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    Songs of the Future


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    Songs of the Future Empty Songs of the Future

    Post by Mitsukira Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:51 am

    Mitsukira had discovered that she hated something. She hated war. It had brought nothing but misery, sadness and death. So many lives lost, homes destroyed, new vendettas sworn. The whole thing was pointless to her and even though she knew and wholeheartedly believed that the Universe had a purpose for all of it, she couldn’t fathom what that purpose was. With so much destruction how could anything good come out of it? Mitsu had spent much of the last year or so in relative peace, enjoying learning the new culture, and of course spending time with Masaru. But with violence and greed war had come to the Land of Earth. Unsurprisingly brought there by people that objected to being labeled as criminals.  She had a slightly more forgiving view of what constituted a ‘criminal’ but even by her standards there were many that she agreed did not have the best interests of her people at heart.

    In all the chaos Masaru had fallen into a coma, and now the daily tasks required of him had fallen to her in the absence of anyone else to help. Mitsu had been devastated when they had returned his body to the village. She hadn’t slept for days, staying at his side and telling him of all that had gone on in his absence. She had danced and sang, cried and screamed. But nothing she had done had awoken her husband. She had been brought food and drink but other than a few sips of water she hadn’t indulged herself. What she had done was taken the time to make copies of all of the exclusive techniques of Iwagakure that she had found on Masaru’s person, securing the copies both within her memories and within a set of scrolls that she secured on her person. Masaru had instructed her to do so and considering the state he and his beloved country were in, it was the least of the tasks that she set for herself.

    What he had not specifically asked of her was to take his place. And more than anything she didn’t want to. What she wanted was for him to awake suddenly, to have him sit up and smile at her again. But after so long without any indication of the future changing she knew she had to step up in his stead. With a gentle kiss on his forehead she would whisper her plans to him, offering a loving reassurance to the unconscious man. “I will take care of your people, my love. Of our people. I won’t fail you this time. Iwagakure will be strong again, and when you awake she and I will be here waiting for you.” With the confidence that only the Universe could provide her, she walked into the Tsuchikage complex and sat down on the stone chair reserved for the Tsuchikage. With a deep sigh she closed her eyes and settled her spirits before opening her reddish-pink eyes and addressing all those assembled. “In this time of sorrow and loss it falls upon us to shoulder the burden of rebuilding. Until such time as he is able to take up the mantle again I, Mitsukira Tatsudashi, will be leading in Masaru Tatsudashi’s absence.” With a nod to Hansuke she would continue. “I name myself Yondaime Tsuchikage and I swear on my life I will keep us safe and lead us into a peaceful and prosperous future.” She meant every word that she spoke and what had one been just a broken heart in light of all that had happened, was now a set of heavy shoulders as she felt the last of her innocence slip away under the weight of her claim. She doubted many would even disagree with her assertion, save for Chen of course, but she still held hope in her heart that this was just temporary and soon all would return to what it once was.  

    {Exit Thread}

    [Claiming Tsuchikage and knowledge of all Iwa Exclusives, obtaining copies of all Iwa Exclusives]

    Songs of the Future Y3XzKOV

    Dancing Queen:
    Chen Kimyōnakama
    Chen Kimyōnakama

    Posts : 1190
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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Chen Kimyōnakama Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:54 pm

    (Interrupting Mitsu's Claim)

    Chen did not hate war. He didn't particularly enjoy it but he didn't hate it. It just was. He accepted it. Strife and destruction were part and parcel of this world. Chen's father had told him that war was just a precursor of things to come. It was humans attempting to remake the world as it should be, but for all they tried, their efforts would always be incomplete. It was his job to finish what they had started. Chen had neglected this purpose and had shied away from it. He wanted to protect himself, live a good life, and soak up all the pleasure that living had to offer. Fighting in a war was just a means to an end for him not a dress rehearsal for his true destiny, or whatever nonsense the voice in his closet whispered of. When war came to Iwa's doorstep, he resolved to do his duty. Masaru had demonstrated through action and not words that his project was worth fighting for. He could give Chen the influence, money, and power that he needed to secure his existence in this world. As a result, Chen willingly followed his sensei into the conflict. The outcome of the war was yet to be decided but things were looking positive.

    That all changed when Masaru's unconscious form was brought back to Iwagakure. What little hope Chen had died that day. If Masaru could not lead this incompetent country then who could? Chen was not an emotional person but he had come to respect his sensei. The man was hardened. He showed no affection and he asked for none in return. He gave tangibles and expected tangibles. It was very transactional and Chen appreciated this approach. Sentimentality was the opium of the weak and listless. With Masaru gone, Chen had no reason to be in Iwa any longer. He respected no one in the village save for Masaru. In fact, he despised most of them, especially Mitsukira. In a fit of anger he had resolved to kill her but Mitsu's undying devotion to the man stayed his hand. Chen had never seen true love but he understood the concept in the abstract. Mitsu hardly left Masaru's bedside and that made assassination difficult. Masaru could wake up at any time as plague victims were wont to do. If the first thing the Tsuchikage saw was Chen strangling his wench then he'd die a slow death. Mitsu was too important to Masaru and thus Chen could not harm her. He allowed her to live and in doing so he found himself wondering what it felt like to be so utterly emotionally attached to someone. The boy's anger turned to confusion. He never would truly understand it nor did he want to.

    He was now at a crossroads. With Masaru out of the picture, the war was all but certainly lost. Konoha and the Mountain Alliance would take over Iwa. They'd hang traitors like him and Mitsu. The military was running on steam. Masaru had been such an effective Kage that even in his absence, the war machine grinded on. However, the nation was now severely hampered and all it took was one tactical misstep for it all to come crumbling down. Given Iwa's track record it wasn't a horse worth betting on. Chen was not ready to lead the country. As protégé he advised, listened, and learned but he could do little. He was a mere chuunin with scant experience. If he left now then he could save himself from Konoha. However, if he left and Masaru woke up then he'd be executed for cowardice. There were so many winding roads before him and he could only choose one. Chen had spent weeks agonizing over his decision but it was soon made for him. He had been pacing around in the throne room when Mitsu entered. The woman had the intention of becoming Tsuchikage but Chen didn't know that. He didn't need to hear it from her lips though. He looked in her eyes and saw the same defiance that she had showed when she blocked him from killing the old man. Chen straightened up and looked her in the eye.

    He was standing between her and the symbolic seat of power.

    "What do you think you're doing?"

    Strength: C
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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Mitsukira Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:21 pm

    Mitsu would have loved to say she was surprised at Chen once again standing in her way. But she wasn’t. She should have known, in the back of her mind she had, but she hadn’t done anything to prepare for it. There was only ever one person who had continued to block her, to stare at her with hatred. Chen Kimyōnakama. At first she had truly believed that he just had misplaced anger and resentment. That somehow she would be able to get through to him and help him through his distress. Over time though she had begun to realize that his anger was definitely directed at her. Not all of it, pretty much everything seemed to set him off, but a good portion of it was quite personal. This was not the first time she had to stand and face off against him. At least this time he wasn’t looking at her with murder in his eyes. So that was something in her favour.

