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    Restock [D-rank]


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    Post by Katsumi Wed Dec 30, 2020 8:48 pm


    Several boxes of goods had been laid out on the ground before the two genin and their task was explained to them. It seemed that the market had gotten a fresh shipment of vegetables and fruits that they needed help setting out for display and to be sold. It was a simple enough task to ask of them, maybe 10 or so large crates that would have various amounts of fruit in them. The first crate, a box of apples seemed that it had nearly two hundred that the market runner wanted stacked up to make a triangle at the front of her stand. Katsumi would nod and begin to drag the box over next to the empty wooden stand before setting a variety of the fruit out and beginning to build the base. Shin could join him directly if he wanted to or they could split up the work between them and begin to work across each of the different stands and deliveries.

    Still, it wouldn't take long before a perfectly set pyramid of fruit was set and Katsumi would drag the box away to be discarded before moving onto the next crate that would be set out for him to work though. A whole container of iced fish, the smell lifting up and filling the air immediately... This task was a bit more involved, getting Katsumi to cut them open at the belly and remove the amount of uneatable guts and store into a bucket before laying the cleaned carcasses out in a line for display and purchase for the customers. With a deep inhale and invigoration of his resolve, he would begin cutting into the fish until this task was done too.

    Restock [D-rank] 4a7aa410b9ab973b984f750474a38bd2

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 189
    Join date : 2020-10-16

    Restock [D-rank] Empty Re: Restock [D-rank]

    Post by Shin Wed Dec 30, 2020 8:55 pm

    Shin would stare at the numerous amounts of boxed goods that were set before them to work out today. Most of the goods that they would need to help set out today were of the fruits and vegetable variety, which Shin would be more than glad to tackle on the task after having spent the previous day out on the dreaded farm which he and Katsumi had worked for what felt like a month. The change of pace was great, in his opinion. Rather than sweating over tilling, working and weeding the field, he and Katsumi would be working with the end product; setting up fruit and vegetable stands. As Katsumi would tackle a crate of apples, Shin decided to split up the tasks instead of grouping up with Katsumi. He felt it would be a better use of time to have them split up the work. Shin’s first crate he would tackle would be one full of watermelons. He would need to move the watermelons from the crate they arrived in and then put them in the box that was set up for them at the front of the shop. It would be quite a few trips for Shin to get them all in the correct container, but a solid half-hour would pass before Shin would move on to the next crate; a crate of potatoes.

    Restock [D-rank] WzALqda

    Village : N/A
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    Join date : 2020-10-03

    Restock [D-rank] Empty Re: Restock [D-rank]

    Post by Katsumi Wed Dec 30, 2020 9:29 pm

    The box of fish would finally be cleaned and unpacked with the bucket taken to the back of the pseudo-warehouse that the market workers used. Two of the boxes would be completd by Katsumi and in their division of labor he'd have three more sets to work out. The next was fairly simple but still quite a pain, a collection of trinkets to be ornamented around a small wooden display tree. The jewelry itself seemed kinda cheap but the woman in charge was very hands on with the process, the setup, and the care taken around her goods. It left a rather sour taste in Katsumi's mouth at the whole experience but once it was done, it was done and he could move onto the next task.

    Again, he'd find himself met with a crate of iced meat, two huge slabs of lamb that he would be in charge of cutting down into the various cuts to be displayed and sold. Simpler as he need only collect the extra trimmings of bone and fat that would come off with very little meat taken away. Quickly done and his final box was as simple as his first, an entire crate of apples again going to a different fruit carriers stand. Unpacked in a similar way but this time a staggered cube instead of a pyramid. Once it was done, Katsumi would help Shin with anything leftover if he were not already done and then they would be able to go on their way with another mission completed.

    [Exit Thread]
    [Two Posts and Mission Completed: 65 XP]

    Restock [D-rank] 4a7aa410b9ab973b984f750474a38bd2

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 189
    Join date : 2020-10-16

    Restock [D-rank] Empty Re: Restock [D-rank]

    Post by Shin Wed Dec 30, 2020 9:54 pm

    The display of potatoes that Shin was required to set up was not anything too fanciful, as it solely required Shin to take the potatoes from the crate and place them in the predesignated area provided for them. There wasn’t much Shin could do to artfully display the spuds and the owner certainly hadn’t provided any instructions beyond making it look neat and presentable for the average customer to view. In all honesty, Shin agreed with the man, there wasn’t much one could do with most fruits and vegetables, visually, to make someone enter the store to purchase them. An aesthetic approach was only temporary, as once the costumers entered the venue and checked through the various vegetables for ones, they deemed appropriate for purchase, the rest would be simply tossed back onto the pile. With the process repeated by tons of customers, it wouldn’t be long before the display would be ruined entirely and take far more time to set it back up to what it looked like previously. After the potatoes would come the carrots, Shin not being a fan of carrots in general. With a somewhat similar approach, though keeping the carrots in a more symmetric display fashion, Shin would eventually be wrapped up with the work for the day and find Katsumi asking if there was anything that needed his help. With a shake of his head, Shin would leave the worksite.

    [exit thread]

    Restock [D-rank] WzALqda

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