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    Assistant instructors (Part 6)

    Kiyogi Uso
    Kiyogi Uso
    Stone Special Jounin
    Stone Special Jounin
    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 325
    Join date : 2020-11-25

    Assistant instructors (Part 6) Empty Assistant instructors (Part 6)

    Post by Kiyogi Uso Sun Dec 13, 2020 4:44 pm

    The Mission:

    This was the last class for the day. Tadara had taken the time to hydrate before the next class and take his daily vitamins. It would be nice to go home and relax after this. Of course he hadn't been the most social creature for Katsumi but they worked well as a team. At least as far as teaching went. When the kids returned they were eager to learn and actually believed in their teachers however odd they were. They were learning and succeeding. Of course some of them had poorer grades than the others but that was to be expected. They were all passing and that's what mattered. Iwa needed future capable generations of soldiers. Still the next step was ninjutsu practice. Which luckily Tadara had some fairly extensive knowledge of. At least for the non elemental aspect. He would let Katsumi take first crack demonstrating his own ninjutsu technique. Nothing dangerous or above C rank they said. Tadara would watch as well and scribble down notes on anything Katsumi would demonstrate. Watching...listening and learning about the talents his co-instructor held. However Tadara had his own lesson planned. He needed to focus his miniscule chakra pools for that soon enough.

    Last edited by Tadara on Sun Dec 13, 2020 5:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Name: Kamizuru Tadara
    Title: The honeyed scholar

    • Total: -4165
    • Spendable:  665

    • 2,520,500 total ryo



    • Chemistry
    • Iryojutsu
    • Genjutsu
    • Sealing

    • - Honey/Wax

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (+ from lifestyle) (+ from chakra armor)
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: S
    • Perception: B

    (21/21 Stat Raises)

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 114
    Join date : 2020-10-03

    Assistant instructors (Part 6) Empty Re: Assistant instructors (Part 6)

    Post by Katsumi Sun Dec 13, 2020 5:23 pm

    Sampling their own talents of Ninjutsu before the students? Well, Katsumi would chuckle a bit and rub the back of his neck.

    "You guys saw my Explosion Release a bit during weapons training anyways and we don't want to break the classroom so there's not a ton that I could show you, however, there are some other neat tricks that I can show you while we're here." Katsumi would say while straightening himself out and beginning to weave together a series of handsigns in quick succession.

    Monkey -> Dog -> Tiger -> Snake

    His hands would clasp shut and he would immediately begin to feel the chakra flow from the ground at his feet, the tile of the classroom and cover around his body. To the students watching, he would begin to explain,

    "This technique I call my Earth Armor." Intentionally, Katsumi would mold the chakra slightly poorly so cracks of dirt and running mud would be seen flowing around his skin, instead of hiding it completely to the visible eye. He would continue on, "This technique covers me in Earth Chakra and allows me to harden my body to defend from incoming attacks, a pretty strong technique in my book, super useful but really, I'm more of a Taijutsu and Explosion Release user than a focused Ninjutsu attacker. So I can do stuff like this,"

    Katsumi would note before releasing his Earth Armor and shifting to focus on enhancing his body with Explosion Release, no seals required but he would hold a half tiger mark before jumping off the restored tile at his feet and dashing to the back of the classroom in a single jump at nearly full speed. There he would offer a quick series of strikes while explaining, "This I call bodily temperament, it allows me to infuse the Explosions inside my body to enhance my movement and striking speed." Several high speed kicks and jumps would be let off before he would jump back down to the front of the classroom as quickly as he could and calling off his jutsu. "Maybe Tadara will be better at explaining how this all works, but I just infuse the chakra to create effects and that's the key of it. Same applies to ninjutsu in that regard too..."

    Katsumi would leave off for Tadara to step in and explain further or really offer more to note while Katsumi would continue on with a rather disjointed and unfocused lesson on using those techniques and how he came up with them.

    Jutsu Used (102/110 CP):

    Assistant instructors (Part 6) 4a7aa410b9ab973b984f750474a38bd2
    Kiyogi Uso
    Kiyogi Uso
    Stone Special Jounin
    Stone Special Jounin
    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 325
    Join date : 2020-11-25

    Assistant instructors (Part 6) Empty Re: Assistant instructors (Part 6)

    Post by Kiyogi Uso Sun Dec 13, 2020 5:59 pm

    Once Tadara was up he would begin explaining about how Ninjutsu could bend reality if used properly. Just like standing on water or walking up a tree. The technique Tadara demonstrated when he was finished explaining was to step onto a shadow and slip into it like it were a deep pool of water and disappear within it. Emerging moments later further along the shadow. He would finish explaining how it worked and that while it didn't protect from damage or sensory techniques to the naked eye they could simply had poofed from the world if used right. With that the final bell rang and the kids darted off with a quick thanks to the two of them. The director would thank the two of them for their time and excuse himself with the grades Tadara provided him. With that Tadara would give katsumi a curt nod with a business card with his home number. Should the two of them wish to work together again Tadara explained he would not be opposed to it. With that he collected his coat and wandered home as well. A little tired but education was preferred to manual labor at least. Either way he was getting paid.

    Exit thread
    2 post = 40 exp
    mission complete = 25 exp

    Name: Kamizuru Tadara
    Title: The honeyed scholar

    • Total: -4165
    • Spendable:  665

    • 2,520,500 total ryo



    • Chemistry
    • Iryojutsu
    • Genjutsu
    • Sealing

    • - Honey/Wax

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (+ from lifestyle) (+ from chakra armor)
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: S
    • Perception: B

    (21/21 Stat Raises)

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 114
    Join date : 2020-10-03

    Assistant instructors (Part 6) Empty Re: Assistant instructors (Part 6)

    Post by Katsumi Sun Dec 13, 2020 6:09 pm

    Tadara's examples were much more detailed and in depth, using his environment and a shadow nearby to example the silhouette technique was it? In any case, Katsumi's inability to remember what techniques were used was no consequence as he listened in intently and made mental notes of the points as well, making sure to try and learn from his counterpart all the same as the students. By the time things had ended though, the final bell had rang and the students were dispersing from the academy building with all the news skills and thoughts in their head to continue about their lessons in the academy. They each received their thanks while the students left and before long, the administrator thanked them as well as Tadara passed off the grades to him to end their mission.

    In the end though, Tadara had passed him his information with a note about working again in the future to which Katsumi would generally accept and note that it would be a pleasure to work together again in the future. With that, they would each go their separate ways for the day, reporting in their completed missions and lessons and then off to their own tasks. Katsumi meeting to grab dinner before heading home for a good nights rest.

    [Exit Thread]
    [Two posts and Mission Complete: 65 XP]

    Assistant instructors (Part 6) 4a7aa410b9ab973b984f750474a38bd2

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