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    Iyoshi Beach

    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Wed Aug 29, 2018 6:17 pm

    Akihiro listened carefully to his friend, paying the utmost attention. He liked knowing these little details about his friends and their families since it usually made him think about his own family and how things were pretty different. Akihiro hadn't been born in a "Main Branch" family like Ningyo, and his father didn't hate the Senju like Hiroji's father seemed to hate the Uchiha. It was interesting really.

    Akihiro chuckled at the thought of Ningyo's father taking her mother home with him because she was so pretty. It seemed to be quite a love story and although Akihiro was only a child a knew very little about love, he could appreciate this one as it seemed to make Ningyo happy

    "Well...The Uchiha don't really have a main family." Akihiro stated, pondering for a moment to actually think back on how the Uchiha functioned. The Hyuuga's method of using branch families to defend the Byakugan and the Main family seemed quite effective but the young Uchiha found it...odd, to say the least. "We sort of elect our clan leader based on fighting prowess and ability to...well, lead. It usually gets decided on a general clan meeting." He shrugged. Political business wasn't really his turf and he usually attended those meetings because his father forced him to and not because he wanted. He was only a Genin, what was he supposed to do?

    Then he chuckled a bit again when he saw Ningyo going on about her skills and specialization, but above that, he liked hearing her talk about her passion for puppet crafting and use. She made it seem so interesting and joyful that Akihiro didn't even consider the countless hours of training one usually needed to spend on the art before even being able to lift a puppet off the ground. "Have you crafted any puppets yet? I'd love to see them!" he joyfully asked, his natural curiosity peeking from behind his eyes. Before she could answer tho, Akihiro decided to give his own answers. He had asked a lot of questions and now it was his turn to answer some!

    "I was born right here in the Leaf. My parents aren't really high ranked within the clan or anything, they're just ninjas serving the village. Mom retired when she found out she was pregnant with me, and my dad now just does basic jobs within our borders. I was supposed to master Fire Release, but apparently, I haven't inherited that element from them. I'm a Fuuton user, although all of my favorite jutsu are Genjutsu! They're amazing, they can take you away from reality and make you see wonderful things. Mom taught me both Fuuton Ninjutsu and Genjutsu. Dad tried to teach me Katon but I don't really have that talent." he shrugged.

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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Copycat Fri Aug 31, 2018 2:23 pm

    Kanna turns the page to the book within her one-handed grasp and continues to read the novel silently. She seems to not notice that two familiar faces are approaching whatsoever, so by the time Yui's voice resonates she furrows her brows in confusion. After a brief pause, the black-haired woman pushes the brim of her hat out of it's tilt, and lowers her sunglasses. With a turn of her head she peers at the Kotoshura, fingers coiled about the side of the facial accessory.

    She does not look pleased to have company. Her bitter gaze shifts away and she pushes her sunglasses back up. To say in the least the ravenous woman wasn't very eager to swim in general. It was annoying to keep getting reminded about the idea of interacting with others too, especially when she'd known for far too long how healthy it was until the mission. Now she wanted to stray from it--and for what she believed was good reason. The last thing she wanted to do was get her hopes up about people living, and then see them burning on the ground.

    As Gin chimes in about her being able to read anytime she wanted, the female simply responds with a grunt, shutting her eyes beneath the coverage of her sunglasses. "That's exactly what I came here to do, so an 'intense workout' in the water isn't what I'm looking for." She started to wonder if she actually had a floatie sealed into that scroll she brought. After contemplating it, Kanna immediately blank-faces, realizing she doesn't really know for sure. Had she set up a counter to a troublesome situation like this?

    Maybe she could just float on her back...


    "Besides. I'm not eager to have my skin start peeling afterward. I don't see the issue with staying under a parasol to avoid that."


    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sat Sep 01, 2018 9:00 am

    Yui would smile at Kanna she could see she was thinking about it, of course, she did the typical Kanna thing and said she didn't want her skin to peel and with that Yui would step beside her and grin. She had to get Kanna to come along, she needed to realize what fun was and reading books was not fun Yui enjoyed books a ton but the most fun was spending time with others and just letting some steam out.

    "Kannaaaa come on, just go swimming for a little while why come to the beach if you are not going to swim. Only for a little while and you can come back and read to your heart's content, right Gin everyone should have some fun while we are here and what harm will it be to swim for a short time."

