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    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Wed Aug 01, 2018 5:29 am

    Yui smiled as she was now part of Konoha though the family-like atmosphere made her feel uneasy it also meant they would not understand her true personality which was good. As she made her way to the training ground she would look around, no one was around so it was a perfect time to practice, without the need to act like a clutz or play off like she was bad. She would begin to slam her fist and legs into the dummy apply small blasts from her explosion release into the dummy. While an untrained eye would likely not notice the increase of force of the blows if someone paid close attention they could tell there was far more force from her blows that should be possible for taijutsu.

    As she would continue to strike heavy blows on the dummy there was a joy on her face her blows aiming for the soft and unprotected areas of the body, one thing was clear she likely enjoyed inflicting pain and suffering onto others. That smile was not the clutz girl smile she always showed now this felt darker and much more sinister than any could imagine, she would not betray Konoha but one thing was certain she also would try her best to avoid letting them realize she was a monster. Her continued blows finally impacting the dummy as she struck her final hard blow rising her knee into its kidneys before blasting straight through its body, yes had this been a person they would have suffered severe and life-threatening injuries.

    Kazuya Uchiha
    Kazuya Uchiha

    Posts : 165
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    Location : Konohagakure

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Fuuinjutsu | Katon | Raiton | Fuuton
    Class: X
    Ryo: 18,475

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kazuya Uchiha Wed Aug 01, 2018 4:15 pm

    A gentle breeze flowed through the lush green of the training ground's sparsely wooded landscape, offering brief respite from the midday sun's unforgiving heat while also blowing in the soothing of a vast selection of tree-borne scents only found in the Land of Fire. The smell of pines and cedars and hikory wasn't all that came in with that afternoon wind. A small gathering of leaves had collected over the course of the breeze's run through the area and culminated in an upward array displaying an assortment of shades of green and of brown, offering a momentary distraction as the Hokage's light footsteps touched gently the upper branch of one of the taller trees in the area.

    An endlessly occupied man, Kazuya had no idea where he found the time to visit the more scenic areas of the village so often. It was a habit built early in his childhood, before the founding of the villages, that somehow stuck around despite his situation as head of a village. Another habit, one he'd acquired just months after Konoha's birth, was in the direct leadership of youth following a path similar to his in the form of training. He had plenty of Chuunin and Jounin capable of handling all such tasks; however, handling it himself was the only source of real satisfaction -otherwise, these children were nothing more than scribbles on a paper, with progress he could never see, never process as true and remarkable.

    The Uchiha watched from above the small burst of attacks unleashed by the girl upon the dummy. She seemed to have a knack for Taijutsu, but no other details were made apparent -he might know more had he recognized her from one of the files or reports that he hadn't read due to his other obligation in that other place. Fortunately, with an array of skills as wide as his, he could find similarity in even the smallest of details, so nothing more in the way of deduction was required to at least begin formulating a training regiment, one that probably wouldn't be finished in its entirety by him, nor perhaps anyone else, but would assuredly put the girl onto the right path towards attaining what would no doubt be her goals.

    White and red robes denoting his position as First of the Hokage fluttered in the wind as Kazuya slipped down from the tree and touched down on the soft waves of grass weaving back and forth under the light pressure of the day's intermittent breeze. The Hokage began walking towards the girl and her dummy, his robe resisting the wind's constant tug with the interlocking connection at the front, covering most of his solid black underclothing save for the centerline revealed by the robe's opening and the fronts of his clothed legs and feet showing with every contemplated step.

    Eyes of onyx fixated themselves upon Yui's shorter frame. "Mind if I join?"

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Wed Aug 01, 2018 5:11 pm

    Feeling ever confident Yui continued with her training before suddenly being startled turning and an aggressive stance before realizing it was the lord Hokage as she would bow her head to the man. She had no idea what he was doing here but it was very likely he saw her practicing so he most certainly would not think she was a clutz. Not that she could fool him staring into his eyes she knew how hard it was to trick an Uchiha.

