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    In for the Long Haul, Part 4


    Village : N/A
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    Ryo: Enough

    In for the Long Haul, Part 4 Empty In for the Long Haul, Part 4

    Post by Diana Mon Jan 03, 2022 5:02 pm

    Mission Name: Bad Networking
    Mission Type: Guard
    Mission Rank: B
    Mission Goal: Protect the Investor
    Description: Sometimes going into business with the underworld and black market will backfire on you. The investor has been gambling and has bad debts to criminal organizations. They are looking for him so he can pay back bad debts that he can not afford to pay… and will resort to any means to make things right on their end.
    Payment: 15k
    Requirements: B-Class

    Diana was starting to feel a little tired, having slept poorly after she had applied the seal onto her back. The thoughts of the beast had kept her up the previous night, which was a right pain seeing as she was now on yet another guard duty type of mission, and she knew it wasn't going to be as easy as the last one. She had recruited Adam and Aji once again, and made it clear what the mission was going to be before hand so that they had more time to prepare. The last mission they got lucky, Diana had realized that after the fact, and if the fight had gone on longer the two very well could have been hurt. As such, she had brought a bag with some of her spare under armor, crystal bucklers, & kaiser masks, modified to the best of her ability so that they could wear & keep them.

    The plan was rather simple, the two of them were going to act as body guards and, though she hated the term, bait for those coming to attack. Diana herself was going to keep an eye out from a..fair distance away so that she could keep an eye out for legitimate threats against her wards with her crossbows. And if that failed, she was fast enough with her explosive movement to reach them in a few seconds. After that they'd clean up the remaining goons, and then they could go on their merry way.

    Sitting in the rafters, Diana watched as people began to approach the warehouse they had set up in. Really, her 'hiding spot' wasn't that impressive, but she had found in her time using the C2 Dragons people rarely looked up, which was a little funny to her. Still, the civilians were evacuated an hour before so they wouldn't get caught in the crossfire, and from how they all dressed they clearly weren't up to the OSHA standard. Once they stepped inside, Diana opened up with several shots, both mechanical & jutsu related, using her sensory & eyesight to pin down each person who could pose a proper threat.

    185/185 CP
    Sensing Technique; -0.5 CP
    Marble Shot x20; -30 CP
    124.5/185 CP

    Diana, Crystalline Princess:

    Village : N/A
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    Join date : 2021-12-09

    In for the Long Haul, Part 4 Empty Re: In for the Long Haul, Part 4

    Post by CestrellFROST Mon Jan 03, 2022 5:07 pm

    Adams part in this mission was clear, as it was in the mission before this one. If he only knew how much money he would have been able to make in such a short time, he would have his own brewery by now. And working with Diana was great so far too. She seemed to actually care about his well being and look out after him if he was in a dangerous situation. On top of that, their combat styles were contemplating each other. Though while Adam thought that Diana cared about him, she still used him as the bait while she herself was somewhere close and waited. He couldn't blame her however. It was the easiest way to provoke an attack and therefore end the threat once and for all. Surely the one that made their contract would see it the same way, if he wasn't busy being nervous.For all that Adam was concerned he had prepared accordingly for normal thugs, and for more specialized enemies was Diana nearby. His preparations included a large amount of sand directly to the employers feet, in order to shield him momentarily, Sand that was sticking to the wall and could be easily summoned and a small amount of sand inside the door lock. If someone entered this room with malicious intend, they wouldnt be able to leave it anymore, or at least not so easily.

    As he was speaking with his employer he noticed a large group of man going into the buiness of the man he had to protect. As i became obvious what their intention was Adam acted and flung the door shut as the walls seemingly disintegrated, as the sand that was on them went in to attack the goons. The employer, now shielded inside a sphere of solid sand seemed safe for now, as Adam watched Diana move into action. He hadn't seen her leave her hiding spot, but surely she had even more tricks up her sleeve. As a few of the goons evaded Diana, Adam took initiative and occasionally caught a few goons, lifted them up and flung them down on the ground. The few people that werent knocked out by this procedure quickly realised that trying to attack them wasnt the best option and decided to lay down as Diana gave the ones, that were unlucky enough to be still standing, the beating of their life.