    He was however standing directly between her and the seat she intended to take. ‘Oh Universe help me, what do I do?’ She looked at the angsty teen as he challenged her and set her jaw. She had already lost just about everything, she had no one to turn to that could actually support her. She was in essence completely alone. She had spent so long going along with wherever the Universe took her, content to be passive and reactive. But now she had something to fight for and she wasn’t about to back down. The Land of Earth had become her home, and while Chen had his anger, Mitsukira had her love. And she loved fiercely. “I’m going to do the right thing Chen. This country is in need of leadership, and so I will be leading it. This is not a request Chen, now move.” Her voice was impassioned and firm. This was not something she was willing to plead with him over. She had already planned out her words when she assumed power, and she held to those concepts now. Iwagakure was her home, the children of Earth were her people and Masaru was the most important person in the Universe to her. She had been willing to lay down her life for an old man who wanted to die fighting. She was more than willing to do it for the safety of Iwagakure and the love of her people. If Chen actually moved she would sit in the stone seat, and if not she would have to follow through on her unspoken promise. She would do anything to secure the future of the Land of Earth and the legacy of Masaru Tatsudashi.

    Songs of the Future Y3XzKOV

    Dancing Queen:
    Chen Kimyōnakama
    Chen Kimyōnakama

    Posts : 1190
    Join date : 2012-05-28

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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Chen Kimyōnakama Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:44 pm

    She didn't back down. Chen could sense her intention but when she vocalized it, it suddenly became way too real. This crybaby consort was actually telling him to stand aside while she took control of the country. The audacity made Chen tremble with rage. He wanted to slap her but he knew that he couldn't do that.

    Don't leave a mark....Masaru-sensei wouldn't like that....

    Chen spat. He hurled a nice thick loogie off to the side. The boy's position could not be made more clear, but he thought this woman to be as dense as she was nice. So he wasted precious breath explaining what he thought of her ambition.

    "I don't speak much so what I'm about to tell you I'm not going to repeat. You aren't fit to be Tsuchikage. I respected Masaru-sensei but I do not respect you. You nearly lost Iwa the war with your failed negotiations with the Kaifeng Clan. I have yet to see you demonstrate any fitness for battle. I'd sooner let my sensei be consumed by maggots than let you take the title. This country means nothing to me, you even less, but I threw my lot in with Masaru-sensei and so I intend to stay and serve him until he awakens"

    Chen started walking towards Mitsu. He stopped less than 3 feet away.

    "And he will awaken soon. A man like that doesn't fall to the plague. Your mewling won't hasten the process so make yourself useful elsewhere. I'm too young to take the throne but I can help install someone with more experience. Someone loyal to me and more importantly to the 2nd. If you run along now I'll let you have some voice in national affairs...but if you don't...."

    It was at that moment Chen did the unthinkable.

    He activated his Rinnegan for the first time. Mitsukira probably didn't know about this Dojutsu or its connection to the origin of Ninshuu. Chen didn't know either. What he did know was that it was power. Power that he did not yet understand and that if given time to mature would make him a God among mere animals. Chen's father had told them that it was a grave secret only to be used in the most serious of circumstances. He had hid it from the world for years and now it was time. He needed Mitsu to understand that he was serious. Even if she didn't understand the significance of the lavender eyes, she'd know that their presence meant something sinister. A foot long black rod protruded from Chen's skin and he pulled it out. He pointed the object at her.

    "I'll turn you into a mindless vassal. No more singing. No more dancing. Just total obedience."

    Chen was smiling now. It was that same sadistic grin he had shown her earlier when he had mocked her efforts. The woman's philosophy grated against his soul. It chafed against his will. The very notion that his life was in the hands of the "Universe" offended him on a personal level. The only thing keeping him from killing her was his own ambition. If he took control of the nation's affairs and keep it intact long enough for Masaru to return, then he'd be rewarded. He'd keep Mitsu safe and Iwa as well. If the nation fell then he'd run and hide. He wasn't an idealistic man but he had decided to bet against the odds. If Mitsu was brave enough to do it then what did it say about him if he couldn't manage the same?

    Active: Rinnegan
    Used: Chakra Receivers

    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: B
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
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    Perception: S

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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Mitsukira Fri Oct 16, 2020 6:36 pm

    Chen spat.

    She couldn’t have received a clearer indication of Chen’s position. As he spoke initially Mitsu could feel her anger rise. Not over his lack of respect for her, that was evident and she didn’t need his approval to respect herself. What made her blood boil was how she spoke of Masaru, and how he claimed that the Land of Earth meant nothing to him. Nothing. How could someone feel nothing? It was beyond her comprehension. She was fully aware that not everyone felt for the world around them as deeply as she did, but they still felt something.

    As he approached her she would hold her hands up, palms towards him, as though hoping to deflect whatever was coming. His words about Masaru waking were not meant to give her hope, they almost sounded like a threat. And as Chen activated the Rinnegan Mitsu knew she was in trouble, she’d seen briefly the power he held before, but this was new to her. The ringed eyes were frightening and strange, and were it not for the intense protective anger that she felt she may have actually caved to his threats. She didn’t know what it was or what it meant, but the sadistic smile and the foot long black rod pointed at her were enough to alert her to his sinister intentions, even if his words had not been.

    She was oddly at peace with death. It wasn’t something she had ever truly feared, her unwavering belief in the Universe and its intentions had seen to that. What she did fear was leaving behind a world with that kind of darkness in it. She couldn’t bear it if she had the opportunity to change something to do something good and hadn’t taken it. So she fought back. Channeling the power of raiton through her hands she directed the bolts of electricity at the boy with the intention of stopping him where he stood and filling him with pain.

    Her voice raised above the crackling and snapping of the lightning as she stared into his unsettling eyes. As she kept the electricity flowing into him she was overcome with something she had never felt before. A sense of unlimited power that the Universe had granted to her. She felt she finally understood the need to hurt and to dominate, it was tantalizing and addictive.  “You are wrong Chen. Battle has nothing to do with leadership. Strength has nothing to do with killing. Patience and tolerance and compassion are where true strength lies and you have none of that. The light of the Universe will always prevail Chen, regardless of anyone’s desire to twist it. Now you will move, or you will be moved. I will not be threatened by someone whose loyalty is only to the darkness of his own ambitions.” There was no sadistic smile on Mitsukira’s face, there was a look of pure conviction on her pale features as she stood her ground. She would not be moved from this, not as long as she drew breath.  

    Used: Thunderbolt

    Songs of the Future Y3XzKOV

    Dancing Queen:
    Kureji Toukei
    Kureji Toukei

    Posts : 218
    Join date : 2018-07-27

    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Kureji Toukei Fri Oct 16, 2020 6:56 pm

    The recent coma of the Tsuchikage was a surprise, but in unpredictable times such as these, that meant it was a way for others to get power. He had wasted no time getting to the complex for when the news had hit, while the position of Tsuchikage itself didn't particularly interest him, he wanted to ensure that the correct person was running the village, instead of someone who only liked the idea of having the crown on their head. The worst-case scenario he considered is picking up the mantle himself, but hopefully, it wouldn't come to that.

