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    Little People (Private)

    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Little People (Private) Empty Little People (Private)

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed May 08, 2019 7:20 am

    Midori was further than she had ever been. She had a great sense of direction so she wasn’t really worried about getting home, but she had been chasing this rabbit for miles. If she could even call it a rabbit, the thing was massive, and while it wasn’t as fast as the smaller ones that would weasel into a hole, this one couldn’t get anywhere she couldn’t because of its size, meaning it had to try to outpace her. Because of her training, competitive nature, and overwhelming sense of pride, she hadn’t lost it yet…and and she was still chasing it. She could still see the surprise on its face when she had wormed her way into its home like a snake with speed it wasn’t ready for, forcing the creature to squeeze out a side hole it obviously used when it was smaller but was no longer something it should have used.

    Midori herself was only five feet tall, and her thin frame was something that was able to squeeze into places that her siblings, the adoptive Ryuutei family she had, was not able to do. Her dark hair and eyes, which looked black at a distance, were actually a very dark green, and she was just starting to bud as a young woman. She looked better though, as now she had twigs in her hair, dirt on various places, and was heaving breaths into her lungs as she entered a clearing, noticing the rabbit had stopped in the middle. It was still alive considering it was rapidly breathing as well, and as Midori got closer, she noticed that it was the size of a fat dog. This one would be particularly tasty she was certain, and it tried, valiantly, to get back to its feet but Midori was not about to let it get away after getting so close, an she pounced.

    The creature let out a squeak, but otherwise was so tired it couldn’t fight back, and she quickly grabbed its head and with a pop, it went limp. She had been so focused on her prey however, she failed to notice she had a spectator.


    Little People (Private) Katsumi-Sig

    Posts : 330
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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Short_Stack Wed May 08, 2019 8:24 am

    Genkai wouldn't say she was lost. No saying she was lost would mean she had no idea where she was going. No she definitely knew where she was going to … she just happened to have not arrived there yet.

    Although she didn't remember the grocery store in the village being a two days journey through the woods and out laying countryside. And she didn't remember the village being bigger than a few hours walk from one end to the other.

    But she had to get there eventually. If only that stamped of cats didn't chase her to the forest near her village, then the murder of crows didn't get mad at her for hiding in the trees they were resting in. She knew she would have gotten to the store by yesterday.

    But alas she was hungry, and really could have used a good bean bun right about now.

    That's when she saw a tall girl chasing a rabbit that Genkai could swear was part dog. And eventually caught and killed it. < Finally I'm saved! I gotta glomp her before she notices me! Gonna be stealthy like a ninja! >

    With that Genkai padded through the grass and attempted to glomp the girl while giving a mighty squee.

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
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    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

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    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed May 08, 2019 8:58 am

    She had detected someone running up to her, and as she turned, she prepared to defend herself and use lethal force right off the bat. However, as she turned and realized that it was nothing more than a child running towards her, she had enough time to reel herself back in and calm down, instead turning and catching the kid quickly as she tried to jump on her. She had spunk, Midori had to give her that, but she was literally so small that even her, who was very small compared to her family, was huge. If it wasn’t for her ability to read people, and see the signs of age, she would have thought her no older than five, but she had features similar to her own.

    She was about the same age.

    “Who?” It was all she asked, and all she needed to vocalize. It was obvious that she was not a combatant, at least, not yet, but more than that the little woman wasn’t hostile to her. She was lucky she was so small or she might have eaten a nearby tree with the amount of force that Midori would have put into her strike, so she counted her as having good luck, but luck only got you so far. Midori slowly set the little woman onto the ground, eyeing her curiously, not really much for social interaction but understanding when it was necessary and when she could get away with not dealing with it.


    Little People (Private) Katsumi-Sig

    Posts : 330
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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Short_Stack Wed May 08, 2019 9:02 am

    Genkai's Super Stealthy Hug was intercepted by the giant mid squee. Causing her give a squealing laugh of giddiness. As she was set down, the giant asked, “Who?”

    As Genkai was about to answer her stomach let loose a mighty roar causing her to stop and blush furiously, “Sorry, by the way my name's Genkai! What's your's Mrs. Giant, and are you from the village? I don't remember seeing you around before … but I also don't remember the grocery store being two days journey out in the wilderness.” Genkai answered with a diabetes inducing, guileless grin. And an outstretched hand to hand shake.

