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Airi Ohara
8 posters

    Fro Update


    Village : N/A
    Posts : 87
    Join date : 2022-11-04

    Fro Update  Empty Fro Update

    Post by Fro Fri Nov 04, 2022 12:26 pm

    Gender: Male
    Rank: C-Class | Genin
    Village: Iwagakure
    Bloodline: Kōton

    Inventory :

    Experience: 1,310/2000


    Ryo: 753,412
    Skills: Ninjutsu (Kōton Affinity) | Fuuinjutsu | Weapon smith A | Engineering |

    Elements: Doton | Kōton


    Stats: 7/20
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: D+
    Speed: D
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: D

    Clan Abilities:
    Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage 1
    This stage of the bloodline's ability is a quite basic. Impervious Armour essentially allows the user to cover up to 50% of their body in Kōton. This generally covers up to two limbs and a sizable portion of the user's trunk and/or face. Impervious Armour as a technique instantly transforms the user's body into a metallic substance that set's their skin at B-Rank quality. The coating is thin but extremely dense with the main sign of activation being a change in the user's skin color.  Impervious Armour  is considered "skin deep" meaning the coating does not extend far past the skin itself making it a powerful yet limited. Impervious Armour at this stage costs 5 Stamina points per post.

    Steel Release: Impervious Armour Stage 2 - 500 EXP
    The second stage of the kekkei genkai allows the user to completely coat 100% of their body in Kōton. The metallic coating can be generated instantly and it sets the user's skin at A-Rank quality. The Amour's metal coating is also dense enough to absorb and displace physical force exerted on it which can protect the user's internals from blunt trauma. The Amour at this stage applies a one tier debuff to the opponent's strength for the purpose of weakening physical blows to the user's body. The Armour's offensive capabilities are enhanced as the second stage brings greater control and manipulation of the Steel Release chakra grafted into the user's body. While Stage 2 is relatively limited in its capacity to formulate offensive capabilities, (mere claws, nails, spikes, and the like can be generated from the Armour's metallic coating) the defensive component of the technique is still formidable. Unlike the Steel coating of the user's body, these weapons are counted as C Rank. Impervious Armour at this stage costs 10 Stamina points per post. It is also at this stage that the user has attained sufficient knowledge and control of Steel Release to generate the metallic substance outside of their body. This gives them access to an assortment of Steel Release jutsu that hinge on the ability to manifest the metal outside of their body. It also is a tactical boon in that they do not have to maintain the Impervious Armour ability in order to bring the power of Kōton against their enemies.

    Impervious Armour Stage 3 - 500 EXP
    This is the final stage of Steel Release and is considered the pinnacle of the bloodline's power. This level sets the user's skin at S Rank quality making it one of the greatest defensive techniques in shinobi history. The Armour at this stage applies a two tier debuff to the opponent's strength for the purpose of diminishing physical blows to the user's body. Impervious Armour's second stage can be considered an "absolute defense" in its ability to protect the user from harm. The full potential of Kōton is released and the user may generate traditional weapons such as katana, warhammers, shuriken, kunai, shields, staffs and generic shinobi weaponry. Unlike the Steel coating of the user's body, these weapons are counted as A Rank.  Impervious Armour at this stage costs 15 Stamina points per post. Those who have mastered Impervious Armour Stage 3 are often well respected within the Tetsudashi Clan and are considered eligible to learn its most powerful techniques

    Unique Abilities:



    [b]Update Type:[/b]

    Last edited by Fro on Wed May 17, 2023 4:15 pm; edited 39 times in total

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 87
    Join date : 2022-11-04

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Fro Fri Nov 04, 2022 12:40 pm

    Update Type: claiming starting jutsu and academy jutsu claim birthday exp +300 pays off my debt and using 150 to raise speed to D-Rank and leaves me with 100 spendable

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 484
    Join date : 2020-06-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: C
    Ryo: 0

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Data_Sora Mon Nov 07, 2022 2:06 pm

    Fro wrote:Update Type: claiming starting jutsu and academy jutsu claim birthday exp +300 pays off my debt and using 150 to raise speed to D-Rank and leaves me with 100 spendable


    The Mod account of Data_Sora#0001

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 87
    Join date : 2022-11-04

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Fro Fri Dec 02, 2022 1:25 am

    Update Type: Monthly Pay
    Information: Claiming 50k Ryo for December Monthly
    New Ryo:80,000
    Link: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t205p75-iwagakure-village-update

    Posts : 568
    Join date : 2020-02-19

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Masaru Fri Dec 02, 2022 6:09 pm

    Fro wrote:Update Type: Monthly Pay
    Information: Claiming 50k Ryo for December Monthly
    New Ryo:80,000
    Link: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t205p75-iwagakure-village-update