    Yuis grin was still wide she hoped she could convince her with her words but if she continued to be stubborn she would resort to dirty tactics. She really hoped Kanna would come along willingly as she would likely really make Kanna mad with the tactic she planned but it would get her to run around the beach and finally enjoy the ocean. She also lightly elbowed Gin side to have him encourage her to join them in swimming, she could tell he liked Kanna as well even if this was a rival to her with both of them pressuring her it may work and make Kanna enjoy a swim.


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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Tatsuya Sun Sep 02, 2018 2:05 am

    “It actually was supposed to curve earlier, but i guess it worked out. And don’t worry, im just testing out how much i’ve improved so far.” Rin will admit as he took a couple of steps back from the net. His eye watching how Hiroji tossed the ball up again and with a well placed strike sends the ball towards the upper section of the net. Rin was sprinting at full tilt as the hot wind claws through his dark hair. By the time the ball was essentially at the apex before it started to descending on Rin’s side the boy was already there. “I think this one belongs to you friend.”

    With a solid slam from his palm Rin sends the ball straight for Hiroji at the chest. Rin had his knees slightly bent and his eyes were locked on Hiroji just to see what he would do this time. For Rin has a feeling this was going to get intense, but so far Rin has a feeling that they’re about equal so far. Judging from the movements Hiroji was making he isn’t a slouch either Rin gathered. The real question is, how long will they enter a stalemate?


    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Bryn Sun Sep 02, 2018 11:30 pm

    The shirtless man she had been eyeing gave Kameko a smile when he noticed her gaze, prompting the genin to bury her face even quicker than she had intended to before. The redness spreading across her cheeks and nose burned even hotter than it had been before, the girl obviously embarrassed and a little flustered. But what for? Over a boy? She had other things to worry about, like making all of the stuff her sensei wanted. Oh, and all the stuff the customers she had in her family store the other day wanted made too. Speaking of which, the girl with Mr. Washboard,making all the ruckus near Kanna was the girl she was busily sketching her gauntlet design out for. The coincidence was pondered briefly by Kameko before she actively tried to find something else to do that wasn't within earshot of those three. The last thing she needed was to get distracted by some guy at the beach...

    Kameko turned her head towards the guy who had been playing volleyball, something in her head clicking. She squinted at the boys, particularly the one who had made shadow clones of himself. Then it dawned on her. That was the kid who left a note and then walked out! With a newfound determination, the butterflies she had gotten from Mr.Washboard disappeared as she swung her legs over the edge of the beach chair and stood up. She kept the sketchbook in hand and made her way over to the volleyball court with an annoyed look on her face.

    The bikini clad Amandi got there in no time, intent on interrupting the game for a little bit. "Hey!" Her voiced carried over the area near the court, her intention of getting Hiroji's attention more than obvious as she stared at him with one hand on her cocked hip and the other by her side carrying the sketchpad and pen. She didn't even mind that she was now in the presence of two boys wearing nothing but a bikini, her usually self-conscious attitude forgotten in the face of a potential business interaction. "You were the one who wanted a naginata, right? It's pretty difficult to start making that without a name or any ryo down for material costs. I'm not gonna be able to start on it until you can at least give me that," she said, minor annoyance clouding her tone. After this outburst however, she remembered who she was around and what she was wearing. And now she had made herself the center of attention, at least for these two.

    The redness from earlier crept back into her cheeks, though not to near the degree it had when she was in the beach chair gawking at Gin. Kameko turned to Rin and smiled at him, giving a light bow. Not too much though, she didn't want to give him too good of a view of her set of... assets. To both she would introduce herself properly, setting an example for Hiroji. "I'm Kameko Amandi... pleased to meet the two of you. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be rude, there's just a certain way these things have to go is all," she tried to explain, not wanting the two of them to think she was just some hormonal girl being a bitch. She just wanted her money is all, and to get out of this situation too.

    Daisuke Kaguya
    Daisuke Kaguya

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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Daisuke Kaguya Mon Sep 03, 2018 4:52 am

    Hiroji was completely focused on the game, he planned to give a solid palm strike back at the ball that Rin had striked towards Hiroji until he blocked it with both of his hands open, catching the ball as an interruption had happened from a blonde-haired woman interrupting the game, showing some form of attitude towards Hiroji as he instantly remembered she's the blacksmith from the other day, he rolled his eyes at her calling him out as he seemed pretty indifferent about it, it didn't really struck a nerve or anything. "I stated the necessary information on the paper, I did include my name, my address and I mentioned that if you were capable of doing the order and are interested in it, to seek me out or send a letter to the address. You can apparently make weapons, but you can't read?" giving his own little snarky attitude to her. "Anyway, I had several things to do at the time. If you're interested in doing the order though, I'm more then happy to pay you after this event." after he had explained his actions he decided to reaffirm his name. "Hiroji Senju, since you seemed to miss it on the paper."