    "So what brings you to this location, wanting to relive childhood memories, or is it to check on some of the new refugees from Kumo. I am sure you know my name already but my name is Kotoshura Yui and it is my pleasure to meet you. I do not mind at all if you join me in fact if I can learn anything from such a great man I would be honored."

    She was showing her silver tongue clearly, she knew how to speak and how to be polite displaying both etiquette as well as a smooth way with words. This was her shinobi way, always making her opponents have a lower guard and even allies, the easier it was for them to trust her or think she wasn't serious the easier it was to use her talents. She knew learning things from the kage would not only teach her valuable things, it would also let him have a sense of how she was, maybe even gain some trust with the man.

    Kazuya Uchiha
    Kazuya Uchiha

    Posts : 165
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    Class: X
    Ryo: 18,475

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kazuya Uchiha Wed Aug 01, 2018 5:25 pm

    Hanzo had said that Iwagakure and Sunagakure had gone through some political turmoil. He wasn't particularly thorough with the details, but they were pressed for time with much ground to cover. Kazuya wondered what that meant for Shin and Nee-san, the First Kage of those villages, and also for the joint mission to handle the threat that now rocked the Land of Lightning. Hanzo had assured him that it was under control, but that didn't completely ease Kazuya's mind. What he hadn't heard about was any sort of event that might bring in refugees from Kumo, but perhaps Yui had simply misspoke. He recognized the Kotoshura surname, clan of Iwagakure's Blast Release, and surmised that she'd come from there.

    "Well met, Yui." The Hokage responded in turn, "I've actually come to oversee the training of any Konoha shinobi."

    There was a mild concern among the council regarding the training of refugee shinobi in the ways of the Hidden Leaf and Kazuya could not deny the solidity of their concerns. He was more trusting, though, and was willing to accept direct responsibility for any that might use such training against the village. While this was a move to assure the council of the village's safety and to remove the load from them, it also posed a heavy drawback to those that broke the village's trust; Kazuya Uchiha was not the sort of person that you'd want hunting you.

    "The village has need of certain skillsets -a group of specialized ninja. If you're interested, I could guide you into a Taijutsu specialty, so long as you agree to the terms of the mission." The Hokage began, pausing to see if Yui seemed interested.

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Wed Aug 01, 2018 5:41 pm

    So he was here to oversee the training or more in her mind she was being watched closely, with all the turmoil they had no reason to fully trust anyone. She was fine with this though it did amuse her he did not say such things directly, she had high doubts Kages would just train genin she had never heard of this happening in her former village.

    She was quite curious about this mission, being offered one so soon after arriving was actually quite shocking but she would be a fool to turn it down, this likely was to test her skill as well to test her loyalty. A specialized squad, well he clearly did not know she would someday be far scarier than any taijutsu user when she trained her bloodline more and if she could finally acquire the mouths on her hands she would become a true terror to deal with.

    "I would be a fool to turn down an invite to s specialized squad and an offer to train further in taijutsu. My clan is both know for its Taijutsu as well as... certain other gifts many know of our long-ago ancestor as he terrorized this village as well as Suna. Reading my clans history was quite eye-opening, I can see why we would want to be watched closely as my clan is often seen as troublesome and dangerous. The answer is yes, of course, I would love to join this special unit as well learn more in the ways of Taijutsu, of course, if you still want to offer it to me."

    She would wait for the Hokage to respond, letting information about her clan at least some of its past be more well known she felt this could earn her a little more trust from the kage of her village. It was interesting seeing or at least in her mind imagining Konohas discussions about her clan. The surge of refugees offering more shinobi numbers, but the fear of some likely elders in the village to not trust outsiders. She would earn her place just to spite those who try to keep her down, she would become one of Konoha's most well-known shinobi and some old coots stuck in their way would not stop her. She was sure this Kage thought outside the box, he saw the power and strength people had, he was also far too dangerous to ever want to betray as having him hunt you down was certain death.

