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Mikael Uchiha
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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)


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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Satomi Mon Jul 19, 2021 12:38 am

    Satomi Uchiha had arrived in good time to the HE. Wearing a simple black ninja outfit, with Uchiha emblem on his back. As he could simply teleport there now that he had learned of its location. There was a grand festival for an important businessman. He had heard of him and his creations. Famous items and weapons scattered across the lands. A proper festival would be open to the world to come. Ninja from all walks of life would be there. Satomi made himself comfortable. Finding a large clearing for his participation in the festivities.

    He sensed a looming danger crawling upon the Earth. His power would be called to calm the storm that was to come. But before he would show the might of his true power. Dismaying any thought who was the most powerful ninja in the world was. But also, a day they may enjoy. As he wanted to his power, in a good way. What he needed, were willing participants that wanted to do something extreme for the festival. He would rock their world. Satomi was worldwide known former Hokage. Perhaps they would flock to him.

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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Xia Mon Jul 19, 2021 4:36 am

    Xia was wandering around the festival with a happy grin permanently plastered on her face. She hadn’t been to a festival this large before, and with so many people from all over the world to boot. Her black and blonde hair was hanging loosely down her back and she had on an outfit that was an interesting cross between ‘traditional good daughter of the Hyuga Clan’ and ‘could most definitely be found causing trouble somewhere’. Black leggings that were artfully crafted to show off small strips of her legs beneath and a black and blue silk jacket that looked like it desperately wanted to be a kimono when it grew up, but it was cropped to her waist. She had no identifying insignia from her village or clan, though anyone from Konoha would be able to pick her out of a crowd easily. Her pale eyes with no pupils were a dead giveaway.

    She had picked up some sweets from one of the vendors and was walking along with some dango on a stick in one hand and a small bag filled with more sweets in the other, munching contentedly as she took in the sights. Eventually she found herself at the edge of the crowd and discovered she had wandered towards a mostly empty clearing. The ‘mostly’ part was that there was someone in the clearing. It took Xia a second but as she peered at the man to see who he might be, she nearly dropped the stick she had been holding. Well, she did drop it technically, but after a surprised exclamation and one or two awkward scrambling movements she managed to catch it again. It was not among the most graceful things Xia had ever done.

    So she stood there, red faced and in awe, right in front of Satomi Uchiha.

    There was no mistaking who he was - when it came to the history of Konoha the man was legendary. She stood there staring for a quite a while before finally working up the courage to walk over to the former Hokage. With a quiet voice and wonder in her eyes she looked up as soon as she was a few feet away. “Um, hello Satomi-sama. I, uh. . . hmmm. How are you enjoying the festival?” She didn’t know what else to say, and she blushed all the harder as she said probably the dumbest thing imaginable to someone she’d idolized since the Academy.

    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) MMI1x04l

    The Rogue Assassin:
    Mikael Uchiha
    Mikael Uchiha

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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Mikael Uchiha Mon Jul 19, 2021 11:18 am

    Mikael was strolling through the stalls of the Heavens Emporium Festival. He decided to join the festivities after his parents told him about it's existence. Although he was wandering the World for 6 years, he doesn't quite remember when was the last time he went to a festival. The young man was wearing a simple black T-shirt, with normal ninja black pants, black sandals and a black long coat which had the Uchiha Crest on the back. Although his black hair was quite normal and blended in, his red ruby eyes were quite a prominent feature that would set him apart from others.

    As Mikael was strolling through the stalls with the excitement of a child, he stopped at almost every food shop to try the local specialty. He tried Takoyaki on a stick. He tries fried squid, dumplings, and of course, lots of sweets.  After Mikael became full, he continued his walk through the festival. At some point he reached a clearing where two persons could be seen. The first was a woman with black and blonde hair and white eyes. *A Hyuga? Interesting.* though the young man. She was quite the pretty lady, and the attire she was wearing was weirdly alluring.

    Mikael takes makes a mental note to be careful, after all, he is known to have a problem when the fairer sex is involved. The other person was dressed in a normal black ninja outfit, but there was an uchiha emblem on the back. Mikael continues his thoughs surprised: *A Hyuga and an Uchiha together? This is getting more interesting.*

    Mikael approaches the group looking at both and offers his greetings, first to the uchiha man: "Hello. I am glad to see another Uchiha after so long. I hope you will excuse my lack of knowledge, since I was away from the village for 6 years. I am Mikael Uchiha. and finishes with a respectful bow. Then, the young man faces towards the Hyuga Girl, and with an honest smile, extends his arm with palm faced upwards and greets the young girl: "Greetings fair lady. My name is Mikael. It is a pleasure to meet you." And if the girl would extend her hand, the young Uchiha would gently hold it and slowly bowing down, while raising the hand in order to kiss it, as a form of respect.


    Village : Konohagakure
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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Satomi Mon Jul 19, 2021 11:47 pm

    It didn't take long for a few stragglers to find their way to the great open field. One of them he recognized immedaitely. Xia Hyuga one of the new upcoming prospects. His senses didn't fail him, he felt great potential in this one. One that would help propel the Hyuga to a higher status in the village. She seemed shy, but he assumed because he hadn't gotten to meet everyone quite yet. As Hokage had more public relations but the position of ANBU Captain kept him holed up for long periods of time on numerous operations. He had lost touch with the youth of the village. He vowed his life to the Konoha for this specific reason, a utopia for the Leaf Empire. It started here with these young Genin. So he smiled when Xia asked him a question. "The Festival is excellent. The energy here is vibrant, and its a welcome change. I hope you are enjoying the festivities as well? First time on a flying ship?"

    Then he was also recruited by the other gifted prospect. Another Uchiha, who he was sure would become the staple of power to the clan. He seemed new to the village because he was not aware of Satomi. "Greetings Mikael. No worries. The name is Satomi Uchiha. Just a Professor for the village. The pleasure is all mine. It's good to see Konoha nin out and enjoying themselves." He had died and seen the other side. There was much more to the afterlife. Coming back from that void, to encounter inhabited souls. It was a welcome sight.

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    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Tue Jul 20, 2021 5:53 am

    The dark haired genin moved through the crowd, his red eyes careful of where he was going and more importantly it would seem, where others were going. He had already had one individual bump into him today and spilled scalding hot coffee over him. It had ruined his beautiful yukata that had denoted his affiliation with Kirigakure. This was even more unfortunate as he had not brought any additional clothing to the Emporium. Although the individual who spilled the coffee on him had taken the garment to get another with the same measurements made. So he would hopefully have a new one in the next day or so. That did however mean he was without much clothing. In fact all he had were his black shinobi pants and boots and the katana tied to his waist. That said being shirtless in the emporium was not necessarily uncommon. One could find many individuals without shirts if one looked down the road. Most of them were performers of some kind or other but if they could not wear a shirt than why couldn't he? The only thing uncomfortable about it was the stares he was receiving by all around him. Mostly at his back and front under his neck.

