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2 posters

    Kōshin Remashita

    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 238
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Kōshin Remashita  Empty Kōshin Remashita

    Post by Kōshin Wed May 15, 2024 2:55 pm

    Name: Kōshin Remashita (formerly known as Ren La'Moon)
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: D-rank, Genin
    Title: None

    Clan: None
    Bloodline: None
    Element(s): None
    Skill(s): Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Medical

    Trading 2 skills for 1000 exp.
    Using 1505 rounded exp rolled over from Seigi (rip)
    Starting at C class for an extra 400
    taking out a loan on 95 exp for UA
    beginning exp 1650
    total spendable: 4650

    • Strength: C 450
    • Constitution:  C 450
    • Stamina: B 950
    • Speed: B 950
    • Coordination: B 950
    • Intelligence: C 450
    • Perception: C 450

    Unique Abilities:
    Seal-less Combat:
    Freebie for no clan. Choosing Ninjutsu.

    Stat Trading:
    Koshin can temporarily increase his Stamina 1 tier in exchange for his Constitution being reduced 1 tier, similar to a "final push".

    Chakra Point Spending:
    Koshin's Ninjutsu technique costs are reduced 1 rank, Koshin's medical skills cost 1 rank exta.

    Experience Advantage:
    starting with an extra 95 exp bringing Koshin's total starting exp to 4650

    Appearance: Kōshin Remashita  Ren10

    History: A survivor of the destruction of The Heavenly Emporium, Koshin woke up in a hospital 2 months after it's demise. He awoke without his memories or identity, in a land he didn't know, the only key to who he used to be being a katana found in the wreckage with him. He was kept in isolation at first, his only visitation was from the nurses who tended his wounds. His body had been badly injured during the invasion of the city, with burns covering most of his body and both his left arm and leg crushed, so Kirigakure wasn't worried about him going anywhere. After probing his mind for answers and finding nothing, he was finally able to heal at a normal hosptial. His name came from the nurses who tended to him, finding it easier to call him something rather than "kid" or "prisoner". With his arm and leg in braces, he looked like some sort of machine, so the nurses began jokingly calling him "Koshin Remashita", meaning "updated". He actually liked it so much, he kept it.

    After 4 months of rehabilitation, Kiri released Koshin from the hospital and gave him two options. He could either join them, and they'd give him a home, or he could leave and strike out on his own. With no memories and no direction, he opted to stay in Kirigakure and pursue being a shinobi in hopes that he could travel the world and meet someone who could tell him who he was in a past life. That was 4 years ago, and Koshin has since proven his usefulness to Kirigakure. Finding his talent as a shinobi was easy, Koshin learning the skills and techniques at an alarming speed. He developed a talent for Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, and even learn a few technques from the medical field to help augment his own physical strengths. Fundamentally, he was a good shinobi, but he was hard to work with. Despite this, he persevered and eventually became a shinobi, ready to explore the world and figure out who he really was.

    Personality: Koshin is charismatic, with a real devil-may-care attitude. He's often told that he doesn't take things seriously, or that he's lacking in ambition, but his attitude is mostly to cover up his fear. Deep down, Koshin is terrified during every battle and loves to cope with humor. He is a fairly lonely person at his core, but is loyal to the people he trusts. Not much of a leader, but not much of a follower, Koshin has always gone his own way, which is one of his many faults. He's often arrogant and impulsive, even if it's terrifying, and in a way, the thrill of fear is what he's subconsciously after.

    Roleplay Sample:

    Last edited by Seigi on Thu May 16, 2024 10:32 am; edited 3 times in total
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2092
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Kōshin Remashita  Empty Re: Kōshin Remashita

    Post by Airi Ohara Wed May 15, 2024 10:53 pm

    Seigi wrote:Name: Kōshin Remashita (formerly known as Ren La'Moon)
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: D-rank, Genin
    Title: None

    Clan: None
    Bloodline: None
    Element(s): None
    Skill(s): taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Medical

    Trading 2 skills for 1000 exp.
    Using 1505 rounded exp rolled over from Seigi (rip)
    Starting at C class for an extra 400
    taking out a loan on 95 exp for UA
    beginning exp 1650
    total spendable: 4650

    • Strength: C 450
    • Constitution:  C 450
    • Stamina: B 950
    • Speed: B 950
    • Coordination: B 950
    • Intelligence: C 450
    • Perception: C 450

    Unique Abilities:
    Seal-less Combat:
    Freebie for no clan

    Stat Trading:
    Koshin can temporarily increase his Stamina 1 tier in exchange for his Constitution being reduced 1 tier, similar to a "final push".

    Sensei's Final Gift: Upon his death, Seigi gave his sword to Ren. This grants Ren a free A-rank Katana, previously gifted to Seigi by Damien Darhk.
    However, upon his death, Seigi sealed some of his spirit into the sword itself. Whenever Koshin uses this blade, he is overcome with the feelings of his former Sensei, and receives a tier debuff to intelligence.

    Experience Advantage:
    starting with an extra 95 exp bringing Koshin's total starting exp to 4650

    Appearance: Kōshin Remashita  Ren10

    History: A survivor of the destruction of The Heavenly Emporium, Koshin woke up in a hospital 2 months after it's demise. He awoke without his memories or identity, in a land he didn't know, the only key to who he used to be being a katana found in the wreckage with him. He was kept in isolation at first, his only visitation was from the nurses who tended his wounds. His body had been badly injured during the invasion of the city, with burns covering most of his body and both his left arm and leg crushed, so Kirigakure wasn't worried about him going anywhere. After probing his mind for answers and finding nothing, he was finally able to heal at a normal hosptial. His name came from the nurses who tended to him, finding it easier to call him something rather than "kid" or "prisoner". With his arm and leg in braces, he looked like some sort of machine, so the nurses began jokingly calling him "Koshin Remashita", meaning "updated". He actually liked it so much, he kept it.