    Kazuya Uchiha
    Kazuya Uchiha

    Posts : 165
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    Location : Konohagakure

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    Class: X
    Ryo: 18,475

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kazuya Uchiha Wed Aug 01, 2018 7:21 pm

    "Excellent," Kazuya continued, "Your mission is a verbal one, so there will be no official record of it. You may complete it with any Jounin or higher ranking Konoha shinobi that has the ability to teach you, who will temporarily become your designated Sensei. For now, that'll be me."

    The Hokage took a few steady, sweeping steps back, putting the distance between himself and Yui as is customary for a sparring match. His hands folded behind him and his feet remained a hair closer than shoulder width -not a Taijutsu ready stance by any stretch of the imagination.

    "The mission is to master Taijutsu to the level of Konoha's Beast. Green Beast, Blue Beast -whichever name you choose. It's a position based on a specialty of Taijutsu and a finely toned body. The reward for this mission is what you learn in the mission itself and what you must never divulge: the Strong Fist style and, of course...the Eight Gates."

    A burst of energy sent the air around the man rushing away. Just as soon as it appeared, though, the air settled, and the flapping clothes and grass quickly calmed. "We start with a spar. Begin by using what you know of the Strong Fist and I'll guide you through the rest as we go."

    "Whenever you're ready..."

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Wed Aug 01, 2018 7:50 pm

    No official record as she smiled hearing those words, of course, she was sure higher-ups in the village certainly did not want the Hokage teaching anything possibly restricted. As he mentioned he would become her sensei her smile widened even more, she was sure he was bending her to his will but the offer of power he seemed to know exactly where to strike her heart. She planned to rise through the ranks of this village but this man was accelerating this, she was sure they needed her as much as she needed him.

    He mentioned her mission was to train her taijutsu to Konoha beast, to become such a monster she would be feared by all villages and even force them to reconsider ever attack with her around. He then said the magic words the eight gates, Konoha's most well-kept secret, a taijutsu technique so strong it was known around the shinobi world. He sure was pulling the right strings but she was fine with this she planned to prove herself strong and now she had a chance to prove she was not simply another shinobi. No with her clan ability plus learning the eight gates she could obliterate any opponent in an instant.

    "I can see why you want no record of this training, teaching someone that sort of technique could certainly anger the village council. I know how divided they likely are on the Iwa refugees, some may welcome the extra fighting force but others could feel like it is a trick to take over Konoha. I will certainly accept the offer, I guess I need to show what I know to you, though I doubt I could land a solid blow on someone with eyes like yours I will certainly try."

    She would take a stance as she shifted her body weight, clearly, this stance was meant for power, it was meant to use the most of a person's physical ability while also allowing them to strike close and fast into the opponent. She would suddenly appear to vanish for a second after showing the half tiger hand sign, she knew he could easily track her but it was the best way to close ground before moving closer to the man. As she appeared next to him she aimed her right hand hard into the man aiming to strike near his kidney. As her hand would get closer a sudden concussive blast would leave the palm of her hand toward the area, even if her hand never touched it would feel like she had struck with the same force, the small explosion leaving the palm of her hand pushing out toward the Hokages kidney area.


    The Dash:

    Kazuya Uchiha
    Kazuya Uchiha

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    Class: X
    Ryo: 18,475

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kazuya Uchiha Wed Aug 01, 2018 8:06 pm

    A gaze that focused solely on Yui's eyes might betray a lack of awareness, but in the case of Kazuya, it was just the opposite. The eyes were all he needed in order to see the motions of the entire body, and with eyes as keen as his -even without the sharing- he could predict her movements using his peripheral vision.

    Yui moved forward, but Kazuya remained in place until she was in him. With a swift double step, he spun about her left side, easily clearing the blow and its concussive force, all while commenting, "You used the Body Flicker to make up for the Arhat Fist's lacking speed. Clever, but..." His body didn't stop turning and his head dropped, bending down with a sweeping leg that continued his momentum to take the girl's feet out from under her and send her into an uncontrollable roll. Whether she was hit out the dance continued, Kazuya finished, "The Strong Fist combines both." He'd stand after clearing a short distance from Yui, this time with one hand held behind his back and the other in front of him, the back of his flat palm facing forward.