    When he came close to the throne room, words of threats and aggressive tones could be heard. He remained outside within earshot distance, but as it starts to get more unruly, that's when Kureji decided enough was enough and this volatile situation needed his own touch. He used the summoning seal, to bring out Rocky, one of his salamanders. He ran into the room to find both Mitsu, and another person with a black rod, though the circle patterns around his eyes was something that he hadn't seen before.

    The combat already initiated and he wouldn't extend any effort to stop it, but he would raise his voice loud enough for it to be echoed across the thunder room. "Stop this madness, both of you! The next person to use a jutsu will be punished." the warning was clear as day, all though they may not know who he is, he's ready to fight the both of them if need be.

    Rocky - 20 CP
    240/260 CP

    Chen Kimyōnakama
    Chen Kimyōnakama

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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Chen Kimyōnakama Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:42 am

    Chen could hardly believe it when Mitsu conjured lightining in her hands. The kid's first assumption was that he had been placed in an illusion by an unseen third party. There was no conceivable reality where Mitsukira dared take up arms against him. Chen dodged on instinct. He turned his body to the side and allowed the thunderbolt to sail past him. It struck the wall at the opposite end of the room and left a gaping hole. Chen looked at the damage and then looked at Mitsu.

    There was no mistaking it. This was her. He didn't know whether to be pleased or angry. On one hand, he was happy to have broken that peaceful façade of her's. The girl was under the mistaken impression that if you just spoke to people you could get your way. The fact that she was willing to use force against him proved his own ideology correct. The only way to manifest your will with perfect certainty was to have power and to exercise that power against those whose will conflicted with yours. However, Chen was no inert subject. He was an independent being with a will far greater than her own. He would not be a passive receptacle for for her own ambition. He would not allow her to apply force against him without violent resistance. This was the moment he had been waiting for.

    Chen stopped nine feet away from her rather than the three he had intended. The outworlder's smile faltered momentarily but soon returned.

    Is that it? Is that all she can do? That's all I needed....she attacked me with lethal force first. I had no choice Masaru-sensei...she had gone mad with grief and was threatening to destabilize your village. I had to protect myself...protect the country....

    It wasn't a perfect story but it was the truth, or at least his version of it. He'd wanted to kill her and now Mitsu's so-called Universe had provided him the excellent excuse. True to his word he did not reply to her defiance but instead formed several handseals and slammed his palms onto the ground. A moment before the chakra was transferred and the technique executed, a brigand entered the throne room. A giant salamander of some kind was summoned and they were told by an unknown individual to stop fighting.

    Chen did not recognize the voice and thus did not recognize the man's authority. He loosed the technique. The earth underneath both Mitsu and the salamander began to turn inwards. It violently spiraled as it threatened to swallow them whole. Chen's object was not to kill but to crush and disable. If the boy's efforts were successful, both of them would be mangled beyond recognition, yet still alive. As the Earth Tearing Palm worked its magic, Chen would leap to the nearest pillar and cling to it using the Tree Walking Technique. He pointed the rod at Mitsu's shoulder in preparation to aim then throw it. He had had just about enough of her meddling.

    Used: Earth Tearing Palm


    (also chakra receivers which I will look up and add next round)

    Strength: C
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    Ryo: Time and Space

    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Mitsukira Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:20 am

    Mitsu cursed her incompetence as Chen dodged her attack, she had mistakenly thought that with only a single jutsu she would be able to make the angry youth back down. Why she thought that was beyond even her, she’d never felt righteous anger before and didn’t know how to manage the adrenaline coursing through her. In a lot of ways her well meaning parents had done her a disservice by sheltering her from things like anger and hatred and suffering. She had always been taught that such things were the ultimate product of fear and that with peace and knowledge and serenity, fear could be overcome. It was a beautiful ideology and one that she tried to live by with her whole heart, but without the constant gentle reminders of her parents, fear had slowly been creeping in. First during the negotiations with Argent, and then with the actual war, and now with the absence of the strength of Masaru. She had attacked first, not threatened first but that hardly mattered. As she saw his smile falter for a moment she knew she had made a mistake, she had given him a reason to attack her. She knew, because he had told her, that he was going to retaliate if she didn’t ‘run away’. And like an idiot she’d actually used violence.

    So when he stopped nine feet from her she was ready, she had been warned of the outcome and she absolutely believed him. Chen was a lot of things, and in her dealings with him he had never lied to her. Or if he had she couldn’t fathom what other horrible things he must be hiding. As he began making hand seals she would channel wind chakra into her hand taking the moment that he paused as she heard Kureji’s voice to coalesce blades of wind into a ten meter wide and one meter tall blade that she released with a wave of her hand centered at Chen's chest level. At B-Rank speed she believed that the technique she was using should be enough of an incentive to stop whatever Chen was attempting to do and have him move to avoid getting hit by it. She wasn’t trying to kill him, she wanted to force him back, interrupt his attempts to attack her. If possible she wanted to solve this conflict without either of them actually being hurt, and certainly without anyone being killed.

    Without taking her eyes off of Chen she would activate her sensory, using it to confirm that the man whose voice she’d heard behind her was the same one she’d gone on a mission with. While she had heard what Kureji had said she had more pressing matters. Like the very angry and now violent goth boy who either wanted her to run away or become some sort of puppet. She wasn’t sure what he’d meant about turning her into ‘a mindless vassal’, but between that, the deadly looking black spike and his sadistic smile she was at least smart enough to put that together. She knew the basics of puppetry and while she was not a practitioner of it herself her mind still filled with horrifying images of her limbs being cut off and sewn back together with string like some macabre marionette. “Enough.” She said firmly, a steely edge to her voice. She had been pushed too far and she was done playing the part of eternal patience. “I have been patient with you Chen. I have sat and quietly endured your hatred and your anger, whether you like or respect me does not matter. Today though has been the last straw. Today you directed that hatred towards the Land of Earth and her people. I am willing to overlook it in the interest of peace and forgiveness, though I cannot promise the same tolerance from anyone else should you continue.”    

    CP: 99.5/110
    Activated Sensory
    Training: Wind Release: Slash


    Songs of the Future Y3XzKOV

    Dancing Queen:
    Kureji Toukei
    Kureji Toukei

    Posts : 218
    Join date : 2018-07-27

    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Kureji Toukei Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:49 am

    Kureji and the Salamander were already at a respectable distance to begin with, so as soon as Kureji saw the handseal, he was quick to devise what the technique is, being aware of the jutsu himself and he was quick to stand back, but Rocky was nowhere near intelligent enough for it and only moved when he was perceptive enough to notice Kureji stepping back as well. He thought of retaliation instantly, but before he could even commit to a series of handseals, Mitsu had already retaliated with that wind jutsu. His formed hands collapsed, as he simply maintained his distance and watched the ongoing fight.