    After 4 months of rehabilitation, Kiri released Koshin from the hospital and gave him two options. He could either join them, and they'd give him a home, or he could leave and strike out on his own. With no memories and no direction, he opted to stay in Kirigakure and pursue being a shinobi in hopes that he could travel the world and meet someone who could tell him who he was in a past life. That was 4 years ago, and Koshin has since proven his usefulness to Kirigakure. Finding his talent as a shinobi was easy, Koshin learning the skills and techniques at an alarming speed. He developed a talent for hand-to-hand combat, ninjutsu, and even learn a few technques from the medical field to help augment his own physical strengths. Fundamentally, he was a good shinobi, but he was hard to work with. Despite this, he persevered and eventually became a shinobi, ready to explore the world and figure out who he really was.

    Personality: Koshin is charismatic, with a real devil-may-care attitude. He's often told that he doesn't take things seriously, or that he's lacking in ambition, but his attitude is mostly to cover up his fear. Deep down, Koshin is terrified during every battle and loves to cope with humor. He is a fairly lonely person at his core, but is loyal to the people he trusts. Not much of a leader, but not much of a follower, Koshin has always gone his own way, which is one of his many faults. He's often arrogant and impulsive, even if it's terrifying, and in a way, the thrill of fear is what he's subconsciously after.

    Roleplay Sample:
      + Sensei's Final Gift: This will not fly. This is Alt Helping Alt.


    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 238
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    Kōshin Remashita  Empty Re: Kōshin Remashita

    Post by Kōshin Thu May 16, 2024 9:55 am

    Alright, took it out and replaced it with chakra spending.

    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2092
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Kōshin Remashita  Empty Re: Kōshin Remashita

    Post by Airi Ohara Thu May 16, 2024 6:19 pm

    Seigi wrote:Name: Kōshin Remashita (formerly known as Ren La'Moon)
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: D-rank, Genin
    Title: None

    Clan: None
    Bloodline: None
    Element(s): None
    Skill(s): Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Medical

    Trading 2 skills for 1000 exp.
    Using 1505 rounded exp rolled over from Seigi (rip)
    Starting at C class for an extra 400
    taking out a loan on 95 exp for UA
    beginning exp 1650
    total spendable: 4650

    • Strength: C 450
    • Constitution:  C 450
    • Stamina: B 950
    • Speed: B 950
    • Coordination: B 950
    • Intelligence: C 450
    • Perception: C 450

    Unique Abilities:
    Seal-less Combat:
    Freebie for no clan. Choosing Ninjutsu.

    Stat Trading:
    Koshin can temporarily increase his Stamina 1 tier in exchange for his Constitution being reduced 1 tier, similar to a "final push".

    Chakra Point Spending:
    Koshin's Ninjutsu technique costs are reduced 1 rank, Koshin's medical skills cost 1 rank exta.

    Experience Advantage:
    starting with an extra 95 exp bringing Koshin's total starting exp to 4650

    Appearance: Kōshin Remashita  Ren10

    History: A survivor of the destruction of The Heavenly Emporium, Koshin woke up in a hospital 2 months after it's demise. He awoke without his memories or identity, in a land he didn't know, the only key to who he used to be being a katana found in the wreckage with him. He was kept in isolation at first, his only visitation was from the nurses who tended his wounds. His body had been badly injured during the invasion of the city, with burns covering most of his body and both his left arm and leg crushed, so Kirigakure wasn't worried about him going anywhere. After probing his mind for answers and finding nothing, he was finally able to heal at a normal hosptial. His name came from the nurses who tended to him, finding it easier to call him something rather than "kid" or "prisoner". With his arm and leg in braces, he looked like some sort of machine, so the nurses began jokingly calling him "Koshin Remashita", meaning "updated". He actually liked it so much, he kept it.

    After 4 months of rehabilitation, Kiri released Koshin from the hospital and gave him two options. He could either join them, and they'd give him a home, or he could leave and strike out on his own. With no memories and no direction, he opted to stay in Kirigakure and pursue being a shinobi in hopes that he could travel the world and meet someone who could tell him who he was in a past life. That was 4 years ago, and Koshin has since proven his usefulness to Kirigakure. Finding his talent as a shinobi was easy, Koshin learning the skills and techniques at an alarming speed. He developed a talent for Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, and even learn a few technques from the medical field to help augment his own physical strengths. Fundamentally, he was a good shinobi, but he was hard to work with. Despite this, he persevered and eventually became a shinobi, ready to explore the world and figure out who he really was.

    Personality: Koshin is charismatic, with a real devil-may-care attitude. He's often told that he doesn't take things seriously, or that he's lacking in ambition, but his attitude is mostly to cover up his fear. Deep down, Koshin is terrified during every battle and loves to cope with humor. He is a fairly lonely person at his core, but is loyal to the people he trusts. Not much of a leader, but not much of a follower, Koshin has always gone his own way, which is one of his many faults. He's often arrogant and impulsive, even if it's terrifying, and in a way, the thrill of fear is what he's subconsciously after.

    Roleplay Sample:
    Well, this is approved. Just make sure you change your username.

    Check Here for your starting Ryo and then make your Character Updates page. Ensure the first post is your character sheet -- This is what people will be referencing for what you have/don't have so keep that up to date. You will be required to keep the first post up to date -- generally updating it after each update is done.

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga

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