    This would be due to the multitude of old brand scars across his back. Each one signifying a different master during his enslavement to various pirates and ship captains. Each brand had a single diagonal mark through it denoting it as an old brand. Upon the inside of his wrist was another brand that also had the diagonal mark. Although this one was more recent. That brand had been put upon him when his back had finally run out of room. Given the side of the marks he had to have several dozen on him. That did not really bother him however. The scars on his front were different. They were on the neck and most of his attire would not even be able to hide them. The point of them after all being to be seen. They were fang marks, deep and vicious. They had been bitten into him by his new Queen, Sayuri. They were obvious and brutally bitten into the skin, but even that he did not mind. Admittedly though he had never been around so many people who were staring at him before. Even at the market in Kirigakure. Here people went silent, and stared at him. Some in curiosity, some in horror. After all, given his height of 5'1 he was rather small.

    Of course that height had only come from his malnutrition during formative years of his life. Or maybe not, but still, the point was that he was short and people took that to mean he must be very young due to that. However that would only last a moment. Children didn't have the musculature he did, he was in peak condition for a human and it showed although he didn't really flaunt his form. He more just wanted to get through the damn crowd. He was starting to feel a little uncomfortable with the staring and he was about ready to duck into a shop or somewhere and try to buy a shirt and when he stumbled through the crowd and into a large clearing. There he saw three people, none of which he recognized. His lifetime as a slave keeping him ignorant of Satomi Uchiha. Moving toward the group, hoping he would not simply be stared at by even more people. Although much more comfortable with the possibility of only three people staring at him instead of the dozen's that had.

    He would walk up to the group and note the three of them. One was someone who also had red eyes like him, the two of them having something in common in regards to that appearance. Another was a woman with an odd clothing style. Her pants were shredded a bit in places and she had a black and blue kimono jacket. Pale eyes and blonde and black hair would even out her features. The ruby eyed individual was a study of black, wearing even more of it than Valen did normally. Although he supposed that was only because Valen normally only wore a black coat jacket as opposed to a dedicated shirt and jacket above it. He literally had fewer clothes that could be black. The third was a taller man who carried himself well. As if he had experience with the world. He would overhear the name of the man as he approached. 'Satomi Uchiha' was apparently something called a 'professor'. Valen did not know what that was and he decided that asking now would be better for later on. So without much in the way of charm he would simply look at the man and speak. "What's a professor? I'm Valen by the way." He would say simply, giving his name to them in case that wished to know it for some reason and awaiting the response to his question.


    OOC: Just to make sure everyone in on the same page. With my entrance we are making 30 exp a post.

    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Xia Tue Jul 20, 2021 7:07 am

    Even though Xia was pretty lame when it came to starting up conversations, Satomi smiled at her and answered her question. She was overjoyed and her face lit up with a wide smile. She had been so sure that she’d messed up her best chance of meeting the legendary Satomi Uchiha that when she discovered she hadn’t messed it she didn’t know what to do. “I. . . me? Yes! I’m having a lot of fun, and the Heavenly Emporium is incredible. I don’t know how it flies. . . but just. . . wow.”

    Her attention would turn to the second Uchiha to enter the clearing. In the short time since she’d been on active duty she’d met a good many more Uchiha than anyone else from Konoha - it was fortunate that Xia bore no ill will towards the Clan, despite what the Hyuga elders would have preferred. As he held out his hand towards her she looked back and forth between her two full hands, a bit flustered as she wasn’t prepared for handshaking. In a moment of panic and rather unceremoniously, Xia would place the wooden stick between her teeth and hold out the now empty hand. Which left her ability to speak somewhat impaired as she tried to wrap her head around the greeting that the young Uchiha man had just given her. “Phair Mwhady? Mnoh mnoh, mhy mnahme izz Phshia.” Once he had kissed the back of her hand, she would snatch the dango stick from her mouth, clearing her throat as she repeated her sentence. “Uh, sorry about that, what I meant to say was; I’m not a fair lady, my name is Xia. Nice to meet you, Mikael.” She didn’t quite know what to think of someone kissing her hand, it was something she’d read about in story books and the like, but had never seen someone do yet in real life.

    When Satomi explained who he was, Xia’s awkwardness flew out the window and her eyes went wide as she stammered. “Just a Professor?! That’s not. . . what. . . you’re like. . . probably the most famous Uchiha to ever exist!” She would turn to Mikael and shake her head. “This man was the former Hokage, he is a legend. The things he’s done are just. . . I can’t even. . .” She was flabbergasted that someone from Konoha didn’t know who Satomi Uchiha was, and even more than that, that Satomi himself was downplaying who he was. Suddenly the world didn’t make sense to her and just when she thought that her brain might melt from trying to figure it all out, someone new arrived on the scene with an equally puzzling question.

    Turning to look at the newly arrived man, Xia was a little shocked to see him without a shirt. It wasn’t cold out, strictly speaking, but they were at a much higher elevation and so the air was a bit cooler up here. She could see that Valen, as he so bluntly introduced himself as, was a bit uncomfortable looking and she assumed it was due to the cold. She could clearly see the scars along the man’s upper body, but she didn’t spend much more than a second glancing at them; she had always been taught that it was rude to stare at things you didn’t understand. Popping the dango stick back into her mouth and carefully setting the paper bag on the ground, she would slip off her black and blue coat. Underneath she wore a black tank top, and with the removal of her jacket the tattoos she had along the entire length of her right arm and disappearing beneath her shirt would now be visible. Holding her coat with her right hand and grasping her dessert with her left she would take a few steps towards Valen and hold the coat out for him to take. “It’s nice to meet you Valen. I’m Xia, here take this, it's a bit cold up here. And uh, a professor is like a teacher.” Assuming he took the coat she would turn around and pick up the paper bag, holding it out to the general group of them. “Would anyone like some? I have lots to share!”

    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) MMI1x04l

    The Rogue Assassin:
    Mikael Uchiha
    Mikael Uchiha

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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Mikael Uchiha Tue Jul 20, 2021 9:12 am

    Mikael finds out that his fellow Uchiha member was called Satomi and that he was a professor. "Wow, that is amazing. My grandfather used to be a Professor back when I was in the Academy. But he retired 11 years ago." And if Satomi would ask about his Grandfather's name he would reply: "His name is Nox Uchiha". Nox Uchiha was a very decorated Uchiha. The first one to create a pre-anbu special Uchiha force. A veteran tactician of the Hyuga Uchiha war, where he got the title of The Phantom Seer, for his great tactical insigts, schemes and ghost ops. As well as helping founding Konoha and helping to lay the groundworks for the Anbu. After Konoha was founded, he became an Academy instructor, guiding and training the newer generations, until 11 years ago when he retired and lived and still lives a peaceful file.

