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    In for the Long Haul, Part 1


    Village : N/A
    Posts : 868
    Join date : 2020-06-21

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: A lot
    Class: S
    Ryo: Enough

    In for the Long Haul, Part 1 Empty In for the Long Haul, Part 1

    Post by Diana Sun Jan 02, 2022 11:26 am

    Mission Name: Renewal of Name
    Mission Type: Information
    Mission Rank: B
    Mission Goal: Prove that Iwa is strong once more
    Description: the weakness of the former Iwa must be shed, find criminals within the village and show them and all others that their time here is over.
    Payment: 25k Ryo.
    Requirements: C-Class

    It wasn't a mission Diana had wanted to take, but when she had entered the office that morning her secretary had informed her that mission central had requested her specifically given her status as twin clan head. And yet taking down criminals was something she felt was needed to do, so she figured she'd make the most of it by taking along one of the Iwa shinobi she had met earlier, one Adam Jensen. Sure there were other shinobi who were likely more qualified, but he also seemed to have his head on straight, and if a fight broke out (which she hoped wouldn't come to, but things were never that simple), he'd need to know how to handle himself when things become rough on the shinobi side. There was also the small fact that his chakra signature was fairly recently gained, so the freshness helped in the decision.

    Finding him was rather easy, all things considered, she already knew the general area he lived in from their meetup, and the rest was just simple deduction and a few sensory pings. It was in a small shop that served various drinks, most of the alcoholic variety. If she wasn't here to ty and track down her possible companion for the mission. she'd likely have to drop by and see what sorts they had, as finding something to her taste was always trouble.

    She'd address the younger shinobi with an authority she hadn't used before, one that carried the weight of her station to make sure he understood this mission was not to be taken lightly. "Hello Mr Jensen. I will be brief, I have a mission I was requested to complete, and I want you to join me to get an idea on what you can do. It will not be easy, and I would not blame you for looking over your own safety given the rank of the mission. Even so, I believe you can handle the pressure." She'd offer him the scroll to look over, and would wait to speak up again until he looked it over. "So how about it? Yes or no?"

    185/185 CP
    Sensing Technique; -0.5 CP
    184.5/185 CP

    Diana, Crystalline Princess:

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 91
    Join date : 2021-12-09

    In for the Long Haul, Part 1 Empty Re: In for the Long Haul, Part 1

    Post by CestrellFROST Sun Jan 02, 2022 12:00 pm

    The offer came unexpected for Adam. After all he just met her last week, so surely there was more to this then she was saying as of now.How did she find him here anyways? Was it so well known that he was a regular at this specific liquor store? As he passed the store clerk a look it became clear that the clerk didnt know anything about the strange, yet radiant and powerful shinobi that stood in front of Adam now. Continuing his thoughts he came to another conclusion: Another point that he jus thad thought of was the simple fact that Adam was just an ordinary person, and even then there were hundrets of people that were better then him in most aspects. He was neither specificly fit, nor did he have any special talents. What could an influential and important person like Diana see in him? And even moreso, what would said person think that he was good for anyways? While the chance of getting heads first into something that was beyond his strength was large, Adam couldnt really affort to let this opportunity slip. On the one side, if he did this mission, he would be able to buy a lot of things with his share. Even moreso he might be able to get Diana to the point where she might tell him where she got this seal that was able to refill liquids. This seal would save him the trouble of buying new bottles and disposing them all the time for his whiskey. Not even mentioning the thousands of ryo he would end up saving over the year. On the other hand he hated bullies and outlaws. As a shinobi it was his duty to protect those that werent able to. Looking Diana in the eyes he extended a hand for a handshake as he said: “Count me in then… Im looking forward to work with you.”

    Thinking shortly, Adam asked further: “So where are we going then? I dont know too many places around the town here… even less were those people might be.” as he tightened his trenchcoat with the adjustable strap that it had. The wind had picked up now and was playing around the two of them as it clawed at their clothes, as Adam waited for a direction, ready to follow Diana.

    Smile... The world is not over yet.




    [color=#cc6699] lightnings colour

    [color=#006699] Adams colour

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 868
    Join date : 2020-06-21

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: A lot
    Class: S
    Ryo: Enough

    In for the Long Haul, Part 1 Empty Re: In for the Long Haul, Part 1

    Post by Diana Sun Jan 02, 2022 12:11 pm

    Diana relaxed as he accepted the mission, dangerous as it could be. “I am glad to hear that, and I also look forward to working together.” Diana began moving out of the store and began towards where the criminals were last seen. “As for where we are going, it is not too far from here. Our quarry was last seen near the…one of the many rock monuments the village seems to have.” Smart as she was, the place just had too many rock statues with similar enough names that she couldn’t keep track of them all. “In any case, I do not expect you to engage the enemy directly. Instead I want you to play support, using your magnet release to our advantage.”