    "No point trying to punish them if they're already punishing themselves..." it was tactical thinking, with how the battle is looking, there was no reason for him to put his own power into the mix. The idea is to let them both get winded and once an opening makes itself, Kureji would make a more serious attempt. At the moment, the situation was simply volatile and he didn't know what abilities they could contain. It was best to simply watch on the sidelines for now and let the two fight it out.

    Chen Kimyōnakama
    Chen Kimyōnakama

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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Chen Kimyōnakama Mon Oct 26, 2020 2:27 am

    Chen was in the middle of his seals when he saw the wind blade hurtling towards him. It was fast. Faster than his hands and unless he moved, he'd be struck. The boy dipped under the earth using the Hiding Like A Mole technique. He then tunneled towards Mitsu. The wretched woman had interrupted his plan to crush her like a bug but that didn't mean he was about to give up. He could sense her exact location using the jutsu and he noticed that she hadn't moved from her spot. Because he was underground, he couldn't exactly hear what she was saying but he assumed that it was some plea for surrender. She was certainly more skilled than he had given her credit for. She had two elements which was fairly rare in the ninja world but he had five at his disposal. There was a reason he was Masaru's protege and not her.

    Chen noticed that the strange man and his salamander had not followed through on his threats. He was weak just like her. Chen burst from the ground less than a foot in front of Mitsu. It was a surprise attack. He was holding a sharpened chakra rod in his right hand whilst his left was formed a half tiger. Chen's conscious objective was to pierce Mitsu through her stomach, ending the fight and keeping his promise in tact. He wasn't one to talk during fights but his lavender eyes communicated his thoughts.

    You're going to die here!

    Used: Hiding Like A Mole

    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: B
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: S

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    Skills & Elements: Iryojutsu, Sensory, Ninjutsu, Raiton, Fuuton, Doton, Jūryoton
    Class: A
    Ryo: Time and Space

    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Mitsukira Tue Oct 27, 2020 6:53 am

    Mitsu was relieved that her jutsu had stopped whatever Chen had been planning. She was less relieved when he suddenly burrowed below ground. With her sensory still active she was able to ‘see’ him and stood her ground, inhaling deeply as she sensed him rising to the surface in front of her. As he rose vertically directly in front of her she would release the gathered wind chakra at Chen’s head just as his neck rose from the surface of the earth, a sizable ball of compressed air from her mouth, with only his head exposed the Drilling Air Bullet was intended to knock him unconscious.

    She didn’t want to hurt him, and certainly didn’t want to kill him. But that same consideration was clearly not being extended to her own person. It was one thing to fight Chen, it would be quite another to be mortally wounded by him. She saw this as a merciful compromise between all her available options. If she managed to end the fight without permanent damage to Masaru’s protege then she could live with it. She’d tried everything else she could think of, to plead with him, to being authoritative, even to attacking him. The only change in his demeanour that she had noticed at all was the fervor with which he had sprung to retaliate to her attacks. ‘Please, I almost never ask, Universe. But please help me stop him.’ She silently begged the Universe for aid as she fought. She didn’t want this, all she had ever wanted of Chen was to befriend him, and if she couldn’t have that then she would take him standing down.

    Battle Stuff:

    Songs of the Future Y3XzKOV

    Dancing Queen:
    Chen Kimyōnakama
    Chen Kimyōnakama

    Posts : 1190
    Join date : 2012-05-28

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    Class: X
    Ryo: All of It

    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Chen Kimyōnakama Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:47 pm

    Just as Mitsukira could sense chakra in the room, Chen could see it. The Rinnegan's Chakra Visualization ability granted him enhanced perception along with the ability to see raw chakra. So when he poked out his head but before he could fully emerge, he was aware that she had already loosed a counter. The young boy shot his free hand out but before he could counter the wind attack struck him in the head. He fell back while still partially submerged in the ground. A bruise leaked blood from his head and he felt his vision waver. How did she know where I was going to be? Unless....

    The Hiding Like A Mole Jutsu did not disturb the earth which meant that there was no visible tracing of his movement path. She had to be a sensor of some kind. Chen realized that he had long underestimated Mitsu. She was not nearly as useless as he had predicted. The discovery both relived and infuriated him. It meant that if god forbid he lost then Konoha's victory in the war was not assured. However, it also meant that he actually had a chance of losing against this woman. A scenario that was previously inconceivable to him. However, if he had underestimated her skill he had overestimated her ruthlessness. By all rights, she had gotten the drop on him and if she had a killer instinct she'd have loosed a far more powerful technique. It pained him to know that she thought she could hold back against him but Chen was callous enough to only consider the endgame. It was the destination not the journey. He could use her moral compass as a weapon against her and in turn that would prove his martial and philosophical superiority.

    Chen lay motionless with half his body sticking out of the ground. The young man's grip on his chakra rod loosened. It remained in his hand but just barely. Chen closed his eyes and pretended to be knocked unconscious. The goal was to get Mitsukira to come closer and check up on him. Once she did that, he'd spring his trap on her.

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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Mitsukira Thu Nov 05, 2020 1:52 am

    Mitsu was instantly horrified as the jutsu she had cast hit him. It had been her intention to hit him, but she hadn’t anticipated seeing blood. Without a second thought to her own safety she would rush to his side and kneel down, leaning over him and reaching toward his injury. A smarter or more experienced person than Mitsukira would have waited, or backed away, or done any other smart person thing other than put herself in arms reach of the person who was insisting just moments before that he would ‘turn her into a mindless vassal’. But she wore her heart on her sleeve, in some ways it was her greatest strength, and in others her greatest weakness.

    “No, no, no. . .” Her plea was whispered as she began examining him, hoping against all hope that he was just unconscious and not. . . something else. All she had wanted was for him to stop, and well as far as stopping power went, her last attack had done the job. Her concern now was that it may have done the job too well. She felt guilty and horrible in that quick moment, her mind racing with ways that she could solve this without further violence. She had never hurt anyone before, not on purpose, not out of anger. This was the first hit she had landed in the fight, and the truth was, she had been angry. ‘If only I had better controlled my emotions, it wouldn’t have come to this.’

    Songs of the Future Y3XzKOV

    Dancing Queen:
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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sat Nov 07, 2020 8:54 pm

    Yui was on her way to talk to Masaru but instead, she heard a fight as she made her presence known not hiding one bit of emotion when she walked in seeing two Iwa nin at each other's throats, no she would not tolerate this what so ever. She clenched her teeth before she took a deep breath and shout releasing a killing intent in the air that no one would mistake if this did not stop the fighting she would make the fight end in an instant.