    Showing a level of a lack of self preservation, or situational awareness that one would normally have when meeting a person with obvious combat experience, and “possibly” lost for days. Almost as if none of those things crossed Genkai's mind. Which incidentally is exactly what happened.

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

    Posts : 397
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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed May 08, 2019 10:03 am

    Hearing the little girls laughter and everything brought back beautiful memories of when she was a child and her mother and father were still at home, alive and and well. Unlike the Ryuutei, they waited until the kids were 6 before they started any sort of formal training, giving them a chance to simply be children for a while. Those memories washed through her in an instant, and she made no outward indication of that strong emotion, remaining focused on the small human in her arms.

    The little girl’s stomach growled, and while she began to introduce herself, Midori listened but began to gather sticks. She had planned to bring this hare back home, but it looked like she was going to be having a bit of a picnic, and considering the distance needed to get back home, that was probably for the best. By the time Genkai had finished the introduction, she had finished with the kindling. The small girl obviously was lost, and while normally she would chalk this one up to Darwin’ism at its finest, she also felt obligated to set her on the right path as best she could.

    She shook her head; there was no way on any planet someone this carefree was from the Ryuutei village, but she wasn’t a big talker, so she decided she would introduce herself and leave it at that. Placing a hand on her chest, she paused a moment. “Midori,” she declared, and then began to grab a tree that had fallen nearby and dragging it close, and then breaking the wood with her bare hands to include splitting it to make a fire. A piece of flint and steel and they had a small fire cooking up very soon, and with a few quick motions, the rabbit was gutted and skinned, stabbed with a pair of sticks, one each, and on the fire to cook.

    Little People (Private) Katsumi-Sig

    Posts : 330
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    Age : 39

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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Short_Stack Wed May 08, 2019 10:06 am

    Genkai watched as the giant named Midori gathered material around them and started food prep as she was explaining herself. At the end of it, Midori placed a hand upon her chest indicating herself and answered with a single word answer of, “Midori.”

    Genkai watched as she turned around started prepping food and putting them on splits. Genkai plopped down next to Midori and attempted to move in for a hug, “My hero! I haven't eaten since this morning.”

    Scooting back she gave a head tilt, “Midori you're so cool! I bet you can reach stuff all the way on the top shelf, look over counters, outrun stampedes of angry cats and everything!”

    She’d then watch the cooked rabbit with wide sparkly eyes and sounds of awe. Before it was finished she'd turn and ask, “how much further to the grocery store anyways? I was going to get dinner, since whoever lives where I'm sleeping isn't occupying it. After all it's not breaking and entering if no one is there to report it, and I don't take anything right? Just a friendly borrowing a roof for a few days.”

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed May 08, 2019 10:19 am

    Midori listened while she attended the rabbits, her eyes and hands focusing on the task in front of them, but her mind rolling the information that she was gaining rapidly around to figure out what shook loose. She was obviously lost, to the point where she wondered how she had survived so long. She didn’t have a home, that much was obvious based on the fact that she was litterally squatting at some home that belonged to someone else. This brought back a fresh wave of memories of when she herself was orphaned, and the normally completely emotionless Midori felt herself sinking into that sadness.

    She stopped herself before it consumed her, but it was a mental struggle.

    “I can take you to a place where you can belong.” It had come out of her mouth before she really realized what she was saying, but now that she had said it, she would back it up with everything she had. She would talk with Satori, Kiyoshi, even the Elder if she had to. She was not about to let another young girl go alone in this world where she would be picked off at any moment by, well, much of anything considering her stature. She would protect her from that fate, and while she couldn’t promise the young girl a home within Kiyoshi’s walls, considering how readily the Ryuutei were to adopt others, the green haired girl was certain that something could be arranged.

    She waited for the reply, slowly rotating the rabbit meat as it began to truly smell good.