    The beautiful girl seemed a bit nervous and shy. During their conversation she was biting down on some wood and started talking. He could not quite make it out what she was trying to say. Then she tells Mikael that she does not consider herself a fair lady. Would this be because of a low self esteem issue?, was she just being humble?, thought Mikael. Given her shyness and anxiety like symptoms when socializing, Mikael could conclude that the woman named Xia was having low self esteem issues. Thanks to his travels, he learned quite a bit of psychology, learning to read people. Then, Mikael shows a honest smiling face in which his eyes were closed, and then tells the woman Xia: "You shouldn't sell yourself short. Anyone can see how beautiful you are."  

    Then, the Hyuga Girl, nervous and agitated tells Mikael that Satomi is a legend and a former kage. This statement takes the boy by surprise. Then, he bows down again before Satomi and says: "Please excuse me if I was rude. It is an honor to meet you, sir." Although Mikael read Satomi as someone who didn't put much importance to titles such as these, he still thought that this should be the proper response.

    After this whole Revelation, another person wandered in the clearing. This time, it was a short stature man, with dark hair and red eyes, just like Mikael. He was wearing black pants and footwear, but he was shirtless. The man introduces himself as Valen. Looking closely at his back, it was full of scars. Mikael could not help but stare a bit. He has seen these scars before, and then he recollects that during his travels he saw a few people with the same types of scars. Especially in Kirigakure where he learned Kenjutsu. They were slave marks. But he has never seen someone with so many slave marks. Mikael was dying to know more, since his curiosity soared about this, but he abstained from making any comment. After all, he thought that this might be a delicate subject of the man named Valen. So with some regret, he drowns his curiosity.


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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Azgodon Tue Jul 20, 2021 10:32 am

    Takoyaki was a new discovery for Azzie and it was one of the delicacies he discovered so far that he could continually eat day in and day out without getting sick of it. Or at least he assumed he could keep eating day in and day out without throwing up. He had not gotten that far with eating Takoyaki, so it was a conclusion that was a possibility. Day one of eating Takoyaki had started today, though Azgodon was unsure of if he would presume to eat it the following day. Azzie had yet to find a food he did not like, though it was likely a matter of time for Azzie to discover something he would not like.

    As he walked down the street, he spotted a familiar figure along with three others he had never seen before. Even from being a few meters away, about twenty or so, Azzie would shout regardless, hoping Xia would hear him. “Xia!” His shout would echo through the street, though Azzie would continue on his leisurely pace towards his squad mate. Whether Xia approached him or remained in her spot, Azzie would walk towards her directly, ignoring the other three in the area as his eyes focused in on Xia. “Takoyaki is so good! Here, have some!” Azzie only had one toothpick for the Takoyaki he had been eating, so he offered Xia a Takoyaki on the toothpick he had been eating from.  “Did you change your hair?” He would tilt his head curiously at the girl, trying to figure out if she did or did not. The last time he remembered being near Xia was when they ‘went to the arcade’. Well, at least he remembered visiting her house and the walk they took afterwards. “Who are your friends?” If his head could tilt more, it would. Azzie would look at the other three briefly, trying to figure out if he had seen them before.

    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) D066O8r
    Uchiha Yui
    Uchiha Yui
    Leaf Chuunin
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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Uchiha Yui Tue Jul 20, 2021 1:17 pm

    Yui sighed as Nyg told her and forced her to take a break from house duties and to go have fun. She had no concept of what was fun or what he exactly wanted but she would do her best. She heard Sato was planning to head to some festival and as cautious as she was she planned to stick close to that man. She knew he would have no ill will toward her and would not let others harm an Uchiha, today she was wearing some new clothing. She was wearing a tank top and tight jeans, not something anyone would have seen her in before, it did make it clear she had very nice assets and Nyg recommended she dress like this.

    She would make her way toward where she spotted Sato and would smile, she also was not wearing her glasses, as they were just for looks and had zero effects on her. She could hear everyone flirting as she would sigh, she hated that sort of attention but Nyg really demanded she go and be a little wild. Her confession to him appeared to spark his desire to have her find someone she would take a liking to.

    "Hello everyone my name is Uchiha Yui and it is nice to meet you."

    She would give a light wave toward Sato and began to check out the others, some were Uchiha others were not. She would just stare at the others watching how everyone behaved and to see what type of personalities she was dealing with. One thing would be clear to them she was quite muscular for a woman she had clear strength showing in her arms and legs.

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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Satomi Tue Jul 20, 2021 10:29 pm

    The Hyuga eagerly replied expressing her enjoyment of the festival. He nodded hearing the good news. Mikael spoke of a Nox Uchiha whom he had heard of whom taught in the Academy. Though Satomi's profession lay with the villages most powerful ninja. He wasn't that famous to the younger generation yet. Of course he was also dead for a number of years. He must seem like a relic. However it was Xia whom recognized the name and spoke of his relation to the known world. But before he could answer, there were even more guests that had joined them.

    Satomi had expected other to flock to the large field. The first was another young man whom introduced himself as Valen. He seemed confused to learn that Satomi was a Professor. Interestingly enough, he didn't know what it was. Then there another was another man who seemed closer to his age. He knew who Xia was and he seemed just a friendly as the others. After a quick check, he could tell everyone was about the same level. The younger generation he felt.

    To his surprise Yui arrived. He hadn't been sure she would come but quite the number of Uchiha had made their presence. He was delighted to see them all. She also introduced herself to the group that had gathered. Perhaps it was time for everyone to know his as well. "Welcome everyone. I was just saying how much I was enjoying festival here with Xia and Mikael. I mentioned I was a Professor which means I'm a mentor. But you all may call me Satomi Uchiha. The former Hokage of the Hidden Leaf. Pleasure to meet you all. My hope is that you all are enjoying yourselves. I may have a surprise for you all in the spirit of the festivals. But that depends who is daring enough to see it..." Satomi trailed off obviously baiting the young ones to into the surprise. Though it was a large surprise, he had hoped to not scare anyone with it.