    After treating the situation as finished and dealt with, he went back to playing volleyball with Rin as if nothing had happened, he'd imagine after that rudeness of his own however that she might not end up doing the order at all, which he'd half-expect. If she wanted to continue disrupting the volleyball match however, he would pause it and hear what else she might have to say, otherwise Hiroji would simply return back to playing volleyball with Rin and do a similar starting point like he did previously, by launching the ball into the air and jumping at the right time to palm strike it over the net.


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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Tatsuya Mon Sep 03, 2018 7:55 pm

    With the sun blazing hot as its dazzling rays bathe the sand that only increases the temperature. To some the heat is nearly unbearable for longer than an hour, but Rin’s eyes squinted from the sun when he noticed somebody walking towards them. ’Were we too loud? Or do we have another participant?’ Were Rin’s first thoughts as for a moment he could only hear the sounds of seagulls’ crying in the distant with the crashing waves. The touch of blistering hot sand reached Rin’s foot as he came down from his leap before Rin raised a hand to shield his eyes from the sun.

    At first Rin was surprised that approaching them was a young lady who seem agitated. When her lips parted to speak rather loudly the annoyance clear in her tone Rin thought she was yelling at him. Until he realized that Kameko was staring at Hiroji and just assumed that they knew each other. From the sounds of it Kameko works in part of some business considering she was talking to Hiroji about no material or down payment to work with. With her mentioning a naginata Rin can assume she works with weapons. This was confirmed even further when Hiroji responded with a similar tone.

    “A naginata hm? Not many people use them.” That was Rin’s mumbling to himself as the boy has been pondering for a while now to become at least proficient in another weapon that isn’t a sword. Problem is Rin doesn’t know which one to choose just yet. However Rin does see a point that Kameko was making and decides to voice his opinion.

    “Well another way to communicate it verbally discussing what can be done and how to achieve it. People who are devoted in their crafts rarely make such a deal as a note left on the counter. Makes it seem sketchy and can lead to all kinds of problems.” Of course Rin wasn’t yelling or really raising his voice from the norm. He is merely addressing an issue that Kameko was attempting to remedy. Now when Kameko turned to Rin’s direction he was genuinely surprised that she smiled and slightly bowed. Even his face was starting to grow red from the start of a sunburn. Mainly because he’s used to being overlooked and essentially like a ghost in this village.

    Rin regained his composure as he presents a bow towards Kameko whom introduced herself. “My name is Rin Uchiha, and pleased to meet you as well.” If Hiroji is still gonna hit the ball over the net Rin will quickly straighten up as since he was so close to the net Rin briefly entered the Spring Chant stance before a quick movement of his hand struck the ball high forming an arc that will fall a little behind Hiroji. “By the way, you never gave a name. May i learn yours as well?”

    After Hiroji respond to the question directed at him, Rin will return his attention back to Kameko before taking a couple of steps towards the center of his side. “Did you want to join us by any chance?”Rin assumed that Kameko’s answer would be a no since he can clearly see the sketchbook that she was holding on one hand with a pen. But he offered nonetheless in case she wanted a break or something. The redness on Rin’s face was starting to clear up and he no longer had to feel nervous. Though he does tries his best not to shy away either.


    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
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    Ryo: 100,000

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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Bryn Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:18 pm

    Kameko's eye twitched comically and her face drew back in annoyance as Hiroji got an attitude with her over his rudeness. "You can't wait thirty seconds? Boy, you must be the busiest damn genin in the village to not have thirty seconds. And I don't remember your name because I don't exactly carry that slip of paper with me everywhere I go. For all I know, you could be playing a prank on a friend of yours. And that still doesn't account for the fact that you haven't paid for anything yet," she replied hotly to the Senju youth. If he didn't have any idea how to buy things from people, she didn't have any clue how he had made it to where he was today. Common courtesy was still a thing, right? Maybe not, maybe she was just too old fashioned... nah, that couldn't be it. He was just a butthead is all. He said that he'd be willing to talk about it after the game they were playing which is something she could understand.

    "Sure, I'll talk about it with you after the game. That's all I wanted to do anyways," she said somewhat curtly. She would continue her introduction to Rin, which DID include her name, and would blush a little when asked if she wanted to join the game. The Amandi clan head glanced down at her sketchpad and pen, looking around a bit to see if there was anywhere to set it down at. After a few seconds she said screw it, closed the cover of the pad and set it down with the pen on the outskirts of the volleyball court.

