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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]


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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Mitsukira Mon Aug 17, 2020 6:01 am

    As the sun rose Mitsu was still walking through the dangerous and crumbling paths through the tallest mountain range she’d ever seen. The white haired beauty had walked all through the night, she had really wanted to sleep, she’d been travelling for so long, but it was so much colder here than in the deserts of the Land of Wind. So she had piled on all of the clothing she had brought with her and trudged on under the stars. The extra clothes hadn’t really helped with the cold much, just different colour variations of what she already wore; a dress designed for ease of movement while she danced, white silk embroidered with gold and red scarves to match her eyes. The whole ensemble would barely be called clothing by many people’s standards, the skirt was short with slits up both hips and had only two draping pieces of silk to cover her chest, with more creatively draped pieces on each arm. Her legs were covered by silken thigh high stockings that ended at her ankles, tied off by thin bits of gold. Currently she was wearing sandals, ordinarily she would prefer to feel the sand between her toes but as there was no sand here and only sharp rocks she had opted for some semi-sturdy footwear.

    Most people would have complained at the arduous journey, the sudden change in climate, and the altitude that made it all the more difficult for her to draw breath. But not Mitsukira. She had danced all the way to the Great Chang mountains, taking time to make friends with every butterfly, bird and cricket she passed. She hadn’t been worried about being accosted by bandits or hunted by wild animals, most things left her well enough alone. She held strongly to the belief that the world gave you back what you put into it. She knew that wasn’t quite right since it didn’t account for tragedies that befell the innocent, but she knew that there was some truth to her belief. If she cast kindness and love into the ether intentionally then surely some of the same would make its way back to her, like ripples on a pond. And in truth it wasn’t actually cold, it just really felt cold to her, living her whole life in the desert had made other climates seem inhospitable by comparison.

    As the first rays of sunlight began to peek over the horizon Mitsukira would pause in her walking and take a seat on a nearby rock, turning to face the sun.  The sunrise slowly sparkled its way into existence, casting long and sharp shadows across the landscape. Mitsu sat transfixed by the colours that washed their way across the sky. The pure white of her outfit reflected a pastel version of the fiery heavens as though she were clothed in stained glass from an ancient temple. She had pulled her knees up to her chest and had her arms wrapped around them, a happy and peaceful look on her face as she felt her skin and her heart warmed by the rising sun.

    Last edited by Mitsukira on Fri Sep 18, 2020 9:30 am; edited 1 time in total

    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Y3XzKOV

    Dancing Queen:

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Masaru Tue Aug 18, 2020 4:44 am

    Peace had fallen upon Iwagakure for the first time since Masaru was named Sandaime Tsuchikage, he had no real competition to the title yet some did not approve of his claim. They believed he was an outsider coming to claim that which wasn't his, even after proof of him serving in the Iwa forces before the disappearance of the first Tsuchikage were discovered. They called him an outsider, which was fine by him. For the longest time after the disappearance of the first Tsuchikage he no longer viewed himself as a shinobi, the conflict it had started with brothers fighting for control of the village was all too cutthroat for the man. He swore of the shinobi and set out travelling around the world, he learned of the Way of Blade from his master and called himself Ronin. But he would always feel a calling back to his homeland, and he knew of no better place to raise his adopted daughter. He knew that the Twin Walls of Iwagakure would protect her and all the other innocent within them, and his claim to be Tsuchikage was guaranteed by the fact that he shared the blood of not only the first Tsuchikage but the second as well. The bond of Lava and Steel molded into the Warrior King that Masaru believed himself to be, yet still they would object to his birthright. Civil war, civil unrest, the nation was nearly torn apart. Luckily however he had somehow managed to hold it all together, he eliminated the criminal threat to the village and eventually every corner of the land of earth would be driven clean of such savagery. Now he finally had time to relax, to truly enjoy one day to himself. His protege Chen had developed into quite the tactical genius, as well as a very powerful warrior under Masaru's training. He felt comfortable leaving the young one at the reigns of the village while he snuck out in the dead of night to go relax in a hot spring.

    Of course there were hot springs spread all over the land of earth, it just became a matter of which one he wanted to go to. He didn't want to go to one too close to the village for fear that they would come looking for him and ruin his relaxation. No today was going to be his day and no one would stop him from enjoying it, after all was is so much to ask for one day where he could just relax and not have the stress on his shoulders. He felt the tension ever growing within his muscles and knew that if he did not get at least one day of rest, he would snap. He opted to head towards a spring at the far end of the Chang Mountains, one that no one else even knew about because he created it himself. It was in a small cavern at the bottom of the ravine of the Chang Mountains, kept warm by the vent of Lava he created beneath the surface of the cave. He was nearly to his hidden getaway when he saw a woman sitting on a large bolder near the path, he was still several Kilometers away from her but thanks to his eagle-like eyes he could see her just as clearly as if she was sitting right in front of him. At first he thought she may be a lone bandit as most did not wander far from the village even in this time of peace simply because of the wildlife. His eyes would tell him a different story, her clothes were hardly something a bandit wouldo wear and he doubted anyone in all of Tsuchi no Kuni dressed like that. Which meant she was a foreigner, his eyes would narrow at the thought though he would not judge here just because she was not from his land. She did not look to be an assassin, in fact the way she was sitting Masaru would surmise that she was undoubtedly cold. The way she held her legs close as if she was trying to keep the heat in, which is what confirmed she was a foreigner. Tsuchi no Kuni was not a winter wasteland like the land of snow to the north, but it was colder than other nations especially the ones to the south. Using his ultra light rock Technique, the Tsuchikage would increase his speed and reach where the woman sat in a matter of seconds. She was facing away from him, towards the rising of the sun. He was unsure if she heard his approach or not, but he would undo the single clasp that held his long white coat together, taking it off of himself before lightly laying it upon the woman around her shoulders. "Forgive me for the intrusion miss, but you look cold and I would like to be of an assistance to you?" The now topless male would walk around to the woman's side as he spoke so that the woman would see his face and hopefully not be frightened by a complete stranger walking up and putting a coat around her. He would look her up and down and marvelled at her appearance, she was extremely beautiful if not underdressed. The male would show no sign of his bare skin being effected by the weather, his inner fire more than capable of keeping himself warm and the warmth his body possessed would be evident by the warmth of the coat he had placed around her. His own body heat seemingly transferring to her through the coat, he would almost slap himself in the head when he realized he did not introduce himself. The woman no doubt was thinking he was some crazy man coming to do gods know what. "I must ask your Forgiveness once more for my rudeness in not introducing myself Miss, My name is Masaru Tatsudashi, Sandaime Tsuchikage. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, however if you do not mind me asking, what brings you to my Land?" He had wanted the day off, but instead he must play interrogator to ensure the safety of his home and his people. Still if the woman proved to be non threatening perhaps he could still have that dip in the hot spring when this was all said and done.

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Mitsukira Tue Aug 18, 2020 6:08 am

    If Mitsu had bothered to activate her sensory, she might have noticed the man approaching her. In a lot of ways she was a terrible shinobi, she spent far too much time simply enjoying every moment life handed to her, rather than waiting for some unknown threat to appear from the shadows. As it happened she had not bothered, she was so enraptured by the beautiful sunrise that a giant bear could have walked up to her and growled and she’d not have noticed until it was far too late and she was someone’s dinner. So when a large white coat was gently placed on her shoulders she would gasp in surprise, turning her head to see what was going on. The warmth from the long coat was glorious and she would pull it tightly around her, her body involuntarily shivering as the temperature of her skin rose to match the newfound heat.

    She’d nearly forgotten that the warm clothing had not just materialized out of thin air as an incredibly handsome man strode into her view. Judging from his lack of clothing on his torso he must be the man whose coat she had wrapped herself in. After a second or two of slack jawed staring at the dark haired males chiseled form she would drag her eyes upwards to the man who spoke to her, setting her cheerful and approving gaze on the man’s face. She very nearly blurted out exactly what kind of assistance she’d like to see him give to her, but remembered her manners and bit her tongue. Yes, he was beautiful to look upon, but it wouldn’t do for her to focus primarily on her need for social contact.

    The way he stood bare chested even in the cool morning air made her heart flutter. The warmth from his coat had her imagining how much warmer she might be wrapped in his arms and a playful smile would grace her features. “There’s no intrusion, you couldn’t have come at a better time. I was starting to think I might freeze to death all alone on this mountain, but here I am no longer freezing and no longer alone.” She would wink and then laugh as she spoke, a joyful and inviting sound as her red eyes searched his face for his intentions. He probably was just some traveller like herself who happened upon a lone woman and offered aid. It was all very heroic and it made her heart sing with happiness. These were the sorts of stories she imagined and how very lucky she was to be able to be part of one.

    When he asked for her forgiveness again she would smile reassuringly. She hadn’t thought him rude, they’d only been in each other's presence for a few moments, but she appreciated the apology all the same, it at least showed that he cared about doing things correctly. His introduction caused her to rise from where she sat, carefully removing the Tsuchikage’s coat and gracefully falling to her knees she would bow deeply. Her voice was remorseful as she begged for his understanding. Why had she been sent on this mission? She was probably the worst ambassador in history, her first meeting with the Tsuchikage starting with her ogling the village leader. “Tsuchikage-sama I beg your forgiveness I did not know who you were. I am Mitsukira Kamisora from Sunagakure in the Land of Wind. And I’ve come here looking for you.” The cold was forgotten but her trembling remained as she knelt and faced the earth, awaiting a stern reprimand for being so informal. She was uncertain of the customs of this land, but she doubted that winking at the Tsuchikage was the best way to begin diplomatic relations.

