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    Midori's Arsenal

    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:14 pm

    Name: Chakra Orb
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: 1
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Melee
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Nature Clan Jutsu
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The basic attack of the Nature Clan, channeling their gathered natural energy into an orb they then slam it down into a target causing the energy to explode on-impact. This force amplifies the open-palm thrust of the initial strike, adding an explosion that adds ++ to the attacks Strength.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Name: Chakra Blast
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 25m
    Speed: C
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Nature Clan Jutsu
    Parent Technique: "Chakra Orb"
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The basic attack of the Nature Clan, channeling their gathered natural energy into an orb before they condense it, and fire it outward in what is essentially a raw cannon of pressurized chakra exploding outward toward the target in a beam the size of the users fist up to twenty-five meters away, traveling at speed equal to the users Coordination and dealing B-Rank Damage.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Last edited by Midori on Wed May 22, 2019 5:52 am; edited 2 times in total

    Midori's Arsenal Katsumi-Sig
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sat Apr 06, 2019 1:54 pm

    Second technique needs to move at C-Rank Speed but it can do B-Rank damage.

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Mon Apr 08, 2019 8:21 pm

    Midori wrote:Name: Chakra Orb
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: 1
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Melee
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Nature Clan Jutsu
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The basic attack of the Nature Clan, channeling their gathered natural energy into an orb they then slam it down into a target causing the energy to explode on-impact. This force amplifies the open-palm thrust of the initial strike, adding an explosion that adds ++ to the attacks Strength.
    Weaknesses: N/A


    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed Apr 10, 2019 3:40 am

    Edits Made! Hope that is good.

    Midori's Arsenal Katsumi-Sig
    The Cockroach Cook
    The Cockroach Cook

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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by The Cockroach Cook Thu Apr 11, 2019 5:08 pm

    Midori wrote:
    Name: Chakra Blast
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 25m
    Speed: C
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Nature Clan Jutsu
    Parent Technique: "Chakra Orb"
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The basic attack of the Nature Clan, channeling their gathered natural energy into an orb before they condense it, and fire it outward in what is essentially a raw cannon of pressurized chakra exploding outward toward the target in a beam the size of the users fist up to twenty-five meters away, traveling at speed equal to the users Coordination and dealing B-Rank Damage.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

    Posts : 397
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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed May 22, 2019 5:53 am

    Name: Muscle Memory
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: N/A
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Taijutsu Skill
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user has trained their body relentlessly to the point that their body no longer relies on the mind to properly react to situations. Their muscle memory and senses have been sharpened to such a heavy extent that through just a bit of chakra, their bodies react near-instantaneously to speeds beyond their normal limitations. This intense physical training provides them a ++ to Perception while active.
    Weaknesses: N/A


    Name: Cursed Orb
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 50 meters throwing distance, 15 meters impact based explosion
    Speed: C
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Chakra Orb
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Dealing B class damage, this is much the same of regular Chakra Orb but is thrown like a grenade, and detonating on impact. Also can be fueled with Nature Chakra instead of normal Chakra.
    Weaknesses: This orb is launched, and while it does hold significant destructive power, if you are able to dodge it, the orb won’t explode. It explodes on contact, making near misses complete misses in most cases.


    Name: Cursed Missile
    Rank: B
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Target must be within 50 meters and within sight, 15 meter explosive radius on impact
    Speed: B
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Cursed Orb
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Much the same as Cursed Orb, this is a ball of chakra thrown at the enemy. Unlike Cursed Orb, however, this one is almost impossible to simply evade, as it will track and follow the enemy, infused with Midori’s intent to relentlessly attack her foe. Also can be fueled with Nature Chakra instead of normal Chakra.
    Weaknesses: While certainly potent considering it’s ability to hunt down the target, the orb does not have the ability to dodge things that are between it and it’s target. Getting behind something is a surefire way to avoid the explosion all together. It is also C class damage regardless of being a B rank technique.


    Name: Lance of Destruction
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 25
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 50 meters
    Speed: S
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Cursed Missile
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Forming a beam made out of pure chakra in her hand, this is the culmination of all techniques before it in this chain, this lance is thrown at the enemy and is the embodiment of her hatred and the volatile Nature Chakra Midori uses in her blood, seeking the enemy regardless of who or what it hides behind, capable of evading obstacles in its path. Can ONLY be fueled with Nature Chakra instead of normal Chakra.
    Weaknesses: Requires 2 posts to perform, one to form the Lance, another to launch it. If the hand/arm or Midori herself is debilitated in the first post rotation, the Lance fizzles, and she loses the chakra used to form it.


