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    Team 3: Day 1 Prep

    Leaf Jounin Commander
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    Team 3: Day 1 Prep Empty Team 3: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Kimiko Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:03 pm

    Team 3: Day 1 Prep KLlJTY6

    An assistant proctor escorted Hibiki and Innocence to their portion of the Maze, leaving them behind to deal with the environment. She was not fielding any questions, ordered just to drop them off and leave. "Have a good time."

    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Team 3: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 3: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Hibiki Tue Jun 18, 2024 9:17 pm

    Hibiki's heart sank as the details of the second part of the Chunin Exam were revealed. The Hell Maze inside a volcano sounded daunting enough, but the thought of leaving Helios, her beloved Pegasus, behind weighed heavily on her.

    "Oh...," Hibiki murmured softly, her brow furrowing in concern. She looked over at Helios, who was grazing peacefully nearby, his majestic form catching the sunlight. She felt a pang of sadness knowing she couldn't bring him along for the grueling trial ahead.

    She took a deep breath, trying to steel herself for what lay ahead. "I... I guess I'll have to leave Helios behind," she said with a mixture of reluctance and determination in her voice. "He needs a lot of water, and I can't expect to find much inside a volcano." Her gaze lingered on Helios, silently promising to return to him safely.

    Hibiki glanced around at her fellow participants, seeing the mix of anticipation and apprehension mirrored in their faces. She knew she had to focus on preparing herself mentally and physically for the challenges ahead, even if it meant temporarily parting ways with her cherished companion.

    With a resolute nod, Hibiki turned back to the instructor, her expression determined. "I'm ready," she said firmly, steeling herself for the trials that awaited her in the Hell Maze. Deep down, she knew she had to trust in her training and her bond with Helios to see her through this daunting test.

    Hibiki's heart raced with anticipation as the teams for this round of the Chunin Exam were announced. She couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement when she heard her name paired with Innocence. A smile spread across her face, unable to contain her joy. Innocence was known for her sharp wit and intelligence, and Hibiki knew this combination could be one of the best possible outcomes.

    "This is perfect!" Hibiki thought, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. She approached Innocence, her smile wide and genuine.

    "Hey, Innocence! Looks like we're a team for this round," Hibiki said cheerfully, her excitement clear in her voice. "I'm really thrilled about this! With your brains and my brawn, I think we make a great combo."

    As the proctor escorted them to their portion of the maze and then Hibiki found herself in awe as she stepped into the Oasis Paradise, a breathtaking contrast to the ominous Hell Maze she had been expecting. The sight of cherry blossom trees in full bloom, the rich berry bushes, and the soothing hot springs filled her with a sense of wonder. It was hard to believe such a beautiful place could exist within the harsh environment of the volcano.

    She took a deep breath, the sweet fragrance of the blossoms filling her lungs and instantly making her feel more at ease. However, Hibiki’s experience from Hades made her quickly realize that the atmosphere was laced with something more—she wasn’t sure what they where called but there was a trace of something that made her feel unusually relaxed and lethargic. She knew she had to stay vigilant and not let her guard down, despite the paradise around her.

    "This place is incredible," Hibiki said to herself, her voice barely more than a whisper. "But I can't let it distract me from the task at hand."

    She moved cautiously, her mind racing as she considered how to best utilize the unique resources around her. The hot springs, rich with nutrients and critical elements, could be incredibly useful. Hibiki approached one of the springs, dipping her fingers into the warm water. She could feel the invigorating effects almost immediately, a boost of energy coursing through her veins.

    "I need to remember this spot," she said, mentally marking the location of the springs. "These could be a lifesaver if things get tough." She took out a spare water canteen she had brought with her, filling it up with the nutrient-rich water. It never hurt to have extra, especially in a place as unpredictable as the Hell Maze.

    With her canteen securely capped, Hibiki turned her attention to the berry bushes and cherry blossom trees dotting the landscape. The berries looked plump and inviting, and the cherry blossoms added a surreal beauty to the scene. However, she knew better than to consume anything without confirming its safety.

    "Innocence, could you take a look at these?" Hibiki asked, her voice tinged with both curiosity and caution. "We need to conserve the rations we brought with us, and these might help. But I want to make sure they're safe to eat first."

    Reflecting on her past, Hibiki couldn't help but think about how different this situation was from what she was used to. Growing up under Hades' care hadn't exactly provided her with gourmet meals. She was accustomed to eating stale bread and foraging for food in war zones, often without knowing if it was safe or not. If she had been alone, she might have just popped one of the berries into her mouth without a second thought.


    Innocence Uchiha
    Innocence Uchiha
    Leaf Genin
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    Team 3: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 3: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Innocence Uchiha Tue Jun 18, 2024 11:34 pm

    "You've got to be kidding me!" Innocence exclaimed as she read the packet that contained the identity of her partner. Out of the dozens of applicants that remained, she had been partnered with the daftest of them. Innocence gritted her teeth in annoyance as Hibiki approached. The girl was her usual chipper self even as they were staring down one of the mightiest volcanos in the world. Innocence didn't reply to her quip but instead narrowed her eyes as she looked the redhead up and down. Then it dawned her. Waitaminute....she was supposed to fail the first portion. Innocence couldn't say with absolute certainty that every classroom had been given an identical test, but she was fairly certain that the fundamentals of the first round must have been universal for all applicants. She figured that the questions that were handed out were harder than what a genin could be expected to answer and thus subterfuge was necessary. Innocence had immediately assumed that Hibiki lacked both the intellect to answer them and the ambition to cheat. And not just cheat...cheat convincingly enough not to be disqualified.

    Apparently the surgeon was wrong. And she was very rarely wrong.

    Innocence's frown and look of frustration was replaced with a new expression. One of curiosity. Cinnamon Roll has some spice to her. Innocence realized. She is the Hokage's sister after all. She can't be that weak physically and while she's stupid, she's good at making friends. They probably helped her along somehow. Even Innocence had to admit, during the brief time they had spent while watching over Tori, she found herself disliking Hibiki a lot less. Enough to call her a friend? Almost certainly not. Enough to be her partner? To be determined.