    Smile... The world is not over yet.




    [color=#cc6699] lightnings colour

    [color=#006699] Adams colour
    Kaori and Aji Jin
    Kaori and Aji Jin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2021-12-16

    In for the Long Haul, Part 4 Empty Re: In for the Long Haul, Part 4

    Post by Kaori and Aji Jin Mon Jan 03, 2022 5:31 pm

    The mission details were simple enough, stand guard and wait act as bait. Kaori of course didn't mind; it made the whole thing a bit more exciting that she may be in some kind of danger. After all, Aji was the one that really wanted her to be here when she had better things to be doing today. It was quite unusual for her to see Aji as active as they seemed today, as the scanned those that passed nearby for any types of danger.

    This was not their first time of security duty, but it was the first time the had taken on a mission of this rank. They intended to impress but so far nothing had occurred. However, numerous dangerous looking individuals were beginning to enter the building, and Kaori place moved in to stealthly handle one of them, choking them out and dragging them away as Aji continued to stand guard. Once they were alone, Kaori tied him up and stuffed him into some kind of locker. Then she returned to take out another in a similar fashion, stealthily dispatching of several more before tiring of this and interrogating one of the men.

    "Look, I tire of this whole process so if you wouldn't mind telling me who sent you, or at least how many they sent, that would make both of our lives significantly easier." The man refused to speak, so Kaori removed a zipper from his coat and bit down on it to make it sharp. "Alright, this is your choice, though," she told him as she gagged him and then shoved the zipper up into one of his fingernails. He was miking quite a lot of commotion, which amused Kaori somewhat. If he hadn't been gagged the entire building might hear him. Kaori freed up one of his hands, gave him a pen, and held out her journal. "Right then, why don't you just put down all the information I need right in here."

    By the end of her interrogation, she had received details about who sent them, where their headquarters was located, and how many they had sent. From the sounds of it, they were not quite done with the fighting, but had made a significant amount of progress. Kaori stuffed him into a locker and moved back to aji, sending him to give Diana the notes on the men who they were dealing with.

    Aji used his hiding in shadows technique to climb the rafter to Diana's location, and silently handed her the notes before making their way back down.


    Hiding is shadows -5 cp
    45/50 cp

    Village : N/A
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    Join date : 2020-06-21

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    Ryo: Enough

    In for the Long Haul, Part 4 Empty Re: In for the Long Haul, Part 4

    Post by Diana Mon Jan 03, 2022 5:53 pm

    Taking the note from Aji, noting the extremely similar chakra signatures from her and the one called...actually she didn't catch the name, but seeing them she finally understood the strange signature she sensed a few mission ago; their unique bloodline. But she could ruminate on it later, quickly reading the note as she fired off another bolt from her crossbow, she hopped down and slammed a tekko into an unsuspecting man, took a look around to see if there were any other possible threats to the team (there weren't, they could handle them seeing as they were fairly weak) and booked it down the street, boosting her speed with a C2; Model Pegasus to get her there fast, leaving the other one behind to help clean up what mess remained.

    Bursting through to the warehouse a few blocks down, she'd see the man in charge of the attack, with a few people he was taking with. "Sorry, but I am not in the mood today." And she launched herself off the beast of burden and into the man's face, knocking him out and leaving a nasty tekko bruise as her clay Pegasus took out the rest of the men. She'd take a few more minutes loading the men onto the pegasus's back, then walked back to the original warehouse.

    Walking back in, she was glad to see her companions had handled themselves well, though with all of the sand lying around, a good chunk of it all red, and several signatures missing, she hadn't realized just how dedicated these men were to try and clean up the mess of one man. Bringing her hand up to her ear, she activate her linkpearl and contact Titania. "Hey Titan, can you direct some shinobi over to warehouse 35B? Clan Head orders, please and thank you." She'd then walk over to her students and give her best, if forced smile.

