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    Crown [Private]

    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Crown [Private] Empty Crown [Private]

    Post by Satori Ryuutei Sun May 05, 2019 8:18 am

    Satori was tired of waiting.

    He had been biding his time, trying to change his father's mind on getting closer with the village, assimilating with it properly. Requesting a district, changing their ways to acclimate to the culture of the village and truly become one with Kirigakure. But Kiyoshi was stuck in his ways, he refused to risk losing the culture of the clan to the assimilation.

    It was a risk Satori understood. It was also something he knew they had to move on from. Even if they pulled off his plans to take over a minor country nearby for the clan to own personally, they had to tie themselves to Kirigakure or risk slaughter. Even more than that, they would need a district and envoy within the village itself.

    But there was no convincing his father, that fear gripped him, and his words had been clear every time. If Satori wanted to change the Ryuutei he had to be their leader. He would have to defeat the Red Lion Kiyoshi in one on one ritualistic combat. Slowly his hands clenched as he stared down at the ground in thought. Ritualistic combat held a great risk. Death was a possibility, for both contenders.

    He wasn't worried for himself, he was worried about his father. Slowly releasing a breath, the young man forced himself to his feet, and pushed the door to his home open. Walking toward the center of the clans village, until he came to the large circle of stone. He stared inside it quietly, the dirt that made up its floor giving way as he extended a foot and pressed it down.

    He walked into the circle, catching the eyes of every Ryuutei nearby, and grasped the handle of the bell, and in this action the air froze. The bell signified the highest challenge. It signified the individual wished to fight the head of the clan, and was not something done lightly. Satori swung the handle.

    The bells sound was unique, and echoed out across the entire Ryuutei village. A summons for witness, a summons for blood, a summons for the leader of the clan. Every Ryuutei in the village knew that sound, and knew today was not the day for young bloods to hear it for the first time to recognize its sound. This was a true challenge, and almost as one, the village began to move toward the ring where Satori stood.

    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Crown [Private] Empty Re: Crown [Private]

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Sun May 05, 2019 8:33 am

    Midori had been in her home, working on cleaning up a bit when she heard the sound and stopped dead in her tracks. There was only one single person that would want to challenge Kiyoshi for the right reasons, but what it implied was nothing short of madness. It was very possible it meant Satori would have to kill his own father, their father... in order to become the successor. Kiyoshi wouldn't let it be any other way, of that Midori was absolutely certain. Her feet were flying before the rag she had been holding to wipe the walls hit the ground, and she was propelling herself faster than ever towards the sound of that bell.

    Her training was bearing fruit; she was moving with chakra enhanced speed through the village, running along rooftops and making the most direct route for the arena where this fight would be held. She clenched her teeth, angry that Satori hadn't conversed with her first... even if it was so simple as giving her a warning, but now she was unprepared, unable to give him her support. It wasn't that she worried for him; as strong as he had become, she was certain that Kiyoshi would be defeated, but the implications were so much more than she could wrap her head around. What would become of the family? Of her? Would he even need her anymore? Have time to help her with finding her father? He would become immensely busy with leading the clan, especially if he was to enact his plans.

    They had discussed the merging of the Ryuutei into the village proper for a long time... something that they both understood was needed in order for the clan to survive and thrive. She supported this, but she had always encouraged finding new ways for him and his smarts to find the way peacefully, and without bloodshed. She knew that he was trying, but apparently, he wasn't satisfied with this method anymore, and was going to try it Kiyoshi's way. As she came skidding to a halt along the edge of the arena, she leveled a glare at him for not fetching her first. The emotional roller coaster surging through her body right now was only expressed through that glare, and her fists that were silently shaking at her sides.

    She was helpless to do anything now, for better or worse... and she hated it.

    Crown [Private] Katsumi-Sig
    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Crown [Private] Empty Re: Crown [Private]

    Post by Satori Ryuutei Sun May 05, 2019 8:40 am

    Satori glanced at Midori as she was one of the first to arrive. The others slowly gathering around as well. He didn't apologize, looking her in the eyes calmly as he shook his head once in silent response. There had been no point in telling her first. She'd try to stop him worst case, or throw off his own emotions best case. So instead he closed his eyes and released a long, slow breath before he turned to face the direction of Kiyoshi's home. Watching as the large man slowly walked forward, the crowd parting to let their leader pass.

    When he halted at the stone ring, his eyes lifted up slowly from the stones to focus on Satori's eyes. For a single moment there was only silence, before Kiyoshi simply smiled and glanced to the side at Midori, and then the many other faces. But he did not enter, not yet. Anyone could challenge anyone within the Ryuutei clan. This was ancient law. But the Clan Head had one other rule, and that was that in order to become the head of the clan, the user must first have beaten the head of the Lion Tribe, Rokumaru in one on one combat.

    The Lion Tribe and Ryuutei were closely tied. The head of the Ryuutei could not become such without proving themselves to the Lions, and so there was one extra person they had to wait for. The elder's steps were light as she walked toward the ring from the Hospital, and behind her came Satori's mothers from different locations, all with worried looks but Raika, whom remained reserved and in control.

    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Crown [Private] Empty Re: Crown [Private]

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Sun May 05, 2019 8:48 am

    Midori met his gaze, and watched him slowly shake his head side to side, and she understood. He couldn't be talked out of it this time, couldn't see any other way. But that wasn't the worst of it, not to her. It meant that he had grown to the point where her counsel wasn't needed, maybe not wanted... something that she was going to have to wrestle with in addition to her plethora of demons that haunted her every breath. It took a considerable amount of willpower not to start absorbing Nature Chakra, and feeding that rage that welled up inside her, but she managed it, and her hands hung loose now to her sides as she felt the tears welling in her eyes. There was nothing she could do about it now... she would just have to sit here and watch as her brother was either ripped to shreds, beaten into a pulp, or succeeded and killed someone else that she could say she loved.