    "Yeah, I wouldn't mind playing with you guys. But only if I play against him," she said, pointing at Hiroji. A devilish grin crossed her face as she cracked her knuckles. "Been awhile since I last played anything like this though, so I'm sorry if I'm not very good at it," she admitted to Rin. She rolled her shoulders a couple times as she took a position on the right side of their court near the middle and bent her knees a little in preparation. Her hands drifted in front of her body, waiting to hit the volleyball back at Hiroji now that a new game was set to begin. Self conscious or not, she wanted to drill that ball into his head just one time. Just once.

    Daisuke Kaguya
    Daisuke Kaguya

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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Daisuke Kaguya Tue Sep 04, 2018 12:39 am

    Hiroji grew a bit irritated at the blonde woman's constant whining, deciding to continue the argument on his end. "Firstly, I wouldn't pay for a service that I may or may not know of you capable of doing and secondly, I'm always improving myself as a ninja so I consider every second to count. I really don't see what the big deal is with the note but whatever. I'll pay you after this event." he completely ignored Rin's opinion on the matter however, as Hiroji felt like it was between them and while Rin showed himself to be a pretty decent guy, had no reason to really butt in on the conversation between them. Nevertheless, Hiroji is over it now as he's pretty much said what he needed to say.

    Though he didn't seem to take too kindly to her joining the game, thinking that she's really just joining in an attempt to really prove some point that he just hasn't gotten yet. "And you're joining the game now? geez lady, it's a freaking note. No need to get obsessed all over it." he didn't end up launching the ball however against Rin as despite what he said, he's interested to see what Kameko is capable of doing. He did need a good warmup, and if he could get one over the blonde lady who's ruined somewhat of a good day, it'd be a good track to having a solid day once more.

    "Well, I'm not going to hold back just because you're a girl, hope you know that. Your new boyfriend can join you as well if you'd like, we can make this fair." Hiroji then placed the ball down for a second, using the clone seal to make another shadow clone like previously before, for a 2 on 2 match against Kameko and Rin. The real Hiroji stepped back towards his side of the court in a defensive position, as he'd imagine if either of them got a hard shot against the clone, the clone could just pop, meanwhile, the clone was closer towards the net so when a chance opens up, the clone would jump right in-front of the net to launch the ball back into Rin and Kameko's side. Hiroji did a similar start up to the match like the previous times, ball in the air, well-timed jump and with a strong starting palm strike to the ball, it pierced over the top of the net and towards the other duo.

    Gin Akiyama
    Gin Akiyama

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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Gin Akiyama Tue Sep 04, 2018 2:12 am

    It was clear with Kanna's first response that she wasn't having any of them. Her cold and obvious rejection to Yui gave Gin the red flag she didn't want to be bothered. Her negative emotions were obviously a byproduct of their mission, something which still haunted Gin. He was much better at masking it, and processed the events differently than she did. He was unsure if that made him shallow or not. But he figured he would not bother her unlike Yui. His attention was lured back to the blonde who had moved from her chair and approached the scene of volleyball goers. He let Yui try to motivate Kanna, though part of him didn't want to waste time. Perhaps they both underestimated how she was feeling. It would be immature to pester her. Instead he shifted his attention to the group which looked like fun. Finishing the remainder of his drink he would drop it in the nearest recycling bin while beginning to eavesdrop on their conversation. There was an odd sense of hostility in the crowd, primarily between the white haired kid and the blonde. She immediately began nagging him about some sort of payment, Gin putting two and two together. I found your craftsman, Yui.

    He was mostly uninterested in crafted items. They had their purpose, but in the end were merely tools. The Naginata he bought a week ago was a prime example. Not even three days of having it the staff was sacrificed in an inferno. Whether the blade was generic or hand-crafted its fate would not have been any different. Gin would casually approach the crowd of Genin in the vicinity of the net finding a prime moment to interject. "Guess you never made reservations before, champ." He said greeting the crowd with a charismatic smile trying not to come off as hostile, but instead adding some humor to the situation. "Mind if I join? My name's Gin."

