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    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite)


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    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) Empty Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite)

    Post by Copycat Fri Nov 16, 2018 9:44 am

    The ravenous-haired woman strolls on into the short, grassy fields of the training ground, viewing the canvas of forestry and patches of sand dotting through the oddly spherically-shaped clearing. While it lacks the usual practice dummies that one of the other training grounds had, it makes up for it by being somewhat spacious in contrast to the first one, while lacking the obstructions of the third. It's ideal for training that requires an open area that isn't too large for someone to operate inside of, and that's what brought Kanna here.

    Wearing a typical black bow upon the top of her head, the amber-eyed woman surveys the area for anyone else who might be there. After confirming that she doesn't see anyone, she then moves to remove the simple white coat covering the black ribbons laced around her wrists, matching her finger-less gloves and the simplistic, strap-less black dress she has on over a sleeveless mess shirt. Black thigh-highs and matching, dark grey open-toed sandals serve as simplistic additions that complete her outfit, excluding her kunai holster and hip pouch upon her left leg.

    Due to the slow and steady drop in temperature as the village goes into a late autumn, she's wearing a purple scarf, too, but aside from that there isn't too much noteworthy about her. The female heads over to the edge of the meadow to hang up the coat upon the tree, simply tucking it into the branch by the sleeve with a senbon. Before she leaves it alone, she scoops up a black scroll from the sleeve and tucks it into her hip pouch, before heading back to the center of the field.

    For now, she just stretches her arms and shifts her frame accordingly, mostly ensuring she'd be ready to do some training on her own.


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite)

    Post by Izumi Fri Nov 16, 2018 11:40 am

    The Konoha training grounds had become like a second home to Izumi. Unlike most of the larger clans, the Shimura had no designated district within the village. With no place else to train, Izumi made constant visits to the village's three training grounds. She knew all the strong, towering trees, the soft grass, both tall and short, and the sparse brown patches of dirt spread all over.

    She trained interchangeably between all three grounds depending on what she wanted to work on that particular day. The training dummies made for good practice with delivering forceful kicks and punches, as well as target practice on a human shaped target. She'd practice knife throwing on the trees in the other training grounds as well, but that was less about deadly aim and more about hitting long distance targets while in motion. The smaller clearing allowed her to practice basic Taijutsu motions and movements with a close combat focus. She could maneuver in the same small area as though dancing with or around an imaginary opponent. The largest clearing, then, was good for her to practice closing long distances and fighting imaginary range-focused opponents.

    Every day, Izumi cycled between her training regimens. She had five of them, with six being cardio focused and seven her one day off. This made a full week that she could easily repeat over and over again. She noticed improvement every time she trained. The only problem is that she hardly ever had anyone to spar with. So when she went to the large, open-spaced training grounds that one day, she got super excited to see someone else there.

    It was a girl just like Izumi. She looked older and way more stylish. The dress, the bow, the gloves and mesh shirt; it all made Izumi suddenly insecure about her own look. All she had was a simple hair tie holding her dull brown locks up in the back so that it stayed out of her face and looked cute yet contained. The rest of her was covered by a long-sleeved pink overcoat that came down to her mid-thighs. It just barely covered short skirt she wore under it and it's high collar made sure nobody could see the white button up she had underneath. She was very prepared for the cold weather even though most of her legs were uncovered. They hardly ever got cold, so that was okay.

    Izumi stopped at the edge of the clearing and eyed Kanna with a gleeful expression. She was so ecstatic to finally have someone to train with! It hadn't even occurred to her that the older girl might say no. Izumi stepped out onto the field with her closed-toed shoes and waved one her fingerlessly gloved hands.

    "Hiya!" She called out. She started to run and jump in when it occurred to her that it would be impolite to do so without first asking.

    "Um, hey, do you," Izumi started, shyly, "do you maybe want to train with me?" Her face turned beet red, her eyes looked everywhere but at Kanna, her hands were awkwardly folding each other and she had a toe digging circles in the ground. "Please?" She asked nervously.

    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) 22098710


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    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite)

    Post by Copycat Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:21 am

    Kanna stops short in the midst of her arm stretches, glancing towards the brunette. She hadn't quite expected anyone to show up here but it seemed her expectations were thwarted after all. Lowering her arms to her sides, the female quirks a brow upright for a moment. Her inquisitive expression isn't from the request, since it is a public training area and Kanna didn't really make an effort to conceal herself from view. The true thing that perplexed her was the girl's sense of embarrassment from asking it. After about a moment, the ravenous woman shrugs her shoulders.

    "Sure, as long as you won't be this nervous throughout the rest of the training session. I'm Kanna -- what's your name?" She chimes, continuing her stretches at that point. She lowers her hands upon a singular kneecap and declines to the side a bit, pressing her bodily weight down upon the singular leg. Kanna repeats this process several more times, continuously transitioning from knee to knee as she goes on.

    FInally she stands up straight, resting her hand upon her hip for the time being. "Also, what do you specialize in? Taijutsu I assume?"