    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Y3XzKOV

    Dancing Queen:

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Masaru Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:39 pm

    A smile would form on his face as the woman spoke, her voice was a beautiful melody and the wink she gave him made him ask himself if that was flirting. It had been so long since anyone had looked at him like she did, it was the kind of thing he missed when he had been a wanderer. You never know how good life truly was, or how good you had it until the situation was changed. He was overjoyed that he was able to provide the beautiful woman in her time of need, and he didn't mind the flirting at all. "I am happy to be of service to you Miss, in your hour of need. I would hate the thought of you ever being alone. Such beauty deserves the company to admire it, and to be cold it a terrible thing. I will not have such a thing, I will keep you warm." His tone would be kind yet still carry the base of his deep voice, but in a way he was actually trying to flirt back. He was just not the best at it, it had been so long since he had even attempted to court a woman and now here he was trying to pick up where he left off all those year ago. He was no doubt rusty, he could only hope that she would not burst into laughter at his words.

    It was refreshing to have someone to talk to that viewed him as a normal person, though he knew it wouldn't last after he introduced himself. He wouldn't have, if it was not the proper etiquette, but he would of loved to stand there with the strange woman and get to know her as a person and enjoying the way she eyed him. Maybe he would of have an enjoyable day finally, but alas he would give his name and title. If he had been a lesser man he would have kept it to himself, but that was not his style. He did not hide who he was, nor was he ashamed of it. Did he want to be just a normal man, sure but who didn't. He was in a position of power and respect, one that many would kill for yet he longed to be just one of the guys able to kick back and relax. Instead he had to sneak out of his village in the dead of night just to get some peace, still the flirting wink from the woman before she discovered who he was made the man feel young again before the weight of a country rose upon his shoulders.

    He watched as her expression changed at his introduction, a slight frown forming on his face as she knelt down on her knees and bowed. It wasn't her words that would upset him, it was the fact that she placed herself below him by bowing. Sure most people saw it as a sign of respect, and Masaru did as well, to a certain point. However he has never felt that he was above someone else, and certainly never a woman. In Iwa when his people would bow to him, he would always return the bow. It was a sign of the mutual respect they all had for each other, the entire village was his family. Still this Desert woman had no reason to bow so low, perhaps she had thought him insulted by her flirting. She begged forgiveness, and told him she had come looking for him. This would make Masaru curious as to why this woman had come looking for him, last he had heard the village of the sand had fallen to the same corruption that plague his village before he cleansed it. He had no desire to deal with criminals, however he could not help but be smitten by the woman's beauty. If she was a criminal, she hide it well. Masaru had a knack for spotting criminals, even those that thought they could hide it from him. On this woman he could see no threat, and she did not strike him as an assassin sent to kill him. Unless this was her plot, still it would take more than a beautiful face to get the drop on him. His steel skin could manifest within a second, and nothing could penetrate it.

    Masaru would approach the kneeling woman, stopping just in front of her head that was facing the dirt of the earth. He would grab the woman by the shoulders with both hands, not hard enough to hurt her but enough to pick her all the way up off the ground before placing her feet on the ground and releasing her. The man would look at her with his emerald green eyes as he raised a hand to her face and lightly dusted the dirt off of her face. "Come now Miss, there is no need for all of that. You've gone and gotten yourself all dirty." Masaru said with a smile as he bent down and retrieved his coat, dusting it off and returning it to around her shoulders. As he placed it on her shoulders from in front of her, he accidentally stepped to close and felt his chest press against the woman. He would step back immediately, leaving the warm coat upon her. "My apologies Miss, I fear I may have overstepped." Masaru would look out at the rising sun on the horizon as he thought of what the woman had said when she knelt down. His next words would still hold the same kindness as they held when he picked her up, yet there would also be a sternness in his voice to let it known the seriousness of his words. "I have no interest in dealing with criminals, which is what I have heard Sunagakure is full of. If you are a criminal I will give you one chance that I have never offered to a criminal, leave this land and never return. For I would hate to have to take your beauty from the world." Masaru would look toward the sun as he spoke these words as he was unsure he would have been able to say them had he been looking at her. Once finished he would turn from the sun and look at the woman once more, seeing her wrapped in his coat made the smile return to his face. "However, if you are innocent of guilt as I suspect you are then I bid you welcome to my Land, Miss Kamisora. Though I have no idea why you would come looking for me, I would love to speak with you about it."

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Mitsukira Tue Aug 18, 2020 8:30 pm

    Her subtle flirting had not gone unnoticed it seemed, the tall and strong looking man complimenting her beauty in return. This made her smile all the wider, her eyes sparkling in the sunlight. It was delightful to happen upon someone as wonderful as him out here on this lonely mountain. She was warm finally and had companionship, which was very easy on the eyes and a beautiful sunrise. Life didn’t get much better than that. Until he revealed who he was. She found him no less attractive for it, but that was part of the problem. She had always been told that she wasn’t serious enough, didn’t put the proper amount of deference into her exchanges with others. And more often than not it got her into trouble. Most people would have learned by so late in their lives, but not her. She danced her way through life as carefree and happily as the world would allow her to be. And now here she was, face down in the dirt, simply because she refused to absorb the solemnity that her teachers had tried to force upon her.

    She had been expecting many different reactions, none of them were good, but being picked up and placed on her feet was not one of them. Masaru’s grip was firm and warm against her bare shoulders, and he was clearly very strong as he lifted her with ease. In her opinion the beautiful village leader had released her too quickly, but that was her playful side talking. Until he reached forward and brushed some dirt off of her face she was sure she was in for at least a stern speech. She would smile as his hand brushed against her cheek, shyly giggling and looking away as he commented on how she had gotten dirty. Mitsu wasn’t embarrassed about a little dirt on her face, she’d grown up in the middle of the desert sleeping under the stars, getting dirty was part of that and she’d never been made to feel ashamed of it. Even now when Masaru pointed it out she could see from his smile and the kind look in his sparkling emerald coloured eyes that he meant no harm or judgement.

    Watching Masaru perform even the simplest of tasks, picking up his coat and dusting it off, was an eye catching affair. Even before she’d known this well muscled man was the Tsuchikage she would have assumed he was a warrior. He had the build of one that knew the graceful and powerful dance of weaponry, and she would raise her red eyes to look into his green ones as he placed the coat back around her shoulders. A small gasp would be heard as he pressed into her, it was a quiet sound but not one of shock or indignation, rather the sound she made was a subconscious signal of her approval. She was disappointed when he stepped back immediately, apologizing for it even. To which she would give a small shrug and a mirthful laugh. “No apology necessary Tsuchikage-sama. I don’t mind at all. You see, you’re quite warm and I’m quite cold.” She’d already been flirting with him, she didn’t see any real reason to stop now. She wanted to ask him to do it again, besides the practical comfort of his warmth against her she was imagining him holding her with his strong arms again.

    Her worries from moments before had nearly been forgotten when he turned and faced the rising sun, his voice turning stern and commanding. He looked picture perfect standing there, a slight breeze waving through his long dark hair and the sun playing backdrop to what was an impressively chiseled profile. Were it not for the steely edge to his voice she may have been inclined to let out a wistful sigh as she stared at him all doe eyed. But his voice gave her a warning that she thought beared paying attention to. Her features would become downcast as a bit of sadness crept into her heart. She’d never had anyone accuse her of being a criminal before, and she found that it hurt. She’d always tried to live in a way that allowed the happiness and peace and freedom of those around her. The idea that all anyone had heard of Sunagakure was that it was full of criminals troubled her. She knew it wasn’t true, sure there were some, but she’d never had any trouble and for the most part the city was safe as far as she knew. Occasionally there was the odd newcomer that would cause a bit of trouble, but that was quickly and efficiently dealt with. She wanted to yell at him, to tell him he was wrong. Wrong about her family, her village. Her home. But she didn’t think that would help anything, and it was just rumour he’d heard anyway, he’d said it himself. The short lived wave of anger she’d felt at his words melted away as he continued, reassuring her that he did not suspect she was a criminal.

    His smile as he turned back to face her melted her heart and she smiled bashfully in return. The welcome he gave her made her nearly jump for joy. She’d very nearly messed up the relations between their two lands in a few short minutes and she was relieved to hear that he still wished to speak with her. Pulling his coat around her more tightly as the wind picked up she would look up at the giant of a man and smirk playfully. “You can just call me Mitsukira if you want. Or Mitsu, that’s fine too. Miss sounds so formal, and I’m not formal or fancy or anything like that.” She felt strange having to tilt her head so far back to look at him and so she would climb on the rock she had just been sitting on, so that when she stood she was almost able to look him in the eye. “I can assure you Tsuchikage-sama that I am no criminal. And while I’m sad to hear the rumours of my home, I can equally assure you that Sunagakure is not filled with criminals. I was sent here by the Kazekage, to attempt to forge an alliance between our villages. I must be honest with you though. I have absolutely no idea how to do that.” She would strike a dancers pose, one arm gracefully held in an arc above her head while she balanced on one leg. After doing a spin she would place both feet back on the rock, her eyes twinkling while her long white hair settled in place down the length of her back as she stopped moving. “I’m just a simple dancer, and the art of diplomacy is new to me. I don’t want to mess this up, so if you wouldn’t mind I could really use your help.”

    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Y3XzKOV

    Dancing Queen:

    Posts : 568
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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Masaru Mon Aug 24, 2020 1:12 pm

    At the woman's mention of him being warm after pressing into her, Masaru's face would turn the slightest red, though it would be hard to notice against his tan skin. Though he didn't want to admit it he did enjoy feeling her against him, but that was only because of his position. It was hard to find companionship when everyone is technically a subject, how can you court someone who inadvertently serves you. Of course this woman was not a subject to Iwagakure, though it didn't change matters either. If she was a representative of a foreign country, it could cause problems if he was to try something other than  professional Kage respect of a diplomat.