    Sensor .5

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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Hibiki Wed Jul 21, 2021 12:17 am

    A little girl was wandering the streets of the heavenly emporium. She had no particular destination in mind, she had simply just finished one event of the many that were to be had at the festival and was looking for her next… adventure? Diversion? Something that would keep her entertained at the least. As she walked around she was practically skipping with excitement over how fast she was going. Normally she was so slow that she needed someone else to carry her around but now that she had her new body the sky felt like it was the limit.

    Considering how highly unusual it was for someone her apparent age to just be gallivanting around unsupervised, she had one of her puppets trailing a few steps behind her in order to bail herself out if she got into trouble. She was rotating between the six she had inherited from her Papa so that none of them would get too worn down all at once and today she was using the Mocking Karakuri which looked like stereotypical male Uchiha. Though her father hadn’t been quite skilled he hadn’t been good enough to replicate a functioning version of their unique Dojutsu.

    Between the Puppet's red eyes and her own perhaps people would consider that she might be a Uchiha herself. Though it was hard to say if she really fit the part perfectly thanks to her short silver hair when most Uhiha tended to have black lustrous locks. Of course her own eyes were usually blue with blue hair to match so as she was now nobody would be able to recognize her.

    The girl came to a stop as she spotted an unusual crowd of people flocking around one particularly famous individual whose face she knew well. It was Satomi Uchiha, her fathers executioner. As she stared at him from across the street she could practically swear that she could see fresh blood still dripping from the fingers of his right hand. Of course there wasn’t any actual blood, she was just imagining things.

    She despised Satomi but she wasn’t exactly out to get him either. At most part of her wanted to troll him a bit. If she had her Faithful Karakuri on hand the doll that was the splitting image of her dead father she would have been tempted to dress it up with a fake blood pack and make it walk over and ask Satomi how it felt to kill one of his own men. Would Satomi look on the lifelike puppet with horror or would he just laugh? She wouldn’t find out the answer today since she didn’t have the right puppet on hand for the job. Even if she did she would have hesitated to actually pull that kind of prank. That puppet was a precious heirloom to her so what if Satomi reacted badly to her stunt and broke it out of spite the same way he had broken her fathers piece de resistance.

    Gathered around the man of the hour were at least two other Uchiha that the girl could make out. Unlike Satomi the girl didn’t have anything against the rest of his clan. Heck she wanted to make friends with them if she could though she did make a mental note about how odd it was that that family seemed to have a tendency to gather together like rats. Where you found one Uchiha there always seemed to be a few more nearby. It must be nice to have such a tight knit family that actually supports one another. Most of her fellow Hyuga seemed to barely acknowledge her existence most of the time.

    Perhaps the Huyga she had spotted among the crowd would be a bit different. She seemed to be trying to hand out candy to the group and was actually horror of horrors showing emotions other than rigid stoicism. Those facts combined made her seem nice and approachable to the usually reticent little girl. She ran over at full speed and attempted to cling onto Xia’s leg. One of the nice things about being in a different body than usual was that it gave her license to act without inhibition.

    “Can Aiko have some candy too please miss?” she asked careful to mind her manners. Rude Children were rarely if ever given treats. Her puppet stood a few steps behind her rubbing the back of his head bashfully as if he was somewhat embarrassed by his wards' actions. Inwardly the Spider that was inside the lifelike Aiko puppet was grinning. This was the perfect opportunity to get close to Satomi and learn what made the former Hokage tick. If she could discover his weakness (which she doubted was something silly like broccoli) then she’d be able to troll him better in the future as payback.

    “What are you all doing with Satomi-Shama anyhow?” the little girl asked with a slight lisp in her voice as she tried to say sama. She was trying to sound as childish as she looked in hopes of being more endearing. She had made this form to look young and vulnerable in order to better take advantage of people’s instincts to protect children. It was a different form of puppetry one that didn’t rely on the usual physical strings but metaphorical ones to produce the results she wanted.


    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Wed Jul 21, 2021 8:06 am

    When Valen arrived the woman with the blonde and black hair would hold out a jacket for him. Was she offering it for trade? What for? The red eyed genin looked down at himself before looking back up at the woman. "I have nothing I would be willing to trade for the garment. I am quite warm enough however. I'm probably warmer than you actually." He would say simply, idly looking around to see who all was arriving. A great many people of various sizes and personalities had come to this clearing for some reason and they were all starting to interact. Even a crowd this size would be better than being in that crowd back in the cities proper. Even if every person here stared at the marks on his back it would have been better than that crowd. so he was content to sit and watch quietly as people began to interact. One individual had come and bee lined it straight for the girl that offered to trade her jacket to him. Apparently her name was Xia. He offered her some kind of snack food on a toothpick and as he did Valen looked around as other's joined.

    One was a woman a fair bit older than Valen who wore a tank top and tight jeans. Apparently her name was Yui Uchiha. Satomi responded to his question about professors, as had Xia. It was also when Satomi had introduced himself once more to the group and spoke of himself as a former Hokage. That was the leader of the Hidden Leaf Village if he recalled but he wasn't quite sure which village had which Kage title. He spoke of a surprise for those willing to be daring enough to see it. Valen himself had no issue with that as he wasn't really afraid of all that much. So he would simply wait around to see what this 'surprising thing' was exactly. He was about to say as such when a midget with black hair and red eyes arrived and clung on to Xia's leg. After a moment or two of processing Valen would realize that that 'midget' was apparently a child begging for candy. With that Valen would look up at Xia and shrug toward her. Her candy, her choice. Then he would move off to stand more or less alone somewhere to wait and process what was going on.


    OOC: Just to make sure everyone here is on the same page. Everyone is getting 45 experience a post more ^_^ Have fun everyone.

    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Xia Wed Jul 21, 2021 5:06 pm

    Xia smiled at Mikael, unsure why she needed to be told she shouldn’t sell herself short. She had obviously misunderstood the phrase ‘fair lady’, in her mind she had equated it to something from a storybook. The man named Valen refused her offer of a coat and mentioned something about trade, which Xia did not understand since she was just trying to be nice. She was about to start putting her jacket back on when she heard a familiar voice. Azzie’s voice. Xia hadn’t been expecting Azzie here and she was overjoyed to see him - and it showed. Her eyes lit up as he walked straight towards her, she hadn’t moved from her spot, not because she didn’t want to go to him but because she was just staring doe eyed at the tall white haired man. “Hello Azzie. . .” Xia said shyly as he skewered a piece of Takoyaki - with the same toothpick he’d just had in his mouth - and offered it to her. Her hands were still full so she would lean forward and take the offered snack with just her mouth, blushing fiercely as she did so. ‘This is practically like kissing him!’ It was not. Not even remotely. Well, close enough anyway!’ She’d had a crush on Azzie since she’d first laid eyes on him and they’d even gone on one date, so sharing a snack with him was pretty much the highlight of her life.

