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    Skills Exercise

    Tsukiyo Shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku

    Posts : 144
    Join date : 2020-02-05
    Age : 25
    Location : Konohagakure

    Skills Exercise Empty Skills Exercise

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Tue Mar 17, 2020 3:18 pm

    Mission: Team Skills Test:

    Tsukiyo had been handed a mission that only drew ire out of the woman, so her mood would already be soured before even setting out to do the mission. Her and her brother had been tasked with being training partners for a merchant's son who wished to test their skills with a new staff it seemed. Such a strange request...but the pay was good--and thats what Tsukiyo cared about. Still, as the woman stepped along the long staircase climbing the side of the Hokage Rock, she walked with a certain stomp to each step, arms crossed, and eyes narrowed in pure annoyance. She was in her normal outfit, the woman packing her equipment, ready due to knowing it was a mission...even if a basic one.

    She huffed a sigh and hmph'd, shutting her eyes and turning her nose up. "Why do we gotta help this kid practice with his new weapon...I'm not here to play babysitter." she growled in annoyance, Tsukiyo openly expressing her frustration, knowing she was could only for now be heard by her twin brother, assuming he was even close enough or paying attention at this point--Tsukiyo having not paid much attention to him since they left, too busy fuming in anger. They had to meet this person ontop of the Hokage mountain...an odd place for a battleground, but it was their picking, not the twins's.

    Data Book Entry: Tsukiyo Shinku:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 602
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    Skills Exercise Empty Re: Skills Exercise

    Post by Tengoku Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:08 am

    Tengoku still only knew of the basics of the mission. They were helping someone test their skills. So he was the opposite of his sister. He was actually fairly content at the moment. Practicing ones skills only meant getting stronger. So he would be getting stronger in turn. Already he could see their progress from when they first started off. He was writing in full sentences now. His skill with the blade was improving. She seemed to not get worn down as easily. Besides that she looked healthier and stronger. He would smile at the thought of the two of them as incredible fighters. Still the walk was taking it's time and while they had both geared up she wasn't talking much. The sun was up today so that was nice. He had left his coat behind and instead was in a pair of blue jeans and a grey turtleneck. Steel toed boots with the steel on the outside and his headband holding his hair back just in front of his ears. The only weapon he carried on his person was the katana their sensei had given them. Though he had not seen the Hokage since their initial training session. He was beginning to think he was a student in name only.

    For now they were heading up the mountain and he was a little behind. Mostly because he was avoiding some specific behavioral patterns he was used to seeing from his sister. Arms crossed and more force put into each step than needed. It was clear she was in a mood. He didn't really want to press any of her buttons right now. She finally spoke up in return and he frowned before looking back the way they had come. Maybe there was still time to turn this around and go home. Still he turned right back around and followed. Speaking up barely loud enough for her to hear him. He wasn't usually one for defying his sisters thoughts. "Well, I mean...it might not be entirely bad ya know...he will be good practice for us since he is right around our level...so far we have just been chasing dogs and thief's. Someone who knows what they are doing could be good practice. And I never fought against a spear before. And uh...well um..." He began to press his pointer fingers together while looking off to the side. He really didn't like voicing his opinion.

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku

    Posts : 144
    Join date : 2020-02-05
    Age : 25
    Location : Konohagakure

    Skills Exercise Empty Re: Skills Exercise

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:16 pm

    Tsukiyo continued her march, the woman's pace never slowing--wearing her emotions on her sleeve it seemed. She'd expressed her frustrations to her brother, and after a moment, she glanced back over her shoulder to see if he was even listening--having taken a moment to respond. His response seemed to be trying to look on the bright side, and she could tell he seemed nervous to even voice his thoughts, noted by her fidgeting with his fingers. She simply rolled her eyes, turning back forward and continuing up the staircase.

    "This stuff feels so demeaning...I'm one of the greatest minds in this village yet I am being sent to catch escaped dogs, do the cops work catching petty thieves, and now this. Hmph." she said with the same annoyed tone, the woman venting to her brother. He was the only person she could openly talk to about her feelings, be it ones of anger and frustration, or of more personal matters. She'd crest over the top of the staircase, now up high overlooking the village, her taking a moment to stop and glance out across Konohagakure...from here she could see it all...from the Hokage tower below them, all the way to the main gates clear across the village. Her expression shifted...less annoyed, and now a bit bewildered. She hadn't gotten this view of the village before...and this gave time for Tengoku to catch up to her as she froze in place, pinkish red hues cast out towards the view.