    He would try not to chuckle too hard when she asked for help because diplomacy was new to her, though not laughing at her inexperience more of a chuckle at something cute. The way she would spin herself on the rock in the middle of her introduction was enlightening to her character, she truly had never done this before. She was a true breath of fresh air for the man, it was something he had been missing in his day to day routine. He would lift his hand out to the woman standing on the rock, "Well Miss... I'm sorry, Mitsukira it is very good to make your acquaintance. I am happy to hear that not all rumors hold truth, I had hopes that someone was able to bring order back to Sunagakure and the land of wind as a whole. I am always willing to entertain foreign dignitaries over talks of alliances, today I am afraid I find myself at an impasse." If the woman took his hand, Masaru would help her down off the rock. Though he knew she didn't need such help, he truly just wanted to feel her touch again. He would look deep into her eyes with "You see, today is suppose to be my one day of relaxation. I don't wish to be rude, however it is not very often I get this. In fact, I had to sneak out of my own village just to ensure they didn't put a protection detail on me and I could actually enjoy some peace and quiet." Masaru could have told her anything, yet he chose the truth. Maybe because he didn't believe in the need to keep it a secret, or maybe there was something else about this woman that brought the truth out of the man. "You see the problem is that if you want official diplomatic discussions, we would need to return to the village and sit down with my advisors. I would prefer to not deal with that today, the old men take up enough of my time as it is."

    Masaru would pause for a moment, judging the woman's reaction to this before he made her his next offer. "Now, I was headed to a hot spring that not very many people know about, mainly because official it doesn't exist. It's my own personal private little getaway. If you would be interested, I would be more than happy to have your company. We can take it slow and just talk like normal people, and I can give pointers on what to do when we meet with the old men that will help earn their ear." The entire time the man was talked his voice was calm and inviting despite the monotonic tone that his normal voice held. Often times he was told he was a stern man and rarely approachable, so he would offer the woman a smile in hopes that it would show that he was not as stern as everyone said. Of course if the woman wished to go to the village right away he would respect her wishes, foregoing his day of relaxation in hopes that he would find another day for himself. After all Iwagakure was at the point where it needed all the allies it could get, more than Masaru needed a day to himself.

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Mitsukira Mon Aug 24, 2020 6:29 pm

    Mitsu would beam at the beautiful man as he chuckled, she could tell it wasn’t mean spirited and there was little else she loved to do than bring happiness to others. Hearing her name on his lips was equally wonderful, and she would nod slightly at his correction. Seeing his outstretched hand she would smile brightly and gracefully place her small pale hand into the palm of his larger tanned one. His skin was delightfully warm on her palm and she wished he were anyone else other than the Tsuchikage. She would have spun and danced, using his hand as an anchor for her movements. Instead she would cheekily curtsy, holding up an imaginary long skirt as she did. “Thank you, my lord.” Her voice held a bit of teasing in it as she would wink and then hop down from the rock, placing herself squarely at chest height again. ‘Oh, I did it again. Why am I like this? He’s going to think I’m not taking this seriously. But he’s just. . . so. . . pretty.’ Her internal monologue was finished off with an external nonchalant shrug of acceptance. She was currently in the presence of a village leader, something she should be taking extremely seriously. And while part of her was, she could not deny the attraction she felt when looking at him that had only been amplified by taking his hand. She could probably count on his patience since she’d been honest about her experience with diplomacy, and she fully expected that were her flirting unwanted, he would say something. He seemed to be the sincerely honest type which was something she could appreciate.

    Hearing him explain how she had interrupted one of his only free days she was mortified. He hadn’t said it like that of course, but she could only imagine how busy and stressful it must be to run a village. And so it must feel awful to be torn between wanting to relax and wanting to do right by his village. A slight frown would tug at the edges of her lips as she contemplated what to do. She hadn’t been given any particular deadline for her task, she saw no harm in waiting, and she certainly wanted to ensure that Masaru could relax. ‘I could help you with that.’ Her inner voice cooed as she looked up at him with playfully bashful eyes. She was utterly shameless. So all the older women from the village had always said, she wasn’t entirely sure what they meant by it. But they always said it whenever she would dance and flirt and have fun. It was as though the entirety of human civilization was designed to make people miserable. Her imaginings were rudely interrupted when he mentioned having to discuss things at length in a room full of boring old men. He didn’t call them boring, but she imagined they were, why else would he have mentioned it? If they were exciting old men, he probably wouldn’t have minded it at all.

    A look of regret on her face she would squeeze his hand gently. “I don’t wish to take this day away from you. I’m so sorry. I can’t pretend to understand what that must be like, to have everyone need your attention all the time. I’m more than happy to wait for a better time. Actually no, I insist we do. I just need to find my way to the village and I can wait for you there.” While she meant it, she was not convinced it was the best plan. She absolutely did not want to leave this man, so much so that long after she’d been ‘helped’ down from the rock she had not released his hand. But if he wished it she would leave and make her way to the village and do as she’d said; wait for him. ‘Please say no to that’ Her inner voice silently begged him to turn down her offer to leave. Her eyes also begged him as she gazed up at him trying to convey her silent plea in her bright red orbs.

    As though he had heard her thoughts his next suggestion made her heart skip a beat, causing her to squeeze his hand again in her excitement. Her face would light up as she chuckled happily at his invitation. Without a second thought she would answer an emphatic and perhaps overly loud ”Yes!”. A blush would form across her pale cheeks and the bridge of her nose and she realized how quick she had been to answer, and how obnoxious her answer might have come across. Clearing her throat and placing her free hand on the forearm of the one she still held she would look at him with true shyness and answer more softly though with no less enthusiasm. “I would love to share your company. I would be honored.” She felt bold in his presence and she hoped that her openness would not be rebuffed. She knew she was a lot for people to take in all at once, but she had a good feeling about this man. The powerful Tsuchikage who answers to no one, who sneaks out of his own village. It brought another smile to her face, this one filled with mischief.  “And I promise not to spill your secrets.”

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    Dancing Queen:

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Masaru Wed Aug 26, 2020 8:41 pm

    Masaru could see that when the woman curtsied and said the words thank you my Lord that she was being playful, and there was that wink again if the woman looked hard enough she would see the light pink of blushing on his tanned face as she took his hand. As she stepped down he would pull her closer to him, moving their connecting hand to the side and wrapping his other arm around her so that she was just inches from his chest as if they were about to dance. He was only being polite he told himself, she was cold after all. When you're body produces as much heat as Masaru's did, sharing that heat was nothing as anything within three meters of him could feel the heat he produced. His heart leapt when she would squeeze his hand, such a small sign of concern but it would mean the world to Masaru. She could have released her hand at anytime, and so could Masaru but neither seemed to want to let the other one go. When she offered to wait for him, Masaru knew he couldn't bare to let her simply wait for him. It would be so boring for her, and he wouldn't be able to  truly relax with the thought of keeping such a beautiful woman waiting. He would make his offer for her to join him and she would answer immediately with a yes, the excitement was evident on her face and the male could not help but wonder if his face was showing his own excitement on the matter. Her loud squeal of a yes would bring a smile to his face, it didn't bother the man that it was loud quite the opposite in fact. To see that the woman was so excited to spend time in his company was astounding to the man, no one ever really wanted to spend time with the Kage they only did it because their jobs intertwined. This woman and the genuine excitement on her face, made Masaru start to wonder if she might be more than just a diplomat. He still did not think she was there to harm him or the village, but there was something more to her than just a diplomat, or maybe it was that he wanted more from her...

    She would clear her throat and reply to his invitation again this time less of a squeal and more formal, yet there was still the same excitement written on her face under her shyness. The look of the woman's mischievous smile as she promised not to spill his secrets would cause a smile to form on his own face. He trusted her words, and he felt that he could share with her everything without worrying about her thinking less of him. Without a word he would lift the hand holding hers and spin her so that his arm would wrap around her, their hands still holding each other right in front of her stomach. He would place his other hand gently on the woman's hip as he took a step closer to her, his coat drapped over her shoulders the only thing keeping his chest from pressing against her. He would lean forward and whisper in the woman's ear before giving her hip a slight playful squeeze, "Hold on tightly now, Miss Mitsukira." With a deep breath Masaru would release chakra and begin lifting himself and the woman off the ground, the woman would have nothing to fear so long as he had ahold of her and he had no intention of letting her go. Ever.

    Feeling her pressed against him as they lifted off the ground, Masaru felt complete bliss. This was what he had been missing from his life, someone he could share everything with and he would be lucky to have a woman like Mitsukira. Once he was sure the woman was comfortable he would loosen slightly, not enough to make her fear falling. So long as they were holding hands his jutsu would effect her, and they could even dance upon the air itself if she wished it. They would be high enough now that she would be able to see the village off in the distance, the hundred meter outer wall drawing the most attention. She was not far from the village when Masaru had found her, but that was not their destination at least not yet. Masaru would fly them over the Great Chang Mountain Range allowing the woman to take in the sights of his country like no one else would be able to. As they near the cave that was Masaru's hideway, the man would begin lowering them back towards the ground. He wanted to stay in the air with her, but he knew the hot spring would be good for the both of them. As their feet would touch the ground again Masaru would spin the woman again before pointing at the mouth of the cave, "and here we are. It's not much but it does the job." He would say with a chuckle as he squeezed her hand slightly as they began towards the cave entrance, the dark cave would become illuminated with a single half tiger handseal from Masaru. The torches upon the walls would all ignite at once, lighting their path deeper into the cave. The tunnel of the cave would be wide enough for 4 people to walk side by side, yet Masaru would hold the woman close to him as they walked through it. They would reach the end of the tunnel as it opened into a wide chamber like room, it would be lit by torches just like tunnel. A large pool of steaming water sat in the middle of the room, "I would like to welcome you to my little hideaway, Miss Mitsukira." He would say with a smile, he was unsure why he enjoyed saying her name so much, but ever since she told him what it was he couldn't help himself.