    Name: Cursed Nova
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 30 Meters
    Speed: B
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: An explosion of Chakra emanating from Midori in all directions, she can use this both offensively to annihilate those directly around her or defensively to block an attack coming from all sides. Extremely hard to dodge when in range and moves rapidly. Also can be fueled with Nature Chakra instead of normal Chakra.
    Weaknesses: Does not discriminate friend from foe, and diving underground or underwater is a viable solution if you can do so in time.


    Name: Cursed Sphere
    Rank: A
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 2
    Range: 3 meter sphere
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Cursed Nova
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Condensing a Cursed Nova around her and maintaining control, this creates a powerful mostly transparent green shield on all sides that can block almost any incoming attack, acting like a personal forcefield. A Rank techniques can break it in two hits, B rank in 3 hits, C in 5 hits. Anything below that simply deflects off. If broken or on Midori’s command, it emits a Cursed Nova instantly as the energy erupts. Also can be fueled with Nature Chakra instead of normal Chakra.
    Weaknesses: Midori is immobile until this shield is popped or disbanded. Takes a full post to disband the technique without a Cursed Nova. Can only protect others within the 3 meter sphere, maximum of 4 other people if they are literally sandwiching her. S rank techniques will shatter the shield without the Cursed Nova having a chance to activate, and likely still land a blow on Midori herself.


    Name: Wrath of God
    Rank: S
    Power: S++
    Activation Cost: 40
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 300 meters
    Speed: S
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Cursed Sphere
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A trump card of epic proportions, this is Midori unleashing her Nature Chakra in the most violent way she can imagine. Annihilating everything around her in a blind rage, this is absolutely a last resort, resulting in a blast that can be felt for over a mile away. Hiding behind cover, diving underground or underwater does little to nothing to stop the blast.
    Weaknesses: Does not discriminate friend from foe. Can ONLY use Nature Chakra.

    Name: Cursed Blast
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 50 Meters
    Speed: B
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Chakra Blast
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A more powerful, longer range version of Chakra Blast, roughly 2 meters in diameter. Can be fueled with Nature Chakra or Regular Chakra.
    Weaknesses: Very linear in the way this attack operates, if you redirect her hand, the beam goes with it.


    Name: Cursed Needle
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 100 Meters
    Speed: A
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Cursed Blast
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A demonstration of the Chakra Control Midori has obtained, this is something that is very small, only an inch in diameter pulse of chakra from the tip of her finger. Designed to pierce the enemy, the amount of damage to non-vital areas is low, but is capable of killing an enemy outright if struck in the right spot. Also very effective for disabling an opponent without killing them if aimed towards the tendons. Can be fueled with Nature Chakra or Regular Chakra.
    Weaknesses: Even a near miss of critical areas reduces the damage to C, and the warning of the pointing of the finger is a giveaway as to where she is aiming.


    Name: Cursed Cannon
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: Senjutsu
    Range: 100 Meters
    Speed: A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Cursed Blast
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This is made for mass destruction, designed as a method of Siege. The blast is large, being roughly 10 meters in diameter it is easily capable of plowing through obstacles and enemies alike, making it an excellent tool of destruction against large or stationary targets. Overkill for most human enemies. Can be fueled with Nature Chakra or Regular Chakra.
    Weaknesses: This blast, because of its size, inhibits Midori’s field of vision in front of her in a cone, enabling someone who dodges to close the distance if they stay near the blast without Midori realizing it.


    Name: Hammer of Dawn
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 1 Kilometer, 200 meter blast radius
    Speed: A
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Cursed Cannon
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: When something truly needs to be destroyed, and it isn’t going anywhere quickly, this is where Midori brings out the big guns. A form of Artillery, this blast is launched upwards into the sky in the first post, targeting the current location of the enemy. In the second post, it comes down on top of the target, annihilating it utterly, and causing massive structural damage to buildings, capable of leveling most non-reinforced bunkers in a single strike.
    Weaknesses: Aside the delay between launching the attack and it landing being one full posting rotation, this has a tendency to literally color the sky in the light of the attack, a herald of the destruction on it’s way. Can ONLY use Nature Chakra.


