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    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates

    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

    Posts : 397
    Join date : 2019-03-30
    Location : Kirigakure

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu
    Class: C
    Ryo: 55,000

    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Empty Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed Apr 03, 2019 11:08 am

    Name: Midori Yamato Ryuutei
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Rank: Genin
    Class: D
    Village: Kirigakure no Sato

    Experience Total: 2880
    Experience Spendable: 30

    Ryo: 75,000
    Ryo Spendable: 75,000


    [spoiler=Bloodline]Bloodline: The Nature Clan

    Elements: N/A



    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: B
    Speed: C
    Coordination:  B
    Intelligence: C
    Perception: B

    1. Bloodline
    2. Taijutsu
    3. Sacrificed
    4. Sacrificed
    5. Sacrificed
    6. Ninjutsu

    Unique Abilities:

    • Taijutsu Specialist:  Midori holds a natural talent and focus in the arts of Taijutsu. This allows her to learn Taijutsu techniques one rank above her class level, in return for increasing the chakra cost of these techniques by 50%. [ie. Using a C-Rank Taijutsu as a D-Class Character would make the technique's base cost increase to 7 instead of being 5.]

    • Calming Steps: Midori has gone through a form of conditioning with Satori that allows her to be calmed when her curse is active, and her berserk nature has begun to activate. Usually requiring him to reel her in, but in some situations able to force herself to 'snap out of it', this ability sacrifices her power and speed in return for calming her mind. Lowering her Strength, Speed, and Coordination by ++ in return for increasing her Intelligence by two tiers.

    • Latent Potential: Midori holds tremendous latent potential when it comes to assimilating and creating new techniques using others knowledge. Due to this she lowers the wordcount requirements to create custom techniques by 50% in return for increasing the wordcount requirements to learn others techniques by 50%.

    • Cursed Hunger: Midori as a cursed user, holds an innate affinity toward the chakra and energy of the world. This allows her to absorb the chakra of others through skin contact. Without using techniques, she can choose to drain 5 chakra from someone by making physical contact with a them using her skin anywhere on her body, and cannot be used through clothing. Every time she makes contact, she can draw out chakra from a person (capped at 15 per person per post) or 15 chakra per person if she sustains contact the entire post. However, doing so opens Midori up to increased damage (+1 rank of damage) from tangible chakra techniques for the rest of the post-round. This is all elemental techniques, and all attacks with tangible chakra, such as Chakra Flow and other such techniques. The amount that this UA allows for non technique absorption in a thread is capped at half of her's base stamina cap, even if taken from multiple different people. This can not set her over her maximum pool of chakra either.

    • High Resilience: Due to her life growing up with the Ryuutei, Midori has suffered through toxins, poisons, diseases and more throughout her entire life. This has taken its toll on her system, rendering her a heightened immunity compared to others. This lowers the effects of all poisons, drugs, toxins, provisions and medicines used on her (both beneficial and harmful) by 1 rank.

    • Titanic Will: Midori doesn't know when to give up. Dedicated training with the Ryuutei combined with her own stubbornness allows her to force through the normal repercussions she has suffered in a fight. When she hits 10 Chakra or less she instantly regenerates 50% of her Total Chakra. In Return, she suffers the "Exhaustion" effect, doubled, for the rest of the thread or until she has spent enough time recovering IC to remove the effect as per normal.

    • Offensive Specialist: The polar opposite of Satori, purposely due to her desire to balance out his own focuses. Midori dedicates the training she offers those beneath her to raw harsh offensive focus. Any Scout or Assault NPC that she purchases are considered one rank higher than normal. However, due to this focus, any Counter-Espionage or Guard NPC that she owns are considered one rank lower than normal.

    Limit Break Points

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 3

    Renown: 0

    [b]Update Type:[/b]

    Last edited by Midori on Thu Jun 06, 2019 6:59 pm; edited 8 times in total
    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

    Posts : 397
    Join date : 2019-03-30
    Location : Kirigakure

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu
    Class: C
    Ryo: 55,000

    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Empty Re: Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed Apr 03, 2019 11:12 am

    Thread Tracker

    Chapter 1: Earn Your Keep (Pre-Academy)

    Chapter 2: Prove Yourself (Academy)

    Chapter Three: The True Beginning (Genin)