    Innocence shrugged in response to Hibiki's excitement. As they trekked up Unzen Mountain with their proctor leading the way, the surgeon would pose a single question to her partner. "Hey Cinnamon Roll....How did you pathth the firtht part?" She was dying to know what Hibiki had done to get through. Whatever Hibiki's response, Innocence would nod but internally she would analyze it to get a clearer picture of what the redhead's deal was. They'd be working together to face the most difficult part of the Exam thus far. One that according to the Hokage, put them at risk of death. Whatever their differences may be, Innocence needed to know what her comrade's capabilities were. She'd say nothing else in response to Hibiki's explanation. Instead, she'd focus silently on the task at head. She was running calculations in her head trying to gauge the level of heat from within the volcano, the amount of water they'd need to survive for several days and the amount of patience she'd need to remain being joined at the hip with Ms. Perfect. When the proctor granted them entrance into their section of the Maze, Innocence's lime-green eyes widened at the paradise that lay before them.

    The heavenly expanse was totally unlike what she was expecting. As Innocence and Hibiki walked forward, she could feel her mood improving. Hibiki's voice, the stress of the Exam, the anxiety of having to prove herself. All of it seemed to melt away as they explored the grounds of the Oasis. The hellish firescape she had been expecting was apparently not what they'd have to tackle first. Which left an important question, why would the proctors drop them off in the midst of paradise? Innocence mentally toyed with the question but every time she came close to a solution, she saw some awe-inspiring piece of beauty. A delicious berry bush, an errant butterfly, the verdant green of the grass. It made it hard to focus. And with each passing second, she grew more and more carefree. She found herself eyeing the bark of a cherry blossom tree when Hibiki called her over. "Hm?" she sauntered over to her new friend and for the first time since Hibiki had met her, Innocence would smile. It wasn't a sarcastic grin. It wasn't a haughty or arrogant smirk. It wasn't even a condescending stare. It was a genuine smile. Innocence picked up the berry and examined it closely.

    Despite the opiate-laced atmosphere, Innocence's intellect remained in-tact. She could see the trichomes and could match their structure to the countless plant biology textbooks she had read as a child. She pressed on it and the slight give along with the bit of red juice that flowed out was promising. She sniffed it. No hydrogen cyanide smell. Innocence crouched down and examined the roots, stems and leaves of the plants. There was nothing that gave her cause for concern. In fact, quite the contrary. The vascular structure of the leaves indicated that these plants were rich in nutrients. "Itth fine. You can go ahead and eat it." She said in a softer tone than she had ever used with the girl before.

    The plant was definitely useful and there was probably a lot of useful plants just like this one. She needed to catalogue them and then analyze them for potential compounds. This place is a goldmine....if we could get some of this stuff...we'd be set if they put is in a harsher environment. But foraging was so dreary and so much work. The Oasis was peaceful and serene. Rather than work hard to prepare for the next round, she felt more inclined to take a nap. That's when it hit her. She sniffed the air. There was no smell. She got nothing but the faintest of highs. That's when she realized what this was.

    "Cinnamon Roll...there'th thomething in the air. They're pumping it with relaxantth. Don't lothe focuth. I want you to go to every thingle buthh that lookth jutht like thith one and pick it of all the berrieth....you know fruit. Thet it athide for later. Then, I want you to rip out all the thtalkth, brantheth and rootth from the buthh and put them in a neat pile." Innocence knew Hibiki had trouble understanding her sometimes so as she spoke, she demonstrated. She picked the berries, and began carefully pulling out the branches, stalkes and roots. She set them each into discreete piles. She then glanced over at a nearby tree. "Take the peatheth from that tree and cut the fruit in half. Leave the food for uth to eat and pile up all the theedth. Don't go too far and thtay alert"

    Hibiki might have had practice with being drugged, but this was a new experience for Innocence. She knew what drugs did, she had analyzed their chemical compositions and even created them in a laboratory setting, but she had not imbibed them herself. She had no natural resistance to whatever was percolating in the air. No immunity to keep her focus on what was necessary for their survival. She'd need to tap into a different source. One that she had been keeping at bay since she arrived at O'uzu Island. Innocence walked over to a Cherry Blossom Tree and sat down Indian-style.

    "Do ath I athk and don't dithturb me. I'm theriouth."

    The young surgeon then shut her eyes and took several deep breaths. There was only one cure for bliss, happiness and inner peace: Horror.

    Team 3: Day 1 Prep 7uImUHM
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Team 3: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 3: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Hibiki Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:08 am

    Hibiki's expression brightened as Innocence posed the question,  using her endearing nickname. the two of them trekking up Unzen Mountain under the watchful eye of their proctor.

    Hibiki's eyes widened slightly as she considered how to explain without revealing too much. She twirled a lock of her hair nervously before responding, Hibiki blinked, her mind racing to recall the details. "Oh! Um, well," she started with a sheepish grin, "I sort of... got a little creative?"

    She scratched her head, trying to remember. "Oh yeah! I remember now," she exclaimed suddenly, her face lighting up with realization. She tapped her chin thoughtfully, trying to sound confident. "I used my steel dragonflies," she said with a hint of pride, "but it was a jutsu, so I didn't want to waste chakra showing off."

    "I sent one to Kaori," she continued, "discreetly passing a note while everyone was focused on the exam. It was the perfect distraction."

    "Then" she continued with a hint of excitement, "I relied on these tinted goggles." She adjusted them on her face for emphasis. "They help me see better in bright light, which came in handy for glancing at Sara's answers without drawing attention."

    As they continued their ascent, Hibiki felt a surge of determination. She might be a bit air-headed at times, but she was determined to prove herself in the Chunin Exams, using her wits and skills to overcome any challenge that came her way.

    Hibiki blinked in surprise, her eyes widening slightly as she watched Innocence carefully inspect the berry with an intensity she hadn't seen before. It was a rare sight to witness Innocence drop her usual aloof demeanor and actually smile – a genuine one at that.

    Curiosity piqued, Hibiki leaned in closer, her own excitement bubbling up. She had never seen Innocence show any interest in something like this before, let alone display such a meticulous examination of a simple berry.

    As Innocence examined the berry with precision, Hibiki couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and slight apprehension. She trusted Innocence's intellect implicitly, knowing that her friend's knowledge far surpassed her own in many areas. Still, the seriousness with which Innocence approached the berry made Hibiki wonder if there was more to this than just a casual inspection.