    Name: Chakra Purge
    Rank: C
    Power: N/A
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Flushes a bit of Nature Chakra through her system, purging any Genjutsu up to C rank out of her system.
    Weaknesses: Must realize that she is under the effects of a Genjutsu, and MUST use Nature Chakra for the technique.


    Name: Chakra Deflection
    Rank: B
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Chakra Purge
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Nature Chakra is naturally a different type all on it’s own, and coating her hands in it will allow her to redirect Physical Chakra-Based attacks (ie. Elements, raw chakra, etc) up to A Rank away from her and in another direction.
    Weaknesses: Cannot redirect attack back at attacker, and does not stop the attack, only changes target.


    Name: Scale Mail
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Adopting the scales that help protect her favorite snakes, this is a massive boon to her durability, able to shrug off all but the strongest physical attacks. Requires A-Rank force to damage the armor, S-Rank force will shatter the armor entirely. It appears as a jade coating to her skin which, upon closer inspection, are reminiscent to the scales of a snake.
    Weaknesses: Damage to the armor is permanent until the activation cost is paid again.


    Name: Juggernaut
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 25
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Scale Mail + Chakra Deflection
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Midori is built to take damage, and this technique embodies her iron will to defend her friends and family at all costs. Taking on the toughness of Scale Mail, this is further enhanced by coating the scales with Nature Chakra, enabling her to shrug off virtually any physical or chakra based attack up to A++ without breaking. S-Rank attacks will crack the armor in one hit, X-Rank will shatter the armor on hit. Her scales literally glow green with the power, showing anyone that she would never back down.
    Weaknesses: Requires the upkeep of 5 Chakra AND 5 Nature Chakra, combining to 10 per post. Initial cost can be paid with Either chakra type.


    Name: Pylon Clone
    Rank: A
    Power: N/A
    Activation Cost: N/A
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 1km
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Kage Bunshin
    Hand Seals: Tiger
    Description: Midori recognizes the need for Nature Chakra as her list of techniques for it grows in number and intensity. This special variation of Shadow Clone is able to draw in the Nature Chakra at a greater rate, particularly when staying still and focusing solely on drawing it in, holding the pose of focus. 20 when focusing, 10 when moving or performing other jutsu per posting rotation. Other than this, the clone is exactly the same as a normal Shadow Clone, having half the original chakra and such. Dispersing the clone allows it to return the gathered Chakra to Midori.
    Weaknesses: Cannot be used while under 30% of chakra left.


    Name: Combat Clone
    Rank: A
    Power: N/A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 1 km
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Pylon Clone
    Hand Seals: Ox
    Description: This is a special variation of Shadow Clone that allows Midori or a Pylon Clone to create a combat variant that is a flat cost of Nature Chakra. This type of clone is capable of attacking the enemy, but only with base stats of Midori and without using any special techniques or skills of any kind. Does have access to her Bloodline and gathers Nature Chakra at a normal rate, but does not give that to Midori when dispersed.
    Weaknesses: Cannot use any techniques aside basic Taijutsu.

    Midori's Arsenal Katsumi-Sig

    Posts : 1494
    Join date : 2017-10-09
    Age : 28

    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Nozomi Thu May 23, 2019 12:38 pm

    Name: Muscle Memory
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: N/A
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Taijutsu Skill
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user has trained their body relentlessly to the point that their body no longer relies on the mind to properly react to situations. Their muscle memory and senses have been sharpened to such a heavy extent that through just a bit of chakra, their bodies react near-instantaneously to speeds beyond their normal limitations. This intense physical training provides them a ++ to Perception while active.
    Weaknesses: N/A
    I think it would fit better currently applying to coordination given the flavor text of the muscle memory.
    Perception buff is fine, but I'd like the reasoning to be more sound.

    Name: Cursed Orb
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 50 meters throwing distance, 15 meters impact based explosion
    Speed: C
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Chakra Orb
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Dealing B class damage, this is much the same of regular Chakra Orb but is thrown like a grenade, and detonating on impact. Also can be fueled with Nature Chakra instead of normal Chakra.
    Weaknesses: This orb is launched, and while it does hold significant destructive power, if you are able to dodge it, the orb won’t explode. It explodes on contact, making near misses complete misses in most cases.
    Uhm, mostly okay. However, the "if you dodge, it won't explode" thing, doesn't make sense. Wouldn't it still make impact with the ground and explode?
    Also, for the speed, make it follow Projectile Rules. Since this is a thrown thing and doesn't have maneuvering capabilities after thrown. Unless it isn't, then try and specify more that it isn't.

