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    Tag You're It [D-Rank]


    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 189
    Join date : 2020-10-16

    Tag You're It [D-Rank] Empty Tag You're It [D-Rank]

    Post by Shin Tue Dec 29, 2020 12:01 pm

    Today Shin could deal with compared to the adventure that had led them to the sewers of Iwagakure no Sato. Still not believing that the previous day had happened and refusing to comment on in, Shin stared at the wall of the first shop they were tasked with restoring. Compared to the sewers, today he could handle, though he felt like he could still smell the sewers no matter where he went; a long shower certainly hadn’t helped his nose forget the smell, he could only hope cleaning the graffiti off these walls would at least provide a well enough distraction to forget about it temporarily.

    The piece of art before him, if it could even be called that, was simply a skull that didn’t know like a skull whatsoever. Though it wasn’t the only addition to this one wall, for there was a second piece of art that joined it upon sidewall of the bookstore. This at least looked like something reasonable; a rat… or a mouse. Shin didn’t care which one it was for it would soon be removed from the wall before him. Looking down before him at the rags, gloves, sponges and canisters of paint remover, Shin let out a breath of relief that at least today would be far simpler than the sewer had been. Grabbing a pair of gloves and putting them on, Shin reached for one of the canisters of paint removed.

    Tag You're It [D-Rank] WzALqda

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 114
    Join date : 2020-10-03

    Tag You're It [D-Rank] Empty Re: Tag You're It [D-Rank]

    Post by Katsumi Tue Dec 29, 2020 8:44 pm

    Katsumi would join in grabbing a pair of gloves and a couple of rags along with his own canister of paint remover before heading off to his right a bit. "If it's alright with you, I think I'll just stick to scrubbing away the circular looking squished food cart over here..." Katsumi would twist his head to look at and turn slightly, squinting his eyes at the shape and wondering if it really was even close to what he thought it was. After a quick second of thought and two turns of his head to change the angle he was viewing it at he would chime in again, "Nevermind, I think it's a skull actually... Anyways, I'll start here and if I finish early come help you out." He would posture finally to Shin before taking the paint remover and splashing a bit over the first swath of paint, beginning to scrub at it and see the paint start to smear away to other place on the wall. Start at the top and work down.

    His process began to refine almost immediately before he would pose a question to his most common mission partner, "Do you think any of this actually works? Drawing skulls and rats to scare other people maybe? Or are they more like symbols to mark their territory..?" Katsumi would leave the question hanging in the air to his partner as he scrubbed away at the image. Wondering if how he answered that question would be similarly to how he would answer any question Katsumi would provide about the bodies and limbs hanging outside of walls of their own village as well. Maybe a glimpse into that thought process as well, at least.

    Tag You're It [D-Rank] 4a7aa410b9ab973b984f750474a38bd2

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 189
    Join date : 2020-10-16

    Tag You're It [D-Rank] Empty Re: Tag You're It [D-Rank]

    Post by Shin Tue Dec 29, 2020 8:56 pm

    Shin’s attention would turn to the circular looking squished food cart and his head would tilt to the side trying to see what it actually was. It certainly did not appear to be a food cart. Shin’s conclusion was if it was a food cart… it was a terrible food cart. Katsumi’s input of it being a skull, still had him looking at the image and simply not seeing the skull either. It just looked like someone scribbling away randomly with no rhyme or reason, resulting in whatever the hell that was. “Might as well move on to the next shop when you’re done. I’ll meet you there and we can just get this all out of the way quickly.” Shin would approach the wall and begin removing the paint upon it. The graffiti upon the wall he was looking at was some letters that were nearly illegible to the normal human eye, and Shin did not want to attempt to read it whatsoever. “Well, if you want to advertise who you are to the world, might as well mark your territory as something ridiculous. I myself couldn’t be bothered with something like this.” A few solid minutes would pass by with Shin scrubbing away and the drawing being completely removed from the wall. Shin would move on to the next shop of the three they were supposed to clean up and the process would be repeated. It wouldn’t be too long before Shin was done with cleaning up the walls.

    [exit thread]

    Tag You're It [D-Rank] WzALqda

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 114
    Join date : 2020-10-03

    Tag You're It [D-Rank] Empty Re: Tag You're It [D-Rank]

    Post by Katsumi Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:43 pm

    Katsumi would nod at the suggestion to move onto the next shop when he was done. It made sense and they'd get more done more quickly than if they just doubled up. His hands scrubbed away at the paint and smeared it away to the rag before ringing out the contents to limit the spread as he listened to Shin. Didn't interest him... but ridiculous? Katsumi would wonder what he meant by that, was it that he found their symbols as nonsense or bad choices or rather, was it just a face value lack of respect for the type of person. Katsumi really wanted to break and ask him bluntly about the condition of the village itself and his thoughts there but he held his tongue.

    "I suppose you're right. It's not exactly what I meant to get at but if fame and notoriety are what you're after, having a gimmick like leaving a mark would certainly be a cheap way to create that..." Katsumi would leave off and scrub away in silence for the next few minutes before moving onto the next shop. Eventually, all of the graffiti would be scrubbed away and the smell of paint thinner would have seeped into his hands and clothing. Gathering up his gear, he'd turn everything back over and then head off to report their mission completed before calling it a night himself and going to clean and remove the odor of paint and thinner off of himself.

    [Exit Thread]
    [Two Posts and Mission Complete: 65 XP]

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