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Nyguyen Uchiha
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    Digital Love

    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Digital Love Empty Digital Love

    Post by Gyokusho Sun Oct 18, 2020 4:34 pm

    [b]Activation Cost:[/b]
    [b]Upkeep Cost:[/b]
    [b]Parent Technique:[/b]
    [b]Hand Seals:[/b]

    Last edited by Gyokusho on Sat Jul 03, 2021 2:46 pm; edited 3 times in total


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Gyokusho Sun Oct 18, 2020 4:41 pm

    Name: Mechanical Light Shield Block
    Rank: C
    Power: Varies
    Activation Cost: Varies
    Upkeep Cost: Varies
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: Chakra Panels
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: By flowing chakra through the strings which control a puppet, the user activates a set of chakra panels which project a chakra shield to block an incoming attack. The shield can be made quite powerful, but the defensive strength is directly proportional to the chakra put into it. The shield can be shaped to an extent such that larger puppet generate larger shields to adequately protect them, but the size will not exceed roughly the size of the puppet. Alternatively, the barrier can form a hemisphere around the puppet.
    Weaknesses: If the panels are significantly damaged or destroyed, this technique will fail. Likewise, if the panels are in some way obstructed and locked inside the puppet, this technique cannot be used. Cannot use a rank of shield higher than their rank/intelligence would permit. If creating a hemisphere, the puppet using this cannot move until it deactivates this technique.

    Name: Desperado
    Rank: C
    Power: Varies
    Activation Cost: Varies
    Upkeep Cost: Varies
    Range: Chakra Thread Length
    Speed: -1 tier user's coordination
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: C tier coordination
    Parent Technique: Chakra Threads, Razor Threads
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: By weaving together three threads on the same hand, the user creates braided whip out of the chakra threads and empowers the construct with the cutting prowess of the Razor Threads technique. Like the parent, this technique's power is proportional to the amount of chakra put into the strings. As with the Chakra Threads technique, the user can tighten this to mere stubs on the finger before whipping it about again.
    Weaknesses: The three threads used for this cannot be attached to puppets unless this technique is canceled. Cannot use a rank of power higher than the user's rank/intelligence would allow for.

    Name: String Theory
    Rank: D
    Power: E
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: C tier coordination | C tier intelligence
    Parent Technique: Chakra Threads | Resonating Echo Drill
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: By attaching chakra threads to a nearby object, generally one's own body, the user may strum these strings in order to produce various sounds. Through the use of chakra, the user can manipulate the string's vibrations to lengthen or shorten them artificially, allowing for a wide range of sound. At B rank coordination, the user can manipulate the strings as they would a puppet, freeing up their second hand. At B rank intelligence, the user can further express himself by causing the strings to generate sounds from any instrument he has heard or is familiar with, allowing him to become a 1 man orchestra. If the strings are attached to a Resonating Echo Speaker or other such sound amplification device, the speaker will play the sounds the user makes.

    While this does almost nothing on its own beyond creating beautiful music, it can obviously be used as an input for other techniques which make use of the Resonating Echo Speaker. Additionally, this can serve as a medium for performing techniques which require an instrument without the use of said instrument.
    Weakness: Consumes at least 1 chakra thread, which thus cannot be used to control a puppet. Does nothing on its own without combination with other techniques.


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

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    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Mon Oct 19, 2020 1:33 pm

    Gyokusho wrote:
    Name: Mechanical Light Shield Block
    Rank: C
    Power: Varies
    Activation Cost: Varies
    Upkeep Cost: Varies
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: Chakra Panels
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: By flowing chakra through the strings which control a puppet, the user activates a set of chakra panels which project a chakra shield to block an incoming attack. The shield can be made quite powerful, but the defensive strength is directly proportional to the chakra put into it. The shield can be shaped to an extent such that larger puppet generate larger shields to adequately protect them, but the size will not exceed roughly the size of the puppet. Alternatively, the barrier can form a hemisphere around the puppet.
    Weaknesses: If the panels are significantly damaged or destroyed, this technique will fail. Likewise, if the panels are in some way obstructed and locked inside the puppet, this technique cannot be used. Cannot use a rank of shield higher than their rank/intelligence would permit. If creating a hemisphere, the puppet using this cannot move until it deactivates this technique.

    Register Canon Techniques here

    Gyokusho wrote:
    Name: Desperado
    Rank: C
    Power: Varies
    Activation Cost: Varies
    Upkeep Cost: Varies
    Range: Chakra Thread Length
    Speed: -1 tier user's coordination
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: C tier coordination
    Parent Technique: Chakra Threads, Razor Threads
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: By weaving together three threads on the same hand, the user creates braided whip out of the chakra threads and empowers the construct with the cutting prowess of the Razor Threads technique. Like the parent, this technique's power is proportional to the amount of chakra put into the strings. As with the Chakra Threads technique, the user can tighten this to mere stubs on the finger before whipping it about again.
    Weaknesses: The three threads used for this cannot be attached to puppets unless this technique is canceled. Cannot use a rank of power higher than the user's rank/intelligence would allow for.


    Gyokusho wrote:
    Name: String Theory
    Rank: D
    Power: E
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: C tier coordination | C tier intelligence
    Parent Technique: Chakra Threads | Resonating Echo Drill
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: By attaching chakra threads to a nearby object, generally one's own body, the user may strum these strings in order to produce various sounds. Through the use of chakra, the user can manipulate the string's vibrations to lengthen or shorten them artificially, allowing for a wide range of sound. At B rank coordination, the user can manipulate the strings as they would a puppet, freeing up their second hand. At B rank intelligence, the user can further express himself by causing the strings to generate sounds from any instrument he has heard or is familiar with, allowing him to become a 1 man orchestra. If the strings are attached to a Resonating Echo Speaker or other such sound amplification device, the speaker will play the sounds the user makes.

    While this does almost nothing on its own beyond creating beautiful music, it can obviously be used as an input for other techniques which make use of the Resonating Echo Speaker. Additionally, this can serve as a medium for performing techniques which require an instrument without the use of said instrument.
    Weakness: Consumes at least 1 chakra thread, which thus cannot be used to control a puppet. Does nothing on its own without combination with other techniques.


    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Gyokusho Sat Jul 03, 2021 7:39 pm

    Name: Tengu's Eye: Night of the Hunt
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: N/A
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Doujutsu
    Classification: Clan Exclusive [Yokai]
    Requirements: Demon's Eye, Tengu Path
    Parent Technique: Tengu's Eye, Auspex
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: By using their sharp-eyes prowess as with the Auspex technique, a Yokai focuses their vision in a slightly different manner. The influx in chakra to the eye grants a smaller improvement to their perception of only 1 advantage (+), but grants them near perfect night vision. This allows them to move stealthily in the dead of night without needing to sacrifice their visual acuity. This can be used in tandem with their Demon's eye, blending the chakra perception and night vision together to give them incredible insight.
    Weakness: N/A

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Witching Hour
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: -
    Upkeep Cost: 20
    Range: Country
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill:  Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Chakra Threads
    Parent Technique: Puppet Technique
    Hand Seals: Snake, Ox, Boar, Fish, Dragon
    Description: A technique which approaches blasphemy in the puppetry arts, this ability allows the user to target a single puppet within their arsenal and transfer their very consciousness into it. The doll is animated by the user's essence and allows them to control it from extreme ranges. Additionally, they can make use of their normal senses through the puppet which they temporarily inhabit, seeing through its eyes, hearing through its body and the like. Touch is transmitted as well, but pain translates more as an intellectual effort than an actual sensation; the user will know if the puppet is damaged but will not himself suffer. The puppet's body because as the user's own, and he may use any weapons or mechanisms that the puppet has to full effect. He may also use any puppetry skills or Buki/Ken/Tai techniques through the puppet, should he know any, but any other techniques (Nin, Gen, Etc) become inaccessible for the duration of this ability.

    To those capable of seeing chakra or with perception equal to or greater than the user's coordination, they will see that the puppet has 10 ethereal, red-pink threads connecting to various portions of its body, extending for roughly 1 meter away from it before vanishing into thin air. As with normal chakra threads, these can be cut, rendering the puppet useless and ending the technique if all are simultaneously removed. However, they do have strength/constitution equivalent to this technique, making it no easy feat.

    The user's body, while this is active, enters a kind of stasis but will continue reflexive actions (will remain standing, sitting, whatever position it was previously in). Local observes can see the fingers twitch here and there, subtle nods at the distant battlefield.
    Weakness: Cuts user off from his body, leaving it completely helpless. Can only control a single puppet at a time with this method. Genjutsu are transmitted directly to the user's mind, meaning they still work perfectly as if the puppet were the user. Chakra Sensory techniques will allow someone to sense the general direction of the user while they are in proximity to the puppet. Exceedingly long range sensory techniques (Country range, etc), will allow the user very accurate information regarding the user's distance and direction. The puppet cannot be used to manipulate other puppets. Specialty senses, such as doujutsu, are entirely ineffective unless that puppet has a doujutsu (Human Puppetry). The user may make use of special sensory objects on the puppet, such as a heat sensory item or the like (registered seperately).