    Moving away from her original spot, she moved to Hiyori, the sister who was always hanging on her when she was living with them, and took one of her arms and slowly wrapped it around her body. She needed something, anything, to help her deal with this, and she was not afraid to admit it openly for everyone to see. Unlike them, she knew the loss of family, the pain of feeling alone even when surrounded by people she loved. Over time, she had managed to see them as true family, a way to ease the pain in her heart and slowly mend the gaping wound in her soul, but she feared that this would tear it open anew. It didn't matter now... she had to try to brace herself as much as she could.

    Crown [Private] Katsumi-Sig
    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Crown [Private] Empty Re: Crown [Private]

    Post by Satori Ryuutei Sun May 05, 2019 8:56 am

    Satori watched her and knew he'd need to talk with her later. But for now, as Hiyori's hands wrapped around her own firmly, Raika approached from behind and gently placed a hand on top of Midori's own. The woman's expression was firm, but a single whisper to her was all she offered.

    "Have faith in Satori."

    The words were not the words of someone worrying Satori was going to die, or that he would beat him. Raika, in fact, looked completely unconcerned in regards to the entire situation. Instead watching as the elder stepped up to the circle and looked at Satori for several long moments before she began.

    "Proof of power must be given. The contract of blood fulfilled. Have you, challenger of the crown, beaten the great lion of the plaines?" This question filled the air as Satori looked toward her calmly before he wordlessly lifted his hand up to his lips, and sank a fang into his fingertip, piercing the skin before placing his hand on the ground before him.

    The explosion of smoke rocked the area, covering it before it revealed the great lion standing outside the circle. As large as much of the town, standing above the gathered Ryuutei as the light cast off its pitch black fur as one eye slowly lowered toward Satori, and then the elder and circle. A low rumbling filled his chest.

    "It's time, then," the voice boomed, causing Satori to nod once as the beast grunted and looked toward Kiyoshi whom had only a smile on his face. Rokumaru's gaze shifted toward the elder, and blinked once.

    "The challenger beat me in fair one on one combat. He is fit for leadership of the clan," the beast rumbled simply, the elder nodded once in understanding: and the lion grunted. Looking toward Kiyoshi as his eye softened.

    "May the loser die well. May the victor lead well." The beast stated simply, before exploding into smoke afterward.

    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Crown [Private] Empty Re: Crown [Private]

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Sun May 05, 2019 10:00 am

    Satori never ceased to amaze her. Midori had always been impressed by what her brother was capable of, but not only did he summon this absolutely massive beast without seeming to tax his reserves at all, but he also had bested it in one on one combat? the implications were absolutely astounding, and even in her panicked state she was currently in, she couldn't help but be stunned sober. Hearing Raika's words, the absolute faith and conviction in them, was another step towards her being able to get herself together, but she still refused to allow herself to hope for an outcome that wasn't laced with pain. She was so used to having anything good about her life ripped from her that she expected it, braced for it, and wrestled with it every day. In many ways, that fight she had inside was worse than battling the rage her bloodline brought to her mind every day.

    As the lion vanished yet again in a massive cloud of smoke, Midori leveled her gaze. She was better now, and the tears in her eyes that she refused to let fall held firm. She wouldn't... couldn't... but she would trust in him like she had countless times before and when he locked eyes with her, as she knew he would, she lifted her hand and clenched it into a fist, bringing it up and over her heart. She had only done this once before; when she was dealing with her mother's death, but it was not the sign of a loss, but of respect. One that was native to her own family, to her bloodline. She wouldn't bother him anymore with her feelings, regardless of how she felt about this entire ordeal. She would show him the respect he deserved.

    Crown [Private] Katsumi-Sig
    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Crown [Private] Empty Re: Crown [Private]

    Post by Satori Ryuutei Sun May 05, 2019 10:18 am

    As the cloud of smoke faded, Satori locked eyes with his father as the elder tapped the ground once. Kiyoshi entered, but neither attacked. The fight had already begun, technically, but neither made a move. Instead, Kiyoshi looked into his son's eyes for one long moment before a smile formed on his lips once more.

    "Satori, you and Midori both are truly amazing. When you were born... I labeled you as dead. I paid you no heed for your first few years of life, assuming I would lose you as the runt," Satori said nothing as Kiyoshi spoke. Before the man slowly released a breath, and a large grin formed on his lips. Earnest as he slammed a fist into his chest once, a sign of respect and pride.

    "I'm proud of you, and never will I hold this against you in the afterlife," he stated simply, hand lowering before he released a slow, steadying breath as his claws extended from his fingertips.

    Satori, however, simply smiled as he glanced at Midori. Their eyes meeting for a brief moment before his gaze focused back on Kiyoshi's own.

    "No one is dying today, father. I am only taking your position. Nothing more." This statement caused murmurs within the crowd. It wasn't that such was against the rules, but the fact that two clan-leader potentials clashing was an incredibly high-level fight. In order to win without killing the opponent, one would have to beat the other while holding back, significantly. The idea of anyone being strong enough to beat Kiyoshi single handed was already a high request, but having someone do so while holding back enough not to kill the man was an entirely different level.

    Kiyoshi's eyes narrowed slowly.

