs also seemed tired of their numbers being cut down. A roar of some inhuman thing called out over the top of the buildings, and they would all begin to hear, and quickly see, a new horde of the creatures coming their direction. It appeared that at least a decent portion of them had been redirected from ambush attacks and hunting down civilians to attacking them directly. Takara took a moment and looked behind them, and understood why immediately. The ‘safe’ exit behind them had a considerable amount of people gathered there. Only so many people could leave at a time, and that meant there was a backup. Elders. Children. Mothers. Fathers. Brothers. Sisters. All of them would be slaughtered if they fell. She took a moment to say a few words before they really got into it.

    “Nothing is more terrifying than a group of ninja unified against a single foe. Let’s make sure they get the message. Yuichi, you are rear guard. Being the fastest, if anyone needs help, jump in until they get their sector stabilized. Call out anything concerning you see so the rest of us are tracking. Dahlia, you have center since you have elements that help both me and our Wind User. Wish I had more time for more formal introductions… I’ll take the right side, you take the left. If anyone needs help, call out… but none of these things get past us.” She slowly started shifting in her formation to where she was on the right. There had to be dozens of them that were all snarling, sprinting towards them. She had absolute confidence in her own abilities, and from what she had seen from all of them, they were capable. She prepared for the first wave, her cheeks swelling in size once again, another highly pressurized stream of water cutting through the air in a wide arc. If they didn’t jump, the beasts would be cut in half on her side.



    Takara Kaiyo
    Genin of Kirigakure
    Experience: 2,135; B - Class

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A+ 290 CP
    Speed: C
    Coordination:  C
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: C

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 279
    Join date : 2021-08-05
    Age : 28

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    Skills & Elements: Genjutsu
    Class: A

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Yuichi Fri Nov 19, 2021 12:39 am

    He knew Takara would have something kind of idea. She told him to keep moving. A moment later two complete strangers joined in the combat. One using a fire justu, and the other using a wind style jutsu to power it up. This was her plan. Lure them into an assault. It was brilliant.

    One of the two new additions introduced herself as Dahlia Fedcon to Yuichi. She told him her elements as well, and that she has been a genin for two years. She was clearly young, but her power was impressive. She passed him some bandages, which Yuichi stored in a pouch on his leg for future use.

    "Thank you. I am Yuichi Uchiha. I will assist you in any way I can." That seemed to basically sum it up. He had little confidence in his abilities, but he did make a decent support.

    The other newcomer was a Kumo shinobi; he seemed very capable. He was the one that used some kind of wind technique that powered up Dahlia's. Yuichi took note of his wind jutsu and decided that it would be useful to learn at some point if he could. He did not introduce himself, which seemed rude to Yuichi. He was just as fast a Yuichi, but was better at using it for combat. He seemed worth observing.

    Takara provided the group with instructions. Yuichi was to stay behind the group and watch for threats, as well as assist when ever necessary. This seemed acceptable, as it optimized their abilities and kept him mostly out of harms way. He had his share of being attacked. He was still in a fair bit of pain. Worse yet, he was mentally exhausted.

    Yuichi moved to the back of the group whether the others obeyed her orders or not, because he had total confidence in her. She came up with the ambush, this strategy would not fail either. Yuichi noted that she considered him the fastest of the group, and he couldn't help but feel a bit proud.

    Yuichi had been sure to stay up high as well, in order to maximize his view of the battlefield. He had scaled the a building and stood atop an unlit chimney. Those fleeing the city would take quite some time to evacuate, meaning that they would have to hold this place for a while. He was starting to wish that he had more kunai or perhaps a bow.

    Dahlia Fedcon
    Dahlia Fedcon

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    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Dahlia Fedcon Fri Nov 19, 2021 2:04 am

    Dahlia wanted to look back when she heard the shout from behind her but knew it was more important to focus on her current attack to keep it from going wild. As the wind passed by she squinted her eyes a bit as her hair fluttered about. Her eyes grew wide as she watched the fire grow bigger realizing what they had shouted. It was a Wind Jutsu. A water and wind user, it was perfect. If they came down to a fight they could all work together to amplify each other. She shifted up a bit more when she saw the immediate threat was gone.

    She glanced back towards the man before giving a single slight nod. She then proceeded to introduce herself to the entire group like she had planned to. Her name and skill set. It would be important for possible planning after all. As the silence set in her eyes turned towards the explosions in the distance. Then to the rumbling. It got her thinking.

    ‘If one is aiming to do the most amount of damage on a floating city…’ Yasu’s voice came into her mind as she saw the girl that only existed in her own mind standing beside her.