    Name: White Secret Technique: Séance
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 10
    Range: Chakra Threads
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Must have a Puppet
    Parent Technique: Shadow Clone
    Hand Seals: Tiger, Ox, Boar, Bird
    Description: A form of last resort on the battlefield, should a puppeteer run out of weapons. Rather than follow Suna's route and make use of corpses, this technique instead conjures a living memory of a puppet, borrowing upon the ideals of the Shadow Clone technique to do so. With this, the user may create a copy of any puppet they know how to craft, complete with all of its inner mechanisms and weaponry, in order to continue fighting. Unlike a regular puppet and unlike a shadow clone, the user must continually pay an upkeep or else this chakra construction will fade rapidly from existence. Also unlike a shadow clone, these puppets have a very physical nature to them, meaning they do not immediately poof when struck, nor do they have a percentage of the user's chakra, for they cannot use techniques. Instead, they have a constitution like base model and can take damage as normal, though when destroyed they vanish (if more than 50% of the structure is irreparably damaged they are 'destroyed').

    Because the weapons cease to be if they are no longer maintained, this can mean that the murder weapon can conveniently vanish without a trace.
    Weakness: Each clone requires a unique activation and upkeep cost, so this is very expensive. These clones have no special bonuses as compared to normal puppets. While the clones come with the same weaponry as the parent puppet - including basic ammunition - this technique cannot mimic advanced items such as explosive tags, fuinjutsu traps, or things of that nature. Thus, many puppets actually lose some of their functionality if cloned in this manner.


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2020-06-06

    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:45 pm

    Witching Hour: This technique infringes on the Yamanaka Clan's abilities so it will have to be denied unfortunately.

    Seance: There is a technique called Shadow Shuriken Jutsu that would allow you to clone minor projectiles but I feel this technique is way beyond that. I don't think making a raw chakra clone of something as complex as a puppet should be possible. However, if you have a specific solid element in mind maybe that could be a better starting point.

    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

    Village : N/A
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    Join date : 2020-06-06

    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:45 pm

    Gyokusho wrote:Name: Tengu's Eye: Night of the Hunt
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: N/A
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: Self
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Doujutsu
    Classification: Clan Exclusive [Yokai]
    Requirements: Demon's Eye, Tengu Path
    Parent Technique: Tengu's Eye, Auspex
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: By using their sharp-eyes prowess as with the Auspex technique, a Yokai focuses their vision in a slightly different manner. The influx in chakra to the eye grants a smaller improvement to their perception of only 1 advantage (+), but grants them near perfect night vision. This allows them to move stealthily in the dead of night without needing to sacrifice their visual acuity. This can be used in tandem with their Demon's eye, blending the chakra perception and night vision together to give them incredible insight.
    Weakness: N/A


    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Gyokusho Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:54 pm

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Promotion
    Rank: E
    Power: E
    Activation Cost: 1
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Chakra Threads
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: N/A; Crafting skill
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Less of a technique than a vapid obsession with fashion, this simply allows the user to re-color and otherwise subtly alter the appearance of their clothing and puppets. Fabrics can be re-dyed almost instantly, and crafters can use it to alter one's wardrobe quickly and easily. They can even change the texter and weight of a fabric, though it has no effect on the actual material rank or hardness. This create new fabric, and cannot fundamentally alter the functionality of a garment or puppet. Perhaps the most "impressive" application of this might be to add a pocket. It is essentially a permanent transformation technique for clothes and the exterior aesthetics of a puppet, nothing more.
    Weakness: Not at all practical for combat

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Bakeneko Cradle  
    Rank: C
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0-120m
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Chakra Strings, Puppet Technique
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: A devious technique born of the mixture of a puppet user and a demon, the Yokai Cradle involves attaching a chakra string to an opposing practitioner's puppet(s), normally by transferring a spare string from their puppet to an enemies as the two clash. The string is reduced to the most inconspicuous chakra output, and as such confers no manipulative capabilities while making it instead nearly invisible. Once attached, chaotic impulses are sent subtly down the wire, not enough to make a puppet malfunction, but enough to disturb the delicate muscle memory and practice that a puppeteer has with their doll. First, the user's coordination is considered 1 tier (---) lower for the purposes of manipulatingthat puppet (not a base debuff). Additionally, that puppet will count as if the wielder is manipulating 2 puppets. This can be used on an opponent's non-puppet weapon as well, debuffing coordination by 1 tier for the purposes of using that weapon only.
    Weakness: These strings can be cut as with any other chakra string. The user must find a way to attach a string to a puppet (they cannot simply "shoot" a string at an enemy puppet as they would their own). Each use of this, obviously, uses up 1 chakra string, reducing the number of puppets the user himself could deploy. Each weapon or puppet can only be affected by this 1 of these strings at a time. Perception equal to the user's coordination can see these immediately. -1 tiers can discern whereabouts after 2 posts of searching/watching; -2 tiers after 4 posts. Chakra vision and sensory can obviously locate these without any checks.

    Last edited by Gyokusho on Thu Mar 23, 2023 9:54 pm; edited 3 times in total


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

    Posts : 878
    Join date : 2018-10-18
    Age : 32

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fire, Water, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: A

    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Valen Minamoto Sat Mar 18, 2023 4:14 pm

    Gyokusho wrote:Name: White Secret Technique: Ladder Mates
    Rank: D
    Power: -
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: 1
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Open
    Requirements: Chakra Threads; Puppet Technique
    Parent Technique: Puppet Technique
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Through the connection with a puppet via chakra threads, the user can transmit their senses into a doll they are manipulating. This can be used on the battlefield, but is generally more beneficial for scouting purposes. They can chose to either hear or see out of a puppet, and doing so "costs" the use of one of their eyes or ears for the duration. The user can do this for up to four puppets at a time, but each puppet "costs" a new sensory organ, eventually leaving the user completely blind and deaf. To use both the sight and sound versions at one, one must pay double the chakra cost and upkeep (as if casting this twice).
    Weakness: Can only be used in tandem with the Puppet Technique or a Chakra Thread variant. Seeing through a puppet means closing one's eye; hearing means losing hearing in an ear. Objectively inferior to Chakra Sensing

    This isn't really doable conceptually without the puppet being a human puppet. Puppets by themselves don't have any form of sensory input. They cannot hear, or see. So it becomes rather difficult to make it so you can see or hear through them I'm afraid.

    Gyokusho wrote:Name: Pink Secret Technique: Promotion
    Rank: E
    Power: E
    Activation Cost: 1
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Chakra Threads
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: N/A; Crafting skill
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Less of a technique than a vapid obsession with fashion, this simply allows the user to re-color and otherwise subtly alter the appearance of their clothing and puppets. Fabrics can be re-dyed almost instantly, and crafters can use it to alter one's wardrobe quickly and easily. They can even change the texter and weight of a fabric, though it has no effect on the actual material rank or hardness. This create new fabric, and cannot fundamentally alter the functionality of a garment or puppet. Perhaps the most "impressive" application of this might be to add a pocket. It is essentially a permanent transformation technique for clothes and the exterior aesthetics of a puppet, nothing more.
    Weakness: Not at all practical for combat


    Gyokusho wrote:Name: Pink Secret Technique: Castle
    Rank: D
    Power: -
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Chakra Threads
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: N/A
    Parent Technique: Body Replacement Technique
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Devious, as expected from a puppeteer. Using this, the practitioner can activate a version of the Body Replacement Technique, allowing them to substitute one puppet for another. This can be used at the time of an opponent's attack as a surprise, or just as a way of repositioning the troops on the battlefield.
    Weakness: To use this, both puppet must be attached via chakra threads to the user at the time of activation. User cannot use this on themselves, nor on puppet armor they are wearing.

    So the issue here is that on site the 'Body Replacement Technique' isn't actually any kind of teleportation. It's physical movement where you place something else under a transformation and then use it as a distraction. As such this technique wouldn't really work because it's trying to swap the locations of two separate things.

    Gyokusho wrote:Name: Pink Secret Technique: Bakeneko Cradle  
    Rank: C
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0-120m
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Chakra Strings, Puppet Technique
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: A devious technique born of the mixture of a puppet user and a demon, the Yokai Cradle involves attaching a chakra string to an opposing practitioner's puppet(s), normally by transferring a spare string from their puppet to an enemies as the two clash. The string is reduced to the most inconspicuous chakra output, and as such confers no manipulative capabilities while making it instead nearly invisible. Once attached, chaotic impulses are sent subtly down the wire, not enough to make a puppet malfunction, but enough to disturb the delicate muscle memory and practice that a puppeteer has with their doll. First, the user's coordination is considered 1 tier (---) lower for the purposes of manipulatingthat puppet (not a base debuff). Additionally, that puppet will count as if the wielder is manipulating 2 puppets. This can be used on an opponent's non-puppet weapon as well, debuffing coordination by 1 tier for the purposes of using that weapon only.
    Weakness: These strings can be cut as with any other chakra string. The user must find a way to attach a string to a puppet (they cannot simply "shoot" a string at an enemy puppet as they would their own). Each use of this, obviously, uses up 1 chakra string, reducing the number of puppets the user himself could deploy. Each weapon or puppet can only be affected by this 1 of these strings at a time.

    Put a perception stat check on this to see the chakra thread and note chakra vision and sensory can pick it out.

    Gyokusho wrote:Name: Pink Secret Technique: Tengu Clockwise Movement
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0-120m
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Chakra Strings, Puppet Technique, Resonating Echo Drill
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: By attaching a chakra string to a target, Osho places a kind of "curse" upon them by subtly vibrating demonic chakra through them. The string(s) used for this will be lowered in frequency to the bare minimum, making it invisible to the naked eye. The perverse resonance causes all buffs and debuffs active (or activated after) on the target to move "down" one skill. I.e. Strength buffs will become Constitution buffs; Perception buffs will become Strength buffs. This does not otherwise affect the buffs/debuffs in play, making it an exceedingly unusual ability.
    Order for this: Strength > Constitution > Stamina > Speed > Coordination > Intelligence > Perception > Strength
    Weakness: Must attach a string to a target, which cannot be used to manipulate puppets. Chakra sensory/vision can see these. Can be cut by a chakra infused ability or weapon or higher power than this.