    "You're strong, Satori. But you are no fool. You're not that strong," his claws clenched, "Put aside such idiotic thoughts, take this seriously. Don't stain my honor by making me start winning only to lose by your hand at the last minute when you finally take me seriously!" Kiyoshi's chakra began to expand around him, the dirt beginning to shake as blue and gold energy began to turn visibly along his body.

    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Crown [Private] Empty Re: Crown [Private]

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Sun May 05, 2019 10:30 am

    The fact that Kiyoshi not only said that she was amazing, but also that she was on equal standings in his mind to Satori, was something that made her all but lose herself. She was prideful, almost to a fault, but she could never hold a candle to Satori and she knew that, it was one of the driving forces in her training that she forced herself to commit to every single day. The reason she fought through the aches and pains of her body, was able to fight against the power that swelled within her and win every day, staying in control. She would catch him, one day... but here and now? He would obliterate her if he chose to, without so much as a second thought... that was the difference in their power and ability.

    But now, he was declaring that it was much of the same for the contest of power between himself and Kiyoshi? Her eyes went a bit wide, wondering what madness had taken root in her brother's mind. She turned her gaze towards Raika for just a moment, noting that she was still quietly in control, not seeming surprised by any of this, and turned back to look towards the fight that technically had already begun. She had watched Kiyoshi drive Satori into the dirt over and over again in the past few years... how did he hold such confidence? She knew he was strong, but this was something else entirely... If he was truly as powerful as he claimed, the title of Kirikage was already his, he simply needed to reach out and take it.

    The realization hit her then; that was his plan. He would use this as a stepping stone towards that title, and force the village to recognize the tribe as more than just bloodthirsty savages and cannibals. She watched now quietly, biting her lower lip in nervousness.

    Crown [Private] Katsumi-Sig
    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Crown [Private] Empty Re: Crown [Private]

    Post by Satori Ryuutei Sun May 05, 2019 1:32 pm

    Satori watched as the blue and gold energy wrapped around Kiyoshi, watched as his chakra expanded and built up until a brilliant golden cloak overwhelmed his body. The brilliant burst of chakra coating his every limb and body, eyes glowing a bright blue as the clan's technique overcame his body. Stepping forward as the golden flames overwhelmed him, the crowd murmured softly in response. The technique was considered the pinnacle of the Ryuutei combat prowess, enhancing the user's raw speed and power beyond anything a normal single technique could ever manage, it's drain on the chakra reserves was immense, and Kiyoshi was starting with it.

    Clearly, Satori's proclamation had struck a nerve in the middle-aged man who lowered his body before suddenly flickering toward Satori at tremendous speeds. Hand clenched in a powerful swing that caused a shockwave to rip through the air--and then Satori sidestepped the blow. Kiyoshi's eyes widened slightly as his fist smashed into the earth where Satori had been standing instead. The ground upturning around the impact zone as the ring was shattered, the crowds forced back as the elder smashed her hands together and a large barrier of chakra snapped into being around them.

    Satori was already moving as his father tried to backpedal and figure out what had just happened--only for Satori to blur and appear beside him with one hand open. Kiyoshi clenched his muscles, spinning and raising an arm to absorb the open-palm strike that smacked into the large man with far less force then Kiyoshi's own strike had held. Kiyoshi grunted, clearly unimpressed.

    "Fast, but that's all you have pup, you better pull out Genjutsu if you're going to effect me--" Midway through this, he would stumble to the side as his right leg gave out. A searing pain suddenly racing up his leg where Satori's other hand had casually touched him, and then the arm he had used to block also fell with a dull thud to the ground. Satori landed lightly and launched himself backward, knowing that Kiyoshi wasn't done as the man grit his teeth against intense pain. Confusion decorating his face.

    "What did you..." Satori simply tilted his head as he slowly straightened. "I severed the hamstring in your leg and your right deltoid, father," he stated simply as he slowly straightened. Lifting the hands he had touched his father with, and the man's eyes widened further. Genjutsu was one thing. No Ryuutei had ever managed to learn it, but it was feasible. But Ijutsu? The entire reason Ryuutei took in multiple mates, the reason that they had many children and almost every non-blood Ryuutei was a medical ninja, was because Ryuutei couldn't perform Ijutsu.

    But Satori had just proven he could. Not only Ijutsu, but a B-Rank high-focus combat variant. Chakra Scalpel.

    "I repeat, father. You will not die today, nor will I need to rely on your weakness in the form of Genjutsu." He stated steadily, eyes narrowing in focus as he kept his distance, preparing for the next exchange as his father knelt where he was gritting his teeth.


    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Crown [Private] Empty Re: Crown [Private]

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Sun May 05, 2019 2:45 pm

    Midori watched as Kiyoshi unfurled his ultimate technique and form of enhancement, and with a set of wide eyes, she made a single declaration.  "Satori has won."  There was a fair amount of disbelief in her voice, but it wasn't because she didn't believe in the words she had just whispered, barely audible, more to herself than anyone around her.  It was because she had seen this so many times she had lost count, not with Satori and his father, but with Satori and herself.  The moment he lost his level head and unfurled a technique that would drain his stamina utterly, Kiyoshi had lost this battle.  Every single thing Satori ever did had reason, and usually more than one, and not being on the receiving end of it but having witnessed it used against her countless times, she knew what she was looking at.