    Little People (Private) Katsumi-Sig

    Posts : 330
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    Age : 39

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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Short_Stack Wed May 08, 2019 10:26 am

    ”Belong … belooonnngg, be~long~, Genkai chewed the word as if testing out something unfamiliar, [color=purple] “Ah! You mean that thing were I'm around people for a bit then they either leave or I get misplaced and they are gone forever? Sure it's been awhile since I hung out with humans for any degree of time. ”

    There was no sorrow in her features, no stoic acceptance. Simply a cheerful knowledge that all relationships she had were transient and destined to be forever gone one way or another.

    Genkai looked at the rabbit as it cooked, her stomach purring in anticipation, ”You don't talk much do you? Well that's okay! I can talk enough for the both of us, it's really hard to get lonely when you have someone to talk to. So I usually talk to myself … usually for hours. I'm a great conversationalist to myself usually. But sometimes I just can't shut up about certain things, but a weak dose of numbing agents usually quiets me for awhile! Ya gotta show yourself who's boss ya know? Can't let yourself get all mopey whenever you see a party with the hats, and cake, and people ... Or Holidays … or parks … or that whole family nonsense ...”

    Genkai started looking down, and reached behind herself and drew out a vial she deftly popped the lid off of and went to take a sip.

    If not stopped her words and movements would be slurred and she'd have slight difficult grabbing things (weak numbing agent.)

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
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    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

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    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed May 08, 2019 10:35 am

    Midori could feel those emotions that were dwelling within her get stronger as the little girl continued to speak, and then her gaze locked onto her as she literally performed the only self care that she knew. It made her think of Riku, with the ability to come up with chemicals and the like, that type of intelligence, but it was simply so sad that she was all alone like this, without anyone to care for her, or to guide her down the right path. She would have to get in touch with Riku and find out if she would take her under the blue haired girl’s wing, but Midori had made up her mind on one fact.

    She wasn’t leaving this girl alone.

    It was instinct more than actual thought as Midori scooted closer and wrapped her arms around Genkai, as well as was straddling her, bringing her close to her own body and wrapping her in what she knew was a hug. Now, she was not much for physical contact; the brawler never had been, but she knew the feeling of being hugged by others and the soothing properties it had. It was one reason she tolerated Hiyori being so clingy is that her hugs were nice and warm and comforting. She wasn’t sure she was going to have the same effect, but her instincts demanded that she try to sooth her anyway she could.

    She was also angry, deep beneath it all, at the village that would allow such a travesty to occur within its walls. She would find out, and later when she was stronger, she would fix it to where it never happened again. After everything that happened to her, she was not about to let that kind of neglect slide.


    Little People (Private) Katsumi-Sig

    Posts : 330
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    Age : 39

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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Short_Stack Wed May 08, 2019 11:03 am

    Genkai was about to dose her mopey self into submission. After all sorrow never changed anything. She had come to the conclusion long ago that she was too awesome for things like a family, or someone to care for her. She only had herself, but no one liked a crybaby. Something she had heard plenty of times in her journeys.

    It was best to stay positive. People wanted you around if you were positive and useful. And if she couldn't be those things what use was she to anyone? What purpose would she have to stay, even if just for a little while?

    But as she started to beat the blues away by numbing herself. She felt Midori wrap her in Midori's arms and legs bringing her close to her.

    After a moment of panic. The feeling of being held close. Brought up a feeling she hadn't felt for as long as she could remember. Her body and breathing started to feel like they were convulsing and her eyes started leaking water.

    ”W-why a-a-re my *sob* eyes lea~king *sob* and wh~at i-is my b-bo-body *sob* doing?”

    Being held, feeling the closeness of a living body, it was all to much for Genkai and the dams she had built over a lifetime she didn't even know we're there came crashing down.

    She spent some time in that alien emotion as her convulsions gave way to soul wracking screams of anguish and losses she never appreciated. Her body shuddering under the memories of a million little moments she saw family's interact and the sting of jealousy and envy bite her playing back in vivid detail. All the little moments when a much younger Genkai wondered why no one loved her. All the feelings of loss and sorrow buried deep beneath a smiley grave.

    Now burst forth and escaped her in a violent surge of raw emotional pain.

    And throughout it all. Midori held her close. Comforting Genkai with something she never knew, until the wails and waterworks died down and Genkai was left emotionally drained. Even to drained too throw a smile and a chipper attitude.