    Strong Fist
    Leaf Whirlwind
    Str: D++
    Spd: C+
    Coo: C+

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Wed Aug 01, 2018 8:49 pm

    As expected he was easily able to read her moves, he even explained what she used, strong fist seemed to combine speed and power. It was not a known style from her former village but it was legendary here in Konoha. He knocked her over as she would fall and tumble forward into a roll but as she rolled she would plant her hands into the ground firing two small explosive blasts into the ground as she would once again dash toward him this time using the momentum of her blasts to reach him before she would rise up her knee toward the mans kidney area once more, she expected he would dodge in the same way so this time she had another plan, her right hand would move ever so slightly not aiming to touch him but to fire off another concussive blast toward his body, aiming a bit higher toward the lowest rib of the ribcage.

    She was sure this would not work but she did not care she would never give up, she was one that was very strong-willed despite knowing she stood no chance against him. She would try her best and try to learn as much as she could from this little spar, despite the difference in skill she fought in a very unorthodox way even using her style, the concussive blasts being able to extend her range as well as  surprise her opponents simply not on this man.


    -11 chakra

    Str: C
    Spd: D
    Coo: D

    Kazuya Uchiha
    Kazuya Uchiha

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    Location : Konohagakure

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    Class: X
    Ryo: 18,475

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kazuya Uchiha Thu Aug 02, 2018 9:11 pm

    With celerity befitting a man of his rank, the Hokage stepped in, turning to put his back towards Yui as he narrowly sidestepped her knee. This took a modicum of precision only due to his perceptive prowess; one with less practiced eyes would've needed much more fluidity of movement to account for what to them would be unknown variables. To Kazuya, these were known.

    He pushed out both arms, shoving the knee off to Yui's left even as his right heel dug into the ground to feed power into the same side hand, which would catch Yui's wrist and force it up, causing the minor explosive force to discharge at an upward angle. This provided a minute backward pressure that the Uchiha would use as momentum to aid his elbows in pushing the girl's abdomen to knock her back as his arms swiftly returned to his side.

    "You're catching on." Kazuya started, turning to face her, "Momentum is key in feeding your strength; that's the core of the Strong Fist. The rest is form; you'll pick that up over time. Go ahead and give it a try. The more you move, the better." He finished, alluding to the sweeping strikes and rush attacks common to Gokenryu practitioners.

    Strong Fist
    Str: D++
    Spd: C+
    Coo: C+

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Fri Aug 03, 2018 12:28 am

    As she went to do the actions he dashed forward with him quickly shoving back her knee before aiming her explosive blast upward into the sky. He then would elbow her back away from him as she would feel a solid blow to her stomach causing her to wince in pain but she listened to his words, moving was key to have many parts of your body moving at the same time would make it harder to focus on and she had a general idea of what he meant. She would smile as she would begin to slightly hop on her feet, he did not do this with what he showed her but she could use this with her feet as she slid off her sandals and kicked them off to the side.

    As she hoped she began to make a rhythm in her head with her forming the plan in her mind how to do his actions. She remembered his leaf whirlwind as she continued to hop before suddenly digging her feet hard into the soil before blasting explosions of her feet and rushing toward him, speed and power this is what she needed to combine both was strong fist. As she took a deep breathe moving closer slowing time in her mind as she thought of the counters he would do. Of course, she expected the counter so the only thing she could do was force her attacks aimed at the counters. With her aiming her leg to sweep she suspected he would step back with that in mind she would suddenly plant her right foot hard into the ground twisting her foot three hundred and sixty degrees with her suddenly firing off another explosion this time aiming to roundhouse kick with his body that she hoped would still be in movement backward.

    If this went as expected he would attempt to block the blow and if she felt that resistance from the block she would press off his body aiming above him before aiming to drive her foot straight down across his shoulder before releasing her beath. She had no idea if this would work but this was the best she could do against such a man, against most others this would be a series of attacks nearly impossible to completely stop, as she was also changing her stance, she shifted more to using strong fist style instead of what she had previously used.

