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    Honing of one's skills

    Jin Kaguya
    Jin Kaguya
    Mist Genin
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    Honing of one's skills  Empty Honing of one's skills

    Post by Jin Kaguya Fri May 24, 2024 3:29 pm

    Jin found him self at the grand training facility in kiri on a foggy day. He was there to get in some training to try and sharpen his skills. He needed to be strong since he was not able to use his clans technique just yet except for the martial art style of fighting they do. He still had yet to unlock the ability to pull his bones out to use as weapons but he was close he could just feel it.

    Instead Jin was there to practice his Taijutsu and to learn a few more techniques to add to his move set. The young Kaguya set his eyes on to a near by tree that was probably around 3 meters away. He would then bend down low before he would charge the tree and slammed all his weight into his shoulder. The tree would crack from the impact.

    ( Learned shoulder charge D rank jutsu(
    Jin Kaguya
    Jin Kaguya
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    Honing of one's skills  Empty Re: Honing of one's skills

    Post by Jin Kaguya Fri May 24, 2024 4:12 pm

    Jin looked on at the tree and how there was a crack from where he smashed in to it from before. Tho the smile on his face soon turned into a frown as he looked down and noticed that there was a tear in his beautiful green kimono on the shoulder area. Reaching into the lining of his kimono Jin grabbed a needle and thread as he quickly fixed it then once he was done he put it up and grabbed his ivory pipe and loaded it with nothing more then the finest tobacco.

    Jin took a few puffs from the long tip as he felt the hot smoke fell his lungs. He was now calmed down and ready to practice the Taijutsu technique called shatter palm. The young Kaguya took a fighting stance as he readied his aim, then with one quick and strong strike with his palm Jin shattered the tree where it was already cracked. He watched as the tree toppled over and landed with a thud on to the ground.

    ( Learned shattered palm C rank jutsu)
    Jin Kaguya
    Jin Kaguya
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    Honing of one's skills  Empty Re: Honing of one's skills

    Post by Jin Kaguya Fri May 24, 2024 5:05 pm

    As Jin was training it would seem that things would soon make a bad turn. He did not know another ninja was behind him when he smashed the tree but some how a piece of the tree flew back and smacked the ninja in the face causing a small cut to appear. What made it even worse was the fact that the ninja before him was of the hoshikaki clan and those shark people was very easily made mad especially once they got a sight of blood.

    The ninja did not even say a word but instead came rushing in towards Jin as he began to unleash a flurry of attacks. Luckily Jin was able to perceive his movements and keep up with the speed the ninja was moving at. It was only thanks to the dance of the cherry blossom that Jin was able to move so fluidly to keep out of the ninjas attack reach.

    Jin had caught on to the ninjas attack pattern and speed so now it was time to attack so rushing in Jin took the palm of his hand and came straight up connecting under the guys chin which lifted him up off the ground. Jin then jumped up off the ground and landed a spinning kick that caused the ninja to hit the ground.

    (Learned slamming palm C rank jutsu)
    Jin Kaguya
    Jin Kaguya
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    Honing of one's skills  Empty Re: Honing of one's skills

    Post by Jin Kaguya Sat May 25, 2024 1:45 pm

    Instead of the ninja calming down after Jin Kaguya landed him on his ass the shark clan ninja just became more agitated. " That was a lucky shot basterd, I am gonna kill you for that." The ninja said as he slowly got back up to his feet. " This is pointless, we both know your not going to beat me so why continue to embarrass your self." Jin said as he looked down on the ninja. Jins comment would just make the ninja mad, he would now reach behind him as he pulled out a small tanto sword.

    Jin just smiled as he saw him pull his sword out as this looked to have become a lot more interesting. The shark came rushing in towards Jin but even with a sword the shark boy did not become any faster so timing it correctly Jin waited tell he swung his sword then ducked under him then reached up and grabbed him by his clothes then tossed him with a juddo flip as he went flying though the air before coming down hard onto the ground.
    Jin Kaguya
    Jin Kaguya
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    Honing of one's skills  Empty Re: Honing of one's skills

    Post by Jin Kaguya Sat May 25, 2024 2:54 pm

    The shark ninja got back on to his feet and did not look happy. Jin was out pacing and out fighting the ninja who was trying his hardest to take Jin down but to no avail. The shark ninja slammed his tanto blade down into the ground before he started to Weave hand seals. After he was finished the shark spit out a large ball of water towards Jin Kaguya but this did not worry him in the slightest.

    Jin just smiled as he calculated the strength of the water jutsu, taking that into his calculations Jin got into a stance before thrusting the palm of his hand forwards as he broke though the water jutsu using nothing but pure strength. The ball of water shattered and burst as the water now came down like rain all around them.
    Jin Kaguya
    Jin Kaguya
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    Honing of one's skills  Empty Re: Honing of one's skills

    Post by Jin Kaguya Sun May 26, 2024 1:16 pm

    Right after Jin had smashed the water jutsu using just his Taijutsu skills the shark ninja was in front of him as he was bringing down his tanto blade. Jin tho knowing that his bones was stronger then most blades metal brought his arm up as the blade cut into his skin but slid right off the hard as metal bone. Taking the same arm Jin brought the back of his hand up as he smashed it into the face of the shark ninja causing him to hit the ground.