    ”What's wrong with me? No one likes a crybaby, if you aren't useful or happy no one has a use for you. If you're not those things you have no purpose … so … why? I don't understand this.” Genkai warily mumbled.

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Location : Kirigakure

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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed May 08, 2019 11:06 am

    Midori was worried for a moment, thinking that she might have made a mistake considering that the little girl initially began to panic, but soon it settled into something she was very familiar with. When she was very young, before she really started to gain control over her emotions and before she started making a name for herself in the Ryuutei, she had often vanished for hours a day to find a place that no one could find her to be able to cry and mourn for her parents; the mother who had been killed before her eyes, and the father that left to avenge her, leaving her alone with her emotions without an outlet.

    She had cried her heart out, just like this girl was doing now.

    Midori also knew how painful holding those emotions in could be; she still did it now, but that was for wholly different reasons, and she did vent them the proper way. This girl, without the proper guidance, had found something that had worked at the time, and had the nice side-effect of being a useful skill, but was bad for her overall. No one could be constant sunshine and rainbows, no matter how optimistic they were, as all emotions had to have free range, even if one was stronger than the others.

    Once the sobbing was finished, and she was trying to get herself together, Midori slowly released the little girl, and then wondered what had brought her to act that way. Perhaps she was more emotionally attached because the youngling was a reflection of how Midori herself could have turned out to be? And she knew that this was something that would have soothed her, and thus, worked for Genkai.

    “I will give you purpose. You are coming back with me.” It wasn’t a question, and there was no asking permission; it was happening, and that was all there was to it. Still allowing the little girl to sit in her lap, she reached over and grabbed the well cooked rabbit, handing one of the sticks to Genkai to eat much like a kebab. She didn’t need to understand it, as it would be explained once they got home, but Midori wouldn’t let her live another moment alone like this.

    Not if she was still breathing.

    Grabbing her own part of the rabbit, the green haired girl ate quickly, looking around and thinking about how she was going to handle the next phase of this journey; getting home, and not being empty handed. She had told them she was going out for a hunt, and she doubted highly that the single rabbit would be enough to sustain them the entire journey home. They would hunt on the way, look for targets of opportunity, but home they would go.

    Little People (Private) Katsumi-Sig

    Posts : 330
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    Age : 39

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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Short_Stack Wed May 08, 2019 11:07 am

    Genkai was brought from a full body hug to sitting on Midori's lap, answered that she'd give her purpose. And She'd be coming with Midori.

    Instincts long forgotten came to mind as she felt her wiggle closer to Midori and rest against the source of comfort. And hollowly replied, ”But one day you'll leave me, or I'll get misplaced and you won't come looking for me … no one does. I … why does it hurt more? Knowing some day you'll be gone forever and I'll be alone again … that's just the way of the world,”

    She took the rabbit and tilted herself to look deeply into Midori eyes, ”So why does my heart hurt when I think of that?”

    She went about eating her rabbit letting small hums of approval and let the warmth from the food, Midori, and what they represented fill her. Slowly she felt back to her old self, bit by bit. Till she was finished.

    In her renewed good cheer, albeit less bright than usual said, ”If I'm coming with you, I can make drugs and poisons. And I make good bait for wild animals … they like to chase me for some reason. So I can definitely be a helper if you need it!”

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Location : Kirigakure

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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed May 08, 2019 11:11 am

    The words Genkai uttered next caused Midori’s eyes to harden as her resolve solidified in her mind, giving absolutely no doubt as she turned and looked directly into the little girl’s eyes, as though staring into her soul. “I doubt Death itself could keep me from looking for you. You will not be abandoned.” It was rare indeed for Midori to string together two sentences, but she had, but not only that, but her tone was so solid and unwaivering that even the most cynical of people would have recognized this promise as a steadfast truth.

    They finished their meal quickly, Midori eating hers without remorse or hesitation that it had been a living creature. It was the nature of the world; the weak were prey to the strong, but sometimes, the strong protected the weak. This was her purpose and role with the young girl, and the green haired girl knew that she was going to have a hell of an uphill struggle from here, but that was just fine with her. Her entire life had been a battle for survival, and this was nothing more than a simple test to further herself and that would make her to be the best person she could be.