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Tengu Anti-Clockwise Movement
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0-120m
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Chakra Strings, Puppet Technique, Resonating Echo Drill
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: By attaching a chakra string to a target, Osho places a kind of "curse" upon them by subtly vibrating demonic chakra through them. The string(s) used for this will be lowered in frequency to the bare minimum, making it invisible to the naked eye. The perverse resonance causes all buffs and debuffs active (or activated after) on the target to move "up" one skill. I.e. Strength buffs will become Perception buffs; Perception buffs will become Intelligence buffs. This does not otherwise affect the buffs/debuffs in play, making it an exceedingly unusual ability.
    Order for this: Perception > Intelligence > Coordination > Speed > Stamina > Constitution > Strength > Perception
    Weakness: Must attach a string to a target, which cannot be used to manipulate puppets. Chakra sensory/vision can see these. Can be cut by a chakra infused ability or weapon or higher power than this.

    The two techs aren't going to be approvable as a concept I'm afraid.
    It's just too abuseable to try to change what peoples boosts are boosting in this manner.

    It's almost like a debuff that breaks debuff rules but skirts the edge of it by still letting them have their 'boosts'.

    Sorry mate.

    Also in the future keep the number of things being apped in one post to 5 at the maximum.

    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: Outdated at this point
    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 674
    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Gyokusho Sat Mar 18, 2023 5:00 pm

    Valen Minamoto wrote:

    Valen Minamoto wrote:This isn't really doable conceptually without the puppet being a human puppet. Puppets by themselves don't have any form of sensory input. They cannot hear, or see. So it becomes rather difficult to make it so you can see or hear through them I'm afraid.
    I believe this is functionally identical to Kazehana's "Third Eye" but with additional restrictions. I can add in that the puppet has to have some kind of eye-like attachment on it as a weakness if that helps?


    Valen Minamoto wrote:So the issue here is that on site the 'Body Replacement Technique' isn't actually any kind of teleportation. It's physical movement where you place something else under a transformation and then use it as a distraction. As such this technique wouldn't really work because it's trying to swap the locations of two separate things.
    Can I just change this to work the same way as Body Replacement then? Or is that worth apping that as a tech at all?

    Pink Secret Technique: Bakeneko Cradle  

    Valen Minamoto wrote:Put a perception stat check on this to see the chakra thread and note chakra vision and sensory can pick it out.


    Valen Minamoto wrote:The two techs aren't going to be approvable as a concept I'm afraid.
    It's just too abuseable to try to change what peoples boosts are boosting in this manner.

    It's almost like a debuff that breaks debuff rules but skirts the edge of it by still letting them have their 'boosts'.

    Sorry mate.
    If these are denied that's fine, I'm just not quite following here. These don't debuff anything, and I think buff/debuffs have the same 2 tier cap (minus unique buff), right? I might just misunderstand how those work or what the issue with this is. Happy to discuss wherever if that's possible/ok. This just doesn't seem that wild to me when we have aliens and alternate dimensions.

    Valen Minamoto wrote:Also in the future keep the number of things being apped in one post to 5 at the maximum.
    Sorry, I forgot I added in the open tech at the end. My mistake.


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
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    Speed: D
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    Perception: A+
    Airi Ohara
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    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Airi Ohara Mon Mar 20, 2023 5:30 pm

    Gyokusho wrote:

    Valen Minamoto wrote:This isn't really doable conceptually without the puppet being a human puppet. Puppets by themselves don't have any form of sensory input. They cannot hear, or see. So it becomes rather difficult to make it so you can see or hear through them I'm afraid.
    I believe this is functionally identical to Kazehana's "Third Eye" but with additional restrictions. I can add in that the puppet has to have some kind of eye-like attachment on it as a weakness if that helps?


    Valen Minamoto wrote:So the issue here is that on site the 'Body Replacement Technique' isn't actually any kind of teleportation. It's physical movement where you place something else under a transformation and then use it as a distraction. As such this technique wouldn't really work because it's trying to swap the locations of two separate things.
    Can I just change this to work the same way as Body Replacement then? Or is that worth apping that as a tech at all?

    Pink Secret Technique: Bakeneko Cradle  

    Valen Minamoto wrote:Put a perception stat check on this to see the chakra thread and note chakra vision and sensory can pick it out.


    Valen Minamoto wrote:The two techs aren't going to be approvable as a concept I'm afraid.
    It's just too abuseable to try to change what peoples boosts are boosting in this manner.

    It's almost like a debuff that breaks debuff rules but skirts the edge of it by still letting them have their 'boosts'.

    Sorry mate.
    If these are denied that's fine, I'm just not quite following here. These don't debuff anything, and I think buff/debuffs have the same 2 tier cap (minus unique buff), right? I might just misunderstand how those work or what the issue with this is. Happy to discuss wherever if that's possible/ok. This just doesn't seem that wild to me when we have aliens and alternate dimensions.

    Valen Minamoto wrote:Also in the future keep the number of things being apped in one post to 5 at the maximum.
    Sorry, I forgot I added in the open tech at the end. My mistake.
    If you have an issue with grading, please take it up with the person grading your stuff in discord -- respectfully. Please do not post an update to your crafts/jutsu/etc with criticisms towards the grading. Only post a request once you have hashed it out with the person grading your stuff and when you are actually ready to have things graded.

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
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    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Airi Ohara
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    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Airi Ohara Fri Mar 24, 2023 4:47 pm

    Gyokusho wrote:Name: Pink Secret Technique: Promotion
    Rank: E
    Power: E
    Activation Cost: 1
    Upkeep Cost: N/A
    Range: Chakra Threads
    Speed: N/A
    Element: N/A
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: N/A; Crafting skill
    Parent Technique: N/A
    Hand Seals: N/A
    Description: Less of a technique than a vapid obsession with fashion, this simply allows the user to re-color and otherwise subtly alter the appearance of their clothing and puppets. Fabrics can be re-dyed almost instantly, and crafters can use it to alter one's wardrobe quickly and easily. They can even change the texter and weight of a fabric, though it has no effect on the actual material rank or hardness. This create new fabric, and cannot fundamentally alter the functionality of a garment or puppet. Perhaps the most "impressive" application of this might be to add a pocket. It is essentially a permanent transformation technique for clothes and the exterior aesthetics of a puppet, nothing more.
    Weakness: Not at all practical for combat

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Bakeneko Cradle  
    Rank: C
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0-120m
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Chakra Strings, Puppet Technique
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: A devious technique born of the mixture of a puppet user and a demon, the Yokai Cradle involves attaching a chakra string to an opposing practitioner's puppet(s), normally by transferring a spare string from their puppet to an enemies as the two clash. The string is reduced to the most inconspicuous chakra output, and as such confers no manipulative capabilities while making it instead nearly invisible. Once attached, chaotic impulses are sent subtly down the wire, not enough to make a puppet malfunction, but enough to disturb the delicate muscle memory and practice that a puppeteer has with their doll. First, the user's coordination is considered 1 tier (---) lower for the purposes of manipulatingthat puppet (not a base debuff). Additionally, that puppet will count as if the wielder is manipulating 2 puppets. This can be used on an opponent's non-puppet weapon as well, debuffing coordination by 1 tier for the purposes of using that weapon only.
    Weakness: These strings can be cut as with any other chakra string. The user must find a way to attach a string to a puppet (they cannot simply "shoot" a string at an enemy puppet as they would their own). Each use of this, obviously, uses up 1 chakra string, reducing the number of puppets the user himself could deploy. Each weapon or puppet can only be affected by this 1 of these strings at a time. Perception equal to the user's coordination can see these immediately. -1 tiers can discern whereabouts after 2 posts of searching/watching; -2 tiers after 4 posts. Chakra vision and sensory can obviously locate these without any checks.
    Digital Love 5CUsWMA

    Village: Konohagakure
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    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Gyokusho Fri Mar 24, 2023 7:58 pm

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathnudo
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: D
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Kugutsu
    Parent Technique: Promotion
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Building off of the abilities of the parent technique to manipulate fabric, this alters or, more commonly, destroys an opponent's garment. By attaching a puppet string to an opponent, the user simply undoes the weave of the fabric to alter, loosen, or unravel it. Becoming suddenly naked can be quite embarrassing for an opponent.
    Weakness: Does no physical damage, and utility is subject to what an opponent is wearing.  Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Target can chose to not be fully nude (keeping underwear an the like) and can simply chose to ignore that psychological damage if it's not something their character would actually care about. Is ineffective against clothing/items with rank or hardness greater than D rank. Cannot be used against characters who are under 18.

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathstress
    Rank: C | B | A | S
    Power: C | B | A | S
    Activation Cost: 5 | 10 | 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: 3 | 5 | 10 | 20
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: C | B | A | S
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Kugutsu
    Parent Technique: Promotion
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: A more offensive use of puppet-less kugutsu, this once more builds upon clothing manipulation facilitated through chakra strings. After attaching a thread to a target's clothing, they will run the thread through the clothing and pull upon it, heavily restricting the target's movements and causing crushing damage every turn equal to 1 rank lower than the power of technique used. Additionally, for the duration, their coordination and speed will be lowered based on power of technique (table below).
    Debuff Table:
    Weakness: Effectiveness depends on clothing of the opponent. Wearing less clothing means less (or no) opportunity to use this. Thread cannot be used to manipulate a puppet for the duration. Strength of 1 or more tiers greater than power of these threads can break out. Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Base perception greater than the user's base coordination can see these immediately. Equal requires 1 post of searching/watching; -1 tiers can discern whereabouts after 2 posts; -2 tiers after 4 posts. Chakra vision and sensory can obviously locate these without any checks.