    Name: Cursed Missile
    Rank: B
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Target must be within 50 meters and within sight, 15 meter explosive radius on impact
    Speed: B
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Cursed Orb
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Much the same as Cursed Orb, this is a ball of chakra thrown at the enemy. Unlike Cursed Orb, however, this one is almost impossible to simply evade, as it will track and follow the enemy, infused with Midori’s intent to relentlessly attack her foe. Also can be fueled with Nature Chakra instead of normal Chakra.
    Weaknesses: While certainly potent considering it’s ability to hunt down the target, the orb does not have the ability to dodge things that are between it and it’s target. Getting behind something is a surefire way to avoid the explosion all together. It is also C class damage regardless of being a B rank technique.

    Name: Lance of Destruction
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 25
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 50 meters
    Speed: S
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Cursed Missile
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Forming a beam made out of pure chakra in her hand, this is the culmination of all techniques before it in this chain, this lance is thrown at the enemy and is the embodiment of her hatred and the volatile Nature Chakra Midori uses in her blood, seeking the enemy regardless of who or what it hides behind, capable of evading obstacles in its path. Can ONLY be fueled with Nature Chakra instead of normal Chakra.
    Weaknesses: Requires 2 posts to perform, one to form the Lance, another to launch it. If the hand/arm or Midori herself is debilitated in the first post rotation, the Lance fizzles, and she loses the chakra used to form it.

    Name: Cursed Nova
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 30 Meters
    Speed: B
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: An explosion of Chakra emanating from Midori in all directions, she can use this both offensively to annihilate those directly around her or defensively to block an attack coming from all sides. Extremely hard to dodge when in range and moves rapidly. Also can be fueled with Nature Chakra instead of normal Chakra.
    Weaknesses: Does not discriminate friend from foe, and diving underground or underwater is a viable solution if you can do so in time.

    Name: Cursed Sphere
    Rank: A
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 2
    Range: 3 meter sphere
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Cursed Nova
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Condensing a Cursed Nova around her and maintaining control, this creates a powerful mostly transparent green shield on all sides that can block almost any incoming attack, acting like a personal forcefield. A Rank techniques can break it in two hits, B rank in 3 hits, C in 5 hits. Anything below that simply deflects off. If broken or on Midori’s command, it emits a Cursed Nova instantly as the energy erupts. Also can be fueled with Nature Chakra instead of normal Chakra.
    Weaknesses: Midori is immobile until this shield is popped or disbanded. Takes a full post to disband the technique without a Cursed Nova. Can only protect others within the 3 meter sphere, maximum of 4 other people if they are literally sandwiching her. S rank techniques will shatter the shield without the Cursed Nova having a chance to activate, and likely still land a blow on Midori herself.
    This needs higher upkeep than 2. 10 will be fine. It's a powerful shield.

    Name: Wrath of God
    Rank: S
    Power: S++
    Activation Cost: 40
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 300 meters
    Speed: S
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Cursed Sphere
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A trump card of epic proportions, this is Midori unleashing her Nature Chakra in the most violent way she can imagine. Annihilating everything around her in a blind rage, this is absolutely a last resort, resulting in a blast that can be felt for over a mile away. Hiding behind cover, diving underground or underwater does little to nothing to stop the blast.
    Weaknesses: Does not discriminate friend from foe. Can ONLY use Nature Chakra.

    Name: Cursed Blast
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 50 Meters
    Speed: B
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Chakra Blast
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A more powerful, longer range version of Chakra Blast, roughly 2 meters in diameter. Can be fueled with Nature Chakra or Regular Chakra.
    Weaknesses: Very linear in the way this attack operates, if you redirect her hand, the beam goes with it.


    Name: Cursed Needle
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 100 Meters
    Speed: A
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Cursed Blast
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: A demonstration of the Chakra Control Midori has obtained, this is something that is very small, only an inch in diameter pulse of chakra from the tip of her finger. Designed to pierce the enemy, the amount of damage to non-vital areas is low, but is capable of killing an enemy outright if struck in the right spot. Also very effective for disabling an opponent without killing them if aimed towards the tendons. Can be fueled with Nature Chakra or Regular Chakra.
    Weaknesses: Even a near miss of critical areas reduces the damage to C, and the warning of the pointing of the finger is a giveaway as to where she is aiming.