    "While I went and secured us a peace treaty you fight and squabble for power while Masaru is in a coma. This is pathetic, not only did I do my part in the war I got good terms for our village to not be annihilated by Konoha. Yet here you two are fighting over a seat of power only being warmed until Masaru recovers, no neither of you will have the power I am the Kage and that's all there is to it. If you have an issue with that, we can settle it but you don't want to do this. Do not even think of doing another Jutsu either of you, my punishment will make either of yours seem like child play and you know it."

    She was prepared to fight taking a stance and preparing in case anyone was foolish enough to think it was a good idea to fight her. The look in her eyes and her body language was clear she would be prepared to go above and beyond to end Iwa in squabbling like this, both of them showed they were not mature enough for the seat. She only planned to hold it for Masaru and simply wished he would recover soon.

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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Chen Kimyōnakama Tue Nov 10, 2020 12:16 pm

    Chen had to keep himself from smiling when Mitsukira rushed over to him without thinking. He had bet on her naivety and good-nature and it had had paid off. She had walked right into his trap. Chen lay still as she approached and knelt near him. As she examined his head wound, Chen's grip tightened on his chakra rod and he slammed it into her stomach with all of his might. The boy lunged through the ground and landed on top of her. The tool would pierce deep into her body and destabilize her chakra network. Her body would be filled with horrid sensations as she could no longer maintain chakratic or nerve functions. Another tool protruded from Chen's palm and he raised it in the air. A victorious grin on his face even as his sensei's mistress bled out before him.

    "Just as I thought...no matter how strong you think you are. You'll always be weak!" he shouted.

    Chen had had enough of this peasant. She had attacked him first with a powerful technique. Warning shot or no, she had to die. If she wasn't alive, she could give her version of the events. She had tried to claim the position for herself and when he stopped her, she aimed to kill her. She was delirious with grief and could not be reasoned with. The story would be tragic and he'd say it with a somber voice. What a shame...if only she had listened....

    Chen was about to bring the chakra rod down into her heart when he heard someone call out to them. The voice was vaguely familiar but when his head turned and he saw who it belonged to, he froze.

    Shit! No!

    He recognized this woman. Yui of the Kotoshura Clan. She was a well known figure within Iwagakure. A former Konoha shinobi that had helped take down the Nine Tailed Fox and had been entangled with the Society for years. She had fought admirable in the Mountain Wars and the only people who did not fear her were those stupid enough to piss her off. Chen scrambled away from Mitsu but not before yanking out the tool he had stabbed her with. He had to get rid of the evidence. This was bad. She indicated that a peace deal had been reached with Konoha which meant they no longer had to very total destruction. Chen breathed a sigh of relief but made no other sudden move.

    She was reckless and armed with one of the most destructive kekkei genkai known to man. Chen was a Chuunin but he had no hope against her. It'd be a foolish endeavor to try and challenge her. He got to his feet and put allowed the rods to meld back into his skin. He put his hands behind his back and stepped away from the throne. The child kept his mouth shut and his eyes averted.

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    Kureji Toukei
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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Kureji Toukei Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:12 pm

    Kureji had remained observant throughout the entire fight, watching the two exchange blows and maintaining his distance to ensure he didn't get into the mix. His eyes had widened at the rod piercing Mitsu's stomach, it was quite a surprise and while his hands started to form a seal, to put a stop to the madness, a blonde woman had showed up in the mix. The reputation spoke for itself as to she was, someone had a lot of firepower behind her. She was one of the ideal people that she actually wanted to speak to when arriving at Iwagakure, to unlock the secrets of the blast release kekkei genkai that layed dormant within him.

    But that was for later, right now, someone was hurt and he needed to help them, with a handseal, he made a clone pop out. It might've been threatening at first but with a fair bit of dispersing, the clone would have another chakra to have heal the stomach wound. The clone rushed over to Mitsu's aid, one hand behind her back to slightly elevate her, the other hand activated with Mystical Palm to heal the bloody wound, it would take some time, but at least she wouldn't bleed out immediately.

    "I know you said no jutsu, but can't really ignore that stomach wound as a doctor, first clause and all that." he subtly added. "No objections from me by the way, just an observer." it would've been interesting to take the crown for himself, but the responsibilities associated with it were something he didn't want to deal with.


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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Mitsukira Sat Nov 14, 2020 12:40 pm

    Please be okay.

    Kneeling there on the ground Mitsu silently begged the Universe to ensure Chen’s well being. And the Universe answered. Funny thing about enigmatic and abstract power concepts, they don’t tend to give you the answers you necessarily want. She had been examining the wound on Chen’s head when suddenly she felt a blinding pain that started in her stomach and somehow radiated throughout her whole body as she felt herself lose control of her chakra network.

    Mitsu had not been hurt badly before, just the usual scrapes and bumps that one would expect from someone as active and exuberant as her. This was different than all of that, and the pain was nearly equal to her confusion as to its source. It all happened so fast she barely had time to react, one moment she was checking on Chen and the next he had stabbed her and leapt out of the ground on top of her.

    Am I weak?

    She tried to scream but all that came out was a weak sounding gasp. She tried to fight back but her arms wouldn’t listen to her demands. If she had only this moment to prove whether she was strong or weak, the answer would be obvious. Her reddish pink eyes looked up at Chen’s purple ones as he produced another chakra rod, clearly intent on finishing the job. She thought she could feel tears streaming down her face, but she couldn’t be sure as every nerve in her body was firing erratically, sending her signals that left her disoriented. She could see the victorious grin on Chen’s face and she knew this was it. He had promised to end her and it would seem that would make good on that promise. Thoughts of her life flowed through her mind in random order and at dizzying speeds. The deserts of the Land of Wind, her parents, her cousin Jethro, Sunagakure. Everything that had led to this moment, her first sunrise in the Land of Earth, meeting her husband, the war. All of it had been wonderful, even the parts that didn’t seem so. And she couldn’t help but wonder if even she had taken some of it for granted, now that it might be over.

    I’m sorry Masaru.

    She didn’t want to die of course, but even she understood that she was subject to the whims of the Universe. If this was where and when it happened, then fighting it was futile. In the mere seconds that had ticked by she had felt an eternity pass. Blood spilled out of her wound and began pooling on the floor around her. Physically she felt horrific pain, and her fingers twitched randomly as she tried to force her arms to block the incoming second attack. “Chen. . .” What was she going to say? Chen, please don’t stab me again? Chen, let’s be best friends forever, we can work past this? Saying his name aloud took every bit of spare energy she had, and her usual melodic voice cracked with fear and agony, a whisper meant only for him. In her heart of hearts Mitsu believed that even this could be worked past. She didn’t even blame him, she had attacked him first after all. A threat of violence, though inappropriate, did not call for a violent reaction. She had been wrong and she knew it. Wrong enough to die for it? Maybe. The next few moments would tell if that was true.

    I’m sorry Chen.  