    When Innocence finally gave her verdict, Hibiki's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? It's safe to eat?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of disbelief. Innocence's softer tone caught her off guard, so different from the usual sharpness Hibiki was accustomed to.

    Taking a moment to process Innocence's assurance, Hibiki hesitated briefly before tentatively reaching for the berry. She inspected it herself, her gaze flickering between the berry and Innocence, searching for any signs of uncertainty. Finding none, she took a deep breath and popped the berry into her mouth.

    The taste was unexpectedly sweet, with a burst of tanginess that spread across her tongue. Hibiki chewed thoughtfully, savoring the flavor, and then swallowed. A sense of relief washed over her as she realized Innocence was right – the berry was indeed safe to eat.

    "Wow, you were right, Innocence!" Hibiki exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with newfound respect. "I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable about berries. Thanks for checking it out!"

    As they continued their journey through the opiate-laced atmosphere of their surroundings, Hibiki couldn't help but feel a deeper sense of camaraderie with Innocence. Perhaps there was more to her mysterious friend than met the eye, and Hibiki was eager to uncover more of those layers as their adventure together unfolded.

    Hibiki blinked, trying to process Innocence's instructions through the haze of the relaxants in the air. The slurred speech made it challenging to grasp everything, but she caught the urgency in Innocence's tone. She nodded slowly, her focus sharpening as she took in the details.

    "Okay, Innocence," Hibiki replied earnestly, her voice slightly slurred from the effects of the atmosphere. She watched as Innocence demonstrated what she needed to do, picking berries and carefully separating the branches, stalks, and roots into neat piles.

    Following Innocence's lead, Hibiki moved to another bush nearby, mimicking her actions. She plucked berries one by one, making sure to select only those that resembled the one Innocence had deemed safe. She handled them delicately, avoiding any that looked suspicious.

    Once she had gathered a sizable amount of berries, Hibiki proceeded to the next part of the task. She approached a nearby tree, identifying the seeds and carefully cutting the fruits in half as Innocence had instructed. She set aside the edible parts for them to consume later, making a mental note to keep herself fueled despite the tranquilizing air.

    As she worked, Hibiki couldn't help but feel a sense of determination. This was indeed a new experience, navigating through a drugged environment while following Innocence's directives. She kept her senses alert, scanning her surroundings for any signs of danger while focusing on completing each task methodically.

    "Got it, Innocence," Hibiki called out softly, glancing over to where her friend was still sorting through plant parts. Despite the oddity of the situation, she felt a strange sense of camaraderie with Innocence, trusting her instincts and knowledge implicitly.

    With each task completed, Hibiki felt a growing sense of accomplishment. She knew she had to stay sharp and vigilant, but she also found herself appreciating the unique challenge and the opportunity to learn from Innocence's expertise. As she continued to work, she remained determined to fulfill Innocence's instructions to the best of her ability, eager to prove her worth as a capable ally in this unexpected test of survival.

    As Hibiki observed Innocence's unusual behavior amidst the drugged atmosphere of O'uzu Island, she couldn't help but feel a mixture of concern and curiosity. She knew Innocence had a unique way of handling situations, but this was unlike anything she had witnessed before. Watching her friend sit down by the Cherry Blossom Tree and adopt a serious demeanor, Hibiki sensed a shift in the air.

    Innocence's directive was clear: Hibiki needed to continue with the tasks at hand while Innocence focused on something deeper. Despite her initial surprise, Hibiki nodded quietly, acknowledging the seriousness in Innocence's voice. She respected her friend's need for concentration, especially in such a peculiar environment.

    As Hibiki moved back to her assigned tasks – carefully gathering berries, sorting plant parts, and managing the seeds from the tree – she couldn't shake the sense of unease that lingered in the air. The tranquility of the island, infused with its strange tranquilizers, contrasted sharply with Innocence's intense focus on summoning horror within herself.

    Glancing over at Innocence from time to time, Hibiki could see her friend deep in meditation, her eyes closed and her breathing steady. It was a reminder of the strength and resilience that lay beneath Innocence's often enigmatic exterior. Hibiki had always admired her friend's ability to approach challenges with a unique perspective, but this moment revealed a vulnerability she hadn't seen before.

    As the tasks progressed and the day wore on, Hibiki remained vigilant, keeping an eye out for any changes in their surroundings. She knew that Innocence's method of coping with the drug-induced atmosphere was crucial to their survival. With each passing moment, Hibiki silently hoped that Innocence would find the inner strength she sought, allowing them to navigate this unusual trial together.

    In the midst of the opiate-laced air and the serene beauty of O'uzu Island, Hibiki found herself relying on Innocence's methods more than ever, trusting that her friend's resilience and determination would lead them safely through whatever challenges lay ahead.

    As Hibiki continued with the tasks, her focus sharpened by the urgency of their situation, she couldn't help but mutter under her breath, "We shouldn't stick around here too long." The atmosphere on O'uzu Island was tranquilizing, its effects insidious. Hibiki knew all too well the dangers of letting her guard down in such a place.

    Her strong constitution and past experiences with similar environments were what kept her grounded for now. She had learned through trial and error how to maintain some semblance of clarity amidst soporific influences. But even with her resilience, Hibiki understood the precariousness of their situation. Innocence's unconventional method of coping aside, they couldn't afford to linger indefinitely.

    Glancing over at Innocence, who remained deep in meditation by the Cherry Blossom Tree, Hibiki felt a twinge of concern. She respected her friend's approach, knowing it stemmed from a deeper understanding that Hibiki couldn't fully grasp. Yet, she also knew they needed to keep moving forward, completing their tasks and preparing for whatever challenges lay ahead.

    With each passing moment, Hibiki remained vigilant, her senses attuned to any shifts in their surroundings. She continued gathering berries, sorting plant parts, and managing the seeds, all the while keeping a watchful eye on Innocence. The island's serene facade masked potential dangers, and Hibiki was determined not to let their guard down.

    "We need to stay focused," Hibiki reminded herself quietly, a mantra to ward off the temptation of relaxation that the island seemed to encourage. She knew they couldn't afford to become complacent, not when their survival depended on their ability to navigate through this drug-induced haze.