    • Blood Tells[Private/Complete] (22 posts x 15 EXP = 330 EXP) [Training Grounds Multi-Character Thread]
    • Showing Off[Private/Complete](70 posts x 20 EXP + 10 for D Rank Mission = 1410 EXP) [Training Grounds Multi-Character Thread]
    • Crown (13 posts x 10 EXP = 130 EXP) [Regular Mult-Character Thread]
    • Girl Time (32 posts x 10 EXP = 320 EXP) [Regular Mult-Character Thread]
    • Paths of Fate (6 posts x 10 EXP + 30 Bonus (Satori) = 90 EXP) [Normal Mult-Character Thread]
    • To and From the Eastern Gate (3 posts x 20 EXP = 60 EXP) [Regular Mult-Character Thread]
    • Mending Sisters (7 posts x 10 EXP = 70 EXP) [Regular Mult-Character Thread]
    • Get Ready (31 posts x 15 EXP = 465 EXP) [Training Grounds Mult-Character Thread]
    • Shark Bait (16 posts x 30 EXP = 480 EXP) [Mission Mult-Character Thread]

    Mission Tracker

    EXP Claimed is Teal
    EXP NOT Claimed is Orange

    Last edited by Midori on Wed Jun 05, 2019 8:38 pm; edited 25 times in total
    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

    Posts : 397
    Join date : 2019-03-30
    Location : Kirigakure

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu
    Class: C
    Ryo: 55,000

    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Empty Re: Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed Apr 03, 2019 11:20 am

    Update Type: Starter Stuff!
    Information: Sacrificing 2 skill points for 1000 xp, spending 950 for 90 Senjutsu Chakra Capacity and Tier 1 Sage Transformation. Also claiming 25,000 starting Ryo
    Link: N/A

    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Katsumi-Sig

    Posts : 1494
    Join date : 2017-10-09
    Age : 28

    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Empty Re: Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates

    Post by Nozomi Sat Apr 06, 2019 6:41 pm

    Midori wrote:Update Type: Starter Stuff!
    Information: Sacrificing 2 skill points for 1000 xp, spending 950 for 90 Senjutsu Chakra Capacity and Tier 1 Sage Transformation.  Also claiming 25,000 starting Ryo
    Link: N/A

    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

    Posts : 397
    Join date : 2019-03-30
    Location : Kirigakure

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu
    Class: C
    Ryo: 55,000

    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Empty Re: Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Sun Apr 21, 2019 8:47 am

    Name Change: Midori Burittsu Yamato > Midori Yamato Ryuutei

    Age Change: 9>14

    Class Change: E>D

    Physical Description Change > To match teenage state

    500 Initial EXP

    This gets her up to Rank D and makes all pre-genin threads (which there are a few in the works) Flashbacks.

    E > D Rank Bonus (200 EXP)

    Referral Bonus > Short Stack (100 EXP)

    Bloody Beginnings (20 posts x 10 EXP = 200 EXP) [Normal Multi-Character Thread]
    The beginning of Midori's story and really showcasing her interactions with the family, how she, an adopted member, fit in, and getting my feet wet into her personality and story. A great snapshot of who she is as a character for anyone who wants to get to know her. This is also where she officially becomes a member of the Ryuutei clan, changes her name, and gains official standing within their ranks, and in the trial to do so, discovers her Bloodline and both the wonders that it is capable of, and the horrible side effects of losing a part of her mind for a bit.

    Fractured Pride (20 posts x 15 EXP = 300 EXP) [Training Grounds Multi-Character Thread]
    Satori, her adoptive brother, has always been her greatest friend, and greatest rival. But as they grow, Satori begins to grow and evolve quickly, while Midori is still hung up on how her lack of control almost cost her everything she holds dear. Afraid of her own power, ego and pride bruised and battered, and her warrior spirit weak and damaged, she has every reason to be down in the dumps. With a little help from Satori, she regains her ability to believe in herself, her friends and begins to train again towards becoming a Ninja, and finding her lost father.

    Present Time, as a Genin:

    Blood Tells - (22 posts x 15 EXP = 330 EXP) [Training Grounds Multi-Character Thread]
    Satori has left Midori in the dust, and quickly discovers why; while very talented in Taijutsu, because her skills in Ninjutsu and Genjutsu are nearly none existent, she failed to train her Chakra control hardly at all, training her body instead, and causing great unbalance within. He worked to teach her how to control it, show examples of what it was to have your body enhanced by Chakra and to not, and mentioned that there was a mission for them to do that would serve as a perfect ground to teach her some good Taijutsu techniques. In doing so, she came to realize what her power was to her; a large black dragon that if she wanted any chance at controlling, it would take a lot of time and practice.