    No sooner had she accepted the Takoyaki did two more people arrive; a Uchiha woman named Yui and a small child that may have also been a Uchiha. Xia answered Azzie’s question by gesturing with the stick of sweets in her left hand to each person in turn. “That is Satomi Uchiha the former Hokage, Mikael, Valen, Yui and uhhhh…” The small child interrupted her thought process as it attempted to cling onto her leg. Xia was an only child, she had always been very driven and focused and spent virtually no time at all with children. Save herself, when she was a child. So when the small thing tried to grapple her she didn’t quite know what to make of it and even moved back a bit, slightly shaking her leg in an attempt to get free. Her balance was terrible and she immediately began to fall over and considering where she was standing she was lined up perfectly to fall directly into Azzie if he didn’t move. If she fell into him she would turn scarlet all over again, and if he dodged her falling body she would land on her behind with a ‘thump’. Either way she would mutter “Sorry Azzie. . .” as she tried to regain her composure and just gesture towards the paper bag on the grass. “Help yourself.”

    During this exchange she heard Satomi talk about a surprise for those daring enough. And Xia wasn’t afraid of anything! Anything she’d seen so far anyway. Except spiders and those little silver beetles that sometimes crawled around under stones - those freaked her out. Oh and sometimes she was definitely afraid of what might be in her closet at night. But other than that she was fearless. So she held up one jacket filled hand and shouted excitedly. “I’m daring! I want to see the surprise!”

    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) MMI1x04l

    The Rogue Assassin:
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    Mikael Uchiha

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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Mikael Uchiha Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:11 am

    Xia offers some sweets from he bag. Mikael, although he fed himself well earlier at the stall, take one and eats it after saying "Thank you". After all, he always has some room left for dessert.

    The man named Valen seemed like a loner. After his interaction with Xia he went somewhere outside the circle and observed the others. Well Anti-Social behaviour would be common for someone with PTSD or Depression. He didn't seem depressed, but given all the brands on his body, he should at least have a few traumas tucked inside.

    Another new person appeared in the group This time it was a white haired tall man. The man shouted Xia's name, which made Mikael think they know each other. The man offered Xia a takoyaki which, the hyuga girl ate without hands. However, the way her eyes lit up when they met, which made Mikael to think there was more going on between them that met the eye. After that he did a mental shrug and decided to stop flirting with the Hyuga girl. After all, he was not so crude stick his nose where it does not belong.

    Xia proceed to introduce all of them to the new arrived person, whose name was Azzie judging by how Xia called him. Mikael then smiles and extends his arm in greeting saying: "A pleasure to meet you" Mikael then notices a small child sticking to Xia's leg. They didn't look alike but he decided to ask Xia anyway: "Is she yours?" The Child seemed to want some candy. And also was curious about what we were all doing here. Mikael had no answer yet, as he didn't quite know in which direction everything was heading either. As such, he decided to remain silent.

    During this social exchange, yet another beauty has graced Mikael with their presence. The woman was wearing a tight outfit which would show her forms. Mikael could barely control himself to not stare. However, he still noticed that the woman was in a somewhat foul mood. It lookes like she didn't really enjoy being here. The woman introduces herself as Uchiha Yui. Imediately Mikael thinks [color:4ec1=blue*Uchiha? Wait, I am attracted by a member of my own family. Is that alright? I mean I heard that the Hyuga practiced inbreeding, and there might have been some cases in the Uchiha too. But still...* And as such Mikael was having an internal conflict regarding his feelings and his views on the new arrived guest.

    This was one of the few moment in which Mikael had no idea how to react. What was he supposed to do? Should he act like a gentleman just like with Xia? But wouldn't be weird because they are family? Or should ne just wave to her and introduce himself from distance? But then again that could be too distant. After thinking a bit , he decides on the next course of action. He goes towards Yui and puts his hand on his heart and bows down slightly while speaking: "It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Mikael Uchiha. While I was away for quite a long time, I am delighted to be able to meet the member from my fellow clan."

    Mikael heard Satomi speaking about a surprise. This imediately sparked the Young Man's curiosity. He wanted to find out what this surprise was so he asks the Former Hokage with curiosity: "What kind of Surprise?" After he saw that the Uchiha Legend was beckoning them towards him. Mikael, slowly but surely was being attracted towards Satomi like a moth is attracted to light. After all, he was a very curious man.


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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Azgodon Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:36 pm

    Azzie’s attention was focused on the sole person in the cluster of people that he knew. And he knew a handful of people! Like… at least… three by name! He did meet several more people in Konohagakure no Sato, but none whom he could recall by name. So out of the group of strangers, Xia was the obvious choice to greet and focus his attention on until he figured out who the rest of the group was. As Xia ate the Takoyaki he had offered, Azzie would raise a brow and ask the simple question he already knew the answer to, “It’s good, right?!” His enthusiasm for Takoyaki was currently through the roof. He hoped Xia shared the same thought he had over Takoyaki. Azzie would not despise Xia for having a differing opinion, but that meant he could not eat Takoyaki as often; especially when he and Xia went out on another date.

    He acknowledged the names Xia gave him, but his ears focused in on the former Hokage. Azzie knew that Tengoku was the current Hokage and that Tengoku was not the Hokage when Azzie arrived in Konoha. He knew he needed to thank the man who let him stay in Konohagakure no Sato. “Hi! I’m Azgodon Zaelious Vernizin Wyllt, but everyone calls me Azzie!” He would wave to the man who extended his arm towards Azzie. Before Azzie could turn his attention and thank the man known as Satomi, Xia lost her balance and was beginning to fall. If she fell on the ground, she would get hurt. Azzie did not want that to happen. So, Azzie remained in his spot and held his arms to the side to wrap around Xia as she collided with his chest. In the process, his Takoyaki dropped. “No more Takoyaki.” The sadness was evident in his voice, but he was glad Xia was safe.

    “Oh, oh! I want to see a surprise!” Azzie would agree after Xia had expressed her interest in the surprise Satomi had in store. “Oh, right! Before I forget! Thank you for letting me stay in Konoha, Satomi Uchiha!” Azzie had only been in Konoha for less than a year and so far he was enjoying his time. Now that Tengoku was busy being Kage, Azzie had not seen him around often.

    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) D066O8r
    Uchiha Yui
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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Uchiha Yui Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:01 pm

    Yui would stand there and listen to the introductions, she had an idea she would not like several of the people here. She had almost no trust of anyone here and would make sure to stick close to Satomi, clearly feeling out of her element not in her maid outfit and at the side of her family. It was a shy side Satomi would not have seen before or anyone else in the village, the intense pressure she had around her suggested she was not exactly in the best of moods. She could tell Mikael was trying to put on the moves with the way his eyes stared but to her, he was nothing more than an insignificant nat, someone that held the Uchiha name but had done nothing to show his worth.