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Mitsukira Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:56 am

    Mitsu was smitten. The very handsome Tsuchikage had pulled her to him, which she was more than happy to allow, but not only that it was almost as though he wanted to dance with her. She could certainly appreciate a man that was comfortable dancing, being that it was her favourite thing to do. Probably above everything else. ‘Okay Mitsu, just chill. Relax and breathe. He’s gorgeous yes, and oh. . . those eyes of his.’ She would smile happily as she gazed up into his bright emerald eyes, his movements barely registering with her as she was spun around with his arm wrapped across her front. She was only mildly disappointed that she could no longer look into his beautiful eyes as she was now much closer to him. She would lean back against Masaru’s chest, sighing contentedly as she felt the warmth from him spread through her. She wished that his coat wasn’t in the way and that she could feel his skin against her bare back, but she was pleased with the feeling of his rigid form against her.

    The squeeze on her hip evoked a giggle of approval as he told her to hold on tight. She wasn’t sure what he meant by that exactly, at least until she felt herself lift off the ground. At first she was confused, thinking that perhaps he had merely lifted her up again, until she saw how far from the ground she was. She would turn her head to look back at him, an excited grin on her face. “I didn’t know the Tsuchikage could fly. You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” She would keep herself pressed against him as much as she was able with no ground to push off of. She wasn’t frightened, quite the opposite. Mitsu had no fear of heights, much to the chagrin of her parents throughout her life. Instead of trembling in fear she would actively look around, enthusiastically gasping out ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ as they flew through the morning sky. The landscape was breathtaking, the rising sun soaking the mountainous terrain in liquid gold. She could see the village proper off in the distance, its impressive wall anyway. The sharp cut of the stone of the wall gave an imposing look to the horizon and it made her wonder what sort of land she was in. It was a far cry from the gentle slopes of sand as far as the eye could see in the Land of Wind. Everything here was hard and sharp, no gentle curves or soft colours. It made her a tiny bit homesick as she thought of her homeland, but as they danced through the air Masaru’s touch brought her comfort. She would hold onto him and tentatively turn to face him, pressing against him if he allowed it to turn their flight into a waltz on the wind, stopping only when they landed or he asked her to stop.

    She was somewhat sad when they landed, sad only that they could no longer see the world from above as though they were birds. Mitsu would laugh brightly as Masaru spun her again, squeezing his hand in return as he pointed her towards a cave entrance. Her laugh was cut short by a quiet exclamation of awe as the torches she saw along the rough stone walls lit all at once. There were caves near Sunagakure, but she’d often been discouraged from exploring them, told she was a bit too adventurous for her own good. At least when she was younger, once she was old enough to defend herself she was encouraged to travel safely. Currently she couldn’t have felt any more safe with her hand in Masaru’s. The tunnel itself was quite long and spoke of hidden treasures and pirate caves, inspiring Mitsu to lean into Masaru’s side and tease him gently. “Is this where you hide your treasures Masaru?” Immediately realizing her mistake in being far too informal with him she would quickly correct herself. “I’m sorry, I meant Tsuchikage-sama” The dim light of the tunnel might have hidden her blush were she more tanned like many from her village, but her paper white skin did little to disguise the glow of bright pink that spread across her face again. ‘What is wrong with me? Please Mitsu, do not screw this up.’ She would worry all the way to the large room that housed the largest and most inviting looking pool she’d ever laid eyes on.

    The steam that wafted from the surface of the water looked beautiful and she could hardly wait to sink her chilled flesh into the warm looking waters. As they stood there and he gave her a smiling welcome to his hideaway she would return his smile, turning to face and giving him an exuberant hug then pulling back and blushing more brightly than she had before. “Thank you so much. I’m so grateful for the invitation Tsuchikage-sama. Yet another of your secrets I’ll hold close.” She hadn’t given much thought to what they would actually do once they arrived. Now that they were here and they were a mere few steps away from soaking in the pool she was incredibly aware of her utter lack of bathing clothes. She was not the least bit ashamed of her body, she loved it in fact, but she wasn’t sure what the proper protocol for soaking in a hot spring with the Kage of a foreign village was. ‘Do I just. . . take my clothing off? Will he? Oh I hope he does. Oh I shouldn’t think that. . . but look at him. . .’ She would turn from him and find a place to put down what little she had with her; a small bag that she had suspended crossways across her torso with a few trinkets in it, an extra set of clothes, her fans and a waterskin. She’d never owned many things, her most prized possessions were her dancing clothes and she was perfectly happy that way. She would regretfully release the man’s hand and step away while removing Masaru’s coat and carefully folding it up again and placing it on top of her bag on the ground. With a sheepish smile she would turn back to the green eyed man, her hands folded behind her back as she looked up at him through her lashes. Her voice still held a flirtatious tone as she questioned her host. “So what now Tsuchikage-sama? I’ve never been to a hot spring before, and I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do. And I confess I don’t have anything with me that would be appropriate to wear while, um, swimming? Soaking? I don’t know what to call this.”

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    Dancing Queen:

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Masaru Fri Sep 04, 2020 11:20 am

    Looking into Mitsu's eyes as she looked back and stated how he was full of surprises, "oh my dear, you haven't seen nothing yet." Masaru would say with a chuckle and a wink, feeling her pressed against him after she turned to face him would cause Masaru's heart to race. His arm around her would tighten not enough to hurt her, but enough to let her know he enjoyed her being close to him as they waltzed across the sky. Her laugh was beautiful, and when he heard her say Masaru his heart skipped a beat. It had been a while since anyone had simply called him by his name, it was always one title or another but never just Masaru. Hearing his name on her tongue he felt a connection to her, but she apologized for it. Even with the low light the man could see she felt she had done something wrong, but that fact was she was perfect. She was just what he needed in his life, 'By the Gods she is Beautiful' Masaru would pull her closer to him, then using the index finger of his left hand he would place it under her chin lifting it up so that she was looking at him in the eyes. His smile would shine brightly as he spoke as he wanted her to know what he was saying is true, "You have nothing to be sorry for, to be honest I like the way you say my name. And to answer your question yes this is where I hide my treasure, why do you think I brought you here?" With that Masaru would give her a wink followed by a quick kiss on the cheek, before wrapping his arms around her as they continued into the chamber. 'I hope that wasn't too far'

    "and I shall hold you close, Mitsukira." Masaru replied when she spoke of holding his secrets close, pulling the woman closer to him giving her hip a little squeeze. 'Easy don't want her to get the wrong idea, like your not giving her a choice' He was flirting with her, had been for a while now. After all, what good was a day off if you couldn't have a little fun. She may not have know who he was when they met, but she did now and she still seemed to be attracted to him. She came with him to the cave, to be alone with a man she just met. Of course Masaru was attracted to her, otherwise he wouldn't had offered to allow her to join him. Still, he didn't want her to think that he was trying to force her to do anything she did not choose to do so of her on free will. As she started to place her things down and remove his coat Masaru would do the same, removing his belt which held his blade Devorakos and his bow Soulstring. Masaru never carried much on him, he could make weapons with his jutsu so he had no need to carry Ninja tools and he puts all of his personal money into maintaining the village each month and he never took a single ryo from the village. The only reason he had the two weapons he did was because the Blade was his mother's, and the bow was specially crafted by Okane capable of folding down for easy transport but still fast to react. While Masaru is more than capable of making his own bow with his jutsu, Okane's product provided abilities a normal bow or even one of Masaru's simply did not.

    Masaru would place the belt on the ground next to him, removing his pants without a second thought. The man didn't wear shoes, and he didn't like clothes that much which is why he didn't really wear a shirt. He also wasn't a very shy person, so when Mitsu turn back to face him she would see him standing before her completely nude. It wasn't that he assumed something happened between the two of them, though he wanted it to happen. It was simply how he had planned to relax, hearing her questions Masaru would turn to see she was still dress and had only removed his coat. "Come now Miss Mitsu, I told you. You can simply call me Masaru. There is also no need to be shy, we are both adults here are we not? A hot spring is like a nice hot bath, the best way to relax in it is to soak in it the way we all come into this world." Masaru would step into the hot spring, it just deep enough to raise to his hip as he stood in it. Turning back to Mitsu, Masaru would extend his hand out. "If you would like to join me, Miss Mitsukira. Of course you don't have too, but it is nice and warm and I think it will help warm you up plus help you relax." Masaru's voice would be the same calm and polite tone if not slightly playful that it had been since he had met the woman. He wanted her in the spring with him, but he didn't want her to do it for him. He wanted her to want to be in the spring with him, to know if what he thought about her was returned in her thoughts about him.

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Mitsukira Sun Sep 06, 2020 6:27 pm

    Mitsu was so excited she thought she might actually jump for joy. Not only had she managed to not offend the Tsuchikage by winking at him. Twice. But he had actually winked back at her! ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you Universe! I knew you had my back!’ Her internal joy was barely contained, as she found she couldn’t help but to smile brightly, right up until she made the mistake of calling him by his first name. She had been so sure that he would be cross with her, that she would be scolded for not following proper diplomatic protocol. But no. Instead she would feel a finger under her chin and she would follow Masaru’s guidance and lift her head to meet his emerald eyes. His flirtatious words brought her bright smile back and her red eyes would sparkle with joy as he winked again and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. She blushed again of course, but this time not out of embarrassment or worry. ‘I think he actually likes me!’