    She steeled herself for the second blow, but it never came. Chen froze and then a second bout of blinding pain came as the rod in her stomach was removed, unsurprisingly it felt no better coming out than it had going in. As soon as the rod was removed she regained control of herself, not that she had much she wanted to do with this renewed control. Her hands instinctively went to her stomach in a vain effort to hold her insides inside her. Her head would turn to look behind her at whatever had caused Chen’s sudden change of heart. She could hear yelling and talking, but it wasn’t quite reaching the part of her brain that could make sense of anything through the pain. She recognized Kureji, she had spent a good deal of time with him, the blonde woman though she only knew through reputation. She briefly considered trying to stand as Chen had, but the excruciating pain she felt as she moved her head convinced her otherwise. The woman seemed very angry and while Mitsu didn’t really understand why she was content to just let that be as it would. She currently had more pressing concerns and so she would lay there holding her stomach and willing herself not to die from blood loss.

    It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this.

    When Kureji came over she would try to smile up at him dreamily, shock settling in and giving her some much needed mental relief from the pain. Without turning her head she had no way of knowing that the Kureji that held her and was healing her was a clone. She had also long since dropped her sensory, the chakra rod disrupting her ability to use her skills. “Hey you, I’m fine. When do we go?” Her voice was soft and her speech slurred slightly, and she would lazily bring a blood covered hand over to one of his in an attempt to pat it in reassurance. By ‘go’ she meant ‘go on the mission’, the last memory she had of Kureji was on their mission together and her pain and shock addled brain was simply trying to give her a logical narrative to keep her from panicking.

    Songs of the Future Y3XzKOV

    Dancing Queen:
    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:21 am

    Chen had used as jutsu to attack her but he did not have time to stop before Yuis orders, as for the man taking care of her she was more than happy she had a medical shinobi that could take care of her. She had a very serious injury and would find out what started this fight. Every battle had two sides to a story and she knew the truth likely was in the middle, for now, she took a seat on the throne and let out a slight sigh. She had been away for too long and she really did not want this seat but for now, this was the best option to secure Iwa future and hold onto the dream Masaru had.

    "Once she has recovered enough we will discuss the fight you had, in the meantime the peace treaty we signed we must give twenty-five percent of our resources to Konoha but they will make no moves on the nation. If we pay off the debt we will completely be a free nation, they ask us to put soldiers along their border to protect but we do not have to engage in any wars they start and enter other nations just expected to defend their nation if attacked. It was the best deal considering the alternative would have been our utter destruction and demise. We need to shift our focus to rebuilding Iwa I am not great at dealing with fiscal issues so one of you three will be chosen, remember do not screw over Konoha they are sending auditors every month to make sure we don't cut them short on their cuts."

    She began to think of other positions, she had her main medical man right there, she would need his expertise in order to install all her clan with her clans Kinjutsu. This would be the rise of her nation, once more she would make it strong and make sure it could never be oppressed. She had much to think about and it was likely going to be a climb up a massive hill but she had faith in the people Masaru had gathered.

    "Chen don't even think about running away, do remember I can catch you in an instant, you have nothing to fear you stopped once you heard my words and I can't blame you for attacking before you heard them. We will stop our infighting here and now though, I understand disagreeing with others but we need to shift from panic and fear to building up a strong nation, one where I can trust my strongest to do whats right for the village."

    Chen Kimyōnakama
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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Chen Kimyōnakama Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:40 pm

    Chen soaked in the fear pouring out of Mitsukira. It was good. It made him feel good. He had watched with disdain as she had pranced around his sensei's country like a butterfly. Offering people silly notions of hope and peace in the middle of a war. He had despised her philosophy and the way she approached the people that were meant to be their subjects. She treated them as equals, nay worse, she acted like she was a public servant. It had worn on Chen in a way that he found difficult to suppress but suppress it he did. She had made the mistake of defying him and now he had the chance to unleash all the contempt he had bottled up. Mitsukira's calling out his name was understood as a cry for mercy. It was music to his ears. The tears were ambrosia. She now knew how helpless she truly was and how useless her ideology had proven to be. It was a cathartic experience for Chen. The ultimate victory over an enemy that was so oblivious to all that they were doing wrong.

    Chen's joy was cut short with Yui's arrival. He had retreated out of fear of her and her alone. He watched as Mitsukira bled out before them. Any hope he had of her dying from her injuries were dashed when that meddling commoner moved over to heal her. Chen stared at Kureji with a blank expression. Behind the façade of non-chalance lurked a black hatred. Who was he to heal Chen's quarry? He had watched them go at it and was now running to treat her now that Yui was here. A true sycophant and opportunist if he ever saw one. Being a survivor himself, Chen would have respected it if it wasn't for the fact that Kureji's opportunism was eliminating his only hope for a final revenge.

    Chen remained silent as Yui took the throne and began explaining the details of the treaty. The terms were humiliating but Chen had expected that. Without Masaru or strong leadership, Iwa was a sitting duck. The country was already at the mercy of the Mountain Alliance and without his sensei, the situation truly had been hopeless. If a deal was cut with Konoha to ensure their survival then he could live with that. The terms turned his stomach but they were understandable. The nation had a long road of recovery ahead but he'd roll up his sleeves and assist. Now that the war was officially over, he could not run from his responsibilities. There was still power to acquire in these lands and besides, if he ran then either Masaru or Yui would have his head.

    As if reading his mind, Yui called him out directly.

    Chen froze and for a hot second an expression resembling fear crossed his face. When she forgave his stabbing, Chen relaxed a bit. He exhaled through his nose once and his expression turned neutral. He looked Yui in the eye and gave a single nod. He declined to give a verbal response though. He didn't trust his voice to be as calm as his face.

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    Kureji Toukei
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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Kureji Toukei Wed Nov 25, 2020 6:57 pm

    Kureji's clone had remained by Mitsu's side, ensuring that the healing of his mystical palm stayed right on top of her wound. It was closing and in just a short time, it will be as if the wound hadn't occurred in the first place. "Just take it easy, you did well." for what he witnessed, she put up a good fight. A tenacity, a potential for a good ninja. It'd be a shame to watch that potential slip away, his clone had remained observant of any other injuries that might've occurred but as far as he knew, that stomach wound is the only major one he has to focus on.

    Meanwhile, the real Kureji had kept an ear to the words of Yui, listening to her words. The concerns of Iwagakure hadn't honestly fazed him that much. He was here for his own reasons, but that didn't mean he'd give some help every now and then to ensure Iwagakure functioned in some way. He thought the best way of doing that, at least in his eyes was to be contributing to the hospital that he worked at. At the mention of someone needing to handle fiscal issues, he kept silent on that one. He's good with numbers but that's not a path he wants to focus on.

    "I wasn't involved in this fight, just to be clear." Kureji had finally raised his voice, not thunderous, but toned enough for everyone to hear in the room. "I didn't want to cause more damage by getting in the mix, would be more easier to deal with the aftermath of two ninja over three." A part of him did regret it though, seeing Mitsu with that wound of hers. He was at least glad that he's here for that, he wasn't sure how she'd survive if nobody here, to his assumption that nobody else has medical jutsu.

