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    Clean up the Beach!


    Clean up the Beach!  Empty Clean up the Beach!

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 03, 2020 4:41 pm

    Clean up the Beach!:

    Kiyomi awoke early in order to start her day, so much more early she had beaten the sun and was able to witness the sun rising while she enjoyed a quick and light breakfast. She had money to make so today would be one of those days she would busy herself with missions. Kiyomi would waste no time collecting a mission but she would have to take a partner along with her to get the job done quickly and with much more efficiency. This mission would have been a breeze but it looked like they would be getting some bad weather on this day. The sky had darkened and a low rumble filled her ears. This caused her to run home and grab some ponchos for herself and her partner before heading back to the meeting point at the beach. She hopped she wasn't late and she really hopped whoever she would be working with could forgive her if she did in fact make them wait.

    Clean up the Beach!  Empty Re: Clean up the Beach!

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 04, 2020 12:15 am

    It was the crack of dawn when Kizmaru was still soundly asleep in his bed. He didn't have an alarm or planned to do much today but as the sunshine started to break through the cracks of his curtain. He quickly became agitated the rays were angled in a way that it would hit his closed eyes, no matter how much he tossed, turned or pulled his blanket over his head. Eventually, he had given up and decided to crawl his lazy ass out of bed. Walking to the bathroom, Kizmaru decided to freshen up and hop on the shower. The overall process took thirty minutes to complete before he decided he wanted something to do to kill time before he comes back and goes to sleep once more. Leaving his abode, Kizmaru decided he would go take a mission to quell the boredom he was feeling. Making it to the Kage's Office, he noticed it started to get darker meaning it's either gonna be a cloudy day or there would be a down pour soon.

    Regardless, Kizmaru was almost there towards his destination and decided he'd suck it up and do what he had to do in the rain. Making it to the Kage's office, he greeted the receptionist and asked to apply for a relatively easy mission. The receptionist nodded and informed him he would be taking a relatively simple mission that he will do with a partner when ever they arrived. Kizmaru nodded and decided he would wait for his partner to arrive.

    Clean up the Beach!  Empty Re: Clean up the Beach!

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 04, 2020 3:39 pm

    Rain began to come down as Kiyomi continued to rush to the meeting place for the mission. She would waste no time in putting on the white rain poncho that had her clan's symbol on the back in red. She was happy she was able to grab the ponchos and gloves for the task at hand. Coming up to the meeting area she spotted a figure and could only guess that the man was her partner. Quickly walking up to him she bowed slightly and apologized for making him wait if he had been waiting long. " I'm sorry. I had gotten here earlier but it looked like it would rain so I thought I'd run back home and grab these. I should have waited for you first. " Presenting the poncho to the male and the thick work gloves as well she hoped he would accept her apology and take the items. " My name is Kiyomi. Le'ts work quickly and maybe when we are done I can treat you to a hot meal. " Her voice was the sweetest sound, easily heard and clear even over the heavy droplets of rain that hit her thick plastic poncho.

    Clean up the Beach!  Empty Re: Clean up the Beach!

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 04, 2020 9:37 pm

    Waiting for his partner to show up, Kizmaru decided to pace around for a bit since he didn't like to wait around in one spot for too long. Eventually, his partner had arrived and it was revealed that she was a thoughtful girl. She had approached him, bowed to him as a greeting and an apology. He was a bit flattered but it didn't show in his facial expression. Reaching for the poncho the girl brought him, he took it and then began to pat her head as if he was praising her. Afterwards, he decided he'd respond to the girl's introduction of herself with one of his one. "It's okay, it was good thinking on your part, good job," he said, finishing his head pat. Then he began to cover himself with the poncho, as well as putting on the gloves he had received. He wouldn't be comfortable wearing these but at least he wouldn't be wet which would cause more discomfort. "Oh, by the way, the name is Kizmaru. I have a little sister like you, i wonder how she's doing now," he said slightly irritated. He then continued as he walked towards the door that would lead them outside to go to the destination of where their quest would take place.

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