    With Masaru flirting back Mitsu found she couldn’t stop smiling anymore, her heart full of happiness as she enjoyed his company and their playful teasing. Any ordinary person would have at least thought twice about wandering off to an unknown cave with a man she’d just met in the middle of a country she knew nothing about. Mitsu however was not ordinary. She was utterly fearless in the best possible way, she’d never known it, never had to feel the sting of suspicion or violence or any other thing that drove people to behave more cautiously. She was an innocent flower floating joyously on the wind, her energetic heart fueled by her unshakeable belief in the goodness of people. She always knew that the Universe gave exactly what she gave to it, and that fact alone was more than enough to quell any doubts or fears that may have momentarily passed through her mind. Looking at Masaru she could see in him a kindness to match his strength, his smile a sparkling jewel atop a towering mountain. She never wanted to leave his side; in the short time she had known him she was happier than she’d ever been.

    As she asked about what she was meant to do with the hotspring she would smile cheerfully at  his silent reply, feeling silly for not seeing the obvious answer sooner. ‘Damn. He. Is. Gorgeous.’ She was less concerned now that she knew she wouldn’t offend him in some way and would casually pull off her dress and toss it on top of her bag with the rest of her things. With her last barrier against the cold removed she would shiver, and nod happily as she answered him. “I’m sorry, yes. I forgot.” She would pause and catch his gaze with her own and repeat his name slowly, enjoying the feeling of it on her lips. “Masaru.” She watched him turn and enter the pool with approving eyes, he was clearly not ashamed of his body and she could certainly appreciate why.  When Masaru turned and offered his hand to her she would look away cheekily, she doubted she had hidden her staring and so she just owned up to it. “You do hide your treasure in here.” Inwardly she would groan at her terrible attempt at flirting and flattery. ‘Really Mitsu? His ass? The greatest treasure of all the Land of Earth. . . the Tsuchikage’s ass. It is exceptional though.’ She would accept his hand and sigh deeply as her foot touched the surface of the water, the warmth of it instantly relaxing the muscles she didn’t know she had tensed. With a mischievous grin she would take her foot out of the pool and then jump into it with both feet, a wild laugh echoing through the cave as she leapt.

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    Dancing Queen:

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Masaru Wed Sep 16, 2020 5:25 pm

    Masaru couldn't help but smile when he saw her drop her clothes on to the bag, she was beautiful and he was rather fond of the way his name sounded when she said it. Hearing her comment as he offered her help to get into the spring Masaru would chuckle slightly, "I guess I do." He replied a smile wide on his face, he did not know why but he couldn't help smiling around her. He watched her dip a foot in before taking it out and jumping in, her laughter echoing through the cave. Even the sound of her laugh was beautiful, and luckily the hot spring was deep enough that she wouldn't hurt herself. As she landed in the water with a splash, Masaru would let out a laugh as he sat on the step that Mitsukira jumped over. "I guess that's one way of doing it," he said cheerfully as the woman emerged from the water, 'She is a Beauty, with a Heart, and Free Spirit. Just who is this woman?' Masaru asked himself as he watched her, the beads of water rolling down her skin as she came out of the water. Masaru had never been one of subtlety, he was always straight forwarded in combat and it was the same in his everyday life. It was obvious that he was staring at her, he wasn't shy about it and he wouldn't try to hide it. She was a foreign beauty that was so innocent and pure, she had a kind heart and it didn't hurt that she seemed to enjoy looking at him earlier either. Allowing himself to relax the man would close his eyes as he exhaled a deep breath and the hot spring's water would steam a bit more as it rose in temperature, Masaru kneading his chakra from his feet to heat the lava beneath it. The water was already warm but for Masaru's natural heat it would feel mildly cool, with this new heat he applied it would be like the water was on the stove for a boil to almost anyone else except him. Though he would ensure it didn't get hot enough to cause Mitsukira any discomfort, hoping the natural hot water would relax her more and keep her from being cold. Opening his eyes they would met Mitsukira's, his emerald eyes trying to pierce into the woman's soul. It wasn't a glare of malice or hate, but one of curiosity and slight arousal. "Before we move on to business of state," Masaru started as he leaned back against the wall of the hot spring relaxing his back against it. The man's eyes would never move from Mitsukira, not because he didn't trust her but because he did not want to miss anything she did. She had his full attention in more than one way, and seeing her in the water only made it that much harder for him to resist staring at her. "I would like to know more about you, you don't have to share anything you don't want to with me of course. I would just like to know more about you on a personal level if that is alright with you. We can make it into a game if you like, you can ask me any questions you like and I will answer them honestly and then I will ask you some questions and you can answer them." Masaru had no idea what he was doing, was he flirting with her or creeping on her. He couldn't be sure which, though what he did know is that he wanted to know everything about this woman. To get to know who she is rather than a foreign diplomat, to know her truth. And for that he would answer Any question the woman asked him honestly, because he had no reason to lie to her.

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Mitsukira Fri Sep 18, 2020 2:53 pm

    Mitsu was always the type to jump in with both feet. Into everything. And the hot spring was no exception as she laughed and splashed her way rather gracelessly into the steaming waters. As the water folded over her head she would sit hugging her legs for a moment underneath its surface, enjoying being totally enveloped in its comforting warmth. Once she felt her skin adjust to the heat she would allow herself to float to the surface and take a deep breath as she opened her eyes to look for Masaru. She found him sitting and very plainly staring at her. ‘Did I mess up? Was I not supposed to jump in here?’ A look of worry would crease her features as she tried to figure out why his emerald eyes didn’t leave her. As he closed his eyes though she would relax, whatever he was looking at was apparently not that big of a deal. ‘Nailed it. Perfect landing and didn’t piss off the Tsuchikage.’

    While Masaru seemed content to sit and relax, Mitsu was full of energy. The cold had robbed her of her high spirits and now that she was warm again she found she couldn’t just sit still. So while Masaru seemed to be enjoying the peaceful relaxation of the steaming pool, Mitsu was gently spinning and twirling, enjoying the feel of the water as it flowed over her arms and legs as she danced in the spring. As Masaru opened his eyes she would pause in her playing, taking note of the phrase ‘business of state.’ His intense viridian stare was back on her again and she would wade closer to him as he spoke, her tiny stature causing the water to cover her to her chest, with her long white hair fanning out behind her on the surface as she moved like an elegant lace cloak. ‘Well, looks like fun time is over, business time it is. Serious face Mitsu, activate.’

    Her inner dialogue tickled her so much that she couldn’t help but to smile, even while attempting to don a ‘serious face’. She was only able to keep it up for a few seconds though, and was relieved that apparently fun time was not over as he asked to play a game of questions. Personal questions. Her grin would widen and she would lean back in the water allowing her upper body to float, her reddish-pink eyes alight with mischief. “A game? Well alright, but I want to add some rules too.” She would lower her body further into the water so that her mouth was just barely above the surface as she moved in a serpentine pattern in front of him, doing her best to imitate what she thought a shark must look like while swimming. She’d never seen a shark, but she had heard stories from travellers and she always thought they were majestic and wonderful creatures. After pondering for a few moments she would pop out of the water suddenly with a ringing laugh. “Okay. I’ll ask first. But! If you take too long to answer, or I think you’re trying to hide something from me then. . .” She would pause and look around, bringing one small pale hand to rest thoughtfully on her chin before continuing. “Then! I will splash you.” She would nod emphatically as she decided on her new rule. “Yes, that seems like a fair punishment for dawdling.” The new rule she had invented was ridiculous, like most of her ideas, but she would laugh good naturedly. She didn’t want to actually punish the Tsuchikage for anything, that seemed highly inappropriate, but she did want to splash him. And she was probably going to end up doing it anyway, now it would just be part of their game.

    Assuming he had no objections to her interpretation of his request she would resume floating around as she considered what sort of personal questions she would like to ask. ‘Okay Mitsu, don’t mess this up! You get to ask him anything you want, so make it good!’ After a few unintelligible thinking noises she would float her way to the edge of the pool across from him and lean back against the stone wall. “Alright, I’m going to ask you three questions. You can answer them in any order you like, but don’t take too long! Or splashing will ensue.” She giggled as she tried to look stern, and then cleared her throat to deliver her questions in an authoritative tone. “Question one! Why do you need to sneak out of your own village? Question two, if you could go anywhere in the whole world, where would it be and why. Annnnd question three; why are you so hot?” She would pause at her last question as she realized what she had just said out loud, quickly stammering to clarify her statement. “I mean warm! As in, I was warm when I was in your arms. . . I mean, that’s not what I meant!” She would groan as she dug herself deeper into the hole of misspeaking, and look at him apologetically with a small shrug that said ‘do you know what I mean?’ ‘Fabulous. Just wonderful. Why are you so hot? Mitsu. . . you are probably the worst diplomat to ever walk the earth.’

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    Dancing Queen:

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Masaru Sun Sep 20, 2020 7:32 am

    Masaru enjoyed watching Mitsu enjoy the water, content to sit and watch her for hours. It was only his desire for her to not think him a pervert that he even brought up the idea of a question game, when she swam to him and he saw a smile cross her face only to grow wider at his mention of a game he knew that she had something on her mind. Seeing her lean back so that she would float her eyes holding mischievousness within them, Masaru couldn't help but think of how beautiful she looked. The man would laugh at her mention of adding some rules before sinking down into the water and swimming in a serpentine pattern, "I am fine with you adding rules, My dear Mitsukira. So long as the answers you provide to the questions are honest as mine will be." When the woman popped out of the water laughing, Masaru once more got to quietly enjoy the view of her body. His eyes would look onto her pinkish red eyes with a delight in his, as if trying to subconsciously tell her how beautiful she looked when she was thinking with one hand beneath her chin, without seeming inappropriate as a Kage.