    -14 chakra

    Str: D+
    Spd: D
    Coo: D++

    Kazuya Uchiha
    Kazuya Uchiha

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    Class: X
    Ryo: 18,475

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kazuya Uchiha Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:00 pm

    An amused grin crept through Kazuya's normally stoic expression. He watched the girl's body bounce up and down with the side to side shifting of her feet. He hadn't seen anyone try that particular method before, but if it worked for her, then he supposed that was all that mattered.

    The Hokage remained stationary in the Goken basic stance until Yui was upon him with a flurry of kicks that were honestly impressive for a Genin. Kazuya could already see the form of the Strong Fist in get movements; she had the style. Now all she needed was to solidify it.

    With a swift step back, Kazuya evaded the initial sweep. She had anticipated this, sending another kick with an instant momentum boost from her bloodline. Another grin broke through Kazuya's expression. Not only was she learning the Taijutsu style, she was also adapting to his own personal style, going so far as to foresee and react to the first counter he chose. She'd be a powerful force in hand to hand combat, that much he could see. With what he was shaping her into, she may well be the best in the continent.

    Kazuya blocked the second kick with an open palm, suspecting that she might try a third attack to respond to his reaction. Reaching with a firm grasp, the Uchiha would fling the foot over his head, using its momentum to keep her going and then plant a firm kick into what would be her exposed back.

    "Looks like you have the basics down. What say we try opening a Gate?"

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sat Aug 04, 2018 5:07 pm

    As suspected the series of attacks and responses went as she predicted but at the end, he chose to counter-attack her using her own momentum against her before driving his foot firmly into her back sending her to the ground. She would stand a little shaken but perfectly fine as she smiled, she did not predict he would counter attack her, so even if she had an idea people could change their plans based on how well or not well she was doing. She had a long ways to go and she understood this as he would mention opening a gate. She could hardly contain her excitement, of course, she wanted to learn this.

    "It would be a great honor my Kage if you believe I am worthy to learn such a thing, I will say you won't regret helping someone get strong for you. I will be loyal to a fault and my strength under your command is much better than be being a foe to you."

    As she would bow her head and wait to see exactly how to do this, she would certainly need an explanation on how exactly to open the gates. This was not common knowledge at all in fact very few people around the world knew how to do this, she understood it could take a heavy toll on the body but the tradeoff was becoming godlike as you opened more gates. The general understanding she had is each gate opened unsealed and removed the natural restrictions the body put on itself to protect itself from harm. Being able to remove the physical limits placed by nature was quite risky because if you failed to take out your opponent before the gates closed you would not be able to fight your body would be racked with so much pain. So activating them was only to be used when needed it was not something to simply toy around with, so she knew him teaching her meant he had a lot of faith in her ability.

    -14 chakra
    Ended using any stances

    Kazuya Uchiha
    Kazuya Uchiha

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    Class: X
    Ryo: 18,475

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kazuya Uchiha Sun Aug 05, 2018 7:04 pm

    "Excellent," said Kazuya. His posture noticeably loosened as he began the explanation of the first gate. "The First Gate is called the Gate of Opening. It forcefully removes the limit placed naturally upon your body by your brain. This allows you to tap into your potential at the expense of your body's well being. Without the limit on place, your body will begin to break down, more so with the later Gates."

    The Hokage's body didn't move, but a sudden pressure burst forth from it that blew hard against the grass and his clothes before quickly settling down into what looked like a constant breeze against his body and the grass around him. It was the first gate and though its outward signs were subtle indeed, one could feel a sort of intensity that only a sensor could truly perceive to the fullest. "Place your focus into your brain and flood it with chakra. Your goal is to open a certain large tenketsu by overloading it with chakra, thus increasing your physical output. Go ahead."

    This will teach you the first gate. If you spend 50 exp, you can open it now in this topic and from then on you can train the rest of the Gates at your leisure. Remember that the mission is only active when training towards the Gates with someone who knows more of them than you do and is complete once you get the last one.