    Data Book Entry: Tsukiyo Shinku:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 602
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    Skills Exercise Empty Re: Skills Exercise

    Post by Tengoku Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:29 pm

    Tengoku would keep up with long strides but he was beginning to wonder if his sister was naturally faster than him now. He pushed himself a little just to keep up as she continued to speak. He wasn't sure right now if he could do both. His eyes focused on his steps as they went ever upwards. His breathing focused for the moment to keep his lungs from burning. She felt all of it was demeaning to her. That her mind was much better put to greater uses. He couldn't disagree. She was superior to most of the genin they had seen in passing and possibly smarter than anyone else around. He was so proud of her. Still when she reached the top he could see a young man about as tall as him practicing with a spear in the distance. Likely only because of how good his own eyes were. That had to be the client they were to be meeting in a bit. He looked fast and accurate. He had expected less from a merchants son and was a little worried now. What if he couldn't keep up with the two of them? Would he just be in his sisters way?

    That was when it struck him. She was superior to most. She should be given better missions. Which meant there had to be something wrong. He was struggling to keep up. He was in her way? He would clasp his arms around himself as he nibbled his lip. She was focused on the view and he was staring at the ground trying not to let the tears flow. Was he anchoring her down? He would take a shuddering breath to himself before he spoke quietly. It didn't matter what others thought. Just what she thought. And he had to know. "I don't think it's because of you....I think they are worried I can't keep up....do you think I am weighing you down Oneesama?" His silver eyes glistened in the light looking like a puppy waiting for someone to leave him.

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku

    Posts : 144
    Join date : 2020-02-05
    Age : 25
    Location : Konohagakure

    Skills Exercise Empty Re: Skills Exercise

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:47 pm

    Tsukiyo had lost her focus, and even the fury that had been behind each step she took on the way up here. Seeing the village from a new angle would give her a new perspective of the place...a village worn down by bad politics...ripe to be rebuilt into something greater. It gave her some hope...maybe one day Tsukiyo wouldn't feel so alienated by the village she once already sought to escape all those years ago. She was lost in the moment...oblivious to their client off in the distance, and her brother's declining mental stability.

    It wasn't until she heard the shaky breath let out by Tengoku that she was snapped back into the now, blinking and turning towards him as he begun to speak. His body language, his words, his tone...it ate away at her heart piece by piece in seconds. His question...it sent a chill down her spine. She instantly would shake her head side to side, denying such a thought. The woman stepped closer to Tengoku--and he'd feel her arms curl around the taller man, her pushing her forehead into his chest as she embraced her brother...she didn't want to look him in the eyes in fear she may end up crying if she saw his expression, and for now kept her gaze burried into his chest as she spoke.

    "You're not holding me back at all Ten-Nii...Without you I'd been lost...without you I'd just be starving in that shack, alone...with no one..." she said quietly, voice a bit muffled by her positioning against his chest, eyes softened into nearly having to hold back tears. She didn't need their mind links to feel empathy for her brother's feelings. She sighed and stepped back, letting go, and looking down and off to the side. "When you're not around...I mess up...I make mistakes." she admitted, even if it was a hard thing to say. She wasn't the most humble person, admitting to making mistakes...it was tough on the prideful woman.

    She reached up to her shoulder, which had suspiciously been covered in bandages for a few days now, making sure Tengoku hadn't seen it. There was random white bandages curled about her upper left arm, and with a tug, she slipped them off. It revealed to Tengoku three fairly fresh scars, something he as a hunter should instantly recognize as the work of a bear's claws. "...This is what happens when I am without you." she said quietly, shakily even, still keeping her eyes adverted. She had kept her injury from him as to not worry him...but it seemed only right she should tell him. She didn't like keeping secrets from Tengoku--and this was a clear reminder that she still needed him by her side.