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathselect
    Rank: C | B | A | S
    Power: C | B | A | S
    Activation Cost: 5 | 10 | 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: C | B | A | S
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Kugutsu
    Parent Technique: Promotion
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: An ability which aims to disarm an opponent of their precious weapon or armor piece. After attaching a string to the opponent's item of interest, the user will simply pump chakra into the thread and, with a flick of a finger, attempt to violently yank the item away as if it were a puppet. When used on a weapon, opponent's with strength higher than the power of the technique used will resist, not loosing their weapon. However, they will take damage equal to the rank of this technique and a debuff to their coordination for 2 posts base on the power of the technique used (below). Those with insufficient strength will be relieved of their weapon, allowing the user to fling it in any direction of their choosing for up to 50m. Attunement bonuses etc, if applicable, will be lost until the weapon is retrieved.
    When used on armor pieces, the effect is slightly different. When used on such a defensive mechanism, the tug instead causes a sudden, violent jerking of the armor against the body of the victim, creating a kind of rending action. When this occurs, the victim will take physical/bludgeoning damage to the region wearing the armor, equal to the power of technique used, to their body as the armor smashes against them. When effective, they will take the same debuff to coordination (below). This can be used against puppets being worn as armors in the same fashion.
    Coordination Debuff:

    Weakness:  Thread cannot be used to manipulate a puppet for the duration. Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Base perception greater than the user's base coordination can see these immediately. Equal requires 1 post of searching/watching; -1 tiers can discern whereabouts after 2 posts; -2 tiers after 4 posts. Chakra vision and sensory can obviously locate these without any checks. Weapons or armors with effects allowing a user to "recall" them will render this mostly useless. Enemies with a strength stat of at least 1 tier higher than the power of this technique will not suffer the debuff.   

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathstroy
    Rank: C | S
    Power: C | S
    Activation Cost: 5 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: C | S
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Kugutsu
    Parent Technique: Promotion
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Building upon the ability to manipulate, re-weave, and unravel clothing using chakra threads even further, the user attempts here to damage or destroy armor that an opponent wears. Most armor contains some kind of non-metallic component to fasten it together, attach it to the wearer, or prevent chafing and provide a snug fit. This will target those weak points, pulling, altering, and unraveling them so as to affect the quality and fit of the armor in question. Essentially, the armor will begin falling apart at the seams, fitting improperly and in some cases sliding off entirely. This is mechanically represented by a 1 tier (---) reduction in the armor's hardness. When used at S rank of this technique, it becomes a 2 tier (------) reduction. This is not a debuff, however; the armor is literally damaged.
    Weakness: Thread cannot be used to manipulate a puppet for the duration. Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Threads can be detected by whatever perception check gets approved. Chakra sight and sensing can locate these threads. Certain armors without any fabric components are not affected by this (I.e. non-crafted armors, organically grown armors, and most ninjutsu generated armors). Chakra based armors (LRA, Twin Lion Step, etc) are not effected by this.

    Last edited by Gyokusho on Thu Apr 13, 2023 10:53 pm; edited 7 times in total


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Airi Ohara Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:30 pm

    Gyokusho wrote:
    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathnudo
    Rank: D
    Power: -
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Crafting Skill
    Parent Technique: Promotion
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Building off of the abilities of the parent technique to manipulate fabric, this alters or, more commonly, destroys an opponent's garment. By attaching a puppet string to an opponent, the user simply undoes the weave of the fabric to alter, loosen, or unravel it. Becoming suddenly naked can be quite embarrassing for an opponent. This causes D rank psychological damage every turn until the victim gets over it.
    Weakness: Does no physical damage, and utility is subject to what an opponent is wearing. Must get a string attached to an opponent. Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Target can chose to not be fully nude (keeping underwear an the like) and can simply chose to ignore that psychological damage if it's not something their character would actually care about.
    Power is required, set to D. Only genjutsu can cause psychological damage. Since this is affecting armor or clothing, I'd say the requirement would require Armor Crafting. I would say this would have no affect on any clothing of D+ hardness or above. Needs a speed for the chakra threads to reach the target to affect them.

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathstress
    Rank: C | B | A | S
    Power: C | B | A | S
    Activation Cost: 5 | 10 | 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: 3 | 5 | 10 | 20
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Crafting Skill
    Parent Technique: Promotion
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: A more offensive use of puppet-less kugutsu, this once more builds upon clothing manipulation facilitated through chakra strings. After attaching a thread to a target's clothing, they will run the thread through the clothing and pull upon it, heavily restricting the target's movements and causing crushing damage every turn equal to 1 rank lower than the rank of technique used. Additionally, for the duration, their coordination and speed will be lowered by 2 advantages (--) each.
    Weakness: Effectiveness depends on clothing of the opponent. Wearing less clothing means less (or no) opportunity to use this. Must attach thread to opponent somehow, and thread cannot be used to manipulate a puppet for the duration. Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Base perception greater than the user's base coordination can see these immediately. Equal requires 1 post of searching/watching; -1 tiers can discern whereabouts after 2 posts; -2 tiers after 4 posts. Chakra vision and sensory can obviously locate these without any checks.
    Needs a speed, similar to the previous technique. Again, I'd change the requirement to Armor Crafting as it's affecting someone's clothing specifically. The debuff should probably vary depending on the rank of this jutsu used. I would state that specifically for each rank. For weaknesses, there needs to be a way to break out once caught. I'd say someone with +1 Tier strength of the jutsu's rank could break out of the binding.

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathselect
    Rank: C | B | A | S
    Power: C | B | A | S
    Activation Cost: 5 | 10 | 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Crafting Skill
    Parent Technique: Promotion
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: An ability which aims to disarm an opponent of their precious weapon or armor piece. After attaching a string to the opponent's item of interest, the user will simply pump chakra into the thread and, with a flick of a finger, attempt to violently yank the item away as if it were a puppet. When used on a weapon, opponent's with strength higher than the rank of the technique used will resist, not loosing their weapon. However, they will take a 1 tier minus to their coordination for 2 posts. Those with insufficient strength will be relieved of their weapon, allowing the user to fling it in any direction of their choosing for up to 50m. Attunement bonuses etc, if applicable, will be lost until the weapon is retrieved.
    When used on armor pieces, the effect is slightly different. Most armor is much harder to remove from a target, and this technique would be generally insufficient to strip someone of such protection (subject to roleplay and the make/fit/etc of the armor. Target of this can determine if it should be removed). Thus, when used on such a defensive mechanism, the tug instead causes a sudden, violent jerking of the armor against the body of the victim, creating a kind of rending action. When this occurs, the victim will take physical/bludgeoning damage to the region wearing the armor equal to the rank of technique used to their body as the armor smashes against them. This can be used against puppets being worn as armors in the same fashion.
    Weakness:  Must attach thread to opponent somehow, and thread cannot be used to manipulate a puppet for the duration. Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Base perception greater than the user's base coordination can see these immediately. Equal requires 1 post of searching/watching; -1 tiers can discern whereabouts after 2 posts; -2 tiers after 4 posts. Chakra vision and sensory can obviously locate these without any checks. Weapons or armors with effects allowing a user to "recall" them will render this mostly useless.  
    For disarming weapons, I will allow but disarming armor would probably be a bit trickier as most are REALLY firmly attached to a person. The -1(-) Tier to coordination will need to be changed to scale depending on which rank of the jutsu is used. The part where it grabs the armor and yanks it to deal bludgeoning damage will be allowed, but completely removing the armor needs to be removed. Speed for the movement of the chakra strings is required. I'd probably say this jutsu shouldn't require a crafting skill as it's just a yank and pull with chakra strings.

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathstroy
    Rank: C | S
    Power: C | S
    Activation Cost: 5 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Crafting Skill
    Parent Technique: Promotion, other skill about cloth destruction
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Building upon the ability to manipulate, re-weave, and unravel clothing using chakra threads even further, the user attempts here to damage or destroy armor that an opponent wears. Most armor contains some kind of on-metallic component to fasten it together, attach it to the wearer, or prevent chafing and provide a snug fit. This will target those weak points, pulling, altering, and unraveling them so as to affect the quality and fit of the armor in question. Essentially, the armor will begin falling apart at the seams, fitting improperly and in some cases sliding off entirely. This is mechanically represented by a 1 tier (---) reduction in the armor's rank. When used at S rank of this technique, it becomes a 2 tier (------) reduction. This is not a debuff, however; the armor is literally damaged and can possibly fall off completely without some means of properly securing it to one's body.
    Weakness: Must attach thread to opponent somehow, and thread cannot be used to manipulate a puppet for the duration. Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Threads can be detected by whatever perception check gets approved. Chakra sight and sensing can locate these threads. Certain armors without any fabric components are not affected by this (I.e. non-crafted armors, organically grown armors, and most ninjutsu generated armors).
    Speed is needed. Even if it's the same as Chakra Strings. I'm still probably going to say no about pulling off armor or having armor fall off. I would actually have this not affect any form of Chakra Armor at all to include LRA, Chakra Armor, and the arms of a Hyuuga with Twin Lions.