    "Mikael was it sorry I don't recognize your name, I only pay attention to people in the clan that deserve a place in my limited brain space."

    It was a cold and brutal remark but that was simply how she was, she was a very serious person and knew powerful men wanted her hand in marriage if she wanted to be free the man she would need to marry had to be a powerful and influential force. This man simply would not cut it, the Hyuuga's she could care less about, and the child simply annoyed her by existing.

    "Sure anything would be better than standing in this group trying to show sunshine and rainbows its disgusting."

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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Satomi Wed Jul 28, 2021 9:07 pm

    A rather odd assortment of Genin flocked to this location. He was sure with this large festival, there was going to be people from all villages. And all walks of life. Another person joined the fray as well rounding there number to a festive six others who joined. However this one was strange. Through his connection with everyone there, he was able to sense something was different A puppet of some sort, she appeared to be hiding her true self. Opening his Minds Eye, he could sense the true feelings of those around him. It was as he had anticipated, they were young and already powerful. Feelings of adventure and determination. However the only one with a negative feeling, the new one with the puppet. He could sense that she despised him. So she came her to declare it. It mattered not.

    He would have to chalk this up too a brazen move. Most never know their hate can be sensed so cleanly. When they've spent so long trying to hide it. But no one could hide their true feelings around Satomi. He despised those who hid behind a mask, while they destroyed everyone around them. The Ghost had dealt with this firsthand, and he had to deal with it on the behalf of Nyg as well. It was his job. His duty. Unfortunately he would have to keep a Third Eye on this one.

    "I admit. I'm surprised so many of you showed up. I also felt drawn to this place, to come here as a guide. Here I can show you how it is to see the world from the heavens. Perhaps you may see it differently. Not to be vague, but I can take us all flying if you didn't get my message. Don't ask how. Just say yes. I already have Xia down. And of course Azgodon. This is your home now. And that also makes two." Satomi smiled his best sly smile. What if they thought he was crazy? Well of course he was. He was also a dead man walking. The Ghost of Konoha.


    Minds Eye - 5

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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Hibiki Wed Jul 28, 2021 11:01 pm

    Aiko heard someone ask if she belonged to Xia. The person asking was another Uchiha ,apparently one of many here at the festival. His name was Mikael and he seemed friendly enough and polite to boot. If Zenaku was her first Uchiha acquaintance and maybe friend then perhaps Mikael could be her second. Satomi was certainly out of the question in that department since she hated him. Not enough to wish any actual harm on him but even if she learned to forgive him somehow she didn’t think she’d ever be able to forget that he had taken her Papa away from her.

    “No, but I could be for the right price.” she said innocently not even realizing how provocative such a statement could be taken. She was really just following the advice Gyo had given her earlier about making money. As an engineer she wouldn’t object if someone wanted to rent some of her time to build them something or if they wanted her to play with them for a while or something. While her usual human form resembled a teenager she simply didn’t know about things like compensated dating or that some people might be after her in her current child form for less than wholesome reasons.

    She hadn’t exactly been trying to cling to Xia with all her strength so when her cousin?? Her Clanmate shook her leg sending Aiko flying though thankfully not far. The little girl giggled as she sailed through the air thinking that being thrown like this was intentional on Xia’s part and not that the older woman was spilling her figurative spaghetti. Her laughter was cut short however as she saw Xia take a tumble.

    Was it her fault that her clanmate was in trouble? Normally Aiko was weak as a newborn kitten but in her current body she didn’t know her own strength. What if in trying to cling onto Xia she had somehow pushed her over instead? Luckily there was a man with long white hair named Azzie ready and willing to catch the falling maiden before she could be hurt but he was going to lose his own food in the process.

    With a flick of her wrist Aiko shot chakra strings from her right hand using it to catch the Takoyaki and reel it in before the food could hit the ground. All this action taking place while she herself had still been in mid air from being flung off Xia’s leg earlier. A normal child would likely land on their ass but Aiko smoothly twisted her body in mid air like she was a ballerina and landed smoothly like it was the most natural thing in the world before dashing over to silently offer Azzie back his food that she had saved for him.

    She would have been tempted to ask Xia to throw her again but seeing the way that the older girl was blushing while being held in the man’s arms made her rethink that. The last thing she wanted was to butt in and be a third wheel in a potential budding romance. Azzie seemed interesting, she suspected that his long hair might be hiding something like pointed ears and that he might really be an elf. Still this surely wouldn’t be her last chance to speak with him. As for Xia, well it might be better to try and introduce herself in her true form so that they could speak as family rather than complete strangers.

    Retrieving the candy bag that Xia had dropped earlier Aiko took one piece since she had been given permission to help herself and popped it into her mouth. Not that her current form could actually eat and digest food but it was simple enough to pass along to her real body. Even just one piece of candy was a veritable feast to her spider form so she didn’t need much. Xia had been kind enough to share with her so there was no need to get greedy either.

    “Thank you miss. Are you alright?” Aiko asked as she attempted to hand back the Candy bag. Like she’d thought earlier she didn’t want to get in the way of their date but she still figured an expression of concern was still well warranted. With that out of the way she took a second to survey the people around her looking for her next Target to befriend. One Sourpuss of a Uchiha in particular looked like she could use some attention. Well it was either that or the One back haired odd man out but the fact he was standing by his own ironically made it harder for her to approach him.

    “Aiko is ready to fly! Up, up and away.”
    she said, throwing up her arms in celebration as she made her way over to Yui. She might not like Satomi much but the man was still a living legend. She figured that whatever he had in store for them it would be pretty good. As bizarre as it was, he had been her Hokage for a time and she still trusted him not to be actively out to hurt his fellow leaf ninja. She was determined to be on her best behavior here. The last thing she wanted was to mess with the Ex-Hokage when her life would be literally in his hands.

    “If you think Rainbows and Sunshine are disgusting miss then what’s your opinion about Unicorns?”
    asked Aiko, throwing out the completely nonsensical topic as an ice breaker of sorts. Normally she would have tried to hug the maid but her wild survival instincts were telling her that getting closer might not be such a good idea. Her spidey-senses were tingling, or at least they would be if she actually had such a thing.