    "But I'm glad a fellow clan member has taken control, my blood is a bit too distant to the clan, but I do have the kekkei genkai." the part of being in the clan was an outright lie, he just wanted to get in her good graces. He didn't care who was the kage, but playing nice with the kage had it's benefits.


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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Mitsukira Fri Nov 27, 2020 4:07 am

    Mitsu was barely able to pay attention to anything else in the room besides Kureji and the uncomfortable feeling in her midsection. Had she been more cognizant at that moment she may have noticed the blonde woman walk past her as she bled on the ground and sit herself on Masaru’s throne. She may have heard the description of the bitterly unfair treaty that had been arranged by their oppressors, with talk of a debt with no number attached. She may have even noticed Chen’s brief look of fear as he stayed quiet in Yui’s presence. Or even the fact that there were now two Kureji’s and not just the one that was currently healing her. But Mitsu didn’t notice any of that right away.

    What she did notice was the cold and sticky feeling of her blood against her skin and clothing as it cooled now that it was outside her body. The hand that had been on top of Kureji’s clone's hand now wiggled as she stared in fascinated horror at the red substance between her fingers as she moved them. Her pink eyes would look up to Kureji as he spoke to her, sadness and mild confusion in her gaze. “I was wrong.” She didn’t intend for it to be a self deprecating comment, to her it was merely a statement of fact. She hadn’t done well, or good. She had done, for the first time in her life, something she considered to be bad. But the thing about saying something aloud was that made it all the more real. And as the words she had spoken echoed over and over again in her head they spiraled and morphed into despair.

    How had she ever thought that she was able to assume leadership? Would Masaru be proud of what she had done? Would her parents? Her cousins? Was she? She knew she was wrong, and what was worse was that she was ashamed. She had made mistakes before, plenty of them. But never had she been left with an all consuming feeling of shame for her actions. She had tried to hurt Chen, she had hurt Chen. Intentionally. ‘Because I was angry. What was I angry for?’ She could barely remember, and in that moment it hardly seemed important. The entire reason she had even come into this room was to ensure that the Land of Earth, Masaru’s people, were cared for in his absence.

    With a shake of her head she would struggle to sit up, still allowing Kureji’s clone to heal her, to assess what was going on around her from a slightly more dignified position. The pain was fading with the wound, though it did nothing to ease the fear and heartbreak that she felt. Hearing Kureji’s voice from a different location made her head snap to look at him and then back at his clone. Without her sensory active it was easy for her to be fooled, not that she thought for a second it was intended to trick her or anyone. “Oh. . .” Was all she said in a quiet voice as realization dawned on her. She turned her head again to look at Yui, she vaguely recalled her coming in and speaking, but it was mostly a blur. She didn’t know the woman, or at least had never met her and no one had ever spoken about her in Mitsu’s presence. She recalled something about her efforts in the war, her name and that she was a skilled combatant, but not much else. It seemed that Yui Kotoshura was making a claim for leadership of the village, and Mitsu couldn’t do anything about it. ‘I’m so sorry Masaru. I’ve failed you. Again.’ Her life in Iwagakure had been almost nothing but failures. And even now when she had tried to do what Masaru had wanted her to, to rule in his stead, she had failed once more. She felt utterly powerless.

    ‘But you’re not powerless. You still control how you react, no one chooses that for you.’ Turning her gaze towards Chen she had every intention of apologizing. Of offering to make amends for what had just occurred and taking responsibility for her wrong actions. He would be angry and most likely spit on her attempted apology as he always had in the past, but it wouldn’t matter. What was important was that she acknowledged her wrongdoings and own them. She didn’t need him to accept it, or to forgive her. She needed to be honest. But when she looked at him the words she had planned stuck in her throat as her mouth went dry. The pain that had been fading stabbed once more with fury and he would clearly see it in her eyes if he looked. She wasn’t tongue tied or embarrassed, there was no shame or sorrow.

    Mitsu was afraid.

    Songs of the Future Y3XzKOV

    Dancing Queen:
    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Mon Dec 07, 2020 4:49 am

    Yui would simply sigh, at least the fighting was over and she was sure Chen understood she would not accept trying to murder people from her village. She knew mentally she wasn't the best with her emotions always on her sleeve so she had a plan to make sure Iwa would not fall into chaos like many other villages had recently. She could tell Chen feared her, with her reputation for being such a hothead this did not shock her and her known strength was something he didn't seem to think he stood a chance against.

    "First and foremost while yes I am claiming the Kage position this wont be run like a normal village, we will use a council system with my voice in case of ties being the deciding vote, the three of you here will be part of the council. I also have special roles for each of you, Id like Kureji to be our head of medical. You will advise me on things that can help improve our village as well as make sure to watch the shinobi and their mental health, with all the wars and insanity that has happened I want a mentally healthy shinobi force."

    "Chen, I want you to be a voice opposite of my own, I do not want an echo chamber I want people to tell me I am doing stupid things, as long as is explained. I want you to make sure to keep me in check if my emotions ever throw my judgment for the protection and safety of the village."

    She was unsure how much she could hear her but Yui would come and check on Mitsu smiling as she looked into her eyes. She still held a very important role in the village and Yui certainly had a job for her, to be frank Yui was terrible at managing money and she knew for sure Mitsu was good at this so this would be her role as well as being an adviser to her.

    "Mitsu you have a role you suit well, I am not good at managing money, so I want you to make sure we are following what the deal we had to make with Konoha entailed. I also want you to be an adviser to me on personal affairs as well as those in the village, this seat is a heavy seat and I do not wish to lose my way, all of you are important and I think with us working closely together we can bring a bright future to Iwa. Let us make this place our home and a symbol of greatness in the world."

    She had several plans to help her village she would offer an open door to shinobi without a home, to become a place where someone that feels oppressed and crushed under the weight of their villages can come and find a home meant for them.

    "I want us to institute an open-door policy to shinobi that have no home or those oppressed and under suffering from their villages. There will be guidelines however we will not accept criminals that have harmed the innocent or those that have caused much suffering for their own whims, we will screen each person and contact their villages to try to peacefully negotiate a transfer to work in our village if possible."

    Chen Kimyōnakama
    Chen Kimyōnakama

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    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Chen Kimyōnakama Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:09 am

    Chen said nothing as Kureji continued to heal Mitsukira. There was nothing to say. He had done what he had done and had been caught red-handed. Fortunately, despite his guilt, he was being permitted to keep his head. Chen noticed Mitsu looking at him and when he returned her gaze he saw the fear in her eyes. The boy's face remained neutral but internally he was soaking up the emotion. For how many years did he radiate the same shame, self-loathing, and frightened demeanor? Mitsukira thought the world was all lollipops and gumdrops but he had shown her otherwise. It was brutal and only the strong survived. He had learned this lesson as a boy and had taken it with him from his old world to this new one. He had given her the gift of this knowledge and if she had a shred of intelligence, she'd remember it well.

    Chen knew he couldn't be too obvious with his gloating but even he couldn't resist a small upturn at the corner of his mouth. A momentary smirk that was gone just as soon as it had appeared. Chen looked Mitsukira in the eye and she'd be able to see the amused malice. He was not sorry, he was proud of what he had done.