    "You did well today. As a reward for your hard work I am letting you keep the gear I lent you for this mission. It will not make up for what you had to witness, and I would advise you take an after-action debrief with a medical ninja, just as a safety precaution. Let me reiterate that, you did well, and I am proud of how well you all did." She'd hand them their envelopes of pay. "The mission is over, I will take care of things from here.


    124.5/185 CP
    Sensing Technique; -0.5 CP
    C2; Model Pegasus; -10 CP
    114/185 CP

    Removing several items from inventory for Adam & Kaori/Aji to keep, will be reflected in update post

    Diana, Crystalline Princess:

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 91
    Join date : 2021-12-09

    In for the Long Haul, Part 4 Empty Re: In for the Long Haul, Part 4

    Post by CestrellFROST Mon Jan 03, 2022 6:18 pm

    As Adam looked over the once neat and clean business room, he got to see the full extent of the battle they had just minutes ago. THe few thugs that were still able to walk were laying on the ground, next to their more beaten up and damaged comrades. Blood was painted across the floor soo and a few of the bodies showed clearly that their bones were in positions where they shouldn't be. However, they were alive. Judging by the size of the group that attacked them it could have easily ended worse, with Diana and Adam resorting to killing in order to protect their employer. After all it didn't matter if it was them against an entire world, or or just against a single person. In order to save even one person they would fight anyone trying to hurt him.

    Thinking about the mentality of the shinobi life, Adam wondered what they would do next. He hadn't killed so far, at least not while doing his job as a shinobi. After all they seemed to make a well enough team and it was profitable too.

    As he heard banging on the he opened it slightly only to see Diana stand in the door, with the police force behind her. Judging by her expression she had been successful in finding the leader of this group and taking him in.

    As he opened the door fully, Adam could hear a gasp from few of the police force shinobis. He understood the reaction. The entire room was giving of a weird look. As slowly the knocked out bodies got lifted outside of the business room and the few that were conscious got put into custody, the room looked as if a sandstorm had pushed through it and torn something apart in the process. As Diana now spoke up, her gift surprised adam, as Diana did most of the work, as usual. After all she was way stronger and more experienced. However he appreaciated the gift. The under armour might proove needed soon enough, however he hoped that it wasnt needed. Answering her he said:

    "Thank you very diana... even if i dont understadn why."

    As they left the room, Adam took the sand with him, before disposing it on his way to the mission office with Diana. As they got ready to leave, Adam watched as Dianas hand went inside her pocket and pulled out back slowly, gripping two envelopes. Judging by the difficulty of the mission and the sheer amount of people that got hurt today, it was clear that the payment was well enough, and the thickness of the envelope that she handed Adam was enough to make the assumption correct.

    Jutsus used:
    Freeform sand manip 3cp



    Smile... The world is not over yet.




    [color=#cc6699] lightnings colour

    [color=#006699] Adams colour
    Kaori and Aji Jin
    Kaori and Aji Jin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2021-12-16

    In for the Long Haul, Part 4 Empty Re: In for the Long Haul, Part 4

    Post by Kaori and Aji Jin Mon Jan 03, 2022 6:31 pm

    Both Kaori and Aji were pleased to meet this police force, and they each listened as Diana complemented them on their work today. Aji bowed. "Thank you, Diana," they said. They looked to Kaori, who didn't seem to care either way that Diana was thanking them. She was pleased with the complement, Diana was strong after all, but Kaori was too concerned with continuing to present the persona she had built up to look cool.

    Looking around, it seemed that Kaori and her twin had done the least work here today, as the entire warehouse was a complete mess. There were pools of blood everywhere, and Adams sand had even been stained red from all the killing. Meanwhile, the pair had not killed a single person all day. That seemed a bit disapointing.

    She drank out of a flask as she left the mission site with Aji inside of her, once again complaining about the consumption of alcohol and that it always made them feel sick. Kaori downed the whole bottle and then left out a gasp as she shuttered from the taste of such strong booze.

    "You're welcome to leave any time you like Aji, just go home."

    After a few more moments of this discussion, it became apparent that Kaori intended to spand the rest of her night at the bar, so Aji separated from her and made their way home.


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