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    Monkey's in a Barrel [D-Rank]


    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 189
    Join date : 2020-10-16

    Monkey's in a Barrel [D-Rank] Empty Monkey's in a Barrel [D-Rank]

    Post by Shin Mon Dec 28, 2020 3:32 pm

    Monkey's in a Barrel:

    Shin had decided today would easily top the most ridiculous mission he been part of so far. Monkey’s having escaped from the zoo was something he had expected to be in a fictional book or film, not something that happened that he needed to deal with in his own life. Though here he was, standing outside the zoo wondering how to go about the task of finding six monkeys, capturing them, ensuring no harm came to them and returning them to the zoo. The most difficult part would likely be capturing them, as they were elusive. “Normally I’d suggest splitting up and capturing three monkeys each… but I feel like that would make it far more difficult for us individually. I’d rather not have to deal with finding a monkey, capturing it and losing it in the process on the way back here.” Shin would speak aloud, wondering if this was truly the best method – he wouldn’t know since he never had to capture a monkey. “Unless you have a better idea? Honestly, I have no clue what the best way to capture these monkeys is.” The question would be asked aloud to Katsumi, wondering if he had a better sense of relating to how a monkey could be captured more efficiently. He figured if anyone had an idea of how these creatures thought and acted, it would be his colleague for today.

    Monkey's in a Barrel [D-Rank] WzALqda

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 114
    Join date : 2020-10-03

    Monkey's in a Barrel [D-Rank] Empty Re: Monkey's in a Barrel [D-Rank]

    Post by Katsumi Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:45 am

    "I'm shocked. I figured you'd have tons of experience in corralling monkeys, you know, speaking their language and acting like one all the time. Should be easy for you..." Katsumi would taunt onwards with the stupidest grin on his face while he scratched lightly at his upper lip. Still, he was right and they should probably work together to get ahold of their targets. "Anyways, you're right, it'll be easier to catch them in pairs and make keeping them together and making sure they don't escape so easy... easier. You don't happen to know Paralysis jutsu, do you? Or any other kind? I've been practicing it so it might work but if you also did, then that'd probably make this REALLY easy...."

    Katsumi would almost look dismayed at his own efforts for a second. He knew the handsigns and conceptually had it down but didn't exactly have a definitive answer on if it would work or not and especially for the scene in front of them now. That was no worry though, with a shrug and assuming the plan would follow through to give it a try, Katsumi would be off into the grounds of the zoo looking for and tracking the first of the six monkeys to take down, finding the first one having made its way over into the aquatics section to torment a few fish. Actually... the first two ended up there.

    Monkey's in a Barrel [D-Rank] 4a7aa410b9ab973b984f750474a38bd2

    Village : Iwagakure
    Posts : 189
    Join date : 2020-10-16

    Monkey's in a Barrel [D-Rank] Empty Re: Monkey's in a Barrel [D-Rank]

    Post by Shin Tue Dec 29, 2020 11:54 am

    “Right… you're right. I do have experience communicating with a monkey, seeing as I’m doing that right now. Perhaps we should just get you to talk the monkey’s into coming back to the zoo.” Shin would not even spare a glance in Katsumi’s direction, knowing that the other male would have that idiotic expression on his face. As Katsumi agreed to working together and potentially taking longer on the task, Shin would nod. “I know of the technique, though I haven’t utilized it yet. We could simply try with me attempting to distract the monkey and then you sneak up on them and utilizing the Paralysis Jutsu. It would likely be best if we could just lure them back to the zoo, but the jutsu can work as well.” Shin would wait for a reply from Katsumi, seeing which of the two methods they would utilize for their capturing of the monkeys.

    As he and Katusmi head out to take out the first of six monkeys, over by the aquatic section, they happened across two of the six they would need to capture. Grabbing the nearest, most interesting object Shin could find, he would attempt to grab the attention of a monkey; which surprisingly worked out. As he got the monkey’s attention, he would slowly start the trek back to the enclosure for the monkeys. With a bit of trouble, though nothing that he could not handle, Shin managed to corral the monkey into its enclosure. Assuming Katsumi handled the other one they found, Shin would wait and they would likely repeat the process for the following four. Eventually all the monkeys were returned – except Katsumi – and they were done for the day.

    [exit thread]

    Monkey's in a Barrel [D-Rank] WzALqda

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 114
    Join date : 2020-10-03

    Monkey's in a Barrel [D-Rank] Empty Re: Monkey's in a Barrel [D-Rank]

    Post by Katsumi Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:27 pm

    I should have seen that coming... Katsumi would smirk past grinding teeth as Shin carried on and didn't pay him any mind while countering his insults in his typical fashion. The plan to try Paralysis Jutsu would be simple enough and worth a shot though Shin didn't seem fully convinced. At the first two monkeys they had to corral, Katsumi would quickly weave the signs and target one of the monkeys, watching him suddenly freeze in his tracks as the other began to holler and make a scene. Quickly weaving the signs again and catching the second one, Katsumi would hold the sign and hold his restraint of both the animals. Before long and with some struggle of holding the jutsu while carrying them along, he'd get both of those monkeys back into their cage.

    However, Shin had found a more interesting and derivative way of luring them back into their cage with objects to attract their attention. It was simple enough and more than enough of a practice to get the process under way. Two monkeys would be down and they would continue the process on indefinitely until all six of the primates had been returned. Katsumi would offer a final smirk, happy that his mastery of the jutsu had proven useful but at the same time because another chore-like mission had been completed. Once it was done, they would depart their separate ways and Katsumi would head off to report their mission done and then take the rest of the night to catch what remaining sleep that he could.

    [Exit Thread]
    [Two Posts and Mission Complete: 65 XP]

    Monkey's in a Barrel [D-Rank] 4a7aa410b9ab973b984f750474a38bd2

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