    She was brought out of this train of thought with Genkai explaining that she could be useful, and Midori grew a slight grin on her face, the first that had shown itself. “When close, deer?” she asked, curious if they could bag an entire deer once they got close to the village, because having a large haul of meat in had was a surefire way to help mitigate any concerns about Genkai not being able to pull her own weight.


    Little People (Private) Katsumi-Sig

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

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    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Short_Stack Wed May 08, 2019 11:33 am

    Genkai's mind was reeling in a good way from Midori's oath. And she could feel a rather new, but at the same time dangerous feeling emotion, hope. She could feel her morose features light up slightly and her eyes sparkle with childlike wonderment as she looked deeply into the eyes of the green haired girl, and felt the truth of those words.

    After they were all eating, and all was said in done. Midori asked where deer we're located in the area. And while the location was one she hadn't been before, animals habits were the same regardless of where you went.

    She closed her eyes and raised a hand to get a feel of thermal and wind flow. It was slightly warm, not to hot not to cold. So that through off whether they were uphill or not. But with an Easterly breeze they would most likely be moving west.

    “Moving against the breeze most likely. In a place that has lots of greenery or woody roots for them to munch on. If we see a trail, follow it in that general area till they charge at me. Run, and hope a few break their necks. Or I can hit one with a sleeping drug. If we can't spot a trail stay near the water. Big game usually goes there eventually.” Genkai said as she went over her hunting list.

    Genkai opened her eyes and looked at Midori with a grin, ”So yep. We should spot deer, bear, or other big game if we do that.”

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

    Posts : 397
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    Location : Kirigakure

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    Class: C
    Ryo: 55,000

    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed May 08, 2019 11:42 am

    Midori listened carefully as Genkai explained where the deer more than likely were, and nodded. “When we are close to home, we hunt. You distract, I kill.” It was a simple set of instructions that would explain everything that needed to be said. Of course she didn’t want to go hunting at their current location, as carrying the deer several miles instead of a single mile would be a lot more efficient for time and energy. She wasn’t strong enough to deal with a bear yet, but soon that would be in the realm of possibility. For now, she would deal with the largest game she knew for a fact she could bring down.

    “Come. Home is this way,” she commanded, turning and beginning the trek towards the village. Part of her felt like maybe she should be trying to warn her about the way the Ryuutei were, bestial by nature, enormous in size, and by all accounts, cannibals due to tradition, but the truth was that she didn’t like talking all that much, and considering that it was a definite step up from squatting in someone else’s home and being unwelcome, Genkai would either learn to adapt, or she wouldn’t… but then at least she would have the choice.

    Midori waited a moment for Genkai to follow her when another memory passed through her mind. Her mother, all smiles and love, reaching out towards her to help her down the steps for the first time. Instinctively, Midori reached her hand out for Genkai’s own, willing to hold her hand to walk through the forest and towards where they would finally settle things once and for all.


    Little People (Private) Katsumi-Sig

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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Short_Stack Wed May 08, 2019 11:45 am

    Midori, as succinct as always let Genkai know where they were going and a game plan. In the middle of a nod, she stopped herself, ”wait here there's something we need!”

    She ran to the boundary of the woods and turned around till she spotted Midori giving a nod to herself. She climbed the nearest tree and broke two branches off not to much bigger than herself. And jumped down.

    Taking off her gi she made a makeshift stretcher. And rolling it a bit more, had the two bound sticks dragging behind her as she made her way to Midori, her tanned skin shining in the sunlight, but one that looked of average health. Rather than a body used to living on her own.

    [color]”This way we can carry what we catch without needing physical strength. And can carry more than we could by ourselves,”[/color] she commented upon reaching Midori, before giving a thousand watt, sugary smile, ”See I'm useful!”

    After Midori let her know where they were going and took Genkai's hand in her own. Genkai while surprised at the unexpected source of familial affection held the hand as close to herself as possible and subconsciously scooted her body close to Midori as a source of emotional protection and safety.