    ‘Duuuuh it’s super obvious!’ Dove, the other imaginary friend Dahlia had chimed in from her mind as well while she climbed up the beasts before striking a victory pose.

    “... They’re going to bring the entire city down aren’t they…?” Dahlia replied to the two imaginary girls out loud in a thoughtful mutter. “... Shit.”

    She frowned her brows a bit before the slight feeling of fear hit her in the chest. If she could feel that right now she had no doubt if it wasn’t for her current mental state she would be no doubt unable to do a thing while panicking on the ground. There were no doubt still 100s of people in the city that possibly wouldn’t get off in time based on how far along the attack might be. She looked back towards the others then as she unknowingly channeled a bit of Yasu as her voice shifted to a more serious and focused tone.

    “Do any of you know how the city is staying afloat?” She doubted she could stop it by herself but she had to try.... Not even trying to help while still calling herself a ninja would be spitting on what she saw a ninja to be. “I think if we can keep it afloat… even a little longer than what it may do so on its own, it could save countless more people as they make their way to the exits. You don’t have to come with me, but if you know where it is I’d appreciate at least you telling me. Since every second matters right now.”

    She then heard a roar looking over to see a new wave coming. Were they targeting them directly now? If so that meant they were at least intelligent enough to follow orders and were benign strategically aimed at them, but why? Were they that big of a threat right now? She glanced back to notice all the people behind them. The more the people the more they would be draw in this direction. The other girl had some words to say. Honestly she begged to differ. Then again her experiences were far different than the other girl’s… than most others so she could understand why she’d think that was the most terrifying thing ever.

    She nodded to her instructions though, and moved to the center. She still wanted to go to help the city stay afloat, but this was the most immediate pressing issue right now. She’d have to go after this. There were likely only a limited amount of these things since they seemed to have been preplaced. Which means they would run out sooner or later. Her eyes shot over to see The girl preparing to shoot off some water. The imaginary Dove leaping off the mound vanished along with the imaginary Yasu now that her brain was more focused on the fight.

    So Dahlia took the time to charge her chakra before firing off one of her spears of lighting from False Darkness. She aimed to hit towards the ground; at the wet bodies the other ones went to trample over. The spear strikes them just in time to electrify the bodies and the beasts trying to run over top of the other bodies. Perhaps if they could keep stacking them up like this it could cause a wall to slow more of them down. She noticed Yuichi up high and decided to call out to him.

    “Oi! Special eyes! How many are coming?!” It was hard to tell from down low since it just looked like a wall of beasts but from up there he could at least give them a decent gage of how many they would have to deal with.


    OOC: Using the chakra from last post with False Darkness here due to it not being used last post but used here. Again please lemme know if i need to tweak this at all tis no biggie.

    1 Activation of False Darkness = 10 CP

    80 / 110 CP

    Post 2

    Immediate Information:
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

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    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Kōshin Fri Nov 19, 2021 4:16 pm

    Seigi continued his mediation as everyone became a bit more acquainted with each other. Opening his eyes, he would look back at the ragtag team, taking in their features carefully.

     There was Yuichi, who introduced himself as an Uchiha. His features were androgynous, very much like Seigi had been in his own youth, and his demeanor seemed as if they were shaken from the events that had transpired, but followed the girl in blue's orders without question. His movements, however, were fast, on par with Seigi's own speed. With a little bit of refinement, he would prove to be even faster than Seigi, especially if he was able to get there being this young. "With his speed and his Sharingan, he makes an excellent scout." Seigi would thinking to himself, wondering what other capabilities he had.

     Then there was the girl with who he had combined attacks. She seemed strong as well, definitely knowing her elements and what worked best in combination. She had messy orange hair and the symbol for "Fang" painted on her clothes. He wondered if it had any special meaning, but figured now wasn't the best time to ask. For now, he needed to focus.

     When the girl in blue began to speak, giving them orders, Seigi would turn to face her, only now seeing her face, his heart feeling as if it were stunned. 

     "Ma...kita?" He would think to himself, frozen. Standing only a few feet away from him was someone who had the same face as the woman who he had once loved, the face of the woman who had lead to his "death". He knew it wasn't her, but seeing her was something he wasn't aware would have such an effect on him. She was younger than the Makita he knew, and her skin didn't sport her scar she had in his universe. He wondered for a moment if she was also the Jinchuuriki for Isobu, but doubted it. She seemed much more in control of her emotions, but it was nice to know that in whatever universe she was in, she was still a leader, still a capable shinobi. She even was still a member of Kirigakure. "I guess there really are constants in every universe..." He would mutter to himself. Once she finished giving them orders, he would nod, going along with her plan. 