    After passing the very unremarkable rock statue of someone Diana still could not remember and arriving at the hideout down a small alleyway, she’d let her chakra flow through her hands, the sounds of popping coming from the joints. Inside she could sense…four people, no, five waiting at the door, the one by the door just hid his signature as she entered his range. There were some others around, but their signatures were weaker, likely new recruits. She’d sigh before speaking. “Of course they are going to make this hard. Taking two of her crossbows out of her bag she’d double checked to make sure they were loaded, then calmly walked over to the door. And then she opened said portal with a Blast-Enhanced kick, the doorframe flying off the hinges and slamming into one of the men, knocking him out instantly. She’d then rush in, slamming her left crossbow into the ‘hidden’ man’s gut as he tried to jump her, and fired two shots from her weapons at the feet of two of the criminals rushing her, the arrows catching in their shoes and causing them to trip. Smacking the backsides of their heads with the butt of each crossbow to knock them out, she’d turn to the final man.

    “I would advise you surrender-one moment.”

    She’d turn, drop one of her crossbows and performed the snake sign with her free hand, then fired off a crystal marble from her finger without looking at the criminal who she thought she had knocked out earlier next to the door, the clever asshole. “As I was saying, this operation is finished, and it would be in your best interests to come quietly." The man took a few seconds, then sighed as he lowered his weapon. Diana then walked over and placed an Elements Seal on him, knocking the man out just as a precaution.

    Walking out of the building, the men on a few of her C1 creations she quickly made, she;'d look to her companion for the mission. "You did well Adam. let us transport these people to the higher ups, and I will get you your half of the pay when we arrive." She'd watch as he took care of his half of the crooks, and once they had delivered those who would be brought to justice, handed him his half of the pay as she had promised before heading back to do the paperwork.


    184.5/185 CP
    Sensing Technique; -0.5 CP
    Greater Blast Strikes; -5 CP
    Marble Shot; -3 CP
    C1; -3 CP
    Five Elements Seal; -20 CP
    153/185 CP

    Diana, Crystalline Princess:

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 91
    Join date : 2021-12-09

    In for the Long Haul, Part 1 Empty Re: In for the Long Haul, Part 1

    Post by CestrellFROST Sun Jan 02, 2022 12:15 pm

    As Adam followed diana after she stated their destination he walked next to her, quiet and lost in thought. He still was against killing if it was somehow possible, however me didnt know if he would have the power to have this choice in his hand. After all, if those thugs were as powerful as Diana said they were, then it would be a fight to life and death. Breathing in sharply he remembered why he was a shinobi. Was it the trauma he had as a child? Was it the fact that he had saved people before and liked the feeling of it? Not to be a hero, but to do the right thing? Or was it the fact that he didnt know anything else he might even get a job at? Regardless of the reason, this was his mission now. He took an oath to serve this village and he would keep it, for good or worse.

    Looking at Diana, as she said that they were nearing the reported hideout of the thugs, Adam took a moment and stopped. Putting his flat hand against the ground he magnetised the sand around him that strangely could be found at most places around the village. Following diana now again, his sand moved behind him as he dragged it over the floor.

    Seeing as they were in front of the hideout, he watched as Diana kicked the door in and entered. As she took the fight to the main group of people inside the large, central room, Adam spotted a smaller group that tried to use the backdoor to bail out of the building. SUmmoning his sand around him he let it fly past the thugs and held the door shut. As the five thugs turned around, clearly not happy about the fact that their escape route had been blocked, they engaged adam. Not even breaking a sweat, adam used his sand to throw the thugs onto the ground and buried them halfway with his sand. The wheight was enough so they werent ablet o move, however it also left enough free to they could breath. As he wanted to turn around he suddenley heard something heavy behind him hit the ground. Jumping forward as he got startled, Adam noticed a thug with drawn knive on the ground. Looking towards Diana it was clear that she had just saved him and was finished with her part faster then he was able to with his smaller group.

    Raising the hand adam expressed his thanks: “I-... Thank you…”, in a weird voice. They just started thier collaboration and allready he had to be saved by her. However, his own weakness didnt surprise Adam in the slightest. As Diana stated that they needed to get them to the authorities, adam used his sand to create a rug like structure, that while slow, was large and sturdy enough to transport the prisoners to the police station. The few thugs that werent outright knocked out, knew about the fact that runningwas futile, so it was a quiet trip there. As they reached police station, Diana pulled out a small envelope and offered it to adam, who accepted it without looking at its contents. He trusted her enough to not try to shortcut him in his money and he was happy about any amount regardless as it would finance his “Hobby”.

    Techniques used:
    Freeform manip

    105/110 remaining


    Smile... The world is not over yet.




    [color=#cc6699] lightnings colour

    [color=#006699] Adams colour

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