    Jin looked down at the ninja in disgust as he thought this ninja would be strong but he has so far been nothing but a disappointment. But they was not though fighting just yet as the shark ninja stood back up as he wiped the blood away from the corner of his mouth.

    " I see why your so strong now, your of the Kaguya Clan. They say your bones are harder then steel and I can see now that those rumors are indeed true."

    The shark ninja would say as he had a grin show up on his face. " It is indeed true, and I can see your clan the hoshikaki are indeed blood addicted freaks of nature. I guess this fight shall be more interesting just as long as you stop taking it easy " Jin would say as he smirked at the ninja.
    Jin Kaguya
    Jin Kaguya
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    Honing of one's skills  Empty Re: Honing of one's skills

    Post by Jin Kaguya Sun May 26, 2024 2:39 pm

    The ninja got back on to his feet tho he looked a little wobbly but that was probably from hitting the ground so hard. The shark ninja had stabbed the tanto sword into the ground then came running towards Jin. It would seem that this ninja decided it would be a good idea to fight a Kaguya with Taijutsu, he was soon gonna find out that doing so would be a very bad choice.

    The shark ninja would start by throwing punches and every now and then he would throw a kick in but Jin was able to see everything that was coming his way so using one hand Jin Kaguya would just deflect the attacks away from him. It was not that hard to fight this man, for he was not very skilled in the art of Taijutsu.
    Jin Kaguya
    Jin Kaguya
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    Honing of one's skills  Empty Re: Honing of one's skills

    Post by Jin Kaguya Sun May 26, 2024 2:52 pm

    As the fight was continuing on Jin could see that the shark boy was slowly starting to slow down. It probably was a sign that he was running low on Stamina. Luckily for Jin tho he did not have to worry as he was still eager to keep fighting not cause the guy he was fighting was strong no it was far from that. The reason being Jin just loved to fight so he would keep fighting tell this shark boy was no longer able to move to fight back.

    The whole fight Jin was just fighting using simple Taijutsu like throwing punches or kicks and rarely had he used a actual Taijutsu technique but it was probably time that he did to show the shark bow just how outclassed he really was.
    Jin Kaguya
    Jin Kaguya
    Mist Genin
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    Honing of one's skills  Empty Re: Honing of one's skills

    Post by Jin Kaguya Tue May 28, 2024 5:46 pm

    The shark ninja seemed to have wanted to continue fighting tho at this point Jin was not sure why. It was pretty Clear that the shark was not going to win this fight tho he was to amped on blood lust that he just could not see it. Once back on his feet the two ninja decided to rush back towards one another as they clashed fists in the middle of the training room in the grand training facility.

    Once Jin had got in close to the shark ninja he dodged one of his punches before he came up with the palm of his hand as he hit the shark under his chin. This caused the ninja to go flying up a few feet off of the ground, Jin decided to take advantage of this as he then bent down like he was taking a sumo pose before he rushed in at 3m and smashed his shoulder right into tye shark ninjas ribs causing him to go flying back as he smashed into the wall.

    Once the staff from the grand training facility noticed that Jin and tye shark was not just sparing but he was actually being attacked then they came in and took the ninja away so that Jin could get back to his training.
    Jin Kaguya
    Jin Kaguya
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    Honing of one's skills  Empty Re: Honing of one's skills

    Post by Jin Kaguya Tue May 28, 2024 7:12 pm

    After the fight with the shark ninja Jin still had training to do as that was not really considered as a work out to him. Jin needed a way to get faster and he knew of one way which was to learn the Ninjutsu called body flicker. He did not really like using Ninjutsu unless it had something to do with his clan but he would give it a try and see how it worked out for him.

    Jin now stood there as he raised his hand up in front of him and performed the half tiger sign. Once he did that he would slowly gather up chakra in to the bottom of his feet before he took off in a flash only seeing the wall seconds before ramming into it. or so he would have if he was not skilled in combat, before he hit the wall he would jump up and land both feet on the wall before jumping back with a backflip and landed on the ground.

    ( Learned Body Flicker Technique: D rank jutsu.)
    Jin Kaguya
    Jin Kaguya
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    Honing of one's skills  Empty Re: Honing of one's skills

    Post by Jin Kaguya Tue May 28, 2024 10:20 pm

    Jin had finally managed to get a good work out in for the day so he was happy. He learned a good amount of Taijutsu and now needed to go get some lunch as he was starting to get hungry. After all he did put in a lot of work and needed to refuel and get his lost Stamina back and what better way then to grab a Bite to eat.

    (Exited thread)

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