    Strength: C
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    Ningyo Hyuuga
    Ningyo Hyuuga

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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Ningyo Hyuuga Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:52 am

    Watching the others enjoy themselves, Ningyo felt a contentness from simply chatting with a friend. It wasn't anything entirely exciting, no one would write about it no, but it was nice, pleasant. She nodded when Akihiro began about his own clan. He went on to say that rather than birthright, the head of his clan was elected based off their ability to be a leader. That definitely made sense and even somewhat mirrored how the Hokage was selected. In her own family you had to be born to lead. Her father was a rather influential member of the Hyuuga which meant by default she would be one day as well. She wondered what future would lie ahead for Akihiro in his own clan.

    The conversation jumped to her and her puppetry, causing her to blush softly and shake her head back and forth. "Not yet, unfortunately. I've just been using the ones my father got me when I was younger though they're not very efficient in actual combat. I've been running through missions to try and come up with the money to start though! I'm really close."

    She listened as Akihiro jumped back to his clan, the status of his parents, and his own elemental transformations. Like many Uchiha he was expected to know Katon but he just didn't, that was unique. "I don't have any elements so you beat me there!" She snapped her fingers and pointed at him, "We don't really get a choice in my clan though. We're raised learning Taijutsu from a very young age. It's quite literally beaten into us." She made sure to accentuate that with a laugh so that the Uchiha was aware that it didn't bother her.


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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Tatsuya Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:04 am

    To be honest Rin was surprised once again that Kameko accepted the offer on joining the game. But it was a good surprise as for once Rin grinned. Kameko centered herself over towards the middle or at least close to the middle. Which Rin took closer to the front on the left side so he’ll have that section covered. Kameko mentioned how it has been a while since she last played anything like a volleyball and apologized that she might not be very good at it. Rin contained his laugh into a chuckle as Hiroji tossed the ball up. “Volleyball is only a game to have fun and let loose. As long as you’re having fun i call that a win you know?”

    Then with a timed strike Hiroji sent the ball over the net towards Kameko’s direction. Rin saw the ball’s trajectory and waged that he couldn’t make it to hit it back. However Rin rushed over before extending his arm out to cause the ball to graze his fingers. It wasn’t much, but Rin managed to slow the ball down by a little so Kameko should have an easier time to hit it. Then Rin noticed the tall male with the blonde hair that was accompanying Yui had approached them. The man introduced himself as Gin and offered to join the game as well. “My name is Rin Uchiha, and yeah you are always welcome to join. Which side did you want to be in?”

    Of course Rin actually wanted Gin to be on Hiroji’s side or someone to be on his side. Because it would be a bit unfair if Rin had a lot of people when Hiroji might have like one or two to his side. Still Rin leaves it up to the people whether they join Hiroji or his side. Since he wants it to be their choice and Rin doesn’t want to make their decisions for them. Though Rin is probably taking that a bit too seriously.

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
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    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
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    Posts : 217
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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by TsukiTatsuda Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:19 am

    Probably much to everyone’s surprise stepping into the sandy shores in Iyoshi is a familiar sight to some. Dark locks like a river of darkness swaying with each step as they lightly bounce on the upper section of her back. Originally Akeno just wanted to go home and sleep before turning in her mission that she took with Satomi. In fact to say Akeno was exhausted is putting it mildly, but when Akeno caught wind of sighting other Konoha nin attending to the beach she just couldn’t help herself. It wasn’t much, but Akeno put on her two piece fiery red bikini that holds a golden trimming. Her choice of clothing exposes the young lady’s back tattoo that holds a large black phoenix that covers her upper back and multiple tail feathers curl around her lower back. Around the wings that extends past her shoulder to her collarbone is outlined with a fiery red ink in a flame like design.

    Aside from her porcelain skin there is a piece of Akeno that is missing, and that happens to be Akeno’s right arm is gone from the bicep section. The amputated right arm is covered with a layer of bandage wrap so no one will be horrified at the scar tissue. Wrapped around her waist is Akeno’s signature sash that is now tattered and no longer holds the silky shine it once held. Yet it still holds the Tatsuda symbol of a flaming phoenix rising up from a burning lotus flower. The sash trails down to her knees, and around her neck is a leather cord that holds a particular talisman that seems to faintly glow red. Like the rest of her, the talisman seems to be a phoenix too wrapping its blackened wings around the wooden piece.

    Akeno’s Appearance:

    So Akeno entered the beach with a towel in hand just in case she decided to cool off at some point. A quick glance through the shores Akeno spotted Kameko, Masuyo, and Satomi that she immediately recognized. There was a game of volleyball it seemed to be held at the distance, and normally Akeno would love to play a game or two. But she still needs to save energy for the trip home. What luck that when Akeno finally returned home that she encountered the others? Relief washed over her, and to celebrate for herself Akeno walked over to the tiki bar. Of course she got eyed at for her molten golden eyes attract enough attention as it is. But then the bartender shifted over to Akeno’s missing arm and she can see the expression softening.