    Valen Minamoto
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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Sat Jul 31, 2021 12:59 pm

    Valen would simply stand quietly as he watched and listened to everyone speak as it seemed so many things began to be said at once. One Uchiha would introduce themselves as Mikael and he would be shut down by the one known as Yui. The girl named Xia would begin to perform introductions to the one named 'Azgodon Zaelious Vernizin Wyllt'. That name was certainly a mouthful and just thinking of it made Valen want to say it to a lilting, songlike tone. However he would settle for just referring to the man as 'Azzie' as he had also stated. Mikael would ask Xia if the child was hers and said child would respond with by stating that she could be for the proper payment. That wording seemed odd to Valen but he did not pay it any mind. Yui would state that she did not know Mikael as he wasn't worth knowing in her eyes although he thought she insulted herself as she did it. Then she would go on to speak of things being 'disgusting'. What was disgusting? What was she eating? Or smelling? In confusion Valen would test the air with his nose although he would not pick up anything.

    Satomi would state that he wanted to take them all flying and that would make the diminutive male pause and look toward the man in apparent confusion before looking up at the sky. Fly? As in up there? In the sky? He tilted his head to the side as he looked up into the sky before deciding that he was game to try it at least once. After all the man said it as if it were a big deal so perhaps flight was not all that common. He had been on the sea, been on it plenty of times. He had been on land, was on it now in fact. Well, technically, since the whole city was floating. Did that mean they were already flying in the sky? Or did it count because it did not really seem like it given the sheer size of the Emporium? Still, he would turn toward Satomi and give a silent nod of agreement. Then he would move to stand on his own, not really intending to bother anyone as he simply watched and listened to what was going on around him. Trying to keep track of so many conversations was kind of interesting and it offered the opportunity to learn things he did not know before.


    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Xia Tue Aug 03, 2021 11:14 pm

    The arrival of Azzie had thrown Xia for a loop. Nearly literally as she ended up just about falling to the ground but instead fell into the waiting arms of her knight in shining yet metaphorical armor. She didn’t think Azzie wore armor, but the longer she thought about it, the more she liked what she was imagining. She could see him riding atop a white horse in a brilliant set of plate mail, probably holding a sword or something. Her daydreaming fell apart as she realized she didn’t actually know what knights even were let alone what their armor and weapons looked like. So instead she just revelled in the brief intimate moment that had hilariously started with her terrible awkwardness and lack of coordination. At that moment there could have been an explosion right in front of her and she wouldn’t have noticed, she only had eyes for Azzie. She wasn’t trying to ignore anyone, but she was definitely distracted.

    The small child that had attached itself to her leg had fallen gently to the ground and laughed, Xia barely had enough strength to stand on her own two feet properly, much less fling anyone more than an inch. Which was a relief since Xia would never dream of hurting anyone. As luck would have it, the small child was exceptionally fast and managed to catch the Takoyaki, giving the small girl a smile she would shake her head to refuse the bag of candy. “I’m fine, thanks. You keep the candy, you can share it if you like or we can just get more.” Turning her head back towards Azzie she would beam up at him. “Thank you Azzie. You’re my hero.” She was referring to him catching her before she hit the ground, totally not to the earlier fantasy of knights. Totally not. She would stay in Azzie’s arms as long as he let her, content to just be held long past the necessity of it. She was excited to hear that whatever they were doing was going to involve flying. She had never flown before, but it looked fun when birds did it so she was stoked. She gave Satomi a nod of confirmation then returned to staring up at Azzie, her attention all but completely consumed by him.

    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) MMI1x04l

    The Rogue Assassin:
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    Mikael Uchiha

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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Mikael Uchiha Wed Aug 04, 2021 3:13 am

    Mikael was brutally shot down by the new arriving Uchiha. Thankfully, he was not the kind of person to take this remark personally. After all, it was not his fault that this Uchiha Yui was this way. Looking and analyzing her reactions and how she seemed to look disgusted at everything made Mikael think she was going through a depressive phase. Not the one that makes you break down, but the one that kills all the joy in your life and turns you into a Nihilistic Anti-Social. He could not help but wonder what kind of traumas she had that made her develop such an attitude. But Mikael decided not to interfere or do anything about this condition. After all, it was not his life, not his decision and neither his responsibility to fix Yui. If she asked for his help, then that would be another matter. After all, Mikael has a habit of helping every stranger that needs his help without asking for anything in return. And the only moments when he refuses is either when his involvement would be counter-productive or when he is unable to do anything to help.

    Mikael was quietly observing as everything unfolded before him. He started to analyze each person's actions and reaction, trying to construct psychological profiles of them. First it was the white haired man whose name seems to be Azgodon Zaelious Vernizin Wyllt. That was quite a fancy long name, which made Mikael think if he was of noble birth or something similar. He wouldn't be surprised if this Azzie had family ties to the Feudal Lord.

    The small girl responded top his question by saying that she cold be her child for the right price. That statement took Mikael by surprise as it could be seen on his face. But immediately after he burst out laughing at this reply. Then, looking with a smiling face and kneeling in front of the little girl, using a kind voice he says: "It seems that we have quite the entrepreneur here." However, their exchange was intrerupted by Xia whi tried to shake her of and lost her balance, thus falling right into Azzies chest. The small child, named Aiko was flung into the air, and Mikael was ready to catch the little lady so that she doesn't hurt herself. But then he noticed that by her flicking her wrist, she gathered all the falling food before touching the floor. *That was a ninja technique, wasn't it?* thought Mikael. While he didn't exactly knew what was that, he was sure that it was a ninja technique of some sort.

    After that, the little lady twisted her body in the air and landed graciously on her feet. *It seems that she didn't really need me saving her. There is much more to this kid that it meets the eye. It is quite an interesting day.* thinks Mikael while shrugging. Then, his attention shift to the lovely couple embracing themselves in the middle of the crowd. The young man could not help it but smile when looking at such youthful and pure feelings. In his mind, the two of them would make a great couple.

    But it was time to get to the main course. Satomi managed to answer Mikael's inquiry. He said that they were gonna fly in the sky. Mikael was intrigued by the prospect, after all he loved experiencing new things and he wanted to see how it is to fly at least once. Besides, he could have an opportunity to see the ability of an Uchiha Legend, and perhaps learn something that will make him stronger. There was only to win from this opportunity. As such, Mikael approaches the Formed Hokage with a smile on his face and nods saying: "This is an interesting proposal. I would like to participate." And it seems that all the others showed their interest in this venue too.

    He didn't pay much attention to Valen, who was standing alone in a corner, but that was just because there were a lot of things going on around him which kept his attention. He did take a few glances at him once in a while but all he saw was the man standing there and looking at them. Perhaps he was trying to analyze the group, or maybe he was just anti-social. Mikael didn't try to think too much into it at this moment.