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite)

    Post by Izumi Sat Nov 17, 2018 3:27 pm

    Izumi only got more red and more jealous the more Kanna talked. How did she sound so calm, talking to a person she had never met? Izumi always got super nervous and couldn't make out complete sentences, never mind turning red and fidgeting. Plus, Kamna was soooooooo stylish! As the older girl moved around, stretching, Izumi saw more of her outfit and how well it went together. There were so many pieces! All Izumi had was a pink coat and some gloves.

    She snapped out of her daze with a blink and a blank stare. "Uhhh..." she tried to remember what Kanna had even said.

    "I'm Izumi!" She finally replied. She started to do some stretching of her own, mostly just arms and legs. Her morning workout left the rest of her pretty flexible and well stretched. Even what she was doing then was basically just habit. "I'm best at Taijutsu, yeah. I'm trying to learn the other stuff but Taijutsu is my favorite!"

    "How about you, Kanna? What's your favorite skill?"

    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) 22098710


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    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite)

    Post by Copycat Sun Nov 18, 2018 8:59 am

    Kanna casually blinks at her as she seems to struggle with answering the inquiry for a moment. Once she finally does reply, a smile peeks onto the woman's lips but she stays silent while bobbing her head, noting the female's name. Since she had never heard it, Kanna could infer she was a recent graduate -- especially based on how she was reacting to things. This makes the second student -- if she could call her that, who had some form of an issue with social approaches. None the less, Kanna doesn't seem to focus on that whatsoever.

    Instead she listens to the girl, observing her routine. She could tell that the brunette was experienced with this kind of training, probably did it regularly for that matter. It's no surprise when she does confirm that Taijutsu is her best asset, just like that same former, pseudo-student of hers. "Any other stuff you know so far?" She inquires, wondering if this was all she knew or if Kanna could aid her in other areas. She answers the question while she's at it.

    "My favorite skill? Hmm.. can't quite say I have one. I'd have to say I'm split between Ijutsu and Taijutsu, since I use them in cohesion. There's also Katon, Raiton, Doton which I recently got around to learning, Kenjutsu and Fuuinjutsu. I suppose you can say I'm an all-around specialist."


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite)

    Post by Izumi Tue Nov 20, 2018 9:16 am

    'She's so cool!' thought Izumi. This girl could do pretty much everything and Izumi bet she was super skilled in all of it.

    "I'm pretty good at Ninjutsu and I'm working on my Genjutsu, but Taijutsu is definitely my best!" She said while she finished up her stretching.

    Izumi wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead. It was chilly enough outside for a sweater, but since she'd been practicing most of the morning already, her body was warmed up. The sweat didn't bother her. All it meant was that she was accomplishing something and as long as she was accomplishing something, her day had been well spent. Now that she was getting to practice with a cooler, older girl, her day was about to be super productive!

    "Should we spar? Or how would you like to practice?"

    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) 22098710


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    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite)

    Post by Copycat Sun Nov 25, 2018 6:02 am

    Kanna folds her arms together while observing the brunette in an acknowledging manner, offering a small and curt nod in response to her statement regarding her abilities. While Kanna knows a bit about Genjutsu, it was never something she actually took an interest in even in the past, so even today she isn't very occupied with making an effort to learn it. Though she certainly knows her way around the techniques here and there for that matter. With Izumi finished stretching and now asking what they should do, the female considers it for a bit.

    "Well, let's see. How many techniques as far as Taijutsu goes do you know on hand right now? And what elements do you possess? I could show you techniques one by one and have you try to perform them yourself in a light spar." She states, essentially suggesting to kill two birds with one stone. Outside of that, it's a good method for Kanna to figure out just what Izumi is capable of in close combat, and to see if she's good at Taijutsu like she says she is.

    It's on that note that she allows her arms to fall back to her sides, simply waiting to see if that would be a good idea they could move forward with in Izumi's opinion.


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite)

    Post by Izumi Sun Nov 25, 2018 10:26 am

    Izumi thought about the question Kanna posed to her. Now that she thought about it, she realized that she didn't know very manit techniques. She didn't ever really need to. Back in the academy, her physical training and her general sense of hand to hand fighting won most of her fights. She'd heard of styles and taijutsu techniques, she just never really needed them. Now that she was out in the ninja world, she'd definitely need some and the more the better. It sucked that she'd be starting at ground zero.

    "Um, I don't really know any techniques. Aaaaand I don't have any elements, either." She started to turn red from the embarrassment of being such a noob. Remembering what Kanna said about being nervous in training, Izumi turned her head so that maybe Kanna wouldn't notice.