    +50 leftover from Starter stuff

    In total, 1180 Spendable, 930 Total

    Spending 900 EXP
    D > C Strength
    D > C Constitution
    D > C Coordination

    280 Spendable Left Over

    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Katsumi-Sig

    Posts : 1494
    Join date : 2017-10-09
    Age : 28

    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Empty Re: Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates

    Post by Nozomi Sun Apr 21, 2019 9:02 am

    Midori wrote:Name Change: Midori Burittsu Yamato > Midori Yamato Ryuutei

    Age Change: 9>14

    Class Change: E>D

    Physical Description Change > To match teenage state

    500 Initial EXP

    This gets her up to Rank D and makes all pre-genin threads (which there are a few in the works) Flashbacks.

    E > D Rank Bonus (200 EXP)

    Referral Bonus > Short Stack (100 EXP)

    Bloody Beginnings (20 posts x 10 EXP = 200 EXP) [Normal Multi-Character Thread]
    The beginning of Midori's story and really showcasing her interactions with the family, how she, an adopted member, fit in, and getting my feet wet into her personality and story.  A great snapshot of who she is as a character for anyone who wants to get to know her.  This is also where she officially becomes a member of the Ryuutei clan, changes her name, and gains official standing within their ranks, and in the trial to do so, discovers her Bloodline and both the wonders that it is capable of, and the horrible side effects of losing a part of her mind for a bit.

    Fractured Pride (20 posts x 15 EXP = 300 EXP) [Training Grounds Multi-Character Thread]
    Satori, her adoptive brother, has always been her greatest friend, and greatest rival.  But as they grow, Satori begins to grow and evolve quickly, while Midori is still hung up on how her lack of control almost cost her everything she holds dear.  Afraid of her own power, ego and pride bruised and battered, and her warrior spirit weak and damaged, she has every reason to be down in the dumps.  With a little help from Satori, she regains her ability to believe in herself, her friends and begins to train again towards becoming a Ninja, and finding her lost father.

    Present Time, as a Genin:

    Blood Tells - (22 posts x 15 EXP = 330 EXP) [Training Grounds Multi-Character Thread]
    Satori has left Midori in the dust, and quickly discovers why; while very talented in Taijutsu, because her skills in Ninjutsu and Genjutsu are nearly none existent, she failed to train her Chakra control hardly at all, training her body instead, and causing great unbalance within.  He worked to teach her how to control it, show examples of what it was to have your body enhanced by Chakra and to not, and mentioned that there was a mission for them to do that would serve as a perfect ground to teach her some good Taijutsu techniques.  In doing so, she came to realize what her power was to her; a large black dragon that if she wanted any chance at controlling, it would take a lot of time and practice.

    +50 leftover from Starter stuff

    In total, 1180 Spendable, 930 Total

    Spending 900 EXP
    D > C Strength
    D > C Constitution
    D > C Coordination

    280 Spendable Left Over

    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

    Posts : 397
    Join date : 2019-03-30
    Location : Kirigakure

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu
    Class: C
    Ryo: 55,000

    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Empty Re: Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed May 08, 2019 10:22 am

    Class Jump D > B

    Showing Off[Private/Complete](70 posts x 20 EXP + 10 for D Rank Mission = 1410 EXP) [Training Grounds Multi-Character Thread]
    Crown (13 posts x 10 EXP = 130 EXP) [Regular Mult-Character Thread]
    The Last Sibling [Private/Complete] (12 posts x 7.5 EXP = 90 EXP) [Flashback Training Grounds Multi-Character Thread]
    Girl Time (32 posts x 10 EXP = 320 EXP) [Regular Mult-Character Thread]
    Class Up to C: 400 EXP (Spendable Only)
    Class up to B: 600 EXP (Spendable Only)
    Third Skill Point Sacrifice: 500 EXP (Spendable Only)

    New Total: 2,880
    Spendable: 3,730

    Strength: C > B (500 EXP)
    Constitution: C > B (500 EXP)
    Stamina: D > B (800 EXP)
    Speed: D > C (300 EXP)
    Coordination: C > B (500 EXP)
    Intelligence: D > C (300 EXP)
    Perception: D > B (800 EXP)

    Spendable Left: 30

    Ryo: 25,000
    Kiri Genin Salary: +40k
    D Rank mission: +10k

    Puts her at 75k Ryo

    Skill Points:

    1. Bloodline
    2. Taijutsu
    3. Sacrificed
    4. Sacrificed
    5. Sacrificed
    6. Ninjutsu

    Techniques Learned:

    As well since she's reaching C-Class and jumping to B after I'd like to apply for her C-Class UA's now.