    Character Update: Link
    Known Techniques: Link

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 87
    Join date : 2022-11-04

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Fro Sat Dec 03, 2022 4:34 pm

    Update type: adding the + from lifestyle to stamina

    Strength: D | Constitution: D | Stamina: D+

    Speed: D | Coordination: B | Intelligence: D

    Perception: D
    Doton | Koton | Ninjutsu | Fuuinjutsu | Weaponsmith B

    Link to Character Updates: Updates
    Link to Character Application: Character App
    Link to Known Techniques: Updates

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 484
    Join date : 2020-06-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: C
    Ryo: 0

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Data_Sora Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:53 pm

    Fro wrote:Update type: adding the + from lifestyle to stamina


    The Mod account of Data_Sora#0001

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 87
    Join date : 2022-11-04

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Fro Sat Dec 03, 2022 10:27 pm

    Update type claiming xp,items given,claiming items crafted, and ryo. Completed 5 c rank crafts can now craft B rank
    8 posts with masaru 20xp per post (10xp for 2 person thread+5 for sensei +5for masaru UA) total 160xp.

    Item given- 10 units of Sealing paper
    5 units of Chakra draining metal
    Blueprints for the Chakra Draining Kunai Design

    Claiming crafted items- 2 Standard Shuriken item rank c
    4 Standard shuriken rank c

    Claiming 650k ryo in the purpose of crafting a shop
    4 Standard senbon rank c

    Link: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5879-fire-lava-and-steel-oh-my#47405

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 484
    Join date : 2020-06-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: C
    Ryo: 0

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Data_Sora Sun Dec 04, 2022 3:35 pm

    Fro wrote:Update type claiming xp,items given,claiming items crafted, and ryo. Completed 5 c rank crafts can now craft B rank
    8 posts with masaru 20xp per post (10xp for 2 person thread+5 for sensei +5for masaru UA) total 160xp.

    Item given- 10 units of Sealing paper
    5 units of Chakra draining metal
    Blueprints for the Chakra Draining Kunai Design

    Claiming crafted items- 2 Standard Shuriken item rank c
    4 Standard shuriken rank c

    Claiming 650k ryo in the purpose of crafting a shop
    4 Standard senbon rank c

    Link: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5879-fire-lava-and-steel-oh-my#47405


    The Mod account of Data_Sora#0001

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 87
    Join date : 2022-11-04

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Fro Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:08 pm

    Update Type: Buying shop, forgot to claim crafting xp with masaru approved from above ‘25’
    Information:150k ryo buying the shop then investing 500k ryo into the shop for a total return of 100k a month. -650k ryo from 730k New ryo total 80k. 25+260= new spendable 285. Old total xp 210+ 25 New total xp 235

    Posts : 568
    Join date : 2020-02-19

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Masaru Mon Dec 05, 2022 4:44 pm

    Fro wrote:Update Type: Buying shop, forgot to claim crafting xp with masaru approved from above ‘25’
    Information:150k ryo buying the shop then investing 500k ryo into the shop for a total return of 100k a month. -650k ryo from 730k New ryo total 80k. 25+260= new spendable 285. Old total xp 210+ 25 New total xp 235


    Character Update: Link
    Known Techniques: Link

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 87
    Join date : 2022-11-04

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Fro Tue Dec 06, 2022 2:16 pm

    Update Type:Claiming jutsu and xp from post
    Information: claiming xp 5 per person (4) 20+5 for master+5 for masaru ua made two posts so 30+30=60 | claiming jutsu light weight rock technique
    Jutsu :
    total spendable exp:285+60=345
    total exp:235+60=295

    Posts : 568
    Join date : 2020-02-19

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Masaru Tue Dec 06, 2022 10:53 pm

    Fro wrote:Update Type:Claiming jutsu and xp from post
    Information: claiming xp 5 per person (4) 20+5 for master+5 for masaru ua made two posts so 30+30=60 | claiming jutsu light weight rock technique
    Jutsu :
    total spendable exp:285+60=345
    total exp:235+60=295


    Character Update: Link
    Known Techniques: Link

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 87
    Join date : 2022-11-04

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Fro Thu Dec 08, 2022 6:50 am

    Update Type:claiming items purchased in previous thread and claiming xp
    Information: claiming all I tens purchased total cost 30,000 + 400 + 50 + 25,000= 55,450 - 25% from lifestyle = 41,588
    Fros ryo:80,000 - 41,588 = 38,412 ryo left
    exp: claiming exp for 2 person thread 10 + 3 posts = 30 exp
    total exp:295 + 30 = 325
    spendable exp:345 + 30 = 375
    Items purchased :
    Link: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6008-new-places-new-people-money-to-spend-fro

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 484
    Join date : 2020-06-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: C
    Ryo: 0