    “I’d like to order a glass of Blue Dragon with some oranges.” While Akeno maybe tired she knew enough that if she planned on drinking and a trip later Akeno would need something to detoxicate herself from the alcohol. She was reaching into her sash with the left arm because the way Akeno wrapped the sash forms a small pocket where she can easily slip a small bag of coins in. But as she was about to get the Ryo out the bartender only shook his head. “This one’s on the house lady. I appreciate your service to our country too, and i hope you enjoy your time here.” It truly came to as a surprise for Akeno, and normally she wouldn’t accept sympathy from anyone. However she was lacking the energy to argue as the bartender placed her glass of Blue Dragon with a straw in it. As the bartender was literally peeling the oranges Akeno took a seat at the bar stool and savored the sip from the drink. It certainly has been a while since she last had a Blue Dragon, and it certainly was one of her favorites. With a practiced movement of her hand Akeno stowed her pouch of ryo away into her sash.
    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:43 pm

    It really seemed she did not want to talk as Yui would simply sigh and wave goodbye to Kanna, she wanted her to enjoy life more but she couldn't force her to. Gin had run away already as she could tell he wasn't a strong and dominant man, he retreated as quickly as they had appeared. She would head back toward the bar as she spotted a woman with her arm bandaged, it was clear this wound was fresh. Yui would approach the woman with a worried face but would show a smile and wave to her.

    "The name is Kotoshura Yui and it's nice to meet you, I take it you just got back from a rough mission. Well I hope you can enjoy yourself some it is a nice day to be at the beach, so umm how are you feeling?"

    She was not sure how to talk to her or even imagine having such a wound, losing an arm was a serious injury and some shinobis would be forced to retire in such situations. Still, she was sure this woman was a fighter, she had no clue about the mission she had been sent on but she remembered Gin saying they had lost many lives dealing with some woman.


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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Bryn Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:22 pm

    Kameko ignored Hiroji's gripes, it now being clear to her that he just didn't understand what courtesy was. Rin didn't seem to mind having a girl on his team, and the match soon started. Hiroji served the ball towards Kameko, and for some reason Rin tried to dive for it. That ruined her plan to set the ball for him so he could spike it over the net, forcing her to instead try and hit it over the net herself...

    "Guess you never made reservations before, champ. Mind if I join? My name's Gin." Kameko failed miserably as the guy from earlier spoke up pretty much right next to her. She stepped too far, the ball drilling her in her stomach. Thankfully it didn't completely rob her of her wind though, only knocking it out of her. She dropped to her knees, holding her stomach as she took a couple gasps of air and a grimace conquered her face. When she could finally breathe, she would stand back up and turn to Gin with her left arm still holding her stomach. A red circle had begun to appear on the exposed skin, but Kameko didn't have an annoyed expression. No, she was blushing instead. Partially from embarrassment and partly because, well... just look at him!

    At Gin's entrance, Hiroji apparently got annoyed as he made himself scarce from the area. Apparently Kameko had annoyed him more than she thought, but she honestly didn't care all that much. Instead, she was going to speak to this "Gin" person. "Yes! Please, we'd be happy to have you," she blurted out with a smile as Rin started to speak but before he could get many words out. She was mean like that. "I'm Kameko! This is Rin," she motioned to Rin before continuing, "and it looks like we lost a player though. Do you mind playing a handicap match?" If Gin took his spot on Hiroji's side of the net, Kameko would hand the ball to Rin for him to serve. "Still a little winded, could you serve it please," she asked Rin with a gentle smile.


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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by TsukiTatsuda Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:32 pm

    A cheery voice spoke near Akeno's vicinity and naturally it drew her attention to the source. Mistaking Yui as a little kid the genin assumed Akeno just got back from a mission, which technically she wasn't wrong. Then Yui followed up with a question on how Akeno was feeling. Her eyes of molten gold were fixed on Yui for a moment before Akeno's lips curled into a smile. Of course the feeling of Akeno's phantom limb is still there as it is rather recent.

    “If you want to get technical i am still coming back from a mission. A successful one, but… well things happen. As to how i feel, a bit relieved now that i'm back. I just hope i have the energy to make it back to the Hidden Leaf.” As Akeno said the last piece she propped her left elbow on the counter and rested her chin on the open palm. The bartender placed the bowl of peeled oranges next to Akeno's Blue Dragon. Which Akeno thanked him for that. The phoenix tries not to show her exhaustion, but anyone perceptive enough could tell she was tired.