    Midori took a moment to wipe away her tears that still hung from her eyes, as she finally had a glimmer of hope pass through her frame, standing just a little bit taller than before, and watched carefully.  The light taps to his father's limbs caused her to grimace, only because she could see the muscles snap underneath the skin, and she knew it would bring about considerable agony... but yet, he did not move in for the final blow... but kept his distance.  Sure, play it safe, but she wasn't sure if the rest of the clan would see it like that.  No one liked someone who played with their opponent, and while the green haired girl was absolutely certain that wasn't what he was doing, she knew that might be what it looked like to the untrained eye.  No one would say anything at first, surely, but if he was going to take the reigns, anyone who judged him because of their own ignorance could be a problem later on.

    Crown [Private] Katsumi-Sig
    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Crown [Private] Empty Re: Crown [Private]

    Post by Satori Ryuutei Sun May 05, 2019 2:56 pm

    Satori remained, waiting patiently as Kiyoshi stared at the boy. Several of the clan began to murmur as Satori didn't come in for a final blow, and then Kiyoshi snorted softly in annoyance.

    "Shows me, trying to lure you in I suppose," he muttered and slowly hauled himself to his feet causing many of the clan to blink in surprise before the reason became clear from the fact the massive man lifted his arm and rotated it a few times. Examining his son quietly for a few moments, they all blinked in realization for the trap Kiyoshi had set. He'd realized he was injured and had been waiting there, hoping that Satori would charge in and provide him an opening. Instead, Satori had seen through it instantly and fallen back.

    "I'm fully aware of our clans regeneration, father," he stated bluntly before he relaxed himself as Kiyoshi stared his son down for a few moments as the golden flames flickered around him. He'd wasted a substantial amount of chakra. Using that state combined with his regeneration had taken out a chunk, but he still had plenty in the tank. Despite that, he wasn't sure how to approach Satori now. He was as fast as he was, superior in some ways. Clenching his hand a few times as he glanced at the barrier he slowly straightened himself.

    "You're not going to win with those tricks," Kiyoshi stated bluntly as he watched Satori. He wasn't saying the young man wasn't capable of that, only that for some reason Satori was refusing too. Instead of his muscles he could have cut tendons. Arteries. Pressure points or nerves. But he'd specifically targeted muscle, something he knew that Kiyoshi could regenerate.

    "Indeed. No Genjutsu. No Ijutsu dissection. No Fuuinjutsu seals. I want this proven here and now... our old ways are outdated. They no longer can hold ground the way they used to. The world has been changing around us as we grew stagnant. No more," as he murmured this Satori slowly straightened as he met Kiyoshi's gaze firmly.

    "I will show you why learning from others, absorbing their knowledge and changing, will give us the only thing that Ryuutei care about. Power." The words caused the air to shift slightly, several Ryuutei shifting uncertainly. The idea of change was fear-inducing for many. The idea of losing one's culture, teachings and ideas by assimilating too many other things. But no one spoke, not even Kiyoshi for several moments until the large man slowly relaxed his body.

    "Then show me this strength, Satori. This power that you think is so great you can toy with me, who has earned the title of Red Lion and Clan Head, just to prove a point." His words were cold now, firm. This was no longer a father and son. But two completely different ideals. The will of two different kings, clashing on the battlefield.


    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Crown [Private] Empty Re: Crown [Private]

    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Mon May 06, 2019 12:35 pm

    Kiyoshi was no fool... setting a trap was natural, but even she hadn't seen it completely from an outside perspective, but there was no shock and awe at the tactic. Satori had gotten that from someone, and it was obvious that Kiyoshi was far more brains than he led anyone to believe, so for her it was relatively normal. The fact that the larger man took a moment to explain made one thing clear; he was thinking about the others in the crowd, but she could see the difference in his eyes now. He was taking this fight seriously, and she couldn't help but marvel at Satori's skill and prowess.

    But she worried about the way that this was being handled. To toy with him was unwise... although she knew that Satori was taking it seriously, she didn't like the way it was going to smear Kiyoshi's honor and stomp on his pride. That was something she didn't want mostly because she knew how it felt and hated it. Death, for someone like her adoptive father, was probably preferable to having their pride smashed to pieces. But Satori would find a way, somehow, to keep things intact... he had to, or there was no way that Kiyoshi would ever recover from this.

    She looked towards Hiyori, and this time, it was her turn to comfort her as her expression was worried. Wrapping her arms tightly around Midori's own body, she reminded her that she was there and waited a moment to make eye contact, and then give her a slow nod. It will be OK. She didn't need to speak the words themselves, as she was certain that all those years living under the same roof she had the same connection with her as the other members and made Midori's lack of verbal communication a non-issue.

    Turning her gaze back to the fight, she waited patiently; her gaze was much like Raika's own, nice and passive, waiting for the next turn of events to unfold.

    Crown [Private] Katsumi-Sig
    Satori Ryuutei
    Satori Ryuutei

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    Crown [Private] Empty Re: Crown [Private]

    Post by Satori Ryuutei Tue May 07, 2019 11:24 am

    The air was tense with both men's glaring before Kiyoshi clenched his hands and flickered forward in a blur of speed. Aiming a devastating right hook at Satori, whom nimbly dodged to the side. This barrage of blows went back and forth several times as Satori carefully danced around his father's attacks, appearing to be on the backend as the flurry of jabs from Kiyoshi lashed the air around him. But Kiyoshi knew better. He was expending tremendous amounts of chakra maintaining this state, compared to what was clearly casual, basic Taijutsu for Satori.