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
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    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

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    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed May 08, 2019 11:50 am

    Midori watched curiously as Genkai ran off, climbing a tree and then making a makeshift sled for them to carry whatever it was that they caught in one fell swoop, and she gave her a gentle smile. She wouldn’t ruin her great idea with the fact that Midori had planned to carry it back as a form of training, as that would be rude towards the obvious effort she was putting into contributing. It was interesting to see that she wasn’t dealing with any sort of malnourishment, which meant she was able to take care of herself with relative efficiency. That was going to be another good selling point for her introduction of the girl into the Ryuutei.

    So, hand in hand, they walked towards the village.

    It took a couple of days for them to get relatively close, and standing on top of a hill she was able to look down towards her home, a gentle smile on her face. But that wasn’t nearly as impressive as the tag team that the two young girls had created the past couple of days. Catching food, even by chasing the hard way as a way to build up her speed, was nothing less of fun. Midori had a ball trying to chase the rabbit into literally charging at Genkai and having her try to catch the creature, and while sometimes she would miss the furry meal, sometimes she would catch it too or come up with some sort of inventive way of handling it.

    She reminded her of Satori; runt of the litter but a mind that never stopped going, but the major difference was personality. Genkai seemed to literally run on sunshine and rainbows with her level of optimism, and it was a refreshing change of pace from the normally serious group she hung around with. But it was time for the final part of the hunt, and looking towards Genkai, she motioned towards the village. “Close. Time to hunt.”


    Little People (Private) Katsumi-Sig

    Posts : 330
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    Age : 39

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    Post by Short_Stack Wed May 08, 2019 12:09 pm

    Genkai couldn't remember the last time she had, had so much genuine fun. Unlike her stay with Sensei, the gruff hermit, Midori’s idea of help wasn't to tell her how to do something before quite literally throwing her into danger, or gruffly letting her know when she was being an idiot. Albeit in an oddly familiar manner, that might be construed as affection if you tilted your head just right and squinted really hard.

    Nor was it like the workshop, where she was showered with knowledge and how to work within the cogs of the team.

    It was two people playing off their strengths, and helping each other grow. With Midori's straight forward, and honest nature, and Genkai's ingenuity and optimism. They flowed together in something that Genkai had no words for, but she felt her optimism being less of a shield, but more of something real and magical.

    Eventually Midori pointed to the village, and let Genkai know the hunt was about to begin, and with a wild smile she replied, ”Let's do this!

    Genkai put her skills to the test and quietly padding through the woods, looking for tracks and signs of deer. As it turned out, that was largely unnecessary. As Genkai's secret gift of Devil's Luck, and weirdness around animals lined up on her side as she stepped on a twig. And after a few tense seconds felt the ground began to rumble. As she saw a herd of deer run towards her, she ran the opposite direction yelling gleefully.

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed May 08, 2019 12:10 pm

    Midori walked silently next to Genkai, being careful of her footfalls and trusting in the little girl implicitly that they were headed in the right direction. It wouldn’t take long before she was startled as Genkai stepped on and broke a twig, creating what had to be the loudest sound of breaking of a branch that she had ever heard. And then, it seemed that the hunters were about to become the hunted as a thunder of hooves ran towards them, deer galore, and Genkai ran towards her.

    Midori wasted no time.

    “To me!” she commanded, ordering the small human towards her and once she got close, scooping her up and literally tossing her into the air where she would land somewhat half hazardous onto a branch in the tree, out of danger, and out of the way. She turned and faced the herd, and if it had been anyone else, she was certain that they would have gotten trampled, but ever since the trial and her Curse had awakened, she was in tune with animals and nature, and this was something that was right up her alley. She stood as tall as she could, inhaled deeply and roared. What came out of her mouth was not entirely human; it sounded as though it was a human and some sort of beast all in one, and the animals acted as though she was the most dangerous predator of them all and parted ways, trying to get away and around her.

    Midori gave them no such chance. A buck with a wounded leg was near the trail of the pack, and pivoted to dodge her just as the others would have, but a half-beat slower than the rest, and that was all she needed. Launching from her position, she grabbed the beast by the base of its antlers, and then spun her legs above her head violently in a clockwise motion, using her entire body’s mass and strength to perform one massive wrenching motion. With a sickening crack of bone, the deer’s neck was broken, and as Midori climbed off of the ground where she had fallen, she placed a single foot on the deer’s chest, roaring again into the sky.