    Name: Cursed Cannon
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: Senjutsu
    Range: 100 Meters
    Speed: A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Cursed Blast
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: This is made for mass destruction, designed as a method of Siege. The blast is large, being roughly 10 meters in diameter it is easily capable of plowing through obstacles and enemies alike, making it an excellent tool of destruction against large or stationary targets. Overkill for most human enemies. Can be fueled with Nature Chakra or Regular Chakra.
    Weaknesses: This blast, because of its size, inhibits Midori’s field of vision in front of her in a cone, enabling someone who dodges to close the distance if they stay near the blast without Midori realizing it.


    Name: Hammer of Dawn
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 1 Kilometer, 200 meter blast radius
    Speed: A
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Cursed Cannon
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: When something truly needs to be destroyed, and it isn’t going anywhere quickly, this is where Midori brings out the big guns. A form of Artillery, this blast is launched upwards into the sky in the first post, targeting the current location of the enemy. In the second post, it comes down on top of the target, annihilating it utterly, and causing massive structural damage to buildings, capable of leveling most non-reinforced bunkers in a single strike.
    Weaknesses: Aside the delay between launching the attack and it landing being one full posting rotation, this has a tendency to literally color the sky in the light of the attack, a herald of the destruction on it’s way. Can ONLY use Nature Chakra.


    Name: Chakra Purge
    Rank: C
    Power: N/A
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Flushes a bit of Nature Chakra through her system, purging any Genjutsu up to C rank out of her system.
    Weaknesses: Must realize that she is under the effects of a Genjutsu, and MUST use Nature Chakra for the technique.


    Name: Chakra Deflection
    Rank: B
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Chakra Purge
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Nature Chakra is naturally a different type all on it’s own, and coating her hands in it will allow her to redirect Physical Chakra-Based attacks (ie. Elements, raw chakra, etc) up to A Rank away from her and in another direction.
    Weaknesses: Cannot redirect attack back at attacker, and does not stop the attack, only changes target.

    Name: Scale Mail
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Adopting the scales that help protect her favorite snakes, this is a massive boon to her durability, able to shrug off all but the strongest physical attacks. Requires A-Rank force to damage the armor, S-Rank force will shatter the armor entirely. It appears as a jade coating to her skin which, upon closer inspection, are reminiscent to the scales of a snake.
    Weaknesses: Damage to the armor is permanent until the activation cost is paid again.
    No to requiring A rank force to damage the armor, that would make the user undamagable unless an A rank attack hits. Sustained C rank force can damage it, B rank equals out, A rank+ overpowers, same as other defensive techs.

    Name: Juggernaut
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 25
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Scale Mail + Chakra Deflection
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Midori is built to take damage, and this technique embodies her iron will to defend her friends and family at all costs. Taking on the toughness of Scale Mail, this is further enhanced by coating the scales with Nature Chakra, enabling her to shrug off virtually any physical or chakra based attack up to A++ without breaking. S-Rank attacks will crack the armor in one hit, X-Rank will shatter the armor on hit. Her scales literally glow green with the power, showing anyone that she would never back down.
    Weaknesses: Requires the upkeep of 5 Chakra AND 5 Nature Chakra, combining to 10 per post. Initial cost can be paid with Either chakra type.
    This is actually more okay than the last one. It'll still require multiple A rank strikes to break it, so it isn't impervious to anything below A++ and *can* be broken with enough damage. Make note of that please.

    Name: Pylon Clone
    Rank: A
    Power: N/A
    Activation Cost: N/A
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 1km
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Kage Bunshin
    Hand Seals: Tiger
    Description: Midori recognizes the need for Nature Chakra as her list of techniques for it grows in number and intensity. This special variation of Shadow Clone is able to draw in the Nature Chakra at a greater rate, particularly when staying still and focusing solely on drawing it in, holding the pose of focus. 20 when focusing, 10 when moving or performing other jutsu per posting rotation. Other than this, the clone is exactly the same as a normal Shadow Clone, having half the original chakra and such. Dispersing the clone allows it to return the gathered Chakra to Midori.
    Weaknesses: Cannot be used while under 30% of chakra left.


    Name: Combat Clone
    Rank: A
    Power: N/A
    Activation Cost: 15
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 1 km
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Pylon Clone
    Hand Seals: Ox
    Description: This is a special variation of Shadow Clone that allows Midori or a Pylon Clone to create a combat variant that is a flat cost of Nature Chakra. This type of clone is capable of attacking the enemy, but only with base stats of Midori and without using any special techniques or skills of any kind. Does have access to her Bloodline and gathers Nature Chakra at a normal rate, but does not give that to Midori when dispersed.
    Weaknesses: Cannot use any techniques aside basic Taijutsu.