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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Azgodon Thu Aug 05, 2021 12:32 am

    Losing out on Takoyaki was lifechanging. Azzie had just discovered the delicacy not even mere minutes ago, only having one for the takoyaki balls himself, with a second going to Xia. Three remained and they would be wasted by welcomed by the grounds embrace. The disappointment Azzie felt in those flashes was immeasurable, yet, at least, he was able to save Xia from taking a tumble that could potentially harm her. He could always get more takoyaki in the future, yet he doubted he would ever be able to find another Xia if something happened. From what Azzie understood of things, once a person was gone, they were gone. By some miracle that Azzie did not expect nor understand, both Xia and the takoyaki were safe. “Thank you!” Azzie would state to the child that had returned his takoyaki. His eyes would travel between the takoyaki and Xia as he debated which to focus on; though Xia took up most of his view due to their proximity. He was only able to see the takoyaki due to his left hand being raised up to protect the takoyaki in the future.

    If Azzie had a free hand, he would scratch the back of his neck, but his hands were currently occupied. One was holding the takoyaki, while the other was holding onto Xia’s shoulder. He clearly was not a hero, though he did recall a conversation with Maigo about heroes a while ago; back when he first arrived in Konohagakure no Sato. Though, Maigo did have odd tastes from what Azzie could recall. Not that Azzie was the best at remembering most things on a daily basis. An idea occurred to him. Azzie would bring his left hand – that was holding the tray with takoyaki on it, and brought it between himself and Xia. “I’m not a hero, but I still have takoyaki thanks to… umm… I think it was Aiko?” He paused for a moment. “Anyways! Do you want some more takoyaki? I’d have some myself but I don’t want to let you fall.” Whether Xia had retained her balance or not, Azzie was unsure. He was just glad the two most important things here, to him, were safe. Takoyaki and Xia.

    His attention would turn back to Satomi, though his gaze would flicker to the two other Uchiha, Valen and Aiko briefly. “You can’t say that!” Azzie’s offense to the words ‘don’t ask how’ was miniscule. For someone who always wants to know how things work, those three words were Azzie’s least favourite. “It’s like offering someone takoyaki but not giving them any!” His tone was light and airy, a bit disappointed he wouldn’t know how Satomi was going to take them flying, but at least he would get to fly.

    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) D066O8r
    Uchiha Yui
    Uchiha Yui
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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Uchiha Yui Sat Aug 14, 2021 4:14 pm

    So many people here and some of them were very strange indeed, the male Uchiha did not respond to her seems he knew his place. As for the reason they were here it appeared Satomi wanted them to go on a magical ride in the sky, she was quite interested in how this jutsu worked, however, with so many other people around it felt overwhelming for herself. When the girl asked if she liked Unicorns she could only laugh, she would move her hand to pat the child on the head.

    "I do not actually dislike those types of things it is an expression, you are right how can anyone really hate those things. I am sorry if I may have ruined your day, I need to relax and let go and I apologize to the rest of you as well."

    It appeared the change was triggered by the child, the mean and nasty side melted away as she appeared to become very motherly. One thing was clear Yui liked children and had a soft spot for them, even if she was in a bad mood she could never ruin the fun for children. Yui would turn and bow toward the others are she would wait for this magical ride, just what was in store she wasn't sure but as an Uchiha she was very intrigued.

    "Well I think most of us are ready Satomi I do wonder what jutsu exactly you plan to use, of course, I will make sure I pay close attention to it."

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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Satomi Thu Aug 26, 2021 12:05 am

    Just as he had anticipated. The majority of the gatherers were ready for whatever it was that Satomi had planned. Nodding his head he said, “Good. Now all I need is for everyone to stand side by side each other.” When they began to get in formation. Satomi would gesture to Chika a stopping motion. “Except you. I can sense your true feelings. This façade does not work on me. I suggest you change your tune next we encounter.” He wasn’t sure what the puppeteer was aiming at but she couldn't hide the resentment from him. The Ghost was familiar with these type of people.  Not caring for her reaction, he turned his attention the rest of the group lining up so that he could begin.

    The Ghost of Konoha stood a few meters away from the group. Facing them with his tall stature, his eyes would suddenly began to swirl. The Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan shown for all, and in the same motion a bright light emitted from Satomi. The golden form of the Final Susanoo's head would envelop the entire area. The head was easily about 50m wide more than enough to protect everyone there. Then the soft golden light of chakra also enveloped the group and Satomi. However it would make sure not to include Chika by accident.

    The group would be lifted on a pure chakra platform for them to reman stationary on. With Satomi he created the rest of the Susanoo's Complete Body, ancient Samurai armor of the old formed all around them. Wings made of gold light shinning in the sun began to flap slowly but with purpose. If they were too look down as the behemoth formed, they would notice that the structure they were in could stand at 150m tall. When it fully formed, it was a sight a to behold. Fully armored but it conjured no weapons, leaving all three arms to keep the formation of the Tiger seal.

    Satomi would turn his back to them to lead the Susanoo upwards, its giant wings flapping and taking them closer into the sky. Where they would could see the Heavenly Emporium below them getting smaller. It was steady flight into the sky until they pierced the clouds. It came to stop there, so they could see just above the clouds. The Susanoo's head space would keep everyone safe and warm during the flight. He would turn back and see what everyone's reaction's were to the sight above heavens. "What do you guys think?" He asked the group with a chilling tone. Gesturing to the vastness of the sky.

    -Mind's Eye
    -Complete Body Susanoo

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    Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK) Empty Re: Grand Journey into the Heavens! (No PK)

    Post by Hibiki Thu Aug 26, 2021 2:08 am

    “Sanctimonious prick” muttered Aiko loudly breaking character out of annoyance from being excluded.   If he could truly sense her heart, surely he would pick up that she had feelings beyond just resentment towards him, especially when it had no malic coupled with it.   What about the respect for him that she was harbouring or the goodwill she was trying to extend towards the rest of his clan?   Did the fact that she was trying to put aside her personal feelings for the good of the clan and the good of the village mean nothing to him?   Just how far did she have to go to convince him that she wasn’t after him in any way shape or form?

    When Xia had gifted her the bag of Candy she’d been worried for a second wondering what she was going to do with it all.  Even one piece was almost too much for her so she’d considered sharing some with the rest of the people present for the magical winged samurai ride including even offering Satomi one.  If that wasn’t good will then what was?

    At least Yui and the others had been fairly nice to her.  That had to count for something but even so she couldn’t help but feel like something in her heart had broken from being the odd one out for no what seemed to her like no particular rhyme or reason.  Turning away from the golden warrior in the sky Aiko slowly trudged away with a sigh, feeling down in the dumps as she made her way out of the area.



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