    Data Book Entry: Tsukiyo Shinku:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 602
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Skills Exercise Empty Re: Skills Exercise

    Post by Tengoku Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:27 pm

    Ten would see his sister step forward and feel her arms wrap around him. He would have to plant his feet to keep from getting toppled in surprise. She buried her face in his chest and he would blink before smiling and wrapping his arms around her in return. Quietly letting only one tear from each eye escape into her hair. She reassured him and he felt his heart warm a little. He would listen to her in silence a moment before she mentioned making mistakes. She would pull away from him after a moment and he tilted his head confused. He had never really known her to make mistakes. Aside from picking fights they couldn't win maybe. They always figured something out though. What had she been up to when he wasn't with her? He had noticed her leaving him to his studies in the apartment but nothing serious ever seemed to be going on. She always came back with groceries or supplies of some sort. She never spoke to him about doing things on her own. Was she doing something dangerous without him? No she wouldn't risk herself. His silver eyes were not as perceptive when it came to her it seemed.

    She would reveal some bandages around her shoulder he had hardly noticed. Undoing them slowly and explaining what happens when he wasn't around. The deep claw marks on her shoulder made his pupils dilate.  His hair seemed to rise on end like a wolves hackles rose as his right hand lowered into a fist at his side. His left hand gripped the handle of the katana on his left side as it rattled at his fury. He wasn't angry at his sister. She had endangered herself but likely she wasn't alone. Someone had put her up to this. His breath came out as a hot mist as he stared at the wound. The air felt heavier as he stood there. A slight crackle of electricity visibly raced across his form for a moment. A surge of power that he had not yet tapped into but it was there. She had plenty of evidence now to know his element was raiton. Still it only appeared on a couple of highly emotional moments as of yet as he hadn't tried to tap into it. He would speak with a calm voice but it was the level of calm that made it dangerous.

    "Who put you up to it? Who put you in danger?"
    Tsukiyo Shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku

    Posts : 144
    Join date : 2020-02-05
    Age : 25
    Location : Konohagakure

    Skills Exercise Empty Re: Skills Exercise

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:57 pm

    Maybe it'd been slipping by him when he was asleep or watching TV, but on the regular Tsukiyo had been slipping out at night, going out to train or perform tasks in her own self interest. Sometimes she just needed to get out and walk in the woods, where she called home for years. But either way the woman had been 'sneaking' out without her brother by her side, and recently, it bit her in the ass...or rather, clawed her in the shoulder.

    She'd finally look back at Ten, first seeing his hands--one battled in a fist, the other now rattling the handle of his katana. She'd raise her eyes up to Ten's, taken back by the look in his silver hues--the dilated pupils, the sound of his hand on his blade now beginning to shake in building rage. She almost took a step back, a shiver of fear running through her, but she stood her ground, knowing Tengoku would do nothing to hurt her. Still, the air itself seemed to become electrified with his emotions, she could feel her own hair trying to stand up as an arc of lightning crossed his form, her barely able to see the speed of the azure bolt but catching enough of it to have known it was there. She knew she had a knack for Earth Release, but had never known what her brother's chakra attuned to...now--it was clear.

    Still, this was the last thing on her mind, no, she had to do something to calm him--to sooth the emotional high he was experiencing. It reminded her of the last mission...the look he had...it was the same as that night at the abandoned campground, capturing the criminal...a pent up rage held within Tengoku she was only recently being made aware of. This was only the second time she seen it, even if more controlled then the last...she recognized the intense emotions read across his face. His voice only went another shiver through her...how calm, quiet it sounded...yet the tone underlined with desire to make someone pay for their transgressions.

    She kept her eyes locked on his, a hand reaching out and softly taking hold of the man's right hand that had been balled into a fist, fingers grazing across his knuckles as she did, trying to keep a connection with him in order to calm him. "It was my fault, no one else's Tengoku...please...calm down..." she pleaded with him. She decided she'd no longer keep these things from her brother, realizing it was wrong to begin with, her eyes once more averting away as guilt washed over her face...but she kept her hand on his still.

    "The other night...I went out to get some fresh air and just spend some time out in the woods...I went to the training grounds, thought it'd be safe." she'd begin explaining, finally her hand slipped from off of his and she pulled it close to herself, her body language shifting, her retracting into herself some. "I found a wolf and its pup...the mother had been killed and the pup injured. I was just finishing up healing the wolf pup when...the bear that had attacked them returned. I..." she paused. She had to swallow her pride to even admit it, shutting her eyes.

    "I didn't think straight...I could only run, and when I couldn't run...I froze. I was...it was going to kill me. But I was saved...a Shinobi-turned-Ronin Samurai formerly of Iwagakure and his daughter saved me...but not before I was already hurt."