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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Fri May 24, 2019 3:26 am


    All requested adjustments made.

    Midori's Arsenal Katsumi-Sig
    Rin Matoi
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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Rin Matoi Mon May 27, 2019 5:38 pm

    Midori wrote:Name: Battle Instinct
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: N/A
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Taijutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Taijutsu Skill
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: The user has trained their body relentlessly to the point that their body no longer relies on the mind to properly react to situations that would otherwise be precarious. Her instincts have fused with their senses and have been sharpened to such a heavy extent that through just a bit of chakra, her body reacts near-instantaneously to tracking and reacting to speeds beyond their normal limitations. This intense physical training provides them a ++ to Perception while active.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    Specify this Perception boost only applies to tracking movement. This cannot be used to track trails.

    Name: Cursed Orb
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 50 meters throwing distance, 15 meters impact based explosion
    Speed: C
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Chakra Orb
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description:  Dealing B class damage, this is much the same of regular Chakra Orb but is thrown like a grenade, and detonating on impact.  This projectile is pure chakra, unaffected by gravity, wind and other normal resistances to projectiles.  Also can be fueled with Nature Chakra instead of normal Chakra.
    Weaknesses: Thrown like a baseball, there are some signature ‘tells’ if you have seen the technique a few times as to where she is aiming, giving the enemy time to react.

    1.) Damage should be C, like the rank. Nothing merits the attack to have increased power.
    2.) Is the explosion 15 meters in radius or diameter?
    3.) This seems like a Senjutsu-exclusive technique given its function.
    4.) "This projectile is pure chakra, unaffected by gravity, wind and other normal resistances to projectiles." This part should be removed. Outside forces should be able to misguide this attack.
    5.) This technique should have 5 hand signs

    Name: Cursed Sphere
    Rank: A
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 3 meter sphere
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Cursed Nova
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Condensing a Cursed Nova around her and maintaining control, this creates a powerful mostly transparent green shield on all sides that can block almost any incoming attack, acting like a personal forcefield.  A Rank techniques can break it in two hits, B rank in 3 hits, C in 5 hits.  Anything below that simply deflects off.  If broken or on Midori’s command, it emits a Cursed Nova instantly as the energy erupts. Also can be fueled with Nature Chakra instead of normal Chakra.
    Weaknesses: Midori is immobile until this shield is popped or disbanded.  Takes a full post to disband the technique without a Cursed Nova.  Can only protect others within the 3 meter sphere, maximum of 4 other people if they are literally sandwiching her.  S rank techniques will shatter the shield without the Cursed Nova having a chance to activate, and likely still land a blow on Midori herself.

    Seeing as this is a technique with B-rank Power it should only be able to withstand a single B-rank power technique before breaking.

    If you want the technique to be A-rank Power, which means it can only withstand a single A-rank power technique, you must remove the ability to release Cursed Nova.

    Also you should give it 4 hand signs.

    Name: Scale Mail
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Adopting the scales that help protect her favorite snakes, this is a massive boon to her durability, able to shrug off all but the strongest physical attacks.  C Rank attacks will destroy it after 5 strikes, B strength attacks after 3, A or higher force will shatter the armor entirely. It appears as a jade coating to her skin which, upon closer inspection, are reminiscent to the scales of a snake.
    Weaknesses: Damage to the armor is permanent until the activation cost is paid again.

    This is a B-rank power technique so it can only sustain up to B-rank power damage before breaking.

    I'd also give it 7 hand signs.

    Name: Juggernaut
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 25
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Scale Mail + Chakra Deflection
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Midori is built to take damage, and this technique embodies her iron will to defend her friends and family at all costs.  Taking on the toughness of Scale Mail, this is further enhanced by coating the scales with Nature Chakra, enabling her to shrug off virtually any physical or chakra based attack up to B without damage, and requires 5 A strength strikes to break.. S-Rank attacks will crack the armor in one hit, with one more to break it.  Her scales literally glow green with the power, showing anyone that she would never back down.
    Weaknesses: Requires the upkeep of 5 Chakra AND 5 Nature Chakra, combining to 10 per post.  Initial cost can be paid with Either chakra type.