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Airi Ohara Sun Apr 09, 2023 5:41 pm

    Gyokusho wrote:Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathnudo
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: D
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Kugutsu
    Parent Technique: Promotion
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Building off of the abilities of the parent technique to manipulate fabric, this alters or, more commonly, destroys an opponent's garment. By attaching a puppet string to an opponent, the user simply undoes the weave of the fabric to alter, loosen, or unravel it. Becoming suddenly naked can be quite embarrassing for an opponent.
    Weakness: Does no physical damage, and utility is subject to what an opponent is wearing.  Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Target can chose to not be fully nude (keeping underwear an the like) and can simply chose to ignore that psychological damage if it's not something their character would actually care about. Is ineffective against clothing/items with rank or hardness greater than D rank.

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathstress
    Rank: C | B | A | S
    Power: C | B | A | S
    Activation Cost: 5 | 10 | 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: 3 | 5 | 10 | 20
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: C | B | A | S
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Kugutsu
    Parent Technique: Promotion
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: A more offensive use of puppet-less kugutsu, this once more builds upon clothing manipulation facilitated through chakra strings. After attaching a thread to a target's clothing, they will run the thread through the clothing and pull upon it, heavily restricting the target's movements and causing crushing damage every turn equal to 1 rank lower than the power of technique used. Additionally, for the duration, their coordination and speed will be lowered based on power of technique (table below).
    Debuff Table:
    Weakness: Effectiveness depends on clothing of the opponent. Wearing less clothing means less (or no) opportunity to use this. Thread cannot be used to manipulate a puppet for the duration. Strength of 1 or more tiers greater than power of these threads can break out. Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Base perception greater than the user's base coordination can see these immediately. Equal requires 1 post of searching/watching; -1 tiers can discern whereabouts after 2 posts; -2 tiers after 4 posts. Chakra vision and sensory can obviously locate these without any checks.

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathselect
    Rank: C | B | A | S
    Power: C | B | A | S
    Activation Cost: 5 | 10 | 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: C | B | A | S
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Kugutsu
    Parent Technique: Promotion
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: An ability which aims to disarm an opponent of their precious weapon or armor piece. After attaching a string to the opponent's item of interest, the user will simply pump chakra into the thread and, with a flick of a finger, attempt to violently yank the item away as if it were a puppet. When used on a weapon, opponent's with strength higher than the power of the technique used will resist, not loosing their weapon. However, they will take a debuff to their coordination for 2 posts base on thr power of the technique used (below). Those with insufficient strength will be relieved of their weapon, allowing the user to fling it in any direction of their choosing for up to 50m. Attunement bonuses etc, if applicable, will be lost until the weapon is retrieved.
    When used on armor pieces, the effect is slightly different. When used on such a defensive mechanism, the tug instead causes a sudden, violent jerking of the armor against the body of the victim, creating a kind of rending action. When this occurs, the victim will take physical/bludgeoning damage to the region wearing the armor, equal to the power of technique used, to their body as the armor smashes against them. When effective, they will take the same debuff to coordination (below). This can be used against puppets being worn as armors in the same fashion.
    Coordination Debuff:

    Weakness:  Thread cannot be used to manipulate a puppet for the duration. Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Base perception greater than the user's base coordination can see these immediately. Equal requires 1 post of searching/watching; -1 tiers can discern whereabouts after 2 posts; -2 tiers after 4 posts. Chakra vision and sensory can obviously locate these without any checks. Weapons or armors with effects allowing a user to "recall" them will render this mostly useless.  

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathstroy
    Rank: C | S
    Power: C | S
    Activation Cost: 5 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: C | S
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Kugutsu
    Parent Technique: Promotion
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Building upon the ability to manipulate, re-weave, and unravel clothing using chakra threads even further, the user attempts here to damage or destroy armor that an opponent wears. Most armor contains some kind of non-metallic component to fasten it together, attach it to the wearer, or prevent chafing and provide a snug fit. This will target those weak points, pulling, altering, and unraveling them so as to affect the quality and fit of the armor in question. Essentially, the armor will begin falling apart at the seams, fitting improperly and in some cases sliding off entirely. This is mechanically represented by a 1 tier (---) reduction in the armor's rank. When used at S rank of this technique, it becomes a 2 tier (------) reduction. This is not a debuff, however; the armor is literally damaged.
    Weakness: Thread cannot be used to manipulate a puppet for the duration. Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Threads can be detected by whatever perception check gets approved. Chakra sight and sensing can locate these threads. Certain armors without any fabric components are not affected by this (I.e. non-crafted armors, organically grown armors, and most ninjutsu generated armors). Chakra based armors (LRA, Twin Lion Step, etc) are not effected by this.
    I'm so sorry for taking so long T-T
    Deathselect: I'd change it to those with equal strength would experience the coordination drop. Those with +1 Tier strength shouldn't be bothered by this effect.

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Airi Ohara Thu Apr 13, 2023 10:58 pm

    Gyokusho wrote:Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathnudo
    Rank: D
    Power: D
    Activation Cost: 5
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: D
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Kugutsu
    Parent Technique: Promotion
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Building off of the abilities of the parent technique to manipulate fabric, this alters or, more commonly, destroys an opponent's garment. By attaching a puppet string to an opponent, the user simply undoes the weave of the fabric to alter, loosen, or unravel it. Becoming suddenly naked can be quite embarrassing for an opponent.
    Weakness: Does no physical damage, and utility is subject to what an opponent is wearing.  Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Target can chose to not be fully nude (keeping underwear an the like) and can simply chose to ignore that psychological damage if it's not something their character would actually care about. Is ineffective against clothing/items with rank or hardness greater than D rank. Cannot be used against characters who are under 18.

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathstress
    Rank: C | B | A | S
    Power: C | B | A | S
    Activation Cost: 5 | 10 | 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: 3 | 5 | 10 | 20
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: C | B | A | S
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Kugutsu
    Parent Technique: Promotion
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: A more offensive use of puppet-less kugutsu, this once more builds upon clothing manipulation facilitated through chakra strings. After attaching a thread to a target's clothing, they will run the thread through the clothing and pull upon it, heavily restricting the target's movements and causing crushing damage every turn equal to 1 rank lower than the power of technique used. Additionally, for the duration, their coordination and speed will be lowered based on power of technique (table below).
    Debuff Table:
    Weakness: Effectiveness depends on clothing of the opponent. Wearing less clothing means less (or no) opportunity to use this. Thread cannot be used to manipulate a puppet for the duration. Strength of 1 or more tiers greater than power of these threads can break out. Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Base perception greater than the user's base coordination can see these immediately. Equal requires 1 post of searching/watching; -1 tiers can discern whereabouts after 2 posts; -2 tiers after 4 posts. Chakra vision and sensory can obviously locate these without any checks.

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathselect
    Rank: C | B | A | S
    Power: C | B | A | S
    Activation Cost: 5 | 10 | 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: C | B | A | S
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Kugutsu
    Parent Technique: Promotion
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: An ability which aims to disarm an opponent of their precious weapon or armor piece. After attaching a string to the opponent's item of interest, the user will simply pump chakra into the thread and, with a flick of a finger, attempt to violently yank the item away as if it were a puppet. When used on a weapon, opponent's with strength higher than the power of the technique used will resist, not loosing their weapon. However, they will take damage equal to the rank of this technique and a debuff to their coordination for 2 posts base on the power of the technique used (below). Those with insufficient strength will be relieved of their weapon, allowing the user to fling it in any direction of their choosing for up to 50m. Attunement bonuses etc, if applicable, will be lost until the weapon is retrieved.
    When used on armor pieces, the effect is slightly different. When used on such a defensive mechanism, the tug instead causes a sudden, violent jerking of the armor against the body of the victim, creating a kind of rending action. When this occurs, the victim will take physical/bludgeoning damage to the region wearing the armor, equal to the power of technique used, to their body as the armor smashes against them. When effective, they will take the same debuff to coordination (below). This can be used against puppets being worn as armors in the same fashion.
    Coordination Debuff:

    Weakness:  Thread cannot be used to manipulate a puppet for the duration. Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Base perception greater than the user's base coordination can see these immediately. Equal requires 1 post of searching/watching; -1 tiers can discern whereabouts after 2 posts; -2 tiers after 4 posts. Chakra vision and sensory can obviously locate these without any checks. Weapons or armors with effects allowing a user to "recall" them will render this mostly useless. Enemies with a strength stat of at least 1 tier higher than the power of this technique will not suffer the debuff.   