    Data Book Entry: Tsukiyo Shinku:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 602
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Skills Exercise Empty Re: Skills Exercise

    Post by Tengoku Wed Mar 18, 2020 3:16 pm

    He would feel her touch her hand. A light tingling feeling for her as his electricity had built up a little static but not too much. Still it built a connection. He would take a breath as if surprised she had gotten so close. His eyes had been locked on her shoulder so intensely he hadn't noticed anything else had changed. His fist felt numb from how hard he was squeezing. His muscles felt tense and he had to let those relax. He felt her touch bringing him from that brink of anger and madness. Tengoku would take a breath as his body visibly calmed and the static in the air calmed as well. A surge of power suggesting his potential that he did not yet realize. He was completely unaware of the presence of lightning at all. He would look down at the hand on his katana and force it to release finger by finger. His digits were pale from squeezing so hard. He would look into his sisters eyes and his pupils would return to normal. Only concern remained there for the most part. Only a hint of anger could be seen if they knew him well enough.

    She told the story about the dead wolf and the nearly dead cub. How a bear had attacked them. Strange actions for a bear but if the cub hadn't been fast enough and the bear was hungry enough...they would be waking up right about now. He was curious about the wandering samurai and his daughter but perhaps that was a story for another time. Instead he would reach out with his left hand and tenderly trace the marks on her shoulder. Careful to not place any real pressure on it. So a wild animal had done this. It had marked her. Most animals in their woods knew better and she always had a talent for communicating her authority. Still he would speak up quietly. "Those are our woods. Our packs territory. If there is a maddened animal there we need to deal with it. Especially if it attacked you. Is the bear still.... alive?" He would ask as his fingers left her shoulder. She would easily know where he was going with this. If the bear had survived they were going hunting later. He was going to put the thing down for its trespass. He usually didn't look the part but for the moment he reflected an alpha like his sister was.

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku

    Posts : 144
    Join date : 2020-02-05
    Age : 25
    Location : Konohagakure

    Skills Exercise Empty Re: Skills Exercise

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:07 am

    Tsukiyo almost winced when she had grabbed her brother's hand, the feeling of Lightning sending a shiver up her arm, her having not expected it but ignored it anyways, keeping focused on trying to help her brother tame his emotions. With a breath the man seemed to try to relax some, she felt his fist's grip in her hand loosen, and the man looked down to his blade handle, her watching his movements carefully. After he peeled each digit from his sword's handle, the man looked back to her, the woman meeting his gaze, concern an pleading still flooded in her pinkish-red hues for her siblings mental state. She could see him calming...but there was still that hint of anger behind his eyes. Even if she was the only one who could see it.

    Her eyeline was broken from his when his hand moved, watching as he reached up and gently traced over the fairly fresh scars. She winced, just a little, but tried to hide it from him. The wound had been healed by a different medic, not herself, and wasn't done as well as she could have done herself...but she never got the chance to do any better as she had other tasks at the time. She'd hear his question, and shut her eyes, shaking her head. She'd go on to finish reflecting on the events the other night.

    "The bear was slain...after me and Masaru-san thought we had dealt with it and knocked the bear out and the medics he had his daughter go after healed me...albeit poorly...the bear woke up and killed the medics, and attacked him and his daughter. She was pinned..." at this point Tsukiyo was becoming visibly shaken...this wasn't normal for her, at all. She was a pillar of confidence...of not letting anything get to her. But...this girl, she was so young, seeing her pinned and hurt by the same bear that had hurt Tsukiyo only minutes before then...it clearly had an effect on the young woman. Her beathe became a bit shaky as she finished.

    "She...was hurt...I was already out of chakra but I forced myself to heal her...it used everything I had and I passed out afterwards..." she'd go on to say, eyes now looking at the ground, glossed over with the images of that night. The poor girl's blood...the only time blood had ever seemed horrifying to the medical expert...A few tears begun running down her cheeks as she shut her eyes and turned away from her brother--she couldn't let him see her cry. She had to compose herself for a moment...