    1.) Activation should be 30 CP and Upkeep 20 CP
    2.) An S-rank power technique should be broken by a S-rank power technique.
    3.) This needs to either be a Senjutsu Technique or not a Senjutsu Technique.
    4.) The ability to dip into both pools will not be allowed due to Senjutsu's regeneration. You're essentially taking off the load and weakness from the Senjutsu pool by dividing the work load.
    5.) This needs 4 hand signs
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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Tue May 28, 2019 9:06 am

    Edits Made

    Only deviation I had from suggestions was for Juggernaut, I'd like to keep the higher durability but I increased the number of required handsigns, a suggestion that is in the guide for creating them when you wanted to make something better than it's rank.

    Techniques with Edits Made:

    Midori's Arsenal Katsumi-Sig
    Rin Matoi
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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Rin Matoi Fri May 31, 2019 7:47 pm

    Midori wrote:Edits Made

    Only deviation I had from suggestions was for Juggernaut, I'd like to keep the higher durability but I increased the number of required handsigns, a suggestion that is in the guide for creating them when you wanted to make something better than it's rank.

    Techniques with Edits Made:


    Name: Cursed Sphere
    Rank: A
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: 3 meter sphere
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Cursed Nova
    Hand Seals: Ox - Ram - Dragon - Snake
    Description: Condensing a Cursed Nova around her and maintaining control, this creates a powerful mostly transparent green shield on all sides that can block almost any incoming attack, acting like a personal forcefield.  B Rank techniques can break it in a single strike, C rank in 3 hits.  Anything below that simply deflects off.  If broken or on Midori’s command, it emits a Cursed Nova instantly as the energy erupts.
    Weaknesses: Midori is immobile until this shield is popped or disbanded.  Takes a full post to disband the technique without a Cursed Nova.  Can only protect others within the 3 meter sphere, maximum of 4 other people if they are literally sandwiching her.  S rank techniques will shatter the shield without the Cursed Nova having a chance to activate, and likely still land a blow on Midori herself.  Can only be fueled with Nature Chakra instead of normal Chakra.

    Name: Scale Mail
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Ram - Ox - Tiger - Dragon - Dog - Hare - Snake
    Description: Adopting the scales that help protect her favorite snakes, this is a massive boon to her durability, able to shrug off all but the strongest physical attacks.  C Rank attacks will destroy it after 5 strikes, B strength attacks after 1. It appears as a jade coating to her skin which, upon closer inspection, are reminiscent to the scales of a snake.
    Weaknesses: Damage to the armor is permanent until the activation cost is paid again.  Can only be fueled with Nature Chakra instead of normal Chakra.

    Name: Juggernaut
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: Senjutsu
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Midori
    Parent Technique: Scale Mail + Chakra Deflection
    Hand Seals: Horse - Boar - Ram - Dragon - Ox - Snake
    Description: Midori is built to take damage, and this technique embodies her iron will to defend her friends and family at all costs.  Taking on the toughness of Scale Mail, this is further enhanced by coating the scales with Nature Chakra, enabling her to shrug off virtually any physical or chakra based attack up to B without damage, and requires 5 A strength strikes to break.. S-Rank attacks will crack the armor in one hit, with one more to break it.  Her scales literally glow green with the power, showing anyone that she would never back down.  Chakra cost must be paid with Nature Chakra.
    Weaknesses: N/A

    I should have mentioned this earlier, but remove the extra parts as well when regarding what damage these technique can withstand.

    Cursed Sphere can withstand up to B-rank damage. Naturally this means it can take 2 C-ranks or 4 D-ranks.

    Scale Mail can withstand up to B-rank damage. Same as above.

    Juggernaut can withstand up to S-rank damage. This naturally means it can take 2 A-ranks or 4 B-ranks.

    This naturally follows the collaboration rules in the General Site Rules found at the bottom of the page if you're interested.
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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Fri May 31, 2019 7:56 pm

    Changes made.

    Techniques Once More!:

    Midori's Arsenal Katsumi-Sig
    Rin Matoi
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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Rin Matoi Fri May 31, 2019 8:15 pm

    Midori wrote:Changes made.

    Techniques Once More!:

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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Sun Jun 02, 2019 7:06 pm

    New Batch of Techs!:

    Last edited by Midori on Mon Jun 03, 2019 2:01 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Shimiko Chinoike
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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sun Jun 02, 2019 11:09 pm

    Gotta pick a specific stat.