    Akeno turned on her stool after lifting her head to face directly at Yui and extends her left hand towards the genin. “My name is Akeno Tatsuda, head of the Tatsuda family. What is your name little one?”

    Character Name: Tsuki Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 2,000
    Renown: 50
    Ryo: 281,825

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C+
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: B
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: C

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2214-igneos-update
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sat Sep 08, 2018 8:44 pm

    She was glad to hear the mission was successful, but as for things happening, she imagined she meant her now damaged arm. He offered her left hand to Yui and mentioning her name was Akeno Tatsuda and she was head of the family. This was something Yui would likely become someday as her family seemed to expect she would lead her clan to new heights and become a well-known clan in Konoha. Yui would shake her hand and smile as she would be glad to tell her her name.

    "My name is Kotoshura Yui and I will become the strongest shinobi in the village someday, with my blast ability and gates no one will be able to stop me in a few years. I am glad your mission was a success and don't worry if you need my help to carry you back to the village it would be no problem for me."

    She would give a wide grin and give a thumbs up, she wanted to be a symbol of light for the village if she could not give this woman hope she had a lot of work to do. She was trying to cheer up Kanna but she was very stubborn to being helped so maybe she could help this woman, she had not even been back to the village yet so feeling welcomed back may make her feel good.


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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by TsukiTatsuda Sun Sep 09, 2018 10:53 pm

    Akeno raised a brow when Yui introduced herself and claimed to become the strongest shinobi in Konoha. It is good to see someone motivated with a goal even if it is based around tests of strength and willpower. However simply being the strongest won’t solve deeper problems such as acquiring intelligence of an unknown enemy for example. Still perhaps someone holding the power to overwhelm their opponents is something that they need. Akeno gave a light laugh when Yui told her not to worry about not making it back.

    “Normally i would say that i’ll be alright, but that would be just my pride talking. To be honest I find it surprising that the village taught you their gates. Last i heard they hold that knowledge close and locked from anyone. The only exception is that the council and/or the Hokage selected the individual themselves.” To be honest the part that Yui held gates at her disposal. It is based on rumors, but Akeno heard that gates can be particularly nasty on the drawbacks. Worst case is the gates can lead up to death in exchange for exceptional power that could rival bijuu. To put a child through that burden seems a bit… reckless in Akeno’s mind. Or maybe just too soon to teach someone so young and fresh something so dangerous. If it was within her blood such as Yui’s blast for example Akeno would congratulate her. Something like gates however Akeno would most likely have scolded whoever taught Yui the gates when she might not have been ready for it.

    Alas her shoulders relaxed from the tension as Akeno turned to grab one of the oranges and began to eat it. Her tattoo shown to all while under the blessed shade from the sun. “Kotoshura hm? I don’t remember seeing your file back in Iwagakure. Did you recently enlist?” Akeno would have definitely remember seeing Yui’s file on top of Genin when she was trying to find herself a team. However Masuyo had already gotten Taichi Kotoshura and Kameko Amandi. Now that the Phoenix thinks about it Yui holds the same clan name as Taichi. Still Akeno was curious if Yui enlisted recently as Akeno takes a sip from the blue-green drink.

    Character Name: Tsuki Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 2,000
    Renown: 50
    Ryo: 281,825

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C+
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: B
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: C

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2214-igneos-update
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:52 pm

    She heard her mention the gates being kept guarded and with only special permission as Yui held a wide smile. She had, in fact, learned the gates from the former kage, he had enough faith in her abilities and future skills he banked she would become a powerful person in the village. She also asked if she had recently joined the village with Yui giving a nod with her head, she was correct on both things, this woman was pretty smart and clearly good at figuring things out.

    "I was taught the gates by the former kage Kazuya, as for the village I recently relocated here as a refugee because of the dire straights Iwa had been put in. My family feared I may get the plague sent me here to ensure the clan's heir would survive. My brother is also a genin here he has already been placed on a team though, I wait for word of my team as the Kage had left office and not assigned me to one yet."

    She continued to smile as she would order a glass of orange juice from the bar, despite her being more than used to alcohol she didn't want to get yelled at for drinking. She waited for the glass and began to drink it slamming it down and letting out a satisfied sigh. She wondered if this woman actually knew her brother, he had come here before herself, but she felt she could be stronger then he was already, and she was sure soon it would not be even close. The words of Rin still struck true to her heart about her brother being sad he was the protected not the protector.