    Data Book Entry: Tsukiyo Shinku:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 602
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Skills Exercise Empty Re: Skills Exercise

    Post by Tengoku Fri Mar 20, 2020 3:02 pm

    Ten would listen and watch as she stood there shaking. She was vulnerable and he had no idea anything had even happened. She had an experience that shook her and he had remained innocent and oblivious. How naive he must have been to think life was suddenly going to be easier for them. He wasn't at fault for this but he felt like he should be. If he had been there would it have changed anything? Would others still be alive? Would she have ever have been wounded? He could have told her a bear was coming. That is was in the area and they could have handled it. With his skills at detecting things it should have been simple. She only survived because someone else was there. Because someone else had come to the rescue. His shoulders felt stiff. His breath heavy. He felt for her and the trauma she had experienced. He would need to meet this man. Others had not been as lucky though. They had been killed by this beast. They had left the woods for only a short time and already the peace was disturbed. Maybe even their preferred animal targeted. Like a message that the wolves were no longer in charge there. It was bullshit.

    She would turn away from him but he knew it was to hide her tears. That rage still dwelled within him but he felt a control over it. Like a flame he simply kept burning. Deep in the pit of his stomach it burned and filled him with energy. With a willingness for violence. His quiet self faded for now by a more serious version. He stood at his full height without slouching now. His posture improved as he let her have a moment to compose herself. He felt for her but now was not the time for him to cry. If she needed a moment to gather her strength he would be the strength between them. His left hand returned to his sword but this time lightly holding it by the scabbard just below the guard. His thumb pressed to the guard just enough not to press it out. His silver eyes glanced over his shoulder at the young man practicing in the distance. He needed something to direct this at. And as it so happened it was why they were here.

    "I see. I don't know about you but I am tired of feeling weak. I need to vent on something if you do, and our client is already here."

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku

    Posts : 144
    Join date : 2020-02-05
    Age : 25
    Location : Konohagakure

    Skills Exercise Empty Re: Skills Exercise

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Fri Mar 20, 2020 4:36 pm

    For once, the roles had switched. Usually, Tsukiyo stood strong as the strength between the two, she was whom would never break down or back down when they was kids. She was always the one with the strength and courage to stand up for herself and Tengoku. But now...here they was--Tsukiyo in tears, feeling weak, defeated even--even days after she was. Tengoku stood strong, calm but with a fire inside...flames of anger--which could be so easily fanned into a burning determination.

    But Tsukiyo would take in a breath, and even from behind, her body language had changed. She straightened up, hands at her sides, head leaned back slightly. She let out this breath, a smooth and controlled release. She reached up and would make sure no more tears soaked her cheeks, wiping them away with the sleeve of her Kimono. She had to keep her emotions under control...something she'd done so well one, yet so fragile the lid used to keep a cap on them shattered so easily in such a stressful situation. She felt...guilt. Guilt was not an emotion Tsukiyo was used to...the rather greedy woman wouldn't let guilt ever get to her before...but seeing the girl Masaru had adopted covered in her own blood, the risk of her possibly having been killed in the ordeal...Tsukiyo couldn't help but feel at fault. Had she been more perceptive...stronger...none of it would've happened.

    She'd hear her brothers response...and finally open her eyes, them returned to their composed sharp glare. She'd turn about to face her brother finally, nodding. "Right...we have a Mission to do." she said, glancing around her tall brother to see their client was now approaching them. It was a young but fit man, maybe roughly the Twins age, maybe younger, sort of generic looking, most notable thing about him was some blonde hair, and the obvious designer clothing and fancy accessories. Clearly a 'rich kid' mid-growing up. But at least the willingness to learn to fight was respectable...if anything else.

    The client approached, waving to the twins. "Ayyyyye, you the two my father requested to help me practice with my new weapon, ja?" the merchant's kid said with an odd accent. Was he foreign? Who knew...Merchants were weird and usually well traveled...

    Data Book Entry: Tsukiyo Shinku:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 602
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Skills Exercise Empty Re: Skills Exercise

    Post by Tengoku Fri Mar 20, 2020 6:03 pm

    Tengoku was quiet now as the young man approached. He was open with his sister but rarely around others. It was a hard habit to break but he was working on it. For now his focus was simply elsewhere. Studying the spear. It's length, the width of the blade. The way the young man gripped it and draped it casually over one shoulder. He would have leverage but wouldn't be as effective up close. If he could hold the pack at bay though. He knew full well that getting passed the defense of the man would be the challenge. Tengoku would be studying the man now as if studying the tracks of a prey they were hunting. His sister was always the one doing the talking and he didn't really mind that. She was focused now. Her vulnerable moment gone and the task at hand her focus point. He wouldn't question her. Not if she was ready, not if she felt up to it. She was strong and he could see the determination in her eyes. The pack was focused now. Not a good thing for the young man. He was likely thinking himself a superior fighter. The two of them were there to put him of his high horse.