    Innocence Uchiha
    Innocence Uchiha
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    Team 3: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 3: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Innocence Uchiha Wed Jun 19, 2024 1:56 am

    It didn't take long to contact them. The barriers she had erected were made of will power and chemistry. The former being far more important than the latter. As she tore them down, their intentions seeped into her mind threatening to poison it. H' ah'n'gha ah'n'gha gn'th'bthnkor! They screamed. It was a chorus of demonic voices which seemed to come from everywhere at once. The peace of the Oasis was instantly shattered and with it any hope of relaxation. Innocence shut her eyes tightly as she tried to control the flow of influence over her mental faculties. If she wasn't careful, they would overrun her psyche and drive her into murderous maddness. She could not have that. The Hell Maze was going to be brutal and even though she was not terribly fond of Hibiki, she needed the girl. They were partners and the only way they were going to get through these trials were together. Vulgtmor h'. They roared. Innocence continued to breathe as she remained eerily still. She continued to commune with them. Allowing them to speak to her and fill her mind with travesty and brutality. The air which was once sweet with fruit and flower became pungent with decay and blood. The grass which was once soft now felt coarse and sharp like glass. Innocence's eyes remained closed but she was certain that if she opened them, the beauty of the landscape would be replaced with cosmic horrors beyond her wildest imagination. Innocence's breaths became shallow and desperate.

    She did not want this but she couldn't bring herself to admit that it was a mistake. She was too far gone now. She had to believe that this was necessary. That this would lead to her victory and the restoration of her family to a place of honor and respect. But even as she hoped, she conceded that the price was heavy and that the cup she'd need to drink from was foul. Innocence maintained perfect stillness and posture even as her mind was relentlessly assaulted by the Elder Gods. She could not pay attention to what Hibiki was doing but she could only pray the young woman was following her directions. When she was finished, she'd need to spring directly into action. She'd need to get to work doing the one thing that could bring her into Zen-like focus. Science. Innocence felt her adrenaline rise as the images and voices grew even more depraved. The cortisol within her veins flowed freely counter-acting the effects of the trace opiates and bringing her into a state of near-sobriety. Innocence's heart thumped in her chest and just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore, she flicked open her eyes and gasped loudly.

    If there was any sense of peace and serenity she had felt when she first entered the Oasis, it was gone now. The young surgeon abruptly stood up and gazed at Hibiki. Inno's eyes were bloodshot and her hands were shaking. She appeared to be jittery and alive with energy. I need to get to work! The cosmic horror was the fuel but her brain was the navigational system. Even as the ponds were soaked with blood, the bushes dripped with maggots and the trees mutilated with the eyes, mouths and teeth of the damned, she could recall every aspect of the botanical properties. It was as if her mind could translate the horror into real practical elements of bio-chemistry. Every maggot, mouth and drop of blood represented a phyto-chemical structure. The hallucinations could not stop the unrelenting force that was Innocence's mind. She took one look at her partner and marched towards the piles that she had made.

    "Okay let'th thee what we got here." Innocence said. She plopped herself down in front of the piles that Hibiki had made and began to scrutinize the ingredients. As she did, she began to form permutations and combinations of the potential chemical compounds that could be made from what Hibiki had sourced. She grabbed a nearby rock and set it down. She then took a smaller stone and began to crush the seeds. She wasn't very strong though so eventually she handed it to Hibiki expectantly. "Break the theedth up. Cruthh em into a powder." She said. Innocence would watch over Hibiki, even going as far as to take her hands and guide her through the proper motions. The redhead was definitely stronger than her and she'd be able to get this part done faster than if Inno relied on her own inadequate power. It wasn't an easy thing to admit but she was more interested in getting through the Hell Maze than winning a contest of brute strength. Once Innocence and Hibiki had finished using the rock and stone as a crude mortar and pestle, Innocence would begin to place certain stalks into the mixture. She traced chemical equations into the air and applied a bit of chakra to the mixture here and there. A dash of root, and smidge of berry was also added. Soon, a paste would begin to form. Innocence deftly scooped up the mixture and folded it within the some larger leaves. She would gather another set of seeds, hold out the stone and have Hibiki repeat the crushing process. Occasionally, she switched up the recipe, putting a piece of root instead of a berry or doubling up on Ijutsu chakra for one batch in particular. Innocence would do this several times until she had about eigth sets of paste carefully folded in a protective layer of thick leaves. She then began to put them into her satchel.

    "Anti-thpeticth. Anti-bioticth. It will help uth if we are injured or need an immune thythtem bootht. That one....." Innocence pointed to another set of salves that she had created. "ith for burnth, thkin abrathionth.....over there will be a nutrient bomb in cathe we end up thtarving." Innocence would take a small gathering of the seed-dust that Hibiki would have made. She sprinkled it into the canteen that contained their spring water. She'd then shake it up. "Extra electrolyteth and mineralth. It'll help with dehydrathion." Innocence's tone was professional and clinical. She was in doctor mode now. The sarcasm and bitterness was gone, but so was the warm from earlier. Her pupils appeared to be vibrating and her clothes had a bizarre darker twinge to them. She hadn't entered Sage Mode but she had been on the cusp of using it. Innocence reached into her jacket pocket and handed Hibiki a Puppy Power Protein Bar. "That'th in cathe you get low on thakra. Don't wathte it!" Innocence warned. The sweet girl from before was dead. Inno was officially back to her old self. But at least now they had some rudimentary compounds and medicines to get them through the harsh trials ahead.

    OOC: Innocence is giving Hibiki one of her six Puppy Power Protein Bars.

    Team 3: Day 1 Prep 7uImUHM
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Team 3: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 3: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Hibiki Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:44 am

    After picking and sorting as much supplies as she could manage, Hibiki adjusted her headphones, the familiar weight a comforting presence as she pressed a hand to the side to activate the radio. The static crackled briefly before she spoke, her voice steady and clear.

    “Thunder eyes, this is Steel Titan," she said, using call signs she had just come up with on the spot.  The radio transmission was supposed to be encrypted and unhackable so she didn’t need to bother but well, it just sounded cooler to have a call sign then to go without. "How are you holding up? Can you see my current position?"