    After a few moments, she calmed herself, breathing heavily at first and then steadily getting herself together, taking a moment to look in the trees for where Genkai had wandered off to.

    Little People (Private) Katsumi-Sig

    Posts : 330
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    Age : 39

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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Short_Stack Wed May 08, 2019 12:12 pm

    Genkai laughed uproariously as she was launched to a nearby branch. And as she landed got ready to do her part. Well, not really a planned part on their end, but one on Genkai's.

    During their shared journeys, and the few words Midori spoke at a time, most times, Genkai had pieced together the chain of events that led to their meeting. And Genkai had started planning on the onset to do her part.

    Taking a senbon from her waist and the sleeping drug she mentioned earlier. She dipped it in and waited for the fun to unfold. She watched as Midori gave an animalistic roar and the deer parted. As she did, she waited for her chance. As her luck had it, a seven pointer almost the size of a moose came barreling towards Genkai, and with a hop she aimed her senbon at the base of the spine.

    With her falling adding speed and force to her blow it wouldn't matter if she was a few inches off. And it wouldn't be too long till the drug took effect on the worst case scenario. So she could mercy kill it in it's sleep.

    As she jammed the senbon into the passing buck it landed almost true severing the spine at the middle of the neck. Killing it instantly, and it's death stumble hitting Genkai just right to let her do a half roll and land on her feet.

    Just in time to see Midori do a flipping neck snap of a deer before roaring at the sky. Genkai gave a loud cheer and applauded Midori, ”That was so cool! And look! I caught a deer for the village too. Thank you for the assistance!”

    With that she'd dig her trusty Senbon from the Buck's spine, and scoot-pulled her kill to the litter, and began dragging herself to Midori.

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed May 08, 2019 12:18 pm

    Midori had been so caught up in the moment, she had almost missed the insane dive bomb that Genkai had performed entirely. When it was all said and done, the pair of them had two large deer, and were a mile or so from home, plenty enough to stock the Larder for a while. She gave the little girl a smirk of respect and acknowledgement, thinking about how she very well could be just fine within the Ryuutei if she was capable of such feats. So, she moved over to where the little girl was struggling, and helped her load her makeshift sled with her large deer, and then placed her own on her shoulders, bending her knees a little to test the weight a bit and nodding.

    She looked towards Genkai and then towards home, the next part of their journey obvious, and waited for her to start hauling her deer. She made the kill, she needed to make the trip, as well as take care of dressing the animal, presenting it to the family, etc. Her and Hiyoshi would be thick as thieves in minutes, by Midori’s estimate, considering how overly affectionate the woman always was with her, and maybe this would be a good opportunity to give the woman a second possible target.

    Once Genkai started walking, Midori walked beside her, keeping pace and allowing her to handle the weight on her own. If she couldn’t make it, Midori would help her, as she was not about to leave such good meat to waste here in the wilderness, but she wanted to see if it was possible for her to handle the carrying of the carcass on her own, curious of her willpower and physical strength.


    Little People (Private) Katsumi-Sig

    Posts : 330
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    Age : 39

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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Short_Stack Wed May 08, 2019 12:27 pm

    Genkai with her back straight and legs bent pulled up the ends onto her shoulders and leaning forward began trudging her kill alongside Midori, who had her kill carried on her shoulders.

    It was about halfway there that she was feeling the strain of carrying the few hundred pounds beast. But not one to back from a challenge, decided to pull her secret move out.

    ”Wait a second Midori, I need to get a little boost of physical power. Just make sure I don't take a hit while using it, Genkai requested.

    Taking a deep breath she focused deep within herself, and with each breath expanded her senses inward feeling the flow of life and chakra within her. Before altering her vitality to raw power. A visible, blue mist of chakra almost like an Aura flowed off her body, and with a nod towards Midori set forth at a much faster pace, as if the Buck she was dragging weighted almost nothing, and her pace going from snails pace to a leisurely stroll. As they made their way to the village, she would trust Midori to look after her in case any last minute surprises happened.

    But with her Spirit Flow technique she was stronger, faster, more precise and powerful. But her body paid the price by turning into a glass canon. Great for when you needed raw power, but not great when a single good hit could land you in the ER, or the most weakest of poisons felt several times more potent.