    There was no way he was going to win a battle of attrition. Kiyoshi needed to switch tactics, and so the large man allowed the golden light to disperse. He'd already used a substantial amount of his chakra, but he had plenty in the tank to go. His eyes narrowed slightly. If the pup wanted a less direct battle than he'd play his game. Kiyoshi's hands slammed together before aiming one at Satori.

    The earth around him rumbled, before sudden spears of stone burst from the terrain to impale him from all sides. Satori's body shifted slightly downward, the first flying over his head before the barrage of six others were quickly avoided in repeated actions. But it was clear that Satori was struggling far more with these than he had his fathers physical attacks. Launching away as the last spine nearly nicked his cheek Satori halted his momentum by digging in his toes. Claws rending the dirt and sand open as he slowly straightened.

    Kiyoshi wasn't done. The man was already performing handseals, and it was an intelligent decision. Using elemental techniques, and the terrain to conserve chakra and attack him from multiple angles at high speeds where his own agility would be nullified. But Satori had finished analyzing his father now. Waiting patiently he remained standing where he was, purposely until Kiyoshi's eyes narrowed as the ground around him began to shift around him.

    Ending on the dragon symbol, like a giant head of mud and stone would rise up beside Kiyoshi. It's maw opening, aiming at Satori who was still waiting patiently. Kiyoshi's jaw clenched. Arrogance wasn't Satori's style. He knew what was coming but still believed he had a countermeasure? What was it? Satori had relinquished the concept of elemental styles purposely. Saying that he dislikes their inherent weaknesses. But the advantages were unavoidable as well.

    Kiyoshi was concerned, and so he formed an extra final seal as flames erupted around him and the heads of the dragons. The preparation for the next technique initiating.


    Katsumi Kurahasa
    Katsumi Kurahasa

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    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Tue May 07, 2019 11:38 am

    Satori had been ready for Kiyoshi this entire time, dodging him in that way that aggravated the ever-loving hell out of Midori for their spars. The only time she managed a hit on him, he had done it on purpose to gain an advantage, but that wasn't what she cared about now; it was the effect of it on Kiyoshi. In a move that was extremely smart on his part, he switched to Ninjutsu, and the elemental prowess that he displayed was nothing short of astonishing. If it had been her, she was certain that she wouldn't have been able to counter these types of attacks the way Satori managed to.

    The worst part was that he didn't even start using real techniques yet, and had almost all his chakra reserves; sure he was using some of them to help enhance his speed but not nearly as much as Kiyoshi had in the beginning. But Midori's eyes went wide when she saw the massive man summon what looked to be a dragon made out of mud; this struck a chord with her because she related her own power to a dragon, which was something she was balancing now and keeping tabs on. Sure, some days were harder than others, but she was managing it all the same.

    But then the dragons began to emit fire, and still Satori looked like he was ready to handle it without a second thought; surely he had some trick up his sleeve, she was certain, but this looked to be a powerful technique. The question was, how would he deal with it, and how much Chakra did Kiyoshi have left? Surely, this technique too was powerful, but it would be taxing on his reserves, and while she had never seen him tired, Midori knew the massive man had a limit somewhere.

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Tue May 07, 2019 11:48 am

    Kiyoshi finished the seal, and everything seemed to slow down for Satori, as the young man sent a burst of chakra into his own neural network. His body remained the same, nothing on the surface appeared to change in the slightest as his chakra flowed through his internals. To everyone else, the maw of the dragon suddenly opened and a massive spew of searing hot earth and flames exploded forward in a burning torrent of fire and mud. The earth shook, the barrier cracked causing the elder whom was maintaining it to wince.

    The force all smashed into Satori full force. Searing and burning him as he screamed out in pain as the molten mug flooded his lungs and overtook his body. There was no proof of a substitution or clone, Satori had simply stood there and taken it--and died.

    Kiyoshi stared in complete confusion and shock. Even the chakra signature was gone. His mind couldn't comprehend what had just happened: and then his eyes widened, as a hand suddenly appeared through the left side of his stomach. Blood dripping from the claws as Kiyoshi's instincts took over, his massive hand smashing down behind him, only to feel the arm rip itself free and claws to rake across his back sending blood splattering in every direction and a powerful kick smashing into the base of his spine sending him flying forward with several dull thuds as he struggled to force himself up, even as the blood gushed from the wound decorating his stomach cursing.

    Satori had launched himself off his fathers back and landed a few feet away. He wasn't done. But the reality came into the setting as through the mud, the "corpse" of Satori slowly floated to the surface. Seared and burning, as it began to rapidly deteriorate into a mucus-like mass of dead tissue.

    Satori had created some sort of solid clone Kiyoshi had never seen before and used it as bait since he knew the idea of killing Satori would stun Kiyoshi. But when had he created the clone? How had he gotten behind him? Satori answered nothing, and even those outside the fight wouldn't have been able to tell that he had been laying out the trap since the previous spine-attack of earth. Creating the clone, and using his chakra to amplify his speed so he simply disappeared before anyone could notice so he could then launch his sneak-attack. Multiple steps ahead, as he always was.

    Steam rolled from Kiyoshi's wounds, but they were far heavier than before. It was going to take time. He cursed as his hand lifted to plug the hole, and Satori was already moving forward once more. Eyes narrowed in focus.


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    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Tue May 07, 2019 12:03 pm

    The devastation caused by Kiyoshi's attack was absolutely ridiculous... even causing the Elder to wince to keep the barrier going. Part of Midori was starting to wonder if some of the other Ryuutei should start helping her with that considering how insane this battle was going to get and continued to become, but that wasn't her place. She wasn't anyone but a named person and this was a Clan Challenge. She didn't even have the right to speak here... not really. It wasn't her place, and regardless of how this turned out, she didn't know where her place was. Was she simply a chess piece, waiting to be the sacrificial pawn? Was she important enough to be a Rook, a Bishop... a Knight?