    Hearing her 'rule' as it was brought a smile to his face, he half expected her to make stipulations as too the questions he was allowed to ask her or make a limit to the number of questions. Instead her stipulation was that if he took too long to answer or lied, he would get splashed. It might seem ridiculous to some but to Masaru it only made her more attractive, 'a true carefree soul' he would think to himself before sitting up straighter. "Very well Miss Mitsukira, I agree to your terms, but just know that when it is my turn to ask you the same will apply. If you take to long to answer or I feel as though you are hiding something from me," Masaru would pause before a playful smile would cross his face, "then I will splash you." He added putting emphasis on each word as he splashed a little water with his fingers.

    As she resumed floating around on her back, Masaru would lean back against the wall enjoy the small water show of the beauty that he was privileged enough to be an audience to. After making some strange noises the woman would plant herself against the wall from Masaru, her pinkish red eyes meeting his emerald green as she spoke. Masaru would smile and nod to her statement of her three questions and not taking long to answer, as she asked her questions Masaru could tell she was trying hard to sound serious despite her playfulness. Her last question would cause the man to raise an eyebrow, 'did she just ask what I think she asked.' The woman however seemed to realize what she had asked and she tried to clarify what she meant but she seemed to be fumbling with her words. Masaru would smile and raise his hand to stop her stammering, "It is ok Miss Mitsukira, I understand what you meant." Masaru would reply with a quick wink before moving on to answer her questions least he be splashed, "Let's start with the first one, I need to sneak out of my village in order to have any kind of privacy or peace and quiet. Can you imagine how unfun it is to have 7 or more masked men standing around you all the time, watching you, watching those around you. Never letting anyone close to you, to feel a real connection." His voice would trail off as his gaze met Mitsukira's again, 'could we have a connection?' Masaru would quickly clear his throat, "um.. yes sorry the other questions, the reason I am so Hot.." Masaru would look back to Mitsu with a playful smile on his face, "I do not understand it fully myself, it has been this way my whole life. My father told me it was because the power of the Earth's core ran through me, that the inner fire of my soul burned like the molten rocks beneath our feet." Masaru would then just shrug, the truth was he had no idea why he produced so much body heat it was just how it was. Masaru would pause, wondering if the woman made note of him skipping question two. She had told him to answer in any order he wanted, but there was a reason that he wanted to answer the second question last. "As for the question, if I could go anywhere in the world and why..." Masaru cleared his throat as he prepared himself to make the boldest move he had made in many years, "I would go wherever you are, as I enjoy your company and feel as though you could make anywhere you are the most amazing place in the world." Masaru's tan face would redden and the man would break his gaze with Mitsu, embarrassment ran through him. He had just told a woman he had just met that he would go wherever she was to spend time with her, it might not have been so bad if it wasn't for the fact that she was here as a diplomat. He would wait to see if she would ask more questions before he would ask his, wishing to give her plenty of time to think of some new ones.

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Mitsukira Fri Sep 25, 2020 1:15 pm

    When Masaru agreed to her rules Mitsu would giggle with delight at his playful smile and splashing. She had been worried that he might think her rules too ridiculous and not go along with them, and so she was relieved when not only did he agree, he seemed to want to play along in kind. Her face would scrunch up in mock protest as he splashed his fingers along the surface of the water. She absolutely wanted him to splash her, it was the type of fun she enjoyed. She resolved then to be a little too slow when it came time for her to answer one of his questions.

    As she muddled up her final question to him her face would turn as red as her eyes, fortunately he would smile and raise a hand to stop her. Relieved she would nod as he told her that he understood what she meant. She was actually mortified, so far she’d winked at him, stared at his ass and then told him he was hot. If she ever got the opportunity to be a diplomat again she’d have to remember to not do those things. Though as he winked at her again she thought that maybe her tactics, as unintentional as they were, were perhaps not the worst ever.

    As he graciously moved on to answer her first question she would listen with a look of sincere curiosity on her face. She never had anyone watch her, she had always been trusted to do whatever she wanted, wherever she wanted. The closest she’d ever come to that kind of supervision was while she was enrolled at the Academy in Sunagakure. And even then, her teachers had been fairly lax as long as she wasn’t causing trouble. Which she never thought she was, but apparently some people took offence to the notion of being shown small creatures. Most especially when those small creatures were snakes or scorpions. So she would shake her head ‘no’ to his question about what it was like being watched. “That doesn’t sound very fun, no. But if it were me, I would insist that as long as they were going to stand around watching me, they should at least learn to dance with me. You know, so no one’s bored.” She would stand on one foot and twirl in the water as she spoke, pretending to accept the hand of an invisible dancer next to her. “Then I could have a connection and a dance partner. Or I guess seven in your case. Although I realize that’s probably not-” As she cut off her own sentence she realized that he had paused and she had very nearly missed her opportunity to use her new rule. With a mischievous grin she would set both feet down on the floor of the pool and shove herself off the pool edge and in his direction, splashing him gently as soon as she was close enough. “Naughty Masaru.” She would say playfully, making a ‘tsk tsk’ noise and shaking her head. She was happy that he had paused, being able to splash the Tsuchikage was something she would cherish privately forever.

    It seemed to her that he intentionally repeated the question as a playful dig at her, and she would pout and then immediately burst into laughter. She knew she deserved it, and it didn’t really bother her, even pretending to be embarrassed by it proved too much. So she floated back and forth in front of him, cheerfully listening to his explanation about his body heat. The idea that he had the power of the Earth’s core inside him was confusing and she would tilt her head slightly as she tried to comprehend it. The words ‘molten rocks’ made her eyes widen and she would immediately look down to her feet, suddenly concerned that he meant literally beneath their feet. Of course he didn’t, and it would take a second for her logical mind to catch up with her reactive and emotional one, but when it did she would laugh at herself again. “Had me worried for a second there. Thought I might fall through the world or something.”

    His second pause was longer, and she grinned as she would splash him again, this time with more force. She would pause as well after doing so, this was no mere trickle of water, and she wasn’t sure if he would be upset or not, even if he had agreed to the rules. Assuming he wasn’t and he answered her third, technically second, question she blush even more furiously. ‘Anywhere I am?’ She was stunned into silence as he spoke, and she noted the blush on his tanned face as he turned his gaze from her. “You really think so?” She would say hopefully, swimming to the side to try to meet his gaze again. “That’s really sweet of you. I don’t know if I’d make it the most amazing place in the world. But oh boy do I love adventures, and all my favourite ones involve other people sooo… I would like that.” She would smile happily at him as she continued to tread water. “You did pretty good I must say. Two out of three. Now it’s your turn to do me.” She would pause and close her mouth as she heard what she just said, opening it again after a moment of obviously being flustered. “I mean, your turn to ask me questions.”

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Masaru Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:37 am

    Masaru would laugh at the woman's comment about dancing with the guards, the imagery of him and an Anbu dancing in his mind proving too much for him to contain. She almost missed his intentional pause at the second answer, though was quick to splash him lightly before slightly scolding him for pausing. Grateful for the water covering him, as he found the way she called him naughty to be mildly arousing. He couldn't help but think it cute when she started to pout, though her laughter would bring a wide smile to his face. He wouldn't comment as he saw her eyes widen as she looked down with what Masaru assumed was fear, watching the understanding wash over her as she commented about being worried of falling through the earth. "I would never let you fall, Miss Mitsukira. I will always be there to catch you." Masaru would comment before moving to his last answer, a pause longer than the first that was met with a large splash to which Masaru would chuckle and nod knowing he deserved that one. He would still answer the question, shying away from looking at her for fear of her reaction. She would swim into his view and his eyes would meet hers as she asked if he really thought that, to which he would simply nod. His eyes would widened slightly when she said it was his turn to do her, smiling at the flustered look upon her face. "yes of course," Masaru would reply with a sly smile after she corrected her statement, though in his mind all he could he could hear was her words 'do me' and what he would do if he could.

    Masaru would sit for a second, deep in thought for the perfect questions to ask her. A smile would form on his face as he pick three of the hundreds of questions he had flowing through his mind to ask her, "Miss Mitsukira your questions, Why did you choose this adventure, why be a diplomat at all?" Though he was curious about the answer to this one it was his next questions that he was more curious to the answer, however he hoped to sneak the question in without drawing to much attention to them. "If you could do anything in the world, what would you do? Are you Single? What are your goals in life?" The last three questions would be spoken slightly faster in hopes that she did not pay attention to the fact that he asked her four questions instead of three, and that the third question was actually the one he cared about the answer to.

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Mitsukira Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:23 pm

    When Masaru reassured her that he would always be there to catch her she was both relieved and slightly puzzled. She believed him when he said it, it was said with sincerity and somehow it rang completely true as she heard it. She was puzzled momentarily because she didn’t understand why he had said it. Or even why she had accepted it as fact. She was typically rather impulsive and trusting though, so taking someone at their word was a common occurrence. She hardly had any time to think on it before he paused again and she splashed him again, but sat there worried that she may have gone too far. His nod and chuckle brought her relief from her worry though and she would give him a self satisfied grin. Her misspeaking was not her most shining moment, and even though his answer seemed to indicate that he understood, the sly smile told an entirely different story that made her blush even more as she would sink down into the water again.

    It wasn’t as though she was actually embarrassed, that was especially hard for anyone to accomplish, her blush was because she liked him. And she was still trying to decide if his behaviour meant he liked her too. For now she chose to believe that he did like her. She had no evidence to the contrary, especially considering that they were both floating naked in a hot spring together and he didn’t seem to be able to take his eyes off her. ‘Wait a minute. If he can’t take his eyes off of me, and I’m not wearing any clothes. Then that must mean. . . he does like me!’ She would stand up straight, seeking to prove her new theory, and floated over to the wall beside Masaru leaving about two feet between them. Enough to be polite but not enough to meet the criteria for proper social distancing. She would lean back against the wall using her arms to hold herself out of the water while watching to see if his eyes continued to follow her form.