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Data_Sora Thu Dec 08, 2022 5:52 pm

    Fro wrote:Update Type:claiming items purchased in previous thread and claiming xp
    Information: claiming all I tens purchased total cost 30,000 + 400 + 50 + 25,000= 55,450 - 25% from lifestyle = 41,588
    Fros ryo:80,000 - 41,588 = 38,412 ryo left
    exp: claiming exp for 2 person thread 10 + 3 posts = 30 exp
    total exp:295 + 30 = 325
    spendable exp:345 + 30 = 375
    Items purchased :
    Link: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6008-new-places-new-people-money-to-spend-fro


    The Mod account of Data_Sora#0001

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 87
    Join date : 2022-11-04

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Fro Sun Dec 11, 2022 7:18 pm

    Update Type:claiming renown
    Information: claiming renown for learning iwa exclusive from masaru
    Renown:0 + 250 = 250
    Link:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5909-hot-lava-tea where it happened

    Posts : 568
    Join date : 2020-02-19

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Masaru Tue Dec 13, 2022 6:02 am

    Fro wrote:Update Type:claiming renown
    Information: claiming renown for learning iwa exclusive from masaru
    Renown:0 + 250 = 250
    Link:https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5909-hot-lava-tea where it happened


    Character Update: Link
    Known Techniques: Link

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 87
    Join date : 2022-11-04

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Fro Wed Dec 21, 2022 7:35 am

    Update Type:claiming xp from my craft and claiming items from the craft then sending them to the tetsudashi armory, and 5 B rank crafts can make A rank now
    Information:claiming items made over the time frame of 15 days with the xp given from b rank items
    Xp: claiming xp 30 x 5 + 5= 155
    spendable xp:375 + 150 = 530
    Total xp:325 + 150 = 480
    Items:20 x 5 = 100 chakra draining kunai

    Posts : 568
    Join date : 2020-02-19

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Masaru Wed Dec 21, 2022 7:27 pm

    Fro wrote:Update Type:claiming xp from my craft and claiming items from the craft then sending them to the tetsudashi armory, and 5 B rank crafts can make A rank now
    Information:claiming items made over the time frame of 15 days with the xp given from b rank items
    Xp: claiming xp 30 x 5 + 5= 155
    spendable xp:375 + 150 = 530
    Total xp:325 + 150 = 480
    Items:20 x 5 = 100 chakra draining kunai


    Character Update: Link
    Known Techniques: Link

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 87
    Join date : 2022-11-04

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Fro Thu Dec 22, 2022 6:04 pm

    Update Type:Spending exp
    Information:Spending 500 exp for bloodline to increase it to lvl2
    Spendable exp:530 - 500 = 30

    Posts : 568
    Join date : 2020-02-19

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Masaru Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:15 am

    Fro wrote:Update Type:Spending exp
    Information:Spending 500 exp for bloodline to increase it to lvl2
    Spendable exp:530 - 500 = 30


    Character Update: Link
    Known Techniques: Link

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 87
    Join date : 2022-11-04

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Fro Fri Jan 06, 2023 7:50 pm

    Update Type: claiming 100k ryo from shop
    Information: claiming 100k
    current ryo:38,412
    new ryo: 38,412 + 100k = 138,412

    Strength: D | Constitution: D | Stamina: D+

    Speed: D | Coordination: B | Intelligence: D

    Perception: D
    Doton | Koton | Ninjutsu | Fuuinjutsu | Weaponsmith B

    Link to Character Updates: Updates
    Link to Character Application: Character App
    Link to Known Techniques: Updates
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Airi Ohara Fri Jan 06, 2023 10:16 pm

    Fro wrote:Update Type: claiming 100k ryo from shop
    Information: claiming 100k
    current ryo:38,412
    new ryo: 38,412 + 100k = 138,412
    Fro Update  5CUsWMA

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 87
    Join date : 2022-11-04

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Fro Sat Jan 07, 2023 5:28 pm

    Update Type:Village updated claiming money
    current ryo:138,412
    New Ryo:138,412 + 50k = 188,412

    Strength: D | Constitution: D | Stamina: D+

    Speed: D | Coordination: B | Intelligence: D

    Perception: D
    Doton | Koton | Ninjutsu | Fuuinjutsu | Weaponsmith B

    Link to Character Updates: Updates
    Link to Character Application: Character App
    Link to Known Techniques: Updates
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Airi Ohara Sat Jan 07, 2023 5:47 pm

    Fro wrote:Update Type:Village updated claiming money
    current ryo:138,412
    New Ryo:138,412 + 50k = 188,412
    Fro Update  5CUsWMA

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga

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    Fro Update  Empty Re: Fro Update

    Post by Sponsored content

      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:08 am