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sun Aug 05, 2018 10:49 pm

    She watched as an amazing aura came off the Hokage, the rush of wind blowing her hair in the breeze as she was awestruck she could not tell how much stronger he was but she could tell he had certainly done something. As he began to explain it to her it felt complicated in her mind so focus a lot of chakra in her mind to unlock a door basically.

    She would begin to focus her chakra moving to aim it for her mind as she struggled clearly at first with it being uncontrolled and not used to this sort of focus. She would continue to try for about an hour with sweat beading down her young body before she finally felt something click as the chakra finally made it to the door or seal in her mind. She quickly focused the chakra onto the door as it would suddenly burst open as a rush of wind left her body as well, she could feel the power coursing through her entire body.

    "This feeling... I have never felt anything like it... I can tell I am faster and stronger than I was by a lot. This... is amazing I can see why so many people want to learn this, with this I feel I can become the strongest taijutsu user in the shinobi world."

    She smiled and jumped around excited from her gain of power as she began to punch and kick while also moving around faster, her body felt aches but it also felt very powerful, so this was the cost of the gates, your body not being used to being pushed past its limit it sets on itsself. She would learn to master this power she has been granted and would show the faith the kage has put in her would prove correct.

    -14 chakra
    -50 EXP

    Kazuya Uchiha
    Kazuya Uchiha

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    Location : Konohagakure

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    Class: X
    Ryo: 18,475

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kazuya Uchiha Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:15 am

    The same warm smile crossed the Hokage's face when he heard Yui's declaration. She would indeed become a formidable force and, if she followed the path he'd lay out for her, she may well become the best in the world. That was the goal, anyway. There was still much training to be done, though.

    "You've got everything you need to continue on your own. The next gates will feel like a natural progression as you push your body further. Be careful not to go too far, though. This technique allows you to take your life into your own hands, so you can kill yourself by going too far. Right now, it would be best to not go past the second gate until your body becomes more durable."

    The aura around Kazuya faded, and a slight jolt shot through his body with the sudden rush of pain caused by his stained muscles. He didn't need the power of the gates to continue on with the session; all that was required of him was to continuously push Yui until she reached her limit with the second gate, if she chose to go that far today.

    "If you're up to it, attack with me everything you have."

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:22 am

    She listened to his words about the gates, so as she pushed herself the gates would naturally begin to open by themselves. She then heard what was rumored before if you opened the last gate you would die, this was why gates were so difficult for all the power it offered you had to be wise and only use it at certain times or suffer a great deal of pain or even death. It appeared he had turned the gates off as she felt that aura about him lower, she wondered how much easier it would be to hit him now as a smirk crossed her face.

    She would suddenly rush toward him this time much faster than the previous time as her blows felt so much lighter and faster yet she could feel the power behind her blow as she would throw a flurry of punches and kicks at the man. As she would aim her foot hard into the ground she would blast using her blast to jolt to the right fast before she would aim her foot lower hoping he would attempt to block the attack with his arm or leg, if she noticed either moving to block she would enact her next plan. She would take whatever limb it was and grip it tightly with her legs aiming to squeeze it as tight as possible hard enough to possibly break a bone. Of course, this would put her body at risk but in her mind, it was worth it as she thought I have to go faster I have to be stronger.

    Suddenly another blast of energy would come off her body as she had not realized it but she had managed to open the second gate, her muscles would bulge slightly as it appeared like she was moving even faster. It was clear she had a natural affinity for the gates, she was not even aware she had opened the second gate as she simply felt she had finally reached the max potential of using the first gate.

    Gate Used:

    Str: C
    Speed: C
    Con: D+

    Kazuya Uchiha
    Kazuya Uchiha

    Posts : 165
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    Location : Konohagakure

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    Class: X
    Ryo: 18,475

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kazuya Uchiha Tue Aug 07, 2018 4:55 pm

    He could tell that Yui was starting to feel the power of the Gates. Her aura was not only a physical one emanating a powerful pressured, but a confident one. Where she had failed several times to land a blow until this point, she looked nearly certain that now would be different. Kazuya returned her smirk and struck his arms down on his robe, sending the sides out to make room for a flurry of his own.