    As he asked her his first question she would answer honestly, even though she knew it wasn’t a good answer. “I became a diplomat because I was asked to be one. Though in truth I think it was more because I wasn’t very good at much else and frankly somewhat expendable. By which I mean the village wouldn’t miss me if I didn’t come back ever. And I never turn down the opportunity to go on an adventure, even one that’s given to me as a way to get me out of Suna’s hair. So to speak.” Her words weren’t self deprecating, she was not completely ignorant of social cues, she merely chose to view them in a different light so as to not carry a burden of worry and doubt around with her. Her high confidence was partially due to her willful ignorance of the judgements of others, though her current level of self awareness would not allow her to see the problems that type of thinking would inevitably cause her.

    She silently chided herself for answering his first question so quickly and honestly. She had forgotten that she had wanted to get splashed and so had intended to purposefully pause. The green eyed man’s next questions provided her with ample time to actually pause though as she heard ‘Are you single?’. She had been in the process of opening her mouth to answer his second question when her words were abruptly cut off by her shock. She knew this would warrant at least one splash, but she couldn’t help herself as she just turned her body to face him and stared. Sometimes she didn’t catch everything, sometimes she was so wrapped up in her daydreams and inner monologues that the subtleties of the world around her flew straight over her head. This time though she caught it and nearly laughed out loud in delight. She had spent so long wondering whether or not Masaru liked her that it hadn’t occurred to her that she could just ask.

    After quite a few moments of incredulous staring, and quite possibly a face full of water, she would finally open her mouth to speak. “Did you. . . hang on. Let me collect my thoughts for a second here.” She knew she was breaking her own rules and was fully prepared to accept the consequences, but she needed time to slow her brain enough to have it match the speed of her mouth. ‘Okay Mitsu, slow down. He just asked if you were single. That is not exactly the same thing as telling you that he likes you. But wouldn’t it be amazing if it was? I mean you like him after all.’ Her inner voice was not helping her to calm down. The thought of there being mutual attraction only served to make her more excited and completely forget that she was supposed to answer two other questions. Floating in front of him she would look up at him intensely with a mischievous grin on her pale face. “Yes.” She said simply as she answered his third question. “I am most definitely single. Masaru. . .” She paused again as she considered how best to ask her question without seeming like the crazy woman who shows up and assumes far too much. “. . . do you like me? It’s okay if you don’t, I’m just curious. And in the spirit of honesty I should tell you, I like you.” There was no shame or embarrassment in her manner as she admitted her attraction to the man. She’d abandoned the notion that she wasn’t allowed to flirt with the Tsuchikage, it seemed to her that as long as they were in this secret spring the limits of professional decorum were lifted. So she floated just a foot away from him, fully naked and cheeks red from excitement, waiting with hope in her reddish pink eyes for his answer.

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    Dancing Queen:

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Masaru Sat Oct 29, 2022 3:46 pm

    Continuing from this Point on as Flashback to finish thread

    Masaru's eyes would stay locked upon the woman as she leaned back lifting her form slightly out of the water as she answered his first question, though he was enjoying the view of her perfect body it was her eyes that he would stare into with the most focus. When he asked his bombardment of three questions he had hoped that he could slip the question in nonchalantly into the conversation, though it was clear from the way she paused at the questioning that she had heard the question and was no doubt trying to determine whether he was some kind of pervert who lured her out here to get her alone. Not a very nice welcome, that of course was not his intention, he had just never met such a free spirit like her before. He had been so lost in his own thoughts that he did not even think about splashing her for her hesitation, that when she spoke it broke his own daydream of what she might think of him and reeled him back into reality.

    The man would sit in silence, allowing her to collect her thoughts as she had asked and for the first time since they had met Masaru tore his eyes off of the beautiful woman before him looking down into the water of the spring. Seeing her float over to him looking intensely into his eyes he wanted nothing more than to kiss her, however he would simply look right back into her eyes as she spoke. His heart leapt when he heard her say that she was single and as she asked him if he liked her, while stated that she liked him he could no longer contain himself.

    Without a word Masaru would move to put his arms around Mitsu's waist and so long as she did not object he would pull her close to him before gently kissing her lips with a soft yet passionate kiss. Pulling his head back from her lips he would simply whisper, "I like you, Mitsukira." He would simply float there holding her for as long as she would allow him to, not wishing to let her out of his arms. He did not care if anyone thought that it was an abuse of his position flirting with a diplomat, he had never felt this way about another person his entire life. Even though they had just met Masaru could not imagine his life without her in it now, he saw a future with her. Perhaps like wasn't a strong enough word to describe it, all he knew in this moment with their bodies pressed against each other was that he would give his life to protect her.

    After a few minutes of holding her however he would playfully whisper in her ear, "I think you forgot the other two questions, my dear Mitsu." Giving her a playful splash without letting her go, unless she wished it. If she needed him too he would repeat the other two questions, he was curious as to what her answers might be, however in this moment he would be happy to just stay here simply holding her for the rest of his life though Iwagakure would probably frown on that, still he could not help but want more time with her before having to return to the village.

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Mitsukira Thu Nov 24, 2022 10:39 am

    The silence that stretched between them was comfortable at first but quickly made Mitsukira anxious as doubt crept into her mind. ‘What if he doesn’t like me? Did I answer too quickly, or did I sound too eager? Where are my pants?’ Just as she was about to move to pick up her pants, Masaru moved and took her into his arms. His kiss was gentle and soft, a stark contrast to the ferocity and strength he exuded. Her heart fluttered with relief and happiness when he whispered that he liked her as well.

    She allowed herself to be held by him, floating in the pool and snuggling up against his larger frame. She had found that her head fit perfectly against his chest under his chin and she enjoyed the rhythmic beating sound of his heart resonating through her from this position. After a few minutes he whispered to her again, this time splashing her playfully. She mocked indignation at the splash, although she couldn’t suppress her laughter and so any attempt at pretending to be offended would quickly be seen through.

    “I did forget the other two questions. My apologies, I was just. . . lost I suppose. In a good way. If I don’t remember them, can we just stay like this forever?” She raised her head to look at him when she spoke, her white hair now wet in places and stuck unceremoniously to the side of her face as a result. Her reddish pink eyes were practically sparkling as she gazed up at him, but the wet hair made for a more comical picture of the woman.

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Masaru Thu Nov 24, 2022 11:48 am

    With her head against his chest, he wouldn't be surprised if she could feel how rapidly his heart was racing at that moment. It was as if the world around him would melt away and all that was left was himself and Mitsukira, her body fitting perfectly to his as he simply held her in the peacefulness of the Hot Springs. As he splashed her playfully he saw just a hint of annoyance before she started laughing, though in that brief second Masaru instantly regretted splashing her, until he heard her laugh and the smile returned to his face. Hearing Mitsukira's answer to his remark about the questions, as well as seeing her beautiful face looking at him almost pleadingly as her wet hair stuck to her face. It only took one look into her eyes for the man to melt, in that moment she could ask for anything and he would have given it to her, and all she asked was to stay there forever.

    Masaru would smile as his emerald eyes met her beautiful reddish pink eyes, "If that is your hearts desire, than consider it granted, Lady Mitsukira. As I would love nothing more than to stay with you, forever." Masaru would tighten his arms around her, not in a way that would hurt her but more of a letting her know his arms would always be willing to and here to hold her. He would specifically say you instead of here as while the hot springs were nice it did not truly matter to him if they were there or anywhere else, as long as she was in his arms and happy, he would be happy. Though in a way she would of unknowingly answer at least one of the questions that she had forgotten, but that didn't matter to Masaru any more. The man was past the question and more focused on spending forever with Mitsukira, for the simple fact that he would eventually have to return to his duties as the Tsuchikage. Though he hoped that before that time he would be able to convince her to join him as more than a mere diplomat from another village but as his partner. He didn't care that they had just met, he felt it from the moment he saw her and heard her beautiful voice, she was his soulmate. As they floated together, their bodies pressed against each other Masaru would look down towards the water near Mitsukira's left hand, "Forgive me if this is too forward, Lady Mitsukira, but I would like to ask you another question. If that is alright."

    Masaru would wait for an answer either in the form of words or the nod of the head before he would ask if the answer was yes. "What are your thoughts on Binding?" Though while he meant the question in relation to marriage, the plain way he said it could very easily be taken in number of ways depending on the context of it.

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Mitsukira Thu Nov 24, 2022 12:53 pm

    Mitsukira smiled up at Masaru as he answered her question. She could have jumped for joy in that moment, and were she not pleasantly held fast, she probably would have. Instead she made a happy trilling noise, musical and high pitched that hopefully conveyed some degree of the happiness that was swelling inside her heart. “It is. My heart’s desire that is. And it makes me quite happy to hear you say that. Although I don’t think ‘happy’ is a word that is fitting enough. Maybe. . . delighted? Ecstatic? No, no. Those words aren’t enough. . .”

    Her musical voice trailed off and her brow furrowed as she tried to find a word that expressed her feelings properly. As she thought, she absentmindedly would trail her fingers across Masaru’s skin if he allowed it, her fingers doing the better part of ‘seeing’ that her eyes could not. The cave was not quite dim enough to allow for her to see very well, her eyes shone a little but it was still too bright outside. And in the absence of her eyesight she let her skin see for her. After a few moments an excited expression lifted her face and she breathed out the word “Jubilant. Yes, that’s right. It is the most happy a person can be while still being in their right mind.”

    She shook her head as if to say she didn’t mind, and followed up with another lilting response. “Of course it’s alright Lord Kage. You can ask me anything you’d like.” His question caused her brow to furrow once more, this time in confusion. She was not familiar with what he was asking, so she asked a few questions of her own to clarify. “Binding? As in what you do to a pack to secure it? Or maybe a job? I have a job, technically. I’m here as an ambassador, but I’d be more than happy to fulfill any other role you could use me for.” Mitsu had always been a bit of an overachiever, and making people happy played a large role in that. The Universe had given her so much, she saw no issue with sharing her gifts with others if that is what they desired. And when it came to Masaru, there was nothing she could think of that she wouldn’t do for him.