    Yui had her fill of fun while she had enjoyed her time here she would wave bye to Kanna and make her way home. She had a lot of training to do if she planned to become the strongest of her clan. She would pass her brother but little did she know she was already stronger and tragedy would strike her soon.

    EXP:90+10 for finishing D rank mission=100
    -Exit Thread-


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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Bryn Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:32 pm

    Kameko frowned as her stomach knotted itself. Apparently that spike had done a bit more damage than she had expected, as she suddenly found herself trying not to vomit. She would toss the ball to Rin and give a light bow. "Excuse me, I'm actually not feeling too hot right now. I think I need to go lie down," she said apologetically. Afterwards she would gather up all her personal belongings. Then she would leave the beach, still holding her stomach, heading for her home. She needed to rest up a bit it seemed.



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    Ryo: Ya boy is ballin

    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Kyoji Thu Sep 20, 2018 12:20 pm

    Everyone seemed like they were enjoying themselves. Satomi said nothing the entire time. He didn't find the need to mingle with the Genin. He was there for protection, after the attack on Kiri things were on high alert. However it seemed that would be mute. As Akeno showed up to greet the Genins. Surprised, he could see she was missing an arm. But then he wondered how she was able to get away from the monstrosity that took her. They were in good hands but Satomi would have to report back on what they would do now.


    Strength: B > S (EGF)
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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Tatsuya Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:16 am

    Rin was certain that Kameko could handle it, but sure enough the ball hits the girl right on the abdomen. The boy could have sworn she got it covered, but then something distracted her. Just like that as Rin was offering Gin to join Kameko practically overshadowed him. It didn’t take a genius to get the impression that Kameko is crushing on Gin. Even Rin can see it, but the boy shrugs it off metaphorically. It wasn’t going to bother him any as his voice went quiet. His hazel blue-green eyes drift to the side for a moment as Hiroji had disappeared to who knows where.

    After Kameko was done with her talking, she tossed Rin the volleyball which the boy caught in his hands. “Alright sounds good.” Rin chose to back up to the rear where he was about to spike the ball. When the next moment later Kameko didn’t look like she was feeling well. Did the ball really hurt her so much? Rin thought as he had been quiet. The sea breeze washing over his skin and hair as Rin sighs a bit. “Well i guess i’ll go swim for a bit. I’m pretty sure if you ask Yui over there she can probably give you a good match or two.” Rin suggested to Gin before handing the man the volleyball. Whether Gin takes it or not wouldn’t change the fact that Rin heads out to the water. At first he steps on the watery surface by concentrating chakra on his feet before he begins to skate along the low waves just for the fun of it. Really though Rin was just trying to cool off for a bit since he has a feeling that they’ll be leaving soon.

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
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    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
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    • Destiny: 0

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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Tatsuya Mon Sep 24, 2018 11:20 pm

    It was refreshing to take some time with the cool waters as the waves rose and Rin skated along the moving surface. Still time was dwindling by the minute and even seconds. The beach was fun to say the least, and Rin wouldn’t mind spending some extra time walking along the shore. However he can feel the ache in the body that Rin recognizes as signs of fatigue. His team still has quite a journey back to the Hidden Leaf and he certainly can’t afford to be completely exhausted during the travel. Deciding to call it for the day, Rin skates his way back to the sandy shore.

    Taking a quick look around the shore as Rin was setting to dry himself off with his damp towel. Once he spotted Masuyo Rin approached his sensei. “Hey Masuyo-sensei, im gonna head back to the hotel for the day if that’s alright with you.” In technicality Rin completed this little mission and it wasn’t everyday that they get a mission that actually lets them to have fun. Unless Masuyo stops him Rin puts on his sandals before taking his leave from the beach. Seeing Yui had moved over to some one-armed lady at the bar as Rin walked by the boy would give a wave before speaking up. “I’ll see you later at the village Yui.” Then he resumed his path to the hotel.

    [possible exit]

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
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    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
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    • Destiny: 0

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    Uchiha Akihiro
    Uchiha Akihiro

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    Iyoshi Beach - Page 2 Empty Re: Iyoshi Beach

    Post by Uchiha Akihiro Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:04 pm

    Akihiro spent a lot of time at the beach that day and it was definitely fun. But, like many other things, fun didn't last forever. Soon the night would begin to fall and it was time to leave the beach as the cold wind from the ocean invaded the sand area which now had little to no sun to protect it. Akihiro was there for a while, and then left for home. Today had been a fun day.



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