    The young man was friendly but only got a nod from Tengoku. He was in fact here because daddy was footing the bill. They never had parents to rely on like that. They made their own way and it was a badge of pride they wore. Not taking shit from anyone if they didn't have to. Truth was this kid was up against a pair that had trained together their entire lives. They knew how the other worked and worked within it. Moving in junction as if they had planned it before hand. The seal only helped with that when it was active. Attuned it to perfection. Even now as the man spoke Tengoku avoided taking the reigns of the conversation and instead calmly began to break left. His feet carrying him around the young man. It was obvious he was moving into a flanking position but that was why the kid asked for both of them. Silver eyes met gold hues and did not look away. Moving all the way behind him as he let his ears twitch. Only glancing to his sister once he was in position. This wasn't an assassination. It was a fight.

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku

    Posts : 144
    Join date : 2020-02-05
    Age : 25
    Location : Konohagakure

    Skills Exercise Empty Re: Skills Exercise

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:39 pm

    Tsukiyo couldn't help but narrow her eyes and flare up with a hint of anger towards the son of wealth, but she'd hold her anger and control herself, putting up a friendly tone as she greeted him. "Yes, we're the ones Konoha sent." she answered simply, nodding too much like her brother had at some point during this exchange. She blinked when she saw her brother begin slowly moving about the client, and sighed--turning back to the blonde haired man. "Well. We have no plans to beat around the bush...I hope you understand what you paid us for. I can't promise your safety...but I am also a medic--so don't worry to much." Tsukiyo would finish dealing with their client, earning a smile and nod. He knew what he was getting into...despite being a 'daddy's boy' and supported by wealth he never had to work for, there was some sense of honor for the man. Maybe it was some thoughts of noble grandeur...who knew.

    The man flipped his spear about his shoulder and held it up in a defensive position, sliding his feet apart, smirking at the girl. "Maybe after this, I could treat you to a dat--" "In your dreams kid." Tsukiyo quickly shut him down, earning a chuckle from the merchant's kid. At least he took the rejection with a laugh. But now he got serious...and it was go time.

    Tsukiyo focused her chakra and would slowly draw a kunai up, making sure to bring it right into the man's line of sight. Before any had even moved...Tsukiyo secured their checkmate, triggering the Genjutsu she'd used on her brother during their spar. The same one that knocked him out. That made him mad at her for like...ten, twenty minutes. Although the man could never stay mad at her, he should've known she would be on some sly shit--just like he should know now. She did make sure not to bring it up for Ten to see, using the client's body to hide the trigger so he wouldn't be caught in it too.

    Now it really begun, and in a maybe hard to track move, the man first spin his spear about backwards, and thrusted it in a twisting motion of his body towards Tengoku behind him, assuming he'd be the bigger threat between the Shinku twins--wielding an actual sword instead of a simple kunai. In this moment Tsukiyo rushed in and shoulder checked the guy, but only missed as he twisted around her attack, smirking as he did, letting Tsukiyo fall in Tengoku's direction. Maybe they shouldn't underestimate him...the man clearly had some training too.

    Data Book Entry: Tsukiyo Shinku:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 602
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Skills Exercise Empty Re: Skills Exercise

    Post by Tengoku Tue Mar 24, 2020 5:26 am

    Tengoku would listen as the two bantered like any foolish man might. Trying to get under his sisters fur. He let out a low growl getting a glance from the young man. Tengoku was sure his sister was already acting on some plan of hers. He would take a breath as if during a breathing practice. Part of the forms was controlling your breathing. Deep breaths when possible. Hold on the attack for increased power. Exhale on the defense and inhale on the offense. Short breaths when rapidly moving and deep breaths when remaining still. It was all just about practice but eventually your body fell into the patterns automatically instead of when just focused on. For now Ten would watch as the two took up stances. His vision of his sister partially blocked but he knew the majority of her positioning from what he saw. It was almost clear as day. Like an outline through the opponent in front of him. He saw the shifting of forms and lowered his stance. His right hand on the hilt of his sword as it was about to get started. There would be no holding back here. He could see the kids form and was going to need to be prepared based on how solid his stance was.