    Yui closed in fast with a hasty rush of punches and kicks aimed for anywhere they might strike. Kazuya stared right into her eyes and moved his arms and body about as though following the motions of a practiced dance. He knew the preferred reaction to every attack with each goal in mind and for now, that was soft deflection. His hands, wrists, and palms struck at the points of Yui's body only just proximal to her striking point. With his strikes, Kazuya would push the limbs out of his range even as his body weaved out of their path and force them to extend just a little further than they'd intended. This would cause Yui to spend more time retracting them, this slowing her overall movements and making it easier for Kazuya to read and deflect her.

    Suddenly, Yui bolted to one side with the aid of her bloodline and moved with a low kick. Kazuya would have initially suspected a sweep, but this girl was steadily developing a habit of issuing feints to prompt specific counters for her to them take advantage of. Still, Kazuya reacted as normal with a quick checking kick to the kicking leg's knee, to stop it well before it would reach him. As expected, Yui had a secondary attack. She contorted her body to catch Kazuya's leg in a squeezing grip. As she moved, a sudden burst of energy gave too late a sign that she'd moved into the second gate; Kazuya's movements were toned down too far to account for this in that moment, so while he pulled back, it wasn't entirely sufficient and she caught his lower leg.

    The Hokage smirked at the girl's success before rolling to his front (her side) and brought his leg over with more than enough moment to fling the girl over. Either she'd let go before his roll finished, let go during the roll, or take a solid hit to the ground.

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:07 pm

    Yui had watched as he blocked each of her punches and kicks would match, Uchiha were quite difficult to land a blow on as expected they could read the movement of your muscles after all. He reacted as expected to her planned attack to the side as he went to stop the kick with his own leg with her latching on tightly, now she was unsure what he had planned next but it became clear fast. He would begin to roll with her as she could feel his leg tensing up he was going to smash her hard into the ground if she did not let go and move out of that position.

    She quickly released his leg and pushed herself back several meters from the man but he was now more vulnerable because of the position he was in right now. It would be a lot harder for him to guard every type of attack considering his positioning. She would begin to do the hop step she did before but she was much faster this time with her spinning high in the air above him aiming her leg down to slam hard into the man as she rolled her body forward using the momentum to add extra speed and power to her attack. She was sure he could stop it in some way if he went to blick it however or if she felt any contact she would release her second plan.

    This would be her moving her other leg with a blow aimed directly for his chest, if he had to block the heavy force of her blow then it likely meant his arms would be up and this would expose his chest to her next attack. She was not sure how long the gates would last but the smile on her face was not fading and it was quite clear she had a lot more confidence she at least had a chance to hit after her grab had worked.

    -17 Chakra
    Str: C
    Speed: C
    Con: D+

    Kazuya Uchiha
    Kazuya Uchiha

    Posts : 165
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    Location : Konohagakure

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    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Bukijutsu | Fuuinjutsu | Katon | Raiton | Fuuton
    Class: X
    Ryo: 18,475

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kazuya Uchiha Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:15 pm

    With the hold released at the start, Kazuya glanced at Yui and suddenly vaulted to the side as soon as both feet had contact with the ground about halfway through the roll. Yui's foot came crashing down on nothing, but Kazuya was upon her before she could enact anything further, reaching out to grasp her in a chokehold from behind and then bring her back and onto the ground.

    Str: D
    Spd: C+
    Coo: C+

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:54 pm

    She was actually quite shocked he was no longer there her foot crashing down onto nothing as he suddenly appeared behind her putting her into a choke hold, it was tight and it hurt as she began to squirm her legs and arms aiming her elbows into his sides as much as she could while also aiming her feet to try to slam into his knees and upper legs with as much force as she could muster. It was to no avail however as she was beginning to struggle to breathe even with the gates she could feel her eyes opening and closing as the world around her began to spin. She was unsure how to get out of such a situation, a replacement technique had not been prepared in advance so that option was not in the books, as her body began to struggle less and less and the saliva began to drool out of her mouth.