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Masaru Thu Nov 24, 2022 1:43 pm

    The musical trilling Mitsukira made at his words, would lead Masaru to believe she was happy with his reply, as well as what she said after the noise. Masaru would let out a small chuckle as she searched for the word, and as she began moving her fingers across his skin he felt as though electricity was running through his body. He would not stop her from touching him, allowing her to trail her fingers wherever she may like. His thoughts would begin to drift and his body would relax beneath her touch, though he still keep himself aware enough to keep his arms around her as that was what she had asked for, though he could not help enjoying her touch. As she found the word she had been searching for, Masaru would listen to her explanation of the word. "Well if that is the case, then I would wish to make you Jubilant everyday for the rest of your life, if you would allow me. Because I have seen nothing in this world more beautiful than your smile, and there is no sweeter song than the sound of your voice. I would consider myself the luckiest man in the world if I got to wake up to you each day." Masaru replied with all sincerity.

    As Mitsu began answering his question with her own question, Masaru would let out another chuckle though louder than the one before, not loud enough to hurt Mitsu's ear considering how close she was. "Well yes, I suppose it could mean one of those things." He didn't really think about it when he asked the question so absentmindedly, he really should have put it in context. "I am so sorry I should have explained better. I was more talking about handfasting, the binding ceremony between two people. I was just curious of your thoughts and whether you would consider such a thing." Masaru's voice would hold the same relaxed tone he had held with Mitsu and he would be smiling the entire time he spoke as his mind would fill with all the positions he would like to use her for. Though with the exception of his smile, there would be only one other part of the man that would give away these thoughts, as he maintained his outward demeanor of respect that he had for her. That of course was not to say he did not hold her in the highest regards, just that his thoughts were sometimes inappropriate and for now at least he would behave himself because of his respect for her.

    His hand would lift to her cheek, lightly caressing it with his finger as he moved her hair behind her ear removing the wet hair stuck to her cheek in the process before finally saying what was on his mind. "While you are indeed an ambassador from Suna, there is only one position I truly wish for you to fill, but there are many things I would use you in this position for. My one and only desire is that you would be my wife, Mitsukira. I wish for you to stay here with me forever. To Be Mine Forever."

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Mitsukira Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:45 pm

    “The luckiest?” Mitsu wrinkled her nose cutely at the concept of luck, it wasn’t necessarily something she believed in. Her beliefs went far beyond luck and into the realm of fate and destiny. Not that she necessarily was consciously aware of those concepts as part of her beliefs. But she fully ascribed to the idea that The Universe was a living and breathing entity, self aware and able to make choices. Those choices were guided by the requests of those that spoke to The Universe, such as herself, but regardless of input The Universe had set a path for everyone and everything and it was always for the betterment of the whole. Luck had no place in this as that would mean that The Universe was either willfully uncaring or benignly ignorant of the trials of its inhabitants. Neither of which Mitsu believed was true.

    “I think perhaps The Universe would have smiled on you, more likely. It seems that I was meant to come here for more than simple relations between our lands, but for a more permanent and meaningful relationship.” She spoke quietly as she considered the implication of what she spoke of. It truly seemed as though she was destined for greater things than a mere diplomat, and it was humbling to think that The Universe had laid this path before her.

    When Masaru voiced his desire for her to be his wife, she paused in her musings and looked up at him intently. Her eyes were shining more brilliantly as the cave darkened and with the increased light she found she could see his features more clearly. She searched his face for any sign of jest or humour, and when she could find none she nodded her head slowly as though answering a question in the affirmative.

    It was sudden and impulsive, but so was everything that Mitsu did. She lived her life like the lightning and air she wielded; with fierce and undulating passion. She did not need the world to bend, and it hurt her not at all to bend and flow with it. If this was the path she had been set on, then she would walk it willingly and joyfully. Raising a single pale white hand to gently trace along Masaru’s jawline, she spoke her joy aloud, her words echoing musically across the surface of the water and the planes and facets of the rocks around them.

    “Nothing would make me happier, Masaru. The Universe wills it, and I will gladly become your wife.”

    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Y3XzKOV

    Dancing Queen:

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    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Masaru Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:45 am

    As Mitsukira stated the universe smiling on him in response to his comment of being the luckiest man alive if he woke up next to her everyday, Masaru would simply be taking in her beauty with his eyes. "Yes, I do believe the universe has smiled upon me greatly. As it put you on my path," Masaru smiled before placing to hands together in front of himself looking up to the ceiling of the cave as if he was looking to the sky. "Thank you," Masaru stated aloud as he thanked the universe for Mitsukira, this would not be done jokingly as he was a hundred percent serious in his words. Masaru was thankful that he met Mitsukira, of all the Shinobi in Suna, they sent the one that could easily control the Tsuchikage like putty.

    If he had been thinking about anything other than Mitsukira, he might have even thought that this was a clever assassination attempt or even an attempt to get Iwagakure under Sunagakure's rule as it had once been under Konohagakure's before Masaru took it back. However, all the thoughts of political strategy or prospects of war would simply wash away from him as he stared at the beauty of the woman before him. It was more than just her appearance though, it was her voice that sounded like an angel, and her free spirit that attracted the male too her. He did not want to capture and control her, he simply wished to know her and possibly even learn from her how to be a little more free spirited.

    As he finally spoke what had been in his mind since he first heard her beautiful voice, seeing her on the mountain peak, Masaru would watched as her reddish-pink eyes search him to see if there was something hidden in his words. Hearing her answer, the smile on Masaru's face would grow and he would lean forward kissing Mitsukira as his fingers traced lightly along her back. When he finally broke the kiss he would look her square in the eyes as he spoke, "The universe has blessed me with you, Mitsukira, and you have made me the happiest man in this country if not the world."

    His mind raced thoughts and plans of a grand wedding, but quickly shifted back to the woman in front of him, the one still wrapped in his arms. He would have time to think of stuff like that later, for now he wanted nothing more than to enjoy his time here alone with her.  He would pick her up with relative ease as he stood, unless she let go of him, his hands moving to her lower back to support her as he moved to sit her on the edge of the hot springs. The whole time his emerald green eyes would be locked on hers, a smile on his face as he sat her down. Masaru would remove one hand from Mitsukira placing it behind his back while keeping the other by her side. He watched the water flow from her beautiful body as he lowered himself to a knee and looked at her once more eye to eye.

    The hand behind his back would come forward, as his other hand took Mitsu's left hand in his. In the hand that was behind his back, he would reveal a small steel ring, not a normal type a ring one would usually give in this situation, but one created by his own chakra and sealed for permanence so that it wouldn't fade. The ring like all of Masaru's steel was jet black with small red vein-like lines spreading through it, on the top set a small sphere of lava encased in the steel. This would not be enough to hurt anyone, but was just enough to cause a faint glow to resonate from it in the dim light.

    As he slid the ring onto her finger Masaru would look at her eyes again, "Mitsukira Kamisora, the universe crossing our paths is the greatest thing that could have happened to me. You have opened my eyes to a new beauty in this world, and I wish for nothin more than to spend the rest of my days at your side. This ring holds within it the very heat of my heart and the glow of my love. I ask that you wear it so that no matter where you are, if we are apart, you know my love is with you, for as long as I live this small piece will glow and you will know I love you."

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    Posts : 308
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    Age : 25
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    Skills & Elements: Iryojutsu, Sensory, Ninjutsu, Raiton, Fuuton, Doton, Jūryoton
    Class: A
    Ryo: Time and Space

    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Empty Re: Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated]

    Post by Mitsukira Fri Dec 02, 2022 1:26 pm

    Mitsu smiled happily as Masaru thanked the Universe. Most people that she interacted with didn’t take her beliefs too terribly seriously. Most weren’t mean about it, but even some members of her own family were a tad dismissive. Her cousins, Jethro and Stefan, would humor her but she was usually met with a smirk and a pat on the head rather than sincere appreciation. So it was nice to see that this man, the man who had just asked to spend eternity with her, was clearly accepting of her dogma.

    She gasped quietly as Masaru lifted her out of the water and set her down on the edge of the hot spring. She didn’t resist, she was more than comfortable being touched by him at this point, but she was curious as to why he was moving her. The rocks were roughly textured beneath her bare backside and she wiggled a bit to get more comfortable as she watched with interest as his hand went behind his back. When he finally revealed the mystery she would gasp again at seeing the beautiful black and red ring. Mitsu didn’t understand how it had been made, or how he had come to this place so uncannily prepared, but she wasn’t one for distrusting so she met his gaze and allowed him to slide the small piece of jewelry onto her ring finger.

    As he spoke she would keep her eyes locked on his, the fingers of her left hand gently curling around his hand as a joyous smile spread across her face. “It’s beautiful Masaru, thank you. I will keep it with me always.” She broke her gaze long enough to look down at the ring, marveling at the glow of the lava within it. She resolved to wear it always, and keep this piece of him close to her heart. She couldn’t believe her good fortune, and her heart was bursting with joy and love. So much so that she couldn’t contain herself and she would move forward quickly to wrap herself around the equally naked man in front of her, assuming she was not rebuffed. Her arms would wrap around his neck and shoulders and she would sit straddling his raised knee. It was not exactly ladylike or anything, but neither was she. She was a free spirit that did what her heart told her to, and right now her heart told her she wanted nothing more than to be close to her future husband. As she pressed her naked body against his she would raise her head towards his and attempt to gently kiss his lips, a single phrase uttered before she did so. “I love you, Masaru.”

    Straight on 'til Morning [M-Rated] Y3XzKOV

    Dancing Queen:

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