    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) 22098710


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    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite)

    Post by Copycat Thu Nov 29, 2018 6:35 pm

    Kanna offers an acknowledging nod in regards to Izumi's answer, before she spreads her feet apart and buckles her knees, assuming somewhat of a stance. She elevates her arms, too, keeping them bent and positioned in a way more advantageous than just standing there. "Then I guess we'll start with this. This is the Strong Fist stance. It prioritizes fluency with your movements and your physical strength, but you're always free to reverse this 'equation' so to speak. So you can prime your attacks on their power, rather than their speed." She remarks, waiting for Izumi to try and copy the stance.

    Once she has, Kanna goes ahead and darts on forward, launching her right arm out and lining it up with the brunette's chest area. With her hand tightened into a fist and jetting right for the girl, it seems like she intends to hit her dead-on, but Kanna stops a mere centimeter short of coming into physical contact. "[color=#990000]See? Now let's compare that to how quick my fist would move without me prepping my stance." She remarks, retracting it and standing up straight again.

    Once more, she goes for the facade. She stops just a centimeter short again, and although it's a quick jab, Izumi would be able to notice there's a bold difference in how quick Kanna launched her fist. It's at that point that she retracts her fist and backs on up, letting her arms rest at her sides.

    "If you've got a general idea down, test it out yourself."


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite)

    Post by Izumi Sun Dec 02, 2018 5:15 pm

    Izumi watched Kanna perform the basic functions of the Strong Fist. It started with a stance. Izumi had seen people fight with stances before but she never really understood why. The ability of a fighter was in their body, so what good did it do to get yourself in a fancy pose before doing what you were going to do anyway? It looked like a waste of time to her. That's why she never bothered to try and learn them before now.

    When she watched Kanna move through her punch, she was astounded by the speed of it all. Kanna was super fast! Izumi wouldn't have been able to get around the fist, but luckily for her, Kanna stopped just in time. Izumi still attributed all of this to Kanna's own natural physical ability. Once Kanna went in for the second punch without making her fancy pose, she could tell it was quite a bit slower. Izumi doubted that Kanna was pulling her punch to make a point. That meant that there was more power in using specific styles and stances, which meant Izumi could do even more to improving her ability beyond her normal body training routine! She had to learn this.

    Izumi nodded to Kanna and put her body in a similar position to the one Kanna had used. It felt awkward to her. She would normally just stand there and move her arms and legs as she needed to, so holding them in this one particular way wasn't very natural to her. She could feel a difference in balance, though. After getting comfortable standing like that, she tried to throw a punch. It was far from being as fast as Kanna's, but it was a bit better than her usual punching.

    "Like that?" Asked Izumi after throwing a punch and stopping it a few inches short of Kanna's chest. She wasn't as skilled as her teacher and she knew it, so she wasn't about to even try to stop her punch as close as Kanna did to her.

    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) 22098710


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    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite)

    Post by Copycat Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:59 pm

    Silently observing as the brunette performs the stance, and then shortly after throws the punch, she nods in approval once she's asserted that Izumi did it properly. "Good." She remarks, noting the girl's dexterity for the time being. It's then that she hops back, declining into the Strong Fist stance once more this time around. "Now we'll be moving onto actual techniques this time around. I'll start with the most basic of the techniques, Dynamic Entry." She remarks, then swivels upon her right heel.

    With her back facing Izumi, she primes her gaze upon the tree that's a few meters away from her, and proceeds to bend her knees a little bit. "As the technique's name suggests, the goal is to approach your target quickly, like this.." She backs up a little bit, then jogs forward. Once she's built up enough momentum, she proceeds to direct it into a small leap that lifts her off the ground as she tucks her knee inward. The brief buildup of momentum from the leap is converted into forward locomotion once more as she pivots her body some and thrusts her right leg out, arching her left.

    Kanna slams the base of her foot into the tree, hitting it with enough force to shake it a little bit and cause a few cracks to run along the base of where she struck, but nothing more than that. "... And perform a flying sidekick, so to speak." Kanna remarks, retracting her leg at that point and landing upon both feet. She proceeds to swivel so that she's facing Izumi again, and proceeds to step off to the side, giving her student ample opportunity to give the technique a try herself.


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) Empty Re: Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite)

    Post by Izumi Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:40 pm

    "Hm." Izumi pondered. Everybody knew kicks and this looked just like any old regular kick. The difference was how the kick was performed. That's how Kanna could move faster and stronger than she normally could. So if it wasn't about the action, then she'd have to ignore the kick and try to focus on the pose Kanna made when doing it.

    Izumi thought on it a little more. She pictured Kanna repeating the kick over and over again in her mind and then decided to give it a try. Since Kanna stepped to the side, Izumi was able to stand exactly where her teacher had and go through the motions just the same.

    Izumi got to a jogging start and then jumped into the air. She assumed the same pose Kanna had done while in the air and positioned her foot just so. The speed she had built up while running made it so that she had enough time to get her body adjusted and still impact the tree with pretty stout force. She was sure it wasn't as hard as Kanna could do, but it was pretty good by Izumi's standards.

    Izumi settled her balance and faced Kanna. "Well? How'd I do?"

    Practice makes Perfect (Izumi/Invite) 22098710


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