    Her body began to go limp it was clear she was about to faint from the hold, her fight now gone as her arms began to lower with no resistance to the hold any longer. He was a strong man but this was also to teach her a lesson she was sure as her mind began to go from awake to lucid dreams unsure what to make was real and what was a dream. She could see her parents faces and remember the punishment she suffered and the beatings she took because they wanted her to train harder.

    This was when the gates would suddenly close as her body suddenly wracked in pain with her screaming out, her body now back to life as she refused and the pain refused to let her relax. She began to claw as hard as she could into his arms with her nails as she was out of control and wildly ripping into the arm if she could. It was clear the gates had just ended and the pain was putting her into a state of delirium when combined with the sleeper hold.

    -17 Chakra
    Gates closed body now feeling the effects and pain of the gates use as well as being driven mad by the pain as well as the lack of oxygen her brain was getting.

    Kazuya Uchiha
    Kazuya Uchiha

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    Class: X
    Ryo: 18,475

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kazuya Uchiha Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:03 am

    Gently, the Hokage loosened his arms, allowing the drifting girl to slip onto the ground. She was a bit less active, but still conscious. Perhaps that was better; the lack of blood flow may provide a momentary reprieve from the pain of the Gates' closing.

    "You did well, Yui. Always be aware, though, that while the Gates grant tremendous power, they can always be defeated by someone with sufficient physical training. You'll need both of you want to be the best and I know you can reach that point."

    Kazuya stood up and stepped back, waiting to see if she would try and stand or sit, or if she simply wanted to lay there in the grass for a while. He'd not leave her in the middle of a field alone after going through all of that.

    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:51 am

    As he released Yui she would calm down falling to the ground, her body could feel the pain and tears of the gates as she began to breathe heavily laying on the ground. She would attempt to stand but fall right back down onto the ground, it was clear she would likely need help getting to the medical area to be treated. She would smile a bit trying to hide her pain but her arms were clearly shaking from the pain.

    "I... am sorry... I don't think I can get myself to medical treatment...I.. maybe... you can take me to the hospital."

    Her face would flush a bit red obviously she would have to have him carry her to the hospital, but she understood the words he said even with gates until she got her body into shape the gates would hurt a lot and it also meant she was not strong enough to take on those who were equal strength. She had a lot to work on but she was still proud of the fact she could even open two of the gates today, even if her body hurt all over the place.

    Kazuya Uchiha
    Kazuya Uchiha

    Posts : 165
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    Location : Konohagakure

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    Class: X
    Ryo: 18,475

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kazuya Uchiha Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:11 am

    Kazuya gave Yui a warm smile as he swept her up into her arms with an entrance both firm and comforting. She could relax completely now and try to rest as much as she could to console her body after what it just suffered.

    He had to admit, he felt proud of Yui. To have opened two of the Eight Gates on her first try and fight so hard against a foe that gave no ground. She was both determined and hardy, a true representative of Iwagakure's virtues. This one would be a great addition to Konoha's family, he knew, which made her his responsibility as head of that family.


    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi] Empty Re: Yui the beginning of Konoha[Izumi]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:30 am

    Yui felt Kazuya sweep her up into his arms as she would lean her head into his chest with him holding her comfortably. Yui was glad she had accomplished what she had, now she understood the pains of the gates and what she needed to do from now on, his strong hands holding her legs with his other arm behind her back she felt safe. He was a strong man and pretty good looking as her face would blush a bit realizing what this looked like to those around the village. Whatever she was not scared of silly rumors she simply admired the man so strong yet so calm as well he was clearly a man at peace with his life. The pair would make their way toward the hospital with it in sight she smiled at him one last time, it was time for a new chapter in her life and to make her Kage proud.


    EXP: 20 for mission 5 for a thread with sensei 5 for training in the training grounds=30x13=390
    Also learned the first and second gate and strong fist style.


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