    She waited for a response, her eyes scanning the terrain around her. The Hell Maze was unpredictable, and having Nao's eyes on her position would be a reassuring advantage. A normal person wouldn’t be able to see her but she thought that maybe Nao’s special Hyuga eyes would enable him to spot her despite the distance between them.  If they could coordinate via her radio the two teams would have a tremendous advantage.

    As she waited for a response, Hibiki's mind wandered to the resources around her. The nutrient-rich water, berries, and cherry blossoms might be beneficial not just for her but for her fellow Leaf ninja as well.

    Should she gather some extra supplies for Nao or any other teammates they might encounter? she wondered, her eyes flicking back to the hot springs and bushes.  It could make a big difference in this maze. She hoped Nao would have some insight, and in the meantime, she started collecting a bit more of everything, just in case.

    Hibiki watched with concern as Innocence abruptly stood up, her previously calm demeanor replaced by a frantic energy. Innocence's bloodshot eyes and shaking hands were alarming, and Hibiki could sense something had shifted dramatically.

    "Innocence, are you okay?" Hibiki asked, her voice filled with worry. She quickly moved to stand beside her partner, hoping to offer some support. Innocence's eyes darted around wildly, as if seeing something Hibiki couldn't.  Despite the chaotic energy, there was an undeniable brilliance in her gaze, a sharpness that hinted at her incredible intellect.

    Hibiki glanced around, trying to see what Innocence was reacting to. To her, the Oasis still appeared serene, but she knew the opiate atmosphere could be affecting them in unexpected ways. Innocence's hallucinations must be intense, transforming the peaceful environment into a nightmarish landscape.

    "Okay, let's figure this out together," Hibiki said, keeping her tone calm and steady. She watched as Innocence marched towards the piles of supplies Hibiki had gathered. "What do you need me to do?"

    Hibiki watched with keen interest as Innocence scrutinized the ingredients she had gathered. She admired the way Innocence's mind worked, transforming the plants and berries into useful compounds. When Innocence handed her the seeds and instructed her to crush them, Hibiki didn't hesitate.

    "Alright, let's do this," Hibiki said with a determined smile. She took the smaller stone from Innocence and began to crush the seeds into a fine powder, her strength making quick work of it.

    As she worked, Hibiki made a conscious effort to hold back her strength, not wanting to accidentally break the crude mortar and pestle. The process required a delicate balance between force and precision, and she appreciated Innocence's guidance to achieve the right consistency.

    Innocence guided her hands, showing her the precise motions needed. Hibiki followed her instructions carefully, mindful of her own strength. Once they had a fine powder, Innocence began adding other ingredients, occasionally using her chakra to enhance the mixture.

    "You're amazing at this, Innocence. I wouldn't even know where to start with these mixtures," Hibiki remarked, still holding back her strength.

    They continued this process several times, creating batches of paste and folding them carefully within large leaves. Innocence's precision and Hibiki's controlled strength complemented each other perfectly, and soon they had eight sets of paste ready.
    Hibiki watched as Innocence placed the final batch into her satchel. "These are going to be so useful. You're incredible."

    Hibiki observed Innocence's current demeanor, noting the clinical focus and efficiency with which she handled their preparations. Hibiki couldn't help but recognize a similarity to her own past. She remembered her days as an emotionless tool, following orders to avoid further pain from Hades. It was a stark reminder of how far she had come since her rehabilitation, finding her own purpose beyond mere obedience.

    Innocence's intensity reminded Hibiki of her former self, devoid of warmth or sentiment, driven solely by mission objectives. She respected Innocence's dedication and knew that this mindset was crucial for their survival in the Hell Maze.

    Hibiki watched attentively as Innocence meticulously explained each salve and its purpose. Despite her best efforts, some of the terminology and details were unfamiliar to Hibiki. She furrowed her brow in concentration, trying to grasp the significance of each preparation.

    "Anti-pathetics... Anti-biotics," Hibiki muttered quietly to herself, repeating Innocence's words in an attempt to commit them to memory. She glanced at each set of salves, trying to match the descriptions with their intended uses.

    "Injuries... immune system boost," she murmured, trying to make sense of the clinical explanations. Hibiki was used to dealing with physical challenges head-on, but the nuances of medicinal preparations were new territory for her.

    As Innocence enhanced their water with additional nutrients, Hibiki focused on understanding the purpose behind each ingredient. She knew that in the harsh environment of the Hell Maze, their survival could depend on knowing how to use these remedies effectively.

    "Alright, I think I've got it," Hibiki said finally, though uncertainty lingered in her voice. She made a mental note to review the information later, determined to understand and apply it when needed.

    When Innocence offered her a Puppy Power Protein Bar, Hibiki hesitated for a moment. She appreciated the gesture but declined with a shake of her head. "Thanks, but I've got my own rations," she said gently. She didn't want to diminish Innocence's odds by taking her share. It was important to maintain each other's strength and resources in such a challenging environment.

    Hibiki surveyed their surroundings, taking in the abundance of resources in the Oasis Paradise. The cherry blossom trees, berry bushes, and nutrient-rich hot springs held potential for gathering more supplies. Yet, as she felt the subtle effects of the relaxing atmosphere, she hesitated.

    "You know, there's so much here we could use," Hibiki began, glancing around thoughtfully. "But with this... this feeling in the air, maybe we should keep moving. It's making me feel kinda... sleepy, you know?"

    She looked at Innocence, hoping she understood the reasoning behind her suggestion. The calmness of the oasis was tempting, but they had a challenging journey ahead in the Hell Maze. It was important to stay alert and focused, even if it meant leaving behind some potentially useful resources.

    "What do you think, Innocence?" Hibiki asked, her tone indicating her readiness to move on while still seeking her partner's opinion. She respected Innocence's judgment, knowing they needed to make decisions together to navigate the maze safely.


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    Team 3: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 3: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Innocence Uchiha Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:15 am

    When Hibiki asked if Innocence was okay, the surgeon ignored her. She didn't have time for the Cinnamon Roll's pity. She was only focused on one thing right now: survival. As she worked though, she couldn't help but grin as Hibiki complimented her. Despite the torments that rattled around in her mind, there was a part of her that still longed for the recognition and respect of others. So many had withheld acknowledgement of her. That coupled with her lisp made her feel alienated and disconnected from her fellow shinobi. It was a painful and lonely road but it would never stop her from achieving her goals. Every day she became a more practiced and refined Ijutsu specialist. Every month her proficiency grew in another specialized area. Every year she mastered a new set of organ systems. It was only a matter of time before all of Konoha crowed the same praise that Hibiki did.