    Queen was out of her league.

    She always made analogies like this based on an odd game her father had taught her before the incident called 'Chess'. It was much like Shougi but different, and she enjoyed learning it very much. Challenging Satori to it had been a mistake, as it had also brought about a pretty steep loss on her part, but also made some bad memories resurface. But that felt like a lifetime ago... and as she watched 'Satori' burn, she didn't even blink. She knew better; he wouldn't be caught in something like that when it was so blatant and obvious. Even Midori could have seen what was going to happen and done something about it. But seeing his son, even a weird bio-clone copy, literally die before him in a way that was so realistic, had been too much and shocked him, causing his guard to drop, and Satori to move in for the strike.

    As the blood flew, she found a small bit of hit hitting her in the face, and a new distraction took root as her body instinctively began to draw in Nature Chakra. Wincing, she was so shocked she didn't even notice yet, too enraptured by the fight.

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Tue May 07, 2019 12:14 pm

    Kiyoshi was struggling to his feet, but Satori disappeared. Already behind him again as Kiyoshi's eyes widened, completely unable to follow his son's speed as the claws raked into his side once more, the barrage of strikes from Satori turning into a blur. For every single blow Kiyoshi blocked, three landed. His hands were practically invisible from the barrage as they moved just as fast as his movement speed had been moments before.

    Deep lacerations flickered into existence with every movement Satori gave, and Kiyoshi was losing ground quickly. His chakra flooded his body, amplifying his healing, but it wasn't enough to keep up at all. Not a single injury was a minor, superficial wound. Each several inches long and nearly an inch thick even with grazing blows of Satori's claws.

    In a sudden break of movements, Kiyoshi tried to counter by forming his hands together in a seal; Satori countered by grabbing his father by the wrist and clenching with such power that Kiyoshi's snarled in pain. Before he was thrown in a burst of chakra that sent Kiyoshi smashing into the side of the barrier, bouncing off it and into the ground with such force the earth quaked, and a cracks split across the barrier. Satori was already moving again, giving the man no room to avoid him; before suddenly smashing a hand into the earth. The dragons head spun, and an explosion of molten mug and flames erupted forward to smash into Satori.

    It didn't hit. This time the boy casually dodged it with a flicker and landed several feet back as the stream gave Kiyoshi a few mere moments of breathing room. Steam rolled from countless wounds as the older Ryuutei panted heavily in both pain and sudden excursion trying to keep up with Satori as the boy slowly straightened. The clans members were deathly silent. It was clear would win this battle in only a few short instances, but Satori wasn't done yet.

    "Use the Red Lion, father," Satori stated bluntly as he straightened himself slowly. Eyes lifting to his fathers own as the man's jaw slowly locked. The Red Lion, the highest honor of the clan. Title, forbidden technique, the strongest ace in the hole that Kiyoshi had.

    "I'll crush it, and take over the clan. Then I'll show all of you," his gaze flicked among the crowd briefly as his hands dripped Kiyoshi's blood from his bladelike claws.

    "How you can all become as strong as me," with this his gaze hardened. "For our family, for our clan. I will crush your idea of 'power', Father. Give it everything you have to offer. Hit me with every shred of chakra and power you have left. I will match it, and if I endure or overpower it... you will admit defeat."


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    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Tue May 07, 2019 12:27 pm

    Midori watched, a very eerie smile slowly creeping onto her face as she continued to unblinkingly pour over every step, every movement, every cut... she was beside herself with a lust to fight, but still, she remained still. Even as the itch began to grow a bit stronger, she was still locked into place firmly by her conscious mind, respecting the tradition that was being shown before her eyes. No one spoke a word, and every eye was trained on the fight, which was fortunate because they weren't noticing that Midori was slowly losing herself without even realizing it.

    How could she get to that strength? The despair of her own weakness was gone, almost completely, overshadowed by her desire to fight and kill and eat that was growing strong. Satori made him a deal as he tried like hell to recover, Kiyoshi's own chakra reserves finally showing an end, and she had to admit, she wasn't certain that even he could stand up to that technique at full power. Midori had begged him to show her the technique, as she was someone who was relatively exclusive to Taijutsu and it was a powerful variation, but never had she been able to convince him to display the power of that move.

    Now she was going to get that chance.

    Kiyoshi had little choice at this point but to accept the offer and try his damnedest to overpower Satori, since he was so willing to sit there and take it. He didn't have a shadow of a chance of winning otherwise, and more than likely, he knew it. Dark green eyes slowly began to brighten and turned to a dull jade color, no longer looking black as more Nature Chakra gathered within her... but she didn't move.

    Not yet.

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Tue May 07, 2019 12:40 pm

    Satori's chakra pulsed through his body as his gaze stared into Kiyoshi's own, and for several long seconds, Kiyoshi was silent. Until finally, he slowly pushed himself up to his feet. Steam flowing from the wounds steadily as his jaw slowly clenched.

    "Then I'll do just that, pup," he murmured simply, chakra exploding from his body as a brilliant golden hue overtook his frame. Reactivating his power, as chakra then infused into his claws, causing them to burst with energy and razor-sharp edge. Chakra flooded his body, his hand lowered as he fell onto all fours. Chakra flickering through him as his pupils slowly expanded, he'd pour everything into this. He'd move at his fastest. Strike his hardest with the most powerful weapons at his disposal, all infused with the forbidden technique of the Ryuutei clan.

