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    Assistant instructors (Part 5)

    Kiyogi Uso
    Kiyogi Uso
    Stone Special Jounin
    Stone Special Jounin
    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 325
    Join date : 2020-11-25

    Assistant instructors (Part 5) Empty Assistant instructors (Part 5)

    Post by Kiyogi Uso Sun Dec 13, 2020 4:27 pm

    The mission:

    The fifth period was drawing to the end of the day. For this Tadara was thankful as being an academy instructor was proving exhausting. This next lesson he wouldn't really be the main focus of it. He expected his partner was more of one for the physical arts while he was...not so much. Tadara was a weakling. Especially when it came to close combat. He understood moving into proper stances but was yet to excel at it. Nor did he have a truly good swing. However Katsumi seemed more physically evened out just by looking at him. So for now Katsumi would deal with the primary portion of this lesson. Explaining proper grips and practicing slashes and whatever those physical types did. For Tadara it was exhausting to even watch. However there was one thing he had talent with. He would hold off until the last fifteen minutes for that though. For now he would sit down on a chair in the training yard away from the sharp objects and observe while taking notes. Handing weapons to children in mass was asking to get stabbed accidentally so he would simply observe until they got the hang of it.

    Last edited by Tadara on Sun Dec 13, 2020 5:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Name: Kamizuru Tadara
    Title: The honeyed scholar

    • Total: -4165
    • Spendable:  665

    • 2,520,500 total ryo



    • Chemistry
    • Iryojutsu
    • Genjutsu
    • Sealing

    • - Honey/Wax

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (+ from lifestyle) (+ from chakra armor)
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: S
    • Perception: B

    (21/21 Stat Raises)

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 114
    Join date : 2020-10-03

    Assistant instructors (Part 5) Empty Re: Assistant instructors (Part 5)

    Post by Katsumi Sun Dec 13, 2020 4:58 pm

    This practice was a bit more interesting and at the same time, a bit simple and straightforward. A various assortment of dulled and non-lethal weapons that the academy kept on hand would be passed around, several target dummies and some other sparring areas set up for their fifth period. Still, as various students gathered around to see the examples, Katsumi would show them proper form for handling kunai and shuriken while as the same time showing how to make basic strikes and stabs with the kunai.

    Following, he would throw the shuriken at the target dummies then allow the students to follow in his footsteps, watching them carefully and how their form was. Giving notes and tips to improve their form and accuracy while most were not at all accurate, they were still good enough to continue on and not really worry about some horrible accident. In other cases, students would take the wooden bokken and practice blocking and offering basic strikes while defending and countering with their own or getting basic taijutsu strikes in.

    To finish off the first part of Katsumi's lecture, he would explain a small addendum about infusing small bits of chakra into their strikes to enhance their hardness and the damage they would do. In the same breath, Katsumi would clear an area and would show them how they could incorporate their own chakra and skills of their clans and own abilities into them to create jutsu. Backing up the student, he would give a small demonstration of his own Blast Release chakra on a dummy, lining up a quick strike with an open palm, the air would silence and then ripple outwards in the place of a small nearly meter sized explosion that would rip the dummy apart and burn what remained. The students would think of how cool it was but at the same time, Katsumi would have done it for Tadara's own edification, so he would know Katsumi's skills.

    Now that Katsumi knew about his bees, he would know about Katsumi's explosions. They would be on more equal footing about each other while at the same time, the students would continue their practice and Katsumi would return to giving them tips and other such commentary.

    Assistant instructors (Part 5) 4a7aa410b9ab973b984f750474a38bd2
    Kiyogi Uso
    Kiyogi Uso
    Stone Special Jounin
    Stone Special Jounin
    Calimari Chef
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Gyuki during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 325
    Join date : 2020-11-25

    Assistant instructors (Part 5) Empty Re: Assistant instructors (Part 5)

    Post by Kiyogi Uso Sun Dec 13, 2020 5:03 pm

    A couple of the kids excelled but the weaker ones of the group were feeling discouraged. Clearly more intellectual than the others. Katsumi likely was trying to be supportive but they were struggling to even grip it right. For a while Tadara just observed before the time was up. Fifteen minutes left. He would clear his throat before rising from his seat and attracting the attention of the class. He would explain that a weapon was a tool to even a playing field against those physically stronger in things such as taijutsu. With that said he explained that once one understood weight and trajectory they could attack from a hidden position in such a way that one would find it more difficult to tell where the attack came from. Taking a kunai he would feel the weight of it. Judging it to almost an exact measurement as he calculated distance and wind speed. After about a minute passed in silence he would lob it under handed up into the air almost like he had just lost his grip. However the kunai would drop down and stick with the help of gravity into the top of the head of one of the training dummies. With that the less physical kids lit up understanding their version of weapons use. They actually thought Tadara could be pretty cool as class ended after a few of them tried it to no avail. They took off for their break before the last class of the day.

    Exit thread
    2 post = 40 exp
    mission complete = 25 exp

    Name: Kamizuru Tadara
    Title: The honeyed scholar

    • Total: -4165
    • Spendable:  665

    • 2,520,500 total ryo



    • Chemistry
    • Iryojutsu
    • Genjutsu
    • Sealing

    • - Honey/Wax

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B (+ from lifestyle) (+ from chakra armor)
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: S
    • Perception: B

    (21/21 Stat Raises)

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 114
    Join date : 2020-10-03

    Assistant instructors (Part 5) Empty Re: Assistant instructors (Part 5)

    Post by Katsumi Sun Dec 13, 2020 5:11 pm

    It was certainly no small feat for all the showmanship in the world that Katsumi could provide, that Tadara had a more calm and executed way of dealing with things. The difference in their styles had become needlessly apparent since the day had started with Tadara opting for a more thought out and intelligent approach to their tasks. Explaining in depth and with detail how everything would work as well as offering clear explanation for everything. Even in his own demo of skills in the last 15 minutes, it seemed the thoughts and ideas behind his actions were more important and therefore he set everything out in motion clearly and without hesitation.

    Stunning not only the students, the kunai would fly up and plant itself into the crown of the head of the dummy. It was quite astonishing that for all the physical power in the world, Katsumi wouldn't be able to out think or maneuver an opponent like that. No doubt, Tadara would be quite the tactician where Katsumi was looking to use massive amounts of chakra and his Kekkai Genkai to keep himself alive, Tadara would be able to outthink nearly any opponent. That's what made him most dangerous, more than his bees or any physical skills: his mind.

    Katsumi would inhale deeply and help get things cleaned up and put away before calling this lesson to an end, wanting to find a final moment to speak with Tadara but moving on to their next and final period instead.

    [Exit Thread]
    [Two posts and Mission complete: 65 XP]

    Assistant instructors (Part 5) 4a7aa410b9ab973b984f750474a38bd2

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