    Latent Potential: Midori holds tremendous latent potential when it comes to assimilating and creating new techniques using others knowledge. Due to this she lowers the wordcount requirements to create custom techniques by 50% in return for increasing the wordcount requirements to learn others techniques by 50%.

    Cursed Hunger: Midori as a cursed user, holds an innate affinity toward the chakra and energy of the world. This allows her to absorb the chakra of others through skin contact. Without using techniques, she can choose to drain 5 chakra from someone by making physical contact with a them using her skin anywhere on her body, and cannot be used through clothing. Every time she makes contact, she can draw out chakra from a person (capped at 15 per person per post) or 15 chakra per person if she sustains contact the entire post. However, doing so opens Midori up to increased damage (+1 rank of damage) from tangible chakra techniques for the rest of the post-round. This is all elemental techniques, and all attacks with tangible chakra, such as Chakra Flow and other such techniques. The amount that this UA allows for non technique absorption in a thread is capped at half of her's base stamina cap, even if taken from multiple different people. This can not set her over her maximum pool of chakra either.

    High Resilience: Due to her life growing up with the Ryuutei, Midori has suffered through toxins, poisons, diseases and more throughout her entire life. This has taken its toll on her system, rendering her a heightened immunity compared to others. This lowers the effects of all poisons, drugs, toxins, provisions and medicines used on her (both beneficial and harmful) by 1 rank.

    Titanic Will: Midori doesn't know when to give up. Dedicated training with the Ryuutei combined with her own stubbornness allows her to force through the normal repercussions she has suffered in a fight. When she hits 10 Chakra or less she instantly regenerates 50% of her Total Chakra. In Return, she suffers the "Exhaustion" effect, doubled, for the rest of the thread or until she has spent enough time recovering IC to remove the effect as per normal.

    Offensive Specialist: The polar opposite of Satori, purposely due to her desire to balance out his own focuses. Midori dedicates the training she offers those beneath her to raw harsh offensive focus. Any Scout or Assault NPC that she purchases are considered one rank higher than normal. However, due to this focus, any Counter-Espionage or Guard NPC that she owns are considered one rank lower than normal.

    Last edited by Midori on Sun May 12, 2019 12:27 am; edited 2 times in total

    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Katsumi-Sig
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Empty Re: Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Fri May 10, 2019 6:37 pm

    "However, doing so opens Nozomi up to increased damage (+1 rank of damage) from tangible chakra techniques for the rest of the post-round. "

    *^ I think you mean Midori lol.

    "Any Scout or Guard NPC that she purchases are considered one rank higher than normal. However, due to this focus, any Counter-Espionage or Guard NPC that she owns are considered one rank lower than normal."

    Guard NPC one right higher and Guard NPC one rank lower? I think you mean Assault or some other NPC. Can't have the same type higher and lower at the same time.

    "High Resilience: Due to her life growing up with the Ryuutei, Midori has suffered through toxins, poisons, diseases and more throughout her entire life. This has taken its toll on her system, rendering her a heightened immunity compared to others. This lowers the effects of all poisons, drugs, toxins and medicines used on her (both beneficial and harmful) by 1 rank."

    This should include provisions.

    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

    Posts : 397
    Join date : 2019-03-30
    Location : Kirigakure

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu
    Class: C
    Ryo: 55,000

    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Empty Re: Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Thu May 16, 2019 8:03 am

    Done and Done. Everything should be in order.

    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Katsumi-Sig
    The Cockroach Cook
    The Cockroach Cook

    Posts : 60
    Join date : 2017-10-30

    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Empty Re: Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates

    Post by The Cockroach Cook Thu May 16, 2019 7:55 pm

    Midori wrote:Class Jump D > B

    Showing Off[Private/Complete](70 posts x 20 EXP + 10 for D Rank Mission = 1410 EXP) [Training Grounds Multi-Character Thread]
    Crown (13 posts x 10 EXP = 130 EXP) [Regular Mult-Character Thread]
    The Last Sibling [Private/Complete] (12 posts x 7.5 EXP = 90 EXP) [Flashback Training Grounds Multi-Character Thread]
    Girl Time (32 posts x 10 EXP = 320 EXP) [Regular Mult-Character Thread]
    Class Up to C: 400 EXP (Spendable Only)
    Class up to B: 600 EXP (Spendable Only)
    Third Skill Point Sacrifice: 500 EXP (Spendable Only)