    The gold began to slowly shift, turning bright red instead as his muscles clenched, and then he disappeared. The shockwave from the movement ripped the ground apart, and the elder smashed her hands together forming two extra barriers atop the original as her eyes narrowed. Sweat decorating her brow, and still Satori silently watched his father charge. The crimson energy contorted around his limb from his muscles tearing, his veins rupturing, the bijuu chakra inside him expelling outward as the massive shockwave sucked in air from behind him.

    Then Kiyoshi's hand slammed forward in an open-palm, claws glinting with chakra, and the shockwave formed into the head of a massive crimson lion. The roar split the ears of anyone near, the sound stemming from the shockwaves grinding against themselves within the attack--and then Satori's legs spread. His body clenched, and he was gone. His own hand drawn back as chakra flooded his cells, hand, claws, neural network. Every aspect of his body was amplified to its absolute limit.

    The shockwave that was expelled from the collision shattered the first barrier, then caused cracks to spread across the entire secondary, and small cracks to form on the final. The amount of dust, red and gold energy, and wind that filled the barrier made it impossible to see the victor for several long moments. Until the dust slowly began to clear, and Satori stood in place. Bruises decorated his arm, the sleeve of his jacket was torn to shreds and his claws were chipped. But Satori stood above his father whose entire left arm had been reduced to a bloody mess of tissue and bone.

    His eyes were hazy, staring up at the ceiling as Satori released a long, slow breath as he straightened. His chakra pulsing through his arm as the bruising and chipping disappeared, his body completely whole once more.

    "I win, father." The words were firm, echoing out from the center as the elder released a slow breath and the barriers began to slowly fade away.


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    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Tue May 07, 2019 12:56 pm

    Midori could feel the tension in the air, smell the chakra burning through their veins, itching for blood. The display was extremely impressive as Kiyoshi poured every drop of energy he had left into this final attack, the signature Red Lion which looked more like a cloak than anything suddenly presenting itself. The green haired teen was wide-eyed, her pupils a brilliant emerald now, but not yet glowing as her body continued to drink Nature Chakra from around them and feed into her mind, bidding her to fight, but she still remained rooted in place as now it was more than just respecting the ceremony, but because she wanted to see how this turned out.

    She couldn't even see it once they launched; her eyes weren't able to keep track of their movements, even with the bit of chakra enhancement she was giving herself that Satori had taught her. Satori blinked out of existence too, but she didn't need to wonder what had happened; she already knew what the plan was and how Satori was going to pull it off, her Brother confident and able to finish this with a decisive victory. No one would question him now, and even their father, who would be battered and broken but still in one piece wouldn't be able to deny the power Satori wielded.

    Because of the fierceness of the battle, too, she realized that even Kiyoshi's honor would be intact, because no one could deny the power he wielded either. Plus, he would still hold the title of Red Lion; Satori hadn't gotten that skill yet, only the power to contest it. As the smoke finally settled, Midori leaned forward, slipping slowly out of a stunned Hiyori's grip and walking towards the edge of the stage, a wild look in her ever-lightening green eyes.

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Tue May 07, 2019 1:05 pm

    Satori had won by striking first. It had been that simple in the end. Kiyoshi stared upward. No. It hadn't just been his speed, his durability and power hadn't compared to the Red Lion, but it was as strong as the Red Lion as it had begun to form. Increasing his speed and durability, raw power and amplifying it even further with that final blast of chakra that had augmented his physical strikes range to match the lions own had allowed him to shatter the force apart before it had managed to condense into a perfect impact.

    It had caused the pup minor damage, but as his healing had proved, nothing serious. On the other hand, Kiyoshi's own technique had torn into his limb, atop the backlash damage of clashing with Satori. It would have to be amputated, likely. A weak laugh left his lips.

    "I lose," he murmured simply, admittance ending the battle officially as the man's eyes slowly slid shut. Satori slowly tilted his head back and stared at the sky for several long moments. Fourteen years of effort in the making. Of training until his body bled and his muscles screamed every day. Of having his bones broken by his betters, of losing again, and again, and never giving up. Always finding creative solutions to cover for a weakness as much as possible.

    Satori for the first time in his life, finally felt a tiny amount of satisfaction, as his first short-term goal was met. His eyes slowly closed as he savored that feeling, for just a moment. Then he snapped back into his senses as his gaze shot toward his mother.

    "Mother Raika, please tend to father. I'll regrow his arm for him once my chakra reserves have returned," he stated quickly, and then glanced around at the rest of the clan. He needed to make his proclamation but first... there was another matter to deal with. Midori's eyes were glowing as she moved toward him and Kiyoshi slowly.

    Raika dashed past her in a flicker, hands glowing with chakra as she tended to her husband's wounds. Satori focused on Midori, stepping forward and meeting her as his hands firmly lifted and grasped her shoulders. Eyes staring into her own. He'd use genjutsu if he had to, but he wanted to try the more natural way if he could first.

    "Midori... the dragon has no place here now. Calm it," he murmured firmly, brow furrowed in concern.

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    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Tue May 07, 2019 1:17 pm

    She was at the edge of the ring when Satori met her, and while her eyes were looking at him directly, the predatory smile and gaze made it quite obvious that Midori was checked out right now, still stunned with the fight, where she fit in the clan and with Satori, and what she was going to do next. It was her brother's voice that snapped her into focus, brought her actual mind into the here and now, and made her realize what she was doing, but in some ways, it was too late... but in others, she could hold this back.