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathstroy
    Rank: C | S
    Power: C | S
    Activation Cost: 5 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Same as Chakra Threads
    Speed: C | S
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Kugutsu
    Parent Technique: Promotion
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Building upon the ability to manipulate, re-weave, and unravel clothing using chakra threads even further, the user attempts here to damage or destroy armor that an opponent wears. Most armor contains some kind of non-metallic component to fasten it together, attach it to the wearer, or prevent chafing and provide a snug fit. This will target those weak points, pulling, altering, and unraveling them so as to affect the quality and fit of the armor in question. Essentially, the armor will begin falling apart at the seams, fitting improperly and in some cases sliding off entirely. This is mechanically represented by a 1 tier (---) reduction in the armor's hardness. When used at S rank of this technique, it becomes a 2 tier (------) reduction. This is not a debuff, however; the armor is literally damaged.
    Weakness: Thread cannot be used to manipulate a puppet for the duration. Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Threads can be detected by whatever perception check gets approved. Chakra sight and sensing can locate these threads. Certain armors without any fabric components are not affected by this (I.e. non-crafted armors, organically grown armors, and most ninjutsu generated armors). Chakra based armors (LRA, Twin Lion Step, etc) are not effected by this.
    Digital Love 5CUsWMA

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
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    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga
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    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Gyokusho Sun Nov 05, 2023 12:16 pm

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Wandelkoning
    Rank: C | B | S
    Activation Cost: 5 | 10 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: 3 | 5 | 20
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Chakra Strings, Puppet Technique
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The march of the true Jeweled General, The Wandelkoning is an approach to puppetry rather abnormal - even blasphemous - among more hardline traditionalists. More a philosophy than a "technique," so to speak, Wandelkoning focuses heavily upon battlefield positioning, particularly in one's own positioning as related to enemies, allies, and their own puppet forces. The is an aura buff and kind of culmination in a certain form of puppet arts and hinges upon proper analysis of a battle, the terrain, and the strategic objectives in play. A puppeteer's - and a general's - value lies not in their own power, but the power and efficiency of their commands, as well as their insight. At C rank, it grants 1 unique (+) to perception, 1 unique (+) to intelligence, and increases the range of chakra threads by 50m. At B rank, it grants 1 tier to Intelligence (+++) the final advantage being unique and 1 advantage (+) to perception, which is unique, and increases the range of chakra threads by 100m. When used at S rank, the previous effects remain, but the user is granted an additional 2 advantages (++) to speed to better protect themselves on the front lines, and increases the range of chakra threads by 100m. This is Gyokusho's unique booster.
    Weakness: N/A

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathpot
    Rank: C | B | A | S
    Power: C | B | A | S
    Activation Cost: 5 | 10 | 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 100m
    Speed: C | B | A | S
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Chakra Strings, Puppet Technique
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: A technique which makes use of the connection provided by the Chakra Threads technique, this ability functions as a kind of force feedback of pure chakra. This can be used either offensively or in a supplementary manner. If attached to a machine, mechanical or electrical device, or other engineering item, the sudden influx of chakra sent via the thread will overload the the inner workings of the device, damaging it until repaired and preventing its proper functioning. When used offensively, the sudden influx simply causes non-elemental damage from the chakra overflow equivalent to the power of the technique. While this second application is generally less practical, it's especially useful against anyone tethered via chakra to an intermediary. For example, this is particularly strong against fellow puppeteers, as the feedback will travel from the user's thread, down the opponent's thread, ultimately to their hand.
    Weakness: This can only damage/deactivate mechanisms of a rank equal to or lower than the power of this technique used. Once used, the thread, and any other thread it's attached to, break, meaning that the connection would need to be reestablished if the user wished to use this technique again. Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Threads can be detected by whatever perception check gets approved. Chakra sight and sensing can locate these threads.


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
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    Perception: A+

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    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Data_Sora Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:55 am

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Wandelkoning
    Rank: C | B | S
    Activation Cost: 5 | 10 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: 3 | 5 | 20
    Range: Self
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Chakra Strings, Puppet Technique
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The march of the true Jeweled General, The Wandelkoning is an approach to puppetry rather abnormal - even blasphemous - among more hardline traditionalists. More a philosophy than a "technique," so to speak, Wandelkoning focuses heavily upon battlefield positioning, particularly in one's own positioning as related to enemies, allies, and their own puppet forces. The is an aura buff and kind of culmination in a certain form of puppet arts and hinges upon proper analysis of a battle, the terrain, and the strategic objectives in play. A puppeteer's - and a general's - value lies not in their own power, but the power and efficiency of their commands, as well as their insight. At C rank, it grants 1 unique (+) to perception, 1 unique (+) to intelligence, and increases the range of chakra threads by 50m. At B rank, it grants 1 tier to Intelligence (+++) the final advantage being unique and 1 advantage (+) to perception, which is unique, and increases the range of chakra threads by 100m. When used at S rank, the previous effects remain, but the user is granted an additional 2 advantages (++) to speed to better protect themselves on the front lines, and increases the range of chakra threads by 100m. This is Gyokusho's unique booster.
    Weakness: N/A

    Name: Pink Secret Technique: Deathpot
    Rank: C | B | A | S
    Power: C | B | A | S
    Activation Cost: 5 | 10 | 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: 100m
    Speed: C | B | A | S
    Element: -
    Skill: Kugutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Chakra Strings, Puppet Technique
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: A technique which makes use of the connection provided by the Chakra Threads technique, this ability functions as a kind of force feedback of pure chakra. This can be used either offensively or in a supplementary manner. If attached to a machine, mechanical or electrical device, or other engineering item, the sudden influx of chakra sent via the thread will overload the the inner workings of the device, damaging it until repaired and preventing its proper functioning. When used offensively, the sudden influx simply causes non-elemental damage from the chakra overflow equivalent to the power of the technique. While this second application is generally less practical, it's especially useful against anyone tethered via chakra to an intermediary. For example, this is particularly strong against fellow puppeteers, as the feedback will travel from the user's thread, down the opponent's thread, ultimately to their hand.
    Weakness: This can only damage/deactivate mechanisms of a rank equal to or lower than the power of this technique used. Once used, the thread, and any other thread it's attached to, break, meaning that the connection would need to be reestablished if the user wished to use this technique again. Threads can be cut by chakra enhanced attack/weapon of power greater than the power of technique used. Threads can be detected by whatever perception check gets approved. Chakra sight and sensing can locate these threads.

    The Mod account of Data_Sora#0001
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    Digital Love Empty Nonsense

    Post by Gyokusho Wed Dec 27, 2023 9:57 am

    Name: Undermine
    Rank: A | S
    Power: A | S
    Activation Cost: 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: 10 | 20
    Range: 200m
    Speed: S
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Mechanical Drilling Arm
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Using the Mechanical Drilling Arm, the user will cause an earthquake in their immediate vicinity, spanning a 200m radius sphere centered on the user. The chaotic movements of the ground will cause anyone standing on the ground (or on anything connected to the ground) to fall. Anyone with coordination equal to or lower than the power of the technique will trip and fall, continuing to stumble so long as the technique is maintained. Buildings, walls, and other solid structures in the area will crumble, taking damage equal to the power of the technique per turn. For buildings/walls/constructs/etc specifically (not people), their rank, quality, and/or hardness (whichever is applicable/available) will be treated as 1 tier less for resisting this. For each turn the buildings/etc endure this, their effective durability will be reduced by 1 tier to reflect the continued build up of damage cause by the quake. Anyone traveling below the ground and in range of the sphere will be crushed by the shifting earth, taking earth damage equivalent to the technique's power per turn they are affected. They will additionally be slowed while traveling by 1 tier and 2 advantages (-----) at A rank and 2 tiers (------) at S rank.
    Weakness: Flying abilities and structures not connected to the ground are immune to this.

    Name: Burrow
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: A
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Mechanical Drilling Arm
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: With the Mechanical Drilling Arm's drill, the user will effortlessly tunnel beneath the ground. This is effective for speedy retreats, as well as creative attacks upon an unsuspecting opponent. By interpreting vibration in the ground transmitted through the Drilling Arm, the user can pinpoint those creatures and terrain items on the surface for up to 150m around themselves. The user's chakra will fill in the tunnel behind them, should they wish, to cover up their passing.
    Weakness: User is effectively blind while underground without specialized techniques.

    Name: Terraform
    Rank: A | S
    Power: A | S
    Activation Cost: 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: 10 | 20
    Range: 250m | 500m
    Speed: A | S
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Mechanical Drilling Arm
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Using the power of the Mechanical Drilling Arm, the user can reform the terrain on a massive scale. The drill will touch the ground and spin, spreading the user's chakra rapidly throughout the area and allowing them to reshape and stone, earth, gravel, sand, etc in the area as they like. They could create hills, ravines, mountains, cliffs, and even elaborate shapes such as houses or buildings made of stone. This is also useful in creating or restructuring caves systems. The user may shape these as they please and vary the terrain as they see fit within the range of the technique, though they may not exceed it. Structures created by this will have a durability equal to the technique's power and a hardness of A+.
    Weakness: The user must be careful to avoid damaging or injuring allies or their personal dwellings. Lightning techniques will be 1 rank higher when striking these changes.

    Name: Antlion
    Rank:  S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost:  20
    Range: 150m
    Speed: S
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Mechanical Drilling Arm
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: By channeling chakra through the Mechanical Drilling Arm, the user will whip up a huge pit of quicksand and mud anywhere within range. The pit can have a maximum radius of 50m and, should the user wish, can extend equally into the air as particulate and mud is kicked up into the air. The user may create an additional pit within range for an extra 10 chakra per addition. All parts of the quicksand will have a powerful pulling effect as if those caught within are trapped in a whirlpool of earthen material and mud, making swimming impossible. This will pull anyone in the area underground rapidly, suffocating them and crushing them under tons of earth, dealing S rank damage per turn the target is buried. To escape, victims must have strength which exceeds the power of the technique, and Supernatural Water Walking will not work for them. Techniques used to free the victim, such as speed boosting techniques, flight, or similar abilities must likewise have power which exceeds that of this technique in order to escape the heavier-than-water mud and soil. Once buried, victims will have no oxygen to breath. The user may select small platforms of a size he chooses in order to create safe areas for potential allies.
    Weakness: Only effective when used on a source of earth, sand, stone, etc. Lightning techniques are considered 1 rank higher in power against this technique.