    New Total: 2,880
    Spendable: 3,730

    Strength: C > B (500 EXP)
    Constitution: C > B (500 EXP)
    Stamina: D > B (800 EXP)
    Speed: D > C (300 EXP)
    Coordination: C > B (500 EXP)
    Intelligence: D > C (300 EXP)
    Perception: D > B (800 EXP)

    Spendable Left: 30

    Ryo: 25,000
    Kiri Genin Salary: +40k
    D Rank mission: +10k

    Puts her at 75k Ryo

    Skill Points:

    1. Bloodline
    2. Taijutsu
    3. Sacrificed
    4. Sacrificed
    5. Sacrificed
    6. Ninjutsu

    Techniques Learned:

    As well since she's reaching C-Class and jumping to B after I'd like to apply for her C-Class UA's now.

    Latent Potential: Midori holds tremendous latent potential when it comes to assimilating and creating new techniques using others knowledge. Due to this she lowers the wordcount requirements to create custom techniques by 50% in return for increasing the wordcount requirements to learn others techniques by 50%.

    Cursed Hunger: Midori as a cursed user, holds an innate affinity toward the chakra and energy of the world. This allows her to absorb the chakra of others through skin contact. Without using techniques, she can choose to drain 5 chakra from someone by making physical contact with a them using her skin anywhere on her body, and cannot be used through clothing. Every time she makes contact, she can draw out chakra from a person (capped at 15 per person per post) or 15 chakra per person if she sustains contact the entire post. However, doing so opens Midori up to increased damage (+1 rank of damage) from tangible chakra techniques for the rest of the post-round. This is all elemental techniques, and all attacks with tangible chakra, such as Chakra Flow and other such techniques. The amount that this UA allows for non technique absorption in a thread is capped at half of her's base stamina cap, even if taken from multiple different people. This can not set her over her maximum pool of chakra either.

    High Resilience: Due to her life growing up with the Ryuutei, Midori has suffered through toxins, poisons, diseases and more throughout her entire life. This has taken its toll on her system, rendering her a heightened immunity compared to others. This lowers the effects of all poisons, drugs, toxins, provisions and medicines used on her (both beneficial and harmful) by 1 rank.

    Titanic Will: Midori doesn't know when to give up. Dedicated training with the Ryuutei combined with her own stubbornness allows her to force through the normal repercussions she has suffered in a fight. When she hits 10 Chakra or less she instantly regenerates 50% of her Total Chakra. In Return, she suffers the "Exhaustion" effect, doubled, for the rest of the thread or until she has spent enough time recovering IC to remove the effect as per normal.

    Offensive Specialist: The polar opposite of Satori, purposely due to her desire to balance out his own focuses. Midori dedicates the training she offers those beneath her to raw harsh offensive focus. Any Scout or Assault NPC that she purchases are considered one rank higher than normal. However, due to this focus, any Counter-Espionage or Guard NPC that she owns are considered one rank lower than normal.

    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

    Posts : 397
    Join date : 2019-03-30
    Location : Kirigakure

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu
    Class: C
    Ryo: 55,000

    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Empty Re: Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Mon Jun 10, 2019 5:06 pm

    Unclaimed Threads

    • Little People ((13 posts x 10 EXP) + (8 posts x 15 EXP) x.5 = 125 EXP) [Flashback Multi-Character Thread]
    • Opening Hearts[Private/Complete] (11 posts x 10 EXP / 2= 55 EXP) [Flashback Multi-Character Thread]
    • Paths of Fate (6 posts x 10 EXP + 30 Bonus (Satori) = 90 EXP) [Normal Mult-Character Thread]
    • To and From the Eastern Gate (3 posts x 20 EXP = 60 EXP) [Sensei Mult-Character Thread]
    • Mending Sisters (7 posts x 10 EXP = 70 EXP) [Regular Mult-Character Thread]
    • Get Ready (31 posts x 15 EXP = 465 EXP) [Training Grounds Mult-Character Thread]
    • Shark Bait (16 posts x 30 EXP = 480 EXP) [Mission Sensei Mult-Character Thread]
    • Black Sheep (8 posts x 30 EXP = 180 EXP) [Training Grounds Sensei Mult-Character Thread]

    Earned EXP from Threads: +1525
    Experience Total: 4405

    Retiring Midori as a result of Satori Retiring and Plot Difficulties

    RETIRED EXP - 1101 (Willing to make it 1100 for easy numbers)

    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Katsumi-Sig

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    Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates Empty Re: Midori Yamato Ryuutei's Updates

    Post by Sponsored content

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