    Even flanked this kid felt dangerous. A sudden backwards thrust was quick. However even with the decent stance the thrust was obvious. A sudden quick draw from Ten would slam into the spears blade and knock it upwards. He would have rushed forward in the opening foolishly as the thrust was more of a feint but his sister was quicker than him. Ten would watch as his sister was sidestepped expertly and sent hurdling towards him. However these were not two random genin sent into battle. Not even just a team that had practiced together. They had been raised together. Broke bread, cried, held each other against the cold. They had survived almost everything in their lives together and truly knew one another. Slipping into a sync with each other was like breathing. They were not two individuals fighting. They were a pack. A family. Bonds of more than just blood and misery. As if it was practiced Five would reach out with his left hand and grab her wrist. Spinning her with the force of her charge around him so hard her feet left the ground a moment. Once the spin was done she would be launched back at the kid. Her coming from his left suddenly at full speed and Tengoku coming from the kids right as they moved in unison.

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku
    Tsukiyo Shinku

    Posts : 144
    Join date : 2020-02-05
    Age : 25
    Location : Konohagakure

    Skills Exercise Empty Re: Skills Exercise

    Post by Tsukiyo Shinku Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:04 pm

    The battle had begun, and already it'd seem the one wishing to try out their near weapon was pretty skilled, but unluckily for him, the twins worked in sync with each other--and put together, the two would remain a threat to even seasoned shinobi--let alone a Merchant's pampered kid who fancies himself a warrior. Tsukiyo was sidestepped by the man and her charge now sent her towards her brother--but the two both thought on their feet and Tsukiyo almost instinctively reached out, and as expected, her wrist was met with Ten's hand--and she gripped his wrist too. The centrifugal force of the spin that followed would literally see Tsukiyo's feet come off the ground, little surprising, but would simply redirect her momentum towards the opponent. Now in unison they charged at the target.

    As Tsukiyo charged in from the left, she would form three hand seals--Dog, Ox, and Rat. She'd suddenly jab both her thumbs into her shoulders, only a moment before dropping down and sending a low sweeping kick to try to knock him straight off his feet--the strength gained from the technique she just used gave her enough power for this kick to land with decent effectiveness, the man's feet swept out from under him. But in a quick jab to the ground with his spear, he used it to leverage himself to remain standing...assuming Tengoku's attack didn't bork those plans.

    [100/100. Learned Pressure Strike]

    Data Book Entry: Tsukiyo Shinku:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 602
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Skills Exercise Empty Re: Skills Exercise

    Post by Tengoku Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:52 am

    Tengoku would run at him from the side opposing his sister. She was using jutsu and gaining the upper hand it seemed but Tengoku wasn't jutsu focused for combat like that yet. He was more of a direct force. Slamming forward at full speed just to try and keep up with her he was falling slightly behind. She was slightly faster than him but that was fine. She was slightly faster than their opponent too. Her attack was the primary assault while his was a support type secondary attack. His eyes sliding back and forth as he read the battlefield like an expert. Every movement caught in his gaze and predicting on how each move would effect the next. It wasn't like her precognition ability but it was still enough to give him an idea of what would be the next best follow up move. Those silver eyes switched back and forth like someone reading the page of a book. Watching for any dangerous techniques this kid might have up his sleeve. When she went for the leg sweep before she even made contact he saw the spear moving to help the boy catch himself from falling to the ground.

    As Tengoku was a second behind he had time to begin his counter move. He would spin not once but twice as he built up the force of the spin into his strike. He could tell from the earlier strike this kid was a little stronger than him so he needed the room to build up enough force to matter. With two full spins on the end of the second one he was close enough to let out a strong two handed swing as the lower section of the spear. Knocking it to the side before continuing through with a bit of a jump to spin the blade downwards in another spinning slash. With three spins now he had momentum and power going towards the young man that could do some damage. He was going to have to choose between taking a powerful slash to the chest or rising his spear to block it. With Tengoku's sister already in a valuable position tactically for an opponent to be knocked prone right next to her. Perhaps going up against the pack when they were in a mood wasn't the kids best choice of the day. After all, the two of them weren't here to play tea.

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

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