     "Got it." He would say to Takara, adjusting the bandages around his right arm as he spoke, tightening the loose wraps. Bits of purple skin could be seen in between bandages on his arm, Seigi not concerned with it showing as much as he used to. There was nothing special about it other than the fact that he was slightly self-concsious about his permanent bruising and preferred not to talk about it if he didn't have to. It was always awkward to tell people that his old "teacher" had shattered every bone in his arm to get him to learn one-handed seals.

    As he was lost in thought, Dahlia spoke out loud what everyone was already suspecting; They were going to bring down the entire city, which would be catastrophic for not only every citizen on the Heavenly Emporium, but also any village caught beneath it. As much as he hated to admit it, she was right. Every second they could keep the city afloat meant more lives could be saved. 

    "She's right." Seigi would speak, taking in a deep breath afterward. "We need to keep the city up for as long as possible. With the gravity fluctuations, I think it's inevitable that it's coming down, and if it comes down over a Hidden Village..." He would let them draw their own conclusions. "Unfortunately, I don't know the exact mechanics of what's keeping the city afloat. My guess would be some kind of anti-gravity generator, which would mean they need an immense amount of power to keep it going. Even if we can find out where it is, we'd still have to somehow power that generator, and unless one of you have a Tailed Beast tucked away, I'd say we don't have the power to do that." He hated to be the voice of reason, but this wasn't the first time he had been in this situation. When Karifornia Island was coming down, it showed similar signs of what was going on here. 

    "But, if we can make it to the control center, maybe we can at least direct it somewhere that is away from people and minimize damage. For now, let's just focus on clearing these things out!" 

     He could hear the roars of the Xeno-beasts coming and saw the horde quickly approaching their position. Holding his hand outward to his right, particles of sand from the air and the rubble around him would begin to materialize into a small ball within his hand, which floated gently a few inches away from it. It would begin to spin, quickly flattening out and becoming a rotating disk of sand, condensed into a sharp edge. As the second battle began, Seigi would move into position on the left, throwing his disk of sand outwards, taking on the beasts on his left flank. They were fast, but not nearly as fast as he was, and despite their numbers and entry points, Seigi was confident that he was in control. With a wave of his arm, the desk would fly outwards, following his every arm movement. The sand disk would cut through the beasts like a hot knife through butter, losing no momentum as it skillfully bounced between the monsters. As they crawled from sewers, from the windows of buildings, from the horde in front of them, they would be cut down with ease by his sand. 

     “Can we actually pull this off?” Seigi would think to himself as he commanded his sand to return to him, the sand unfurling and wrapping around him into a tan, cloak-like form. He gazed over to see how the rest of the team was doing, but as he did so, a shadow was cast across the them… and then the street. And then the neighborhood. And then the city. 

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Ih71YJu

     Massive didn’t begin to explain the size of it. It was larger than any living thing Seigi had ever seen, towering over the city itself. It’s lone blue eye seemed fixed upon something and its massive blue wings were outstretched. It looked like the bigger and more terrifying version of Chomei, almost bug-like in it’s own nature. It looked as if it were focused on something, drawing power from the city itself. It’s massive form loomed over them, and for a moment, Seigi was terrified. He had fought plenty of bijuu in his life, having bested The Five Tails on his own even, but this… this was on another level entirely. A massive roar filled the air, and the blast of wind that followed was enough to make even Seigi brace himself. How had he not seen that when he had left the hospital? What even was this monster? He had so many questions that needed answering, but it did explain these creatures, somewhat, and then a sudden realization hit him.

     “That thing is drawing power from the city…!” Seigi would exclaim, loud enough for the group to hear him. He would then curse under his breath, knowing nothing they did apart from taking it down would have any effect on it. "We can't worry about trying to prevent it anymore, we've got to focus on protecting these people!"

    Techs used:


    Takara Kaiyo
    Takara Kaiyo

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 105
    Join date : 2021-08-11
    Age : 24

    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Takara Kaiyo Sat Nov 20, 2021 4:16 am

    Yuichi didn’t argue, seemingly perfectly content with his role and stepping to a spot centralized behind them so he could assist any way he could with his superior speed.  Dahlia moved to the center position, realizing now that the enemy was trying to bring down the entire city.  As much as Takara agreed with the girl about wanting to stabilize whatever was keeping this rock flying, she knew that it was folly.  She might have even said so if she wasn’t spitting yet another wave of pressurized water from her mouth, cutting another dozen of them apart with some careful aim, something she was getting much better at.  The last one, who not only hadn’t identified himself but also took an extra moment to stare at her and call her Makita, complied as well after commenting something about constants in the universe.  If they ever got a moment to take a breath, she might ask him the question, but they needed to get through this wave first and foremost.  He seemed to realize the situation after getting an eyeful of the creature that was attacking the city aside these little Xenomorphs, realizing that there was absolutely nothing that they could do about it.