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

    Posts : 397
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    Location : Kirigakure

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    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed May 08, 2019 12:29 pm

    Midori didn’t mind the slow pace; the longer this deer was on her shoulders, the more of a workout she was getting in on the way back to the village. But as they paused, Midori looked curiously as Genkai used a different potion, taking note of the effects. Enhanced strength and speed for less durability; a gamble, certainly, but in the right circumstances it could be greatly beneficial, such as when you had an able combatant to cover for your weakness, gaining another nod of approval from Midori.

    Now they were walking together at a good clip, any it didn’t take long before they reached the edge of the village. “Stay close.” It was the only warning she gave as the pair of them walked towards the large home near the square, and then veered to the right. Midori’s home was still under construction as she had to build it with her own two hands, but perhaps now that she had someone with her, it would go a lot more quickly. It was a simple little plot of land, a foundation and some support beams, and then the little shack behind it that was where she was sleeping. Next to that was the butcher station, where a pair of large hooks hung, and Midori moved towards that, putting her deer on the hook first and yanking the chain to raise it up.

    Once hers was in place, she helped Genkai do the same with hers, and then turned towards the home. “You Help, you stay.” It was a simple enough arrangement, she would help her construct her home, and in turn, would be allowed to stay here with her.


    Little People (Private) Katsumi-Sig

    Posts : 330
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    Age : 39

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    Little People (Private) Empty Re: Little People (Private)

    Post by Short_Stack Wed May 08, 2019 12:31 pm

    Genkai followed Midori through the village managing to stay close as they walked to a small plot of land with a few stations outside.

    After helping her get her carcass on to the hooks she looked to the unfinished home and gave a nod, ”I'm actually a pretty solid engineer. I can easily set up almost anything you need, and if you can find me a forge. I can craft all the materials you need.”

    She'd then give a quick grateful hug, and turn towards the deer. Clapping her hands together in the prayer pose would close her eyes and offer her gratitude for the offerings she was about to receive, ”Dear Mr. Deery Deer, thank you for your sacrifice. I promise to use all of you for all the stuff I can think of. Thank you.

    And with that went about surgically skinning it, and using the cut coat to hold the various organs she separated into food, medicinal, and potential tools. Pointing out the medicinal and food organs to Midori so that they could be properly set aside and prepped. Before she would ask Midori where she wanted to do with the meat.

    All of her actions were economical, surgically precise, and talked of something one had been doing for years on a constant basis. Rather than that of a hobby Hunter, or someone who hunted for storage.

    And together she’d work alongside Midori. Till all food, medicinal, and tool parts were separated and organized.

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
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    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

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    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Wed May 08, 2019 12:32 pm

    Midori listened and nodded, thinking that having Genkai around would be greatly helpful to balance out her lack of knowledge when it came to things like erecting a home. She was figuring it out, granted, but one good look at the actual home proper and you could tell that there was definitely a lack of experience there. She nodded, grabbed a stick, and made a drawing in the dirt to give Genkai a mental image of what Midori was hoping to make.

    The long and skinny of it was that there was one central room, where a combination of living area and Dojo would be kept, and dominated the majority of the home. The rooms around that one would be on the perimeter, sectioned off in parts to fill the rest of the space, and then lastly a porch that wrapped all the way around the home for her or company to relax on during nice days. On the grounds, she marked the butcher station, where she planned to make a larder, storage room and the very recent edition, a corner for a small forge. WIth the last bit, she gave a gentle smile to Genkai and let her look it over while. She could think about it while they took care of their deer.

    While Genkai was using all the precision of a surgeon, Midori’s own method looked like something similar to a cleaver. She made four small cuts with her knife, one at the neck and one around the base of each limb, and then curled her fingers inside the neck and tore the fur off in one fall swoop. It was a heart wrenching sound, but viciously efficient, and the pelt was still in good condition, and she proceeded to gut her own, grabbing several large buckets to put the various parts in the same manner as Genkai. She wasn’t wasting anything, which meant she would get along with the various people of the Ryuutei swimmingly.


    Little People (Private) Katsumi-Sig

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