    Midori blinked, hard, twice, and the smile on her face faded, and her eyes focused on Satori as something more than who she wanted to fight, right here, right now. This wasn't right, but she felt it was too... it was his fault really... she could smell Kiyoshi's blood, still on her cheek, deep in her nostrils that were flared. She shook her head and took a step back, her eyes still a bright emerald, and performed Calming Steps quickly. It helped her mind clear, but she still had too much Nature Chakra within her for that to dispel it completely. Mentally cursing, she gritted her teeth.

    She could hold it. This was an important moment, and she was not about to ruin it for him. Giving her a nod, she stepped back and sat down, her hands shaking a little bit as she interlaced her hands and tried to get a hold of herself. It had been a long time since she lost control of her intake of Nature Chakra... she would need to vent it, but now was not the time or place. For now, it was Satori's moment, and all her problems, worries and fears could wait... they could always wait.

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Tue May 07, 2019 1:28 pm

    Satori examined her quietly for a few moments before he gently released her as she sank down next to him. Slowly straightening as his gaze fell over the surroundings, all eyes were on him now. He had just beaten a clan leader, a rarity on its own, but he'd done so through defeat: not death. Something practically unheard of. All of their minds were now questioning everything they believed in. Kiyoshi was more than the clan head.

    He was their representation of power. Of law, culture, stability. The idea that it was right to hold on to their beliefs and ignore the rest of the world.

    But Satori had shattered all that the same way he had shattered Kiyoshi's arm.

    Releasing a long, slow breath, Satori straightened and glanced at the elder, whom offered a slight smile and formed a handseal. The earth beneath him lifted, placing him a solid two feet upward so he could address the clan properly as she then walked forward. Her hands placed at her sides as her head tilted slightly to the side.

    "Satori Ryuutei, second son of Kiyoshi Ryuutei, previous fourth seat of the Ryuutei... our new clan head and first seat of the clan," she stated firmly as her body straightened. Satori's gaze remained relaxed as he examined those around him, eyes stared at him, uncertain, because they knew he brought about chance.

    "I will make you only once promise," Satori stated simply as he looked into the eyes of each member before him, before his eyes closed. A single slow breath left him before he straightened, and his eyes hardened.

    "Under my leadership, the Ryuutei will rise to heights of power that will never have been touched before. We will surpass our old heights of power, and we will not lose our ways. In return for this promise, I desire only one thing; I want you to keep open minds. You do not need to become best friends with the villagers. You do not need to go into the village every day and be social, make friends, protect them or work with them. But I want you all to try. Learn. Adapt. Release the shackles of the past... and progress into a brighter future with me," his words held no tenseness. No cold authoritative tone. It was firm but gentle. Like a parent guiding the hand of their child, and yet through his actions it shone far more than this.

    Satori was not belittling them, and they knew that. Satori was opening the door for them into a new era, and inviting them inside.

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    Post by Katsumi Kurahasa Tue May 07, 2019 1:45 pm

    Midori was thankful that Satori was willing to trust her to hold onto the power she now contained, to hold it at bay and keep herself from losing faith in her control. It was that vouch of confidence that gave her the extra willpower she needed to simply sit there and keep from drawing too much attention as her hands shook, fingers interlaced and forearms straining to keep from showing that to the world at large. Luckily, most of them were simply still in awe at Satori himself and what he had just accomplished, and paid her no mind, and she too listened to what he had to say and smiled ever so slightly, even if she couldn't meet his gaze at the moment.

    She had seen into the depths of his power through learning, having been taught things by Satori extensively that had brought her stagnant progress to new heights of training and combat orientation. She was greatly stronger now, faster, and even smarter... having trained every aspect of her body both with Chakra and through old fashioned training with drills and the like. She had balance, and most of the time, control over her body, and that was because Satori's teachings and what he learned by opening his mind to the possibilities of others knowledge. He could take what they had to offer and change it to where they were forming to him, a skill that Midori was still learning, transforming a simple lesson into something beautiful and powerful.

    She couldn't help but be in awe.

    But for now, she couldn't focus on that; it was taking everything she had to simply sit there and sit still, and allow Satori to have his moment. She wouldn't ruin this for him by causing a scene that he was forced to deal with. Not in front of the entire clan when they were on the brink of a new Era. The Ryuutei would become powerful under his guidance... and perhaps, she could still be a part of it. Where she would fit, only Satori probably knew, but she would be there if she could keep herself together.

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    Post by Satori Ryuutei Tue May 07, 2019 1:51 pm

    After several moments of silence, there was a single stomp from the elder. In tandem, the second followed with many more, and by the third, all of them clashed together. A total acceptance of Satori as the new clan head. With that, Satori grinned slightly.

    "That aside, for now, nothing will change. I need to treat my father, and speak with the elders and seated on diplomacy. For now, continue as you always have been. The change will come, but not for a bit." With this statement, he then glanced down at Midori, and waited patiently as the others began to slowly separate to return to their homes. Once they were alone with his family, the elder, and Midori Satori fell to sit on his haunches before patting her shoulder once to get her attention.

    His eyes then dilated as he stared into her own. The Genjutsu flowing through her mind was a subtle one, it was not designed to overwhelm her or her natural chakra, but instead instilled calmness. It was designed to relax the target and had been developed by Satori specifically for her so he didn't have to bloodthirst her into submission every time. After a few moments of maintaining the emotional control, he released it and smiled softly.

    "Deep breaths. Let's get Kiyoshi to the hospital and then you can vent some of the chakra," he stated simply.


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