    Name: Stalagmite
    Rank: B | A | S
    Power: B | A | S
    Activation Cost: 10 | 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: 5 | 10 | 20
    Range: 100m
    Speed: B | A | S
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Mechanical Drilling Arm
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: By channeling chakra into the Mechanical Drilling Arm, the user can spread chakra through the earth and cause shards or spikes of earth to suddenly erupt from any earthen surface, such as the ground, concrete buildings, etc. The technique compresses the available earth to the highest degree, allowing for its use even in areas such as the desert and  for spears of stone to attack opponents from unique angles. The power of this attack will be equal to the technique's power, as will the durability of the spears, should it become relevant. The compressed stone will have a hardness of A+. This technique allows for a great deal of variety in attack as the user may attack with controlled bursts of a few stone spears, or a massive area of them, having them erupt in sequence or all at once as well. The spears have a maximum length of 5m per rank of technique and a maximum thickness of 2m, but can be made smaller if the user wishes. They may also have blunted tips, more like a platform, at the user's discretion.
    Weakness: Lightning techniques are considered 1 rank higher in power against this technique. Must have some sort of earth, stone, sand, mud, etc.

    Last edited by Gyokusho on Sat Jan 27, 2024 9:59 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Burittsu Sat Dec 30, 2023 9:11 pm

    Gyokusho wrote:Name: Undermine
    Rank: A | S
    Power: A | S
    Activation Cost: 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: 10 | 20
    Range: 200m
    Speed: S
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Mechanical Drilling Arm
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Using the Mechanical Drilling Arm, the user will cause an earthquake in their immediate vicinity, spanning a 200m radius sphere centered on the user. The chaotic movements of the ground will cause anyone standing on the ground (or on anything connected to the ground) to fall. Anyone with coordination equal to or lower than the power of the technique will trip and fall, continuing to stumble so long as the technique is maintained. Buildings, walls, and other solid structures in the area will crumble, taking damage equal to the power of the technique per turn. For buildings/walls/constructs/etc specifically (not people), their rank, quality, and/or hardness (whichever is applicable/available) will be treated as 1 tier less for resisting this. For each turn the buildings/etc endure this, their effective durability will be reduced by 1 tier to reflect the continued build up of damage cause by the quake. Anyone traveling below the ground and in range of the sphere will be crushed by the shifting earth, taking earth damage equivalent to the technique's power per turn they are affected. They will additionally be slowed while traveling by 1 tier and 2 advantages (-----) at A rank and 2 tiers (------) at S rank.
    Weakness: Flying abilities and structures not connected to the ground are immune to this.

    Name: Burrow
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: A
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Mechanical Drilling Arm
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: With the Mechanical Drilling Arm's drill, the user will effortlessly tunnel beneath the ground. This is effective for speedy retreats, as well as creative attacks upon an unsuspecting opponent. By interpreting vibration in the ground transmitted through the Drilling Arm, the user can pinpoint those creatures and terrain items on the surface for up to 150m around themselves. The user's chakra will fill in the tunnel behind them, should they wish, to cover up their passing.
    Weakness: User is effectively blind while underground without specialized techniques.

    Name: Terraform
    Rank: A | S
    Power: A | S
    Activation Cost: 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: 10 | 20
    Range: 250m | 500m
    Speed: A | S
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Mechanical Drilling Arm
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Using the power of the Mechanical Drilling Arm, the user can reform the terrain on a massive scale. The drill will touch the ground and spin, spreading the user's chakra rapidly throughout the area and allowing them to reshape and stone, earth, gravel, sand, etc in the area as they like. They could create hills, ravines, mountains, cliffs, and even elaborate shapes such as houses or buildings made of stone. This is also useful in creating or restructuring caves systems. The user may shape these as they please and vary the terrain as they see fit within the range of the technique, though they may not exceed it. Structures created by this will have a durability equal to the technique's power and a hardness of A+.
    Weakness: The user must be careful to avoid damaging or injuring allies or their personal dwellings. Lightning techniques will be 1 rank higher when striking these changes.

    Name: Antlion
    Rank:  S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost:  20
    Range: 150m
    Speed: S
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Mechanical Drilling Arm
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: By channeling chakra through the Mechanical Drilling Arm, the user will whip up a huge pit of quicksand and mud anywhere within range. The pit can have a maximum radius of 50m and, should the user wish, can extend equally into the air as particulate and mud is kicked up into the air. The user may create an additional pit within range for an extra 10 chakra per addition. All parts of the quicksand will have a powerful pulling effect as if those caught within are trapped in a whirlpool of earthen material and mud, making swimming impossible. This will pull anyone in the area underground rapidly, suffocating them and crushing them under tons of earth, dealing S rank damage per turn the target is buried. To escape, victims must have strength which exceeds the power of the technique, and Supernatural Water Walking will not work for them. Techniques used to free the victim, such as speed boosting techniques, flight, or similar abilities must likewise have power which exceeds that of this technique in order to escape the heavier-than-water mud and soil. Once buried, victims will have no oxygen to breath. The user may select small platforms of a size he chooses in order to create safe areas for potential allies.
    Weakness: Only effective when used on a source of earth, sand, stone, etc. Lightning techniques are considered 1 rank higher in power against this technique.

    Name: Stalagmite
    Rank: B | A | S
    Power: B | A | S
    Activation Cost: 10 | 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: 5 | 10 | 20
    Range: 100m
    Speed: B | A | S
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Mechanical Drilling Arm
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: By channeling chakra into the Mechanical Drilling Arm, the user can spread chakra through the earth and cause shards or spikes of earth to suddenly erupt from any earthen surface, such as the ground, concrete buildings, etc. The technique compresses the available earth to the highest degree, allowing for its use even in areas such as the desert and  for spears of stone to attack opponents from unique angles. The power of this attack will be equal to the technique's power, as will the durability of the spears, should it become relevant. The compressed stone will have a durability of A+. This technique allows for a great deal of variety in attack as the user may attack with controlled bursts of a few stone spears, or a massive area of them, having them erupt in sequence or all at once as well. The spears have a maximum length of 10m and a maximum thickness of 2m, but can be made smaller if the user wishes. They may also have blunted tips, more like a platform, at the user's discretion.
    Weakness: Lightning techniques are considered 1 rank higher in power against this technique. Must have some sort of earth, stone, sand, mud, etc.


    Stalagmite just add the different sizes on the ranks and does the durability change for B rank

    Digital Love Aomine14

    Life Mocks Us In The End..
    [Kenjutsu] - [Ninjutsu] - [Hyoton] - [Sensory] - [Summoning] - [Buki]
    [D-Rank: 0] - [C-Rank: 1] - [B-Rank: 4] - [A-Rank: 0] - [S-Rank: 0]

    Strength: A
    Constitution: B ~ A
    Stamina: A+
    Speed: B ~ A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A

    :: Saiken
    :: Samehada
    :: Leggings is S Rank granting +1 Tier to speed
    :: Chestplate is S Rank granting +1 Tier to Con
    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Gyokusho Sat Jan 27, 2024 9:59 pm

    Added variable sizes. The durability is the same as the power, but the hardness is fixed. It comes from a relic. Fixed though as I used the wrong word, so now it should read "hardness".


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Class: S
    Ryo: 4,062,000

    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Burittsu Sat Jan 27, 2024 11:48 pm

    Gyokusho wrote:Name: Undermine
    Rank: A | S
    Power: A | S
    Activation Cost: 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: 10 | 20
    Range: 200m
    Speed: S
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Mechanical Drilling Arm
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Using the Mechanical Drilling Arm, the user will cause an earthquake in their immediate vicinity, spanning a 200m radius sphere centered on the user. The chaotic movements of the ground will cause anyone standing on the ground (or on anything connected to the ground) to fall. Anyone with coordination equal to or lower than the power of the technique will trip and fall, continuing to stumble so long as the technique is maintained. Buildings, walls, and other solid structures in the area will crumble, taking damage equal to the power of the technique per turn. For buildings/walls/constructs/etc specifically (not people), their rank, quality, and/or hardness (whichever is applicable/available) will be treated as 1 tier less for resisting this. For each turn the buildings/etc endure this, their effective durability will be reduced by 1 tier to reflect the continued build up of damage cause by the quake. Anyone traveling below the ground and in range of the sphere will be crushed by the shifting earth, taking earth damage equivalent to the technique's power per turn they are affected. They will additionally be slowed while traveling by 1 tier and 2 advantages (-----) at A rank and 2 tiers (------) at S rank.
    Weakness: Flying abilities and structures not connected to the ground are immune to this.

    Name: Burrow
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: Self
    Speed: A
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Mechanical Drilling Arm
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: With the Mechanical Drilling Arm's drill, the user will effortlessly tunnel beneath the ground. This is effective for speedy retreats, as well as creative attacks upon an unsuspecting opponent. By interpreting vibration in the ground transmitted through the Drilling Arm, the user can pinpoint those creatures and terrain items on the surface for up to 150m around themselves. The user's chakra will fill in the tunnel behind them, should they wish, to cover up their passing.
    Weakness: User is effectively blind while underground without specialized techniques.

    Name: Terraform
    Rank: A | S
    Power: A | S
    Activation Cost: 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: 10 | 20
    Range: 250m | 500m
    Speed: A | S
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Mechanical Drilling Arm
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: Using the power of the Mechanical Drilling Arm, the user can reform the terrain on a massive scale. The drill will touch the ground and spin, spreading the user's chakra rapidly throughout the area and allowing them to reshape and stone, earth, gravel, sand, etc in the area as they like. They could create hills, ravines, mountains, cliffs, and even elaborate shapes such as houses or buildings made of stone. This is also useful in creating or restructuring caves systems. The user may shape these as they please and vary the terrain as they see fit within the range of the technique, though they may not exceed it. Structures created by this will have a durability equal to the technique's power and a hardness of A+.
    Weakness: The user must be careful to avoid damaging or injuring allies or their personal dwellings. Lightning techniques will be 1 rank higher when striking these changes.