    Chen's glance lasted but a few seconds before it returned to the throne. Yui was giving them positions in the new government. Chen's role was to be the contrarian. He was not an emotional kid by his nature and Yui seemed to pick up on that. Despite his fear of her, he was not expressive and he approached every encounter in terms of cost-benefit of analysis. That is, most encounters. Chen was tasked with ensuring Yui did not act out of emotion or sentiment. Normally he'd be afraid to vocalize dissent against such an unstable female but if she was ordering him to do so then he could use that as a shield. Not even she could be as reckless and stupid as to blow up her own councilperson for disagreeing with her.

    Chen again nodded but remained silent. He had wanted to slink off but if he did that then it'd made him look weak. He was being addressed and he'd need to stay until he was dismissed. The Open Door Policy was curious. He didn't mind it as that was how he had become an Iwa-Nin. He had fled the failing village of Suna and had been snatched up by Iwa's return to glory. However, Chen was not so willing to extend the same courtesy to every ruffian that entered their gates. They'd need to screen heavily and knownig Mitsukira she'd advocate for every sob story that came across their desk. He'd need to make certain that they would not grow soft under such a policy. He clasped his hands behind his back and stood up a bit straighter.

    Chen's position of power was being preserved. If and when Masaru awoke, he'd return to a village in working order. And who would be there to greet him? Why his loyal and faithful protégé of course. The lad's thirst for power would never be sated. He would continue to earn the trust of his betters until he rose above them all. And when he did, they'd bow lower than he ever would.

    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: B
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: S

    Posts : 308
    Join date : 2020-02-23
    Age : 25
    Location : The Universe

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Iryojutsu, Sensory, Ninjutsu, Raiton, Fuuton, Doton, Jūryoton
    Class: A
    Ryo: Time and Space

    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Mitsukira Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:43 pm

    [Controlling Kureji’s actions due to OOC permission given - for the purposes of completing Mitsu’s healing.]

    Mitsu sat up as best she could, propping herself up on her hands placed behind her on the ground. Kureji continued to heal her and before long what had been a gaping wound was now an interesting looking scar. A raised circular scar now existed a couple inches left of her navel, that oddly still hurt. Not nearly as much as it had hurt to get stabbed in the first place, but as she looked towards Chen she found that she felt an uncomfortable ache in her stomach. She tried to push away the discomfort by imagining that it was all, well, in her imagination.

    Yui laid out her plans for the village and how it would be run. It was an interesting plan, and one that she couldn’t exactly argue with. It would allow the village to be run properly and also allowed for Masaru to resume his rule of Iwagakure when he awoke. ‘And he will wake up.’ When the blonde haired woman came over to check on her, Mitsu was appalled that she involuntarily flinched just a tiny bit. She wasn’t afraid of Yui, not consciously at least, and she was frustrated that she might make it appear like that. Seeking to cover up the reaction, Mitsu would try to smile in return and answer in a voice that she tried to keep clear and friendly. “I can take care of finances, if that’s what you want. I’m not exactly in a position to argue. I’ll need to know the details of the treaty to ensure that everything is being followed properly, but that won’t be a problem. And advisor? I can advise, about some things, things I know anyway.” Mitsu’s confidence was shot, and while she could appreciate the kindness that Yui was showing, she was suddenly doubting her own capabilities.

    Once she was sure she could move without reopening, Mitsu would push herself to stand, moving to lean against a nearby table as she felt her knees wobble and was concerned she might lose her balance. Losing her balance was not the worst thing in the world, others might be embarrassed by it, but Mitsu always took things like that in stride. What she was more concerned about now was appearing weak in front of Chen. She instinctively understood now that if she tripped up, physically or metaphorically, that he would be waiting there when she did.

    Keeping her gaze away from the dark haired youth she would focus on Yui as she explained her open-door policy. It was one that she wholeheartedly agreed with. There were so many displaced people because of the war, not just in the Land of Earth but from all over the known world and if there was a way that Iwagakure could help them, then she wanted to be a part of it. “There are so many hurt and suffering, being a place that can harbour those affected by war is something I believe in. However, when it comes to criminals I would like to ensure that they won’t be too harshly dealt with. People can change, but not if we don’t allow them to. Patience in instruction and kindness paired with tolerance are often what I have observed to be the most effective in dealing with those so damaged they feel their only option is to damage others. I’m aware as I have been told many times that that type of thinking appears naive, however if the Universe allows for such teachings then who are we as mere humans to try to enforce stricter punishments?” She would pause and with some effort look directly at Chen, remorse clear in her features though fear still shadowed her pink eyes. “We should never raise a hand in violence to mere spoken words, no matter how strongly we feel about something. How can we expect people to act in any other way than violently in return when we do so? Plainly, it’s wrong. I was wrong. Her voice cracked as she spoke the closest to an apology as she could muster in that moment. She believed every word, her attack against Chen was wrong, and she didn’t blame him for his defense.

    Songs of the Future Y3XzKOV

    Dancing Queen:
    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    Songs of the Future Empty Re: Songs of the Future

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:14 pm

    Yui would nod as it appeared Mitsu was recovering, Chen still seemed nervous but she felt he had ambition and she didn't dislike people that were ambitious. Everything seemed to be calm down as Yui waited for everyone to be healed up and ready to go, she did what she needed to do and that was take control.

    "I did what I had to do as for details yes I will give them to everyone for transparency, I will not hide important information from my top shinobi like most nations like to do. No, we will be transparent in our actions and prove a different type of ruling can work, the age where Kages ruin a nation because no one checks them is over."

    Yui would smile as she stood from her seat she would begin to make her way past everyone, when she left the room they would understand they were dismissed. As she made her way to the door she would suddenly clench her head tightly as the feel of her chakra signature shifted, to anyone with chakra sensory it was almost as if it was another person, her hair and eye colors shifted as she would turn around and smile at everyone in the room.

    "Hello little lambs, Yui likely never told anyone about me, after all, she consumed me inside our mother's womb. Just refer to me as ID, she is fully aware I am here but right now I have control, thanks to all the things happening in her life I have been able to finally force my way out of the barrier she had on me in her mind. Either way, do not think of trying to harm her, I will kill every one of you and your families if you even think of lifting a finger to her, I am not nice and I don't play games. Well, seems she wants control so we are leaving feel free to do whatever sheep do with their lives, have a nice day."

    She would wink at Chen as she walked by smiling widely, it appeared her twin self liked ambitious boys like him. Still, her threat was quite clear as Yui would walk out the door with her hair changing color before she would disappear from their sight. Now it became clear why Yui said she wanted a council something was going on with her and it was something she did not want to be left alone to deal with, no it was quite clear her other half had bad intentions planned.

    -Attempted Thread Exit-

    Last edited by Kotoshura Yui on Sun Dec 27, 2020 7:55 am; edited 1 time in total


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