    But that didn’t mean something wasn’t being done about it.

    Finally finishing off the ones in front of her, Takara took a moment to relay some information while she had the time.  “I saw a slew of very powerful Ninja heading to deal with the beast.  I’m certain we aren’t the only ones who know the peril of this thing crashing into something important.  And they will be the ones to take that thing down, not us.  We stay here.  We hold the line.  And we make sure everyone who can possibly be saved, is saved.  We won’t save everyone, but I will be DAMNED if we die here or flee like cowards.  We got their attention now, which means less people being hunted, lets kill them all!  As if to emphasize her point, Takara took a deep breath, and then her cheeks swelled, this time firing a Massive Colliding Wave at the enemies on her side in a sweeping motion, the sheer amount of water pushing many off the edge, where they would fall to their deaths.  Her side clear for a moment, she took another breath and looked at the still nameless nin.

    “Not being rude, but White Hair!  Give us your name, and who the hell is Makita?  Don’t know if we are going to get a chance to share after this.  Might be too busy trying to not die.”  And that was the truth of the matter.  The inevitability of the situation meant that they would have to stay on this thing until almost the very end, and then turn tail and run at the last second and get off it before it crashed into the ground, something they would absolutely not survive.  For now though, they would do what they could.  “If it thins out, help anyone struggling get to the group offloading civilians!  The faster they are out of here, the faster we leave!”  That would give people the option to speed things along if the front line was secure, hopefully getting them all off this rock sooner than later.



    Takara Kaiyo
    Genin of Kirigakure
    Experience: 2,135; B - Class

    Strength: D
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    Stamina: A+ 290 CP
    Speed: C
    Coordination:  C
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: C

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 279
    Join date : 2021-08-05
    Age : 28

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    Revelations 12: The Attack  Empty Re: Revelations 12: The Attack

    Post by Yuichi Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:05 pm

    Being as stressed and tired as Yuichi somehow made Yuichi much more emotional, something his mother would have reprimanded him for. He was nearly brought to tears by the idea of fleeing, and that seemed unusual to him. He kept picturing that one guy having his throat ripped out. Many more could die if Yuichi went by his instinct and fled. He liked Takara quite a lot. She was strong and nice. He felt horrible for even thinking about leaving. He must be a terrible person.

    What could he do? He never wanted to be a shinobi. He never really wanted to be Yuichi, either. Yuichi was raised to be a shinobi, but he had always firmly believed that his natural personality conflicted with this.

    "We don't get to choose who we are, Yuichi."

    His mother's voice had always made him shutter. She had a cold, factual way of saying things. Almost no emotion could be heard in the tone of her voice. She was calculating and cruel, and that is exactly what she wanted Yuichi to be.

    But she was dead, now.

    Even as poorly as his mother treated him, Yuichi was always a dutiful child. He loved his mother, and he had not even begun to process the reality of her death in the eight months that she had died. He was in the worst possible place to be stricken by grief.

    His mother died. His father was even more busy than before. Yuichi had seen him all of one time since getting out of the hospital. Haru was nowhere to be found. On top of all that, his new friend was going to die, and Yuichi was ready to abandon her to that fate. Who knows how many others he was going to let die before he decided to grow up and do what, according to his mother, he had been born to do.

    He was an Uchiha. He was his mothers son. He possessed a talent that was one in a million. He had neglected his duty his entire life, and now people relied on him and he was ready and willing to just run away.

    In his emotional state, his unprocessed grief combined with his desire to keep everyone here safe was enough to stir somethings in him. His chakra spiked. The world seemed to slow around him. For a moment, Yuichi didn't process what happened.

    Until Dahlia called out too him, calling him special eyes, and it clicked. His eyes turned from a bright blue to a deep red. He didn't know when, but he unlocked the sharingan. Even with it, he doubted her could accurately count them, but he still gave it a go.

    "Around twenty in the next few seconds. Be ready for more after that. The same goes for everyone else. If you need assistance, don't hesitate to call out to me.

    Takara took a moment to explain the situation to the group and offer words of encouragement. Kill them all she said. Yuichi prepared himself. He took a deep breath. He would obey Takara's orders for now, and stay put. He doubted he was done fighting. Soon enough, the Xenobeasts would surround them.

    OOC: spending chakra points used before that I forgot to spend puts me at 100. Sharingan takes 0.2 chakra per post.
    99.8/ 110 CP


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