    She knew most of her explanations would go over Hibiki's head, but if she could catch one or two things that would be good enough. It was just the bare minimum so she'd know what to do in the event that Inno was incapacitated. "One more time Cinnamon. Whothe the betht doctor in Konoha?" Innocence asked with a sly grin. She really did adore the redhead's praise. Simplistic as it may be.

    When Hibiki refused her protein bar, Innocence raised an eyebrow. She doesn't trust me? That didn't make sense. She eagerly accepted Inno's food back at her quarters before the Exams. Maybe someone had taught her better or perhaps she really did not want to impose on Innocence's personal supply. The young woman shrugged and tucked the snack away. When Hibiki suggested the get a move on due to the pollutants in the air, Innocence paused and gave it thought. She couldn't identify the exact parts per million in the air but it was indeed saturated. Nevertheless, they could not just run into the next section. They needed to sleep. They had undergone the first portion of Exams and spent nearly all day trekking towards Uzen Mountain. The rest of the Maze would be brutal and they likely wouldn't get a full night's rest ever again for as long as the second round continued. It was better they rest here now while it was peaceful. Once they got a full recharge, they'd be able to run on less sleep for the rest of the Maze.

    "No we need to thleep. But you're right that the air will thoften uth up too muth if we thtay long. Go ahead and thleep for a few hourth, I'll take firtht watth. We'll thwitth off and then get a move on thoon." Innocence pointed to a nearby tree. They didn't need to make camp or get a fire going. There were no hazards or difficulties in this section of the Maze. Which was precisely the point. A lesser shinobi would dally. Waste time. And even remain in this section for the entire test. Innocence had no such plans. While Hibiki got some shut eye, Innocence would battle with the visions that infected her mind. She had told Hibiki to rest first because she knew that she was not able to sleep in her present state. She'd get little sleep and the terrible nightmares would be worse than the waking hallucinations. She reached into her coat pocket and downed a few pills of her drug cocktail. The anti-psychotics would keep the worst of it at bay for the time being.

    In order to keep herself occupied, she formed a handseal and created two shadow clones. The constructs ventured further out into the Oasis to find potential exit points or gather other supplies of interest. Meanwhile, Innocence crouched down in front of the hopefully sleeping Hibiki and kept watch.

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    Post by Innocence Uchiha Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:18 am

    Rolling for Survival!

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    Team 3: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 3: Day 1 Prep

    Post by King of Games Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:18 am

    The member 'Innocence Uchiha' has done the following action : Dice roll

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    Team 3: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 3: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Hibiki Wed Jun 19, 2024 5:47 pm

    Hibiki adjusted her earpiece and smiled as she heard Nao's voice through the static. His steady response brought a sense of comfort amidst the challenging environment of the Hell Maze.

    "Steel Titan to Thunder Eyes, I'm good! I've teamed up with Innocence and we're in an area with some hot springs and cherry blossom trees. No lava or bridges here, thankfully."

    She glanced around, trying to get a better sense of her surroundings. "I think we're on the east side of the maze, not too far from the volcano's base. I'm gathering some extra supplies in case we run into other Leaf ninja or need to share with you guys later."

    Hibiki paused, her thoughts turning to their next move. "Stay safe, okay? We'll try to find a way to meet up once we have a better idea of where everything is. If you need anything, let me know."

    Her grip tightened on the radio as she waited for Nao's response, feeling a mix of determination and concern. The maze was full of dangers, but knowing they were both out there, doing their best, gave her a renewed sense of purpose.

    Hibiki tried to focus as Innocence ran through the explanations again, even though most of it sounded like complex science gibberish to her. She knew it was important, and she was determined to understand at least the basics.

    "Uh, okay, so this one is for cuts and stuff, right?" she said, pointing to one of the salves. "And this one helps if we're sick or something."

    She smiled at Innocence’s question, catching the playful tone. "You're the best doctor in Konoha, Inno," Hibiki said with a grin, using the nickname Innocence had given her. "I know I'd be lost without you."

    Hibiki nodded, still smiling from their exchange, and turned her attention to the remaining berries and cherry blossom petals. She carefully gathered them up, making sure to leave none behind. These could be useful later, and she wanted to be prepared for anything.

    "Alright, let's get these packed up," she said, grabbing a spare bag from her gear. She started stuffing the berries and petals inside, being as gentle as she could to avoid crushing them. The process took a bit of time, but Hibiki's determination kept her focused. She knew that every little bit of resource could make a difference.

    Once the bag was full, she tied it securely and slung it over her shoulder. "Got everything we need, I think," she said, glancing over at Innocence. "Ready to move on?"

    She gave the area one last look, making sure they hadn't missed anything important. The relaxing atmosphere of the oasis was starting to make her feel a bit drowsy, so she was eager to get moving again. They had a mission to complete, and every moment counted.

    Hibiki listened to Innocence's reasoning about sticking around a bit longer and nodded. "Alright, Inno, I'll get some sleep first. Just wake me up when it's my turn, okay?"

    She made her way to the tree Innocence had pointed out, the exhaustion from the day's events starting to weigh heavily on her. Finding a comfortable spot, she settled down, Reaching behind her neck, untied her scarf and rolled it up to use as a makeshift pillow, making sure not to crush their precious supplies.

    Hibiki sat near the tree, her brow furrowed in deep thought. The idea of filtering the air to make it safer to breathe nagged at her mind like a persistent itch. She recalled snippets of conversations about purification jutsu and basic elemental manipulation techniques from her training, but putting them together into a practical solution felt like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces.

    She sighed, feeling frustrated as her brain struggled to process the information. The effort made her head feel heavy and her thoughts sluggish, like gears grinding against rusted metal. Hibiki rubbed her temples, hoping to ease the strain, but the solution remained elusive.

    "Maybe... if I could just..." she muttered to herself, trailing off as the effort to think became overwhelming. The air around her seemed thicker now, not just with pollutants but with the weight of her own frustration.