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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Mon Jun 03, 2019 2:03 am

    Deleted both of those techs in question and replaced them with more shinies.

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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Nozomi Tue Jun 04, 2019 9:51 pm

    Name: Feed the Beast
    Rank: S
    Power: N/A
    Activation Cost: 50
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu, Senjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: Nature Clan Bloodline
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: Snake - Monkey - Rat - Bird - Dog - Hare - Tiger - Dragon - Snake
    Description: Understanding the need for Nature Chakra in the early parts of a fight, converts a large amount of chakra to her Senjutsu pool to help fuel her abilities on that side of her skill tree. Provides her with 30 Senjutsu Chakra.
    Weaknesses: Must be stationary, as the conversion process requires intense concentration. Takes a full turn. Interrupting the process causes a loss of the activation cost.

    Name: Chakra Pulse
    Rank: A
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 300m
    Speed: S
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Chakra Shield
    Hand Seals: Dragon - Bird - Dog - Ram - Snake
    Description: A quick concussive blast of chakra in all directions, this is primarily a defensive technique, sending weapons and enemies alike scattering.
    Weaknesses: Does absolutely no damage on it's own, and can be evaded by taking cover. Does not discriminate Friend from Foe. If inside her arm's reach, does not hit as it is projected from hands with arms outstretched.
    Increase the cost of this technique to 30 please. It's may not do damage, but it can still block other S power techniques and requires a lot of strength to fight against.

    Name: Chakra Shield
    Rank: A
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: Melee
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: B-Ranked Coordination
    Parent Technique:
    Hand Seals: Tiger - Monkey - Ox - Dragon - Snake
    Description: Using highly condensed chakra, the user creates a powerful shield that is the size of a typical buckler, capable of warding off attacks. Uses Coordination to match the attackers Coordination to determine blocking success. Useful to fending off sharp objects.
    Weaknesses: The shield is relatively small, and only 'attaches' to one spot on the body at a time, meaning that it is only good for blocking targetted attacks that land on that one spot. To move the shield from it's 'attached' spot on the body it must be recast entirely.
    I'm okay with this reduced cost given the small size of a buckler and the fixed position on the body without a recast. Approved.

    Name: Channel Clone
    Rank: S
    Power: N/A
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: 1KM
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Pylon Clone
    Hand Seals: Dragon
    Description: The culmination of her clone research, this clone not only can absorb Nature Chakra at an increased rate (20/p) while holding still, and while moving at a normal rate (10/p), but also has all of Midori's natural durability (Base Constitution), making it very hard to bring down. This clone also does not store Nature Chakra within itself, funneling it directly to Midori passively as it is absorbed. As a flat cost clone, it does not split her chakra either.
    Weaknesses: Has no access to any techniques whatsoever, Senjutsu or Normal, only is capable of basic movements with Midori's base stats. (Basic Taijutsu Non Technique)
    Limit the amount you can make, otherwise this can be extremely broken.
    Also, if it's transmitting directly to Midori, then the amount it is sending remotely has to be a reduced amount, not the 20 for being still and 10 while moving, otherwise you'll have constantly full Nature chakra. Like, drastically reduced. 10 for being still, and 5 while moving, if sending remotely, if not less, since Midori can also gather Nature chakra.

    Name: Chakra Mine
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Melee Placement / 10m Proximity / 50m explosion
    Speed: S++
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Chakra Ball
    Hand Seals: Dragon - Tiger - Snake
    Description: After studying how proximity explosive tags work, Midori has perfected the method of empowering and tempering her Chakra Ball technique and putting it into a surface or item. This causes the item, when within 10 meters of an enemy, to explode with extreme force, but even more insane speed.
    Weaknesses: Anyone using Chakra Suppression can walk up to one of these and kick it without anything happening. Also, chakra based techniques can detonate them if they hit the object directly.
    Placing chakra into an item to cause it to explode infringes on the Explosion clan. You can place your chakra on an item, but not in the item, unless you use Fuuinjutsu to seal your Chakra orb into it, and that would just be sealing and unsealing an attack rather than causing an explosion by charging something with a ninjutsu.
    Please alter this so it doesn't infringe on the Explosion Release clan.

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    Midori's Arsenal Empty Re: Midori's Arsenal

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed Jun 05, 2019 1:45 pm

    New Batch of Techs 2.0!:

    Midori's Arsenal Katsumi-Sig

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