    Name: Antlion
    Rank:  S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost:  20
    Range: 150m
    Speed: S
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Mechanical Drilling Arm
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: By channeling chakra through the Mechanical Drilling Arm, the user will whip up a huge pit of quicksand and mud anywhere within range. The pit can have a maximum radius of 50m and, should the user wish, can extend equally into the air as particulate and mud is kicked up into the air. The user may create an additional pit within range for an extra 10 chakra per addition. All parts of the quicksand will have a powerful pulling effect as if those caught within are trapped in a whirlpool of earthen material and mud, making swimming impossible. This will pull anyone in the area underground rapidly, suffocating them and crushing them under tons of earth, dealing S rank damage per turn the target is buried. To escape, victims must have strength which exceeds the power of the technique, and Supernatural Water Walking will not work for them. Techniques used to free the victim, such as speed boosting techniques, flight, or similar abilities must likewise have power which exceeds that of this technique in order to escape the heavier-than-water mud and soil. Once buried, victims will have no oxygen to breath. The user may select small platforms of a size he chooses in order to create safe areas for potential allies.
    Weakness: Only effective when used on a source of earth, sand, stone, etc. Lightning techniques are considered 1 rank higher in power against this technique.

    Name: Stalagmite
    Rank: B | A | S
    Power: B | A | S
    Activation Cost: 10 | 20 | 30
    Upkeep Cost: 5 | 10 | 20
    Range: 100m
    Speed: B | A | S
    Element: Doton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: Mechanical Drilling Arm
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: By channeling chakra into the Mechanical Drilling Arm, the user can spread chakra through the earth and cause shards or spikes of earth to suddenly erupt from any earthen surface, such as the ground, concrete buildings, etc. The technique compresses the available earth to the highest degree, allowing for its use even in areas such as the desert and  for spears of stone to attack opponents from unique angles. The power of this attack will be equal to the technique's power, as will the durability of the spears, should it become relevant. The compressed stone will have a hardness of A+. This technique allows for a great deal of variety in attack as the user may attack with controlled bursts of a few stone spears, or a massive area of them, having them erupt in sequence or all at once as well. The spears have a maximum length of 5m per rank of technique and a maximum thickness of 2m, but can be made smaller if the user wishes. They may also have blunted tips, more like a platform, at the user's discretion.
    Weakness: Lightning techniques are considered 1 rank higher in power against this technique. Must have some sort of earth, stone, sand, mud, etc.

    Digital Love Aomine14

    Life Mocks Us In The End..
    [Kenjutsu] - [Ninjutsu] - [Hyoton] - [Sensory] - [Summoning] - [Buki]
    [D-Rank: 0] - [C-Rank: 1] - [B-Rank: 4] - [A-Rank: 0] - [S-Rank: 0]

    Strength: A
    Constitution: B ~ A
    Stamina: A+
    Speed: B ~ A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A

    :: Saiken
    :: Samehada
    :: Leggings is S Rank granting +1 Tier to speed
    :: Chestplate is S Rank granting +1 Tier to Con
    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 674
    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Gyokusho Sat Mar 02, 2024 11:19 pm

    Name: Application
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Touch
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Fuinjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user places a seal upon an item, usually a weapon, which then seals in a small amount of any chemistry item. The seal will automatically inject the chemistry item whenever the item bearing the seal strikes a target. 1 activation of this technique can apply seals to 1 "yield" of weapons. 1 unit of chemistry substance is required per seal to fill them all. Useful for covert poisons, but also covert medicines. If the user is holding the item, they will not be affected by this, but may pay 5 chakra to manually activate it if they so wish instead.
    Weakness: Constitution higher than the power of this technique will prevent the chemical from being injected into the target. Crafted armors and chakra armors with a power higher than the seal power will prevent injection, and the chemical will instead be expelled in the direction of the item's path, directly onto the armor. An item cannot have more than 2 of these seals at a time.

    Name: Partial Enclosing Technique
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 1
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Touch
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Fuinjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Enclosing Technique; Lightning Flash: Blade Creation
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user unseals a stored item, but instead of summoning the whole item, will release only a portion of it from the seal. This could allow the user to summon only the tip of a spear, or the bladed edge of a sword, as well as many other things. They user may pay another 1 chakra at any time to reseal the item, or may freely release the remainder of the item as they see fit.  
    Weakness: Limited to what is stored in a seal already.

    Last edited by Gyokusho on Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:47 am; edited 1 time in total


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 977
    Join date : 2021-03-20
    Location : Hidden Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Hyoton, Sensory, & Summoning
    Class: S
    Ryo: 4,062,000

    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Burittsu Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:42 am

    Gyokusho wrote:Name: Application
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Touch
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Fuinjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user places a seal upon an item, usually a weapon, which then seals in a small amount of any chemistry item. The seal will automatically inject the chemistry item whenever the item bearing the seal strikes a target. 1 activation of this technique can apply seals to 1 "yield" of weapons. 1 unit of chemistry substance is required per seal to fill them all. Useful for covert poisons, but also covert medicines. If the user is holding the item, they will not be affected by this, but may pay 1 chakra to manually activate it if they so wish instead.
    Weakness: Constitution higher than the power of this technique will prevent the chemical from being injected into the target. Crafted armors and chakra armors with a power higher than the seal power will prevent injection, and the chemical will instead be expelled in the direction of the item's path, directly onto the armor. An item cannot have more than 2 of these seals at a time.

    Name: Partial Enclosing Technique
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 1
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Touch
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Fuinjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Enclosing Technique; Lightning Flash: Blade Creation
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user unseals a stored item, but instead of summoning the whole item, will release only a portion of it from the seal. This could allow the user to summon only the tip of a spear, or the bladed edge of a sword, as well as many other things. They user may pay another 1 chakra at any time to reseal the item, or may freely release the remainder of the item as they see fit.  
    Weakness: Limited to what is stored in a seal already.


    Pay half CP for the partial item you are pulling out from the seal depending on the items rank. Increase partial Activation to C rank.

    For the injecting increase the chakra pay from one to five.

    Digital Love Aomine14

    Life Mocks Us In The End..
    [Kenjutsu] - [Ninjutsu] - [Hyoton] - [Sensory] - [Summoning] - [Buki]
    [D-Rank: 0] - [C-Rank: 1] - [B-Rank: 4] - [A-Rank: 0] - [S-Rank: 0]

    Strength: A
    Constitution: B ~ A
    Stamina: A+
    Speed: B ~ A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A

    :: Saiken
    :: Samehada
    :: Leggings is S Rank granting +1 Tier to speed
    :: Chestplate is S Rank granting +1 Tier to Con
    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 674
    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Gyokusho Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:49 am

    Increased inject seal as requested.

    Lightning Flash: Blade Creation already costs 1 to unseal. Paying half cost (based on item rank) for partial withdrawal simply makes it objectively worse than Lightning Flash. Would ask to keep at 1, like the parent.


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 977
    Join date : 2021-03-20
    Location : Hidden Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Hyoton, Sensory, & Summoning
    Class: S
    Ryo: 4,062,000

    Digital Love Empty Re: Digital Love

    Post by Burittsu Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:50 am

    Gyokusho wrote:Name: Application
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Touch
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Fuinjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: -
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user places a seal upon an item, usually a weapon, which then seals in a small amount of any chemistry item. The seal will automatically inject the chemistry item whenever the item bearing the seal strikes a target. 1 activation of this technique can apply seals to 1 "yield" of weapons. 1 unit of chemistry substance is required per seal to fill them all. Useful for covert poisons, but also covert medicines. If the user is holding the item, they will not be affected by this, but may pay 5 chakra to manually activate it if they so wish instead.
    Weakness: Constitution higher than the power of this technique will prevent the chemical from being injected into the target. Crafted armors and chakra armors with a power higher than the seal power will prevent injection, and the chemical will instead be expelled in the direction of the item's path, directly onto the armor. An item cannot have more than 2 of these seals at a time.

    Name: Partial Enclosing Technique
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Activation Cost: 1
    Upkeep Cost: -
    Range: Touch
    Speed: -
    Element: -
    Skill: Fuinjutsu
    Classification: Personal
    Requirements: -
    Parent Technique: Enclosing Technique; Lightning Flash: Blade Creation
    Hand Seals: -
    Description: The user unseals a stored item, but instead of summoning the whole item, will release only a portion of it from the seal. This could allow the user to summon only the tip of a spear, or the bladed edge of a sword, as well as many other things. They user may pay another 1 chakra at any time to reseal the item, or may freely release the remainder of the item as they see fit.  
    Weakness: Limited to what is stored in a seal already.


    Digital Love Aomine14

    Life Mocks Us In The End..
    [Kenjutsu] - [Ninjutsu] - [Hyoton] - [Sensory] - [Summoning] - [Buki]
    [D-Rank: 0] - [C-Rank: 1] - [B-Rank: 4] - [A-Rank: 0] - [S-Rank: 0]

    Strength: A
    Constitution: B ~ A
    Stamina: A+
    Speed: B ~ A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A

    :: Saiken
    :: Samehada
    :: Leggings is S Rank granting +1 Tier to speed
    :: Chestplate is S Rank granting +1 Tier to Con

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