    After a few more futile attempts, Hibiki realized she needed to rest her mind.With a resigned sigh, she leaned back against the tree. She glanced at Innocence one last time, seeing the strain in her friend's eyes. Hibiki wanted to say something comforting, but her own fatigue was quickly taking over. "Thanks, Inno. You're the best," she mumbled, her eyes already closing as sleep overtook her.

    Despite the uneasy atmosphere and the subtle effect of the pollutants in the air, Hibiki's exhaustion allowed her to drift off quickly. She trusted Innocence to keep watch and knew they needed to be at their best for the challenges ahead. As she slept, she subconsciously tried to remember everything Innocence had taught her about the salves and their uses. Even if the explanations had been complex, she hoped she had retained enough to be useful.


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    Post by Innocence Uchiha Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:43 am

    Innocence patiently confirmed Hibiki's guesses with a nod here and there. When Hibiki said those magic words, Innocence's grin grew wider. "You're goddamn right" Her grin wasn't as idyllic as the smile she had shown earlier but it was a positive development in their relationship. She even let Hibiki's use of her short name slide. She had heard Hibiki talking into a radio and she surmised that she had been in contact with her boyfriend. She didn't know anyone else the redhead would be trying to talk to who might fit the moniker Thunder Eyes. Innocence grinned as she formulated a plan to herself. Hibiki was her partner but perhaps she could leverage that against Nao Hyuuga somehow. Unlike Hibiki, Innocence was not pure of heart and is she saw an opportunity to come out ahead at the expense of the pair's relationship then she'd take it. The Cinnamon Roll was sweet, perhaps not a friend but certainly a worthy partner. Unfortunately, she was not kin. And thus, Inno prioritized her well-being behind herself and Natsuki.

    Innocence also didn't like the idea of sharing supplies with the other Leaf ninja, certainly not Nao. But she'd address that at a later date. For now, she was content letting Hibiki beleive that they'd be on good terms with their countrymen. No sense shattering that delusion right this second....

    When Hibiki drifted off to sleep, Innocence couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. She was still wiling to use the redhead as a tool but it seemed her comrade really beleived in her. She had relied on her heavily during their time in the Oasis and she was so willing to give the validation that the surgeon had sought. More willing than even Natsuki. Innocence sighed as she kept watched Its whatever....she'll abandon me once she meets up with Nao. She's just playing nice. She doesn't know any better. Innocence had a hard time believing a non-clansman would respect her so quickly. Even Natsuki's admiration was tainted by the fact that he had next to zero self-esteem. Only the broken and the stupid took a liking to her so quickly and so she couldn't let their opinions of her cloud her judgment too much. Hours passed and her clones returned bearing some more fruit and a few skinned squirrels and chipmunks. She put the meat away into her satchel. They'd need protein for their journey through the maze and the extra herbs wouldn't hurt either. The clones poofed providing Innocence with a veritable wealth of knowledge as to where they should head to next. Innocence knew that she'd need some sleep before they headed out, but she also wanted to set them on the right path. She walked a bit aways from the sleeping Hibiki (not wanting to disturb her) and flickered through some handseals and slammed her fist into the ground. There was a light rumble, a burst of green sparks and the death of the surrounding grass. A zombie eagle burst from the ground. It was covered in maggots and rotting flesh but it retained the functionality of its living predecessor. The Gene-Seeded Copy took flight and soared off in the direction that Innocence's clones said would lead back into the maze. The direction was promising but greater investigation was needed. She directed the eagle to fly through one of the unmarked caves on the edges of the Oasis hoping to see something useful.

    OOC: Using the Eagle Eye Perk on Harley to try and get the tracking bonus for Pets.


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    Post by Innocence Uchiha Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:53 am

    Tracking Roll!

    +5 Pet [Harley]
    +5 Perception
    +5 Coordination

    +15 Modifier

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    Team 3: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 3: Day 1 Prep

    Post by King of Games Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:53 am

    The member 'Innocence Uchiha' has done the following action : Dice roll

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    Team 3: Day 1 Prep Empty Re: Team 3: Day 1 Prep

    Post by Hibiki Thu Jun 20, 2024 1:45 am

    Hibiki stirred slightly in her sleep, but the makeshift scarf pillow provided just enough comfort for her to drift back into her dreams. She was grateful to have Innocence as a partner, despite her complex demeanor and the lingering sense of caution she felt. Innocence's knowledge and confidence made Hibiki feel safe, even if she didn't fully understand the intricate medical terms and concoctions her partner was crafting.

    As she slept, Hibiki dreamed of simpler times, moments when she didn't have to worry about toxins in the air or navigating a perilous maze. Her mind wandered back to memories of training and her beloved Pegasus, Helios. The thought of her winged companion brought a faint smile to her face, even in slumber. She hoped Helios was safe and well-fed, despite not being able to join her on this part of the journey.

    Upon waking, Hibiki rubbed her eyes and stretched, feeling slightly more rested but aware that this would be the last time she might get any decent sleep for a while. She noticed Innocence nearby, busy with her work, and felt a pang of admiration for her partner's relentless dedication. Innocence's presence was a stark contrast to the harsh life Hibiki had once known, but it was a welcome one.

    Hibiki stood up, adjusted her gear, and approached Innocence. "Thanks for keeping watch," she said softly, trying to hide her yawn.

    She glanced at the eagle flying overhead, marveling at Innocence's abilities. Despite the eerie nature of the summoned creature, Hibiki couldn't help but be impressed by the resourcefulness of her partner. "That eagle of yours... it's something else. We should trust its guidance and get going once you're ready. I'll carry the extra berries and blossoms we gathered. Better to have them than not, right?"

    Seeing the tiredness in Innocence's eyes, Hibiki added, "You've been working hard, Inno. Why don't you rest for a bit? I can take watch now. We need you at your best, and a little sleep will help. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye out for any trouble."

    Hibiki felt a renewed sense of determination. She knew that working with Innocence, they could overcome whatever challenges the Hell Maze threw at them. The path ahead was uncertain, but with her newfound friend by her side, Hibiki felt they had a fighting chance.

    Once Innocence went to sleep Hibiki stood sentinel, munching on a berry and gazing out into the peaceful yet deceptive paradise around them. The sweet-tart taste of the berry was a brief respite from the pressing concerns that weighed heavily on her mind. As she chewed, her thoughts churned over their next move in the maze.

    They needed a second scroll to pass the exam. The dilemma of how to acquire it gnawed at her. Should they trust the other Leaf ninja? Hibiki's heart wanted to believe in her comrades, but her mind cautioned her. In the chaos of the Hell Maze, desperation could drive even the most honorable shinobi to extreme measures. If someone had already stolen their scroll, they might do anything to get it back. The risk of betrayal was real, and it made her uneasy.

    The only team she could trust implicitly was Nao's. His loyalty and strength were unwavering, and she knew he would never betray her. If they managed to meet up with Nao and his team, they could form an alliance that would greatly increase their chances of success. But finding him in this maze was another challenge altogether.

    Hibiki considered the idea of gathering extra scrolls to trade. It was tempting. Having additional scrolls could give them leverage and options, but it also meant taking on more risk. More encounters, more battles, more chances to be ambushed or outnumbered. Was it worth it? Would they be safer if they secured one scroll and avoided unnecessary encounters?

    She sighed, glancing over at Innocence. Her partner's intelligence and strategic mind would be invaluable in making this decision. Hibiki was strong and determined, but she knew her strengths lay in action, not planning. She trusted Innocence to help them navigate the best path forward.

    For now, they needed to rest and conserve their strength. Hibiki took another berry and pondered. They had to be smart, cautious, and ready for anything. If they encountered other teams, they would need to assess the situation quickly and decide whether to fight, trade, or flee. The maze was a test not just of strength but of wits and teamwork.

    Hibiki's resolve hardened. They would get that second scroll. They would pass this exam. She would protect Innocence and ensure they made it through together. For now, she kept her vigil, scanning the horizon and listening for any signs of danger. The journey ahead was uncertain, but she was ready to face it head-on.

    As the hours passed, Hibiki remained vigilant, her senses attuned to any potential threats. The tranquility of the Oasis Paradise was deceptive, and she knew they couldn't afford to let their guard down. She munched on another berry, pondering their next steps and waiting for Innocence to wake up.

    Eventually, Innocence stirred, her eyes fluttering open as she stretched and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Hibiki gave her a nod and a reassuring smile, glad to see her partner awake and hopefully refreshed.

    "Morning, sleepyhead," Hibiki said softly, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "I’ve been thinking about our next move. What’s the plan? We need that second scroll, but I’m not sure who we should target or if we should try to gather extra scrolls to trade. And… well, the only other team I fully trust out here is Nao's. What do you think we should do?"

    She looked at Innocence expectantly, eager to hear her partner’s thoughts and hoping that together, they could come up with a solid strategy to navigate the challenges ahead.

    Hibiki followed her lead as they quietly left the serene sanctuary of the Oasis, their senses sharp and alert. The moonlight cast eerie shadows on the rocky terrain as they scanned for any signs of movement or campfires.


    Exit Thread to Encounter.

    Will be at full chakra at start of encounter.

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    Post by Innocence Uchiha Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:32 pm

    The eagle had soared through certain parts of the Maze and it had brought back some interesting tidbits of information. The suregon grinned as a devious plan formed in her mind. While Hibiki caught her shut-eye, Innocence walked over to the tree and examined it closely. There were droplets of moisture in the air which condesended on its trunk. Innocence' carefully scrapped it off with a leaf. She then set to work making a basic E-Rank blow dart out of wood. It was incredibly crude but it would serve for her purposes. She chipped off a few splinters from the tree to form a basic dart. She then rolled the ends of the ammo in the condescended opiate dew. She loaded the blow dart and tucked it into her coat pocket. This is a surprise tool that can help us later. Just as she had finished preparing the weapon, Hibiki was starting to awake. As usual, the Cinnamon Roll was nothing but compliments and sunshine. Ordinarily, it would make Innocence annoyed but when it consisted of praising her genius, it did nothing but further keep Hibiki on Inno's good side. The eagle that had been circling the sky returned to Innocence arm and rested. Its maggot infested head turned to Hibiki and tilted to one side as if examining her with curiosity.

    "Thanks. Wait till you thee what elthe I can do." Innocence said with a mischievous grin. She nodded in response to her comrade's offer to take the extra berries and to keep watch while she got some shut eye. Innocence wasn't expecting a peaceful sleep but even just an hour here or there might make a difference. She allowed the eagle to crumble into dust before plopping down in front of the tree. She crossed her arms and proceeded to snooze for a few hours. Innocence was tormented by nightmares but the sedative effect of the atmosphere kept her from startling herself. She was able to get a few decent hours when one particularly brutal nightmare involving her deceased father caused her to awake with a start. She'd cry out and look around in a panic before realizing that it was only a somatic hallucination. If Hibiki expressed any concern, Innocence would brush her off. "I'm fine! Leave it alone dummy!" she'd say reverting back to her juvenile insults as a defense mechanism. She was giving Hibiki a warning not to tread on that path. It'd be a blunt reminder that while the two were coming around each other (or rather Innocence was coming around to Hibiki), she could backtrack if she pressed on certain subjects. Innocence's apparent night terror was one such subject.

    "I know exactly what we need to do and where we need to go. Leave the thinking to me. Itth not your thtrong thuit. Jutht...try and keep up." Innocence would stand up, gather her belongings including the satchel filled with salves, ointments, balms and other basic medical necessities she had created from the bounty of the Oasis. The surgeon's pace quickened as she led Hibiki into a cave on the far side of the Oasis. The cave grew warmer and warmer as they exited the moderate climate of the Oasis and went back into the Hell Maze. She had the information from her clones and eagle to guide her and she knew just where to go. Hibiki might not like the idea she had in mind, but she'd just have to go along with it.


    OOC: This post marks the end of the Preparation Thread. Hibiki and Innocence have completed the Prep Thread in under 48 hours and should receive the +10 boost which would bring our total to Survival of the Fittest. Given the +25% recovery, Innocence's chakra is completely refreshed and she will enter into the next thread with her full stamina pool.

    We also rolled the maximum for the Tracking Roll when modifers are figured in. Team 3 will be ambushing a PC Team of our choice in our next post. (Note: Modifier is +9 rather than +15 as previously stated. Doesn't change the result but just clarifying)

    Team 3: Day 1 Prep 7uImUHM

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